Women with Animals

Natural Instinct


(c) 2007 by starpilot

Things had been bad after I broke up with my boyfriend and I was in the recovery stage. Every thing seemed normal until that day he called me and told me he had met somebody else and was in love with her. It hit me hard and I was totally devastated and in denial.

Thank god for my very close friend Mandy. She had taken me under her wing and given me that support I needed to recover from the shock I had experienced. Three weeks had gone by and I was spending more time at Mandy’s little house in the outskirts of town than at home. She had inherited the house from her Aunt that moved into an old age home. Mandy had a boyfriend, but she lived alone with her two year old Golden retriever Sam.

Sam and I were very good buddies and I had seen him from when he was a very small puppy and grown into a handsome grown dog. I had spent many nights on Mandy’s couch doggie sitting Sam when Mandy was staying over at her boyfriend’s house, closer to town and her work place. I had lived with my boyfriend for two years and after the news I could not stay one more night. I got help and moved all my stuff back home to my parents house. It was crowded there with my younger brothers and sisters still living there, so staying over at Mandy’s a lot helped with my sanity and also helped her since I could look after Sam for her.

One night after Mandy had left for her boyfriend’s house I decided to take a shower since I was all sweaty and soaked after taking a long walk with Sam along the river behind the house. I decided to take a shower and undressed in the living room taking my pants off and my sweaty and soaked panties off along with my shirt and bra and just left them on the floor in a pile since I was there alone. I found my self standing in the living room totally naked and admiring my body in the large mirror she had on the wall. I ran my hands down my chest and pinched my nipples gently and felt the tingling sensation in my tummy and all the way down to my pussy. My nipples had always been very sensitive ever since they first came around.

I had not thought of sex in any way since my boyfriend left me and now I was feeling the warmth inside me that I had missed. I moved my hand down to my vagina and ran the tip of my finger over my clit and felt my knees get weak as the sensation hit me hard after all those weeks with no attention. I looked in the mirror and knew I had a very sexy figure.

I looked over and saw Sam sniffing the pile of clothes I had left on the floor and noticed that he had singled out my damp and sweaty panties and was sniffing like crazy. Then to my big surprise he started licking them right there where my vagina would have been. I did not know how to respond and just stood there watching his long pink tongue lapping my damp panties. I realized that he must have been attracted to my strong female scent and just reacting to it instinctively.
“SO YOU LIKE MY PANTIES DO YOU SAM” I chuckled to my self as he looked at me with a strange look in his eyes and saw me standing naked in front of him.

I had the most crazy and kinky idea in my life when I decided to get down on the floor like a doggie and crawled on my hands and knees slowly towards him until I was right in front of him. Never in my wildest imagination had I ever thought a dog would be attracted to my panties like that and I must say I found it very funny and I was also very flattered that he was licking my scent on my panties. I guess I was very curious and also just been very playful as I had always been with Sam.

We had played many times and wrestled on the floor and in the yard, but I had never imagined he would take such a keen interest in a pair of panties I had just worn. My mind was racing and my heart started pounding like crazy when I got an idea to turn my ass toward him and wag my ass pretending I was a female doggie and see how he would respond. “LOOK SAM I AM A FEMALE DOGGIE” “YOU CAN TAKE A SNIFF OF WHER THAT SMELL ON MY PANTIES CAME FROM IF YOU WANT” he turned his head and looked at me with those brown piercing eyes.

I knew my vagina was fully exposed to him and slightly parted as my knees were spread slightly. I had never done anything as crazy as this before. My heart was pounding in my chest and the butterflies were all going crazy inside my belly. I could not believe I was doing this but I was actually feeling sexually aroused for some odd reason. The knowledge that a male had taken a very keen interest in my feminine scent and knowing that he could see my most private parts exposed was very exciting to me right now. I knew my scent was strong from not having a shower from this morning and been sweating there from the long walk. “Woof” “Woof” “Woof” I barked and laughing to my self as if it was a big game. I slowly started backing up toward him until I was only two feet away and pushed my ass back and lowered my chest to the floor with my ass high in the air right in front of him. “COME SNIFF THIS SAM”

I had no idea how he would respond to my crazy behavior or if he would react at all.

Then he made his move and I saw him move his cold nose right into my exposed sex and could hear him sniffing the air. “YOU LIKE THAT SMELL SAM” “DOES IT MAKE YOU HORNY” I realized he was curious about my scent but the thought of him responding to it in a sexual manner and actually getting aroused had never even entered my thoughts up to now!! This was still all another game with him in my mind even though I was feeling aroused for some reason.

Then the unimaginable happened and I felt the tip of his cold nose against my soft labia and shortly after the amazing sensation of something very warm and wet swiping from the very tip of my clit and along my whole pussy and up my ass crack several times.

I was caught totally off guard and surprised! “OH MY GOD SAM” I muttered and felt the amazing glow of warmth spreading from my pussy and up my belly and spine. My brain was trying to digest what had just happened the same time my body was reacting from millions of years of pure instinct. He kept lapping with amazing intensity and my body was responding to every swipe of his long warm wet tongue. Sam had triggered my body to respond and I was getting sexually aroused like I never could imagine and the natural fluids in my vagina were starting to flow from the sensation of his acts. My vaginal lips were tingling and swelling very fat and juicy as my pussy opened like a flower in response to his amazing advances on me. I could literally feel the swelling in my pussy and knew I was wide open to him and inviting him to have me his way.

Then it seemed as if he was trying to lick every single drop of my pussy juice and I felt his tongue slip inside my pussy the first time and it sent a wave of warmth through me and I could feel my orgasm approaching like an unstoppable train. I could not believe what was happening to me, but I was very pleased it was and just before my next thought it hit me. I arched my hips and pushed my pussy in his face and started trembling and uncontrollably thrusting my hips as one of the most intense orgasm’s ripped through my body throwing me all over the place as I screamed out load “AHA SAM YES YES GOOD BOY”


I ended up on my back on the floor next to Sam who was still very excited and whining like a spoilt child asking for more!! “ONE SECOND SAM LET ME CATCH MY BREATH HERE” “I CANT BELIEVE YOU MADE ME CUM LIKE THAT SAM”
Lying on my back next to Sam I had the second biggest shock of the day!!!

Piercing out of his protective sheath under his belly was the very pink pointy tip of his cock and it looked very slippery and wet and small amounts of a clear pre cum liquid was dripping out. “OH MY GOD SAM YOU ARE AROUSED” “YOU NAUGHTY BOY”

I was still glowing like crazy after my orgasm and I was lying there staring at the pink slippery tip of his penis peeking out of his sheath!!! The thought of him even having a penis before now was unimaginable and the thought of me even looking at it was too.

I soon started having a big realization shock and realized I had just had an amazing orgasm by my friend’s dog and was lying here looking at parts of his penis showing under him! I started to realize that I was a female after all and he was a healthy male and the thought that his penis was designed to penetrate the female and ejaculate sperm inside her sent this amazing burning sensation through my body! “Oh My Oh My” I thought to my self when the first thought of his pink tip touching my vagina crossed my mind!! The forbidden freaky thought drove me crazy and I was actually trembling I was so horny from the thought!!! “NO I CANT BE HAVING THESE THOUGHTS” I had to try put it out of my mind! This would be taking it too far I thought!! Yet the thought would not go away and I could not figure why it excited me more than any other thought I had ever had before!

The moment of truth was here and I took a deep breath as my hand was trembling as I reached out and gripped my hand around the soft skin of his protective sheath and felt the hard penis inside throbbing in my hand. “I CANT BELIEVE I AM ACTUALLY DOING THIS” I thought to my self as I slowly started pulling the skin back and forth and every time I pulled the skin back more and more pink cock revealed itself to me.

I could feel his cock getting thicker and thicker in my hand and my mouth was wide open when I realized his cock was getting bigger than I could ever imagine it was! “MY GOD SAM YOU HAVE A VERY BIG COCK” My eyes were fixed on his cock as my soft hand jerked him off! I could feel the bulb at the back of his penis shaped like a small tennis ball and had no idea why it was getting swollen like that!! Then steady squirts of clear pre cum started shooting out the tip and it felt warm against my hand as it hit and also some got on my belly! “DAM SAM ARE YOU STARTING TO CUM” “WE CANT WASTE THIS PRECIOUS CUM NOW”

I could not help admiring his cock and the sight of his thick pink beautiful cock made my pussy start tingling like crazy all over again and I was just responding like a female in lust and could not help my self.

My instincts were driving me into this very aroused state again and the thought of his doggie cock been compatible with my human female vagina and able to have sex with me entered my mind. I knew my vagina was designed to receive a male penis and His looked very compatible and able to do the job. I could see steady streams of pre cum shooting now as my hand moved back and forth his shaft and then he started to hump wildly into my hand his hips jerking back and forth like crazy.

I reacted instinctually. I immediately got on all four again and pushed my ass in his face again hoping he would know what to do next! I had this intense craving in my womb I knew that I did not want to let his dog sperm go to waste

I had never ever been so sexually aroused in my life when I felt his two front paws gripping around my waist and the feeling of his very warm and wet slippery pink tip rubbing against my sexually swollen fat pussy lips.The sprays of pre cum were intensified now and I felt it all over my pussy and belly and ass as he searched franticly with the pointy rubbery pink tip of his cock lubricating me very well. Then it happened, the tip of his cock found my warm wet pussy entrance and drove all the way inn as far as his cock could go and my pussy lips folded around his cock gripping it with such passion and welcomed him inside my womanhood. ”OH MY GOD SAM YOU ARE INSIDE ME” He started cumming as soon as he was inside me. I could feel how hot it was as it spread inside me. It all went crazy from there as he fucked his pink cock into my pussy with such intensity and passion that I almost passed out from excitement!! I could feel the swelling at the end of his cock hitting my entrance as he almost bottomed out inside me. Every time he fucked his cock into me my entrance I could hear the sloshing sound of our juices mixing inside me and I would get stretched from the tennis ball size lump at the base of his cock and before I could even figure out what was going on he fucked it again much harder this time and I realized what he was trying to do the same time it stretched my entrance wide open and it slipped inside my pussy entrance and my lips clamped down behind it gripping it once inside me. “ OH MY GOD SAM” YOUR COCK FEELS HUGE INSIDE ME” His Hot cum started spraying like crazy inside my pussy now with much more powerful spurts every time his massive balls twitched. I could feel his whole cock twitch just a second before the amazing warm feeling of his cum would be forced deep inside me and I knew his sperm was mixing inside my fluids and on its way for my egg.

The pointy tip was so far inside me it was rubbing the bottom of my vagina. I had never been penetrated so deep before! I could hardly stop my self from passing out.

I felt his cock start swelling fat inside me and the knot expanding inside me locking his cock firmly inside me making sure I could not get away before he had emptied every drop of rich sperm inside me and given it time to work way up inside me. His pointy tip was peeking inside my cervix entrance and his hot doggie sperm was literally been forced inside my womb! “OH MY GOD SAM YOU ARE GONNA MAKE ME PREGNANT WITH ALL THAT CUM” “WE ARE NOT USING PROTECTION” This was the first time a male had cum inside me in my 19 years of life. My boyfriend always used a condom and the few encounters before that I had used one too.

I could feel hot sperm been shot inside me and I had no idea if it could get me pregnant and I did not seem to care at all I was in such a horny and freaky and very receptive state allowing him to cum all he wanted inside me. The feeling of his knot expanded and locked inside me and pressing perfectly against my G- spot drove me into a deep orgasm I could not control and my pussy clamped and relaxed around his thick cock triggering him to cum even more inside me as my pussy milked his love juice inside me. We were mating very successfully and tied together by the unique design of his cock inside me. I had several orgasms while we stayed like this before he started shrinking and finally with a loud plop he pulled out of me followed by a river of our mixed cum together down my pussy and inner thigh before making a huge wet spot on the carpet!!! Sam laid down licking his cock and I felt spread wide open by his knot and felt my lips with my hand and how he had opened me wide. I knew I was filled with billions of his sperm cells swimming inside me now and it did not bother me in fact I felt this love toward him I could not explain and knew this was the beginning of something very secret and special between us and he had given me the intense attention I needed to move on with my new life.


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