Women with Animals

Lauren K9


(c) 2007 by wolfe39

At 41 Lauren Jones was still looking good and the boys were also still looking, at 1.85m she was a tall girl, her straight brown waist-length hair usually kept in a pony. Today with the great weather she had decided to go lie out at the pool and had on the tiniest bikini bottoms you can imagine, you know those ones that let you tan your butt too! Being somewhat secluded with a 6ft wall around the property she normally didn’t bother with bathing tops, today was no exception, her full breasts already a great olive shade to match the rest of her body.

Laurens husband Jack was an architect and spent many months away from home building hotels in the Middle East. They had decided not to have children for various reasons and Lauren sometimes found the days long and boring. She was a fit lady and had a healthy appetite for all things sexual, this of course was becoming an issue as the days passed she was becoming hornier, her need was getting huge. Embarrassing to admit but she had started thinking like a man, she couldn’t stop thinking about sex!

Masturbation was great but…?

The hot sun warmed her into a pleasant daze as she lay face down on the big beach towel, the “chick-chick-chick” of the sprinklers her only distraction. Lauren started to dose off when through her misty daze she suddenly felt aware of a presence, something alive but maybe not human, a sensation not unpleasant but also not familiar. She awoke with a start, there he was, large, in fact the largest dog she had ever seen, black but also brown if you know what I mean. Mastiff but then maybe Dane too, he was magnificent and right now as she craned around to watch, he snuffled his massive snout between her thighs, his tongue was wet and he licked contentedly at the junction of her thighs where her butt started. “Hey you!” she had to say something! He smiled broadly like some dogs can only; his whole back-end shook with the enthusiasm of his wagging tail. The big wet tongue now coating her face, “eeew!” “how did you get in here!” she enquired as she turned herself around to face the mutt.

“Friendly boy” Lauren thought as her eyes drank the spectacle of the magnificent beast! Boy? Oh yes, although instinctively assuming the dog was male she glanced down his flanks when she felt something else that was also wet against her left calf,It was huge! And it was squirting; she had never seen a dog’s penis exposed like that!

Oh my God!! She patted him, as she felt suddenly very insecure, like someone who knows serious violence is about to happen to them. She started shaking, something was wrong, this wasn’t fear she was experiencing it was something else, she was confused. Her heart was racing, the sight of the huge exposed dog cock had made her bikini crotch soaking wet, she was awash with adrenalin, she wanted to touch it. Against all rational thought she reached under the dog all the while her mind shouting “No you can’t!!” It was hot, hotter than a mans, but so, so smooth, the tip squirted into the palm of her hand it felt oily , slippery.

He began to crowd her and was now standing between her thighs, his hips started jerking as he humped the space between them the thin jets of doggy precum now Running between her breasts and pooling in her navel. She stopped stroking the cock he stopped humping then lowered his thick muzzle to take a good sniff at her crotch.

he pushed his nose at her bikini’d vulva, he licked at the material and Lauren pulled the cloth aside to experience what she later described to her best friend as the “best oral sex in the universe!” His tongue seemed to go on forever, she lay back on the towel, hauling her thighs wide, allowing the dog access to her whole vulva. He licked at her clit, gently then more assertively, she parted her labia, she wanted that tongue inside, right inside!’ ‘what am I doing’ she thought again to herself as his tongue went in, he was stroking the super sensitive walls of her vagina with his rough tongue, she did an “Aaah’ and another and then bit her other hand to stop herself from screaming, Fuck!! That feels amazing!

Lauren felt her orgasm cum crashing through her body, she convulsed, her vagina spasming with powerful contractions. She was wet, his tongue just kept lapping, it was intense but the fire raging in her aching Pussy needed more, no demanded more! She realised a want she had never felt before, to have him, to have his squirting dog cock deep in her yearning body, how? The dog had his own primal urge, his need also demanding him to mate with this woman, he paws her bare legs, his huge dog cock now fully exposed was solid, slick and squirting, his hips started pumping and Lauren knew she was going to be his lover, wanted to be there on the lawn On her knees for him. Lauren rolled and in one movement was on all fours “how do I do it, how will he know what I want?’ as lust clouded her mind the large dog needed no instruction, her presented backside and tilted hips told him everything. With a growl he hoisted himself up and clutched at the tender skin of her hips, “Ow, Hey that hurts” she exclaimed painfully but reached back with one hand at the same time to undo her bikini panties.

The dogs cock jabbed teasingly, cruelly close to her soaking vaginal opening, battering her ass cheeks as his hips pumped frantically. Instinctively she reached back again, this time to find the sheath of his magnificent dog cock! She found it and used the ‘guide hand’ to get him there, there where she burned! The first inch probed at her opening, the dog felt her heat warming his penis, it felt good, he hauled at her hips, his nails gouging into her soft skin, she was beyond any pain and dropped to her elbows in anticipation of what was about to happen.

He thrust, powerful, unstoppable, 23cm’s of erect doggy cock slid into her body, his tip squirting strongly at the entrance to her cervix, he was in so deep “AAAH!”. Right then the world could have stopped, Laurens husband could have walked in or the neighbours come looking for their pooch, she honestly didn’t give a damn! The only thing real for Lauren at that instant was the dog cock filling her body, she had never felt pleasure like this! Good sex, yes, her tennis coach, her husband, all great, but this?

This was a mind f..k! So filthy so forbidden! “AAAAH!” her next orgasm exploded from somewhere in her mind, the sound of long dog cock in wet pussy was the sweetest squelch, squelch, she could feel the doggie cum flowing, streaming from her vagina, around her dripping labia. The towel beneath her was soaking.

The smell of her sex mixed with dog cum turning her on even more! “fuck me, fuck me, oh, oh gooooo…d Dog, AAAH!’ To her total surprise another orgasm was radiating from deep in her vagina. The dog, panting with effort released his clawed grasp and dismounted Lauren, his cock bright red, throbbing left the warm comfort of her clasping vagina with a loud “SHLURP!” Still on her elbows, her ass in the air the dogs’ warm nose nudged between her cheeks, his long tongue taking a good lick at her wet, exposed asshole “AAAH, yes do that!!” The dogs questing tongue soon found her soaking hole and happily lapped up all evidence of their lovemaking session “good dog!” said Lauren jovially.

Lauren turned to face the dog, sitting on the wet towel her heart was pounding, feeling like it was going to explode from her chest, blood roaring in her ears.” F..K that was incredible!” as if the dog understood he nuzzled up next to her, she held his head in her hands, looking into large green eyes she told him the words you might say to your lover “baby you’re the best! But next time lets do it in the bedroom, ok?” Lauren got to her feet and turned to go inside, the dog licked her hand and just as suddenly as he had appeared he departed, a twinge of new lust pricked at Lauren as she watched her K9 lover disappear over her garden wall.

“I do hope he cums again!”She thought to herself, a wicked grin spreading over her lovely face.


Next – the adventures of Chloe and Lauren: Chloe’s introduction.

Hope you like, Wolfe.

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