Women with Animals
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Bo Derek Discovers the Beast


(c) 2001 by David Oberman
Part One

John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more.

Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, ’10’, Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars.

Yes, Bo Derek is a ravishing woman, and she did love her sex. Despite marrying John Derek, a man old enough to be her father, she never let an opportunity pass to indulge her sexual appetite. She would even encourage her husband, as prudish as he was, to watch her and other men or women during these sessions.

Yes, she definitely loved her sex. And with her looks, she would never have any problem seducing anybody that she wished.

At first her activity bothered him. But as time passed, John Derek found it quite pleasurable to watch, as his young wife would indulge in her sexual escapades before him. But what really converted him to her way of thinking came soon after watching her getting gang-banged by some Mexican teens in Mazatlan, where they spent their first vacation.

He had watched intently as she seduced them. Later she would suck and fuck all seven of them before her husband. He could see her smile at him with her eyes as she swallowed one of the boys penis, while another fucked her pussy.

John couldn’t help but take out his own stiff cock and began jerking as he continued to watch Bo perform before him. Though old enough to be her father, he loved her very much.

Two of the young men began suckling on the movie star’s firm breast. The same breast that had stiffened many a cock around the world just by being on the screens.

Bo sighed a deep breathy sigh as she experienced the first of many orgasms that day. She undulated her hips against the boy fucking her pussy and he soon ejaculated deep inside her. He pulled his cock out and was replaced immediately by another of his buddies.

While she was enjoying the young fuckers, Bo also wanted to have John in her as well. She crawled on all fours, dragging the youth in her cunt along, towards the seated John and took his cock deep down her sucking throat.

John cold only close his eyes in ecstasy as his beautiful young wife swallowed his manhood. When he opened his eyes again he could see that yet another of the boys had taken position behind Bo. Only this one aimed his cock to her asshole. John was about to stand up to stop him when he felt Bo’s hands pushing him back down in his chair. John understood right off that she wanted it just as badly as the young man.

Despite all of the depravity that John knew about in Hollywood, he himself was somewhat of a prude when it came to sex. But with his marrying Bo Derek all of that was about to change.

This Mexican lad had a cock that was quite mature. He was proud of the fact that his cock measured 10 inches, and was looking forward to burying it all in this Yankee bitch that had invited his friends and he to fuck her. He wanted to hear her scream when his stiff cock pushed into her ass.

Bo didn’t scream in pain though. She let out a yell of ecstasy. She just loved to be fucked in the ass. She immediately began pushing back into the thrusting cock, burying it further up her shit chute.

The Mexican teen was disappointed that he wasn’t hurting this horny bitch, but he wasn’t complaining either. He kept fucking this movie star as hard as he could. With each thrust forward, he would be pushing her against her Hombre husband. This would send John’s cock deeper down her throat and Bo was loving it all.

Finally John couldn’t hold out any longer and he shot his load down his young wife’s gulping throat. Bo pulled it out slowly, making sure to lick it clean as she did.

When the young Mexican saw her slipping her husband’s cock out of her mouth he flipped them both to the ground, landing on his back with her on top of his chest on her back.

Bo was surprised at this sudden move, and the hard landing shoved the boy’s cock even deeper into her ass. Her eyes bulged as she gasped at the deep penetration.

“Hola, Muchachos!” The young teen called out to his friends. “Let us fill this bitch.” An evil grin spread across his lips.

His five friends approached the couple. One of them fell to his knees between her spread open legs and aimed his stiff cock to her exposed pussy. With one powerful lunge he buried it into Bo Derek’s cunt and began fucking in and out with earnest.

Bo loved the feel of the two cocks as they fucked into her in unison. She could feel them rubbing through the thin membrane that separated her two holes, as could they.

Another of the youths came over and straddled her on her stomach. He aimed his cock between her cleavage for a tittie fuck. Two others came to assist as they took a nipple each and began sucking hard on them. At the same time they pushed them together for their friend’s cock. He immediately began fucking his hot cock between those luscious tits.

That took care of five of the six youths, that left only two others. They easily solved their own wishes by kneeling at her head and presented their cocks to her. Bo took them both greedily into her sucking mouth simultaneously.

John couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His beautiful young wife. The sexy and beautiful Bo Derek, was being gang-banged by seven cocks at the same time. Just watching this got his old pecker all stiff once more. He began to stroke it as he continued watching the lewd action going on before him.

All eight participants in the gang-bang were huffing and puffing in exertion as the fucking continued. The virility of youth allowed the seven young men to hold off cumming for a good three minutes before the first one gave in.

The one in her ass was the first, but then again he was also the one that was at it the longest. As he felt his cock shrink he stayed beneath the pile of fucking people, trapped there until they finished with the Yankee bitch. He was soon followed by the tittie fucker.

Bo could feel his sperm hitting her chin as he shot his load up through her cleavage. She was disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to swallow it, but her mouth was otherwise occupied at the moment with his two friends.

Once the tittie fucker finished shooting, he got off of her and traded places with one of his buddies that had been sucking her nipple. This fresh cock began fucking into her cleavage just as his friend had.

The next to cum was one of the boys in her mouth. Bo felt the jism hit the back of her throat as the young man shot it into her. She sucked as hard as she could to get all of his load. She was disappointed when she felt him pull out his spent cock from her sucking lips. But she still had another cock to suck nonetheless.

The youth that had just emptied his balls in her mouth traded places with the second lad suckling her nipple who immediately presented his stiff cock to her face. He had to slap her face with it a few times to make her aware of his presence though.

A crinkle appeared in her eyes as a smile came to her when she saw the new cock. She took it into her gulping mouth along with the cock that she was still sucking on.

John was stroking hard on his own stiff cock as he continued watching his wife’s sexual escapades with these underage studs. He still found it hard to believe that a woman could have taken on seven cocks at the same time, much less his own wife. He knew when he first saw her that she was very sexy, but nothing could have prepared him for something like this.

Meanwhile, with all the fucking action going on above him, the youth that was still impaling her ass began to feel his cock reviving. As soon as he felt it to be stiff enough he began to fuck her ass once again. So once more Bo was having all orifices fucked into.

After a few more minutes the most unexpected thing happened to her. Each of the remaining five cocks in her came together. She could feel the jism flooding her in each of her holes, just as the tittie fucker began shooting his load up to her face. This event triggered the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced.

She sucked the jism out of the two cocks in her mouth as hard as she had ever done before. At the same time she shoved the head of the two boys sucking her nipples into her breasts.

Seeing his wife twitch in orgasm triggered his own orgasm. He shot his load across the floor seeing it land on the group at his feet. He didn’t think that he could do that at his age.

After what seemed an eternity, the gang-banging group collapsed against each other. All of them were breathing heavily in sheer exhaustion.

The cocks in Bo’s mouth slipped out as the two lads rolled away from her. Those at her chest followed suit, while the one in her pussy just fell forward on top of her.

The final two cocks, the one in her ass and her cunt, were the only ones still invading her cavities. But they were limp now. Their owners too weak to even bother pulling out of this luscious blonde Yankee movie star.

John had to get up and pull them out of his wife’s holes. As he pulled the first boy out of Bo’s cunt he could distinctly hear a sloppy slurp as it slipped out of her. This was soon followed by a slimy stream of jism leaking out of her pussy.

Next he picked Bo up off the almost unconscious youth in her ass. This time it was a popping sound that he heard as his cock slipped out of his wife’s sphincter. And here also a stream of jism was escaping her hole. He could clearly see the two streaks of cum as they trailed down her beautiful long legs.

He carried his naked and exhausted wife back to their cabin and prepared a warm bath for her. He was sure that she would need it when she regained consciousness.

He had definitely enjoyed watching the wild, animal like, sex that his wife had presented before him. This gave him a idea for the production that he was looking for.

“Mmmmmmh?” He thought. “A movie in the wild? No, a jungle adventure. Yes, that has possibilities.”

He went off to the main room and began to work out the details of the idea that was creeping into his mind. Yes, the next John/Bo Derek production was about to be born.


Part Two

As soon as the Dereks returned to their ranch, John was busy working out the details of his next movie project. For months now he’d been trying to think of one such project that would allow Bo to satisfy the exhibitionist tendency that he had discovered about his young wife. That’s when he started work on the next movie project for his beautiful young wife. He immediately began work on the script for ‘Bolero’.

He still wasn’t aware of just how wild Bo’s sexual appetite went. He thought that she only limited herself to multiple fuck partners, as she had displayed before him in Mazatlan. He was about to discover otherwise soon enough.

Their ranch was in an isolated valley, equipped with a sophisticated security system to insure their privacy. This was something that had always been a must for him. Even before he married a young woman that was the fantasy of millions of young men, and women.

It wasn’t so much a working ranch, as it was a home. They did have horses and dogs, but these were for riding and guarding.

John had locked himself away for three straight days in his private study, working feverishly on his next production. In his physical absence, Bo was getting restless and lonely.

This goddess needed a steady supply of sex, and her husband wasn’t around to fill her needs. So she went about trying to find other things to keep herself busy. Being an equestrian, she would go out riding horseback through the countryside of their immense ranch area.

On one such equestrian expedition, she noticed that two of the guard dogs was following her and her steed through the woods. She could see that it was Bud and Dodger. Both of them were large, menacing looking German Shepherds.

On this particular day, she had decided to head out to the isolated lake, in the middle of the woods, to take a nice leisurely swim in the buff. This was something that she did fairly regularly, even before she had married the famous producer.

It took close to half an hour of riding before she finally reached to secluded lake. Once there she got down from the huge horse and tied him near some shrubs. The two guard dogs that had accompanied her here stopped and lay down on the ground, always alert for any possible intruder that might menace their mistress.

Next she proceeded to strip down. Actually, the only reason she even bothered wearing her riding clothes was to spare her skin from chaffing while riding her mounts.

She kicked off her booths, while unbuttoning her shirt. Within a few minutes she had removed it, to expose her bare breast to nature. She never bothered with a bra, her firm tits didn’t need any support. And besides, she enjoyed the feeling of her clothes as they rubbed against her nipples. This is probably why they seem to be always stiffened in all of her pictures in the media.

Next, she unfastened her riding pants and squeezed her tight ass out of them. Within a minute she stood bare ass naked to anybody who happened to be around to see. Unfortunately, there was nobody around for her to arouse.

Taking a deep breath, she turned and headed for the bank of the lake. Dipping her toes in the water to test the temperature, she ventured into the lake.

Once the water reached her hips, she dove in and began to swim at a leisurely pace. She crossed the lake in a backstroke, and then returned using the breaststroke. This went on for about an hour of swimming, with occasional rest stops.

When she felt that this was enough swimming for today, she made her way back towards her things. She stepped out of the lake as a goddess. She was a vision. With her hips swaying erotically, and her breast hardly jiggling from their firmness, she made her way up to the tiny beach area of their private lake.

Once on firm ground, she sat down on the soft sand and shook some of the water out of her long blonde stresses. Once satisfied that most of the water was shaken off, other than the few droplets clinging to her soft skin, she lay back on the sand for a relaxing tanning session under the bright Sun overhead.

She could feel the warm rays of the Sun caressing her skin. Her hands would begin wandering over her stomach. Eventually sliding their way to her breasts.

Having been denied any sexual satisfaction from her husband for the past three days, Bo Derek was a frustrated, sexual addict. If her husband couldn’t help her, then she had no other choice but to satisfy herself, any way that she could. Even if that meant masturbating herself.

She began by tweaking her nipples. Then she would squeeze them and bring one up to her lips and lick herself. Then she would do the same thing to the other.

Has she continued licking one of her nips, her free hand slid down to her crotch and found her clit. She began by rubbing it. First in a soft and leisurely fashion, then with added pressure and speed. As her excitement continued to rise, her breathing would become more labored.

Nearby, the two guard dogs raised themselves to a sitting position. Their heads cocked sideways in confusion. They had never seen their mistress acting in this way before. As far as they knew, she may be in some kind of trouble.

Bo continued to rub harder against her now protruding clit. At this level of excitement, her tits became secondary. Her pussy needed her complete attention now. So her other hand dipped down to her crotch and she immediately shoved two fingers in her cunt and began to fuck herself with her long, slender digits. These were a poor substitute for a hard man’s cock, but what else could she do.

Her first orgasm came and went with her barely noticing it. She never could get a strong orgasm without a cock.

Even though Bo hardly took notice of this first orgasm, the two dogs hears perked up. Their sharp sense of smell had picked up her pheromones in the air. Their cocks stirred slightly as soon as they smelled her.

But they were completely befuddled now. Their cocks were reacting to some bitch, but there was none around. Yet they could definitely smell sex in the air.

Bo was oblivious to how she was affecting her guard dogs, just a few yards away. She just wanted to get this frustrating practice over with. Masturbating was such a waste of her time, she felt.

The two large German Shepherds kept sniffing the air to try and locate the bitch that was arousing them. As they kept on sniffing, they slowly circled Bo who was still finger fucking herself, unaware of the goings on around her.

The two dogs continued circling her, and the circle was getting smaller as each second passed.

Bo was getting close to her next orgasm, when she heard the ruffling on the ground around her. She cautiously looked up and smiled when she found that it was only her two dogs. She ignored their presence and continued with her self fucking.

The two large dogs both discovered the source of the pheromones that had aroused them at the same time. Their noses were mere inches from her pussy, breathing hotly down on her pussy lips.

Bo took immediate notice of their hot breath and looked down at the two curious dogs. She smiled at them, not expecting anything unusual to happen.

“Jeesh!” She said in jest. “Even dogs want some of my pussy.”

The next thing that happened shocked even the promiscuous Bo Derek, Bud licked his long doggy tongue across her pussy lips.

Bo caught her breath at that first bestial contact. Not because it disgusted her, but rather because it was one of the best feeling that she had felt against her cunt in months.

Bud repeated the licking. This time his tongue made slight contact with her clit.

Bo immediately orgasmed at that contact.

Dodger, the other dog, joined in next. Suddenly, Bo was being licked by two very large and ferocious looking dogs.

She was sure that they wouldn’t arm her, as they were well trained. But she didn’t think that they were trained for something like this. Not licking a human that is.

The feeling in her cunt was exhilarating. In the hopes that things would get even better, Bo spread her legs apart. Opening her pussy to their talented tongues.

This didn’t go unnoticed by either guard dogs. One would dip his tongue and pull it out as his buddy did the same. Their tongues were much longer than any man could ever hope of having. They were reaching areas of her vagina that had never experienced any type of contact with a tongue.

Unlike a cock, a tongue would wiggle inside of her like a living thing. This brought on Bo’s first bestial orgasm, and also the best one that she had experienced in ages.

“Oh, yes doggies,” Bo exclaimed. “Deeper. Go deeper. Yesss, right there.”

With her pussy being taken care of by the two dogs, Bo returned her hands to her tits and proceeded to mangle them in her excitement. Never forgetting to lick and suck on each nipple occasionally.

The two dogs were unrelenting as they continued to lick their mistress. They didn’t, and couldn’t, know any better. They were simply following their instincts in this matter.

Bo had never been turned on as much as she was right at this moment. Her breathing was ragged as the two large dogs continued to ravish her gaping pussy. And whenever they would nip on her blood engorged clit, her breath would catch and pause, as she luxuriated in the intense feelings that it would generate.

Within minutes she exploded in one of the best orgasm in her still young life. Her juices sprayed out and struck the snouts of both dogs. They drew back in surprise, but dove right back in as soon as they got a taste while licking their chops clean.

Their excitement increased to an even higher level, and their cocks surged out of their furry sheaths. Within only a minute, both their penises extended out to an impressive ten inches. The girth was imposing as well, much wider than any human male could ever hope for. Both of their cocks glistened with a slimy coating of pre-cum juices, and their color were a deep pinkish color.

Bo remained oblivious to the sexual excitement that was taking over her own dogs. She was content in the sexual pleasure that they were giving her. She continued to play with her firm breasts as the dogs continued to drink out of her pussy hole, her juices. And again Bo exploded in orgasm.

She couldn’t even remember when was the last time that any of her lovers had caused her to have so many orgasms as these dogs were managing. And of those that she could remember, they had managed it while fucking her senseless. But these adorable dogs were satisfying her simply by using their, so talented, tongues.

After her fourth, or was it her fifth, orgasms, Bo raised up to her elbows and looked down at her new lovers. That was when she noticed, for the first time, their stiff cocks.

Her eyes bulged. She never would have believed that a dog could have such impressive tools. Its size was really disproportionate to the size of their bodies. But seeing was believing, there before her were two of the biggest cocks that she had ever seen in her life. They put all her human lovers to shame.

Her mind was reeling. At the sight of those cocks, her thoughts began to drift towards sex. Then the taboo aspect of it brought her back to reality. But she would soon go back to thinking of sex with these two beasts.

That famous innocent, mischievous smile of hers crept across her lips, as her resistance to the notion dissipated.

“Could I? Should I?” She said to nobody. “Can I really make love to an animal. A dog, no less.”

She looked back at the two, still licking, dogs. And the sight of those two juicy looking cocks only helped to feed her desire to try.

“Maybe just a handjob,” she said to herself.

She reached down towards Dodger and petted his head, to reassure him. She then ran her hand along his back, then his flank. Slowly making her way closer to the dogs hind quarters.

Dodger wasn’t paying much attention to his mistress’ action, he was too busy licking the succulent morsel between her spread open legs. He knew about his stiff rod, but that would have to wait till he found a suitable bitch back at the house.

In the awkward position that the dogs were in, Bo had to pull Dodger around, so that his hind quarters would be closer to her torso. She was happy that he didn’t offer any resistance, and he never even missed a slurp from her cunt.

“This is much better,” she told him.

Now she could easily reach under him and touch that monster tool of his. She peeked under to have a closer look at her first dog dick. She had never seen such a strange looking cock in her life. And believe me, she’s seen many, many cocks.

Though its size was impressive, it was its shape that intrigued her the most. It looked like a blackjack. It seemed thicker at the tip, then would narrow to finally bulge back out with a huge ball at the bottom of it.

Bo Derek had no practical knowledge about canine anatomy, so she didn’t know anything about the purpose of the knot that she was seeing.

She slowly reached out towards Dodger’s cock, not wanting to startle the beast. She was immediately made aware of the slimy coating along its whole length. She was confused about that, men didn’t have anything like it for her to compare with.

She brought her hand up to her nose and sniffed on the substance that was on them.

“That doesn’t smell too bad,” she told herself. Then hesitantly she licked her fingertip for a taste. “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

She immediately returned her hand to the dog’s crotch and grabbed hold of his member. Dodger just raised his head momentarily, then returned to his snack when he saw that it was only his mistress.

Slowly at first, then with a bit more energy, Bo began stroking the dog cock. She wanted to see what doggy cum would look like. Dodger reciprocated by increasing the tempo of his licking. Bo also noticed the dog’s reaction to her stroking him.

She pulled the dog closer to her and ducked her head under him. She wanted to smell him in his crotch. In this close proximity of his cock, she got a strong whiff of his cock as she continued stroking him.

As she continued with the handjob, the thought of doing something more with the dog was slowly creeping into her mind.

“Fucking is out,” she said. “The dogs wouldn’t know how anyway. And neither would I, for that matter.”

She wanted to be more daring, but bestiality had never even crossed her mind before. And she didn’t know if an animal would want to do anything with a woman anyway.

She continued stroking Dodger as her mind kept trying to think of what to do next.

“Ma…maybe Dodger would let me lick him,” she thought aloud.

So, her mind made up, Bo Derek ducked her head under the German Shepherd’s groin and slowly approached his huge cock. She was also going slowly because there was still some doubt that she could go through with something as vile as this.

But the closer she got to hit, the stronger his smell was. And that was eating away at any doubts that she might still have.

Finally, she was only a mere inch away from the surging cock. She hesitantly stuck out her tongue and jerkily approached Dodger’s cocktip.

That first contact was like touching a scolding piece of metal that she had to pull back her tongue urgently. She couldn’t believe how hot it felt on her tongue. But she had had her first contact with an animal cock and she wanted more.

With more confidence this time, her tongue slithered out again and licked across the dog’s cockhead. Bo heard Dodger whimper at the contact, as did she.

Now that she had gotten over that first hurdle, she began to lick along the length of the dog’s cock. It seemed to never end, that is until she reached that bally thing down its length. Then she simple reversed direction and licked back up to the tip.

Dodger’s hindquarters were jerking slightly from the contact of a tongue on his cock. He gazed lazily back and could only see his mistress around. He was all confused about this. And since it wasn’t hurting him, he simply returned to the task of licking her pussy.

“Mmmmmmmmh!” She hummed. “That tastes good.”

Her mind was reeling more and more with each passing second. So mesmerized was she that she was working on instinct, just like the dogs. She closed her eyes as she felt another orgasm hit her.

Without even thinking about it, Bo opened her mouth wide and slipped the head of the doggy cock past her lips and began to suck it down.

She had three inches in her mouth before she realized what she had done. By then she had had a real taste of doggy cock and she loved it. She opened her eyes and looked down her nose. She could see the cocktip disappearing further into her sucking mouth.

Dodger also realized that something new was going on, and his instincts told him to hump. And so he did.

As the dog began humping, Bo could feel more of its cock being shoved in her gaping mouth. She was surprised that a dog would react like this, but she wasn’t about to stop him. As far as she was concerned, a blowjob wasn’t a blowjob if the guy, correction, cock wasn’t fucking her mouth.

More and more of the doggy cock disappeared in her mouth. When it reached the back of her throat, Bo relaxed and allowed it to continue on its way down throat. With all of the jobs that she had given over the years she was an expert deepthroat artist.

But the position that they were in was making it a somewhat awkward blowjob. Bo decided that the best thing to do was to change their present arrangement.

She pulled her mouth off of that succulent cock and pushed the dogs away from her. They obeyed, reluctantly.

She looked at both of them and noticed Bud’s vibrating cock at that time.

“Dodger,” she told her first doggy lover. “I’ve already tasted your cock. Your brother here needs some relief too.”

Thinking that she could control these dogs as she would have any of her human lovers, she pushed Dodger away. She then called Bud over to where she was.

From her first experience with Dodger, she knew that a new position would have to be found if she intended to suck Bud properly.

So she turned over onto her hands and knees.

“I think that this will be better,” she told the dogs. “You’ll be able to really get deep in my mouth now.”

She always found deepthroating so much easier while in the doggy fuck position. An irony that didn’t escape her as she smiled at the thought.

Bo ducked her head under the second German Shepherd. This time she didn’t hesitate in the slightest as she gulped down Bud’s hot, hot cock. She was able to take the first six inches without any trouble. But the wide girth of it was making it harder to get down her throat, as easily as she usually could.

Unfortunately, Bo hadn’t even considered the consequences of assuming the doggy position. A sight that was not lost on either dogs.

Since Bud’s cock was being taken care of by her mouth. It fell to Dodger to handle the copulation. He moved behind the voluptuous beauty and began licking her pussy again.

Bo squirmed at his intrusion, but did nothing to stop him.

‘A licking would feel good right now,’ she thought, as her mouth was full at the moment.

Dodger’s intention wasn’t to lick her clean, as Bo had assumed. But rather to lubricate her for his cock. He only licked for a few moments then his tongue disappeared.

Bo didn’t know what had happened to her tongue lashing. All she knew was the disappointment that she felt towards Dodger.

‘Just like a man,’ she thought. ‘Can’t keep his mind on business. Well, at least I still have Bud’s cock.’

Then suddenly, her back sagged from the added weight of Dodger. She had to push herself back up urgently, or else her mouth would be pulled off of Bud’s cock.

With all her might, she managed to get back up, despite the one hundred pound, plus, of Dodger’s added weight. She was confused as to what was happening. She couldn’t figure out what the dum mutt thought he was doing.

She thought that maybe Dodger might be jealous of Bud, and this was his way of objecting to being left out. But there was no way that she was giving up on Bud’s cock until she drained him. She’d punish Dodger later.

Dodger had his forelegs wrapped around her waist and was jerking his body forward. Trying to locate the bitch’s pussy hole.

Bo continued to suck earnestly on Bud’s cock, preferring to ignore the bothersome dog on her back. It still hadn’t dawned on Bo yet what Dodger was trying to do. That is, till she felt something hot and hard poking against her rear.

When she felt Dodger’s hard cock hitting her behind, she stopped sucking on Bud’s cock, but never released it from her ovaled lips.

‘A dog can’t fuck a girl,’ she was thinking. ‘Can it?’

Her question was answered right then and there, as Dodger found what he was looking for. Her gaping pussy hole. In one mighty surge Dodger managed to bury the first six inches in her cunt.

Bo gasped aloud, even though her mouth was still stuffed by Bud’s raging hard-on. She closed her eyes in shame as she felt her vagina invaded by the huge dog, while still impaled in the mouth by his comrade.

Bud noticed his fellow canine mounted on the blonde beauty and decided to follow suite. Twisting his body so that he now faced Bo, he leaped up and straddled her from the front.

This caused her elbows to buckle again as the added weight of the second dog fell on her.

Now Bo was essentially trapped between the two horny beast. With a stiff cock impaling her mouth and cunt, she felt like she was in a barbecue spit. Both cocks were deep enough in her holes as to prevent her from freeing herself.

As both dogs felt secure inside this human bitch, they both proceeded to do what nature expected from them. They both began humping her from both sides.

As one dog shoved his dick in her, that action would force Bo to take in more of his friend. Feeling hopelessly trapped in her present situation, Bo resolved herself to the sexual onslaught of the two guard dogs. The beautiful Bo Derek resigned herself to her bestial gang-bang.

It didn’t take her long to get into the swing of things. After only a few strokes from the dogs, she began to add her own efforts in it as well. She would undulate her back in time with Dodger’s in stroke for maximum penetration, while shoving her head forward to get more of Bud’s down her sucking mouth and throat.

Both dogs knew a willing bitch when they found one and increased their tempo.

Meanwhile, Bo was having a slight problem catching her breath. What with her throat almost completely blocked and the hard fucking that she was receiving in her pussy. The excitement that she was feeling had engulfed her. Her nipples were fully distended as they hung under her. But still, those firm jugs hardly jiggled from the fierce fucking.

‘This is the best fuck that I’ve ever had,’ she thought to herself.

She had not yet realized that it was far from over.

She felt the hard lump of Dodger’s strange ball hitting her pussy lips.

‘I guess that’s as much as he can give,’ she thought. ‘There’s no more cock for him to shove in.’

But Dodger did not stop there. He kept pushing forward, trying to get his knot in this hot bitch. He kept on pounding his cock harder against her cunt. His knot only meeting the resistance of her tight pussy lips.

For as promiscuous as Bo Derek was, her pussy had only experienced normal, human, cocks. Nothing had ever prepared her for something like the knot of a canine lover.

Finally, Dodger could feel his cock making some headway. Bo’s pussy lips were beginning to give way to his assault. He could feel those cuntlips opening wider and begin to wrap themselves around his shoving knot. More and more of it was gaining entry.

Bo also felt the knot begin to force its way into her pussy. Her eyes bulged, as she continued sucking relentlessly on Bud’s fucking cock. She was finding it hard to believe that her pussy could accommodate something as thick and wide as that knot that she had seen, before all of this had started.

With one final shove, Dodger managed to get his knot inside of her. Bo’s eyes bulged even wider as she realized that the dog had gotten the whole thing inside of her. She had never felt so filled as she did, this very moment.

Now that his knot was securely inserted in his mistress’ cunt, Dodger continued fucking into her. But because of being tied to her, he could only do it in short hard strokes.

Bo couldn’t believe how stuffed the dog’s cock had filled her pussy. She had been fucked by some of the largest studs in Hollywood, but none of them could even come close to how filled she felt at this moment.

While all of this was going on Bud continued to fuck his hot pole past her lips. He didn’t care that it wasn’t a bitch’s cunt. All he knew was that it felt just as good, and his instincts was telling him to drive his rod deeper.

Well Bo wasn’t about to disappoint him. She buried her face into Bud’s crotch while pushing her ass back to meet Dodger’s lunges. She had gotten eight inches of Bud’s cock past her lips, but there still remained another three left before his knot.

Taking a deep breath she shoved her face forward and swallowed those last remaining inches. But she made sure that the knot stayed out of her mouth. She knew that she couldn’t take something that large and survive.

Meanwhile, Dodger kept fucking into her cunt. Bo groaned in response to the double fucking that she was receiving. She reached a hand under her and reached for her clit. She added her fingers to the bestial orgy that she was submitting herself to.

After what seemed an eternity she exploded in the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced in her life. And let me tell you, she’s had more than the average woman should be entitled to.

Almost at the same instant, she could feel the hot squirt of Dodger’s cum shooting deep in her pussy. Bud wasn’t far behind. He too began shooting his heavy load down her throat and Bo was struggling to keep up with vast amount of cum that was squirting down her gullet.

When the cum surge began to subside Bo tried to disentangle herself from her canine lovers. Bud didn’t present too much of a problem, but she was surprised to discover that Dodger wouldn’t, or rather couldn’t free himself from her clinging cunt. Each time that she tried to pull herself away from him, it caused immense pain. So she quit trying and remained motionless under the huge guard dog.

What happened next was yet another, in a long line of surprises. Dodger turned himself around so that they were now butt to butt. Bo couldn’t figure any of this out. She had never even imagined that something like this could happen. Yet here she was tied to a dog, and the dog had turned himself around, and his cock had never released itself from her pussy.

After what seemed like hours, she began to feel a change with Dodger’s cock. It seemed to be shrinking. She crawled forward a bit and was pleased to notice that the cock had pulled out slightly from her pussy. With the end in sight, she began pulling herself away from the dog.

Finally, with a loud popping sound, she stumbled unto her face in the sandy beach as the dog’s cock came free. She could feel the warm jism ooze out of her gaping pussy and puddling to the ground beneath her weakened, naked body.

She felt for sure that this bestial ordeal was finally concluded. But her two guard dogs had other ideas. Smelling their cum leaking out of their mistress, they located the source and began to lick her clean.

This final gesture brought Bo to another climax. She let the two large dogs finish cleaning her pussy and began thinking what else she could do with these animals.

Now she knew that she needn’t worry about her sex life while John was engrossed in writing his next screenplay.

Thirty minutes later, the dogs finally relinquished and she got up off the ground. She made her way to her clothing and began dressing herself for the ride back to the ranch.

The two dogs just looked on curiously as their mistress dressed and got back on the saddle of her horse. Then all of them began trotting back towards the ranch house.


Part Three

That night, John showed his wife his next movie project for her. She spent the night reading the screenplay and fell in love with it. She particularly was fascinated with her scene of riding a stallion bareback and naked. It brought back memories of the bestial fucking she had received that very afternoon.

The notion of being naked on a powerful horse started her mind thinking of the possibility of taking the next step in her newly discovered passion.

When they went to bed that night John received the hottest fucking that he had ever gotten from his young wife, Bo Derek. He couldn’t believe how excited she was tonight. Being twice her age he was getting worried that he wouldn’t survive the night. This didn’t stop him from enjoying her firm body. Especially those firm tits of hers.

Bo fucked him hard for what seemed like hours. And even after he had shot his last load for the evening, she wouldn’t give up on him. She would gulp his limp penis in her mouth and suck on it desperately trying to revive is again.

When Bo realized that John wouldn’t be able to satisfy her starving sex drive, she got out of bed and disappeared downstairs.

John was confused as to where she had gone so suddenly. He was even more confused when she returned with Bruiser, their St-Bernard.

He was a large animal. Well over 100 pounds of soft furry canine flesh. The dumb brute was just as confused as he was at this point though.

Bo pushed the huge beast to his side, and glancing over to her husband, buried her face in the dog’s groin. John couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. His beautiful, and definitely horny, wife was trying to suck on this beast right before his eyes.

He had read and heard of accounts of bestiality through the years. Mostly about some live shows down south in Mexico. But he had always discounted them as just wild imagination.

New he had to consider that there may well be some truth to those stories after all. If Bo Derek can do it, then why not some other woman, or women as the case may be.

John lifted himself to his elbows to get a better look at his young wife perform fellatio on the huge dog. He honestly didn’t think that the dog would show any interest, but looking more closely he could see its penis extending out of its furry sheath and Bo was licking it along it length.

Bo glanced up at John and her lips curled in a sucking smile as she saw her husbands cock stirring back to life. John noticed his penile reaction as well and smiled back at her as his hand found his stiffening rod. He began a slow stroking motion as he continued to watch his first bestiality show.

Bo resumed her efforts on the Bruiser, and slipped a hand down to her seeping pussy. She wanted it stuffed also, but she was too engrossed in sucking the dog’s cock to take the time to ask John to help her. So she had to settle with her fingers for now.

Bruiser was beginning to get the idea that something good was about to happen to him as soon as his cock was exposed to the cool air of the bedroom. When he felt Bo’s tongue exploring the length of his cock, he was sure.

He lifted his head lazily and gazed down at the blonde movie star as she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. As soon as he felt those soft lips sucking on his cock, his instincts began to take over and he began to undulate his rear end. Trying to perform a fucking motion so that he could fuck her mouth.

Unfortunately, in his present position, lying on his side, he just couldn’t be very effective. But still, he continued to try and fuck his loins forward towards her face.

John and Bo, both noticed the dog’s attempts and both arrived at the same conclusion. John helped Bo to her hands and knees. This gave Bruiser the opportunity to stand up again.

During this change of position, Bo never released his stiff cock. Bruiser didn’t mind that in the least. In fact, he was now able to mount her head and really answer his instincts.

John sat back down and watched in amazement as the huge St-Bernard mounted Bo’s head and drove, what looked like a ten incher, actually it was closer to twelve, past her gulping lips. His own cock was now raging and he decided to join in on this entertaining development.

Crawling on his hands and knees, he placed himself at her ass and probed her soaking pussy with his hand. Seeing how wet she was (big surprise) he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and shoved hard into her.

He shoved so hard that he pushed Bo’s whole body forward, forcing her to take in even more of Bruiser’s cock down her throat. He could hear his wife moan in ecstasy as she deep-throated the beast staring back at him.

This was by far the best that he had ever seen her give him, or anybody else for that matter. He would have to reward her somehow. Maybe he should be looking for new pets for the ranch. He considered that idea and smiled at himself.

After all of the fucking that he had survived this night, he couldn’t hold out long, no matter how erotic the scene before him was. He shot his load in her pussy and fell back, never losing sight of the dog cock disappearing at a rhythmic pace into Bo’s willing mouth.

John was feeling a bit jealous at the virility of the beast. Bo had been sucking him for over ten minutes and he still looked as hard as ever.

Finally he heard a groan escape Bruiser as well, as Bo’s throats. The St-Bernard was shooting his load. John got next to Bo’s face so he could get a closer look. He could see her throat muscles swallowing as fast as she could, but in no time sperm began escaping her lips as it overflowed faster than she could swallow.

The creamy jism just kind of stuck to her chin, but she didn’t give up. She continued sucking desperately on the huge cock. John couldn’t get over the quantity that the dog was dumping into his wife’s stomach. The whole scene was almost surreal to him as he continued watching, mesmerized.

Finally Bo pulled her face away from the still hard penis, sucking hard on every inch as it slipped out slowly. She wanted John to clearly see how big the dog’s cock really was. Inch by inch it would slip out of her mouth. For a while John could almost convince himself that there might be a yard of cock in her throat.

When the cocktip finally popped out, it just bounced a few times, but remained as stiff as when Bo first began sucking it. John had to force himself away from the inter racial couple. Enough was enough and he could feel his chest ache from palpitations. He was even concerned that he might be suffering a heart-attack from this sexual exertion.

But for now, he had a movie screenplay ready for his wife, Bo Derek, and he had phonecalls to make the next day to make things happen. So he laid his head on the pillow and tried to go to sleep, leaving his beautiful starlet wife to continue with Bruiser.

Because of his exhaustion, John slipped to sleep rapidly. This, despite what Bo was doing with the dog just a few feet away from him. He slumbered peacefully through the night.

Bo, on the other hand, recalled how good a dog cock felt in her cunt that afternoon. And she wanted Bruiser to do the same tonight.

She decided to make it as clear as possible to the large dog. She crawled away on all fours making sure that he could see her snatch. She even wiggled it to entice him.

Bruiser wasn’t ignorant about mating. He had already impregnated a number of the bitches in the county. Even so, this was something new even to him. But he didn’t waste any time wondering what the difference might be. There was a hole to be filled before him and he never turned down that kind of opportunity before, and he wasn’t about to start now.

He moved up behind Bo Derek’s upturned ass and swiped that thick tongue of his across her pussy lips. He got a taste of John’s jism and proceeded to clean her out before mating.

Bo couldn’t get over how good that tongue felt as it slipped into her cunt and was slithering about trying to get to her husbands cum. It felt like a live snake was burrowing through her. And each time the huge dog’s tongue would extract itself from her cunt, he would swipe across her clit, which would trigger an orgasm in her.

Bruiser seemed to be taking his time before mounting the blonde moviestar. He was too engrossed in licking her pussy to bother with mounting this bitch just yet.

Bo was getting frustrated at the dog’s obstinance about fucking her. She wanted to feel that huge doggy cock in her, and she wanted it right now. In desperation, she reach far between her legs and tried to grasp Bruiser’s hard cock. But it stayed beyond her reach.

Bruiser just kept licking away starvingly at her seeping pussy. Then he felt her fingers brush against his cockhead. His instincts made fuck forward a few inches. But that was enough for Bo to finally grasp that eluding member.

Bo Derek smiled triumphantly as she began to tug on the huge dog’s penis, dragging him closer to her womb.

As with most dog’s, Bruiser was resisting being pulled against his will. If only he knew what was in store for him, he wouldn’t be fighting his mistress’ attempts of pulling on his dick. But being the sensitive organ that a cock is, he wasn’t resisting too much.

A few more pulls and Bo finally felt Bruiser’s cockhead brushing against her pussy lips. She smiled in triumph, and resumed pulling.

Bruiser also felt that first contact. The dog couldn’t quite understand what had just touched his cocktip, but he somehow felt it familiar. He took a step forward, which allowed the first inch of his cock to slip into Bo’s clenching pussy lips.

He now knew what was expected of him and mounted Bo’s back. Bo’s back buckled a bit at the surprising weight that had suddenly jumped on top of her. She had to fight her way back up and lock her elbows before she began to concentrate of Bruiser’s cock.

As soon as Bruiser felt those soft pussy lips wrap themselves around his rod he understood what he had, and what he had to do. In one mighty lunge h shoved his whole body forward, driving his thick cock into Bo’s willing cunt.

The sudden, and unexpected, spearing of Bruiser’s cock into her vagina rammed Bo’s head against the night table that lay in front of her. She whelped at the sharp pain as her head hit the furniture. But she wouldn’t let a little pain spoil this moment from her. She began pushing her butt back against the St-Bernard’s loins to meet the dog’s thrust.

It took them a few moments. But eventually, both canine and human had reached a synchronization in their tempo. Whenever Bruiser would fuck forward into her, Bo would be shoving her cunt back to drive him even deeper. And they would both pull away until only his cockhead remained at her entrance, and they would fuck into each other again, and again.

Bo was in fuck heaven. Tough Bruiser’s cock wasn’t as long as Bud or Dodger, the other two dog’s that she had fucked so far, his was much thicker.

Her sexual excitement was mounting so high, that her nipples were stiffening without any manipulation from anyone. Her breathing was getting deeper and shallower as the bestial fucking went on. She could feel Bruiser’s saliva dripping on her back, but she didn’t give that any thought. All that she was concerned at the moment was feeling that hot canine penis driving itself past her cuntlips.

She glanced up to the bed and was a bit disappointed to see that her husband, John Derek, was sound asleep. She had hoped that he would have joined them back down on the floor.

Since Bruiser had already cum once before, thanks to Bo’s blowjob, he would last much longer on his second attempt. Bo wasn’t yet aware of this particular quirk about dogs.

The huge dog kept sliding his thick cock deep into his mistress’ womb. Then his knot finally reached her entrance. It was huge, even for a dog. He kept trying to shove it past the tightness of Bo’s cuntal ring to no avail.

Bo wasn’t sure what the dog was trying to do, but she could definitely feel something hitting her pussy entrance. But for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what it was. She knew about a dog’s knot, from her experience with Dodger, but it wasn’t anything quite like this.

Curiosity took the better of her as she reached between her legs to feel what was bumping so hard against her entrance. She gasped aloud when she felt and realized that it was Bruiser’s knot. Tame kind of knot that Dodger had locked into her at the lake, but much, much bigger.

For the first time she was getting a little concerned for her safety. She reluctantly decided to terminate this fucking and tried to pull away from the St-Bernard. But Bruiser’s forelegs held on to her tightly and prevented her from escaping his cock.

He just kept on lunging forward. And with each thrust Bo could feel that knot striking harder and harder against her sensitive pussy. Tears were starting to stream down her cheeks from the pain she was feeling.

For what seemed an eternity Bruiser kept trying to shove his knot past her resistance. Bo didn’t believe that that would be possible. Then in one powerful lunge, the knot found itself inside of her, and they were tied.

When she felt that bulbous knot break into her Bo could only gasp out in shock and surprise. She had never felt so full in her entire promiscuous life.

Now that he knew himself securely tied to his mistress, Bruiser reduced his pace a notch. He kept fucking his cock, as much as he could, deeply inside her clenching pussy.

Recovering from the shock of the dog’s knot penetrating her, Bo started feeling good about it again. She began to join in the dog’s effort of fucking. She was a bit disappointed that he could only move a little in his fuck movements, due to the knot. The width of his knot also forced her to open her legs wider apart to reduce the strain to her vagina.

Bruiser on the other hand was used to this limitation. It was expected to him, at least. He leisurely kept on fucking into this bitch’s tight twat. In the dog’s own experience, this had to be the tightest cunt that he had ever buried his cock into.

Bo settled in for the slow fuck that her St-Bernard was now giving her. One benefit that she soon discovered to the dog’s shortened strokes was that it extended it far beyond any man ever could maintain. She looked up at the alarm clock and saw that ten minutes had passed since the dog first entered her vagina. And it showed no sign of loosing any of its virility.

The thickness of her pet’s cock guaranteed that with each movement, no matter how minute, he would be rubbing against her now hypersensitive clit. Bo Derek was experiencing multiple orgasms as she had never felt before.

In the past, she had had a few human lovers who had managed to make her cum two, sometimes three times during a fuck session. But Bruiser had already made her cum at least six times and showed no signs of needing to stop.

After what seemed an eternity, Bo finally felt the warm jet of doggy jism being shot deep inside of her. This automatically triggered yet another orgasm, which she yelped so loud that she was worried that it would wake her slumbering husband.

She looked up at the clock to be amazed that over thirty minutes had passed since he first entered her.

“Oh, my God!” She said breathlessly. “H… he’s been fuc… fucking me for that lo… long.”

So much doggy jism was being pumped into her already overstuffed cunt that it had no place to go but to squirt out past the plugging cock. She could feel it streaming down her naked thighs as the dog kept on shooting his load.

When she finally felt the cum stop squirting into her pussy, Bo was sure that he was done. But the dog had exhausted her so much that she had to collapse her arms and fell to her face on the ground. Her butt was kept up because it remained impaled by Bruiser’s cock and knot. She fell asleep in that position.

She was sure that they were done for the night. But Bruiser had other ideas. His cock had not lost any of its rigidity. He knew from past experiences with his harem of bitches that he would be ready to continue soon enough.


Part Four

After about fifteen minutes of rest, Bruiser began rocking his butt once more. But with Bo passed out under him, there was not much interaction at this time. But being a dog, he didn’t really mind her non-participation. He kept on humping his ass against her upraised butt.

His balls were refilling rapidly with fresh sperm and his energy was increasing accordingly. Bo’s slumbering body also was now beginning to have some reaction to the steady stroking of the huge beast above her. Slowly, but steadily, she began to regain consciousness. Even before she was totally awake, her body had started humping back at the dog’s assault.

Bo’s eyes fluttered open slowly as she awoke from her sleep. She could feel the cock sliding in and out of her pussy, but she was confused about why she was on the floor next to the bed. And when she looked up she could see John still sleeping soundly in bed.

‘Then who’s fucking me?’ She tried to remember.

When she looked back and saw Bruiser on top of her, her memories of the last few hours flooded back at her and she just smiled.

“My! What a good lover you are,” she told the dog.

She couldn’t believe that she was about to get yet another round from this dog. The first one had totally exhausted her. How was she ever going to be able to go through another of the same.

Then the most unusual thing happened. Bruiser, still tied to her, was turning himself around to her. She felt his forelegs unclench her waist and land on one side. This was soon followed by a furry hindleg sliding across her back. The inter-species lovers were now butt-to-butt, but remained locked together by the dog’s thick knot.

Bo was more confused then ever now. She never imagined that any cock could do something so weird. But despite this, she loved the sensations it generated and it twisted around inside her pussy.

She soon discovered though, that in this position, Bruiser was no longer thrusting into her pussy. For a horny star like Bo Derek this was not an acceptable situation. She came to the realization that if she wanted to get fucked again, then she would have to do the maneuvering.

She began to move her body to and fro, jabbing her butt against Bruiser’s. It wasn’t as satisfying as the animalistic fervor of the beast, but the huge cock in her compensated for that. She rapidly discovered the difficulty that Bruiser must have had fucking deeply in her because of the restrictions imposed by the huge knot tied in her.

She found that she couldn’t enjoy the splendor of feeling all ten inches stroking past her pussy lips because of that darn knot. But she tried to fill that loss with the feeling of the huge invading member. Also, now that Bruiser was no longer on her back, and weighing her down, she could now make use of her hands at her clit and tits.

She closed her eyes as she continued to fuck herself back against Bruiser’s butt. She reached beneath her and began playing with her clit. Because of all the excitement of the night, she reached orgasm very rapidly.

Her eyes popped open as she was startled from the alarm clock going off. Bruiser had been at her for the whole night. She looked over to where her husband was sleeping to see him looking back down at her smiling, and stroking a beautiful hard-on.

She returned his smile and invited him down on the floor to join them. He hopped out of bed fully rejuvenated from the previous night. He positioned himself at Bo’s head and proceeded to fuck her mouth as he would have her pussy. But since that position was already filled…

Bo loved this whole situation. She had the best of both worlds. Her pussy was filled with the thickest cock that any woman would want, and she was sucking her loving husband. And the best thing of all, was that her husband didn’t seem to mind her deviant behavior in the least. If anything, it got him more aroused than anything she had done in the past.

It took a few tries, but eventually John found the proper pace that would best serve his young wife. He would fuck into her so as to drive her butt onto Bruiser’s cock as he drove his own deep down her throat. He already knew how good she was at deepthroating.

The addition of her husband brought on yet another climax out of her sexually exhausted body. She had long since lost count of how many orgasms she had had since last night.

By some miracle, her husband managed to hold off for much longer than he ever had before. This pleased her immensely. She loved it when a lover manages to hold off as long as possible. Then her mind wandered back to the dogs she had fucked in the past twenty-four hours. All of them had tremendous staying power.

Her best estimate was that none shot a load in less than twenty minutes, if not longer.

This simple statistic convinced her that this wasn’t going to be the last time between the dogs and herself.

She returned her attention to fucking and sucking the two cocks impaling her. On the out-stroke, she would swirl her tongue around her husbands cockhead, then swallow it back down her throat.

John could feel his jism building in his balls. He knew that he couldn’t hold out much longer. He grabbed is wife’s head and buried his cock to the hilt and blew his load.

Bo had to fight her way to his cock head. She wanted to taste that succulent juice before swallowing. John relented and allowed his wife to grasp his cockhead by her lips so that his cum would fill her mouth, before she proceeded to swallowing it.

Almost at that same moment, Bruiser began shooting his second load in his mistress’ womb. With her pussy still filled from his first ejaculation, this added fluid immediately began squirting past her plugged cuntlips and flowing in a steady stream down her inner thighs.

Bo gasped as she continued to suck on John’s cock. She was hit by another orgasm and almost collapsed from exhaustion. John had to grasp her shoulders to keep her steady.

When he and Bo felt that he was done, he pulled out his cock from her still sucking mouth. It slurped out loudly as Bo reluctantly allowed it to escape her lips.

John fell on his ass in complete satisfaction. He looked over at Bo and Bruiser and smiled as he saw how ridiculous they looked, butt-to-butt.

When the huge St-Bernard finally finished cumming, Bo tried to pull away only to discover that they were still tied together. She looked over at her husband pleadingly.

“John, you’ve got to help me here,” she begged. “We’ve been tied for over an hour. And as good as the sex was, I don’t think that I can take much more of this.”

“Aw c’mon babe,” John teased her. “You’ve never turned down a cock in your life. Now you’re telling me that you’ve met your match with a dog.”

“You shithead,” she played along. “Haven’t you ever heard that too much of a good thing isn’t necessarily good.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to get you another one of the dogs?” He asked playfully.

“God, no,” she stared at him. “At least not for today.” She smiled coyly at him.

Deciding that the fun had lasted long enough, John crawled over to the stuck couple and examined the problem more closely. He could see the problem. The dog’s unusual knot was almost the size of a softball and showed no sign of reducing its size.

Tentatively, he tried pulling them apart. This brought painful objections from both his wife and the dog, who snapped at him. He pulled away and tried to think of a solution.

He recalled seeing dogs tied together when he was a young boy. His father would throw a bucket of cold water on them to break them apart.

‘I guess if cold water can work on a guy,’ he thought to himself. ‘It should work on any cock.’

Bo watched frustratingly as John disappeared out of the room towards the bathroom. He returned soon after with a bucket. Before she could shout out any objection he poured the content of cold water over the two locked lovers.

“John! You shit!” Bo yelled out. “Wha… what do you think you’re doing?”

“Trying to pry you two apart,” he answered back. “What do you think.”

“By drowning me,” she sputtered back at him.

“What else do you want me to do?” John yelled at her. “Call the paramedics so that it’ll hit the papers in time for your morning coffee.”

She was about to yell back at him when she felt a change. She could feel Bruiser’s knot shrinking a bit. Still not enough to pull away, but definitely shrinking.

“I… I’m sorry john,” she settled down. “You just caught me by surprise. But I think you might be on the right track though.”

“What do you mean, hon?” He asked her.

“I… I think that his cock is finally shrinking a bit,” she explained. “But I think that he might need another dunking.”

John went back to the bathroom and returned with another bucket full of cold water.

“Dunk the dog this time, will you?” Bo instructed him.

John did as she asked and emptied the second bucket on Bruiser. John observed the knot had definitely shrunk somewhat. Its edges were now beginning to pull out of his wife’s cunt. He reached down and pulled on Bruiser’s cock stem.

This time it wasn’t as painful to the inter-specie couple. As soon as the knot popped out of her a flood of dog semen poured out of her overflowing pussy. He couldn’t believe the amount of cum was stuck in his wife.

Bo could actually hear the cum pouring out of her. She was orgasming at the release of pressure from her bloated womb. It felt like a cleansing enema, but an enema of her vagina, rather than her rectum.

After cleaning herself up in the shower, Bo joined John on the patio for a big breakfast. She needed to rebuild her strength after the wild fucking she had endured through the night.

“I told the staff about the water mess in our room,” he was telling her. “Told them that we got silly and had a water fight with buckets. I think they’ll buy that.”

Bo only smiled back at his resourcefulness in the circumstances and took another bite from her plate.

“If you want to keep doing things like that,” he went on. “We’ll have to be more careful, hon.”

“Uh-uh,” Bo mumbled.

John reached under the table and squeezed her thigh. Bo reciprocated by trapping his hand between her warm legs, while he slid it closer to her cunt. After all that she had gone through in the last 24 hours she wasn’t in the mood for more sexplay so soon. Which must be a first for her.

“Oh, by the way,” he broke the talk. “I’ve finished the first draft for your next project.”

He slid the screenplay of ‘Bolero’ across the table to her. Bo picked it up and flipped through the pages. What little she saw, she liked. She could see John’s handiwork about her sexual pleasures written into the storyline.

By the end of the day she had read through the whole draft.

“So,” John asked. “What do you think?”

“I like it baby,” she said. “But I have a few suggestions.”

“Like what?” He asked.

She hesitated before saying what she was fantasizing about. But her recent discovery of doggy sex opened her eyes to new possibilities.

“Well,” she flipped the script to a particular page. “Like here. You have me riding bareback on this black stallion. I think it would be much more erotic if I did that in the buff.”

“I don’t know babe,” he paused. “That might be pushing it with the censors.”

“Why?” She quizzed. “It’s not like I’ll be fucking the stud.”

John smiled at the image that was brought to his mind.

“I know that,” he explained. “But it might be too suggestive.”

Bo gave that famous innocently naïve smile of hers and convinced him too make it happen.

They filmed the movie with all the erotic suggestions that she had made to him. Though the movie wasn’t a great box office success, they were nonetheless pleased that they had done it as it was.

Bo hadn’t counted on getting so aroused by that nude bareback scene though. The memory of it just wouldn’t leave her waking thoughts. She wouldn’t be satisfied until she tried it again, here on the ranch, in the privacy of their home.

For the first few weeks she began taking out her steeds bareback until she was confident enough to take the next step. She knew that she still had to maintain a certain level of propriety. What with all the staff that the ranch had.

The day finally came when most of the staff had the day off. There wouldn’t be a better time to try this than today. She headed for the stables, wearing her regular riding clothes, and placed the bridle on Geronimo. He was a beautiful white palomino stallion that John had given her as a wedding present.

Leading him out of the stables she jumped on his bareback and headed for the woods nearby.

As soon as she entered the confines of the forest she halted her horse and looked around. Seeing that they could no longer be seen from the ranch, she dismounted and began removing all of her clothing.

The shirt came off first. And since she never bothered wearing a bra, her breast didn’t need one. Next came her riding boots and socks. And finally she peeled off her tight fitting riding pants under which she was pantiless. There she stood, in her full splendor. The body that have caused many a hard-on to make appearances in men’s crotches and wet pussies in women’s.

She peered down at her naked body and smiled pleasingly at herself. She ran her fingers through that blonde bush of hers, sliding them up to her breasts which she gave a sensuous squeeze.

She took another look around and saw one of the dogs approaching her location. It was Bud, one of their German Shepherd guard dogs. And one of her first bestial lovers. She smiled inwardly. She wouldn’t mind his company. He might even be useful by the time they reached the lake.

She tucked her clothing away next to the tree and walked over to Geronimo. With gymnastic skill she jumped on his bareback and rode him down the path towards the lake.

Her naked pussy was rubbing against the rough hair of her steed. The bristles were rubbing her just as it had during her filming of ‘Bolero.’ It made constant contact with her clit and gave her an orgasm before she was halfway to the lake.

“its just as I remembered during filming,” she said aloud.

Yes, she had had orgasms during filming this particular scene, multiple orgasms in fact. Nobody was suspicious about it then. She had insisted in wiping down the black stallion after each take. The handlers didn’t mind, they would get paid nonetheless.

Bo had been concerned that if anybody else would have done it, they would have seen her cum streaking its hairy back. That’s when her thoughts began drifting towards her own horses back here at the ranch.

She finally reached the lakeshore, but not before cumming two more times. She slid off Geronimo’s back quite pleased with the experience. Her nipples had stiffened from her sexual arousal so she tweaked them playfully.

She dropped the bridle to the ground and walked sensually towards the water. She would need the cool refreshing waters to settle her nerves. She knew that Geronimo wouldn’t wander, he was a good horse.

Bud had followed his mistress and could smell her sex in the air. This was a smell that was quite familiar to him now. He bolted out of the bush and startled Bo momentarily. Realizing that it was only Bud, she smiled at him and resumed heading for the lake. Unfortunately, Bud had other plans.

He reached her while she was only a few feet away from the huge horse.

Bo stopped suddenly when Bud stuck his cold snout in her crotch and began licking fervently at her wet cunt. She smiled and relaxed as he continued this task. Within minutes her breathing was deep and heavy from arousal. She just had to lie down so that Bud could really service her properly.

She dropped to her knees and then to her back, spreading her legs apart to give the dog better access to her pussy and clit.

Bud saw his mistress’ compliance to his needs and burrowed deeper into her gaping pussy. He tongue delving deeply inside of her.

Bo was helping things along by playing with her breast as her mind soared in ecstasy. She had to admit it to herself. This wasn’t just a fad of the moment. She was hooked on doggy sex and she wanted it everyday from now on.

When she felt herself ready for a fuck, she turned over and got up on her hands and knees and called out to the dog.

“C’mere Bud,” she called as she slapped her buttock. “Give Bo what she needs.”

From their previous experience, Bud knew what was expected this time and mounted the gorgeous blonde moviestar. He started humping immediately, even though he hadn’t located her hole with his cock yet. Bo had to reach between her parted legs with her hand in order to guide him into her.

But once the dog’s cockhead found its mark, Bud drove his shaft to the hilt which caused Bo to gasp in pleasure. She joined in the fuck effort and began fucking her butt back into Bud’s loin. She wanted to feel that knot in her pussy again and she wanted to do everything possible to accomplish this in record time.

She was enjoying the fuck so much that she hadn’t been paying attention to her surroundings. If she had she would have noticed that Geronimo had picked up the distinct smell of sex in the air. Or that he was slowly approaching the copulating couple.

While in the through of sexual ecstasy, Bo had her head down facing the ground and grunting with each fuck thrust that Bud was giving her.

It wasn’t until she noticed the shadow on the ground that she looked up again. There, right next to her, stood Geronimo. But that wasn’t what caught her eye. What did catch her attention was the cock that was sticking out of his underside.

She was shocked to see the size of it. It must be at least two feet long and as thick as her arm. The sight of it was surreal to her. No more than the fact that she might be responsible for arousing such a monstrous looking cock. But what was shocking her even more was her desire to touch the stallion’s cock.

With Bud in tow, she crawled closer to Geronimo’s hindquarters. When she was within reach she lifted her right hand and touched the cock with her fingers. She pulled it back almost as fast.

The heat that was generated from the horse’s cock felt almost scalding in comparison to her husband’s or the dogs for that matter.

She got her courage back and reached up to grasp Geronimo’s cock again. All the while Bud never let up on his fucking. The dog seemed oblivious to the new participant in this bestiality scenario.

Bo stroked her hand along the immense length of horse cock. She was amazed how sturdy he was along its full length. From past experience with human partners, the longer the cock, the harder it was for them to maintain rigidity along the length. It took too much blood for them to hold their stiffness.

Bud finally got his knot inside her pussy, which brought Bo’s attention back to the cock fucking madly in her pussy.

‘How could I have forgotten about Bud,’ she thought to herself.

She returned to humping herself on the German Shepherd while never releasing Geronimo’s mighty shaft. She found it very difficult to accept as yet how turned on she was becoming with her animals.

Being so close to that equine penis, even her human nose could pick up the distinct smell of sex emanating from it. With no self control left to her, Bo pulled on that giant shaft above her. She was trying to lower it to her kneeling position. She wanted to get a closer look at it.

The horse’s shaft was so stiff, it felt like trying to bend a metal rod, rather than one of flesh. But slowly, inexorably, the giant cock was bending to her will. With a bit more effort Bo Derek finally managed to get the cockhead down in front of her face.

She was fascinated at its strange shape. The flatness of the head. How thick the veins were, running along its sides. Even the pisshole was so different from what she would expect of a cock, any cock. The pisshole looked like a straw sticking out of Geronimo’s penis.

‘The easier to drink out of,’ she thought amusingly. ‘I guess.’

As soon as the thought entered her mind, Bo began wondering how a horse would taste differently from a man, or a dog. She didn’t have to think about it for too long, she was long past considering about the taboo of what she was contemplating. She has been since the previous days introduction with the dogs.

With Bud still fucking blissfully away at her cunt, Bo moved closer to her stallion and began licking the length of its cock. Geronimo snorted loudly as he felt the human’s tongue sliding along his penis.

Bo loved the texture of the horse cock. She knew definitely now that she wanted to suck on it as quickly as possible. With that in mind she began running her tongue towards the cockhead and licked around that flat tip. Squashing her tongue on it and licking its entire surface.

With one hand holding onto Geronimo’s cock, Bo found that she didn’t have to support Bud and herself from the ground with her other arm. The sturdiness of the equine cock was sufficient to accomplish this. This allowed her to start using her now free hand to other pleasures. Such as rubbing her clit or tweaking her stiff and sensitive nipples.

This unlikely threesome continued in this unusual gangbang for a good fifteen minutes before Bo felt dog cum being shot into her cunt. By this time she had miraculously stuffed her horse’s cockhead past her lips and was sucking on it feverishly.

With her hand on Geronimo’s shaft stroking along its length trying to make him cum as well. She wanted to taste horse semen, at least once before deciding how far she should go.

Bud remained tied to Bo after having shot his load, as was expected. And Bo remained vigilantly attached to Geronimo’s cock, sucking hard and stroking just as desperately.

The one thing that she hadn’t been counting on is that Geronimo would also act on instinct as his hindquarters unexpectedly humped forward. Forcing another few inches into her mouth. Bo was willing to take in the cockhead, but to have even a few inches stuffed past her lips was beyond reason. Her jaw ached at this sudden mass in her mouth. She tried to keep her teeth away from the horse’s penis. A feat that seemed almost impossible considering its girth.

Just about then, she could feel Bud getting his own second wind and start humping into her once again. This helped her in handling the horse cock in her mouth problem somewhat. But not enough for her not to panic at the predicament that she found herself in.

Bo finally tasted a trickle of horse cum escaping its strawlike hole. Wanting to get this done with, she intensified her efforts at getting the stallion off. She also concentrated some effort at humping in unison with Bud.

Once more she heard a loud snort from Geronimo who humped forward once more. But it could not go any further inside her mouth. Bo’s throat could never accommodate something so wide. Nonetheless, the horse’s added excitement must have been a sign that he was fast approaching his own climax.

For the second time Bo felt the hot fluids of Bud’s jism shooting in her pussy, at the same instant as the first powerful jet of horse cum flooded her mouth and throat. That single ejaculation was enough to completely fill her cavity. So much so, that it squirted out the corner of her mouth and even escaped through her nose.

Bo spat out the horse cock, gagging. A large puddle formed from the escaping cum of her mouth. She gagged momentarily as she tried catching her breath. A second splash of horse jism shot over her face and body. Cum was dripping from all over her body. Bo also climaxed along with the two beast inside of her.

Once she recovered from the initial shock of the amount of cock, Bo returned her lips to the horsecock and resumed sucking on it. Despite the gagging effect that was inflicted on her, she found that she loved the flavor of Geronimo’s jism.

She sucked and swallowed as fast as she could. But despite her reputation as a master cocksucker, Bo still couldn’t keep up with the huge beast. With each new ejaculation, there would always be some that would escape despite her best effort.

After what seemed like gallons of cum being shot in her stomach, it finally appeared to be subsiding. She sucked for a few minutes more before releasing the cock from her lips. By this time, Bud had also finished with his business and had dismounted her a few minutes earlier. He had skulked away to lick his cock clean.

Bo collapsed in a heap on the sandy beach. She was covered in horse jism, despite her best efforts and doggy cum was still leaking from her wasted vagina.

Exhausted, she crawled towards the lake to wash up. She was too exhausted to be able to walk over. Once at the water’s edge she began to wash off as much as the equine jism as she could. It was a sticky mess to do so, but she had to be at least presentable before returning home.

When she was satisfied as to her appearance, she laid on her back and floated leisurely in the cool water. She stayed that way for a long while before her strength returned to her sufficiently.

She raised herself out of the lake like the goddess she would appear to be. She strode steadily towards Geronimo and mounted his back for the ride back. Like Lady Godiva of old, she rode her stallion back to where her clothing were hidden and dressed for the final leg home.

The trio came out of the woods as if nothing unusual had happened on this nice sunny day. She waved at the ranch hands as she rode past them. Nobody seemed the wiser when she brought Geronimo back to the stables and gave him a nice refreshing rub down.

She strode at a fast pace back to the main house. She wanted to avoid having to have any long discussions with anybody for the moment.

She walked through the main entrance and climbed the staircase, two steps at a time. The house staff simply assumed the she wanted a refreshing bath before dinner was sounded.

A relaxing bath was also on her mind, but not for the reasons assumed off by her staff.


Part Five

That same night, Bo disclosed her new bestial conquest. At first John was revolted at the notion that his beautiful wife had gone so far with a horse. That is until he saw the excitement in her eyes as she recounted every sordid detail. He found himself with a raging hard-on which Bo was only too pleased to take care of for him.

His mind was reeling at the images that were flooding it. He could picture his wife’s horny face stuck on the end of a giant horse cock. Now he was wishing that he had been there to witness the event. But for now he would be satisfied with the feeling of Bo Derek’s lips sucking lovingly on his cock.

John was fast becoming a devotee of bestiality himself without even realizing it. His mind kept wandering to imaginary images of his wife, Bo, fucking various breeds of animals. Even his thinking for movie screenplays were imperceptibly drifting towards animals.

For the next few weeks, Bo and John experienced and played with every animal they had on the ranch. They would get one of their many dogs in the bedroom to join them every night. Occasionally two would be brought in.

But amazingly, Bo was getting actually bored for lack of diversity. It was at this point that their animal collection began growing. You might have noticed this when Entertainment Tonight would conduct interviews at their ranch.

On one such interview, Bo managed to introduce Julie Moran into her world of bestiality. She was in the middle of the interview when she noticed the brunette reporter staring at one of her dogs protruding penis. It happened to be her St-Bernard, Bruiser.

Bo smiled at her and coughed slightly to gain miss Moran’s attention. When Julie returned her attention to her interviewee she was blushing profusely. They had to tape the interview over so that make-up could be applied to her reddened cheeks.

After the interview, while the ET crew were packing their gear in the trucks, Bo approached Julie.

“Miss Moran. Mind if I call you Julie,” Bo said to the brunette. “I want to apologize for the distraction that Bruiser created back there.”

At remembering the incident Julie began blushing again. She couldn’t get over the size of the penis that the dog exhibited.

“Uh! Oh, don’t worry about it miss Derek,” she replied.

“Bo. Please,” Bo tried to break the ice. “Miss sounds so… fuddy-duddy.”

“Only if you call me Julie,” the ET reporter smiled back.

“OK, Julie,” Bo went on. “Why don’t I make it up to you. Will you stay for dinner. John is out of town, and I really would like the company.”

Julie thought about it for a few seconds and agreed. She had her own car, so the crew didn’t have to wait for her. The two beautiful women walked back to the ranch house and settled in the main living room while waiting for dinner.

Julie asked to use the telephone so that she could let her husband know that she would be late coming home and why.

Bo left her alone for this an was planning her next steps.

The housekeeper appeared at the doorway and announced that dinner was ready. They headed for the diningroom and enjoyed a succulent lobster dinner along with a nice bottle of wine.

Afterwards they returned to the livingroom and just had a pleasant girl talk conversation. Bo dragged it out as long as she possibly could.

When Julie looked at her watch it was already past midnight.

“God! Where did the time go,” she said.

This was what Bo was hoping for.

“It’s much too late for you to drive back tonight,” she told her guest. “Why don’t you stay the night and make an early start in the morning. There’s plenty of rooms.”

Julie thought about this proposition for a minute, then decided that it would be a good idea. Of course she needed the phone once more to call her husband and explain things to him. This did not present a problem as their marriage was on solid ground.

Since she was now staying the night, Julie saw no reason to cut the girl talk short. They resumed their conversation. Now all Bo had to do was steer the discussion to Bruiser.

“Again I’d like to apologize for Bruiser’s behavior,” she said. “He always seems to act that way around beautiful women.”

Julie smiled at the implied compliment. She also had to admit to herself that she was a bit attracted to the blonde movie starlet herself. Even though she had no lesbian tendencies herself. She couldn’t explain why the attraction existed, but it did nonetheless.

“Really,” Julie replied. “Isn’t there something that can be done about it.”

“Well, the vet explained that its because his needs aren’t being met,” Bo bluffed. “He suggested that when something like this happens that I should… um… help him.”

“Help him,” Julie quizzed. “Help him how?”

“Oh, I don’t want to bother you with details,” Bo acted innocently, with that shy smile of hers.

“No, tell me,” the reporter asked. “I’m curious now.”

“Well,” Bo hesitated. “He said that he would need to ejaculate to settle him down.”

Julie had a shocked expression across her face. But behind the shocked mask, she was very curious as to where this was going.

“And how are you supposed to accomplish that?” She asked the blonde beauty.

“Now don’t be shocked,” Bo answered. “But he needs to be jacked off. You know. A hand job.”

The trap was now set. Would the brown haired reporter bite the bait.

“Ho… how can you do something so… so wicked,” Julie asked.

Putting on her best acting performance she replied to the reporter.

“A… at first it was embarrassing to do something so vile,” she shrugged. “But after a while it wasn’t so difficult to do.”

Her curiosity aroused, and her panties getting soaked, Julie pushed onward with the conversation.

“But you didn’t do anything like that for him today,” she asked. “Did you?”

“Well,” Bo paused. “I couldn’t really do it in front of you. Now could I?”

Pausing for a long moment before the words could leave her lips, Julie Moran’s curiosity was about to have the better of her. Just as Bo had hoped.

“Yo… you shouldn’t make him suffer,” the reporter said. “Just because of me. Actually, I’d like to watch if you don’t mind. Strictly off the record of course.”

Triumph. Bo feigned thinking about it before giving her ‘victim’ an answer.

“If you’re absolutely sure you want to,” she finally conceded.

Julie smiled back as she nodded silently in the positive.

“Alright then,” Bo went on. “But I think we should move to the bedroom. It was hard enough to explain this to John. I don’t need the staff to blab about this. You know how the tabloids would blow this out of proportion.”

Julie accepted this blindly. It seemed like a reasonable precaution. And she had to agree with the blonde movie star that the tabloids would have a field day with something like this. They might even twist it into a story of bestiality.

Little did she realize that she was about to walk into this world herself.

Bo got up off the easychair that she was sitting on and headed for the door. Julie followed suite and followed her towards the main hallway.

Bo then stopped at the bottom of the stairwell and turned to her beautiful houseguest.

“Why don’t you go up to my bedroom,” she said. “Its the first door at the top of the stairs. The one facing us. I’ll go get Bruiser and meet you there in a few minutes.”

Julie accepted this innocently enough. She started walking up the stairs slowly. Bo paused momentarily as she watched the sexy stride that the ET reporter was displaying.

Then her mind snapped back to the present. She needed to find Bruiser for her ‘guest.’ She fully expected that his cock would have subsided by now, and in order to convince the brunette waiting in her bedroom that his condition needed ‘treatment’ she would have to arouse him again before taking him upstairs.

It took a few minutes for her to finally locate the St-Bernard. He was snoozing near the house kennels. His huge head snapped up when he heard his mistress call his name in the dark.

When she approached him it was as she expected. His cock had receded back in its furry sheath. She would have to do something fast to get him excited again. And from experience, she knew that nothing would get him aroused faster than a quick blowjob.

She knelt next to him and gave him a few quick hand-strokes to get things started. When she felt the tip of his cock beginning to protrude, she ducked under him and wrapped her lips and began sucking.

The virile canine didn’t take long to regain his full length and rigidity. Now they were presentable to her ‘novice’ guest in waiting. She guided Bruiser back to the house and they both made their way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

When she entered the bedroom, Julie was looking around the large room. She was at the dresser looking at her collection of braids. When she heard the door open behind her, she turned and gasped. She had almost managed to drive the image of Bruiser’s cock from her mind. But there it was before her once more.

All twelve inches of hard, vibrating and glistening cock.

‘Was it shiny like that earlier,’ Julie asked herself. ‘I don’t think it did.’

“Make yourself comfortable,” Bo told her. “There’s a chair over there where you can sit and watch.”

Julie settled down and tried to relax. She was shuffling in her seat as she watched Bo and Bruiser approach closer to her. She just couldn’t take her eyes away from that cock though.

Bo noticed that immediately and smiled to herself. She now needed to proceed with her plans. She began removing her clothing slowly, seductively before the brunette.

“Don’t be alarmed,” she reassured Julie. “I’ve learned from experience that this can be rather messy. You should have seen the first few weeks. It was safer to buy a new wardrobe than explain the stains on my clothing. Since then I find it more… economical to do this naked. You don’t mind, do you?”

“I leave it to you,” Julie answered back. “You’re the expert.”

When Bo removed her shirt and exposed those godly breast, she heard Julie’s breath catching. This was going to be much easier than she had anticipated. Next she peeled herself out of her tight fitting lycra pants. Her blonde bush was awash with her own wetness, which she didn’t mind showing off to her guest.

Julie noticed the glistening effect of Bo’s pussy as well, and that got her aroused a bit as well. Again she had to convince herself that she was not a lesbian.

Next would come the actual exhibition for her newfound friend. Bo called Bruiser to her. The huge brown and white St-Bernard trotted over to his mistress and gave a tentative lick of her breast with his wide slobbering tongue.

Julie was fascinated at the impressive size of Bruiser’s tongue. But her attention was drawn back to his cock.

Bo had him roll over onto his back so that his huge head was just between Julie’s slightly parted legs. She felt that in this position, Julie would get the best possible view of Bruiser’s cock, knot and eventually his cum.

“Now the vet explained to me that its just like doing it to a man,” Bo explained nonchalantly.

As if giving instructions on how to operate a piece of machinery, she took hold of the dog’s large penis and began to manipulate it. Stroking in slow and steady motion.

Bo could hear Julie’s breath increasing slightly. This was a good sign that her plan was working.

She grasped the dog’s cock harder yet and squeezed it in her nimble hands. This caused the head to bulge from the added blood pressure.

“Oooooh!” Julie exclaimed under her breath.

Bo smiled inwardly and continued manipulating the cock. She switched hand and reached out towards Julie with her doggy slime covered hand.

“Could you hand me a tissue,” she asked Julie. “Its right next to you.”

Julie complied and reached for a tissue. But when she tried to hand it to her, Bo intentionally missed and slimed the brunette’s backhand.

“Oh! So sorry,” she excused herself.

“Tha… that’s alright,” Julie stammered, feeling the warm slime on her hand.

Bo used the tissue to wipe her hand clean for the intention of her guest. She resumed stroking Bruiser, again feigning ignoring Julie.

Julie’s curiosity got the better of her, as Bo had expected, and raised her hand to her nose and sniffed the doggy slime that was on her hand. From the corner of her eye Bo could see the ET reporter do exactly has she had hoped that she would.

Julie, oblivious to Bo’s plan, was sniffing contentedly on the fragrant aroma on her hand. Then, without thought, she licked the slime off of her hand. She found the taste most pleasurable. When that was done, she returned her attention to the blonde beauty and the dog.

Bo’s plan was working out perfectly. Julie Moran, ET reporter, was getting a taste for doggy cum. She knew that it wouldn’t take much more to get her into the act.

She returned her attention to Bruiser’s cock. She continued rubbing her hand up and down along the full length of the huge St-Bernard, for Julie’s benefit. She want the dark haired woman to get the full view of Bruiser’s virile cock.

Having gotten a taste of the dog’s slimy fluid, Julie’s excitement was mounting. With no conscious thought her legs were beginning to open and close by their own volition. Her body was trying to rub her pussy without actually touching herself. This did not go unnoticed by Bo, who was almost smiling openly now. And with her attention fully preoccupied by the vision of the dog’s cock, Julie wasn’t even aware of her action or Bo’s smile.

Julie was amazed at the incredible stamina exhibited by the dog. Bo had been stroking him for twenty minutes already and he still hadn’t cum. Her panties were getting soaked from excitement and she finally had to admit to herself that the whole thing was very arousing.

Bo could feel Bruiser’s balls tightening just then. A sure sign that he was about to blow his load.

‘Finally,’ she said to herself.

Julie was bending forward slightly for a closer look of the action before her. Her legs continually open and closed by their own volition, rubbing her soaked panties and pussy lips together.

Bo’s arm was beginning to ache from this long handjob. But she had to keep up the act until she got Julie truly hooked. But she suspected that it wouldn’t take long now.

While continuing to stroke the cock, she surreptitiously raised it slightly. Aiming it between Julie Moran’s slim, dark stockingued legs. Then Bruiser reached his bursting point.

A powerful stream of jism began shooting out of his cocktip and sprayed forward. The first jet hit Julie’s face and she instinctively pulled back. The following shots were spraying the inside her legs with some landing in her crotch.

She squealed in excitement. Her tongue was trying to lap up the jism around her lips.

Bo smiled broadly now as she watched Julie lapping up Bruiser’s cum. Her submission was almost complete. But there was still more to accomplish before victory could be achieved.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,” Bo apologized (wink). “Here let me help clean that up.”

Julie didn’t even have a chance to object. Without waiting for an answer she began wiping Julie’s thighs with tissue, reaching ‘innocently’ under the hem of the reporter’s short dress. That cause the dark haired beauty to catch her breath when Bo’s hand brushed against her soaked panties. Bo also confirmed her suspicion. Her guest was wearing a garter rather than pantyhose.

“Th… that’s alright,” Julie stammered. “Accidents will happen. Y… you don… don’t have to do… this.”

Bo smiled with satisfaction seeing the reaction that she was having on her new playmate.

“Its not a problem,” Bo answered. “It was all my fault anyway. Its the least I could do.”

Julie’s eyes closed in ecstasy as she felt Bo Derek’s hands rubbing in between her legs. She hadn’t even noticed that she no longer had any tissue in her hands. Bo was simply rubbing the doggy cum into Julie’s stockings so that the warm fluid would make contact with her skin.

Her arousal was rising beyond her control. Within a few minutes, her hands reached up to her own voluptuous breast and began rubbing them sensually. All the while Bo continued rubbing her thighs harder. Her hands were snaking their way slowly towards the soaked panties until she made contact.

Julie groaned again at the contact against her excited panty clad pussy. She opened her legs wider, invitingly. For which Bo took advantage of. She ran her fingers along the outline of Julie’s inflamed pussy lips that were visible through the wet fabric of the panties.


Part Six

By now Julie was hooked to what was happening to her. She gazed down at the kneeling Bo and smiled.

“Maybe I should take these off,” she said. “Before they stain.”

“That would be reasonable,” Bo agreed.

Hesitantly, Julie Moran, crack reporter for Entertainment Tonight, stood unsteadily to her feet and began to unbutton her sweat drenched silk shirt. She removed it delicately and laid it over the back of the chair. She was wearing a flesh colored bra over her voluptuous breast. Bo couldn’t wait to see those melons exposed to her.

Julie then reached behind her and unfastened the skirt, which slid to the ground unaided. There she stood in all her glamour. She posed seductively for Bo wearing only her underwear. Bra and panties, which were completely soaked by now, and her long stockinged legs in garter. Bo also enjoyed the fact that the brunette was wearing four inch heels. This accentuated her calves as it does for most women.

Reaching to her back once more, she unclasped her bra and removed that as well. Her bouncy tits popped out of the tight confines of it, to Bo’s pleasure. When she tried to remove her stocking clasp of the garter, Bo’s hand reached up and stopped her.

“No,” Bo spoke out. “Don’t take them off. Just the panties.”

Julie smiled and slipped her panties down to her ankle and kicked them away across the room.

The somehow forgotten Bruiser trotted over to the soaked panties and began licking and munching on them. The taste of female cum on his tongue would revive his staff for the next round.

Meanwhile, Bo was stroking Julie’s long slender legs and pulling her down to her knees by her asscheeks. Julie offered no resistance. She soon found herself face to face, breast to breast, and cunt to cunt to the sexiest woman on the big screen.

Bo approached her and kissed her deeply. To Julie, this was her first experience with another woman. Even back in school, when her friends experimented in this, she refrained from doing so. Now she found herself openly kissing this ravishing beauty before her.

Bo slipped her tongue past the brunette’s lips and began frenching with her. Their tongues soon found themselves intertwined as the kissing continued. Julie returned the kiss.

Bo’s hand then reached her hand up and cupped Julie’s breast and tweaked on her nipple. Julie gasped in Bo’s mouth as she luxuriated in Bo’s apparent expertise. She returned the attention and cupped the blonde bombshells breast as well.

She was amazed at how firm they were. There was no evidence of sagging that most women experience as they aged. She tweaked those firm nipple nubs just as Bo had done for her.

This went on for a few minutes more before Bo decided that it was time for the next step. Her hand moved away from Julie’s breast, despite her objection, and slid down to her pussy.

When Julie felt fingers brushing near her crotch, she spread her legs apart a bit more to allow better access to her female companion. Bo accepted the invitation and slipped a finger into the reporter’s willing vagina. She got it down to her fist knuckle.

‘Obviously the woman had been well fucked by her husband,’ Bo thought to herself.

So she added another finger, then a third. She began fucking her fingers in and out of Julie’s warm love tunnel. All the while she would be using her thumb on her guest’s clit.

Julie could not help but gasp in excitement as she came. Bo could feel the woman’s cum soaking her hand.

She allowed this to continue for a few more seconds and pulled out her hand from her friend’s pussy. She brought her cum covered hand to her face and licked the female juice a bit.

“Mmmmmmh!” Bo luxuriated in the flavor. “This is nice.”

Julie was getting jealous at Bo now. She pulled Bo’s hand to her own face and licked her own juices from the blonde’s hand. She surprised herself when she found that she actually enjoyed the taste of it.

The next thing that happened pleased Bo immensely. On her own volition, Julie bent her head down and sucked on one of Bo’s stiff nipples. She tilted her head back as she absorbed the feeling of those soft female lips sucking on her.

‘She’s almost there,’ Bo thought to herself.

Glancing over to Bruiser, who was still licking at Julie’s panties, Bo could see that his cock was also ready for the next step.

Reluctantly, she pushed Julie away from her breast. The brunette looked up questioningly at the starlet. She thought that maybe she had done something wrong.

Bo wasn’t displeased with her. In fact, she wanted to make things better. She pulled Julie down to the ground so that she found herself lying on her back, facing up to her. Then Bo straddled herself on top of the brunette in the classic 69 position.

Julie was totally unfamiliar with this position. She never even tried this with her husband. In fact she had rarely sucked on a cock before and never a pussy.

Bo realized that she would have to show Julie how to proceed next. She dipped her head down to Julie’s open legs and to her pussy. Julie gasped aloud at feeling Bo’s tongue against her pussy lips. She had never felt anything like this before. The sensitivity, the sensuality of the moment was beyond her comprehension.

Bo was pleased at Julie’s reaction, but she wasn’t being serviced herself. She would have to do something about that.

To get her new lovers compliance, Bo lowered her own pulsing pussy closer to Julie’s face. Julie could only stare helplessly as those reddened cuntlips came closer and closer. Then her nose picked up the unmistakable scent of the aroused starlet.

As that scent began to overcome her, Julie licked her lips sexily. Her mind was reeling at what she knew was about to happen to her. She finally conceded and lifted her head and tentatively brushed her tongue along Bo’s pussy lips.

Bo closed her eyes and returned her own mouth to Julie’s excited cunt. The two women buried each other into the others pussy and sucked on their pussies and clits.

Bo lowered her body on top of Julie’s and crushed each others breast against their bodies. They continued this way for a good fifteen minutes until Bo decided that the next step was upon them.

While in the midst of their frolicking, Bo rolled their bodies over each other and rolled to the center of the large master bedroom. When they finally stopped rolling, Bo was below and she was now straddled by Julie Moran.

Bo knew that she now owned Julie’s sexual will. As the brunette, now in the position to free herself, made no such effort. But just to make sure, she wrapped her legs around Julie’s head.

“Oh, God!” Julie moaned. “I’ve never felt anything so good before.”

And she returned her face to Bo’s crotch. Bo never allowed Julie’s pussy to leave her lips. But she did manage to tie her legs around the unsuspecting reporter. Now with her head and legs trapped by the horny Bo Derek, was the right time for the next big step. She then glanced across the room to Bruiser. She had to figure out a way to attract his attention.

It dawned on her that she should do what she usually does to get her attention. With that in mind, she gave a loud slap to Julie’s butt. Which, by the way resulted in a surprised yelp to escape the brunette’s pussy stuffed lips.

Bruiser’s head snapped around at the sound. He recognized the upturned ass of a woman in the middle of the room. And from his past experience with his mistress, he knew what was required of him.


Part Seven

Bruiser, Bo Derek’s large brown and white St-Bernard, strode across the master bedroom towards the two clenching woman.

He didn’t know who this other woman was that was exposing her pussy for him. But he knew what he had to do. He stuck his cold wet nose at Julie Moran’s pussy and proceeded to lick her, in unison with Bo Derek who was beneath the brunette reporter.

Julie’s head snapped up in surprise at the cold contact. When she tried to look back, she found that she couldn’t because Bo’s legs remained securely clasped about her head.

“Bo?” Julie mumbled back. “Wha… what’s going on? What’s happening back there? Is there someone else in the room?”

The ET reporter was panicking a bit now. What if one of the ranch hands snuck into the house and was now trying to rape her. She hadn’t noticed anybody enter. But then again, she was rather preoccupied. And what if there was more than one in the room with them. And why didn’t Bo answer her.

“Why aren’t you doing anything?” Julie pleaded. “Why are you letting this happen to me?”

She gasped aloud as she felt not one but two tongues stroking her pussy lips, Bo’s and Bruiser’s.

She surrendered, since there was nothing else that she could do, to the ravishment of the two tongues on her cunt. Once that was accomplished, she saw no reason not to return her attention to Bo’s hot pussy.

After a few more swipes of her tongue on Julie’s succulent pussy, Bo backed her face away and looked on to enjoy the show that was about to unfurl.

Bruiser’s wide tongue licked energetically at Julie’s overexcited pussy. She knew that her dog would do what was necessary to please the brunette.

To help things along, Bo decided to use her hands in a more productive fashion. She reached up and pulled open Julie’s love tunnel to allow direct access to her dog. She watched fascinated as that large doggy tongue seemed to disappear deep inside the reporter.

“Oh! Yessss!” Julie cried out.

She never could have believed that a tongue could go so deep. After all was done, she just had to meet this man that was sucking her so expertly. It felt like a live snake was swirling around inside her womb. The way that tongue was moving seemed so unnatural to her limited sexual knowledge.

The licking went on for another fifteen minutes before Bo decided that Julie was now ready for the ultimate sensation of this night. She slapped the trapped brunette’s bum once more. This was Bruiser’s signal to mount the bitch.

The huge dog stepped back a pace and leaped forward, landing heavily on Julie Moran’s back.

When Julie felt the dog land on her back, its added weight made her back sag slightly. She immediately pushed herself back up. Then it suddenly dawned on her. This man was covered in fur. Thick soft fur.

‘Oh my god!’ She screamed in her mind. ‘It’s the dog. It’s the damn dog.’

Desperately, she began to struggle to try and escape Bo’s entangling limbs. But it was useless. The added weight of the St-Bernard removed any hope of freeing herself.

She could feel the rubbery pads of the dog’s paws as it maneuvered itself on top of her. He was shuffling forward so that his cock could reach her exposed vagina. She could still picture in her mind the image of the size that would soon invade her private neither region.

Bo looked on lustily as she observed her Bruiser getting closer to the goal. She kept her hands at Julie’s pussylips to make it that much easier for him. He was only a few inches away now. Bo couldn’t wait to see Julie Moran’s bestial deflowering. She had never seen this from this perspective before, since she was the one usually getting fucked by the beasts.

Meanwhile, Julie’s panic had the adverse effect on her of adding to her sexual excitement. Her nipples were harder than they had ever been before and accordingly they were much more sensitive.

When Bruiser’s cocktip touched, only to briefly, her pussylips it triggered and immediate orgasm in the brunette’s body. She felt her body shaking from the explosive climax. She could feel her own cum spraying out of her held open pussy.

Bo opened her mouth wide to catch as much of the womanly juices that she could capture in this particular position. Hopefully next time there will be no need to restrain the ET reporter.

When Bruiser’s cock actually began entering Julie’s pussy, Bo released her friend’s pussylips. She knew that the brunette would enjoy the fuck so much more if her pussy was clasping Bruiser’s hot cock.

“Oh shit,” Julie exclaimed. “That feels nicccce.”

“Go for it honey,” Bo told her. “there’s nothing better than a good hard fuck.”

Julie was beginning to realize that herself. She instinctively humped back at bruiser which drove another few inches past her clenching pussy entrance.

Bo smiled broadly as she now knew that Julie Moran was now slave to Bruiser’s cock. She reached up and took hold of the dog’s hard cock and began to manipulate it like a dildo. She began pushing it harder and deeper into Julie’s sucking cunt.

Julie exploded in yet another orgasm as she felt the hard cock being driven deeper inside her. She couldn’t help herself, she just had to hump back. The wide cock was going deeper into her and she was enjoying every loving inch.

Meanwhile, Bo couldn’t help herself. With all the fucking going on above her head, she just had to get into the act. She lifted her head up and licked along Bruiser’s cock, then back down to Julie’s pussy. She licked along the junction of her pussylips and the St-Bernard’s stuffing cock.

She could see that Julie had already taken in at least eight of Bruiser’s twelve inches. That wasn’t enough. Bo wanted her to feel every invading inch, as well as that cunt stuffing knot of his. She forced in another two inches into the brunette reporter’s cunt.

“Oh yessss!” Julie cried out. “Get it deeper. Harder. Do it to me doggy. Fuck me like the bitch I am.”

Bruiser increased his tempo and fucked harder. Without any further assistance from Bo’s hands, he was driving more and more of his cock into the sexy reporter. His forepaws were wrapped securely around her now willing waist.

Bo now felt confident that she could release her grip on her friend so that she could relax and watch the show above her head. It was an amazing sight. To see that mass of cockflesh disappear in a woman’s pussy like that. Now she knew what she must look like to John as he watches her bestial acts.

She saw that the knot was just an inch away from impact. She was debating if maybe she should restrain Julie again.

Bruiser took that decision out of her hands. In his next forward thrust, the knot hit Julie’s vaginal entrance. The woman must have assumed that this was all that there would be. She didn’t have anything to complain about. Her husband had a decent sized cock, but it only measured nine inches, and was nowhere as thick as what she had presently.

So Julie Moran settled down for a hard fuck from the heavy dog on her back. With each thrust that hard obstruction would hit her pussy, almost painfully. But she didn’t care anymore. She just wanted that doggy to empty his load in her womb.

Harder and harder Bruiser kept on surging forward. His cock was well imbedded in the brunette’s cunt and he just kept on fucking forward. He too wanted to bury his knot in the bitch’s pussy, as was expected of him from his mistress.

Bo looked on as she was witnessing Julie’s vagina start to give way to the onslaught of Bruiser’s knot. She figured that another few more hard thrust and the deed would be done.

Her assumption was correct. Three more thrust and she heard Julie Moran scream in agonizing pain as the wide doggy knot gained entry and tied her to her canine lover.

She could hear Julie sobbing in pain as her body tried to get used to the softball size knot that was now holding her in place with Bruiser. And now that she was satisfied that Julie wasn’t going anywhere for a while at least, Bo slid herself out from under the inter-specie couple.

She stood up and looked down at her accomplishment. The famous ET reporter was shaking her head from side to side as she was being fucked by the large St-Bernard. Her, previously, well coifed hair was hanging disheveled over her face. Bo couldn’t see her expression, but she expected that it would be one of ecstasy. It not right this minute, then soon.

Julie wasn’t even aware when Bo left the room. She was gone for about ten minutes. And during that time, Bruiser never let up. The pain had finally subsided and she was now truly enjoying her first doggy fuck once more.

When she heard the door creak open, she looked up and saw Bo Derek reentering the room. But she was followed by two large German Shepherds, Bud and Dodger. But she didn’t panic this time. Actually, she was kind of looking forward for what was to happen next.


Part Eight

Bo Derek approached the still locked couple and smiled down at them. Julie Moran, reporter for Entertainment Tonight, returned the smile but was continually distracted by Bruiser’s thrusting at her backside.

“So?” Bo asked. “How do you like my little secret?”

“Mmmmmmh!” She replied. “It’s just the… Ugnh! The best.”

“Ready for some more?” The starlet asked of the reporter.

“Mm, mm” she answered simply.

“Bud! Come her boy,” Bo called out. “I want you to meet a new friend of ours. Julie, this is Bud. He’s one of our guard dogs. Have you ever sucked cock before?”

“On… only a few times,” she answered, fearing where this was leading to.

“That’s okay,” Bo smiled down at her. “Today you’re going to suck off my pal Bud here.”

Despite what had happened to her so far this night. Between lesbian sex and Bruiser fucking her at the present. The ace reporter wasn’t sure if she was ready for this.

Bo could see the reluctance in the woman’s eyes. This would call for a bit of extortion she guessed. She took out her 35mm camera and began snapping away at Julie Moran getting fucked by a dog.

“Wh… what do you think you’re doing?” Julie shrieked.

“Simply making sure that I get your undivided cooperation,” she told her. “Now then. If you do as you’re told you get the negative. If not. I’ll send it to the tabloids and let them take matters in their hands. And you know how nice they are. Especially when they have the cold hard facts in their grubby little hands.”

“Alright, alright,” the reporter surrendered. “I’ll suck his fucking cock. But I want the film now.”

Uh! Uh!” Bo shook her head negatively. “Only tomorrow morning when we’re through.”

Julie knew that she was in no position to negotiate. She agreed.

Bo brought Bud forward and had him facing the now submissive Julie Moran. But before things would go further, she decided to make things even more interesting. She grabbed hold of Bruiser’s collar and pulled him off of Julie’s back.

She wanted him turned around. She wanted him butt-to-butt to the tied woman.

Bruiser was familiar with this situation, but Julie was taken aback by it. How could a cock twist around in her pussy as it was presently doing. It felt so strange, but also so good.

After a few more tries Bo finally managed to turn Bruiser completely around. Julie and Bruiser were now butt-to-butt. She then returned her attention to Bud who remained obediently seated in front of Julie face.

“Okay sweetheart,” Bo instructed her. “Now you can take care of Bud her. Play with his balls a bit to get him going, then I want to see you suck him off.”

Julie obeyed Bo’s instructions and reached forward and rubbed the German Shepherd’s balls. She was only playing it for a few seconds before she noticed the pinkish cock start peeking out of its furry sheath. She glanced up at Bo and saw that she was still aiming her camera at her.

She returned her attention to Bud. The more that she rubbed Bud the faster his cock would surge out. Within a few more seconds, eight full inches was out.

“Okay Julie,” Bo told her. “You take that juicy morsel of cockmeat in your mouth now. I want to see you suck on it like your life depended on it.”

Julie bent her head down and kissed the cocktip lightly. Gazing upwards she could see Bo’s disappointing glare. She reluctantly took in the cockhead past her lips and began sucking on it lightly.

Bo smiled. She figured that it would only be a matter of a few minutes before Julie would fall under the spell of sucking doggy cock.

It took even less time than that. As soon as her tongue made contact with the slimy cockshaft Julie Moran was hooked. Taking a deep breath she shoved Bud’s entire length down her gullet.

Bo started snapping away with her camera. If the tabloids weren’t going to get them, maybe she could save them for her own future enjoyment.

As Julie continued sucking on Bud’s cock, his full ten inches had reached its full length. Bruiser was still doing his own thing in her pussy, as they were still tied. That left only Dodger to take care of.

Bo had her own ideas on that. She was feeling particularly devilish this night.

She lay her camera down and knelt next to the third dog. She began by playing with his balls, the same was as she had instructed Julie. Soon, Dodger’s cock peeked out. Bo bent down and sucked it in her mouth.

By the corner of her eye Julie could see Bo sucking on the other German Shepherd.

‘At least I won’t have to do anything with him,” she thought to herself.

She resumed sucking on Bud’s cock as she kept humping her ass against Bruiser’s cock. She was finding this whole experience beyond her wildest fantasies. She never could have imagined something like this to ever happen to her.

After a few minutes of sucking, Bo was satisfied that Dodger was now ready for action. She looked over at the ET reporter and was pleased to see that she kept on sucking voluntarily. It was quite an erotic picture before her. Bud in her mouth and Bruiser in her pussy. And Bo could clearly see that she was enjoying every single inch inside her. She was as hooked on sucking doggy cock as she was at fucking one.

She grabbed Dodger’s collar and guided him to the threesome. When they were parallel to Julie’s body, Bo placed Dodger’s forepaws around Julie’s waist.

In this position, Dodger began humping wildly against the brunette’s side. But there was no hole for him to bury his cock.

Julie was also confused as to the happenings next to her. She tried to turn her head to the side to see what was going on. What was Bo Derek planning for her now, she wondered.

Bo grabbed hold of Dodger’s hindlegs next and placed them across Julie Moran’s buttock. The third dog was now above Bruiser’s pussy stuffing cock. Bo then reached between Dodger and Julie’s bodies and was trying to guide his cock to the last available hole that the entertainment reporter had remaining. Her asshole.

By the time Julie figured out what Bo was planning it was too late. She could feel the third dog straddled over her back and the slimy feeling of his cock being guided to her bunghole. She was about to be gangbanged by three very horny dogs.

As soon as Bo found Julie’s sphincter and guided Dodger’s cockhead to it s entrance, she let Dodger take over. He humped hard and fast into her.

“Arrrggghh!” Was all that Julie Moran could yell.

Once satisfied that the final deed was set in motion, Bo returned to her camera and began snapping away again. She had already gone through two rolls of film and she need to reload.

On the floor before her, Julie was being savagely fucked by the three virile dogs. Dodger was fucking at a lightning pace into her ass. She was virgin there and it was by far where all her pain was coming from at the present.

Instinctively, she kept humping back at Bruiser, while at the same time she kept sucking on Bud’s raging hard-on. No Dodger was the only one that was worrying her.

Bo kept moving around the foursome. Trying to find the best angle or the most interesting shot. She would lift Dodger’s tail so that she could get a clear shot of the two dog cocks stuffing her rear. Then move back for a close-up shot of her sucking Bud.

It took a while, but Julie’s ass muscles were starting to relax enough so that she was now actually beginning to enjoy the feel of a cock there. Better yet was the sensation that ran through her innards a Dodger’s and Bruiser’s cocks seemed to be rubbing against each other through the thin membrane that separated the two entrances.

Another few minutes and Bo could hear Julie moan in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm started hitting her in rapid succession. Bo smiled in satisfaction for a good nights work.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Julie felt Bruiser shooting deeply inside of her vagina. He came and came and came again. She could not believe how much cum he must be filling her with.

“Mmmmmmmh!” Julie mumbled in ecstasy around Bud’s cock shaft.

Of course, Bo knew that for Bruiser this was but his first load. He was at least good for two or three a night. But she had fucked him hard the night before, so she suspected that he might be good enough for a second shot, no more.

Julie thought that at least she was done with one dog. Imagine her shock when she discovered that Bruiser’s cock was showing no sign of shrinking. A smile crept across her cock stuffed lips. She was now totally committed to this doggy lifestyle.

Dodger kept on with his own mission of the night, as he fucked hard into the reporter’s ass. And Julie made sure not to ignore Bud’s cock that she was sucking lovingly now. She slipped a hand down to Bud’s balls to get him to shoot faster. She was now desperate for the taste of doggy cum.

Bo continued snapping frame after frame of film at Julie’s depraved new sex life. Each time she would take a picture of the reporter sucking on the Shepherd’s cock, she would try and get a clear shot of her face so that there would be no mistaking who the woman in the picture truly was.

Julie didn’t care anymore. She would help along by turning her face slightly sideways to give Bo a nice clear shot. And Bo would reward her by tweaking the brunette’s hard nipples, or squeeze those beautiful breast of hers.

Suddenly, sperm began flooding her throat. Julie spat out Bud’s cock gagging. He had caught her unprepared for the sudden flood. But as soon as she regained her breath she stuffed the spurting cock back in her mouth and began swallowing in earnest.

The scene was not missed by Bo’s camera. She had caught at least a dozen frames as Bud’s cum was spraying Julie’s face as she was catching her breath. And every moment afterwards.

Just about then, Dodger howled as he too came in her ass. Luckily, his knot couldn’t tie in such a confining hole. But Bo knew that he was shooting in her and she could see her body shuddering as she suspected that Julie was probably in the throes of one major orgasm. Of course she was right/

“Oooooh!” Julie howled herself. “Mmmmmmh!”

She never lost her mouthy grip on Bud’s squirting cock. Meanwhile, Bruiser was starting his second round in her pussy. Julie also could feel this second coming and began humping her ass back to fuck herself on Bruiser’s cock once more. This time she was looking forward to receiving his cum.

When Julie finally released bud’s cock from her mouth, she found herself being french kissed once again by Bo Derek. The blonde actress was trying to get some of Bud’s jism for herself. And who was she to refuse. She returned the kiss and their tongues swirled as she passed on whatever jism was available in her mouth to Bo.

Dodger had emptied his balls and was struggling to jump off of her back. This caused a number of visible scratches on her back. But she no longer cared.

She kept kissing Bo as she kept humping as hard as she could into Bruiser’s cock.

This went on like this for a good thirty minutes before Bruiser finally shot his load. And as Bo expected he was done for the night. His knot began shrinking a few minutes later and he popped out loudly from her sore cunt.

Julie promptly collapsed in exhaustion, her face landing squarely in Bo’ crotch.

Bo smiled in satisfaction of the nights events. She placed a pillow under Julie’s head and left the room with her photographic equipment. She headed straight for her darkroom. She wanted the film developed before Julie Moran awakened.

She had six full rolls and it took the better part of the night to get the prints done. She looked at them and was very pleased at the results.

When she returned to the room she smiled broadly as she observed all three dogs licking Julie’s unconscious form of all their jism.

Bud and Dodger were trying to clean out her pussy, while Bruiser was busily licking her ass clean. Occasionally, Julie would moan softly as if dreaming from a sexy dream.

With her, she carried two manila envelops containing over one hundred shots of Julie Moran’s escapade with her three canine lovers. One set she put away in her night dresser, the other was to hand over to Julie as promised. It would be for her personal use.

If she chose to destroy, that was okay. But Bo suspected that she would want to keep them as a reminder of how wonderful this night was for her. Bo could see it in her face and eyes that she did in fact enjoy the experience.

Once all of this was done, she looked down at the slumbering brunette and settled herself next to her on the floor for a nights sleep. Bo lovingly caressed Julie’s sleeping body, careful not to wake her. She eventually fell asleep herself with her hand cupping her friend’s breast.


Part Nine

When morning came along, Julie Moran awoke to find herself lying on the floor next to a sleeping Bo Derek. It took her a few minutes to recall the events of the previous night.

At first she reacted out of revulsion, then she remembered how good it all felt to her. She turned back to face Bo and leaned down and kissed the sleeping beauty next to her. And just as in the story of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Bo woke up to the smiling face of her lover.

She looked around and noticed that all three dogs had wandered out of the room during the night.

Julie stretched her arms above her head and yawned the sleepiness from her body. This stretching exercise only served to accentuate her breast. Bo smiled and followed suit, she also stretched her arms far above her head and stretched.

Julie smiled down at her and dipped her head to the blonde starlet’s breast and sucked one in her mouth. Trying to get her morning milk out of it.

Bo giggled at how transformed the Entertainment Tonight reporter had become. She was sure that she would become a frequent visitor to their ranch in the coming months. And John would probably like the change of partner in his voyeuristic habit that he had formed.

“Mmmmmmh!” Bo yawned. “Good morning miss Moran. Did we sleep well.”

“Quite well, miss Derek,” she cordially replied. “So how long have you been doing this?”

“Is this an official interview?” Bo giggled.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” was Julie’s reply. “No you horny bitch. It is not an interview. How long have you been doing it with your dogs.”

“Only a few months actually,” Bo said honestly. “I was practically raped by two of them at the lake.”

“Oooooh!” Julie squealed. “That sounds exciting. Tell me about it.”

So Bo recounted the events at the lake with Bud and Dodger. Then she handed the envelop with the photographs to her.

“Here,” she said as she handed to Julie. “These are for you to do with as you wish. But I think that you might want a memento of this night.’

Julie opened the envelop and gasped. There were hundreds of shots of her and the dogs. Her shock disappeared quickly enough though. She started looking at them with the keen eye of a reporter and was getting turned on all over again.

“Thank you,” she said. “Yes, I think I will keep them with me. I appreciate this.”

“What are friends for?” Was Bo’s response.

“Now, how about some breakfast before you go,” Bo offered. “After last night, you must be famished.”

“Come to think of it,” she agreed. “I could stand for a stack of pancakes.”

“Pancakes it is then,” Bo picked up the house phone and conveyed her wishes to the kitchen staff for both of them.

Julie was about to put her clothes back on when she noticed all of the dried cum encrusted in them. She looked up at Bo who immediately understood her problem.

“Don’t worry,” she offered. “I’ll lend you some of mine. Wouldn’t do to have your hubby that you’re cheating on him. Now would it?”

Julie smiled her appreciation and followed her into the walk-in closet. Bo had a fantastic collection of sexy gowns, but that wasn’t what was required here. She selected a simple pant suit ensemble. Unfortunately for Julie, Bo didn’t have any bras to lend her as she never wore any. Luckily Julie’s proportions were close enough to hers that the fit was almost perfect.

Bo picked out some plain blue jeans and T-shirt, braless of course. After all this was a working ranch as well as her home and she did enjoy taking care of the animals.

The two women enjoyed a heavy breakfast along with some conversation. Julie then loaded up her things in her car and drove off. They waved to each other as she departed.

She passed Bo’s husband, John, returning from his business trip and waved to him as well.

Bo was so happy to see John finally home. It had been weeks since she last saw him.

As soon as he entered the ranch house, Bo told him all about Julie Moran’s introduction to the dogs. Later she would show him the series of photos that she had taken of the event. John couldn’t get over how hot Julie looked with all three dogs fucking her in every hole.

That was something that his promiscuous wife, Bo, had never even attempted before. The image was engraved in his mind and he wanted to see it himself.

“Bo honey,” he asked. “Why don’t you go get the dogs.”

Bo smiled and left hurriedly. She saw how much John enjoyed the pictures of Julie with all three dogs and she fully expected him to ask her to perform the same for him tonight. That was something that she was looking forward to.

For throughout Julie’s gangbang, Bo was jealous of the canine virgin. When her devious mind first thought up the idea, she wasn’t sure that it could be done. But now that she knew that it could, she wanted to get the same treatment.

While his wife left to get the dogs, John prepared the room for the loveplay that was to come. He pulled out the heavy, rubberized, mat and laid it across the center of the bedroom. They had learned the hard way what a mess came out of this bestial fuck play. Now that they knew better, they used this mat to protect the floor. It also saved them from trying to explain why the bedroom needed constant cleaning.

She returned with three dogs. Since that first night their kennel had tripled in size. There were now twelve dogs roaming the ranch. And they were all selected for their potential as studs. It was a bit awkward trying to get to see their cocks under the noses of the owners.

Anyway she wanted a fresh team for her tonight. Her three favorites would be too wasted to give her a grade ‘A’ fuck. That’s why she picked three fresh cocks.

One was an Irish Wolfhound with a nice twelve inch cock, which they name Wolf. Next was a Great Dane named Marmaduke, Duke for short, and he had an impressive fourteen incher. And finally there was a jet black Labrador by the name of Roscoe, and his cock was eleven inches long but extremely thick.

John had to admire his wife’s courage. Of all the dogs she could have picked these were the ones with the biggest cocks. He had expected her to at least chose one of the smaller cocks for her ass.

Bo had already given this whole thing a lot of thought since last night. Her plan was to take Roscoe in her pussy. Give Wolf a nice long blowjob, deepthroat if she could manage it, and get John to mount Duke at her ass.

The couple prepared for the night by getting some lubrication that they would need to make it as painless as possible, something that Bo regrettably didn’t think of for Julie the previous night.

John called Roscoe over. He would have to be the first to get stiff if this was to work. Bo went to work on his cock immediately. Meanwhile the other two dogs zeroed in of Bo’s pussy.

“Mmmmmh!” Bo gurgled as she continued licking Roscoe’s cock.

John sat back until he would be needed. But that wouldn’t be quite yet. He watched as his beautiful wife began sucking the Lab’s cock into her gaping mouth. It always fascinated him at how rapidly a dog would get hard.

In a matter of minutes, Roscoe was fully erect and ready for action. Bo turned around and presented him with her cunt. Meanwhile she turned her attention to her other dogs in preparation.

Roscoe was licking her pussy as he always did never missing a stroke. And repeatedly slurped on her clit, which Bo really liked.

She had her head buried in Wolf’s crotch sucking his cock to life, next would be Duke. She wanted this show going as rapidly as possible and didn’t want to waste any time on preliminaries.

With that in mind, she slapped her butt which alerted Roscoe that he had to mount his mistress now. He did so reluctantly, the dog really loved the taste of her pussy and his snack was being interrupted at her command.

John watched, mesmerized, as the thick cock approached Bo’s pussy. As soon as its head poked her vagina, he surged forward. Burying half his cock in her pussy in the first thrust.

“Ungh!” Bo groaned at Roscoe’s vicious entry.

But that didn’t deter her from her objective. She continued to suck Wolf’s cock. When his cock was hard, she turned her attention to Duke. She didn’t have as much to do for him as he was already getting aroused at the scent of sex in the air.

Once Duke was hard, she returned her attention to Wolf as planned. She began to suck in the Wolfhound’s cock while Roscoe kept shoving his thick member deeper inside her pussy.

John had pulled out his own cock as he was watching Bo’s performance. He was stroking it in a leisurely fashion. He didn’t want to shoot until much later in the show. His eyes grew wide as he watched her pussylips spread obscenely in order to accommodate Roscoe’s wide girth.

Then he would glance at her head and the disappearing cock in her mouth. She had already managed to take in half of its length, six inches. He also noticed that her hand was manipulating Duke’s cock so as to keep him hard and interested.

Bo pushed her ass back at Roscoe and managed to squeeze another few more inches into her tight pussy. The black Lab wasn’t about to give up the cunt now. He humped harder still, trying to get those last few inches so that he could get his knot in this bitch.

Bo was moaning all around Wolf’s hard cock by now. She had managed to take in another three inches down her throat, but she wanted all twelve inches before she was satisfied.

She had already experienced three orgasms in succession and was expecting many more before this night was over.

Duke was getting a bit frustrated standing by with Bo’s hand stroking his stiff cock. He was trying to escape her grasp if nothing was going to happen for him soon.

John noticed the Great Dane’s randiness and felt sorry for the beast. He knew what that dog’s job was going to be, but the scene wasn’t set yet. They had to wait for Roscoe to tie with his wife before they could proceed further.

Roscoe pushed hard and finally Bo felt the impact of his knot against her cunt. Now would come the hard part. Getting that oversized melon of a knot past her pussylips and locked into place. To try and accomplish this, Bo reached between her legs and grasped the base of Roscoe’s knot.

Once that was accomplished she began to try and push it past her cuntal lips, rather than have Roscoe try jamming it in by thrusting. It wasn’t as sexually gratifying as having him fuck it into her, but she was desperate to get Duke into the act.

John saw that Bo was having a problem getting Roscoe properly tied. So he stepped away from his strictly voyeur position and came to the rescue of his wife. He reached between Roscoe’s legs and pushed against his knot.

With the effort of all three participants, the knot was slowly making its way past Bo’s resisting cunt. Finally with one final effort the knot made it through. Its width forced her leg apart a bit further.

“OOOOH! MY GOD!” Was Bo’s victory cry.

While Roscoe felt secure in the knowledge that he was now tied to his bitch. He resumed in the short stroke fuck that his customary to dogs in this situation. But his excitement was a bit more wild than Bo expected. As Roscoe kept trying to give her long strokes.

The consequence being that her whole body was being pulled like a rag doll with each to and fro movement. A few times Wolf’s dick almost escaped her mouth. She had to plant herself as firmly as possible so the Roscoe’s strength wouldn’t be a factor.

Now that Roscoe was tied to his wife, John’s help was required for the final leg of this canine gangbang. He came over next to the Labrador and pulled his forelegs away from his wife’s back. Making him land sideways to her.

Next he pulled on his collar so that he would twist around and come about face. Roscoe was obeying without any trouble so far. He was familiar enough with this to not be concerned, so long as his bitch remained tied.

Bo felt Roscoe’s weight removed from her back and knew that John was proceeding according to her instructions. Soon, very soon, she would get her third cock and be completely satisfied.

She felt the Labrador’s cock twisting around inside her pussy and knew that things were going well so far. Next came Roscoe’s hindleg as he dragged it across her back in the final step of getting butt-to-butt with the large dog.

Bo never lost track of Wolf’s cock during this time. She had managed to get up to ten inches of his cock down her gullet, but she still had two more to go.

John finally got Roscoe in the proper position. He then got up and approached the frustrated Great Dane. Taking hold of his collar he led him alongside Bo’s kneeling form. He then took hold of his forelegs and had him grasp around Bo’s waist as if he was mounted.

Duke obeyed but started humping desperately trying to locate a hole to stuff his aching dick in. John almost laughed aloud at the sight of the humping dog. Its stiff cock hitting hard at Bo’s side. He could even see a few bruises forming where the dog’s cock was hitting her so hard.

Before going further he grabbed a tube of K-Y jelly and applied a generous portion in and around Bo’s tight asshole. He had no intention in inflicting pain to his young wife.

He then grabbed one of his hindlegs guided him to straddle her buttock just above her stuffed pussy. Next, he reached between Bo’s and Duke’s bodies and took the dog’s cock in hand. He had to pull back on it as it was too high and sliding up her asscrack.

He managed to pull it enough so that he could slide it down to where her sphincter was waiting. He rubbed it around to hole in order to get some of the lubricant on the dog’s cock. Then he guided at the entrance and let him loose.

Duke could feel an entrance before his cock and humped. Only the head pushed in that first try, but the second allowed three inches to enter her anal passage.

“Mmmmmm!” Bo mumbled.

That anal invasion gave the extra push to get Wolf’s last inches in her throat. She now had a twelve inch doggy cock down her gullet and she loved it. It was hard going to fuck it in and out of the tight confines of her throat, but she felt the experience was worth it.

Now she had to concentrate on all three cocks together. As she humped her ass back, she pull Wolf’s cock out of her mouth, but Duke and Roscoe’s were fucking deeper in her rear.

Now Bo knew how Julie felt with two large cocks double fucking her rear. She could feel the cocks were rubbing each other through the thin membrane that separated them. What was particularly exciting was near her entrances. Duke’s cock was rubbing directly against Roscoe’s monstrous knot and the tension there was much higher.

John settled back down and stroked his own cock as he watched how amazing his wife was. Here was one of the most desirable women in the world. The fantasy of millions. And she was getting fucked by three very virile dogs.

“Oh, John,” she exclaimed, removing Wolf’s cock momentarily. “This feels sooo goooood.”

Then her head went back to deepthroating the Wolfhound. John increased the tempo of his masturbating. He could no longer control himself at this point. The bestial gangbang before him was more than any man could take.

Just then Roscoe started woofing loudly, announcing his climax. Bo could feel the hot stream of the Lab’s jism reaching the bottom of her love tunnel, flooding it. This managed to trigger her own orgasm.

Wolf began shooting his load past her tonsils, and that also triggered a new orgasm for her. Her climaxes were now coming in rapid succession. Soon, if things don’t settle down a bit, she expected not to know when one ended or the next one started.

John came crawling next to his wife’s cock stuffed face and aimed his own cock in that direction. A few seconds later Bo could feel his hot jism hitting the side of her face. She wanted to take his cock in her mouth, but she didn’t want to release Wolf’s still spurting cock.

John didn’t mind. The sight of his jism staining her face just added to the excitement that the bestial orgy had given him. He continued spraying her as the third dog, Duke, yelped his climax.

Within only a few minutes all three dogs were shooting their loads in her cavities. It was as close as she had ever gotten to simultaneous cumming with any lover. And the fact that this would happen for the first time with dogs was beyond Bo’s expectations.

She shoved back against Roscoe’s still cumming cock and sucked harder of Wolf’s. She knew that this would end soon and she wanted maximum penetration from all of them.

Wolf was the first to be released by the sex obsessed movie star. He trotted over to a corner of the room and licked his cock, as if Bo’s treatment hadn’t been enough.

But now Bo’s mouth was empty.

“Here baby,” John told his wife. “Suck on this for a while.”

And he presented is semi hard cock to her face. Bo smiled up at him and proceeded to lick his balls, followed by his shaft before taking him deep in her mouth.

‘How could I have been so lucky,’ she was thinking. ‘To have a husband like John.’

Roscoe and Duke were still busily emptying their balls in her rear. So much cum had been deposited inside her that it was running down her legs from both her ass and her pussy.

Duke was the next to finish and he was struggling to leap over his still tied mistress and the Labrador. When his cock slipped out of her ass a large amount of jism came streaming out.

John watched all this in total fascination as Bo kept sucking on his cock. His all too human penis was reviving which was something that was getting harder for him to do at his age.

This only left Roscoe still tied in Bo’s churning pussy. This was something that she fully expected and wanted. She loved it when his huge knot tied with her. And she also knew that she could get a second load out of him before his knot would shrink enough for them to be separated.

To that end she started humping back against the dog’s butt to get things started for a second load.

They remained tied for a bit over one hour and two full loads before John finally managed to pry them apart. When that happened a flood of dog cum came pissing out of her vagina.


Part Ten

As expected, Julie Moran became a frequent visitor to the Derek Ranch. She and Bo would frolic with the dogs at almost every visit, there were awkward times when they were prevented to try.

Bo had even convinced the beautiful Entertainment Tonight reporter to get gangbanged by all of her ranch hands, including the maids. Bo had been fucking the staff regularly for a few years now, with John’s approval.

That was a most pleasurable weekend. She and Julie shared all twenty of the staff between each other. Both women even managed to get two cocks in their pussies simultaneously on one occasion. But she had to remind Julie that the ranch hands were not aware of her bestial practices.

But that’s another story.

Since the poor receipts of ‘Bolero’ John was trying to find another project that would be right for his young, and horny wife. For months now he was stumped.

Then one night he was reading an old novel. It was ‘Tarzan of the Apes’ by E. R. Burroughs. That was when the idea came to him to do a remake of this classic. He discussed this idea with Bo to see if this might appeal to her.

The idea of a movie surrounded by jungle animals and blackmen definitely got her juices going. They spent the next few weeks talking about what they could and could not do on screen.

Of course Bo was insisting of a lot a nude scenes. She was just an exhibitionist at heart. And they both agreed that a number of animals would be on screen with her. But John had to reprimand his wife when she suggested some erotica scenes with some of those animals.

“Get real hon,” John said angrily. “The censures would crucify me and run us out of the movie business. You know that, so stop suggesting it.”

“Then how about afterwards,” Bo compromised. “Couldn’t we… you know… try them out.”

She gave him one of her trademark naïve, innocent glances and he conceded. After the movie was in the can he would allow her some free time with some of the animals on the set.

The next discussion was who would get the title role of ‘Tarzan.’ They looked through photos that were sent to the ranch from the various agents in Hollywood, but none of then seemed right for the role.

Finally John decided to hold a cattle call in order to find some new face for the role. What the Derek’s were looking for was someone very athletic and acrobatic. They weren’t all that concerned about the man’s speaking abilities as this role wouldn’t call for too many lines for him.

The casting selection went on for months, until John narrowed it down to three choices. The final decision would be made jointly between himself and his wife.

The final decision would be made jointly by John and Bo. She insisted on this. She wanted her leading man to present the right chemistry with her on the screen. And the easiest way to find that out would be by her own special method.

When John showed her the candidates pictures, Bo had to admit that they each looked very promising. But a picture just wouldn’t reveal the key ingredients. After discussing it further between each other, and between fucking, they decided to conduct the final interviews at the ranch.

So they invited each of the finalist for an individual weekend at the Derek Ranch.

The first candidate was eliminated very rapidly when he showed himself to be a hardcore homosexual who couldn’t hide his revulsion to a woman’s body. Even John had to scratch him out. How could the movie proceed when the main storyline was to be the budding romance between ‘Tarzan and Jane’ with an actor who got sick at seeing Bo Derek naked.

The next candidate was a young new actor by the name of Miles O’Keefe. He had a beautiful physique. Muscular, yet supple enough for the acrobatics required for the role. Now Bo only had to determine if the right chemistry could be exhibited between them.

Miles drove up in his beat up, old Chevy to the Derek’s Ranch. He followed the directions on the invitation that was sent to him by courier, courtesy of John Derek himself. He hoped that this was in regards to the screen test that he had done for the famous director.

‘This could be my big break,’ he thought to himself as he drove into the ranch grounds. ‘And if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll get to meet Bo Derek.’

As yet he wasn’t made aware of the details of the movie project, or even if Bo Derek would be the star. But he was hoping. He knew from John Derek’s work, that his wife is almost always in his productions.

Just like every heterosexual, healthy male around the world, Miles O’Keefe was not immune to the physical charm of the star of the movie ’10’. Many a night he had masturbated just thinking of the perfectly firm example of the female body.

Mind you, with his physique, he never had any difficulty in meeting women. Once they saw his muscular chest, they couldn’t wait to jump his bone. But Bo Derek was the Gold Medal of womanhood in his book. He had yet to find any woman to match her.

Bo was riding back from the lake on Geronimo, after another love session, when she heard the old Chevy’s muffler blast an explosive backfire. The loud noise momentarily startled her stallion. But she was an excellent horseback rider and Geronimo had steady nerves. He settled down almost immediately.

As she approached the stables she saw the vehicle in question. And from a distance she could see the silhouette of their guest grabbing his overnight bag. She hurried Geronimo along and handed to one of the ranchmen to give him his rub down. She was anxious to meet candidate number two, after the disappointment of the first one, she wanted to get things moving in the right direction.

John met Miles at the door and the two men shook hands. One of the housekeepers led the young man to the guest bedroom where he unpacked. She was a Cherokee native, with the typical high cheek bones that made them so sexy looking. She was in her mid-twenties and quite attractive.

“Mr. Derek will be waiting for you in his study,” the housekeeper told him. “It’s the first door at the bottom of the main stairs, on your right.”

“Thank you,” Miles said politely. “And what is your name?”

“Maria sir,” she told him.

“Miles. My name is Miles,” he smiled at her. ‘Wouldn’t mind knowing her a bit better,” he thought to himself.

She smiled and closed the door to the room as she left. She headed back to the kitchen thinking how hot this man was.

‘Maybe if he is here long enough,’ she was thinking. ‘I will have an opportunity to be alone with him.’

Miles busily unpacked his bag. He didn’t bring much with him though. Firstly, because like all struggling actors, he didn’t own a whole lot. Secondly, he understood from his screen test that his physical attributes will count immensely in his chances.

With that in mind he brought clothing that would show of his body the best. Mostly shorts and very tight shirts and T-shirts, and of course his Speedo swimwear if swimming is available.

When he was finished settling in, he headed back down the stairs to rejoin Mr. Derek. He followed the directions given to him by the beautiful Maria and knocked on the door of the study.

“Come in,” he heard the director answer.

Miles opened the door and walked in. john was sitting behind his mahogany desk and pointed over to a comfortable looking chair nearby. He followed his directions, sat down and waited.

John was reviewing some notes while the poor young actor squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. The director smiled inwardly.

‘Why is it that new actors are always so nervous around me,’ he was thinking to himself.

Anyway, this next stage of the interview couldn’t get started until Bo arrived, and he expcted her any moment now.

As if on command, Bo Derek walked through the doors. Miles leaped nervously to great her.

‘God, she’s even more beautiful in person,’ his thoughts flooded him.

Bo had to cough aloud twice before it registered to him. He looked down and saw his hand shaking hers like a complete moron. As his eyes drifted up towards her face, they couldn’t help but pause at her famous cleavage.

John had to cough himself to awaken the poor young actor. Miles forced himself out of his daydreaming and looked straight into the most beautiful face that he could ever hope of meeting.

“Won’t you introduce me to our guest, John,” Bo said.

“So sorry dear,” John began.

He shuffled through his notes trying to find the boy’s name.

“Mi… Miles O’Keefe,” Miles answered for himself. “You don’t know what a pleasure it is to me you. Meet you both. I’ve been a great admirer of both your works.”

“I’m sure you have,” Bo said smiling broadly.

She had heard the same compliment time and time again. And most of the time it actually meant, ‘I love your body,’ or ‘You have the most beautiful tits in the world.’ And she suspected that for this young man it was one of the latter two, rather than her movie credits.

Just to tease him and see his reaction, she bowed over in a curtsy and gave him a ringside view of her cleavage. She heard a loud gulp escape his throat as he got a glimpse of Bo Derek’s assets up close. She and John both smiled to themselves.

The three of them settled back down in the chairs of the study and the first part of the interview began. They asked Miles some typical questions regarding acting. Has he worked before, what school he went to, and so on. Then they began asking questions that would be pertinent to this particular role.

“Have you ever owned a pet before, Miles?” Bo asked him.

He was a bit taken aback at that. What does this have to do with acting?

“Uh! Yes,” he answered. “Used to have a bloodhound back home. That was years ago though.”

“And do you think you’d be comfortable working with animals?” It was John’s turn to ask this time.

“Uh! I guess so,” he was getting confused now. “Could I ask what kind of animals we’re talking about here?”

“Jungle animals mostly,” John answered honestly. “Monkeys, elephants, lions and the likes. You don’t have to worry though. They are all perfectly trained.”

“Okay,” he gulped. “I guess I can handle that.”

“And how about nude scenes,” Bo asked. “Do you think you’d be comfortable doing that on screen.”

Miles gulped even louder now.

‘Were they talking about a nude scene with Bo?’ Miles mind was racing. ‘Of course they were talking about her. Who else would John Derek cast in the female lead.’

The thought of him lying next to a naked Bo Derek was getting his heart pounding faster and faster. He was losing control of some bodily function by now. Most specifically, his penis.

Blood was rushing to his groin and a hard-on was pushing against the confines of his tight jeans. He was beginning to cross his legs, trying desperately to hide it from the Derek’s sight.

Both John and Bo knew what was going on with the young actor. They could see him fidget nervously trying to hide his bulging pants. They continued with the interview as if they hadn’t noticed though.

“How about your passport and immunization shots,” John asked him. “Are you up to date.”

Miles was getting a bit nervous now. He had his passport in the hopes of traveling someday, but as yet it hadn’t been used. But what concerned him most was his immunization. Would the fact that he hadn’t gotten his shots kill his chances?

“N… no,” he answered nervously. “I never had to travel before.”

“Don’t worry about it,” John smiled at him. “We just need to know, in case you’re to join us on location.”

Miles sighed a sigh of relief. At least his career wasn’t over before it had a chance to get started.

The questions kept coming at him about various things. Everything seemed to be going fine so far. He was beginning to think that he might actually have the inside track for the job. Of course, he didn’t know how many others might also be in the running.

“Now then,” John broke into his thoughts. “We’ll need to see exactly how athletic you are. This particular role will be very demanding, and you’d have to do most of your own stunts. Don’t worry though, none of them are too dangerous.”

“I have no problem with doing my own stunts, sir,” he pointed out to the famous couple.

“John,” the director interrupted. “If we’re going to work together, get used to calling me by my name. Will you?”

“Okay,” Miles answered, smiling. “John.”

“And you should start calling me by my name,” Bo threw in. “Don’t you think so Miles? Mrs. Derek makes me sound so old. No offense John honey.”

Her husband smiled at her jibe. He had long been accustomed to his wife being referred to as Bo, rather than her full name. After all she was a sex icon around the world, always in the public eye. While he was generally in the background.

With all the hints that the Derek’s were giving him, Miles started to relax a bit more. He was feeling more and more confident that this was going to work out to his benefit. Though he was still fidgeting to hide his hard-on in his pants from the famous couple.

After three grudgingly long hours, they took a break for dinner. At the table the conversation went more with recent events around the world. Miles was impressed at Bo’s general knowledge of current events. He had fallen in the trap of association her blonde beauty and typecast her as a dumb blonde.

This thought him the lesson of judging people by their accomplishments, not their appearance. It was a lesson that he wouldn’t forget.

The discussion drifted to different topics, then Bo slanted towards the internet.

“So Miles,” she would ask him. “Do you own a computer? Have you ever gone on the Internet?”

“No,” he answered. “I haven’t the money to indulge myself as yet. But I hope to buy one as soon as I can afford it. In today’s world, a computer seems to be a must.”

“That’s true,” John added his opinion. “All too true. Even in this industry of ours we are working more and more with computers. It wouldn’t surprise me if special effects won’t be taken over by computer software in the next few years.”

His words would prove quite prophetic, this was a few years before the CGI effects craze hit Hollywood.

Miles and Bo both agreed with John on the power of the computer in the movie industry of today.

“I’ve been exploring the World Wide Web in the past few weeks,” Bo interjected. “You wouldn’t believe what is available there.”

“Like what?” Miles had to ask, his curiosity was peaked.

John smiled at his wife and nodded his approval for her to continue.

“Well,” she began. “For one thing. Everyone seems fascinated with nude pictures of celebrities. Movies, television, singers, sports. It doesn’t seem to matter.”

Not owning a computer as yet, Miles was unaware of this. He had heard such accounting from a few of his friends but he had never seen any for himself.

“Really?” He sounded excited at the idea.

“Yes,” Bo continued. “If an actress, or actor, never posed nude. These people on the websites would fake nude pictures of them. Personally, I don’t think that they will have to bother doing something like that for me.”

Miles smiled at her straight forwardness. He didn’t dare vocalize his agreement to her honesty, for fear of enraging her. Or her husband for that matter. This was no time to throw away the opportunity of a lifetime.

“You must be very popular,” Miles chanced. “On the web, I mean.”

“Why thank you Miles,” Bo smiled at him. “That’s so nice of you to say. But I’m afraid not. The most sought after, are pictures of those actresses that have never exposed themselves.”

“I guess it’s because people have more to fantasize about dear,” John threw in, smiling at his wife. “The hidden treasure effect I guess we’d have to call it.”

Bo stuck out her tongue at him for his insensitivity, then laughed aloud at his jibe. The two men joined in her laughter as they finished dinner.

When they were done, they walked out to the patio to continue the interview in a more relaxed setting.


Part Eleven

Miles O’Keefe’s interview with Bo and John Derek continued till well past eleven o’clock that night.

“Well,” John looked at his watch. “I think that that’s enough for today. We’ll pick up again tomorrow morning.”

Bo got up from her bench and kissed the young actor of the cheek, wishing him a good night’s sleep. Then she turned and followed her husband to the master bedroom. Miles just stared at her sensuous buttocks as they strode away from him.

His daydreaming was interrupted by the presence of Maria, the Cherokee housekeeper of the ranch. In her mid twenties, she was a beautiful young woman in her own right. A slim figure with a nice set of jugs which compliment her five foot six inch frame, and must have weighed in at about 95 pounds. All in all a picture of beauty.

“Will you be requiring anything else this evening?” She asked him.

Miles hesitated a few moments before daring the question that he had in mind.

“Would you like to stay the night with me?” He asked her.

Maria just smiled shyly and nodded her head up and down. Taking his hand she pulled him to his feet and led him back to the guestroom that was assigned to him for the weekend.

Once in his room, Miles reached around her and gave her chest a squeeze, to which she gave a gratifying sigh. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that this native beauty didn’t bother with a bra, her housekeeping uniform had hidden that fact from him beforehand.

He turned her around and worked the back buttons of her uniform loose with his hands as he kissed her deeply. She returned the kiss by sucking on his fishing tongue, then sending her own past his lips.

In a matter of moments she stood before him only in her panties, garterbelt, stockings and high heels. She was an exquisite site. Her aureoles were only dime size, but he liked them that way. Already he could see how excited she was becoming as her nipples were stiffening before his eyes.

She pulled the pins holding her raven hair up, and they tumbled down to her ass. Miles could never get over how a woman’s hair could be hidden no matter its true length. She looked like an Indian princess before him.

He proceeded to strip off his shirt and showed her his well developed chest. He had put a lot of work on his muscle tone, in the hopes that one day this would win him a part in an action film. And he knew that his goal might be near.

Maria smiled her approval at seeing Miles naked chest. He was has sexy looking as she had imagined. She approached the muscular chest and began sucking on his nipples. Miles didn’t know how erotic a sensation this would cause him. He could feel his cock pushing against his tight pants.

As Maria continued sucking on his chest, Miles managed to unfasten his belt and unsnapping his pants. It took a bit of effort to get those tight jeans off, while not disturbing Maria’s expert treatment.

When he was down to his shorts, Miles lifted Maria’s face by her chin and began kissing her deeply as he effortlessly took her in his arms. He carried her towards the kingsize bed that was his, and deposited her gently. He then dropped on top of her slim figure and caressed her gently.

“Mmmmm!” Maria moaned. “Oh yes, sir. Do continues.”

“Miles,” he corrected her. “You can call me Miles.”

“Yes Miles,” she giggled like a child.

He slid one hand between their bodies and found her mound. He would then insert it past the waistband of her panties and located her vagina. He knew how excited the young woman was getting for she was already all wet between her loins.

Maria arched her back when Miles fingers touched her pussy. It had been so long since she had had a lover. Occasionally the mistress of the house would call on her for sexual pleasure, which she also enjoyed. But the ranch hands were so, so rough, she didn’t consort with them at all.

That only left her with her time in the outlying towns, when she had the time to travel there on her days off. But the pickings were slim at best. This weekend, she was presented with this actor stud and she would be happy. And she would please him at his leisure.

Miles slid his body down hers and suckled on her firm breast and nipples. Again Maria moaned in ecstasy at finding such a tender lover. She wrapped her fingers into his long locks of hair and shoved him into her breasts, no wanting him to stop.

Miles was only too happy to oblige. He would shift his lips from one aureole to the other. And was pleased hearing Maria’s moaning. But he wanted a freer access to her pussy. So in desperation, he began pulling on the thin material of her silky panties.

Maria heard the tearing sound of her panties as the young actor kept pulling on them. Two more tugs and her panties came apart in his hands.

Now that Miles had opened the access to Maria’s pussy he pushed two fingers in the woman’s cunt and began to fuck his hand in and out. Maria began shacking as the first of many orgasm to come hit her. It had been so long since she had had such a fine lover indeed.

She began humping her hips into Miles thrusting hand. She wanted more to fill her emptiness. All the while she continued stroking his hair as he never relinquished her nipples. Miles added a third finger in her hungry pussy and continued to fuck her feverishly.

Miles continued with this foreplay for another few minutes then rolled of the beautiful housekeeper. She looked over to him and saw that he wanted her to come over to him.

She slid down in between his legs and pulled off his Speedo underwear. She gasped in pleasure when she saw the size of his manhood. Even only semi-erect it already measured nine inches. She daren’t guess how big it would get when he would bury it in her wanting pussy.

She bent down and took the semi hard cock in her mouth and began to breath life into this sex serpent. Miles closed his eyes as he felt those soft lips wrap themselves around his penis. He resisted the temptation to hump upwards into her. He wanted her to have the full satisfaction of getting him ready for their upcoming love session.

Maria brushed her hair aside so he could watch her as she deep-throated his cock. He didn’t think that this petite woman, no matter how sexy looking, would be able to manage such a feat. But he would let her do her best nonetheless.

Maria felt confident that she could take any cock as deep as necessary. After all, she was under the tutelage of Bo Derek. And the mistress of the house was very generous in teaching her all the tricks that she knew of.

Miles cock grew to its full twelve inches after only a few moments of Maria’s sucking. The housekeeper was ecstatic at the beautiful rod that was awaiting her. The petite woman knelt before him and shuffled forward so that she would be straddling his crotch. She wanted to impale herself on that iron hard cock.

Miles reached up and grabbed her by her slim waist. He also wanted to get the beautiful woman on his shaft. He slowly guided her down to his cock which was standing straight up like a flag pole.

With her hand on his cock she helped in guiding it to her waiting pussy. She held her breath as that thick cock began slipping past her blood engorged cuntlips. She slowly settled herself on his lap, trying to get all twelve inches inside of her.

Meanwhile, Miles had transferred his hand to her breast and was busily massaging those beautiful mass of female flesh. He just loved the feel of a firm woman’s breast in his hands. He lifted himself forward and sucked on one then the other.

He wasn’t oblivious to the sensation he war receiving from his shaft as it disappeared in Maria’s gaping love hole. Their breathing was getting shallower as each inch became part of her.

It took a few tries but Maria finally managed to sit herself on Miles lap, taking all twelve inches up her snatch. She settled down for a few seconds before she started lifting herself up off his loin until only its head was still encased by her pussylips.

Then she just drove her body down hard and took all that fleshy staff inside of her. Miles huffed at her enthusiasm, then participated himself by lifting her back up. And drove his hip off the mattress to meet her descending body.

The two soon had a rhythm established and they were soon working up a sweat because of it. Miles wrapped his arms around her back and kissed her deeply as their thrusting continued.

“Oh yes Miles,” she exclaimed. “Shove that gorgeous cock up my pussy. Kiss my tits. Bite on them if you like.”

Miles just grunted in her breast as he continued fucking her up and down on his lap.

“Fuck!” He yelled aloud. “You feel so good and smell so nice.”

Her long hair trailing behind her were actually tickling his balls which just increased his excitement. Maria knew of the effect her hair had on men. It took her years of practice to achieve this intentionally. She would shake her head sideways to move her stresses in the desired direction.

Miles had never felt something so good. His balls kept tightening with each stroke of the housekeepers hair. And each time, his hip would shoot upwards to meet her downward thrust.

“Ungh! Ungh!” Miles kept grunting. “You are the best fuck I’ve ever had.”

“Oooooh! Yes baby,” Maria exuded. “You’re driving me crazy. It’s been so long.”

Miles couldn’t understand how a gorgeous woman like her would have any problem getting any man she wanted, or any other woman for that matter. He pushed that thought aside and concentrated on their fucking.

Maria had increased the tempo. She was now bouncing on his lap at a furious pace. Up and down, up and down she went. So fast that Miles was having a problem keeping up. But that wasn’t about to stop him. He loved a woman that took charge.

Their love making continued through the night. But unbeknownst to the fucking couple, they were being observed via close circuit television from the master bedroom.

John Derek was behind his wife, Bo, ramming his stiff shaft in her ass as they both looked at the viewscreen at the two lovers in the guestroom.

“You see honey,” Bo told her husband. “I told you that camera was a good idea.”

John looked at the two on the screen and had to agree with his wife. Ever since he started playing the voyeur in her wife’s bestial activities, he found himself more aroused then ever. And to see their housekeeper, Maria, taking this young man’s impressive cock had him as horny as ever.

‘How did I ever miss noticing what a beautiful body Maria had,’ John was scolding himself.

Mind you, with a wife like Bo Derek around, why should he even bother looking around.

Bo on the other hand knew all about Maria’s attributes. Many a times she would invite the housekeeper to stay with her whenever John was away on business. But Maria was still in the dark in regards to the her mistress’ usage of the animals on the ranch.

“Ohhhh, John,” Bo said excitedly. “Did you see the size of Miles cock.”

“Uh! Uh!” John agreed. “Got you going. Didn’t it?”

“Really John,” Bo teased him. “You know that you’re the only one for me.”

“Yeah, right,” John played along.

Like a spoiled brat, Bo stuck her tongue out to him, which he sucked in his mouth in a loving kiss. They returned their attention to Miles and Maria. Bo was pleased that her pupil, Maria, managed to take that whole twelve inch cock in her so rapidly.

Maria leaned forward after another explosive orgasm hit her. She flattened herself to Miles chest crushing her tits against him. Miles grabbed her buttocks and rocked her body to and fro so as to continue the fucking.

Bo and John could see the man’s cock sliding in and out of their housekeeper’s grasping pussylips. They then saw Miles pulling her asscheeks apart exposing her cute asshole to their view.

“How would you like to stick you meat there babe,” Bo asked her husband.

“Do you think she’d let me?” John asked hesitantly.

Their marriage was an open one. But more so for the benefit of Bo rather than himself. He had only had a few extra marital affairs, with his wife’s blessing. But seeing such a beauty under his nose at the ranch got him thinking about it more seriously.

Miles was nearing his climax by now. And Maria had already experienced four thanks to his expertise. When he finally shot his load deep inside her vagina, it triggered her fifth orgasm of the night.

“I think that Miles might be what we’re looking for,” Bo suggested.

“What we’re looking for, for the movie,” John answered back. “Or what you’re looking for, you horny little bitch?”

Bo smiled back at him. Her husband knew her so well. They turned their attention back to the screen as they watched Miles endless cock slipping out of Maria’s clenching vagina. When that cock popped out, a stream of jism came leaking out.

Bo couldn’t wait for her chance to get at that luscious cock. And she knew that John wouldn’t object. In fact she hoped that he would join in when it happened.

John was thinking along the same lines by including Maria in the festivities.

The married couple continued to watch the two people on the screen as Miles and Maria were rearranging themselves for the classic 69 position.

Bo watched gleefully as Miles busily cleaned out her Cherokee housekeeper’s vagina of his how sperm. And Maria sank her mouth on his still rigid cock. Just then she felt her husband empty himself in her ass. She squirmed in pleasure on his shooting rod while never losing sight of the other couple.

Miles concentrated himself on Maria’s clit while slipping his middle finger in her ass burying it to his knuckle. Maria groaned in pleasure. She pushed her back against his intruding finger and began fucking herself on it.

He thrust his hip upwards, driving his twelve inch cock deep down her throat not worrying if Maria could handle it. She had proven herself quite capable earlier in their encounter.

The two couples fucked themselves throughout the night and all of them slept in that next morning.

Bo and John were the first to get up. Bo looked over on the screen and smiled as she saw Maria cuddled next to, whom she hoped would be her co-star in the ‘Tarzan’ movie. They both dressed and headed for the patio for lunch, as it was already past noon.

Passing by the guestroom door, Bo knocked on it lightly.

“Miles,” Bo spoke through the door. “Why don’t you join us on the patio for lunch.”

Miles woke up with a start at hearing the starlet’s voice. Then he glanced down at the beautiful naked form of Maria and smiled, remembering the evening they had just spent together.

He decided to treat himself to another moment of pleasure and slipped his semi-hard cock in her vagina. And began pumping into her again.

Maria woke in the middle of being fucked and smiled up at the young man fucking into her.

“Nothing feels better,” she told him. “Like waking up stuffed.”

They both laughed aloud as the humping continued.

Twenty minutes later Miles made his appearance on the patio where John and Bo Derek were enjoying the sunny day, wearing sunglasses. He sat at the table and poured himself a cup of coffee and began sipping it slowly.

“Good day Miles,” John said.

“You slept well I take it,” Bo added smiling. “Was Maria able to give you everything you needed.”

Miles coughed up the coffee he had just drank, grabbing a napkin to minimize the mess he was creating.

“You had all the covers that you required, didn’t you?” Bo loved to tease young men like this whenever the situation presented itself.

“No, no,” Miles sputtered. “Everything was perfect in fact.”

Just then Maria appeared with plates of hotcakes for their meal. She smiled curtly to Miles as she set his plate in front of him. Bo smiled at her knowingly, which caused the native American to blush slightly. Miles didn’t notice, so he was unaware that the Derek’s knew of their time together the previous evening.


Part Twelve

Today would be the follow-up to Miles O’Keefe’s audition for John and Bo Derek for their next movie project. A project that was as yet to be revealed to him.

After finishing lunch, the three of them headed for the stables. Once there they mounted the horses that were prepared for them by some of the hands.

Miles followed the famous couple as they headed down the trail which lead to their private lake. He noticed that a couple of their guard dogs were following as well. He wasn’t too concerned about it though. He was sure that they were well trained animals.

He admired the countryside as they rode along. And could only dream of ever owning such property himself one day.

They rode side by side as John and Bo continued to ask him various questions relating to the movie project.

When they finally reached the lake shore, they followed it until they reached a cabin with a dock reaching out over the lake. They each dropped to the ground and tied the horses to the railing that was there. Then Bo gave a short tour to Miles through the cabin.

“We use this whenever we want a bit more privacy than normal,” she told him.

“It’s a beautiful locale,” he complimented her.

“Why thank you Miles,” she twinkled her nose at him.

Then they both joined John sitting on the deck outside. Bo brought out some refreshments and settled in the easychair next to her director husband.

“Now then,” John began. “For this next stage I have to see if there is the right chemistry between you and Bo.”

Miles gulped aloud. His suspicion that he was being cast as Bo Derek’s love interest in this project seemed to be confirming themselves.

“Wha… what do I have to do?” He asked the director.

“Not a thing, my boy,” John smiled at the nervous young man. “Not a blessed thing. In fact, you most show no interest in her whatsoever.”

‘Now how am I supposed to do that,’ Miles thought to himself. ‘In fact, how is any man supposed to succeed.’

John settled in his chair and glanced at his waiting wife. She saw his signaling glance and stood up before both men. Then to Miles shocked amazement, she began stripping off her clothing before him. He had to force his will to his crotch to try and prevent his penis from reacting.

Bo continued to seductively strip for him. First came her shirt, braless of course, exposing those beautiful melons of her’s. Next, she turned around facing her husband, and bent at the waist as she proceeded to slide her riding pants down those long slim legs of hers.

Miles had an eyeful of her muff only a few feet away. He was finding nearly impossible to control his blood to his crotch. Any second now he expected to be disqualified because of it.

John whispered something in Bo’s hear and slapped her buttocks as she smiled at his suggestion. She turned around to face the young prospect again and sucked on her forefinger. Then proceeded to trace it along the length of her body down to her vagina.

Miles could only watch, mesmerized, as he saw that finger disappear in her love tunnel. That was it. He couldn’t hold of any longer. The front of his pants tented by his stiffening cock. He looked up in desperation to see Bo Derek smiling down at him.

Bo lowered herself to her knees before him and began to unfasten the young actors pants. Miles looked over to John Derek, only to see the older man stroking his own cock as he watched his wife attacking his crotch.

He concluded that they wanted to go through with this. He obliged by lifting his butt off the chair so Bo could pull his pants and underwear off of him.

Then Bo literally jumped on his cock and swallowed it in a single gulp. He thought that Maria, the Derek’s young housekeeper, was a good cocksucker. But he soon discovered that Bo Derek was as talented as she looked.

She continued to suck on that beautiful mancock and Miles began humping his ass of the chair to drive it even deeper. He closed his eyes. Never in his wildest fantasies about her had he ever imagined Bo Derek’s mouth to feel so good.

John looked on with him smiling. Then he noticed Bud and Dodger climbing onto the deck.

‘This could be interesting,’ he thought to himself.

Miles was unaware of the new arrivals. He was much too engrossed in Bo’s luscious lips to worry about anything right now.

Bo felt the dogs presence when they stuck their snout in between her legs and began licking her hot pussy.

‘They must have smelled me,’ she was telling herself as she continued to suck Miles’ twelve incher.

Not wanting to give up a free licking, she spread her legs apart to give the two canines a better access to her cunt. The dogs knew about this and began feeding themselves ravishingly on her leaking pussy.

Miles was getting somewhat distracted by the strange slurping sound that his hears had picked up. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the most fantastic sight.

There, behind the kneeling Bo Derek, were the two large German Shepherd guard dogs that had followed them to the lake. And they were both busily licking the superstar’s pussy.

He looked over to John and saw that he was enjoying the show with the dogs. Could it be that the Derek’s have done this before with the dogs? He couldn’t be sure of course, but it seemed likely.

As he continued watching the dogs slurp their large tongues into Bo’s cunt, his cock surged even harder than he had ever experienced before. He slid his hands over Bo’s head and began fucking her face as he would a pussy.

In and out his cock went in her mouth. John began stroking faster at seeing that long hard cock appear, almost entirely, and then disappear in his wife’s willing gullet. Then he would be drawn back to the dogs as they continued to eat her out.

Bo began undulating her back. A signal that the dogs recognized as her wanting a cock stuffed in her cunt. Dodger took the lead and leapt on his mistress’ back. Miles looked into that wolf-like face as the large dog humped in search of her hole.

“Mmmmmmmm!” Bo hummed along the length of Miles cock.

The vibration brought him to climax. He could feel that Bo had no problem swallowing his load as it shot into her mouth. She gulped it as fast as he could shoot it.

After he had emptied his balls, Bo refused to release it. Instead she kept on sucking it back to life as Dodger located her pussy and drove his own shaft into her depths.

“Ungh!” Bo grunted as the large doggy cock invaded her.

She concentrated her efforts at getting Miles hard again. She didn’t have long to wait. The sight of the big dog fucking his fantasy girl was more than he could have imagined. But the sight was too damn erotic not to affect him.

He was twisting in his chair trying to get a better view of her dog stuffed pussy. But all he could make out was the rapidly humping behind of the dog as it drove its cock into the movie star. All that he could do was to fuck her face once more and hope that the dog wouldn’t finish before he got a chance to see the action up close. He didn’t care if it cost him his movie deal, he just had to see it.

As Bo continued sucking in Miles cock, Dodger reached around her face and swiped his thick doggy tongue along the length of the young actors cock as it was exposed, before Bo swallowed it back to the depths of her throat.

And each time it would slip out of her mouth, there was the large guard dog adding his own tongue to the festivities.

This was a new twist to the Dereks, and definitely new to Miles O’Keefe. John shot his load within a few moments of seeing Dodger participate in the young man’s oral pleasure of his wife’s talented tongue. His cum flew threw the air to land next the kneeling blonde movie star.

Bud, the second dog, was watching intently his canine brother’s antics and decided to try it himself. He trotted over the exhausted John Derek and began lavishing his now limp cock with his doggy tongue.

John was either too tired to care, or too curious not to try. He couldn’t decide. He let the large dog continue with his licking his cock and balls as he tried to follow the antics of the threesome across from him. He saw that Dodger’s knot was ready to immerse itself in his wife’s cunt so he watched.

Dodger’s next thrust shoved his large knot into the slim actress and locked into place.

“Oooh!” Bo mumbled around Miles cock.

Her eyes shot up at the young man’s face for a reaction. Miles was too engrossed at the dog’s tongue on his cock and her mouth wrapped around that same shaft to notice what had happened at her rear.

She was slightly disappointed that he didn’t seem to care. But then again she couldn’t really blame the poor boy. His mind was somewhere else at the moment. So she simply resumed sucking on his stiff cock.

Then for no apparent reason she pulled her succulent mouth from his cock and pushed Dodger away as well. Miles was shocked by the sudden absence of the two. He looked down pleadingly at the starlet with begging eyes.

Bo looked back up at him and smiled that ever so innocent smile of hers. She curled a finger edging him to come join her.

“I’ve got something much better planned for you,” she said softly. “First, I want you to turn Dodger around.”

“Dodger?” Miles asked, confused.

“The dog silly,” she smiled. “Turn him around.”

Miles did as he was told. That’s when he discovered that the dog’s cock was locked inside her pussy somehow. When he had done as her was told, Bo and Dodger were butt-to-butt. With his cock still buried inside of her.

It was a funny sight to someone not yet familiar with this type of sexual play.

“Now,” she continued. “I want you to stick that beautiful cock of yours in my butt.”

Miles smiled as he looked down and saw her puckered bunghole just waiting for him. He straddled across her back and Dodger’s and aimed his cock down towards the target. He lowered his buttock and pushed gently forward as his cockhead entered her sphincter easily.

‘Obviously, she’d done this before,’ he thought to himself.

He had double-fucked other woman before, but never with a dog a the third party. He continued pushing into her until about half his cock was in. That’s when he began feeling the strange bulbous mass of the dog’s knot through the thin membrane that separated them.

John watched knowingly at the horny threesome before him. He knew that the time was near for the next step. A step he was now reluctant to go ahead with for it would require him giving up Bud for the moment.

At Bo’s signal he got up and led the second Shepherd to the front of the threesome. Miles was confused as to what was about to occur. That is until he saw the second dog mount Bo’s shoulders from the front. That’s when he realized that she was to take that cock in her mouth.

This was beyond imagining. How could Bo Derek, the woman of every man’s dream be so deviant as to, not only fuck with dogs, but also suck their cocks.

He couldn’t complain much though. He was enjoying it all way too much. He pushed another three inches in her ass and continued to try and work in the remainder.

He twisted sideways and could see the strange shape of the dog’s cock as it disappeared past her lips. He also had his first glimpse at the knot.

‘That must be the lump locking her with the other dog,’ he correctly surmised.

He continued ramming his twelve inch cock in her tight ass, and each time he pulled on his out-storke it would shove her more on Dodger’s locked cock.

This went on for a good ten minutes before he felt his balls tighten and empty in her waiting ass. Bo could feel the warm fluid as it filled her.

Miles weakly pulled himself out of her and stumbled to the deck. He looked over to her and smiled as he watched his fantasy idol with two dog cocks stuffing her at both ends. She was skewered by these two monstrous shafts, like a pig over a Bar-B-Q pit.

He shuffled under her and took one of Bo’s stiff nipple in his mouth. He soon realized that he was joined by her husband on her other tit.

Bo Derek was being serviced by four males, two human and two canine.

‘Can life get better than this?’ She asked herself.


Part Thirteen

Miles O’Keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek’s next movie project, a remake of ‘Tarzan.’

Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek’s quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus.

He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek’s young housekeeper, the Cherokee beauty Maria, the fucking of her life. The poor girl had actually passed out from the tremendous orgasms she had received.

That same week he was shipped out to Africa to meet the animal trainers. He needed to get the animals used to him before the shooting started a few months later.

He had no trouble with the monkeys. There were chimpanzees and Orang-
Otangs mostly. All of them were well trained, they followed his commands as he was taught by the trainers without question.

He was a bit more concerned about the bigger animals for the set. Such as the elephant and the lion. Especially the lion.

That huge cat looked so menacing, despite the trainers reassurance that they had been declawed. But eventually he did get over his fear and actually enjoyed wrestling with the big cat. Something that was added to the movie once he suggested it to John later.

John and Bo Derek conferred with Miles about his progress.

“Everything’s going great,” he told them. “In fact, I’d like to suggest an addition to the script.”

That’s when he suggested that his character, ‘Tarzan’, wrestle with the big cat. John liked the idea. He was glad that their choice for the role was so resourceful and willing. They spent the next few days going over the script to see if other things could be improved.

Bo was looking forward to the actual filming. The thought of being surrounded by dozens of African black’s that were hired for extras as porters for the movie was getting her wet already. In fact, the hiring of these extras was her contribution to the movie production.

She had managed to hire all of the extras required at below union rates. One night, john had queried her about that.

“You’ve got to tell me hon,” John asked. “How did you get them to agree to that?”

“Well, I kind of offered fringe benefits,” she smiled at him as she said it.

“What kind of benefits?” John was a bit worried at how much that would cost.

“I offered my body,” she told him bluntly. “For as long as the production goes.”

John just laughed aloud. He should have known better than to ask. And the image of his wife getting gangbanged by a dozen or so blackmen came flooding into his mind. Maybe he would sit back and watch. And he knew that her taste ran towards the big cocks, so he expected each and everyone of them to be sporting impressive equipment.

Production began a week later. Things were proceeding smoothly with the filming. Their main concern was doing it on location in the middle of the African jungle. But no unexpected problems arose.

Of the whole cast, only Richard Harris who was playing ‘Jane’s’ father in the movie, was proving to be demanding. John had to arrange to fly him back to the city and his nice comfortable, and high priced, hotel room. He wouldn’t stay in the jungle as the rest of the cast did.

Bo didn’t mind this problem for it gave her the opportunity to keep her work to the cast of extras. The first night out, she had walked into the camp area reserved for the eighteen black men playing the role of slave porters for the movie.

The men all stood as she walked into their encampment. At first they couldn’t believe that a star of Bo Derek’s prominence was really serious with her offer of special service when she had hired them. But here she was approaching them all together.

As soon as the campfire began lighting her pale body’s silhouette she began stripping off her period costume. She wanted to live out the fantasy of this Victorian woman being ravaged by a troupe of savage black men.

The first of them approached her hesitantly. She just grabbed the closest and crushed her mouth to his thick lips.

When they saw that happen, the remainder rushed to her and proceeded to tear at the Victorian dress and accouterments that she was wearing. Bo struggled playfully against their attack as she heard the thick material tear and get ripped off her body.

Within moments she stood naked with only tatters of her dress hanging off of her. Her world famous breast sticking out proudly for all of them to see. Already her excitement was arousing her as her nipples stiffened before their eyes.

“Take me,” she commanded them. “You savages.”

As if on cue, the grabbed her forcefully and pulled her down to the ground. Two pounced at her blood engorged pussy and proceeded to eat her out.

Four others grabbed some of the tent stakes and pounded in the ground around her. When they were done, others joined in. And taking the remnants of her Victorian dress, went along with her wishes of a fantasy rape and tied her to the stakes.

While the two black men continued to suck on her pussy and clit, Bo found herself helplessly bound and spread-eagled before the pack of horny men. Wanting to continue with the play acting she began to beg for mercy.

“Please,” they heard her beg. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything. Anything you ask of me.”

One of the extras caught on to what she wanted and improvised the next line.

“This strange white woman is different from ours,” he said aloud.

Another smiled and jumped in.

“That is true,” he said. “But she has holes just like ours.”

“Do you think it is safe to mate?” A third said, as he pulled out is twelve inch cock.

Bo knew that each and everyone of the men had at least a twelve incher. She even knew of one with a sixteen inch cock, though she couldn’t see him at the moment. She knew that eventually, he would find her. But right now she had some serious fucking to handle.

The one who started the dialogue walked up to her head and knelt above her tied body. He then lowered his hard cock until it was just a few inches from her face.

Continuing with the playacting, Bo turned her head away in make believe disgust. The black man squeezed his big fingers to her sculpted cheek and turned her head back to his cock.

“You will milk me now,” he ordered her. “Milk like the whore you are.”

And with that he shoved the first few inches past her lips. Bo had to consciously prevent herself from sucking on this beautiful ebony shaft, even though she wanted it. She just had to maintain the play. The man also realized that she was feigning resistance.

“I think she wants us to really rape her,” he whispered to a man next to him.

The word got passed around and over half of their cocks surged with a bit more excitement.

Meanwhile the man with his cock in her mouth began to lower himself further. Shoving his thick rod further past her lips. They could all hear Bo Derek gurgle as more of their friend’s cock continued to disappear in that resisting mouth.

When he got six inches in, he could feel that his cock was now making its way down her throat. He could see that she wasn’t experiencing any difficulty so he continued.

Two more joined in and they each took one of her beautiful tits in their mouths and proceeded to suck on them energetically.

Down at her cunt, the two who had been sucking her to her first climax changed position. They did something that Bo rarely experienced. They were alternating fucking their cock in her pussy.

First one would drive his cock to the hilt inside her and pull out completely, letting his buddy shove his for one stroke and pulling out himself. This went on like this for a long time. That fuck lasted much longer than any single man could accomplish. In fact, it was close to as long as her fucking dogs could maintain. And their cocks each had different characteristics that drove her to multiple orgasms before they would cum themselves.

In the process of this new twist, three of the others had managed to shoot their own load down her throat. By that time all pretense of resistance evaded her. Her sexual energy took over, but they still kept her tied to the stakes on the ground.

Bo could feel two more cocks being placed in the palm of her tied hands, which she grasped instinctively and began jerking them. But the bindings were preventing her from doing it along their full length. But rather than untying her, the two men began fucking their stiff cocks in her bound hands.

“Mmmmmmmm!” She murmured aloud as she was thinking. ‘I think I made the right choice with these guys.’

When the two alternating fuckers finally shot their load in her cunt, they were replaced by the big boy of the bunch. The man with the sixteen incher lowered himself at her feet and fell heavily on top of her bound form. He reached down between them and guided his cock to the mouth of her pussy and rubbed it against her over excited pussylips.

“Do you want this,” he played along. “White bitch?”

Bo could only nod affirmatively as she had yet another cock buried down her throat.

Accepting the nod as her answer, he lowered himself into her pussy. Everything was going fine until he reached fourteen inches. It then required a bit more effort out of him to get the final two completely imbedded in her.

“Ungh!” Bo grunted.

Taking that sixteen incher was harder than she expected. Despite the fact that she had fucked her horse, Geronimo, once before. Her bondaged position made it awkward for the stud fucking her now to enter easily. But she couldn’t inform them of this, not while a cock was still fucking her face.

She gazed around above her, and saw so many black cocks being hand fucked in preparation of their turn. That she smiled despite the cock in her mouth. She increased her effort on that cock. She wanted a chance to fuck and suck each an everyone of them before this first night was out.

Finally one of them got the idea of sliding under her bound body and managed to guide his cock up her asshole from beneath. She now had three cocks filling her completely, as well as two fucking themselves into her clasping hands.

Three more times through the night she had all three holes filled at the same time. It was over two hours later before the men decided to untie her from the stakes. That’s when they discovered the real Bo Derek in action.

She almost leaped into the pack trying to take them all together. She knelt in the middle a seven of them and began to suck them one after another. She would suck in their cock. Lick it for a few seconds, then move on to the next. It took thirty minutes before they finally started shooting and she never lost a drop.

One after another they switched places throughout the nigh. Bo must have cum at least a dozen times herself. She had lost count on how many times the men had filled her holes.


Part Fourteen

Bo Derek continued fucking and sucking the, black movie extras, throughout the filming of ‘Tarzan’. Occasionally her husband, John Derek, or her leading man, Miles O’Keefe, would fuck her in their tent. A few times her two white lovers would just sit back and watched as the black actors had their way with her.

The filming continued uneventfully for the next three months. The first problem arose when Bo started showing up for her nude scenes sporting hickeys across her body, leaving no room for doubt that she had been sucked hard. Especially on her succulent breasts.

John had to be creative in hiding those blemishes on his wife’s beautiful body. That’s how he came up with that chalk white make-up in the movie.

The scene remained the same as originally planned except for that make-
up. It covered her from head to toe hiding all of those unsightly hickeys perfectly. Something that her fans in the audience wouldn’t have accepted, though they probably often fantasized about giving her some themselves.

You’ll remember that many of Bo’s nude scenes in the movie had her partially clothed or painted in that awful chalk white make-up. This would explain why she needed to cover herself so much during her scenes.

Bo, ever the exhibitionist, loved the scenes where Miles O’Keefe, alias ‘Tarzan’, was discovering the differences between man and woman. His poking at her naked tits as if it was something that would bite back was fun to do.

Miles improvised on the script and acted as a child with a toy balloon as he kept poking at her naked breast. Luckily for him, the scene was with them in a pond of water. The camera never got a glimpse of his hard-on as it tented his character’s loin cloth. Something that didn’t escape Bo’s view.

Right then and there she decided that this evening would belong to her co-star.

That being said, they continued filming the movie. The next scene had her being kidnapped by a savage tribe of natives and caged. She was surrounded by the tribal woman as they painted her body with the white make-up and she called out for her ‘father’, played by Richard Harris.

This is when her hero, ‘Tarzan’, comes to her rescue. They get away on the back of his elephant, followed by its herd as they trample the tribal village.

The end credits are then played where the audience sees ‘Tarzan and Jane’ play together on the shore of the river along with three large orangutans that are part of the animal cast.

What we are not made aware of at the time was that the filming crew had long since left. These particular scenes were filmed by John Derek himself. No other witnesses were around. Here now is the action that was cut from public view.

As we all saw in the end credits at the theater. Miles and Bo are playfully frolicking with the big apes for about fifteen minutes. These are the only clips that were added to the released copy. What went on afterwards was beyond censorship.

One of the large apes physically pushed Miles aside as he grabbed Bo’s arm. The ape had of grip made of iron. No matter what she did, Bo couldn’t get him to let her go. With his other humanlike hand, he pushed her to her back easily.

Despite their small frame, about a foot shorter than Bo, the apes were extremely strong creatures. Then the most unusual thing happened. Using his feet as another set of hands, he clasped Bo’s ankles and held her helplessly to the ground.

Bo struggled to get loose desperately. John and Miles stood helplessly by as the big ape held her down.

For the first time in her adult, even teenaged life, Bo was frightened about what might happen to her next. In her struggle she looked up and was faced with an unbelievable sight.

The orangutan was getting a hard-on and it was a beautiful hard-on too. Already it had reached a length of over a foot and seemed to be growing still.

Her fright was soon replaced by lust. The longer she stared at that solid piece of meat the more she wanted to go further.

As the ape cock continued to grow, it got closer to her face. The large simian wasn’t oblivious to her treasure either. His bestial sense of smell detected her love juices in the air and sniffed it back to its source. He then stuck out its long ape tongue and slithered it deep inside her vagina.

Bo was amazed at the length of the ape’s tongue. It must have been at least nine inches if not longer. It managed to reach deeper than any tongue she had ever had before, even the dogs. It was so much longer, and thicker too, than anything she had stuffed other than a cock that is.

John had a hard time believing that his young wife was actually enjoying this simian rape of her young body, even though she didn’t have a choice in the matter. Miles on the other hand had reached beneath his ‘Tarzan’ loin cloth and was busily stroking his cock at the sight of the famous sex symbol, as the ape had its way with her body.

The other two orangutans noticed their friend and what he was doing. They both approached cautiously to observe more closely.

As they came closer they too picked up the distinctive smell of sex in the air. The went straight for her groin. Bo could feel three thick simian tongues digging into her pussy. The one thing that she did notice as different about monkey tongues was that they were almost as thick as a human cock. But unlike a cock they would twist like a snake inside of her, reaching areas as yet untouched by a cock.

The two new simians had all their hands free and found her tits. They each grabbed one and began to maul them and pinching her nipples. One of them even went so far as to explore her butt and discovered her puckered asshole. He inserted one of his long, thick simian fingers and pushed it past her sphincter.

To Bo it felt like a cock was being inserted in her ass. Though she loved ass fucking a lot, this was the first time that a finger was giving her as good a penetration as a cock did. She squirmed her ass to entice the ape to continue and to try and get more of his finger inside of her. With each knuckle passing her tight ass ring, she orgasmed.

With all the tongue action at her cunt, Bo could no longer hold off on what she knew was inevitable. She lifted her head and gulped down the head of the first ape. The big ape raised his head up from her groin in surprise and looked around.

He couldn’t see how is cock could be buried somewhere when there wasn’t another cunt around. But its instincts took over and he hunched down driving his cock deeper in Bo’s mouth.

Then one of the other large beasts shoved the one holding her down aside. Though he never lost contact with Bo’s mouth. His cock kept fucking her throat. The shove did manage to dislodge him from her vagina, leaving it available to his buddy.

As soon as that ape saw her gaping vagina available, he scrunched down and inserted his own stiff cock at its entrance and thrust forward.

“Mmmmmmm!” Bo hummed in excitement at feeling the large penis enter her.

The two apes traded handholds of her limbs. The one stuffing her mouth kept holding onto her outstretched arms, while his kindred took hold of her ankles as he shoved more of his hard cock in her cunt.

The third great ape was somewhat left out. He could only satisfy himself with fingering her asshole and playing with her tips. He would occasionally lean over and suck hard, harder than any lover ever did before, on her famous breasts. He would leave large hickeys on them each time.

John and Miles looked on in fascination as the simians shoved their large penises in her mouth and pussy. They could clearly see her lips being stretched way out of shape to accommodate the great ape as his friend was having the same effect on her elastic pussylips.

Their own hands were a blur on their cocks as they pleasured themselves watching her with the three hairy orangutans. John, having less resilience than the younger Miles O’Keefe, shot his load first and it flew through the air towards the bestial foursome in front of him, but fell short.

Miles wanted to try and hold off as long as possible in the hopes that he could sink his own cock after the beasts had been done with her. But he didn’t think that he could hold off that long, or that the apes would be finishing anytime soon.

The two apes impaling her rolled themselves on the ground carrying Bo’s light body with them. She found herself suspended in the air. Her mouth and cunt still stuffed with their large members.

Now in this presented a target to the third simian rapist. He spied her puckered asshole available now. he removed his long finger from her bunghole and climbed on top of her, while the other two managed the weigh with ease.

Once on top he hunched down and guided his hard cock to Bo’s exposed ass. When that large penis forced its way in her ass, Bo had to resist from biting down on the cock in her mouth from the pain that it was causing her.

“Grrargh!” They heard her growl past the simian cock stuffing her mouth.

This anal invasion took much longer to get used to than any she had ever endured before. The great ape only managed to shove the first three inches into her before he stopped any further attempts. Bo’s ass muscles had stiffened and was keeping him out as best it could.

Meanwhile the other managed to shove more of their cocks in her other two orifices, as Bo was greatly distracted by the pain the ass fucker had inflicted on her.

As soon as she realized that the other two apes had shoved more meat in her, her ass muscles relaxed to concentrate on their invading dicks. This allowed the ass plunging ape to shove more of his in her butt.

This seesaw went on for endless minutes, until all three apes had buried their full lengths in all three of Bo Derek’s holes. And she had estimated each of them to measure at least fifteen inches. During the whole seesaw sequence, Bo kept having orgasm over orgasm. She couldn’t even tell when one ended or the next began.

Then in rhythmic unison the three apes began fucking her together. Bo was beyond herself as the three large cocks fucked in and out of her three holes.

For the first time in her sexual memory, Bo Derek passed out from sheer sexual bliss.

John and Miles looked worried when they saw her whole body go limp in the midst of the bestial rape. At first, they feared that she might have died from the ape sexual attack. But they soon relaxed when they both noticed that her breathing remained regular, even though her body showed no sign of life. They soon realized that she had in fact passed out from ecstasy.

The sight of Bo Derek unconscious and suspended, like a limp ragdoll, in the air by the great apes caused both their pricks to revive themselves. Within a few seconds their hands found their cocks and began stroking themselves all over again.

“Mmmmmh!” Bo started to regain consciousness a few moments later.

Her eyes fluttered open to stare blankly at the first apes hairy ball just inches from her face. She could see how big they were and could only imagine how much jism they must hold.

The three simian cock continued to fuck her senseless.

‘How long can they keep going?’ She was beginning to wonder.

The orangutan in her pussy was the first to give sign that he was nearing climax. Bo could feel its cock twitch inside her just a few moments before the hot simian semen flooded her womb. Just the sudden intrusion of that cum drove her to yet another orgasm. The flow never seemed to stop. His cock kept spurting like an open tap.

John and Miles smiled as they saw the great ape in her pussy lurch his head back and let out a might savage below. Then they could see simian semen squirt out past Bo’s clenching pussy lips. They knew then just how much cum was being injected inside of her.

They began to worry about the one stuffing her mouth. If he also began shooting such an amount of jism, she may choke to death before they could save her. But they also realized how strong the beasts were and that they could do nothing until they satisfied themselves.

When that ape finished shooting her pussy, he remained in place so as to continue suspending the woman’s weakened body for his compatriots. The next to begin shooting was indeed the first one. The one presently stuffing her mouth.

Bo could feel the warm fluid shoot almost directly into her stomach. That is until he began pulling out and the jism flooded her mouth. She got her first taste of simian cum that day. She found it much saltier than the other species she had sucked before, but she found it delectable nonetheless.

She was swallowing as fast as she could, but that wouldn’t be fast enough. Monkey sperm was seeping out of her mouth, even her nose was spurting gobs of the thick fluid. But still she kept trying to drink it all.

In the midst of her mouth getting flooded, the third ape began shooting his own load in her ass. Bo’s body shook as another, more powerful orgasm hit her.

“MmmmArgh!” Bo screamed despite the plugging cock in her mouth.

John and Miles shot their second load together as they watched their white jism fly across the air.

Bo’s body was shaking from exhaustion while still in the grasp of the apes raping her. Finally the ape in her mouth pulled completely out and she gasped a deep breath of fresh air for the first time in almost an hour. She was gasping and gagging as she continued to breathe in deeply.

The third ape, now finished himself, pulled out of her ass with a very loud pop and jumped back down to terra firma. Once the three Ourang-
Ountangs were done, they simply dropped her limp form to the ground and wandered away as if nothing had happened.

John and Miles quickly got up and rushed across the stream to the semi-
conscious Bo. As soon as they reached her they searched for a pulse. They were both relieved when they located it nice and strong.

They picked her up and made their way back to the camp. They spent the next two days there to allow her to recover enough to travel back to the big city and home.

The animal trainer came by the next day to pick up their pets for transportation back to the States.

“Gentlemen,” John stopped the animal handlers in their work. “I was wondering how one would be able to purchase animals like yours. As you know I have a substantial ranch back Stateside and my wife is a fervent protector.”

The two handlers looked at each other questioningly.

“Well, Mr. Derek,” one of them explained. “It is unusual for individuals to want to purchase some exotic animal privately, it is not unheard of.”

“That’s true enough,” his co-worker interjected. “Just look at Michael Jackson. He owns more exotic animals than a lot of zoos.”

“So how would I need to proceed?” He asked them.

“Well, I suppose you’d have to demonstrate to the authorities that you have the facilities to care for them,” the handler explained. “Next you’d have to get the import licenses.”

“Is that all,” John continued. “What you are saying is that a good lawyer can handle most of this for me.”

“More than likely he could,” the handler agreed.

“Thanks,” John shook their hands and let them with their work. “I’ll look into it as soon as we get back. I’m sure that my wife will love the additions to her menagerie.”

Two days later they traveled to the capital of the region. And a week later they boarded their private plane for the United States. Bo was still feeling the effects of her simian rape a week after the event.

Because of her condition, John and Miles had to find other partners to quench their own physical needs. John frustration was starting to show at the hotel. Actually, Miles literally had to drag John to a local whore house to get laid.

In the week that they stayed over in Africa, John and Miles had fucked three different women each. It was John’s first time with a colored woman and he found that the skin contrast added to his excitement. Miles had found a rare gem in a Eurasian woman that he ran into on the streets.

She was an airline stewardess on layover and he captivated her attention as soon as he mentioned that he had just finished filming a major motion picture. They stayed together for the next two days until she had to catch her flight to Amsterdam.

In the short time that they had together, she introduced one of her stewardess friends for John and they had a fun time swapping through the night. The two men would fuck one, then the other. Then Miles had the bright idea to double fuck them both along with John. The stewardesses agreed readily. They were two very horny women.

The double fucking went something like this. John and Miles would stuff their hard cocks in one of the women’s rear, pussy and ass, while the other woman would present her dripping pussy so her friend could lick her clean.

Then later the women would switch places and the fucking would start over again.

Finally the day came when the Dereks and their star of the movie ‘Tarzan’ headed home.


Part Fifteen

The opening of their movie, ‘Tarzan of the Apes’, brought them rave reviews, as all of Bo Derek’s movies did, and shot a newcomer in the limelight of celebrity. One in the name of Miles O’Keefe, a.k.a. ‘Tarzan’.

And with success of a movie came numerous interviews. But none more awaited for than by Julie Moran of Entertainment Tonight. It had been so long since they had seen other and Bo had so much to relate to her friend Julie.

The ET crew showed up at their ranch, as they usually did when interviewing the Dereks. Julie also had an opportunity to meet and interview the star of the movie, Miles O’Keefe.

She had to admit that the young man was quite attractive. In fact she felt her panties getting soaked just looking at his muscular frame. Bo had described to her what a beautiful cock her co-star had and Julie had been jealously awaiting her shot at him ever since.

They taped three interview segments for the show and the crew packed their equipment and headed back to Los Angeles. As usual, Julie stayed behind to spend the night with her friends.

When they were finally alone on the ranch, except for the regular staff, Julie approached Bo for details of what really happened in Africa.

Bo gave her details of her simulated gang rape by the black actors hired for the movie. And the many pleasurable nights that she spent with her husband or Miles. But she intentionally left out the apes.

Miles spotted Maria, the Dereks young and very beautiful Cherokee housekeeper, and smile in her direction. She discreetly returned his smile and continued with her chores. He had missed her during his time away from the ranch and was hoping for a get together this weekend. Maria was secretly hoping for the same.

Julie continued to quiz Bo. The reporter in her was telling her that something was missing in the movie star’s accounting of her time in Africa. Though she couldn’t guess what considering what she was told so far.

Miles didn’t let Julie’s gorgeous body go unnoticed either. If Maria wasn’t around for him, he would have seriously considered jumping on the beautiful reporter instead. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from her luscious lips and how nice they would feel wrapped around his hard cock.

Julie had noticed young Miles sexy stare and smiled at him.

“Hrumph!” Julie cleared her throat to get the young actor’s attention. “And what about you Miles. What did you find interesting in the jungles of Africa.”

“Uh! Oh!” Miles cleared his head. “Well, for one thing, I found working with the animals lots of fun.”

“Oh really,” she queried, he curiosity was peaked. “And which animals did you get to work with?”

“Well, there was a lion,” he started.

“Weren’t you scared?” Julie interrupted.

“At first I was,” Miles explained. “I guess that’s why John sent me on ahead so that I could get properly trained with them. That worked out great. After a few days, that lion was acting like a big pussycat around me.”

“In fact,” John added. “It was Miles suggestion that the lion wrestling scene be added into the movie. They were actually just playing around, but visually it looked like fighting the beast.”

“Is that true, Miles?” Julie continued asking questions, the reporter in her couldn’t help it.

“Well, I… I guess,” the young actor was a bit shaken to be exposed as suggesting improvements to anything John Derek might do.

“Don’t be shy Miles,” Bo threw in. “John just gave you a glowing compliment when he mentioned that.”

Miles smiled broadly after considering her words.

“And what other animals did you work with?” Julie continued pressing the issue.

“There was an elephant,” Miles added. “It was rather cool riding him in the movie.”

“I bet,” Julie smiled at him sexily.

“Then of course there was the monkeys,” Miles finished off. “You can’t have a Tarzan movie without the apes, now can you.”

“No,” Julie agreed. “I guess you can’t.”

Julie remained none the wiser as to Bo’s secret, though she suspected that her friend would reveal it to her soon enough. As the night dragged on they all began to break off for bed. Julie was a bit disappointed that the Miles O’Keefe left her behind. Bo seeing her friend’s disappointment took her up to the master bedroom with John.

There they brought up two of the dogs and proceeded to have a hot fuck session. Julie had missed fucking Bo’s canine studs almost as much as she missed sucking on her pussy. After they had finished that’s when Bo revealed the close circuit connection to Miles bedroom.

Julie watched intently as his thick cock disappeared in the clenching lips of the housekeeper’s pussy. Now she really wanted that cock for herself, married or not. But considering what she had been doing with the Dereks in the past year, fucking a young stud was mild, don’t you think.

“What do you think of our housekeeper?” John asked the brunette.

“She is quite exquisite John,” Julie commented. “Did you ever fuck her.”

“No,” John admitted. “But I believe that Bo trained her a lot.”

Julie looked over at the blonde movie star who was smiling demurely.

“I bet she did,” Julie quipped.

“Now don’t be a bitch,” Bo cut in.

“Sorry sweetie,” Julie said apologetically. “It’s just that I missed you all so much. And to see that beautiful hunk of man wasted on the help…”

“How would you like to break her in?” Bo asked her reporter friend.

“How?” Julie was puzzled. “I mean she already knows how to fuck. Just look at her.”

She said pointing to the screen.

“Yes she does,” Bo shot back. “But she hasn’t been introduced to my pets.”

Julie smiled broadly, understanding what Bo was suggesting. Bo was inviting her to introduce Maria to the dogs, just the way that she had done for her those many months ago.

“How can I do that,” Julie asked excitedly.

“First, go back to your guest room,” Bo told her. “Then call her to help with something. She’ll have to answer. After all, it is her job here.”

Julie hurriedly scampered in the buff to her room and buzzed for Maria.

The young Cherokee appeared ten minutes later, out of breath. Her chest was heaving heavily under that bulky uniform she had to wear. Julie knew why that was. She had just been fucking Miles furiously when she was called to her room. She would have had to put her uniform on before coming over, and had to rush getting here.

“Oh! Hi Maria,” Julie smiled at the raven haired beauty. “It is Maria, isn’t it?”

“Yes Miss,” Maria answered obediently. “Is there something that you wanted me for?”

“I’d like to take a nice warm bath,” Julie thought at the last second. “Could you draw it for me please?”

Maria couldn’t believe that this bitch called her in the middle of the night for something as simple as drawing a bath. But she held her tongue and headed to the bathroom.

As Maria went to prepare her bath, Julie stripped down completely behind her. She then walked quietly towards the unwary housekeeper.

“What do you think of me Maria?” Julie asked her. “Do you think I’m fat.”

Julie ran her hand along her slim waist to emphasize her concern. Maria turned around and gasped at the naked woman standing before her. Her eyes scanned the beautiful reporter from head to toe, stopping briefly at her tits.

Julie was pleased that her body was satisfactory to the young woman. Sure she was help, but she saw her naked with Miles and had to admit that she too had a beautiful body.

Julie stepped forward and kissed the young Cherokee woman full on the lips. Maria returned the kiss as her hands stroked the brunettes slim body and captured her breasts in her hands.

Then Julie hurriedly helped Maria strip off that ugly uniform until both women were naked in front of each other. Julie took her hand and guided her back to her bed. She pushed her down gently and fell on top of the young girl.

Their tits crushed against each others as they rolled over each other repeatedly. After only a few minutes, as they were already aroused from previous action, they turned around and assumed the classic 69 position, burying their faces into each others pussies.

Bo and John were watching things progress on the screen. They had installed mini-cams in all of the bedrooms of the mainhouse. As soon as Bo saw the two women locked in a 69 embrace she got out of bed.

“Be right back baby,” she told her husband as she gave him a kiss.

She grabbed the collar of Brutus, a large Doberman, and left the room. She walked naked down the hall to Julie’s room. Once there she quietly opened the door a bit and let the dog in.

Julie noticed the arrival of the dog and smiled. At this point, Maria was on top and Julie did as Bo had done to her when she introduced her to doggy sex. She locked her legs around the housekeeper’s head and wrapped her arms around her slender waist.

Maria would now be helpless to the wants of the huge horny dog. Brutus was long accustomed to the scent of human pussy. As soon as he got of whiff of it his cock almost popped out. He jumped on the bed and sniffed around behind the kneeling Cherokee woman.

Maria had felt the movement on the bed but knew not what had caused it as yet. She concentrated her efforts of Julie’s pussy just below her face.

Suddenly she felt the presence of a second tongue invading her own pussy. She struggled against Julie’s grip to see who had joined them, but Julie would not let her go. So she resigned herself to the double licking, thinking that Mr. Derek or Miles had joined them.

“Grrrrr!” The Doberman growled.

Maria recognized that sound immediately. It had to be one of the dogs that had gotten loose and was now licking her cunt. She struggled harder to get loose of Julie’s grasp, but Julie would not have it. She held onto the young woman even harder.

John and Bo looked on as their young housekeeper was about to be raped by Brutus. Bo was especially pleased to see Julie Moran a willing participant in the girl’s bestial rape.

Julie kept on licking Maria’s pussy as she felt the poor girl struggle against her. And as she looked up she saw the Doberman’s red cock vibrating with energy.

Brutus was ready for his role. He jumped onto the native American’s upturned ass and was shuffling himself forward. Julie kept an eye as it was getting closer to the woman’s cunt.

Maria struggled harder still when the huge dog’s forepaws wrapped themselves around her slim waist. She knew what was about to happen and she didn’t want that at all.

The Doberman kept shuffling himself closer with each hump that he made. Finally its cockhead began bumping against Maria’s ass. Julie had to pull her face away from the young woman’s pussy to avoid being hit by the dog’s energetic humping.

Maria was crying openly now. She could feel the dog’s hard penis hitting her buttock and knew that it wouldn’t be long before he entered her vagina. She wanted nothing to do with Julie’s pulsing vagina now. For Julie that was regrettable, but she was sure that the young housekeeper would return to her once the dog found its mark.

John was enjoying this performance so much that he stepped behind his young actress wife and shoved his hard cock inside of her. They proceeded with a doggy fuck as they watched their Maria’s introduction.

Finally Brutus found his mark and buried his long hard cock in Maria’s pussy. He had a nice penis. Over twelve inches and quite wide. Julie was also admiring his knotty knob. She could still remember the first time that a dog had tied with her. It seemed so long ago now.

“Oooowww!” Maria cried out. “Please. Don’t let… don’t let him do this to me. Take him… take it out, please!”

“I can’t do that sweetheart,” Julie tried to console her. “Just relax and you’ll enjoy it so much more.”

“I won’t!” Maria cried out. “This is disgusting. It… it isn’t even natural.”

“Dearie,” Julie countered. “There is nothing more natural than having your pussy filled with a hard cock. You should know all about that. What with Miles and all.”

Maria was shocked to learn that she had been caught fucking with one of the guest of the house, two actually now that Julie Moran was included. She realized that this could be grounds for her dismissal. She thought that this woman was insinuating blackmail on her. But she would learn better only at a later date.

Julie also realized Maria’s mistake in analyzing the situation. But she wasn’t about to let it go to waste.

“Now,” the ET reporter told her. “You’ll do as you’re told or else.”

Maria bent her head down in defeat. She knew that she was beaten. If she wanted to keep her job then she’ll have to obey this bitch, no matter what was asked of her.

“Very well,” Maria conceded.

“Now get that sweet mouth of yours,” Julie ordered. “Back on my pussy. I’m hot and I need some release.”

Maria obeyed and lowered her head back down. She resumed her sucking and licking of the brunette’s pussy.

Meanwhile, Brutus was driving his cock at a furious pace. Until now, Maria had remained oblivious to the dog’s assault. She was too angry and scared to let its penetration hit her as yet.

But as soon as she began to relax while eating out the famous reporter, her pussy was sending signals to her brain that was triggering her first bestial orgasm.

“Oooooh!” Julie heard the girl exclaim.

But she never stopped licking out her pussy. Julie had a front row seat to the dog’s rape of her pussy. Giving her enough time to get used to the dog’s fucking, Julie then lifted her head up and began nibbling on her clit as the large Doberman continued fucking the helpless Maria.

By now she had resigned herself completely to the bestial attack. John, Bo and Julie could see that the housekeeper was now undulating her back. She could no longer control the urges that this fucking was giving her. The action of her back was so that she could hump against the dog’s forward thrust. She now realized that she wanted all of that cock inside of her. She was now actively participating in her rape.

But Julie wasn’t satisfied yet. She wanted to see that large doggy knot tie with the beautiful girl. With that in mind, she reached up and grasped the dog’s cock and helped it in pushing deeper in Maria’s cunt.

Maria could now feel the large knot humping against her pussylips. At first she thought that it might be the Doberman’s balls hitting her. But that notion soon disappeared as she felt her pussylips being spread wider with each push.

Julie kept on pushing the dog’s knot into the young housekeeper’s pussy. She could see that some headway was being made as her pussy lips were beginning to wrap themselves around the huge bulb.

“Oh! My! God!” Maria was yelling. “That feels so… so weird.”

“It gets better, sweetie,” Julie told her.

With one final shove Brutus’ knot broke through.

“Aieee!” Maria screamed, closing her eyes in ecstasy.

Upon hearing Maria’s scream, Miles burst out of his room and shoved the other guestroom’s doors wide open. The sight that greeted him made his cock stir back to life. He smiled down at his Maria as he saw her with the Doberman’s cock shoved in her beautiful pussy.

But what he really enjoyed seeing was Julie Moran’s exposed pussy under Maria’s face.

When Maria opened here eyes again, the first thing that she saw was Miles at the door. She turned her face away in shame.

‘How could he love me after this?’ She was asking herself.

But then she felt his soft hands turn her head to him and his lips against hers. She could feel his tongue licking Julie’s female juices from her mouth and lips. She smiled while still kissing her lover.

Miles pulled himself away so that he could taste Julie’s cum first hand. He buried his face in her crotch and proceeded to lick her clean.

Julie was now convinced that Maria was fully cooperative now. The energy that the housekeeper, or so she thought, was putting into her lapping was telling her so. She began to buck her hips up to meet the licking tongue.

All the while she continued licking the Doberman’s and Maria’s tied sex. She would especially concentrate her efforts on Maria’s clit.

Maria was now experiencing multiple orgasms. The dog’s prick and Julie’s licking was driving her out of her mind.

“Oh yesss,” Maria said aloud.

“Wha… what?!?” It dawned then on Julie that it wasn’t Maria’s lips on her pussy.

How could it have been? The lips never left her when she heard the dark skinned beauty shout her latest cry of passion.

Julie tried to peer down to her pussy to see who was there with them. But she found herself with the tables turned on her. Just as she had prevented Maria from discovering the presence of the dog earlier, she was now unable to see who was ravishing her now.

Finally, Miles pulled his face away from the beautiful reporter. He lifted himself up and presented his already hard cock to Maria’s face. She gratefully took it into her mouth and sucked it for a few strokes. Then she pulled it out and guided to Julie Moran’s cunt.

Both Miles and she had the same idea.

With one mighty lunge, Miles drove his full length into the brunette’s pussy.

“Oh yess,” they heard Julie cry out. “Fuck it to me. Get it deeper. Do it harder.”

Miles was only too happy to oblige. She pounded his hips forward. With each thrust her tits would jiggle slightly.

“Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!” Julie would grunt, while trying to maintain her mouth on Maria’s clit as the Doberman continued fucking the Cherokee housekeeper.

“Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!” Maria would be doing the same with each powerful thrust of Brutus.

Suddenly, Miles pulled out of Julie’s pussy.

“No don’t pull it out,” she cried out. “I need it. Put it back inside, please.”

Miles smiled as he lifted her legs up and back. He then instructed Maria to place her arms to the back of Julie’s legs. She did as instructed. Now Julie’s legs were bent back to her head, being held there by the housekeeper’s arms. This raised her buttock higher in the air, giving Miles a clear passage to her asshole.

He aimed his slick cock at the entrance of her sphincter and began pushing in.

“Aiiiieee!” Julie yelled aloud in pleasure.

Miles kept shoving more of his cock into her butt. Then he placed a hand to Maria’s head and pushed her face down to Julie’s now upturned pussy. Maria smiled as she caught on to her lover’s intentions. She buried her face in the ET reporter’s pussy and began to suck her out, while the dog kept on fucking her own pussy.

“Oh yesssss,” Julie exclaimed. “That feels so good. Keep fucking my butt. Keep licking my pussy. God you two are good together.”

Back in the master bedroom, John and Bo were in their second round of fucking as they now watched Julie being victimized by her intended target. Bo called Buster over so that she could suck his mighty cock as she continued watching the action on the close-circuit TV.

Miles was fucking harder into Julie’s ass as he watched Maria licking the reporter’s clit with earnest. Just then Buster began howling. A clear sign that he was cumming.

“Yeowl!” Maria yelled as she felt the hot fluid shooting in her pussy. “Damn, that feels nice.”

She was fucking harder against the dog, trying to get more of his cock inside of her vagina. Julie was beneath as some of the dog’s jism was escaping past her pussylips. She lifted her head and hunted each escaping drop.

The dog came and came some more. Maria was amazed at how much cum the dog could shoot. Knowing that the Doberman was emptying its balls in his Maria was enough to get Miles over the edge. His own balls tightened and he began emptying himself in Julie’s ass. Who in turn exploded in her own orgasm.

The whole scene played out as a sexual domino set. One orgasm was triggering the next.

Finally exhausted, the four lovers disentangled themselves and collapsed in a heap on Julie’s bed. Brutus just sauntered out of the room to lick his aching dick in the hallway.


Part Sixteen – Epilogue

John and Bo Derek were ecstatic at the outcome of their beautiful Cherokee housekeeper’s, Maria, introduction to animal sex. It had turned out even better than they had planned.

They had convinced their guest, Entertainment Tonight reporter Julie Moran, to orchestrate a doggy rape. Much the same way that Bo had done to her almost a year earlier. Things were going quite well.

Then Miles O’Keefe, Bo’s co-star in the movie ‘Tarzan’, bolted through the door and the table was turned on Julie. She new became the rape victim while Miles and Maria took control of the scene.

But in the end the main goal had been accomplished. Maria was now as hooked to doggy dick as Julie and she were. Now the Dereks could proceed to the next phase of her plans for the weekend. Tomorrow she would reveal a special surprise to Julie and Maria.

Miles slept through the night in Julie’s guestroom with the two naked woman on either side of him. Both woman wrapped a leg over his as they slept with their breasts crushed against his muscular chest. A man couldn’t dream of a better situation than this.

The next morning everyone met on the patio for breakfast. Maria did her job as expected while Julie kept playing footsie with Miles under the table.

Bo tapped one of the glasses to get everybody’s attention.

“Excuse me everyone,” she said. “You too Maria.”

Maria stopped what she was doing to hear what her mistress had to say.

“John and I have prepared a special surprise for you all,” she continued. “After breakfast, we’re all going to the lake cabin. That is where the surprise is.”

Everyone’s curiosity was peeked by this announcement. Especially Maria. She wasn’t usually included in her bosses entertainment. She just couldn’t figure out what might be awaiting them at the cabin.

When everyone had finished with breakfast they were all lead to the stables where five horses were waiting for them. They all climbed their mounts and headed off to the lake, with four of the dogs following along.

Maria looked down at the dogs with a smile. The memory of the previous night still fresh in her mind. She was hoping for some free time with the dogs from now on. That is if she could sneak it by the Dereks attention. She couldn’t imagine being able to keep her present employment if she was ever caught.

The five of them arrived at the lakeside cabin after about fifteen minutes of riding. They all got down from the horses and walked, chatting towards the cabin.

Miles immediately took note of the changes since the last time the Dereks had brought him there. Gone were the furniture. In its stead was a giant monkey bar arrangement that took over the whole main room. He soon understood why this was done. Out of one of the backrooms came strutting out with its hairy arms raised high, one of the orangutans from the ‘Tarzan’ set.

He and the Dereks smiled wickedly as the same idea was now being shared by them.

“Julie. Maria,” Bo began. “This is Bongo. He has two brothers with him here also. Jim-Bob and Gonzo.”

At hearing their names the other two apes sauntered into the giant playroom.

Julie and Maria had a confused look in their eyes. They couldn’t see where this was going as yet

“Boys,” Bo spoke to the apes. “Why don’t you go say hello to my friends.”

John and Miles stepped back in anticipation of what would happen. Meanwhile Julie and Maria just smiled at the cute monkeys. They didn’t seem concerned at the big apes approach..

Bongo, the bigger of the three, was nearing the petite Maria. While his two brothers, Jim-Bob and Gonzo approached Julie.

When the simians got close enough to them, both women tried petting them in a friendly manner. The great apes smiled up at them, with that ape smile of theirs.

“They seem friendly enough,” Julie said to Bo.

“Yes,” Maria agreed. “Very friendly.”

“When did you get them?” Julie asked her movie star friend.

“Oh, we purchased them after the movie,” John shot back. “These are the ones from the set.”

“I thought that they looked familiar,” Julie laughed, as she kept rubbing her hand in Gonzo’s wild hairy head.

Then, without warning, the apes jumped into action. John and Bo had spent the last month training them for this. Those powerful simian hands grabbed a hold of the two women’s garment and literally ripped it off their startled body.

Julie and Maria were stunned as they tried pulling away from the, suddenly, savage beasts. They stood there before the great apes in their underwear only, with only a few tatters of their clothing hanging on them.

The jungle apes weren’t done yet. As they grabbed hold of the their wrist with their hands, they used their prehensile feet to rip what little remained of the helpless women. Within seconds both Julie and Maria found themselves naked before the muscular animals.

Bo, John and Miles looked on intently as the two beautiful women struggled to free themselves from the grasp of the three apes. They also noticed that the beasts were getting aroused with each passing second.

Bongo was the first to take the initiative. His long, thick tongue found and began exploring Maria’s vaginal tunnel.

“Ooooh!” She gasped as she felt that squirming tongue digging into her pussy.

Julie watched, mesmerized, at the dexterity of the orangutan’s tongue on the young housekeeper. She looked back at her captors and noticed their pink cocks peeking out of their groin. She struggled harder still.

Then Jim-Bob inserted his tongue in her, just like Maria, while Gonzo’s apish lips wrapped themselves around her right breast. She could only close her eyes as she absorbed to good feeling that they were giving her.

The apes would vary their ‘foreplay’ with the two women. They would insert their long fingers in them, either their pussy or their ass. They would be constantly suckling on their tits, concentrating on their now hard nipples.

Meanwhile, on the sideline, Bo was being fucked furiously by Miles and her husband as the three followed the progress of the apes on their companions.

Julie and Maria were now screaming in ecstasy as they were being hit by one orgasm after another.

Finally the time came for the next stage of this sexplay. Bongo flipped Maria around so that his cock was now at the entrance of her tight young pussy. With one mighty thrust, he drove half of his twelve inches inside of her.

“Aiiiiieeeee!” Maria screamed just before she passed out from the shock.

Bongo didn’t care, he kept humping into her now limp body. She was being supported by his large hands that wrapped around her thin waist.

Julie could only watch in concern as the unconscious housekeeper was getting reamed by the great ape. She could only imagine what that must be like. But she wouldn’t have to wait long.

Following their brethren’s lead, Gonzo and Jim-Bob turned Julie over to her hands and knees. She found herself facing Jim-Bob’s large cock, as she felt Gonzo poking at her backside with his. She didn’t know what to do. She knew that struggling with these muscular animals would be fruitless. Yet she wasn’t sure that she could handle their bestial lovemaking.

But the situation was out of her control. Not bothering to wait for a sign from her, both apes shoved their cocks in her at opposing ends.

“Guurrlll!” The observers heard Julie gurgle as Jim-Bob’s cock stuffed her mouth.

John and Miles increased their fucking tempo into Bo as the threesome continued to watch the ape rape of the two beautiful woman.

Julie was struggling to breath on the outstroke of the monkey in her mouth. While her pussy was still trying to get used to the power of Gonzo’s fuck thrust. She knew now why Maria passed out from her ordeal. But this double fucking that she was enduring was keeping her too focused on the two simian cocks thrusting into her body.

Jim-Bob’s grip was around her chest and was constantly rubbing her hard nipples. While his buddy grasped her by the waist. Both animals were thrusting as hard as they could. Julie had to urgently relax her throat muscles before she would choke on the powerful cock.

Maria was finally coming out of her unconscious state. Her body was beginning to hump back against Bongo even before she was fully awakened. When her eyes fluttered open, there was a look of ecstasy in them.

While unconscious, her body had given her numerous orgasms. Though she hadn’t experienced them first hand, the aftermath still bathed her.

“Oh god! Yesss!” Maria cried out. “Fuck me monkey. Fuck me good and hard.”

Julie joined in the housekeeper’s outcry. The two women were in chorus as the apes fucked them harder than any man ever had before.

“Yess!” They both shouted in unison. “Fuck, fuck me good. God this feels so nice.”

For fifteen minutes the three apes continued to rape their penises into the women. Miles, John and Bo noticed the apes ball sack tightening, a sure sign that they were about to blow.

A few minutes later, Maria and Julie could feel the powerful jet of simian cum flooding their pussies. Seconds after that Julie’s mouth was also receiving its promised load. So fast was it shooting in her that Julie couldn’t hold it all. Cum began spurting past her clenching lips down her chin.

When the great apes were done, they simply released their ‘mates’ and trudged off to a corner to rest.

Julie and Maria slumped to the ground exhausted. Their chests heaving as they tried to regain their composure.

Maria was the first to move. Miles and the Dereks watched intently as the housekeeper crawled over to the ET reporter and proceeded to lick the monkey cum off of the brunette’s face. Once that was done she kissed her deeply sending her tongue to gather still more.

Miles got up and walked over to the exhausted women. He grabbed Maria by the waist and positioned her over Julie Moran’s body in the 69 position.

As soon as they saw each other’s cum filled pussy, they buried their faces into each other and cleaned themselves out of the simian semen. They loved the taste of it. In fact, they couldn’t get enough of it.

The three observers in the monkey playroom, Miles, John Derek and his wife Bo, smiled with satisfaction at the two women’s compliance to the apes love making. They knew that they were now to be willing participants in anything that they decide to indulge in.

This is when Miles walked over to the door and opened it, allowing the four dogs that had accompanied them to enter. They were Bo’s favorites, Bud, Dodger, Bruiser and Buster. Their noses immediately began sniffing the air. The smell of sex was flooding the room.

Needless to say it didn’t take them long to locate the two exhausted girls in the corner. They all bolted to them and buried their doggy tongues in their blood engorged pussies. They were trying desperately to get to the last remnants of the Ouran-Outangs cum that the two women couldn’t reach.

Meanwhile the three apes watched dispassionately the action around their mates. As the women’s pussy began exuding fresh cum, their cocks were slowly reviving, as were John and Miles.

All of this didn’t go unnoticed the ignored Bo Derek. Who would have thought that her pussy would be ignored in the middle of an orgy, bestial or otherwise.

Unable to stand it any longer, Bo rushed forward and took Gonzo in hand. She guided him to the center of the room and began to suck on his cock while on her hands and knees.

Buster noticed his mistress’ position and trotted over to mount her immediately. Bo gurgled in pleasure as the two cocks fucked into her from her animal lovers.

John and Miles looked at each other and moved in on the two other women.

John would finally have his shot at Maria, while Miles pulled Julie Moran to her feet.

The young actor lay himself on the floor and guided her cunt to his stiff cock. She settled on it with pleasure. Once she had bottomed out on him, she began to hump him by lifting herself up and down on his groin.

John meanwhile, was getting his own cock sucked by his young housekeeper. She took his whole rod in her mouth, and even tried to insert his balls past her tight lips.

The dogs didn’t feel like being left out. They rushed the three couples and found their own spot.

Bud found Maria’s vacant pussy and fucked his vibrating cock in that target.

“Ungh!” John heard her cry out, as he watched the large German Shepherd mount her.

Julie noticed the Derek’s large St-Bernard, Bruiser, approaching her. He was heading behind her. She knew where he wanted to put that monster cock of his. He was planning on plunging it in her asshole. This concerned a bit, for she knew how thick it was, especially his knot.

By this time Buster had managed to tie with Bo and was twisting around so has to be butt-to-butt with her. Once that was accomplished the last dog, Dodger, saw his opening. He leaped over the Doberman to land at his mistress’ back and was humping furiously trying to find her asshole.

The dogs had long learned how to accomplish such a feat from months of training/practice with their masters.

Meanwhile, Bud had also tied with the petite Maria and had twisted around. Jim-Bob had seen how one of the dogs was fucking one of his mates in the wrong hole. He figured if that animal can do it, then so could he. He approached Maria and got on her tiny back. He found that he had to guide his cock to this hole, and he did so.

The hairy ape fucked his twelve inch cock into the housekeeper and began to hump from her back. she was having a difficult time managing all the added weight on her back, but she held on.

That left only one final participant. Bongo, the third ape. He approached the only vacant hole that he could see. Julie Moran’s mouth. He lumbered over like a clown and grabbed her long brown hair roughly. Pulling her face up.

“Aiiee!” Julie cried out. “What are you doing, you fucking ape?”

Of course Bongo couldn’t answer. At least not in words. He simply pointed one long finger to his cock. Julie was amazed that the ape could have learned to communicate his desires so rapidly.

She smiled up at the hairy ape and lowered her face to its groin and began licking along the length of its simian cock.

Miles had a front row view of the large cock disappearing in the ET reporter’s mouth. He could clearly see her cheeks bulge outwards as more of Bongo’s cock went inside of her.

The bestial orgy was now complete.

Maria was being gang-banged by her boss, John Derek, the German Shepherd Bud and the orangutan Jim-Bob.

While John’s wife, Bo, was being serviced by the orangutan Gonzo, her Doberman Buster and the second German Shepherd Dodger.

And the final female of the group, ET reporter Julie Moran, had Miles O’Keefe fucking her hungry pussy, the Derek’s St-Bernard fucking her ass, as she was actively sucking on the third simian, Bongo.

They stayed at the lakeside cabin for the next two days and nights. Fucking anything with a cock in various combinations.

Next time, Bo would have to introduce Julie to the horses. She was sure that her friend would enjoy it has much as she has.

But that will have to be for another story.

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