Women with Animals



(c) 1993 by unkown, 1st published on alt.sex.bestiality

Susan was a gorgeous lady, dark hair, dark eyes, and a body that would turn the eyes of any man. Her body flowed as she moved, her breasts large, her butt to die for, her body the dream of any man who wished to have a woman with a womanly figure.

Susan always was the submissive type, and had masters that love and take care of her. She always loved to be dominated and love being taught lessons like a loved family pet. At times Susan would purposely disobey just so her master would discipline her, spanking her, lightly whipping her, and abusing her just enough to put her back in line.

Susan also loved animals. She works in an animal shelter, washing, preening, and taking care of the animals she loved so much. One day as Susan was washing a stallion that the animal shelter had just saved from its abusive owners. As she was washing near its sheath, she saw its cock pop out. As she continued washing, the stud’s cock grew and grew. Finally she started concentrating her washing on the area around and on the cock. Gently she stroked the cock with her washcloth, and as it grew she was absolutely amazed at the size of it. And to her surprise, the horse seemed to be enjoying the hand job he was getting. Just then her supervisor, Jim, walked in.

Jim was a tall and hansom man, with a muscular body and a dark complexion. From the first day Susan met Jim she was attracted to his body. He noticed the sudden motion Susan made away from the horse as Jim walked in.

“Hi, you startled me!” Susan said, attempting to regain some of her composure.

“Sorry. I just wanted to ask you how everything was going, but by the look of things, it seems everything is OK.” Jim said, as he nodded his head towards the stallion.

“Yes, everything is great. This is a beautiful stallion.” Susan replied, wondering if Jim really saw the stallion’s large cock behind her.

“Well, I’ll let you back to your work now, see you later!” Jim winked, and went back inside the building.

“Whew. That was a close one. I wonder if he knew what I was doing,” Susan pondered.

Susan decided to get back to the task at hand, washing the rest of the stallions body, watching its enormous organ shrink and vanish behind its sheath again.

“God this stud has a large cock.” Susan thought to herself, feeling the familiar tingling sensation between her legs.

“Well I better get back to work.” Susan rinsed off the stallion and went to work on the other animals. A few minutes before her shift was up, Jim walked back into the yard area.

“I noticed what you were doing to the stallion earlier today.” Susan’s heart dropped. “Do you get exciting by the stallion’s large cock?” Jim inquired.

“…Yes…” Susan bowed her head.

Jim moved over to Susan and began caressing her.

“Are you attracted to me?” Jim probed her thoughts.

“…Yes…” Susan replied, moving closer to Jim’s handsome body.

“I thought so, you’ve always seemed to have that look in your eyes around me, and around the animals…” Jim began feeling Susan’s breasts through her blouse.

“Damn! I didn’t put a bra on today!” Susan remembered, beginning to feel the heat rising in her groin again.

Suddenly Jim started unbuttoning her blouse, and as soon as her breasts were in view, he started caressing one with one hand and his mouth starting sucking on the hardened nipple of the other breast.

“Mmmmhhhhh” Susan rolled her head back.

Jim then switched breasts, taking the well sucked breast out of his mouth and starting to suck on the other one, caressing the other with his hand.

“Ooooohhh…” Susan became incoherent, in complete ecstasy.

Jim stopped his assault of her sensuous breasts and undid her tight jeans, and pulled them down to her ankles, along with her panties.

“You have a beautiful body, Susan.”

Susan began to undo Jim’s clothes, and within a few seconds, they were both standing there naked in the yard with all the animals around them.

“Thank god everyone’s gone home and we’re closed.” Susan said, beginning to feel somewhat relieved that Jim didn’t seem to mind her fascination with the stallion.

Jim then laid Susan down on the soft grass and kissed her deeply. He then began sucking on Susan’s rock hard nipples.

“Nnnnnggggg… inside… me…” Susan mumbled, and reached down between them and pointed Jim’s large organ at her cunt.

“Ooooh…” Jim said as he pushed his organ deep into Susan. He was surprised at how hot, tight, and wet she was.

“mbnnnnngggggggg.gggggkddd” Susan moaned, feeling quite filled.

Their bodies began slapping together in sync as they built to orgasm. Jim and Susan moaned loudly as they came to a simultaneous orgasm. Susan could feel Jim shooting his large load deep inside her, and she could feel his cock pulsating long after he stopped. She contracted and released her cunt muscles and kept milking his cock until he was spent.

“That was wonderful,” Susan stated, sweat glistning in the evening light.

“You are great, however I have a present for you, but you must submit to it completely.”


“OK.” Jim picked Susan up and led her over to the stallion’s stable. Entering the stable, she saw the breeding collar in the corner. Jim instructed Susan to stand on all fours, and she complied. He walked over and lifted up the breeding collar and picked up a much smaller one under it. He carried this over to where Susan was.

“This is a breeding collar, it keeps a mare from kicking the stud while he’s trying to breed her.” Susan nodded her head.

Jim began placing Susan in the breeding collar, which made it so that if Susan tried to move her legs, her head would be pulled down. She was surprised to find that it was a near perfect fit, and began to wonder why it just happened to be there. Jim then walked out of the stable.

“I’ll be back in a minute.”

In about a minute he came back carrying what appeared to be a small table, being very tall for a table and having extensive padding at the stop. He picked Susan up and placed her on this table.

“This will allow the stallion to breed you like a normal mare. I am positive you will love this.”

Jim then walked over to the stallion and led it over to where Susan was. Susan suddenly felt a large tongue swipe across her pussy, realizing it was that of the horses. After a few licks, there was a pause, and then she felt the horse lifting up and putting its front legs to her sides. It moved forward and she felt an extremely large object bump her pussy. She realized it was that of the horse! The horse was going to breed her! She suddenly became extremely aroused, and heard a shuffling noise, and felt the cock at the entrance to her cunt! Suddenly the stud bucked forward and shoved his gargantuan cock deep inside her! She had never felt so stuffed in her life, as a matter of fact she could feel the cock go all the way into her uterus. At the same time it was painful it felt extremely good. She moaned in both pain and pleasure. The horse began stroking in and out of her cunt, faster and faster. She had never felt so good in her life! She was on cloud nine, and her head was spinning! She began to feel her muscles tighten and knew she was close. She then heard the horse grunt and felt the cock explode into her cunt with such force that she thought someone had stuck a fire hose in her and turned it on! This was all she needed to go over the edge, and she had such an intense orgasm, after it was over she fainted.

Susan awoke only to find herself in the stall with a few blankets over her. She also saw the stallion, and it appeared to be looking down at her. She got an evil grin in her eye and she knew she had a long night ahead of her.

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