Women with Animals

Vanessa – Chapter 1: Vanessa’s car breaks down


Vanessa has just been to her country gym. She has just turned into the single lane going through the forest; she liked the road as it is a one way system : she tried to make sure she was last out of the gym, given her the chance to stop and be naughty after a good work out.

Vanessa Started to feel horny and she found herself feeling between her legs; she was looking for an area to pull over when the car stated to shudder: At first she thought she had hit an animal.
The car came to a sudden stop and the lights went dim. She slowly got out of the car not knowing what she was going to see; There was nothing there, steam was coming from thee bonnet. She tried her mobile it had a good reception; she thought it was lucky she could get on the web and phone for help. Vanessa found a local garage not too far away.

The guy comes from the garage to help.
“What are you wearing?”
“Sorry! I mean you look like you have just been for a run”

“I have just come from the gym” Vanessa felt she had to explain that she always jumps in the car and showers when she gets home.

Vanessa started to walk to the front of the car at the same time telling the guy what had happened. Vanessa can see the guy having sneaky looks at her ass and tits.
Wow she could feel her cunt getting moist; “he is here to fix the car you stupid cow leave it” she told herself.

She looked at his van he had a big dog sitting in the front seat. When she looked back the guy was looking right at her cunt
“are you going to fix the car for nothing then” Vanessa whispered.

No but I can take payment in kind!!!! Vanessa was a mature woman 44yrs young; a nice soft rounded face with a glint in her eyes (lust more than erotic, she looked like she was stripping you and abusing you at a glance.) Her breasts were round and so proud; they were not there to be hidden, with an ass and legs to die for.
Vanessa had no knickers on she loved to go without, this made her feel sexy all the time (and ready).

Vanessa said she could not do that sort of thing hear.
” I need to take the car back to the yard to fix it”.
“There is a nice office there you could pay me in the office.”

Vanessa did not have to think about it; she was so wanting to be fucked her juices were trickling down her inner legs.” Let’s go” she found herself louder than she meant to be.

Off they went Vanessa sat by the dog; he was very friendly and kept licking her face and sniffing her cunt: she thought he could smell her juices (did the dog sense that her tummy was so tight with excitement and lust).

The guy looked “stop that” “that is for me not you”.

Vanessa opened her legs wide pulling up her skirt shown her glory hole “there is enough for everyone”
“isn’t there boy”. The dog was licking her cunt as she opened her lips.
”Fucking hell you dirty bitch”
”I am cumming in my jeans”.

Vanessa leaned over and unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out he was about 6in but it looked nice and clean and pink with a lovely Knob end, down she went swallowing that cock right to the hilt, slowly taken it out and licking the tip and going down again; she was loving it her tits were rock hard bursting to get out, the dog was well into her cunt; that long tongue getting as deep as it could. The guy could not stop; she felt the cock starting to build up to shoot.

Then it happened he exploded, that white hot cum whirled round her mouth and she swallowed with so much lust, she was shaken with waves of pleasure WOW she thought this is fucking great; her cunt was dripping and covered in doggy saliva.

She sat up and just started to shake with waves of pleasure the dog was licking her face all over she could smell her cunt on his breath. The guy said I hope you don’t think that is payment in full you have to pay in the office to make it a deal!

What would happen back at the yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They arrived at the yard. The guy told Vanessa to go into the office while he sorted her car out, this she did. The office was empty so she sat and waited. It did not take long for the guy to enter the office, he was followed by a teenage girl; must have been about 19yr or 20yr old, she was wearing blue overalls covered in grease, her hands were black with dirt and grease; her face had smears of grease all over .

She did look pretty, Vanessa thought. “Make a cup of tea Ann for me and Vanessa”.

“OK how do you like it Vanessa” she asked in a very soft voice
“as it comes with no sugar”. Vanessa gave her a very suggestive look; hopeful the girl was some of what she was going to get later.

A guy came into the office; what do you want us to do with the car boss? It needs the leads replacing and it needs a full service. He started to write an invoice out; Vanessa came across to the counter, she whispered I thought I was paying in kind!

The guy lent forward o yes you are but you want your money’s worth, don’t you?
Vanessa had a big cheesy grin on her face I say I do and sat down to finish her tea. It will take about an hour; Vanessa was puzzled; why could she not start to pay them back now!

The girl left the office, “what are we waiting for?” They need to tidy up for the night when they are finished. Then we can have some fun in the garage, the lads cannot wait he said as he laughed
“The lads!”
“Yes they are the ones doing the work and I know I could not satisfy you on my own.”

WOW! fucking hell! This sounds like a long job Vanessa said (hoping she was right). The guy said no more than a couple of hours the owner is coming round to do some work tonight.

At last the car was ready and the boss said “are we going to join the team in the garage?”

“I thought we were going to do the payment in the office to make it official”

“O no need for that Vanessa, lets go and have some fun.”

They went across the yard, just as they were 5 yards from the garage door it opened and two guys and the teenage girl came out to greet them. Hi boss the girl said, I have brought the blanket. She put it out on the ground, using a broom to flatten it out; just then the boss grabbed Vanessa from behind, he pulled her tight against him and lifted her skirt to reveal to the others that she had no knickers on.
The girl shouted WOW you dirty cow; by this time the boss had his finger in Vanessa’s cunt; she was so wet she had been waiting a long time for this, she could hardly breathe with excitement, and she was looking up at the skies.

The boss whispered into Vanessa’s ear “you just have to say stop and we will”.

Vanessa whispered back “I have never said stop in my life”.

Just then Ann was pushing the broom handle back and forward “you’re going to get plenty of fucking”. Go on then Ann, the boss ordered Ann; but what was he telling her to do?
“Shove it up her” he shouted, that was Vanessa’s answer,
“Can I”
Vanessa looked down “do as your boss tells you”” You dirty little cow”
Ann had a glint in her eyes (evil lust rather than a glint). Ann parted Vanessa’s lips with her finger and thumb; the boss was playing with her clit, he had the tips of his fingers on either side of her clit, rubbing gently but firmly.

Vanessa could feel the breeze on her clit it was sticking out like a little erect cock between his fingers (fucking hell this was good). She looked down to see Ann on her knees and pushing the broom handle in to her cunt, she was shouting you’re going to get the lot you bitch; as she pushed 6in inside her hole the wood was dry and dragging Vanessa’s lips inside her cunt.

Ann pulled it out and started to spit and lick the handle getting it wet and slimy. She started to push it in and out the handle was soon covered with Vanessa’s slimy juices; now it was going in and out quick and smooth, with the clit being massaged the feeling was out of this world.

The other two guys came over “hey boss, leave some for us”. Help your selves she loves it, do what you like nothing is barred here. The boss stopped rubbing her and lay on the floor
“Come on you whore stride me”.

Ann pulled the broom handle out of her cunt; it was dripping with Vanessa’s cunt juices “lick it you dirty little cow”. As Vanessa was striding the boss, Ann was licking and sucking that handle like a girl possessed.

Fucking hell Vanessa’s body was aching with pleasure, her nipples were rock hard. Her love socket swallowed the bosses cock; she was frantic fucking his brains out; her eyes rolling and her head swinging back and forward. One of the guys had his jeans down and his cock out; he grabbed Vanessa’s hair and pulled her on to his cock, she could hardly breathe just moan loudly.
Just then the other guy shoved his cock up her ass; no gentlemen here, straight up to the hilt,
Vanessa was screammmmmmmmmmming “shut up you whore” the guy shoved his cock into her mouth and started to shoot his white hot cum all round her mouth and down her throat; it was so hot and thick it tasted like peppermint.

Vanessa was in her own world now (so much lustful pleasure). The boss and the other guy in her ass were going to cum. They pulled out together; pushed Vanessa to the ground and started to burst all over her. The hot cum was flowing even the guy from her mouth was shooting more cum. Vanessa’s body was like a cream cake
“Come on Ann your cake is done”,

Ann could did not resist “if you say so bitch” she was licking all the guys cum up and just moaning
This is so nice; Vanessa was just shaking with waves of pleasure going through her body she was screeming FUCKkkkkkkkkk Fuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell (the guys were laughing and looking so smug)
A car pulled up and the owner Mike got out. What’s going on here? “Another, pay as you go boss”

This is getting to be a bit of a habit. Come on tide up and go home, you two pointing to Vanessa and Ann; I need you two to help me in the garage (they could not say no could they).
Mike came over to the girls and whispered “I have two boys that need to lose their virginity” they are in the garage (Ann was puzzled she had seen no one go in the garage; there was just the two dogs in there).

Go to next Part

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