Women with Animals

Collie Goes to Texas


My last part of “The Beginning of Collie” seemed to fizzle out after the rest of the story but as it was true I didn’t see the need to embellish it. This is supposed to be true story section. Thinking about the events in my early K9 life I think this one was one of the most exciting. Since my hubby died I have had even more exciting ones but I will try and tell my story from the beginning leaving out the more mundane and repetitive incidents.

Since “Beginning of Collie” we move on to five years later. I now had two children both boys aged three and two. We still didn’t have any dogs but Robert (hubby) had organized some meetings with men who had trained dogs. I have to say these meetings were not many despite a lot of phone calls and non-shows from k-9 advertisers. Why people advertise something they don’t have and waste our time is just amazing to me. In those days (80’s) we all had to use the print medium to show our taboo interests and bringing up a young family meant traveling was not an option. The list of potential meetings was therefore minimal. We did a lot more swinging and group activities that we found very enjoyable and some of these people we met remained friends. But this is a beastiality forum so I will exclude those stories. However this story I am about to tell includes everything except my bisexual side.

We were still living in Seattle and Robert’s parents lived in Greenwood close by to where we were living. They loved babysitting so it enabled us to live our alternative lifestyle reasonably well. The only difficulty was with Robert’s job a an engineer as it meant him working away from home but we did have the longer times together when he was on leave. We were searching through some magazines and an ad caught our eye. A man had a ranch with four dogs used for hunting and also trained for ladies. There was a telephone number to call so no sending off by mail to box numbers. The drawback was that the hunting ranch was in Texas. Robert could see I was excited and when he asked whether I fancied a trip I nodded. He placed the call and of course it was a call back service that answered so we left our number mentioning the code in the magazine. We never hard another word until a week later when the phone rang and I answered it. You can imagine my surprise and thrill when a man’s voice said he was responding to the code number we had left. I called Robert over and he took the phone. He listened more than he talked and he started writing down some things. It was fifteen minutes later when he was finished and sat down by me on the sofa.

“Collie. It sounds genuine. He wants you to stay for the weekend Fri to Monday and he will pay for all expenses including travel. But only you. I won’t be able to come as it is next month when I am away. Mum and Dad will look after the boys. I have a telephone number and the address where the ranch is so it all looks safe. He is going to send photographs of the ranch, himself, the dogs and his four partners. One being his brother and the others work for him. Of course you will be expected to have sex with them. I said that would be no problem as you were always horny and the more the merrier.” I hit him with a cushion. But he was right. I was very wet already although going there alone was very daunting. Flashes of kidnapping, rape and worse came immediately to mind. The kidnapping and rape I could handle but the worse and perhaps pain I couldn’t. Then there were the dogs. All weighing between 60 and 70 lbs and “aggressive”. Two breeds I had never heard of – a Greenland sled dog and a mountain cur. The other two were a black lab retriever and a golden retriever.

“He’s sending down the plane ticket together with the photos by courier. If you decide to go ahead you keep the ticket and send back a photo of yourself. You can call this number if you want to.” He gave me the sheet of paper with all the details. The ranch I noted was located outside of Houston and the date was the first weekend in May. “Well?” he asked.
Even though I knew my answer was going to be “Yes.” I told him I would decide after the tickets and photos arrived.

Three days later a courier called handing me tan envelope. It contained airplane tickets from Seattle to Houston and photos of a ranch house in a forest, five guys and four dogs with the names attached. All the guys were naked sporting hard-ons and were big. “It is bigger in Texas” isn’t that the slogan? The ages looked from 20 to fifty but I am not a good judge. I am of cocks and mmmm they were appetizing. Then the dogs. Oh how lovely they looked. They all seemed to be grinning and looking straight into the camera. Grit, Henry, Ron and Max. They were the dogs names and boy was I going to get to know them!!! I got Robert to take some pix of me, clothed looking prim and proper, half clothed looking naughty and unclothed looking nasty. I also got a pic taken of my breasts squirting milk. I wondered if that would turn them on. Not only was I breast feeding my sons but also my husband. I breast fed him until he died six years ago. I still today take out the breast pump and place it on my nipple imagining him sucking on it. We sent off the photos with a note saying “YES”.

That weekend seemed a very long time to get here but it did. Robert had called me early in the morning and I was being driven by his Dad to Seattle airport with my small case. I had told Dad that I was visiting an old school friend. If he had only known.

There were thankfully no delays and I said goodbye for a few days to the rain and gray clouds of Seattle and looked forward to my arrival in Houston.


To my surprise when I landed in Houston it was raining. It was seven in the evening. The airport was busy and after following the signs I found luggage collection. I didn’t have long to wait for my one small case and just before I could grab it a brawny hand grabbed the handle and a hand went around my waist. I looked up into a wide grin, sparkling blue eyes and a brown cowboy hat.

“Now ye must be Collie.” He said with a drawl I had only heard on cowboy films. They actually do talk like that here. I looked for the chaps but he was wearing blue long pants and a belt with a huge shiny buckle. He touched his hat and gave me one big kiss straight on the lips. His tongue poked at mine and I obligingly opened them. We French kissed and time stood still before he released me from that one giant arm.

“Wow, miss Collie.” He said, “I can see we are all going to get on fine. You sure are a pretty young thing.” He was saying just the right things. He steered me through the crowds, like a cow I thought, and I had a mental thought how I would like to be lassoed and tucked it away to be mentioned at the appropriate time.

We walked out of the terminal building to the car park. “I’m Dan.” He said but I had already recognized him. “Mike is waiting in the truck with a friend who is anxious to meet you.” I could hardly wait. Dan wasn’t as tall as I thought from his photo – just under 6ft and the youngest of the five. He was certainly handsome and I remembered his hairy chest – I LOVE hairy chests and I vowed I would be inspecting that very soon. We reached the truck. It was a Ford SuperCab and sitting in the driving seat was Mike, the brother of Rick who had spoken to Robert on the phone. Laid out on the bench seat behind was Max the lovely golden retriever. He jumped up immediately Dan opened the cab door. After the brief introductions I joined Max on the bench seat “to get to know one another” was the reasoning. Max and I became good friends very quickly and he soon settled down with his head in my lap. My case had been deposited in the back of the truck under a tarpaulin. As we drove out of the airport the rain had thankfully stopped. We had a ninety minute ride to the ranch and only questioning whether I had had a smooth flight I was left with Max. He loved licking my face and as it was much warmer here than in Seattle I soon took my jacket off leaving an exposed neck for him to lick as well.

It was after about an hour when Mike pulled off the side of the road and onto a track where he parked the truck behind some trees.

“Potty break.” He explained and some refreshments. We all jumped down with Max at my heels smelling and licking my legs. “If you want a leak like I do,” he said to me just squat behind a tree. Mike disappeared with Dan and a little later I could hear the sound of them peeing amongst the greenery. Max after sniffing the ground, found a convenient spot, cocked his leg and joined the peeing. Well, I thought, “why not.” I lifted my skirt, yanked off my panties, squatted down and proceeded to do my little bit of watering. Engrossed in my private world I was startled when I heard a voice say, “Now that’s a pretty sight.” Looking up in mid pee there was both Dan and Mike grinning at me still unzipped and their cock showing. “As soon as you’ve finished we’d both like some refreshment.” “Refreshment?” I asked. I hadn’t brought any food or drink with me.

“A milk shake, I think.” Said Dan, “From those lovely tits of yours. Go get a blanket from the truck, Mike. We don’t want to mess up that nice blouse she’s wearing even though it’s coming almost off.” Mike walked off and as I reached for my panties Dan stopped me. “You won’t need those anymore. Not ‘til you’re in sight of the airport on Monday afternoon. And you might as well take that skirt off too.” I obeyed my heart beating. This seemed already so kinky. Out in a forest alone with two strangers and a dog. Was Max going to have a piece of me, too? Max was now sniffing around my rear and trying to push his snout into my ass. He could smell my pee and that seemed to turn him on. As he now started licking my puss. I could feel myself losing control. I was now putty in their hands and I would do anything they asked.


With Max eating and licking my puss Dan pushed my head down onto his cock. He undid his belt and dropped his trousers making it easier for me to suck on. His hands slid under me and over my blouse, undoing the buttons and exposing my bra. Mike came back and laid the blanket over the ground finding a fairly dry spot protected by the trees. I felt his hands on my back under my blouse and unfastening the bra clip. He expertly pulled it through the sleeve of the blouse and I didn’t miss a stroke of sucking Dan’s lovely big cock. I cupped his balls and gently squeezed each testicle as he plunged his cock further down my throat. They maneuvered me over to the carpet, still bending and sucking on that cock, with Max still sending thrills in my insides as he buried his tongue further into my pussy. Mike kneeled underneath me and grabbed one of my swinging breasts. He took the nipple into his mouth and I felt him sucking hard. It took a little while to get the knack. Babies have no problem and they know instinctively how to do it. Older humans always have a problem first time but the feeling of the milk slowly squeezing from my breast and Max inside my pussy made me suddenly climax. It came almost from nowhere. Sensing it happening to me this excited Dan even more and I felt his cock tremble in my mouth and then gush that lovely warm and slightly salty liquid into my mouth and down my throat. He came with a roar shouting loud enough to be heard some yards away. It frightened some birds that were settling down for the evening.

Dan now laid down on his back onto the carpet and Mike did the same. I was instructed to kneel down on all fours making a cross so their mouths were below each of my breasts. I lowered them down onto their waiting lips and with Max now licking my ass and trying to open my little wrinkly hole I was in heaven. It wasn’t long before Max was now becoming even more excited. I felt his weight upon my back and his front legs grip my waist. Thank goodness my blouse was still on as I know his paws would have clawed me unmercifully. As it was I could feel some scratches as they pierced the fabric. His sheath was hitting my cunt and soon I could feel a hard knob banging fiercely for entrance. I wanted to help him in but I couldn’t. “Please get it in!” my mind was shouting at him. Thankfully after what seemed an age he was home. I let out a long sigh. It had been a long time since a dog had had its way with me. Far too long. The power of those thrusts and the expanding of the penis inside me. The warmth of the precum oiling the passage and making it so smooth. I could feel and hear his breath expelling from his mouth as he gripped me harder with his paws. I was climaxing every second and I could even hear myself shouting. If anyone had been around they would have investigated the noise. If they had and wanted to join in I would have welcomed them gladly. I could now feel Max’s knot banging for entrance. It wanted to be inside too. The thrusts from Max were faster and more powerful. The sucking of the milk from my teats was almost driving me insane. Then it happened. I felt the enormous swelling inside my cunt and the huge final thrust and Mr Knot was home. The rush of semen so hot and liquid was shooting up inside me. Filling up my womb and overflowing. I cried and almost passed out with the pleasure. “Yes. Yes. Oh yes.” I heard someone crying out loud in agony and realized it was me and the agony was sheer ecstasy.

When the wave finally swept over me I felt those lovely lips remove themselves from my nipples. No more was milk flowing from my breasts. But Max’s cock was still throbbing in my nest. Jets of cum still spurting inside me, still sending thrills throughout my body. If only there was a whole pack of dogs and wolves out there waiting their turn to enjoy my body that would open itself to all of them. Then I remembered there were three other dogs waiting for me and I gave an involuntary shiver of excitement. My reverie was interrupted by something knocking against my lips. It was Mike’s cock. My mouth opened and it was thrust inside. He was stroking it and squeezing it as I sucked. I wished my hands were free but they were still supporting the weight of Max on my back. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to dismount and I wanted to keep that big cock locked away. It was home. It could live in me as long as it wanted to. Alas though all good things must come to an end. He grew restless and with a sudden pull that almost knocked me over his cock pulled out. The sudden rush of liquid running down my legs was prompted by Max’s tongue licking up and tasting his own cum that had once been inside me. Mike drew suddenly away. He walked behind me shooing Max out of the way. I felt his fingers push inside my pussy and then those same fingers were pushed inside my ass, one, two and then stretching me wide to take three. When they left I felt a cock, his cock, pushing its way into my rectum. There was only a slight hurt – many a cock had found that hole so much tighter and nicer than my cunt which was loose and big and can take a fist with ease. How I loved being fucked in my ass especially after a big fucking in its close and larger sister. Mike’s fucking was slower than Max’s and I was grateful for that. I like it slow and deep in my butt so I can feel every thrust. I could hear from his grunts he was fast approaching and soon I was rewarded with a short blast of cum, not so hot and not so much as Max’s but it still felt so good. I had been gangbanged there by seven guys once. Four of them had been Robert’s fellow workers from the oilrig and the others friends of friends. I longed for that to happen again and it would albeit only two guys short this same weekend, plus some 4 four legged friends to make it even better. But I am getting ahead of myself. I had only been in Houston for an hour. I had another lovely climax and after lying down to catch my breath it was time to clean up a little.

A little was right. I buttoned up my blouse and put on my skirt leaving my panties and bra in my hand as they both helped me to the truck. Max even had the nerve to jump up onto my back almost knocking me over.

Mike laughed. “Looks like max isn’t finished with you yet.” We were back by the truck and Dan had opened the cab door. Lean over onto the seat.” He said.

“Someone will see.” I complained. We are close to the road.” But my protests were cut off. Two pairs of hands pushed me face down and my skirt was raised. I could sense someone helpin
g Max onto me and as he thrust another hand guided his cock into me. That was all he needed. The pounding again. I could hear them laughing but I smiled to myself. Who was enjoying this more. I was. This could go on all night. It was bliss. It was lovely. It was so naughty and so nice. The now familiar expanding of his cock and the knot hitting my pussy lips. The sudden heave and Max actually lifted himself onto my back – even his back legs were off the ground. He wriggled around on me until he felt comfortable and would not fall. His knot was wedged inside and more of his scalding cum was pouring into my womb once again.

“I wish I had a camera to shoot this. Wow. This is awesome.” Mike’s voice was excited. “We are going to have fun with this bitch.”

Yes they were and I was looking forward to it too.


Max seemed to stay knotted inside me for much longer this time or he was tired … but that proved not to be the case. Or I wasn’t so comfortable being in the position I was in – bent over the rear cab seat with feet on the ground and Max with all four legs off the ground laying across my back. He weighed about 80 lbs but still felt heavier and with his 7inch cock buried up my pussy, my body started aching. No wonder really, I had had an eight hour plus air plane flight with an hour’s journey crammed up in a cab of a truck. Then I had been on my knees servicing two guys with my mouth and ass, and my pussy had now been fucked twice by a golden retriever who decided it felt nice staying where he was. He had finished his work as I felt no more spurts of cum. When Mike tried to touch Max in an attempt for him to come out of me he growled so he backed off. Dan had packed away the carpet and was sitting up in the cab so Mike left us alone and parked himself behind the driving wheel.

“We’ll wait for you two love bird to finish.” He said wit a grin. I thanked him with a glare and tried myself to make Max move. After another growl and a nip at my neck I thought that was a bad idea but I had at least got myself into a slightly different position. I was just getting uncomfortable again when I felt his cock start to shrink and with a loud bark he pulled out of me and jumped down to the ground. I hastily pushed my panties between my legs and got up into the cab before he had a chance to lick up his cum that had immediately started to run out. I moved over in the bench seat and max bounded in beside me. Dan closed the door and we were off not to see the wizard but to see the rest of the guys and dogs.

The rest of the journey didn’t seem to take long, partly because I fell asleep with Max resting his head on my lap and going to sleep as well. Of course he had worked pretty hard too. I was awaken by the truck bouncing on some uneven ground and coming to a stop. We were parked beside a wooden house I immediately recognized as the ranch in the photograph. The lights were on so I was grateful to see there was electricity here so there were some of the basic amenities I was used to her. I marveled really at how the utility company had taken the trouble to put up all those poles and lines to what seemed to me the middle of nowhere. The door of the house opened and a man came out. Mike and Dan got out from the truck and met him pointing at me. As I started to climb out hands were already helping me down. My suitcase was in Dan’s hand and I was introduced to Rick, the owner. He kissed me on the cheek and suddenly I was pushed from behind as Max was suddenly behind me and trying to jump up on me.

“Max!” I screamed. “That’s enough.”

“He’s already done her twice and knotted her good each time.” Said Mike. “Seems he wants her again.”

“Well we’d better get the lil gal into the house.” Said Rick leading the way. “We mustn’t keep Max waiting and the rest of the boys will enjoy the show.” They all started laughing and Max had now gripped me around the waist as I proceeded to try and follow them into the house. Texas manners I thought as no one was helping me. I did manage at last to get Max to release me and I almost ran to try and get away from him.

The stepped aside for me to go into the house and found myself into a large sitting area where two men were sitting looking at me. Max had again attached himself to my waist as I stopped to acquaint myself with my surroundings.. Max was now humping against me letting everyone know his attentions.

Rick came beside me and said, “Well, lil gal I suggest you just get down on that floor like a good lil bitch dog you are and let’s have some entertainment. What yer say boys?”

The answer was a hoot and a holler. Cushions were thrown on the floor and with Max still pinned around me I dropped down onto my knees land laid my chest onto the cushions. My skirt was pulled up and I could feel Max’s cock like a steel rod poking its way against me ass. It now was no stranger to my pussy and found the mark after only three stabs. Even though it was less than an hour ago when he had done me twice and I had had intense orgasms then I was immediately going through another one. Max was now very excited and his pounding was shaking my whole body. That now very familiar knot was hitting my cunt lips but whether it was because this was his third go there were no signs that it was going to get access. Max even started to slow down. He jumped off and I could feel his cock now spraying his cum onto the back of my legs. He immediately attacked my pussy with his tongue and he was really enjoying the taste of his cum. He even left my puss to lick up the pool collecting on the floor.

I heard Rick say something and one of the men I hadn’t been introduced to got up and left the room. Max was back for another go as he started licking my puss again. The he mounted me and was back in the saddle humping for all he was worth. With his first poke and he was in and I was being fucked again by this very horny canine. There was no mistake this time. He suddenly gripped me very, very tightly with his front paws and that big knot shoved itself right up into my cunt. I climaxed again as more of his cum shot into my poor womb. Where was he finding it? Also at that moment I was greeted to barking and three pairs of eyes were looking at me. The other dogs had been brought in. There was to be no gentle introduction to my fate, My gangbang by four dogs and five guys had already begun.


Max’s cock was still doing his thing. Twitching and throbbing. Pulsating and moving. Shooting small jets of cum into me, making my insides crawl and wait patiently for the next one. The other three dogs were getting excited too. They knew they would soon be burying themselves into me. The black lab retriever, Henry, I had managed to remember his name, was licking my face. The Greenland sled dog was already trying to hump my right hand. What was his name? It wouldn’t come to mind. Ron, the mountain cur had joined Henry in licking me. Max didn’t stay too long this time. Even though his cock hadn’t shrunk and perhaps he knew the other dogs would begin to lose patience he pulled out. The Greenland dog, Grit, I suddenly remembered his name. He was behind me in a flash. The other two followed but were to late. Grit was tonguing me out and stopped to snarl at Henry and Ron before attacking my pussy again. He was really enjoying himself. I was even coming from his ministrations. Then he mounted me. He felt even stronger than Max. The tip of his cock was protruding and getting bigger with every thrust. He kept missing the mark and frustrated he got down, attacked my pussy again and mounted again. It was to be four mounts before he succeeded and he almost knocked the breath out of me when finally that cock entered my sloppy hole.

His cock going in and out of my pussy together with all the cum already deposited there and the suction of trapped air was making a nasty noise. I could hear this squelching sound and knew it was from my pussy. With every thrust, and he really was thrusting, his breath making a panting noise and my own cries adding to the noise it must have sounded like an orchestra tuning up. Grit’s cock was longer than Max’s and it searched further up my vagina. His front paws had pushed themselves under my blouse and with every thrust his nails clawed my waist. Strangely, as I as a rule find pain a big turn off, the quick stabs of pain was adding to the intensity of my orgasm building within me. His precum shots were spurting into my womb as an hors d’ouvre for the main meal. I remember looking up and seeing all the watching men now void of their clothes, standing smiling, cocks sticking out like tent poles and hands gently stroking them. Rick noticed me look up and said something to the others. Soon two cocks appeared at my face and my mouth dutifully opened to receive them.

“Get underneath her and suck those tits,” came a voice I recognized as Dan’s. “Her milk tastes so good.”

Grit’s cock was still driving me crazy as I felt a mouth clamp over each of my breasts.

What a picture that must have been. Me, kneeling on all fours with two men in front of me thrusting their cocks in my mouth, two men lying on their backs underneath me sucking milk from my breasts, a dog humping me as if there was no tomorrow; other excited dogs walking around this sextet, occasionally barking and licking at my bare flesh, and a fifth man standing over us, naked and wanking his erect cock.

Grit’s knot felt huge against my pussy lips but despite the powerful lunges and drawing back inside my vagina, that cock was not going to accidentally come out. With a final, hard and rapid flurry I felt it enter as Grit wrapped his paws around my now bare waist. His cock pulsated and then spat out his hot, runny seed and my womb welcomed that liquid almost as if it was quenching its thirst. I couldn’t shout because as my mouth opened wider the two human cocks now pushed further in, almost to my throat. The two men under me must have sensed what was happening because they held my body up from collapsing on top of them. I was very much aware now of Grit’s dead weight as he had managed to push himself further into me by pulling his back legs off the floor and I could feel them resting against my ass. To add to this incredible feeling one of the other dogs was now licking ay my cunt and onto my clitoris. How I came and came.

The next thing I remember was the two human cocks had pulled away from my mouth and there was no one sucking my breasts. Grit was wriggling to get free and I helped him by pushing with my hands on the floor and raising my body up. His back legs now found the purchase he was looking for and with a loud plop and a gush of cum my cunt was empty of his knot and cock.

A voice shouted to keep the dogs off and hands and arms gripped me around the waist. I was hoisted up and over Rick who was lying on his back with his cock proudly sticking in the air. I knew what was wanted of me and I helped them maneuver me into position, sinking my pussy, still dripping with Grit’s runny spunk, over his cock. I hardly felt it enter me as I rested onto his body. As soon as I was in this position and almost like a rehearsed script I felt another body behind me pushing me forward. Soon another cock was being pressed into me but not in my ass as I was expecting. It was going into my pussy alongside Rick’s. This was a first. Now I could feel cock. Two cocks I know but it felt to me like one big fat sausage.

“O.K., Brad,” I heard Dan’s voice again as he was obviously in charge of the proceedings, “Are you in real good?”

“Oh, yea. Right up to my balls. Proves one thing. My cock’s longer than yours is Rick.” There were chuckles. “Now’s the tricky part.” Dan continued. “ Lean back and push your legs around and up along Collie’s body without pulling out. Collie, see if you can clamp your cunt muscles around those cocks. Then lay your head back onto the floor, Brad”

I already felt full but I tried my best to hold him in. What the hell was going to happen next? Brad moved slowly into position but despite pushing muscles onto those cocks I felt some of it move out, but not all. I heard Brad’s head hit the floor, he swore and then pushed his cock into me again. “I hope this is all worth it.” He said, “Not as comfortable as before and I haven’t got so much control over my cock.”

“You won’t have to do any work.” Said Dan. I now could feel fingers at my bottom. A digit worked its way through the rose into my ass. “Mmm. I can feel those cocks.” He started moving his finger in and out. “Nice, eh?” It withdrew and I felt something wet being pushed up. “it’s already nice and wet still but this veggie oil will make it even easier. Collie you will be the first person I think who has ever experienced this. You’ll be able to write about it in your memoirs. Guess what is going to happen next.”

“Someone’s cock is going up my ass.” I said. “I have heard of it being done.”

“Not like this.” He said. “Is Henry read?”

“Oh yes. Can hardly hold him back.”

“Bring him over. I’ll help guide him in.”

Now I understood. With two human cocks both inside my cunt I was about to be ass fucked by a dog!!!!


I tried to squirm away but I couldn’t move and did I really want to? Two lovely cocks both packed together up inside my cunt and Henry, the black lab terrier dog, straining to join the action. Before I could say anything a nice big fat erect cock suddenly appeared at my head. “Suck on this darling.” Said a voice and I cannot remember who it was except I dutifully opened my mouth and in it popped. I then felt a wet tongue lapping at my ass and then Brad’s voice complaining Henry was treading all over him. Help was at hand and Henry’s front legs were placed either side of my waist and I felt his weight land on my back. His cock was banging against me everywhere except the right, or perhaps for me, the wrong place. I know at this stage my thoughts were muddled. Henry’s precum was now running down the back of my leg and his movements on Brad’s body was making Brad’s cock move against Rick’s starting a reaction in my puss that I knew was soon going to trigger an orgasm inside me. My mood now was quickly changing to lust and finally when. With help, Henry’s cock at last found the opening and my body accepted it gratefully as it shot up my ass. Henry now went into overdrive and so did Rick and Brad’s cocks. I could feel all three as if they were one. There was no sensation of any membrane separating their cocks form the dog’s. To me it was three lovely, gorgeous, pieces of flesh penetrating almost my entrails and I was just a receptacle to what was going to happen next. I now sucked with great enthusiasm on that cock in my mouth and now all three men were moaning. Now, looking back and remembering this wonderful moment in my life, I do not recount feeling any pain. My ass was extremely tight. The two cocks packed together in my puss had made it so but one would not have thought so as Henry was shunting his cock hard, fast, and so easily inside my ass. My body now was moving with his. Faster and faster, shaking. Rick’s hands had now gripped my breasts and his squeezing of them was making them leak their milk adding to the kinkiness of the situation. And lucky me was starting to have the greatest orgasm of her life.

The man at my head was pulling my hair and pushing his cock further down my throat. Henry’s knot was now banging against my ass but there was no way that was going in … or so I thought. But the human body is a wonderful and pliable thing. It can open when really pushed and it was being pushed. Suddenly Henry gripped me so powerfully around my waist he did actually manage to raise me slightly up. It was just enough as with one powerful lunge he shot forward, his back legs now waggling in the air frantically trying to find support. They did. Upon my rump! And as they did that huge knot said “Hallo. This looks like a nice place to be,” and without a “Please, may I,” it rammed in. Now I remember the pain but it was the same time I came and came and came. And it wasn’t just me. This was one of those rare but magical moments. Everyone came together. I felt the cum spurting in my cunt. I felt the cum spurting down my throat and I felt the stream of cum shooting up my ass like the water from a soda siphon. It was sheer ecstasy. It was sheer delight. It was joy. And I loved it. Oh, how I loved it. Even though Henry had knotted me his cock was still moving. His knot was moving inside me too. Thankfully not (no pun intended) enough to slip out but enough to bury itself even deeper so his balls were now trying to get inside too. If only that had happened!!!!!

The cock in my mouth pulled free and not a drop did I leave on it. I had sucked and licked it clean. One satisfied customer. In one way they had paid for the service. My air fare and my accommodation were all included in my package. So what can a poor gal do but try her best to please? And that I was going to do. But in the process it was me that was even more being pleased. Gradually I could feel the two cocks in my puss slowly start to shrink but even that feeling was pleasant. But Henry was not finished yet. Gently the two human bodies maneuvered themselves out and away from me. I sank down onto the floor, Henry, lovely Henry still embedded in my ass. His cock still moving. His head gently hitting the back of my head and his tongue licking the back of neck. As my breasts squashed on the floor I could feel the wetness and stickiness of my milk. The fourth dog. Ron, the mountain cur, ran to my side. He started to lick my face and then the smell of my milk must have attracted him. His nose against the floor and then it was against my side and my breast. His tongue lapped at the milky drips and I pushed myself up on my hands. Henry gave a gentle growl to let me know he wasn’t finished with me yet. I took all the weight now on my left hand and with my right I pushed my breast into Ron’s face squeezing the nipple and making the milk flow. He learnt quickly. Ron’s tongue was there slobbering all over my offered breast at first and then his mouth opened letting the drops of my milk fall into it. Then a lick, then his mouth opened, then a squeeze of my hand and a drops of milk eagerly and excitedly swallowed up. I was like a machine to them. When I could feel the flow of milk start to dwindle I asked someone to move him round to my other one. Ron was reluctant at first but after a little dragging and me moving the weight of Henry and my body over to the other hand exposing my left breast, he understood and was there beside it waiting. This movement was enough to start Henry again and he started to thrust. Not long powerful ones that would have dislodged his knot but short little fast ones. I tried to keep up my squeezing of my breast with the now rapid fire pushes but I couldn’t keep up. And Henry did not last very long either. Soon another load of his cum spent itself like an enema into my bowels and at the same time Henry pulled himself from me. A loud plop and cum, still spurting, from his cock, shot over my ass and legs.

Ron, immediately stopped nursing at my breast. He was behind me like a shot. His tongue like a warm wet rag licking the sperm up and then he bounded upon me. Maybe it wasn’t with his first poke but it couldn’t have been more than three but his cock soon found the warm and wet interior of my cunt and now the familiar feeling of tight furry legs wrapping themselves around my waist. The panting noise and fur tickling my back where my blouse had rolled itself further up my body. The pounding I was getting from the biggest of all the cocks that had entered me today. So many of them. All different sizes, but all so very nice. I could even hear my own little cries as Ron used me. I was just a means to an end. He wanted to get that wonderful feel of release as he tried to breed me. I would have given anything to be bred by a dog and still do. There aren’t many things in my life I haven’t been able to do and that is definitely my biggest disappointment. If I could have I would have always been pregnant. Proudly showing my belly off to my mates. And there would have been lots. A fantasy of mine even today is to prowl the streets at night on all fours hoping a pack of stray male dogs will find me. Later on, in fact, the next night I spent locked up alone with all those dogs and that is the nearest thing to that fantasy. I have now done the pack bred thing four times but always locked up in a building. I wanted to be in the open, alone in the night air, excitedly waiting for all those strange dogs to find and breed me. To take me and use me and come back for me. I really would love to become a bitch whore. Well I am getting ahead and carried away with fantasies. I was certainly being taken. I was getting a fast and furious fucking from a beast that was shagging me like there was no tomorrow. With a yelp and final push that heavenly knot that unfortunately human cocks do not possess and shot through my pussy lips to be engulfed by my big, sloppy, cunt. More cum shot into me, mixing with all the rest. I wish I could have known just how much had enriched my insides. He didn’t stay long after that. He pulled out and with a last lick he moved away. Hands helped me up and I know I fell into some ones arms.

I was helped into the shower. Hands took my blouse off. Hot water poured over my head and I started to recover. Although I was tired and hungry and the agreeable smell of something cooking pierced my nostrils my body was excited. It wanted more…


I was shown my bedroom and someone had put my case on the bed. It was an old fashioned high Queen and the mattress was soft and the springs made a noise when I sat down on it. My knees and ass hole were very sore and my shoulders ached. Very nasty red wheals from the various dogs scratches adorned my legs and waist. The water from the shower had set every hurt on and inside my body to fight for the right of being the most painful. My poor ass one first prize.

I opened my case and found my Germolene ointment. Why the USA don’t manufacture a soothing medical ointment like that one is I don’t know. Every time I or my brother go to UK we bring back lots of it. I opened the tube and pushed the head gingerly inside my ass and squeezed. Withdrawing it I pushed in my index finger and already my ass was feeling a little better – or it could have been my finger in there…. I then proceeded to rub the ointment into the rest of my wounds. The only place I left alone was my puss…

I found a light fitting long dress and dispensing with any underwear went back into the sitting room but voices told me they were somewhere else. The trail led me into a large dining room where the men were all ready eating. They soon directed me to a place and a huge steak was placed in front of me. It looked like half a cow and they laughed at my astonishment. It was rare and bloody and the baked potato could hardly find a place to sit. Well I did manage to eat a third of it. Everybody was good natured and I was asked various questions on my life and especially the animals I had been with. I think they were disappointed that I had only been with a few dogs and up until this meeting the most I had been with was my very first introduction to K9 (See “The Beginning of Collie”). All four of their dogs had been locked away in the barn for the night. The barn I was told was 100 yards form the house and next to where the tractors and other equipment were kept. They also had a chiller room for hanging up and bleeding their hunting prizes. As there is a two hour time difference between Seattle and Houston they were ready for bed even though it was still early for me but I was a bit tired due to the traveling so I went to bed and decided to read for a bit. The reading and sleeping were not to be. Over the next six hours I was visited by all five of the Texans and they had I suppose worked out a running order. I would have normally have preferred multiple partners but that would most certainly have meant double penetration and anal sex so I was glad for the one on one – my ass was definitely off limits. After the last man left me I was now very tired and fell soundly to sleep.

When I awoke in the morning it was after eleven o clock and all was quiet. I showered again and dress wearing a bra, blouse and my long skirt. I decided to leave my panties off and I only put a bra on because my breasts were heavy with milk and if they didn’t get some attention soon would start leaking. My body had decided to produce more milk after the draining of my tits the day before.

I found Rick outside on the porch smoking a pipe. Max was lying beside him but as soon as he saw me got up and started barking wagging his tail. Rick quieted him down and scolded him but he was laughing when he turned to me.

“Max has got your scent.” Rick explained. “He wouldn’t go with the rest of the boys. They’ve gone hunting and won’t be back ‘til late this afternoon. But Max has been excited all morning. Horny he should have been called.” He turned to Max who had got to his feet again. “Ok, boy. Are you ready for him? You two have some fun and I’ll get you some coffee, bacon and beans. There’s still some mash and gravy. I’ll have it all for you after you’ve finished. I would prefer it if you two love birds do it in the barn. You made a right mess in the sitting room. I’ll come and git yer.” He pointed out the barn and disappeared in to the house. I wanted to retort back it wasn’t me that made the mess but Max had decided to show his affection by jumping up at me. I held his paws and gave him a kiss on his nose. Pushing him down I walked towards the barn. The whole time he was barking excitedly at me and jumping up. A couple of time he wrapped himself around me and started to hump my leg. After a struggle I managed to get there. The door was slightly ajar and in we went. The barn was full of straw and sacks of feed and I allowed Max to jump right up on me again. I opened my blouse, pulled my bra up over my tits and offered my breasts to Max to lick. Already milk was seeping out and Max was there greedily licking it up. Another dog I had now got to try and like human breast milk. I hoped it was good for them. Seeing a large bale of straw I allowed Max to knock me back down onto it. I squirted milk from both tits letting a pool land between my breasts and run down to my belly button. Max’s rough tongue licked it all up as fast as I was squirting it out. What a lovely doggie he was. The heaviness in my breasts was vanishing and whilst it was much nicer to have human lips clasped around my nipples this was at least second best and the kinkiness and nastiness (I suppose) of it made it better. Unfortunately, Max had had enough of this before I had expelled it all and he turned his attention to trying to bury his snout under my long skirt. I helped him by lifting myself up and pulling the skirt up to my waist exposing my hairy pussy in all its glory.

Mmm that rough tongue sent shivers through me. He licked and licked. Faster and faster with his tongue and I heard the little cries of “Yes. Yes.” Realizing it was me that was murmuring them. Max was really excited now and when he buried his head beneath me I knew what he was trying to do. He was turning me over into that primal position to be taken and used. And now I wanted it just as much as he did. I scooted myself over. Knees bent and close together taking my weight on my elbows. The straw stuck me a few times but as always when you are sexually on heat pain disappears miraculously. He mounted and gripped me. We had had practice of this and like a welcome home sign his lovely cock speared me like a lance and my pussy let him in. His precum was shooting lovely little jets of fluid oiling the passage as if it needed any oiling. My juices had been flowing some time. He hammered me but not as rough as he had been. He was fast but now he knew my cunt and I knew his cock. Even his paws didn’t grip me so much and I could feel his body moving around on top of me getting into position. His knot was already hitting me but he was in no hurry. He wanted this to last as long as I did. Soon, much to soon, I could feel jets of his cum shooting up and that of course caused me an instant orgasm. To my shock he pulled out. I heard myself groan but he was off me quickly and his tongue was back to licking my pussy again. He licked and licked cleaning me up and then he bounded on top of me again. No missing, he was straight inside me again. His paws pulling my body onto his cock like a finger going into a glove. Again he fucked me, his panting and saliva dribbling onto my neck. His cock going in and out of my vagina like a drummer tapping out a beat upon a drum. Again an orgasm built up within me and was released. It was so very nice and I still wanted more. Once again he came. His seed, so much warmer and so much more liquid and so much more in quantity shot into my depths again. His knot banging and trying to enter but max was not going to let it in. he jumped off again. Although I was frustrated it was short-lived as I knew the grande finale was about to come. The weight across my back was gone and a wet hard tongue was licking at my cunt, entering me and causing me to cum again. Then he mounted me once again and his cock thumped home. This time was different. He showed me no mercy. His front paws gripped me like a vice, tightly wrapping themselves around my waist and his cock plunging into me and pulling out like rapid gunfire. I don’t know how many times I came – it just seemed like one gigantic orgasm to me – but Rick told me afterwards he could hear me screaming and told me next time to close the door of the barn. Max fucked and fucked and fucked me. My legs had opened but that hadn’t stopped him. My rump is the worse part of my anatomy. Much too big for the rest of me but he didn’t mind. I could feel his hind legs coming off the ground one at a time as he tried frantically to get further up inside me. A loud growl from inside his belly and he drove that knot inside me knocking me forward upon my face. His back legs both came off the ground and he came to rest laying on top of my back with his cock pumping me full of more and more cum. Those tiny baby making molecules swimming into me trying to fertilize my eggs but that was not to be. I’m sure they tried so very hard and I was willing it to happen too. We laid like that, both exhausted, and when I did look up Rick was standing there his cock hard and rearing out of his pants. He was rubbing it vigorously and then he bent down and long stream of cum hit me in my face and into my left eye making it sting. When he offered it up to my mouth I cleaned it up for him. It was at least ten minutes before Max got down. Cum rushed out from my womb and I was thankful my skirt was out of the way. Max’s tongue was back again licking me and then he left to lie down licking his cock and balls, moth open and a smile upon his face. He had done his job well. I was helped to my feet and I blew Max a kiss before grabbing Rick’s arm and walking back to the house. And we had all afternoon….


As I walked with Rick back to the house Max’s cum was running from my vagina down my legs. It was a nice feeling. I felt happy and I grabbed Rick’s hand. He smiled. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked. “Very much.” I replied. “better than I imagined.. and I have a good imagination.”

He squeezed my hand. “Your hubby called.” Goodness I had forgotten Robert. How could I forget my husband? But I had. “He wants you to call him as soon as possible. He’s worried. Use the phone in my bedroom. Third door on the left. You can have some privacy. Then come into the kitchen and have something to eat. Grits bacon, eggs and pancakes.” I rushed past him. I was so upset with myself. I needn’t have worried. My wonderful husband was so understanding and so relieved I was OK. I told him the naughty things I had done and he hoped someone had taken some pictures. I would have to ask Rick. I then went into my bedroom and took a quick shower. I had smelt bad…. I changed my top for a T-shirt but kept the same long skirt

I ate the huge breakfast Rick had prepared and then noticed the two mugs of black coffee. He saw me looking at them. “I thought I’d save on the cream and use yours.”

“You’re nasty.” I said. But I smiled and pulled up my top exposing my breasts. “I’ll hold the mug you do the squeezing.” I said. His big hands were round my tits and once he got the right action my milk was flowing freely into the coffee mugs. Human milk isn’t as thick as cows so it didn’t turn the color of the coffee very much but it tasted good.

“Tonight the boys are going into town.” Rick said as he sipped his coffee. My breasts were still exposed and he occasionally would lick and suck on a nipple. “I shall stay behind. You are going to be locked up with the dogs. From eight until noon on Sunday. You are really going to find out what a dog bitch really means. You can opt out right up until a minute ‘til eight – then there is no turning back.” I felt my heart jump with excitement and my pussy was already getting wet. “Ok” I said.

“If they get a bit rough and you need the toilet there is a door at the back of the barn. It leads to a very primitive bathroom but there is running water from a hose and a bucket. Take in to the barn as many blankets and pillows you need. I’ve slept in there before and so have the guys … when we’ve been drunk but we did kick the dogs out. You won’t have that option.”

“How many other girls have you put in there for the night?”

“None.” He confessed. “They all chickened out at the last minute. But you I think will do it.” “You bet.” I replied. “That has been a fantasy of mine. Anyway Max will protect me. He likes me.” “Yes he does. He has taste. I like you too.” I smiled and got up and sat on his lap. We French kissed and his hand went down pulling my skirt up. His fingers found my pussy and then a digit found my ass. It pushed into the entrance. I winced as it was still sore. “Sorry.” He said and he pushed it back into my puss. “Tomorrow you can fuck it.” I promised. “We all will,” He said. I could hear Max barking outside. “Take him for a walk but be careful if he gets frisky. There’s a lot of nosey parkers around. Best let him fuck you here.” “Ok. But I think I wore him out. He did me three times back in the barn,”

I went outside and sure enough Max was there wagging his tail. He jumped up but as I took no notice and walked past him he stopped and trotted behind me. I wish I had asked Rick which way to go as I made my way to the entrance. By now Max had trotted ahead of me so I thought why not follow him. He stopped, looked to see I was going to follow and turned right. We were on a dirt track and tall trees lined the route. The sun was warm and I was not used to it being cooped up in the Seattle rain and cold. We walked for about fifteen minutes and then came to a small clearing of grass. I sat down on a fallen tree trunk and immediately Max took this as a sign I wanted to play. He leapt up his face licking mine and his paws gripping my waist. He started to hump and I found myself involuntarily moving backwards. I rolled off the tree trunk onto m back with the friction of the trunk’s bark pulling my skirt up. What a sight that must have been. My legs wide open and my pussy exposed to all with a dog humping me. His penis was hitting my leg and although I never have enjoyed the missionary position with dogs as much as the doggie position – I never get the deep penetration with missionary and I like the dog to be in control and to really be his bitch – but with his cock so near my puss I levered myself up on one elbow and then grasped the penis with my other hand. Guiding him into me was easy and once I felt him inside I laid back, legs dangling over the tree trunk. He went mad then. Madly thrusting as hard as he could and I could see his face, his mouth open and teeth in a wide grin. Unfortunately he couldn’t get the knot in as the position I was in was making my vagina not as long despite my trying to help. His cock felt quite delicious banging away and I grabbed his body with my hands and kissed his face. I came exactly the same time as he did and I watched his eyes actually close as the now customary hot jet of doggie cum shot inside me. His fourth one today! I loved Max then and felt a special bonding with him. I knew I was just a sex object to him but he liked fucking me and I was very happy to oblige him. My eyes must have closed too because when they opened not only was Max now standing over me with his cock buried inside me , twitching and still shooting cum, but a pure white dog (I later found out he was an Akita) was standing beside us watching me. Max saw him the same time and started barking. This set the white dog off who suddenly charged Max. I was therefore very pleased Max had not knotted me as he pulled his cock out of me and fled. So much for my protector. Certainly the white dog was bigger than Max but surely he should have defended his mate – me. However, it was Max who was being chased. Then I heard a woman’s voice calling out a name. I decided to do a quick exit and ran scrambling to my feet made for the nearest cover – a large tree. I rearranged my attire as best I could. Brushing off the dirt and grass. Then staring down at my T-shirt noticed my breasts had started to leak staining the material. Rick hadn’t expressed enough milk from me but had started them flowing. Just at that moment I heard a car driving up, noise of a door banging and voices both a man and a woman.

I stepped out from behind my refuge as I recognized the male voice as Rick’s and walked back to the clearing. Rick’s truck was there and he was talking to a middle-aged plumpish woman with long black hair, open neck blouse and trousers. She was fairly plain but not ugly and her red bra showing inside her partly open blouse housed a nice pair of tits.

“There you are.” Said Rick as soon as I approached. “I thought you might get lost and the wolves and bears eat you.” Now that was a comforting thought. “Where’s Max?”

“I don’t know.” I confessed. “He ran off being chased by a big white dog.”

“That’s Henry.” The woman said.” I was out looking for him.” A him. That peaked my interest. “Stop it” I thought. Behave. “Which way did he go?” she asked. I pointed to the trees.

“I’ll go and look.” Volunteered Rick. “I have to find Max, anyway.” He almost scowled at me as he ran past shouting “Max” at the top of his voice.

“Oh dear,” I said, “I’m in trouble. I’m staying with Rick at his ranch and the other men.”

She looked at me a little suspiciously but held out her hand. “Hi. I’m Dottie. I live just over there. Is your husband with you?” Oh she really was suspicios and very observant noticing my ring. She, of course was noticing the ever increasing wetness on my T-shirt from my milk laden breasts.

“No. I’m on my own. And sorry about this.” I pointed to my chest. “I have two youngsters at home in Seattle and I’m breastfeeding. They are guzzlers and I produce a lot and…” I laughed uncomfortably.

“Poor thing.” She said. “No need to apologize. I expect that’s what’s caused Henry to get excited. He is a breeding dog. A full bred Akita. He has won shows. He probably thinks you are a bitch on heat.” She laughed. How little did she know.

“Then lucky for me Max was with there. He seemed more interested in him than me.”

“No dear.” She said. “ He was chasing him off. He wanted to mate with you.”

“What?” I said. And I really was astonished. “I can’t believe you said that?”

“Really?” she said. “Rick and I are good friends. Very good friends.” She smiled and I nodded. “I know all about you and why you are here. I was just playing a game just now asking if your husband was with you.”

“Oh.” I said silently cursing Rick.

“Don’t worry your secret is safe with me. Henry has a few times now joined in the human breeding when a lady has stayed at the ranch. Although it has been quite a while and Rick said you are the very best that has ever stayed there.”

Well, that was a compliment I suppose. “And do you … you know..? I asked her.

“Do I fuck dogs? Only Henry and that is very occasionally. He was trained by my girlfriend who is very active. Yes, I am bi. Best of both worlds, eh? In fact its been at least three months since I have allowed Henry to breed me. Not that he hasn’t tried. I have never had an orgasm from him and it is so messy. I like it long, slow and gentle and Rick is very good at that and so is my girlfriend. Henry just pounds away like the beast he is and that is all he’s interested in. Getting his rocks off. Rick tells me you are bi, too?”

I nodded. “Is there anything Rick hasn’t told you?”

She laughed again. “I don’t know. He says you are going to be pack bred tonight by all four of his dogs. No one has stayed all night and morning doing that. I shall be interested how you feel afterwards. I like one man or one woman at a time and one dog come to that. I wish I could leave Henry with you in there too but he does not get on well with other dogs and is very aggressive around them. However, when Rick finds him perhaps you’d like to come back with me and get to know Henry. If you like it fast and furious and a dog ready to perform very quickly after his first breeding, you will enjoy him. The fact that he isn’t satisfied the first time is another turn-off for me. I would also like very much to help out with your tittie problem,” She actually licked her lips. Everything she was saying was making me so wet and that familiar naughty feeling was back in my stomach. “So what do you say?”


“Yes.” I said.

Dottie moved close to me. “Let’s kiss.” She moved her lips to mine and as soon as they touched her arms went around me pulling me close. Our mouths opened and we French kissed my arms enveloping her body. We stayed in that position our tongues exploring each other’s mouths and we were lost in that moment until a body flung itself against my back. With a jump I twisted around to find her dog, Henry, on his hind legs and paws trying to hold onto my waist. Dottie scolded him and he behaved but only for a moment and he jumped me again. This time Dottie gave him a slap and down he got again this time his head low and his tail between his legs. She apologized but I smiled. Then Henry was barking as Rick came along with Max in tow. Dottie grabbed Henry’s collar holding him back as he snarled at Max. Max offered a few barks back and suddenly flew at him almost knocking Dottie over. I was pleased to see Max had some fight in him after his running away previously and it was a good job Rick was there as two women were not going to separate two snarling dogs.

“I’ll take Max home.” Said Rick after he had pulled him away leaving Dottie and now assisted by me to hold a determined Henry from attacking. “Colleen is coming back with me but I’ll return her to you in plenty of time.” replied Dottie. Rick smiled and bundled Max into the truck. With a wave and a kiss he drove off. Dottie took my hand and after telling me it was only a short walk to her home we strode off with Henry quietly trotting behind us. It wasn’t long though before his head was banging on the backs of my legs and then he jumped up almost knocking me over which was obviously his intent!

With another scolding he quieted down and Dottie then asked me if I had mated with Max just before she had arrived. When I confessed I had she told me with a smile that I was a very nasty dog slut. I smiled back. She then drew me into the forest and pushed me against a tree. Her hand went up my skirt and a finger wormed its way into my pussy. Her other hand pushed up my shirt and squeezed my breast as her lips closed round my nipple sucking my milk into her mouth. Henry sat by our feet looking up with a panting open mouth.

“Mmm. You are very wet.” She said as another finger joined the one in my puss. “I’m sorry about this. I couldn’t wait any longer. Your milky tits are driving me mad. Here boy.” She took her fingers out from my puss and offered them to Henry who licked them and got excited again. “Open your legs.” She commanded me, “Pull your skirt up. Give him access to that nasty pussy of yours. It needs cleaning.” I did as she said and she pushed Henry’s snout into it. His lovely tongue licked greedily at my juices flowing out mixed with Max’s cum and doing sensational things to my clittie. Both of her hands were now wrapped around my right breast and I could feel my milk flowing into her sucking mouth. I writhed against the tree and was almost collapsing as my orgasm built and built. I closed my eyes as Henry’s tongue worked itself further into me. I came and then another one built almost instantly and then another. I then did collapse sliding down the tree trunk to the floor. Henry immediately tried to jump me and started humping against me and it took all of Dottie’s strength and angry voice to pull him away. “Wait just a little longer, darling.” She said patting him as he calmed down. “When we get home she will be all yours to take again and again.” She turned to me. “You will mate with him until he is satisfied.” I think I nodded as I realized I was coming under her power. I had always been a little submissive and this was now very evident. She helped me get to my feet that felt like jelly and I held onto her for support. As we continued on our way to her house I slowly started to recover but the excitement as to what was to come was increasing in my stomach.

Her “house” was really what I would call a log cabin but very spacious, neat and tidy. I remember a long covered front porch with bench seating and wooden shingles on a pitched roof. The windows were the wood jalousie type that she opened to get some light. She led me straight away to her bedroom and I flopped down onto a very comfortable queen-size four-poster bed. There were dolls of differing sizes, colors and costumes everywhere. There were even dolls hanging from the ceiling. I just lay there looking up at the bed canopy until she came into the room holding a rolled up sheet .

“I’ve tied Henry up just for the moment. I need to get this on the bed as he makes such a mess. You will have to get up a moment.” She was apologetic. I got up and helped her roll it over the bed sheet and then after a hug and a kiss she pushed me back onto the bed.

She leant over me and pushed two big pillows under my head and I helped her get my shirt and skirt off. I lay naked as the day I was born and she blew approving kisses at me as she took in my body. My left breast felt uncomfortable and heavy with milk and I involuntarily found myself squeezing it and expressing the milk. I felt it running down my body into my belly button forming a small puddle. Whilst I was doing this she was undressing and soon she joined me her naked body draping itself across mine. She lapped up my milk and expressed more. Lapped and expressed. She continued doing this until the flow had ceased and only bubbles of milk appeared around the nipple. She moved down and her mouth was at my sex. Only another woman knows where to place her tongue and although Henry was good because of his strong tongue, Dottie’s was better. It darted, it licked, it sucked, it found my clittie – my “little man on the boat” and my breath came in gulps. A finger touched my anal opening and ever so gently worked its way into that dark and narrow opening that had been so abused of late. There was no pain and it triggered my orgasm immediately. Both my hands wrapped around my breasts and my legs pressed on each side of her head as the magic tongue continued its devilish work.

I could hear myself giving little cries of “yes’ and “don’t stop” and I was in heaven again. Finally I couldn’t take anymore and I pushed her head away.

“You.” I said. “I want to taste you.” She climbed up onto and straddled me and the lips of her cunt dropped down over my welcoming mouth. My tongue tasted her musty, wet and salty opening and I tried to force it further inside until I felt her clit start to grow. I heard her breathing becoming louder and that inspired me more. I worked my tongue back and forth, over and over on that protruding bud of flesh. Her breathing became moans and her cunt pressed further down over me almost stopping me breathing. Almost. I kept up my work and suddenly she gave a loud cry. A jet of water shot from her sex and this was followed by a flood. She was actually peeing. Peeing into my mouth and I was swallowing it. I didn’t mine. I started to gag as I my throat couldn’t keep up with it but then the flow stopped. It covered my face and my hair and she dangled the lips of her cunt over my face until every drop had ceased and then down it came over my mouth and my tongue went up inside her again. All this time she was having an orgasm and I was so proud I had brought it on even to making her shed her water. As she came back to normality she towered above me, her face looking down at mine. “No one has ever made me do that and you swallowed it.” She kissed me and she tasted herself as she lay on me. My arms wrapped themselves around her and like this we stayed.

She was the first to move. “It is time for Henry to enjoy you and you him. Turn over and raise yourself up.” I obeyed. She placed pillows under my tummy until I was the right eight and comfortable. “I have to cover his feet.” She said. “Otherwise he will claw and hurt you, although you have plenty of doggie scratches already.” She left the room and I waited. I pulled my head onto another pillow and waited. The wait seemed endless and then the running of feet and a weight landed on the bed behind me. Henry’s tongue on my sex made me jump and after only a quick lick he mounted me. His front paws expertly gripped me and his humping began. His sheath was banging against my ass and I could already feel that hard tip from his cock as it had started to protrude. Without any assistance from Dottie, whose presence I could feel nearby, it found its mark and my vagina welcomed the intruder. The humping was now a pounding – like a jack-hammer- the demolition crews use to break up concrete. But this was inside me. It was pounding and hammering into my being and my body shook with every blow. The feeling inside me was almost beyond description. Already jets of precum was shooting inside me oiling up the narrow passage as this cock was getting bigger and bigger. Faster and faster. Bigger and bigger. Faster and faster. Now I could feel something like a huge egg banging at the lips of my sex. More precum was shooting inside me now into my womb. “more. More.” I was shouting. Lord, never let this end, I thought. Please never let it end. Henry’s body was so heavy and his fur so warm I felt I was actually inside him. There were no pants from him but I if I thought the pounding I had gotten so far was fast I was not prepared for what was to come. He screwed up his body even more, his paws gripping me and pulling me back as he went into overdrive. I felt that huge cock go up and down so fast inside me that it made me scream. My orgasm hit me as his that huge egg – his knot- shot inside and even with it there he was still hammering away. Jet after jet of his cum filled me. So hot – almost scalding and this was the first time he made a noise. A whimper at first and then a long howl like someone who had achieved a momentous win. I joined him too. I shrieked, I wailed. I came.


Henry was big. Not only size – he nearly 100lbs but laying upon me it seemed more. His penis I discovered was a full eleven inches long, thick and a knot as big as a baseball. Although this knot was gobbled up by my pussy and he had sent hot and very liquid cock inside my womb he was still moving fast in and out of my now full passage. Not long sea-saw movements but short staccato ones followed by a lunge, a tight grip of his paws and more cum flooding me. His knot was stopping it from leaking although I could feel a wetness down the back of my legs and inside my thighs. He moved on my back a little and when I turned my head he licked my face. His mouth was grinning at me as if he had won the battle and was now my master. At this moment he was and I was pleased to be his slave. I was his. Dottie sat down on the bed and stroked my hair and Henry’s fur. “I wish I had some film for my camera. You both look so happy.” She said and moving her face down she kissed me and Henry, even giving him a loving French kiss before repeating that with me. Perhaps it was that but finally he stopped his movement inside me and like two statues joined together we remained still.

Dottie moved off the bed and knelt down on the floor at our rear.

“I’ve lifted his tail and he really has knotted you.” I felt her fingers at my pussy lips and guessed she was exposing the knot. Then I felt her tongue there. She was kissing and licking my pussy and Henry’s knot! The nastiness of it hit me and I wished I could have seen her doing this. It triggered another orgasm, smaller than the last but nice. Henry started now to move his forelegs and raked them down my sides. I was pleased at the socks that Dottie had tied around all four of his legs. I felt her move away and Henry pulled his cock out at the same time. Instantly his cum poured out and I could actually hear it splashing onto the plastic covering over the bed. Henry twisted around and admired his handiwork at my ass and then his clean-up begun. First his tongue was at my pussy and then it was down onto the plastic licking the pool of his own cum. Then it was back at my ass again and this action was repeated again and again. Finally he walked around to my head and I had a full view of his long dangling cock and monster knot. “Had all of that really been inside me?” I thought. On an impulse as I do not readily do this simply because I don’t like the taste of doggie cum I reached out and grabbed his cock. Dottie knew instantly what I was going to do and moved Henry into position. I turned myself on my back and maneuvered my mouth onto that lovely “weapon”. I was so horny that I eagerly sucked it into my mouth. I was doing a job on him – cleaning him up! I held his cock behind his knot and with relish licked and sucked it. It wasn’t long before it started to twitch and I realized he was getting ready again and his cock had not even shown a sign of going down. Before I could stop my sucking a spurt of pre-cum shot from his cock right into my mouth and down my throat making me cough. As soon as I released his cock he was down at my rear. I quickly turned over onto my hands, pulled my legs together and without even a lick he mounted me once more.

He was eager and missed the opening and his cock almost hit my ass hole. I shouted to Dottie that my ass was too sore to take him there and she this time guided his cock into the right hole. As soon as it was in the jack hammer started up and my waist was gripped like a vice. This time I could hear his breath coming out in small but fast gasps as he built up pace. His cock felt quite at home in me now and I even found myself pulling back to meet his thrusts. He was not as fast as the first time and because I had quickly got used to his action I was enjoying it even more and I managed to push myself up and pull some more pillows under me and that was more comfortable for me. This made his cock touch places it hadn’t before … or so it seemed. More pre-cum meant more lubrication and the jack-hammer cock found my passage so easy to move in. Max’s cum along with Henry’s first mating with me only a few minutes before had widened it and made the internal tissues as smooth as glass. Henry was really enjoying himself and I even managed to clench my internal muscles so he could tell he was in a nice juicy tight cunt – mine!! This is why being mated to a dog is so much more fulfilling. It is taboo, it is more frantic, I am giving yourself to a primal being – a lower link in the animal chain. He is my boss. He owns me and at this time I am so happy to give myself to him. fuck me. fuck me. Harder. Harder. Faster. Faster. Oh please. Please!!! I came. It was so fantastic. I can never get enough of this. I was born to be bred to dogs. Just dogs or so I thought.

Note: For many years after this I was a dog mate only. No interest in any other animal. Today I am open to any beast and although I cannot compare in anyway to Mistress Beast I have mated over the last three years with other animals and enjoyed them to varying degrees of pleasure. All have been enjoyable and I would do it all again if the chance occurred. Sadly it is getting harder and harder to achieve this due to the restrictions in our liberties and this beastial act frowned on by society. Stop – this has nothing to do with this story. Apologies to one and all.

It was wonderful and it was amazing. Henry was taking longer now and was slowing down in his pace. I was building towards another orgasm. I could hear myself crying into the pillows. My buttocks were quivering against his fur and I looked down and underneath my body. All I could see was two black balls swinging side to side and then I was knocked down flat onto the bed as Henry gave his final and hard push and I was knotted again. No thrusting this time with his knot rammed into me. Just another full jet of cum hosing my entrails and filling up my womb with that lovely warm liquid. Another orgasm. Another shriek from me and a bark from Henry. Then all was still. We laid like this for a full ten minutes. Dottie busied herself by making a pot of coffee and how many people have drunk coffee with a dog mounted on their back and a twitching dog cock knotted inserted in the vagina jetting cum? At the time it seemed normal even when she pushed one of her breasts into my mouth and then took it out letting Henry lick it. She repeated this and then did the same with the other one.

Sadly all good things must end and although I tried holding him in me he fought and freed his cock. With a loud plop it came out along with another flow of his precious cum. A quick cleanup with his tongue and Henry jumped down. He trotted out of the room his cock glistening with his cum and my juices.

I got gingerly off the bed and found I was shaking. Dottie kissed me and said I was the best dog slut she had ever seen. That made me feel proud.

I put my clothes on although Dottie warned me Henry would want me again. I told her I had had enough now and I had a long night ahead of me in the barn with all four of the dogs and I needed some rest. She understood and I helped her clean up the mess in her bedroom. Thank goodness for the plastic cover. I suddenly felt very sleepy and at Dotties insistence I laid down on the bed again to sleep. As soon as my head felt those pillows I went out like a light.

I don’t know how long I slept but I was awaken by my face being licked. Henry was there looking excited and wagging his tail.

“Come along, sleepy head.” Dottie was there smiling. “I told you Henry wasn’t finished and you said you were his. Come into the porch. I have everything prepared out there.
Only a little while ago I was satisfied but again that feeling was back .. I allowed myself to be led to another breeding.


I walked out onto the front porch. Dottie had moved one of the long benches out from the wall and placed a small stool complete with cushion at one end. Nice touch the cushion I thought and then remembered her girlfriend. I supposed this was where she performed with Henry but there was a distinct lack of privacy, Henry jumped up on me despite my standing position, wrapping his front paws around me and trying to wrestle me down. I staggered with him still holding me and kneeled down on the stool.

Henry,” I said “I have to lift my skirt. You’ll never get it into me otherwise.” I don’t know whether he understood but he did jump off and release me. I pulled the offending skirt right up onto my back and lowered my body onto the bench. A thought flashed through my mind that this is what it must have felt when persons were going to have their heads chopped up in France by Madame Guillotine. Well the positioning anyway. My feelings were obviously different. This was going to be a pleasant experience.

Surprisingly now, Henry had not mounted and I heard Dottie mumble something to him, then came a resounding smack upon my rump that made me jump. It stung.

“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to hit that hard. Come on, boy. Your bitch is hot and waiting.” Another smack but this time not as hard but it still stung. I don’t like pain and hoped she wouldn’t keep that up too long. I felt Henry behind me and his nose pushed into my bottom and a tongue touched my pussy. Ahh. This was better. Now his tongue was moving and pushing into me. I gave a satisfied grunt. Then his tongue was pushing at my rosebud and again backs at my pussy. Rosebud. Pussy. Rosebud. Pussy. A few more of those and I would cum. There were a few more and I came. Not a big one but one of those nice long small ones that made me feel good and sexy. I was now his and he could do anything with me. Even more licking. I didn’t mind it felt so good. Then it stopped. I could hear his feet still padded with the socks on the wood floor of the porch. Then Henry jumped up. Not upon me but on the bench right in front of my face. I looked up just as his tongue gave me a face wash. I popped out my tongue and met his. He liked it as we spent at least a minute with out tongues entwined. Then stupidly he mounted me from the front!

“Wrong end.” Shouted Dottie. It didn’t stop him humping and very nearly I got a mouth on his cock that was just peeping from the sheath but unfortunately he realized this was not going to work and off he slid. His tongue was back at my rear end and involuntarily I opened my legs wide and they slid off the sides of the stool and down I went very nearly landing on Henry’s head. I collapsed laughing onto the floor along with Dottie. Henry though was not amused. He barked and barked and then growled at me. Dottie helped me back into position even pulling up my skirt. There was no more foreplay from the beast now. Onto me he jumped and his sheath was hammering away trying to find the bulls eye. He was too excited and he just couldn’t do it. Even when he did enter me his excitement was too great and he pulled it out. Off he jumped to recuperate and try another offensive. Back he came even more ferocious. He didn’t miss this time. Right in and his paws moved me into a better position for his cock. Hammer, hammer, hammer and each time that big cock grew more and more filling up my pussy. Pre-cum again oiling the way. If life for me could be one big doggie fucking I would be the happiest woman on earth. Dottie remarked that she walked around us and saw a big grin of contentment on my face as fucked into me with that rapier. His hammering was as fast now as the first time he did me and was lasting longer. Much longer. Although I could feel his huge knot hitting my pussy lips it was not going in. He was not making that mistake. In fact he slowed down. I felt some cum shoot into me and frustratingly for me as I was building to a climax he pulled out and jumped down. His tongue was inside me now licking up the liquid he had deposited there. He mounted me again. Hammer, Hammer. Inside me again at the first strike. Oh this was so good. His blows against my rump. Faster and faster. My insides were turning to liquid. I could hear his breath and I could feel his breath. I could hear my own grunts like a machine gun keeping in exact time with the hammering. Not a Jack hammer I mused this was a Henry hammer. Another shot of precum and another orgasm building. His knot was again trying to slip in and again he pulled out of me leaving a spray of cum over my ass. I managed my orgasm with the help of my busy fingers. Wow I was so wet. With my fingers playing now with my clit Henry’s tongue licked me there and my fingers. Dottie knelt against my face and we kissed, our mouths opening and tongues touching. She moved away and now I felt her tongue exploring my pussy along with Henry’s. Two tongues inside me almost sending me wild. She moved away and as she did so Henry mounted me again. His thrusting wasn’t quite on mark this time and he slid off and remounted. Wham. He was home. Dottie was now at my face and her mouth opened, her tongue shining with Henry’s juices and mine. As Henry fucked into me I tasted our cum. Doggie precum doesn’t have much taste but their cum does. Like a rusty pipe , very metallic, and to me not very nice but at this time I enjoyed it. I really was getting into now. I arched my back and now Henry’s cock was right up into my cervix giving it a battering plus little sprays of cum. What was that Star Trek saying? “To go where no man has gone before.”

Dotties tongue had been now wiped clean by mine but we still kissed and her hands were gently stroking my hair. Even Henry licked my neck and his teeth pulled at my hair. His hammering was now becoming more labored but I was enjoying the slower pace. Deep thrusts and I could meet them better with my ass moving back. Now his knot was slipping in and Henry this time didn’t stop it. My vagina had grown so big and loose now he could still keep thrusting as my cunt swallowed it up. Smaller in length but with the knot pressing on my clit orgasms were starting in me as soon as they were climaxing. Next came the warming balm of his cum. His former pulling out had wasted some of that precious hot fluid but there was still plenty to spray and fill my womb. Henry collapsed on top of me finally spent but his cock wasn’t. It was shooting and shooting, throbbing and throbbing. Never let it end. I cried out to Dottie to hold him inside me and she obligingly did. I felt her pushing against Henry and it was enough to push his cock even deeper inside me. Three times he tried to move off me and each time Dottie with a strict voice told him to ‘stay’ and he obeyed. I have scoffed at stories of women being “tied” for 30 minutes and much more. One I remember said three hours!! Ridiculous and only men could write such nonsense. However, with Dottie holding him in me it was very nearly thirty minutes.

With a sob from me as Henry shook himself free and his cock left its home. It really did not want him to leave but he was only a visitor and the visiting time was finally up. He walked slowly away without giving me a look let alone a lick. He flopped outside the porch onto the grass and licked his balls. I staggered up and promptly sat down on the bench. Dottie sat beside me and we hugged and kissed. Slowly reality came back and with cum running down my legs and now smelling the doggie stench and my own sweat upon me I asked to use her shower. She showed me the way and it did feel so nice to have cleansing water flowing over me and a bar of soap making me wholesome again. A spray of cologne and I felt a new woman again. Unfortunately my shirt and skirt still smelt and were stained but at least I was clean underneath.

Dottie drove me back to the ranch and we said our “Goodbyes” promising we would keep in touch but sadly we never did. Henry paid me no mind at all when we drove away leaving him lying in front of the porch. Not even a wag of his tail. He had bred his bitch three times in one afternoon and he was satisfied and so was I.

Everybody was home when I walked in although the “boys” were getting ready for the evening out on the town. Meeting their girlfriends so I was paid no mind either. Men. But at least after a well earnt rest I would be “sleeping” with Rick’s four dogs – pack bred…
With those thoughts I fell onto the bed in my bedroom and fell soundly to sleep.


I must have slept for a at least two hours and was still soundly in the land of Nod when I felt someone shaking me and my name being called. It was Rick.

“Come on sleepy head..” he said “It’s past nine and this is what you came all the way down here for. Or have you changed your mind.”

That snapped me out of my tiredness. “No way.” I said scrambling up forgetting I was totally naked. But what the heck, he knew every inch of my body. It didn’t stop him looking. “I’d love to trim that hairy bush.” And he pointed at my puss. “No time for that.” I said and thought “Bloody cheek.” My English brother loved the word “bloody” and I liked using it too. Rick held out a leather jacket and a pair of trousers and told me to put them on. The trousers were a bit big but he handed me a belt to help keep them up. I found they had no crotch or ass. “Do you give these to all your girlfriends?” I quipped and he laughed. “Only very special ones and you are very special.” That made me feel good. I grabbed my breast pump and I walked with him out into the living area and noticed everybody else had gone. “I shall be staying here to see you come to no harm. Rest of the boys are in town shooting the place up. Well the girls. They’ll have some bad heads in the morning and most of their pay gone.” He thought for a moment. “Look, dogs in a pack are not the same as having them one at a time. They might even fight over you. You still up to it?” Rick’s words made me jump and feel a little scared…just a little. Not enough to have any doubts about this. A doggie gangbang!! “Sure am.” I said in my best impersonation of a Texan drawl that was awful. He handed me a bag. There is some food in there, water, a flashlight and an alarm. He reached into the bag and took out a metallic object that had a light in its centre and a big red button. “Just press the button if you get into difficulties. It’s very loud and the light will flash. The dogs will back off. They won’t like the sound or the light. I’ll come running.”

“On a white horse and shiny armor.” I said. “You’ll be my hero. Seriously, thanks. I hope I don’t have to push it.” “I don’t think you will. You should have been born a dog bitch.” I looked at him and said, “I was and I am.” “Woof. Woof,” was his reply and I followed him outside. The hunt had been successful and Rick said they had caught a deer and he was hanging in the cold room. “Did I wasn’t to see it?” A definite “No,” I hate the killing of animals. We slowly walked to the barn and my heart was beating so loud I expected him to say something. He must be hearing it I thought. He slid the open the bolt on the barn door and I went in. There was a light on and he explained it was on a timer and would go off at ten pm so I had an hour to find somewhere comfortable to lie. There was also some windows on three sides of the building and there was a three quarter moon shining in the night sky so even with the light off there would be enough natural light to see. I also had the flashlight. He showed me a bucket near the door covered with a cloth. “For your pee and s. It has disinfectant. Sorry no running water. Use the straw for cleaning your ass.” No mod cons here. He left and I heard the bolt thrust home. Locked in. The dogs had only shown a minor interest in our appearance and after Rick left I was totally ignored except for Max. Although he had not moved from his position lying down with the others he at least was watching me with those bright eyes of his.

The dogs looked sleepy and I guessed they had been fed and watered. Food. I looked in the bag Rick given me and found some ham, cheese and buttered bread. Suddenly I was famished. Finding a nice clean spot I sat down amongst the straw forgetting my ass was exposed and a straw piece spiked my ass and even partly went up my bottom hole. Another first. I patted the straw down before sitting down again! I gulped down the food and even the water tasted like wine……

I lay down with my legs spread and slowly masturbated. It’s funny I imagined I would walk into the barn and four dogs would come rushing, barking, excited and fighting amongst themselves who would be first. What was wrong with Max? He always wanted to do me. I hoped he wasn’t jealous of Henry. Dogs do get jealous. I closed my eyes and imagined I was alone in a forest with a pack of wolves. Twenty of them all male. I am the innocent virgin maiden, scared for my life as they prowled around me. This has always been my favorite fantasy…… I replayed the picture in my mind as my fingers pushed into my sex and I started to get wet. I was imagining them sniffing at me now, a snout pushing under my skirt, a tongue licking at my panties, another now jumping on my back and pinning me to the ground…. I was always dressed primly in my fantasies..

My fingers were really getting started now moving inside my puss. I found my clit and stroked it, held it, fingered it and with my other hand pushed two fingers up inside me as far as I could get them. I started to come and I scratched and clawed at my clit and my fingers pushed further up inside me. I pushed my body hard against them as I finally came. Slowly I took my hands away and opened my eyes. I jumped. There were two pairs of eyes staring down at me. Henry – Rick’s black lab retriever (not Dottie’s Akita – confusing with two dogs having the same name, sorry) and Grit – the Greenland Sled dog were investigating me. I sat up and they both growled bearing their teeth. I talked to them gently with soothing words. I moved my right hand down to my puss and that invited more growls. I fingered myself and held up my fingers for them to smell and sniff. They just stared at me. I had a brainwave. I moved towards them on all fours. They barked. I stopped moving. Ron, the Mountain Cur joined them. At least they were getting interested in me even if it was not what I had thought was going to happen. Ron moved slowly around me and I lost sight of him. Scary I thought and I wasn’t excited now. There was no sexual tension in the air. What was my protector and mate doing? Coming to help me? No. He was sitting up watching. At least his mouth was open, tongue out and looking as if he was laughing. Then I remembered how he had run away from Dotties’s dog. No protector. Dammit, I thought. I rolled over on my back and closed my eyes. Let them eat me. I didn’t care. Suddenly everything went dark. The light went off. Of course the timer. Very boldly I got to my feet just as I was poked in my ass by a cold snout. Ron. I bent down and could just make out his shape as my eyes slowly got used to the gloom. I stroked him and then dropped to my knees and started to pet him. He licked my face and I could see his tail wagging. Henry and Grit moved closer still very suspicious. Just as they came up to me Ron snarled and leaped at them. Then a fight started although it was mainly a lot of noise but there were a few jumps and yelps. Eventually Henry and Grit ran off to a corner of the barn. I dropped down on all fours again and wiggled my ass at Ron. He was standing looking at me, his mouth open and panting. I crawled up to him and like a good bitch turned round and dropped my hands pushing my ass up in the air. He got the message. I gasped as his tongue got me straight in my pussy and boy did he give that a licking. Then up to my rose and he spent some time digging into that. Back to my pussy. Max had now shown more interest and he shook himself up and walked slowly over to us. Ron stopped his licking and made one menacing move that stopped Max in his tracks. It didn’t stop him from smiling. He knew I was a randy bitch and his turn would come again … and again … and anytime he wanted it. Ron went back to his task. Making me wetter and making me cum. He mounted and I gave thanks. Although he missed and jumped off I knew it was only a matter of time. And there was plenty of time. He was back to licking again and then another mount. I tried helping by moving my legs closer together so he could get a better balance. It succeeded. He found the mark and his sheath opened up like a flower. A rod was entering me and at every thrust it was growing and growing. “Thankyou” “Thankyou.” I don’t know whether I was shouting this out aloud but I remember thinking it. His enthusiasm for fucking me was mounting. He was really getting into it now. My orgasm started deep down in my stomach and slowly built up through my chest and into my throat. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” His knot banged against me and all too soon it popped in and a hose went off inside me. I came again. Even bigger this time. As soon as he stopped his humping and was lying on my back. Max walked up to my face and started licking me. Two shadowy figures of Henry and Grit moved up as well. As soon as Ron was finished who was going to be next? Would there be a fight? Oh I was really looking forward to it as another squirt of Ron’s lovely balm filled my insides.


Ron’s cock was still doing its thing inside me. I could hear him breathing heavily and felt his breath on my neck. I kissed Max as he licked my face and he suddenly jumped up with his front paws landing on my head. “Ouch.” I wailed as it hurt, especially as he tried driving his nails into my head to get a better purchase as my hair was making him slip off. Thankfully he moved off me and stepped away. Ron wasn’t moving his cock from its nest just yet as another jet of cum shot inside my tummy. Mmmm. So warm. I didn’t mind how long he took but that was it. Just a few minutes later he moved and his knot slipped out and his cock dribbled more cum on my ass.

No sooner was he off when two bodies landed simultaneously onto my back knocking me flat on my stomach. Henry and Grit then turned on each other yelping, barking and fighting. Max quickly got onto place behind me as I got up onto all fours again and after a quick lick of Rick’s cum he jumped up onto my back and humped. His cock was so used to me now that it found its home almost immediately. Rick slumped down in front of me and proceeded to lick himself clean and Henry and Grit stopped fighting to watch as my favorite dog and me enjoyed ourselves. I was so comfortable now with Max that I moved my ass in time with his humping and we were like moving parts of the same machine. It was bliss. I am very vocal when having sex and I really let it out now. I could hear every word. “Uhh! Oh yes! Please! Oh God yes! More!” Then of course “F…k! F…k! F…k! F…k! F…k!” And I’m a good Christian gal. Shame on me. Max didn’t have the biggest cock but it fitted inside me like a glove. A moving glove. When I felt the knot I opened myself up more and pushed hard back. I wasn’t to be denied I wanted that knot. I begged for it. I had earnt it. It was mine and my pussy gobbled it up. I hadn’t felt much pre-cum but wow he hosed me good as he came and I had timed it perfectly – I came with him. “Mmmmmm. Thankyou Max. Thankyou darling Max.” I could feel my body steaming up inside that jacket and balancing myself on one hand and not disturbing Max’s body on top of my back I unzipped my leather jacket. Out popped my tits and with them now loose and swinging below us it added to the thrills I was experiencing. I even squeezed the right one and squirted some milk from my teat into the palm of the same hand. I held my hand up to Max and his head bent down to lick it up. Unfortunately he moved too much and his back legs came off the floor and he slipped forward. Out shot his cock from my cunt and with it still spitting sperm he tumbled off over my head with a yelp. That was a signal for Henry to make his move. He jumped up; his front paws wrapping themselves around my waist and bang, bang, bang. Completely missing the mark but that did not deter him. I looked round at him jumping off and remounting almost at the same time. I had no idea where Grit was. Max had disappeared too from my vision. My body was crying out now for more cock. More doggie cock. The more it received the more it wanted. I even reached down with my hand underneath my body and as Henry poked around again I grabbed his cock that had already emerged from the sheath and guided it to my cunt. Heaven. He was in. He fucked like a rabbit. Very, very fast. No technique of course but who cared about that. Just fuck me and keep doing it. I was their bitch to be used by them. I was in heat now. Keep at it boy. Keep at it Henry. His namesake was a better fuck but I was still enjoying it. Enjoying it? I was loving it. Another climax and Henry was shooting pre-cum – not that my vagina needed it. It was slick and squishy. Every thrust and I could hear the noise of the liquid now inside me making a noise like trapped air being compressed in a bottle. But this was trapped doggie cum in a vagina. So wonderfully nasty. So primal. So incredibly nice. Did I tell you I was enjoying this? Every lady reading this … you must experience this. I am the luckiest woman on the planet. Henry brought me to another orgasm. His paws gripped me even firmer and I knew what was about to happen. His big red nasty looking knot was knocking at my door. “Can I come in?” It asked. “Yes.” Was the reply. “Thankyou kindly ma’am.” Bang. It shot inside me and Henry released his cum. Hot, strong and pops inside me too. Wasn’t that a commercial jingle some time ago? Something similar anyway. “Oh Henry.” I said. I have never eaten a “O Henry Bar” without remembering this wonderful weekend in Texas. He lay on my back panting and panting. A loud bark at my head and there was Grit. He was almost whining.

“Soon. Soon.” I said to him. “Almost your turn.” He went to my left side and he tried to jump up on both me and Henry. Henry paid him no mind. He gave a shudder and another and more cum poured into me. “Goodboy.” I said and an orgasm hit me from nowhere. “Wow” This was so good. Fabulous. If you want to keep pumping me full of sperm just stay on me boy. That was my message. Grit barked again. This time Henry paid attention and with no thought for me jumped off. Ooh. It made me gasp as his knot was bigger than the others. He did stop to lick up some of his spend but had to move away as Grit’s large paws grabbed me and his body jumped up onto my back.

He gave it to me good. Slower than the others but deeper. His cock seemed bigger and fatter. My pussy must have been gaping now as his sheath even went inside before his devilish cock made its appearance inside my dark tunnel. It is an awesome feeling when a dog cock grows and thickens right inside your body – shuttling backwards and forwards. All Grit wanted to do was to cum. I wanted him to cum. His pre-cum felt nice. Very nice. But nice wasn’t wonderful. And his cum was going to be wonderful. My body wanted it. It needed it. It was so used to it now. Would it ever be satiated? Probably not. Only four dogs. I had had all four now. Please let them go again? I needed it so badly. Thankfully Grit had only just started. He was fucking me longer than the other three. Slower and more powerful. Harder. Hitting my cervix. Making me cum. Did I say cum? Cum. Oh yes I was cumming. I had lost count of the number of time I came. Who cares anyway. I was a primal being. I must have been a dog bitch in a previous life. Always on heat. Always wanting to fuck. All to soon the knot was there. Grit we have a problem. I am not going to let it in. I tried so hard to keep it out but Grit was too powerful for poor little me. One big powerful thrust knocking the breath out of me and in it popped. “Goal,” Right in the net. His cum splashed my insides mixing with all the other sperm. Pack bred. How many puppies would I have had? 1001 Dalmatians. What an orgasmic thought. If only my body could have done that. I had given birth to two lovely boys but imagine giving birth to a litter of pups. Having them inside my tummy. All wriggling and moving. Well the spunk inside me now was moving. Like an ocean.. Grit pumped some more. His cock was pulsating and he kept wriggling on me. Yes please. Give me more. Oh thank you Grit as he obliged me with another squirt. We stayed like this for a longer time than the others and when he came off me he didn’t jump but slid off and turned himself round. For an enchanting moment we were ass to ass and joined. Cum dripping down my legs and then he pulled away and the dripping of the cum became a [SPAM]. It was only then that I found my arms aching with all the weight they had taken and I crawled over to my bag and laid flat on my back. If I thought I was resting the pack of dogs had other ideas..


I laid down on my back with my arms outstretched resting my arms and back. How long had all this mating lasted? I hadn’t got my watch o so I had no idea. It had to have been an hour. Four dogs banging me that would be fifteen minutes each. No it had to be longer. Imagine kneeling down and supporting 60 pounds plus on your back for over an hour…… I heard one of the dogs relieving himself somewhere in the barn followed by another. Maybe it was the noise of the water but I found myself wanting to relieve my bladder. Well I was a bitch dog now so I got to my feet, went to a corner and squatted down. In no time my pee flowed out even splashing my legs and feet. I was such a nasty slut now. Where was this nice respectable woman that my friends knew? After relieving myself I bent down to find some soft straw (if there is such s thing) to wipe my self. As I did a nose poked itself in my ass and a doggie tongue licked at my pussy lips. I giggled. This was better than straw. The noise of my peeing had caused an investigation and a renewal of interest in me. I turned and it was Ron attacking my puss – the Mountain Cur and ‘leader of the pack.’ I even started humming that song. Who sung it? I remembered – The Shangri-las. Henry had also trotted over to me. I stood still as Ron licked my ass from behind me and then Henry dove for my pussy from the front. Oh my God. Can you imagine it? Two dogs tongues licking my puss at the same time. I instantly came. I staggered and fell. Luckily onto some stacked straw bales. That signaled both dogs to try and jump onto me at the same time and I was facing the wrong way. I was on my back. I pushed and shoved and protected my face from them as their legs and open mouths tried to find some piece of my body even if it wasn’t the piece they wanted.

hank goodness for the coat but I hadn’t zipped up the front and my poor breasts were getting scratched as well as my tum. I even got a couple of swipes on my cheek. This was decidedly not erotic and was not part of my nasty dreams of pack breeding. With a lot of effort I managed to turn myself over presenting my rear to whoever. Apart form growling there didn’t appear to be any fighting over me this time. I suppose they realized it didn’t matter who was going first. They were all going to be lucky. A weight landed on my back pushing me down onto the straw bales. At least there was little weight on my arms even though it was uncomfortable. I couldn’t tell who was trying to hump me but furry paws were gripping me and a pointed rod was trying to find entrance into my body. It very nearly found the wrong hole. It entered my ass and I involuntarily flinched and made just enough movement for it to come out and stab a little further down penetrating the right hole. Once again I was being bred. Once again pre-cum was doing little spurts in my tunnel. Once again I was being pounded. Once again I was loving it. I could feel the bales of straw shaking as the dog’s powerful humps were moving me. The lovely cock was getting bigger with every hump, swelling up and filling me. Then he started to cum. His knot had swollen – I could feel it but it hadn’t reached its full potential. Cum was still shooting form his penis when he pulled out and jumped down. I could now see it was Henry. He licked my pussy for a few seconds and came around to my face. At the same time I was mounted again. It was Ron. He lost no time in wrapping those huge paws around my waist and pulling me onto his humping cock. It rammed right up into my cunt making me cry. It was like a piston going in and out and oiling me up at top speed. Henry licked my face and I could make out his cock dangling down from underneath him.

I then did something I don’t even like doing but I did it for the second time that weekend. I reached out and grabbed his cock behind the knot. He was perfectly placed being on the bale slightly above me. He also seemed to know what I was going to do. He even moved closer to my face and opening my mouth I gently pulled his cock into my mouth and closed my lips around it. He immediately started to hump my mouth but I slowed him down by sucking hard on his cock. So I was sort of being humped both ends. An evil thought came into my head. How about another doggie in my ass. Maybe tomorrow I could ask Rick to arrange it somehow…… Oh I was so nasty…Where did I get these thoughts… And all the time I was being shagged from behind. Ron was getting into it now. His knot was big and I could feel it hitting my puss like a tennis ball hitting a racket. Pre-cum was hitting my throat. If Rick was getting into it. So was I. I wanted to feel cum shooting up inside me and shooting in my mouth so I could swallow it into my tum. I concentrated hard now on my sucking as I was a novice to doggie cock sucking although I was already a very experienced human cock sucker. Henry seemed to be enjoying it and so he should. My lips were wrapped hard around that cock and my head was bobbing like a cork in the water. More pre-cum and I had to stop as it made me choke. A swallow and I was sucking again. Come on Henry. I wanted cum from both ends at the same time. Unfortunately it didn’t quite happen at the same time. I could have embellished my story a little and pretended it did … but I vowed to tell the truth as best as I remembered it. Ron gave a little yelp and lunged forward forcing Henry’s cock to actually go down into my throat. Ron’s knot plunged into my cunt and cum poured into me as if someone had left on a faucet. I was gagging and spluttering from my mouth and choking just as Henry decided to let flow his spunk. I pulled out his cock from my mouth still shooting cum otherwise I would have choked to death. His cum shot all over my face, my eyes and even up my nose. Henry walked off in disgust and I knew I had let him down. There was no wonderful orgasm for me either. It was one of those rare times for me that I wanted to get it over. Ron was blasting me still. Where he managed to find all that cum as barely an hour ago he had fired a full glass of cum into my guts I had no idea. Perhaps dogs (like pigs – yes I know first hand now about that!) are able to produce cum very quickly or they don’t spend all of it at once. Perhaps if a vet reading this might explain it to me. Or are all animals within their species different? If I was hoping Ron was going to pull out quickly and get down I was mistaken He had no intention. He just sat on top of me with his cock twitching merrily inside me, heart beating. Mouth open and letting out panting noises. I tried bucking him off but that only started him trying to hump me again so I stopped that pretty quickly. Too late, he started to fuck me again. At least I started to enjoy it now. It wasn’t fast and furious and not deep thrusts. His knot was inside me twitching in time with his cock and that was restricting his movement. I came just as he fired some more hot sperm right up inside me again.

This time he almost pulled immediately he had finished and without as much as a lick on my butt he walked off. I took the opportunity to crawl away and try and find my bag. I groped my way in the darkness and gingerly found a wall. Luckily I had found the right wall and crawled in the right direction and bumped into my bag. With the help of the flashlight I pulled from the bag, I maneuvered some of the straw bales into a reasonably sized bed and using some of the loose hay made a pillow. Not bad I thought. Cum was still running from my pussy and strangely I found that a turn-on and it made me shiver. I was not only leaking from my puss as my breasts were heavy with milk again. I drained the last of the water from one of the bottles and using that as a receptacle placed the bottom end of the breast pump tube into it. Then clamping the cup to one of my breasts squeezed the balloon. Things are so much easier now. They come with their own bottle and a handle, Then there are the electric ones! I lay down on my “bed” and pumped away. My hand was aching now as well as my arms and elbows but I liked the feeling of the milk flowing from my tit. When it felt comfortable I did the same to the other one and it was actually in the middle of doing this I fell asleep.


I was awakened by a tongue at my pussy. As soon as I stirred the tongue ceased. The breast pump clamp had falled off my tit and I hit it as I moved my hand searching for my flashlight. The tongue was back again and I involuntarily groaned as it felt so good. Another tongue slurped at my face. I found the flashlight and after switching it on found four pairs of eyes staring at me, blinking in the sudden light. There was an excited bark from one of them as we plunged into darkness again as I switched the light off. There was movement at my side and I felt two heads pushing against me hard. I soon realized what they were trying to do. The dogs were acting as a pack… they were trying to move me over. That feeling of excitement grew inside me. I was once more their bitch. They really wanted me. They were not fighting amongst themselves. This was a planned assalt and I was the prey.

Of course I was willing. Very willing. But I decided to play “hard to get.” I resisted but a quick nip upon my arm from one of the dogs ceased that play of mine and I dutifully moved over and pushed my ass in the air. I didn’t have to wait long. A fuury weight landed on me and with only a few thrusts a lovely cock found its mark and my cunt devoured it…..I heard myself sigh with contentment as the now familiar pounding began.

They all took me… again and again. Not all of the time I was knotted but that made it last all the longer. I was filled and filled with cum. There was some respite as I fell asleep a couple of times still in the right position to be woken again by a dog settling himself down upon me and having his fun. None of them cared if I was enjoying it. I didn’t care if they were either. The feeling was mutual. I was thoroughly enjoying it.

The night faded and light came. It was well into the morning and I stayed in that position as all four took me again… and again….

At times the barn door oipened and the bos were watching as I could hear them speak. What they said I have no recollection. I just gave myself to my doggie masters.

Finally two of the guys pulled me up and with cum poring from my pussy helped me back to the ranch house and into a shower.

Mike brought me some food and after some rest I dressed and joined the boys. They wanted to know how I had enjoyed it and that was not difficult to show how much I had. That eveing I was on my knees again as I lived up to my promise and they all took me in my ass. I then went to bed and no one bothered me there. I was grateful as even my body said enough!

I awoke fairly early and packed my things. I had an early start to catch my flight back to Seattle. I spent some time draining the milk from my breasts as a lot had leaked out onto the bed clothes. What a waste I thought.

Dan came for my case and he was my chauffeur to the airport. I said “Goodbye” and thanked them all. They wanted me to come back and I promised I would but circumstances change and I didn’t or keep in touch. That I do regret.

When I got into the truck there was Max. My favorite dog was going to keep me company. I stroked him and held him close. After only half an hour Max was getting frisky and trying to bury his head up my skirt. Dan looked at me and winked.

“Have we time?” I asked.

“Just.” He said. We parked in the same place as we had done on the evening of my arrival. I pulled my panties off and jumped out of the truck with Max jumping and trying to pull me down. He succedded. I tripped over a tree root and managed to get up on all fours as Max was upon me. His thrusting had no success as my skirt was in the way. He finally gave up and got off just long enough for me to pull it up. In a flash he was upon me again and his cock found the mark almost immediatelty. I was Max’s bitch again. How I wish I could have taken him back home.

Dan wanted in on the act and his cock appeared at my face and I dutifully opend me mouth and his hands held my head and I closed my lips around a rapidly hardening cock.

Max lost no time. He seemed even more powerful than he had done before. His thrusting pushed me forward and more of Dan’s cock disappeared down my throat and I just manged to stop myself gagging. My orgasm started and it hit me as as Max pushed that lovely knot deep inside and a huge gush of cum shot deep inside my body washing the walls of my womb. Dan came too almost at the same time and I knew I was in heaven.

Max and I didn’t stay “locked” like that for long. He pulled out and wanted to go again but sadly there was no time.

I said my final goodbyes at the airport and it was only in the checking in line as a dribble of cum ran down the back of my leg that I had left my panties back in the truck!

Well there we have it. All good things “cum” to an end. That was my first pack breeding. I did not get to do it again until four years ago. Although I had moved to Miami it was in Seattle – my birthplace. And I did it there with five dogs the first year, seven the second year and ten the third year. Sadly there is to be no repeat of that. A farm close by to where the pack breeding took place had an “incident” where a man was killed by the hooves of a horse he as trying to mate with. It was widely reported and Washington State hastly brought in laws making beastiality an offense.

I have a lovely home now in Costa Rica and I visit there from July to November and this final installment of my tale is being sent from there. Iam sorry this final part has taken a long time to appear but I lost my posting priviledges which have only just been restored. I promise not to be naughty again and lose them. It was entirely my fault and I attach no blame to anyone but my sill self.

Take care all of you and thank you for your comments and support. Maybe I might tell you about my life here up in the mountains. … if there is any interest…

And I really do love that pig!!!!!


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