Women with Animals

The Elderly Wives Club of Long Learey: Grace and the bikers


This is the continuing story of the Long Learey Elderly Wives Club. The reader is encouraged, if you haven’t already done so to read the first story sub titled “The Longest Tie” and the second sub titled “Kidnapped”. The major characters and the back stories mentioned here are all in those stories. It will I believe make this story more interesting and explain Grace’s descent into her new life from a respected and gifted artist to one of utter depravity at the hands of the members of The Elderly Wives Club of Long Learey.


Chapter 1

The following narrative is from Grace (Darling) Williams told at The Elderly Wives Club of Long Learey one week after her kidnapping attempt


Joy (Joyce), Jane, Joan
Dr. Tabitha (Tabbie)

My first day back home was uneventful. I was treated like a fragile china doll that would break just by touching it. I did not complain. Strangely my dogs seemed to know something was wrong and although they were very pleased to see me they made no attempt to treat me as their bitch.

My sons took me out to my favorite restaurant, an up market Italian pasta eatery that had the most amazing sauces I have ever tasted. I got quite tipsy on a bottle of Vin Santo, the Holy Wine. If you have never tried it you have missed a treat. It really is a wine fit for saints.

I was put to bed in the Guest Bedroom and I slept like a baby.

It was ten o clock the next morning I got out of bed to find my sons had taken the day off, “to look after me”.

They were all out with the dogs and breakfast had been laid out for me plus a note to go to my bedroom for my wardrobe.

I wasn’t hungry so I just had some coffee and went to my bedroom. There, laying on my bed, were six very sexy corsets of various colors that left my breasts bare. I guessed Alice had been consulted.

I felt very sexy all of a sudden and I had been passed as fit including my vagina. There had been one good thing to come out of all those strange herbs I had been given.

I, also, had a sudden feeling of guilt. I was going to have sex with my children. That I had openly allowed them to watch me mate with three dogs, had given blow jobs to two of my sons and got the third so excited he had forced himself on and had intercourse with me, was already enough to have me burn in hell. So why the guilt feeling now? I had even agreed they could each sleep with me and go even further. I had said I wanted all of them inside me at the same time!!

I gave an involuntary shiver. I looked at the corsets and selected the black one. I put the others away. I then took a shower and closed my eyes imagining what was going to happen. I pushed the bar of soap against my vagina, rubbing it over the lips. Then into the crack of my ass and rubbing the soap over the index finger of my right hand I pushed it into my anal opening. It stung a bit. But now I felt horny. I wanted sex and the guilt was swept away. The taboo of those acts I was about to carry out excited me.

I turned the shower off and dried. I was going to put some perfume on but decided against it, I wanted to smell of sex. I applied oil to my little hole. Working two, then three fingers inside it, and finally four.

I put on the corset. It was difficult. I struggled with it but finally managed to affix the eyes to the clasp by putting it on backwards and then shifting it around. I had learnt to become almost a contortionist very quickly.

I found the bag of sex toys, selected the vibrator and laid down on the bed. I had just switched the vibe on when I heard movement downstairs. Switching it off I got up and opened the bedroom door calling out I was upstairs in the bedroom.

I waved at the cameras I knew were there although still not knowing where they had been placed. Today, I was going to give a performance.

I went back into my closet and found some old sheets. I came back into the bedroom and laid them on the bed. I knew things were going to get very messy. I climbed onto the bed.

I adopted a very seductive pose and waited. All of ten seconds.

Like bees around the honey pot they came in and their mouths dropped open in approval at the scene in front of them. I saw their eyes filled with lust. For their mother!

Then they were pushed aside by three dog’s. They were very pleased to see me and they knew instinctively their bitch was here to play.

Dexter, Dylan and Dagon. The three German Shepherds jumped up on the bed, licking my face, my breasts and down between my legs. It was difficult for all three to lick my pussy at the same time so I made it easier for them and rolled over on one side allowing my bottom to be available to one of them. Dexter immediately went there.

I had a padded wooden bench and chair in the room and my sons sat down on them to watch.

The licking of the dogs tongues on my pussy and ass instantly had me moaning.

“Oh yes,” I cried. “Yes. Yes.”

Dylan and Dagon were laying side by side between my legs. One tongue would sometimes be above the other and I would raise my upper leg high up to give them more access but it soon became too tiring so I had to lower it against the other one. Dexter was making a real meal of my ass hole. Licking and slurping. I closed my eyes. I came. I came again. And again.

For five minutes I endured this ‘torture’ and then rolled onto my stomach nearly flattening the heads of Dylan and Dagon.

Dexter took this as a sign I wanted to be mounted and tried doing this with me flat on the bed.

I struggled to get up onto my knees with the dog still atop me but he was too heavy and I collapsed down again

“Get off me,” I said and he understood because he backed off. Dylan and Dagon laid down at my face and even with a king size bed with the four of us it was crowded.

I got into the doggie position again and Dexter climbed up upon my back humping immediately. Just him on my back felt wonderful. Three days without sex seemed an eternity. Was it only three days? Such a lot had happened to me during those days and none of it nice.

I felt his paws wrap around my waist as he kept humping trying to hit the Nile of Paradise.

It was taking too long.

“Please, fuck me, Dexter,” I implored him. “I need your cock in me. I need your cock. Please.”

This was the longest time he had ever taken to enter me. He got frustrated too and jumped down.

I groaned with exasperation.

“Come on, boy,” I said trying to encourage him. I wriggled my ass at him. Nothing. I knew he was there staring at my ass and then I felt his tongue lick both my ass and pussy. I groaned. It felt nice but I wanted his cock not his tongue. I wanted to be fucked. Fucked in front of my three sons. By a dog and with two others waiting their turn. What a slut I am. A dog fucking, incestuous, depraved, whore. And just saying those words in my mind made me cum.

Dexter mounted me again. Once more his cock banged all over my bottom but not getting even close to my hole. What the hell was the matter? I slipped my hand under my body searching for his frantically thrusting cock. I grabbed it. He didn’t like it and jumped off me again.

I groaned again.

One of the other dogs jumped up and actually tried to mount me from the front. Dexter growled at him and the dog stopped. It was Dylan. I did what any nasty, dirty slut would do. I grabbed for his cock with both hands allowing my elbows to sit on the bed.

Dylan knew exactly what to do. He had been trained. He turned around and I helped move him nearer to my face. I found his sheath and rubbed it, my hands under his body.

I was instantly rewarded with a pink tip appearing. I rubbed some more. A red cock rapidly grew. I pushed my body with my face right up against his ass. His tail over one of my shoulders and touching the outside of the right cheek of my face. It felt nice.

Dylan’s cock was growing nicely. I was now able to touch the tip with my tongue. I did. I did some more licking. Now the cock was big enough to go into my mouth.

Dexter mounted me for the third time and humped my ass.

I sucked Dylan’s cock right into my mouth. At exactly the same time Dexter’s flaying cock found my cunt and it shot inside me! Heaven!

“Oh yes! Thank you!!” I yelled as I pulled Dylan’s cock from my mouth. I held it against my other cheek as precum spat against my face.

Dexter rode me las if I was a horse and he the jockey, galloping around a race course. As I conjured up that I thought of a horse pummeling me. Yes. I know that is something else in store for me but the fierce hammering I was getting and his precum shooting into me made me think this might be something of what it will feel like,

The dog was panting above me. The dog laying in front of me was panting. I was panting. I placed Dylan’s cock back in my mouth, sucking it fiecely, and feeling the hardening knot as it started to expand.

“My god, mom,” said Peter, “You’re amazing.” He had taken his trousers off and out of the corner of my eye I could see he was sporting a nice hard on pushing against his underpants. If I wasn’t sucking on Dylan’s cock I would have asked him to get on the bed and thrust it into my mouth.

Paul had got up and was watching from the foot of the bed. He had a perfect view of Dexter’s cock ramming in and out of his mother’s very wet cunt. I now could feel his knot getting bigger as it was thrust to and fro against my pussy’s lips.

“Mum, he’s going to knot you,” Paul warned.

I couldn’t reply as Dylan was now thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth as his knot drove inside. His cock was actually hitting the back of my throat. I wanted to feel his cum shooting into my mouth and down my throat. I loved deep throating my late hubby and feeling his cum spurting into me there. I was going to master the art of deep throating a dog!

Dexter grabbed me around the waist even more hard and pulled my body further onto his cock. I felt his knot shoot into me at the same time my mouth was filled with hot watery metallic tasting cum. I gagged a little as I tried gulping Dylan’s spunk down my gullet. Then Dexter shot his sperm into me at the other end of my body.

“Bloody hell,” I thought, “Could sex be any nastier and better than this?” A challenge for later.

“Look, Mum’s cumming,” said John excitedly, and getting up and standing by the side of my bed.

“Dexter’s cumming too,” said Paul. “Some of his cum’s pouring out of Mum’s cunt. Wonderful.”

“And Dylan is too,” said Peter. “It’s running out of Mum’s mouth.”

I felt so deliciously dirty and nasty. I came again. And again.

Dylan pulled his cock out of my mouth and jumped off the bed onto the floor where he sat licking his cock.

Dagon stood up on the bed and started to lick up Dylan’s cum from my face that had even run down my chin and onto my neck.

Dexter laid panting on top of me his cock twitching inside me and occasionally sending more cum into me.

I patted the head of Dagon knowing he was anxiously waiting his turn.

“How are you feeling, Mum?” asked John. “Your pussy doesn’t hurt?”

“No darling,” I replied. “I feel wonderful. When the dogs have finished it’ll be you and your brothers turn to use me.”

“Can we do anything we like to you?” John asked.

“I think so, except extreme pain and scat.” I said “Anything you have in mind?” Hoping it was going to be something to shock me.

I groaned as another shot of Dexter’s sperm washed the walls of my womb. He bent his head down and licked the back of my neck.

“What’s he doing, Mum?” Paul asked. “I can just see his knot moving. It’s really buried in you.”

“I can feel his cock pulsing and every so often he squirts more cum in me,” I replied.

“Does his knot hurt?” asked Peter.

“No. But some women with small vaginas it probably does when it first goes in. But it presses on my clitoris and feels deliciously nice,” I explained trying not to make the act sound clinical. “It hurts when it goes in my ass, but it is a nice hurt. There’s a thin line drawn between pleasure and pain.”

I noticed John didn’t answer my question what they had in mind to do to me,

Dexter started to move. He had been tied to me for about fifteen minutes now.

“His knot is coming out, Mum,” said Paul. “Do you want me to hold him in?”

“No,” I said. “Dagon is very anxious to have his way with me. And although I have blown Dylan I expect he will want to bury his bone inside me.”

“I hope one of them does your ass Mum,” said John. “That would really turn me on. I want to fuck you there, too.”

I let out a small cry as Dexter pulled his cock out and I felt some of his sperm pour out and run down the back of my legs.

I felt his snout and then his tongue lick at my sex, doing a clean up job. Then he jumped off the bed to join his brother.

Dagon then waisted no time in mounting me and found my opening immediately.

And so began another bestial coupling.


Chapter 2

I gasped as Dagon’s cock entered me. I have not, nor probably never will get used to the shock of the immediate fierce thrusting of a dog’s cock in my body.

It is intense and when a big German Shepherd dog as Dagon is wrapping his paws around my waist and pulling me further onto his cock, it made it even more of a shock.

And I have always climaxed, except the time my ass was taken by Dexter immediately after I was fisted unmercifully by that pig Bitch Queen. The shear pain of that time I will never forget. I know John wants to see a dog cock in my ass again but I was nervous about taking it there because of that pain. However, it was going to happen so it was probably better to get it over with.

Dagon didn’t care a feather or a fig if I was enjoying his bestial attack upon my body. The only thing he cared about was the sheer enjoyment he got from burying his bone in a human being. He was going about his task like a pianist playing “The Flight Of The Bumble Bee”. He even varied his speed – from fast to very fast and back to just fast. His back legs were also doing a dance on top of mine.

I could hear his pants and I could feel his heart beating. I could even hear my own voice giving small “whoops” as his cock thumped into me.

Dagon’s bee was stinging me good and now I could feel the bumble. Growing and trying to dive inside me and deliver his honey to the queen.

The queen was waiting for it Dagon and he didn’t keep me waiting. He gave an extra shove and his knot was inside still expanding and now shooting what can only be described as snake venom. It stung. It was hot. And there was plenty of it.

I heard my voice screaming.

“Yes. Oh yes. Yes. I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Thank you! Thank you, oh my God!!!”

And then the pounding stopped.

Dagon slumped forward on top of me.

He still shot some more cum in little spurts into my depths. It felt so very nice. But the dog was spent. His face was resting on my left shoulder. He was panting loudly in my ear. Great gobs of goo dripped from his open mouth down onto my left breast. It hit the nipple and started to soak the bed cover my breast was resting on.

I was then aware my sons were at my rear. They were wide eyed at how my cunt could close around a dog cock and knot that appeared to be camped for the night inside me.

We lay together joined as one. An animal and a human. A woman, a mother, being bred in front of her three sons by a big German Shepherd. Lying there utterly shameless. For over ten minute we were as one. Then Dagon started to move. I could feel the knot softening against my clittie. Then Dagon pulled away off my body, his knot moving out of its nest followed by the rest of his cock.

I could feel sperm running out and down both my legs. Then Dagon’s tongue was at my vagina, licking, cleaning and swiping my hole. I held my head between my hands savoring every moment of it knowing although it all was about to end, it was really just the beginning.

My sons applauded.

The noise of their clapping seemed to bring Dylan back to life. He joined Dagon on the bed and for a few seconds I felt two tongues attacking my nether regions. It felt delightful.

Dylan didn’t want his brother around him. I was his now and even though I had given him a blow job he wanted his cock in the lower part of my body. He snapped at Dagon who immediately made way by jumping off the bed and slinking off to lay down in front of the bedroom exit door with a happy and contented smile on his face.

Dylan didn’t wait too long before he started to mount me, his cock stabbing me as it rapidly hardened.

“I’m gonna help his cock get into your ass, mum,” said John. There was no asking if he could and whether I minded. And before I could say anything I felt the tip of Dylan’s cock at the entrance to my bottom hole and it was in.

My anal opening was speared by a dog cock.

I have to say that Dylan’s attack on my bottom reminded me of a Gatling Gun (I may have used that analogy before) that I remember seeing used in the old westerns, normally by the army and especially during the Old Civil War.

Dylan seemed to find the tightness of my bottom hole very much to his liking. As for me, it hurt like hell at first until his precum helped to oil the way. Thank goodness, too, I had ably lubed the hole, expecting and wanting it to penetrated, but I had failed to push it in deep enough. I was hoping the cock would be one of my sons? Doesn’t that make me real dirty whore?

The force and speed even made my teeth chatter in time to his evil cock that was merrily attacking me like that old gun.

As soon as the pain died down I got into it with him and found myself urging the naughty dog on and on.

I could dimly hear the cheers and encouragement from my sons but what they were saying I cannot record.

My s concentration was on the feelings I was now experiencing. I knew I would never get tired of dog sex. I reached this conclusion. I was now addicted to it. The more I did this bestial act, the more I wanted it.

The whole time Dylan was fucking me I orgasmed. One long continuing climax. I love anal sex and rapidly was coming to the conclusion even having a dog cock up my ass was better than in my pussy. I was not going to admit that… Damn. Now I have …..!!

I even started to urge Dylan on.

“Fuck me.” I kept on repeating it. “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

I saw my bag of toys.

“One of you,” I yelled at my sons. “I want my vibrator. In my bag. In my bag. Put it in me.”

It was Peter who waved it at me. He was about to switch it on.

“No,” I shouted at him. “It’ll spook him. Just push it slowly into my puss. And hold it there until he ties.”

Peter was a good boy, he did exactly as I said.

I felt the vibrator enter my vagina. Very slowly it inched its way up inside me making the thrusting of Dylan’s cock more intense. I started a climax. Slowly building up.

“Oh, yes. Yes. Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!” I shouted.

The feeling was incredible.

“Look,” cried John excitedly, “His knot is forming and he’s trying to get in Mum’s ass. Oh my God it’s going in. Look!”

I groaned. With the vibrator in my cunt and now Dylan’s knot expanding in my ass I was packed solid. And before I could recover the dog’s cock started to shoot hot watery cum into the depths of my bowels.

I climaxed at the same time. A huge climax.

I could hear and feel the dog’s panting and hot breath. I could feel his heart beating against my flesh. I could feel his legs gripping me around my waist. I could feel spurts and more spurts of his cum inside me. I could feel his cock pulsating against the tight walls of my anus made even more pronounced by the vib in my pussy. I could hear my own heart beating in my chest. I could hear little moans and cries in my ears. It took more than a few seconds to realize the moans and cries were mine.

I closed my eyes tightly shut and saved the moment in my mind.

We laid tied together for over twenty minutes. Dylan’s cock still gently trembling with the occasional spurts of cum. So delicious. And I continued to cum. My hands clenching and unclenching as I came. Then the dog clambered down but his knot was still huge and he couldn’t pull out, partly because my ass muscles were clamped tightly around it and the vibrator in my cunt. Plus John, I found out later, was holding Dylan’s head, stroking it, and telling him quietly to stay. So Dylan, the dog and me, Grace the human, were locked together ass to ass! That scene would have to be painted!!

It was another ten minutes before Dylan’s knot shrunk down enough to pull his cock out of my poor ravaged ass and at the same time the vibrator fell out of my pussy onto the floor along with a rush of sperm that soaked the bed. Dylan did a bit of a clean up job on my ass before he got down off the bed, picked up the vibrator in his teeth and sat down with it. I think he thought it was a toy bone!

I knew my sons wanted me now and I did too but this first time (I am dismissing the rape incident) had to be private and special. I told them this and they were to go to their bedrooms and I would join them separately. What we did together I hoped would stay private. The order would be random. I asked them to write their names down on a piece of paper and fold it in four and lay it on the bed. I would go into the bathroom and shower and then I would choose the order from the first to the last folded paper I picked up.

I didn’t keep them waiting long and totally naked I walked back into the bedroom. The order picked randomly was John, Peter and Paul.

I am not going to relate at all what happened. I have also got them to promise on their honor not to relate anything that went on behind their bedroom closed doors to anyone, including their brothers and especially to the members of this Club. But they did everything naughty but nice to me using all my holes and I unashamedly loved it all. I didn’t instruct them at all. I allowed them to use me in every way they could imagine and I loved it all. Almost as much as I loved them.


Chapter 3

It was Joy who broke the long silence after I had refused to tell them about my three individual love sessions with my sons.

“We understand perfectly Grace, and we have no problem with that,” she said. ” unfortunately we do have problems. There are only seven days before the Wiccan meeting on the night of the Blood Moon. Due to unforeseen business problems involving Maureen, the movie we planned to make with you in Holland over two weeks will now have to be made in four days – two on Tabbie’s island lighthouse home and the other two at Gladys’s farm.”

She stopped and all eyes were on me.

As I had no idea what the movie was about I just shrugged.

Joyce handed me a large brown envelope. “Here’s the script.”

“Do I have to learn any lines or do I have to just grunt and groan?” I asked sweetly.

“It’s mainly left to you as long as you keep to the plot of each scene.” Joyce answered, ignoring my sarcasm. “You play a Duchess who has a daughter and three sons. Your daughter is played by Tabbie’s daughter Alice. You cheat on your husband the Duke and have lots of lovers including incest with your three sons played by George, Henry and Albert.”

“Nothing like keeping it in the family,” I said.

Joyce ignored me continuing, “You catch your daughter having a lesbian liaison with a maid. As punishment you force her to have sex with two of The Duke’s prized dogs.”

“Only two? ” I queried.

“That’s all Alice would agree to ” Joy answered smiling. “But you will make up for that low number, Grace.”

“To tell you more, would spoil the fun,” Gladys put in. “I’m just sorry your planned stay with me at the farm is now so short. Maybe another time.”

“I feel the same way,” said Tabbie, “but we will have two nights together, starting tomorrow.”

“You must let Grace have plenty of sleep,Tabbie,” scolded Maureen. “She must be in prime condition for the Wiccan meet. In fact all of you must be in good condition. It will be a long and very important night. The blood moon is a rare event. And this one is extra special.”

“Why?” I asked.

“There will be a lunar eclipse. Possibly four. And if that happens Diana may return to earth and rid of us of Lucifer.” Maureen explained with great excitement.

I started feeling light headed. I had to concentrate very hard to fight it off.

Maureen was saying something about me looking like the Goddess but her voice was fading into a whisper. I had a strong urge to change the subject quickly.

“There’s something I have to tell you,” I managed to say, as I felt beads of sweat like blood forming on my forehead.

All eyes tuned on me.

“I’m lactating.”

If I had said there was a bomb in the room it couldn’t have produced more of a shock. Then to my surprise the shock turned to smiles and claps of delight. What was all this? Then the penny dropped and I became very angry.

I turned to Tabbie and glared at her.

“Those tablets,” I yelled at her, “they’ve done this to me. They weren’t contraceptive tablets at all. How could you lie to me? I trusted you.” I turned to the rest of them. “I trusted all of you. I’ve done everything you’ve asked me and almost got abducted and killed.”

“The abduction and near death was not our doing. You can only have yourself to blame for that.” Joy told me.

“You, shut up!” I screamed at her and she jumped back into her chair with surprise.

Tabbie rushed across to me and I saw tears welling up in her eyes. She dropped to her knees in front if me.

“Please forgive me, dear, sweet Grace,” she said holding both my hands in hers. “I should, we should have asked your permission. I was going to tell you at the Lighthouse when we were alone together.”

Maureen also came across to me,

“We all owe you an apology, Grace,” Tabbie said, “especially me. The tablets I gave you are a contraceptive but also induce lactation. They are herbal and the lactation property is also the contraceptive. You will stop ovulating. It normally takes nine weeks unless you use a breast pump continually. But you received a huge boost I could not have foreseen. When you were kidnapped you were given other herbs to make you appear dead. Those herbs reacted with the ones you were already taking. No one could have contemplated what happened. We are all sorry.”

There were apologetic murmurs from the other ladies present.

“But why do you want me to have milk filled tits?” I asked, but my anger was subsiding.

Tabbie kissed me gently on my cheek and slowly undid the front of my dress. She exposed my breasts and seductively tickled both nipples.

“Both Maureen and I thought it would be lovely to feed off your beautiful breasts. We thought you would enjoy it, too. And also your three sons.”

“Didn’t your sons enjoy feeding once again from their mother’s breasts?”asked Maureen. “Didn’t you like the feeling?”

I gasped as two mouths were now at my breasts sucking on my nipples. My breasts had been feeling heavy as they filled with milk and I felt relief and sexual excitement as I felt them emptying.

I could not lie.

“Yes,” I said and I climaxed. Not big ones, but small ones over and over again. I even held both their heads as they continued their sucking. I loved the sensation of the milk being sucked from my nipples. When my sons discovered the milk in my tits I was too shocked to really enjoy it. I knew that was going to change now. Another sex act. When would this end?

Then Gladys and Joy said it was their turn and Tabbie and Maureen moved reluctantly away. Two new lips at my nipples. And they handled my breasts and they continued the squeeze and suck routine with their lips until they drained them dry.

Joy’s two sisters were annoyed there was none left for them.

I was so turned on now I wanted fucking. Badly.

“I need a cock,” I told them. “A live big one. Now.”

And, as if I had preplanned it, in walked three naked young hunks – George, Henry and Albert, all sporting lovely hard ons.

“Which one of our sons cock do you want, Grace?” asked Joy with a big smile.

“Why not all three?” queried her sister, Jane.

“It would be a shame not to devour all,” piped in the third sister, Joan.

“We’re the three musketeers,” said George, grabbing me and pulling me down onto the floor on top of him.

“One for all,” said Henry, grabbing my butt.

“And all for one,” finished Albert now kneeling at my head.

I was going to have all holes filled and like the slut I now was, I helped them get all three cocks into my body.

Pleasure. Oh how good it felt. And I was going to get a repeat when I got home from my three sons! This was the hors de oeuvre before the main course and my dogs would be the sweets.

I devoured those three cocks. I moved my pussy and ass in time with the cocks filling me there. Feeling them slide to and fro and the thin membrane between them was not apparent to me at all. It felt like there was nothing separating them. I was so wet the cock in my cunt slipped in like an oily eel in a bag of jelly and although the one in my ass had hurt at first the spit from Henry had proved a good lubricant. In fact I had relished the pain.

I wanted to clamp my mouth hard down on Albert’s cock fucking my mouth but my teeth would have bitten into that lovely morsel of flesh and I didn’t want to hurt it. I sucked hard and moved my mouth further onto it feeling it hit the back of my throat.

I felt an orgasm rising from the pit of my stomach and my body shook. I gasped and a muffled moan escaped as I came but there was no pause in the cocks moving inside me.

In out. In out. Albert was now holding my head with his hands at the back helping my head bob to and fro on his cock. In out. In out.

All three cocks were hammering away, faster, more brutal, and I could hear the boys grunting with the exertion and my hard sucking on the cock in my mouth was having an effect. Soon I knew Albert’s cock would be erupting his salty balm down my thirsty throat.

To make it happen quicker and to satisfy the rapidly building huge orgasm that I had been trying to contain I sucked even harder and moved my body more against the invading rock hard meaty rods that were ramming into me.

I could hear myself grunting but muffled by the stiff digit trying shunt back and forth in my mouth that was closed tight around it. I could all three nasty young men panting almost like a dog after a long, hard walk and run, as they tried to hold back, something I didn’t want them to do. I wanted their cum. In my mouth and down my throat. In my ass shooting deep into my bowels. In my cunt plowing right up into my womb.

“Make it happen!” my mind screamed at them. I couldn’t hold back any more. I came. BIG! HUGE!! And those dealing young men came with me at the same time.

I felt sperm shooting down my throat. Sperm shooting into my bowels. And sperm shooting into my womb. Together. Just like someone pulling a switch to set off a huge fireworks display. The first blast of rockets shooting up into the sky together with a loud bang. And I was the recipient of all of it.

I let out a scream and choked on the sperm as even more shot into my mouth hitting the back of my throat and coating my tonsils. My whole body shook, quivered and reverberated like a piece of bacon, cooking in hot fat. I sizzled but not in the fat, on the sperm of three cocks buried in my body.

I was a bacon sandwich with sauce!

Albert was the first to take his cock from my mouth. I felt it slowly diminish in size and strength and that signaled Henry and George to remove their love sticks, too.

Without a word or a nod to their mothers they left the room. I struggled slowly to my feet, watched by the six Elderly Club Ladies, and shakily made my way to the bathroom.


Chapter 4

Before I left the ladies I was given a list of personal pharmaceutical needs I had to have to take with me on my trip to make the movie. It included a breast pump and nipple pads. I would now have to wear a support bra when traveling.

“And where am I going to find a drug store at this time of night,” I queried.

Joy gave me a name and told me where it was located. It wasn’t far from my home and I remembered it now being next door to a garage I had gone to for new tires. I had never been inside the store before.

Tabbie kissed me and said she would take me to the airport in the morning and to be ready by 6am. I groaned. My sons and the dogs would be waiting for me so I wouldn’t get much sleep. I also had the movie script to read but decided I could do that chore on the plane ride.

It was only a ten minute drive but I was surprised to see the car park in front of the store was full of cars. Although there was only space for twenty cars I didn’t expect that many this time of night. So I parked my car at the side of the store but next to the garage.

I had to drive past two men, one middle aged and a younger man, both dressed as bikers plus their bikes. One was using the garage pump to inflate his front motorbike tire.

That meant I had to walk past them.

They were both watching me suspiciously as I drove past them and parked my car. They still watched me as I got out and their gaze followed me.

I smiled at them as I walked past and it was then a large almost black pit bull appeared. The dog barked and ran at me nearly causing me to stumble as its sudden appearance had surprised me.

“Hey, boy,” I said, not even looking to see what gender the animal was. I bent down to try and pat the beast to make him see I was not frightened and was no threat.

The dog did calm and I could then see he was indeed male and intact. He had a small patch of white on his under belly. He sniffed at me and then grabbed me by wrapping his paws around my waist.

The bikers just watched, as I tried to get the dog to release me. All I did was to move him from my front to my rear and it was then he started to hump me. By his size and the pressure against me he had to be about 50 pounds or more. A big pit bull!

I then cried out for help from the two bikers who were just standing smirking at my discomfort.

It was the elder one who finally shouted to the dog.

“Fang! Leave the lady alone!”

The dog stopped humping me but still held me tight. By his panting and drooling I could tell I had excited him.

The speaker walked up to the dog scolding him but still the dog would not release his grip. I grabbed his paws trying to prise his grip from my waist. That started him humping me again.

The younger guy now joined us with a leash and slapped Fang hard on his rump with it.

“Release!” he shouted and slipped the leash onto the dog’s stainless steel chain collar.

Finally Fang released me and and allowed himself to be pulled away.

“I’m sorry about that, lovely lady,” said the older biker. Now he was up close I could see a scar down his right cheek and a small skull and crossbones tattoo on his left. Unlike the younger guy, whose hair was long, his hair was cut short like the barber had had a bad day styling the crew cut. They both wore dark brown tan leather jackets with the name “Lousy Learey Road Dogs” painted in white across the back.

He eyed me as if I was a piece of meat being inspected at a butchers. I gave him the dirtiest look I could manage and walked past him to go to the front of the drug store.

“Pity I don’t have another leash. I could attach it to your collar and take you home with us, ” he called out to me. “Then you and Fang could really become friends.”

He gave a dirty and suggestive laugh that I ignored. I walked on into the store trying to subdue the tremor of excitement that had crept into my body just after the pit bull had started trying to hump me.

There were around a dozen persons waiting for prescriptions to be filled by two pharmacists and another six persons going down the aisles looking for variety of items on the shelves. I found a bored looking assistant and gave her my list of things I needed. She was helpful and quickly found my items, including a wire basket I had forgotten to pick up at the store entrance to put them in. We walked to the breast pumps and I had to make my mind up on whether to purchase an electric pump or a manual one. The price range was vast. $500 down to $40. I decided on a double electric motored one costing just over $300 and it came complete with bottles. I then found a box of disposable nipple pads.

“How old is your baby?” the shop assistant asked me.

“Pardon?” I queried.

“You have a baby, don’t you? “


“But -?” she pointed to the front of my dress. I was lactating and milk was showing through.

“O Shit!”

“Come with me.”

She took the box with the breast pump and I followed her with the basket carrying the rest of my items. I followed her through a door that displayed a sign saying “Staff Only” where there was a sour looking black security guard. He opened the door for us with hardly a glance at me. The Assistant then ushered me through another door on the left of the corridor we were in. The room was small but it had a sink, a one ring electric stove top, a toaster oven, long melamine covered countertop, fridge and floor and wall cabinets. There was also four chairs. The room obviously served as a kitchen and lunch room for the staff.

“Pull the top of your dress down and expose your breasts,” she said, and smiled.

It was the first time I had a good look at her. She was petite, light brown skin, probably in her late fifties, heavily made up, wearing a staff costume comprising light blue stiff blouse and light brown straight skirt with black flat shoes. She had small silver earrings each with a tiny flat green stone embedded into the stud and pinned on her blouse was a plus a name tag, DORIS. Doris was brunette with streaks of grey and of medium size and build. The blouse did not disguise she enjoyed a large bust. When I looked at her fingers she sported a gold wedding ring, diamond engagement ring and a ring on her left hand with a green onyx stone that matched the earrings.

I pulled my breasts from my dress and they indeed felt heavy with milk. Just touching them and the nipples starred to drip with it. I went over to the sink.

Doris was unpacking the breast pump and immediately was giving me a lesson on how to use it.

I felt her fingers tremble as she placed the suction caps over my nipples and touched my breasts. I enjoyed the touch and felt the familiar stirring in my vagina. When she took out the bottles I stopped her.

“No need for them. I have no one who needs my milk,” I told her.

“You are wet nursing?” she asked me.

I hadn’t thought of that but I nodded.

“No clients.” I said.

Doris said she would put a notice for me in the store if I wished.

I thanked her but said ‘no’ telling her that would attract perverts. I said I had some friends passing the word around. She nodded and plugged in the pump letting the hose drape into the sink. She gave me a seat and said she had to go back to the store floor. She showed me how to turn the pump off and left.

I blew her a kiss. She stopped, hesitated, and then blew me one back and smiled. She left.

I had hoped she would have stayed and I could have offered my breasts to her to suck on. Now I was sexually frustrated and feeling very horny.

It only took a few minutes to drain my breasts and the feeling of the suction on my nipples and the milk flowing out from them was not lessening my sexual arousal.

I perversely took the end of the hose and lifting up the bottom of my dress thrust the end right up into my thirsting cunt.

That didn’t work either.

I needed to get home where I had three sons and three dogs waiting for me.

I hurriedly packed away the pump, tried unsuccessfully to wash away the milk stain from my dress leaving a much bigger wet patch. I hoped it would dry quickly.

I went back into the store and paid the cashier for my purchasers. As I made my way to the exit Doris appeared at my shoulder. She secretly handed me a card.

“My number and address,” she whispered. Then she disappeared.

“Who is that lady?” I asked the cashier.

“The one who was just standing by you?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied, “She helped me with my purchases. She works here.”

“No, ma’am. She doesn’t work here. I saw you with her and thought you were friends. Excuse me.” The cashier turned to another customer.

I walked to the Security Guard who was still standing by the Staff door.

“The lady that took me into the staff area, who was she?” I asked him.

He immediately looked worried.

“I don’t know, miss. You looked distressed and she whispered it was an emergency. Am I in trouble? I need this job. I’m so sorry. Have you made a complaint?”

“No. No,” I assured the poor man, “I just wanted to thank her. She was very helpful, and it was an emergency. And I thank you, too.”

The poor man was so relieved I thought he was going to break down and cry.

Although it was a mystery, I had her address and phone number but she had been wearing a tag with the store and her name on it. Clearly she wanted me to think she was a shop assistant here.

I left the shop and made my way to my car. Standing by it were the two bikers and the dog, Fang.

As soon as the dog saw me he started to bark and get excited, struggling to get away from the leash.

The elder biker came up to me quickly.

“Let me help you with your things, lovely lady,” he said acting now the real gentleman that we both knew he wasn’t.

I went along with the act. There was nothing in my bags of purchases of any use to him. I allowed him to take them and I unlocked the rear left hand door for him to put them on the seat. He did.

The other biker now walked by my driver’s door standing there with the dog who was almost leaping out of the collared shortened leash he was holding.

I was now between the two of them but strangely I didn’t feel threatened. I turned and thanked the one who had helped me.

“Pleasure,” he said. “My name’s King. This is my son, Conan, but everyone calls him Kong.”

“King, Kong,” I said turning to each of them.

And you are?” King asked.


“And you have met, Fang.”

“Oh, yes.” I turned to the pit bull. Even though he was still barking I could tell he meant me no harm. He actually stopped barking when I surprised him by bending down and stroking the side of his head. “There. There, Fang. Shall we be friends?”

“He wants to be more than just friends,” said Kong with an evil leer.

“I know,” I said. “Where shall we go, then?”

I stood up and smiled staring at two very surprised faces.

“You mean you will fuck with Fang?” Kong asked, incredulously.

“Yes,” I confirmed, “And if you behave you can watch.”

“And if we do, can I, I mean, we, can we do you afterwards?” Kong was getting excited.

“Maybe.” I replied.

“Ever been on a Harley?”

“Yes. My hubby had one. An XR-750.”

They were both impressed.

“Hubby not with you anymore?” Asked King.

“Dead.” I said. There was an awkward pause. Finally I said, ” I have three teenage sons waiting for me back home and I am leaving early in the morning to take a flight. If we’re going to do this it’s got to be quick, or I’m on my way.”

“Sure,” said King. “Let’s go to the Dog House. Shouldn’t be anyone else there. if there is
they can watch. You don’t mind an audience?”

“Yes, I do!” I retorted.

“If there is we’ll go somewhere else,” said King. “Do you want a ride on my Harley? I’ll bring you back.”

Any other time I would have agreed. I loved riding pillion with Tom and the speed and vibration of the bike against my crotch and ass always made me feel sexy.

“I’ll follow you.”

“And I’ll be behind you with Fang so you don’t get lost,” said Kong.

I got into my car and was amused to see Fang jump up on the bike onto the seat behind Kong wrapping his back legs and front paws around his master. I wondered if he had ever fallen off and how long it had taken to train him to do it. Most of the dog’s weight was taken on Kong’s back.

I followed King and he didn’t drive fast so as to make sure we didn’t separate. We went into a part of the town I was not familiar with. Lots of trailer parks and open spaces.

We followed the railway line for a few miles before turning off and then we stopped at a steak and ale restaurant called The Dog House. The illuminated sign was off and a closed sign on the main entrance but we drove around the back. There were two other motor bikes parked there just outside two doors. One was marked with the words

I got out of the car and sent a text message to my sons. “Running late. Ran into some new friends L L Road Dogs. At The Dog House steak Rest.” I took some photos and sent them. “I will be leaving in 90 mins. I wii call then. Call me if you don’t hear from me. If no answer you know what to do.”

I found King beside me.

“Just letting my sons know where I am,” I informed him. “I have to leave in 90 mins and call them.”

He nodded and pointed to the two bikes.

“Two Riders here. Sorry. If you go up you’ll have an audience and they’ll each want a piece of you. You’re welcome to leave.”

Kong came up with Fang. The dog was excited but better behaved. I wondered how many girls had been brought here for him to mate with.

“Do we have to go up?” I asked. “Can’t we do it over there?” I pointed to an outbuilding about 100 hundred yards right of the main building. “No one would see if we go behind the building. Or we can do it in the back of my car. I’ll drive over there.”

“Too risky. Cops are always around here trying to bust the bikers any chance they get,” Kong said. “Best we go up. Be far more comfortable. Come on.”

Fang took that as a command for him to hump me which he did against my legs. He was big for a pit bull and I felt his strength. When he opened his mouth I could see why he was called Fang. He had two pairs of fang teeth at both sides of his mouth, one at the top and the other at the bottom, Count Dracula would have envied them. Years ago when I watched the British actor, Christopher Lee, play many of his Dracula roles, I used to imagine him laying on top of me and biting my throat. Fang frightened me to death and I began to wish I was home and not here.

With a lot more coaxing from both father and son Fang released me and I reluctantly allowed myself to be propelled to the ROAD DOGS entrance.

As we approached the door it suddenly opened.

Doris stood there with a big smile on her face!


Chapter 5

“Nothing was preplanned, Grace, honest. I own the Dog House as you would have seen if you’d read the card I gave you, I had to fill a prescription and the drug store is the nearest and stays open late. It was a coincidence that King and Kong were next door fixing a flat. When you came in I was immediately attracted to you. Yes, I’m a Lez and looking for a partner. That’s why I latched onto you offering my help. You took it and I had forgotten to take my Dog House name tag off. You assumed I worked there and I did not correct you. When I realized you were lactating I nearly wet my panties. God how I wanted to suck on those tits of yours but I did get to touch them. I wanted you so bad but didn’t know how you would react if I physically showed you I did. I saw your collar and wonder if you have a master. Or even, you know, done it with a dog. If you have, oh that would be so, so, wonderful. When I left I went straight around to King and Kong and described you asking them to meet with you and try to persuade you to come back here with them. They pointed to your car and said they had spoken to you and Fang had gone mad with lust when he smelt you. And you have come here. O tell me you like me. Have you been with a woman? Are you bi? Please let me kiss you.”

Doris hardly took a breath telling me all this and then grabbed me in her arms kissing me hard on my lips.

I responded. I kissed her back. When she opened her mouth and I felt her tongue touch my lips mine opened and our kissing got more passionate. Time stood still as we stayed locked together with my arms now wrapped around hers. I could feel her heart beating fast and then she ground her pelvis hard between my legs. Then just as suddenly as she had started she stopped. There was someone else there with her. Behind her in the shadows, and whoever it was, was whispering something in her ear. Then the shadow disappeared backinto the darkness.

Doris pushed me away.

“You’re going to break my heart,” Doris’ voice was suddenly full of anguish. “And you’re bad news. You’re already taken. Owned. Tell me it isn’t so?”

I looked at her. I dropped my head.

“I’m sorry,” that was the only reply I could make and even those two words I stumbled on.

She nodded.

“Thank you for being honest. Please leave.”

Doris ran up the stairs.

King took my hand and led me back outside into the yard followed by Kong and Fang.

“It looks like it’s going to be in the back of your van,” said King.

“I’m not in the mood now,” I said.

“But Fang is, and you made a promise,” insisted King propelling me to my vehicle. I got in and he climbed in the passenger beside me. Kong and Fang got in the rear seats. “I think I’ve got a better idea.”

“Where we going?” I asked.

“Just drive. I’m still thinking.” King said. “Back the way we came. Stop at the trailer park.”

I did as I was told. In the meantime King was busy on the phone. I couldn’t hear everything he was saying but it wasn’t difficult to discern that I was the key in all his calls. I also heard Fang’s name and dogs mentioned. He was eventually satisfied and he turned around and whispered something to his son. I then asked him something that was burning my gut.

“Who was the person in the shadows with Doris? She said something to her that made Doris tell me to leave.”

“That must have been the old Indian woman. We call her Angel,” he said. “She looks after us when we get injured. And we get many injuries. She uses herbs and she’s better than any doctor. Ring any bells?”

“No,” I said. I was puzzled.

We arrived at the entrance to the park. In a few minutes an open truck appeared. Two men were in the front and another two were in the back accompanied by two dogs. The truck flashed it’s lights and drove on past us.

“Follow it.”

“What’s all this?”

“Close your trap and drive. You’re going to have a bit of fun. And us.”

“I have only got just over an hour,” I warned looking at my watch knowing the destination I had sent to my sons was now wrong. My comfort was the other bikers bikes were still parked there. I was still puzzling about the other person behind Doris. I was about to ask King about it but he spoke first.

“Best get a move on. He’s way ahead of you.”

It didn’t take long to catch the truck up and soon we were in a familiar area to me. Then we did a sharp turn off up an uneven dirt track with a sign “Brock’s Boarders. Trespassers will be shot dead or wild dogs will eat you, or both.”

Very comforting.

Not too far off there were lights ahead. A small single storey house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Beside it was a large wooden barn with huge double doors and dim lights inside. Waiting outside was three men and a woman. The truck pulled up by them and I followed suit.

“Make sure Fang is tightly leashed,” warned King to Kong. “I don’t want the same trouble as las time.”

When I got out I noticed the other two dogs, both black Labradors, we’re also similarly leashed. I could also hear a lot if barking dogs near by. The two men with them were best described as scruffy. Young, unshaven, long hair, dirty shirts and jeans of dark color. The driver and his mate were older and both bearded, with much cleaner clothes. In contrast to the long hair they were bald. All four were tall and sturdily built. There was no shaking hands and I wasn’t introduced.

In contrast the three men and the woman were friendly and welcomed King and Kong as old friends. Even Fang got a hug, he wagged his tail and obviously knew them.

I was not introduced and I did not mind that all. However, I wanted to let them know I was only staying an hour and I wanted to know what I was here for.

The woman and two of the men looked as if they were related. The same gaunt weather beaten faces, sunken cheeks, stunning blue eyes, medium height, and gait. To me there didn’t seem much difference in their ages and I wondered if they were triplets. They looked in their mid fifties but could have been older. The man, and I presumed he was the woman’s husband was shorter and larger. He had a huge head of grey hair that hung down his back and became as one with his mustache and long beard that matched the length of his hair. His figure was full without being corpulent. He reminded me of a hillbilly country singer. He was the only one who acknowledged me with a smile and nod.

“Excuse me. I don’t know what this is all about but I presume I’m here because I made the mistake of saying I would fuck Fang. I will honor that pledge but why it has involved me being brought first to a bikers HQ and when that didn’t work out somehow I am brought here. I don’t know what King has promised you but if it involves me you are all going to be disappointed. I have a nice big SUV and I can screw Fang in the back of it. I don’t think the dog will mind at all. I have to be home in about an hour as I am catching a flight out of here at 6 in the morning. I am very high profile and if I don’t make it home or call my sons I am on my way all hell will break loose.”

I might just have said it is a nice night. There was no affect at all. Everyone walked into the barn leaving me alone with King.

“Nice speech,” he said with a smile. “You can leave now. No one’s stopping you.”

I turned to go back to my car.

“You intrigued me immediately I saw you because your face is familiar. I had seen you before. Grace. Grace Darling. Artist.”


“That’s why there’s a big audience that’s turned up since I got on the phone. A well known artist going to fuck a dog. And by staging it here you can fuck as many dogs as you want. There’s at least ten. Does that make you wet?


I started to walk away.

“Now I’m going to say something only I know but I can and will share it with everyone after you’ve left. I, therefore, think you’d better stay.”

I stopped.

“Your ex boy friend is on his way here. Raymond Rousseau. Bringing a dog you met once before. Handsome. He told me if you became difficult just say “The Longest Tie”.

I turned. My heart was thumping hard in my chest.

Should I phone Maureen? I decided against it and I could fall back on her if the need arose but now was the time to tell this biker I was not going to be intimidated by him.

I walked back and stood right in his face.

“I don’t care how many dogs there are here. I don’t care how many dumb ass wankers there are here to watch. I don’t care how many of them you think I am going to fuck. I am not intimidated by what you have just said. You know nothing about The Longest Tie. When Ray gets here with his dog Handsome that did once try to mate with me I have something to tell him. And if I mate with Fang or any other damn dog here it will be my decision and not yours.”

At that moment a car drew up and stopped beside us. Out got Raymond Rousseau and a woman I assumed was his wife leading the leashed Golden Retriever dog, Handsome. As soon as the beautiful beast saw me he got excited.

“Ah, Grace,” said a smiling Ray turning to the woman, “Now this is the lady I used to know and not the dog slut who looked quite different last time we met. This is my wife.”

“Hi,” I said to her. “Which one is the better lover? Having sampled both I can tell you, they’re both lousy. Are you here to join me? I’ve just been told there are at least ten and with Handsome that’s 11. Do you want to do five or six?”

“I don’t do dogs or anyone in front of an audience, unlike you,” she said, in a pretend posh voice. Everything about her was pretense. Her clothes, her hair, her make up and even her shoes were a pretense of good taste. She would have been more at home in the trailer park we had just stopped outside.

“If you did, the audience would want their money back, or if it was free, their time,” I told her. I turned to her husband. “Get rid of your wife. I want a private word with you and King.”

“Go inside the barn, Sugar,” Ray said to her. “Take Handsome with you. I won’t be long.”

“Yes. Do as you’re told, Sugar,” I called out after her. “if you like when you get inside, get down on the floor, drop your panties, and get Handsome to mount your fat ass. You can be the warm up act.”

Sugar did not give me a sweet smile. She glared.at me. However, Handsome was very excited at meeting me again. Sugar had a hard time trying to control the beast and getting him to accompany her to the warehouse. I started to feel a little better.

“You haven’t changed, Grace,” said Ray, but I could see he was amused but trying to disguise it. “Except I thought you were a prude when it came to sex. How could I have made that mistake?”

“Ray and you, too King. You have a made a huge mistake if you think you can blackmail or control me. I have six masters. Do you hear me six. And I willingly have put myself in their hands. They are very protective of me. Anyone who has tried to do what you are doing have suffered badly. Very badly. Two are dead. Ray, I’m sure, you know Dave Simmons? He and seven thugs attempted to kidnap me. All seven suffered physical damage and Dave the use of one of his eyes. Give him a call and ask his opinion whether it’s a good idea to threaten me.”

There was a long silence and Ray’s cockiness instantly evaporated.

“Did you hear of the death recently of Bitch Queen?” I added in for good measure.

“I did,” King said. “I knew her. She was one crazy evil bitch. We were all afraid of her. She joined us for a ride on occasions and we were all pleased when she left. Did you know her, Ray?”

“I knew her. She died of a drug over dose so the report said.”

“Yes,” I replied with a grim smile. “That was after she came to my home and hurt me very bad. Then she tried to extort money. Make the call, Ray, if you have doubts.”

“I believe you.”

“And The Longest Tie?”

“What Longest Tie?”

“Exactly. And I hear that’s the operative word. What?”

King looked baffled and I wanted it that way.

“Now bugger off and never cross my path again. Pray my name is never linked to pet loving or I will assume it is you.”

Ray skunked off to join his wife in the warehouse not looking as he had arrived. Smug.

“Wow. Aren’t you the surprise package,” said King with a hint of admiration. “How much of that was bluff?”

I looked King squarely into his eyes. My face was serious. “Not one word.”

“Fuck!” King looked at the ground and then took a packet of cigarettes out of his breast pocket. He took out one, offered the packet to me but I shook my head. His hand went back to his breast pocket and out came a silver lighter. Still looking at the ground he lit the cigarette and finally put the lighter and packet back whence they had come.

I glanced at my watch.

“I have less than an hour,” I said. “I have agreed to do Fang and you and Kong. Anything else you want me involved with in that time frame is fine. Anything but extreme pain and scat. I will set my watch and when it buzzes, that’s it. I have a plan to involve Sugar if you want.”

He nodded and after I told him he smiled. I wished I could have stayed and watched.

I told King I needed to put on a corset as I didn’t want to get scratched. He nodded and told me he would tell everyone I would be putting on a show.

I walked back to my car and noticed a stirring of excitement beginning. I decided to turn my car around and move it nearer to the start of the rough dirt drive in case I had to make a quick get away. I texted my sons to let them know I was now at Brocks Boarders. I took some photographs and sent them with the message. I warned I might be a little late.

I took my dress off and searched my bag for a corset I had soon learned to carry with me now. How quickly have adjusted to my new lifestyle. I got out of the car leaving my dress and smart phone behind. Stark naked I put the corset on and struggled with the fastenings for a few minutes. It was whilst doing this I felt the prescience of eyes watching me. More than one pair. The moon, less than a week away from being full, disappeared behind a cloud.

I called out but there was only silence. I shrugged it off as imagination, or perhaps the whispering of the leaves in the trees that lined both sides of the drive. I walked quickly back bare foot but before I got to the barn I wished I had put my shoes on. I was not going back for them even though the ground beneath my feet was paved with small sharp stones.

King and Kong were waiting for me by the doors with Fang who immediately got very excited again. The doors closed shut with a clang behind me and I heard bolts being shot.

“Soon,” I said to the bulldog but deliberately did not bend down to pat him. I was ushered into the barn. Although the interior was dimly lit as soon as I made my appearance some additional floods were switched on illuminating the center where I presumed I was going to perform. There was no furniture just lots and lots of neat rectangular bales of hay. Some, those at the sides of the barn were stacked very high, almost reaching the eaves of the high sloping roof.

The ‘big’ audience thankfully numbered only about a dozen persons, and all but two being men. There were eight dogs in the barn plus Fang and Handsome. All were leashed. The two women, Sugar and the woman I had seen standing by the barn doors, were now standing inside with the bearded longhaired man. The rest were sitting around on the bales except for one of the men I had surmised as being related to the woman. He was standing right at the far end of the barn where the hay was loose. He was not alone. Beside him was a beautiful Shetland pony. The pony looked at me, his ears standing straight up and quivering with obvious excitement. I looked at him and my heart started beating hard…


Chapter 6

The bearded longhaired man introduced himself as Levi Brock and his female companion as his wife Gianna. He was about to introduce Sugar but I stopped him with a smile saying we had already met and “she is as sweet as her name”.

Levi welcomed me to Brocks Boarders and realized I couldn’t stay long but hoped I would enjoy the short time here and maybe return for a much longer time. He emphasized the word ‘much’ and Gianna agreed. I wondered if she was into the bestial acts I suspected were common place here.

I wanted to ask why the pony was here but kept silent. I knew the answer to that and I would have appeared a simpleton.

“I leave you into the two ladies hands and your master is King assisted by Kong. They will instruct you what to do. What name shall I introduce you as.” Levi said.

Before I could answer Levi, Sugar butted in with, “The slut bitch calls herself ‘Princess Canis.”

Levi looked surprised at the ferocity of Sugar’s announcement and looked at me. I nodded.

“You randy bastards,” Levi addressed his audience, “you have never met royalty before nor anyone as lovely as this lady. Meet Princess Canis.”

I gave a curtsy and there was clapping and whistles. Levi sat down on a bale.

Kong brought up Fang to me and he immediately went between my legs, his tongue snaking up against and into my pussy. I opened my legs wider to help accommodate him more.

Meanwhile King told Sugar and Gianna to bring a bale each and indicated how they were to be placed. End to end to form a bed.

I bent my knees a little so the bulldog could get into my pussy more deeply and I even pushed his head hard down to feel more of that delightful tongue. For a smaller dog than I have been used to, Fang was very strong. He was also very enthusiastic and I was looking forward to the dog mounting me and giving me his cock. I signaled to Kong to hold the dog back as I felt his fangs against my pussy lips – I didn’t want him to bite me there. Sugar and Gianna grabbed my arms and moved me back to the bed of hay. I lay back on it and Kong released Fang. He rushed at me, jumping onto my body. He wasted no time in immediately humping me, his rapidly hardening cock hitting my stomach, my legs, my arms and my breasts. I had a hard job holding the beast off me in able to turn over until he realized what I was doing. He jumped off the bale and waited. I could hear his heavy breathing. He wasn’t very patient and I only just managed to get into position when he was up and on!

I had difficulty adjusting to the right height for the bulldog. He wrapped his paws around me and his cock hammered away like the crazy Muppet drummer Animal, bashing away all over my ass.

Kong told me to lower my bottom and I did. I felt Kong’s hand touching me before Fang’s cock was guided to the right hole and it was inside me.

“Oh my God,” I screamed as the cock tore into me like an old express train driven by a drunk driver over bumpy railroad tracks. Fang was faster than any of the dogs that had sunk their majestic weapons into my ravished body. He was also so strong he moved my body in time with his thrusting to get the maximum penetration he could. Not that I was complaining. His welcoming cock was jetting copious amounts of precum into and throughout my love canal oiling up the walls.

Once I had got used to the initial shock I went along for the ride. The thrill of being fucked by a dog who couldn’t care a fig if you were enjoying his complete mastery of you was a ride no fairground or theme park could compete with. I totally surrendered myself to Fang like a good bitch.

When I felt the swelling of his knot touching the lips of my cunt, the orgasms that were already raking throughout my body, got even more intense. The excitement, knowing this animal was going to tie with me very soon, made me gasp louder and shout to my audience who I knew were there, but had no use for. They added nothing to the act going on in front of me.

Fang and I were not acting. We were working together, joined together and in a few seconds tied together and I was going to explode.

Fang was leaving his spittle all over my neck and the beat of his heart was heavy on my back as the skin there was substituting as the animal skin of a drum head. My own heart was vibrating and trying to match the dog’s.

Fang had a huge knot and it felt bigger than a golf ball. Even though his cock didn’t feel as big as all the other dogs who had claimed my pussy, his knot was easily equal, and when he finally rammed it home inside me, I screamed with the sudden ecstatic pain as it plugged up my cave. The instant torrent of his sperm gushing into me was like the fireworks at the end of the 18 Twelve Overture. Dvorak must have composed it especially for dog lovers. Wasn’t Catherine the Great a lover of bestial acts? I’m sure I read that somewhere.

Unfortunately Fang was not allowed to lay on top of me. Kong didn’t want my time going to waste with no action for his audience to view. With a sharp command and a slap on the dog’s rump Fang pulled his cock still spurting cum from my vagina, and jumped off me.

King pulled me shakily to my feet, doggie cum poring out of my vagina, wetting the insides of my thighs at it ran down my legs.

“Get your head down there, bitch,” he said.

It was then I noticed he had taken his pants off sporting one of the longest and fattest cocks I have ever seen.

Dutifully I dropped to my knees and gobbled up this monster that was as hard as an iron bar. It must have been over 12inches and I only just managed to close my fist around it as I sucked. Now I knew why he was called King. I wondered then at the size of his son. As if he was reading my mind he informed me Kong’s was a full half an inch longer. Then that cock was banging against the left side of my cheek.

I then played windscreen wipers – sucking alternately on their penises and occasionally stuffing both of them together in my mouth. Next came my party piece – deep throat. I had never yet not been able to take a cock down my throat and gagging. This was to be no exception. Both cocks I sucked down right to the balls. Whilst one cock was down my gullet I squeezed the other man’s balls. I was soon rewarded with both men crying and pushing my head away.

“God dammit Grace, no more of that,” King said. “Now for your punishment.”

He lay back on the hayrick bed his cock sticking up like a green banana.

“Sit astride it,” he commanded.

I was happy to oblige, my pussy needed filling. And filled it did, with that cock. I sat slowly down on it, savoring the feeling as the doggie spunk oiled the walls of my cunt as it slithered around it. So deliciously.

Kong was behind me pushing my body down and forward.

“Keep still,” he said and I felt his finger entering my pussy alongside his father’s
cock. He was just getting some of the juices there to coat the finger. Then he slowly pulled it out and the finger was now pressing against my anal opening. With a bit of coaxing it entered my bung hole. Even so the digit had difficulty in getting inside.

“I need some lubricant,” Kong called out.

“I’ve only got engine oil,” called back Levi.

“That’ll do,” he said. Then to me he said, “Imagine my cock is a dip stick.” he moved his finger in and out of my ass and found it moved more easier.

“Did someone else put a deposit up there earlier?” he asked.

I didn’t answer and Levi was there with a can of oil. I felt my ass cheeks being pulled apart and the oil was liberally pored into the hole. Two, then three fingers found there way into my ass and pushing against King’s cock on the other side of the divide.

I shut my eyes and when I opened them staring at me was a dog’s ass and his extended red cock held by Sugar. I was expected to suck on Handsome’s male forepart whist being double fucked by King and Kong.

Standing to one side was Ray with a camera and Levi with a spot light. I was going to be filmed.

This was going to be yet another King Kong movie. I doubted it would make a review on IMBD. Pity, as I think it would have got ten stars.

Then the pony gave a loud neigh.


Chapter 7

Before I could think any more on the pony I felt Kong’s even bigger cock than King’s start to penetrate my ass whilst King’s was sunk right up to his balls in my pussy.

Even with the spunk and oil lining the passage it was slow and, for me, a painful progress.

“You said, darling,” Sugar’s voice was ever so sweet, “that your previous meeting with our dog, Handsome, was a lousy fuck. Let’s see what he thinks of your mouth around his cock. Let’s see if you can bring him off and take his knot and his cum. Open your jaws, bitch, and get sucking on your master.”

Holding the dog’s cock that was extended, leaking precum and hitting my face with some getting into my eyes, Sugar directed it to my lips. The bitch that I am now, I dutifully opened my mouth and eagerly sucked on the red lipstick before me.

After a very slow start, my biker friends, started getting a rhythm with their thrusts into my pussy and ass. When one was going in, the other was coming out. It was like they were riding a seesaw, their cocks were the narrow board and I was the central pivot!

The pivot was receiving maintenance, whilst the joy ride the two guys were playing on, were by way of squirts from the handsome oil can, held by a ‘sweet’ lady.

Of course, the sweet lady was in name only. She was pushing the body of the golden retriever, Handsome, further into my face, forcing his cock so it was now hitting the back of my throat. I could also feel his knot forming and the dog was starting to do a backward and forward in-and-out thrust himself.

At the other end of my body the twin pole assault was now almost brutal. I could hear the audience start to cheer as the father and son duo increased their speed. And my body was reacting to it. I was going to cum. I could also tell that King and Kong were going to cum. And so was the dog!

The charge was set. The touch paper was lit. Now for the explosion!!

I thought I was going to cum first. But it was Handsome that triggered it. His cock started to spurt sperm in an ever increasing quantity. It first made me choke as I tried desperately to swallow the watery hot balm. This made my body shake, putting more pressure on the two male cocks pistoning to and fro inside my pussy and ass. Within seconds of the dog they commenced blasting their baby making liquid into my body. I was last to lose control and give myself in to the fireworks. My arms and hands beat the bales of hay so hard that if they had been a hard substance, I would have done serious damage to my limbs.

For a few seconds I blacked out as the nuclear bomb went off inside my body.

I was just beginning to regain my senses as King and Kong extracted themselves from my pussy and ass. They helped me to my feet. Handsome didn’t want to leave, but King signaled to Ray to take his dog away. He started to argue but Levi stepped in pointing to the pony. He then nodded and walked back to his seat with the Golden Retriever.

I really was exhausted and wanted a rest, but King whispered to me there would be one last mating for me to do.

“I have to fuck the pony?” I asked.

“No,” said King, and then watching the relief in my face added, “No, Grace. He’ll fuck you.”

“I’m not sure about this,” I said, doubtfully. “I have only been with dogs.”

“Here’s education for you – free.”

I gave King a withering look but already there was a feeling of excitement and even lust. And I was exactly that. L.U.S.T. A LECHEROUS, USED, SEX TOY!

“Damn the lot of you!” I snarled at King, Kong, Sugar and Gianna as I shook off my exhaustion and walked smartly over where Levi was standing with the pony.

I put my arms around the animal estimating his height at just above 3feet. He was brown with a white flash on his forehead and well groomed. The pony immediately nuzzled down onto my chest and started licking. Looking down, I realized all the squeezing between King and Kong whilst they sandwiched me, had made my milk filled breasts leak, and the pony was enjoying the unexpected treat.

I, equally, liked the feel of his heavy wet tongue and pressed each of my breasts with my hands, expelling more milk from my nipples. The pony’s tongue soon attacked each of my nipples, and he soon discovered the harder he pressed on my breasts, the more milk he extracted.

The sensation of his tongue around my nipples was also having an exquisite effect on me, and I soon started to breath heavily. I even helped him by squeezing each of my breasts with my hands. I wished he would learn quickly to actually suck on them but that was probably not a good idea. His sucking would indeed have included chewing! His teeth were big.

Eventually my breasts were now empty and his head then dove further down my body until it found my pussy. The pony was obviously no stranger to being with a human female and actually kneeled down on his front legs to attack me there, pushing his tongue further inside.

I almost collapsed then and had to be helped to stand, with my legs now wide apart, by the two women, Sugar and Gianna.

“I can’t wait to see his huge cock pounding that nasty smelly fuck hole of yours,” Sugar whispered crudely in my ear.

I ignored her. If a dog’s rough tongue felt good attacking your pussy, a pony’s tongue is mind blowing. It’s bigger, heavier and just as rough. It even curled up, so it penetrated further into me and enlarged the opening. My pussy was a flower, opening up in the early morning, to welcome in the sun.

“That wasn’t very nice, Sugar,” Gianna said, overhearing her whisper. “Have you ever had a pony or a horse cock up your twat?”

“No I haven’t,” she replied, indignantly. “And my twat, as you call it, has difficulty taking in Handsome’s knot. It could never take a pony, let alone, a horse cock. But from what I’ve just seen, the Princess here could take both. At the same time.”

“I think we should check that out, Sugar” said King, giving me a private wink.

“Yes,” agreed Kong. “Strip Sugar, or do we do the job?”

“You wouldn’t dare,” said Sugar, now obviously frightened.

“I’ve taken Randy’s cock many times, Sugar, and my fist’s been up your twat a few times,” said Gianna, with a smile. “You’ll be fine. Let me help you undress.”

“No! No! “cried out Sugar. She turned to her husband who was standing by Levi. “Ray! Ray!” she shouted. “Stop them. I’m not going’ to fuck that pony.”

But I had seen Levi give some money to Ray.

“It’s alright, Sugar. You take on all the dogs and I’ll take the pony,” I said. I looked at my watch. I had less than ten minutes before I had to leave, but from what I’d seen of pony and horse matings they didn’t last long.

“Not all these dogs here. There’s too many.” Sugar still wasn’t happy and there was no thanks shown towards me.

Ray was losing patience with his wife.

“Shut the fuck up and get your clothes off!” he shouted.

“I’ll help you do the dogs,” said Gianna and whispered in my ear, “I mean, I’ll help her get ready for them.”

Then she was alongside Sugar and hugging her. She was calming Sugar with strokes to the other woman’s hair and lightly kissing her. At the same time she was also slowly unfastening her clothes.

I started to feel sorry for Sugar. It was becoming apparent she really wasn’t in to the beast scene at all. She was only doing it to please Ray. She was going to freak out when she learnt the truth she would be screwing all the dogs.

King and Kong were moving some of the bales of hay around and Randy had had enough eating out my pussy as he stood up and walked around to my rear, giving it a nudge with his head.

Levi noticed this and called out to me.

“Get down under Randy and suck his cock,” he said.

“He won’t kick me, will he?” I asked nervously.

“He might,” said Levi. “Like all animals, he’s unpredictable.”

That was not very comforting. However,t I could have said the same about people.

Kong appeared at my side with his motorbike helmet and stuck it on my head. It was too big and dropped down covering part of my eyes.

“If he does clog you on the head, my bike helmet will take most of the blow.”

“Most? Thanks.” I said, without any warmth.

The animal looked at me hard as if wondering why I was taking so much time.

I looked at his cock that had now appeared, much longer than it was a moment ago. It was I guessed about 18 inches long. Not much more and it would touch the floor.

It dangled from two large black balls, pink and brown, like a huge lollipop waiting to be sucked. Taking a deep breath I dived underneath the pony and, at first gingerly holding the cock, I obliged. My mouth opened wide and pointed the tip of it against my lips. I now had a pony’s cock inside my mouth for the very first time.

The cock was warm and thicker than it looked. I love sucking human penises and although this one was different, I got down to my task, closing my lips against it. I pushed it further into my mouth. Then, I started to suck on the cock, and now my fear had subsided, I began to enjoy it. I pressed down further until it touched the back of my throat, almost gagging, as it was much thicker than the human ones I was used to.

I began to wonder what pony semen would taste like. I hoped better than dog semen. It was taking me a time to get used to that rusty metallic K9 taste. The salty, human, thicker, spunk suited my taste buds better.

However, I wasn’t going to discover the taste of the pony as Randy was ready for the main event. He suddenly moved forward, wrenching his cock from my mouth, and stamped his front right foot down hard onto the floor.

“Lay the girl over the hay piles,” instructed Levi, “Randy wants to fuck her.” He turned to his audience.

“What do you want, boys?” he asked them. “Do you want to see this snottie slut fucked by the pony?”

There was a huge chorus of “yes!”

I wasn’t keen on being called ‘snottie’ but it was too late to complain. I was pulled to my feet and led to a pile of hay bales made into a low sloping wall that finished at my neck. Laying against it, I was surprised how comfortable it felt. My heart was now beating fast and I felt the palms of my hands sweating.

Was I now looking forward to this strange bestial mating? I couldn’t answer it but I was certainly excited and, also, fearful.

I heard the pony behind me. He snorted twice and then with a sudden jump back on his hind legs he lurched forward. His front legs bent at the knee, sliding up my back before landing upon my shoulders, his hooves actually grazing the helmet on my head.

I then, felt his cock at my cunt.


Chapter 8

I was expecting something but not exactly the feeling I actually got. It was actually a bit of a disappointment. I felt the tip of the pony’s cock touch my vagina, then it shot up me suddenly with a hard force that took my breath away.

The cock was thicker and longer than anything I had ever had up me before and no sooner it filled me I felt the tip expand. Then it maddeningly withdraw to quickly plunge up me again.

Twice more it happened before, with a loud snort, Randy flooded my womb with powerful jets of pony spunk. His big balls emptied his balm into me and his cock even withdraw from my pussy still firing. I felt his seed gushing out of me and heard it poring onto the barn floor leaving a largepuddle.

I didn’t climax.

Randy dismounted from me, his hooves again banging against the helmet making my head spin.

I momentarily collapsed onto the floor landing on the puddle of sperm. That didn’t thrill me at all.

I was helped to my feet by King whilst Kong took back his helmet looking closely at it for any dents inflicted by the pony. No one asked if I was alright.

I suddenly felt dirty and very tired.

Levi came up and took charge of Randy leading it away. The pony didn’t even look back at me. Just trotted off. Hugh!

Sugar was now naked and tied over two low stools I presumed were used by the farm hands who milked the cows. She was struggling against the ropes binding her but to no avail. A ball gag muffled only partly the obscenities she was uttering.

Gianna was leading an excited black Labrador up to the hapless woman but I turned and walked away. I wanted to get far away from here and go home.

No one said goodbye as I made my exit. They were all interested in seeing Sugar start to be raped by all the dogs there. I stopped feeling sorry for her.

I had just got outside when someone grabbed me from behind. I turned and it was King.

“I hope we can meet again,” he said.

I gave him a weak smile but no commitment. I hoped he would walk me to my car that was now some distance away from my moving it. I could just make it out in the dark.

He didn’t. Just nodded and went back inside the barn. I mouthed ‘F.U!”

As I got nearer to my car I again felt eyes watching me. I was now nervous and walked a little quicker before stopping dead in my tracks. Standing in front of my car was a line of eyes staring at me. I counted ten pairs of them.

The inside of my thighs were very wet from the dog, human and pony semen. I added to it with my own pee. I was frightened.

My heart stopped for a second when I heard a growl from behind me. I turned my head. Just a few feet were five dogs. All mixed breeds and all big. The smallest looked at least 80lbs. They were mean.

I remembered the sign. “….Wild dogs will eat you….”

Bloody hell!

I walked slowly, very slowly, towards the eyes and nearer to my car. I couldn’t tell how many dogs were female or male, but I was betting I was the only female giving off a smell that might indicate to them I was in heat.

As I walked I could hear the padding feet of the dogs following behind me. I got closer to the eyes and now could make out the heads and bodies. They looked menacing and I was even more afraid. Then they all started to growl. A soft almost bone rattling noise that was turning my blood to water.

Despite this I pressed slowly on until I was only a few feet from them. Then I dropped to my feet and hands and started to crawl. I wriggled my ass. The growling stopped. I was now right up to them, staring as they say, into the whites of their eyes, except these were of differing colors. To my surprise and relief, the dogs immediately in front of me parted making way for me to continue.

I could feel the ones behind me had got closer. I could feel dog breathe at my ass. I was within just a few feet of my car when a dog jumped up on my back….


Chapter 9

He humped me fast and furious. His cock hitting me all over my ass before finally burying himself into my very wet large cunt. As he thrust and pounded and his precum spurted into me, I could hear the sound of Meat Loaf ringing in my ears. “Like A Bat Out Of Hell” !

My body shook and danced to the beat of that wild brute on my back and to my shock my fear had vanished and the tell tell sign of a climax started.

How could I possibly enjoy this rape but I was.

I even heard myself shout out, “More. Do it. Do it! Make me cum you bastard!”

The beast obliged. A jack hammer wouldn’t have kept up with him. His jowls were drooling spittle all over my neck. His paws were holding me as tight as a skin on a drum and I loved it. As fast as he gave it to me my body danced in time with his.

Over and over and over that wild beast’s cock inside me pounded away and I came and came. Orgasm after orgasm followed and when I felt that knot expanding and entering me I knew I was in Heaven.

I could hear his breath and I felt his cum. Like a hot water geyser it shot its watery semen into my depths. If St. Michael and his Angels were fighting Satan and his army I had just been shot. What side I was on I didn’t care. The amount of semen may not have been as much as the pony had shot into me but the brute upon my back was using his cock buried inside me to much better effect. And I could tell this wild animal was enjoying it too. His panting was loud and his drool was copious. My hair and neck was being soaked with his slippery slime.

His furious pounding had been to my advantage. The force of it, even though gloriously painful had moved my body closer to my car. Close enough for me to be able to reach forward and open the driver’s door.

As we lay joined together now with the beast not moving his furry underbelly or legs I contemplated my next move. Even though this copulation had been delightful, and was still delighting me with his twitching cock still firing more semen into me, I didn’t want to be pack bred. Maybe another night and that delicious thought sent another climax throughout my body.

The period of time we stayed like this was not long but seemed at the time to be an eternity. I was not receiving any more semen from his cock and I could now feel his knot beginning to shrink. At last the beast started to move. He was going to pull out and release me. I only had seconds to make my move.

I could sense there were other dogs ready to take the place of the one tied to me. I hoped they would fight for the right as I needed every precious second.

The beast suddenly pulled his cock out of me and scrambled off my back. At the same I jumped up and gave the loudest shout I could muster.

“Geronimo!!!” I screamed and leapt at the car door handle. Brilliantly, It opened immediately and I was inside my car.

The yell had also brought me some valuable seconds as the Red Indian battle cry had momentarily frightened the dog pack.

I was able to slam the door shut before they realized my intention. The keys were in the ignition and the car started straight away. I blasted the horn as I sped off switching on the headlights at the same time.

In the beam of the lights I could see lots of dogs leaping to get out of my way. I had made my escape and I was on my way home.
I texted my sons I was en route and received a relieved confirmation.

Upon arrival they could see I was tired and needed my rest so didn’t ask questions or insist on sleeping with me. They only said Alice had come by and taken away her dogs to get them acclimatized with being with other dogs in preparation for the movie.

The movie! I had forgotten I had to get up early to go to the airport and I hadn’t even read the script that was still in my car.

I would have to worry about that tomorrow.

I didn’t even wash but took off my corset and laid in the bed still leaking and smelling of dog and pony cum.

As my head touched the pillows on the bed I was asleep.

It only seemed a few minutes later when I was awaken by a loud knocking on the bedroom door.

“Mum! Wake up! Alice called. She’s picking you up in half an hour instead of Tabitha.”

I grunted something unintelligible except for the expletive. I slowly got out of the bed, staggered to the bathroom, yawning profusely and went into the shower. I put it on setting the water temperature to cold and sat down on the tiled floor. It was only then I noticed my breasts were very heavy and the nipples dripping milk.

It’s amazing how quickly cold water wakes you up. The breast pump was still in my car so I sat there with cold water raining down on me and squeezing milk from my tits.

I was actually dressed and reasonably awake after three cups of coffee when Alice arrived. It was only then I realized I hadn’t packed a thing nor taken the film script nor breast pump out of my car.

However, Alice is very efficient and helped me pack my essentials and only a few dresses. She said I would be wearing costumes the movie producers had selected for the film and then with a smile told me most of the time I would be naked. There would be two days shooting on the Island where Alice ‘s mother, Tabitha, owned a lighthouse that was habitable. As I loved lighthouses and the majority of my paintings were of lighthouses I was looking forward to seeing it and Alice said that was where we would be staying for two nights. Then we were coming back and the rest of the filming done at Gladys’ farm. It was going to be an action picked four days.

It was then I learnt my dogs would be at the farm to get used to the other dogs that would be there. I didn’t ask how many. All of this was too much to take in. I needed to read the script. Then my three sons told me they would be at the farm to help with the filming and I immediately felt very uncomfortable about that. I could see they were excited so I said nothing.

I was propelled to Alice ‘s car, a light blue Ford Mustang GT, but first made a detour to mine and brought out the script and the breast pump.

A quick goodbye to my boys and we were off to the airport. We were going on a private jet where the three sisters, Joy, Joan and Jane who were waiting with Tabbie, George, Henry and Albert.

Alice also explained that the rest of the actors, director, and film crew had arrived three days before, set up and filmed all the scenes that George, Henry, Albert, Alice and I weren’t in plus the exterior locations. Some were done and still to be done in Holland.

There was little traffic and we arrived at the airport. Alice parked the car and as soon as we entered the terminal building we were greeted by a uniformed attendant who gave us passes, gave our luggage to a porter and we were whisked through security onto the air tarmac and taken by a car to a Cessna Citation Jet that already had its engines running.

No sooner were we inside, the door closed and I had just seated when the plane taxied down the runway..

With nine of us on board the plane was full and I still felt tired. I took out the movie script and thankfully it didn’t take long to read it. I closed my eyes and went immediately to sleep.

I dreamed of the scenes of the movie and it was a very erotic and exciting dream

A dream over the next few days I was going to act out. WOW!


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