Men with Animals

Horse’s Summer


(c) 2009 by MeMBaH

Harvey walked over the field as the sun stood high on the sky, bathing him in its warm caressing rays. He wore shorts, sneakers and a shirt. Today was very hot, and he was on his way home from Jason, his best friend. They lived close by, but it still took about 30 minutes to walk home, 15 if he crossed over the fields, like he always did.

Harvey used to come here when he was younger, to look at the horses. He had been very fond of these horses when he was a kid. And now he was 20, and though his interests moved to parties, dancing, and drinking, he still had a soft spot for these animals.

Upon reaching home, and his mother came to tell his that dinner was soon ready. “Sure, Mom. I’ll just take a quick shower”, he said, and walked upstairs. He undressed, and turned on the shower, and stood before the mirror, looking at himself. He grinned.

He went into the shower as thoughts of tomorrow’s party. Jason was turning 21, and Harvey had already gotten his present. He hoped Jason love it. He had bought him a copy of “From Dusk to Dawn”. He loved it himself, and wanted to have a copy himself. John and Sean had been friends for a long time, so he knew he would love it.

Harvey came downstairs after he had showered, and got to the table. His mom, dad and little brother was already at the table just waiting for him. His mom smiled to him, and his dad just hummed something to himself. His family had never talked much during their dinners, and this was no exception today either. It was like if the silence wasn’t there, it was unnatural. They had all gotten used to it.

Time passed by as Harvey sat in his room watching TV. He was getting tired, and headed for bed. He wanted to be fully rested for the party tomorrow. He got up, turned off the TV and turned off the lights. Then he got undressed and climbed into bed.

“Wake up sweetie!” said his mother as he stood next to his bed.

Harvey opened his eyes, and smiled to his mom. “Good morning, mom” he said.

“Morning sweetie” responded his mom and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and went out from his room. Harvey sat up, and looked at the clock, 9:35. He stretched and got out of bed, took on a robe and headed for the shower. He was in the shower for a long time, thinking about today’s party, getting his so excited. He loved Jason’s parties. They were always special.

The afternoon finally came, and Harvey walked over to John. His friend hugged Harvey and thanked him for coming. As they walked inside, Harvey saw many people that he knew and didn’t really know. He said hello to the ones that he knew, and gave Jason the gift, smiling widely. As he opened the gift, all the people stood around him watching, and most of them sighed when they saw the movie Harvey had gotten him. Jason smiled brightly and turned around to face Harvey and grinned.

The party started, and the people sat around the table, laughing, talking, singing and drinking. There was a lot of beer and alcohol on the table. People helped themselves, and around evening all of them were pretty drunk. The music was louder, and so were the talking and laughing. Many were dancing around on the floor to the music. They were all having a good time, especially Jason, who sat in the couch with Cassie, kissing and caressing.

Around midnight, Harvey was ready to walk home, few of the guests had already left, but most of them were making out in the living room, others dancing and a single one lying on the floor sleeping. He couldn’t find Jason anywhere, and could figure out that he was probably with Cassie in his bedroom. He didn’t want to bother them, so get went to get his coat, and headed out into the mild summer night.

Harvey was pretty drunk himself, and also a bit light-headed. He walked alone over the field, when all the sudden he heard a noise close to him. He looked around and saw that it was a horse walking up to him. He stopped and waited for the horse to come to him. Slowly the horse went to him, sniffed his scent and approached his. He reached out and padded his mane, running his fingers through the soft hairs. Slowly his hand went to his neck, slowly caressing it, feeling his skin beneath his hand. He jumped over the fence and stood next to the horse now.

He felt all tingly inside, and ran his hand along the stallions back, as he stepped closer to him. He felt his soft body beneath his hand, and slowly let his hand go down his belly and beneath him, finding his heath. He sighed and gently caressed the sheath, feeling his cock move a little inside. He got on his knees, still caressing his warm sheath, as he saw the cockhead appear from the opening. He looked at it with wide opened eyes. It was so big.

Slowly the cock came forth from the sheath, dropping. He stared at the size of it, and his hands ran down its rubbery length. It felt wonderful. He got a little closer to the cock, and could smell the musky aroma, so he leaned over, kissing the head of the enormous cock. His hands ran up and down the cock, both hands used to encircle it. He felt it harden in his hands. It was about 20 inches long and really thick. He had never seen anything this beautiful before. He began to undress himself, throwing the clothes aside as it came off.

The horse was obviously enjoying this, as his cock slapped against his belly, as he rubbed his hands along its length. Harvey kissed and licked the cock all over, and as he reached the head, he opened his mouth wide and took it inside. His lips wrapped around the massive cock, his tongue playing with the head, and his hands stroking the big cock. The horse gave a couple of short humps, banging the cock against his throat, sending pre-cum down his throat. He swallowed to the best of his ability. He was getting so aroused by this.

He took the cock out of his mouth and rubbed it all over his face, getting the sticky pre-cum all over himself. He licked the head every time he rubbed it over his lips. Then he let the cock go to his chest, rubbing it on it, teasingly rubbing it on his hard nipples. He reached up with one hand and took the massive balls into his hand, rolling them, feeling their weight. He wondered how much cum there was in them.

Again he took him into his mouth, sucking his cock, and his hands continued stroking the massive pole. Again the stallion began thrusting. He could feel the horse’s glans flare up inside his mouth. Shocked he quickly pulled him out, still rubbing him. The horse grunted, swaying his tail, and all the sudden he came, taking Harvey by surprise.

The enormous cock spurted out jet after jet of warm cum. The warm cum hit Harvey in the face, splashing on his lips, chin and cheeks. He felt it run down his neck. As he opened his mouth to lick his lips, a jet of cum hit him in the mouth. There was so much of it. He almost gagged, and swallowed the creamy cum, savoring the salty taste. Then more cum spurted from the cock unto his face. Horse cum ran down his neck and chest, dripping from his face down on his chest. He licked his lips eagerly. It tasted so great.

The horse rewarded Harvey with about 8 strong jets of cum, all over his face and chest. He was literally covered with sticky horse cum. Then the cock began retracting back into the sheath. He stared at the limb cock as it pulled back inside the sheath.

He sat on the grass for awhile as the stallion walked away. Cum was getting cold on his face and chest. He took his shirt and wiped himself clean. Then smiled and looked at the horse as he walked away. He put on his clothes. As he got home, he threw away the shirt and went into the shower. He thought about what he just had done, and smiled. Sure, it was ‘wrong’, but he had enjoyed it so very much. Maybe he would do it again sometime he thought to himself.

When Harvey got up the next morning, he went out and headed for the field. He wanted to get a good look at his equine lover in the daylight. As he came to the field, he saw five horses. One of which was his lover. He stood there a few minutes, staring at a beautiful brown stallion. He knew that this was him. After 15 minutes of staring at this magnificent creature, he went home again, with a big smile on his lips.

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