Women with Animals
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Singaporean Farm


(c) 2008 by Lathana

Coralee had just taken off her bra, freeing her plump little breasts, their round shape held proudly on her tanned chest. Now completely naked, she hung the piece f underwear with the rest of her cloathes and tiptoed over to Annamay, Maeve and Shafali.

It was an incredibly exciting feeling to be naked in the barn; the idea alone was so incredibly naughty. Coralee and Annamay’s parents ran an exotic animal farm on the outskirts of Singapore, and the large building held a combination of common and uncommon farm animals. Most were used for their large petting zoo, although many were also breeding animals as they sell stock as a sideline, to keep them going. Maeve and Shafali were two of the helpers working at the barn, and also two of the twins’ best friend. All were recently turned 18 years old, in the same class since primary school, and knew each other… Perhaps even better than most friends!

Coralee kneed by her identical sister’s side, a wide smile on her face.

“I think Annamay needs to show her her greatest achievement at last…” Coralee said with a smirk, clapping her hands together. She could already see the look of disbelief on the two girl’s faces.

“No way, she’s made it? Ičve so got to see this, like, now.” Annamay tilted her head to the side before she stood up, making her way to the back of the barn, where the ostrich’s pen was. Behind her hopped Maeve, tying her flamboyant red hair in a knot as Shafali hurried next to her, her brown skim fremishing. Mr and Mrs Huy, Coralee and Anamay’s parents, were gone for the day. Every 3rd weekend of the month they left to Hong Kong for business, leaving the whole farm in the care of the girls. Now that the visitors had all left, the place was theirs, and completely deserted.

“Now we had to go with Ock, because its the only one who’s not completely spooked by humans.
-Still, they remain quite viscious by nature, you sure its not dangerous?
-It’s well worth the risk I’ll tell you what…” Annamay smirked as she opened the male ostrich’s enclosure, offering him a handful of food. This always made him lower its guards; like any male, presumably!

“I always need Coralee’s help, but this time it’s her go. She really really wants to try it…” Coralee bit her lips and nodded, a sex-crazed look on her face. Gently Annamay slipped behind the giant bird, and slid one arm underneat its belly, stroking what seemed to the others to be little more then feathers. But they hadnt seen anything yet.

Coralee mimicked the position Annamay had assumed the previous time, and got on all four before lowering on her elbows and knees, her taunt stomach almost touching the ground. This left her bottom and her dripping vagina to be fully exposed to the male ostrich. Then, Maeve and Shafali witnessed the most amazing of things.

Out of its sheath came a massive organ, white and pale blueish in color, hard and thick with a shape like no others. Rather than the standard ‘cylindrical’ penis, it had groves on its side, looking almost like a faint x-shape if you looked at it from the front. In any case, it looked absolutely smooth and delicious, but Annamay was not to taste it that day.

Pulling ever so slightly on the errect cock, the bird took its next cue from there and lowered to the peculiar female in front of it. Assuming the position it would also use to fuck a female bird, it lowered itself on top of Coralee, who bit her lip half giggles, half anticipation, as the warm feathers covered her back. And then, without further notice, she opened her mouth in awe as the massive bird filled her with one quick trust, adjusting itself on top of her while filling her quim with its massive organ.

“Oh my Gooooood…” Coralee said weakly as the bird went on with its mating business. Flapping its wings from side to side, it invaded her a little bit more, and a little bit more, as Coralee couldnt help but to push her groin against it and wiggled slighlty. Ostriches did not hump, thus she had to make her own movement; this frustrated the bird ever so much, and it pushed forward trying to get her to stay still. This created the exact motion that the asian teen had been hoping for, and she moaned in extasy as the fat, rigid cock pushed deeper into her, stretching her walls so good.

“Cora, it looks amazing…” Shafali whispered, as Coralee merely nodded as she carried on moaning and moaning, her face distorted with pleasure, humping against the enormous bird prick frantically. The ostrich had a surprising staying power, compared to most animals, thus she had more than enough time to reach a tremendous orgasm before the bird shot its semen into her and pulled out, leaving the girl panting on the ground, a look of pure satisfaction on her face.

Maeve had been unable to stay still while Coralee was having all the fun, and thus she had walked over to the nearest pen and freed Gok and Wen, the girls’ favorite billy goats. Not only were the two young male constantly horny, but they knew what the deal was about as well; they required no effort but to stay on the ground on all four before they were on top of things. Already Gok was mounting the horny redhead, its front legs clasping the sides of her slim waist tightly, before it rammed its good-sized prick inside her with a grunt. Maeve replied with her own as she gave in to the brutal intrusion; meanwhile Wen was climbing on Shafali’s svelt back, its toffee-colored coat matching the indian girl’s dark skin. On it went as well, matching Gok in the strength of its push.

“Oooh, oh, aaanh…” Closing her eyes in delight, Shafali gave in to the goat’s rigid cock, as Wen plunged it into her in quick, fast strokes. After a few hard strokes it filled her quim with semen and pulled out, just as Gok was doing the same. The two girls stayed in place nevertheless, knowing that if goats served you quickly, they served you many times. Surely enough the goats trotted over before coming back, this time switching mates. Wen quickly burried its reknewed hard on deep inside of Maeve’s gaping pussy while Gok mounted Shafali and lustily frigged her, each trust hitting her cervix beautifully. Coralee and Annamay could feel the distinct wetness between their legs getting more and more abundant as they watched the two young women plowing their hips in harmony against the goat’s groin, as their fat balls mashed on their perfectly round little buttocks with each powerful trusts. Again they splurted their seed and dismounted. They’d be having another go shortly, but it was time for the twin girls to move on with their own business.

Annamay knew just what she wanted next, and she skipped over to the pig’s pen. While pig cock was in no way spectacular in size, they surely made up for it in enthusiast and were one of Annamay’s favorite. Though hardly larger than two of a man’s fingers, the long thin cocks were hot and had their own way of pushing deep inside you which drove her mad. She entered the last pen, which was Hue’s, the biggest boar of them all and her personnal favorite. With a bright smile she sat next to it and rubbed the pig’s belly, as it snorted and grunted; like most animals in the place, he knew what she was up to. Already she could see the tip of her prize coming out if its sheat, and without further ado she got into position. She gasped as always as she felt the animal’s heavy weight on her, but her second gasp was one of pleasure as she felt the marvellous penis foraging inside her. Instantly the boar tightened its grip and started humping for all it was worth; pigs enjoyed sex just as much as human did, if not more, and it was going to give her one hell of a ride, as she knew he would not be coming anytime soon.

“Oooooh dear oooh yes! Fuck me you pig, yessss! Haaan, haaaaaan!” On and on the animal rammed into her with tremendous speed, its rough coat rubbing against Annamay’s back as her whole body swayed. Arching her back she pushed against it so take him even deeper inside her quim. On and on it rammed, grunting loudly, loving every second of his ride.

In the meantime Coralee had been to the other end of the barn in search of a nice, large cock, just like she liked them. Pigs didnt do it much for her, and this would especially be the case after that magnificent organ Ock had just stuffed inside her. Thus, it was only natural to her to be having a bit of Donkey meat next.

Koli was a temperamental animal at the best of time, however him and Coralee had a special relationship. The animal probably only tolerated her because she was more than willing to have him fuck her brains out, but it suited both of them just fine. Coralee slipped open the fence of its enclosure before slipping to its side, rubbing her naked body against its smooth coat. She then started scratching the sides of its hind leg, which he absolutely loved. The donkey arched its back and tensed his legs as Coralee insistantly scratched a little further, moving on the inside of its legs, moving behind him so that she could do both at the same time. Quickly enough she could see the animal’s hard on coming along, and onwards she went grabbing its base in her hands, massaging it vigorously. The donkey hinnied and arched its back more. Coralee knew it to be ready.

She exchanged place and moved in front of the animal, grabbing the old pillow she always left nearby and putting it on the fence, before laying her torso on it and bending over, her lovely little arse ready to be mounted. Koli climbed on top of the fence itself and lowered its head, grabbing a handful of hair at the nape of the asian girl’s neck, before the almost prehensive tip of its massive cock started searching for sweet Singaporean pussy. And found it indeed.

“AAANH!” Coralee screamed as the animal forcefully took her, plunging its fat cock inside her. And again. And deeper.

“Aaaaah ooooh… AH! AAAH!” Coralee could not help but to scream with pleasure as the donkey fucked her deeper, and deeper, until it hit the very bottom of her quim and almost lifted her up her toes. She could feel it spreading her walls so wide as it rammed in and out again, on a quest to bury its entire cock inside this delicious, tight asian pussy. It couldnt, of course, but this had never kept Koli from trying. A few more thrust pushed Coralee over the edge (and nearly over the fence) before a warm stream of cum invaded her vagina, seconds before Koli’s now limp organ slid out of her. She could never get enough of this.

Maeve and Shafali had more than their share of goat cock, and had gone hunting for a longer fuck to satisfy the hungry longing that filled them. Shafali had her own favorite in the barn, and it was a white camel known as Jak. Immediately she went over to him before Maeve had the same idea, and walked into the large camel enclosure. His only companion was an old camel female, who was happy enough to see her there as it means that the young male would leave her alone.

“Oooh Shafali! I fancied some Jak just now…
-Well, wait your own bloody turn!” Shafali ducked under the camel’s belly, impatience filling her naked body, and started to rub the animal’s sheat. as soon as an inch of it was out she brought the warm tip to her mouth and wrapped her lips around it, caressing it with her tongue and gently sucking on it as her hands kept pumping it. Harder and longer it got, as Shafali carried on and licked the lovely length of it. She got into the same position Coralee had assumed for the ostrich and waited. Quickly Jak followed her and layed on top of her, moving forward until it knew to be in the right position. Gently it lowered its large penis towards Shafali’s aching quim; camels were gently lovers as far as animals went. Shafali could see Maeve in front of her with Mueng, a pinto miniature stallion and favorite of hers. How she got the stud to lick her shivering pussy she did not know, but she was incredibly aroused as she watched the redhead lay on her back on one of the barn’s benches, pinching her enormous bench, as the black and white stallion climbed on top of her and laid its stomach against her own, trying to stuff its massive dick inside of her. Maeve had always been into the ‘missionary’ style, and you could tell she was on the verge of an orgasm already as the small horse’s fat cock was rammed inside her, the rough hair of Mueng’s coat rubbing against her clit as she wrapped her legs around it.

In the meantime Jak’s large prick was slowly slidding inside Shafali, and nothing else mattered for that moment. It was large, hot and long and on and on it went, deeper and deeper, stretching her good. Shafali let out a long, deep moan as it reached the bottom of her cervix and started humping, again slowly out and then slowly in, rubbing against her vagina deliciously.

“Ooooh… ooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaaanh….” Tears welled up in the indian girl’s eyes as the camel fucked her slow and deep, rubbing against her g-spot in a prolonged caress. It was all in contrast with Mueng’s brutal fucking of Maeve; Shafali could hear its fat balls slamming against Maeve’s ass, as her beasts bounced wildly against the miniature stallion’s front legs. She was screaming madly now as a wild orgasm filled her, bucking against the stud’s groin as it kept frigging her lustily. Meanwhile Jak was still pushing in and out of her pussy, sliding sloooowly out but now ramming in with a bit more insistance, pushing the woman’s body forward as it bottomed inside her. Shafali could feel her won orgasm welling up now, and she pushed herself against the delicious cock as she moaned in delight, still watching Maeve’s erotic display in front of her.

Mueng had dismounted now, and you could see the horse cum dripping from her bum to the floor. Gok and Wen had found her by now, and as soon as the small stallion trotted away Gok was right on her. His rock-hard prick had no difficulty slidding inside her and it gave her a good, if quick, fuck before Wen took its turn. Shafali screamed her orgasm at the same time Maeve did, grabbing Wen’s horns as she pushed against its thrusting groin, shaking under the intense pleasure. Jak stood up, its business done, freeing Shafali. She got up on very shaky legs and walked over to Maeve, helping her up too. Both girls were a panting, cum-covered mess as they walked across the barn, in search for the twin sisters.

Annamay had only started on her first male; again Hue had given her a good half-hour fuck, and two orgasms during that time. She was now being mounted by Zeke, a young Zorse they’d bought recently; half pony half zebra, it had a marvellous dark bay robe, lighter on the neck and flanks where you could see the disctinctive zebra stripes. its best feature was surely its massive black organ though, and it was now burried deep into Annamay’s vagina as she laid in the sling they’d made a while back, for the larger horses and bulls. Zeke was hinnying loudly as it bottomed on Annamay’s cervix, and clearly she was having one hell of a time as well, smiling and waving at the girls.

“Oh, OOOH! Oh for fuck’s sake Zeke, oooh more, MORE!”

Right next to her Coralee was crouched down again, but this time the large bird was replaced by Guo, the largest of their male llamas. Sat on top of her it was humping rather fiercely, its long cock burried inside of the girl’s pussy. It seemed to be fucking her with a vengeance; and maybe it was, as itd been a while since any of then had given him any action. In any case Coralee’s screams showed that she was rather pleased.

Maeve and Shafali stoof against the wall, still recovering, and watched the show unfolding before their eyes. Annamay let out a deafening scream as the zorse stud ejaculated inside her, then dismounted. She layed in the sling for a moment before crawling out, untying it from the stall and walking over to them. Guo was next to shoot its load inside of a grimacing Coralee, before it pulled out, stood and trotted away.

“I was so damn close…’ Coralee said as she kneed, then stood up as well. They looked a right mess by then, and laughed whole-heartedly as they stared at each other.

“Common then you slut, lets finish this day, as always…” They walked together to the back yard, over to the swan pond. The sun was slowly setting down, and the sky was a bright orange. They all layed in the grass while Coralee whistled loudly.

A few seconds later the dogs were running over, answering the call. They, too, knew what they were in for when they saw the four friends, naked, sweaty and smelling of sex, laying there on the ground with their legs spread open. The blond lab went over to Maeve and started licking her clean, its tongue massaging the tender folds of her vulva. The bull masiff reached Coralee first, and it too burried its snout in her pussy, lapping madly at her soaked slit. The black lab trotted over to Shafali and started lapping at her quim hungrily, while Annamay scored the Great Dane as it reached them last, its long tongue diving deep inside her. All four friends moaned in unison under the erotic tongues of their canine lovers. Deeper and deeper they all licked, in every fold of the young women’s vulvas, deeper in each of their gapping hole. One by one, Maeve first, they turned on all four and wiggled their bums. Shafali was the first to be mounted however, as the black lab’s fully errect penis searched for home. It gave the other their cue, and soon enough all four girls were stuffed deep. Quicker and quicker the large dogs fucked them, as if competing with the speed of their thrusts.

“Oooh ooh yess… Ohhh yes fuck!
-Aaan aaaaaaaaah aaaah AH! Fucking deeper yes!
-Uuuuunh UH! Oooh you best yess, YEAH! Oh…
-Aaaanh…. Annnnh.. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Together they swayed back and forth under the horny dogs’ assaults, as they fucked and fucked harder, trying to burry their knot deep inside those delicious hairless pussies. And one by one they did, the girls howling as the large lumps of flesh were trusted inside them, stretching them so good, before their canine mates filled them with their warm dog juices, splurting from their stuffed vaginas and running down their legs. Exausted, they all collapsed, panting and giggling, waiting to be untied.

No rush, though. No rush.

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