Men with Animals

A Day With My Horse


Yeah…. Work really sucks… But time with muh horse is, as usual, pretty special. It was rainy today, a constant drizzle that alternated between anoying and irritating. I went to fetch my horse with a brush in one hand and a curry in the other. Of course, he didn’t want to be “fetched” and instead made a bee-line to our trysting spot. Sigh.. I love that horse… The next 2 hours I spent scraping mud and shedding fur off of my horse and trying to get his body nice and shiny and clean. It worked, for the most part. I kept catching a glimpse of his prepuce as he started to get errect, but then he’d suck it right back up. THis went on for a while. SO I finally decided to just stop trying. I finished brushing him and picking the shit outt of his feet and he walked out of the shed. I left as well and put my tools away. I then spent some time talking to my freinds there and watching Muh Horse. Eventually he went back to his shed.

I decided to join him and to see what was up. 🙂 Nothing, but he had his ass parked right in front of my face. Sooooo I reached my arm in between his legs and dragged my nails over his balls. He shifted his weight and backed up all the way against the rail that I was resting my elbow on. I turn my palm up and cupped his enormous testicles in the palm of my hand. It was more like trying to hold onto something that is really too large to fit into one hand. Of course I love it. 🙂 And apparently so did he, he very soon had let his entire length drop out of his sheath and his prepuce snapped back to expose his beautiful penis. It NEVER ceases to inspire me with a certain sense of awe and admiration. Not just because of its size, but because of its beauty. It’s got these massive veins and arteries running all through it just below the surface of the skin. And when he starts to get hard, they bulge up to the surface… MMMMmmmmmm he gets me going. 8) ANd of course, I just love an animal that has a penis large enough to hug.

I idly wrapped my hand around the base of his shaft as much as I could and began to stroke his penis by moving the skin of his penis back and forth. On the up stroke I’d bring my forearm to rest agaist his balls, pausing to feel their weight and texture against my arm…. He still has his “winter hairs” on his balls… makes em just a wee bit coarse… but still delightfull to the touch. I decided that I wanted to taste his flesh and so I clambered into his walk in shed. He didn’t even flinch. SOmetimes he gets frightened by the sudden activity when I do this. I knelt facing his hidquarters just in front of his crotch. Still in a state of excitment, I reached over and diverted his penis to my mouth. His dick is really really large, I mean… I can just BARELY stuff his head into my mouth without dragging my teeth over his flash, once it’s in I enjoy turning my head to the side so that I can get to the top of his glans and massage it with my teeth. (He LIKES that feeling!) It almost allways gets him to swell right up.

Today was no exception, his glans started to get big to the point of making it impossible for me to get my mouth off of his head without hurting him. I always like it when that happens, I can take my time and work my tongue over his head while running my hands over his shaft and massaging his balls. (That’s a two handded job all by itself… Sure could use some help there:)

Then I heard a car pulling up the drive to the neighbors house… sigh.. those fucking two legged peices of shit, they allways do that… pull up at the wrong damn time… with regret I waited until I could free my mouth from my stud and let his head free from my attentions. The car idled past within 50 feet and in view. no problem. They were driving away from the shed and could not have seen me…. Grrrrrr…. I watched help- lessly as my stallion penis began to loose its bob and bounce and slowly withdrew into the cavernous warmth of his sheath… But hey, no reason I can’t have fun! SO I proceeded to instigate a game of “Bite off my owners figners.”

It’s an interesting game. The objective, for my horse (From what I can tell) is to try and bite off my fingers. THis involves the use of his tongue lips and nose to try and get my hand in such a position where it is between his teeth, at which point he *CHOMPS* his mouth shut. Certainly not a game for the faint hearted. The objective for me, obviously, is to retain my ability to count to ten without the aid of a calculator. (In all fairness, he doesn’t bite hard, just hard enough to make it hurt:) We did this for a while, with me putting my fingers between his cheeks and gums and across his teeth. It keeps him interested and it keeps me entertained. What happened next though… RARE feelings here man.. very rare… I finally just grabbed both sides of his head and put mouth against the corner of his mouth and grabbed a mouthfull of flesh between my teeth. It didn’t bother him, but he was suddenly quite still. An ear forward and one ear back…. I moved my mouth to the top of his nose, a few inches below his forehead. I scratched his nose with my teeth by opening and closing my mouth and alternated this with licking his nose. I worked my way down and both of his ears were now forward. I got to his soft muzzle and continued to chew and lick, he raised his head a little to make access for me a bit easier. Finally, I stopped and placed my lips against his… to my utter delight, he opened his mouth and stuffed his tongue into my mouth! I sucked on his tongue for a while while he began moving his upper lip against my forehead…. yeah man… the only french kissing horse in america. (Of course, I aint so stupid as to try and put my tongue in HIS mouth. I *LIKE* my tongue… it’s my buddy and I wanna keep it. 🙂 When we parted lips, he moved forward a bit and began rubbing his eyes agaisnt my shirt. A motion that knocks me over if he catches me by surprise or off balance. And so it went, our game and our love for a few more hours as the evning wore on. Wish I could spend more time with him… I guess that’s how I know I love him.

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