Women with Animals
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(c) by Phil

I arrived at my aunt and uncles farm on Friday. My cousin Cindy’s wedding is on Saturday and she seems deliriously happy. I’ve been there about two hours (chatting with uncle Carl and helping out with the preparations for the reception) when Cindy emerges from her room long enough to say hi to me and introduce me to Lisa. She explains Lisa is an old friend who had flown in the day before and was staying for a couple of days. She was about twenty five or so, slim, black hair and amazingly cute. She smiled at me and I thought, wow, cute as a cup cake. Little did I know.

I didn’t see much of either of them until the wedding. I met Cindy’s fiance’, Eric, (a dork) and sat through the wedding trying not to stare at Lisa, who was sat just in front of me. Some time after the ceremony, people were sort of hanging around in front of the church, chatting and waiting for their rides. Cindy had arrived at the church in a horse-drawn carriage (would you believe) and I was sat by myself watching Eric’s idiot brother videoing the horse (Uncle Carl’s stallion, Horrace) and everything else.

Without warning, the horse suddenly dropped this huge dick, and began pissing right there on the street in front of the church. Eric’s brother positively launched himself away from it (and then began eagerly videoing) and everyone else who was there either laughed, or turned away and pretended not to notice. I was laughing my ass off when I noticed Lisa. She was about twenty feet away, standing stock still, staring at this horse taking a piss. I wondered what the hell she found so amazing about it. She seemed positively mesmerized. In the car on the way back to the farm, I jokingly mentioned the incident. She seemed very embarrassed about the whole thing so I figured she was pretty shocked by it. Back at the farm, the reception didn’t start to wind down until about seven that night, and by ten the guests had gone home and Uncle Carl and Aunt May were tucked up in bed. Or more likely passed out in bed. I had overdone it on the suds as well and so decided to take a walk to get some air.

I hadn’t seen much of the farm, so I thought while I was out I might as well have a look around. I headed over to the stables, and it wasn’t until I noticed the lights were on I realized I hadn’t seen Lisa for a while.

I figured I’d find her inside petting one of the horses or something. The stable was dark except for the light coming from one of the stalls near the back. I headed over and found Lisa in the stall with Horrace, the stallion. She was on her knees next to the horse. She had her back to me so I couldn’t quite see what she was doing. I moved around a bit to get a better view and then I saw. Holy Shit! Cute little Lisa was giving the fucking horse a hand job! She had it’s huge dick in both hands and was stroking it back and forth. I noticed her face. She had that same mesmerized look that I’d seen earlier at the church. I staggered away, shocked but unbelievably turned on. I didn’t want her to know I’d seen her, but I wanted to keep watching.

I crept closer, and knelt down in the shadows just outside the door to the stall. Lisa hadn’t heard me. She was intent on what she was doing. Horrace, of course had, but he was intent on what she was doing as well. Now it was my turn to be mesmerized. I watched as Lisa stood up and wriggled out of her dress. She was wearing sexy black underwear, and the site of that gorgeous body (and all the liquor I’d had that day) made me feel faint. She threw her dress to one side and got back to work on the horse’s dick, though now, incredibly, she started using her mouth as well. She licked up and down the shaft, then forced the big knob into her mouth. She held it like that, her head bobbing, her hips bucking, as she began to moan. Urgent, almost desperate groans of pleasure. Suddenly she let go of the dick and let it slip out of her mouth. Her hands moved to her pussy and she rubbed herself feverishly as an orgasm gripped her. She made a long, low almost painful sounding groan, “Urrrrrgggggg!”

I could see her belly and upper thighs were now wet as she rubbed herself. She brought both hands to her face and smeared her juices around her mouth. I thought it was all over and was about to slip away when Horrace suddenly errupted. Not cum. He was pissing again.

He hosed the floor right next to where Lisa knelt. She stared at it. Mouth hanging open, then (I still can’t quite believe this happened) she threw herself to the ground under Horrace, right into the torrent of piss. I almost fell over with shock. We’re not talking a little stream here. It was like a burst pipe.

Lisa lay on her back, her mouth wide open, her hands rubbing her body and her hips madly bucking the air as the piss poured down all over her. It went on and on. She swallowed mouthful after mouthful of hot piss. Her body was completely drenched in it. Another orgasm ripped through her as the piss finally dribbled to a stop. She almost screamed this time. She seemed out of her mind. She scrambled to her feet and threw herself at the horse. Clinging to him from underneath, arms and legs wrapped around him. She pumped her hips madly against his body. She grunted, “urrrggggg, urrrggggg, urrrgggg” over and over.

Finally she let go and splashed back down into the huge steaming puddle. Now she took Horrace’s cock again and began to suck it. She literarily rammed as much as she could into her mouth, slurping at it.

Horrace, to his credit seemed unmoved by all of this until the friction finally got to him and he again exploded (cum this time) into her mouth. I could see it pouring down over Lisa’s chin but she kept on sucking. Finally Horrace became a little uncomfortable with it and moved away. Lisa – reluctantly it seemed – released the member and flopped onto her back. An incredible look of satisfaction on her gorgeous face.

I don’t know how long she lay there, drenched in piss and cum. I limped away and had my own explosive orgasm around the back of the stable. Then I dashed back into the house and settled myself in front of the TV. I didn’t want to give her the slightest indication that I’d been outside. About ten minutes later the front door opened and closed and I heard her dash up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I went up to my room shortly after, but instead of going to bed I sat by the window the entire night, keeping an alert vigil on the stables in case she decided to go for another session. She didn’t. Shit. I’d give anything to see that again. She’s here for one more night. Hope springs eternal.

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