Women with Animals

Mexico Vacation (by Hot2Trot Filly)


(c) 1998 by Hot2Trot Filly

After being married for several years, enough that the magic was gone, my husband took me to Mexico for a week. The shopping was great, but it was hot and sweaty. As a result, I bought several sundresses to wear and my husband talked me into going without panties. I had never done this, but could not stand them wet. On the third night out, our guide Julio and his wife took us to a club with “live entertainment.”

The evening started out as expected with dinner, drinks and Spanish singers going from table to table. The entertainment shifted to the stage, with a romantic play going on. During the play, my husband started rubbing my leg under the table. Having had several of these sweet tropical drinks, I didn’t care. After the sun went down, it got kinda cool too and his hands felt warm. Our guide and his wife Maria would kiss and hug occasionally with the kissing getting more passionate as the evening went on.

The live entertainment also got more passionate as the evening went on, with live sex acts up on the stage during the plays. During this time, my husband had worked his hand up to my pussy and was fingering me while the show was going on. My head was spinning so I did not mind. They were doing the 69 position on stage, something my husband always wanted me to do, but I was raised up to never do that type of sex. We just laid flat in bed with my husband always on top but watching this was getting me hot. The woman was really squirming when the guy licked her cunt. Then sometimes, she really sucked him like she was hungry and he tasted real good. My mouth watered, and my pussy was molten as my husband fingered it. I spread my legs a little so he could reach me better. As I did, my knee pressed against Maria’s thigh which was exposed.

Her husband was finger fucking her under the table right beside me and I hadn’t even noticed. Her skirt was nearly up to her waist. When I felt our knees touch, I moved mine quickly away, but she reached over and put her hand on my leg and squeezed it. I though she was making an advance on me, but I think she was just in the heat of passion as she pulled my leg toward her as she had an orgasm right there, groaning and whimpering as she came. I looked around knowing everyone would be staring at her, but they were doing worse at other tables, with women that worked there under the table doing oral sex on some of the men. I had been watching the show on stage so intensely that I never noticed what was going on. I was shocked… I stared and blinked, not believing what was going on. My head was swimming. I felt hot and was about to get sick. I tried to get up and go to the rest room, but couldn’t stand. Julio barked something to Maria in Spanish who had regained her composure and got up to help me. She told my husband that we were going to the Ladies room until I felt better.

Sitting in the powder room with my head spinning and pussy still dripping, I thought about what I had been watching. I wanted my pussy sucked like the girl on stage a few minutes ago. Maria took me out and sat me on the bench seats outside the restroom, saying she would be back.

I leaned over to lay my head down. I realized my head was floating, but I was not drunk. I just felt relaxed. I wondered what was in that sweet juice that I had been drinking. Then a strange woman came and started speaking harshly to me in Spanish, which I don’t understand a word of and I tried to tell her. She started to lift me up and when I resisted, she slapped the shit out of my face. I decided I better cooperate. She took me to a mirrored room that was brightly lit with a small narrow bench in the center, much like a Doctor’s Office. It looked like a weight bench or a narrow examination table or some sort of special bed. I tried to tell her there was some mistake here, but she drew back her hand so I shut up. She said something and pointed to the unusual bench. I went and sat down, my face still stinging from her slap.

In a few minutes a young girl came in and gave me a gown. She said to put this on. She spoke English! I tried to tell her there was some kind of mistake here. She shrugged her shoulders and left, so I just sat there and waited until someone with some sense came along. As I waited, I noticed the room had mirrors on every wall, and even the ceiling. With the floor white, the two small fluorescent lights made the room look clean, but not too bright even thought the light reflected from every direction. Then the bitch that slapped me came back in. She made it clear in no uncertain terms that I was to put the gown on.

Sitting with the gown on, a doctor entered and began to try and examine me. I tried to tell him there was a mistake and resisted. He called for some help. Several male nurses came and laid me down, which didn’t take much force with my head floating like it was. Then the doctor began to examine me. Listening to my heart, pushing on my breast then my stomach, then spreading the lips of my pussy. It was useless to struggle with the two men holding me. He began to lick my still wet pussy like on the stage show.

Now I knew I must be dreaming, but it still felt good. He would lick right in the middle where it felt really good, then on the sides. He licked beside my pussy several times, so I moved over so his licks were right in the middle of my pussy where it felt the best. When I did, he really began to lick and suck it hard. I was sure that I was dreaming because I was looking down on the doctor eating my pussy as if I was floating over my body. Then I realized I was looking in a mirror on the ceiling. Then he stopped and said something to the other two men who began to rub my breasts. One used his cock to rub my nipples. The other sucked a nipple, my neck and ears. Then one tried to stick his cock in my mouth.

Since I knew I was dreaming, I opened my mouth and sucked on it like I was starving. He grabbed my hair and forced my head toward him so his cock went deep in my throat causing me to choke. I tried to stop him, but he kept on. I resisted the urge to puke, and after a minute or two, I was taking his cock deep in my throat. During this, the doctor was fucking my pussy with his fingers, then his cock. When he came, he pulled out and the other guy took over, he fucked my pussy for a while, then turned me over with my legs under me so my ass was in the air. As I turned over, I saw myself being ravished by three men in the mirrored walls. Then he put something slippery in my ass. When he had it greased up, then he started to put his cock in my ass. This really hurt at first, but then when he was in all the way, it was feeling good. He came shooting his fluid deep in my ass, and I started coming too. It hurt to come, but in a good way. It felt so good, that I came even more. During this, the guy in my mouth came in my throat. I swallowed his musky tasting spunk and sucked to get some more. I rolled over on my back and the doctor was jacking off over me and was coming again on my breast. I had experienced several orgasms including one when the guy came in my throat and my body was quivering. This was the first time I had a man other than my husband and my first oral sex. They laid me down and then left.

A few minutes later, the young girl returned and began to clean me up with warm wet rags. She washed my skin very tenderly, and kissed it. I was stunned, but didn’t move. She began to gently lick the cum from my stomach and breast, working her licks down to my pussy which felt good after the thorough fucking it had just received. She climbed up on me and moved her pussy over my face.

It was very small, with only a little hair on it and smelled sweet. It had small cute lips on each side that had droplets of moisture on them. As she began to lick and suck my pussy, she pressed hers down on my face. I licked her cute lips with my tongue. It tasted fantastic! I began to suck her little cunt with a passion and stuck my tongue deep inside her to devour her delicious fluids. I wrapped my legs around her head and my arms around her ass pulling her cunt to my face as we swallowed each others passion juice and our bodies jolted with orgasm. As I lay there gasping for air, she got up and left.

She let some men in when she left. They came to me and put a blind fold on my eyes, laying me on my back with my feet spread and hanging off each side touching the floor. I just laid there and tried to recover. I heard the door open and heavy steps plodding & shuffling toward me. I tried to reach up and remove my blind fold, but one of the men held my hands down. I felt a presence moving over me and around me on both sides, like a crowd of men or something standing all around me. I felt someone rub something up and down my slit, trying to stick it in me. It was very warm and felt smooth. I felt a warmth over me and raised my head hitting something warm and furry. I rubbed my face on it, sliding the blind fold off my eyes slightly. There was a horse standing over me and a guy was trying start his huge cock in my pussy.

As the head of the massive horse cock popped through the lips of my cunt, the stallion made a squealing sound and I thought to myself, I wish I could see the mirror on the ceiling to see what this looked like. The horse began to stamp his hoofs and tried to work his cock in deeper. I raised my hips to give him a better angle and turned to look in the mirrors on the wall so I could watch. Outside my room, I heard applause and remembered there was a show going on out there that my husband was watching. He would be shocked beyond belief if he saw me now, his prudish wife fucking a stallion and loving it. I forgot about him and focused my attention back on this large horse cock that was invading my body…

I scooted my hips toward his cock and lifted them up and it went in further. I squirmed to work it in and out of me and get it lubricated with my body juice.. I reached down to guide more in…. OH it felt good… It was big and hot inside me…. much hotter than a mans cock……. I tried to work more of it in….. I wanted it all….. I was so full…Can you imagine what it felt like… SUPER…Until he bolted a little and pushed it in really far…. It hurt, but I couldn’t stop him…. he had pushed toward me and had me against the bench…….I was afraid, but it still felt good….

My heart was beating so loud, I thought everyone would hear it.. He was fucking me…. It was huge, and seemed like it was swelling up bigger as he was snorting and humping… he kind bumped me around, but I wrapped my legs around him and hung on with my legs like riding him upside down…. AS he was humping his big cock deep inside me, I was thinking that I this was too good, I must be dreaming. I never though sex could be this good….. Just think about having a huge hot cock ramming deeper than ever before in you…

It was so hot and so big….. I tried to take it all, but it was too large…I thought about sucking it, but didn’t. He was pushing deeper and deeper in my pussy each time…I tried to edge away a little and he just pounded harder… I began to wonder when he would stop….it was hurting, but in a good way. My whole body was feeling really good…but I was afraid to come on something so big.. I was afraid I would tear or something…..

He pumped the breath out of me…His cock seemed to swell up and then … this burning fire shot through me in my cunt…. he squealed and rammed it deeper…it was hitting something inside me and he was cumming a lot, and it was hot like boiling water splashing inside me sending warmth through my body……I came tooooo….I tried to keep my legs around him, but they were too weak. I came hard….My cunt squeezed on his cock so hard I thought I would cry…….He was still wild, but was calming down some…. I thought his cock was about to bust me open. I laid still …. I tried to move and take it out….. I got about a mile out and it was still way in me….. So I pulled some more out ….. I was shocked to see how big it was…..to imagine it was in me…. I laid there a while, stroking him to calm him down.

I tried to hug him with my arms and legs, and was too weak. I laid on the bench and fell asleep…. .I was dreaming about pulling it out and seeing how big it was when I awoke from his movement…. They were taking him away…. I tried to call out no but nothing came out….I wanted to hold him…. I drifted off to sleep again…

I woke to the young girl cleaning me again…. When she finished, she tried to help me up. I could not walk…. I was tooo weak….. I laid on the bench for a while with her stroking my face and hair. After a while, I got up and walked tenderly out. She led me to my husband’s table and said I was feeling better, but was tired and needed to go to bed. My husband said he was beginning to get worried and that I missed a good show, but he would take me home. As Julio, our guide dropped us off at our motel, he said the owner sent me this video of the evenings activities, and invited us back tomorrow as his guest. The next day while my husband went to the pool, I plugged the videotape in and started to watch it. There I was on the tape…. The whole evenings activities were taped from outside the mirrored walls……… My husband returned, I stopped it before he got the door unlocked. After he came in, he ask if I wanted to go back tonight and I answered yes quickly without thinking. He said OK, if I wanted to…

That night, we went back. When we arrived, the manager discreetly asked me to come and see him later when the show got started if I wanted a special treat. All through dinner, I could only think about last night and how good it was. When the show started, I told my husband that it was stuffy in here and I was going out on the balcony to get some air…

I wish you enjoy being fucked like I did, it was fantastic…. I am so hot now…. I get turned on telling about it.. I think I’m going to fuck my husband’s brains out right now. Every since that trip, our sex has been wild…

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