Men with Animals

Farm Boy


(c) by Mike Khan (a/k/a Leatherman)

A bright sun filled the deep, blue sky. Not a cloud could be seen as far as the horizon. A gentle breeze nestled the leaves of the tall trees. In a clearing a farmhouse stood with its wide, front porch. In the distance was an old barn and corral. A Palomino pony was drinking for the water trough, while a Mustang relaxed under the late Spring sun. The quiet of the scenic afternoon was broken by the sound of the black pickup that was pulling up near the barn in cloud of dust.

Kevin jumped out of the passenger seat with his knapsack. The bright sun hurt his hazel eyes, blinding him for a brief moment. The driver got out. “You wait here boy and don’t move!” he ordered as he ran around to the back of the barn. Kevin was a handsome man in his mid-twenties. He had high check bones, was about 6 feet tall with a thin, but muscular frame. His brown hair had grown a bit long and was blown back by the breeze. The driver returned with another man who seemed to be in charge. He was dressed in jeans and riding chaps. His black boots were dusty from the trail and his shirt was open revealing his hairy, sweating chest. He had deep, brown eyes, dark moustache, and several days stubble shadowing his face. He spoke to the driver who then walked up to Kevin, took his knapsack to the house, and then got back in the truck to head for parts unknown.

Kevin watched the Rancher intensely. He thought of the ad he had answered. He thought about the many phone conversations that had led to their meeting in the city and now his invitation here. He wondered to himself if he could handle what would soon happen, but knew he would have little choice nor offer any resistance. “Hey, Mac!”, he grined as he reached for the Rancher’s hand. Mac grabbed it hard and pulled the boy towards him. Kevin could smell the sweat of the trail on his breath as he spoke to him. “Listen, boy. Get one thing straight. You only address me as SIR! Got it!” he ordered as he spit into the boys face. “Yes, SIR ” he shouted back. “Good, now get that fuckin’ass of yours into the barn!” Mac ordered.

Mac pushed Kevin into the brightly lit barn. There were several stalls where the horses would be kept. In the middle, however, he noticed several long chains that hung from the ceiling. Nearby was a pillory. Kevin noticed that near the stalls were several large cages with barbed wire around them. Mac took a choke collar and attached it to Kevin’s neck. He pulled him towards the center of the barn. Mac removed his shirt, handing it to Kevin. While he put on his harness, he noticed Kevin had taken the shirt and was rubbing it on his face. Mac pulled him by the chain. “What gives you the right to sniff my shirt!” Kevin trembled from the loud resonance of Mac’s voice. Mac took the boy’s face and forced it into his sweating armpit. “Lick it clean, boy!” Kevin hesitated. “Lick it, you dog!” he ordered striking him across the face. Kevin worked cleaning his master’s armpits, first the left and then the right. Mac attached the boy’s wrists to the chains in the ceiling. He then took off his boots and socks, tieing them to the boy’s face so that he would have to breath the stench of his well worked boots. Mac hoisted the boy until his feet dangled slightly above the ground and stripped off his clothes. The boy had a smooth body, except for a few hairs on his chest and his pubics. Mac took an electric shears and removed the helpless boys hair. Kevin felt his manhood being removed as he hung, breathing in the smell of the boots.

When it was done, Mac attached a rope that hung from above around Kevin’s cock and balls. He then hoisted the rope, pulling his body upwards slightly. Kevin felt the rope pulling his cock. He soon sensed Mac working his fingers in his ass. He shouted as Mac rammed his hard cock into the hanging boy’s hole. He reamed him mercilessly until he had shot his load in his victim. Kevin felt his sore hole being stretched even wider. Mac had forced a large plug into it. As Kevin looked down he noticed that the plug from his ass seemed to have a tail attached to it. Mac now took the cat-o-nine tails from the self and began to work on the Kevin’s smooth back. Each strike caused him to jerk in the chains, causing the rope around his cock and balls to pull and sending a sharp pain through his body. Mac continued whipping the boy until they both were in a heavy sweat. The master then released the bonds from his slave and allowed him to drop before his naked body.

The boot was removed from Kevin’s face. Mac took a horse bit and forced it into the slave’s mouth, tightening it behind his head. He felt the plug deep in his ass and noticed that he indeed had a tail attached to him. He knew he was to serve as one of his master’s animals. Obediently, he began to follow the master. Mac struck him again with his whip. “You are to walk on your hands and the balls on your feet, Understand!” he shouted as he struck him again. Kevin obeyed and followed. His master tied him to a post and order him to raise his one leg. Mac attached it to a table much like a man about to shoe a horse. He whiped the bottom of the slave’s foot with alcohol. Kevin saw a strange device in Mac’s hand. It was metal and looked like many thick wires in the form of a foot. There was a place it could be slipped over the toes and had small spikes throughout. Mac put the “shoe” in place and hammered the base of it, forcing the tiny spikes into the slave’s foot. Kevin tried to hold back his scream. The “shoe” was then strapped with leather to keep it in place. Mac repeated this on the other foot. Kevin shouted out. his cried were met with the taste of the whip. Mac now forced his “horse” to walk around the barn to get used to the metal “shoes”. Kevin soon felt them as part of his body. The bit was removed as noticed Mac placed a bowl with “Kevin” written on it near a stall. Mac filled it with something from a can that appeared to be for a dog. “Eat! You worhtless dog.” Kevin positioned himself in front of the bowl. He knew he dared not do this wrong. He lowered his mouth to the food and ate like a dog, drinking water also from a nearby bowl.

After he finished, Kevin was led to a stall. He noticed that there was a cage door which opened from the floor. Kevin was ordered to lay down inside. His wrists were secured to posts in the base of the cage as were his ankles. Mac then secured the door shut.

The next day Mac and the driver removed Kevin from the cage. He noticed they were both naked and took him to a corner and hosed him off. The plug was removed from his ass, and the driver took the nosel from the hose and douched Kevin’s ass with it. Kevin was led to a strange looking bench. His ankles were attached to the base. He was then bent forward and angled down on a slant so that his head was almost on the floor as it reached the front of the bench. His arms were chained tightly down and metal brace held his waist in place. He was then moved while tied to the bench to the horses stall. Both men took their turns fucking the boy’s well stretched ass. The driver then went outside while Mac rubbed an oinment all over Kevin. He then used it in large amounts on Kevin’s aching asshole. The driver returned with a large horse. As the horse scented the ointmentit became aroused. Mac took the reigns and brought the horse to Kevin’s stall. Kevin released he was positioned directly under the horse. He could feel the heast from the horse’s belly. The horse was reacting more to the mare scent. The driver worked to keep the horse controlled while Mac grabbed the erect cock of the animal and positioned the head in Kevin’s ass. The men moved away. kevin screamed as the horse rammed its cock into his ass. Kevin thought he was being torn in half. The cock of the horse worked faster in and out of his hole. He was sweating as he was being bred by this beast. Mac and the driver watched with pleasure as the fucking continued. Mac forced the driver to bend over and rammed his cock into the other man as he watched Kevin being ravaged. Kevin’s ass was filled as the horse shot its load into him. Mac shot his own load into the driver at the same time. The horse was removed from the stall and let loose in the barn. As Kevin remained tied to the bench he felt the horse’s cum flowing out of his expanded ass.

While he was still tied, Kevin smelled iron burning. The driver put a leather strap in Kevin’s mouth. Kevin saw his master was heating a branding iron. It was white hot as Mac walked towards him. He trembled as Mac positioned the iron near his ass. He braced himself as the iron was forced onto his tender ass leaving the same marking as was on the horse. Kevin trembled and was sweating. His master released him and brought him to a cage with his name on it so that he could rest. Kevin knew that he had served his new master well. He climbed into his cage and rested chained to the sides. His master had gone back out to the range. He longed for Mac’s return so that he could continue to serve him.


….Dedicated to a far away friend…

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