English Books Women with Animals

Barbara’s kennel orgy


LB-1267 Barbara’s Kennel Orgy by David Crane


Barbara Graves could hear the sounds of hammering and sawing from the back garden, and knew that the carpenter she had hired was busily at work constructing the dog kennels in which she intended to board dogs while their owners were on vacation. She had already advertised in the newspapers and was eagerly waiting for her first customer to phone. She expected a good response to her ad, because she wasn’t charging very much at all, offering a real bargain.

Barbara had her own reasons for going into the dog-boarding business, and money was the least of her concerns. In her mid-twenties, Barbara had inherited the big house and a substantial income, and whatever work she chose to do was a labor of love.

Literally-she loved dogs.

Barbara had never married, although she was a gorgeous girl who had had plenty of offers. She had never wanted to tie herself down to one man and, knowing full well she would cheat on a husband, she didn’t think it was fair to marry a guy-nor did she want the inconvenience of having to cheat on the side instead of being a free agent and getting her love where and when she liked.

And Barbara liked her love in all forms and species.

Barbara hadn’t dressed yet and, wearing only a frilly negligee, she wandered over to the window and looked out to check on the progress of the kennel builder, wanting to make sure that accommodation was ready when her first boarder arrived.

Jake, the carpenter, was stripped to the waist. His lean torso glistened with sweat as he hammered away at his task. There was something quite erotic about watching that hammer rise and fall, thought Barbara, who found lots of things erotic.

She wondered if she should fuck Jake as a bonus.

Watching his muscles, ripple, she figured it might well prove to be a bonus for them both. She was tempted to call him in and seduce him. But she didn’t want to interrupt his work, and with a little shrug, she turned back from the window.

Her deep cleavage showed at the top of the frilly gown and, as she walked, her long, shapely thighs emerged. Her full hips swung provocatively, tantalizingly, although there was no one in the house to tantalize at the moment-except for her big, shaggy, black mongrel dog, Thor, who was curled up, sleeping, in the corner.

Barbara had golden-blonde hair that she wore long, framing a lovely face atop a spectacular body. Her tits were full and thrusting, and capped by ever-stiff tips. Her waist was tiny, and her ass and hips swept out in voluptuous abandon.

She was usually feeling horny, which added a glow to her face and a suggestive rhythm to her movements. She was horn at that moment, too.

She curled gracefully into a chair beside the peacefully slumbering mongrel.

She crossed her long, sleek legs and, as she did so, the heated aroma of her aroused pussy drifted out. Barbara sniffed and smiled. If her musky fragrance registered so strongly on her own senses, she could just imagine how it must affect the far more sensitive nostrils of an animal, how exciting and compelling it must be. But Barbara didn’t really have to use much imagination on that score-she knew it for a fact having turned more than one male beast on.

As if to verify her thoughts, Thor’s nose twitched and he stirred in his sleep.

Was the doggy dreaming about chasing bunny rabbits? she wondered, or dreaming about some hotter and juicier quarry?

Poor old Thor, she thought. You’re just a mongrel. Will you resent having lots of pedigreed doggies staying here? But she giggled at the idea.

She stretched out one long leg and languidly rubbed her toes against the mongrel’s flank.

Thor opened his eyes and blinked, then raised his head. The scent of Barbara’s simmering cunt was becoming more noticeable and the doggy sniffed and whined.

“Think I need a fuck, do you, boy?” she said.

“Does your nose tell you my pussy is hot?”

Thor cocked his big blunt head as if he was trying to comprehend the meaning of her words. He looked so humanly inquisitive that Barbara giggled. She had often wondered just how much the dog understood of human conversation and emotion.

But having already made up her mind to give the carpenter a fuck, Barbara didn’t feel in the mood to get fucked by the dog at the moment. That didn’t mean that she couldn’t fool around with him a bit, however, as she got even hotter for carpenter cock.

Her toes slid up his muzzle and she parted her thighs wider, letting her fragrance pour from her crotch. Thor’s black snout rippled and his shaggy flanks began to heave.

Inspired by the aroma of her hot pussy, his big prick began to poke out from his loins, lengthening and thickening. Barbara, always fascinated by a dog’s emerging erection, gazed at his cock. The angry red tip of his elongated cockhead appeared. Then all of his fat slab of naked cockmeat came squeezing out from his hairy black sheath, while at the other end, his balls began to swell with a load of dog jism. His long wet tongue lolled out from his jaw.

Barbara opened her negligee and arched her slender back, pushing her gently rounded belly out. She ran an open hand down her stomach, then caressed her flank. Cupping her cunt bush in her palm, she dipped her fingers into her groin, shuddering as they made contact with her throbbing clit.

Thor woofed with enthusiasm, drinking in her delightfully scented arousal with greedy nostrils.

Barbara fingered her pussy lips apart, shuddering at the sensation as her clit expanded. She ran her fingertips up her unpeeled pussy folds and flicked them against her clit. Her nugget of lust felt like a stick of dynamite ready to go off.

Bringing her hand up to her lips, Barbara licked at her sticky fingers, then pushed them into her mouth and sucked, thrilled by the delicious flavor and aroma of her own cunt juice. Barbara, among other things, enjoyed sucking cunt.

She had often wished that she were nimble enough to go down on herself and eat her own pussy out, getting both ends of the pleasure at the same time. She had tried, but failed, her hot tongue just reaching her cunt mound but falling frustratingly short of the target of her clit. But there Were always plenty of other girls willing to give head and pussy and, of course, there was Thor.

The dog was gazing at his mistress in canine wonderment, his head bobbing up and down and his long tongue starting to slobber heavily in anticipation of that succulent dog yummy.

Barbara moved her hand up and down, scooping up cunt-cream and then licking it from her fingers. She rolled her nipples in her other hand, shuddering as the sensations exploded. Her whole body was responsive to arousal, and her fit-tips and her tongue got as hot as her clit. She began to alternate hands now, fingering her pussy with one while she lapped up her cunt seepage from the other. Her hands dipped into her crotch wet with saliva and came back to her lips drenched with pussy nectar.

She shuddered, almost climaxing. But that would be a dreadful waste, she figured. With a cunt-hungry doggy drooling at her feet, why give herself a hand job?

She slid down to the edge of the chair, her ass perched on the rim and her long, smooth legs extended, widespread, along the floor. She tilted her fragrant groin upward.

“Come and get it, Thor,” she purred.

Thor got to his feet awkwardly, the enormous lever of his cock hindering his movements. He stood stiff-legged astride his prick and bowlegged around his bloated balls.

“Dog food, boy-lap it up!” she whispered.

The horny, hungry brute needed no further invitation. He moved in and licked at the flesh of her inner thigh, slurping up a trickle of pussyjuice that had run down her leg. He whimpered, lapping higher, gathering up the overflow as his head neared the source.

His cold black snout bit her clit and Barbara jerked at the sensation. She arched her. back deeply, offering her pussy like a meal on a tray. Cunt-cream was spilling from her unfurled pussy-slot, lathering her crotch and seeping into the fight crack of her ass and pouring down her trembling thighs.

Thor whined urgently. Arching his neck, he began to lap at Barbara’s dripping pussy. She moaned and trembled as his hot, wet lapper slapped into her fuckslot. He licked up her cuntlips and slurped at her clit, and Barbara squirmed, pumping her ass and hips in a fucking motion as she worked her cunt against his muzzle.

She reached down and took the dog’s tongue in her fingers, whipping it against her distended fuck-button. Then she spread her pussy folds wide-open so that the doggy could tonguefuck her deeply, his lapper running right up into her fuckhole. His meaty tongue felt as big as a prick as it slid through her cuntlips and into her pussytunnel. Thor had the taste now, and the big brute was lapping away with gusto, stabbing his slobbering tongue up her fuckhole enthusiastically.

Barbara wriggled down, shoving her ass right off the edge of the chair. Thor continued to slap it to her with juicy relish. He flattened his tongue and slurped up her cunt-slot, his head going up and down like a rocking horse.

Barbara tilted her loins higher and the dog’s tongue-strokes began in the crack of her ass and glided up through the-folds of her open cuntslot and across her burning clit, then flipped out into her cunt bush. She was coated with do slobber and the brute’s tongue was dripping with her cunt-juice.

“Ahhhh-that’s right, Thor-lap it up, boy -ooooh-I’m gonna fucking cream your tongue!” Barbara wailed.

She shot her lush hips out, working them like pistons as she fucked her cunt against the dog’s eager tongue. Thor whimpered and growled as he worried her pussy like a terrier shaking a rat. Cunt-cream juiced from her pussy-gash and poured down her groin, seeping into the tunnel between the firm cheeks of her ass. Thor greedily slurped the sweet nectar from the crack of her ass. As his lapper slid up, doggy saliva streamed down, blending with her pussy spillage.

“Oh, shit-it’s so fucking good!” the horny animal-lover cried, pumping frantically against his shaggy snout.

Thor was trembling all through his body and his prick was swinging under him, extended so long now that the naked meat of his cockhead was halfway up his belly. His haunches humped, fucking the air, shoving his neglected prick in and out as his tongue did the work Of a cock, stabbing into her fuckhole relentlessly, slobbering all over her steaming pussy.

Barbara’s frenzied clit detonated. Her cunt started to melt. As the overflow got hotter and thicker and creamier, Thor whimpered with doggy joy. Barbara was nearing the peak, waves of bliss rippling across her loins and shooting like electric currents up her trembling thighs. Her cunt-juice was turning to cum cream, driving the mongrel wild with the flavor and the fragrance.

Wanting to prolong the thrill, Barbara grasped Thor by the collar and yanked his head out of her crotch. He whimpered, his drenched tongue lolling out, dripping into her golden triangle. Her cunt was gaping wide-open, steaming and streaming like the crater, of a volcano about to erupt. Cum-juice slid down her groin and the dog’s shaggy muzzle was coated with the pearly nectar of her seepage. She held his head away for a few moments, then dragged his muzzle back into her crotch, and Thor began lapping away with renewed vigor. Pussy-cream welled up in her fuckslot and the dog slurped it up as more fuck-juice poured into her cuntgash. Thor was yelping and whining as he feasted.

Barbara threw her shapely thighs around his shaggy shoulders, hooking her knees around him and clamping him in a velvet vise. She locked her ankles and drummed her heels against his haunches. Then she slid her feet down and began to massage his pounding prick between them.

Thor heaved his cock out, fucking her between the feet. His cock throbbed and Barbara pulled her feet away, not wanting to risk bringing the brute off too soon. She had better plans for his doggy spunk than a foot job. She clamped him tight, then threw her legs wide-open again to give the beast free rein n her groin.

Thor was tonguing her furiously now as the flow from her fuckhole got richer.

She hiked up and his lapper slid through the soaking crack of her ass and rimmed at her shit-hole, adding a tangy spice to the feast. His soaking tongue slid back up her asscrack and through her Unfurled fuckslot, whipping against her explosive clit. He stuffed his lapper meat up her pussyhole and Barbara cried out with joy. The waves of ecstasy were coursing through her now, coming higher and faster, each separate wave rushing upon the next and then coming so quickly, one upon the other, that they were merging into one tidal wave.

She tossed her head back, jerking her lovely face from side to side, her countenance a mask of lust. Her long blonde hair whipped across her cheeks and her eyelashes fluttered. Her slim belly pumped and she rolled her lush hips and churned her ass wildly, dancing against the dog’s muzzle, squirming on his tongue.

“Ohhhh-creaming-keep it up, you big son of a bitch! I’m melting on your fucking tongue!” she wailed.

Her foaming girl-jism frothed from her cunt, and Thor slurped it up and wolfed it down greedily. Own cream dripped from his jowls and his tongue was floating in the slimy sea, fairly splashing as he shot it up her soaking fuck-slot.

Her climax ripped through her loins and Barbara shuddered, her whole voluptuous body shaking and vibrating. Her heels banged against the floor and her thighs trembled spasmodically. The waves of her orgasm kept lashing through her. She was at the highest peak and holding there as Thor’s tongue mopped up the flow and Barbara’s pussy washed his snout with lavish lashings of cum-juice.

She pulled at her tit-tips, then slid a hand down to finger her fuck-button.

Her other hand slipped under her grinding ass and she nudged a finger into her shit-hole. Thor lapped steadily away, rumbling deep in his throat as her fuckcream poured down his gullet. Then, with a wail of bliss, Barbara came crashing down from the crest.

She sighed with contentment and sprawled back in the chair, panting heavily.

The big, cunthungry mongrel continued to slurp away, gathering up all the delicious cum cream from her crotch and the crack of her ass. He tongued it all up and replaced it with his foaming do slobber. Barbara moaned and stroked his big, blunt head tenderly, loving the brute for the pleasure he had given her.

The dog stepped back, turning slightly to one side. His tongue was hanging out, dripping, and his cock was throbbing urgently.

The doggy needed to empty his balls.

And Barbara owed the brute a favor…



Barbara often had difficulty in deciding whether she wanted to fuck the doggy or suck him off, but today she had no hesitation. Planning to fuck the carpenter, and wanting to be hot and horny, she figured that the best way to deal with Thor’s booming hard-on was with her mouth. Her cunt was well satiated by his tongue, but now her tongue was as horny as her clit had been in the moments before she creamed.

Barbara loved getting fucked in the mouth as much as she loved getting her cunt stuffed with cock. The horny girl had a cunt that sucked like a mouth and a mouth that fucked like a cunt as Thor, that lucky mongrel, knew full well.

Barbara’s mouth was watering as she gazed hungrily at the dog’s massive prick, happily anticipating a nice long suck followed by the creamy reward for her efforts.

She slid from the chair and curled up on the floor beside the dog’s heaving flank. His head twisted around as he gazed expectantly at her, anticipating the treat in store. Being only a dumb animal, Thor had never quite understood what a blowjob was, nor why his mistress sometimes chose to use her mouth for a cunt-hole, but he knew how lovely that hot, sucking mouth felt, and he loved it.

He stood stiff-legged over his prick, his flanks rippling in and out. Barbara didn’t touch him for a moment. She stared hungrily at his cock and balls, licking her lips. His cockhead was glowing like an incandescent light bulb and his balls were like hairy, over-inflated balloons, full of succulent doggy cum.

“Does the nice big doggy want a suck?” she whispered.

“Woof!” Thor yelped.

She reached under him, palm upwards, and cupped his balls, lifting as if weighing their contents.

She could feel his jism load in the hairy bags. Her hand slid on up and she folded her fist around his cockshaft, pushing back toward the roots so that the naked meat of his angry red cock-knob flared out. She could feel the fiery heat of his prick wafting into her lustful, radiant face, as if she were holding a glowing torch. His hard fuckrod throbbed in her hand. Pushing her head under him, she slid her tongue out and licked at his balls. The brute yelped. She lapped him hungrily, savoring the musky flavor of ball meat on her tastebuds and feeling his cum-load shift around. The thought of swallowing that massive dose of fuck-juice caused her to whimper. She drew back and gazed at his cock again, like a hungry child looking into the window of a bakery, licking her lips and drooling.

Barbara slid under him again, her eyes turning inwards as she stared at the angry red slab of his cockhead. His naked fuckrod as pulsing in and out like an inhaling lung, smoking hot and mouth-watering. His pisshole was gaping open, and as the cock-hungry animal lover stared at it, a glob of pre-cum oozed out and ran down the slick slab, sluggish and frothy and white, like whipped cream on a plum.

“Ummmm!” she moaned at the succulent sight. She felt as if her tongue were melting.

Her radiant face pushed forwards and she slid her tongue out, lapping up the glob of doggy slime. She let his delicious cock goo run around on her tastebuds for a moment, then her throat pulsed as she delicately swallowed it down.

“Yummy!” she sighed.

That initial drop had whetted her appetite, and the horny girl was slobbering hungrily for cockmeat and cum. Thor humped, shoving his prick out so that the slimy tip brushed against her lips. She kissed his cock-knob. It felt like a lump of iron encased in a red rubber sheath. She licked him, then pushed the tip of her tongue up into his pisshole. Thor whimpered and trembled. She laved all over his naked cockhead, adoring the flavor of his smoking hot fuckmeat.

She panted, blowing down his cock-stalk. Thor humped again, pushing his cock against her lips, eager to begin using her mouth for a cunt-hole. But Barbara didn’t take his prick into her mouth yet, savoring a lick before the sucking.

She slurped all over his fiery cockhead with her nimble tongue. Saliva dribbled onto his prick. Another drop of pre-cum squeezed from his parted pisshole.

Barbara greedily tongued it up. It felt as hot and thick as melted lead as it rolled on her tastebuds-rich and musky and succulent. She swallowed it and lapped up another glob as it oozed from his cockcleft.

Speaking with her lips brushing the tip of his naked cockhead, Barbara whispered, “I’m gonna suck your guts out now, Thor-I’m hungry for your doggy cum-I need a bellyful of your hot, thick fuck-juice, you big, black, hairy bastard!”

She kissed his slippery fuck-knob again, and this time she let her lips part, slowly feeding his succulent cock into her mouth. Thor whimpered with pleasure as her hot maw engulfed his cockknob. Her lips collared his hairy fuck-stalk just behind the head and she began to nurse hungrily on the tasty mouthful.

Her cheeks drew inwards and her lips unpeeled around his fuckrod. As she sucked on the smoking hot wedge of dog meat, her nimble tongue flashed against the underside, bathing his cock with saliva. Dribbles of spunk trickled from his cock-cleft, giving her tastebuds a tantalizing hint of the treat in store for them.

Barbara, whimpering with joy, cupped his balls in one hand and folded her other hand around his thick fuck-stalk, holding it at the root and skinning the sheath back so that his cockhead ballooned in her mouth. She squeezed his balls tenderly, but her other hand stayed at the hilt of his fuckrod, not stroking him. She knew that the quickest way to bring the beast off was to use her hand and her mouth at the same time-jerking him off as she sucked on his cock-knob.

But Barbara was in no hurry today, wanting to enjoy a nice prolonged mouthful of cockmeat before she drank the creamy reward for her oral efforts. Holding him steady and fondling his bloated balls, she sucked softly and moistly and flashed her wet lapper around on his dripping cock-knob.

Thor tensed and his powerful hindquarters rippled. He began to fuck into her face. His fat prick slid deeper into her mouth and Barbara gagged as his fuck-knob clogged her gullet. He fucked in and out, tilting her blonde head back on his thrusts, and Barbara sucked greedily through every inch of his naked prickshaft.

Moving in counterpoint, Barbara pushed her head down to meet him as Thor poured his prick to her. He buried his cock in. her head, his balls slapping under her chin.

“Umphfff!” she gulped as he stuffed his cockhead right down into the entrance to her throat.

It felt so hot that she thought it might blister her gorge. Then he pulled back out until only a his cock-knob was in her lips, and she sucked through every delicious inch, purring hungrily with joy.

She drew her mouth from him for a moment, to gaze lovingly at his naked cockhead. More pre-cum frothed out and she lapped it up, then sucked him back into her hot mouth and nursed on his fuckmeat with relish. Her face twisted from side to side as she wound her lips onto his fuckrod like a nut onto a bolt.

Thor fucked in and out frantically, stuffing her head, and-Barbara moaned as she fed on his delicious fuckstalk, pushing her lips down to his hairy cockroot. She was deep-throating the horny brute, swallowing all of his long, vibrant fuckshaft, gorging on his fuckmeat. Her eyes were glazed with lust as she savored the tasty treat. Her lips, collared him and her hot tongue flashed on his slick prick-knob, slurping up more preliminary cock-juice as it trickled out.

Thor’s long shaggy tail twirled around like a propeller behind his heaving haunches and his hind feet scrambled on the carpet as he fucked into her willing head with vigor. Barbara took his cock into her cheek, then turned her face and took a thrust into the opposite cheek. Then she took him down her throat again. As he jerked his fuckrod out, saliva dripped from his vibrant fuck-stalk, steaming and streaked with pre-cum. His pisshole was bubbling freely and heavily now, heralding the massive dose of dog jism that she hungered for, driving the cock-crazed dog-lover wild with lustful expectations.

As Thor pulled back, Barbara sucked so hard that her mouth dragged nearly inside out. She could feel his balls swelling in her fondling hand, and knew the brute was going to unload his jizz at any moment. Barbara was enjoying the meaty snack, but by this time she was so ravenous for his cum that she couldn’t bear to prolong it. Her blonde head darted up and down faster as the horny mongrel fed his meat to her with frantic, urgent jolts and violent jerks.

Cream me! she urged silently, yearning for his fuck-juice. Shoot that sweet slime into my fucking mouth, Thor! Hose my throat with hot, thick dog-juice!

The woman was panting and whimpering like an animal herself, abandoned to passion. Her cunt was steaming again now, and her tongue felt as hot as her clit as it rippled on his cock and lashed at his hairy fuck-stalk. He pumped Sin and her head pushed down to meet him, enveloping his prick to the roots, taking him ball-deep into her head. She was cherishing every inch of that throbbing cock. His prick was expanding with every thrust, filling her mouth to the brim.

Barbara was sucking so desperately that she seemed to be trying to inhale the mongrel’s cock right down into her lungs, taking him so deep that his doggy goo was spilling out straight into her belly. Thor pumped it to her with frantic vitality, his hairy haunches a black blur as his prick sped in and out. His spine twisted into an S shape as he shoveled his fuck-knob down her gullet.

Thor howled and slammed in and Barbara gasped, feeling his balls spasm in her hand and his cockshaft jolt as the creamy dog jism rushed up his fuckrod. Then she gurgled with cocksucker’s joy as his steaming hot fuck-juice hosed her mouth.

The first jism jet splashed in her throat and flooded down into her belly directly, so that she didn’t taste it. He shot another wad out on the recoil, and the delicious slime skimmed over her tongue. The frantic dog pumped fuck juice into her cheeks and a spurt splattered on the arched roof of her mouth.

Barbara sucked and swallowed, gulped and gurgled, milking his prick voraciously.

Cock spume squirted from his gaping pisshole in fiery jets and slimy coils, flooding her mouth. Barbara was drinking the delicious stuff as fast as she could, but his load was too much for her. Foaming ribbons of spunk overflowed her lips and trickled down both sides of her jaw. Her throat pulsed as she gulped his jism down and her lips pulled more gooey ropes from his fuckknob.

Thor’s balls seemed bottomless as his cum continued to hose the wanton girl’s mouth with steaming geysers. Her head tipped back as the brute stuffed his prick into her, then bobbed down as he withdrew, milking him hungrily.

Don’t stop-keep shooting, boy-she thought, with her belly already full of dog spunk but still greedy for more.

Her mouth was full and overflowing. Each time she gulped a load down, the dog fed her another to replace it. Cum swirled in her cheeks, sloshed through her teeth, clung to the roof of her mouth like stalactites. Her tongue was awash with the slimy stuff, floating around like a pliable log in a swamp.

Thor yelped, jamming in hard as his last creamy spurt burst from his flaring cockhead. He faltered, whimpering. Barbara kept on sucking, dragging the last trickles out by the suction of her mouth, working away until she was certain that she had drained him dry. The mongrel’s prickmeat began to soften and diminish in her mouth. She nursed on it and managed to pull a last thick cum drop from his pisshole. She sighed softly, sorry that the meal was ended, wanting more. She drew her slimy lips from him with a last loving slurp.

Thor’s fuckrod swayed up and down under the brute, his slick red fuck-knob dripping with cum and saliva. Barbara leaned in and used her tongue to lap it up, not wanting a single precious drop to be wasted on the carpet. She slurped all over his cockhead and sucked it back into her mouth for a final taste. Thor was panting and trembling, dazed, his brains sucked out. When his mistress pulled her lips away again, the doggy stepped away, shaking his big head as if he had been poleaxed.

Barbara leaned after him, lapping at his shrunken balls and gathering up a few errant slime drops. Then she sprawled out on the floor, on her back, legs spread wide. Her cunt was steaming and overflowing, and her clit stood out like a stump in a morass. There was still lots of jism left in her mouth and she threw her head back and let the succulent stuff slide slowly down her throat. A few creamy drops had splashed down on her fat tits and she ran her open hands over her lit-globes and brought them to her lips, licking the jism from her palms like a cat at a cream bowl, purring and whimpering.

Now that her mouth was satiated, Barbara’s fuckhole was yearning for a load-of hot prick, hornier than she had been before the doggy bad lapped her off.

She cupped a hand over her smoldering pussy and looked hopefully towards Thor.

But the powerful brute was drained. He had lost interest I when he lost his load, and now he staggered away, head hanging. His big prick was limp, his fuck-knob drooping down and starting to slowly retract back into his shaggy sheath.

Barbara sighed wistfully. She was thinking that she really needed two dogs-one for her mouth and one for her cunt.

Then she remembered that soon she was going to have all the dogs that a girl could want! In the throes of passion, Barbara had forgotten all about her plans, but now they came back to her, filling her with a surge of happy anticipation.

She heard the hammering from the yard again and grinned.

A kennel builder was about to get lucky…



“When Barbara set out to seduce a guy, she didn’t tend to fool around or play it coy, she usually came directly to the point. She knew how desirable she was, and figured-that If a man turned her offer down there must be something funny about him, so a refusal wouldn’t cause Barbara any embarrassment. In effect, she offered her body to men-and women, for that matter-much in the same way that she offered it to her dog-as if they were dumb brutes enjoying the physical pleasures of sex without needed emotional attachments.

“Now she went out into the back garden, wearing only her frilly, semi-transparent negligee, and walked over to where Jake was kneeling, fitting the framework of a kennel together.

“He looked up and started to smile, then blinked when he saw how Barbara was garbed. Her sleek thighs emerged from the nightie with each step, and her tits were revealed almost to the tips. Jake was a rather shy young man and he dropped his eyes and blushed, embarrassed by his own reactions to the woman.

“His formidable cock had jumped instantly into an erection, bulging prominently in his tight jeans.”

“How’s it coming?” Barbara asked, standing over him.”

“Almost finished,” Jake replied, keeping his head down and trying to conceal his hard-on from her by raising one knee and pushing it across his belly.

“It must be hard work,” she said.

“You’re soaking with sweat.”

Her fingertips stirred lightly against the nape of his neck, then slid along his shoulder. Jake began to wonder if the woman had designs on him. He glanced up-and gulped.

As she bent over him, Barbara’s fat tits had fallen from her bodice and were swaying naked right over his face. Jake blushed again, but she didn’t seem to realize she was exposed. Her fingers continued to trail along his shoulder and up his backbone and her naked tits bounced saucily. He saw that her nipples were so stiff that they looked like little pink rockets ready to be launched.

“Would you like to take a shower, Jake?” she asked.

Jake hesitated, not sure of himself. He knew that if be stood up she was certain to notice his hard-on, but he didn’t know how she would react to the knowledge that she had aroused him. Maybe she’s a cockteaser, he speculated, in which case she would no doubt be delighted at having turned him on. Anyhow, the thought of a shower was inviting and he figured that if nothing else happened, it would give him a chance to beat his meat and empty his balls so that he could return in comfort to his labors.

“Yeah, okay,” he mumbled, unable to tear his fascinated eyes from her succulent tits.

She stepped back and straightened up, but her fits remained exposed, and now her hips had shifted somehow so that the front of the negligee was parted nearly to her crotch. He could see the shadowed outline of her bushy cunt mound quite clearly through the sheer material. If she was a cockteaser, Jake figured, she was sure as hell an effective one.

He stood up awkwardly and Barbara smiled, dropping her gaze boldly onto his groin.

“Ummm-very hard work,” she murmured.

“Handsome young men who work so hard-and get so hard-deserve a treat, I think.”

Jake gaped at her and his cock surged, damned near ripping right through his jeans.

“Like what, Miss Graves?” he asked huskily.

“Oh, maybe you’d rather have a tongue bath than a shower, Jake,” she suggested, tilting her head. She looked amused by his attitude, yet she obviously wasn’t just taunting him.

“Yes, a nice tongue bath to get the sweat off you-and then we’ll have to let you do some banging with that big hammer, right?”.

Jake grinned crookedly, his hesitation gone now. He nodded with enthusiasm and eagerness. Barbara took his hand and led him toward the house, as eager for carpenter cock as Jake was to supply it.

They went in through the kitchen door. Barbara dropped back to close the door, then stepped up behind him. Jake stood stiff as a statue. Barbara placed her hands on his shoulders. Her blonde head bobbed down and she began to lick lightly at the back of his neck, then down his spine. His muscles rippled under her moist tongue as she lapped up his sweat. She turned him to face her and leaned down, tonguing his hard, flat chest and licking at the hollow of his throat.

Sinking to her knees, she licked his washboard belly, dipping her tongue into his belly button.

Groaning, Jake cradled her blonde head to his groin. She rubbed her face against the bulge of his hard-on, feeling the heat of – it waft through his denim jeans. She blew on the hard lump and squeezed it. She sighed softly, knowing that his big fuckpool was going to do a lovely job on her cunt, but in no hurry as she enjoyed the foreplay.

Slowly rising, she licked back up his stomach Then she arched her slender back, thrusting her naked fits out. Jake felt them with both hands, squeezing her tit-mounds and puffing at the explosive tips. Then he dropped his head and began to lick and suck on her heavy fits with enthusiasm, running his tongue up through her deep cleavage and taking her throbbing nipples into his lips to suckle and nurse.

“Ummm-nice!” she purred.

She held his face between her open hands and jerked her tits up against him.

Her belly ground on his. She let him feed on tit-meat for a few minutes, then drew away.

“I’d better finish your tongue bath,” she said.

She dropped to her knees again, – kissing his lean belly. Her hands fumbled with his belt, then drew the zipper down. Jake stood rigid, fists clenched and jaws tight, as if afraid to move in case he might break this magic spell.

Barbara tugged his jeans down his thighs.

“Ooooh!” she squealed, when she saw his naked cock. It was an impressive sight, no doubt of that.

His cockshaft was long and thick and seamed up the underside by a fat, pounding vein. His fuck-knob flared out in a purple wedge, swollen and throbbing. The tip was moist where his pisshole had wept pre-spunk onto his fat cockhead.

Jake’s balls were bloated with a massive load of fuck-juice.

He jerked his loins out toward her face, but Barbara drew back, avoiding contact for the moment. She pulled his jeans down to the floor and he stepped out of them awkwardly. As he moved, his long prick swayed and his cock-knob slapped against his belly as if it were as heavy as a carpenter’s hammer. It certainly looked hard enough to drive a nail, Barbara thought, gazing up at his groin.

She began to lick up and down his muscular calves and thighs, still avoiding his prick and balls. She tongued up his-perspiration and her saliva washed over him. He was groaning, thinking that a tongue bath sure as hell beat a shower and wondering if this gorgeous girl was going to take his own hot shower in her mouth.

Barbara held him by the hips and gently turned him so that he was facing away from her. She began licking up the backs of his legs now, doing a thorough job.

Her flattened tongue slurped at the hard cheeks of his ass and Jake trembled.

Barbara spread his asscheeks apart and slowly ran her tongue up through the crack of his ass.”

“Holy shit!” be gasped, thrilled by her depravity.

She sniffed at his asshole, then began to wedge the tip of her tongue into his tight brown shit-slot. Jake leaned forwards, shoving his ass up against her face, his prick swinging around like the boom of a ship. Barbara reached around his hip and held his cock in her hand as she rimmed and reamed away on his shit-hole, relishing the tangy flavor. She slobbered into his puckered assbud, then sucked her saliva back out, tainted and flavored by his asshole.

“Do you like this?” she whispered.”

“Yeah! Jeez lady, you’re dirty!” he croaked.

Barbara smiled, taking it as a lovely compliment. Naughty things, she knew, were always more exciting than wholesome things.

Then she turned him to face her again and his prick came swinging around to loom before her face. Preliminary jism was flooding from his pisshole in a heavy flow now, and Barbara knew that the carpenter was going to blow his wad with the slightest encouragement. She had been looking forward to a nice long fuck, but now she realized that she had gotten him far too worked up for a prolonged performance.

“Can you cum twice?” she whispered.

“Yeah!” he croaked, jerking his hips.

“Jerk yourself off in my face, then,” Barbara whispered.

“Empty your balls onto me-then we can fuck!”

Jake looked a bit surprised at her request, but not at all reluctant.

She cupped his swollen balls in one hand, fondling them tenderly, feeling his load shift inside the hairy sacs. Leaning in, she sniffed at his cockhead, rubbing her nose against his sticky cock-tip. His cockmeat was musky and aromatic, although not as much as dog cock, she thought. She licked lightly at his throbbing prickhead, tonguing up some of his pre-cum from the tip.”

“Ooooh-your cum is lovely,” she sighed.

She licked up and down the underside of his cockshaft, tracing along its pulsing vein. She lapped at his balls at the bottom of the stroke, then at his prick-knob as she slurped pp to it, her tongue dancing against the sensitive spot where the fat wedge of meat flared out from his fuckshaft. More spunk dribbled out and she lapped it up.

Tilting her head, she fitted her parted lips against his fuckstalk and pulled them up and down, playing his prick as if it were a flute, sucking and slurping hungrily. Although she preferred dog cocks, she had to admit that human cocks had one big advantage-she could mouth them all and not get hair in her teeth.

Barbara was enjoying this love play and would have lingered over it for a while, but her cunt was really steaming now and she was afraid that she might just cream all by herself, wasting a cum on an empty cunt-hole. She took Jake by the wrist and drew his hand onto his cock. He folded his fist around his thick cockroot and held it, gazing down at her lovely radiant face questioningly.

“Do it!” she urged, her voice husky.

“Jerk yourself off, Jake-spunk in my face and on my tits!”.

She poised before him, opening her sexy mouth wide and curling her tongue out.

Her eyelashes fluttered. Her breath billowed onto his rampant prick. More pre-cum bubbled from his pisshole and Barbara placed her flattened tongue right against the underside of his cockhead, not licking him now, but simply waiting for him to feed her.

Jake gave his prick a slow push-pull.

His cock-knob flared against her wet tongue and Barbara gave a little squeal of delight, feeling deliciously naughty. Letting the guy use her mouth as a cum bucket, in a way, seemed even more dirty than if she had sucked him off.

Jake began to pump his prick steadily now, his powerful carpenter’s wrist hammering up and down. As he stroked up, his foreskin rolled over the ledge of his cockhead, and, as he frigged back toward his balls, he skinned the purple slab and caused it to throb against her hot tongue, making the cum-hungry girl whimper and moan.

“Cum, Jake! Shoot in my fucking mouth!” she wailed, moving her tongue slightly against his prick.

He was jerking himself violently now and she had to tilt her head about in order to keep her tongue placed against his jolting cockhead.

She fondled his balls, feeling them expand, heralding the explosion that would hose her with his sweet slime. Then she hoped, by draining off his first load, to enable the robust fellow to throw a more prolonged fuck into her next.

“Spunk me, Jake! Whitewash my tonsils!” she gurgled.

“Ummmmm-feed me your hot fuckjuice!”

Jake was spilling so much pre-cum from his pisshole that Barbara’s tongue was already drenched, more frothy goo oozing out each time he whipped his fist down his fuckrod. Her tongue glided fluidly around on his slippery cockhead, her blonde head tilting from side to side. She knelt before him like a worshipper at a phallic temple, loving to give head while she was on her knees, feeling deliciously debased.

“Jake growled like a dog.”

“Here it comes, lady!” he rasped.”

“Yeah-yeah-yeah-” she whimpered.

His fist pumped down to the root of his prick and she felt his balls spasm in her hand. His thick load rushed up his fuckrod and came spurting from his cock-knob in a creamy tide. Jism skimmed over her tongue and shot into her open mouth. A spurt hit her throat and she gulped it down voraciously. His jism was delicious, thick as whipped cream. He jerked spasmodically, staggering, his fist flying up and down as he pumped off his cumload in a heavy deluge.

His cockhead slid around in her parted lips, hosing into her mouth. A squirt shot up her cheek and another foaming jism jet ran into her nose. She sputtered and slurped with joy. Jake drew back slightly, angling his cock down and pumping a heavy stream of spunk out onto Barbara’s up thrust tits. His cum gushed into her deep cleavage and dribbled from her taut pink nipples.

Then he jammed his cock up again, and this time his cockhead dipped into her willing mouth.

Her lips clamped around his fuckshaft, collaring his fuckrod just behind his prick-knob and she held the pounding slab in her hungry maw as Jake pumped off the last of his fuck-juice.

His fist faltered, slowing down. Barbara sucked softly, coaxing a few last trickles out. Then she drew back, smiling up at him and opening her mouth so that he could see his spunk on her tongue.

“That was delicious!” she purred.

Jake grinned down at her. She had given him a tongue bath and he had given her a shower and now it was fucking time.



Jake’s balls had collapsed, but unlike her dog, his cock had not begun to droop. The sight of this voluptuous girl with his jism all over her face and tits was inspirational, keeping his prick stiff. He shook his prick in her face, spraying a few more drops from his fuck-knob. Barbara licked his cockhead, then slurped up and down his stalk and lapped at his balls, making sure that he retained his hard-on and enjoying every succulent drop in the process.

His balls began to fill up again immediately.

Barbara polished his whole cock with her nimble tongue, then got to her feet.

She stepped over to the sturdy kitchen table and perched on the edge, her long, sleek legs parted and extended to the floor. Her crotch was tilted up. Jake gazed longingly at her creamy pussy. His long cock was standing so tall that he seemed to be staring at her cunt across his prick-knob, like a gunsight.

Her pink cuntlips were unfurled like the petals of a fleshy flower streaked with dew. Her darker inner cunt-folds were awash with pussy nectar and her fuck-button stood out, throbbing. Streams of cunt-cream ran down from her gaping fuck crater and seeped into the crack of her ass as she perched on the edge of the table, positioned on it as if it were a fucking platform.

“Fuck me, Jake,” she urged.

“Fuck my ass off-”

He shuffled over, cock first, and stood between her parted thighs. His prick loomed up in a meaty tower, the head of his cock nuzzling against the underside of her fat fits. Seeing his prick extended along her torso, Barbara moaned at the thought of how deep his massive fuck tool was going to plunge into her loins.

He humped, sliding his fuck-knob between her tits. Barbara tilted her face down and licked his cocktip. Then he drew his ass back and angled his stiff prick down into her foaming crotch. His cock-knob rubbed against her clit and dipped into her pussy-slot. She squirmed against him. Jake held his cock by the hilt and tilted his wrist, brushing his cockhead up and down in her pussy-lips without penetrating yet.

Cunt-juice spilled onto his purple cockhead and ran heavily down his thick, veined fuckstalk.

“Put it in me!” Barbara cried, driven wild by the sensation of having his huge cockhead slipping around in the lips other pussy.

“Shove that big fucker up me, Jake!”

Jake worked his cock muscles, causing his bloated cockhead to flare in her fuck-slot and throb against her clit. He rubbed the fat slab up and down in her open pussy, dipping down into the crack of her ass and then sliding up to nestle in her cunt bush.

Barbara moaned and squirmed, crazy for his prick, her nature abhorring the void of an empty fuckhole. Her heels drummed on the floor, then she threw her legs up and hooked them around his haunches, drawing him into her groin.

His cockhead pushed into her.

“Ahhhh!” she sighed, feeling his swollen prick pulsate in her drenched pussy, plugging her like a socket.

Her cuntlips collared his fuckstalk and her pussy began to suck on him like a mouth. Jake could feel her dragging his prick deeper into her cunt by the suction. He pushed another inch into her and her wet cunt walls clamped around him, molding to the contours of his cock.

“Stuff me, darling,” she whimpered.

“Give me all of it, Jake. Shove it up my pussy-Ooooh fuck my ass off!”.

Jake grasped her by the hips and his prick slid deeper as he pushed into her soaking fuckhole. Inch by inch, he buried his fuckmeat into her as she wriggled on the edge of the table. Barbara wailed with the joy of it. His cock was spreading her cunt open and plunging into the very core, filling her to the brim. She felt as if her hipbones might jump out from their sockets, as if the head of his prick might come out of her mouth. She jerked down to meet him, taking more prick into her loins. He thrust and shoveled the last inch into her, his balls jamming against the curve of her ass.

“Oh!” she cried. “Oooooh-”

His smoking hot cockhead felt like a lump of molten iron deep inside her cunt, and his hard fuck-stalk was working in her pussy-tunnel.

He held it all in her for a few moments, savoring the sensation of having every inch of his cockmeat enveloped in hot pussy, and letting her thrill to the feeling of being stuffed to the core. Barbara moved first, pulling her pussy up and down on a few inches of prick. Her cunt muscles closed around his prick in concentric rings, running up his cock as if she were jacking him off inside her belly.

“Fuck me, Jake!” she moaned. “Pump it to me!”

His ass corkscrewed. He pulled back until only his fuck-knob was in her cunt, then slammed it all into her again. His balls swung in and slapped against her up thrust, churning ass like the clappers of a meaty bell. His prick pulled out, dripping and steaming with her pussy-juices, then rammed up into her cunt-core again. He was plugging her so tightly that cuntjuice sprayed from her fuckslot as his fat fucker slid in. Her cunt-juice ran down her crotch, pearly and creamy, seeping into the crack of her ass and running down her thighs. She was lathered with the overflow, her whole groin awash with pussy nectar.

“Fuck-fuck-fuck-” she gasped, urging him on, repeating the word each time he fed his cock to her.

He hauled her down by the hips and his cock hissed up her drenched fuckhole.

She was so wet that his cockhead was splashing as it delved into her steaming depths.

Dipping at the knees, Jake fed her a long, rippling, underslung stroke that thrust her ass up from the edge of the table. Then he raised up onto his toes and shoved his fuckmeat into her from above, running the full length of his thick fuckrod across her clit. He was jerking her pelvis about, pulling her pussy onto his prick then dragging her off it.

Barbara arched and bowed, squirming in ecstasy. Her sleek thighs clamped around his flanks, then flew wide-open again, her feet raised up from the floor and bicycling behind his ass. Her cunt muscles were going crazy on his cock, sucking him into the core of her pussy, pulling and pumping.

She slid a hand down and cupped his balls, squeezing gently. Then she dipped her hand into her own crotch and felt his slippery cock as it went into her pussy. Reaching farther down past his balls, she fingered his asshole with one hand and her own shit-hole with the other. Jake bent down and sucked on her swollen lit-tips, then kissed her passionately on her cum-drenched lips-not realizing that there was dog jism mixed with his own slick slime. They swapped tongues and saliva and he ducked back down onto her fits, nursing and suckling.

Her fuckhole began to foam over. Cunt-cream poured from her pussy, soaking his balls as he whacked into her.

“Oh, sweet shit-I’m creaming!” Barbara wailed. Her clit detonated and her pussy-tunnel melted around his cock like a wax candle on a flaming wick. Jake rammed in hard, running the length of his fuckrod across her explosive clit and driving his prick into her like a torpedo into a swamp.

“Shoot in me, Jake!” she cried, coming herself and yearning to feel his fuck-juice hose her. Jake was trembling as he shoveled his cock into her frantically.; His cock throbbed inside her, his fuck-knob flaring, stuffing her to the brim. He jerked in and out, holding her by the cheeks of her ass and lifting her crotch up from the table.

“Now!” he grunted, his handsome face contorting with lust. “Take it, baby-I’m gonna spunk your cunt!”

“Give it to me, darling!” she cried, whipping her cunt down to meet his thrust.

“Juice me, Jake!”

He plunged in ball-deep and shuddered. Barbara felt his massive prick expand inside her as his fuck-juice came shooting up. Then his hot, thick jism was pouring into her melting cunt in jets and geysers. He spurted into her as he slammed in, then spurted again as he pulled back. Barbara wailed, creaming again and again, her girl-cum gushing out and blending with his jism.

Gasping, Jake drained his load off and slumped over her, panting. Barbara continued to grind against him, sliding her slippery cunthole up and down on his spent fuck-stalk, work-lug off the last sweet spasms of her own coming.

Jake groaned and staggered back, his prick puffing from her cunt. A creamy wash of cum bubbled from her vacated pussy. Jake’s cock stayed upright for a moment, then began to droop. His cock bobbed up and down then sank into a meaty coil that stretched down his thigh, still impressive although soft. Barbara slid from the table and sucked his prick into her mouth, greedily licking their combined juices from his fuckmeat.

She had cum dynamically but, insatiable girl that she was, she was sorry that his prick was finished for the moment. She would have liked another cuntful.

Jake grinned ruefully.

“I better get back to work,” he said.

He pulled his jeans on, stuffing his cock into them with some difficulty.

Barbara walked him to the door, then went back through the kitchen to see what condition her dog was in. With the carpenter’s cock spent, it was doggy time again…



Thor came trotting across the room to meet his mistress, squirming and whining as he scented the hot fragrance of her well-fucked but still horny pussy.

Barbara dipped at the knees and parted her thighs, letting the big black brute thrust his muzzle into her crotch. He sniffed and yelped with enthusiasm and his long wet tongue began to slurp up the cum and cunt cream from her hairy pussy.

She rubbed her cunt around on his snout, stroking his head affectionately.

Leaning over, she watched his prick harden and lengthen under the scented inspiration of her pussy. His slick red cockhead came squeezing from his hairy sheath. She enjoyed the ministrations of his nimble tongue for a few minutes, then turned her back to the brute and bent over as if she was trying to touch her toes. She spread the firm cheeks of her ass apart with her hands, wriggling her butt about invitingly. Thor hesitated. With her haunches turned towards him she was almost in a familiar position and the doggy waited to see if she was going to drop down onto her hands and knees.

“C’mon, you dumb son of a bitch,” Barbara urged him. “Shove your tongue up my shithole-”

The mongrel yelped and began to slap his wet lapper up through the crack of her ass and against her puckered brown assbud. Barbara shuddered with the pleasant sensation. She always liked to hive her asshole rimmed out by a tongue, and now it felt so lovely that the horny blonde was tempted to let Thor bugger her ass with his big prick. But her pussy was hot, and she knew that it might be frustrating to take his cum load up her ass and not get a cuntful.

She figured that once she had plenty of nice, big doggy boarders, she would have all the canine cock that she needed and enjoy the luxury of taking jism loads in all three of her hot fuckholes, one right after the other-or maybe even two by two, one dog in her mouth while another fucked her cunt or asshole.

The very thought of it caused the girl to tremble spasmodically and her pussy flooded again. Cunt-juice poured down her thighs.

Thor lapped up the overflow from her legs and jammed his muzzle into her groin from under her ass, licking it up from the source. He began to whip his tongue out with long, rippling strokes that began on her clit and swept on up to her shit-hole.

She turned to face him again, tilting her crotch up, providing a creamy snack.

Thor shot his lapper up her slot greedily. His cock was fully erect now, but he was content, for the time being, with pleasuring his hungry tongue and sensitive nostrils as he wallowed about In her swampy fuckslot.

Barbara knew that she was going to cream soon if she let the beast tongue her much longer. Wanting her pussy nice and hot and horny for fucking, she yanked his head from her crotch. He yelped, trying to jam his snout back into her creamy cunt-hole, but she held him back and sank down onto her knees beside his flank.

Reaching under him, she grasped his cock and balls. She squeezed his vibrant fuckrod and gave it a slow, deliberate push-pull. Her other hand tugged his bloated balls up and down, as if the brute were a cow that she was milking.

Thor howled and his, whole powerful body erupted, muscles pounding and nerves sparking.

Barbara push-pulled on his prick and squeezed his balls, and the doggy humped, fucking through her fist. She stroked up his cockstalk and fondled his throbbing cockhead. She decided to play with his prick for a while before she let him fuck her cunt, both to make sure that he was as big and hard as possible, and also because it was a handful of fun. Since she had sucked the animal off not long before, she wasn’t worried that he might have a premature orgasm in her bands.

She curled onto her hip and raised one knee, thighs parted to expose her pussy.

Thor twisted his big head around and shoved his snout into her foaming fuckslot from a new angle. The frantic doggy seemed to be trying to shove his whole head up her cunt, and his tongue was sliding into her damned near as deep as a cock, slurping and slithering about inside her inner pussy-folds.

She jerked back on his prick-stalk, making his slick red fuck-knob flare out in a pulsing battering ram. The hunk of musky dog-cock looked so delicious that Barbara just had to have another taste of it. She slid under him and began to lick his slimy cockhead. His tongue slurped and splashed up her cunt-hole and he humped, fucking against her mouth. But Barbara kept her lips pursed, refusing to let him fuck into her mouth, knowing that once she started to nurse on his sweet prickmeat she would be unable to stop until she’d swallowed his cum.

Her tongue slid all over his naked red prickhead, bathing him. In this twisted sixty-nine position, girl and doggy lapped merrily away. Then globs of pre-cum began to ooze from his pisshole and Barbara licked them up and rubbed his cockhead against her fat fits, smearing her fit-mounds with spunk. Thor jerked violently and his head came up from her crotch, his tongue lolling out and dripping with cunt-juice.

Barbara leaned across and sucked the mongrel’s drenched tongue into her mouth, French-kissing the brute and savoring the flavor of her own pussy nectar mixed with doggy slobber. Barbara hadn’t eaten out a cunt in several months and now, tasting her own succulent pussy-juice, she decided that she would have to find some agreeable girl for a bit of cuntlapping in the near future-as soon as she had satisfied her depraved craving for multiple dog cocks.

She sucked his tongue, then held his head against her fits and let him lap at her nipples. She leaned under him to tongue his dripping cockhead some more. He humped and his cock slid along her cheek. Barbara lapped his balls as they swung into her face.

“Time to go fuckies, boy!” she purred.

She gave his wet cock a last loving slurp, then twisted away and turned onto her hands and knees. Thor continued to slap his eager tongue into her cunt from behind. He slurped all the way from her bushy cunt-mound up through her gaping fuck-slot and onto into the crack of
her ass, his tongue dipping into her shit-hole at the end of the stroke.

She shoved back, jerking her ass and the mongrel’s shaggy snout stuffed right up her cunt, his tongue lapping at the soaking inner folds of her steaming pussy.

Barbara lowered her blonde head to the floor and heaved her ass up to the highest point of her posture.

“C’mon, boy-mount me!” she urged.

The dumb brute was so keen on lapping her succulent pussy that he didn’t seem to realize that she had assumed the doggy-fucking position. She reached back and grasped him by the collar, yanking his head out of her frothy fuckslot and pulling his muzzle onto her ass. Thor stiffened with sudden realization.

Tensing his haunches, he sprang up, mounting her grinding ass. His front paws clamped firmly around her hips, clinging to her. Barbara shoved her crotch back toward his loins and Thor humped frantically. His cock shot out like a rocket and his cockhead bounced off the back of her thigh, then rebounded from her ass. The brute was so eager that, in his haste, he was missing the mark.

He humped again and his hairy cock-stalk slid up through the crack of her ass and nudged at her shit-slot. Barbara murmured happily as his naked cockhead jabbed at her puckered assbud, giving a lovely foreshadowing of how good an asshole full of doggy prick was going to be, as soon as she had a spare prick available.

But her cunt took precedence at the moment, steaming and foaming for a load of hard cockmeat. Reaching back between her knees, she grasped the doggy by the hilt of his prick. His big fucker pounded in her hand. She guided his swollen cockhead into her cunt-slot and stirred it up and down through the gaping folds and against her dynamic clit. Thor held himself rigid, trembling, letting his mistress move his cockhead around in her steaming pussy-lips. Tilting her wrist, she worked his fat prick-slab up and down, squirming against him.

Then she slowly nudged his smoking hot fuckknob into her cunt-hole. With his cockhead lodged in her, she drew her hand away, giving the doggy free rein. For a moment, Thor just clung to her haunches, with his naked prickknob throbbing in her pussy and his long, hairy cuntshaft sticking out like a bolt between her pussy and his balls. Barbara worked her skillful cunt muscles, caressing his slippery cockmeat and pulling him deeper.

“Give it to me, Thor,” she whimpered. “Hammer your big prick up my fuckhole, boy! Feed it to me.”

Thor yelped, growled and braced his hindquarters. Then he pumped his prick into her violently, burying every inch of his shaggy fucker up her cunt.

“Ooooooh-yeah!” Barbara wailed, feeling the brute’s cockhead throb deep in her pussy.

Thor began to pump his prick to her furiously. His haunches leaped with sinew as he slammed all of his rock-hard cock relentlessly up into the blonde girl’s fuckhole. As his fuckrod stuffed her full, cunt-juice came spraying from her pussy-lips; His swollen balls swung in and slapped against her crotch like a blackjack, so full of jism that they were swollen. The brute dragged her back by his grip on her hipbones and shoveled his cock up into the core of her cunt.

Barbara, gasping, jerked her ass and hips around, working her pussy on his cock. She was whimpering like a bitch in heat as she took the dog’s prick into her greedy cunt-hole. She humped under him in counterpoint to his thrusts, sliding her fuckhole up and down on his prick.

Thor jerked back until only his fuck-knob was stuck in her cunt, paused, then jolted every hairy inch back into her, shaking her violently and rattling her hipbones. Moving faster, the brute commenced to fuck her with wild abandon. His dark haunches were a blur as they sped in and out, propelling his prick. His spine twisted and his shaggy tail swept behind him like a rudder guiding his strokes.

Barbara was churning under him, trying her best to match the lightning strokes that the beast was throwing up her cunt. Thor was stuffing her so hard and fast she couldn’t tell if his cock was going in or coming out. His prickmeat hissed up her hot fuckhole, came out dosed with her pussy-juices, then shot into her, again like a heated crowbar levering her loins.

“Unghhhh!” she grunted, as his cockhead battered into the core of her cunt-hole, shaking her.

His cock was pumping pussy-cream from her cunt in pearly ribbons and his balls were soaking wet as they slapped into her lathered crotch.

Unable to keep pace with the dog, Barbara began to twist her ass and hips around instead of humping, so that she was winding her cunthole around on his prick, adding torque to the friction of his in-and-out lunges. It felt as, if his iron-hard cock was boring a hole right through her belly, jolting her vital organs aside.

Thor jerked back too far and his cockhead slid from her pussy. He pumped a stroke up the crack of her ass. Barbara moaned and grabbed him by the balls, guiding his cock back into her cunt-hole and Thor slammed in to the roots with lightning speed, jamming her ass up high and forcing her blonde head down to the floor.

The mongrel was fucking her like a locomotive,, his mighty cock engine remorselessly plunging into her willing loins. His whole shaggy body was trembling as his hindquarters snapped and bucked, shoveling his cock in to the balls with every long stroke. Barbara was going crazy with the joy of it. His cockhead felt like a boulder in the core of her cunt. As he whipped his hairy fuck-stalk into her, her cuntmuscles clamped and sucked on his prick, driving the brute wild. Faster still, he heaved it to her, fucking her to jolly.

His prick lurched and Barbara thought he was going to shoot, but he kept on humping, only a trickle of pre-cum sliding into her creamy pussy-gash. His shaggy head bobbed up and down over her ass, dribbling doggy slobber onto her back. Barbara was slobbering herself, gurgling and gasping with the rising thrill. She was so fiery hot that she couldn’t tell if she was coming yet or not. Waves of bliss shot through her belly and ran up her thighs.

She reached back and fondled the brute’s swollen balls, then spread her fingers over her crotch so that she could feel his hairy cockshaft push in and out of her open pussy-slot. She rubbed her stiff clit and her hot fuck-bud exploded.

Now she knew she was creaming. Her cum-juice flooded into her fuckhole and the mongrel’s fat prick slithered like a submarine up her soaking pussy passage.

Barbara shook as a spasm hit her, then another. Her clit and cunt were going off in volleys. Girl spunk splashed out onto the dog’s balls. She felt his prick swell inside her.

“Ooooh-cum in me, boy!” she cried, yearning to feel his hot, thick slime hose her melting cunt-hole.

Thor howled and his balls erupted. His fuckjuice sped into her cunt-hole so hard that it seemed he would blow her off the end of his cock. He hauled her back by the hips and blew another gooey wad of jism into her as she creamed yet again. His jism was so thick that it felt as if he was pumping slimy rocks into her. Her fuckhole was flooded and overflowing, a swirling maelstrom of cream.

Barbara came again, the thrill enhanced now by the dark joy of feeling doggy jism spurt into her. She was almost fainting, crazed by her carnal desire. As her pussy dissolved, the powerful brute pumped load after load into her, as if, his balls were boundless.

His final squirt hit her and the mongrel slowed, panting and whimpering. A few last trickles slid into her pussy. Barbara kept on churning under the animal, finishing her climax joyfully. She smiled with contentment, kneeling there with her dog’s fat prick still stuck up her, drained now, but still stiff in her cunt-hole. He tugged back, and for a moment Barbara thought they might be stuck together-which she wouldn’t have minded at all. But then his prick began to soften and slide out. Thor hopped down from her ass, yanking his cock from her pussy-hole.

His cock came out with a slurp, and cum and cunt-cream streamed from her empty cuntslot.

Barbara twisted around to face the doggy. His balls were collapsed, and his prick was beginning to droop and retract. She sucked his cockhead into her mouth, relishing the delicious flavor of cockmeat that had just been soaked in a creaming cunt. She nursed on him expertly, hoping that she could coax another hard-on up.

But Thor was finished for the moment.

And then it no longer mattered, because the telephone rang. Barbara’s first customer was calling to ask about boarding his Great Dane.

“I expect him to get the best of care,” said the dog owner.

“Oh, he certainly will,” said Barbara.



Because her advertised terms were so reasonable, there was a considerable and immediate response. By the time that Jake had completed the kennels, Barbara had booked in the Great Dane, an Alsatian, a pair of black-and-tan hound’s and an Afghan, all due to arrive in the morning.

Claiming that she was all booked, she turned down a few smaller animals. By then she figured that she had enough doggies coming to satisfy even her own insatiable nature and she took the phone off the hook, so as not to be disturbed when she gave Jake another bonus.

He came in glistening with sweat again, which Barbara gladly licked off. Then she gave him a blowjob and, asking nothing in return, sent him happily away with a promise that he could stop by and see her again in a day or two. By then she figured that she would have had plenty of dog prick and would welcome some hairless man cock for a change.

Although blowing Jake had made her pussy hot again, Barbara ignored the urge to cum. She was so excited in anticipation of all the naughty treats in store for her the next day that she was resolved to stay horny so that she would appreciate them all the more. She went to bed early and resisted the urge to give herself a good fingerfucking, although she did pet and stroke her cunt a bit, just to keep it simmering.

By morning, Barbara was so hot that she felt as if her naked body must be incandescent.

Then the dogs began to arrive.

The owner brought the two black-and-tan hunting dogs first. They were sleek, glossy coated creatures named Buck and Blue, and Barbara figured they could do a lovely number on her, working in unison, the same way that they hunted their quarry. Their owner was a good-looking guy as well, and she toyed with the idea of seducing him on the spot, horny as she was, but she didn’t want to waste the time, nor her first cum of the day, on a human cock.

After he had departed, she led the hounds out to the kennels, eager and tempted to give their pricks a try, but forcing herself to wait because the other animals were due to arrive, and she didn’t want to. have the doorbell interrupt her when she had a cuntful of hound prick. No sooner had she got them kenneled than the Alsatian was delivered. He was a huge brute, bigger than Thor. He really turned Barbara on in expectation. She took him out to the kennels and caged him. Her pussy was streaming fragrantly, and all three dogs began to yelp and bark as they scented her arousal, thrusting their heads through the bars and sniffing.

Barbara had had the foresight not to wear any panties today. She lifted her skirt and shoved her belly out, letting the Alsatian have a lap at her pussy.

Then she moved down the row of cages and allowed Buck and Blue a few laps in turn. Cunt-juice gushed onto their long red tongues and she almost creamed. But then the doorbell rang again and she left the brutes panting, tongues hanging out, and went through the house to receive the Great Dane.

That massive beast was such an attractive prospect that Barbara could hardly wait to get his cock stuck up her. But since he had by far the largest cock of any of the dogs, she thought that it might be best to leave him for last. After his giant fuck-tool had plumbed her cunt-hole, she might not appreciate the smaller dogs so much.

Then a tall, sexy, dark-haired woman brought the Afghan. The dog was a handsome, silken haired animal who scented Barbara’s steaming arousal instantly, whining and pushing his head out towards her. The woman gave Barbara a quizzical look, as if maybe she, despite her limited human nose, had detected the rich smell of hot pussy.

“King is a very affectionate dog,” she said. “He’ll no doubt miss me a great deal. I hope-” She paused, giving Barbara a meaningful look. “-I hope you’ll give him lots of attention.”

Barbara nodded and the two sexy females gazed speculatively at each other. The tall dog owner seemed reluctant to depart, lingering by the front door. I wonder if she means that I should jerk her doggy off? Barbara thought. Does she? Oh, shit-I wonder if she might like me to suck her cunt?

But then, with a shrug and a slight smile, the woman departed. She had a provocative walk and Barbara gazed after her hungrily, thoughts of cunt-lapping nearly as stimulating as those of dog-fucking. She just had to have some pussy soon!

She was going to get some, as well, and from a source that greatly surprised her.

But first she had some dogs to deal with.

Since the Afghan was still in the house, she figured that she might as well start with that sleek, athletic brute. But how did she want her first doggy-sex today? She intended to fuck the huge Great Dane and she thought she might enjoy sucking off the Alsatian. The two hunting dogs would be a lovely matched pair for a head-and-tail job. But what about the Afghan?

The dog was staring intently at her, his black snout flaring, his head tilted to one side. While she considered what to do with him, Barbara sat down in a comfortable chair and pulled her skirt up. She parted her thighs. and the doggy came bounding over and buried his head between her legs. His tongue slapped frantically into her pussy-slot and Barbara knew that the dog was experienced.

The thought that his sexy mistress must have trained him thrilled her.

She wrapped her legs around him, hooking her knees and starting to rub his cock between her feet. The brute was already hard, his balls nicely bloated. His fuckrod throbbed as she stroked it with her feet and ankles. She pulled his head out of her crotch, not wanting to reach her first crest on a tongue. She bent down and kissed the animal on his well-juiced muzzle, licking at his tongue a little.

“What do you like, King?” she whispered, huskily. “What does your mistress do for you?”

King woofed and yanked his head back into Barbara’s crotch. His tongue ran down into the crack of her ass and Barbara smiled, her mind suddenly made up.

She would take her first dog cock of the day up her asshole, enjoying a shit-chuteful while at the same time, making her mouth hungrier and her cunt hornier for the next round.

Excited by the prospect, Barbara slid from the chair and began to fondle the Afghan’s cock with both hands. The handsome brute whined and stood to attention, obviously no novice at being caressed by human hands. His haunches stirred, shoving his prick out.

Barbara figured that she had better lubricate his fuck-knob to make it slide more easily up into her tight asshole.

Leaning under his silken flank, she slurped his hot cockhead into her mouth and wetted it thoroughly. His prick was delicious, she thought. Being a pedigreed doggy, his prick had a more subtle, less musky flavor than her mongrel. His pisshole oozed a few drops of spunk onto her tongue and she savored it on her taste buds, finding the flavor of Afghan slime distinctive. She was tempted to milk him in her mouth, but then she pulled her lips away.

She turned, shoving her ass towards King and the well-trained dog responded instantly, leaping up and mounting her haunches. Barbara wet her fingers in her mouth and rubbed saliva into the tight brown bud of her shit-hole. She nudged a finger up the tight slot, preparing her shittunnel for the lovely load to come.

Her asshole felt almost as hot as her cunt by this time.

King was humping impatiently, his cockhead bouncing against her ass. She folded her fist around his shaggy cock-stalk and levered his cockdown, working his fuck-knob around in her soaking cunt to lubricate it more.

King’s hindquarters heaved as he tried frantically to shove his prick up her fuckhole, but Barbara held him away with her restraining hand, allowing only his prick-knob to penetrate. She rubbed it around, squirming back against him.

Then she pulled his prick up out of her crotch, placing his long, hairy fuckshaft in the crack of her ass.

King humped, fucking through that crack, his cockhead emerging above her shapely ass. Barbara let him stroke up the tunnel between her asscheeks for a while, working up a nice, smooth rhythm. Then she angled his cock so that his prick-knob snuggled into her asshole. His angry red prick pulsed in her trim little pussy-slot. King yelped and hiked his haunches up higher, aiming his fuckrod into her shitchute.

Holding him by his cock, Barbara worked his slimy fuck-knob around in her puckered assbud. Her tiny asshole slowly rippled open and the tip of the dog’s cockhead inched in. King whimpered, his whole silken body quivering. If the dumb animal realized that his prick was going up an asshole instead of a cunt, he didn’t seem to mind.

With a juicy slurp, all of his fuck-knob vanished into Barbara’s ass. It was a tight fit, her ass-tunnel clinging snugly to his flaring cockhead. She slid her hand down to play with his balls and the doggy yelped and began to wedge his cock deeper into her. His fuck-knob was the fattest part of his big rig, forging a passage up her tight asshole. Her ass muscles fluttered and parted to accommodate his thick fuckrod. Inch by precious inch, the Afghan’s formidable fucktool disappeared into her shitter.

Barbara moaned and shoved back to meet him, and his silken-sheathed cock plunged in to the hilt.

His cockhead was flaring and throbbing deep in her bowels and his thick fuck-stalk was levering up her ass-tunnel. His balls hung down into her crotch and she rubbed them into her wet fuckslot. It hurt slightly, as his prick expanded in her, but she felt only a tingle of mild pain that enhanced the tingling thrill of getting buggered by the beast.

King held it all up her for a second, panting over her back. When he tried to pull out, the fit was so tight that at first he was merely dragging her ass back on his prick. But then her ass-passage spread open and his cock came out slowly until only the hot red slab of his fuckknob was stuck up her shit-slot.

He plunged in to the roots again, yelping, falling into the tempo. Barbara shoved her ass back to meet his thrusts and twisted her hips about as he withdrew. His sturdy cock was driving so deep up her digestive tract that she felt as if his smoking-hot cockhead must have unraveled the tangle of her guts, as if it was throbbing away in her stomach, splashing there in all the cum that she had swallowed the day before. Her asscanal was puffing and rippling on his sliding prick, dragging him in as if she were digesting his succulent fuckmeat in reverse, and swallowing his cock with her ass.

His haunches dipped down and he fed her an underslung stroke that tilted her pelvis up. Then he hiked up and pumped into her from above, shoving her ass down. Her thighs tensed and trembled as she pushed back to meet his thrusts.

His balls slapped into her cunt-slot and pussy-juice splashed out, drenching him. The overflow ran down the insides of her thighs in a hot tide.

“Pump it to me, boy!” she moaned. “Shove that big fucker up into my guts-”

Slamming back, she gorged her hot bowels on his prickmeat. The Afghan was fucking her ass furiously now, his haunches heaving, fast as a greyhound. His prick sped in and out so fast that Barbara thought it must be blistering her shit-chute by the friction, that smoke must be pouring from her asshole. She had never had a cock, canine or human, plunging into her so fast. Her ass jerked and jolted and churned as she tried to keep pace with the swift brute’s assault. Her mouth was hanging open, panting. His cockhead was plowing so far up her asscanal that she thought maybe his jism would spray from her lips when he finally unloaded his balls.

“Scum me, boy! Spunk my guts!” she wailed, eager to feel his hot tide steaming into her bowels, and with the other dogs available, not wanting to prolong the buggery too much longer. Even as he filled her shit-chute, her month was watering and her cunt was flooding at the delighted prospect of all the cock and cum waiting for her.

“C’mon, King-wash my guts-oooh-slime in my ass, boy!” she gurgled.

He whipped his cock into her like a dynamo, his haunches heaving in at a lightning speed, driving his prick up her ass at something like forty miles an hour. His bloated balls felt like sandbags as they swung into her steaming groin with loud whacks. Her clit was sparking as hers fuckslot creamed his balls, girl-juice pouring out.

His frantic vitality was shoving her away, fucking her across the floor on her hands and knees. Her head switched from side to side, her long blonde hair tumbling wildly. Her lovely face was a mask of depraved desire, eyes narrowed and lips parted. As he jolted her ass forwards, her fat fits swung under her like ripe fruit on a vine, the pink tips standing out like high-caliber bullets.

Dimly, Barbara could hear the other dogs howling from the back garden. She knew that the spicy fragrance of her overflowing pussy must be drifting out to them, inspiring them and getting them all ready to take their turns in her body.

King hammered into her ass and his balls slapped into her crotch as they exploded. His prick expanded and Barbara cried out in anticipation, knowing that a bellyful was on the way. He slammed his cockhead deep into her bowels and the Afghan-juice came streaming from his pisshole, flooding her guts.

Prancing on his hind legs, the doggy fed his cum into her in spurt after spurt, filling her bowels with his slimy cream. Barbara could feel each separate stream as it poured into her, hot and thick and abundant. The brute’s stamina matched his speed. He kept on hosing her with jism each time he plunged in. The stuff ran through the convolutions of her guts, pouring into her stomach. She thought that she could hear it sloshing around in her bowels.

King whimpered and began to falter, his fuckstrokes becoming erratic as his balls drained to the dregs.

Barbara shoved back against him, greedy for his prick, her ass pulling more fuck-juice out by suction. He clung to her haunches, panting. Barbara lowered her head and biked her ass up, wriggling around in a shit-chute full of cock, suspended on the end of the brute’s prick. His fuckmeat was still stiff inside her and the tight tunnel of her ass was clamped around him, ass muscles rippling. She rubbed his balls around in her crotch, feeling how deflated they were and thrilled to know that all the fuck-juice that had packed them so full before was now sloshing around in her guts, waiting to be joined by the next bellyful of cum that she swallowed.

Thinking of that, she made a sucking motion with her lips, as if to limber up her mouth. King was pulling his cock out of her asshole slowly, struggling through every tight inch. Barbara wriggled about to help him withdraw, relaxing her ass muscles at the same time. His hairy fuckrod came sliding out, but his naked red cockhead stuck in her shit-hole for a moment, distending her puckered little assbud, threatening to pull her asshole inside out. But then his fat, slick slab of prickmeat came out with a slurp. King hopped down from her haunches, his spent prick tossing about and his balls hanging loose.

Cum, tainted by Barbara’s bowels, came bubbling out from her vacated asshole and trickled on down into her creamy crotch to join the flow of her pussy-juice. She scooped up a fingerful and tasted it. Then she turned and crawled over to where the Afghan was standing, head hanging down and prick drooping and dripping.

Barbara rolled onto her back and wriggled under the dog’s loins, her face upturned under his dangling cock. Her lips parted. She blew up over his meatrack, causing his limp prickmeat to tingle. A thick glob of spunk suddenly oozed into his pisshole; one last lingering drop that had lurked in his balls as they emptied.

Barbara whimpered and opened her mouth.

The cum drop clung on the drooping head of the Afghan’s cock like a gooey pearl in a ruby mounting. Then it dropped off and fell heavily, splattering on Barbara’s lips and running onto her tongue. She swallowed it, then raised her face up from the floor, like a baby bird ready to be fed a worm.

Her nose brushed against the dog’s cockhead and she sniffed at his ass-stained fuckmeat. Then she sucked his prick into her mouth and nursed on it from underneath, finding his cock even more delicious now.

It was like some exquisite cordon bleu dish, Barbara thought, as she savored the tainted treat. Her experienced tastebuds could discern each individual flavor that made up the sweet sauce. There was the musky taste of cockmeat, a hint of cunt-juice from when she’d rubbed him around in her fuckslot, lashings of jism that had clung to his prick when he withdrew from her Lass and the tart, tangy taste of her asshole, all combined into one rare and rich blend.

She pushed her head up farther, feeding the fat coil of his limp prick back into her throat and swallowing his cock to the roots. With her nose pressed against his balls, she added the subtle aroma of bail meat to the mouthful.

If King’s cock had stiffened again, Barbara would have kept right on sucking, swallowing his next load with her greedy mouth so that it would flow into the load injected from the other end. But his cock stayed limp, his balls slack.

She polished it clean and lowered her head again, letting his fuck-knob slip from her lips.

She wasn’t disappointed-not with a whole kennel full of dog-cock eagerly awaiting her, four more sets of canine balls that needed to be emptied for starters-and there was also her own mongrel, neglected so far today, if she wanted even more.

She would have to give poor old Thor a really great suck and fuck, to make up for being so unfaithful to him, Barbara thought, and giggled, thinking that that was how she would have treated a husband, if she had had one.



The dogs in the kennel were making a terrible racket, howling and yelping, and Barbara knew that the fragrance of her heated pussy must be really filling the air of the neighborhood. She loved the idea that all those brutes were getting so horny. It gave her an idea. If the dogs got turned-on by scenting her cunt from afar, just imagine how they would react to an exhibition-a performance that demonstrated just what they, in their turns, would get.

She quickly stripped off her skirt and blouse. They had in no way hampered the buggery, but she wanted to be naked for the next act, revealing the promise of the human female body. She put a large cushion from the couch under her arm and, taking King by the collar, led him out to the back garden.

When the other dogs saw her naked and sniffed her aroma from closer range, they went berserk, howling and leaping at the doors of their cages. Barbara was delighted to see that they all had stiff pricks and bloated ball sacs. She led King to a vacant cage. The Afghan was looking rather smug, in a doggy way, and she guessed that sensitive canine instincts had told the other brutes what had been going on in the house. She caged the Afghan, then walked slowly down the line of kennels, gazing at each dog in turn. Coming back down the line, she pressed her naked belly to each cage and let the occupant have a sniff and a lick between her thighs before she moved on.

The animals were all wild with lust-and dog loving Barbara was as wild as any of them.

She decided to take on the Alsatian next.

Returning to his cage, she once again pressed her belly to the door and let him slurp at her pussy for a while, Cunt-juice and doggy slobber streamed down her thighs and her firm, shapely ass slowly churned as she ground her groin against the brute’s muzzle. Then she turned and pushed her ass up to the cage. The Alsatian eagerly whipped his tongue up through the crack and lapped at her asshole. He yelped and growled as he tasted her sticky brown assbud, tongue and nostrils both telling the beast that a load of dog jism had recently filled her slut-chute. She enjoyed a few minutes of ass rimming, then stepped away, turned, and opened the cage door.

The big hairy brute came bounding out like a bull charging into the bullring looking for something to gore.

Barbara knelt down and placed a big cushion on the ground. She stretched out across it, her slender back arched, the cushion supporting her pelvis up high.

She opened her legs and the Alsatian thrust his head between
them and began to lap wildly at her foaming fuckslot, slurping up with long strokes that began in the crack of her ass and came flipping out through her cunt bush.

She closed her thighs around his shoulders, squeezing and pulling his muzzle tight to her pussy. She was thinking about letting the beast fuck her cunt as she sprawled out, bridged across the cushion. His cock and balls looked dynamic. But then she looked across at the Great Dane and saw that that huge monster had an even more massive prick so she decided to save her cunt-hole for him.

The Alsatian was going to fuck her, certainly. But he was going to fuck her in the mouth.

Barbara reached down and grasped the dog’s collar, holding his head where it was. Then she began to wriggle towards him over the cushion. The brute kept on lapping at her curly cunt mound, then at her belly. She squirmed down more and his hot lapper danced and flashed against her up thrust tits, making her nipples explode.

The howling from the other dogs was making such a din now that she wondered if the neighbors would complain. She slid lower so that her head was on the cushion, her face supported at the angle that her crotch had been to begin with, and that her open mouth had taken the position of her cunt.

The Alsatian had never coupled with a woman before, and he was obviously confused by the position, blowjobs being unknown in the canine world. He licked at her face, whimpering. Barbara licked back, their tongues sliding together.

She slurped his fat lapper into her mouth and sucked off the cunt-cream and doggy slobber.

His cock was jammed against her fits, the hairy stalk pressed Into her deep cleavage. His balls were so full that they felt as large as her tits as they slid against her cunt mound.

Barbara dragged the dog higher and his cock loomed up before her radiant face, angled too high to sink into her mouth for the moment. Her blonde head ducked down and she lapped at his swollen balls, then she licked up and down his hairy fuck-stalk and flutter-kissed the underside of his slick red cock-knob.

The Alsatian whimpered at the sensation. He had often licked his own prick, but no other tongue had ever done It to him. Still, he sure wasn’t going to protest.

Folding her fist around the shaggy root of his cockshaft, Barbara levered his prick down so that his cockhead was pointed right at her moist lips. She licked at it some more, tonguing all over his cock slab and into his pisshole.

“Wanna use my mouth for a cunt, boy?” she whispered. “Wanna fuck my face just like a pussy?”

The Alsatian was bewildered. He didn’t attempt to hump into her mouth, even with his cockhead flaring against her parted lips.

Barbara smiled at the brute’s confusion. It was just like seducing a virgin, she thought. Like sucking the cherry fuckjuice out of a young boy’s cock and balls. The thought delighted her, for Barbara, among all her other interests, dearly loved to seduce and corrupt virgins of any sex-or any species.

She sniffed his heated fuck-knob as her tongue lashed around against the sensitive underside of his fat red cock. The Alsatian’s cockhead was blunter than Thor’s or King’s a wide, wedge-shaped slab of angry red prick meat, flaring out naked from his hairy shaft. Sticky ribbons of pre-cum ran from his pisshole and seeped down the slope of his cock-knob, all milky on the flushed flesh. Barbara let his slime trickle onto her tongue, whetting her appetite.

With her blonde head braced against the cushion and her face at a fucking angle, she pulled the Alsatian’s cockhead into her mouth. Her lips collared his fuckrod just behind the knob, pulling gently, inviting his fat cock into her mouth. The brute still didn’t comprehend. He stood quivering, not knowing enough to hump. Barbara sucked lovingly on his prick and bathed it with her tongue.

He yelped and growled and barked in bewildered bliss. Barbara saw that she was going to have to show him what to do, to demonstrate the movement of face-fucking. She slowly pushed her head down, taking more of his prick into her mouth. She pulled back to his cock-knob, sucking through every inch, then ducked down again, sliding the tight collar of her lips almost to the hilt.

The Alsatian trembled and cocked his head, a look of understanding coming into his amber eyes. He had fucked plenty of bitches in heat and he knew the wonderful sensation of haying his hard cock sliding in and out of a cunt. Now, as Barbara demonstrated, the doggy began to realize that a human mouth was interchangeable with a cunt!

His haunches rippled and he humped tentatively.

“That’s right, boy,” Barbara sighed, pleased at having shown a dog a new trick.

He humped again, still with uncertainty, but rapidly getting the idea. Pleased with her dog student’s progress, Barbara rested her head against the cushion again, holding steady so that her face formed a fucking platform.

He fed her almost all of his prick and she gurgled with pleasure. He drew back until only his fuck-knob was in her lips, then shoveled his fuckrod in again, causing her to gag slightly as his smoking-hot cockhead pumped into her gullet.

The brute had the idea down in earnest now, and he began to fuck into Barbara’s eager mouth frantically. She hoped that the other dogs were learning the lesson as they watched from their cages.

“Ummm-ummm!” she purred, as the Alsatian pulled back and his throbbing fuckrod passed through her sucking lips. Then he plowed back in and she gulped and swallowed his prickknob. She was holding his balls in her hand, but not frigging his fuck-stalk, wanting the horny brute to fuck her mouth rather than to jerk him off.

He jammed her blonde head deep into the cushion as he plunged in, his balls ballooning in her hand. They felt as big and as hard as baseballs, she thought, whimpering in happy anticipation of the load of fuck-juice that they contained.

She released her hold on his swollen ballsac and it swung in and slapped her under her chin as the brute force-fed his massive prick all the way into her gorge. Barbara choked and sputtered, then purred as he withdrew and gave her a chance to catch a quick breath before he stuffed her gullet again.

His hind legs danced and scrambled and his tail swirled behind him as the Alsatian energetically practiced this new trick that he had just been taught-so much more interesting than chasing a stick or rolling over and playing dead.

His prick whipped in and out, a hairy blur passing through the oval of her red lips. She tilted her head forwards a bit and his balls dragged over her tits as he plunged in and pulled back out, jerking his cock from her mouth urgently in anticipation of shoving it in again.

Gurgling with cocksucker’s delight, adoring the delicious feeling of depravity she got from letting a doggy use her mouth as a fuckhole, Barbara twisted her lips around on his rampaging fuckrod, fairly screwing her bead onto his prick.

Her tongue was folded into a soft wet arch, massaging his big fucker as it slid in and out. She was drooling heavily and the Alsatian’s pisshole was dribbling cum onto her tongue. His dark hairy fuck-stalk pulled from her lips all coated with her saliva and streaked with the seepage of his preliminary spunk.

The dog’s big head was bobbing up and down over her shoulder, his tongue dripping down her back and he jolted in and out with back bone twisting lunges that contorted his brawny body. The beast was yelping with joy as the other dogs yelped with bitter frustration.

Barbara played with her tits, pulling at her nipples, then slid both hands down her gently curved belly and fondled her fuckslot and tit, jerking her crotch up and down, then from side to side. Her cunt was drooling like a hungry mouth-like the mouth with which it was interchangeable, and which was now getting so well fed.

She brought one hand up to caress the Alsatian’s balls, frigging herself with the other. Then she held the brute by the flanks, pulling his loins into her eager face.

A gooey strand of jism ran down her throat.

For a moment, Barbara thought that the dog had gotten his rocks off and she sucked and swallowed greedily, disappointed that his discharge was so thin and scant. But the brute kept on humping his cock to her and, to her delight, she realized that he hadn’t cum at all, that he had only fed her another glob of pre-cum.

Although she was longing for his load, Barbara was loving this face-fucking so much that she wanted to delay, the creamy dessert. Grasping the Alsatian by the hilt of his prick, she waited until her jerked away on the backstroke, then yanked his cock-knob from her lips. The dog howled and humped furiously, attempting to bury his cock back in that suction cup of a mouth.

She held him steady, gazing at his flaring fuck-knob and squeezing his prickshaft. Pearly drops oozed out and her nimble tongue flashed as she gathered them from his cockhead. More cum squeezed from his cock cleft and Barbara was afraid that the horny brute might blow his wad in her hand. She opened her mouth and stuffed his slimy prick back in, and the Alsatian renewed his assault, pounding and pumping into her head.

His cock had expanded so massively now as he neared his orgasm that his fuck-knob was stuffing both of Barbara’s cheeks at the same time and, too huge to fit down her throat, was tilting her head back into the supporting cushions.

She swallowed as much as she could and sucked desperately as he chew back out.

His enormous cockhead lodged in her mouth on the backstroke. Her mouth was wide-open, her jaw hanging down, her lips spread wide, yet his smoking hot cock was so gigantic now that it wouldn’t fit through the oval collar of her lips.

She couldn’t have spat it out if she’d wanted to. Stuck behind her teeth, his succulent prick could not be disgorged until it had been emptied-and that was a prospect that made Barbara whimper. The dog-loving girl felt an actual physical hunger for his fuck-juice.

Suddenly her mouth was full of cum.

She had had no warning. The Alsatian had soared to the crest so abruptly that she didn’t realize he was about to shoot, and then she found her mouth had become a swamp.

His jism was thick as molasses and steaming hot. Barbara gulped it down and he pumped another creamy mouthful into her, flooding her cheeks and pouring down her throat so abundantly that it felt as if she had been gulping from a bottle of cream. The dog kept on coming and Barbara kept on sucking and swallowing.

She was in seventh heaven, transported to ecstasy as she greedily drank his dog slime.

The other dogs howled, fairly screaming, as they saw and heard and scented the Alsatian’s spillage and their own unemptied balls swelled with excitement. Only the Afghan, his balls already emptied, was not in an agony of frustration, although he may have wondered, in his dog way, if the blonde woman’s mouth felt as good as her asshole had, and whether he would get a chance to find out.

Jism sloshed and splashed and squirted into her mouth. Barbara was drinking so much of the sweet stuff that she could feel her belly expand. The insatiable girl already had plenty of Afghan spunk in her guts, and now the Alsatian’s cream was pouring down and mixing with it before she had a chance to digest the stuff, so that she was filled by a double dose. It crossed her mind that, now she was boaring doggies, she might have to go on a diet.

At last, like a mighty engine running down, the big Alsatian slowed his strokes and his prick stopped spurting. Barbara lay back against the cushion, smiling around his hairy fuck-stalk, streams of slime overflowing her lips. The brute’s cockhead was still swollen hugely. When he pulled back, his fuck-slab lodged firmly in her teeth and lips, making it impossible to withdraw. His prick was stuck in her mouth, Barbara realized. She nursed and nibbled on it lovingly, letting the last mouthful of cum trickle slowly down her throat and wondering just how long it would be before they could manage to uncouple.

If the Alsatian had been the only doggy around, she would have been perfectly content to stay right where they were-even to suck a second load out of him, without having him withdraw from her mouth for a moment. But her cunt was smoldering and all the other dogs were frantic, and Barbara, under the circumstances, was eager to proceed with her canine adventure.

She forced her mouth open as wide as it would go, almost unhinging her jaws.

Grasping the Alsatian by the balls, she tugged. Slowly, his slick red cockhead came pulling through her lips. It popped out and flopped down to bounce on her tits, then flipped back up and brushed against her slimy lips. She kissed the slab affectionately and seeing it had diminished enough so that it wouldn’t get stuck again, she slurped it back into her mouth for a last tasty suck.

Then she sprawled back and the Alsatian stepped away, his tongue lolling out, a look of disbelief and wonderment in his wide amber eyes. The dumb brute still didn’t know what had happened to him, nor why-but he hoped it would happen again soon.



Barbara lay there for a few minutes, basking in the aftermath of the thrilling fuck. Her mouth was open, her legs wide-apart. Doggy cum dribbled from her lips, a few lingering drops ran out of her shit-hole and her cunt was streaming with pussy-juice. All three fuckholes were unoccupied at the moment, but two of them had already been stuffed and drenched.

Now it was time to get a cuntful.

She got up slowly, her legs a bit shaky, and led the Alsatian back to his cage.

The big brute went in willingly and obediently. With his jaws hanging open, he seemed to be smirking at his less fortunate companions.

Had the Alsatian and the Afghan just leered at each other? But no. They were just dogs. Still, they were two dogs with empty balls-and the others were desperate.

She pondered for a moment, trying to decide if she wanted to take on the two hounds at the same time, or if she was ready for the Great Dane’s giant prick.

She cupped her pussy in her hand. It felt so hot she thought it might scald her palm, and she decided that it was time for Great Dane prick.

Should she fuck him there in the yard, her ass hiked up across the cushion? She guessed that she had better not. Buck and Blue were.both bounding around in such frantic need that she was afraid that the hounds might cream if they were forced to watch another performance in which they weren’t involved-and the last thing she wanted was for those sleek matched hunting dogs to spill their spunk outside of her body. She went over to the hounds cages and, when they thrust their heads out eagerly, let each have a few laps of pussy.

“You’ll have to wait, fellas,” she said. “But don’t worry, it won’t be long.”

They cocked their heads and whimpered, looking so pitiful that Barbara felt sorry for them. But she was going to make it up to them, no doubt about that.

With the hunting dogs drooling and looking dejected and forlorn, Barbara went up to the Great Dane’s kennel. His fat tongue shot out immediately and she gave him a taste of pussy. Then she opened the door and the huge brute bounded out, his tongue flying at her ass and thighs and groin.

Giggling at his eagerness, Barbara walked toward the house. The Great Dane trotted after her, lapping at her ass, his vast cock jolting with every stride.

Barbara took him into the house where she intended to get fucked in comfort and privacy.

But that fuck was going to be interrupted.


Barbara’s younger sister, Judy, was home from college for the holidays-and horny as hell.

Staying at their parents’ house, with no place to take a guy if she met one, the sexy college girl was bored as well as frustrated. At school she had plenty of dates, most of whom she fucked ragged. On the odd night when she didn’t have a date, she had a pretty redheaded roommate who was always willing to go down on her, and was delighted when Judy returned the favor. So it was natural that Judy was not happy at home, and wondering where she could get some prick or tongue. She was a gorgeous girl and would have had no trouble, but She was reluctant to misbehave in her own home town in case word got back to her mom and dad.

Her frustration was compounded by the fact that she couldn’t even use her vibrator for fear that her parents might hear the incriminating buzzing sound.

At the moment she was sitting on her bed, stark-naked, gazing wistfully at the cock-shaped vibrator that she didn’t dare to switch on. Her legs were crossed in the lotus position, and the tips of her fat fits were so swollen they seemed ready to burst.

She tilted her head down. She had long blonde hair, like her older sister, streaked by the sun and falling over her shoulders in ringlets. As she tilted her face down, tresses like golden filigree tumbled onto the slopes of her tits.

She looked longingly at the big vibrator she was holding in one hand, then gazed at her open pussy. Her rosy cuntlips were peeled right back, so that her fuckslot seemed to be turned almost inside out, the darker, padded flesh of her inner pussy-folds exposed. Trickles of cunt-juice ran sluggishly down her crotch, and a few pearly ribbons spilled onto the hot flesh of her shapely inner thighs. Her clit was visibly pulsing.

“Oh, shit!” the horny teenager murmured, frustrated by the whole situation. She regretted having decided to spend the holidays at home, and wished that she had had the foresight to buy a silent vibrator-did they make vibrators with mufflers? she wondered.

She just had to get her rocks off soon. But she wanted more than a hand job, and although the vibrator could be used as a dildo, it wasn’t nearly as effective when it wasn’t buzzing and humming merrily away.

She held the device up to her face, studying it. It was a realistic fuck-tool, with a bulging knob and a long, thick stalk. There was a raised ridge running up the underside where the vein of a real prick would be-a little refinement that could do wonders for a girl’s fuck-button when it was properly placed and applied.

She licked the fat knob of the tool, then slipped it into her mouth and sucked on it.

Judy had used the vibrator on her redheaded roommate just before leaving school, and she could still taste the familiar fragrance, of the girl’s pussy on the knob and stalk. It made her hornier than ever and her tongue seemed hot as her clit.

Drawing the cock-shaped object from her mouth, she tilted her head lower. She cupped her fits, lifting the heavy globes, and licked at each nipple in turn, then slurped her swollen tit mounds into her mouth and suckled them. It felt lovely to nurse on her own fit-tips, but not nearly as lovely as it did when another girl or a guy did the job.

Her stiff tit-buds seemed to burst in her lips, and she purred with the fiery sensations that lanced from those tips and shot down through her body into her trembling loins.

With a little squeal, Judy bent still lower, bowing her slender back as much as she could, trying to jackknife her supple body, folding her torso right over so that she could get her head between her legs and eat her own pussy.

She raised her knees and tucked her head down, sticking her tongue out as far as it would extend. She was a limber young lady and she damned near made it, but not quite, falling a few frustrating inches short of her goal.

She was able to run her tongue around in her curly blonde cunt bush, but couldn’t quite reach her clit. She could feel the intense heat of her pussy waft into her face as she poised there only inches away-inches that might as well have been miles. for all the good they did her in her aborted quest.

Her mouth was watering. She let a little saliva dribble from her lips and splatter into her open pussy-gash, rubbing it into her hot cunt-folds with her fingertips. Then she brought her hand up to her mouth and licked her cunt-juice from her fingers. It was delicious. She could well understand why her roommate was so eager to eat her out at the drop of a hat-or the drop of her panties, to be more precise.

With a sigh, she leaned back again. It was just too frustrating to have her tongue and lips so close to her pussy and not be able to bridge the gap. How handy it would be to be acrobatic enough to suck her own cunt whenever she wanted to, she thought.

Resigned to what she could get, she picked up the vibrator again. She held her hairy cuntlips open with one hand and rubbed the vibrator around in her pussy and against her fuck-bud, shuddering at the contact. Her thumb toyed with the switch and she was sorely tempted to take a chance, but didn’t dare. Her mom and dad would probably have heart attacks if they heard her vibrator frolicking away in her cunt, she figured.

In actual fact, her mother and father would more likely have had orgasms-but Judy didn’t know that.

Leaning down so that she could see the vibrator, she began to inch the, fat stalk up into her pussy-tunnel. She worked it in to the hilt and jerked it around inside her hot fuckhole. Then she began to pull it out and push it back in, holding it so that the ridge was rubbing directly over her throbbing clit.

It felt nice, yet without the vibrating action it was rather a clinical and detached way to bring herself off, a perfunctory fucking that would certainly make her cream, yet lacked excitement, rather like getting laid by some plain and awkward fellow who had little in the way of technique and showed no enthusiasm.

Her tight pussy sucked on the fuck-tool as it pulled out, her clit flared, and she began to rise toward the peak almost at once. She sprawled back along the bed, knees raised, pounding the plastic prick into her cunt vigorously now. She could hear her cunt slurp and squish as she dragged and shoved the tool in and out.

She wanted to cry out as the waves raced faster and higher, yet she stifled her wails of desire, fearing they would be overheard.

She turned her head into the pillow and moaned as softly as she could as she came to the crest. She held there for a prolonged moment, quivering all through her voluptuous body, then crashed from the peak. She gurgled into the pillow, whipping the fuck stick furiously into her overflowing pussy. Cunt-juice turned to girl cum and poured from her pussy in a deluge, as if a box full of pearls were being melted in the furnace of her loins.

She creamed, ebbed, then creamed again and yet a third time, as the vibrator stuffed her fuckhole and caressed her clit. The last spasm shook her and she whimpered. Her hand slowed down, then halted, with the dildo buried in her pussy.

She lay there, panting, for a few minutes. It had been nice and it had taken the pressure off, but she still felt horny. Judy’s desires were psychological as well as physical, centered as much in her imagination as in her crotch.

Satisfying her body in such a mundane fashion did nothing for her mind.

She pulled the vibrator out of her soaking pussy and held it up, watching ha girl-cum seep down the rod. She ran her tongue up the ridge, lapping her own tasty fuck-juices up, then pushed the knob into her mouth and sucked on it, swallowing the hot nectar and trying to make believe that it was a real prick that had just come, dripping, out of some other girl’s creamy fuckhole.

Then she fingered her drenched pussy, dipping her fingers into her fuckhole, and brought her hand up to her lips, licking and sucking up more of her overflow.

“Fucking hell-I just got to get some prick or pussy!” the girl moaned, seemingly more in need of sex now, despite the fact that she had creamed in her solitary orgasm. But who and how and where? A guy or a girl-she didn’t care which.

Rubbing her cunt some more, keeping it simmering, she considered her options.

Maybe she could meet someone who didn’t know who she was? Someone from out of town, staying at a hotel, would be the ideal solution. She could give him-or her-a false name and fuck him to a frazzle.

It was worth a try, she figured. But she would need some excuse to go out and, more important, to stay out, in case she struck it lucky and got to spend the night away from home.

Then she got a clever idea.

She would tell her parents that she was going over to visit her sister. Judy and Barbara had always gotten along well together and had often had girly conversations about sex. She guessed that Barbara would be willing to cover for her, if she needed an alibi.

Excited by the prospect of potential prick or pussy, Judy jumped up, hid the vibrator and hurriedly dressed.

Maybe her sister would even know some guy? Maybe she can fix her up on the quiet.

Barbara knew lots of guys, of course.

She knew lots of girls, too.

And even as Judy prepared to visit her, Barbara was getting to know another doggy…



Barbara led the huge Great Dane into the living room and, with the dog lapping at her ass, paused for a moment as she decided what position she wanted to take him on in. Since she’d been getting plenty of doggy fucking from Thor recently, and the assfuck that the Afghan had fed her had also been in the doggy position, she figured it would make a nice change to fuck the Great Dane face to face, human-style. Both postures had specific benefits.

When she got down on all fours, groveling like a bitch in heat while a horny doggy plunged and bucked over her ass, it made her feel deliciously depraved, like an animal herself. But when she balled a doggy face to face, the thrill was enhanced by the fact that she could actually see the dog, without having to look over her shoulder, as he pounded his prick into her, adding a visual element to the degradation she so much loved.

She moved over to a big, comfortable armchair and sat down, her ass perched on the edge and her thighs parted wide. The Great Dane jammed his muzzle in and slurped at her foaming cunt. His heavy red tongue felt as big as a prick as it probed her fuckslot, but tilting her head and gazing under the massive brute, she saw to her delight that his tongue was not nearly as huge as his cock.

The Great Dane’s cockhead was not tapered like most of her doggy lovers. It was a gigantic slab of blunt meat, like the head of a war club that would batter her pussy rather than stab it. His long fuck-stalk was as thick as Barbara’s wrist and his balls looked as big as lemons, loaded with delicious cum.

His tongue whipped up her fuck-tunnel and his big, heavily jowled head ground into her groin. As his tongue tasted her sweetness, his nostrils flared, drinking in her aroma. Whimpers and whines sounded in her crotch, muffled on her cuntmeat against the steady background music of his busily slurping tongue.

She reached down and stroked his cock and balls as he lapped her, but she was careful not to pump his cock in a steady pattern, not wanting to risk bringing him off by hand.

She enjoyed the devoted duty of his tongue for a few minutes, then grasped him by the collar and dragged his head from her crotch. She pulled up with. all her strength, unable to budge the huge beast. But then he seemed to get the idea.

Tensing, he bounded up, planting his front paws in the chair on either side of her hips. His hind legs were braced on the floor, his long, muscular body quivering.

He dropped his wet muzzle and lapped at her tits, then licked eagerly at her face, perhaps recalling in his doggy memory how the woman had let the Alsatian use her mouth. She sucked on his cunt-juice-flavored tongue and rubbed his prick against her tits.

Cupping her fat tit-mounds together around his hairy fuckrod, she let the brute hump her cleavage, watching his slick prick-knob come squeezing out. She lowered her head and licked at his sticky cock-tip, then sucked it into her lips and allowed him to fuck into her face for a moment. His meaty prick was succulent, and Barbara looked forward to sucking him off in due course. But at moment, she was longing for a cuntful of that formidable fuck-tool.

Lifting her head, she pushed the doggy down until his. prick was thundering between her parted thighs. She was wondering if the Great Dane would be able to figure this position out by himself or if she would have to assist him.

Wrapping his front legs around her thigh, the Great Dane commenced to hump her leg, yelping urgently.

“Dumb dog!” she laughed.

His iron-hard cock slid up and down on her trembling thigh, smoking-hot and starting to drip heavily. Barbara tilted her crotch up higher and arched her slim back. Holding his cock by the hairy hilt, she guided his swollen fuck-knob into her creamy pussy-gash. She worked his naked fuckmeat around, her wrist turning and jerking as if she were pounding a pestle into a mortar. Preliminary fuck-juice oozed from his pisshole an
d slid into her lathered pussy.

She slowly inched his cockhead into her fuckhole. The angry red slab vanished between her hairy cuntlips and she drew her hand away. The Great Dane looked puzzled. He cocked his head, whimpering. He knew that his prick was buried in a cunt-hole but he didn’t seem to understand how it could be possible, face to face.

Barbara was frigging her fuckhole slowly up and down through an inch or two of hard prick, demonstrating the action. The Great Dane tensed and took a tentative hump, shoving another inch or so into her. He growled deep in his throat. Bewildered, but with total enthusiasm, the huge dog began to fuck the blonde girl with long, rippling strokes. Each time he humped, he fed a bit more of his giant fuck-tool into her fuckhole, until finally he was stuffing it in to the roots, his prick buried and his balls slapping against her up thrust ass.

Barbara, loving the way that his enormous cock was filling her, retreating, then filling her again, moved against him, pushing her pussy down to meet his prick and twisting her hips from side to side as the doggy withdrew. Her cuntwalls molded around his big prick and her cuntmuscles sucked hard.

Barbara’s ass lifted, churning. Her cunt-hole massaged his cock with frigging friction. The Great pane was slobbering all over her fits, his big head going up and down as his haunches heaved in and out, twisting his backbone into an arch.

Barbara leaned down and licked at the dog’s muzzle, then threw her head and shoulders back into the chair and wrapped her legs around his flanks. She began to tighten her thigh muscles, hooking his cock into her cuntlips.

“Move, you big son of a bitch!” she hissed. “Throw that lovely cock into me, boy. Unghhh!”

She grunted as his flaring cockhead throbbed in her cunt core, fifing her to the brim.

His balls whacked against her up thrust ass, solid with jism, promising her a massive load of spunk. His haunches dipped as he fed her a long, underslung thrust, then he hiked up and pounded into her pussy from a higher angle, running his hairy fuckrod across her clit like a crowbar working over a fulcrum.

His fat cock vanished into her pussy and creamy pussy nectar poured from her fuck-slot and streamed down onto her ass. Then his balls whacked in like blackjacks and the pearly stuff sprayed from her asscrack. The Great Dane was pumping his prick to her faster and faster now, jolting her loins as he stuffed her, and Barbara knew it would not be very long before her fuckhole was hosed by his jism.

Then she heard the front door open.

Horrified, she tried to disengage, pushing the doggy away. But the brute was stuck up her and not at all inclined to uncouple. He had no doubt heard the door open, himself, but being a dumb brute he had no idea of shame or embarrassment. Why on earth should he?

He kept on pounding into Barbara. He was far too heavy and powerful for her to shove him away and his cock was so swollen that she was unable to yank it out of her cunt even when she grabbed his balls.

“Barb? It’s me!” Judy called.

Oh my God! Barbara thought. It’s my baby sister!

In a panic, Barbara squirmed and wriggled, trying desperately to dislodge the brute, to no avail. The Great Dane fucked doggedly on, an unstoppable engine pistoning into her loins. The more that the girl squirmed, the more she was twisting her fuckhole around on his prick, making the beast more resolute and determined than ever. In trying to wriggle off his cock, she was defeating her own purpose.

“Go away, Judy!” she cried.

“Oh, there you are,” Judy said, stepping into the room-and halting dead in her tracks, eyes popping out and jaw dropping wide-open as she stared in amazement at the bizarre scene.

“Please don’t look, Sis!” Barbara begged. “Go away!”

Judy looked totally stunned, shaking her pretty head in disbelief. Then, slowly, she began to smile.

“Like hell,” she said.

There was no way that Barbara’s kid sister, horny as she was, herself, was going to go away. Quite the reverse. Grinning lasciviously, Judy walked across the room and knelt down beside the chair so that she could see the action from close up. The two sisters, one mortified and the other fascinated, exchanged a glance. Then Judy dropped her gaze into Barbara’s well-occupied crotch, observing the juicy details as the Great Dane, in blissful ignorance that he was misbehaving, continued to pump his prick into Barbara.

In fact, the frenzied animal was getting more excited than ever now, for the fragrance of a second overheated cunt was filling his flaring nostrils.

The doggy was nearing his cum now, and Barbara, despite herself, felt her cunt start to cream. She moaned and bucked. Since she had already been caught fucking with the dog, and since her sister was obviously not going to leave and didn’t seem to be scandalized at all, Barbara saw no reason not to enjoy the finish of the fuck.

She stopped trying to squirm off the mighty animal’s prick and began to hump with him again as his cock swelled bigger and bigger, like a time bomb ticking towards explosion.

“Ooooh, yeah-fuck him, Sis!” Judy encouraged.

Barbara jammed her fuckhole down as the Great Dane slammed in, taking his prick balls deep into her loins. Judy leaned closer, her eyes glued to the coupling, intrigued by the sight of the dog’s thick, hairy cockshaft pulling in and out of her sister’s cunt.

“Holy shit!” she murmured, in awe.

“He’s gonna cum!” wailed Barbara. “Oh, Sis! The fucking dog is gonna shoot in me!”

“Yeah! Yeah! Take his cum, Barb! Oh, you lucky girl! Milk his balls off, Sis!”

Judy gasped. “Jesus Christ! His fat cock is nearly pulling your pussy inside out!”

“Pump your fuck-juice into me, boy!” cried Barbara, totally abandoned to lust now, like a wild animal in her passion.

The Great Dane was feeding his cock to Barbara as fast as he could now, haunches flying in and out, stubby tail twitching. Barbara held him by his brawny shoulders, going wild under his assault. She leaned up and sucked his tongue into her mouth, clamping the velvet vise of her thighs around his flanks. Then she threw her legs wide apart again to give the dog free rein in her groin-and also to give her fascinated sister an unhindered view.

The Great Dane was panting into Barbara’s mouth, his tongue slapping at her parted lips, slobber damned near as thick as jism drooling from his wide jaws.

Suddenly the brute howled.

Barbara cried out in expectation, knowing that the huge beast was about to cream in her fuckbox. Her clit exploded in anticipation. Her pelvic muscles all tensed and closed, tightening her cunt around the contours of the dog’s prick.

Her cunt-hole was working like a suction pump, puffing his spunk from his balls.

“Pour it to me!” she screamed, wanting the brute’s cum even more now that her teenaged sister was an avid observer, approving, encouraging, envious-and waiting for her own turn. “My cunt is melting! Hose me with your fucking slime, boy!”

The dog’s balls erupted. His fuck-juice rushed up his cockstalk and came shooting out into her cunt-hole in a frothy deluge. Barbara wailed with the joy of It and let her own coming go wild. The Great Dane thundered away, his cock hammering into her furiously, slamming and pounding. It was like fucking a pile driver, a battering ram.

Barbara jerked her fiery fuckhole down to the hilt of his prick, taking every sweet inch. Her cuntlips plastered around the hairy root of his cock and her pussy-hole creamed on his thick shaft as he spurted more jism up her cunt.

Drained at last, the mighty dog trembled, his haunches shaking as if he had spilled all his energy into her. His massive head dropped down to rest on her fat tits. Barbara squirmed about for another moment, milking off the last of her own coming on his prick. Then she turned her head and looked at her sister a bit sheepishly.

“I never knew you were into dogs,” Judy said. Barbara grinned.

“Naw,” she said. “Dogs are into me-”



The Great Dane pulled his prick out of Barbara’s cunt slowly. His fat prick-knob slurped from her fuck-slot and the doggy hopped down from the chair, wagging his stubby tall. Barbara’s legs were spread wide apart and Judy was staring at her flooded crotch.

“You aren’t shocked, huh?” Barbara asked.

“Shit, no!” Judy exclaimed. “But it made me so fucking hot, Sis! My cunt is on fucking fire!”

Judy pulled her skirt up and looked down into her own crotch. Her panties had been sucked up into her fuckslot by the suction, the crotchband dragged right inside her fuckhole so that her rosy cuntlips were revealed on both sides.

“I gotta cum, ’Barb!” she wailed.

Barbara hesitated. There were other doggies available and she didn’t at all mind sharing them with her baby sister, but the sight of that creamy pussy was making her drool. Judy was her own little sister and she knew it was naughty, but she couldn’t help herself.

“I-I could suck you off,” she whispered, tremulously, blushing, afraid that Judy might be appalled at her incestuous suggestion.

But Judy hadn’t shown Barbara her crotch for nothing.

“Oooooh-would you, Sis?” she said.

“Ummmm!” Barbara purred-a hungry sound.

Judy didn’t hesitate at all. Kneeling, she tugged her soaking panties down and pulled them off. Her pussy was like a wet flower, rosy petals spread, clit pulsing from the swampy nectar. Barbara licked her lips. She had always enjoyed a snack of cunt, and the thought of eating out her baby sister was wildly exciting. it was naughty, but that only made the idea more thrilling.

Barbara started to slide from the chair.

“Wait,” Judy rasped.

Her face was radiant with desire. Her long eyelashes fluttered and she smiled slightly, looking almost demure.

“I do it, too,” she whispered. “Let me eat you out first-while your cunt is all full of doggy cum-”

Barbara grinned happily, delighted to discover that her younger sister shared her inclinations. She arched back into the chair, tilting her soaking crotch up.

Judy knelt between her sister’s thighs, gazing hungrily at the flooded feast.

Her tongue slid across her parted lips and she panted, her breath billowing into Barbara’s groin. She inhaled the spicy fragrance of her sister’s pussy and she whimpered, turning her lovely face slowly from side to side between Barbara’s thighs.

A ribbon of pearly fluid ran slowly down Barbara’s crotch, soaking into the crack of her ass. Another stream trickled down the inside of her voluptuous thigh. Her cunt-juice was flowing freely, the slick oil streaked with doggy spunk.

Judy pushed her tongue out and lapped some up from her sister’s leg. She gazed up impishly and the two naughty blonde siblings smiled at each other. Neither was embarrassed now that they realized they shared similar tastes. Judy licked up another tongueful of the overspill, savoring a lump of Great Dane jism along with the pussy nectar. She licked higher up her sister’s leg, then dipped down and ran her flattened tongue up through the crack of Barbara’s ass, gathering up the cum-juice that had seeped into that tight canyon.

Barbara hiked her loins up from the chair, giving her baby sister free access to her ass. Judy lapped at her ass crack and slid her tongue into Barbara’s shit-hole for a moment, whimpering as her tastebuds registered that tangy treat.

Shifting back into Barbara’s crotch, Judy very carefully licked up each unfurled cuntlip in turn, causing Barbara to moan and jerk. They gazed at each other again, looking over the thrust of Barbara’s fat tit-jugs and stiff nipples like shepherds regarding one another over gently rolling hills. Judy flicked her tongue against her sister’s clit.

“Ooooh, yeah-” Barbara sighed.

Judy closed her lips over her tingling fuckbud and suckled on it with moist slurps.

Her blonde head turned from side to side and she wiped her radiant face around in her sister’s soaking pussy, coating herself with cunt-juice and doggy spunk from brow to chin. She opened her mouth wider and clamped her lips onto Barbara’s fuckslot like a suction cup on a clogged drain. Judy sucked and sighed, loving everything about it-the taste and the texture and most of all, the fact that it was her own sister’s cunt that she was sucking.

She nursed a mouthful out and drew back for a moment, relishing the slime on her tastebuds. She could differentiate between the subtly different flavors of sibling spunk and doggy jism, blended into one savory sauce. Judy had never tasted dog cum before, but she found the stuff so delicious that she knew she was going to be drinking more of the stuff from now on.

Barbara jerked her crotch up invitingly.

“Suck me, Sis-suck me off!” she panted.

Judy clamped her lips around her hairy cunt again. She sucked on Barbara’s fuck-slot and her tongue slid up her hot pussy-hole as far as it would go, lapping at her wet inner pussy folds. It was obvious that Judy was an expert and experienced cuntlapper, and the knowledge thrilled her older sister to the core.

Judy’s golden head tilted as she mouthed Barbara’s pussy like a terrier shaking a rat. She was using her lips and her tongue, and her teeth nibbled gently at the girl’s clit as well, giving head in all its variations. She sucked and swallowed, gurgled and gulped, as happy as a kitten at a cream bowl. She had already sucked out most of the doggy spunk and now she was swallowing unadulterated cuntjuice. The succulent stuff was getting hotter and thicker and creamier as Barbara rose towards the crest and her spillage changed to girl-cum.

“Ummm-ummmm-” Judy purred, spooning another mouthful out with her curled tongue.

Cream streaked her parted lips and a trickle ran down from the corner of her mouth onto her chin. She cupped Barbara’s ass cheeks in both hands, lifting her higher, as if Barbara’s cunt were a hairy goblet that she was draining to the sweet dregs. Then she slid one hand up and began to fingerfuck Barbara’s cunt-hole with three stiffened fingers. Her other hand slid around and she fingered her sister’s asshole. Barbara jerked as if she had been shot through with a high voltage current.

“Oooooh-you’ll make me melt-” she wailed.

“Yeah! Cream me, Sis-cum on my fucking tongue-ahhhh-I’m hungry for your cum cream, Barb! Cream for me!”

Her fingers frigged in and out rhythmically, and Judy used her tongue and lips skillfully on Barbara’s spasming clit. Barbara cried out as the waves of bliss sped across her belly and shot up her legs. She clamped her thighs around Judy’s blonde head for a moment, forming a vise, then threw them wide apart again, spreading her groin out and serving her pussy up as if it was a banquet.

Judy’s tongue spooned and her lips gulped and gobbled as she fed on that, Sibling snack with relish. Barbara’s whole lush body vibrated wildly.

“Coming-coming-” she gasped. “Oooooh-feed me, Barb-give it to me-” Judy wailed, the words muffled on a mouthful of cunt-meat.

Barbara’s clit detonated and her steaming cunt-hole spasmed. Cum cream flowed from her pussy into her hungry young sister’s eager mouth. Judy swallowed greedily, still sliding her fingers in and out of her sister’s soaking cunt as she mouthed the hairy rim and lashed her nimble tongue into the creamy tide.

Barbara came a lot-and Judy drank it all.

Drained, Barbara sank back, smiling blissfully. Her sister kept on lapping merrily away, her skillful tongue fairly splashing as it slapped into her sodden pussy-slot. She was whimpering with the pleasure of it, every bit as enthusiastic as any doggy, Barbara thought. Her tongue as not as long and heavy as the canine variety, but she made up for that by her total concentration and enthusiasm, and she wasn’t limited to simple lapping, using her sweet lips effectively, as well.

Then Barbara began to slide lower in the chair. Judy raised her head, grinning.

Barbara’s ass slid from the seat and her lithe, voluptuous body squirmed down until she was sitting on the floor with her blonde head resting in the seat of the chair, her lovely, flushed face turned upwards and her tongue between her parted lips. It was perfectly obvious what she was waiting for. Her eager face was like a saddle, waiting to be mounted and ridden.

Judy stood up on trembling legs. She pushed her belly out and Barbara gazed hungrily up at her drooling pussy. Judy knelt in the chair, one knee on either side of her Sister’s upturned face. Barbara was already licking away like crazy, even before the contact had been made. She cupped her kid sister around the cheeks of her ass and gently tugged her down. Judy moaned and settled into that willing saddle.

Barbara’s tongue shot up into Judy’s fuckhole like a pink snake. She tongue fucked in and out, and Judy rose and fell, her sleek thighs supporting her weight as she squatted on Barbara’s face.

“Yummy!” Barbara sighed, simply adoring this sister-sucking, and wondering why she and Judy had not experimented with sibling sex in the past.

She arched deeply, wriggling with joy as Judy mopped her face with her sodden pussy-muff. Her open cunt was wet as a sponge, dribbling into Barbara’s parted lips. Barbara used her nimble tongue like a whisk and clamped her lips over that sweet fuckhole like a limpet to a mossy rock.

Judy’s thighs rippled with sinew as she rode her sister’s face. Her tits swung from side to side as she jerked her hips about. She fingered her stiff nipples, then reached down to stroke Barbara’s head. Her hand dipped into her crotch and she grasped her fiery Tuck-button in her fingers. Her other hand slid down and pulled at Barbara’s tongue. Holding tongue and clit together, she moved them against each other, as if she were using her sister’s tongue to frig off with.

Judy’s legs began to shake and tremble violently.

“Shit-I’m gonna cream, Barb!” she gasped.

“Oooooh-” Barbara moaned, longing for it.

Judy released her tongue and the talented cunt-lapper began to fly up the younger girl’s fuckbox in a feeding frenzy. She Switched from clit to pussy-hole, alternating strokes and opening her mouth wide so that she could engulf all of her kid sister’s cunt, sucking her clit and her cunt-hole together. Streams of steaming hot pussy-nectar flowed into Barbara’s eager mouth.

Barbara gulped, swallowing her succulent cumjuice with relish. She had never sucked a tastier pussy than her kid sister’s fragrant feast and, naughty girl that she was, Barbara was already thinking how delicious Judy’s cunt would be when it had just been pumped full of a load of thick doggy jism. Judy hadn’t been at all scandalized at finding her fucking with the Great Dane, and it seemed only logical that her younger sister would like some dog cock, too.

“Cum, Sis-cum for me!” she gurgled.

“Coming! Corning!” Judy wailed, whipping her steaming cunt wildly around in Barbara’s upturned face.

Her girl-spunk slid out in a creamy tide. Barbara gasped and opened her mouth wide, letting the flow seep past her lips and flood her mouth. Her tongue shot up into Judy’s streaming fuckhole like a salmon swimming against the current, then floated back into her own mouth, carried on the tide.

“Don’t stop-keep fucking coming!” Barbara whimpered, drinking her sister’s fuck-juice hungrily and wanting still more of that sweet nectar, gorging herself like a gutton on the gooey treat.

Her tongue slapped into Judy’s cunt, then coiled back into her mouth, delivering another succulent load. Her throat pulsed as she swallowed. The girl-cum kept pouring out in a torrent and Barbara mouthed it up ravenously.

Judy staggered, faint with the thrill of her coming.

She drew away. Barbara’s tongue shot after her for a last slurp at her soaking fuckslot.

“Oh, Sis-you’re a wonderful cuntlapper!” Judy sighed.

“So are you,” replied Barbara.

“I’m glad you think so, because getting sucked off always makes me fucking hungry again,” said Judy.

Judy was thinking of eating her sister’s cunt again.

But by coincidence, the massive Great Dane had another booming hard-on that needed to be emptied…



Curled in the corner, the dog had been observing the sibling suckers in bewilderment. He was more puzzled and confused than inspired, to begin with.

But then Barbara had creamed, and as he scented the aroma of her girl-spunk, the Great Dane’s balls began to slowly fill up again, and his prick started to harden. He didn’t understand why the girls were making each other so hot, but he knew they were making him horny again. Then the sisters changed positions, and as Judy squatted on Barbara’s face and spunked into her open mouth, the dog’s gigantic cock got hard as a rock and his balls ballooned.

He got to his feet awkwardly, his prick swinging. It was so long that the slick red meat of his naked cockhead was pushing out half way up his body.

“Let me sit in the chair again, Sis,” Judy urged.

Barbara got up and Judy perched on the edge of the seat, ready to lie back and let her sister sit on her face. Barbara stepped up close and Judy kissed her gently rounded belly and ran her tongue around in her curly blonde cunt mound.

Barbara dipped at the knees and thrust her tits out. Judy sucked on each taut tit-tip in turn and ran her tongue up through her deep cleavage. Barbara cradled her kid sister’s head to her fits, squirming against her face.

She stood up again and Judy began to lick slowly up and down the insides other thighs. Suddenly Barbara squealed as another hot tongue began to slap at her.

The horny Great Dane had moved up behind Barbara and was lapping at her asshole. Barbara bent over and spread the cheeks of her ass apart, presenting her tasty shit-hole to the hungry doggy. His heavy tongue shot into her tight assbud.

Judy whimpered and pushed her face in between Barbara’s spread thighs, lapping at her pussy. The Great Dane dipped down and slipped his own tongue into Barbara’s crotch from behind and Barbara wailed as both eager lappers slurped at her. She felt wonderfully degenerate, getting her cunt licked by her sister and a dog at the same time.

Judy felt deliciously depraved, as well, as she shared her sister’s cunt with the Great Dane. She licked at Barbara’s clit while the doggy tongued out her fuckslot. Parting her lips, Judy sucked the dog’s slippery tongue into her mouth, adoring the taste of cunt-juice mixed with doggy slobber.

Then Barbara decided it was time for her kid sister to learn about the joys of dog-loving, yearning to share her secret inclinations with the sexy teenager.

She squirmed out from between them, leaving them face to face. Judy was sucking on the Great Dane’s tongue avoidly. She blushed slightly, a bit embarrassed, but continued to suckle on his thick lapper.

“Want his prick, Sis?” Barbara rasped.

“Oh, I-I don’t-” stammered Judy.

Barbara grasped the Great Dane by the scruff of his neck and hauled him up so that his forepaws were braced in the chair on either side of Judy’s pelvis, arid his mighty prick was looming out over her torso. With his swollen balls level with Judy’s cunt mound, his fiery cockhead extended up her belly.

Judy stared down at his flaring slab of naked red prickmeat, fascinated. The girl had never thought about fucking a dog before, but at that moment she was so hot that she was ready for anything and all of her inhibitions melted in the heat of her desire.

Barbara folded her fist around the hairy hilt of the Great Dane’s cockshaft.

Levering down, she brushed his prick-knob against her sister’s swollen nipples, then gently nudged it into the girl’s cleavage. Her fist pumped back and his prick-knob flared.

“Oh my God,” Judy whimpered, awed by his huge fuckrod.

“Watch this, Sis,” Barbara whispered.

She sank to her knees and pushed her head out over Judy’s belly, turning her face to the dog’s cock. Her tongue slid out and Barbara began to lick the brute’s wet cockhead. Her small pink tongue slurped all over his smoking hot prickslab.

“Oh, wow!” Judy gasped, incredulously.

She had already watched her sister getting flicked by the big brute, but licking his cockhead seemed even more depraved-and more thrilling.

“Holy fucking shit-you’re tonguing the doggy’s prick, Sis!”

“Ummmm-it’s fucking delicious, too!” Barbara sighed.

Her tongue slid around on his cock slab, bathing his cockhead with frothy saliva. Barbara always enjoyed licking a dog’s cock, but now, with her kid sister watching, it was even more exciting. She could feel Judy’s eyes bore into her. A drop of pre-cum oozed from the Great Dane’s parted pisshole and Barbara lapped it up, purring. Her throat pulsed as she swallowed it, and she heard Judy gasp.

“Yummy!” she whispered. She glanced at Judy speculatively. “Let me put his cock in you, Sis! I want to suck him when his prick is wet from your cunt.”

Judy hesitated for a moment, not sure she wanted a dog cock stuck up her pussy.

But she reasoned that she wasn’t going to get fucked by the brute, anyhow. Her sister was just using her fuckhole as a creamy dip, to make the brute’s prickmeat more succulent.

“Yes, Barb,” she rasped, breathlessly. “You can put his prick up my cunt-hole if you want to.”

Barbara pushed the Great Dane’s hindquarters down and levered his cock into her sister’s groin. Judy gasped when she felt his throbbing cockhead rub against her clit. Barbara spread Judy’s cuntlips apart with her fingers and fitted the dog’s slick fuck-knob into her open pussy. The Great Dane braced his haunches, quivering. He had learned his new trick well, and the art of fucking face to face no longer held any mysteries for him. He yelped, tensing. Then the massive animal plunged his long, thick cock all the way up Judy’s fuckhole.

“Oh!” Judy cried, as she felt her pussy fill up to the brim with dog meat. The utter depravity of it added to the thrill of the physical sensation. The girl began to move her ass and hips in a fucking motion and the Great Dane responded, pumping his mighty prick into her with long, rippling strokes, coring her cunt to the depths.

Barbara was licking the dog’s balls as they swung in and out. She slid down and licked at Judy’s shit-hole for a moment, then came back up to the brute’s balls. She let the dog feed her kid sister a few more vigorous thrusts, watching his fat prick sliding in and out of her sodden fuckslot. Then she pulled his prick out. The Great Dane whimpered and humped frantically, trying to get his cock back into Judy’s hot, wet fuckhole, but Barbara held him back.

She placed her lips against the dripping tip of the dog’s cock, kissing his naked prickmeat, aware that Judy was staring at her in fascination and basking under that gaze. The dog’s cock was so hot that Judy’s cunt-juice was almost steaming from it. His hairy fuck-stalk was all matted with cream, and his cock-knob was drenched with the sweet stuff.

Barbara let her lips slowly part around the dog’s cockhead, feeding his smoking hot fuckrod into her mouth. Her lips collared his hairy cockshaft and her cheeks hollowed in as she sucked.

Drenched from Judy’s pussy, it was absolutely scrumptious. The musky flavor of dog cock was embellished wonderfully by the rich, spicy taste of her sister’s fuckhole.

Her blonde head slid up and down as she mouthed more of his long, thick fuckrod. Her lips pulled and dragged on his hairy cock, turning outwards as she drew up to his cockhead, sucking through every sweet inch with relish. She gagged as his cockhead jammed into hers gullet, then sighed as it came sliding back through the collar of her lips.

“Holy shit, Sis-you gonna let the big fucker cum in your mouth?” Judy gasped.

“Ummmm!” Barbara said noncommittally, enjoying this scene far too much to want to bring it to a hasty conclusion, no matter how delicious that creamy conclusion would be.

She had sucked every drop of her sister’s pussy nectar from the dog’s prick now. She pulled her lips away and guided his cockhead back into Judy’s fuckslot. The Great Dane yelped and humped, fucking frantically into Judy’s cunt-hole. His fat fucker pumped frothy cunt-juice out of her pussy-slot, lathering her whole crotch. Barbara let the brute feed Judy a few lusty strokes, then dragged his prick out of her cunt again, slathered with more creamy pussy-juice.

Holding his cock away, Barbara clamped her mouth on Judy’s cunt and sucked up her sibling slime. Then she slipped the Great Dane’s cockhead back into her mouth and nursed on it. A glob of spunk trickled out, adding a new spice to the sauce.

The Great Dane had watched the Alsatian face-fucking Barbara, and knew that a woman’s mouth could be used as a cunt. The brute began to hump, fucking into Barbara’s willing mouth. He tilted her blonde head back as he plunged into her gullet and she gurgled and gulped. But she h
eld his prick buried in her mouth, and even forced her lips farther down his throbbing cockshaft, trying to swallow his whole massive load. Her head tilted from side to side. She took his cock into one cheek, then the other, then down her throat again.

When she pulled her lips away with a slurp, the dog’s prick was still soaking wet, but with saliva instead of pussy-juice now. A streak of pre-cum ran from his pisshole and slid off, without breaking, so that a gossamer thread of spunk shimmered between Judy’s cunt mound and the dog’s pisshole.

Barbara pulled the doggy higher, yanking his pounding prick up to Judy’s thrusting tits. She brushed his cockhead against Judy’s tingling nipples, licking it at the same time. Then, eyes glowing with lust, she pulled him still higher so that his dynamic prick was throbbing before Judy’s face.

“Want a taste, Sis?” she whispered.

“Ohhhh. No-I don’t think-ooooh-” Judy gasped, her eyes crossing as she stared at the brute’s naked cockhead. The idea of taking a dog’s prick into her mouth should have been disgusting, Judy knew. But it was anything but. That naked slab of cock looked so succulent that the teenager’s mouth was watering.

“C’mon, baby sister,” Barbara urged. “Lick his cock.”

She gave the dog’s swollen fuck-knob a slurp, demonstrating.

“Ummmmm-his cock is fucking delicious, Sis!”

Judy moaned and her tongue slid out. She lowered her head and flicked tentatively at the tip of his prick.

“Holy shit-I’m licking a dog’s cockhead!” Judy wailed, as if she could hardly believe it. But her sister was right-that smoking-hot prick was absolutely delicious! The musky flavor of his prickhead tingled on her tongue, driving her wild. Losing all hesitation now, Judy began to lap his fuck-knob with relish.

A foaming glob of pre-cum oozed from his cleft and slid like hot quicksilver onto Judy’s tongue. She had no inhibitions left. She savored the creamy nugget, then swallowed it, glancing at her sister as she did so. Barbara was smiling encouragingly and approvingly, turned on by corrupting her kid sister.

“Suck it, honey,” she coaxed.

Barbara was massaging the Great Dane’s balls. His fat, hairy cock-stalk loomed out between her hand and her sister’s mouth. Judy’s tongue slid around against the underside of his big, blunt fuck-knob and another glob of spunk came squeezing from his pisshole.

“Take his cock in your mouth, Judy,” Barbara urged. “Let me see you suck his prick, baby sister!”

Judy whimpered and her lips slowly parted. Her head bobbed down and she inched the Great Dane’s cockhead into her mouth. She took a stow suck and sighed as she discovered that sucking a dog’s prick was even better than tonguing it.

“Yeah! Milk. the fucker!” Barbara wailed, thrilled to the cope at seeing her baby sister blowing a doggy.

Judy’s lips unfurled, clamped around the dog’s cockshaft just behind his prick-knob. She sucked softly and moistly, making slurping sounds. She blew down his fuckrod, then inhaled.

“Ooooooh!” Barbara groaned, fascinated by the sight of her sister’s lips working so lovingly on the brute’s meatrack. Barbara was hungry for some cock and cum, herself, but she was even more thrilled at the prospect of having the big brute unload his cum into her kid sister’s willing mouth and yearned to watch the girl drinking dog slime.

“Ahhhh!” Judy sighed, as the Great Dane moved up and fed more prick into her face.

“You gonna suck him off, Sis?” Barbara rasped. “You want the son of a bitch to shoot in your mouth?”

Judy gulped incoherently, the sound muffled and bubbling around a mouthful of dog cock.

“Yeah? Ohhh, shit!” Barbara wailed. “You wanna swallow the dog’s hot, thick fuck-juice, Sis? Do it! Holy shit! I’m so fucking hot! Suck on that fat cock, baby sister! Milk all the jism out of the dog’s balls and drink it-”

Judy was gobbling merrily away, abandoned to cocksucker’s lust now, going suck-crazy on the dog’s prick. Her lips pulled at his fuck-stalk and her tongue slid back and forth against the sensitive underside of his naked cockhead.

Maybe it was wicked to let a doggy unload his cum in her mouth, but the thought was far too exciting to resist.

She nodded and the motion caused another inch or two of hairy cockshaft to slide into her mouth.

She held it for a moment, then sucked back up to the tip.

“Yeah,” she moaned. “I’ll milk the fucker off, Sis-I want to swallow his cum!”

Barbara squealed in anticipation. She wanted to get involved in the act, herself. She placed a hand behind Judy’s head, holding her face against the dog’s fuckrod. Her other hand folded around the brute’s throbbing cock and she began to skim up and down his hairy prickstalk, stroking from his bails to her sister’s lips.

“I’ll help,” she whispered huskily. “I’ll jerk the fucker off into your mouth, Sis-oh, fuck! I’ll frig his prick while you suck on his cock until the fucker creams-”

Judy gulped and gobbled joyfully, adoring the meaty mouthful and longing for her juicy reward. The Great Dane humped, fucking through Barbara’s fist and into Judy’s mouth. Barbara’s hand pumped up and down rhythmically nudging Judy’s lips on the upstroke and then pulling back to the root of the Great Dane’s cockshaft, skinning his cockhead and making it swell in Judy’s mouth.

The brute was yelping wildly, transported to doggy heaven.

His cock-knob flared in Judy’s mouth and his shaft expanded, throbbing in Barbara’s caressing hand.

“He’s gonna blow his wad-” Barbara wailed.

“Ummmm-pump his fuck-juice into my mouth, Sis!” Judy cried, her lips moving on the slick tip of the dog’s cockhead, then sliding back down his fuckrod and sucking ravenously. The girl was frantic for a mouthful of doggy jism.

As Barbara’s fist dragged back towards the brute’s loaded balls, his naked cockhead swelled in Judy’s lips and throbbed on the arched bridge of her tongue. Pre-cum was washing over her tastebuds, whetting her appetite. She sucked joyfully.

The Great Dane gave a frenzied yelp.

“Here it fucking comes!” wailed Barbara, as she felt his thick fuck-stalk buck violently.

“Yeah! Yeah!” Judy gasped.

She slammed her head down, feeding his prick in, hungry for his load. Suddenly the girl’s willing mouth had become a swamp. The abrupt first spurt took her by surprise and she gasped and gulped and sputtered, swallowing his succulent cum.

She sucked another spurt out greedily. Dog cum overflowed her lips and poured down her chin. Her blonde head ducked up and down on the Great Dane’s massive fucker and jets of jism shot into her mouth and poured down her greedy gullet.

The potent brute was squirting more slime into Judy’s head each time he plunged through Barbara’s fist and into her sister’s suction cup of a mouth.

“Oooooh-I’m swallowing dog cum!” Judy whimpered. “I-umpfff-” her words ended with a bubbling gurgle as another dose of thick fuck-juice flooded her gorge.

“Yeah! Drink him dry, baby sister!” Barbara cried, pumping the dog’s prick with vigor, knowing how much her naughty little sibling must be enjoying the steaming drink.

Sucking sounds, punctuated by splashing jism jets, whimpers and moans, drifted from Judy’s lips. Barbara leaned in to lick up the overflow from the cocksucker’s chin and lips as the dog pumped more slime out.

Then, drained, the Great Dane jerked his spent prick out of Judy’s mouth and hopped down from the chair. Barbara kissed her baby sister on the lips and the two blonde girls panted, swapping tongues and letting dog cum slosh around between their lips.

Judy looked at the dog.

His prick had collapsed and she sighed wistfully.

“That was lovely,” she said. “But I wish the fucker was still hard-I really need a cuntful of dog cock, now.”

Barbara smiled, glancing at the door that led to the kennels.

“Have I got a surprise for you, baby sister!” she said.


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