Women with Animals
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Hells Hounds


(c) 2011 by submit2me

Kelly got home from work late; it was a very rough day. She was mentally exhausted from all the deadlines and conference’s that she had to attend to. She works at a very large company that deals a lot internationally. Kelly is fluent in Chinese, Japanese and German and that makes her extremely valuable especially being as beautiful as she is when dealing with foreign executives; but she is very tough and extremely intelligent. So the petite but fit woman started peeling off her business clothes, she had an extremely tight body. She always used exercise as a means to clear her head; it was very therapeutic for her, almost medicinal. She never did it to look hot in a bikini; it was something she just needed to do. She always ate healthy, hardly ever drank alcohol, occasionally wine but that was about it. Even in college she never did party, she was very serious and focused on her education. Kelly did get asked out a lot but always turned them down because she knew these boys’ weren’t serious and just wanted to have sex and she was not going to waste her time. She did date this guy as a senior for a while but she didn’t want to get serious with anyone because she was so focused on her career.

Kelly was never really into sex all that much, she’s had about five partners in her life and being only 32 years old, she felt a little pride in that. But sex was never a top priority for her; she liked it fine but just never really thought much of it. Her longest relationship was 3 years early in high school. And that was an issue for the boyfriends she did have, but she felt that’s who she was and they should accept it if they loved her. But deep down she often wondered if she ever really loved them.

As Kelly undressed in her room in front of the large mirror, her shirt was completely unbuttoned and was reaching down to kick off her heals; Kelly was noticing her tight abdomen and how it look behind her white silk blouse. As she got both heels off and was starting to take her belt off she paused for a moment and slowly reached up between her breasts and un hooked the clasp of her bra allowing it to fall off to the sides she gave them a little help to move over her breast and fully exposing her natural c-cup breasts. Kelly then un-did her belt and pants button, unzipped and let her pants fall gently to the floor. She stood there looking over her body, inspecting every shape and curve of her body. She then removed her shirt and bra and quickly took off her panties. Almost embarrassed that she was going to be naked and standing in front of the mirror, but no one could see her; it was just her body no one touching her. Just her, by herself looking over every inch of her well-toned body and admired how in shape she was, she slowly turned to the side a little to see how she looked from the side then turned around with her back to the mirror looking over her shoulder to see how her ass looked. Kelly marveled at how nice and shapely her ass was and the muscle tone from her calves up to her ass. Then she felt this overwhelming feeling of pride in herself, and that she had a younger looking and better looking body than she did in college. Kelly feeling pretty good turns back to face the mirror and slowly brought her hand up and gently cupped her breast, feeling how soft the skin felt. Gently she dragged her fingers down her breast till her finger tips reached her small nipple; then did it again but with more pressure from her finger tips and when she got to her nipple it was hard and she gave it a slight pinch with her fingertips, she realized she started to feel a little sensation between her legs, a growing warmth began to swell in her body and her face beginning to get flushed, Kelly was getting wet and quickly shrugged it off like she didn’t have time for this nonsense and went digging for her running clothes.

Kelly dug through her drawer looking for her favorite shorts; an older black spandex running shorts that she bought 4 years ago the material was getting weaker and started to show wear but she loved them. So she slipped into them and continued digging for a shirt, she opted for her sleeveless zippered hoodie that fit her snug enough to keep her breasts from moving too much while jogging, besides it was just a short run. Kelly threw on her socks and capped it off with her sneakers, threw her long brown hair up in a ponytail and headed out the door.

Kelly headed down the end of her driveway and took a left, and immediately started to feel better and started thinking about her route she was going to take. It was a mile down the road, then a mile though the trail and a mile back. Kelly really wanted to do her normal 10 mile run but short on time and getting dark. The sun was getting close to the tree line and realized she was getting a later start than she wanted too. As she rounded the curve on Cross St. where the street light was out she was caught off guard by the sight of this massive dog standing half in the shadow. It startled her because she hadn’t noticed the majestic animal until she was right next to it. With a quick summary she figured this dog was about 150lbs. and stood nearly as tall as her 5’ 2” height. And about 50lbs heavier than her and at the same time she marveled at how handsome this huge dog standing there looking directly at her. And a bit of fear crept through her, though animals have always taken a liking to her especially dogs. But it was the way this beast was just staring at her as she jogged by; after a moment passing by she glanced back and the dog was gone. A few blocks further she had forgotten about the surprise she had gotten and was well on her way to clearing her mind and just enjoying her run. As Kelly approached the end of Cross St. out of the corner of her eye she had spotted another dog. This one not quite as large as the first dog but still, this animal was standing half in the shadows and staring at her intently. Kelly could feel a cold chill run down her spine and the hairs on her soft skin begin to stand up. Kelly quickly shook it off as nothing, trying to forget it and pass it off as pure coincidence. Pushing back her fear and trying to get back to her run and ignore the second beast.

Kelly took the right into the park. Knowing her run was a mile into it, another mile through the park and then the final mile home. As Kelly ran down the trail and deeper into the woods she realized how unusually quiet it was, and how much darker it seemed along the trail. She has always felt safe running this trail; it was a very safe neighborhood. Very family friendly, no reports of problems in the 5 years she lived there. As Kelly approached the first opening with a very small duck pond it got a bit lighter without the canopy of trees. She glanced across the pond about 30 yards away where the picnic tables sat. And many families enjoyed many afternoons eating and the kids feeding the ducks. And there, coming out of the shadows was that majestic beast slowly walking towards her direction. Startled again by this, not wanting to believe it was the same dog. She slowed her pace to a slow jog to get a better look at this handsome animal. Just as she confirmed her fears that this was the same dog, the beast let out a deep low bark that echoed across the pond that made her stutter her steps and jump slightly to the right. Kelly could feel her heart rate increase instantly. And immediately started back up her pace and a bit faster, she was desperately trying to process this in brain. Was she being stalked by dogs, was this all in her head what was wrong with her. This can’t be real, and in that thought she heard a noise in the woods to her left. Kelly slowed her pace to get a better look at where the noise was coming from. Then another noise to her right, fear was flowing through at a rapid speed. Kelly could feel it overwhelm her body; she slowed to a walk to get a better listen and possibly look. Thinking to herself that if this was just a couple of young kids, she was going to kick some ass. And if it was something worse should could confident she could out run any trouble. She ran track in high school and college.

Suddenly she heard a growl behind her, Kelly spun around and there standing and intensely staring at her was the majestic beast. Kelly froze in her tracks; pure fear was racing through her blood. The noises to her left and right began moving towards her; she quickly looked to both sides of her and saw two large dogs then looked back to the beast. And there, behind the beast, another dog slowly walking out from the woods. This animal is a bit taller than the other but with wider shoulders and much more muscular. This dog seemed to be the Alpha male, as it approached the other dog; it gave way to the Alpha male. Kelly stood there motionless for a moment surrounded by 4 large dogs, the two smaller ones probably around 130 pounds, then the first dog she saw about 150 pounds and the Alpha dog pushing 170 pounds Kelly tried to ease the dogs down by talking softly to them saying “easy, just take it easy” when the Alpha male let out a low growl which made Kelly jump and let out a gasp and the other dogs started barking and growling showing their massive teeth. Kelly slowly backed up as tears started to pool up in her eyes and began to start running down the trail. Thoughts of these massive dogs tearing at her flesh and pulling her limbs apart caused her to start crying. She looked back to see if they followed and they were gone. Kelly really started to run as fast as she could.

She got about 50 yards further down the trail and heard a stomp and something had rammed into her left leg. Taking her petite 105 pound body right off her feet and landed right on her back. Taking her breathe away slightly from the sudden impact, she looked around and saw nothing. Kelly quickly got to her feet and started sprinting. She got about 20 yards when she got ambushed from the right landing again on her back with great force. Tears were streaming down her checks and her crying got near hysterical. She got back on her feet again, this time not building the speed she had hoped. Staggering slightly, fighting to get her composure to focus on running. Building up a little more speed, when suddenly Kelly felt this incredible force against her back and the impact threw her light frame forward off her feet. She had momentarily blacked out from it, as she got her focus back she started to get back up; Kelly got half way up and was hit again knocking her hard on her left side. Kelly was determined to get back up; she started getting pissed that this was happening. She yelled out “NO!” and kept saying over and over as she pushed herself back up onto her feet. Determined to make it home and started to run again.

She didn’t get far; she got struck again in the back landing her face first into the ground hard. Kelly laid there exhausted, bruised and bleeding. Wishing this was just a horrible nightmare and would wake up any second home in her bed. Then Kelly felt this hot wet sensation on the back of neck. When she realized what was happening, the Alpha dog clamped his massive jaw around her neck keeping her pinned to the dirt. The pressure Kelly felt was enough to know that this beast could easily crush her spine in an instant. The massive jaws where wrapped around her delicate neck, his teeth started to break skin and she could feel the sting from it when the beast began to lift her head up and force her to move with him. Another dog shoved his massive snout up between her legs right into her sex getting a good sniff and pushed her forward. As Kelly struggled to move she could hear two other dogs circling around her growling, barking and nipping at her to move faster. The beast dragged her through the woods, dragging her through branches and bushes, over downed trees for what seemed like a mile, to a soft bedded area deep into the woods.

The beast released her neck and placed his massive paw on her back and leaned into her. The pressure from this animals weight nearly took her breathe away. Kelly struggled to regain her breathe trying to figure out what had happened and why. When she felt the dogs nipping at her favorite running shorts, Kelly wasn’t sure what was happening then realized the animals where trying to pull her shorts down and the other dog pawing at her hoodie. She started to fight back, swinging and kicking her arms and legs trying to push them away. Then the huge paw on her back lifted up and quickly put it on the side of her head, burying her head into the bedding. Then one of the dogs bit down on her hood and started ripping it down her body, the zipper gave way to the force and quickly unzipped down her body scratching her skin and grazing one of her nipples causing her to scream out as her hoodie was ripped from her flailing back leaving her topless. Kelly screaming at the top of her lungs, swinging her arms violently, her legs kicked at anything she could hit trying desperately to hit something to ward off the attack.

Kelly felt the pressure on her head release, and gave her a glimmer of hope to get away but at that moment both of Alpha’s paws landed on her shoulder blades heavily; knocking the wind right out of her as she gasped for air. The three beasts went to work on her shorts at a frenzied pace trying to remove the skin tight spandex from her battered body, pawing at her tearing the spandex and deeply scratching her soft skin. Then one of the beasts nipped at her waist and got a hold of her shorts, lifting it roughly above her body. That sent the animals into a frenzy, all of them getting a hold of the fabric and pulling in different directions until the material was shredded from her petite body.

The animals began to bark loudly and circling her as Kelly lay naked pinned beneath the Alpha, whimpering and trembling from fear. She started to feel something wet dropping on her body like warm rain; the three dogs had worked themselves into arousal leaking pre-cum on her as they walked over her. Two smaller dogs started to lick her back and sides; when the larger dog rammed his massive snout up into her sex jamming his tongue into her. Kelly’s body jumped as she let out a groan as she mustered up the adrenaline to fight once again. Kicking her legs upward and hitting the beast in the chest a few times but she didn’t have a lot of force behind; the massive dog moved out of the way. Kelly feeling she had a small victory in this fight suddenly felt a hot wet sensation on her calves; the two smaller dogs clamped down on her legs and she began to struggle but the dogs just clamped down tighter until she stopped from the pain. Then the two dogs started backing up spreading her legs apart, the massive beast returned to her sex.

Using his massive snout and powerful shoulders he rammed his nose under Kelly’s mound and began lifting her ass into the air as the other dogs pushed her legs closer to prop her ass up, which was painful due to Alphas paws bearing down on her back. The large beast in back sat down on Kelly’s legs resting his chest and front legs on her legs keeping her in place, the other two dogs released their jaws from her bleeding calves. The large beast started nuzzling Kelly’s tight sex, she could feel his hot massive tongue trying to push it way into her pussy. As her fear was being overtaken by something else, her body was betraying her, as this animal worked her pussy over, he could smell and taste her juices beginning to flow from his constant tonguing; he quickly rammed his massive tongue deep into her pussy. Kelly gasped loudly with pleasure, Alpha sensed this and gently eased up his pressure on her back and Kelly was able to breathe much easier and she was going to need it. The beast was driving his tongue deeper into her pussy licking her inside completely causing her body to shudder with pleasure. The beast withdrew his tongue and started to nuzzle her clit then one dog rammed his tongue into her wet pussy exploring her insides, hitting her g-spot and places she never thought possible; while the other went to work on her asshole. Kelly body was in sensory overload, she never experienced such pleasure in her life as her body gave way to such magnificent excitement, she was moaning louder and louder as she was about to cum like never before, her fingers dug into the dirt as she prepared to explode. These dogs sensed what was about to happen, working feverishly, the possessed animal licking her asshole managed to push his powerful tongue inside her ass; driving it deep inside her. Which sent Kelly into blinding pleasure and shrieking scream of pleasure and could not hold off any more as her body began to quake, she orgasmed and cum started pouring out of sex. The dogs just kept going relentlessly, sending wave after powerful wave of cum pouring out of her, contractions so strong it pushed out the dogs tongue but only momentarily as the dog would shove his tongue back into her quivering pussy quickly. Kelly orgasmed over and over, her body let out cries of ecstasy for each powerful orgasm with un human groans between each wave, she couldn’t think or speak, just let her body react to the relentless barrage of three powerful tongues and wave after wave of cum flooding orgasm, she nearly passed out from the overwhelming sensations.

Then the dogs suddenly stopped, Alpha took his paws off of her back awhile before this ended but Kelly never noticed. As Kelly’s spent body just collapsed to the ground, her body heaving trying to regain her breath. She was lost in her own ecstasy; the dogs began circling again and pre-cum dripping onto her bruised and battered body. Within minutes she was covered in pre-cum again and her breathe returned, when she felt a massive snout up into her soaking sex, still leaking out her cum, nudging her ass into the air again. But Kelly could no longer resist these hellish hounds, she pushed her weakened body up on all fours, mumbling incoherently, and waiting for the tongue lashing again. But something was different; she felt the short coarse hair brushing her ass. Now it was Alpha’s turn, the other dogs had prepared Kelly for the leader of the pack. Numb and dazed she tried to put a thought together when suddenly she felt this massive jab into her sex, she winced from the impact; thrusting her forward but Alpha’s muscular front legs easily pulled her light frame back into his growing cock. Alpha growled and thrusted again hitting his mark causing Kelly to yell out from his massive cock forcing his way into her tight pussy, the pressure she felt was intensifying to pain as her small sex was being forced to stretch as Alpha thrusts went deeper with his rapidly growing cock. With every thrust Kelly called out in pain, until Alpha had forced 14 inches into her; Kelly just steadily moaned and groaned loudly only stopping to catch her breathe. Alpha was thrusting faster and harder, as Kelly was cumming again and again as primal screams of pleasure echoed from her throat.

Alpha was not finished, he started to fill her with his demonic seed and he would not allow that to seep out; he gripped her tighter with his front legs and pulled Kelly hard into his thrusts and started to lift his upper body up off the ground using his powerful hind legs to support the both of them; driving Kelly down onto his massive knot. Kelly immediately felt this huge bulge forcing it way into her, pleasure was rapidly being replaced with pain, but not like before; this was unbearable, momentarily blacking out with each upward ram. When his knot broke through, Kelly felt a white hot flash course through her and her body went limp but she was still conscience. She could feel this hot sensation in her womb, the beast started shooting stream after stream of his demon seed into her body filling her up; the more she felt the more pleasure pushed the pain out; as Kelly began to orgasm again. Alpha was ramming 18 inches of pure demon cock into Kelly’s limp body; tossing her about as Alpha started growling, Kelly’s moaning grew stronger; Alpha’s got louder as Kelly’s turned primal. They were climaxing together and Kelly could feel it happening as she became more aware of that, it made her want to cum with him even more. She reached back wrapped her arms around his muscular legs pulling herself into their locked union, Kelly could feel it growing in her as she started screaming out, wanting this, needing this; as she bared down on this moment Alpha began to let out a deafening howl. The rush of cum from Alpha made her scream out and throw her arms out above her head as if she had finally been set free.

Slowly Alpha brings them both down to the soft earth beneath them and gently lies on his side, his chest heaving in unison with her frail body. They lay together for a few moments; Kelly beginning to collect her thoughts, also noting it was getting lighter out, wondering how long this went on for; and realizing the experience she was just given, and still locked in their union. Kelly slowly and weakly reaches up and places her still trembling hand on Alpha leg and begins to stroke his course hair; Alpha lifts his head and starts to rise up on his paws. Kelly aware of what Alpha is doing desperately tries to slow him down; Alpha stretches his legs upward, lifting Kelly completely off the ground, which incredible pain returns with speed. As Alpha quickly drops his hind legs down a few inches with an abrupt stop as like kicking off your loosened up shoe; Kelly pops free from their union which causes her to see a white flash across her eyes and she passes out. Falling quickly to the ground, limp, bleeding, bruised, broken and large amounts of demon cum and her own oozing out of her unconscious body.

The End

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