Women with Animals

My Dog Rocks


(c) 2007 by crashkid23

Chapter One

This is a true story about a girl named Sam and her dog Rocks! Sam had just turned 21 when this story takes place. She is a very unnoticeable girl, she was very quiet, really shy, and kind of plain. Don?t get me wrong she was pretty but wasn?t drop dead gorgeous like the other girls around town. She had long dark hair that was always in a pony tail, and she always wore these pants that had paint stains on them because she was a painter. She wasn?t very good at making friends because she was loner. In fact her only friend was her German shepherd Rocks and that is what brought me here today!

Sam had lived out on her own since she was 18. She lived in a small one bedroom apartment in the heart of down town Cincinnati it wasn?t to bad, it had a pretty nice view of the city from the roof of her apartment building, and they allowed large dogs as long as they weren?t to noisy. This is what first attracted her to this specific location because if dogs weren?t welcome then she wasn?t interested! You see she had found Rocks not long after she turned 19. She thought that she would never own another dog after buddy died but she couldn?t help it she needed someone in her life because she was so lonely and it seemed as if fate had brought her and Rocks together!

* * * Flash Back * * *

One dark and stormy night, in the middle of October, she was driving home from work and there was a large box in the middle of the road and she barely had time to react. She swerved to the right trying to keep from hitting the box! She pulled over to the curb and stopped so she could move the box out of the way so it wouldn?t cause an accident! As she moved closer to the box she could hear scratching and whimpering coming from inside of it and the side of the box read free puppies. Her heart sank down into her belly and she thanked god that she hadn?t hit the box! She opened the box and there sat the cutest little German shepherd puppy. The puppy sat there shivering wet as could be and was very frightened but seemed to calm down when he saw Sam?s warm smile. She picked him up out of the box and put him inside her coat so he could get warm, and thought to her self, ?I will take him home to get him dried off and get him some food and water but I will have to take him to the shelter in the morning.? Sam finally got the puppy home and all taken care of and headed off to bed. All threw night the puppy sat at her bedroom door scratching and whimpering trying to get in.

The next morning Sam woke up to a warm lick on her cheek and the smell of puppy breath! She opened her eyes in a sleepy daze and saw a big wet nose in her face and laughed. Some how or another the puppy had managed to get her bedroom door open and climbed up on her bed to greet her. She turned to look at the clock and almost cried it was 6am and she didn?t have to be up until 9 so she rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. The little puppy barked and she said ok, ok I?m up and a good morning to you too. She rolled out of bed and grabbed a pair of boxer shorts from her dresser and looked at the puppy and said, ?I?m guessing you want to go out huh?? The puppy barked happily and Sam laughed again.

She put on a shirt and slipped on her shoes and they went out side to a little patch of grass not to far away from Sam?s apartment. The little puppy took his time to go to the bathroom sniffing just about everything not wanting to miss anything. Sam noticed that he had something in his mouth and ran over to where he was to make sure it wasn?t something dirty like a piece of trash or anything like that. To her amazement he was sitting there chewing on a rock, trying to eat it. She immediately took the rock from him and tossed it to the side and said, ?You don?t want to eat that it will hurt your little teeth!? the puppy disregarded her remarks and proceeded to go for the rock again! She laughed, bent over and picked up the rock and put it in her pocket so he wouldn?t get it! The puppy finally gave up and went to go do his business.

When they got back she noticed that she had forgotten to take the rock out of her pocket, so she put it on the table next to the door with her keys and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. The puppy noticed the rock sitting on the little table and wanted to play with it so he jumped up trying to get it and ended up knocking the table over. The large crash startled him so he grabbed his new toy and ran. Sam came running out of the bathroom with toothpaste all over her face and her toothbrush hanging out the side of her mouth and she squealed ?What on earth is going on out here?? She noticed the huge mess and frowned what the hell I was only gone for like 2min., she figured that it was no big deal and went back in the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth, ?I?ll clean that up in a minute I have to get this crap off my face and out of my mouth!?

Sam came out of the bathroom to the huge mess in the hall and proceeded to clean the mess up. To her amazement she couldn?t find that stupid rock! She looked under the table, in the hall under the fridge and the stove but still no rock. Come to think of it she couldn?t find the puppy either and the only place she hadn?t looked was under the couch! Sure enough there they both where the puppy and the rock! Sam reached under the couch and grabbed the rock away from him and not long after that the puppy came out too!

Sam smiled at the look that the puppy had given her and said, ?Your puppy dog eyes won?t work with me.? He whimpered as he used his paw to try to get his toy back from Sam and she said I think we just found you a name! ?Your name should be Rocks!? Sam exclaimed happily ?because you obviously love rocks?. Now that she had given him a name there was no way she could take him to the pound! That is how Sam got her new dog Rocks!


Chapter Two

Sam and Rocks had been together now for almost 2 years and they had a very loving and happy companionship together but there was something missing in both there lives something they both wanted and needed! Sure Sam dated a guy every now and again but never anything to serious because every time she tried to bring a guy home Rocks would have a fit. He would start barking un-controllably and Sam would have to lock him in the bathroom so he wouldn?t try to attack the guy that she brought home. Just like every other relationship she tried to start the guy would say something stupid like, its me or the dog you choose, or they would say something like, I cant date you because of Rocks, or its not you its me!

After a long time, of her dates always ending the same, she decided to just stop going out with men for now until Rocks settled down a little and the only way to do that was to get Rocks a girlfriend so he would relax around her dates. Sam knew that she needed to find him someone but she didn?t really want to try to find Rocks a lady friend, because she felt a little jealous! She thought to herself, ?Why should Rocks get to get layed should and not me?? She wanted Rocks to be happy and she felt a little silly about being jealous of a dog but none the less she was still jealous and she hadn?t even found him a girlfriend yet! She wondered how she would deal with him actually getting a girlfriend, if she got him one. She was also ashamed because of the thoughts that she was having late at night while she layed in bed. Sam hadn?t been layed in about a year and a half and that was a very long time for her to go without sex! Hell that?s a long time for any one to go without sex!

The bad thoughts came more and more frequently these days and she couldn?t seem to get her mind off of Rocks! Every time she thought about Rocks being with some bitch she got sick to her stomach! Sam couldn?t figure out why she was getting so upset, but she would soon cross a line that hadn?t entered her mind since Buddy died! So I guess she did know where the thoughts where coming from she had just repressed the memory of her beloved Buddy dying! Sam hadn?t thought about another dog, since that fateful night, because Buddy was her mate and her lover for so long that it hadn?t entered her mind about making love to another dog until these past few weeks! She had been Buddy?s companion for 3 years and was his lover for a year before he had died but she felt that it had been long enough and that it was time to move on! It had been about 2 years since buddy died. Also, mainly because Rocks wouldn?t let her, she hasn?t been layed in almost a year and a half.

After thinking about it a little more she decided that this is the way that Buddy would have wanted it to be. Sam knew that she would never forget the long nights that she had spent with Buddy and the eventful first time that she had ever made love to any one and she knew that Buddy would always have a special place in her heart! Sam found herself welcoming and yearning for the thoughts of dirty deeds done with Rocks!

Sam layed there that night imagining herself stroking Rocks? long sheath making his penis slowly emerge so that the red tip showed and slowly bringing more and more of it out of its protective covering! She stroked until she could see more and more of it growing in her hand and brought it to the point of where she could put it in her mouth and suck on it! She layed there thinking about this for a while until her pussy became wet with excitement and she became more and more aroused! She slowly moved her hand down her stomach and put her hand in her well soaked panties! She groped at her clit and started messaging it slowly drifting deeper and deeper into her daydream about Rocks! Sam could see herself licking the top of his ever growing prick and she could feel herself moving towards, a long overdue, orgasm! She ever so slowly pulled her panties down as to not wake Rocks, because if she woke him he would want to go out and she wasn?t in the mood to take him down to the lot right now. She hardly ever wore them anyway and she couldn?t figure out why she chose to wear them tonight. She found herself masturbating a lot lately, mainly to the thought of a hot guy that she had seen that day. She started sleeping in the nude because clothes just got in the way and every time she tried to undress in bed she ended waking Rocks up! So she decided to just cut out the middle man and sleep in the nude. So why tonight of all nights had she chosen to wear panties and a night shirt? Why? Why? Why? She just let the thought leave her head and tried to concentrate on the task at hand, trying to get her panties off without waking Rocks, which was not easy because rocks was a very light sleeper!

So far so good she had managed to slip her panties off of her hips and most of the way down her legs with out even a hint of a movement out of Rocks! She moved quickly but steadily as to not make to many waves in the water bed that her parents gave her last X-Mas and bam mission accomplished she had successfully removed the pesky garment without so much as a twitch out of Rocks! Now she was able to play without waking her future lover! Back to the other mission, operation orgasm!

I hope yall have enjoyed the begining stages of my story about Rocks, I am starting chapter 3 right now but it will probably be a little bit before i can post it up! Once again i hope yall enjoyed it and I accept any and all thoughts comments or criticism yall may want to pass my way! Thank you all for taking the time to read what i have written so far and dont be shy to make a coment no mater how big or small it may be your opinion matters! It helps me entertain yall more!!!


Chapter Three

Now deep in her day dream Sam messaged her hard clitoris she with her thumb and slid her pointer and middle finger into her well lubricated honey pot as she dreamed about Rocks big red hard dick penetrating deeper and deeper into her tight pussy. Sam let out a slight moan and she felt Rocks stirring so she layed as still as she could without losing her edge on her orgasm still delicately messaging her clit and she heard Rocks breathing labor once more letting her know that it was safe to continue without the threat of him waking up! Sam layed there dreaming about becoming tied with Rocks and with that she started gushing her orgasm had reached the top threshold and she had her first gusher orgasm. She layed back panting like never before and was amazed at the type of orgasm that had eluted her all of these years. Sam had had really, really big orgasms plenty of times before but none like this. None that made the sheets so soaked that she couldnt believe that all of that came from one orgasm! She got off the bed not worried about waking Rocks any longer and looked down at the bed where she was just laying and couldnt believe her own two eyes. The spot was so huge it was at least 2 feet in width and 3 feet tall, her back and her ass where totally soaked and it was so mind blowing she almost fell over.

Sam had indeed woke Rocks who was happy to see her but only lifted his head for a brief moment before he smelled it. He smelled sex and he knew it he rolled over and began licking the wet spot where Sam had just been laying! Sam hurried to the bathroom, before he noticed where the spot came from, and got cleaned up so that she could clean up the mess she made, remake the bed, and go to sleep before Rocks got any ideas in his head! By the time she had gotten 2 out of 3 of the things done Rocks was up and to be taken outside. He sat by the front door whining and scratching at the door as Sam tried to hurry up and get dressed! She grabbed the leash she had hanging by the door and hooked Rocks collar and opened the door! Rocks bolted out the door and ran down the steps making Sam drop his leash while she was trying to lock the door behind them!

Rocks finally settled down on the bed when they got back and Sam undressed herself so she could get some sleep before the alarm sounded telling her it was time to get ready for work. As Sam layed there dreaming that night she found that even her dreams where about Rocks, there was no escaping him! Her dreams seemed to be so vivid and real that she became aroused in her sleep. She felt like she never wanted to wake up but knew even in her subconscious that there was no way for her to continue to sleep and that one day she would make her dream a reality! As Sam fell into a deep sleep her dream became more and more life like.

Sam had taken Rocks to the dog park one night, it was a little nippy out so she had worn a long skirt and a light jacket, so he could run around and play with other dogs and so she could get a little human contact. It seemed as though the dog park was eerily empty so she tried to get Rocks to go back home but he didnt seem to want to go. He was having too much fun running around chasing the squirrels and trying to catch the birds. So Sam decided to sit on the park bench and wait for Rocks to get tuckered out. About a half hour passed as she waited and she was getting bored so she reached into her purse to find a magazine to read while she waited. She clumsily fumbled through her purse accidentally knocking it over spilling all of the contents on the ground around her and all over the bench she was sitting on. She picked up the things on the bench and threw them back in her purse. She got off the bench and knelt down to pick up the rest of the mess that she had made. Now down on her hands and knees trying to get the stuff out form underneath the bench she felt a weird sensation around her hind quarters. It was Rocks examining her, sniffing her, trying to figure out what had been presented to him. Sam hurriedly reached back to push his nose away and said, Rocks not now cant you see Im a little busy here. Rocks just stood there nosing around the bottom of her skirt trying to get his head under it so he could examine his present a little closer.

By this time Sam was getting agitated because Rocks wasnt listening to reason. She reached back behind her again and tried to get Rocks out from underneath her skirt when Rocks began licking her panties. Sam stopped and tried to steady herself as a jolt of passion shot threw her like a bolt of lightning. Her lips quivered as Rocks made another pass with his massive tongue her panties where now soaked with a mixture of his saliva and her juices. She tried to speak with a steady voice, Rocks stop, what if someone sees us? Rocks still wasnt listening, he began to gnaw at her soaked panties to try and get them off so he could claim his prize with his growing cock. He was finally able to rip them off and he jumped up on Sam. He was thrusting wildly pushing his cock toward his goal hitting her thighs and her anus but couldnt get around the barrier that was Sams skirt. Sam looked around the park for any unwanted eyes, before she would let Rocks take her, but the park was still empty and she reached back and pulled her skirt up onto her back. Rocks was pleased that she had done what he wanted her to and he returned to the task of finding his new found mates treasure.

Rocks pushed his pulsating doggy dick towards Sams dripping wet pussy and as he found her hole he thrust with all of his might. With one fluid motion he pushed his big red cock up into Sams tight wet pussy. She felt his warm fur surround her as he locked his paws around her waist and slumped over so that he could hit his target with a little more accuracy. Sam moaned in sheer pleasure as she pushed her ass back to meet his quickening thrusts. She moved her head closer to the ground to where her large breasts rested in the cool grass and she opened her legs wider so she could receive all of Rocks. She moaned again at the edge of an orgasm as she felt Rocks knot pushing into her tight abused pussy. Rocks was quickening his pace and shot hot sticky pre-come into Sam. He thrust as hard as he could and pushed his knot passed Sams lips and up into her. Sam screamed as she had a huge orgasm, this had been her biggest orgasm ever. Sam could feel Rocks knot swelling up tying them together. Rocks let out a loud howl as he came in his lover. His pace now slowing as he began pouring his hot come into every open space of Sams mostly filled pussy. Rocks cock was so big that the come barely had a place to go and shot out of Sams pussy onto his stomach, down his cock, down Sams legs and some rolled down Sams stomach. Sam squealed as she shot into another mind blowing orgasm. She could feel his come filling every inch of her womb and shooting out of her pussy because it had nowhere to go. She found her self starting to giggle as she felt the tickle of his come rolling down her stomach.

Rocks dismounted Sam and started whining because he couldnt go anywhere. They where still tied. Sam tried to calm his fears and his since of helplessness telling him it would be ok and that he would be free soon. After about 20 minutes, feeling like hours, Rocks knot finally started to shrink and he was able to pull out. Rocks turned around to clean Sam up as best as he could lapping up both of there come. Sam got up and started rubbing Rocks back and scratching behind his ears. As she said to him, thats a good boy, you are a very good boy! You were taking the time to clean up after your self like that.

Sam shot up as she heard a twig break in the distance she yelled out, Whos there? No answer. She yelled out again, I know theres someone out there I heard the branch break! If you dont come out Im going to send my dog out after you! By this time Rocks was growling because he could since the fear in Sam and also that there was someone out there that shouldnt be! A voice shot back, Please call your dog off, and I will come out if you just call your dog off! Sam recognized the voice in the distance, who could it have been? Who was out there watching me? How long had he been there? Sams mind was racing as she saw the shadow emerge from the tree it was . . . . .


Chapter Four

Sam shot up her bed in a cold sweat, awake at the sound of her blaring alarm clock! What the fuck, she cursed to herself. That was really fucking weird, I could have sworn that I knew that voice from some where but where? She decided not to rack her brain with trying to figure out who the mystery voice belonged to, because she new that it would come to her eventually! Sam got up out of bed and headed for the bathroom to start her morning routine like she always did! This morning was no different as she brushed her teeth she could hear that Rocks was getting up out of bed and was headed to the bathroom to greet his human companion!

Sam reached down with her free hand and gave him a pat on the head and said good morning did you sleep well? Rocks looked up at her and started wagging his tail as if to say yes! Sam smiled at this and continued brushing her teeth as she thought to herself so did I Rocks so did I. Rocks left the room to go get a drink of water and to lay by the front door and wait for Sam to finish up! Sam hurried what she was doing because she knew that it would take about 2 hours for her to take him to his patch of grass and get every thing ready for work and then she still had to take her shower and get ready for work!

As Sam opened the front door Rocks took off like a bat out of hell, he was already waiting at the front entrance of the apartment building when she finished locking the front door. She hurried down the steps to rejoin her companion and hook the leash on his collar before they went outside! Sam watching her beautiful companion prance down the street as if he where a little prince or something! She giggled to her self and Rocks looked up at her and smiled! About 15 min. later they had finally made it to Rocks’ favorite little patch of grass and Sam bent down and unhooked him. He ran out to his favorite spot and started to play. Sam sat by herself against the wall watching her soon to be lover play! She couldn’t help but think to herself about how graceful he was in her dream last night and if it would be the same if they where to do it this morning! She shook her head as she heard Rocks approaching her trying to get him out of her mind! Then she decided to herself that today would be the day! She could feel herself getting wet down there as she thought about what would happen next! She looked down at Rocks who seemed to know what was going on as his prick started to poke out the top of his sheath! It seemed as if Rocks knew what Sam was thinking and it made her even wetter down there!

Soon they where back home and Rocks was already raring to go, his pointed cock was half way out of its sheath and Rocks was pushing Sam towards the bedroom! Not wasting any time, Sam undressed with lightning speed as she was getting hotter by the second! She looked at the clock, it was 6:30am and she had to be at work by 10am so she could finish getting her presentation ready. That gave her 2 hours to play with Rocks, a half hour to take a shower, and an hour to get to work with no time to spare!

As soon as Sam’s panties hit the floor Rocks’ cold nose was sniffing around Sam’s pussy, she had no idea that Rocks felt the same way she felt about him. Rocks licked at her dripping wet pussy and he his dick swelled with anticipation. Soon he was pawing at Sam’s legs telling her to get down on all fours so that he could get in a better position to lick her and then mount her! Sam did as she was told and got down for him! She turned around right before Rocks was about to mount her so that she could make sure that he was fully hard and able to penetrate her without any problems!

Sam wrapped her lips around his cock to help him get a little harder. She sucked her lovers cock with her tight lips pushing on his sheath as she sucked harder as his dick slipped further and further into her mouth and somewhat down her throat! Sam gagged a little as he tried to push his dick further down her throat. She reared back a little so that he wouldn’t do it again and she sucked his hot doggy cock as if her life depended on it, she wanted him inside of her and as she licked the tip of his dick feeling his hot pre-come hit her tongue she knew he was ready to mount her with out any trouble getting it into her now drenched pussy!

She turned her back to him and raised her ass up to his face and with one solid motion he was up on her back and thrusting his dick at her throbbing pussy. She lowered her head in submission so that her lover could get the leverage that he needed to penetrate. Then it happened he pushed his big red cock into her and she moaned loudly out of pleasure! His thrusts where quick and filled with passion as he fucked her as hard as he could! Sam could hear the slapping sound of his knot trying to gain entrance and she opened her legs a little wider so that Rocks would be able to push it in. Sam gasped as the huge knot entered the small entrance, she felt a twinge of pain but that was soon over come by pleasure! Rocks’ thrusts became slower but still filled with a greater passion as his knot swelled inside of his human lover. As they became one (tied) Sam had the biggest orgasm she had ever had and knew that her life would be different from this point on! Sam could feel her lovers hot come pouring inside of every inch of her worn out body and then just when she thought that she couldn’t have another orgasm she did! She screamed out of pleasure and she pushed back into her lover feeling his fur all around her body and his paws wrapped around her waist she was in heaven, she had never felt so good during sex with a human and she knew she never would! Rocks slid off of her after the swelling in his knot went down enough for him to pull out, he licked his lovers pussy cleaning up the mixture of come and juices that where gushing out of Sam. Then he went and laid in the corner cleaning himself!

Sam couldn’t believe that her daydreams where now a reality and couldn’t believe that she hadn’t done this with Rocks before now! It was the most wonderful feeling having a lover that wouldn’t get off before she had the chance and she new that her life would be different from this point on! She no longer had to fanaticize about being with Rocks because he was now her lover as she was his!


Chapter Five

Sam got home from work around 7pm that night and found that Rocks was waiting by the door to greet her and also to let her know that he wanted to go out! So she patted him on the head to say hello and said, Ill take you out in a minute just let me get changed real quick! Sam went to the bedroom to change and she could still smell sex in the air from her and Rocks’ passionate morning. She tried to keep her mind off of it all day but she kept thinking back to the wonderful morning she had had with Rocks, and now she found herself getting wet from the smell in the air and the memories that ran through her head!

Rocks was getting impatient and started to whine loudly by the door as if to tell Sam to hurry up! Sam snapped back to reality at the sad sound and hurried to finish getting dressed before Rocks left lake eerie in the hallway! She grabbed his leash and hooked him up and opened the door to let him out! Like always he bolted out and ran down the steps before Sam even had a chance to get the door shut behind them!

Soon they where back in the house and Sam started to cook dinner for her and Rocks. He didn’t care to much for dog food ever since he was a puppy he ate nothing but human food! Sam didn’t mind because it made her feel special to have someone to cook for besides herself! Rocks waited patiently for Sam to finish cooking and then the feast was on! Sam made meat loaf and mash potatoes and gravy for the two of them! After dinner she washed dishes and cleaned up the kitchen a little before she settled in the living room to watch TV! Rocks was right by her side the whole time just waiting for her to make her move but she never did!

Sam sat on the couch flipping channels for about a half hour before she found a movie to watch on lifetime and then she layed back with Rocks laying right in front of her! It was kind of a tight squeeze since she only had a little couch but they both enjoyed the cuddle time! It wasn’t long before Sam started petting Rocks on the back and then with out even realizing it she was groping at his sheath! She hadn’t realized what she was doing until she felt Rocks’ prick start to poke out of sheath. She looked down at what she was doing and giggled to herself and thought damn Rocks really is enjoying himself. Rocks looked up at her and smiled as if to say that she was doing a good job and to keep it up!

Sam got down in the floor and Rocks was not far behind and he layed down in front of her and opened his legs to welcome Sam’s next move! She put her hand on his belly and began to rub his fur and then slowly moved it further and further down until she was stroking his ever growing cock. She leaned in to give herself a little taste of his hot doggy dick and then she pursed her lips against it rubbing it against them to let Rocks know what her intentions where. She stuck her tongue out and licked the tip of his red dick and Rocks let out a light sigh as to say that he approved of her giving him a blow job!

After Sam got the sign of approval from her lover she proceeded to put his huge dick in her mouth sucking on it ever so lightly and massaging it with her tongue. Soon she felt his pre-come hit her tongue and she moaned loudly to let Rocks know that she was enjoying sucking on his hot growing member! Sam pulled his dick out of her mouth and started licking the tip of it moving her tongue from one side to the other with quick sweeps. She moved her tongue down one side and back up then down the other side and back up then she shoved his dick in her mouth and sucked harder than before.

Sam got up off the floor and took off her shorts and panties that she had put on for there walk and then got back down in a doggy position with her pussy in Rocks’ face and his dick in her face so they could do 69. Sam put his dick in her mouth again and sucked with a new found fury as Rocks started to lick her wet pussy and she moaned as an enormous orgasm swept over her body! Rocks enjoyed it when Sam moaned and squealed because he knew that he was pleasing his bitch. With every moan he started licking her bulging clit with quicker and deeper strokes of his tongue! Sam sucked on his dick with heated passion and started to feel his knot pushing at her lips and she opened her throat to let his dick gain passage so that she could take his knot in her mouth! Sam gagged because she had never been one to deep throat.

Sam was so overwhelmed with passion as Rocks’ knot entered her mouth that she came and came hard, she shot hot come all over Rocks’ tongue and muzzle. He lapped it up greedily trying to eat all of her come! She couldn’t take it anymore she had to get him off she needed to feel and tasted his hot sticky come in her mouth. She sucked him as fast and as hard as she could and then she felt Rocks tense up underneath her and she knew he was about to come! She braced herself as she knew there would be a lot to take in and she shoved his dick down her throat and swallowed quickly as she felt his hot doggy come fill her mouth and throat! She swallowed again and again trying to drink all that he gave her but still managed to have some roll out the side of her mouth and down her chin! She began to come herself just from the orgasm he was filling her mouth with.

After Rocks finished coming in his lovers mouth he got up and licked the remaining deposit of come off of Sam’s cheek and chin as if to say thank you for the wonderful blowjob. He went in the corner licking his shrinking cock cleaning the saliva off of it before it shrank back into his sheath! Sam continued to lay where she was for a moment longer to regain her composure after having multiple orgasms she had not had so many orgasms just from oral sex since before Buddy passed on. She was in complete awe of Rocks’ masterful tongue and at how well he used it! She couldn’t wait for him to pleasure her like that again in the future!

Sam finally got up after about 15min. and went over to see how Rocks was doing he was lying there with a huge smile on his face and he licked Sam’s face again to thank you again for a job well done! Sam scratched his head and his ears and said, your very welcome boy anytime. She loved Rocks so much that she would do anything for him and he knew it! He layed there taking in the loving attention Sam was giving him. As his tongue fell out the side of his mouth drooling at the much wanted attention Sam laughed and then said to Rocks, I’m going to go get in the shower if you want you can join me. When we get out we can start round two that is if you want too of course. Rocks jumped up and barked happily and followed Sam to the bathroom!

Sam opened the bathroom door and turned the light on so she could see what she was doing and as soon as she did Rocks jumped up into the tub awaiting his bath. One of Rocks’ favorite things to do was to take baths so that he could play in the water. Sam had to make him get out so that she could get the water to the right temperature and also so she could fill the tub. She added some lavender and chamomile bath salts for her and some bubble bath stuff for Rocks because he liked the bubbles. She looked at Rocks after the tub was ready and said, ok boy go ahead you can get in now. With that Rocks jumped in the tub and instantly started jumping around and biting at the bubbles. Sam laughed as she watched him jumping around like a little kid. She took off her shirt and tossed in the dirty clothes basket and then she did the same with her shorts and panties. She got into the tub with Rocks as he started to calm down a little. Sam began washing herself and then proceeded to wash Rocks making sure that they where both good and clean. After they where all clean Sam got a towel from the cabinet and dried herself off and then she towel dried Rocks so he wouldn’t get a chill.


Chapter Six

Sam went to the bedroom and opened the door. Rocks was right behind her, because he knew it was time for round 2, He was just as anxious as Sam was if not more. He ran and jumped on the bed as soon as Sam opened the door and he lied down on his back waiting for Sam to join him. She went over to the dresser to run a comb thru her hair and squirted on a little Tommy Girl as she knew it was Rocks’ favorite perfume that she had. She looked herself over once more making sure she was perfect for her K9 lover and then went over to the bed to see Rocks.

She hadn’t bothered to put any clothes on after her bath so she was standing at the edge of the bed with her breasts exposed and her freshly shaved pussy was smoother than a pimp in Nevada! She watched Rocks laying there on the bed waiting to be played with panting heavily with anticipation! She smiled at the fact that she couldn’t get over how beautiful Rocks was. At that very moment Sam saw him as a god just so radiant so strong, and yet gentle enough to make passionate love to and cuddle with afterwards! He was her god and she was his servant and with that thought she knew she was Rocks’ bitch and she didn’t argue at that fact, it actually aroused her even more almost to the point of coming on the floor! She giggled out loud at the fact that her master, so to speak, and also her lover was her dog! Of course she didn’t mind it but she just never saw herself becoming a full blown bitch. I mean she was Buddy’s bitch, from time to time but only during the time that they where making love, but never like this she was fully devoted to Rocks and not just as a companion any more, she would do anything for this beautiful creature she would even lay down her life if only what ever force was trying to take him was to spare his life in return!

Rocks barked loudly and Sam snapped out of it with a jolt, she didn’t know how long she had been day dreaming, Rocks was getting impatient and wanted to get started already! She gave him a quick glance and then got on the bed joining her lover! She began stroking the fur on his belly cooing him with soft sweet nothings in his ear! Her hand moved slowly as she caressed and kissed every inch of his beautiful body not yet letting her hand move over his sheath. She looked deep into Rocks’ eyes to see the fire burning in the dark pools of mystery. She then slowly moved her hand down his shiny coat further and further down till she felt his large balls hit her hand. Sam caressed his rather large set of balls and lowered her head down towards his sheath where Rocks’ prick had started to show! She softly pressed his shiny pink prick to her lips and stuck out her tongue so that she could get a taste of his masculinity and bask in his greatness!

Rocks’ began to squirm around a little, not out of protest, out of pleasure. Sam thought to herself that she must be doing a good job because Rocks only squirms when he starts to get ready to come. She pulled her head back to keep him from coming just yet, she wanted him to mount her and shoot his seed inside of her. She knew she had to move quickly if she wanted Rocks to fuck her. She turned around and assumed the position, she pushed her ass up towards his face and he sniffed around for a minute or two trying to figure out what had just happened. Then he caught the scent of Sam’s pussy he smelled something that smelled like a bitch in heat. He pushed his cold nose into her ass as he tried to get his tongue in her pussy. Sam gasped at the sudden rush of coldness that jolted thru her body, she arched her back as his tongue made a pass at her exuberantly wet pussy. Sam could feel the tingling of an orgasm rushing over her body as she was silently swept away by its strong ocean like current. She wriggled underneath of his tongue moving her hips to meet his soft strokes and she moaned quietly as not to disturb Rocks’ rhythm.

Rocks was ready and he was sure that Sam was ready as well so he mounted her with practiced motions and locked his paws around her waist. He started to thrust wildly at Sam’s hole, because he was over excited and he wanted to be tied with his bitch. Sam had to reach back and guide his large cock towards her pussy. Once Rocks found that he had reached his destination he drew back and rammed her as hard as he could and with one solid motion he had jammed his entire cock, up to the knot, into her. Sam screamed, as she had not anticipated his over eager thrust, and tried to lurch forward but Rocks had her so tight around her waist that she couldn’t move. The pain was huge but it quickly turned into pleasure as Rocks hit his stride. He was thrusting fervently as he tried to force his knot into her hot pussy. Sam opened her legs a little wider so that Rocks’ knot could pass thru the tight entrance without hurting either of them and he seemed grateful. As Rocks shoved his knot deep into Sam she yelled out loudly, “yes, yes oh god yes, that’s a good boy, you really know how to please your bitch don’t you? Fuck me master fuck me till you cant fuck me any more!” Rocks’ thrusts shortened but he kept a steady pace as he started to fill Sam with his seed! Sam could feel another orgasm flowing over her as her new found master filled every inch of her womb with his hot sticky doggy come! Sam let out a loud moan of pure ecstasy as her body shook and shivered with large bucks and sways of her hips! She felt his come fill her insides till they had nowhere else to go except out, and as the orgasm swept over her body her love juices and his seed started to spill out of her like a river!

Sam was so pleased with the way Rocks had fucked her she knew that no human could ever please her in that way. She knew that she was hooked and would never go back to being with a human male again! Rocks had pleased her better than any man that she had ever been with, besides there was no getting around the fact that she was Rocks’ bitch! She also knew that Rocks would never play second fiddle to a human so she decided at that moment that she would be totally zoo! She knew that it would be difficult to hide it but she didn?t care she loved Rocks and she didn’t want to be with anyone or anything else!

Sam could feel Rocks starting to deflate inside of her and she tried not to be sad as she wanted to stay tied with Rocks longer but there was nothing that she could do! They had been tied for a good 45 minutes! They where both completely exhausted so I guess in a way she was relieved but she didn’t want it to end! Once Rocks slipped out of her with a loud sloppy pop Sam fell on the bed and was instantly drifting into a deep sleep! Rocks layed there cleaning himself up a little before he fell asleep too!

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