Women with Animals
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Summer on the Farm (by Greg St. Cloud aka TripleXwriter)


(c) 2010 by Greg St. Cloud aka TripleXwriter

“Come on Rebecca, Mom yelled up the staircase! We need to leave to your Uncle’s.”

“OK…OK, Mom” I called back.

Thinking that this is really something an 18-year-old girl wants to do. Going to leave the big city to spend the summer with her mom’s Brother and his family down on the farm in Mississippi. Mom was raised on the same farm, but escaped it and Mississippi when she ran off with my Dad. He was a government man who happened to be traveling through the South when he met my Mom; he took a liking to her and her young body. He asked her to leave with him, and go back up north. Mother left him soon after I was born.

Mother had worked her way up to a promotion that required her to travel. Since I was 16, she had left me alone in the apartment when she did, but that was normally just a couple nights a month. This time though, she was required to go to Europe for the whole summer.

I begged her to let me stay at home, telling her I was 18 and all. She replied that I was just going into my senior year of High School, to young to stay at home in the big city all summer long by myself. So off to the farm I would go.

As I packed the last of my stuff, I glanced in the mirror. Here I was, young good looking with long strawberry blond hair to my waist. I was wearing a short tank top that showed my flat stomach and hip hugger jeans. With that combination, I was bare from the bottom of my breasts to below my navel. I inherited perky little tits and bright pink nipples from my mom. I rarely wore a bra; I certainly didn’t need one

I was going to truly miss my boyfriend Rodney! We had been dating for most of the year and been having sex since our third date. I found that I really like to fuck, almost as much as he did. Sometimes when my mother was out of town, we would have sex 5 or 6 times a day. I especially love giving head and being eaten out. Rodney had tried to add kink into our sex. Like the time we were out with his friend Steven and got real wasted. We all ended up back at Steven’s house and the last thing I remembered was laying down on a bed and Rodney taking my clothes off. I was so drunk and so horny that all I wanted was him in my mouth.

“Come here and let me suck on that cock of yours” I slurred.

I must have passed out, in my drunken state, I semi-woke up, and I was getting fucked hard, I must have been enjoying it because it felt like I had cum a couple of times. I was still enjoying sucking on Rodney’s cock and noticing how this fuck felt different. Suddenly I came to my senses! How could I be sucking his cock and have one buried deep inside me. Just at that moment, I felt the cock inside me twitch and spray hot cum in my cunt. I bolted up, seeing Steven with a huge hard on hanging in the air dripping cum. I freaked out!

“What in the fuck is going on here” I screamed!

Rodney said, “ you said it was OK and that you wanted two dicks tonight.”

“You fucking fool, I am drunk. How could you do this to me, your Girlfriend!”

It took a couple of weeks to work things out with Rodney. I was ashamed at my actions and those of his. But I can tell you, the though of what happened has given me many nights of good masturbation

Well so much for a summer of fun and fucking, I am off to the farm. Mom dropped me off at the airport and I boarded my plane to my new home away from home.

As I climbed off the airplane at the small town airport, I saw a beautiful girl about my age waving her hand. She came running up to hug me and I could hear her calling my name.

“Rebecca, you have grown so much and are so pretty” she called, “don’t you remember me, I am your cousin Carla?”

“Carla? Little Carla, the brat that use to drive me crazy talking about nothing but her horses” I said as she grabbed me in a bear hug.

“Yea that’s me, I just got home for the summer from collage, and dad asked if I wanted to go to town and pick you up.”

“College, damn… how old are you now?” I asked, not believing how much she had grown.

“I just turned 19 last month, I am in Pre-Med. and studying to be come a veterinarian at the state Collage” she answered. “Lets get your bags and get going, everyone is dying to see you”

The ride out to the farm gave us time to catch up on the past 10 years. It was funny that we shared a lot of common interests, but then again teenagers are teenagers. I sat there and watched her; she had grown into a beautiful young lady. Her hair was a sandy brown and closely cropped. She was wearing a tank top like mine, and I could tell that she had no bra on buy the way her tits bounced and we went over the ruts in the road. You could almost see her huge dark nipples as the protruded tightly through her top. She was wearing very short Jean cutoffs and hiking boots. Her jeans were so short that when she shifted the gears in the truck, you could catch a glance of her pubic hair.

I sat there for a minute and thought, this might not be to bad of a summer after all! We pulled into the drive and Uncle John and Aunt Kathy were waiting for us. The farm looked great, it was freshly painted and everywhere I looked I saw animals and things growing.

“Oh… you have grown so big and filled out Rebecca” Aunt Kathy said as she hugged me.

“Welcome to the farm” Uncle John said patting me on the shoulder.

We off loaded my bags and placed them in the bedroom next to Carla’s. Then it was time for a big country dinner. We spent the mealtime catching up on the past and what the plans were for the future. I was beat tired from my long day of traveling and excused my self to bed. I took a hot shower, climbed into my short nightie. I was just about to slip off to sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in” I called.

“Mind if I come in and talk for a few minutes” Carla asked?

“Come on in!” I replied.

Carla bounced in and sat on the edge of the bed, I noticed right off that she was wearing a short baby doll type of nightie…with no underwear on. I could see her pussy as plain as day. I had to force myself to stop staring at it and try and listen to what she had to say. She talked about collage some; about living on her own and that she came home for the summer to save money and keep me company. Then in a quite tone, started talking about girl type stuff.

“You still a virgin” she asked?

“Hell no” I laughed.

“Really…how many boys have you had” she quizzed?

“Well a couple, but I have been seeing this one for a while now”

“Are you still a virgin, Carla” I asked, pretty sure she wasn’t?

“No, I lost my cherry when I was 13 and have been fucking ever since” she replied.

I was lost for words, my mind was thinking fast. Where? How? With who? I noticed on the drive that there wasn’t another house for miles from here and her schooling was done mainly at home or in a small town schoolhouse. Where would she have found the boys or the time?

“Are there that many horny boys here, Carla? I questioned.

She began to laugh

“Rebecca, there is male cock everywhere and it is there for your taking” she said still laughing.

“What is the kinkiest thing you have every done” she asked”

“Well… I did have two boys at the same time once” I confessed, somewhat embarrassed

“At the same time? One in your pussy and one in your butt?” she said, kind of excited?

“No!” I stammered, “one in my pussy and one in my mouth…but I was drunk.”

“Is that all?” she laughed.

God, I was embarrassed! Then she went on to tell stories of her college fucking. Two, three or more guys and all the wild orgies. I know my mouth was hanging open and I had to ask, “where did you learn to like fucking that much?

“Right here” she cooed.

“Where here” I asked? There are no boys within 10 miles of here.

“Come on” she said, grabbing my hand. “You have a lot to learn my dear!”

She drug me out to the front porch and to the side of the house. It was alittle chilly out side in our flimsy nightgowns and she held me tightly to her side.

“Rebecca, look out there! What do you see?” she whispered in my ear?

I looked around the best I could in the dark. “A farm” I whispered back.

“No, what do you see on the farm?”

“Well, animals, farm equipment, crops and the cars.” I said.

“There is more male cock out there for our taking then you can shake a stick at” she said. I could hear the excitement in her hoarse whisper.


“The animals silly” she said, I could feel her hand move down my back and over my butt.

I was shocked and couldn’t believe what she had said. I tensed up feeling her hand on the top of my rump.
“Animals, you have got to be shitting me!” I said, louder then I should have. I twisted away and looked her in the eye. I could see that she wasn’t kidding. She was standing there with the light behind her and I could see her plain as day, even her pussy hanging out for all to see. I shook my head, trying to believe this was all a dream. Girls fucking animals? No way.

“Come here, my dear,” she said softly.

I don’t know why, but I went to her. She gave me a hug and said that it was ok, many people have sex with their animals. I was still in shock. I thought I could even smell that musk smell, like when I got real horny. I knew my pussy wasn’t wet, it had to be Carla!

“I don’t know Carla, I can’t believe that you have fucked farm animals.”

“Dear they are better then any boy that you have had, and no headaches dealing with them after.” She whispered again.

“I think I have had to long of a day, I just want to go to sleep for a while” I told Carla.

“Come on, I walk you back to your room, we will talk some more tomorrow.”

As I laid down in bed, my head was full of mental pictures of Carla getting fucked by some big horse, or one of their chocolate Labs. I tried to block these thoughts out of my head, but to my surprise, I was feeling kinda aroused by it all. My pussy was getting wetter with each passing thought. I am never going to get to sleep this way. I thought about it and threw the blankets off of me, and let my hand fall between my legs.

“God, that feels good” I thought, as I massaged my swollen clit.

I knew that I was moaning softly, as I finger fucked myself. I thought I was quiet enough in this big room. I was so into my own sex, that I did not hear the door slightly open. I was busy in my own fantasy of Carla getting a big dick rammed in her cute little pussy.

All of a sudden, I felt a warm furry face in my snatch, tongue going a 100mph, trying to search for the source of my fuck juices. I jumped and looked down; it was JoJo, one of the Labs. I could see my pussy juices smeared all over his muzzle. He dove back between my legs and hit my clit with his tongue. God; I had never felt anything like it. It was heaven and I thought, “what the fuck” no one will know. I was just about to cum, when I felt like that someone was watching. It was Carla! She was standing there with a huge smile and her fingers working her cunt. I tried to stop, but was to close to cumming. JoJo had his tongue deep inside me and was rubbing his nose against my clit. I was at a point that I did care who watched!

“Go for it Girl” she hissed, “let him make you cum!”

I felt the wave of my cum flood over me, all my muscles tightened and then a flood went through my body and centered on my pussy. At this point JoJo climbed on the bed; I could see his huge cock swaying. I have never seen anything like it before, all pink and with its blunt head. I could hear Carla moaning and the squishy sound of her fingers pumping her own pussy. She then stopped and came over to the bed. She climbed under JoJo and took his dick in her mouth. I sat there amazed that someone would suck a dog off, but at the same time, it turned me on. I began to rub my own pussy and just watched her.

“You like?” she asked, releasing the cock for a minute.

“Oh…yes” I moaned.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“For what?”

“To get the fucking of your life” she hissed again.

“Well.well, I don’t know about….”

It was to late; Carla had JoJo up against me and was trying to turn me over. My mind was protesting, but my body was screaming yes! The next thing I knew, I was on all fours and JoJo was mounting me. I felt him humping, but it was just banging my backside. Carla must have guided his cock into my pussy. I felt a stab of pain; I had never had anything even close in size as his dick.

“Ouch…damn that hurts” I whimpered.

“Easy girl, you will stretch to fit him” Carla whispered.

As he humped me, I could tell that I was stretching. It was starting to go deeper and hurt less. Then JoJo sped up his thrusts; the pain went far away, being replaced by shear pleasure. I began to push my ass back at him, matching his deep thrusts.

“Hmmm…Oh god that feels sooo good” I mumbled.

“Easy there girl, you don’t want to get past that knot” she said, “you are not ready for that quite yet!”

I didn’t know what she was talking about, and really didn’t care. I was lost in my own pleasure and could feel myself getting ready to cum again. All of a sudden, JoJo stopped humping, I was almost there. As I tried to hump back onto his dick, I felt it twitch and began to be flooded by quarts of super heated cum. That sent me over the edge, I started cumming.

“OH Fuck…I cumming again!” I yelled, having the orgasm of my life. It felt like my world was coming out my cunt.

“Shhh, you want mom and dad to hear us?”

“Umm…damn!” I hissed through clenched teeth, “I am still cumming!”

As I started to wind down, JoJo slipped out of me and sent cum gushing everywhere. He climbed down off the bed as I rolled over on my back, thinking that my pussy would never be the same. I lay there with my knees up and legs spread wide, savoring the feeling of cum trickling down the crack of my ass. I next felt what seemed to be a tongue licking my pussy clean. I looked down and Carla had her head buried between my legs, cleaning the dog cum out of my pussy. I started to freak, but then thought, what the hell, I just been eaten by a dog, fucked by a dog…why not let a girl suck on my pussy. What did I have to loose, and besides, it was starting to feel too good to stop.

“Carla, that feels so good… you are going to make me cum again!”

Lifting her head, she said, “That’s the point…silly!”

I just pushed her head back down between my legs. I could tell that this was not the first time eating pussy, she knew all the right things to do. It made Rodney look like an amateur. Carla had me withering all over the bed, wrapped up in another fantastic orgasm

As I settled down, she got up and said good night.

“Carla, is there anything that I can do for you?” I whispered. “I mean, I don’t know what, I never have had another girl before?”

“Don’t worry about it.” She answered, “your tired and have had a lot happen to you tonight, just get some rest, besides JoJo will be ready for me in a couple of minutes.”

I fell asleep, not really knowing how I felt about all of this. I did know that I haven’t ever been this satisfied in my life.

The next morning, Carla came in and woke me up. She said that her Mom and Dad had to run into town for the day. That they had to whole day alone to wander the farm. I was again embarrassed about last night.

“Carla…about last night…well I never have even thought…”

“Oh hush girl, I know that!” she interrupted. “Can you tell me, that you didn’t like it, you seem to have cum a lot not to.”

“Rebecca, did you like that big cock stuffed in your pussy?”
“Well…yes, it was great!” I answered, “but I never…”

“I know…I know” she replied.

We cleaned up, got something to eat. We then headed out to the barnyard. I was shocked when Carla, stripped her clothes off at the barn door.

“Hey, there is not any one here but us!” she said, “come on, quit being such a prude, I want to show you something.”

I took my clothes off slowly, never really been naked outside before. We worked our way over to the stalls. Rocket was a beautiful Quarter Horse and had been Carla’s for the last 5 years. I was standing back a ways, not really familiar with horses.

“Come on Rebecca!” she called, “he is very gentle!”

I could tell that it was a meeting of old friends. She held his head and he nuzzled her breasts. After the formal meeting, I began to pet his nose and scratch him under his chin. Carla put a leader on him and brought him out into the barn, tying him off crossways.

“Watch this…you think JoJo had a huge cock!” Carla said excitably.

When she bent over, I could see that her pussy was soaked and swollen with excitement. I found myself wanting to bury my face in it, but I had a thought it would happen, later. Carla was bent over stroking Rockets cock, I could tell that it must be getting hard by the way Carla started to moan and play with her pussy.

“Come here, Rebecca,” She said in a husky voice. “Just look at that!”

I looked over her shoulder and saw a two-foot long cock. It was fucking huge. Carla took the tip of it in her mouth, sucking on it. My pussy was soppy wet, and my juices were starting to ooze down my thighs. I slipped my hand down between Carla’s legs, pushing a finger into her cunt.

“OHH Rebecca…stick another one up there, pump me!”

I stuck three fingers in her pussy; her fuck juices were running down the back of my hand. It was turning me on to finger fuck her, coupled with the sight of her working his cock over with her tongue.

“Pull your fingers out and let him smell them” she called over her shoulder.

I stuck my fingers up to Rockets nose; he whinnied and snorted, leaning forward. Carla pulled a low table over to him and laid down. With both hands, she guided his huge cock to her cunt. She worked the tip of it was inside her. I moved down to get a closer look.
“Jeez, Carla, how do you fit that inside you, it’s a baseball bat!” I said surprised.

“OHH fuck, it fills me, it is stretching me all the way!” she yelled. I noticed that she had about two inches inside her and with each stroke she got another half inch.

She started screaming and humping wildly.

“Ohhh fuck, I am cumming…pinch my nipples now!” she yelled.

Without even thinking I reached over and started pinching her nipples with one hand, my other one was planted square on my own clit.

“Carla… I’m cumming tooooooo”

Rocket started shooting his cum deep inside her cunt; it was flooding out her cunt and splashing on the floor. As soon as Carla pulled his dick out of her cunt, I knelt between her legs and started to return the favor and clean her pussy out. It tasted like nothing I ever had…. as I stuck my tongue up her pussy, I came again. With in moments Carla was grabbing my hair, smashing my face into her pussy, wrapped up in her own orgasm.

We relaxed for a few minutes then in came JoJo and Rambo. We just looked at each other and started laughing. JoJo stuck his nose in my pussy and started working his magic tongue.

This might not be such a bad summer after all…


As I laid on the straw on the floor, feeling JoJo’s tongue work his magic on my pussy, I listened to Carla’s low moans and heavy breathing. I stole a glance over at where the sounds were coming from. I could see her on her hands and knees with her head hanging down. Rambo had mounted her and was thrusting madly into her pussy. All of a sudden I heard her screech and saw her tense up. She relaxed her body somewhat and was right back in rhythm of fucking Rambo. I could tell that she was closing in on her climax.

“Come here and see this!” she moaned.

I hated to leave JoJo’s tongue, as I was starting to build to my orgasm. I crawled over to where Carla and Rambo were fucking each others brains out.

“What” I asked?

Turning her head, I could see her eyes were closed and she said “ Look, the fucking knot is inside me!”

I crawled around to see what this knot thing was all about. I was in shock, as I picked up Rambo’s tail, I saw that he was all the way inside her! Her pussy was stretched to the maximum. I could see his knot was just inside her. The sight was a huge turn-on for me. About this time, JoJo stuck his muzzle back in my cunt and was licking my clit directly. Rambo had stopped his thrusts and was just holding his cock deep inside Carla.

I could tell that Carla was starting to cum, her body tensed up and a low steady moan could be heard. All of a sudden there was a gush of cum leaking out from around Rambo’s knot as he filled Carla’s pussy up. I just started cumming and cumming; JoJo slipped his tongue deep into my cunt. Both of us girls were moaning and caught up in our own orgasms.

As we lay there trying to catch our breaths, I could see Rambo tug and unlodge his knot out of her pussy. It made a pop sound as he pulled out of her pussy. About a quart of dog cum came squirting out of it. Even with her pussy relaxed, the opening was about the size of a small fist.

“How did you do it?” I asked, “I am so fucking horny…I want to try it!”

“No…No, not yet” she whispered between her deep breaths. “You need to work your way up to it, and then some girls still can’t handle the knot.”

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

“Yes, if you are not use to it, but if you are… it is a piece of heaven” she said with a wink.

“I just haven’t had the knot since last summer, and wasn’t expecting it.” She added.

I looked down, and her pussy was bright pink, wide open and still leaking out large amounts of cum. I never thought that the sight of another girl would turn me on…never. I knew I was aroused as hell, and my mind was going a mile a minute with all the new sights, sounds, smells and feelings. JoJo was still sitting there with a huge hard on, panting heavily. I could see his large knot at the base of his prick. I knew it won’t fit inside me, but wanted it badly. I rolled over and gentle wrapped my hand around his stiff member and slowly lowered my mouth to the tip of it. I immediately felt the heat; it seemed to be ten times warmer then any others that I have sucked on. It felt strange in my mouth and tasted kind of different. I slowly rimmed the head of it with my tongue, then glided it into my mouth. I begin to suck on it and slowly jacked him off. JoJo just rolled over and spread his legs. His tongue was hanging out, and panting, just like all the men that I have ever sucked off.

“Such a good boy!” I cooed, “You ready to fuck me hard again?”

I bent down on all fours again; JoJo was up like a flash and humping my bottom. This time, I reached down between my legs and guided him in.

“Damn..that hurts!” I screeched, my bruised pussy being stretched to the limit again.

“Slow down a little, Baby!” Carla said, “your pussy isn’t use to it yet.”

I just closed my eyes, and knew that once I got past the pain, it would be heaven again. This time I wanted the knot, I am a big girl and thought that if Carla could do it, I could! The pain started to turn to pleasure; JoJo was thrusting with all of his might. I could feel the knot banging against my pussy. It felt huge, like someone was bouncing a soccer ball against me. I could feel my cum rising deep inside me as his cock hit against the end of my love tunnel. I felt Carla’s soft hands starting to caress my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples. This all added to the heighten orgasim that was well up inside me.

“Geez, Carla, that feels so good…I am close, close to cumming!” I said in short breaths.

“Umm…let yourself go, flow with it.” She whispered in my ear.

My orgasm started deep inside me and quickly built to its height, every muscle tensed in my body. I was giving myself totally to the onslaught of JoJo’s cock. Then it happened

“Ahhhh…shit!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as a searing pain ripped through me. It felt like somebody had hit me in the snatch with an ax.

“Oh Geez, he has his fucking knot in you” Carla screamed!

I thought I was going to passout from the pain. Then JoJo started to shoot his load into me, the warmth felt soothing and the twitching of his cock sent me into another set of orgasms. Carla was trying everything to get him out, and so was I at first, but then I started to fight her to keep it inside me. I could feel his cum oozing out from around his dick. I closed my eyes and pictured what it looked like when the same thing was happening to Carla. After about 10 minutes, JoJo’s knot started to shrink, and he pulled it out with a big pop. His cum just poured out of me.

“Baby…you OK, are you hurting much?” Carla asked as she brushed my hair back with her hand.

“Oh..Geez, Carla, it hurt like hell for a while, but then it felt so damn different” I said, wincing somewhat. “I feel like I could never be filled again, not sure if my pussy will ever be the same.”

“Oh Girl, your pussy will be the same, but I think you will never look at a man’s cock in the same way again.” Carla cooed again.

Carla let me lay there for sometime, while she put Rocket back in his stall and cleaned the barn up somewhat. She took the cum soaked straw and threw it somewhere.

“Can you get up dear” she asked? “Mom and Dad will be home in a couple of hours and we need to get cleaned up. I tried to stand up and my knees almost buckled, I had to support myself on the tire of the tractor. Every muscle in my body hurt, as I pushed in on my stomach, about a quart of cum came flooding out. I reached down to feel my pussy, kind of afraid what I would find. It was all swollen, and real sore, but other then that, it felt somewhat normal to my touch.

“Can you make it, or do you need to lean on me” Carla asked.

“I can make it, I guess.”

We didn’t bother to put our cloths back on; we just grabbed them as we slowly made our way to the house. I took one last glance into the barn before we closed the door, Rambo and JoJo were fast asleep right where we left them.

Carla helped me into the bathroom and drew a hot bath for me. She helped me into the tub and as I slowly lowered my butt into the steamy water, I let out a little yelp.

“Damn, I am sore, is it going to stop hurting” I asked Carla?

“Yes my dear, it will get all better and the hot water will help” she giggled.

As I laid there soaking, I could feel the hot water relaxing all my muscles. My pussy still ached, but it had never felt so satisfied. I closed my eyes and replayed the last couple of days. Was I wrong for doing what I had done? It felt so natural but at the same time it was against everything that I had been taught. I was relaxed and almost asleep, when I felt Carla start to wash me gently. My first thought was of another girl touching my private area. Was this wrong also? I had some soul searching to do later, but right now, it felt so good.

“That’s it, you just relax and I will clean you up” Carla whispered.

“Hmmm!” is all I could bring myself to say.

I must have fallen asleep as Carla washed my body. I jerked awake though when she started to wash my pussy.

“Damn…be gentle, that is tender” I said through clenched teeth.

“I’m sorry, I will be a little more gentle” she whispered.

I laid back and felt the touch of another woman on my cunt. It was so much different then a man’s. It was gentle and caring, the hand knew it’s way around all the folds. I could feel myself becoming aroused again.

“Umm…that feels so nice”

“Relax and enjoy, my dear” she cooed.

I felt her fingers starting to do little circles on my clit. Every few seconds she would stop the circles to pinch and roll it. I was on the verge of yet another orgasm. This time it was a soft, tender one. I came in short, tiny bursts, just jerking slowly. Then she let me relax in the warmth for a while. I liked the touch of a woman, I came to realize.

“Come on sleepy butt, time to get dressed” She said, “Mom and Dad will be home in a few.”

“OK, I am out of here”

I slowly got out of the tub, damn I was still sore. I went to my room to dry off and get dressed. I could hear Carla jumping in the shower. We got done just in time for her parents to arrive home.

“Hey girls…we are home, and we brought dinner home from the Café” Aunt Kathy called up the stairs.

“We will be right down” Carla called back.

By the time we got downstairs, the kitchen table had been set and the food was placed in the middle.

“Come on girls, sit down and dig in” Uncle John said.

After we were sat around the table and started serving the meal up, Uncle John wanted to know about our day.

“Oh Dad, I just showed Rebecca all the cool stuff around the farm” Carla giggled.

I about fell out of my seat, and I know I turned bright red. I had to keep switching from one butt cheek to another because my pussy was so sore and that hard wooden chair was not comfortable.

“Great…what did you like the best, Rebecca?” Aunt Kathy asked?

“Well…Umm…oh, well I guess all of it” I said, trying to think of something to say.

“Oh, I almost forgot, We saw Dennis today. He is home for the summer also and asked about you. Said to stop by tomorrow and say Hi.” Uncle John said.

“OK, Dad, we sure will.” Carla said in an excited tone.

The rest of the mealtime was just family talk. They wanted to know about Mom and the big city. We caught up on the past few years. After dinner we all cleared the table and went to sit in the front room. After an hour or so, Carla rose and motioned to me.

“Well we had a big day today and a bigger one tomorrow, so we will be off to bed, Good Night everyone” Carla said, kissing everyone.

I followed suite and went upstairs with Carla. My mind was racing, I knew we had a big day, but what did she mean by a bigger day tomorrow. How much bigger could it get? We went into my bedroom and closed the door.

“Dennis is so cool and he has a great place to swim in the river at his Dads farm” she said, very excited.

She went on to explain that she and her friends always went over there to drink, screw and skinny dip. She told me of some of the big parties that had taken place there. She also explained to me about Dennis’s huge German Shepherd and how all the girls loved that dog.

“You mean…other girls do what we did today,” I asked, more than confused?

“You do have a lot to learn, sure a lot of people enjoy their pets”.

Carla went over to the door and locked it. She then took her cloths off and crawled into bed. I did the same, not sure were this was leading. She cuddled me and I could feel the heat of her naked body against mine. It felt so nice, so peaceful that I must have relaxed enough to go to sleep.

I woke up to the sun shining in through the window. I had one of the most peaceful slumbers of my life. I knew I had many surprises in store for me today. I was really looking forward to this summer on the farm.


As I lay there, with my arms wrapped around Carla, I started to think over the past couple of days. I enjoyed having sex with the dogs! I enjoyed the touch and taste of another woman! These were things that I would not have even dreamed of five days ago, I had heard stories of stuff like this, but thought it to be stuff that demented people would do. Not normal people like us…there I said us. Carla was still asleep, as I had an urge to take her nipple into my mouth. I took her large brown nipple into my mouth and started nursing it like a baby. It grew hard and pointed in my mouth; I flicked my tongue across it, each time I sucked in. It felt so natural in my mouth, and the taste was fantastic. Carla started to stir, and let out a low moan, deep from within. Her hips started a slow roll, then her legs spread wide. I could see her eyes were still closed, and I was pretty sure she was still asleep. I reached down and lightly placed my fingers on her pussy. She rolled her hips up and I slipped two fingers between her folds, feeling the warmth and moister. I lightly touched her swollen clit; it felt like a miniature cock, hard and standing straight up. She sucked in a deep breath.

“Ohhhhh, fuck” she moaned. “Stick your fingers inside me.”

I slipped my two fingers inside her. I felt her pussy grip them and try to pull them deeper. I did not know really what to do, all I knew was what felt good being done to me. I could feel her breathing quicken and her pussy squeeze my fingers tighter.

“Damn… I am cumming” she whispered through clenched teeth.

I felt her cum, deep inside her pussy. A warm fluid flooded out from between my fingers and I could feel her pussy muscle spasm.

“Bite my nipples!”

I had forgotten that I had her nipple still in my mouth. I bit down lightly on her erected nipple. She had cupped my head and was holding it tightly into her breast. I felt her orgasim subside and I withdrew my fingers.

“You silly girl, we don’t have time for this” Carla said, “we have places to go and people to see today.”

“Well, I wanted to return the good feelings that you gave me” I said.

“Come on, let’s jump up, clean up and head over to Dennis’s place. I think you will enjoy today,” She said.

We got up, and showered. We both wore our halter tops and short, cut off jeans. Carla loaned me a pair of boots to wear. We ate a small breakfast with her Mom and Dad. As we made small talk, Carla asked to borrow one of the trucks to go over to Dennis’s farm.

“Sure you can, you girls go out and have a good time” Uncle John said.

We went out and jumped into the same truck that Carla picked me up in. As we backed out and came to a stop, JoJo and Rambo jumped in the back.

“The dogs are in the back, Carla” I said.

“ Oh, they go everywhere with me when I am home, Dennis won’t mind.”

As we drove, Carla reached over and placed her hand on my crotch. The jeans were so short that I could feel her fingers on the sides of my pussy, I spread my legs slightly to get a better feel.

“I want to thank you for this morning” Carla said smiling.

“Well, you know I stammered well you know that I have never had a girl before and I wanted to try it on my own. I did not know that I was a lesbian, it must have been hidden.”

“Oh Hon, your not a lesbian just because you have enjoyed making love with a woman” Carla stated “Do you still like dick? Do you still want a man? If you said yes to either, then at the most, you are BI-sexual.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked?

“No, not at all, most of my friends are BI and you will meet a lot of them today at the river” She said with a chuckle.

We went about ten miles down this dirt road, and turned into the drive of a big farmhouse. Carla started blowing the horn as we arrived. Out from around back of the barn came a large group of young people. In the lead was a tall boy without a shirt on. I could see that he was very well tanned and very muscular. He was wearing tight blue jeans and boots. Following him was a mixed group of guys and girls. Most of the guys were very good looking and well filled out from all the hard work around a farm. The girls were a mixed bunch, there were tall ones, short ones and tiny builds and fuller bodied girls. They were pretty much dressed like us.

We came to a halt and Carla jumped out, running up to Dennis, who grabbed her in a big hug, kissing her on the lips. You could tell that there was more then a normal friendship there. The rest of the group arrived and started hugging her. I remained by the truck and just watching this.

“Hey, who is the good looking girl” a very good-looking guy, who I learned in a little later was Jeff, said.

“Oh, I am sorry, gang this is my cousin Rebecca, Rebecca, this is the gang” Carla said, “She is with me for the summer and she is from the city.”

The group came over and greeted me, some just said hi, others gave me a small hug and I think a couple patted my ass. JoJo and Rambo came into the group, wagging their tails and sniffing everyone. Some of the girls knelt down and greeted them as old friends. I wondered if they have ever been fucked by them.

“I hear that there is a big party down by the river,” Carla yelled.

“Anytime you are down by the river, there is an orgy” somebody yelled back.

“Well let’s jump in the trucks and head out, someone grab the beer,” Dennis said, jumping into his truck.

I noticed about five large dogs jumping in the back of his truck as he sped away. We all followed each other out across his farm. We headed towards a tree line.

“Now dear, please have an open mind today. Things may happen that you have never seen before” Carla said as we bounced along.

We got past the trees and you could see the river and what looked like a large beach area. I could see a BBQ pit and a picnic table. There was even a rope hanging from the tree out over the river. Everyone jumped out of the trucks and started running towards the river. To my surprise, clothes started coming off, I looked over at Carla to ask what was going on, and she was already naked. I watched her run around the end of the truck with JoJo and Rambo following.

“Come on you prude get naked and join in the fun”, she yelled.

“Yea, I’m coming,” I yelled back, not really sure what I was going to do.

I never really have seen a lot of people naked before, maybe four or five others. Here was over twenty people, butt ass naked and frolicking in the sun. They seem to be having a good time and not paying any attention to the fact that they were naked. As I looked at them all, I noticed that there were bodies of all types. There were tiny girls with big tits, there was big girls with tiny breast but with big nipples…there was just something of everything. The guys were all well tanned and very muscular, and then I started noticing their cocks, all shapes and sizes. Most seemed larger than the boys that I had been with before, but none compared to the size of JoJo’s.

“Come on Rebecca!” a bunch of them yelled.

“OK…OK” I mumbled, thinking what the hell and started taking my clothes off.

I ran down to the river and jumped in, sort of embarrassed about my newfound nakedness. There were a bunch of us in the water, throwing a ball around and playing tag. Jeff swam up to me, handing me a beer and asked if this was the first time that I had skinny-dipped. He was standing very close to me and I felt his cock rub up against my thigh

“Well, yes and no, I have swam in our pool naked before, but not with other people.”

“Just let it flow, and enjoy yourself. The fun will start pretty soon.” He said swimming away.

As I drank my beer, I was mildly amazed; Jeff’s cock touching my thigh was kind of exciting. The cool water felt good against my pussy, which was still sore. I finished my beer and swam to the shore. I wanted another! As I walked over to the truck, I was feeling pretty good about myself. This was so natural feeling. As I got the beer, I thought I heard some low moans coming from the other side of the trucks. I went over to see what was going on. I know I was in shock and my mouth was hanging open. Here was one of the girls laying on her back and Dennis’s German Shepherd had his face buried in her pussy. Another girl was sucking on his cock at the same time. There was a group of people standing around drinking beer and watching the action. As I came to my senses, I looked for Carla. I found her sucking on Dennis’s dick while he leaned back on his truck watching the show.

“Are you enjoying the show?”

I turned around to see Jeff standing right behind me. His hand touched the base of my back, just above my ass. He handed me another beer, as I looked down to see his massive hard on standing tall for everyone to see.

“Do you like the show” he asked again?

“Well, yes…I mean sort of, well, yes” I stammered.

“Does this sort of thing happen all the time” I asked, staring into my beer.

“Oh, yes. All the time!” Jeff said with a giggle.

I watched the action for a while longer. The girl that was getting eaten was very tall, with long shapely legs. Her breasts were normal in size, but her nipples were bright pink and very large. I thought something was strange looking, then I realized that she had no pubic hair. Her pussy was as bald as a baby. As I stood there watching, I couldn’t help but wish that it were me on the ground getting my pussy tongued. I felt Jeff’s hand move farther down on my ass.

“Umm, that feels good” I moaned, not realizing how turned on and semi drunk I was.

“You like?”

My answer was spreading my legs and letting his hand find my pussy. Damn I was wet, I thought as he slipped a finger inside me. I reached around and grasped his hard cock and we started masturbating each other. Dennis’s dog started to cum, filling the girls mouth till it overflowed, sending rivers of cum down her tits. The girl who was getting eaten started to cum, yelling at the top of her lungs, while holding the dog’s head between her legs.

I got a chance to look around and most of the kids were out of the water and engaged in some sort of sexual actives. As I was humping Jeff’s fingers, I noticed that some of the couples were girl on girl and a couple of groups were made up of four or five kids in what I would call an orgy.

“You going to join in or just stand over here and fuck Jeff’s fingers” Carla said as she ran up to me.

“What should I do…I don’t know what to do” I said, noticing that Carla had cum all over her breasts and neck.

“Come on little one” She said, taking my hand.

Jeff seemed a little miffed until Carla said something about joining the club. He seemed to get pretty excited after that.

“What club, what are you talking about” I asked, as she drug me over to the picnic area.

“Ladies and Gentleman” She yelled!

Most of the group came back to the picnic area, I could see that JoJo and Rambo had been busy with a couple of girls.

“My cousin Rebecca is a good candidate to join our little club.” She said very loud.

A couple of people clapped and made sounds of approval. A couple of the guys heckled us a little.

“Has she ever had an animal?” someone asked?

“I have seen her the past couple of days enjoy the dogs, even took the knot last night” Carla said.

“Has she ever been with another girl and can she eat pussy” another asked?

“Yes to both questions” she answered.

“Let the initiation begin” some guy called out.

Carla bent down and asked if I was ready to join them? My mind was spinning, what was she talking about and what would I have to do? Why me? Then she assured me that I would enjoy it and she would not have suggested it unless she thought I would be one of them.

“OK, I am ready” I yelled to the cheers of the crowd.

“OK, first thing, drink six beers as fast as you can” Dennis said, taking over as the master of the ceremony.

I drank six beers while everyone stood around touching one another, you could feel the excitement in the air, I knew something big was in store for me, the beer beginning to make me very relaxed almost jelly like, a couple of the girls lead me over to the picnic table they began pinching my nipples, tugging at them, one of the guys came over and spread my legs reaching between them and touching my wet pussy I moaned loudly, someone yelled” she’s ready” I felt myself being lifted onto the table and told to lay down. I complied and felt the crowd move in around me. Next I felt what seemed to be one hundred hands on my naked body. Touching, feeling and exploring every inch of my body. I was in heaven; it felt so good and erotic. I was getting so turned on by all the contact. All of a sudden I felt a warm tongue on my pussy, I almost came on the spot. I looked down and saw the top of some redheaded girl eating my pussy, I must say that it was the best that I ever have had. She had a way of sucking my clit into her mouth and rolling it with her tongue. She began to hum and I could see that Jeff was behind her with his dick sunk home in her pussy. I felt my nipples being sucked on as a girl on either side of me had one in each mouth with a guy buried deep in their snatches behind them I was in a sexual euphoria I wanted more.

“Cum…Cum…Cum” the crowd was chanting.

I sure did, a deep nerve explosion. It ripped through me like a lightening bolt. As I was in the middle of waves of passion, the girls head was pulled away and Jeff sunk his cock inside me to the end and exploded, filling my cunt with his hot spunk. The feel of his cock gushing inside me just prolonged my orgasm.

“Oh girl you go…” Rebecca called.

Now get down on your hands and knees, you need to satisfy Armageddon now. I wasn’t sure what in the hell he was talking about, all I knew was that I needed more cock and I needed it now! I climbed off the table, kind of feeling like a slut, and got down on my hands and knees. I took a glance over and saw Carla sucking on Armageddon cock; it was huge and made JoJo’s look like a child’s toy. Armageddon came over and sniffed my cum soaked cunt and began to lap at it, his huge hot tongue running from my clit to my ass, I thought I would faint and then climbed on top and started humping my backside. Somebody guided his cock into my pussy, I began to protest at first feeling my pussy rebel against the hugeness that was stretching it to its maximum. Armageddon was much larger then JoJo. I began trying to crawl away but was quickly held in place by hands I felt helpless and yet I wanted it I was just not sure I could handle all that cock Damn, but my pussy was sore but with every thrust, my pussy loosened up and I accepted more of him. I started matching his thrust until I felt his knot slam against my pussy lips. I felt something hard hit me in the head, I looked up and Dennis was on his knees with a huge hard-on waving him my face.

“Suck him honey” Carla whispered in my ear as she kneeled down beside me.

I was blind with lust; I reached up and took Dennis’s cock into my mouth, sucking on the head of it. Armageddon was still pounding me from behind. I could feel hands on my body, rubbing, searching and probing. Someone was rolling my nipples side to side, someone had their hand between Armageddon and my pussy, which resulted in my clit being hit every time he stroked me.

“Awww, fuck…everyone just do me, make me cum” I choked out around Dennis’s cock.

What I did not know was that the group had turned into one big orgy. There were guys fucking girls, dogs fucking guys, girls sucking off dogs and everything you could imagine. I could feel Dennis’s cock swell and twitch, I knew he was close to cumming. I was lost in the passion and wanted his hot cum to shot down my throat. He exploded, grabbing my hair and holding his dick deep in my mouth. I swallowed as fast I could, swallowing most of it. He pulled out just as his last shot of cum shot out, splashing it in my face and on my neck.

As he rolled away, A young blonde hair girl knelt down and started licking Dennis’s cum off of my face. Armageddon was slowing down his humping; I could feel him starting to shoot his load deep inside me. His cum was almost hot enough to burn me. As his cock was drowning my pussy with cum, the blonde girl rolled over on her back and spread her legs. I could see that her cunt was freshly fucked and full of cum, in the heat of the passion, I stuck my face in it and started to suck, probing the inner folds with my tongue. I was enjoying lapping up the cum from her pussy when Armageddon pulled out of me, with a big slurping, suction sound. The young blonde, who I later learned was Missy, had me by my hair and was humping my face.

“Suck my clit…suck my fucking clit” Missy hissed.

My pussy felt so empty and vacant, I wanted something, anything to cum again.

My ass in the air I began grinding my hips hoping someone would see fit to fill it, someone or something! Missy was moaning loudly, her legs clamped around my head. I sucked and nibbled her clit, pulling on it with my lips.

“Oh Gawd!!” she moaned loudly, as she began to rock her hips.

Suddenly I felt my cunt hole being filled. I began moaning myself, shoving my pussy back to what ever was invading it. I could feel Missy’s orgasm exploding, fluid squirting from her hole hitting my chin and tits. The hot cock in my pussy was ramming me good and hard; my own pussy was about to explode. I felt hot fluid shooting inside my pussy as I began to cum, the cock then pulled out and before I could catch my breath, I felt a hot tongue lapping up the cum flowing from me.

“Yes, Yes” I moaned as my body began shuddering as I continued my orgasm. Again a cock was in front of my face, waiting for my mouth to open so that it may enter to be sucked. I greedily took it, all of it, till I thought I would swallow it.

The tongue stopped licking me and I felt something huge being inserted inside my freshly fucked hole. Wondering what was happening now, I let go of the cock in my mouth to turn and see Armageddon was backed up to my hole. One of the girls was guiding him in and out of my pussy hole. It was like when I had seen two dogs stuck together ass to ass.

“That feels so fucking good, I love it” I moaned loudly. I went back to sucking the cock in front of me. As I was enjoying all of this I felt something against my asshole, a cock pushing it’s way in. I tried to pull away from the cock in my mouth but my head was held in place.

“No, don’t” I mumbled trying to protest, but it was doing no good. The cock was trying to enter no matter what. I felt someone’s fingers pulling my ass cheeks apart and something wet being applied to the area around the cock. Hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back to the cock as it began sliding in, the pain was almost unbearable yet there was an anticipation of pleasure building inside me. I could feel the cock in my pussy slipping in and out of me, the cock filling my mouth as I sucked on it furiously and now a hard huge cock inside my ass. This had to be the ultimate, I was screaming inside as I was filled in every hole! Moaning and gurgling loudly, I could feel the cocks moving in and out of me in all directions. My mind was begging it, for my body screaming for it, hoping it would never end. I could here slurping and grunting as they moved in and out me, faster and harder they seemed to move in unison, you could feel the momentum building as all were about to shoot their loads.

I felt as though I was going to explode. I had never felt an orgasm like this. My whole body began to shake I could feel them all pumping faster, the cock in my mouth suddenly let loose filling my mouth with loads of hot cum. I felt my own let loose. I cried out as each wave hit me. The cock in my ass was moving quicker, my hips held firmly and I could feel hot cum jetting into my rectum at the same time I felt the cock in my cunt exploding hot cum into me. I felt as though it would never end, I could feel cum streaming out of each orifice. My orgasm was still washing through me when the cocks pulling out of me. I felt hot tongues taking their place, lapping up the cum spilling out of me, my ass and cunt hole felt stretched open as I could feel the cool air entering, the tongues continued licking them. I felt so wonderful; a little embarrassed yet wonderful. I lifted my head up to see everyone standing around me, the guys with cum dripping from their cocks, their meat still in their hands. Most of the girls were on their knees, a couple still had the dogs inside them, their knots buried deep into their holes. All were looking at me. Carla was the first to move coming over to me.

“Oh honey, that was the best” She said.

The tongues had stopped cleaning me, I felt so incredibly weak. I didn’t think I would be able to move, several of them came over to help me up. As I stood, Carla hugged me. Carla, Jeff and Dennis helped me down to the river and into the water. My legs were so shaky, my body spent. They were all praising me.

“That was beyond anything I could have ever imagined,” I said softly. I had to ask who all participated, as I was curious.

“We will never tell,” they all said with a giggle and a gleam in their eyes.

I reached out to hit one of them, as they let go of me and I fell in the water. They were all laughing.

“That’s not fair, you guys,” I yelled.

“Maybe if you’re a real good girl, we might tell you later,” Carla yelled back.

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