Women with Animals

Barri and Jeff the Great Dane


(c) 2007 by buck_dawg_bottom

I find out

Barri was a sexually expressive girl… she loved sex, and wasn’t afraid to ask for it and to experiment – and I was the lucky recipient of her sexual affections!

I was 20 at the time, Barri was 18. We had been dating for a little while.

Barri is hot – Dark flowing hair that goes down to mid back, piercing green eyes with a tinge of gold on the edges, a face that is as cute as it is alluring. She works out daily and has a rock-hard body you can see her abs when she bares her midriff, has pretty small pert tits, but that is just the way I like them…

She runs 5 miles everyday with her Great Dane, Jeff. She has a closeness with Jeff that I always found interesting, if she could, I think she would take him everywhere… not that I get jealous or anything, but she does hangout with Jeff more than me.

Without a doubt, Barri is a physically attractive girl, but it is her attitude that I love. She is adventurous and has a great sense of curiosity and playfulness – even outside the bedroom.

I look back with deep longing at the days we spent together, languorously exploring each other’s bodies with hands and fingers and tongues and gazes… the deep sexual haze of our shared scents, and juices, and touch, and warm breathes filling the room with sensual pleasures. I remember asking her once about the scars and scratches on her hips, and how she blushed deeply and stammered an excuse about some bushes on one of her runs.

So, one morning… I don’t remember the exact situation, but I was over at Barri’s house – she lived with her parents. We were starting to get a little randy in the backyard – poolside, we both loved outdoor sex. Barri was in her short silk robe with nothing underneath. Jeff was there too. I was chasing her, and catching glimpses of the “nothing underneath” of her as the breeze flitted her robe. Jeff was in the game too, happily yipping and yelping his excitement.

It was classic Barri… tease and tease till I can’t take it anymore and finally at my breaking point she gives it up, but she expects me to work for it a bit… it all builds the excitement. I was at breaking point and she was about to get flung down onto one of the pool lounges and taken, when we heard her mom yell for her from the inside. She had come home unexpectedly, forgetting something for work, no doubt.

It wouldn’t be good for her mom to find her, in a sexy robe, with me in the backyard. So Barri dove behind the little gated area that hid the pool filtering system, I was closer to the side of the house so I hid there. Jeff had followed Barri. I had a direct line of site to Barri some 20 feet away she was on her hands and knees. She was shielded from the house. It sounded as though her mom was in the kitchen doing something. We locked eyes… her face wide in a devilish grin, she started moving around, her ass toward me, she lifted her robe and flashed me. I was so hard. She was still teasing me.

But then… Jeff was with her, and he let out an odd whine, Barri shushed him, and petted him quietly. He gave her cootch a quick lick. It startled her, and she immediately looked back at me and blushed deeply as she pushed Jeff away. He let out a little whine again. She looked back at me, an odd look on her face, she quickly glanced at the house, to make sure mom was still there, and not coming out.

In her mind, all at once she was evaluating a few things… she could NOT get caught by her mom right here, right now; unbeknownst to me, Jeff was also her lover and he was being teased right now like I had been, but he was less likely to understand the delicacy of the situation, and he wasn’t willing to just old off till mom left; she was not at all sure if I was gonna freak out, but she knew, in order not to get caught she had to take care of Jeff.

She turned and faced me. Our eyes locked now as she let Jeff lick her. Her eyes started to glaze over, she was really enjoying it, but there was leeriness in her eyes – If I freaked out too much I would expose her to her family possibly and to our friends possibly. And that’s when I saw trust too… there in her eyes. She was exposing me to her terrible secret. She was putting that into my arms, I could use it against her, I could hate her, I could ruin her, but she was baring herself to me – completely.

All at once I was aroused to a deep sense of closeness with her. And I was a little disgusted… maybe. Was I jealous that another “man” was gonna take her in front of me, well, yeah a little… but I was also strangely aroused by it all. The risk, the taboo, the trust she had in me… I pulled my dick out of my pants and slowly started to stroke, showing her that I was turned on by her sexuality, and that I was not afraid of it.

She smiled and had the most angelic look in her eyes… the stimulation of Jeff’s rough tongue on her honey pot, and the deep gratitude of the acceptance I was showing her, must have been a huge aphrodisiac. I could see her slightly angle her hips further back to Jeff, so he could get his tongue deeper into her.

But Jeff needed more… as I did, and if the situation were reversed I would have done the same thing he now did. He stopped licking and mounted my lover… his lover… “our” lover.

This was surreal. And arousing.

Barri knew how to get mounted by Jeff, I watched as my lover adjusted the angle of her hips, reached back and guide his doggy cock into her human pussy, and I saw the wince of pain on entry, I saw the surrender in her eyes, I saw the pleasure of the taboo, the slutty wanton lust of her there, on all fours, in the dirt, giving herself to a dog, his bitch, making puppies with him.

Jeff was a real stud. He hammered my girlfriend silly, It occurred to me, as I watched his paws on her slender hips, where those scratches I had asked Barri about had come from. I was rock hard, slowly stroking myself when I heard Barri’s mom’s car drive away. I continued to watch as her precious daughter was getting beast dick deep in her womb.

I also knew I wanted to see this a little more up close and personal. I crossed the space between us, Barri’s glazed over eyes watching as I approached. I leaned down and kissed her deeply. Then I went around back and watched as Jeff’s knot entered her, and I watched as her turned on her, I watched as they were connected ass to ass for 15 minutes and I watched as he continually pumped his doggy cum into my girlfriends tight beautiful quim that whole time. And I watched as his tennis ball eventually shrunk enough for it to finally pop out of her.

Jeff laid down and started licking himself.

I watched as my girlfriend still convulsing from the abruptness of being filled then pulled out of.

I was SO aroused. But I was also, still a little jealous and still a little disgusted… and yes, I was a little hurt that this had been going on for obviously a while now, and I was left unaware. So, I was a little pissed.

And Barri needed to know that. I needed to express my anger, my love and my arousal in a way that she would understand. In a physical way. In a sexual way.


I get back at her

I was SO aroused. But I was also, still a little jealous and still a little disgusted… and yes, I was a little hurt that this had been going on for obviously a while now, and I was left unaware. So, I was a little pissed.

And Barri needed to know that. I needed to express my anger, my love and my arousal in a way that she would understand. In a physical way. In a sexual way.

Without too much thought I flipped her over on her back, her silk robe getting torn in the motion. There in the dirt, behind the pool filter, in Barri’s parents back yard, I slammed my hard manhood into Barri’s sloppy-wet doggy-cum filled womanhood.

The look in her eyes now were somewhere between arousal, relief and stupor. I was above her now, watching her carefully as I pounded her deep and slow and hard… withdrawing very slowly and then thrusting with great might, maybe I was trying to pump all of Jeff’s cum out of her, to get my jism in deeper… I don’t know.

While our eyes were locked, her gratitude now showing on her face, she told me she loved me. I kept with the same rhythm. “You disgust me” I said to her. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. I did love her and would tell her later and frequently, but right now, she was disgusting, laying there in the dirt, just having been fucked by her dog, a great dane with big piece of doggy meat, his puppy making juices leaking out of her overly juicy cistern, wantonly accepting my anger with open legs.

It was such a turn-on. And I had been turned on for a long, long time now without cumming, so I knew it wouldn’t be long.

Barri had always said she liked it a little rough, so it was time to get a little rough. I propped myself up on my elbows, my cock still deep in her as I started picking up the pace of my pounding her, I put my right hand around her neck, I squeezed lightly, she reached her hands up to her neck too, and gasped (a little exaggeratedly) for air. I started to call her dirty degrading names and she went crazy and started cumming almost immediately.

I was approaching my climax as well, quite quickly. I was hammering away at her with all my might, I loved the moist suctioning squishing sound coming from our union. I loved the scent in the air of doggy sex, and woman sex scent and my own perspiration.

It is as though with our approaching climaxes, we had reawakened Jeff, because I felt his muzzle and tongue at my ass. He started lapping away at the sweat and juices that were gathering there. I spread Barri’s legs even further and my own, giving Jeff better access to our joined genitals and his tonguing did not disappoint, he dug in, I could feel his tongue burrowing into Barri’s quim on the underside of tool’s pistoning action. I was heading over the top.

Barri, was holding on to my hand around her neck for dear life, I had never seen her climax for so long, be so out of control sexually abandoned and so wantonly gone. I began to growl at her, I saw her suddenly as an animal, like the one she had a few minutes earlier submitted to, I wanted to mark her as my property, to make her *my* bitch, I wanted her to be an animal to my animal if that makes any sense.

I spit in her face. And she went off like she had never cum before, flailing and convulsing like an orgasmic woman gone wild. Releasing the goddess beast within. And that set me off. I fired off deep inside her, five, seven ten times before it started to taper off, there was SO much power in my orgasm, so much force and quantity behind it, I felt like I had filled Barri up as much as Jeff had if not more.

I could not believe how much I had shot off in her womb, how massive my climax, how long it lasted, and how turned on I had been and still was. This was without a doubt the best sex I had ever had. And I felt like the day was still young. My hard-on was not going away, Jeff was still eagerly licking away at us, and there was lot’s more for us to explore.

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