Women with Animals

My Milf Neighbor


(c) 2007 by newdater

My friend and I had rented the house for nearly 7 months now, both of us college students at the university, most days I had the place completely to myself because he was always at his new girlfriends place. Our next door neighbor was an older woman in her fifties, she had bright blue eyes, long blonde hair and was always dressed in the finest name brand clothes and for being middle aged she still had a great body, I’ve seen her in her backyard in her two piece sun bathing a number of times. I had made Mrs. Jones acquaintance week after we moved in when she asked me for some help with some yard work, now she calls me every time she needs help with anything. Regardless of the age difference we had actually become friends, she trusted me and it was a usual occurrence that she left me alone working at her home while she was gone. Mrs. Jones was a sweet woman divorced, with no biological children but she had two yellow labs that she called her kids Lady and Tramp she spoiled like they where children taking them on trips and buying them gifts and treats.

Every few days I would stop by just to visit with her and talk but I hadn’t seen her In almost a week because she had been gone out of town for another one of her business seminars, she had left me in charge of her house and her two dogs I got her mail, fed her pets and mowed the lawn for her. Walking out to get the trash cans I saw her car sitting back in the driveway and knew she must be home, I wonder how here trip went? I thought to myself as I walked across her yard and knocked on the front door, there was no answer, I knocked again louder this time, still no answer, maybe she is not home I thought to myself, as I turned to walk away the front door opens slowly and Mrs. Jones peeks her head out just a bit. “Uh oh, hi Jessie, is everything ok? did you need something?” she says “No everything is great, just came to see how your trip was?” she opened the door a bit more and I could see her standing there in a small half robe, her toned shapely legs peaking from beneath it, for some reason her face was flushed and she seemed to be a bit out of breath. “Oh sweetie I am just getting out of the shower and I was going to take a nap” she says her dog Tramp standing behind her licking himself “ok, I’ll come by to visit with you some other time” I say. As I walked away I started to think that something just didn’t seem right, her hair was all out of place and for her to just be getting out of the shower she seemed to be completely dry except for the water that had run down her legs puddling on the floor beneath her as we stood there talking, and why was she so out of breath? I thought about the entire odd scene all night but by the next day it was completely forgotten.

As I sit watching TV there was a knock at my front door, I opened it and saw that a deliveryman stood there with clipboard in hand. “Hi I’ve got a package for a Lillian Jones” he says “Yeah she lives next door” I respond “Yes but there was no answer at her door and your address is the secondary address listed” he tells me “Ok” I say “I will take it” I sign for the package and close the door behind me. I look at the package in my hands, its wrapped in plain brown paper and there was no return address. “I wonder what this is?” I said out loud as I walk through the house with the package under my arm. I look out of my bedroom window and see Mrs. Jones’s Mercedes Benz parked in the driveway, I wondered why she didn’t answer her door I thought to myself as I headed over to her house to drop off the package. I knocked on the front door repeatedly but no answer “Maybe she’s working in the backyard” I said out loud. I slid open the lock on the iron gate and walked into her large backyard “Mrs. Jones” I shouted, there was no response I could clearly see she was nowhere in the backyard maybe she is taking a nap I thought to myself, I’ll just leave the package on her deck, I climbed the steps and placed the small brown package down onto the picnic table, I was about to head back to my home when I heard something it sounded like a moan of pleasure, everyone knows those sounds “I didn’t think Mrs. Jones was dating anyone she never mentioned a boyfriend” I said to myself I wondered who it was? I could tell the sounds were coming from her den, the young horny male in me had to take a look, the blinds covering her sliding glass door where partially open. I walked slowly towards the door and peeked inside, I pulled away as if I had just been shot, I didn’t see what I thought I had, I couldn’t have. I forced myself to take another look there was Mrs. Jones completely nude, sitting on her sofa, legs spread wide, her small pedicured feet planted firmly onto the hardwood floor with Tramp’s canine head lapping hungrily between her mature thighs, every so often she would reach over and stick her fingers into a jar of peanut butter she had sitting on the sofa with her and then she would rub a glob of it across her hairy mature vagina and Tramp would bend his head down and lick it all off happily.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing I could hear her low lusty moans through the glass door “lick mommy good” she said as Tramp’s tongue made its away across her peanut butter coated pussy flicking at her clit “Ohhhh” she squealed gleefully. Mrs. Jones slowly stood up patting Tramp cheerfully on his head, I saw that for her being fifty years old she had an incredible taut body with toned legs a flat stomach and large breasts, the slight sagging of them was actually kind of erotic. I couldn’t believe how much I was getting turned on, my shorts were starting to get painfully tight and a bit moist as my young penis stood fully erect. Mrs. Jones got slowly down onto her knees and laid herself across her leather sofa, her large breast resting on the cushions, her ass high in the air quivering. I watched as she looked back seductively towards her pooch and shouted out his name “Up Tramp” she said and with that he stood walked over to her and began to lick at her backside. “Fuck me baby” she said, he pounced on top of her, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, here was this well-off, fifty year old, educated, professional business woman, totally naked in her den and on her knees being mounted by her dog. Tramp was wrapping his canine paws around her thin cultured waist, I watched amazed as she reached back and grabbed ahold of his dog dick with her manicured nails and guided it towards her hole. Tramp realizing he was penetrating his woman arched his back and shoved his doggy penis all the way inside of her with one swift movement that shook her entire body, He began banging her harder and harder panting as his tail stood out rigidly behind him, Mrs. Jones thunderous moans of pleasure excited me, I could see she was sweating hard her hair matted all over her face, her mouth was opened wide as her body shook from the pounding she was receiving, a small stream of drool ran out of the corners of her mouth and dripped onto her sofas cushions. I could tell she was totally in another world as I stood there right outside her door unbelievable aroused watching the entire time suddenly her other lab Lady walked over to the door I was peeking through, she looked up at my figure and began to instinctively bark.

I watched as Mrs. Jones turned in my direction with a look of pure terror spreading across her face, I saw as she attempted to stand but she seemed to be stuck to Tramp and couldn’t move, I wanted to run but something kept me there, Mrs. Jones kept trying to stand and was finally able to break herself free, a stream of fluid poured from her vagina, Tramp stood there licking his surprisingly large penis as she stood quickly and wrapped her self in the small robe she had left laying across the sofa, she made her way shakily across the room and unlocked the door I was standing at. “what the hell are you doing, what do you want?” She shouted at me angrily “I’m, I’m sorry” I stuttered “I was just dropping of a package of yours” I looked her in the eyes and could tell she was on the verge of tears, she quietly made her way back to her sofa and sat down covering her face with her hands. I couldn’t stand to see her so upset, picking the package up off of the picnic table I walked nervously into her den unsure of what exactly to say. “its ok Mrs. Jones” I placed my free hand on her small smooth shoulder “You weren’t supposed to see that” she says painfully looking at me tears beginning to drip from her eyes “I don’t date and sometime I get so horny and it feels so, so good” she tells me “Its ok” I tell her once again “ even at 53 I love the way a hard dick feels inside of me, I love the way cum feels dripping out of me” I couldn’t believe my ears, I never expected to hear her say things like that and her words got me so hard I had to place the package in front of me. “You wont tell anyone will you?” she questions looking right at me “Of course I wont Mrs. Jones, were friends” I say to her “thank you” she says relived, standing and wrapping her arms around me tightly, she places her hands on my face “Thank you Jessie” she says squeezing my cheeks, I watch as her robe opens inadvertently and her cleavage is completely exposed to me, I look instinctively and she notices my glances and smiles, she pulls me close once again and I feel her warm breath on my neck my body tenses my penis threatening to tear right through my shorts.

Mrs. Jones can feel my dick brushing against her thighs. “are you hard?” she asks looking me right in the eyes “um yes, I am so sorry Mam” without another word she threw her robe to the floor exposing her perfectly aged body to my young eyes, I watched as droplets of doggy cum stream there way down her long legs “I am more than twice your age and I can get you hard?” she asks me, I stare at the nude middle aged woman who was standing in front of me “Mrs. Jones you are so beautiful” I say, a huge grin spreads across her face “so Jessie do you want to screw me?” she questions “Mrs. Jones you have no idea how badly I want to” I responded, she grabbed me around the waist and pulled me towards her shoving her educated tongue all the way down my throat, she then threw herself down onto her sofa spreading her legs wide, I looked at her fat hairy vagina and I could see a few strands of her graying hair mixed in it, the dogs cum still leaking from her used pussy and thin scratches along her sides and womanly hips left from her Tramp’s claws “Fuck me” she said loudly almost yelling, she didn’t need to ask me twice, I threw her package onto her coffee table and in record time I had removed my shorts and was kneeling on the floor between my neighbors mature legs. Mrs. Jones grabbed at my penis with her small hands and guided it right into her already moistened hole, I couldn’t believe it I had my penis inside a woman more than thirty years older than me with her dogs cum squishing around my young shaft and then running down my thighs as I pound away at her. I was screwing her harder than I ever had any other woman and for her to be as old as she was she was amazingly tight and her pussy massaged my young penis. “Call me Mrs. Jones” she whispers in my ear as she wraps her hands around my waist pulling me deeper into her. “I’m fucking you Mrs. Jones, take my dick Mrs. Jones” I scream out loud “Oh Jessie, I love your hard young cock, I‘ve need the cock of a man in my pussy for so long” she shouts, Lady sees the action going on in the room and makes her way over to us, she begins to lick at my buttocks her tongue snaking its way under me all the way to my cum filled balls, I felt the large swipes of her wide tongue across my testicles and the underside of my penis and the fur on her head tickled my backside as I plunged myself in and out of my neighbors hot slimy hole.

Mrs. Jones seeing what her dog was doing looked me in the eyes and said “so do you like my dogs?” “hell yes” I responded A huge smile spreads across her mature face “I am glad” she said, the realization of everything that was happening finally hit me, here I was kneeling on the floor with my prick all the way inside of her and one of her pets licking at my balls, my muscles tense I knew I was close “I’m coming Mrs. Jones” I say to her “Come inside of me Jessie” she begs, I do so happily, my penis spasming, shooting its streams of hot sticky cum up into her fifty year old vagina, it seems to last for ten minutes her arms and long legs wrapped tightly around me the entire time. I pull out of her totally spent, a few drops of semen drip from the tip of my penis and falls onto the thick hair covering her vagina, out of her sloppy pussy a mix of her cum, her dogs and my own comes running out of her hole and falling to the floor in a watery pool, she rubs the sloppy mess all over her cunt and onto her sagging chest finally sticking a few of her cum coated manicured fingers into her lipstick layered mouth “Yummy” she says with a smile. That night we did it four more times and I got to watch her with Tramp once again, before I headed home I found out what was in the mystery package and now I help Mrs. Jones with much more than just her yard work.

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