Women with Animals

Filling Holes


(c) 2008 by jjenn1950

After Jenny had left I sat there thinking about all the things that happened that day and wondered where it might lead, and the biggest question was, were there any other women in this damn neighborhood Shorty might be doing and I made a mental note to change the name tag on his collar and went to bed.

I woke up about ten AM and went in and relieved myself, threw on my robe and headed for the kitchen and started a pot off coffee and went in and took a quick shower, dried of and as I was coming out of the bathroom Shorty started barking and ran to the front door, then I heard a light knock and went to see who it was. Picking up cushions and throwing them on the sofa as I went. I opened the door and my neighbor was standing there (The one whose name I didn’t get) and she looked great, I felt my dick twitch as I looked at her and she said good morning and apologized for disturbing my shower and I told her she hadn’t, then I said “Please come in I was just getting some coffee” She replied that it smelled really good and stepped though the door and followed me into the kitchen, I poured her a cup and put the sugar bowl and some half and half on the table and excused myself for a moment and hurried to my room and threw on a T shirt and jumped into some pants and house shoes and went back to the kitchen.

As I was walking back into the kitchen my brain was in over drive. She seemed taller, her breasts seemed larger and her eyes were brighter she was wearing a white tube top and tight white sorts, with tennis shoes and she looked gorgeous. When I walked in she was bent over scratching Shorty’s ears and his dick was sticking out of his sheath about two inches and she sat up and her nipples and areolas were standing out and I cold see there dark outline against her white tube top and my dick started twitching again so I sat down and took a sip of my coffee and told her it was nice to see her again. Then she told me that the reason she had come over was that she had gone out to her back yard last night to check the damage that Shorty had caused and there was hardly any and that she had filled in the small hole that was there, and my spirit took a quick drop thinking that now I don’t have a reason for going over there to get to know her better. She was still talking, I apologized and told her I had been distracted and didn’t hear her, so she repeated herself and said while she was in her yard she smelled my steaks grilling and wondered if Shorty would like to come over around five or so and have dinner with her and continued to say she had already gone to the market and picked up every thing including some beer and that I couldn’t say no or a lot of food would go to waste.

I asked if there was anything I could bring and she said she was pretty sure she had every thing need and I told her we would be there. She smiled and said “Good it should be a fun evening”. We drank coffee and talked for awhile then she said she had some things to do and had to get going and stood up and turned toward the living room and headed for the door, I waited until she was walking away before stood up and adjusted my erection and then followed her to the door she opened it and stepped into the sunshine, then she turned and looked me up and down, smiled and said “Your as bad as Shorty, he can’t get within ten feet of me without getting a hard on” and you might want to bring that to dinner with you, I could see her nipples were really standing out in the sun light as she smiled, turned and headed for her house.

I walked back into the kitchen thinking things certainly have changed in the last twenty years. I was just getting to my chair when there was another knock on the door, I walked back in the living room told Shorty to hush and opened the door and Marny was standing there smiling and said good morning, and wanted to know if it was Ok to take Shorty for a walk, I said sure and handed her his leash. When she bent over to hook him up I noticed how huge her tits were, and she stood up and she was looking down at my crotch and giggled you should do something about that, turned saying we’ll talk later and walked away. I closed the door and went back into the kitchen. I sat down and had a drink of coffee and started thinking about my neighbor and our conversation, she was Asian, Caucasian and Mexican and beautiful, her name was Lena, she was forty one had been married for fifteen years, divorced for five and had gotten the house next door in the divorce proceedings and that her ex-husband was a worthless dick that depended on her to pay the bills until she finally threw him out. She said it was about a year after that Shorty had showed up at her back door barking and they became friends and then a couple of weeks ago he stopped showing up and I hoped nothing bad had happened to him, then you came over and I was relieved that he was OK and after you left I started thinking that most people wouldn’t offer to repair what there dog did and you seemed nice enough, any way we talked about a few other things as well, which brings me back to now.

I finally got enough coffee in me and my brain started working and I said out loud “UH-OH” what about Jenny? Crap (I can actually say I had never been and hope to never again be in this position) my heart sank thinking there was no way out of this, my erection went limp as I sat there thinking and poured another cup of coffee. Then I decided to take a walk over to Jenny’s, I didn’t think Marny would be back for a while if she were doing what I thought she was. I walked across the street and rang her door bell and I heard her tell Sam to go lay down and she opened the door and said Hi, come on in and closed the door behind me, and came around in front of me and gave me a nice kiss. Then said MMMMMMmmmm and took a step back and told me that her sister had called a while ago and talked into coming over for the weekend and was wondering if I would come over and check on Sam while she was gone and I told her it was no problem, I would be happy to. She said great and grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me toward the bedroom and shut the door before Sam could get in then turned and kissed me again, reached down and pulled my T shirt over my head and when she stopped kissing me she said you and Shorty left my throat and pussy pretty sore last night but I keep thinking about how you made me cum with your fingers in my ass and I keep thinking about how your cock would feel and she was stripping my pants off, then she dropped her robe and stepped out of her house shoes as I stepped out of my pants.

She was rubbing some lubricant on my dick with one hand and applying some to her anus at the same time with her other hand, she must have really been turned on thinking about it. She turned around and leaned forward on the bed and rested on her forearms and spread her legs apart and I stepped forward and put the tip of my cock right on her anus and she pushed back and I pushed forward and she already had cum running down her legs as she pushed back harder and I went in deeper, she pulled forward and then pushed back, I shoved it in all the way to my balls and held her on it. She squealed and nearly collapsed but I held on to her waist, then I started stroking her with long hard strokes and my balls were getting soaked with her cum, every time I slammed in my balls would slap against her pussy and clit and there was a constant low pitched noise coming from her throat as she pushed back with every thrust, I could feel my balls tightening and she reached between her legs and squeezed them and I was over the edge and blew cum deep into her beautiful ass and held my cock in her as far as I could pulling back on her hips while they were pumping on me, and the muscles in her ass just kept sucking my cock in deeper milking out every drop of cum I had, and she was moaning so loud Sam started barking and then we both collapsed on the bed, me still on her back and her still shaking and moaning, her muscles were still milking my cock and I moaned and just laid there listening to her heavy breathing and still lightly moaning.

It was another couple of minutes before her ass quit pulsing and let my semi limp dick slide out, and I thought to myself “she has had some practice at that and she rally likes it up the ass” and I’ll bet she practices with Sam. I rolled off of her onto the bed and on my back and after a minute or so she got up and sucked my limp dick into her mouth and licked it clean with her tongue. Then she sat on the edge of the bed said she needed to grab a shower, get dressed and get on the road, and that her sister lived a couple of hours away on the other side of the mountains and she would see me in a couple of days, kissed me on the cheek and was off to the shower, I got dressed and headed for my place, just in time to see Marny and Shorty coming down the street and I thought she must have just done a quickie today. As they got closer I could see her nipples were puffy and swollen and I asked how there walk went and she said it was really good that they both had gotten a good workout, I squatted down and scratched Short’s ears and neck then rubbed his back so he licked my face, I lifted my head as I was standing up and saw more scratch marks on her hips. When I was all the way up I said I guess I can take him from here and I reached out and she handed me his leash, as I was turning I told her to put socks on his front paws and she wouldn’t get her hips scratched up so badly and kept walking not looking back and said to Shorty “Don’t worry stud she’ll be back” and he barked.

When we got in the house I took him off his leash and hung it by the door and went in and took a long hot shower then went in and laid on the bed and looked at the clock and it was already one thirty so I set the alarm for four o’clock and thought about Lena and went to sleep thinking about her hot little body. I kept hearing somebody yelling “ROCK ME BABY, ROCK ME BABY ALNIGHT LONG” and realized it was my alarm clock and reached over and turned it off. Went into the bathroom and relieved my self, pulled on my robe and headed to the kitchen to make coffee then went back to the bedroom and got dressed, brushed my teeth, shaved and then opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a pill bottle and dumped one light green pill into my hand, looked in the bottle and there were five left, I put the one into my pocket and thought, just in case. Then put the cap back on the bottle and said thank you Jessica as I put the bottle back, closed the cabinet and went back to the kitchen and filled my coffee cup. Walked in and sat down on the sofa and took a drink of coffee and thought about where this evening was going to go.


When I looked up at the clock it was four fifty five so I walked over and got Shorty’s leash and hooked him up and I remembered I needed to get him a new dog tag made. Opened the door the door and headed for Lena’s, Shorty leading the way, I rang the door bell and the door opened and Shorty walked on in and she knelt down and unhooked him and took the leash and hung it over a chair and said come in. She looked at me and smiled and then scratched Shorty’s ears and said come on and headed into her kitchen, the glass sliding door was open and Shorty went out and Lena was stirring something on the stove and then she went to the fridge and pulled out a platter of meat and asked me if I would like a beer and I said yes please and she handed me one and I said Thank you. She looked at me and smiled then said and well mannered too, I’m impressed, then she said let’s go sit outside it’s nice out today. She had a couple of armless chairs sitting next to each other and sat down and patted the other one for me to sit and I did. She said she had seen dark haired, dark skinned going in and out of my house for the last three months or so and wanted to know if that was my girl friend and I told her no that she was my stepdaughter and she looked relieved and smiled. She said I wasn’t trying to be nosy and I cut her off saying you just needed to know if I was attached or not and she yes. Then I explained the situation about me, Jessica, her mom and her husband and she leaned over towards me a little and seemed more relaxed. She had changed into a bright yellow tube top which showed off her tits and nipples with each little breeze and her areolas started standing out when Shorty would walk by and rub his fur on her leg, I really wanted to reach out and squeeze one of her nipples but didn’t, and she said go ahead, I said go ahead and what, she said you wanted to squeeze one of my nipples, go ahead and she put my hand on her tit and kissed me and I felt a static shock that surprised me! We both pulled back looking at each other, then after a few seconds she said I’ve been waiting for you and leaned forward and kissed me again this time with less of a shock and man did she have along tongue and I was squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples and she got out of her chair and straddled me on my chair without losing lip contact.

My cock was as hard as steel when she started pushing her pussy up and down my cock and then she was sucking on my tongue and I was amazed at the suction that beautiful mouth had. She finally let go of my tongue and said come on and headed into the house, through the kitchen and down the hall into her bedroom, by the time we got there she was already naked and she was nearly ripping my clothes off and “Shit I let her” then both of her hands were on my cock stroking me and squeezing my balls and then she was licking my cock and she said your nearly as long as Shorty but not as thick and then she was sucking on the head of my cock until it hurt. Then she let it start sliding into her mouth and I shuddered and she just let it keep sliding in and still sucking with that long tongue of hers exploring every vain on my shaft and I could hear her going “MMMMMMMMfft” again and again as she sucked me all the way into my balls and then licked them with her tongue and I blew and started shooting load after load down her throat and then she started bobbing up and down my cock and stopping at the tip to suck on it and down again over and over and I was getting ready to blow again when she stopped at the tip and opened her mouth so I could see my cum shoot out on her tongue then her tongue flicked the tip of my cock and I shot another load on her tongue and then twice more and I was spent, she closed her mouth and swallowed and smiled at me and said I like the way you taste and kissed me.

She told me about her mother and that her mother had told her about how a man should taste and she didn’t understand until now, she said that she had been with a few men and none of them tasted the same and she didn’t like the taste of any of them, not even her ex-husband, but she really liked the way I tasted and how nice my hands felt exploring and caressing her body. She looked me right in the eyes and told me if she had not liked the way I tasted then I would have sent you home and spent the evening with Shorty. I pushed her over on her back and kissed her then told her lets see how you taste and kissed my way down to her nipples and started licking and kissing her areolas and then sucking on her nipples while squeezing her tits and she was gasping for air and then started kissing down her stomach which was heaving up and down with each breath and she was starting to perspire as I reached her pussy which was shaved except for a thin strip right above her clit almost like an arrow pointing the way. Then I ran my tongue down her pussy lips and back up again, pressed a little harder with my tongue and found her clit and when I touched it with my tongue it was like the key to the magic kingdom, she moaned, her knees came up and her legs spread as far apart as she could get them and I licked again and she moaned then I could see cum oozing out of her and I licked again and now it was gushing, I lapped up her juices and her hips started to gyrate and buck.

I slid my tongue into her honey hole very quickly a couple of times and her ass came off the bed pushing her pussy hard on my face and I stuffed my tongue in against that leathery little spot of hers and she moaned and push her pussy even harder against my face which put her clit right against my chin and was pumping her hips against my face while I was sucking all her juices up then she groaned and froze then let loose a burst of cum that almost drowned me and collapsed back on the bed breathing very deeply I sat there watching her breasts heave as she was breathing. After a couple of minutes catching our breath she reached up and pulled me down and started licking her pussy juice off my face and when she was done she kissed me exploring with her tongue to the back of my mouth and into my throat and then lifted her face from mine and smiled at me.

I told her I liked her taste and kissed her lips and fell back on the bed, we laid there for about thirty minutes talking. She told me how she had first met Shorty, it was late one night about two years ago and I was up late watching some blue movies as I called them and I had been fondling myself in various places and had gradually worked a couple of fingers into my pussy and was feeling very close to orgasm when I heard scratching at the back door and then whining so I went to check it out and there was Shorty so I unlocked the door and slid it open a little and stuck my hand out the same one I had been inserting into my pussy, Shorty started licking it. I thought that was OK so I slid the door open far enough for him to get in and I was down on my knees with no panties on, I reached out with both hands to scratch his ears and his head dropped down and his tongue shot straight into my pussy and up to my clit and I had a instant orgasm and fell over on my back with my knees up and my legs spread he kept licking and I kept cumming and I didn’t want him to stop, I knew it was wrong but I let him keep licking. My orgasms hitting harder and harder until I was shaking all over and then he stopped licking and his front legs were straddled over my hips and he licked my nipples and I had another orgasm and my hips came up he tightened his legs and drove his cock into me unbelievable fast and strong I thought he was all the way in me and his legs wouldn’t let me off his cock and then he started pumping my pussy like there was no tomorrow and the it was feeling better and I was starting to have orgasm after orgasm and felt like he was getting thicker and longer then he stopped and was pulling me onto his knot he just kept pulling and pushing harder and my pussy hurt as it stretched over it I thought I was going to split open when it slipped in and I was screaming for him to stop and then he was stroking again and his knot was expanding inside me and his cock was getting thicker and I could feel him so far inside me and I started cumming and he slammed as far as he could inside and started shooting deep inside my womb and my hips were out of control with convulsions and my pussy muscles locked around that fat cock and kept sucking the cum out of him and I finally passed out. When I came to he was lying next to me licking himself and had already cleaned me, I got up and shooed him out the door and closed it behind him, then I took a long hot shower.

I was sore fore two weeks and he kept coming back to my door and I would pull the curtain and ignore him. After my pussy healed up he would sit outside the door and just watch me and I would think about how good his tongue had felt and I would get horny as hell, so I let him in one night and let him lick me and his tongue goes in so far and I hit a major orgasm and lifted my ass off the ground and he was mounted driving his cock in hard again, only this time there was a lot less pain and this time when he pulled me onto his knot he was pushing it against my clit, kind of like pulling then releasing over and over until I was just about to have a giant orgasm then he pulled me onto it and I exploded saw stars and was cumming like I couldn’t believe. Then he was pounding into me until he started shooting his load into me and his cum is so hot it’s like it lights the inside of my pussy in an orgasmic fire that keeps going on and on until I pass out. Then I started letting him in a couple of times a week up until a couple of months ago, then he was only showing up once in a while.


We got up and put our clothes back on and headed for the patio, Lena brought us a couple of beers with her and I fired up the grill. While she was getting things from the kitchen I took my little green pill, I had to admit she was a pretty good cook. We talked a little more while we ate and I helped her put stuff away when we were done eating.

After every thing was put away Lena came over and sat next to me with a worried look on her face so I asked if something was wrong? She looked at me and replied that she was thinking I probably didn’t have much respect for her after having just met the day before and had already jumped in the sack with you and hearing about how I had started fucking your dog. I looked into her blue green eyes and told her I had been thinking about her since the day before and was disappointed that morning when she came over and told me that you didn’t need me to come over and fill the holes in your back yard and how elated I was when she had invited Shorty and I over for dinner.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek and she smiled and asked me if I would like join her in a shower and got up and walked towards the house, with me following. When I reached the bathroom she was already naked and adjusting the temperature of the water, she stepped in and pulled me in after her and we were standing there face to face. I turned us around so the water was hitting on my back and soaped up my hands and started washing her back, she put her arms around my lower chest and pulled me up against her as I washed down to her perfect firm ass.

I slid my right hand between her cheeks and washed up and down a couple of time and then ran my finger around her anus and felt it pulse a couple of times and pushed it into her sphincter and she moaned into my chest then she turned a little leaving her left shoulder against my chest and pushed back onto my finger and I started working it in and out slowly and added another finger, both fingers were in all the way and she moaned as I added a third and started working it in, she was pushing back onto them and she moaned, put the little finger in to and I did.

Lena was pushing on to my fingers all the way to my thumb and I started twisting my fingers clockwise and then counter clockwise and I could feel her sphincter muscle tighten and relax and her body was starting to tense and groaned and dug her fingernails into back as she climaxed and shuddered, I held her up until it passed and sphincter muscles let go of my fingers. I finished washing her ass while she recuperated. Then I soaped her shoulders and turned her around so she was facing away from me and started soaping down her chest to her breasts.

To me her breasts were perfect, very firm and her areolas were a couple of inches a crossed and when I ran my fingers over them they stood out about a quarter of an inch, her nipples were half an inch thick and stood out about the same, as I squeezed the she moaned lightly in her throat. Then I soaped my way down her flat stomach to her pubic mound and washed her little patch of hair, she spread her legs a little and her body slid down my chest. I slid my hand over her labia and she moaned again, then she surprised me by reaching back with one hand and pushing my swollen cock down between her legs and leaning forward and pulling it into place with her other hand guided it into her pussy and pushed back and I was buried half way into her. She put her hand on the shower wall and pushed herself all the way onto me.

I could feel the muscles in her vagina gripping around my shaft and the head of my dick and I moaned as she started pumping her hips, I started rocking in and out of her in rhythm to her hips. Stroking in and out longer and harder with each stroke, then my hands were on her hips and pulling her back harder onto me and it felt like I just couldn’t get enough of me into her. I felt her inner muscles start tightening on me and I could tell by her breathing and the way she was shaking that she was trying to hold back and she would grunt every time my balls would slap against her pussy, she couldn’t hold back any more and let go. Her muscles tightened on my dick and she let out a loud groan that didn’t stop as I kept pumping into her and I could feel the sperm boiling in my alls as I pushed into her one last time and exploded, I groaned and put my hand on the wall for support so I wouldn’t collapse and it seemed like it took an hour to recuperate but it was only about ten minutes.

We finished rinsing off and as we were getting out of the shower Lena turned to me and said “Next time we take a shower I get to wash you” with a laugh. I dried off and Lena was looking at my still erect cock as I put my clothes on and said she needed to dry her hair and would be out shortly. I wander out to the kitchen and grabbed a beer and leaned against the counter and sipped on it for a few minutes. Lena came out wearing a short black miniskirt and a white see though blouse. She just seemed to get prettier, and I said “WOW” and she blushed gave me a kiss as she went to the fridge and grabbed a beer and called Shorty into the kitchen and closed the door behind him.

Lena headed for the living room with Shorty following, so I followed along and she sat down on the sofa and I sat next to her. Then Shorty was between her legs and burrowing his head under her miniskirt and she pushed him back and said “NO” not yet Shorty, I think she was a little embarrassed not having somebody there while Shorty was getting busy before. I suggested we move into the bedroom and Lena suggested the guest room since Shorty tended to be a little messy at times, I agreed and she led the way.

When we reached the guest room I laid down on the bed and Lena laid down on top of me and gave me a long passionate kiss and then rolled over next to me and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants then stood in front of me and pulled my pants off and I asked if she had any lubricant. She walked over to the night stand pulled some out of the drawer and walked back over in front of me. I put some of the lube on my fingers and reached under her miniskirt and started applying it between her ass cheeks, she asked what I had in mind and I told her to rub some lube on my cock and she did, vigorously. Then I turned her around and unzipped her miniskirt.

Lena backed up to me and I put my hands on her hips and she leaned back like she had done it this way before and guided my dick right to the target and pushed down. Her sphincter muscle slid right over the tip and she said MMMMMMmmmm and pushed down slowly until I was half way in and stopped, she moved her hips around in a circle a couple of times and slid the rest of the way down my shaft until she was sitting on my lap. I reached around her and started squeezing her tits and nipples and she was moving her hips up and down my cock. I laid back and pulled her with me and I kept pumping in and out of Lena then put my heals on the edge of the bed and pushed, pulling her farther up the bed with me and started pump in and out of her again and spread my legs further apart which let more of cock slid into her as I squeezed her nipples harder I called Shorty.

He was on the bed and between her legs in a heart beat and started licking her juices off my cock and balls and I kept pushing in and out of her. Shorty was starting on her pussy and I could feel his tongue deep inside her as she tensed all her muscles and climaxed and her anus muscles sucked on my shaft as Shorty licked her clit she lifted her ass up, lifting me with her but her kept going up and her muscles released, I slid back down but the head stayed in and then she was sliding back down. Shorty never stopped licking and Lena never quit moaning and her hips were working overtime, then she stopped and her muscles locked on my cock and her hips were going up again and this time they didn’t let go and when they dropped my dick went further in.

AAAAAHHhhhh came out of her mouth and she was quivering all over, I patted her stomach and Shorty’s head came up and her body relaxed for brief moment. During that slight pause I saw Short’s cock and was amazed that she could fit that cock and then he was mounting her. Shorty must have been really worked up, he put the tip in and then thrust the rest in up to his knot which was bouncing off my dick and then he was thrusting into Lena Like this was his first time. Lena’s head was tossing from side to side making unintelligible noises in her throat and her hips were still in motion, I saw Shorty’s shoulder muscles get thicker and he was lifting her ass off my cock so I pushed up into her, then he was stretching her pussy over his knot and she moaned as it went in, and her ass tightened on my dick and I could feel his knot sliding up and down my shaft inside her and her ass muscles and pussy muscles tightened on both of us, then she arced her back off the bed and made a loud noise that I can’t describe and I blew my load deep in her ass and I could feel Shorty’s knot pulsing against my cock which made me come even more. Shorty kept shooting his cum into her for a long time.

Lena finally collapsed on top of me and Shorty was trying to pull out but Lena’s pussy was holding on and she would moan every once in a while, Shorty’s knot finally shrank enough to slide out with a plop and then started licking up all the cum that was flowing out of Lena’s pussy on to my balls and didn’t stop until he cleaned up every drop. I slid Lena up my chest to pull my dick out of her and it was still hard as a rock, then Shorty decided he needed to clean it for me and by the time he was done it was throbbing again, I slid out from under Lena and kissed her she was responsive so I got between her legs and pulled her legs up and rubbed the head of my cock up and down her pussy a couple of times and slid it all the way into her. Laid there fore a little while and I could feel her pussy muscles tighten around my cock and I started stroking in and out slowly at first then I felt her hips moving to meat each stroke. Then I put her legs up on my shoulders and started stroking harder and faster until it felt like my balls were going in her pussy to.

Lena was covered in perspiration and so was I, I could feel my balls getting ready to explode and thrust in as deep as I could and unloaded my balls until they hurt. I laid there a few minutes then rolled off of her and Shorty was right there to clean us up and I let him and after he was done I told him to go lat down and I picked up Lena and carried her to her bed and covered her and the crawled in myself. That’s where we woke up the next morning around eleven. When I woke up Lena was sitting on the bed holding out a cup of coffee wearing a white negligee and smiling, I could see her beautiful nipples and told her they were. She said she liked the way I made them feel and you boys really fucked me good last night; I have never cum so many times in one night or had so much cum pumped into me. Then I asked if she had showered yet and she replied she hadn’t and I asked if she wanted to join me. She said “OK but it’s my turn to wash you” with a huge smile.

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