Women with Animals
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A Wife’s Dilemma


(c) 2007 by FOXI, edited by Lunalupo

A young wife goes on a photo shoot posing in bathing suits but the session soon gets out of her control. She needs the money badly to support her husband so how far will she go?


Part One

Angela packed her small duffle bag with her cosmetics. This would be her third photo shoot in so many weeks. The agency liked her and so far got her several jobs. She had never thought that she would be a model. But her friends told her to at least try out for it and she did.

Her husband’s lay off and mean didn’t want her to do anything but stay home and make meals for him while he drank himself into a stupor. But they had the house to pay for and a small child to support. Angela was only twenty and looked even younger being petite and beautiful. Her long golden blond hair and green eyes were some of her best features.

But according to the agency her best features were her small curvy body. She had full pendulous breasts and a tight heart shaped ass that looked perfect for swimsuit shoots. Once the first photo session was in the bag more requests were forthcoming. She had no idea that modeling was so demanding. Long hard days of posing and changing into dozens of swimwear. Her agency manager told her to get good sleep and take lots of vitamins. But mostly keep in shape.

She got the call early in the morning that some clients wanted her for a special photo shoot that paid extremely well. She jumped at the chance. The money would pay for the upcoming house payment and utility bills. The session would take place at the client’s studio on the outskirts of the city. She knew little about the clients other than they paid well and were demanding in their shoots. It would be a swimsuit photo op. They provide the swim suits and she would pose with them.

She arrived early and was met by a big burly man who stood at least six foot four inches with a big mustache and deep blue eyes. He introduced himself as Rex the assistant photographer. She saw him eye her from head to toe taking her in slowly. She shivered a bit as she felt his lusting eyes penetrate right through her. He led her to the studio which was brightly lit from several well placed lights aimed at a set before them and several cameras. Near the cameras was the photographer a tall slim man with long brown hair.

He smiled as she approached and introduced himself as John Pasely. He also looked her up and down. He told her about the shoot. That it was to be for a leading men’s sports fantasy magazine. One that catered to all the men’s desires. As he told her about it Rex was adjusting the lighting and leering at her. She was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. John showed her the dressing room and handed her a mall bag filled with swim suits.

“These are the suits we would like you to wear Angela. They’re probably unlike the ones you normally would wear but that’s only because the magazine caters to this type of shoot. Let me know if there’s a problem.”

She took the small bag and went into the dressing room and opened it. There were at least ten suits in all and all were micro bikinis that could be balled up and placed in your hand. She stared at them with amazement at how little material there was. She was about to put them back into the bag and leave when she thought about the bills that were due. Thought about her little girl at home.

She bit her bottom lip and began to remove her clothes. She picked out a suit and was grateful that she had recently shaved completely as the agent told her to do. The top barely covered her breasts making her nipples harden and poke against the thin fabric. The bottom, a string v-shaped patch almost didn’t cover her pussy. She looked at herself in the full length mirror and shuttered at her almost naked form. Her body was good and sexy. At least she had that. She wouldn’t be ashamed of that. But to pose almost naked… she swallowed and went out.

Both men stared at her as she moved to the platform in front of the cameras. Rex’s smile broadened as she stood before them her hot body enough to make any man hard in seconds. John went up to her and adjusted her hair and told her to turn for him. She did so nervously and fully aware of her near nakedness before them.

“Alright Angela, lie on the towel and use the tanning oil near you and begin to rub yourself down, everywhere. I’ll be taking shots of that. Ok?”

Angela saw the bottle of coconut oil and grabbed it and nodded to him. Unscrewing the cap she poured a good quantity on her stomach and began to rub it over herself. The photographer started to shoot immediately moving around her. She made sure to do her arms, legs and then around her shoulders.

“Come on baby do above your breasts and inside your thighs. Those are the money shots honey.”

He said this more like a command then a request. Angela hesitated realizing he was looking for sexy shots but she felt uncomfortable about doing such a thing. He stopped shooting and stared at her.

“Is there a problem honey? If there is maybe we made a mistake and need to get a professional in here.”

She closed her eyes and knew she had to comply with his request if she wanted the job and money. She began to rub the oils over her barely covered firm breasts as he began to shoot again. She saw Rex standing beyond the lights staring at her with lust filled eyes. His right hand was near his crotch moving slowly. ‘Oh God, what am I doing’ she thought as she continued to rub over her breasts. Then she added more oil up her leg till she came to the thin triangle that covered her pussy. Slowly she began to rub up and around it. The feeling of the oil on her was exotic and she noted gave a tingling feeling all over her.

“That’s good baby. Nice shots. Keep rubbing yourself now turn over on your stomach and apply the oil on your ass honey.”

Angela her breathing growing faster obeyed without wanting to think about her risqué actions and turned onto her stomach showing her beautiful ass in the string bikini. She applied the oil and began to rub in on her firm ass cheeks. The photographer moved in closer capturing her application of it and taking shots between her legs also. She would have closed them to stop him from doing it but thought better of it.

“Great now change into the next suit sweetheart,” came his command.

She got up slowly careful not to let anything slip out. She saw Rex his hand now over his crotch rubbing it gently. The bulge was enormous and she quickly looked away embarrassed. As she went into the dressing room she closed her eyes thinking about the effect she had on the man. Was that what she did to all men? She quickly changed into the next suit which was also skimpy and clung to her like a second skin. She looked in the mirror and saw that the front of the bottom piece. It was showing her pussy lips perfectly. She was about to change into a different suit when she heard John yell for her. She swallowed and came out.

Both me stared at her with obvious lust as she again made it to the platform. She lay upon the towel. Her body all but bare to them.

“God baby, your beautiful. Nice. Ok, baby arms above your head like your stretching.”

Angela did so stretching her arms high above her head. She realized that this pulled the top almost off her breasts revealing them as it tightened the bottoms making them pull into her pussy more. The photographer snapped several shots careful to capture her almost bare breasts and especially her pussy area.

“Rex please move the lighting a bit closer if you please. That’s better. Incredible body baby. Nice everywhere. The boys and girls of Barely Legal will love it.”

Angela gasped at the name given. It was a magazine that men bought filled with mostly naked girls fucking hot guys or girls. Her husband brought one home and it upset her greatly. Now here she was posing for that same magazine. She remembered how beautiful the girls were despite the lewd shots of them. Even when she glanced at it made her feel strange, almost like a voyeur. The idea that men and women would be staring at her in a sexual way was a bit disconcerting. Thinking about them feeling stimulated by her made her strangely horny. God what the hell was she thinking!

“Alright honey now turn on your stomach again and raise your ass just a bit in the air.”

Angela did as she was told raising her tight sweet ass high knowing that the string that ran between her cheeks hid little to nothing of her womanly assets. But her body was hot and getting turned on by the positions that were obvious sexual. Her mind told her to stop and leave while she still had dignity. But her body was over riding her common sense. Her sexuality was winning out.

“Incredible baby just like that. Hold it there. Open your legs just a bit more. Yeah baby beautiful! Fucking beautiful ass and pussy on you honey.”

She heard him and it registered like a hammer to her brain but it also ran shivers of intense stimulation to her body and it ran straight to her now wet pussy. She closed her eyes trying to regain her senses but her mind kept taking in the words and images like a porn movie. She couldn’t win this.

“Ok honey turn back over and lay flat, head facing to the right, mouth open eyes closed like your having an orgasm. Legs open wide baby….real wide for Johnny.”

Her breathing was fast and excited. Her nipples rock hard against the thin fabric. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and spread her shapely legs. The thin patch that covered her nakedness slipped almost off revealing almost all her pussy lips that were swollen and puffy. She heard the clicking of the camera as he moved closely almost between her legs.

“That’s it baby. Hold them open. Nice…real nice. Baby you must be loving this shoot. Your pussy is soaked. Ok darling let’s do another suit.”

Angela her body tingling from the stimulation of this erotic shoot could barely get up but managed and made it to the dressing room. When she removed the bottoms of her bikini she could see how wet they were. She reached down and felt her pussy and found it soaked with her juices. She was so turned on by this shoot that it surprised her. Shocked her to the reality of how horny and slutty she was becoming. Maybe she was just like those girls that were in that magazine, ready to fuck anyone anytime.

She thought about what she would look like to others who would see her and it made her even more hot and stimulated. She grabbed another suit and donned it. It was a string bikini with a thin clinging fabric that showed all of her as if she were naked. She left it on and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so sexy. All her troubles seemed so far away at the moment. The fact that she was turning these men on was amazing to her and made her so hot. She exited the dressing room and saw Rex with his pants zipper open and his huge cock hanging out. It stopped her for a second but she bit her lip and went on the platform again.

She couldn’t help but stare at Rex as he stared back his hand pumping the massive cock back and forth. She was doing this to him. What would happen to the many who saw her in the magazine? Both men and women would play with themselves because of her. The thought of that made her so horny she almost came. Her clit was swollen and pushing against the fabric.

“Alright baby ready for some more?”

Angela nodded knowing full well that each time she came out the shoot took on a different level of sexuality. She knew it was so wrong to do this but her body had betrayed her true feelings as her sexual side was turned up full. She smiled at him and he nodded with a leer that showed he understood.

“I want you to reach up and cup your breasts honey, squeeze them, get your nipples nice and hard for me.”

Angela did so without reservation rubbing them through the thin almost non-existing fabric feeling her nipples get even harder under her ministrations. She pinched them and moaned softly. John heard and moved closer snapping one shot after another as her fingers tweaked and teased her breasts.

“Now rub yourself lower baby, first your stomach then lower over your pussy. Yeah baby like that. Sweet fucking hot girl.”

Angela closed her eyes as she did something that she never even did with her own husband. She was in the act of masturbation before complete strangers. What shocked her senses more was that it was turning her on like never before. She spread her fingers over her flat stomach and soon made it to her pussy. Both hands slid between her legs touching her cunt and sending electric erotic signals all over her. Her moist pussy was leaking through the fabric and she could feel it. But she continued to rub and press against her engorged clit.

“That’s it baby don’t stop. Open your legs more for me. Nice honey…real nice. Slide your hand inside your bottom and rub your clit baby.”

Angela obeyed. She didn’t hesitate as she reached inside her bikini bottom to rub her pussy and clit sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her. She looked up to see Rex naked his huge cock throbbing and standing straight out from his body. It must have been ten inches long. He was stroking it as he looked down at her. She stared back as she slid a finger inside her soaping cunt.

“Nice baby. Pull your bottom off honey show me what you hot little pussy is. Show Rex how hot you are baby. Open up that cunt for him.”

He took endless frames of her as she masturbated and when she removed her bathing suit to be naked for them. She reached down and opened her cunt wide, spreading her lips apart revealing her wet open pinkness and large clit. She had reached a new level of perversion. She had become like the girls in the porn movies and magazines. She had become a whore a wanton slut willing to please because she was so depraved. Rex moved forward and placed his cock at the entrance to her open pussy and she didn’t move away from him. Didn’t deny him her body. Wanted him to fuck her like a whore.

“Good girl Angela. Let him fuck you. Let him show you how hot you are baby.”

Came Johns commanding voice. Rex pushed forward making her cry out as his ten inch cock speared its way into her wet pussy till his balls slapped against her ass cheeks. She groaned as he moved his huge body over her driving his cock deeper. Her cunt contracted as she had her first orgasm around his massive cock.

He could feel it and began to fuck fast and hard pulling her to him by grabbing her ass. John began to film the sexual union knowing that it would make a great porn film and much more money. Rex would make sure that this little slut was cared for nicely. He was good at making the most jaded girl scream in pleasure no matter what he did.

Angela felt her body writhe in endless pleasure as the huge Rex fucked her. He held her ankles and brought them back against her head opening her up fully as he pummeled her deeply with his cock. The sounds of wet sopping pussy could be heard nicely and John made sure to do a close-up of her soaked dripping cunt around Rex’s cock. When he pulled out her cunt was gaping nicely and John captured it on film. Then John bent low sucking her pussy with his lips and tongue making sure to drive his tongue deeply into her open asshole.

She cried out as his thick finger slid into her ass opening her up. His spit lubricating her more as he worked his finger in and out getting her ready for his thick cock. When he thought she was ready he turned her over and raised her ass high spreading her legs and opening her ass cheeks wide. Behind her he positioned his cock against her asshole and pushed.

Angela her eyes closed her breathing excited knew what he had in mind and didn’t care. Wanted it all. Her body was screaming for pleasure. She would be their slut for the day. Let them take pictures of her doing all these filthy things. Her cunt was on fire and she was burning up. His cock slid inside her ass fast and hard and she cried out in pain then pleasure as he began to pump her driving his thickness deeply inside her ass.

John knelt behind them capturing the deep penetration of his friends cock into the tiny girl. Her asshole moved in and out with his cock and juices began to come out of her ass and pussy as she began to cum again and again. He got several shots of her cunt contracting and then squirting cum. She pushed against him as he drove steadily into her. Both creating a rhythm matching the other.

His cock moved smoothly in and out making thick wet smacking noises. Her tiny body in a sexual bliss moved back capturing his thickness till she felt his cock growing bigger and shooting his thick cum inside her asshole drenching her insides. She cried out in orgasm too squirting more girl cum over and over.

Rex pulled out and moved away from the platform and John continued to film her gaping asshole that now spilled hot cum from his huge load. It dripped slowly out and down her smooth leg.

“That’s it baby. Incredible fuck. You are special baby. I think you could make some real money if you let me help you. Your beautiful. Tell you what. Come back tomorrow and I’ll show you how to make some serious money baby.”

He handed her a towel and she stood up a little dazed and suddenly realizing that she just made a porn film. She just fucked another man besides her husband. As she changed into her clothes she left the dressing room and went to John.

“What time tomorrow would you like me back?”

John smiled as did Rex. They knew they picked the right girl.

“Baby, you are something. Yeah come back tomorrow, same time. Just remember honey. You want to make money you do whatever I say. Right?”

She smiled as she felt the hot cum still dribbling out of her wet open pussy.


Part Two

In part two, Angela returns to the photographer that has made her re-think her sexual ways. But this time has she really gone too far to support her family? Will they submit her to even more depravities than even she can handle?


That night Angela could only think about what she had done at the shoot and how she had lowered herself to become nothing but a common whore at the will of the two men. Before she had left the studio John the photographer handed her a check. She stopped to look at it. It was for one thousand dollars. The original shoot was to be for only half that.

“You certainly earned it baby. Come back tomorrow and I promise to double that again.”

She went home sobbing at her lack of dignity and morals. Her pussy and asshole were sore too from the hard fucking Rex had given her. She got herself a drink and sat at the kitchen table hearing her husband snoring in the bedroom. On the table was a pile of bills. She sorted through them and sighed heavily at the amount due on all of them. More than what she had just earned.

She got up and started to remove her clothes to take a shower but checked on her little girl. Amy lay asleep tangled in her sheets her little face a peaceful angelic mask. Angela closed her eyes and realized that she would need to go back tomorrow. Two thousand dollars would cover all the bills and leave something for Amy. Her only worry was what they had in mind for her.


She took a cab to the studio the next morning since her husband wanted the car to go look for a job. She dressed in her tight low rider jeans and a snug t-shirt that enhanced her assets. The high heels gave it the right touch. She looked good today and convinced herself that whatever they wanted of her she would do and be done with it and go home.

When she took her shower that morning and cleaned her pussy she began to feel the tingling sensations return. The wanton horny feelings that made her so open to their suggestions. She tried to understand where they came from and why suddenly she was being sabotaged by her own body. She kept asking herself if she really liked the feeling of being so promiscuous so sluttish. When she had dressed and looked at herself in the mirror she knew the answer was shockingly, yes.

Her bag in hand she went up the stairs to the studio and was met by Rex who stared at her with his roguish smile. She smiled shyly even though the man had his huge cock in her only the other day.

“Johns waiting for you. He’s got another shoot going at the moment.”

He followed her to the back of the studio and it was dark almost lightless. Angela felt his presence behind her aware of how it was affecting her. Already her body was betraying her. Her pussy getting damp. She could hear Johns voice giving directions to someone and as soon as she came into view of the platform she stopped in shock.

On the platform was a young girl with black hair naked and stunningly beautiful. Her nipples were hard and pierced. Her pussy open and wet and completely shaved also had a clit piercing. But what shocked Angela was that the girl was lying on the platform next to a huge black dog sucking its cock slowly, lovingly. She began to back away from the sight when she felt Rex’s body move up against pressing his hardness against her jean covered ass.

“What is this…” Came her weak confused voice but Rex cut in his soft whisper near her ear making her quiver.

“That’s Julie and her lover. She’s here to do a shoot for John. A very special shoot for a very special client. Like what you see?”

She felt his hand encircle her waist and press her closer to him. The heat of his body made her breathe faster more excitedly.

“Her lover? You mean…”

He cut her off again his lips lightly touching her neck.

“Yes, they fuck like lovers. She is his bitch and he the master. She loves him. Can’t you see that baby? Look at how she sucks him. His cock is huge and she takes it all inside her sweet mouth.”

Angela watched with fascination and repulsion at first seeing the girl sucking the massive red cock of the animal who obediently lay near her watching her, his tongue out as he panted with pleasure. She held his cock behind what looked like a big ball of muscle taking his cock into her throat with each swallow. The other hand rubbed his belly his sides and then his balls. She did it with loving care as she licked around the head of his cock.

She had heard of bestiality but never ever once thought she would be witnessing it up close. It was obvious that the girl loved the dog by her attention to him. She felt Rex’s hand slowly move up capturing her right breast squeezing it. She moaned her body responding to his touch as it did the day before. His big frame engulfed her his huge cock pressed into her.

“She’s quite beautiful isn’t she Angela. Look at how she takes his cock into her mouth. Look at how he responds. He is a handsome devil isn’t he?”

His fingers pinched her hardening nipple making her squirm against him feeling his erection press into her jean covered ass. She watched the beautiful girl suck and lick the dog’s cock which grew in size and thickness that even the girls hand could not encircle it. Every once in a while the dog would lick her face as if giving her a kiss.

Angela felt her body heating up watching this realizing how powerful the image was and how it affected her. She was actually getting turned on by the sight. John turned to look at her and smiled. He knew how she was being affected. Knew that she was turned on by the sight before her.

How could she be so perverted? So jaded as to be made horny by such a sight? But she was. She knew it. Rex slid his other hand lower between her legs rubbing, probing. Her jeans were wet through and his fingers pressed ever so lovingly and insistently.

“Time to take your clothes off baby. Your shoot is about to begin.”

Rex kissed her his tongue sliding against hers his fingers rubbing harder making her groan aloud. She slowly, unsteadily began to strip off her clothing. Soon she was naked and he was right behind her again his hands all over her body.

The young girl kissed the dogs cock once and turned to Angela her eyes mere slits of lust.

“So this is the hot little thing you told me about John. Ummmmm… your right she is a sweet morsel isn’t she. Nice body baby.”

The girl wagged her finger at Angela telling her to come hither. Angela hesitated, her breathing quickening, unsure. What did they want her to do? Certainly not get on the stage with this girl and her dog? She couldn’t do such a thing. Could she? Her body moved forward like in a dream. Her nipples were rock hard her pussy so wet. She was being betrayed again. Her body was overriding her brain and making her the slutty girl. The young dark haired beauty took her hand and led her the rest of the way to the platform where the huge dog waited. He stared at her never taking his eyes off her body. Angela felt as if he were drinking her in.

“Come here baby. God you are beautiful aren’t you. Come, lie down right here.”

The girl patted the area near her. Angela lay on her back and the girl pulled her legs wide spreading her open for all to see. John was right there camera in hand filming.

“Uhmmmm baby nice cunt. So smooth and wet. Let’s see inside honey. Spread your pussy open for me.”

Angela noticed the tattoo on the girls left shoulder of a dog. Noticed how Rex had his huge cock out and was stroking it up and down. Noticed too how the dog watched her nearby his huge cock still rock hard pointing at her. She reached down and opened her pussy feeling her juices running out before her audience. God she was so turned on, so hot she thought that she would cum in seconds. She looked at the girl with her eyes also mere lust filled slits and wondered if this beautiful girl was going to make love to her? She had never been with a woman before. The thought of it made her pussy juice more.

“Oh yeah baby nice and wet for me. Did you watch me with my lover honey?”

Angela watched as the girl ran her hand down her smooth silky leg till it covered her own fingers opening her pussy up. The girl’s fingers began to rub over her pussy lips and clitoris making Angela moan and raise her body slightly.

“Yes…” came Angela’s soft excited voice to the girl.

The girl’s fingers moved deftly over her open slit to her asshole to her clit always capturing the little nub between finger and thumb to pull it and tweak it. This attention made Angela open her legs wider, her body inflamed by the feeling of it.

“I’m Max’s bitch, his lover. He loves it when I bring home a cute friend that he can play with. Do you think he’s handsome baby?”

The girl’s middle finger slid deliciously into her pussy spreading it open easily. Angela closed her eyes knowing what the girl was doing. Knowing what they now wanted from her. Max licked his muzzle very interested in this female and the dark haired girl smiled at him reaching out to pet him lovingly. Angela was losing this battle. Her body was responding too well from the girls practiced seduction. She would do something she never thought possible. Allow something that was so perverted, so taboo that it was unmentionable. But here she was with a girls finger deep inside her cunt and a dog in the wings ready to fuck her. Rex watched her with mounting interests as did John who kept his camera rolling.

“Yes he’s very handsome,” came her reply and moan when the girl added a second finger into the tight wetness of her pussy.

“I think he likes you baby. Look at how he’s staring at your hot little body. He excited. His cock is so big and ready. Would you like to meet my lover honey?”

The girl’s fingers stretched her cunt with each thrust. She would slide them in smoothly then spread them wide on the way out. Angela’s clit was swollen and sticking out straight from the attention. She reached up and began to play with her nipples that were so hard and sensitive. She moaned as the girl bent low to suck her clit deeply into her mouth.

“Yes I want to meet him…” Came her lust filled voice.

The girl kissed her pussy and turned to Max.

“Come here lover. I want you to meet a cute little plaything. A very hot sexy girl wants to meet you.”

Max bounded up, his huge black body moved over the girls stretched out bodies. The dark haired girl made sure that Angela’s legs were still wide open, her pussy gaping with juices open to whatever pleasure awaited her. The girl placed both hands on either side of the beast and kissed his mouth. He reciprocated by sending his long thick tongue out to swipe her lips and face.

“Max this is Angela a hot little slut who wants to fuck you. Angela this is my stud lover who wants to slide his big cock inside that tight pussy really bad.”

Angela felt her body react to the words spoken, not sure if she should jump up now and run away from this temptation or stay and let them use her again for their depraved film. But it was Max who made up her mind. He moved forward his head lowered between Angela’s wide open legs and licked over her cunt. The touch of his hot rough tongue on her overly sensitive pussy was excruciatingly erotic as well as powerful in its intensity.

Her mouth opened and her breath quickened in excitement. Her clit hummed with pleasure at the touch of the beast. She was indeed a wanton whore. Now she was a bitch to a beast and knew that it would make her want him. He licked again sending his tongue over her clit then down to her asshole in one swipe. Her reaction was obvious as she arched her back in pleasure from the touch. Her body was in heat and the dog could smell her, taste her. She was being seduced by an animal.

“That’s it baby, let him show you how good he is to all his bitches. Open up for him baby let him use his nice long tongue to get you ready.”

Angela completely under the animals spell and the girls could only obey as she spread her legs wide and back a bit opening her up to the dog’s attentions. The dog took advantage of it quickly and pushed his muzzle deep into her open wet cunt his nose actually inside her as his long tongue slid into her tasty pussy. Angela groaned aloud feeling the thick tongue spearing her over and over licking her juices right out of her. The dog’s persistence paid off as she began to cum hard squirting over and over. It only made him dig deeper into her lapping up her cum.

“Like that honey? Like having my lover make you cum? Tell me baby where’s my lover’s tongue?”

The girl moved up next to her kissing her stomach, breasts then mouth, her tongue twisting with hers in a hot kiss. Her hand was squeezing her nipples as the dog licked her steadily.

“Tell me baby… come on… where is my lovers tongue?” came her insistent but sexy voice.

Angela her brain registering the pleasure and the command answered in a fog of desire.

“In my pussy… ughhhhhhhh..” She groaned as the dogs tongue slipped out of her and twirled around her clit then down to her open asshole. It took the dog a second to drive his tongue into her hot tight asshole sending it deep. Angela cried out not in pain but absolute pleasure from the insertion.

The girl noticed the new target of her lover and smiled.

“Now where’s my lovers tongue bitch?”

Angela her body arching upwards with each thrust of his wet thick tongue in her ass could barely reply.

“In my ass… ohhhhh god…”

“Where baby? Where exactly is his tongue?”

“In my asshole… in my asshole…” She groaned in response as she began to cum hard again. The little wet spurts of girl cum shot over the dogs face and he immediately licked it up.

“Tell me baby do you like what my lover is doing to you? Like the way he’s making you so wet for him?”

The girl continued to prod and direct her responses all leading to such hot pleasure that Angela would now do anything for her. Wanted to.

“Yessssss…ohhh yess…please…” Cried out Angela her cunt was on fire. She needed more. The girl smiled and knew what was next.

“Turn over baby. Lift that hot tight ass high for him.”

Angela, unsteady, excited did so her body one member of pleasure. She raised her ass high her legs wide her ass cheeks wide open and ready for mounting. She knew that this would tell the huge beast that she was ready to fuck. To allow an animal to have sex with her. She had become a dog slut. The dog ready moved over her back his legs quickly encircling her waist as he prepared himself to enter her. His massive red spear was dangling under him rock hard and at least ten inches before the big veined knot behind it.

“Ok lover she’s all yours to take. Fuck her good baby. She’s a real hottie. Teach her how good it is to be a bitch.”

The dog obeyed instantly as he jerked forward his cock aimed perfectly. The huge head of his cock slid into Angela’s wet pussy hard and fast. She grunted with pain as it stretched her more than ever before. More than Rex’s had. It was hot, burning up inside her as he moved in quick pumping motions. Her body responded just as fast as she began to cum hard from their union.

The girl in front of her began to kiss her, tongue her mouth. Max took over as his body warm over her moved like a beastly machine driving his cock deeper and deeper into her widening cunt. His thick knot slamming against her cuntal opening and clit making her gasp in delight.

“Our little slut likes my lover. You like that big cock inside that tight cunt of yours. But you have to please my lover baby. You have to take all of him inside you. Let him in honey, open that beautiful pussy up for him.”

Angela listened to her soft voice and like a slave obeyed. She raised her ass higher, opened her legs even wider to allow him better access to her. Max pushed and slammed into her all the harder driving his knot deeper into her pushing it past her vaginal lips into her pink wetness till it popped inside her making her grunt in pain. The thickness of it was overpowering.

It hurt at first till he moved forward tying to seat it properly into her. It stretched her cunt muscles to the limit but also made her cum hard lubricating her insides for him. He pushed more with at least a foot of doggie cock inside her as he now started to fill her with hot gushes of cum.

Angela cried out in absolute bliss as she felt the hot rush of his cum inside her like he was peeing. He stopped moving as he continued to fill her. She kept cumming hard mingling her cum with his. After a few minutes he started to back out his large knot plopping out with a wet smacking sound then his huge thick cock along with a river of thick cum. Max moved away from her as she remained in place her gaping pussy dripping juices from deep inside her. Her legs trembled and the girl had her lay flat.

John moved back filming the entire sequence then fading it out to end.

“What did you think of my lover honey?”

Angela smiled knowing that it was so obvious to all how many time she orgasmed on the dogs cock. The girl kissed her sweetly, lovingly.

“He was wonderful. God he was incredible.”

The girl laughed lightly.

“I think Max has another girl for his harem. I certainly wouldn’t mind sharing him or you.”


Before she left John approached her and handed her another check. It wasn’t for two thousand dollars but for three. She stared at it confused. He noticed and smiled.

“Baby you are one of the best I’ve had in here in years. I want you to consider coming back to me and doing more shoots. I think we can use our imagination to get to you again. I know that Max would love to see you again. At least think about it. You have a unique opportunity to make some serious money here. I’ll pay you well for what our clients want.”

She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“I’ll call you soon.”

When she left the studio the cab was waiting. Her body was still humming with pleasure. She was becoming someone else. The Angela she thought she knew no longer existed. She had become whatever was needed to take care of her little girl. They, her husband and child would never know about her secret. She would keep it that way. Already she was missing the excitement that made her so wet and made her a part of Max’s harem.


Part Three

Angela has been doing modeling for months and has not returned to the infamous studio that made two films of her doing things that she found depraved. But something is about to draw her back. Something even more taboo.


Angela found herself going about her regular routine after months of working hard in the modeling business. Though it had only been three months since she started she made enough money to pay off the family debt and put some away for a rainy day. She often thought about the shoots with John and Rex. But they seemed to fade with all the regular jobs she started to land. When the phone rang she never expected it to once again lead her into another phase of her career. It was her mother Janice. She had not called in at least a month but recently began to call her weekly.

Her mother like herself was blond and green eyed and still quite beautiful. Her father left them early on for another woman and her mother lived alone but kept busy with her clothing business that made good money. Many times they went into the city to shop and go out to eat together and had been mistaken for sisters.

Her mother was, like her, very sexual and had several male partners over the years. Her body was similar to Angela’s. Small waist with a flat tight stomach and high firm breasts and a cute round butt. Not bad for a thirty eight year old woman. She loved her mother. When she called it was always about her business and if Angela’s little girl was healthy. She had even mentioned some of Angela’s photos seen in magazines. But today was different.

“Angie, got a strange call today from someone that says they know you and had you model for them.”

Angela immediately tightened up. Her stress level doubled knowing that someday the films of her might come to light. Though she liked both John and Rex they were, so to speak, pornographers. Could they be trusted with such secrecy?

“From who mother?” came her wary tone.

“A young man from the sound of it. Said his name was John. Said he worked in a studio and you were a model for him. He was so sweet Angie. Very nice. Said he saw some old photos of me at a studio in Manhattan and wanted to know if I could pose for him. Can you imagine that? Me a model again. Been years.”

Angela wanted to be sick. Wanted to hide somewhere and tell her mother to run also but that would be impossible. Besides she had never known that her mother was a model. She had never remembered seeing pictures of her anywhere.

“Mother, when were you a model? I had no idea. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Oh darling it seems ages ago really. I started when I was only sixteen years old. Before I met your father. I did some authentic fashion modeling and also some rather risqué photos also. The studio in Manhattan did those. So when your friend John told me he saw them I was a bit nervous but he said they were excellent. He asked if I would pose for him again. Imagine that?”

Angela felt weak and sick just hearing what John was doing. But how could she intervene without giving her secret away to her mother. It would break her heart. Worse, what was John planning to do with her mother? She knew their methods, knew how they could turn a girl into a sexual deviate with ease.

“Mother, John is a nice guy but he is a bit risqué also. You certainly don’t want to do something like that do you?”

Angela wanted to persuade her to give up such an idea. To stay away from John. But it wasn’t that easy.

“Let me come over honey. I want to show you something. I’ll be there in about an hour.”

Angela hung up and knew that it would be near impossible to change her mother’s mind once it was set on something. It had always been that way. But this was different. She would call John if she had to stop this plan he obviously had. Whatever it might be.

The hour passed quickly and the doorbell rang. Her mother came in hugged her and kissed her cheek. Then sat on the couch all in one motion. She looked stunning as usual and Angela was almost jealous of her but knew that her body was trimmer and tighter.

“I want you to see these honey.”She handed her daughter a portfolio with a dozen pages inside. Angela put it on her lap and opened it. She stared in shock at what she saw.

“I was only sixteen when those were taken. Obviously they couldn’t be published in this country, laws and all. But they were in Europe. I love those pictures. It was because of those pictures that I could buy the house we have now. Also the business that I now own. It seemed that I created quite an uproar. But I made lots of money.”

The photos showed her mother much younger naked in sexually suggestive poses that left little to the imagination. She was stunning in every way and Angela couldn’t help admiring how good they were. One showed her mother spread wide her pussy open also, wet and inviting. The look on her face was one of lust. Another showed her on all fours her ass open and also soaked with juices. Angela looked at them all and blushed openly aware that her mother was looking at her.

“I-I… can’t believe you did these mother. You’re so beautiful. I guess I’m just a bit shocked that’s all.”

Her mother took her hand and patted it.

“I know honey. It’s not something one shows their child. But I am interested in your friend John. I think I would like to pose again. Sounds fun don’t you think?”

Angela wanted to tell her, warn her but held back.

“If you must mom, but I think he’s a bit over the top for you.”

“More over the top than those photos? Baby, what did he shoot with you if that’s the case?”

She smiled at her daughter. Hugged her again and kissed her tenderly.

“Don’t worry about your mom honey. I’ve always been able to take care of myself. If your friend John wants to do risqué shots I just might do them. Sounds sexy, if you know what I mean. I’m going to meet him tomorrow Angie. Want to come with me?”

She knew she would. She had to go to watch over her. To protect her from the wolves. But who was going to watch over her. Just walking into that building was going to make her horny. God help her. God help them both.


They took a cab to the studio and Angela led her mom inside where they were met by Rex who smiled broadly as he always did as if he knew something she didn’t. She introduced her mother to him and he escorted them to the studio which was set up and ready to go. The set was extravagant with lights everywhere and props galore. A beautiful bed sat in the middle of it adorned with silks and pillows galore. It was exotic. She saw John adjusting his cameras and gave him a look that was meant to tell him she was very upset. But he only smiled and nodded. She pointed to him, wanting to talk privately with him. Rex led her mother to the dressing room a small bag in hand with her sexy nightwear. It was all too familiar.

“What are you up to John? That’s my mom you’re messing with. I’m not finding this funny at all.”

He looked at her and his smile faded into a serious mask.

“You were given some serious cash last time you were here. Enough to make you come back for another session. Then you simply never came back. We needed you baby. Needed another session with you. I found out about your mom through some investigation and pure luck. She is some nice hot piece of ass. Now I know where you get your sexuality. Like mother like daughter. I wanted you here. I have you here. Plus a bonus. Your mom.”

Angela felt a tear start down her cheeks. He was blackmailing her. Forcing her to work with them again whether she wanted to or not.

“Alright John, I’ll do another shoot, just leave my mom out of it. I’ll do whatever you ask….please.”

His smile returned. He leaned in and kissed her.

“I know you will darlin. But I promised your mom a photo session. I think she deserves one don’t you? Besides she is going to make a nice spread…so to speak.”

She wanted to hit him. Force him to stop this insanity but it was no use since her mother was fully into the shoot. Wanted it to add to her already immense ego. She moved away from John and stood near the rear of the studio behind the light watching. Immediately Rex stood by her, close enough to make her body tingle. He made her very aware of her sexuality.

“Your mother is incredibly sexy Angela. I think we’re going to see some very hot photos today. I bet you’ll love them.”

Angela could feel her pussy getting wetter by the second as he whispered to her in his sexy voice. She hated him for that and also craved it. She knew that this studio would do this to her. Make her horny as hell.

At that moment her mom came out of the dressing room in a micro teddy looking fantastic. Her straight blond hair looking shiny her makeup perfect and her body luscious. Angela swallowed hard seeing her mom like that. So sexy and what? Naughty! God this place. John took over and asked her to lie on the bed. He started to take pictures immediately making her feel good about herself as he shot them. The teddy she wore was totally transparent with a small bra beneath and a thong below. Angela’s mom looked sexy as hell and she knew it. Though nervous she complied with all John’s commands.

“Damn sweet little body on her baby. You two could be sisters. Kissing cousins.”

His wicked smile made her shiver in excitement feeling the heat in her body travel straight to her cunt. He moved closer to her his hand touching hers. She didn’t move but closed her eyes. His fingers trailed up her arm moving her in front of him slowly, knowingly. Her body responded so easily to his touch. Her breathing fast and excited knowing her mom was right there before her not more than twenty feet away.

He was behind her again his body pressed to her knowing he had her in his power to do all that he asked of her. His rock hard cock poking against his pants pressed into hers from behind causing her to gasp and then moan as he rubbed it back and forth. She in turn pushed against him in a fucking motion all the while watching her mom pose.

John now had her mom open her legs wide allowing him to capture the lacy material that barely covered her pussy clearly. She was breathing rapidly also knowing that this man was making her do shots that were quite naughty and sexy. More. Her daughter was watching. This only enhanced the shots and made her very wet and excited. Her daughter was seeing her for the first time as a woman. A very sexual woman.

“Look at her baby. Look how she’s posing for him. Do you think that she’s just doing it just for him?”

His hands found her breasts and began to squeeze them and pinch her already hard nipples. She moaned softly feeling the electric pleasure race to her pussy making her clit swell.

“She’s doing it for you. Every pose is for you to see. She wants you to watch her. To feel her sexuality.”

His fingers rolled her nipples making her grind her ass against him harder. One hand went lower traveling past her flat stomach to her crotch in between her legs. She groaned as his fingers rubbed and prodded sliding over the jean material and her engorged clit.

“Look at her baby. Look at how fucking hot she is. Tell me that you want to fuck her, to taste her cunt.”

Angela moaned in ecstasy as his hand unbuttoned her pants and slid inside her wet panties. His words were like a branding iron on her mind searing into her cunt. God, did they want me to fuck my own mother? What kind of perverted bastards are these people? But she already knew. Didn’t she fuck a dog for them? How sick was that? But she had loved it. Every minute of it. She saw the film and wondered who that girl was who was leaking cum from her cunt in sheer sexual bliss. Who was taking the dogs cock with gusto deep inside her? It was her. She knew how far she would go. So did they.

Her mother was now on all fours her round firm ass high the thong barely covering her asshole and pussy. John did close-ups always talking to her, whispering to her. Her face a mask of desire her eyes slit filled lust. He was getting to her and she knew it. What was to happen here today? What new depraved act was she to perform for them?

Rex’s fingers found her clit, pulled it, teased it till she squirmed hard before him her cunt on fire.

“Tell me you want her? Tell me you want to fuck her? I want to hear you say you want to slip your tongue inside her hot wet cunt. Tell me baby.” came his deep whispered command. His finger was flicking at her clit making her cum. She shuttered and squirted inside her panties over his hand. But he didn’t stop. Now a finger was entering her cunt slipping inside easily, deeply. He began to fuck her slowly. She knew that she would succumb to their desires. She watched her mom on the bed her body driven by dirty hot desires that could only be considered taboo. She wanted her mother. Wanted to fuck her and lick her.

“Yes… I want…” She hesitated.

“Want what?” He insisted.

“I want to fuck her. God I want to lick her.”

His finger pulled out of her.

“Take your clothes off. Go to her now.”

It was a command she couldn’t disobey. She knew no boundaries. Her life was now set in perversions. But her cunt was on fire and it wanted to be quenched. She undressed and was naked. Her nipples hard, her pussy lips swollen as was her clit that stood out. Slowly she walked toward the bed seeing John move back a smile upon his face. One showing conquest, control. Her mother on her back saw her and both knew that something had changed between them. The air had changed top one of sexual heat.

Angela moved upon the bed as her mom opened her legs wider waiting for her. They looked at each other lust in each others’ eyes. Angela moved between her mother’s thighs her body pressed against hers, pussy to pussy breasts to breast. Then it happened. They locked lips in a hot sexual kiss. John was filming it all, capturing every moment for the best film ever. Mother and daughter fucking.

They kissed with tongues twirling in each others’ mouths, groaning with each movement feeling each others’ bodies. Her mother’s mouth tasted sweet and hot and her tongue wet and sexy. Angela peeled away her mom’s nighty and began to suck on her nipples making her mom moan grinding her ass up to bump against her daughters rubbing pussies.

“Oh my sweet hot baby. You’re so fucking good. Ohhhhhh, fuck me. Fuck me good honey,” came her mom’s soft voice in her ear.

Angela pressed down her cunt wet and open over her mom’s and began to move in a fucking motion sliding her clits over her moms. Both striving to connect clits in an electric jolt of pleasure. All the while sucking her tongue.

Rex moved toward the bed with a tube of KY Jelly in his hand and began to rub it over the bottom bedposts that were uniquely shaped like smooth dildos but much bigger and thicker. He rubbed the jell all the way to the base of the wooden post then walked away. Angela saw him and knew what they wanted. She ran her tongue down to her mom’s stomach and then covered her cunt fully sucking her clit.

Her mother arched her back in absolute delight as her daughter licked her cunt. Her tongues swiping at her pinkness and asshole then back up to suck into her mouth her big clit. Soon her mother cried out in orgasm squirting into her mouth a hot stream of girl cum that ran down her face to the bed below.

She tasted so sweet so good. Moving back up she pulled her mom to her and led her to the bedpost and showed her what Rex did. Her mom in a pure state of sexual bliss nodded and licked her lips as she began to kiss her daughter fully. They kissed for a long time their bodies touching, hands groping. Then pulled away as Angela went first. She raised herself high above the thick post and rested just above it. Her mom licked her cunt as she opened her lips wide to accept it.

Slowly she lowered herself feeling the massive tip enter her. It spread her wide stretching her. Her mother continued to suck her clit as she slid down capturing the length of it. She could feel the immensity of it spearing into her cunt its long length disappearing inch after inch inside her well lubricated pussy. Finally she felt the base of the headboard. She had it all inside her. All twelve inches of solid wood.

“Baby be careful. Don’t hurt yourself. I want to watch you fuck it. Take it all baby. Show mommy what you can do.”

Her words spurred her on as she began to slowly fuck the post. Up and down she went taking more and more deep thrusts with each motion. She could feel the thickness opening her up and making her so hot she needed to cum. Faster she went sliding up and down its length driving the post into her starved wet cunt before her mother. She felt her mom’s fingers slide inside her ass cheeks seeking her asshole and groaned as she slid a finger up inside her ass. She came instantly her hot juices running down the post. Her mother’s finger continued to open her up as she fucked faster, harder.

Soon she cried out as her body went rigid. She was cumming hard again, squirting heavy creamy cum down the thick wet post. When she stopped her mother helped her to come off it. Then it was her turn. Angela helped her mom straddle the post and watched in awe as she slid down it with ease. Her cunt swallowing it all to the base of the bed. She grunted when she hit bottom and immediately began to fuck it up and down in earnest.

Angela took one of her nipples into her mouth and sucked feeling the rigid nipple in her hot mouth, licking and biting it. This drove her mother into another level of sexual excitement pushing down harder slamming her cunt against the headboard. She stopped and came hard her juices flowing over the bed and down the post. Several more cums and she needed help getting off the post. Both lay spent, kissing fondling each other.

John kept filming them as they cuddled and kissed and spoke in soft whispers of love. Rex stepped forward again and deposited a huge strap-on dildo near them. They both looked at it and Angela’s mom moved first. She put the harness on and climbed back on the bed. Angela saw that the dildo was massive and shaped strangely. The head was flared the length more than eighteen inches.

“If you hot little girls are wondering what sort of cock that is I won’t keep you guessing. It’s an exact replica of a horse cock. I want mommy to use it on her baby girl. Show her what a real cock feels like.”

John stepped away filming after he gave his command to them.

Angela stared at the rubber replica in awe as did her mother who was fondling it in her hands rubbing the flared head and up toward the sheath. Angela on all fours opened her legs wider and reached back to spread her pussy lips wide. Her cunt dripped cum and her mom moved forward the huge cock swinging before her attached to her harness. She placed the head against her daughters open cunt and pushed. The sheer size of the head made Angela grunt in pain as it popped past her vaginal lips stretching her to the max. Her mother could see her dilemma and proceeded slowly inch by inch till more than half was inside her daughter’s cunt.

“You ok baby? Do you want mommy to keep going? I’d love to see you fuck this hot cock.”

Angela turned and smiled at her mom and started to push back against her driving the cock deeper. Her mom also began to fuck her faster now that she was accepting the immense girth easier. Both were in a rhythm now fucking in unison. Hot wet smacking sounds emanated from Angela’s cunt as she became wetter and wetter with each thick long stroke from her mom. Soon she could feel the heavy rubber balls slap against her ass.

She was taking it all inside her cunt. Stretching it farther than ever before. But best of all she was being fucked by her hot sexy mother who was now slamming it into her faster and faster. She squirted over and over around the giant horse cock dribbling it like crazy down its length to the bed below. Her mother cried out too cumming hard from the act she was performing.

Soon they were done, satiated from the incredible sex they both had. The love they gave each other. They kissed and lay in each others’ arms long after.


Before they left arm in arm John handed a check over to her mom. It was for four thousand dollars.

“I’m hoping that we’ll see the two of you again soon. Have a really sexy project coming up.”

He winked at them both and they laughed. When they got to Angela’s house her mom kissed her hard and long.

“Baby you were incredible. I’ve never cum so much in my life. I hope we can do it again soon. I think I’m going to be craving that hot little pussy of yours.”

“I know I will mom.”

They kissed and waited till John called again.


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