Women with Animals

Knot So Sure


(c) 2008 by tommyjama

I left off in my other post about how I was cuckold by a k9, that my wife was secretly getting it on with dogs and had a girlfriend of hers break the news to me… there is more to the 2 week adventure there. First though I find the story of how Mary found out my wife was into k9s important to tell…

Mary and my wife, Kate, were getting closer as friends and during the day while I was at work or on my poker nights they would get together. Many times my wife told me it was to late for her to drive home or they had some wine and she didn’t want to drive so I was cool with that. I had a sneaky suspicion that more was happening because Kate always would come home hungry for my cock. Well after a while those dick dinners after a night at Marys started to decline and this story is why as I found out.

One night when Kate and Mary were having their “sleep over” they both got pretty drunk. My wife is pretty open minded and kinky and Mary being a devilish slut was gonna take advantage of the fact. As Mary explained, Kate was in a very playful mood that night and was playing hard to get with Mary. Mary isn’t a dominant woman by nature but decided to play Kate’s game.

After a bit of shopping at a local toy store the ladies headed back to Marys to play with their new toys. Kate slid her shorts off in the car as Mary drove and began to play with her new dildo she just got. It was driving Mary crazy watching my slutty wife rub the 10 inch dong along her slit. Mary tried a few times to lend a hand but Kate playfully denied her any action. Kate laid the seat back and eased the big fake dick into her pussy and took long slow strokes. Mary was beside herself with the scent of sweet pussy in the air. Kate continued to stir her slit with the dildo and grabbed the vibrating pocket rocket she has stashed in her purse for emergencies. She started to rub the vibrator on her clit while plunging 8 inches of rubber cock into her tight snatch. Mary did everything she could to focus on the road, even started calling Kate names like “slut and cunt and bitch” But this only excited Kate and pushed over the edge to a nice orgasm, spreading her cum all over Marys passenger seat.

Kate laughed a bit at the reaction Mary had and asked if she was jealous. Mary snarled and commented that she could have waited till they were at the house. Kate reached across the gear counsel and slid her pocket rocket between Mary’s thighs, almost causing her to drive off the road. Mary called her a crazy bitch and asked her if she was having fun. Kate replied she was having a blast and dug into Marys lap with her vibrator knowing just the spot to target. Mary fought hard to ignore the buzzing pressure on her clit and Kate just tried hard to make her notice. Soon Mary was breathing heavy and had eased her legs apart so Kate could have more range of motion across her jean covered cunt. Kate pushed a couple fingers inside her wet pussy and lifted them over to Mary’s face only to tease her over the edge. With the smell of sweet pussy and a vibrating clit Mary couldn’t hold back any longer. Mary actually had to reduce speed and take the car on the shoulder of the road to regain her composure from the mighty orgasm she had. Kate giggled as Mary gruffed about having wet panties to sit in until they got home.

Upon getting home Mary put up the dog while Kate grabbed the bottle of wine and vodka with 2 glasses. Kate had finished her first 2 glasses by the time Mary returned. Kate asked what took so long and Mary just blew off the question by saying she wasn’t gone long and changing the subject. While Kate was inside though Mary had the dog out back in the cottage catching a quickie to relieve the pent up frustration Kate had caused. Mary also made sure that Dodger, the dog, had left a nice load of sweet dog cum inside her. The devilish slut was gonna make Kate drink it unknowingly from her pussy.

Kate and Mary got some of their other favorite toys out and headed for the play room Mary has set up in her house. The play room is part dungeon, part romper room, with torture devises on one side and odd shaped pillows and swings on the other. My wife was into her 3rd glass of wine and already tipsy and far more playful as she isn’t a drinker by sorts. Kate pushed Mary back onto a pillow shaped like a wedge and climbed over Mary’s face. Mary a bit shocked but pleasantly surprised proceeded to kiss and lick my wife’s thighs. Kate who was still wearing her tank top pulled her shirt off and used it as a blindfold across Mary’s face. Mary went along with the game for a bit and Kate teased her pussy all over Mary’s face, only allowing the wanting tongue of her lover a moment of flavor before she pulled it away. Mary becoming frustrated reached up and pulled Kate down onto her watering mouth, stuffing her tongue deep in that sweet pussy. Kate pushed against her face sliding and wiggling her ass. Mary sucked and licked at Kate’s slit pulling her down harder on her face. Kate rode her face harder grinding her hips, moaning loudly almost dominating her pussy eating friend. Mary began to think she was going to have to get even.

Kate cam hard on Mary’s face almost drowning the woman in cum.(My wife is a serious squirter) Kate fell to the side from the intensity of the orgasm. Mary now naked from the waist down, decided to give the playful slut a taste of her own medicine and a little of something else. Pinning Kate to the floor almost like a wrestler Mary slid her soaking pussy right into Kate’s face. Kate attempted to hesitate but Mary pulled her hair back forcing her mouth open to receive her juice filled slit. Kate loves to eat pussy so it didn’t take much more then that to become active. Mary snarled and told her pussy slave to lick inside her pussy. Kate stiffened her tongue and penetrated the hot moist canal. Mary pushed her pelvic muscles out forcing the k9 cum into Kate’s mouth, snickering over her dirty trick to herself. Kate sucked and licked at the wet slit as if she was starving and couldn’t get enough. Mary devised another plan while face fucking my wife, deciding she would take control of the rest of the festivities.

Climbing from Kate’s face, Mary leaned in and kissed and sucked her wet lips. Kate asked for more of that hot pussy and Mary told her maybe later, but now she needed to get what she had coming for being such a tease. Mary pulled Kate to her feet and guided her over to the wall where there was chains and cuffs hanging. Kate willingly posed for Mary to attach the restraints and giggled like a schoolgirl in anticipation of what was to come. Mary snugged the cuffs around her ankles and pulled the chains taught forcing my wife’s legs apart. Mary also made sure the arms were spread far apart. Then forcing a half round pillow behind Kate’s back which caused her to arch her pussy and tits outward. Kate was now ready with her legs and arms bound tight to the wall and her pussy had adequate access for anything. Mary proceeded to blindfold Kate with a black scarf. Mary then told Kate to relax and enjoy as she went to the closet and pulled out a machine with gears and and a dildo attached. Mary set up the machine just in front of my wife and guided the dildo into her pussy. Plugging it in and adjusting the gears, Mary set up the fuck machine to entertain my wife while she got other things set up. The dildo was attached to a rod that plunged up and down forcing it into my wife’s slit. Mary left the room and headed to the cottage out back.

Mary returned to the house with Dodger and guided him by leash back to the play room. Kate was moaning loud as the machine was pushing her closer and closer to coming. Mary walked up and pulled the plug on the fuck machine just as Kate was about to cum. Kate cursed the devilish slut for stopping it and begged for her to stop teasing. Mary said she had something else she wanted to try and she better shut up and enjoy or be stuck there all night with no pleasure. Kate obeyed and bit into her lip to avoid any more back talking. Mary whispered that she wanted to taste the sweet pussy when she cums. Kate giggled and wiggled wishing to cum soon.

Checking the blindfold for peeking Mary seen Kate was obviously blind to what was about to happen. Guiding Dodger into Kate’s wet tingling pussy Mary knew he would hit the mark as he was still horny from the quicky he had earlier. Kate almost exploded as the dog flicked his wide wet tongue across her burning clit. Lick after lick Kate pulled at the restraints and pushed her hips forward to the wet mouth licking her. As the dog got excited by the taste of fresh new pussy, Mary noticed his dick beginning to unsheathe. His licking became harder and more persistent, with longer strokes. Kate was lost on the verge of exploding when it dawned on her the tongue felt much different then Mary’s. Kate fought asking what was going on and going over the edge, afraid if she asked Mary would deny another chance at cumming. Kate moaned louder and focused on the alien tongue that now was attempting to lick inside her love hole. Mary made sure to keep the dog at a distance as she knew he wanted more now then ever to fuck this fresh new piece of ass. Dodger began to nip and flick his tongue at the dripping slit, attempting to catch the drops in his mouth. This forced Kate to cum very hard as she loves having her pussy chewed and licked, which gave Dodger a bath in the pussy juice.

Dodger stepped back a bit and went back to licking up the wetness forcing Kate into an uncontrollable giggle of laughter. Mary pulled her boy’s leash back and led him back into the hall so she could set Kate up for the next position. Kate asked who was licking her pussy and Mary scoffed and the question and asked if she liked it. Kate answered yes she did and knows that it wasn’t Mary that was doing the licking. Mary smacked her pussy playfully and told her she was now going to be punished like a real slut. Mary undid the straps and forced Kate onto the wedged shaped pillow on the floor. Mary made sure Kate was in the right position, ass up and face down. Kate attempted to roll over and Mary smacked her ass telling her to stay down and not move. Mary tightened the blindfold and pulled another strap from a drawer to hold Kate in position. Kate was secured now to the top of the pillow and Mary went back to the hallway to retrieve the Dodger.

Mary seen he was ready as he attached himself to Mary’s leg and dry humped wildly. Holding him at bay as they entered the room, Dodger almost pulled Mary to the floor attempting to get on the waiting ass in front of him. Mary tied the leash off to bed post near the waiting slut and went over to her. Kate whined and begged to be fucked quickly, Mary slapped her ass and told her to wait. Dodger was almost dragging the bed over to the action as he was going wild over the pussy now waiting for him. Mary reached over to Dodger and tugged at his growing cock making sure he was ready to fuck. She also reached out to Kate’s waiting pussy and pushed 3 fingers into her slit. Kate’s pussy sucked the digits in like a vacuum. Mary grabbed the dog by the collar and released the leash. He bolted around Mary almost knocking her out of the way getting to that ass he wanted. Mary held onto Kate’s ass as Dodger pounced on it. Kate gasped at the moment she felt the attack of her new lover. Whether she was ready or not she was about to be fucked by a dog.

Kate had gone through all sorts of thoughts for a split second as what was about to happen to her. Within that second though, Kate’s mind was blanked by the forceful attack on her hot cunt. With a sudden lunge Dodger hit his mark in one stroke. He forced his know swollen 9 inch cock deep inside my wife. Within 2 more strokes his baseball sized knot pushed it’s way into Kate’s tight pussy. Pumping his knot in and out of the wet human cunt forced Kate to go into instant mind blowing orgasm. She had no idea at that moment what her alien lover was, but she knew she was loving every second of it. With every stroke of that massive dog cock Kate’s pussy exploded gush after gush of cum. Mary smiled wickedly as her best boy was pounding her best girl.

As Kate began to fade in and out of a blackout, Dodger had finally buried his knot inside his new slut. His humping slowed and finally ceased, then with a sudden jerk, he twisted around tying to his new bitch. This sudden last movement made Kate go over the edge one more time. Kate passed out from the severity of the climax she just experienced. Mary made sure to hold Dodger in position, while he drained his dog nuts into Kate. Mary noticed Kate was out cold and petted her dog proudly. Mary soothed Dodger for the next 20 minutes as he finished dumping his load and softened inside my wife’s cunt. Mary made sure Dodger’s cock withdrew slowly, and as the tip finally came out Mary lapped at it. Sucking the red hot dog poker into her mouth she got the last few drops of dog cum out of his cock and the delicious pussy juice of Kate. Mary released Dodger and then attended to Kate’s dripping wet pussy. She suckled the soaked gapping hole, slurping up the hot dog jizz that was pooled inside.

Mary used her fingers to withdrawal the last few drops of cum out of the open slit. Kate was resting peacefully still bound in position, and Dodger layed across the room attending to his member. Mary finishing her pussy snack called her dog over to praise him more. Dodger licked at Mary’s face and then the scent of pussy caught his attention again. Dodger stuck his snout between the ass checks and lapped up the remnants of his mating. Mary attached the leash to Dodger again and took him to her bedroom where she left him while she went back to attend to Kate.

Kate was moaning quietly when Mary returned. Mary began to unstrap the bound woman and released the blindfold from her head. Kate rolled to her side with a dazed look on her face and asked what happened. Mary with a devilish giggle told Kate she was raped. Kate laughed a bit too and admitted she felt battered. Mary asked Kate if she had any idea of what happened and Kate replied she knows it wasn’t Mary that fucked her. The two of them laughed. Dodger barked from the other room, which made Kate suddenly sober. Kate looked at Mary with a twisted expression and asked “DID YOUR DOG RAPE ME?”

Mary could only laugh and Kate with a puzzled grin called her a kinky bitch. Mary said “Tell me you didn’t like it!” which they both laughed at. Kate sat up and reached out to Mary to help her up. They embraced in a long passionate kiss.

The 2 women spent that night and most of the next day taking turns with the dog and each other. Mary told me that they fought each other to be on top in a 69 so they could have Dodger fuck them while they ate each other out. Kate confessed to me that she liked being on the bottom too, as she loved to eat the cum out of Mary’s pussy. Kate also mentioned that she had only been with 2 dogs before that night. The first time was with her best friend’s dog while in high school and he only licked their pussy. The second time was a dog owned by a family she baby sat for and he humped her pussy missionary, but never got in. She admitted to sucking his dick to satisfy him in some way and she was in love with the taste of his cum.

Mary didn’t know my wife was open to being with a dog, but very glad she attempted what she did. Kate didn’t know Mary liked dogs, but very glad she now had a friend she could share it with. They filled me in on that night and the details after my night with Mary and Dodger. I don’t know how many times after that night they had sex together, but I recalled many times eating my wife’s pussy and it had a mixed flavor I hadn’t known before. I called her out on it and she confessed to feeding me dog cum, I told her it was her fault I now was addicted to the taste like she was. We all laughed at that one!

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