Women with Animals
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(c) 2008 by Dragontail

“So it is decieded, that bitch Kattie will be made to pay.”

“Yeah, I can not believe that she ratted you out like that.” The other girls nodded thier heads. The leader of the group was a tough blond that ruled the school with her gang.

Amber looked at her group and smiled, “I know just how to get even with that fuckin bitch, we are going to turn her into one.”

The other girls nodded thier heads with out having any idea what she was talking about.

Three days later, they were all gathered in her house, waiting, being in Catholic school they were still in thier school outfits, they had a tendancy to roll them up a bit higher then modisty should allow but they did not care if boys and teachers saw thier panties.

Amber waited by her front door and saw Kattie walking past her house and she openned the door and called to her. “Kattie” she cried out. “Please my dog seems really sick, I am trying to hold his head up can you please come and call my parents on my phone, please he is really sick” she cried. Turning quickly into the house.

Kattie was quite torn she did not like Amber at all, but she looked like she was really upset and if her dog was sick she did not want it to suffer. With a sign she turned up the walk and entered the house. “Where is your phone?” she asked as she looked around.

The door slammed behind her, and made her jump then there were girls all around her, they had her trapped. “What’s going on?” she asked very afraid.

The girls did not say anything as they swarmed her and dragged her up the stairs. She could not possiblly fight them all off. She was eventually dragged into the upstairs bed room. With all the girls holding her down they tied her to a coffee table laying face down, her knees were on the ground and hands to the sides on the floor. She struggled and was crying in fear.

“You bitch” Amber hissed, “you ratted me out and I failed that damn test, I had to blow the proff to get my damn B back, to get my A I am going to have to let him cum in my ass.”

Kattie ws shocked to hear that she has blown the teacher and would let him have anal sex with her for an A. She tried to deny it, but the teacher let it slip as he came in her mouth.

“Well bitch, you dog slut. I am going to make you pay.” She stepped behind her and looked at the skirit covering her bottom. She lifted it slowly revealing cotton panties, that covered everything.

“Please don’t” she whispered.

“Shut the fuck up” she slipped off her own thong and stuffed them into Kattie’s mouth, then directed the rest of the girls to do the same. Soon Kattie could say nothing at all just endure the embarassment, she tried to fight as Amber lowered her cotton panties to around her knees.

Amber ran her finger over the openning of Kattie’s sex. Through the course hair, and ran her finger down the lips. “Do you think she is still a vergin?” she asked, and pushed in a finger slowly. As she bumped the hyman she smilled, “damn unbroken.” The rest of the girls laughed, a vergin at 18 they teased. Kattie was red and embarassed.

“Well first thing first” Amber smiled and produced a large English cucumber, “Anal sex for me, then Anal sex for you.” She spred KY gelly all over Kattie’s ass and pushed it in, not waiting for her to adjust to the size. They were all a little uncomfortable hearing Kattie scream at the invasion of the cucumber but they would not say anthing.

Amber fucked it in and out of her ass, many times. The passage was forced open and the lube assisted it in gaining depth on each pass, soon they were all commenting on how deep Kattie could take it and were soon leaning in closer, and they were starting to touch themselves under thier skirts. Soon 11 inches of the cucumber had dissapeared in her rectom before no more would pass. Kattie had stopped crying and had her head down cast waiting for the assult to pass.

Four of the girls were opennly masterbating and staring at the naked up turned ass. Amber smiled and looked away as her dog entered the room he was smelling something different. So many girls masterbating, the scent was very strong, more so from the up turned female. He came in behind and took a lick, the cucumber was still inside but the dogs tounge caused her to jump.

“Oh my look at that” pointing out her dog licking Kattie’s exposed cunt and ass. The moisture seeping from the girls cunt urged him to go deeper and lick harder, causing her to moan against the panties. She did not want this, it was wrong.
“Oh my god” one of the girls motioned, “your dog is getting a hard on.”

“Well lets see if he likes his new bitch, I can not think of a better way to have Kattie here loose her verginity.” Amber positioned her dog over the up turned ass, and the dogs cock touched the girls pussy and knew just what to do.

Kattie cried out as the dog cock brushed up against her hymen, “No no, no tlike this” she tried to whisper. Then as the cock peirced her barrier, she screamed, it was loud. “Shut up dog fucker and enjoy it, not every day a girl looses her verginity.” The other girls laughed as they got in closer to watch the dog hammer away at her.

Amber reached under and wiped away her maiden blood and wiped it on Kattie’s tounge. She could do nothing, the cucumber was being pushed deeper, and the dogs cock was huge and ripping her apart. The girls took turns touching the dogs cock and where they both met. Soon they all noticed the knot and almost drooled as it entered her body. The dog slowed down and they watched his balls flex and they all could tell he was coming inside of her.

Kattie froze as the dog seed flooded her insides, all she could think of was she was going to get pregnant and have puppies. She wanted to die, to fade away. She felt a slight tugging as the dog pulled out the knot and the girls watched in awe as dog cum poured out of her open lips.

As Kattie lay there, as Amber pulled her panties back over her ass and used them to hold the dog cum and cucumber inside of her. They untied her and basically pushed her out the door. It was hard to walk, she could not take out the cucumber as people might see and the dog cum slowly seeped down her legs. It was a long walk home.

Entering her house she was glad to be alone, stepping fully into the shower she let hot water pour over her, and let her skirt fall to the bottom of the stall, taking off her panties. The cucumber slowly slid out and fell to the bottom with a thump, worst was all the dog cum, she would wash it off and more would trickle out.

Stepping out of the shower she cleaned up her mess and openned the medicine cabinet. She found her mom’s sleeping pills, she could not live with having puppies, everyone would know and call her a dog fucker and her parents would hate her.

Taking the pills she lay down on her bed, as the bottle of pills vanished, she could only think of Amber, how she hated her. She took away the one thing that was important. She had wanted to save her verginity for her wedding night. Now it was all over.

She drifted off to sleep…

Kattie sat up with a start, looking around her room it was dark out. She leaned over the edge of the bed and wanted to cry as the pills did not work. She walked over to the window to look out at the night time street below. She was naked, but was not cold. Looking over she stopped afraid she was looking at her prone body. She was dead, but she was still around.

She backed away from her body and did not realize she had backed into her wall and passed right through, it caused her to loose her footing and she landed on her cat that was passing by. The oddest thing happened, she did not crush the cat she rather entered it, she looked around and realized she had posessed the cat, she looked around and walked towards the stairs. She was the cat…..

The cat shook it’s head several times and Kattie was ejected, and landed on her ass, but that did nothing to stop the evil smile on her face. She would get revenge on all the girls and she knew exactly how.


Kattie drifted out of her house and away from her body and the life she had known. She know only knew one thing and that was to get revenge on the girls that had taken her verginity and her life.

First she thought was Amber, she was going to pay dearly for what she had done. As she passed down the block she noticed Rebecca getting into her mothers car. She was dressed in fine leathers and had her helmet in her hands, she was going riding. How she wished she could have afforeded lessons but was not able to. She drifted over and passed into the car and followed along.

Rebecca had an odd feeling of being watched but thought nothing of it, she was still thinking of watching Amber’s dog fucking the life out of Kattie, it still caused her panties to grow damp. If she did not have ridding lessons she would be in the shower taking care of her needs. Oh well riding always gave her an extra thrill that gave her fingers purpose later in bed.

Her horse was quartered in a private section of the barn, only her gelding and the owners stud, that was used for breding. Rebecca watched her mother drive away, knowing that she would be back in several hours. Walking into the barn she was glad to see that she was and would be well alone for the duration of the evening. Taking out her gear she swent about brushing her horse and lost thought on everything else.

Kattie got madder and madder, watching her going about life while she was dead. Kattie moved over and with a push she entered Rebbecca’s body and took possession. Rebbecca did not understand what was happening, she knew something was amiss, but could not control her actions. She started taking off all of her clothes and gathered her harness, walking naked she entered the staff of the stud. He was not at all happy about this little intruder but gave her room to move and watched her. Rebbeca, using her own panties, slipped them into her mouth and taped them in place, then she leaned over the railing and tied one hand through the rails and then with finallity bend over and tied the other firmly in place. She was bound and gagged, firmly and could not get free. She was still confused as why she was doing this. Then her mind driftde to sex, she could not control the emmotions and her tight pussy began to get wetter and wetter, the scent was starting to make the horse a little crasy.

Kattie slipped out of Rebbecca’s body and mind and looked on. It seemed the horse did not know what to do. So she entered the horse and took control, she leaned in and took a big sniff of the wettness and probed her with it’s tounge. Rebbecca fought to get free but was to firmly in place. Kattie in the horses body jumped up and brought the hoooves over her sholders holding himself up. This position also made the line up perfect. The head of it’s cock wedged against the small openning and it pushed, the head stretched open her pussy and after a few humps had 11 inches imbeded inside of her, the thickness was more than she could bear, but still the cock tried to gain further entry. Soon her cunt could not stretch any more and then horse began to withdraw and hammer back into the 18 year olds battered little pussy. Thrust after thrust Kattie, revelled in the wildness and passion that the horse was feeling being part of this new mare. Kattie’s head spun as she felt the horse flare and fire off volley after volley of cum into her womb.

Pulling out, Kattie slipped out and got a close view, horse come poured out of the battered and stretched cunt that was before her eyes. She was in awe that she was stretched so much and could not do anything but pant, it was not pleasurefull the horse was a beast and took her like one. Still Kattie wanted to feel it for herself, and as the horse recupperated and wanted the little mare again. Kattie merged again with Rebbecca. This time it was different Kattie wanted her to feel pleasure and when the horse mounted and drove his cock into her passage she moaned in deep pleasure. Knowing how to untire herself, Kattie slipped off the halter ropes and reached between her legs and touched the hardend clit in responce to the thrusts. Rebbecca came and came again, this time looking up she was looking onto the owners eyes. He was watching her llittle body being taken by the horse and he was stiff inside his pants. Slipping off the gag, she moaned come closer watch the hot cock fuck me.

He could only do that, stepping closer he leaned underneath and watched the giant rod pounding her flesh, as the horse snorted and came it gushed out from her abused cunt, and staggered to her feet. She reached over and openned up his fly and took out his cock and started to lick it, “My ass, oh my god please fuck my little ass” she said bending over a bench and presented her tight little ass to him. He could not do anything about it, he had to have that ass. He gripped her hips and used horse cum to ease the way, “Oh my god you little slut” he whispered as he sank to his root. He hammered at her and pictured her being taken by the horse. As his cum fired into her hot little hole Kattie slipped out of Rebbecca’s body.

Rebbecca could do nothing at all, she was full of horse and human cum and she had wanted it, did it all herself with out knowing why. She started to cry as he slipped out of her ass and quickly walked away. Leaving her standing there with cum coating her legs.

Kattie floated away and laughed to herself, one down so many more to go. Her mind wondered at how she was going to make the rest pay and how wonderful it was going to be having sex with each of them in what ever form she wanted and where ever.

Drifting away from the barn she knew what and whom was going to be next….


Kattie drifted around for a while getting know know her new limitations. She walked the night time city streets and would casually enter different people to get a feeling of what they were feeling.

She entered a bitch in a back alley, as she was being mounted by another stray. She ejoyed the feeling, and would surrender to the feelings that were being awoken. Not really in her but through the dog.

As the morning sun rose over the city she planned her next revenge. She made her way to Cassidy’s house. It was well known that she would ride the subway to school in her short little skirt teasing the different people on the train she would brush her bottom up against good looking men and when they tried to go a little further she would embarasses them and call them out. This morning it was going to be different Kattie was going to make sure of it.

On time Cassidy appeared on her door step and quickly headed to the train, she darted to the station and stood waiting for the train to arrive, she noticed a good looking man and thought that he was going to be her target for this trip. As she approached, she almost tripped over a seeing eye dog.

The dog whined at her as she almost stepped on him, a very nice looking black lab to other people to her it was a slobery mess. With icky balls that just hung out all over the place. She was the only one that did not get turned on when Kattie was being raped by the dog. Now when she watched her take the cucumber deep well that was nice to watch. In fact she had used one on her own bottom last night in her own room to experiance it for herself. It was a very powerful orgasmn to be certain.

They all boarded the train and as Cassidy moved over to the stranger she shifted her dress so that from behind he could see her little lace thong. She moved closer to him and backed her bottom up to him. He did not resist as most men did not as her pert little bottom came in contact with his cock and did a little lap dance grinding against it. As the train was almost empty other than a few men and the blind man and his dog all the same no one noticed. Cassidy was about to ruin the man and break away as she felt him going in for a touch. That was when Kattie moved in and took over her body. Cassidy tried to move away or to say something as the man moved her panties to the side. Feeing his own cock she wanted to get away as she felt the head touch her little pucker. She pushed back and tried to fight away as the cock slid in deep and he bottomed out in her. He was pushing and slightly grunting as he was using her.

Other men noticed and one actually had the nerve to come closer, and watch. She lifted her dress at the front and pulled the panties to the side. He moved in quickly and openned his fly. The cock was already hard, they did not say anything at all as they lifted her up and lowered her on to the two cocks. They bounced her up and down while she was getting double penitrated and as Kattie controlled her pleasure center she moaned and moaned. Together the two men fired jet after jet into her waiting holes. As cum dribbled out, she landed on her knees and crawled over to the dog. She lowered her head and started to suck on the dogs balls, everyone just stared. As the dogs cock emerged she took it into her mouth and started to suck on it, drawing it completly into her mouth.

The blind man “asked whats wrong boy” trying to see what littlle he could.

“Oh my god man, I get you wish you could see this, a bitch is suckin your dogs cock and he is loving it.

Trying harder to look he could see a blur of a figure, over top of his dog. Little spurts coated her tounge and she moved away and lowered her arms to the ground giving the dog a clear target. An openning of her sex.

“Go for it boy” someone said. The blind man did nothing as the dog mounted the girl. Cassidy was at a loss, she tried to fight the feelings and tried to move, two men were one thing but a dog was different she wanted to scream as the cock speared her and openned her channel. The dog hammered away at her young cream filled hole, but when the dog knotted her. Kattie let the pleasure center go and Cassidy could only scream in her mind as the dog’s cock swelled in her, cum sprayed her insides and still she could not get away. Suddenly there was a cock in her face, the blind man was going to get some as well. She took the cock into her mouth and started to suck for all she was worth. He did not last long, spurt after spurt coated her tounge and she swallowed every drop. Soon cock after cock was placed in her mouth, to many to count to many loads swallowed. When the dog cock slipped out of her, she lost count on how many men used her pussy and her ass. The came on her face and in her hair. Cum coated her back as people pulled out and stroked themselves onto her. A puddle was under her body as it dripped from her abused holes. Finally after no one else was left, Kattie left her body. Cassidy could only look around and when the train stoppedshe ran from the train and into a bathroom to try to clean herself up and to try to understand what had gotten into her.

Kattie floated away and thought about what was next, who was next on her list…


Several days had past and Kattie was delerious with anger and frustration. Most of the girls had gone out of town on a road trip and she could not find them. So she waited at the school for them. It pained her to see the other kids going about thier lives while hers was ended.

Kattie was glad to see the school bus arrive with the football team and Becca. Becca the bitch, she road back with the team. She was the biggest tease known to the school. Would let boys touch her, finger her and even let them eat her, but no one to anyones knowlegde had taken the fruit.

So the boys allowed her to play along with them she was not shy to suck a cock or two after the game in celibration.

Kattie found them in the locker room, six of the football players and the team mascot. She knew her pacience was to be rewarded.

Becca was pracing around the little locker room, her tight little cheerleader outfit did nothing to hide what she had to offer. Kattie could see each of the players were sporting a hardon waiting for her to make the first move.

Kattie moved in and grasped Becca’s body and slowly began to undress to the hoots of the gathered. As soon as she was completly naked she looked at the player and whispered. “Tonight I am going to let the MVP take my little hot hole. Yup tonight in front of all you big men, I am going to loose my verginity”.

All right they all cheered. Then grew slint looking from one to another. “We lost tonight, who’s the MVP?” one of the players asked.

“Why Casper of course”, she said on all fours, with her tight ass in the air.

“What did you say Casper?”

“Yup Casper the friendly goat.” she replied with a smirk, crawling over to the temporarily forgotten mascot.

Becca fought for control when she heard she was going to be deflowered by a goat, and for a few seconds Kattie thought she was going to loose control then Becca’s will ran dry and control was taken back.

As she neared the goat he could start to smell the odd scent. She backed up to him and the goat moved in close for a smell. She could her them talking and it was not polite. “Oh my god this bitch is going to do it.” She flinched as the goats tounge licked along her fold and dipped in for a taste. Kattie moaned and moved her body as if she was enjoying it alot. She started to buck and as she took control of the pleasure centre, she grew wetter and wetter from the licking.

As the goat could sence the change he mounted her and could feel the female below him and he pulled her in tight against his bucking frame. It was then that Kattie let go for the pleasure center, and Becca could feel the searching cock touching her hyman. Then in one blinding stroke the goat cock breached her barrier and inside her mind she screamed. It was utter pleasure for Kattie, and she once again took control of the pleasure. Her body bucked at the invanding cock.

The men had gotten closer and were looking where they were joined woman and beast. “Oh my god look it it fuck her” one would say. “Oh my god, look at the blood, fuckin bitch was a vergin.

Kattie was to far gone, she was loving the hard fuck from the goat and as it came inside of her. She came against the cock, the goat dimounted, leaving a stream of cum dripping from her abused pussy. “Ok boys” she smiled, “you turn, I hope at least one of you are man enough to ride my ass.” They were all over that, the bigger one, was more than happy to drive himself into her pussy, even filled with goat cum she was tight and sex. Watching her be taken by an animal was more than any of them could have imagined. He rode into her hard and once he was wet, he lined his cock against her cute little pucker.

“Shove it in hard you fucker” she hissed at him. Needing nothing else, he drove it into her, right to his balls, he tore her little ass open, she loved it and so did he. Thrust after thust he drove the breath from her and finally, shot his cum deep into her abused rectom. She pulled one closer and swallowed his cock, not worried about breathing she took him right to his nut sack. Then it was on. They came at her from every hole. Taking turns filling her passages, they double teamed her, tripled teamed her and she took them all. Soon she was covered in cum, they had tired and could not get thier cocks up any more.

Still she wanted to hurt Becca, and she crawled over to the goat and whispered to the guys, “help me get his cock in my ass.” She lowered herself to the ground and the goat jumped up on to her back and they guys aimed his cock to her now stretched anal ring. The goat did not care, he thrust in time and time again into the new wanting female, dit not care that it was an ass rather than a pussy. He fucked the breath from her and when he came. Kattie let go of control, and Becca cried out loud, a tormented soul, cum filled and broken. She felt the blast of goat cum stain the inside of her soul as much as he anal passage. The guys not knowing any better, cheared it the goat dimounted. She did not fight the boys off as they lowered her pussy onto one cock as another once again violated her ass. The boys cheared to her as she took load after load into her body, when they were all done, she just dressed and walked away from the group. Fluid leaking from between her lips, cum dripped from her ass. Her hair was matted with it.

Then for some reason she could not forget the feeling of being mounted by the goat and knew that she would never be the same. Thinking of her dog at home, she wondered if Rusty would prove to be as orgasmic as her first beast.


Kattie, worked her way through the world wondering where to go and whom to get next. She so wanted to get them and had Amber last on her list, with only a one girl left she travelled to Jinny’s. It was nearing ten at night and she found that the house was near empty.

The parents car was not in the drive way and the house was all but quite other than a sterio playing up stairs muffled through a closed door. Kattie floated in through the door and stopped cold.

Little Jinny was having at, naked and legs spred, she had a vibrator about as far into her crevice as it could go. One finger, dacing across her clit and the other giving the vibrator a work out on speed. She pulled it in and out more times than she could count, it was like a blur and the pitch of her moans and flush of her skin said she was about to cum.

“Ahhh, ahhh, oh my god, yes, yes” Jinny moaned. Then her body started to vibrate and she clenched her legs together, as an orgasm crested over her. Kattie could only stare. The vibrator fell to the floor and it was then that Kattie noticed a large Golden Lab, laying in the corner. The dog did not seem to care that his mistress was masterbating. Kattie had a good look the poor dog was nutered, he had no interest.

Jenny got up from the bed, and stretched naked. “You like what you see boy?” she teased, “I bet you can smell my hot pussy from there, to bad you were fixed. I wonder if you would want to fuck me like the dog did to Kattie.” She laughed.

It was hearing this that turned Kattie’s mind red with anger. She was being mocked. Slipping into the dogs body, she took control and found deep in the back of the dogs mind the memory of sex, and with a little tweek, she woke up the dogs desire.

It was then that she saw Jinny kneel and reach under the bed to retrieve the fallen toy.

The dog got up and as it did it’s long unused cock slipped out and grew in length, the fire added by Kattie build the dog into a passion. Jinny leaned further under the bed, her head and shoulders were completly under and when the dog mounted she was stuck and could not move. Jinny cried out as the dogs tool, came in contact with her very wet and very open pussy. She screamed out as the dog rammed home, the entire shaft buried in one passinate stroke. Worst was the dog was possessed and did not care to cum as he was fixed. He only wanted to mate with this bitch that had teased him time and time again then the family robbed him of his desire that was no in full bloom.

Jinny for what it was worth no longer imagined what it would be like to fuck a dog as it was truely fucking her, slaming into her and pulling almost completly out, over and over again. The mightly knot started to form and still it was rammed in and then pulled out to bash at her gates again. After 30 passes in and out of the knot it finally became stuck in the bitch. Still he worked small humps, as she was still well lubricated.

Jinny’s face was covered in tears, her dog had raped her. She did not want this, still stuck she was hopless at the dogs mercy. The dog for his part could not cum to ease the pressure. So he was still eager to use the girl, little hump after little hump. It was then that it came to rest on her G spot. She screamed in orgasm, she shook in the power of the climax. She all but shot the knot and dog cock out of her. She crawled out from under the bed, and sat on the floor breathing hard. She and the dog just stared at each other, one was in pure bliss and the other still under control.

She allowed the cock to deflate and she waited, Jinny crawled over to her dog and hugged him. “Boy and time you want my pussy you feel free to mount up, I think I am going to have to get another dog and this time let him keep his nuts.”

Jinny turned around and was going to crawl up on her bed and Kattie acted. The dog mounted her again. This time the target was not the girls now red and swollen pussy but that little anal hole. “No boy” she scolded, “I am to tired and sore.”

The dog did not listen and as the cock was still very wet and the position just right, she could do nothing as it pushed into her anal passage. This was to much, she did not like anal, she had tried a couple toys but could not relax enough to let them go in easy.

This cock pushed right in, did not care for her pleas. He tunneled into her depths and griped her waist hard and pounded. She called out and tried to get him out, it was then that she felt the giant knot pushing against her ass cheeks. With a painful pop it entered her. She moaned, she was coming from a cock in her ass. She reached under and played with her clit, rubbing it hard. “Fuck my ass boy, fuck my ass, harder harder” she screamed into the covers.

Kattie was well pleased and as the dog cock deflated she leaned in for a taste of the pussy before her. Leaving the dogs body she watched them both curl up on the bed.

Kattie was on a high another girl converted, another girl that planned on being breed by beasts….. With a smirk she floated out into the night and hoped that she would find her last victem at home.

Amber would pay and pay dearly.


It was time. Kattie knew that it wsa time to make Amber pay. To teach her a lesson. To make her suffer in ways that would make her pay over and over again.

Kattie slipped into the home, it was painfully silent. She searched the upper levels and found Amber’s room vacant. She was pissed, he so wanted to find her.

Then as she was about to leave she heard something fromt he bacement. She floated down the stairs and found Amber sitting in a chair in the back of the room. Her panties were exposed and she was gently feeling herself, tracing up and down the clovered slit. Entering the doorway, Kattie was happy and excited to see her alone in the house. With a grin she was very pleased to see her dog sitting at the door near her feet. Entering the dog, she was going to attack Amber and rip her clothes off. Tear into each of her holes and pull the knot out to make her hurt. Easing into the dog was easy, she stood up and walked towards Amber.

Something seemed wrong Amber was still playing with herself, but she was smiling at the dog with a knowing smirk. Reaching down she pulled a rope and a bucket dropped across the dorrway behind her spilling something.

As she advanced, the dog crossed what seemed to be a line of salt, and when it did. Her spirit could not follow and she was ripped from the dogs body and mind. She raged, she quickly retreated and hit the salt barrier in every direction. The salt prevented her from passing through the floor and ceiling. She was trapped. Still Amber sat there, fingers tracing her slit. Now it had grown wet, the line was clearly visable.

“Kattie, I am going to assume you are here.”

Kattie could only glare at her captor.

“Kattie, you are foolish to think the other girls would not talk to me, I have been prepared for you for sometime. Now make yourself visible or I shall hurt you.”

Resigned Kattie apeared and stood on the very edge of the salt ring, unable to pass. She glared at Amber as she lit several incense candles and the smoke seemed to fill her, and she felt solid.

Amber sat down at the edge of the circle and smiled, the same evil smile that she had before. “What were you going to do? Have my dog fuck my ass, cum in my pussy?”

Kattie snarled and swore, “I was going to hurt you like you hurt me.”

“You stupid bitch, I knew my dog would fuck you, I have been fucking him for ages, rather he has been fucking me for ages.”

Kattie ws shocked to hear her confession.

“I am so glad you got the other girls to come around, we are all going to have such fun once you are gone. I am so glad you brought the horse into the picture, we are all going to share in that.”

Kattie, stood there unspeaking she had been used, used again.

Amber stood up and reached behind the chair she was sitting on and started to undress. Once nude she slid a harness over her waist and fitted on a very large dildo. “This is from the bed over boyfriend collection, and it is going to be perfect for when I fuck your holes Kattie, when we all fuck you.” With that all the girls she had used stepped out from the back room, they were all nude and equally equipted.

“You took my verginity away you bitch, I was something special.” The one girl cursed.

“You had a horse fuck me, I will never be the same again. He filled me with his cum.”

Kattie was afraid and tried to fade out, but it was no good the smoke kept her solid and when Amber grabbed her hair, it hurt and she was pulled to the ground. The girls forced her to the ground and held her limbs wide apart. As Amber stroked the large cock. She was adding lube to it, and smiling. “So her we are again”, she smirked. She knelt between Kattie’s legs and touched the cock to her openning and falling forward it drove deep into her body, the lube only helped it breach her walls but did nothing for the pleasure.

Kattie screamed, as her insides were torn open, the giant dildo pushed right into her cervix, and openned her wide. Kattie tried to fight them but they were to strong, they helped Amber roll her over and on top of her and she knew what was coming, she felt the tip of another spear touch her anal openning and with the same tenderness the girl rammed into her. It spred her painfully, and deeply. The two tools battered her, as the girls humped at her. As one got tired another jumped up to fill her holes.

When all was said and done they held her down in a doggy posotion and she felt the dog come up behind her and as he could sence this wsa the person that tried to take him over in essence hurting him, he did not hesitate when his mistress offered him the smoky bitch.

Kattie wanted to die again her she was helpless, the same dog filling her cunt, her dog cum filled cunt. She felt it shoot load after load into her, as the dog dismounted, it backed away and when it did it triped over the insence burner, putting an end to the smoke, two of the girls paniced and tripped over the salt wall, openning an excape route. This time Kattie was in control, she disappeared and left the confining circle. The girls huddled close together, fearing everything.

One by one Kattie entered the girls and caused them to pass out, there was no excape for them. Kattie was angry and in control, as she took over Amber’s mind she was discussed by all the things she saw, the pain she had caused people. Also the level of her own lust. Dogs were not the least of her sexual partners, she had allowed many different things to spray inside of her hungry holes. She took the girls one by one up the stairs and into Amber’s car, her last trip was to grab Ambers laptop and webcam, when all were inside she drove to Amber’s uncles farm where she knew Amber used animals for her needs.

The farm was darl and quite and she was silent. One by one she took the girls into the barn. She arranged them all in positions, all no thier knees, all with their holes exposed.

Kattie, used Amber to set up the laptop and using it’s abilities she accessed the internet and set the camera up to film what was going to happen. Amber tried to fight Kattie when her mind realized what was going to happen, but it was not enough Kattie was firmly in control, Amber’s body openned up pen after pen of animals that were familiar with human sex. Jinny was first to be taken, she woke up as a mightly boar implanted himself deep into her sex, the spiral cock was lodged into her cervix holding her firm, the weight of the beast kept her from getting away.

Becca, was openned by a donkey, it was not fussy about which hole but at least she was lucky and it speared her openned cunt. It fucked her with out mercy, and as it came it pushed in deeper, spurting jet after het into her womb.

Cassidy was being bred, by the farmers large dog, and he was large. The knot was larger than anything she could think of and the pain was almost more than she could bare. She cried out in pain as the dog fed her his cum, deep inside of her, there was so much it dripped around the knot and puddled there.

It was now that Kattie got her revenge Amber walked out into the field of view, and crawled over to Cassidy, she opened her mouth and licked at her clit as the dog cum poured down and into her mouth, she greadily drank the sperm, and when the dog pulled out, it gushed and covered her face. She smiled at the camera and held Becca down and rolled her over, once again the camera caugh her mouth closing over Becca’s swollen openning and licking and drinking the donkey cum from her pussy.

Jinny was different, she lay down and pulled her over her face, and held he squating there, then with the position the piggy cum broke throught the barrier. The camera caught every splash and every drip into her waiting mouth. She could not get another and when she closed her mouth over the hole, Jinny helped and took hold of her head, pulling her in tight. Amber did not fight her tounge danced inside and out, drinking and liking.

After the girls were done, Amber whispered to each girl, “help me get Amber fucked on camera like you all have and I swear I will never come back and you all will be free.”

The girls were not stupid they agreed and moved as per directions, Becca stroked the large dog to a full errection and had the dog on it’s back. Amber was made to sit over the emence cock and lower herself onto it. She pushed and rode until it lodged deep in her womb, past the cervical openning. The knot was huge but she forced it inside. Once secure, JInny brought over the donkey, and with a little saddle grease, she helped the donkey enter Amber’s ass. It was huge compared to the narrow openning, but still the donkey was not keen on this new mate on not allowing him to go deep, so he bucked his hips and burrowed into her anal tunnel. She was a beast sandwitch and was filled to extream. Kattie left her body leaving her to endure the pounding of the animals, and when they came, all three it flooded out of her, pouring to the ground.

As the animals, finished with her. She rolled over and pointed to the laptop, “turn it off, hurry turn it off.”

The girls were all stunned they had been filmed and it ws to late to do anything, as they approached the computer, the camera had downloaded the whole session to the wide web, it had sent the file to so many servers, and was downloaded by 100’s and if not 1000’s by that time. They could never show there faces with out someone knowing.

Kattie, smiled. What she did was wrong, revenge was not the answer, but this time she was given the chance to ruin those that had ruined her. Her promice was filled, she had agreed to leave them all alone if they had helped her and as they completed thier part she was bound to complete hers.

Kattie saw a grand tunnel of light, and was not scared one bit to be taken home. As Kattie arrived, she was greated by the most wonderful sight, everywhere there were people enjoying themselves. Some played games, others talked, and then others still were making love, and not all were to other people. She could see some being taken by animals.

Looking towards another soul, she asked “is this not heaven? Why do people have sex with animals?”

The understanding soul answered, “Heaven is paradice, and did not the lord give us dominion over the animals? There is no sin in pleasure and should be no shame in being pleasured no matter how you arrive to your personal pleasure.”

It was then that Kattie watched a great white stallion slowly walk her way, she smiled and knew this was the pleasure she had been seaking. The horse and mistress bonded, they pleased each other for many a life time.

The end

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