Men with Animals

My First Time, A True Story


(c) 2010 by yankee69

The following is a true story. I am proud to declare there is no exaggeration. To start, I am a white male, divorced, in good shape, in my mid-40’s, and I live in Alaska. I have had a sexual interest in dogs as long as I can remember, so when I stumbled upon Beast Forum on the Internet, I immediately signed up. That was back in 2004. However, after six years of trying to make a connection with a male k9 owner, I was almost to the point of giving up. I am happy to report that that all changed about four months ago.

Like many times before, I wrote to an individual who was a member and who owns dogs. To protect their privacy, I will not reveal who they are or what state they live in. Well, a few days pass by and I was not confident I would receive any reply, but on the third day I was pleased to see I had a message waiting for me. The guy who responded said he and his wife have two adult male dogs, a 5 year-old pit bull and a 3 year-old St. Bernard mix. Both of them are intact and have sexual experience with both men and women. He then invited me to contact him through an IM chat, which I did.

It was another day before he was online at the same time I was, but sure enough, when he signed on, he contacted me and we started chatting. I asked him some typical questions, such as whether his dogs knot him or his wife, what does it feel like, what does someone have to do to prepare before receiving anal sex from a dog and so on. Well, over the next few months, I would chat with the guy and his wife and covered just about every topic regarding sex with a dog. After we had become very comfortable with each other, the couple offered me an invitation that I was eager to accept. They said if I ever flew down to where they live, I was welcome to play with their dogs and to save money, I could stay at their house.

Finding the time and money to fly to another state to have sex with one or more dogs was possible, but was not going to be easy. However, I was extremely frustrated with not being able to make any connections locally. The other obstacle was that I have a girlfriend and I would have to give her some reason why I am going to visit strangers, who live in another state. As you may have guessed, she has no idea about my k9 sexual interests and I chose not to tell her, as I do not share that secret with anyone for fear of being ridiculed.

A few more months pass by and my new friends send me some photos of the dogs when they are at play with the husband or wife. It is obvious that both dogs frequently have sex with humans and I was very envious. I rack my brain trying to figure out how I can fly down and visit them. I have enough money saved up for a ticket, but still no excuse for my girlfriend. I finally decide to tell her that I am going to visit a buddy, who I have not seen since graduating from high school. She wants to go, but I tell her that he and his wife live in a remote area and we are just going to hang out, play cards, barbeque and do “guy” things. She isn’t pleased, but accepts the reason.

I contact my new friends and tell them I can visit them. After several chats, we decide on a date that works for both of us. I purchase my airline tickets and am excited beyond comprehension. As the day nears, I can feel my balls churn and cock twitch with anticipation. I have had this fantasy for so long, just thinking about the reality of it made me horny as hell.

The day finally arrives and I fly south to visit my friends. All along the way, I am certain that something is going to go wrong and they are not going to show up at the airport and my fantasy will remain unfulfilled. However, when I arrive, I am pleased to see the couple smiling and waiting for me at baggage claim. I grab my luggage and we head out to their house. They are a nice couple and we make small talk about the flight and weather.

When we finally arrive at their house, I can see both dogs looking at me through the patio glass door window. Just like many times in the last several days, my cock twitches involuntarily and a small amount of precum leaks into my underwear. My friends are talking to me as I carry in my luggage, but I am not really listening, as I am focused on the dogs. Both are about 80 pounds and muscular. The pit is white with tax spots and the St. Bernard mix is a golden brown. However, my eyes zero in on what’s hanging between their legs. The sheathes on both dogs look like they house a good size cock and I can’t wait to play with them both.

After I settle in, we watch some TV. and the wife makes dinner. As soon as we finish eating, I ask the couple if I might be able to play with the dogs, as I have three days with them and I don’t want to waste a minute of it. They say, “sure.” To prepare, I excuse myself and take a shower. I dry off and put on an old shirt I brought with me, but don’t put on any pants or underwear. I would have preferred to be completely naked, but didn’t want to get scratched up. When I come out of the bathroom, I am nervous, but also very excited. As soon as he sees me, the pit comes running up, sniffs and licks my cock. The wife tells me that they put the St. Bernard outside, as they will fight if they know that sex is about to occur and both will want to go first. We all go into the bedroom and the wife has a digital camera ready. I can see that they put a towel down on the floor.

I ask the couple what I should do first. They say to let the dog lick me and when he is ready to mount, he will paw at my leg. I stand still and the pit, who I will call Snoop, (not his real name) starts licking my cock and my ass. It feels amazing and my cock gets rock hard. After a couple minutes, Snoop is pawing at my leg, so I kneel down on the floor over the towel. Snoop wastes no time and immediately mounts me. His paws wrap tightly around my waist and I can feel the tip of his cock probing and poking around my ass and within seconds, I feel him enter. As soon as he knew he was in, Snoop starts hammering my ass and my whole body is shaking. I feel his cock swelling in my ass and he starts to slow down. My friend grabs Snoop’s cock before the knot slips in. He said it would be safer that way, since it is my first time.

As the dog stops pounding me, I feel his swollen cock pulsating with every heartbeat and I know he is shooting his sperm into my ass. My friend holds Snoop’s ass in place and doesn’t let him dismount. Snoop starts drooling and it drips onto my neck and back. Snoop’s cock feel great, but I wish my friend had let him knot me. After a couple minutes Snoop gets restless and I tell me friend to go ahead and let him off of my back. As soon as my friend lets go of Snoop’s ass, he dismounts and I feel his wet, hard cock slip out of my ass. Dog sperm oozes out of my previous virgin ass and runs down onto my balls and legs. Snoop is walking funny, his cock is hard and it is squirting and throbbing. His cock is about seven inches from the tip to the base of his knot. The knot is about the size of a tennis ball. I stare at it, but don’t get to see it for long, because Snoop gets back behind me and starts licking my balls and ass to clean up the mess he made back there. That long tongue of Snoop’s football size mouth cleans me up in no time.

My friend says it is time for the St. Bernard mix, who I will call Jake. I stay on my knees and I can hear my friend open the back door, let out Snoop and call for Jake. I know Jake is headed my way, when I hear his toenails clicking as he crosses the kitchen floor. Jake enters the room and I soon feel his cold wet nose burrowing into my ass. He starts licking and knows that Snoop has already been there. He is eager to plant his seed. Jake jumps up on my back and I can feel his powerful forearms locking around my waist. Jake’s cock is pointy and I feel it stabbing my tender ass searching for the warm creamy center. He doesn’t find it and jumps off. He licks himself and jumps back on. He must be a little too excited because he keeps jabbing, but doesn’t have any luck and is soon back off. My friends suggests trying to guide his cock in, but I tell him I want to see if Jake can do it himself. I stand up and play with Jake and tease him until I feel he is ready and eager to try again.

There is no doubt that Jake is ready, because as soon as my knees touch the floor, he is on my back and his hind legs are bouncing around as his cock searches for my asshole. He is too high, so I ease my ass up just a little and I feel the tip of his bony cock slip inside my ass. At that moment, Jake’s body shifts into overdrive and he slams into my ass and pounds me like a jackhammer. I try to keep myself steady, but Jake is fucking me so hard, I almost feel my teeth rattle. As time passes, I can hear slapping wet sounds of my ass being violated. The experience is heaven on earth. I barely hear my friend warn me that I should put my hand back to keep the knot out, but it feels so good that I ignore his warning and push back on Jake’s cock. I feel Jake’s growing knot pop into my ass and he is locked in. Jake keeps fucking me, but his thrusting slows and eventually stops. My friend grabs Jake’s collar and holds him still. I can hear the wife taking pics as the camera clicks and hums.

Jake’s cock has filled me up and I am moaning like a bitch. After several minutes, Jake’s throbbing cock fills my ass cavity and his cum starts to squirt out of my ass. I squeeze my ass and milk Jake’s cock and I hear him whine with pleasure. It is at that time that I realize that I have finally fulfilled my long held fantasy and I don’t want the experience to end.

However, after 17 minutes, Jake’s cock shrinks and slips out of my ass and I can feel more of his hot cum drain down my nutsack and legs. The wife says that Jake must have shot every drop of cum into my ass because Jake’s cock went back into his sheath almost as soon as he dismounted.

Before I stand up, Jake licks my ass and cleans up some of what he has deposited into my ass bank. After he leaves and lays down, I grab the towel and hold it up to my ass and waddle to the bathroom. As I start the shower, I put the towel down and see a mixture of cum and blood on the towel. I know it will take about a week for my ass to heal from the violent pounding I received.

After I finish showering, the wife shows me the pics and video she took. I will try and post the pics, but am having trouble figuring out how to edit my face out of the video. If I can figure that out, I will post it also. I hope you all enjoyed reading about my first dog knotting experience.

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