Women with Animals

Introducing Amy


(c) 2006 by YY4You

Amy hurried about the house getting everything ready for her blind date. Well actually it wasn’t Amy’s blind date, it was Lady’s. Lady was Amy’s chocolate lab. When Lady was younger she and Amy were the envy of all the area lab owners. Lady was a fine pure bred animal, with many ribbons and trophies to prove it. Amy no longer entered Lady in shows, now she bred Lady with only the finest studs of her kind. Her babies were always beautiful and many had gone on to win awards themselves.

Amy had bred Lady with only one male, Duke. They had produced many litters and Amy was quite proud of all “her babies”. Unfortunately Duke was no longer available for breeding. Amy had been dating Duke’s owner and when their relationship ended, so did Lady and Duke’s. Amy was anxious to breed her again for just one more litter. It had been a couple of years since Lady had been with a male. Come to think of it, it had been that long for Amy too.

Amy and Larry had met online. They were both in a chat room talking about their dogs. They hit it off right away. They soon realized that they lived very close to each other, shared many interests, and both were looking for a lab to breed with their dog. Once they met the sexual attraction was immediately obvious. Amy wasn’t sure who was having more sex, the dogs or her and Larry. Quite often they would begin by just watching the dogs mating and before they knew it they were so turned on they were down in the floor making love themselves. Amy and Larry both enjoyed watching the dogs and found the occasional accidental bump or lick only added to their passion.

The doorbell brought Amy back out of her daydream. She opened the door and there stood Craig and his dog King. They had come over for a “meet and greet” as Amy called it. Lady would soon be in season again and she wanted to make sure that the dogs were compatible before they were actually put together for breeding. Amy also wanted to size up Craig and see what kind of owner he was. She wanted to make sure that they understood all the terms of their arrangement so there would be no problems down the line.

Amy had found Craig through a couple of friends, or perhaps he found her. Amy often went to a dog park with some of her girlfriends in the evenings. They enjoyed watching their dogs romp and run about. One day when Amy went to the park her friend Tina had handed her a business card for a Mr. Craig Taylor. Craig had heard about Amy and Lady and was interested in possibly breeding King with Lady. He had spoken with Tina and asked her to give Amy his business card. Tina assured Amy that both Craig and King were very fine animals, excellent for breeding. Amy was amused. Tina was always trying to fix her up with someone.

It took her about a week but Amy finally called Craig. They talked for a while about the dogs and decided to get together at Amy’s house the following weekend. It would give them a chance to talk about their expectations and also give the dogs a chance to get used to each other. Tina was right. Both were gorgeous. Amy could hardly take her eyes off Craig. When she did finally look down at King she was amazed at what a beautiful animal he was. Right away she felt comfortable with both of them and invited them in.

She showed Craig around the house and took him and King into “Lady’s room”. The room was right off of the family room and contained anything a dog could possibly want. There were many toys to play with. Her food and water bowls were there. Plenty of treats were available. There were large pillows on the floor and in the corner was a large shallow box, sort of like a sand box, that had been built for Lady to “nest” when she had her babies. Craig was very impressed with Amy and the way she treated her dog. He could tell they had a very close bond, as did he and King. They walked out of the room, still within earshot and talked while they watched the dogs interact. The dogs both took turns walking around and sniffing each other. Lady laid picked up one of her toys, laid it at King’s feet and then went and laid on one of the pillows. In no time at all the two dogs were comfortably lying beside each other sleeping. Craig and Amy knew it would be all right to leave the dogs along together for a little while so they went into the next room to talk.

Amy felt very comfortable with Craig. It had been a long time since she had actually spent any time in the company of a man, not since Larry left. And although they were mainly discussing the dogs it was clear that Craig was very comfortable with Amy also. After a little while Craig said it was time for him and King to leave. He told Amy he looked forward to getting the dogs together. As he walked out the door he asked Amy if he could call her sometime just to talk. Amy felt her heart skip a beat and said yes, that would be nice.

Amy and Craig talked on the phone for a couple of weeks becoming more and more comfortable with each other. They discussed the fact that Lady should be in heat within a week or so and how they would arrange to get the dogs together. They agreed that Amy could call Craig at any time for him to bring King over.

It was Friday afternoon when Amy called Craig. She told him that Lady had started to show signs of being in season and asked if he could bring King over that night or the next day. Craig had no plans for the evening so he told Amy he would bring him over that night. He offered to pick up dinner on the way. Amy and Craig both looked forward to their evening, and to getting their dogs together.

Amy greeted Craig and King at the door wearing a sundress. Immediately King stuck his nose under Amy’s dress. Amy blushed, Craig was embarrassed. To break up the awkwardness of the moment Craig said “he likes the way you smell”. Then he leaned over and smelled Amy’s hair. “I don’t blame him” said Craig, “so do I”.

Amy had already put Lady in her room. The door to the room was a storm door so that Amy could see what was going on at all times. She was very protective of Lady. She opened the door and Craig let King in. Immediately King was sniffing Lady. Unfortunately lady seemed uninterested. By now King had picked up on Lady’s scent and was starting to get excited. Soon there was pink starting to emerge from his sheath. While Amy was getting turned on she was also a little uncomfortable with Craig standing right next to her. Amy suggested that they might be there for a while and asked Craig if he would like a glass of wine. Craig said yes. Amy expected him to follow her to the kitchen but instead he stood at the door watching the dogs. Amy was getting even more turned on. She liked the fact that Craig enjoyed watching too. She noticed that there was quite a bulge in the crotch of his pants. She started to get wet and left to get the wine from the kitchen.

When she returned Craig was still at the door watching the dogs. He said he was a little concerned because Lady didn’t seem to be interested in King and now King was lying on a pillow a few feet away. He suggested that perhaps they should go into the room with them for a while to make sure both dogs were comfortable. They took their wine into Lady’s room and sat down in the floor, resting against the wall. They sat and talked and drank their wine as they watched their dogs sleep. Both commented that they had never seen their dogs behave this way before. Craig said King was normally very amorous and Amy commented that Lady was usually very accommodating. Right now they were showing no interest in each other at all. Amy was starting to feel a buzz and she layed down on the floor between Lady and King. Craig sat across the room and watched the three of them lounging around on the pillows.

Soon Craig was feeling a little tipsy and lay down with the other three. He started to gently rub Lady’s belly and she started to perk up a little. He suggested to Amy that she pet King and try to get him to perk up. Within just a few seconds the dogs were well awake yet neither seemed to be interested in mating.

Craig had an idea. He suggested to Amy that perhaps if they played with the dogs it might stimulate them to mate. Amy wasn’t quite sure what Craig meant so she asked him to tell her what to do. As Craig reached over and started gently rubbing Lady’s stomach he told Amy to gently rub King’s belly. Amy followed Craig’s lead. They were both rubbing the bellies of the dogs. Craig told Amy she must be doing something right because King was starting to show. Amy looked at King’s underbelly and saw that once again his pink cock was starting to come out of its’ sheath. She was a little uncomfortable with this, in all the years she had been breeding Lady she had never had to stimulate a male, yet at the same time she started to feel a tingling inside her and felt her panties getting wet. Amy turned to see what Craig was doing. Lady had turned over on her back and had her legs spread open. Craig was rubbing Lady’s now exposed clit and Amy was shocked to see how Lady was responding to him. As Amy watched Craig rubbing on Lady she saw Lady slowing start to open up and watched as juices started to bead up on her pink inner skin. Suddenly Amy felt something wet on her thighs. She turned to see King licking the inside of her thighs. Amy wasn’t quite sure what to do. She had fantasized about having a dog lick her, had even fantasized what it would feel like to have a huge canine cock swelling inside her, but never in her wildest dreams did she think it would really happen. If she had been with King by herself she wouldn’t have been nervous but she wasn’t sure how Craig would react.

Apparently Craig was very turned on also. He was enjoying watching King lick Amy’s thighs. At this point the wine had kicked in and Amy had really started to relax. Craig told her to trust him that he was going to make sure they all enjoyed themselves. Amy did trust him and turned her body over to him. Craig removed Amy’s panties and spread her legs. He stared at her beautiful clean shaven pussy. “It’s all yours boy” he said to King. King very gently licked Amy. She moaned slightly. King started to taste Amy’s juices. The more he tasted the more he wanted. He started to lick harder and faster. Amy felt a wave of ecstasy start to wash over her. “Craig…..” she called. “Relax Amy and enjoy it”.

King licked Amy harder now. His tongue rubbed across her clit and she shuttered. Amy could feel her juices start to run down her pussy. King reached down with his long tongue and buried it in her asshole, then licked all the way up to her clit, lapping up all her sweet juices. He took his tongue and slid it inside her pussy, licking and sucking up all the moisture he could. Amy couldn’t hold back any more, and she didn’t want to. She came harder than she ever had before. Craig watched as his King ate Amy’s beautiful pussy. “More” cried Amy, “I want more”. “How much more?” asked Craig. “All of him, I want to feel his cock deep inside me now”. Craig helped Amy turn over and get up on her knees. He positioned her so that her arms were folded on the pillow in front over her and her beautiful pussy was wide open for King to enjoy. Craig noticed that King’s huge cock was now completely exposed. He took King by the collar and led him around in front of Amy. “Suck him Amy; make sure he’s good and wet”. Amy did as she was told. She took as much of King in her mouth as she could. She felt his warm spray start to slide down her throat. She loved the taste and sucked even harder. Craig could see that King was starting to swell and knew that if Amy was going to be able to take him he had to get King inside her soon. He led King back around to Amy’s backside. Amy had cum again and was now well lubricated. Craig motioned for King to get up on Amy’s back. King quickly did as he was commanded. Craig took hold of King’s cock and led it directly to Amy’s tight slippery pussy. King barely felt it on the tip of his cock before he quickly thrust it in as far as he could. Amy screamed. She wasn’t sure if it was pain or pleasure but soon she was begging for more. She could feel him swelling and getting larger inside her. She had watched Lady with Duke so she knew what was coming next.

She felt him thrust deep inside her a few times and began to feel his knot swelling. She felt his cock up inside her, further than any man had ever reached. Amy pushed her ass back toward King and immediately his knot slipped inside her. She felt a wonderful rush as he sprayed his cum into her pussy and up past her cervix. Then she screamed. She felt him continue to spray short spurts and felt them running down her leg. “Make him stop Craig, it hurts”. Craig told her there was nothing he could do at that point; she was just going to have to wait until the swelling went down. He told Amy to just lay there and relax while he took care of Lady. While Amy waited for King’s knot to go down she watched as her beautiful Lady opened her legs and let Craig gently slide one finger inside her. He removed his finger from Lady and put it up to Amy’s mouth. Amy greedily licked Craig’s finger. Craig gently rubbed Lady’s clit, occasionally gently inserting one finger at a time and feeding her juices to Amy. After what seemed like forever Amy felt the swelling of King’s cock subside. She lay on her stomach and felt his cum drain out of her. She turned to see what Craig was doing, what was happening with Lady. She didn’t know what to expect next, nor did she care. She was in her own little world, heaven on earth.

Behind her she felt King start to move again. She turned to look at him. She couldn’t believe it when she saw that huge cock was still outside of it’s’ sheath. He got up and started to walk toward her. She thought he was going to mount her again. Instead she saw Lady stand up on all fours. As King walked up behind Lady and started to lick her she felt Craig curl up behind her to spoon. Together they watched King mount Lady and bury his cock deep inside her. Lady accommodated him as she had Duke many times. Amy was in a bit of a fog. Had she really been mounted by a dog? Did she really watch Craig fingering Lady as if she were a woman? Did she really taste her sweet Lady’s juices? Amy didn’t care. All she knew at that point was that her pussy felt incredibly warm and full. There was an incredibly sexy man lying with her and together they watched their dogs mate as they hoped they would. She felt satisfied knowing that together she and Craig had helped facilitate this, and she drifted off to sleep as she dreamed about being introduced to Craig and King and this incredible new form of pleasure.


Part Two – What Are Friends For?

Amy met Tina at the dog park. It had been several weeks since they had seen each other. They had talked a few times but Amy had been reluctant to share many details. Amy had heard from the vet that day that Lady was pregnant again. Craig was thrilled when she told him. She couldn’t wait to share the news with Tina.

This time when she came to the park she had both Lady and King with her. Craig had gone out of town for a few days and asked Amy if King could stay with her. “Of course he can” she said with a wink, “we’ve become good friends”. Craig just laughed. He knew exactly what she meant.

“So, how are things working out with you and Craig?”. “Couldn’t be better” Amy replied. She shared her good news with Tina and they talked for a while and watched all the dogs play together. After a short while it was getting dark so Amy invited Tina to come back to her place for a little while so they could continue their conversation.

They talked on the way home about all the dogs and how Lady looked so content. Tina mentioned to Amy that she looked pretty content herself. Amy just smiled. Tina also commented about what a beautiful dog King was and how lucky Amy was to have found him. “If she only knew” Amy thought.

When they got to the house they put the dogs in “Lady’s room” and poured themselves a glass of wine. After a few minutes and a little bit of small talk, Tina, never one to shy away from any topic finally asked Amy “So how was it the first time?”. Amy laughed. She and Tina used to share all the juicy details of their love lives and compared their men and techniques. Amy had just been waiting for the chance to do it again. She missed those times.

“It was wonderful Tina. He is so gentle and compassionate.” Amy said with a sigh. “I meant the dog Amy, how was the first time with King?” Amy was shocked that Tina would ask such a thing. Was she that transparent? “How did you know?” Amy asked Tina. “It’s so obvious. You’ve got a new lift in your step. No man could ever put that kind of smile on your face. You’ve been playing with King, haven’t you?” Amy told Tina all about the first time in Lady’s room when the four of them were together. She described in detail the incredible pain and pleasure it had given her to be with King. And there had been many times since then. Amy said the sex with Craig was great too but she wondered aloud if it any man would ever be enough to satisfy her needs now that she had felt the pleasure of a huge dog cock inside her.

Amy saw that Tina was starting to squirm a little on the couch. She wondered if Tina had ever experienced the same pleasures. “Tell me about your first time Tina” Amy said. “What first time?” Tina replied. She told Amy that she had watched the male dogs at the park and had often fantasized about what it would be like to be with one. Tina’s dog was a small female cocker spaniel. Although Tina had played with her dog some and had trained her dog to lick her and had spent many hours letting the dog pleasure her she had yet to experience having sex with a male dog. “Would you like to try it?” Amy asked. Tina immediately felt the moisture between her legs. “I would love to” she said.

Amy led Tina to Lady’s room where the three dogs were laying contently on the pillows. King had made himself right at home and felt as though he belonged there now. Tina was a little hesitant at first. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect. She had watched the dogs together at the park and had even seen a few clips of it on the internet but she still just couldn’t quite see herself doing it or imagine how it felt. She would soon find out.

Amy tried to put Tina at ease. She and Tina had known each other for years and had “experimented” with each other in their college days so Tina was not at all uncomfortable when Amy lifted her dress and pulled down panties. She told Tina to lie down on her back on the pillow. Amy noticed that King was starting to stir in the corner. Amy spread Tina’s leg and touched started to rub her bare pussy. Tina let out a small moan. “Oh yeah, you’re gonna enjoy this” Amy told her. Amy glanced over her shoulder again at King. He had perked up quite bit and was watching the two ladies. He had watched Craig and Amy do this so he knew his turn was soon to come. Amy continued to play with Tina and licked her a few times until Tina was dripping wet. King was now standing behind Amy, waiting for her to move so he could take his place. Tina was still a big hesitant so Amy offered to show her how it was done. King was already sniffing at Amy’s wet crotch and trying to lick her through her panties so she knew he was ready to take control at any time. She slipped off her panties and laid them aside and got on all fours. Her beautiful ass and pussy were fully exposed to King now and his tool was fully exposed for Amy. Soon they would be sharing the closeness she had so much come to enjoy.

King started slowly as always. Amy felt his tongue on her asshole and she squirmed a little. King then ran his long tongue down Amy’s pussy and gently licked her clit. Amy was already soaking wet so King began to lick harder. The two of them had done this quite often and had developed a routine of sorts. King had learned where Amy’s sensitive spots were and which spots would give him the taste he craved. Tina watched in amazement as Amy and King acted as two lovers who knew each other’s bodies inside and out. Amy reached back and felt that King’s cock was really starting to swell. She invited Tina to come over and sit next to them. Eager to learn more Tina crawled over to Amy and sat beside her. Amy told Tina to play with King. Tina reached back and took hold of King’s cock. She couldn’t believe how hard it was. She started to rub his cock and she had done with a man so many times until she began to feel his knot start to swell. She mentioned to Amy how large he was getting and Amy knew it was time for her to take King. She asked Tina to guide King’s cock inside of her wet pussy. Tina did as she was asked and immediately saw King thrust forward to push himself all the way in. Amy squealed with delight. She had come to truly enjoy feeling his cock inside her. She tilted her ass to make sure King could have full access and then thrust backward to meet him completely. King’s movements started to quicken as did Amy’s.

Tina watched in amazement as the two bodies moved together as one. She could see the content in King’s eyes as he stretched out across Amy’s back and hearing Amy’s moans and squeals told her that Amy was enjoying it just as much. The two moved in tandem, quicker and quicker until Amy screamed “THE KNOT!” Amy felt King’s juices start to come in short hot bursts as they stood still enjoying their coupling. She couldn’t help but notice that Tina had her fingers buried inside her own pussy and was grinding to the same rhythm. Amy heard Tina let out a loud moan and could see her pussy pulsing around her fingers. Amy remained tied with King for a while as she watched Tina pleasure herself and even tasted a little of Tina’s sweet juices herself. She waited for King’s knot to go down. When it did she felt his cum pouring out of her pussy. Eager to share this with her friend she invited Tina to come over and taste it. Tina did as Amy asked. She hesitantly licked Amy’s pussy. The taste of the two of them together was incredible. Amy could feel Tina starting to probe deeper with her tongue and felt Tina’s hand start to rub her clit. She touched her friend’s hand and stopped her. “Not yet Tina, now it’s time for you to get to know King a little better” And with that the ladies eagerly changed places. Soon Tina and Amy would share more than just a close friendship. They would also enjoy the talents of a mutual lover.


Part Three – Tinas Turn

Tina could hardly wait to take King inside of her. Still she was a bit nervous. This was a very large dog and he had a huge cock. Amy had taken him several times and she still screamed when he knotted her. Tina could only imagine what he would do to her.

Amy realized she needed to put Tina at ease. She laid Tina on her back and began to softly kiss her. She gently ran her tongue over Tina’s nipples and then as the passion and hunger started to rise again she greedily moved down to Tina’s already moist pussy. Amy remembered their college days well and knew exactly how to bring Tina to a quick climax. Between the atmosphere, the dog, the wine, and having Amy’s tongue probing her pussy and gently tickling her clit, Tina reached climax in no time at all. Tina was soaking wet and her juices were starting to run down her crotch toward her beautiful tight ass. This was exactly what Amy was hoping for. Tina finally started to relax as her body gave way to pleasure.

Amy looked over at King in the corner. He was starting to lick the little bit of pink that was starting to peek out from his sheath. He was picking up on the scent of the two girls and starting to react to it. King stood up and approached the girls. Amy was on all fours with her legs slightly spread and King leaned down and gently licked Amy’s still wet pussy. “Not now boy, this time it’s Tina’s turn. Let’s show her what a good lover you are.” King’s cock was starting to slide out of it’s cover more and a little bit of precum was starting to drip from the tip of it. Tina felt her pussy tingling and getting wet. Her apprehension was starting to fade and gave way to anticipation as she waited to have King’s huge cock inside of her.

Wanting her friend to experience the full wonderful K9 lovemaking experience Amy instructed Tina to gently take King’s cock and start to rub it back and forth. As she did this Tina saw King’s beautiful cock completely emerge from it’s hiding place and start to swell even more. “Take him in your mouth and suck him, you know how to do it, you’ve had plenty of men”. Tina began to gently run her tongue up and down the shaft of King’s cock. She could feel a warm spray start to moisten her face. “He’s starting to cum Amy!” “Not yet Tina, you’ve got a way to go before he’s ready for that.” Amy encouraged Tina to massage the now enlarged knot. Tina took the knot in one hand and gently massaged it as she continued to lick his cock. She took the tip in her mouth and began to suck him. King let out a small whimper. He was truly enjoying all this attention. “This is kind of like giving a guy a blow job” Tina said to Amy. “It’s similar but the pay off is much larger”. Right at that moment Tina felt King start to move his hips toward her. “He wants to fuck my mouth Amy”. “Then let him” she said, “he’ll have plenty left to finish you off”. Tina continued to suck King’s cock, making sure to take all of it in. King whined a little as he started spraying his cum in Tina’s mouth. As a few drops started to run down her chin Tina swallowed all she could. This was incredible! She was so horny and by now was begging Amy to let her have King. Tina sat up; Amy leaned over and licked the remainder of King’s cum off Tina’s chin. “Okay sweetie, you’ve earned this. Time to see what a real cock feels like”.

Amy positioned Tina on the pillows so that she was ready to take in all of King. Amy told Tina to just follow her instructions and she would be in for the ride of her life. Tina could hardly wait. Amy could see a few drops of moisture start to drip from Tina’s beautiful pussy. She knew it was time to properly introduce Tina to the world of K9 love. It didn’t take much coaxing for Amy to position King behind Tina. Before she had a chance to motion him up on Tina’s back he had already risen up and was trying to mount her. Tina could feel something hard poking her. He was poking her thighs, sliding between her lips, across her clit. Then she felt something start to penetrate her asshole. Tina tensed up. “No Amy, not there, I’m not ready for that!” Amy told Tina to relax and gently reached down and started to rub Tina’s clit, telling Tina to just let go and let King take over. Tina started to relax. Just as her heartbeat started to slow down and she could take a deep breath she suddenly felt something hard slide between her lips and into her pussy. Amy had guided King’s cock into Tina and King pushed as hard as he could to get himself completely inside of Tina. Tina started to scream “It hurts Amy, it hurts”. Amy reached down and gently started to massage Tina’s breasts. “Only for a minute sweetie, only for a minute.” Just relax and let him take over”. Tina took a couple of deep breaths and started to relax only to feel King start to swell and grow inside of her. She looked into Amy’s face as if to say something but she was speechless. The pain gave way and the pleasure took over. Amy smiled at her friend. She knew exactly how Tina was feeling at that moment. “Enjoy it sweetie, give yourself to him completely”. Tina did exactly that. She felt King starting to thrust his cock deep inside her, faster and harder. She felt his cock swell to the point that it filled her completely. She felt the heat of his tool and joined him in his motions. She moved her hips back and forth to meet him. He had worked himself into a frenzy and ecstasy started to take over Tina’s entire body. Then it happened. Amy had taken hold of King’s knot and helped him push it into Tina’s now stretched hole. Her muscles started to contract as orgasm after orgasm sent her over the edge. That was all it took for King. He sprayed an enormous load of cum into Tina’s pulsing pussy. She felt the hot liquid fill her and his cock reached her sweet spot. Tina had another huge orgasm and tied hard with King.

It hurt and she was a bit frightened, not sure what to do. “Just sit still Tina; he’s tied with you deep. This may take a while. After a minute or two King lifted his leg over Tina’s beautiful ass and stood against her, ass to ass, knotted up tightly. Tina almost passed out. She was exhausted from the excitement and all the intense orgasms. She lowered her upper body just enough to relax, making sure that King’s knot stayed deeply planted in her. She had reached a new height of ecstasy. The knot was pressing against her. She felt herself growing weak. She wondered how long she would be like this. She let herself start to drift off into her own little world.

It wasn’t until she heard him say “I see Amy has properly introduced you to her new lover” that Tina realized Craig was in the room and had been watching them for quite a while. Tina started to shake and cry with embarrassment. She was humiliated that Craig had caught her with his dog. Seeing her discomfort Craig knew what he had to do. He got on his knees and whispered in her ear, “don’t worry Tina, this will be our little secret, just the four of us. Now that it’s all out in the open just think of the wonderful experiences we can share”. With that Tina’s excitement started to grow again as King’s knot subsided and slipped out. She wondered, just what could the four of them do together? She fell asleep laying on the pillow, surrounded by her new lovers, dreaming of all the possibilities.

Lady lay in the corner of the room. There was a smile of sorts of her face. She was excited to watch her friends enjoying themselves and perhaps even a little envious. She knew she would some day join them again, but right now she had other things to think about. For the time being she had a litter of babies growing in her belly and was content just to watch. She felt a slight tingle where the man had touched her. King came over and gently licked her there gently. It wouldn’t be long before she joined them again.


Part Four – All in the Family

Craig started to awake from his slumber and rolled over onto the wet spot on the sheet. He smiled as he remembered what had taken place in their bed just a couple of hours before. The three of them, Amy, Craig, and Tina had developed quite a close relationship. There was no jealousy at all, just three lovers enjoying each other, and occasionally their K9 companions. It was not unusual for the dogs to sleep in the room or even the bed with them. It was a bit crowded but quite comfortable none the less. They all liked the idea of waking up and being able to enjoy their lover, whichever one it might be at the time. Craig usually slept in the middle between the girls with the dogs at their feet. Occasionally after a long night of pleasure one or more of the dogs would fall asleep laying next to their master.

Craig was now facing Amy. She was sleeping so soundly. She had had quite a night and had fallen asleep completely exhausted. The three of them had spent several hours taking turns pleasing each other. Craig loved watching the girls together and then taking his turn “finishing the job”. He was daydreaming about the three of them together when he heard a scratching at the door. They had left the dogs out of the room last night and spent the evening just enjoying human companionship. Now one of the dogs wanted in.

Craig lightly kissed both the girls on their asses and crawled to the foot of the bed to open the door. The girls woke up and tried to shake the cobwebs from their heads. What an incredible night it had been for the three of them. Amy leaned over and gently kissed Tina’s nipple. “Good morning gorgeous” she said as Tina rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “Indeed it is” Tina replied and leaned over to gently kiss Amy on the lips. King bounded into the room and leaped up on the bed between them as if to let them know he wanted in on the action too. “Good morning King, we missed you last night” Amy said as she started petting him.

Craig left the room to go check on Lady. King laid down between the two of them and they gently took turns petting him. They talked about how incredible the night before had been. Both of them were still a little wet from the load Craig had left in each of them. As they talked they noticed that King had lifted his head and was sniffing the air. They stopped petting him. “What is it boy?” Tina asked. King got up and started walking around the bed sniffing. He found the wet spot on the sheets that Craig had been lying on just minutes before. He started to lick the sheet. “Looks like somebody else wants some lovin” Tina said. She noticed that King’s cock was starting to stick out just a little. He had picked up the scent from the sheet and knew what had taken place. Indeed he did want some lovin. The girls were uncovered and he started sniffing all around the bed. He put his nose between Tina’s legs and gently licked her thigh. “Yep, you found it boy” she said as King began to lick the cum that had dried on her thigh. Tina spread her legs and let him lick her more. King started licking all over her thighs, her stomach, and when his tongue touched her clip Tina took a deep breath. She was ready for more and King was ready to give it to her. He started lapping at her pussy like he was licking the best tasting treat on earth, and indeed he was. Tina moaned as she felt him licking her, running his tongue over her clit over and over and burying his tongue inside her to try to lick up all the juices. Tina moaned as she came and King began licking even more. It was a vicious cycle. The more he licked the more she came and the more she came the more he licked.

Amy was getting quite turned on just watching. She couldn’t take it any more. She scooted closer to Tina and buried two fingers of one hand in her own pussy as she rubbed her clit with other hand. She was getting so turned on, they both were. They loved taking turns playing with King. It was almost a competition for them, to see who could get King to lick them more or fuck them first. And of course King was always happy to comply. Amy giggled a little watching Tina squirm. It was just enough to get King’s attention and he turned to Amy. She removed her hands from her pussy and let King gently lick her. As he had with Tina, he began to lick Amy all over to taste the spoils of the night before. Tina leaned over and began kissing Amy as King lapped at her pussy. Amy was trying so hard to hold back on having an orgasm. She wanted it to be a good one. As King licked more and Tina kissed harder Amy couldn’t hold back any more. She began sucking Tina’s tongue and let out a loud moan as King hit that magic spot deep inside her pussy with his tongue.

“Hey you two, couldn’t you wait for us?” Craig laughed as he brought Lady into the room. She immediately jumped up on the bed and licked Tina a little between the legs. Another wave of ecstasy rushed over Tina as Lady licked her more and more lapping up all the juices.

Craig stood at the end of the bed watching. He couldn’t believe the incredible site before him. Here were two beautiful, incredibly sexual women, with whom had made love hours just before, and now he was watching both of them getting eaten by their K9 lovers. Immediately Craig had a raging hard-on. “Okay you two, enough. Now someone is going to take care of me”. He laughed as he said it, but he meant it. For months Craig had had the pleasure of two lady lovers, able to pick and choose who he wanted to be with. He had spent countless hours watching them be pleased by him, each other, and King. But he was beginning to feel a bit left out. Craig wanted to know what it felt like to experience K9 love. The trouble was he really had no desire to be mounted by King, nor did he want his cock inside of King. What he wanted was Lady. He had been hesitant to do anything with her. She was Amy’s dog and he respected that. He had fingered her and licked her a few times while Amy and Tina watched but now he wanted more. He wanted to bury his cock inside of Lady and see how it felt.

Amy pushed King away and told him to go lay down. Always wanting to please her he did as he was told and curled up in the corner. Amy sat up and looked at Craig. “Well lover, just what would you like us to do?” Craig had been wanting to feel Lady for months, finally he had the nerve to say something. “What I want, Amy is to experience what you and Tina have had for a while now.” This kind of caught Amy by surprise. “You want King to mount you?” she asked. “No, I want to spend a little time enjoying Lady. I want to see what it feels like to experience sex with her”. Amy had mixed emotions. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that. Lady had been with her for years and while she had seen Lady mounted several times by two male dogs she had never thought of her being with a human male. But the more she thought about it the more she began to like the idea. She had been with King, it was only fair to let him spend some time with Lady.

“Well if you can pull her away from Tina I’d love to watch you enjoy yourself with her”. Tina had no problem with this. She had been wanting to see Craig with Lady for some time but she had been hesitant to mention it to Amy also, she know how protective Amy was of Lady. Tina gently pushed Lady away. She and Amy both crawled up to the head board of the bed.

“Okay Craig, she’s all yours, enjoy”. Craig had already had a major hard on watching the girls. Now his cock was throbbing with anticipation as he was about to experience his first time with Lady. He wasn’t quite sure how to start but the girls were more than willing to help him.

Amy had taken Lady and laid her down in the middle of the bed between her and Tina on her back. She was gently rubbing her stomach and Lady was starting to relax. As she did her hind legs started to spread a little further apart. “Just be gentle Craig, she’s never been with a man before” Amy said. Tina reminded Amy, carefully worded so as not to bruise Craig’s ego, that she had seen and taken King’s cock and if Lady could handle that she could certainly handle Craig. Craig laughed. He was well endowed but he knew he was no match for King.

Craig crawled up on the bed on his knees, positioned so that he could enter Lady. “Rub her stomach Craig” Amy said. “Get her to focus her attention on you”. Amy and Tina scooted toward the edges of the bed so as not to distract Lady from the pleasure they knew she was about to enjoy.

Craig had spent a little time with Lady so he knew how to “get her started”. He gently began rubbing her stomach, getting her to relax even more. As he did her hind legs relaxed and she spread wide open. Craig began to softly rub Lady’s pussy. He gently ran his fingers around her tender lips. As he did he noticed that her lips began to open up slowly. He could see the beautiful exposed pink flesh. Moisture started to bead up on her a little. He gently licked the moisture with his tongue. Lady squirmed a little. He placed one hand on her stomach and rubbed her gently to calm her. She settled down and let him lick her. Craig noticed that, just like Amy and Tina, the more he licked the wetter she got. She tasted incredible. Not better than the girls, just different. He began to lick a little harder and began to probe her pussy with his tongue. His hard-on was really throbbing now but he knew he had to take his time.

Craig took his index finger and began to gently rub the pink flesh that was now protruding. What a beautiful sight he thought. After Lady got comfortable with him rubbing her he gently inserted his finger inside her. This time she didn’t move. He inserted it a little further. It was so moist and tight and hot inside of her. He pushed his finger in as far as it would go. Lady laid still. He gently moved his finger in and out. Lady seemed to be enjoying this as much as he was. He took a second finger and inserted it. Again he gently slipped inside her, slowly and moved the two fingers in and out. Lady’s pussy was wide open now and protruding and Craig couldn’t hold back any longer. He leaned down and licked her as he fingered her until he was good and moist. Very carefully so as not to startle her he moved toward her as he continued to finger her. He took his cock in his other hand and started to gently rub it on Lady’s outstretched lips. A little bit of cum started to drip from his cock. Craig couldn’t wait any longer. He very carefully pulled out his fingers and pressed his cock up against Lady a little more forcefully. She gave him a look that he didn’t quite understand, but it wasn’t one of fear or alarm. Craig continued. He pushed the tip of the head of his cock into Lady. She was so moist and so hot. Slowly and gently he pushed, little by little, until the head of his cock was completely inside of Lady. “My God” thought Craig “so this is what I’ve been missing all this time”.

He pushed his cock in a little further. Lady squirmed a little, not to pull away but more like in a way to accommodate him. Gently but firmly Craig pushed his cock in until it was completely inside of Lady. He was so close to cumming he knew that just the slightest movement would make him explode. He had never felt anything so incredible in his life. It was like a woman, yet so different. She was wetter, warmer, and much tighter. He stayed in that position for just a moment and then he gently pulled back a little. He was getting close. He had to really focus to keep from cumming. He looked down and saw where his cock had entered Lady. What a beautiful sight. He couldn’t stand it any more. He had to have her. Slowly Craig began to slide his cock in and out of Lady. She moved once more and when she did her pussy seemed to open even more. He slid in deeper than before and this time she tightened up around him as if to hold him in. That was it, he had to let go. He began to pump his engorged cock in and out of Lady, being ever so careful not to hurt her. He picked up a steady rhythm as he moved in and out. He quickened his paced and she tightened even more. He couldn’t stand it any more. He began pumping her faster and faster. His began to feel it welling up inside him. He gave it one last push and exploded inside of her. He came harder than ever before. And it didn’t stop. He just kept cumming. As he did Lady tightened her muscles around him to squeeze out ever last drop. He stayed inside her for just another minute or two until he began to grow smaller. As he did he could feel his cum begin to trickle out of her flaming hot pussy and run down his balls and then down his thighs. He very slowly pulled out of her. Lady laid there still watching him. Craig very slow backed up and then leaned down and buried his tongue in Lady’s lips. That’s what he wanted. He wanted to tasted himself inside of her. God she was incredible.

Lady very slow turned over and rose to her feel. Craig could feel another hard on growing as he watched his cum starting to trickle out of her. Lady crawled over Amy and jumped off to the bed. Much to their surprise she went to the corner and laid down beside King. He started to sniff her and then King licked Lady until she was clean.

Craig crawled up on the bed between the girls and laid down on the spot that was even wetter now. He couldn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. He had had sex before with many ladies, incredible sex, but nothing began to compare to what he had just experienced with Lady.

Craig had been so preoccupied with Lady that he hadn’t even noticed what Amy and Tina were doing. They had been pleasuring each other while he had his fun with Lady. Now they turned their attention to him. Craig had a semi hard on. Tina leaned over and gently kissed his left nipple. Amy reached down and took his cock in her hand. Craig gently but firmly reached out and slowly pushed them away. “Not right now girls. I want to just lay here and think about what just happened and enjoy it for a few minutes”.

Amy just smiled. She looked at Craig. His eyes were closed and he had an incredible look of contentment on his face. Tina laid next to Craig and was started to drift back off to sleep. Amy looked over at Lady and King. They were snuggled up on the pillow in the corner and both of them had drifted off. She curled up next to Craig on his right side and closed her eyes. She also was very content. She had become quite comfortable with this arrangement and felt like they had started a family of their own.

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