Women with Animals
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The Life Of An Army Wife


(c) 2007 by Vulgus

My name is Karen. I am a reasonably attractive young woman. I am five foot, four inches tall and weigh one hundred and twenty-two pounds. I work out and have a good figure, though my breasts are smaller than I would like. My husband seems to like them the way they are though. I have light brown hair, when I am not a blonde, which varies from shoulder length to just below my shoulder blades. I am twenty-four years old and have been married for two years. My husband is an NCO in the Army.

I am not able to have children, which has never been a problem for me. I am apparently missing that gene that makes women crave babies and motherhood. Fortunately for me, my husband seems to lack the gene that drives men to want to father children. We both love kids when they belong to other people and we don’t have to spend too much time around them.

There is one other thing that makes us a little different than most other young married couples. We both enjoy showing me off, discreetly, of course. I don’t walk around the neighborhood in the nude, although I bet that would be exciting. I will occasionally flash truckers on the Interstate when we are out for a ride. We also enjoy it when I flash men at nearby tables when we are out for dinner.

We aren’t swingers. Neither of us has expressed an interest in sex with other partners. Just showing off, turning on strange men and ourselves in the process. We have recently included another person in our games, however, and things are changing.

Ted is a very good friend of mine from work. Ted and I tell each other everything at work. If he were not a tall, well built, black man he would be my best girl friend.

One day I let it slip about the little game of exhibitionism my hubby and I like to play. Ted’s eyes lit up like you would not believe and for days he kept bringing up the subject. He asked me to tell him about what I had done and how it felt and how my husband reacted. I was reluctant at first, but I found that talking about it to Ted was almost as big a turn on as doing it.

Then, one day he talked me into demonstrating. We had been talking about it and I was kind of turned on and the next thing I knew I was slowly spreading my legs and sliding down slightly in my chair until the crotch panel of my panties was completely exposed through my pantyhose.

Ted groaned out loud and stared at my exposed crotch for a few moments and then suggested that it would be a much better view if I would remove my pantyhose. I smiled at him and I didn’t even have to think about it. I knew I was safe here in the office, we had nowhere near enough privacy to actually have sex even if I wanted to. I stood up and headed for the door.

He asked me where I was going and I told him I was going to the ladies room to remove my pantyhose. He told me to stay. He wanted to watch me take them off. The idea excited me, but I was nervous about someone walking in and catching me in the act of removing them. There would be no explaining that away.

I hesitated for a few moments, really wanting to do it, but afraid. Ted got up and moved over and stood in front of the door. If anyone tried to open the door it would hit him and stop, giving me time to rush to my desk and slide my legs underneath.

I stood facing Ted, about ten feet away. I slipped my shoes off and then I reached for the hem of my skirt and slowly pulled it up to my waist. I turned my back to Ted, slipped my fingers into the waistband of my pantyhose and, keeping my legs straight, bent slowly and rolled them down my legs. I removed the hose and put my shoes back on. I slowly turned around to face Ted, still with my skirt around my waste. At that moment I was as aroused as I had ever been in my life. Then I noticed the huge tent in the front of Ted’s pants and gasped.

I am not sure what would have happened next if someone had not opened the door to our office. The door hit Ted and stopped. I scrambled for my desk and sat down and Ted grabbed the door knob and pulled it open, acting as if he had just been reaching for the door to leave. Luckily for him he is a large, black man and his excitement was not obvious in his face.

My face, on the other hand, must have been bright red. Fortunately I was able to sit with my back to the door and work at my computer while Ted left with our coworker who had come looking for him.

I was thankful for the interruption. I needed the time to regain my composure. All I could think about right now was how much I needed a good hard cock. Then I thought about the front of Ted’s slacks and wondered. I had never seen a black cock in real life. I had never seen a real large cock of any color. Then I started thinking about what I was going to tell my husband.

I finally cleared my head and got back to work. Ted came back in a few minutes and we smiled at each other but we both had work to do and we never even mentioned what had just happened.

Finally it was time to go home. I grabbed my purse, with my pantyhose stuffed inside, and headed home. My husband gets off a half hour before I do and he was already home. As soon as I got in the door I attacked him. I rushed him into the bedroom and started undressing.

He, being a man, needed no further encouragement and also undressed. We jumped into bed and I told him that if he would eat my pussy and give me a couple of great orgasms I would tell him about something that happened to me today that was really going to turn him on. My husband has a nice cock. Not real big, about six inches, and not real thick, but nicely shaped and clean and pretty. I like it. I like to touch it and taste it and I like having it in my pussy. He is a very thoughtful and considerate lover too. But what he does better than any other man I have ever had sex with is eat pussy. Don’t get me wrong. I have not had sex with that many men. There have been four including my husband. But he never fails to get me turned on and he never fails to get me off, usually many times.

So, as he started licking around my thighs and my stomach, teasing me with his tongue and the light caress of his fingertips running lightly over my sensitive skin, I began to tell him about what happened with Ted today. I didn’t get far before the first orgasm hit me. I was still just as turned on as I had been in the office when I had put on that little show for Ted. It was a short story. Not that much had actually happened. It was a difficult story to tell though. I had to keep stopping for orgasms.

Before long I had told him everything, in minute detail. As I finished he got to his knees and then attacked me, plunging his cock into my sopping wet pussy and fucking me violently. He came almost immediately. He wasn’t done though. He stayed in me and stayed hard and in a few minutes he was fucking me again. Damn! It felt so fucking good!

At last we came together and then lay on our sides facing each other. We talked a little about what had happened and both of us were sorry that he could not have been there to watch.


The next day I got up and showered and was getting dressed for work. My husband has to get up early and go in for PT (physical training) before work. I laid out a nice dress and a lacy bra and panty set. I then picked out a pair of pantyhose and started to get dressed. I put on the panties and bra but as I held the hose up I thought about yesterday and put them back down. I put on my dress and headed for work.

Ted wasn’t there when I arrived. I put my purse in my desk and sat down. I turned my computer on and as it booted up I looked over at where I had stood yesterday and pictured what had happened. Just then Ted came in and smiled his usual friendly smile and went to his desk and we both acted as if nothing had ever happened.

We are both programmer/analysts for the Government, working on an Army base in the Southwestern US. We each worked at our terminals for about an hour and then it was time to go get a cup of coffee in the break room and just kind of stretch our legs. We did it every day at about this time. I noticed when I stood that Ted did a double take, noticing that I wasn’t wearing hose. He smiled but didn’t say anything. We went down the hall and got some coffee and spoke briefly with some of our coworkers before taking our coffee back to our office.

We normally work with the door closed. We share the building with the Judge Advocate General’s Office and there is often a lot of traffic from troops coming in and out. Sometimes it gets pretty noisy and distracting if the door is open.

For a long time it has been our habit to take this morning coffee break and he would sit at his desk and I would sit in the chair in front of his desk facing him and we would talk. Gossip, flirting, talking shop, whatever came up. We both knew in advance what the topic would be today.

As soon as we were seated he asked me if I had told my husband about yesterday. I grinned, wondering if he was worried about a jealous husband. He had met my husband several times, but they didn’t really know much about one another. I just nodded my head.

Ted asked how my husband had reacted. I told him, in great and glorious detail. As I talked I slowly began moving my legs apart. It was getting almost as hot in the office as it had yesterday. The lacy panties I wore were almost transparent when they were dry. I didn’t have the nerve to look, but I was pretty sure they were not dry right now. While I talked Ted stood up and moved out from behind his desk.

He moved over beside me and the large bulge in his pants was right in my face. He casually reached down and slowly pulled my skirt up just a bit further so that the crotch of my underwear was visible from where he stood. Finally I had to look. I was right. My underwear was soaking wet and completely transparent!

Neither of us moved for a moment. Neither of us spoke either.

Ted stared at my exposed underwear for a moment and then he slowly and gently bent down and moved his finger over my clit. The moment his finger touched me I had an instant orgasm. He watched me tense up and groan as I struggled to keep quiet through an obvious orgasm, then he turned and went back to his desk. I checked the time and our break was over. I got up and walked unsteadily back to my desk and we both went back to work.

Nothing more was said and I was glad that there was no uncomfortable moment between us. Neither of us seemed to be embarrassed. Except for those few minutes during our morning break we both behaved normally throughout the morning.

That afternoon, during our mid-afternoon break, I was again sitting in the chair in front of Ted’s desk. He had asked me to tell him about some more of our flashing adventures. I started telling him about a recent trip and the fun we had had flashing truckers. As I talked I again spread my legs until they were as wide as the arms of the chair would allow.

I could see that he was adjusting his cock in his pants, and then rubbing his cock as I told him all about how I had begun the day exposing my bra and panties to truckers and gradually getting more bold until I was riding naked and playing with myself as my husband drove the car right beside one eighteen wheeler after another.

When I paused at the end of my little narrative Ted told me to pull the crotch of my panties aside so that he could see my pussy. I know that he had already seen me through my transparent underwear. I knew that they were so wet right now that he could see through them. Still, the act of moving them out of the way as I sat right in front of him and baring my pussy was extremely exciting. I also thought about the way he had told me to do it. It had not been a request. It had been an order! That was exciting too.

I carefully grabbed the sopping wet crotch of my panties and pulled them out and away from my pussy. I held them that way for a moment and then he told me to put my finger in my pussy.

Without hesitation I put my finger in my pussy and gently moved it in and out a few times. When he told me to suck it clean I moved my finger to my mouth without question and while our eyes locked I sucked my finger as if it were a cock until all traces of my juices were gone.

Then I got up and moved back to my desk. As I sat back down I discretely pulled the back of my skirt up enough so that the juices pouring out of my pussy would not leave a stain.

Again, as soon as we got back to work our banter returned to the normal office banter. This was a relief to me. I was enjoying this at least as much as Ted was. But I didn’t want to ruin our friendship or affect our working relationship.

I got home at the usual time and there was a repeat of last night. I told my husband, Dave, everything that had happened today, every juicy detail. After we were both sexually satisfied we held each other close and Dave started to wonder out loud where this might be going. He noted that Ted obviously urging me to go a little bit farther each time. He asked me how I felt about where this might be going.

It may seem strange, but I had not considered it. It was taking place in a relatively safe environment where there was no possibility of us actually having sex. I was just enjoying being an exhibitionist and getting Ted so turned on he couldn’t get up from his desk for half an hour.

I hadn’t really thought about actually having sex with Ted. I asked Dave if he wanted me to stop. He was quick to say no. I asked him what he would think if I went further, if I actually had sex with Ted.

He didn’t answer for a long time. I could tell he was thinking about it because I could feel his cock getting hard again and begin sliding up and down the crack of my ass. Finally he told me that there was nothing I could do to make him stop loving me, or respecting me.

We had talked before about how our sexual appetites were a little different than those of most people. He went on to say that listening to what had happened to me at work the last two days was a huge turn on and then he admitted something I did not know. He said that he sometimes had fantasies of me having sex with other men.

He asked me how accurate my description of what happened had been. I had given him as accurate and descriptive an account of what took place as I could. I don’t believe I left anything out. He pointed out that Ted had progressed in only three short sessions to the point of giving me orders.

Dave knew that my favorite fantasy was of submission. The idea of being dominated and used and even slightly abused was one that I had enjoyed since puberty. Dave and I had played at it, but he is just too damned nice to be a real good dominant. That was okay. We had a great sex life and it was probably better to keep that fantasy in the fantasy world. Especially since we were talking about someone I work with.

That was about as far as the conversation went, we were both highly aroused again and after another round of very satisfying sex we drifted off to sleep. We awoke an hour later and got up and had supper. Then we cuddled on the couch and watched television for a few hours. Just like normal people!


The next morning was Saturday and after breakfast we went shopping. Before we went to the grocery store we stopped at the mall in town. It wasn’t a very big town, or a very big mall. There was not a whole lot to do in this town besides shop. We walked around the mall, me in my mini dress that buttoned down the front and was slit up from the bottom to just below my crotch.

We were walking around turning on every guy that happened to look my way, and ourselves of course. We stopped in one of the little specialty shops, the kind that specializes in lingerie. Together we picked out a handful of cute little panties and a couple of new outfits to wear to work that were sexy, but not so sexy that anyone would object.

We left the mall and went grocery shopping and then we headed home. After putting the groceries away and eating lunch, Dave suggested a fashion show. He wanted me to model my new underwear. I had tried on the other clothes in the mall and he had seen them, but not the panties. It sounded like fun to me, but when I headed for the bedroom to change he told me to wait.

I sat back down and he got the phone book out and the next thing I knew he was talking to Ted on the phone! I listened in surprise as I heard Dave tell Ted that we had just bought a half dozen new pairs of panties and I was going to put on a fashion show. Then, he asked Ted if he would like to come over and enjoy the show!

My head was full of questions as Dave hung up the phone. Did he really want me to have sex with another man? With a large, black man at that! Did I really want that? Would it screw up what we both thought was the perfect marriage? Then I started thinking with my hormones instead of my brain and thought, “What the fuck, go with the flow.”

Dave told me to go put on a t-shirt and one of the new panties, a pair of my loose jersey exercise shorts and a pair of shoes with heels.

I changed and came back out and Dave had made us both a couple of strong drinks which we drank before Ted arrived. We didn’t talk much while we waited, but Dave said enough to reassure me that whatever happened, it had nothing to do with how we felt about each other.

At first I didn’t think that exposing my underwear to Ted outside of the office would be as exciting. That added risk of all those people around and an unlocked door that could open at any time had been part of the thrill.

Now I was thinking about exposing myself to a large, black man in front of my husband. It really added to the excitement that he was a man that was inclined to take over. A man who would very much like to have me suck his cock, or lie on my back and take his long black cock into my sopping wet pussy, right in front of my husband. Suddenly I was very much looking forward to what might happen and I was wondering if my dearest fantasy might even be lived out today.

When the doorbell rang Dave went to answer it. I heard Dave and Ted talking quietly for several minutes before they came into the living room. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but it was obvious from the sound of their voices that they were getting along well already and both looking forward to whatever was going to happen.

They came in and sat down in the two leather recliners and Dave told me to show Ted the first of my new panties. I turned my back to them and while keeping my legs straight I bent slowly, sliding my shorts off and exposing my ass in the tight little bikini brief I had just bought.

It wasn’t anything too wild, not a thong or see through panty. It was just the idea of standing in front of my husband and my friend in my underwear that was so exciting. I pulled my t-shirt up so that my panties were completely exposed and slowly turned around so that they could have a good view of the panties, and me, from all angles.

Dave motioned me closer with his finger and when I was standing in front of him he moved his hands gently over my new underwear, rubbing my ass and my soaking wet crotch. It was easy to see that both men were enjoying the show. After a moment of being caressed in front of Ted, Dave suggested that I let Ted have a closer look at my new clothes. I moved over a few feet and Ted sat up and he too moved his hands over me. His hands were much larger and he was not nearly as gentle as Dave had been. He was forceful and it seemed as though he was daring me to say something, to stop him. I didn’t of course. I was too busy trying very hard not to have an orgasm. It was much too soon for that.

Before long Dave suggested I try on the next pair. I was grateful for the break and rushed from the room. I went to the bedroom and stood with my back to the door for a moment and took a few deep breaths.

When I was slightly more relaxed I went to the adjoining bathroom, removed my underwear and using a moist towelette I cleaned and freshened my absolutely soaking wet pussy. I toweled it dry and went back into the bedroom and put on the next pair of panties. I had already lined them up from least to most risqué before Ted arrived. So each time I went out I would be wearing a slightly sexier, slightly more revealing panty.

When I got back to the living room both men had a drink in their hands and Dave had another ready for me. I took it gratefully and gulped it down.

As I set the glass back down Dave told me that the t- shirt was in the way and not really part of the show and he suggested I remove it. I had not yet exposed my breasts to Ted. As silly as it seems I was a little nervous about that. Although I believe my breasts are sexy and have a perfect shape they are a little small, just barely a B cup. We girls know how guys like big boobs. The world seems to pretty much revolve around them.

I looked at both men and saw the lust in their eyes and found that reassuring. A girl needs to feel wanted you know. I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and slowly pulled it up and then off, letting my tits bounce free. I knew Dave loved my tits, but I was still nervous until I saw the look in Ted’s eyes.

I moved over and stood between his knees and asked if my tits were okay. Did he think they were too small?

Ted just smiled and put one hand on my ass and one over my mound. He rubbed my pussy firmly for a few seconds and then moved his hand up to my tits and started squeezing and pulling forcefully on one and then the other as his other hand held and squeezed my ass.

I looked over at Dave and it was obvious this was his wet dream come true. He was red as a beet and not so much breathing as panting as he watched Ted manhandling my body.

Ted moved his hand back to my pussy and said “You are one hot cunt, aren’t you”? For some reason, hearing him say that as he rubbed my pussy in front of my husband was all it took. I had an orgasm right there in front of them.

My knees sagged and it was all I could do to remain on my feet. But Ted told me that I couldn’t rest now. I had more outfits to model for him. He rubbed my pussy a little more and then sat back.

I looked at Dave and he just nodded towards the bedroom.

As I hurried out of the room and repeated the changing process, including the towelettes, it occurred to me that Ted was starting to take over from Dave. Or was it that we were giving him control?

I put on the third pair of panties and headed back to the living room. There was no longer any question in my mind. I was going to get fucked today, by Ted. I was going to get fucked by a large, forceful, dominant, black man. It was going to happen right in front of my husband. I couldn’t wait.

I entered the living room and went right to Ted and posed in my panties. He told me to spread my legs and turn around and bend over, which I did without question. He just looked at first. It seemed like a long time before I felt his hands on my ass, touching and squeezing as my husband looked on. Dave had completely turned me over to Ted. I didn’t find out until later that while I was in the bedroom changing Dave had as much as given me to Ted.

I felt Ted’s fingers between my legs, rubbing my already wet crotch. I almost screamed when he removed is fingers from my pussy and they moved to the waistband of my underwear and forcefully pulled them down to my knees. I realized that the fashion show was probably over.

Ted moved his hands over my ass. Spreading my cheeks and touching me all over, even pushing the tip of his finger into my tight, virgin asshole!

He removed his hands from my body and I didn’t move as I heard him stand up behind me. I heard the rustle of clothing and looked between my legs. I saw him undressing behind me. When he was naked he stepped up behind me and rubbed his cock in the crack of my ass for a few moments and then he ordered me to stand up and turn around.

For the first time I got a good look at his large black cock. It was beautiful! It was probably eight inches long and perhaps an inch and a half in diameter. Maybe not huge by porn star standards, but certainly the biggest I had ever seen.

I reached out to touch it but he slapped my hand away. Shocked, I looked quickly up at his face. He looked quite stern as he told me that he had not told me that I could touch him. So, I stood in front of him while he looked at my naked body for a few moments. Then his hands started roughly moving over my breasts again, squeezing until I would wince. Or squeezing and pulling on my nipples until I moaned in pain. Then he suddenly stuck two large fingers at the entrance to my pussy and jabbed them all the way into me.

Then he smiled and said, “You love the hell out of this, don’t you bitch?”

I knew I should have been pissed at him for talking to me like that. I wasn’t. It just made me hotter. I nodded and it was all I could do to faintly hiss “Yessss!”

I felt his hands on my shoulders, pushing me to my knees. He moved forward slightly and his hard, drooling cock was rubbing my face.

“Kiss it bitch,” he ordered. I did. I puckered up and kissed the hot wet throbbing head of his cock.

“Again,” he ordered, and I did.

He suddenly exclaimed, “What are you waiting for you dumb cunt, lick it!” I moved my tongue from the base of his cock all the way to the tip, enjoying the taste of the pre-cum that covered the tip.

“Keep licking,” he ordered and I bathed his cock with my hungry tongue. I moved down and ran my tongue over his balls, which seemed huge. Then back up and all over his throbbing cock.

“Enough bitch, suck it now.”

I put my lips against the head of his cock and held them tight against that large black piece of meat as I slowly forced my mouth down over his cock. I went down as much as I could, and thought I was doing a pretty good job getting all but about three inches into my mouth. Until he said “That ain’t gonna cut it bitch, keep swallowing. I want to feel your nose against my belly.”

I like to suck Dave’s cock. From the time we are little girls entering puberty we hear about sucking cocks and how nasty it is. But some girls, like me for instance, like their sex nasty. I admit I wasn’t that good when I first started, but before very long I was a damned good cocksucker and damned proud of it.

I had some serious doubts about taking that last three inches. I was sure going to try though. I moved back up until just the head of his magnificent cock was in my mouth and then started moving back down. I glanced at Dave as I struggled with Ted’s big cock. I had almost forgotten about him! I was reassured by the look of lust on his face.

I got back down to that same point on Ted’s cock again and felt his hands close behind my head.

“Come on bitch,” he said gruffly, “you can do it. Swallow that black meat”.

I had stopped gagging, at least for the moment and was trying to move my lips farther down the shaft, hoping that would please him.

Suddenly he thrust his crotch forward forcing his cock down my throat, much to the surprise of both of us.

At first I was too surprised to react, but then I started to panic. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to breathe. He pulled my hair and yelled at me, and finally I calmed down and looked up at him and he said, “Breathe through your nose you stupid bitch!”

I tried it and when I realized that I could I relaxed a little, although having his large cock in my throat was still quite painful. He slowly pulled it back out and then slowly pushed back in again. It paused briefly at the entrance to my throat and then pushed all the way back in again.

Thankfully he was so excited from days of teasing, my little fashion show, and the idea of taking me in front of my husband, that he came very quickly. As he started to cum he pulled back so that only the head of his cock was in my mouth and shot more cum than I would have believed possible into my mouth.

“Don’t swallow yet bitch, and don’t you spill a drop!” he ordered as he slowly massaged the last few spurts out of his cock into my mouth. Then he slowly pulled his cock from my lips and tilted my head back. “Open your hot mouth, cunt,” he ordered. “Let Dave and me see how much I liked your hot cunt mouth.”

I carefully opened my mouth to avoid spilling and looked them in the eyes as they checked out the huge load of cum in my mouth.

“Good girl,” Ted said. “Now you can swallow.” It took me three swallows to get it all down.

Then Ted stepped back up to my face and I licked and sucked his cock clean as he patted my head and told me what a good cunt I was.

My throat hurt a little, but I must admit I was pretty proud of myself right then. I once saw the movie “Deepthroat” and it made my throat hurt just watching it. I never thought that there would come a time that I could do it myself!

As I sucked and licked on Ted’s cock I noticed that it was still almost as hard as it was before he came in my mouth. I was impressed. Ted was more than twice my age and I had heard that guys his age didn’t have the stamina of younger men. That didn’t seem to be a problem for him.

I soon felt his cock hardening fully again and when it was fully erect he pushed back into my throat and held my face against his belly for a moment. I relaxed and just enjoyed the idea of being used this way in front of my husband.

After holding me that way for a moment Ted pulled out of my mouth and ordered me to lay on by back across our large, leather hassock. He fell to his knees between my legs and as he lifted my legs up over my body I was embarrassed to see that my thighs were covered in my juices. I was soaked!

I felt his cock at the entrance to my pussy. He pushed in, slowly at first, calling me a cunt and a hot bitch and a slut and all the nasty names that made me so hot. I had never been so filled in my life! It actually took my breath away. After a brief pause to enjoy the heat from my cunt he started fucking me violently.

“Look at the way her tits bounce,” I heard him say and looked up to see him talking to my husband. Poor Dave, he was so horny his eyes were glazed over! I watched the violent motion of my tits bouncing in reaction to the violent thrusts of Ted’s cock. It was uncomfortable, but it was also erotic that I made no move to steady them with my hands.

Then I heard “Go ahead Dave, fuck that hot mouth. You haven’t lived until you have those lips buried in your cock hair.”

Dave moved to where my head hung down over the end of the hassock and stared down as he undressed. I noticed the large dark wet spot on the front of his pants and wondered if he had cum in his pants.

It was hard not to focus on the large cock battering my pussy, but I was curious about how much Dave would enjoy his first deepthroat. Dave’s cock was soaking wet, but it didn’t look like cum. It was just pre-cum. So I think it was safe to say that he was enjoying this as much as I was.

I opened my mouth and he quickly started forcing his swollen, throbbing cock down my throat. It was much easier now that I had adjusted to Ted’s black monster and although my throat was still sore, I was really excited by having a cock in my mouth and in my pussy at the same time.

Dave shoved his cock down my throat and held it there for a moment. Then pulled back and started stroking in and out slowly. I knew he wouldn’t last long and was looking forward to tasting his hot cum. In almost no time he shot a huge load of hot cum into my mouth and I held it there, savoring the taste for a moment before swallowing.

After I swallowed, Dave put his cock back in mouth and I gently sucked on his soft cock while Ted began to pick up the pace. As I felt Ted begin to cum violently in my pussy I had what must have been the greatest orgasm of my life. I’m not sure but I think I kind of blacked out for a just a second or two.

We just stayed like that, the three of us locked together for a couple of minutes. All three of us were gasping for air, fighting to regain our breath. Then Ted pulled his soft, but still very large cock out of me and moved around to my face. Dave pulled away and Ted put his cock to my lips and I greedily sucked it into my mouth and licked and sucked all of our juices off of it. I had never done anything like that before, but I did it now, for Ted, without a second thought.

While I sucked Ted clean I felt Dave between my legs. He was looking at my stretched out pussy and Ted’s cum running down my legs.

“Damn!” he exclaimed. “I sure hope that thing closes up again! Looks like I could get my whole hand in there!”

Ted just chuckled and watched my husband explore my well used pussy.

Ted got up and suggested I clean myself up and bring in a few towels. I ran to the bathroom and I wiped my thighs and my pussy clean and hurried back out with a towel for each of us and a rag to clean the hassock with.

As I bent over to clean the hassock, both men grabbed my ass and massaged it gently for a moment before returning to their chairs and sitting on the towels I had brought them. Since nobody was getting dressed I deduced that the fun and games were not yet over. You can’t fool me, I spent four years in an all girl Catholic High School!

I draped another towel over the hassock and went back to the bathroom to clean up a little better. I sat on the toilet and was shocked at the amount of cum that drained out of me. It was easily twice as much as I might expect when Dave and I had sex. It was all the more amazing because I had sucked him to a big orgasm before he fucked me!

I had never met Ted’s wife. I know he has been married to the same woman for more than thirty years. I know they don’t have much, if any sex life. Ted confided in me as much as I did in him. Whenever we had an office party or picnic Ted always came alone. I suppose I should have felt guilty about helping him cheat on his wife. I didn’t though. In fact, I felt like I was doing a good deed. Helping him out, providing a valuable service even!

After I had cleaned myself up I put my heels back on and, after deciding that nobody cared about the other panties I had not yet modeled, I strolled back out into the living room in just my heels.

There were drinks all around again and Ted pulled me into his lap. As we sipped and talked Ted alternated between running his free hand over my tits and then sliding it down to rub my clit gently, keeping all three of us aroused. I could feel his cock twitching against my ass, so I knew that he was enjoying playing with my body.

I suggested that I make us something to eat but Ted had another idea. We all got up and went into the bedroom and Ted and I went through my dresses. He picked out a very short mini dress that had a low scooped bodice and a short row of buttons down the front. He told me to put that on and nothing else. Then the guys got dressed and we all went out to get something to eat.

We went in Ted’s car. Ted was driving, I was in the passenger seat and Dave sat in the back. As we drove Ted pulled me closer, pulled my skirt up and gently massaged my pussy.

The ride was only about fifteen minutes. We ended up in a pool hall. It wasn’t exactly the bad side of town. Our town didn’t really have a bad side. It was a tad seedier than Dave and I normally hung out in. it was a new experience for me. I had never in my life been in a pool hall.

There were about a dozen men in the place. It was kind of dark. I was the only woman in the room. The air was smoky and unpleasant, but after a little while I started to get used to it.

The men in the place were a mix. Some were young, obviously young GIs from the base. Some were older, some black, some white.

Ted led us to a table in one of the alcoves off to the side of the main room. There were several side rooms with tables. They weren’t private, there were large openings between the side rooms and the main room, but it was a little more private. Ted sent Dave to get us some beers and hamburgers from the bar while he racked up the balls on the table.

I had never been in a pool hall, but I had played pool in a friend’s garage. Not well, but I had the basics down. Ted and I started playing eight-ball and it wasn’t long before the game at the other table in our alcove came to a standstill as the players watched me bend over the table in my short mini dress and no underwear to attempt to make a shot. I tried to ignore them but I was having an awful hard time concentrating on my shots.

Dave came back with the food and drinks and sat on one of tall stools that lined the wall. Ted and I would take turns eating and drinking from the table beside Dave and taking our turn at the pool table. I was doing very badly, as expected.

Ted said I needed some incentive. From now on, every time I missed a shot I was going to have to unbutton a button on the front of my dress! As he told me the new rule I shivered. It wasn’t fear though, it was excitement. I didn’t even think of refusing.

The guys that had been playing at the other table gave up any pretense and came over and sat in two of the tall stools near my husband. I heard them talking softly as I leaned over the table concentrating on my next shot. It was an easy shot. Even at my poor skill level it should have been easy. As I bent over the table my heart was beating a mile a minute and I could feel four sets of eyes on my ass. I was pretty sure that my pussy was showing too. I knew that if I missed this shot things were going to start to get more interesting. So of course I spent a long time making sure the shot was lined up just right and missed big time.

I stood up and Ted came over and unbuttoned the top button of my dress. I already had a lot of cleavage showing in this dress, this could get real embarrassing in a big hurry.

Ted took his turn and sank a couple of balls, but I could tell that he wasn’t trying too hard. He was more interested in getting me bent back over the table.

I have to be honest. I am, after all, an exhibitionist and I get turned on by exposing myself to people. This was turning me the fuck on, in large part because I had never done it so blatantly before. I was so turned on I was shaking. So, of course I missed again.

This time Ted took my pool cue and told me to unbutton the next button. With shaking hands I stood in front of the four men, two of whom were complete strangers, and unbuttoned the second button on my dress. As I did I felt it open up even more, but if I stood up straight and didn’t move, my nipples remained covered. It was obvious, though, that as soon as I began moving around, or bending over to take my turn at the table, I was going to be very exposed.

Ted sank a couple more balls and then missed his third shot. It was obvious that he was missing on purpose. He was looking right at me and grinning as he took his shot.

This time the cue ball was left on the other side of the table and as I went around and bent over to line up a shot two things happened. The first is that my dress fell open at the top exposing my tits to my husband and the two strangers, and the second was that Ted reached between my legs and rubbed my pussy. I came right there in front of the four of them. I tried to be quiet, but I was so damned hot I could not help moaning out loud.

I looked around in embarrassment and noticed that some of the guys out in the main room seemed to be watching. I was still bent over the table, still with Ted’s fingers on my pussy. I turned my head back and tried to line up my shot. I concentrated with all of my might and I actually put the ball in the pocket, to the surprise of everyone including myself!

Now I had to go back around to the other side of the table again and bend over to try and make another shot. Ted followed and as I bent over he slid my skirt up over my ass and exposed me completely to my husband and the two strangers. What I didn’t see was Ted signaling one of the men to come over and feel my pussy while I was bent over the table. I could see one of Ted’s hands on the side of the table. I could feel his other hand on the cheek of my ass. I knew for a fact that he only had two hands, so when I felt another hand on my pussy I was both surprised and curious. I looked back and it was one of the strangers. He and his friend were obviously young GIs from the base. They were kind of cute though and I didn’t mind at all having his hand on my pussy.

I looked over at Dave and he obviously didn’t mind either. He looked like he had a cue stick in his pants. On the other hand, all four of them looked like that.

I turned back and half heartedly attempted another shot. I didn’t even come close. As I stood back up and turned around to face Ted I saw two black men coming into our little side room. They appeared to be in their mid thirties and didn’t look military.

They seemed to be heading for the second pool table in our little alcove but when they saw something going on between Ted and I they stopped to watch. Ted ignored them and took my cue stick from me again.

I knew what to do without being told. I reached for the next button on my dress and opened it. Nothing much happened at first. Then Ted reached up and slowly peeled the sides of my dress away from my tits. Now I was all but topless in front of Ted, my husband and four strange men in a public place.

The two middle aged black men who had just come in apparently decided that they would rather watch than play. They took seats beside the two young white guys. Ted said he thought it would be appropriate to introduce ourselves to our new friends and I looked up at the four men sitting along the wall with my husband watching Ted and me.

Ted led me the few feet necessary to stand in front of the first man. Ted pointed to my husband and said “Gentlemen, this is my friend Dave, and this sexy young thing is his wife Karen. My name is Ted. I would like you each to meet Karen. Isn’t she beautiful?”

All four men nodded enthusiastically and Ted asked the young white man I was standing in front of if he liked my breasts. When the young man nodded Ted told him that he was welcome to examine them further to make sure they met with his approval.

The young man immediately grabbed both of my tits in his hands and began squeezing and pulling on them like he was milking a cow. Ted stopped him and showed him how to do it right and soon the man was caressing and manipulating my tits and both of us were enjoying it. Actually, it looked like all seven of us were enjoying it.

After about thirty seconds Ted pulled me away to stand in front of the next young white man. Ted mentioned that he was the one that had been playing with my pussy at the pool table earlier. Ted asked him if he would like to check out my tits. He either already had some skill in that area or had learned from Ted’s instructions to his friend, because he did a very nice job of teasing my swollen breasts with his soft hands.

Then we moved to the next gentleman. He was a black man in his mid thirties, slightly overweight and obviously very aroused. As the two black men were taking their turns feeling my breasts one of them asked if I had lost a bet. He couldn’t believe I was letting Ted treat me like this, especially in front of my husband.

Ted just smiled and said, “No gentlemen, there was no bet. These are two special friends of mine and although she loves her husband very much, she is my slave.”

It had finally been said out loud. Hearing it put me right over the edge. I don’t know if anyone but Ted noticed, but I had a small orgasm standing there, not even being touched other than Ted’s hand on my elbow. I looked up at Dave and he was obviously as excited about it as I was.

Ted reached down and opened the two buttons at the bottom of my dress and now there was only the center button holding it together. He then led me back to the pool table and we played until he sank the eight ball. When I wasn’t shooting I stood by the men and watched out into the main room to see if we were in danger of getting arrested. No one seemed to be getting upset. I guess I could have danced naked on the table and gotten nothing but a bigger crowd.

Ted asked Dave to go to the bar and get us three more beers. While Dave was gone Ted whispered something to the young guy who had needed instructions in how to molest me correctly. The man nodded his head violently and went over to the corner and stood with his back to the wall. Ted led me over and pushed me to my knees in front of him. He told me that the young man had admitted to him that he was a virgin and wouldn’t it be fantastic if he got his first blowjob tonight from a beautiful young expert.

I was now beyond shock. I was so horny I would have done anything. Sucked or fucked anyone, anywhere. I was almost out of control. I reached up and as the others crowded around to watch I opened the zipper of the young man who stood in front of me and pulled out a nice hard, wet cock. I licked it gently for a moment and then put my lips to the head and slowly engulfed the entire throbbing rod of hot flesh in my mouth. All the way down to the base. His cock was about the same size as my husband’s and I swallowed it with no trouble at all. The other three strangers were obviously impressed at my skill and made some very thrilling comments. While I was sucking that young man’s cock, one of the black men leaned over and began playing with one of my nipples. He was being rough but that just made it better.

In less than five minutes the young man grabbed my head and shot his cum down my throat. I had to fight to pull back enough to get some in my mouth so I could taste it. I held it there after he was finished, milking the last few drops from his cock and savoring them.

The man placed his cock back in his pants and zipped up. Ted asked me if I had enjoyed that. I nodded and saw Dave out of the corner of my eye. I was relieved to see that he was obviously more than alright with what Ted was having me do. God knows I was having the time of my life!

As the young man moved away Ted offered my services to one of the black men. I ended up sucking off all four men, plus Ted and Dave, in the back of the pool room. My jaw was sore and my throat was sore and I loved every minute of it!

We left after that. Ted wouldn’t let me button up my dress, so I walked through the pool room all but naked. There were at least twenty men out in the main room now. Just one button was holding my already very short dress closed. With every step I took my pussy was exposed and first one and then the other of my breasts swung free. The entire crowd stopped to watch and whistle, and cheer. As we went out the door I felt Ted lift the back of my skirt. What the hell, they had seen everything else. They might as well check out my ass.

We hurried back to the car. This time I sat in the middle and Dave sat in front with us. We laughed and talked about everything that had happened today. We were home before we knew it and Ted let us out and told me he would see me Monday.

Dave and I went in and stumbled to bed. We were both a little tipsy and a lot exhausted, but we managed one last hot fuck before we passed out.

I woke up before Dave on Sunday morning and went out to the kitchen and made coffee. I got out the bacon and eggs and had everything ready to make breakfast when Dave got up. I figured it wouldn’t be too long with the smell of coffee permeating the house.

I sipped my coffee and sat and thought about last night. I hoped Dave didn’t have second thoughts this morning. I was anxious that what had happened shouldn’t affect our marriage.

I also wondered about what it would be like to work with Ted after all that had happened between us. Things must surely change, now that it was out in the open that I was his slave.

My first question was answered quickly. Dave came out and leaned over and kissed me passionately and told me how much he loved me. I held him tight and I was so happy and so relieved I cried.

I got up and got him a cup of coffee and started breakfast. He went out and got the paper out of the box and we sat down to eat just like it was a normal Sunday breakfast. It wasn’t normal though. I had too many questions. I had to talk about it.

“Did you tell Ted my fantasy?” I asked.

Dave grinned and said, “No, during your last trip to the bedroom to change underwear he told me you were a natural submissive. He asked me if I realized it. I told him that I knew, that we both knew, but that I wasn’t a dominant. As you know I am just not good at that. He wanted to know if I minded if he put you through your paces and I told him you were all his and that as long as nobody got hurt I was cool with anything that happened up until you said stop.”

Now my most important question, I looked Dave right in the eyes and asked, “Did anything I do last night upset you? Make you mad, jealous, nervous, any or all of the above?”

Dave didn’t even hesitate. He said, “It made me so horny I was afraid my dick would explode. I was surprised he didn’t get the rest of the guys in the pool hall to come in and fuck you. I would have enjoyed watching that too. And I would still love you madly.”

“So last night we both got to explore our favorite fantasies. You know it isn’t over. How are you going to feel about whatever comes next?” I asked him.

Dave said, “As long as you don’t get hurt I’ll be fine. As long as you still like yourself in the morning I’ll be fine. As long as I get to watch as much as possible and hear about the rest I’ll be fine. Most importantly, as long as when the day is done you still love me then I am going to enjoy this almost as much as you will. Plus, I now get to enjoy being deepthroated. I have to thank Ted for that.”

“How would you like something to thank him for right now?” I asked as I slid to my knees on the floor and opened his robe. Underneath he was naked and he slid down a little and spread his legs to make room for me. He was already hard from the conversation and I happily bent down and gave him the best, most enthusiastic blowjob of my life. He may not be my Dom, but he is the love of my life and I adore him madly. I would do anything to please him.

Of course I realized that when I was being dominated by Ted I was also fulfilling Dave’s fantasy. That just made it that much better. It appeared that I could be a major slut. I could act out many of my fantasies. Not all of them. Some of my fantasies went pretty far and I didn’t think I could actually live them out. I could do all of that and still have an almost normal life with my darling husband.

We had pretty much our normal Sunday, except that we had sex at least a half dozen times. We did it in just about every position, and just about every room. It was fantastic!

We went to bed that night exhausted and just cuddled and went to sleep.


The next day, Monday, Dave got up and went in for PT. I got up about the time he left and took a shower. I made coffee and toast and ate a light breakfast while my hair dried.

I straightened up the kitchen and went into the bedroom to get dressed and was about half way ready when the phone rang. It was Ted. He simply said, “Good morning slave. No underwear today.” Then he hung up.

I was instantly aroused. I removed my underwear and put on a skirt and blouse. I slipped my heels on and grabbed my purse and left for work.

I normally arrived before Ted, but today he had made it in first. He looked up when I walked in and we both smiled warmly. I put my purse away and sat down at my desk. I didn’t know what to expect, but we just went to work, just like a normal day. We talked and exchanged light banter just as if nothing had happened between us and I was very relieved that we could still work together this way.

We got a little work done. You know how we Government workers are. We don’t want to over do it. We got up to go down to the break room for a cup of coffee at the usual time, then returned and sat in our normal coffee break seats. I let my skirt ride up and opened my legs as much as I could.

Ted smiled and said, “Rub it for me and get it warm.” Then he asked me if I had a good time on Saturday.

“You know I did. That has been my fantasy, that or a version of it, since I discovered orgasms and fantasies.”

“What about Dave?” he asked. “Did we go too far for him?”

“No,” I responded. “We fucked like rabbits all day Sunday. We fucked and we talked. As long as I can handle it and don’t get hurt, and he gets to either watch or hear about it, I am your slave.”

“We should talk about limits.” Ted said. “This isn’t just your fantasy, your pleasure. I have some pretty kinky fantasies of my own and I am enjoying the hell out of this. Saturday was just a mild example.”

I thought about that as I sipped my coffee. I had some pretty deep dark fantasies myself. Could I handle actually living them out? Did I want to go all out? Would it be less exciting if there were limits? I trusted Ted, but he had said that he had his own kinky fantasies. Could I trust him to make sure that I wasn’t harmed?

I decided to turn myself over to Ted for as long as I could stand it. I was willing to test my limits. I was having too much fun not to.

“Okay Ted, here is the plan. I belong to you. You can use me and abuse me. But not harm me. Two things are very important to me. My career is very important to me. I don’t want to do anything to endanger it. There is one thing that is more important than that. The love of my husband means everything to me. As long as those two things are not endangered I am yours.”

“I have always wanted a pretty white bitch of my own. I am going to enjoy the hell out of this.” Ted said. “At lunch time I want you to meet me at my car. I have been thinking about your sweet ass since I dropped you off at your house Saturday night. Speaking of ass, have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

I shook my head.

“You are going to be today.”

We went back to work, but I have to admit it was very hard to concentrate.

At lunch time I went out to the parking lot and waited near his car. He came out a minute or two later and we got in his car and took off. I didn’t ask where we were going, it didn’t matter. I had already made him responsible for everything that I did from now on.

I knew his wife didn’t work, so I assumed we were going to either a motel or my house. I was wrong. We drove off base and went to a small house in a lower middle class subdivision and pulled into the driveway. Ted said, “Come on,” and opened his door and headed for the house. I quickly followed. He didn’t knock, just opened the door and held it for me. As soon as I was inside he closed the door and led me into the living room.

I looked around nervously. There was a black man that I hadn’t met before sitting in an easy chair. He and Ted nodded to each other but nobody said anything. Ted told me to strip. I glanced at the stranger but I had no intention of refusing. It took only a moment to remove my blouse and skirt and drop them on the coffee table.

Ted undressed and came up to me and started touching me. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed it. Then Ted said softly, “Remember what I told you I was going to do?”

My mind was blank for a minute and then I felt one of his fingers sliding between the cheeks of my ass and pressing against my ass hole. All the good feelings of a minute ago went away instantly. He was going to fuck my ass. This was something I had always avoided. I didn’t understand why some guys wanted to do that. It was nasty and painful and Ted’s cock was so big and fat I knew this was going to be very unpleasant. I also knew I wouldn’t refuse.

Ted led me over to the sofa and made me kneel on the cushion and lean over the back of it. I felt his finger on my ass again. This time there was a sensation of cold and wet. I realized he was using lube and took some small comfort in that.

He pressed his finger against my tight little hole and slowly forced it into me. He kept talking to me softly, telling me to relax and it wouldn’t be so bad. I tried. I tried to keep my breathing regular and kept telling myself to relax, but I was scared.

After I had adjusted to the finger in my ass he started to slowly move it in and out for a minute and then he stopped and removed his finger from me. It wasn’t gone for long. Soon it was back with more lube and another finger. Ted repeated the process and while he was working two fingers into my ass the stranger sitting nearby reached over and started to play with my tit. I had my eyes closed and it startled me at first. It felt pretty good though and I welcomed the distraction.

Before I knew it Ted had three fingers fucking my ass and it was uncomfortable, but I was starting to think I could handle his cock. When he thought that I was adequately stretched out he pulled his fingers out of me. He spread some lube on his hard black cock and placed the head of it against my asshole. I forced myself to relax, to not tense up as I felt him push in. I groaned in pain and began to think maybe I couldn’t do this after all. He pushed another inch into me and I started muttering “No, no, I can’t do this. Please. It hurts.”

Ted didn’t say anything. Nor did he stop. He ignored my protests and pushed his big cock in an inch or two at a time until it was all the way in and I felt his belly pushing against my ass cheeks.

He held it there, buried in my ass, giving me time to adjust and catch my breath. Then he started to slowly stroke in and out. All I could do was moan and keep muttering “No, oh God no,” but quietly, under my breath.

I started concentrating on the hand on my breast again, and that seemed to help. Ted reached around and started to rub and squeeze my clit. At first it was just another distraction. After a few minutes the stimulation started to outweigh the pain and things started to come together. First there was the humiliation of being naked in front of a strange man while another man took my virgin asshole. On top of that there was the stimulation on my breast and clit. Most of all though, there was the whole idea of being a sex slave and a slut. Before I knew what was happening I was coming from being fucked in the ass!

When I started to cum, that was all it took to set Ted off and he grabbed my hips and took several hard forceful strokes into my ass and then I felt him go stiff all over and shoot his hot load in my ass.

We remained there, locked together for several minutes, and finally he pulled his softening cock out of me. I wanted to run to the bathroom right away. I had felt like I had to go since he started fucking me. I had cum running down my thighs like crazy. I realized that my ass must still be wide open!

Before I could even ask where the bathroom was, Ted turned me around and pushed me to my knees and stuck his nasty cock in my face. “Open up,” he ordered. I know it is disgusting, but I obeyed without even thinking about it.

I sucked his slimy cock clean and then licked his balls clean too, without even being told! When he was satisfied he pulled back and started to get dressed. I asked if I could use the bathroom but Ted said I should pay the rent first. I knew what he meant. His silent friend would want seconds. I just hoped he wouldn’t want my ass. I didn’t think I could take that again, at least not for a while.

His friend stood up and unfastened his pants and pulled them down and off and then sat back down with his legs spread wide. It was actually a relief to know I was just going to have to give him a blowjob.

I was beginning to think what they said about black men was true. This was going to be my fourth black cock and just like the others it was quite impressive. I still hadn’t seen anything like the foot long monsters in the movies, and didn’t really want to. But all four were well above average. I had only gotten to enjoy having one of them in my pussy, but there is something very sexy about a long hard fat black cock and the idea of being ordered to suck it.

Fortunately he must have found the show we put on very stimulating because he started shooting my mouth full of hot cum after only about ten minutes. I had only just started to get comfortable working his fat cock down my throat. I might have enjoyed spending more time this way. He had a very exciting cock. I had a sense that it was getting late though, and I was getting nervous about being away from the office for so long. I still had to clean all of Ted’s cum from my ass and thighs.

We got back to the office with a few minutes to spare and the rest of the day went just like a normal day. Well, except for how tender my poor asshole was.

That evening when I got home, Dave had supper ready and as we ate I told him about my lunch hour. After first being assured that it had not been that bad, nothing torn, no blood, no gore, no permanent damage, he then wanted to take me into the bedroom and see for himself that I was alright. That meant that he wanted to try the one thing that I had denied him since we got married.

I was still sore, but his cock was not nearly as large as Ted’s and I was willing to try it again. At least, unlike Ted, I knew that if I asked him to stop he would. I reminded him about the lube and loosening me up with his fingers while we got undressed and then I got on my knees in the middle of the bed and waited.

I heard him go into my nightstand and when he got onto the bed he handed me my vibrator. “Here,” he said. “This should help.”

I thought he just might be onto something and I leaned my head down on my pillow and reached back and began lightly rubbing the vibrator over my pussy.

Dave started lubing me up and loosening me up, just like Ted had. He was gentle and considerate and it wasn’t bad at all. I am sure the vibrator had something to do with that though.

When he had gotten me ready he lubed his cock, shuffled up behind me on his knees and started pushing his cock into me. Slowly, a little bit at a time. I was almost embarrassed at how good it was starting to feel. Not as good as in my pussy, but good.

Before long, Dave was stroking into me forcefully and we were both getting close to cumming. I don’t know why I did it, but I suddenly aligned the vibrator with the opening to my pussy and shoved it in. I came so hard I was screaming! I am not normally very vocal when we have sex. It surprised both of us I think.

Dave was right there cumming with me. He said later that the vibrations against his cock while he was fucking me were fantastic. I think it was safe to assume we would be doing this again.

Without even a second thought I turned around and sucked his cock clean, which shocked him and even surprised me a little. It was still early, too early to go to bed. I was worn out though, so we got up and took a shower together and went to bed with the idea that we would talk or read for a while.

We didn’t though. We cuddled together and before we drifted off to sleep we took turns reassuring each other that we both still found the idea of me being a slave to Ted a huge turn on. No jealousy, no regrets.

I was getting ready for work the next morning, Tuesday, when I got another phone call from Ted. “Shave your pussy before you come in slave.”

It seemed pretty unnecessary to me. All I had was just a little V of hair over my slit. But it wasn’t up to me. After all, it was Ted’s pussy to use as he wished.

I didn’t have time to take another shower so I went into the bathroom and soaped up a wash cloth and then my pubic hair. I shaved myself bare and rinsed it off. Looking in the mirror I could see that it did make a little difference. From the neck down I looked like a teenager that shaved her pussy, from the waist down I looked like a little girl. It was kind of sexy, in a kinky kind of way.

I put on a skirt and blouse appropriate for the office, but with no underwear of course, and hurried into work. I got there just in time and Ted was at his desk waiting. He grinned and said “Show me.”

I stood in front of his desk and lifted my dress to my waist. He motioned me closer with his finger and I went around his desk and stood beside him. He ran his hand over my smooth crotch and said, “Perfect!”

I went to my desk and put my purse away and got to work. When it was time for our morning break we went and got coffee and sat in our normal break chairs. I spread my legs, as usual and we sat and talked. He asked how my husband had reacted when I got home yesterday and I told him what had happened to me. I told him what we had done and he smiled and said, “Dave has a lot to thank me for already, deepthroat blowjobs and a nice tight ass to fuck, and now a baby smooth pussy. I have noticed in the past that they are so much nicer to eat without the hair.”

He asked me, now that I had had a chance to think about it, what I thought of anal sex. I told him that it was pretty rough starting out, but when done right it could be quite exciting. I didn’t think that it would ever replace the real thing. There is still nothing like a nice big hard cock moving in and out of my pussy with authority.

We went back to work and I had a meeting to attend that lasted through most of my lunch hour so Ted and I didn’t get to play any games today. Although he would, throughout the afternoon, come up behind me from time to time and push his hand down into my cleavage and massage a breast or pull on my nipple. Or he would reach between my legs and slide a finger over my smooth pussy, which began to leak more and more of my juices as the day went on. Late in the day he enjoyed sticking a finger into my moist pussy and then making me suck it clean.

When I got home that evening, Dave and I had to get changed to go out. His Sergeant Major had invited us to his home for dinner. It was kind of a going away type of thing. Dave was going to be off next week to clear post and then he would be gone for a year on an unaccompanied tour of duty in Korea. We didn’t talk about it much. I tried not to think about it at all. Every time I did I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach like I had just been punched.

We had a pretty good time that evening, and Kim, the Sgt. Major’s wife, offered to help me in any way she could since I would be staying in the area while my husband was away. I had met them before of course, but this was the first time we had spent an evening alone with them and they seemed really nice.

We got home and went right to bed. It seemed like a long time since I had gone a whole day without sex. I was kind of happy for the chance to recuperate.


The next day I had a pretty normal morning, except for the absence of underwear of course. I reminded Ted that I was going to be off next week and wouldn’t return to work until Dave had left for Korea.

He said we would just have to make up for it in the next three days. The morning went by quickly and at lunch time he ordered me to drive to the house we had gone to the day before yesterday. He said he would be there a few minutes later so that nobody would see us leave together. I thought it would be more appropriate if he arrived first but I was just a slave.

I drove to the house and knocked at the door. The same man that had been there the first time, and I suppose lived there, let me in and we went into the living room.

“Might as well get comfortable,” he said, as he moved behind me and unfastened my dress. He slid it off of my shoulders and dropped it to the floor. I stepped out of it and bent over and picked it up and draped it over the back of a chair.

The guy then grabbed me and pulled me with him as he walked to his chair and sat down. He pulled me into his lap and pulled my face to his for a kiss. I returned his kiss and as we exchanged tongues he started exploring my body with his rough hands.

He stopped kissing me and started calling me names, nasty names. He spoke quietly, almost whispering. “You sweet cunt, fuckin’ slut, Goddamned white whore, nuthin’ but a piece of ass ain’t ya bitch?”

I nodded. I didn’t like it, but at the same time I was getting really turned on. He pushed me off of his lap and ordered me to take his shoes and socks off. I pulled them off and placed them neatly beside his chair. He lifted his foot to my face and ordered me to lick it.

I was disgusted. This wasn’t something I thought of as sexual, but I licked the bottom of his foot with my tongue. He lowered his foot to the floor and ordered me to suck his toes like little cocks.

I was grateful that he was clean, but still this was not something I had ever considered doing. I didn’t like doing it. I couldn’t help it though, being humiliated like this was really getting my pussy wet.

As I was sucking his toes I heard Ted come in. I didn’t look up, just kept sucking. I heard him laugh though. Ted took a seat on the sofa and said, “We are going to give you another new experience today. We are going to make you airtight.”

I didn’t know what that meant but I didn’t have to know. I just had to do what I was told. The man whose toes I was still sucking on pulled his foot away and stood up and started to undress. I looked around and was surprised to see not just Ted, but another man that I didn’t know, both of them in the process of getting undressed.

The next thing I knew I was surrounded by three large black cocks at various degrees of attention. I started licking and sucking them, alternating around in a circle until they were all very hard and wet.

The most recent stranger sat on the floor and Ted ordered me to sit on his cock. I straddled him and reached down and placed the head of his hard cock against the drooling entrance to my pussy and slowly started sliding down, stroking him slowly with my pussy. I took a little bit more of his thick cock into me with each stroke, until I had it all. It felt great! I just enjoyed the fullness for a moment before I started fucking him. After only a few strokes Ted stopped me.

Ted got behind me and started lubing and loosening my ass hole. In no time at all I had a cock in both holes and I could hardly breathe. It did feel good, being so full of cock. But it was very hard to move. We finally got that part worked out though, with me doing most of the work. Just as I thought I had it working just right I felt a cock rubbing my face and now I had to concentrate on three cocks at the same time. It took a lot of coordination but after a few minutes we pretty much worked it out.

“Yeah bitch,” Ted said. “Now you’re air tight. All three holes plugged. You like that cunt?”

All I could do was moan, moan and rock back and forth. I had never imagined I would have two feet of cock in my body all at the same time and I loved it. After a few minutes Ted started doing some of the thrusting and that made it easier. I started cumming. I was having orgasm after orgasm, each one more intense than the last.

The man fucking my mouth grabbed my head and shoved his cock down my throat and shot his load of cum right down my throat. I didn’t even get to taste it!

Then Ted came and pulled out and that allowed me to give all of my attention to the gentleman I was sitting on. I started fucking him like the bitch in heat that I was and I had my last orgasm just as he shot me full of his hot juice.

I was resting with his cock still in my pussy when Ted stood by my head and without being told I leaned forward and licked and sucked him clean. When Ted stepped away I moved off of the man under me and licked and sucked his cock and balls clean. I started looking for something to wipe myself off with. There was a flood of cum leaking from both my ass and pussy and I wanted something to contain it while I made my way to the bathroom.

“Eat it,” Ted said. I looked up at him, then down at my thighs and the opening of my pussy still oozing cum. I spread my legs out a little more and started scraping the hot man juice up with my fingers and then putting my finger in my mouth and sucking them clean.

The comments from the men, and the nastiness of what I was doing, were making me hotter by the moment. All three of these men were more than twice my age and they were standing around talking about my sweet young ass and my sweet young cunt, what a slut I was, and I was eating it up.

When I had finally scooped up all of their hot cum that I could gather and swallowed it I gingerly stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I cleaned up as much as possible and put a tampon in my pussy so that no more cum would leak down my legs while I was at work. Then I went back out to the living room and Ted and I left for work. I drove a little slower so that we wouldn’t arrive at the same time.

When it was time to go home for the day, Ted told me he was following me home. We arrived and Dave had dinner ready. I set an extra place for Ted and together we told Dave about our lunch hour and how I became air tight.

After dinner we left everything on the table and hurried to the bedroom. We threw our clothes everywhere and Ted got on the bed on his back. I sat on his cock and after Dave lubed up my ass they started fucking me like crazy. He kept talking about how he could feel Ted’s cock and what a hot slut I was. Ted was reaching up and squeezing my tits with one hand and rubbing my clit with his other hand and I was fucking both those beautiful cocks like I hadn’t had a cock in years. It seemed like every day it just kept getting better and better.

We all came at almost the same time and of course, women’s work is never done. I cleaned up both those wonderful cocks with my mouth. Ted made me demonstrate my new method of making sure that the fresh cum pouring out of me didn’t go to waste and he dressed while they stood back and watched me humiliate myself in that disgusting way. Ted left when I was done with my clean- up.

I went out to clean up the kitchen in the nude. Dave came out and helped and then we sat on a towel on the couch and watched TV while we cuddled in the nude and sipped a glass of wine. Then we went to bed and I gave Dave a nice gentle blowjob, keeping in practice. I was pretty proud of my new deep-throat skills.


The next day was Thursday. I had a lot to do to get ready to take next week off and instead of going to Ted’s friend’s house we drove to a nearby picnic area on base and I sucked Ted off. I was back at work in less than twenty minutes but Ted went and got some lunch and came back at a more normal time.

Friday was a carbon copy of Thursday and then I had a week alone with my husband. A week before he was gone from me for a year. I had every intention of spoiling him as much as I could in that week. The hard part was to try to keep from crying in front of him.

He was gone a lot during the day. Going to Personnel, Finance, getting his medical records, all the things you must do when you leave one base and go to another. It takes days, but fortunately that is all he had to do. He had been relieved of all of his other duties.

On Thursday some men came in a big truck and picked up his hold baggage, those things he would want in Korea but didn’t need to carry with him. On Friday he went in to the orderly room at his old unit and signed out.

We had made love every night that week, and as much as possible during the day, most days. Anything he wanted. Anyway he wanted it. I was going to miss him so much. His plane was leaving Saturday morning, but I couldn’t take him to the airport. I couldn’t stand to. I knew I couldn’t do it without crying. His best friend picked him up and we kissed goodbye and he left for a year. I went back inside and went to bed and cried most of the day.

I slept late on Sunday. I finally got up around 9:00 AM and made a half a pot of coffee. I was moping around in my robe drinking coffee when the doorbell rang. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone and I wasn’t dressed to entertain, so I just ignored it. After a couple of rings there was a loud, demanding knock and I heard Ted telling me to open the door.

I really wasn’t in the mood and I was going to tell him that. I went to the door and opened it and before I could say a word he barged in and said, “You obviously need someone to take your mind off of your troubles. Out of the kindness of my heart I am going to distract the hell out of you. Now get your pretty white ass in the other room, take a shower, shave and I will find you something to wear.”

For just a split second I thought of yelling at him to leave me the hell alone so that I could continue to mope around the house and feel sorry for myself. It didn’t look like he was going to take no for an answer though, and I thought he was probably right. So I went down the hall to the bedroom with Ted following me. I dropped my robe on the bed and went in to take a shower.

I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, put on a little bit of make up, I don’t wear much, and went back into the bedroom. Ted wasn’t there but he had laid out a very short little sundress that Dave and I were always partial to. It was a very thin material that, if the light was just right you could see pretty well through it. It was a wrap around that was only held together by the rope belt knotted at the waist.

I put the dress on, slipped my shoes on, and went out to find Ted in the living room. I hated to admit it, but I guess Ted was right. I was feeling better already. Ted got up and took me by the arm and led me to his car. He didn’t even let me grab my purse. I didn’t ask where we were going, but I assumed I knew why we were going. As I sat there beside Ted with my legs splayed open enough to display my pussy I found that I was glad Ted had come over and taken charge.

Ted drove to one of those adult book stores near the base. I had never been in one of these places but like most people I had my suspicions about what they were like and didn’t really want to go in. God! What if someone saw me!

Ted didn’t seem to be concerned with being seen. He opened my door and guided me inside and I never said a word in protest. We entered a large, brightly lit room with rack after rack of pornography of every description. There were books, magazines, movies, and toys and gadgets of every description. It was still early in the day and I had thought that there would not be many people in the shop. I guess they put these things at the entrance to military bases for a reason. There must have been a dozen guys milling around checking out the merchandise. They all looked up when we came in, but most looked away. I suppose they were as embarrassed as I was to be seen in a place like this.

Nobody was talking. The only sound you could hear was the sound track from a XXX movie playing on a TV over the head of the guy behind the counter. I followed Ted as we started browsing through the books and magazines.

I had always thought that even at the tender age of twenty-four I was pretty well informed about sex. Boy! Was I ever wrong! I saw stuff……well, you know, stuff I never imagined. I suppose I should have been shocked, and I guess I was a little. Much to my surprise however, I found that I was getting turned on too. I just could not imagine those women, many of them very attractive, allowing themselves to be filmed and photographed doing the things they were doing!

As we slowly went down the aisles Ted would point out something with one hand, but his other hand was always on my ass. I was watching out of the corner of my eyes and I knew that all the other men in the room were keeping an eye on me. I guess they don’t get a lot of women in here.

Ted pointed to a magazine on a bottom shelf and told me to pick it up. I felt my skirt slide up as I bent over, and I felt Ted slide it up the rest of the way, exposing my ass to the few men closest to us.

Ted didn’t pick up any magazines or movies, but when we got to toy section he made several selections. A medium sized butt plug, a remote controlled vibrating egg, a pair of handcuffs, some kind of nipple clamps that looked pretty uncomfortable, some straps that went around my thighs with cuffs for my wrists attached by a small chain, and a few other odds and ends.

He picked up the items and handed them to me as we walked down the aisle looking at what was available. The most common item seemed to be some form of rubber or plastic penis with sizes ranging from “is it in yet” to “OH MY GOD!” Seriously, I find it hard to believe that some of those things could actually be put into any orifice of a human body! Luckily Ted wasn’t interested in those either.

Ted had me carry our purchases to the counter. The man behind the counter looked to be in his late fifties or early sixties. He was very large, sort of like a bouncer gone soft. You could tell he used to be muscular, but now it was mostly fat. He had a mean look on his face and he didn’t look that clean either! He didn’t exactly smile as we approached the counter, but he at least looked more approachable when he saw me with my arms full of his merchandise.

I set my toys on the counter and Ted asked him if we could try some of them on for size. I wanted to just pay and get out of here, the place made me feel creepy. I didn’t say anything though. I had already slipped back into slave mode and I stood quietly.

The guy looked at Ted as if to see if he was being serious, and trying to decide if Ted was trying to pull something. “Like what?” he asked in a gravely voice.

Ted separated the thigh straps, the vibrating egg and the nipple clamps and said that he wanted to make sure they all fit.

The old man said “We ain’t got any changing rooms.”

“Not a problem.” Ted said, “we can do it right here.”

I guess this was an opportunity the guy couldn’t pass up. He reached under his counter and pulled out a razor knife and set it on the counter.

Ted reached first for the belt on my dress and untied it. I felt my cheeks turning bright red as he pulled my dress off right there by the front door, in the middle of a brightly lit porn store, in front of a dozen complete strangers.

He then used the razor knife to open the packages. He handed me one of the straps and told me to put it around my thigh. I sensed the people in the store closing around us as I leaned forward and fastened the thick leather strap to my right upper thigh. I actually thought it looked and felt kind of sexy! I put the other strap on my other thigh and then Ted attached the wrist cuffs.

It was kind of scary. I was now totally defenseless. I could not move my arms. They were secured close to my body and I had never felt so vulnerable in my life. It was very exciting!

Next he selected the remote controlled egg. Ted removed the packaging and managed to wheedle some batteries from the clerk. I guess the show was worth a couple of batteries to him. Ted tried it out before putting it in me. He operated the rheostat switch on the controller making sure it worked and checking out the range of speeds available. Then he handed it to one of the braver strangers who had come over to lean against the counter and enjoy the show.

“Would you like to put this in her?” he asked. Ted looked down at my dripping pussy and said with a big smile, “I don’t think we are going to need any lube.”

The stranger took the egg from Ted and reaching down he moved it up and down my sensitive slit for a moment and then slowly pushed it into me, leaving the small wire antenna hanging out so that the remote control would work. Before he took his hand away he took the opportunity to explore my pussy and comment on how smooth it was.

I gasped as the egg went in. I gasped again when Ted turned it on. It was on low at first. Gradually he turned it all the way up as I stood there naked in front of a room full of strange men moaning in pleasure. If he had left it like that I would have had an orgasm right there in front of everyone. Ted saw that I was about to have an orgasm and he quickly turned it down to a low setting again.

Now that he had me set on simmer he picked up the nipple clamps. I didn’t like the looks, or the idea, of these. But I stood quietly while Ted removed them from the package and handed one to another strange man and asked if he would like to have the pleasure.

This man was obviously one of the youngest recruits on the base. I swear he looked like he was fourteen! He took the clamp and Ted had to show him how it worked. Then Ted turned me toward the young guy and he gingerly put the clamp over my nipple. He was actually being careful not to touch my flesh and I had to restrain myself from laughing at the poor kid.

Finally, in exasperation, Ted said, “This little slut is my slave. She does anything and everything I tell her. She is not a virgin and she is not fragile. I handed you the clamp because I wanted you to touch her tit. Christ kid!”

The poor guy blushed brighter than I was, I am pretty sure. He got the idea though, and he had his hands all over my tit as he fastened the clamp. He very gently tightened it down until I winced and then he stepped back.

“Christ!” Ted said, and reached up and tightened the clamp until I was about to drop to my knees in pain. There were tears in my eyes, but I didn’t say anything.

A different man got to attach the other clamp, and he made sure to tighten it down enough to satisfy Ted.

Ted said, “Well, looks like everything fits. I think we are going to go in and watch a movie now. Is it alright if we leave the rest of this stuff out here and pick it up on the way out?”

The clerk apparently thought that was a fine idea. Ted paid for the toys and paid our way into the movie and we left the remaining items and my dress on the counter and went to a door marked “theater”. The clerk pushed a button and a buzzer sounded. The door opened and we went in to a small room about the size of my bedroom, or smaller.

There was nobody else in the room when we entered. The movie was showing on a big screen TV against one wall. The seats were several ratty looking couches and chairs lining the walls. The movie was a cute young blonde being gang-banged by a room full of men. I suspected that was appropriate for what Ted had in mind and I tried to speak to him. I wanted to tell him that maybe this was going too far. He just twisted one of the clamps on my nipple and told me I should shut up. Slaves speak when spoken to.

We settled onto one of the nasty couches along one wall and right away the men from the other room started coming in and taking seats around us. Ted told me to get down and suck on his cock to get him in the mood to fuck my ass.

I was starting to worry that this was getting out of hand, but I had no choice. I found myself thinking that a lot lately!

I knelt on the filthy floor between his knees and waited for him to pull his cock out. He just looked at me expectantly and I realized that he was waiting for me to provide that service.

I leaned forward with difficulty. It is hard to balance with your wrists attached to your thighs. I finally managed to grab the tab of his zipper in my teeth and after several tries I managed to pull it open. I used my nose and mouth to widen the opening and work my way through his underwear to his hard cock. It turned out to be impossible to get out through the opening. It was too hard and too long and it kept slipping from my lips. Finally Ted stood and unbuckled his pants and pulled them and his shorts down and sat back down.

As I started to suck on Ted’s cock in front of everyone I heard men moving around for a better view. Above all other sounds I heard the loud and obviously fake moaning and groaning coming from the movie. I was totally aware that I was now the center of attention in this small room.

I was trying hard to please Ted with my mouth and really concentrating. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see that most of our audience had taken out their cocks and were slowly massaging them as they watched me go down on this large black cock in front of them. It became increasingly hard to concentrate as Ted began varying the speed of the vibrating egg as I sucked.

After I had been sucking his cock for several minutes, Ted stood and made me stand and bend over the arm of the sofa. My face was pushed into the nasty cushion and I felt Ted’s wet finger on my ass hole. He wasn’t using lube this time though, just his saliva. I could tell the difference immediately when he started pushing his cock into me. It was almost as bad as the first time! No, on second thought it was worse.

Once his cock was all the way in my ass he held it there and played around with the speed control on the egg in my pussy until he found a level he liked. Once he was satisfied he started fucking my ass while the men watched. I was in terrible pain and it because there was no lube it never got better.

I assume he must have offered my services to one of the men because I felt Ted pulling my head and upper torso up by my hair and as I groaned in pain one of the men sat down with his exposed cock right in my face.

Ted released my hair and went back to fucking me while the man at my head adjusted his position and pushed his nasty, wet, dirty cock into my mouth. I just did what I do and sucked as well as I could in this awkward position.

Ted must have been getting a kick out of my situation, because he came very quickly. He was followed closely by the man in my mouth. Ted pulled his cock out of my ass, spread my legs a little further and removed the egg from my pussy. He immediately inserted it into my asshole and turned it on around medium low. He laid me down on the couch and stepped back and offered me to the other men in the room. I was afraid that this was going to happen. I didn’t want this. I tried to tell Ted this was going too far. No one cared what I thought though. In no time at all I had a cock in my pussy and a cock in my mouth and I stayed that way until every man in the room had had as much of my pussy and mouth as they could get up for.

At some point during the gang bang I started seeing flashes. I looked up and saw Ted with a camera in his hands taking pictures of me. He was being careful not to get the men’s faces in the pictures, and just as careful to get my face in nearly every picture. Because of the way that my wrists were restrained, I couldn’t even get the cock out of my mouth to beg him not to do that!

While I was being gang-banged several more men entered the room and joined in. I didn’t actually count, but I am pretty sure I fucked and sucked close to twenty men that afternoon, many of them twice.

My pussy was sore and my jaw was sore and I was covered in cum. Ted unfastened my right wrist and said “Lunch time!” I couldn’t believe he would make me do this, not after all of those men had used me. But then, I hadn’t thought he would set me up for a gang bang in an adult theater with a large bunch of complete strangers.

I began scooping up all the slimy cum from my thighs and my pussy and then sucking it from my fingers as everyone watched and Ted continued to take pictures. I scraped the little bit of cum from my face that had missed its target and finally Ted was satisfied. He released my other wrist and told me to take off the restraints on my thighs. There were some cum stains on the leather from being too close to my poor cunt and he ordered me to suck them clean.

Then I was told to remove the clamps on my nipples. My nipples had long ago gone numb, but when I released the clamps and the blood started flowing again the pain came back with a vengeance. I gasped and grabbed my breasts and struggled to keep from crying.

Ted ignored my suffering and led me back out to the main room. There were several new customers here now, but we just ignored them. We walked over to the counter and Ted nodded towards me and asked the clerk if he would like a tip.

The old guy got all excited for a minute, but then he remembered that he was all alone and had to stay at the counter. Ted told him that wasn’t a problem. He pushed me around behind the counter and the old guy was all over me in an instant. He groped and squeezed me and then he pushed me down and I pulled out his nasty, sweaty, stinking cock. I swear, how long can some guys go without bathing?! Once I had is disgusting cock out I started sucking. Some of the new guys were looking over the counter and saying things like “Holy shit!” and “Son of a bitch, check her out!” You get the idea.

It seemed to take a long time to get the clerk off. I’m not sure why, maybe because my jaw was already so sore, or maybe because I was naked in a public building full of men, and I was kneeling down sucking a guy off, whatever. Finally his cock spit out a small amount of bitter, watery liquid into my mouth and I swallowed and then Ted gave me my dress and allowed me to cover up.

I stood in front of all those men and pulled my dress on and tied the belt. Then Ted handed me all of my new toys and I carried them out with no bag to put them in!

In the car I tried to tell Ted that this had been too much. We had gone too far. I didn’t like this.

He just grinned and said, “You’re mine bitch. It doesn’t matter what you want. I told you I liked some kinky shit and you didn’t have a problem with it. Maybe, when your husband comes home in a year, I will let you go back to playing your silly little exhibitionist games with him. For now, and until I am done with you, your sweet little white ass is mine.”

“You may remember a week ago I brought up the subject of limits. Your only limits were that you didn’t want to lose your job or your husband or get hurt. I am going to respect those limits, well, pretty much. But you gave yourself to me even after I told you I had some pretty kinky fantasies. If you don’t like it, if you don’t want to play anymore, good! That makes it just that much more fun for me. Any more questions before I tell you to shut your cock sucking mouth?”

I was shocked and I had trouble organizing my thoughts. As I sat there in silence, my brain seemed to be spinning its wheels. I couldn’t even seem to think of a response. But then I thought of what he had just made me do in that nasty theater. The flashes jumped into my mind. I had not even let Dave take pictures of me in the nude. Not even discreet, artistic pictures. I most definitely did not want Ted taking pictures of me, and I wanted the ones he had taken in the book store so that I could destroy them. The idea that someone I knew might see them was terrifying.

“The pictures,” I said. “You can’t take pictures of me, and I want the ones you took destroyed. It’s too dangerous. I just can’t let you do that.”

Ted just chuckled. “Ain’t it just too bad that you don’t have any say in the matter bitch?”

A few minutes later he dropped me off at the end of my driveway and I hurried up to my door with my arms full of sex toys. When I got to my door I remembered that I didn’t have my purse, or my keys. Thankfully we had a key hidden under a rock near the door and I went in and dumped the toys in an empty drawer where Dave had kept some of the clothing he had taken to Korea.

“Oh my god!” I thought. “He has only been gone two days! What have I gotten myself into?”

I stripped off my dress and stepped out of my shoes and went in and took a long, long shower.

I brushed my teeth over and over and used mouthful after mouthful of mouthwash. Then, much to my own dismay, I lay on the bed and thought back to what Ted had done to me today and masturbated like crazy even though my pussy was already so sore it hurt to touch it!

I masturbated myself to sleep that night, with all of those horrible yet erotic images in my mind. I didn’t wake up until it was time to get ready for work.

I got up and took my shower, shaved my pussy, put on my robe and went to the kitchen for a light breakfast. As I was getting my coffee and a bowl of cold cereal I suddenly realized that the only thing I had eaten yesterday was gobs and gobs of cum! I tried to put that out of my mind, but as I ate my cereal the image kept resurfacing.

I finished breakfast and got dressed. Even though Dave normally went in to work at about the time I got up in the morning and I never saw him, it was worse now. I couldn’t stop thinking that he was on the other side of the world.

I didn’t even hesitate when I was picking out what to wear. I was a slave. There would be no underwear and my dress would be business like, but sexy. As I dressed I thought of the irony that it was a half dozen new pairs of panties that had started this and now I was not allowed to wear them.

I drove to work and got in a little early. When I got to my desk I tried to clear my mind and get something done. A few people I work with came in early and told me that if there was anything I needed while my husband was in Korea I shouldn’t hesitate to ask. I thought that was nice of them, but I was pretty sure that Ted was going to see to it that I had no needs that were not being taken care of.

One of my users, the people who use the particular computer systems I am responsible for, had a problem and I spent all morning in his office. So there was no coffee break with Ted. I finished up and got back to our office just before lunch and he told me to meet him at the usual place.

I got my purse and drove to the house where we had been spending a lot of our lunch hours. I still didn’t know the name of the guy that lived there or anything about him except for the way his cum tasted. Oh yeah, and the way his toes tasted.

Ted pulled up right behind me and we went in together. I didn’t know what to expect, I was a bit dismayed, but hardly surprised when I went in and saw a half a dozen black men sitting around drinking beer and watching porn on the TV.

They turned off the TV and one of them said “Alright! The REAL entertainment is here now!”

I just stood waiting for Ted to tell me what to do. He greeted a few of the men and was introduced to the others and then he pulled the coffee table into the center of the room and nodded to the guy who lived here.

He got up and turned on some music. The kind you would expect to hear in a strip club perhaps? Then Ted led me to the table and helped me up onto it and told me to start dancing.

Except for scenes in a couple of movies I have never seen a strip show. Like most people though, I was familiar with the concept. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that it is all about undressing for a man’s pleasure. I had an idea of what was expected of me and I started dancing to the music, then moving my hands over my body in a way I imagined a stripper might. My dress was not designed for stripping, but as I danced I slid the skirt up exposing more and more of my thighs and the guys were all cheering and then they were yelling “Take it off!”

I looked at Ted and was dismayed to see that he had a video camera and was filming me! I knew I didn’t have any way out of this. I wasn’t really looking for one. I was actually kind of excited by the idea of what I was being forced to do here. So, I started unbuttoning my dress as I danced and when it was unbuttoned I slipped it off my shoulders as sexily as I could and dropped it to the table I was dancing on. I kicked the dress away and just danced nude for the guys. I was a little surprised that I wasn’t even embarrassed. I wasn’t sure if I had gotten jaded that quickly, or if it was just that when I come to this house this kind of shit happens.

The music finally ended and the guys got up and pulled me down to the floor. Two of them moved the table back out of the way and one of them stuck his cock in mouth while the rest of them undressed. The first thing that went through my mind was, could I get all six men, or seven counting Ted, to cum and get back to work in time?

I didn’t have any more time to think about work though. I was being moved around and repositioned to please them and for the next half hour I had cocks in every hole. They kept changing places and I could never keep track of who was coming where and who had already been where, but they all finally shot their cum into which ever of my orifices they chose and got cleaned off in my mouth. I was covered in sweat and had cum running down my legs as usual. Ted led me to the bathroom and handed me a shower cap. I thought, “Thank God, I have time for a quick shower.” I didn’t know the half of it!

Ted told me to lie down in the tub and he started filming me again. As soon as he started filming the men came in and gathered around the tub and started pointing their cocks at me. I honest to God had no idea what was about to happen. Suddenly one of the cocks stated spraying a hesitant stream of piss right on my tits! I screamed and tried to scramble to my feet and climb out of the tub but Ted yelled at me and I didn’t dare move after that.

They all pissed on me. Two or three at a time they stepped up to the tub and directed their streams of hot piss in my face, on my breasts, my pussy, everywhere, some of that acrid fluid even went into my mouth! I just lay there crying as they pissed all over me. When they were all finished I was ordered to suck all the cocks clean and, “thank the nice men for my shower.”

Then I was finally allowed to take a quick shower. They all stayed to watch and I was afraid there would be men who wanted seconds after watching me soap up and rinse off, and they did hint around to Ted, but he told them that we had to leave. We got back to the office just a few minutes late. When we got back I went to my desk and tried not to cry and Ted went down stairs.

Before I can tell you what happened next I have to tell you about Joe. My office works on all of the computer systems that keep the base running. There are ten programmer/analysts and our boss, who is also a programmer working on the first floor of a fairly nice but very old building which, as I said, we share with the base JAG Office. Many years ago it had been the base hospital, but when they built a more modern hospital we took over the old one.

The computers and the operators who run them are in the basement of the building. These are mainframe computers and there are three shifts of operators and various support personnel. We have our boss upstairs, and the poor people who work in the basement work for Joe Farapala. Joe is way past retirement age but just keeps going to work. He is the meanest man in the world. He yells at his people all the time and it is not even unusual to see one of the poor women who work for him running to the ladies room in tears. Joe is universally hated.

Unfortunately, he is in a position to cause us a lot of grief, so we have to be nice to him. Or at least we have to walk on egg shells around him. We have to do that because he can make our things very inconvenient for us. He can do that by delaying or even intentionally sabotaging the running of one of our jobs. He is a very small minded and very vindictive person, and he takes offense easily.

Joe has a small private office in the basement and everyone is very happy when he stays in it and leaves them alone. He has never, in as long as anyone can remember, had anything nice to say to or about anyone.

Now, about Ted, if you will recall, I had just serviced and was horribly degraded by six men while Ted filmed the action. Ted was still horny. I was sitting at my desk trying to keep my mind blank when Ted came in. He ordered me to come with him.

I knew that, at least for the next eleven months and three and a half weeks I had no choice, I had to do what Ted ordered me to do. So, I got up and followed Ted downstairs to Joe’s office.

At first it was just me and Ted in his office and I was trying to ask what this was about, assuming naively that it had something to with work. Then Joe came in saying to his receptionist as he entered, “I don’t want to be disturbed.” He came in and closed his door and locked it.

I was scared now. Joe was looking at me like he was a shark and I was a swimmer! I turned to Ted and as quietly, but emphatically as I could I reminded him that one of the things to be protected was my career. This was totally out of bounds!

Ted just grinned. God, I was starting to hate that damned grin! He looked at me sternly and said “You don’t have to worry about your career. I guarantee Joe isn’t going to tell anyone he is getting laid in his office. I am so horny after what I saw at lunch that I am going to have to get my nuts off. That is your job. Which is only right since it is your fault I am so horny.”

As Ted unbuttoned my dress and pushed me onto Joe’s desk on my back, Joe asked him what I had done to get him so horny. Fortunately Ted evaded the question. Then Joe was between my legs running his gnarly old hands over my breasts, then down my stomach to my still sore pussy.

“Shit,” Joe exclaimed. “Kind of loose for a young thing like her ain’t she?”

Ted chuckled and said, “She’ll tighten up. She got quite a work out a short time ago. She’s a good fuck though, you’ll like her.”

Joe stepped back and dropped his pants and then started rubbing his cock over my pussy. At the same time Ted stepped up and started fucking my face. I heard Joe as he watched Ted’s large cock disappear down my throat. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed. “I ain’t ever seen a girl that could do that!”

“Want to try it?” Ted asked

The next thing I knew they had traded ends and Ted was violently fucking my pussy while Joe was shoving his wrinkled old semi-hard cock into my mouth. I didn’t think Joe would be able to cum. He never got really hard. I was wrong though. I guess fucking the face of a girl young enough to be his granddaughter was all he needed. Before long he squirted a few drops of bitter, watery sperm into my mouth.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and rubbed it all over my face and then just rested his cock on my face while he watched Ted fucking me. What really pissed me off was that Ted was getting to me and when he finally shot his large hot load of cum into me I was cumming with him. I tried not to show it, but he knew. He waited until his cock was soft and he came around for me to clean him off. As I sucked Ted’s cock clean I had to listen to Joe making more of his nasty comments.

Finally Ted handed me my dress and Joe watched closely as I got dressed and followed Ted back to our office.

Once we were alone in our office I tried to talk to Ted. This was getting really out of hand. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted it to stop completely. In fact, I know that I didn’t. It certainly was taking my mind off of how lonely I was since Dave left.

There needed to be limits though. I couldn’t be doing things at the office. Now that I had tried gangbangs, well, they aren’t so bad. It had been something that I thought I might like to try. Just not as a way of life! And getting pissed on for God’s sake! That was way over the line!

But fucking Joe! That was beyond outrageous. I kept shuddering at the idea that he had seen me naked and put his cock in me. Now Joe knew some of my dirty little secrets. God, I couldn’t stop thinking about him touching me and shuddering in revulsion.

I suddenly remembered the pictures! I had to get those back. I had to make it clear to Ted that he couldn’t take any more.

I tried talking to Ted. I tried to reason with him. He wouldn’t even listen. He just kept referring to our first conversation about limits. I told him that we had to renegotiate or I was putting an end to the whole game.

He told me that as long as he had the pictures he had already taken, and the epic movie I had just starred in of course, I would do anything anytime with anyone he ordered me to do it with. He said that he knew a guy that would be happy to buy that recording from him and start selling the movie on a DVD.

I was pretty sure he couldn’t do that legally. I was also sure that there are a lot of people that don’t care about legalities. I couldn’t stand the thought of all the people who thought I was just a normal young happily married housewife seeing me getting fucked by six black men, and then pissed on by all of them.

I knew I was trapped now. All I could do was hope that Ted would at least stay within the limits he did acknowledge. It was beginning to be obvious that at the very least he would be pushing me right to the edge of my limits. I was really surprised and very disappointed in Ted. I suppose that he warned me, and he did give me a chance to put limits on him. I had thought though, that I could trust him, and that I knew him. I was learning that there was a dark side to Ted that I had not suspected.

I guess Ted felt I needed some room to adjust. Or he was tired. I don’t know. For whatever reason, he left me alone until Friday. On Friday morning he told me I would be helping out at a poker game at a friend’s house. I would be serving drinks and snacks and providing “other services” as required. He gave me a small paper bag and said that my uniform and the address were inside. He warned me not to be late and went to work at his terminal and ignored me the rest of the day.

While he was out to lunch I looked in the bag. The costume consisted of a caricature of a French Maid’s uniform. My breasts would be almost totally exposed, as would my butt. The skirt was just a ruffle that went half way down my ass. I was surprised to find that the outfit included panties, a tiny see-through thong. A set of thigh high mesh stockings were also included. I could imagine what I would look like in this get up and I wasn’t looking forward to it. On the other hand, I probably wouldn’t be wearing it long.

I was more shocked by the address where the poker game would be taking place than the outfit Ted had supplied me. It was one of those upper, upper class homes in the most exclusive area of our little town. I recognized the street name from when Dave and I would ride around checking out the Christmas decorations. For some reason it made me more uncomfortable to think that I would have to debase myself in front of one or more of the town’s wealthiest citizens. It just seemed more demeaning to do the things that I knew that I was going to have to do for the amusement of the town’s elite.

I rushed home after work and showered and shaved and put the stupid little outfit on. It was worse than I thought. My breasts were covered, barely. But the covering was nearly transparent, just like the little crotch panel on the thong. I made myself a stiff drink and gulped it down on an empty stomach. That helped a little.

As I drove to where the game was being held I comforted myself by thinking that at least I did not know any wealthy people in town, and it was highly unlikely that I would ever meet any of them again after tonight. I didn’t travel in those circles.

I rang the door bell and Ted answered the door. He let me in and took the rain coat I had put on over my slut outfit. He took my arm and guided me into the den where the poker table was set up. If it was possible to die from embarrassment I would have right there and then. I did, in fact, know two of the men at the table! One of them owned one of the larger furniture stores in town. He had personally helped us furnish our home when we moved here. Dave and I had just married and didn’t own a stick of furniture. This man had been so nice to us. In fact, we had no credit history and he took us to a bank and actually cosigned a loan to help us get the furniture we had selected.

The other man that I recognized was the banker we had dealt with. He was the vice president of the bank where we not only had that furniture loan but our checking and savings accounts. All of the men at the table were in their fifties or early sixties and half of them were grossly overweight.

I was totally humiliated! Except for Joe, that nasty old man that worked in the basement, all of the people that Ted had made me debase myself with had been total strangers. They were men who were of no consequence in my life. Men that I would most likely never see again and even if I did it really wouldn’t matter much.

This was different. This was so much different. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Ted introduced me and it was obvious that both of the men recognized me and were not surprised to see me. The owner of the furniture store got up and came over and put his arm around me and told me how wonderful it was to see me. As he spoke his hand was squeezing my breast. I tried to smile. I could feel my face burning with shame. They were all making nasty comments about me. Things I would expect from the crowd at the book store, not the cream of our society.

I was about to find out that I would have been better off at the adult book store near the front gate of the base. Ted showed me where the refreshments were and I was kept busy for a while bringing drinks and snacks and emptying ashtrays. Of course, every time I got near any of the men they would put their hands on me. They were not gentle.

As time passed and the alcohol flowed they were getting rougher. They were taking as much pleasure from humiliating me as they were from touching me. It wasn’t very long before one of them pulled me into his lap. He jammed his hand into my crotch and forced me to kiss him.

The others egged him on, of course, and when he let me stand up he turned me around and told me he believed I was dressed much too modestly for an informal little party like this one. He pulled my zipper down and pushed my little uniform to my feet. My little thong went next and for the next ten minutes of so I was making the rounds naked as they roughly groped me and began inserting fingers into me.

No matter where I stood I had one of them on either side of me. They were not gentle and they did not wait their turn. I was getting prodded and pushed around and treated much rougher than I had at the hands of the six black men who had gangbanged me during my lunch hour at the beginning of the week.

There had not been a lot of poker playing going on since I arrived and now they gave up all pretence. I was pushed to the floor on my hands and knees on a thick fur rug and then they started. There were six of them. Ted was moving all around the room with the camera and he was obviously enjoying filming my degradation.

I have no idea how much time I spent there on my knees but it seemed like hours. They all fucked me in every hole. There was always one in my mouth and one in either my pussy or ass. They were very rough, it seemed intentionally so. As soon as I had sucked one man to orgasm another cock was shoved in my mouth.

As the evening wore on the cocks got dirtier and slimier and more disgusting. I kept trying to zone out and go somewhere else in my mind. They wouldn’t let me. As soon as I would try to relax and imagine something to take my mind off of all of the abuse someone would start slapping my ass or my face or twisting my nipples or pulling my hair. A couple of the men even doubled up their belts and spanked my ass for a few minutes while a couple more of them held me in place.

I cried most of the time and they seemed to love it. Every time I stopped crying for a moment someone would do something to get me started again. Finally they had all fucked me to the point that they could no longer get an erection. They just sat around then and had me debase myself for their amusement as they sipped their drinks. I was made to pose in humiliating poses and scoop up the cooling cum that had dripped from my pussy and was running down my thighs, as well as the streams that were drying on my ass and my face. I was forced to eat it slowly and act as though I were savoring every taste.

One of the men pulled his legs up on the arms of his chair and ordered me to eat his ass. The others all thought that was fantastic and I ended up doing it for all of them, with Ted making sure to get lots of close- ups. The host, the man who had sold me all of my furniture, even managed to get another hard on and I had to suck him off one last time before the evening of sex was over at last. I must say that for a bunch of older, out of shape white guys they had lasted quite a while.

As they got dressed I was put to work cleaning up in the nude. I was shocked when I carried the empty glasses and plates into the kitchen and noticed the time. I had been tormented by those dirty old men for almost five hours!

When I had cleaned the room sufficiently, I was escorted to the door and handed my raincoat to wear home. I only made it to the nearest intersection before I pulled over and burst into tears of self pity and despair. Not to mention quite a lot of pain. My tits were already becoming black and blue and my ass and pussy had been abused for hours. And my jaw! I prayed I didn’t get stopped by a cop on my way home. I don’t think I could have talked if I had to!

I finally managed to drive home, without incident. I rushed into the shower and washed away the slime and the grime and the smell. After I had dried off I stood in front of my mirror and almost cried again as I looked at how badly my breasts were bruised. But I knew I could not spend the next eleven and a half months crying and decided I had better start working on toughening up.

I crawled into bed naked and slept until almost noon on Saturday.

When I got up Saturday I was surprised that it was so late, and that Ted had left me alone this long. He had watched, and filmed everything that happened last night and didn’t even get a chance to use me himself! I felt pretty sure that I would be hearing from him some time today. So I ate a quick breakfast and got dressed and then sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee and reading the paper and doing the crossword puzzle.

After breakfast I cleaned up and did some housework. The suspense was awful. It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew he would not just let me have a day of rest when he had to be super horny after last night.

Finally at just about three in the afternoon I heard him at the front door. It was almost a relief. I went to let him in and was surprised that he wasn’t alone. He barged in and pushed me into the living room, with his friend following. He introduced me to Jeff, who it turns out is a Sergeant from the base who works in audio/video for the base’s Public Relations Office. Ted informed me that he had worked all morning making a present for me.

Jeff was approximately thirty-five, tall and in pretty good shape from the look of him. He had blonde hair and green eyes and a look of lust in his eyes that was making me feel like he had never seen a woman before, it was kind of scary. I couldn’t help wondering what Ted had told him about me.

I was curious about this present, but first he said we should get comfortable. I had the feeling I wasn’t going to like my present. Ted told Jeff to sit down and he sat on one end of the couch. Ted pushed me down beside Jeff and then walked over to the TV. He put a DVD into the player and turned everything on. Then he came over and sat on the other side of me and picked up the remote control and started the DVD.

I assumed we were going to watch some porn and have sex. I was right. I just wasn’t prepared for the porn we were going to watch. The screen was blank for a few seconds and then I saw myself on the screen. It was that first day Ted and I had taken our lunch hour at his friend’s house. The day Ted first fucked my ass. The scene wasn’t lit very well and, although there had obviously been two different cameras running and the view switched back and forth between them, there were no close-ups and the camera wasn’t always getting the best view. Still, it was obvious it was me and it was obvious what we had been doing.

I suddenly got the connection, and realized why Jeff was looking at me like that. He had put Ted’s movies on DVD. So he had watched them. He had seen me in action.

“We have been putting together a ‘Best Of’ movie of your recent exploits,” Ted said proudly. “It is still a work in progress, but I thought you would like to see how it’s going. And I thought it was only fair that Jeff get a little something for all of his hard work. Don’t you?”

I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t help myself. I just kept staring as I watched myself on the screen. I was embarrassed about this stranger sitting beside me watching it with me. We watched as Ted removed my clothing on the screen, and as we watched Ted was doing the same thing in real life. With Jeff’s help, Ted removed my blouse and, as I watched myself bending over a sofa on screen and Ted’s fingers stretching and lubricating my ass, Ted told me to stand and they pulled my shorts off. I sat back down between them and we all watched Ted getting ready to take my virgin ass while Jeff started moving his hands over me.

I hated that this DVD existed. I have to admit though, watching it was making me as hot as the two men beside me were. It was obvious how much they were enjoying it. Most of the time the camera that was featured on the DVD was filming from somewhere in back of the sofa I had been bent over and you could see my face as I grimaced in pain. I knew that later that pain would turn to passion. You could also see my breasts moving violently in time to Ted’s thrusts, when they weren’t being grabbed and squeezed and pulled on.

As we watched, Ted stood and got undressed and I suppose that Jeff had been told to just follow his lead because he stood and undressed as well. I was watching the movie and checking out Jeff at the same time. His cock was already hard and nearly as big as Ted’s.

“Jeff has been working on this movie all morning,” Ted said. “You have really had an effect on him. I think it would be a nice gesture if you were to relieve some of that pressure, don’t you?”

I started to drop to the floor, intending to kneel between his legs and suck his cock, but Ted had a different plan. He had me stretch out with my head in Jeff’s lap and my body stretched out down the couch across Ted’s lap. That way I could suck Jeff’s cock and he could easily reach my tits and play with them. At the same time I could see the movie and Ted had access to the rest of me.

It was uncomfortable for me at first, but Ted stuck a large pillow under my stomach and that helped. I started teasing Jeff’s cock with my lips and tongue while he was squeezing my boob and Ted was fingering my pussy and we were all watching the movie.

I was surprised when almost as soon as I started sucking Jeff’s cock he started having a violent orgasm. I mean I got a huge mouthful of cum! When Ted said I needed to relieve the pressure he wasn’t kidding! I kept swallowing until I had milked all of Jeff’s cum from his rapidly shrinking cock. Then I just held it in my mouth for a while as we watched the movie.

In a very short amount of time his cock started twitching and growing again and I started sucking again and it wasn’t long, thanks mostly to Ted’s fingering, before I was cumming too.

Not long after that we got to the end of that scene and there was a brief moment of blank screen and then I saw myself walking into that same room again. I recognized it as the day they made me airtight. As we watched Ted had me turn around so that Jeff had access to my ass and pussy and he could get his turn in my mouth.

Everything was on the DVD. Well, everything except the first day in the pool hall and the day at the adult theater. The hardest thing to watch was when the six men put me in the bathtub and pissed all over me. I was uncomfortable with people seeing that more than anything else. The poker game had been severely edited, but was still over an hour long. I noticed that there was no attempt to hide anyone’s identity. I wondered who would see this movie. I was pretty sure they couldn’t sell it.

The DVD lasted almost four hours and by the time it was over I had sucked them both to orgasm, been fucked by them both, and sucked Jeff to a fourth orgasm. I must admit that I had probably had a dozen orgasms. I ended up missing a lot of the movie with my head in someone’s lap, but Ted told me that this was my copy and I could watch it anytime I wanted. He also left me another copy and left it up to me whether or not I should send it to Dave.

The two men dressed as I lay recuperating on the floor. Ted told me that he was taking me to a special party tomorrow night. He told me he would pick me up at seven, but not to dress, just shower and get ready. He would bring my outfit for the evening. I was still lying on the floor after both men had gone. I dragged myself up and went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up.

After I had dressed again I noticed that it was almost supper time. I realized that a large number of my meals since Dave left had been special protein drinks from the end of strange men’s cocks. I needed to start eating real food more often. Since I wasn’t hungry I had a salad and made myself a drink.

After I ate my salad I went into the living room and sat down and watched my new DVD again. I tried to decide whether or not I should send it to Dave. I was pretty sure he would enjoy it. I was just not so sure about what he would think of me after he had watched it. I decided to write him a long letter telling him everything that was happening and send him the DVD, just as soon as I got a letter from him with his new mailing address on it. The more I thought about it the more I was sure he would enjoy the movie.

I went to bed and slept fitfully with visions of sex dancing in my head. I slept late again and got up at around ten and made coffee and read the Sunday paper. I had weighed myself that morning and was shocked. I had lost ten pounds since this all started two weeks ago. I must admit it looked good on me. But I didn’t want to get sick or start looking like an anorexic chick so I forced myself to eat some toast and a bowl of cereal. After breakfast I cleaned up the kitchen and puttered around until it was time to get ready for Ted’s next excellent adventure, starring me.

Ted arrived at about 6:45 PM and handed me a sheer set of baby doll pajamas with a tiny little thong panty, also sheer. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. It was worse than being naked. You could see all of me but the sheer baby doll just made it a bit sexier. I put my shoes on and Ted started to pull me to the door. Before we got out I managed to pull away and put my raincoat on. There was no way I could let my neighbors see me like this!

We got in his car and after he got out of my neighborhood he ordered me to take the coat off. It was still light out and I felt pretty silly, but I did what he ordered. I was relieved that we were not heading into town. We drove out of town and I relaxed because there was nobody around to see me. We drove for about half an hour and after several turns, enough that I had no idea where we were, Ted turned into a long driveway and we drove up to a large house sitting all alone out in the country. The house had a tall fence around the back yard and it looked like there were at least twenty-five cars already in the driveway.

We got out and I could hear music coming from the back yard. We went to the door but nobody answered the bell so Ted just opened the door and we walked through the house to the back yard. I looked around and saw about twenty-five or thirty people, mostly men but a few other women. I was most embarrassed to note that everyone else was dressed in normal street clothing. Aside from Ted I saw only one other black person. Most of the people I saw appeared to be in their late thirties or early forties, but there were a few outside of that range. There was one couple that looked like they were in their fifties and I found out later that they owned the house and were hosting the party. Except for the hostess the few other women in the crowd seemed to be about my age.

Everyone stopped talking and greeted Ted when we walked in. The host and hostess approached and a few of the others gathered around for a closer look. They thanked Ted for coming and looked me over. They never actually spoke to me directly. They only talked to Ted about me. They said I was very pretty and just what they had been looking for. They told Ted to get a drink and mingle until it was time to start. Ted turned to me and said, “I imagine you can figure out your function here by the way you’re dressed. Just remember one thing tonight and everything will go fine. The word ‘no’ is not in your vocabulary tonight. Got it?”

Ted got us both a drink and we started walking through the crowd. As he stopped to talk to a few people I noticed that Jeff was there with a professional looking camera following us around. Ted did not introduce me to anyone he talked to. He would stop and they would look me over, some of them even touched me, squeezing a tit or putting a hand under my baby dolls and squeezing my ass or fingering my shaved pussy. Even one of the women copped a feel!

As we walked I noticed a strange contraption out in the middle of the well manicured lawn. We seemed to be headed towards it. Indeed, after stopping to talk to several clumps of people we stopped in front of it. Ted took my glass and handed our glasses to one of the young women circulating with drink trays. He ordered me to lie across the carpeted center of the device and he showed me where to put my hands and feet. I did as ordered and was in a kneeling position, well supported under my stomach. My hands and feet were strapped to the device and a strap went across my back securing me to the stomach pad. There was an adjustable chin rest and my head was placed on it and strapped down. I was totally helpless now. If I had some idea what was going to happen to me, or if I trusted Ted to actually see to it that I was not harmed, I might have enjoyed this. I was actually quite comfortable. Unfortunately I didn’t trust Ted and I was very nervous.

I heard the host announce that the show wouldn’t start for at least an hour, not until anyone that wanted to check out the star had an opportunity to do so. That did nothing to make me feel better.

People started gathering around me and I felt hands all over me. Before very long my baby doll pajamas were torn off and people, mostly men were prodding and poking me. It wasn’t very long after that before someone stepped up to my head, lowered my chin rest slightly so that I was lined up perfectly and pushed his semi-hard cock into my mouth. He gave me a minute to suck on it and then he started fucking my face, driving his cock into my throat forcefully. I had the impression he was disappointed that I was able to handle it. While he was fucking my face I felt someone else line their cock up and drive it into my pussy. To be honest, this wasn’t bad! I was still reasonably comfortable and the guys were doing all the work!

As soon as the man in my mouth came another man took his place. The second man in my pussy pulled out about half way through fucking me and forced his cock into my ass. It hurt because he didn’t prepare me at all, but by the time he came and the next man took his place it was feeling alright. I am pretty sure that every man there fucked me in one hole or another. I tasted my juices and cum on some of the cocks forced into my mouth so I know that some of the men had seconds. I kept seeing Jeff coming in for close-ups, but I don’t think he got a turn at me. I guess he gets his when the DVD is ready.

The action finally petered out, so to speak, and I thought, or at least I hoped, that the party was over. My jaw was sore and I was really tired. My hopes were dashed when I heard the host announce that the show was about to begin. Someone turned on a few more lights that were pointed at me.

Jeff came in close and someone adjusted the height and the angle of the device I was fastened to. The hostess came over and wiped a smelly rag over my face. When she had covered my face with that foul smelling rag she went behind me and wiped the rag over my pussy and ass. I looked at the crowd and they were all staring intently. I was really worried now. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I knew I wasn’t going to like it.

I heard some noise behind me and then I saw the host approaching from behind the pool house being pulled along by the largest dog I had ever seen. A few people actually clapped as the dog struggled at the leash to get to me. I had a real bad feeling about this!

The dog, a huge Great Dane, came up to me wagging its tale and sniffing me all over. The host dropped the leash and stepped back into the crowd to watch. The dog stopped at my face and licked me all over with his huge, slobbery tongue and started whining. I yelled at Ted to get me out of here. Ted just smiled. I called out to anyone to please stop this. I was really scared now. The biggest reaction I got was that the men started rubbing their cocks a little harder.

The dog moved around to my ass and started licking my ass and pussy. I was moaning and begging someone to please stop him. It was obvious that this was not the first time that some poor innocent woman was secured to this device to be screwed by a dog. This was apparently a show that took place fairly regularly. Tears were running down my cheek as I felt the dog moving over me and stabbing at my pussy with his cock. I know I had said that I was going to toughen up and cut out all the crying, but Christ! I was being raped by a dog! For the amusement of a crowd of perverts!

It took the dog a few tries and those near misses were painful! Finally his cock found my pussy. Some of the near misses almost drove into my ass and I was more than a little concerned. I could not imagine a more degrading thing that could happen to me than being fucked by a dog, except maybe to do it in front of a crowd and a camera!

I was surprised at first. When his cock first entered me it was so small I hardly felt it. I had expected that this monster dog would have a monster cock and I was relieved that it was so small.

I should not have been relieved, it didn’t stay small. As soon as he had his cock buried in my pussy he began pistoning in and out quickly and his cock was growing just as quickly until in less than a minute it was very large and very painful. His strokes were getting faster than I could have imagined possible. It hurt, but I have to admit that it was also making me very hot.

The other thing that I noticed was that as soon as he entered me I felt a very warm, almost hot fluid shooting out of his cock and filling me up. I was startled to realize that he had started cumming as soon as he entered me!

I also felt his knot growing and battering against the entrance to my pussy and after a minute or two that large knot suddenly entered me. It hurt like hell and I screamed in pain. The dog, who was covering me and holding me tight with his forelegs, growled when I scream and it scared me enough that I bit my lip and tried to keep quiet.

His large tongue was lolling out and he was drooling down onto my face but I was still fastened to that chin support and I couldn’t move my face. Once his knot entered me he stopped stroking and stood still and his hot cum continued to flow into me until I felt it begin to be forced out around his knot and run down my thighs.

I hated myself for it, but I must have had several very violent orgasms as I lay under that huge dog being raped for everyone’s amusement. Finally, after what seemed like a very long time, I felt the flow of dog sperm taper off and then stop. The dog stay tied to me for several minutes before he made his first painful effort to pull free.

I was scared of him, but it hurt like hell and I couldn’t help it. I screamed again as his knot pulled at my tight pussy and it felt like he was trying to turn me inside out. I prayed that he would recognize that he was stuck and stop pulling. I was afraid he was going to damage me somehow. I could just see myself trying to explain this to my OB-GYN!

Thankfully the dog stopped trying to pull free after several attempts and I started to take a deep breath and relax thinking that he was going to wait until his knot went down. Instead, he moved to the side, scrambling off of me and then stepped over my back with one of his hind legs and then we were tied with our butts touching, facing in opposite directions. It was so fucking humiliating. I would never forgive Ted for this!

I don’t know how long it lasted. Every few minutes the dog would try to pull away again, painfully, and I would yelp, which never failed to amuse my large audience. It may not have lasted for half an hour, the knot I mean. It seemed like it though. But finally he was able to pull free.

As soon as he was free the dog was led away by the host. I could feel what seemed like an ocean of sperm running out of me. I could hear the nasty comments too. I was grateful that at least it was over. I was sure that nobody would want to fuck me now.

Well, I was half right. None of the men were interested in soiling their cocks in a “dog slut”, but the show wasn’t over. The hostess came out of the crowd and began adjusting my position again. The device was lowered and my head was turned. My hair was pulled together in a pony tail and pulled back with a rope which attached it to the frame. I was trying to beg her to just let me go. I whined that I couldn’t take any more. She smiled reassuringly and said softly, “Don’t worry dear, it’s almost over and then you can go home.”

I was not reassured, rightfully so as it turned out. In a few minutes I saw the host approaching with another Great Dane. The hostess quickly rubbed the nasty rag on my face and I thought “Oh Christ, not again!”

The dog approached my face and started licking. Only this time my face was turned and my head pulled back and my mouth held open so that his tongue kept pushing into my mouth! I wanted to vomit I was so disgusted. The dog was lapping furiously and whining and humping its back and the next thing I knew he was repositioned with his cock at my lips!

I saw his cock this time and at first I wasn’t impressed. There was just a finger sized, pink thing sticking out of the hairy sheath. I would have been able to handle that, as disgusting as it was. But I remembered how quickly the last one had grown once it had entered me, and how large it had become.

I could see the hostess rubbing his little cock in front of my face and then all I saw was the dog’s belly as he rammed his cock into my mouth and started to piston in and out of my mouth while his cock started to grow to immense proportions immediately. In less than thirty seconds that little pink thing had grown to at least eight inches and it was thicker than Ted’s cock.

Just before he rammed that massive cock down my throat I felt the hot sperm start to pour out of it. It was hot, and it was flowing rapidly, as if he were peeing in my mouth. It wasn’t urine though. I realized that it was his cum. Finally he rammed his cock forcefully down my throat and stood quivering as he shot a stream of cum down into me. I could only be grateful that as soon as his cock was buried in my throat he stopped thrusting. Those short, savage strokes would have killed me if he had continued once his cock was erect.

I was also grateful that the hostess was holding the dog, gripping the base of his cock so that the knot wasn’t forced into my mouth. The big animal just stood there quivering for several minutes and filling my stomach with disgusting dog cum while I sobbed like a baby and moaned in pain.

His cock was very large and I was only just able to catch my breath. If I had not had so much experience sucking cocks down my throat lately I am sure it would have killed me.

I must have passed out, because I don’t remember it ending. I don’t remember the dog pulling his cock out of my mouth and being pulled away. The next thing I remember is seeing the host leading it away. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. I thought that I was going to puke and it was several minutes before I settled down.

I thought surely that someone would let me go now. Hell, I didn’t even want to touch me now! To my horror, I was about to learn that there was one more act in the show.

Men started walking up to me, one or two at a time and I could tell what was going to happen because it had happened once before. Men started spraying me with hot piss as I lay secured to that frame with my mouth held open. One of the first men to step up actually moved in behind me and put his cock in my pussy and filled me with piss! I could only groan in despair. Another man baptized my face, managing to get most of it into my mouth. Over the next fifteen or twenty minutes they all took turns pissing on me.

Now I saw what the other young women were here for, besides serving drinks. All of the perverts were so turned on from watching me fucking and sucking dogs and getting pissed on that they needed to cum again before the party could adjourn. So the five young women were on their knees in a circle sucking off all comers. I could only lay still and watch and feel the piss drying on my body.

Finally people started leaving and the host came over with a garden hose and hosed me off. When I was clean enough to touch he let me up and hosed down my front. I had been held in that one position so long I could hardly stand.

I didn’t think I would ever get clean again, but apparently the host wasn’t all that particular, because as soon as he was done hosing me off he bent me over and fucked my ass one last time.

I was exhausted and humiliated beyond words. I was just about to lose it and this ass hole was driving his tired, worn out cock into my asshole. Finally he shot one last load of cum into me and just walked away. So much for a little cuddling afterwards!

I noticed that Jeff had been panning the camera back and forth between me and the cock sucking orgy nearby. But mostly he had it aimed at me. I saw Ted approaching and he nodded to Jeff who finally put the damned camera down and as Ted stood and watched Jeff handed him the camera and stuffed my mouth full of cock. I guess he couldn’t wait until the DVD was ready! He came almost instantly, so I guess he liked the show.

As soon as Jeff was finished with me, Ted handed him back the camera and handed me a strong drink. I gulped it down and handed it back and asked for another. He sent Jeff to get it and he put his arm around me and said, “Come on, stop that crying. That wasn’t so bad. You aren’t the first girl to have sex with a dog. It wasn’t your first gang bang either. Besides, I lost count of the number of orgasms you had tonight.”

“I know that if it had been up to you that you wouldn’t have come here and you wouldn’t have done these things, at least not all of them. But you weren’t hurt, your career and your marriage are intact, and let’s face it, whether you will admit it or not, I know you enjoyed it. You enjoyed being forced to do it. You may not have had a fantasy just exactly like this, but I know for a fact you will go to bed tonight and play with your pussy while you go over in your mind the things you just did.”

I wanted to scream at him and hit him and tell him how crazy he was. But I couldn’t. Because as soon as what he had said sunk in I realized he was right. I just didn’t know how to feel about that.

Jeff came back with another drink and I gulped it down. We headed toward the house and were stopped on the way out by the host and hostess standing with one of the young women who had been sucking cocks for the last forty-five minutes or so.

They finally introduced themselves and smiled and talked as if they had not just raped me with dogs! They were Stu and Kelly and the remaining young cocksucker was their daughter Susan! They all smiled at the shock on my face. I just didn’t know what to say.

They told me that they had really enjoyed my show and hoped that I would come back again. If I didn’t want to be in the show I could always serve drinks and serve as an “after show stress reliever”, but they thought I had handled it very well and they wouldn’t be surprised if I found my way back to their backyard for another show. Ted and Jeff said goodbye, I was still speechless as they led me out to the car. Jeff drove away and I got into Ted’s car with him.

After we had driven for about ten minutes Ted said, “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

I looked at him questioningly and he said, “Coming back. You’re thinking about coming back.”

I actually wasn’t. My mind had been a blank. What I had just been through had thoroughly overwhelmed me.

“You’re out of your rabbit ass mind,” I said. But now that he had me thinking, I wondered if I could do that again. Would I really lay in bed tonight and think about it and rub my poor, sore pussy? Would I really let Ted bring me back out here knowing what would happen? God I hope not. I hope I am not that fucked up.

But maybe I am.

Ted drove me home and just before we got to my house he told me to put my coat on. I hadn’t even thought about it! He followed me inside. As soon as he closed the door he pulled my coat off and pushed me to my knees on the cold hard tiles of the entryway. “You were hot tonight,” he said. “I can’t go home like this.”

He shoved his hard cock in my mouth and as far down my throat as it would go. I put my hands around him and held onto his thighs as he held my head and fucked my face violently. Just as he was about to cum he pulled back so that only the head of his cock was in my mouth and he gasped out, “Don’t swallow it bitch. Keep it in your mouth.”

He held his cock to my lips and massaged it as he shot a massive load of cum into my mouth. When he was finished cumming he stepped back and I tipped my head back and opened my mouth so that he could see how much cum he had deposited there.

He put his cock away and said, “Okay, swallow it, cunt,” and I did. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back again and as my mouth came open he bent forward and spit right into my mouth! I was shocked! I slammed my mouth closed and he spit right in my face. His hands still held my head so that I couldn’t avert my face. He rubbed his spit around my face and with a mean smile on his face he said, “Swallow again, cunt.” And so I did. Then he wiped his hand on my tit and pulled the door open with me kneeling naked right in front of it and he left.

I took a long hot shower and went to bed. I couldn’t sleep though. I got up around two AM and made myself a drink and sat in the dark quiet kitchen and sipped it and tried to calm my mind. I wasn’t masturbating. But I was thinking about what I had done tonight. And what had been done to me.

And not just tonight, all the days and nights since I sat in that chair in front of Ted’s desk and spread my legs for him. That was only two weeks ago but it seemed like so much longer. So much had happened since then. Things even my dirty mind hadn’t imagined!

I thought about all those things. I thought about my fantasies and I realized that, yes, I was helpless. I wanted it to stop but I couldn’t stop it. I had to keep letting Ted use me. I realized that if I could make it stop it wouldn’t be my fantasy. My mind just kept going around and around and finally I tried to stop thinking about it and go to bed again. It was almost 3:30 in the morning when I finally went to sleep.

I wanted to call in sick when the alarm went off but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had been working for almost four years at the same job and never used a single day of sick leave. I was pretty proud of that, even if nobody seemed to notice. So I dragged my tired ass out of bed and showered and dressed. I drank a couple of cups of coffee and took a travel mug with me. Something I don’t normally do. I knew I was going to need a lot of caffeine to get through this day.

I got to the office and put my purse away. Ted came in a few minutes later and looked all bright eyed and bushy tailed. He said hi with a bright smile and I thought to myself, “Yeah, look at you. You didn’t get gangbanged by twenty-five men and two dogs last night! You didn’t have twenty-five men piss in your mouth and your pussy last night!” For some reason I just smiled and said good morning.

Ted sat at his desk and we both worked for a while, until it was time for our coffee break. I really needed more coffee. I don’t function well on so little sleep and my mind just wasn’t concentrating on programming this morning. So Ted and I went down the hall for coffee. We came back and Ted sat at his desk. I hesitated for a moment, but then sat in the chair in front of his desk. He smiled as I sat down and spread my legs.

“You look tired,” he said. “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”

“No,” I responded. “I had a lot of thinking to do. I didn’t get to sleep until almost four this morning.”

“Did you resolve anything?” he asked.

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure myself what I was thinking. What I was feeling. Not until that very moment when it struck me. I resolved in that instant that I was going to let Ted do whatever he wanted with me, or to me. I knew I was going to hate it when I was doing it. I also knew that hate it or not I would be having orgasm after orgasm. I would be living my fantasies because I would be doing what some man was forcing me to do just because it amused him to debase me.

The sudden realization, the sudden surrender implied by that chain of thought sent a chill down my spine. I looked Ted in the eye and said calmly, “I have resolved to try and stop crying so much.”

As I said earlier, Ted and I talked a lot and knew each other pretty well. I think he was reading my mind. He got up and walked over to me and ordered me to open my mouth.

I tilted my head back and opened my mouth and as our eyes locked he spit in my mouth again. Not once but three times. Then he grinned at me, that irritating grin of his, and he said, “Let the games begin.”

Shit! I thought the games had begun! What the fuck else could he do to me? I already knew the answer. A lot more of the same and anything else his nasty mind could imagine.

It was going to be a long year.

After the party on Sunday night I gave up. I didn’t think Ted could make me do anything worse than the poker game on Friday and the party on Sunday where I was used by at least twenty-five men and two dogs.


When I got to work on Monday I had made it clear when I came in that I was not going to resist or complain anymore. I surrendered my body and my dignity to a man that I already knew would dishonor them both.

The rest of the day was pretty much normal. We worked together and when we spoke it was more or less the normal conversation between friends and coworkers.

When the work day was done I rushed home because I expected a letter from my husband in Korea. I was anxious to hear from him and get his return address. I parked in my driveway and rushed to the mailbox and there was his letter, right on top!

I went inside and dropped my purse and tore open his letter and read it three times. The first time I was crying so hard I could hardly read. It was so wonderful to hear from him. Everything was going well in Korea. The flight had been miserable, riding in the back of a military transport plane with the seats all jammed together so that nobody could move. The meal on the flight was a bologna sandwich!

He was settling in and he liked his new job and the people he worked with. He asked me how I was doing and if I was still serving as Ted’s sex slave. He also asked me for some pictures. Some nice ones he could put up in his room and on his desk, and some others he would keep to himself, well, himself and a few close friends.

As soon as I settled down I started writing back and after a lot of thought I decided to tell him everything and send him the DVD of the things Ted was making me do. We had shipped a small TV with a built in DVD player in his hold baggage before he left for Korea and I knew Dave well enough to know that he would love the DVD.

I wrote a long letter and told him everything that had happened, and how it happened and how I felt about it. I told him that I had talked to Ted today and surrendered. I told him that I loved him more than life itself, but until he came home, or until he called or wrote and told me to stop, I was going to let Ted use and degrade me. I also said that there would be more DVDs to come.


The next day I mailed the letter and the DVD and some nice pictures, both kinds. Then I went to work. I told Ted that morning that I had heard from Dave. I let him know that I had mailed the DVD and told him that how long I belonged to Ted was up to him.

Ted was satisfied and we went to work. In a little while it was time for our coffee break and we went down the hall and picked up some coffee and spoke to some of our coworkers. Then we went back to our office and sat in our usual chairs. We talked and sipped coffee for a few minutes and I told Ted about the contents of Dave’s letter. When our break had ended and it was time to get back to work Ted ordered me to stand up and come around his desk. I did and he told me to kneel. I couldn’t believe he was going to try something right here in our office where someone could come in at any moment and catch us.

Ted had been trying to think of some way to use me during the day for more than a week. He couldn’t put a lock on the door, too suspicious. So, he had a friend who was a cabinet maker put extensions all around his desk that matched the wood. I hadn’t even noticed, and I doubted that anyone else would either.

I backed under his desk and he pulled his chair in. Then I pulled his cock out and started sucking. He came quickly and after I had drained his cock and put it away he let me get back to work.

He put me under his desk again in the afternoon. This time, while I was under the desk sucking Ted’s cock, our boss came in looking for me as I was about half way through. Ted told the boss that I had just gone downstairs to check on a program and that he would send me to his office when I got back. They talked for a minute and the boss left. That whole time I hid under the desk and sucked quietly on Ted’s dick and tried not to laugh.

After the boss left I finished blowing Ted and got a breath mint from my purse and went to see what the boss wanted. I got back to the office to find that Ted had taken an hour of annual leave and signed out early. He left a note on my desk telling me to be ready to go out at seven PM.

At seven PM I was fed, showered, shaved and dressed and curious when Ted arrived. He liked the outfit I had selected, a very short pair of cut offs and a tank top that bared my midriff. I was showing just little bit of cheek in the back and the top was so short and so loose that it would not take much to expose my breasts.

I followed Ted to his car and we drove on base. I just kept quiet as Ted drove to the Senior Batchelor NCO quarters and parked. I was getting nervous now, because I knew somebody that lived here, my husband’s best friend. They rode motorcycles together and had worked and fished together. He came to our house often to watch TV or have supper or just have a couple of beers and talk. I wouldn’t want him to find out about this because it might make Dave uncomfortable when he came home to know that his best friend knew his wife was a slut.

So, of course, we went to one of the units and knocked and damned if Dave’s best friend Jerry doesn’t open the fucking door! I know that Ted knows, and it makes me mad that he would do this to me AND Dave. I didn’t say anything though, and I didn’t cry. I followed Ted inside and said hello to Jerry and I spotted Jeff filming so I say hi to him too.

I think Ted was a little disappointed that I didn’t act all upset. I was, but I kept it to myself. Ted walked up behind me as I was standing facing Jerry and Jeff. He put his arms around me and under my top. As he caressed my boobs he was talking to me quietly. He told me that Jerry had told him several times how hot he thought I was and how much he would love to get in my pants. He thought it was only fair if everybody else in town was going to fuck me that Jerry should get a shot at it. He pulled my top off and pushed me over to Jerry.

He told Jerry that he could go first and that I would do anything he wanted. All he had to do was tell me. Jerry grabbed me and pulled me close. He kissed me passionately and massaged my tit with one hand and my ass with the other. I was surprised at what a good kisser he was.

I liked Jerry, but he didn’t have much luck with ladies and he is not the most sophisticated guy I know. He was rough with the hands, but I was getting used to that. He was a real good kisser though. Most of the men I had been having sex with lately have not kissed me, which was fine with me. They just ripped my clothing off and fucked me in whichever orifice struck their fancy, or whichever orifice wasn’t already occupied.

Jerry finally broke off the kiss and stepped back. He ordered me to take my shorts off and as he watched me he was taking his clothes off. As soon as I was naked he pushed me to my knees and I took his cock into my mouth and surprised him with my deep-throat skills.

As my lips reached the base of his cock he groaned. I suspect it had been a long time since he had been with a woman and I was expecting a large load any second now. I made it as good as I could for him and in no time at all he was cumming. I held his load in my mouth and after milking the last few drops from his cock I showed him his big load in my mouth before I swirled it around with my tongue and then swallowed.

Ted spoke up as Jerry was stepping away from me. He told him that there was another little trick I could do that he would enjoy and he told Jerry to stand with his back to me. I knew what Ted wanted me to do and I leaned forward and separated the cheeks of Jerry’s ass with my hands and buried my face in the crack. I started licking up and down the crack and then rimming Jerry’s ass. He must have really liked it he was shaking and groaning quietly. He pulled away after a few minutes and he had another hardon and was ready to use me again.

Ted ordered me to stretch out across a low foot stool and he pulled off his pants and knelt at my head. Jerry watched in awe as Ted shoved his large cock all the way down my throat. When he had bottomed out he told Jerry that there were two more holes available and then I felt Jerry between my legs, rubbing his cock over my wet pussy. He thrust it in and started fucking me hard. Even after all the time I had spent recently with more than one cock in me at a time I could not help being aroused by the idea of it.

Ted finished first and after I had swallowed his large hot load he stood up and moved over to take the camera from Jeff so he could get a turn. Jeff stripped and slipped his cock into my mouth and he was so turned on he came before Jerry. Then it was my turn and finally Jerry came again. I cleaned Jerry and then they all relaxed as Ted filmed me scooping Jerry’s cum out of my pussy and eating it. I didn’t even mind any more! I wouldn’t do it without having to, but Ted seemed to like it so I assumed I would be doing it a lot in the coming year.

Ted put the camera down and we all had a couple of beers and watched the DVD from the dog party in the country. I was pretty embarrassed. I didn’t want to fuck and suck a couple of Great Danes, and I sure as hell wasn’t happy about people I knew, like Jerry, watching me do it. But I guess Jerry was more of a pervert than I thought. He was getting really turned on.

He ordered me to come over and suck on his cock while he watched some more of the movie but Ted told him not to cum yet. He was going to show them how to make me airtight.

After a few minutes Jerry pushed my head away and they had me circulate moving from cock to cock and sucking each of them for a minute while they watched as the first dog started fucking me on the DVD. I kind of wanted to see that but when I tried to turn my head Ted told me not to worry, he had two copies of the DVD for me.

After the two dogs were through humiliating me on TV they stopped the movie and Jeff set the camera up on the tripod. Ted stretched out on the floor and told Jerry what to do to get my ass ready. In a couple of minutes I had a cock in my pussy and ass and Jeff came up and made me air tight.

Between the movie and my cocksucking earlier everyone, including me, was pretty excited and even though it is hard to move in this particular combination it wasn’t long at all before we all started cumming. Jeff was first because he was getting one of my really good blowjobs, then Jerry. Jerry had already cum twice, but he had never fucked anyone in the ass before and it was kind of a fantasy of his, so he came pretty quickly too.

As soon as Jeff and Jerry came and stepped back, Ted flipped me over without pulling his cock out of my pussy and started really pounding into me. That set me off and finally Ted came again as I was sucking Jerry’s cock clean.

Ted pulled out and I sucked him clean and then Jeff got a few close-ups of me cleaning myself up and then we all just rested for a few minutes before getting dressed.

As we were leaving Ted told Jerry that any time he wasn’t using me he should feel free to stop over and enjoy my services. Jeff didn’t say anything, but I could tell he wanted to know why I had been offered to Jerry and not him.

Ted drove me home and handed me two DVDs as I was getting out of the car. I went in and instead of taking a shower I sat at the table smelling of three men’s cum and the taste of cum in my mouth and wrote another long letter to my husband Dave. I got it ready to mail with the second DVD and then I sat on a towel in the living room and watched the DVD.

I watched, and tried to count how many men had sex with me, but I lost track. Finally it was time for the really kinky scenes. The first dog came out and fucked me and watching how violent it had been I was really amazed, especially when I saw myself having such a big orgasm myself.

I was about to have another orgasm as I watched. On the screen I saw my head being adjusted and held in place for the second dog to fuck my mouth and as I watched myself being face fucked by that huge dog I came again, hard. After the dogs were led away it was time for the grand finale. The men formed a circle around me and started pissing all over me. I was upset at the time. I can’t explain it. I hate it when it happens, but watching it was pretty exciting for me. It was very degrading. I guess that was why it excited me.

Finally I dragged myself to my bedroom and got undressed. I took a quick shower and went to bed. I slept like a log and in the morning I didn’t even hear my alarm for about ten minutes. A quick shower woke me up and I had a light breakfast and dressed and drove to the office.

When I got to work Ted had me stand in front of him and lift my dress. He moved his hand over my pussy and said that he wanted me to let the hair grow back out. He didn’t even want me to trim it. I was surprised, and kind of disappointed. I had gotten to like being so bare and so much on display when I undressed. But his wish was my command.

I sat at my desk and went to work and Ted got a call and had to go down the hall for a while. While Ted was out I got a call from Joe down in the basement. He said there was a problem with one of my programs and he needed to see me. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he hung up the phone before I could finish my sentence.

When I got to his office he got up and shut the door and locked it. I knew right away what the problem was, and it had nothing to do with my program. Joe ordered me to pull my dress up and lay down over his desk.

I told him that what had happened before had been a one time thing and that it wasn’t going to happen again.

“The fuck it ain’t,” he said. He grabbed me and pushed me face down on his desk. He pulled the hem of my skirt up over my back and I just lay there waiting for him to do whatever he wanted. I heard him lower his pants and felt him spread the cheeks of my ass and lean forward and start pushing his cock into my dry pussy. I told him he was hurting me and he needed to use some lubrication. He pulled back and spit on my ass. Then he rubbed the spittle over my cunt and tried again. It was nowhere near enough and it still hurt a lot, but I just tried to be quiet and not attract any outside attention and let him hurry up and finish. I was surprised at how hard he was this time. He had never gotten fully hard last time. I guess he had discovered Viagra.

After what seemed like a very long time I felt him stiffen up and cum in me. Then he backed off and pulled me off the desk and pushed me to my knees. I sucked him clean and then he told me to get the hell out. He added that the next time he told me to get my ass down to his office I better not give him any shit.

I used a tissue from his desk to wipe my pussy and then pulled myself together. I got back upstairs just in time for my coffee break. I got my coffee and hurried to my office.

I told Ted what had happened. I had hoped that he would be upset and do something about Joe. Instead, he thought it was amusing. In fact, after I was done he made me get under his desk again and suck his cock. I guess I should have kept my big mouth shut.

The rest of the day was pretty normal and I went home and made supper and got caught up on all the things I had been letting go. Like paying bills and reading the paper and a little housework.

On Friday Jerry came to my house after I got home from work. He asked me if Ted had plans for me tonight and I said no and invited him in. We went into my bedroom and undressed and took a nice shower together, soaping each other up and caressing each other and kissing passionately. Then we dried off and went to bed and started out with Jerry lying on his back and I got on top of him for a pleasant sixty-nine. I came twice but Jerry didn’t cum until he flipped me over and fucked me.

After I licked him clean we lay together on the bed and he asked me about how I got to be Ted’s sex slave and what Dave thought about it. I told him everything. Including the fact that I was nervous about the effect it would have on his friendship with Dave.

He was pretty sure that Dave wouldn’t mind. He said that Dave had even hinted about including him in a threesome a year ago. Jerry had thought he was kidding. He told me that he was sure as hell going to make up for it now. I could expect him at least once a week. More if Ted set something up.

Jerry finally left and I turned the alarm off and went to sleep. Not long after I finally woke up Saturday morning I found out that Ted had plans for later that day. He called me about nine AM and told me to be ready to go out at two that afternoon. He hung up before I could ask what I should wear or where we were going.

For the rest of the morning I just did some laundry and tried not to think about what Ted would be doing to me this afternoon. Then I showered and dressed in a nice sundress and waited.

Ted showed up and led me to the car. He wouldn’t answer any questions. We drove to his friend’s house. The place we went to on our lunch hours from time to time.

When we went inside I got a real surprise. The guy that owned the place was there (I still don’t know his name!), the group of black guys from my first gangbang were there, Jeff was there with the Camera and so was Jerry. Three of the men from the poker game were there too. I had planned on getting fucked this afternoon, but not by more than a dozen men!

The men were sitting around in a semicircle and Jeff had the camera set up and ready to go. Ted stood beside me and called out “Ladies!”

Two young women came in from the back bedroom and stood beside me. I was relieved to see that I would have help. WRONG!! They weren’t there to help me, they were there to give me my first sexual experience with another woman, and put on a show for the guys.

Ted introduced us and then took a seat. The young ladies started touching me and kissing me. One of them whispered to me that I shouldn’t worry. I was going to enjoy this. I didn’t really have any strong feelings either way about it. I look at women and find them attractive and sexual. I just never considered having sex with another woman.

The women started undressing me and one of them laid me down on the blanket in the middle of the floor and started kissing me and feeling me up. She was good and I was actually enjoying it.

Then the other woman, who was now undressed laid down beside me and took over while the first woman stood and undressed. I had forgotten all about the large crowd of men staring at us intently, and I was really getting into this.

The redhead started kissing her way down my body while the brunette was kissing and nibbling on my face and breasts. This was great! Suddenly I was bi! I was willing to bet a hundred dollars that Ted thought I was going to freak out when he put me in with two women for a sex show. But I have to tell you, as good a pussy eater as Dave is; I have never had my pussy eaten as well as that hot redhead did it! After a couple of orgasms I started to relax but then it was my turn to return the favor.

The redhead stretched out and the brunette and I started kissing her. After a few minutes she put her hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me down. I got the idea and started kissing my way down her body. She had great boobs and it was very interesting to touch another woman’s boobs and kiss them and feel them in my hands. I could have spent a lot of time doing that but I had a show to put on. Oh well, maybe some other time.

I worked my way down to her stomach and kissed and licked all around her pussy, teasing her like Dave does to me and then finally it was time to taste another woman’s pussy. I did. And I liked it. A lot!

She started quivering and moaning as soon as I started licking her and it was so exciting. She was so wet, and I thought it would be icky, but it wasn’t. It was hot! I like eating pussy! I licked her to several orgasms and then it was the brunette’s turn. It was just as much fun the second time!

Finally all three of us girls had had several orgasms and we stood up. The redhead whispered her name to me and asked me to call her. I knew I would. Then they started getting dressed.

I looked at Ted and he just shook his head. Damn! I wasn’t going to have any help. The other two women left and I was left alone with a room full of horny men. For the next three hours I was kept on my hands and knees sucking and getting fucked in my ass and pussy by a room full of men. When none of them could get it up any longer Jerry mentioned that he had not yet had a chance to piss on me. The rest of them thought that would be a good way to end the afternoon, especially the dirty old men from the poker game.

I went into the bathroom and lay down on the bottom of the cold tub and waited. As many of the guys as could, lined the side of the tub and started aiming, waiting for the piss to come. I just closed my eyes and waited. Ted told me to open my mouth and keep my mouth and my legs open until everyone was finished. So I did.

They all emptied their bladders on me. The main aiming points seemed to be my face, my tits and my pussy. Then the second shift stepped up to the side of the tub. When they were finished I was allowed to shower and went back out to the living room. I was really sore and wanted to go home. Jerry volunteered to take me home and Ted stayed for a few more beers with his friends.

Jerry came in when I got home and we spent the rest of the evening together. Not having sex, just talking. He wanted to know how it felt to be treated that way by so many men. I tried to tell him, make him understand that I hated it, and that is why it made me so hot to do it. I don’t guess he really understood, but then, I don’t really understand either.

When it got late Jerry asked if he could spend the night. I like Jerry and I hated being alone. Before I agreed I had to make sure that he knew that the things I did, and that included when I was doing him, I did as much for Dave as I did for myself. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.

He assured me that his only intention was to use and abuse me. He said it with a smile though. He promised that he would leave any time I wanted. So we went to bed. We didn’t have sex, we just got naked and spooned until we went to sleep.

When we woke up, however, we were both ready for some breakfast sex. We had a quick and very pleasurable fuck and then rushed to the bathroom. I tried to get to the toilet before I wet myself but Jerry stopped me and pulled me into the shower. I tried to tell him I had to pee but he just smiled and said he did too.

When we were in the shower he knelt in front of me and said go ahead. That made me smile and I thought it would be fun to be on the other side of this little game for a change. As bad as I had to pee it was hard to get started with someone kneeling there staring at me and waiting. I had to strain for a minute, but finally it started. It was just a little drizzle at first that just dripped down onto his leg, but then I let loose a strong stream. I wasn’t able to aim it and move it around like the guys do, but I covered his face and chest and found it to be pretty exciting. When I finally finished with a couple of quick little squirts he leaned forward and licked my pussy clean.

Then it was his turn and I knelt at his feet. He pissed all over me, but ended up with my face. I opened my mouth for the last few squirts and he put his cock in my mouth and the last squirt went right into my mouth and I swallowed it. Then I stood up and we stood there, both of us covered in piss and we hugged and kissed until the piss was cold. Once it gets cold the fun is over and we showered and went out and had breakfast.

After breakfast Jerry wanted to take me on a nice Sunday ride on his motorcycle. I thought that sounded like fun so we dressed and drove to his place on base and got his bike.

We rode through the mountains for a couple of hours and then stopped on the way back to my house for a light lunch before he took me home. He came in and before we had a chance to get comfortable Ted called. He said he felt like playing pool again and told me to wear the same dress I wore last time. I told him Jerry was here and asked if he could come if he wanted to.

Ted thought that would be a great idea. Jerry was up for it and I changed into the dress Ted wanted. Ted picked us up in about half an hour and drove us to that same pool hall.

As we entered I seemed to get a lot of attention, even though all of my interesting body parts were covered. I suspect some of these guys might remember me from the first time I was here.

Ted looked around and started for the same alcove we had played in the first time. The manager intercepted Ted and they had a few quiet words that nobody else could hear. Then Ted led off towards a different alcove. This was a smaller one in the corner, with a smaller opening into the main room. I guess the manager also remembered us!

Ted readied the pool table and as he was getting the balls ready he told me to go get us each a beer. I did, and as I returned I noticed that Ted and Jerry were having a somewhat heated discussion. They stopped when I came in and I set the beers on a small table in the corner of the room and went to select my pool cue.

There was only one table in this little alcove. I thought that would really disappoint Ted since he brought me here to embarrass me and show me off. I was wrong. Ted got ready to break and I was standing near Jerry watching and suddenly guys started straggling into the room and sitting in the tall stools that lined the side of the room.

I didn’t get it at first but then I looked out into the main room and saw the manager going around and talking to some of the men who were out there playing pool. They would talk quietly and then the pool players would drop their sticks and amble into our little alcove. By the time Ted broke there were at least twenty men sitting on those stools watching.

Ted didn’t sink any balls so I had a choice. I walked around looking for a really easy shot, with no regard to which way my ass would be pointing when I leaned over to shoot it. I knew that I would be pointing my bare ass at pretty much everyone in here tonight, but the longer I went with my buttons buttoned the better.

I found an easy shot and took it. I surprised everyone, myself included when it went in. Unfortunately, I had not yet figured out that you should consider in advance what your next shot would be. I didn’t have one. I knew I wasn’t going to make my next shot so I wasn’t concentrating as much. I was able to hear some of the comments from the peanut gallery as I bent over the table and tried to line up a shot I knew was not possible. I am guessing the audience was not upset that I was a very bad pool player. They were more impressed with my ability to bend over and show my ass.

After I missed I walked back over and took a sip of my beer and Ted reminded me of the penalty for missing a shot. I was kind of hoping he had forgotten. I unbuttoned my top button and watched as Ted sank a couple of balls and then missed, obviously on purpose.

As usual I didn’t have a shot, but I guess that was the point. I tried though, and I am sure the guys behind me appreciated it. I opened another button and went back to Jerry and my beer. While Ted was shooting I tried to find out what they were arguing about when I came in from getting the beer but Jerry just shook his head. He looked real unhappy though. He tried to talk me into leaving and I would have liked to go with him, but I had really reached a state of mind that would not permit me to disobey my owner. I could not possibly explain that to Jerry here and now, but I told him we would talk later.

Then it was my shot again and I bent over, exposing my breasts and tried to line up a shot. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the manager watching from the doorway and smiling in a nasty way. He looked like a dangerous man.

Anyway, I lined my next shot up perfectly and missed. Big surprise! I unbuttoned another button and Ted walked up to me and said that this was a waist of time. I didn’t know what he meant until he unbuttoned the last three buttons and took my dress off and tossed it onto an empty stool. The guys lining the room started cheering but the manager yelled at them to shut the fuck up. He looked around at them like they were all toe cheese and I guess they all thought he looked dangerous too, because nobody said a word.

I stood there naked and Ted took his next shot and sank the eight ball. To celebrate he bent me over the pool table and fucked me right there in front of twenty customers and the manager!

When Ted finished the manager came over and shoved his dick into me violently. Ted moved around and put his cock in my mouth and I sucked it clean. The manager fucked me in a way that let me know that he didn’t like women, or at least he had a pretty low opinion of sluts. After a couple of minutes he pulled his cock out of my pussy and shoved it into my ass with no warm up at all. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and he just kept tearing my ass up. Ted stepped back and motioned to the men lining the walls of the room and they started lining up. My mouth was soon full and after the manager came in my ass my pussy was filled by another hard cock.

We were in there for at least three hours. All of those men had me, over and over, until nobody could get it up anymore. Every once in a while Ted would pause the action and I would have to eat the accumulated cum pouring out of my pussy and ass and building up around my mouth. Everyone fucked me. Well, everyone except Jerry who just watched and sipped his beer.

After everyone else had gone the manager came in for a quick blowjob and my jaw was so sore I didn’t think I could talk, but I knelt in front of him and let him fuck my face. Then Ted lifted me to my feet and led me out of the room with my dress in his other hand. The guys in the main room yelled goodbye and whistled as we left.

Ted drove Jerry and me back to my house. He just said “See you tomorrow,” and left. Jerry and I went inside.

Jerry hadn’t said a word in hours and I was worried about him. He was obviously developing a crush on me and that was sweet, but I had to put a stop to it.

I took a quick shower and Jerry made us a light supper while I was getting ready. While we ate I tried again to explain to Jerry why I had to do what Ted said and that there was something in me, and to some extent in Dave, that needed this. Maybe not as much of this as I had been getting in the last couple of weeks, but I was sure Ted would start getting tired of me soon. Or at least he would get tired of this much of me. I have to think that putting this effort into using and abusing a person would start to be work after a while.

Then I had a thought. I asked Jerry to make us a drink and pick out something to watch on TV and I went into the bedroom. I called Carol, the redhead from my recent female threesome. I had looked her number up that same evening and had called her a couple of times and we had spent hours pouring out our hearts to each other on the phone. We were planning on getting together again, just the two of us. She knew my situation and why I was doing the things I was doing for Ted. Or at least, she knew about as much as I did. But I had a better idea. I started thinking she and Jerry would be perfect for each other. And if they got together I could still play with both of them! Then maybe Jerry wouldn’t worry about me so much.

I filled her in and she was interested. She would at least like to meet Jerry. He had been in the audience when we had put on our show, but she hadn’t met him. She said she would be here as soon as she could shower and dress and drive over.

I went back out and Jerry and I sat down in front of the TV and ignored it as we talked about what was going on in our lives. I asked him what he had thought of the show I had put on with the two women the other day and he said it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. I asked him what he thought of the redhead and he just avoided the question. I got the impression that he didn’t want to make me jealous.

I tried to make Jerry see that I wanted to have Ted make me do things to humiliate me. I have one year, well, eleven months now, before Dave comes home that I am going to live out some of my nasty fantasies. Then I hope it will be out of my system and I can live a normal life. Well, mostly normal. I thought it was great that he was looking out for me, and I would love it if he would keep doing it. And I liked being with him. He was a good friend and an exciting lover. But until I reach my breaking point, or destroy the fantasy, I will keep letting Ted push my limits.

Right about then the door bell rang and I went to let Carol in. I introduced them and went to make some coffee. Jerry is a nice guy, not the most handsome person on the base by any means, but an intelligent decent man and a very good lover. He is very shy though, and I was pretty sure I was going to have to really push him into this. In fact, I thought that after he had seen Carol and me in that little sex show the other day, he would be more shy than usual.

I went back into the living room and was surprised to see that they were getting along very well. They were sitting side by side on the couch and Jerry was telling her how much he had enjoyed the show we had put on. I sat down on the other side of Jerry and we talked for a few minutes until the coffee was ready. I was excited because they were getting along so well and I really wanted them to get together. I wanted all of us to get together.

I got up and got the coffee and brought it in. I poured everyone a cup and sat back and just enjoyed the good company and the good conversation for the longest time. While I listened to them talk animatedly, I tried to decide if it would help or hurt for me to get them naked and have some hot wild sex.

I got up to clear off the coffee cups and cream and sugar bowl and Carol helped me take it all out to the kitchen. We talked for a few minutes and I told her what I was thinking. She liked Jerry, a lot, and didn’t want to screw it up. But she wanted to be with me again too, and he would have to be able to handle that. I told her I didn’t think that would be a problem as long as she wasn’t the jealous type. As we talked quietly we were getting closer and closer and finally we were kissing. God this girl can kiss!

I heard Jerry come into the kitchen to see what was taking so long and he looked embarrassed. He turned around quickly and started to leave but Carol and I both grabbed him and pulled him into an awkward group hug.

I led them down the hall to my bedroom and Carol and I undressed Jerry and made every man’s dream come true for him that night. It was a night none of us would forget, and there would be many more.

I so wished Dave could have been here. He would have loved to have seen me with his best friend and Carol, and he would REALLY love to get his hands on that hot little redhead himself. I must admit that, although up until now I didn’t think much of the idea of Dave with another woman, now I thought it would be hot to see him with Carol. In between our many and varied sex acts that long night I mentioned my thoughts about Dave joining us. I wanted to see how they reacted, especially Jerry. It was looking good!

When I got to work Monday morning Ted told me I would have to have a talk with Jerry. I smiled and told him it was all taken care of. Jerry would not come to my rescue any more. Not unless I wanted him to. Ted was satisfied and told me to come over and lift my skirt. He checked out my rapidly growing pubic hair. I took the opportunity to tell him that I was getting complaints, and it itched like hell. I really wanted to shave it off again. He told me to wait a week. Then we went to work.

I gave him a nice blowjob during our coffee break and the rest of the day was just another boring day at the office.

That night I got Dave’s letter in response to my letter and the DVD. He was in agony that he couldn’t be here to watch and join in the fun. I couldn’t wait until he saw the DVD with me and the two girls in it. That was really going to blow his mind! He told me to be careful. I shouldn’t let Ted harm me or do anything that didn’t make me hot the next day thinking about what I had done. He also begged me to keep the DVDs coming.

I didn’t get any visitors or phone calls that evening and I ate a light supper and went to bed early.


The next morning, right after Ted’s morning blowjob, Joe called me down to his office. I wanted Ted to talk to him, to get him to leave me alone but he said I was the highlight of that old man’s life and it wouldn’t hurt me to let the old fart rip off a piece every now and then.

So, I slowly made my way down to Joe’s office so that repulsive and hateful old man could use me. This was just as debasing to me as fucking the damned dogs had been!

Joe followed me into his office and locked the door. This time he stripped my dress off and laid me across his deck in the nude. He opened his pants and started fucking my face and it was obvious he was back on Viagra.

After fucking my face for a while he moved around and put his hard cock into my pussy. It didn’t hurt this time. His cock was wet and, I am sorry but I can’t suck a cock, any cock, without getting turned on. My pussy was wet too.

He fucked me roughly for several minutes and then he lifted my legs up to my chest and after fumbling around for a moment shoved it a couple of inches into my ass. He worked it into me forcefully as I bit my lip and tried to stay quiet. He came in a few minutes and he made me suck him clean and told me to get the hell out his office. The dear sweet man!

I cleaned up and went back to my office. Ted smiled when I came in and said that he had something planned for lunch that would take my mind off of Joe.

We went in his car at lunch time. He drove us back to the adult book store near the front gate of the base. We went inside and I was surprised. I expected the place to be empty, but as it turns out they get a lunch crowd!

The same old man was at the counter and he nodded at us when we came in. We walked around with Ted doing things to attract attention, like lifting my skirt or grabbing a tit and squeezing. Then he went over to the counter and gave the man some money and I assumed we would be going back into the little theater again.

This time, though, we went through a different door and into a long dark hallway lined with little cubicles. Several of them were closed, but most of the doors were open and I could see blank TV screens in them. I could hear the obvious sounds of porn movies coming from the rooms that were closed.

Ted looked into a few of the cubicles and then chose one and pulled me in and closed the door. He told me to strip while he put some change into the slot by the TV. The TV came to life and he changed the channel until he came to a movie about a young white girl being fucked by a room full of black men. Looked good to me!

The room we were in was small and only had one chair in it. Ted pulled me into his lap and we were watching the movie and he was feeling me up when I heard the sounds of people occupying the booths on either side of ours. You could see when they started the shows in their booths because the lights came up and suddenly I saw that there were holes in both walls of our booth. Smooth circular holes about six inches across. Ted pushed me to my knees and told me to suck his cock. I felt something wet on my knees and it took a second to realize what I was kneeling in. It kind of grossed me out to realize that I was kneeling in cold slimy cum that God knows how many strange men had shot onto the floor in front of the chair.

I pulled Ted’s pants open and started gobbling his cock down and I could almost feel the eyes of the men in the adjoining booths on my ass as I did. I got to feel more than that soon though. First one and then the other reached through the holes in the walls and started playing with my ass.

Ted came after about ten minutes and then he turned me around to face one of the holes in the wall. The man felt my tits and realized that something was different. He pulled his arm back and looked through the hole just as Ted shoved my face to the hole. Almost instantly a big fat slimy cock was poked in my face and I started sucking.

In my new position the man in the other booth could reach my pussy and was finger fucking me vigorously while I sucked off the guy whose cock was sticking through the wall. He came quickly and Ted turned me around again to face the man on the other side. The process was repeated and soon I sucking on my third cock of the afternoon. While I was sucking on this cock I heard Ted open the door to our cubicle and the next thing I knew I felt my hips being raised and a cock rubbing my pussy. I really needed that right now and it felt great when he slid it into me.

I started coming almost right away and the man in the booth next door came soon after. I was able to straighten my back then and brace myself and really enjoy the cock pounding my pussy. I came again and then the man fucking me shot a large load into my pussy. I quickly swiveled around and knelt down to clean up the cock that had just cum in me and as I sucked it clean I looked up into the eyes of the well dressed man who had just fucked me, my insurance agent! We were both pretty shocked. But neither of us said anything.

It was getting late and Ted handed me my dress. My pussy was a mess and I told Ted I had to use the restroom before I could put my dress on or I would smell like cum all day!

Ted smiled and pulled me into the hallway naked. I guess news of my blowjobs had spread because the hallway was packed. As Ted pulled me through the dark narrow hallway to the bathroom I was groped by every man we passed. Except for a couple of the guys that pinched me much too hard I really enjoyed it. I went into the bathroom at the end of the hall. Ted stood just inside holding the door wide open and half a dozen men crowded the doorway watching me use damp paper towels to clean my pussy and thighs and then put my dress on.

When I was dressed Ted pulled me back up the hallway and we rushed back to the office. I was pretty sure my tits and ass were going to be black and blue after that rough groping in the hallway.

Nothing much happened until Thursday night. Jeff came to my door just after dark. He brought me my two copies of the last DVD he had made. I was curious and asked how many copies of these DVDs he makes for Ted. He told me that he had promised Ted he wouldn’t talk to me about it. Then he said that he knew Ted hadn’t given him permission, but wondered if he could come in for a little while. I didn’t know anything about Jeff. I didn’t know if he was married or where he lived or anything. I just knew where he worked that and that he had a nice cock. He didn’t seem very demanding. He certainly was not very threatening.

I asked him if he had been working on the DVDs this evening. He told me that he had. He had to wait until everyone was gone for the day before he could edit the movies and put them on DVD and make the copies.

I figured he probably was pretty horny from watching me and I thought it was only fair if I took care of it. So I invited him in and we went into the living room. I put the DVD in the player and started it and started undressing. Poor Jeff didn’t know where to look. Finally he stepped out of his pants and sat down and stared at me as I undressed.

I had forgotten what the last action that had been recorded on film had been. It turned out to be the one that started with me and the two other young women and ended up with my gangbang and then another pee party. I was glad to get this one. I knew Dave would love it.

I knelt in front of Jeff and started licking his thighs and his belly. I was teasing him and getting him more and more excited and then I told him we could do anything he wanted and slowly started licking his throbbing cock.

He groaned as I ran my tongue up and around the head of his cock. He took a sharp breath and then relaxed and told me that he wanted me to suck his cock, and then he wanted me to make him hard again so that he could fuck me. No camera, no audience, just some hard sweaty sex. I was okay with that!

I pushed his legs apart and licked his balls, taking them into my mouth one at a time and running my tongue over them. I lifted his legs and rimmed his ass as he moaned and twitched. Until I came under Ted’s control I don’t think I ever really appreciated what a fantastic erogenous zone the asshole was.

Finally I dropped Jeff’s legs and took his entire cock into my mouth in one deep thrust. I pressed my lips against the base of his cock and moved my tongue around the shaft. I was watching him as I started moving slowly up and down his cock. It really turned me on to see how much I excited him. He held my head as I moved up and down his shaft, but he didn’t guide me. He just held me and caressed my hair as I sucked his cock.

I guess working on my DVD must have had him wound up pretty tight because in a very short time he was shooting a large load into my mouth. I pulled back so that only the head of his cock was in my mouth and I massaged his cock with my hand until he had finished cumming.

I waited until his orgasm passed and he was able to open his eyes and I straightened up and opened my mouth so that he could see the load in my mouth. I swirled it around with my tongue for a moment before swallowing and I could feel his cock twitching in my hand as I swallowed his large load.

I let him rest for a minute as I caressed him lightly with my fingertips. When he looked a little more relaxed I leaned forward and unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. I pulled his undershirt off and then I leaned forward and started kissing and licking his nipples. He seemed to like that, a lot. I slowly worked my way back down to his crotch, but this time I avoided his cock and his balls and kissed my way down his legs to his feet. His eyes looked huge as he watched me lick his feet and suck on his toes. That wasn’t all that got big. His cock was already almost fully erect again. I licked my way back up to his cock and was licking it lightly.

I asked him if he would like to eat my pussy first or if he was ready to fuck. He said that he would love to taste me and so I led him back to the bedroom and stretched out on my back as he quickly pushed my thighs wide apart and buried his face in my crotch.

He had a lot of enthusiasm, but was losing points on style. I started gently giving him a little guidance and before long he was doing a pretty good job. He gave me two very nice orgasms before he couldn’t take it anymore and climbed up and thrust his cock into my sopping wet pussy. It felt wonderful and I had several more orgasms before his cock exploded, filling my pussy with another hot load of cum.

I immediately rolled over and took his softening cock into my mouth and sucked out the last few drops of cum. I licked his cock and balls clean and stretched out beside him. He watched as I cleaned him and asked me why I did that when Ted wasn’t here to make me.

I hadn’t even thought about it! I just always did it now. It was part of sex. I told Jeff that Ted told me that I must always do it.

Jeff said I didn’t have to do it to him when Ted wasn’t around if I didn’t want to.

I told him I didn’t mind. I really didn’t. The only time I really minded was when it had been in my ass and I wasn’t as clean as I might have hoped. But even that I was getting used to.

We got up and went out to the living room and Jeff dressed and thanked me nicely and left. I took a quick shower and went to bed. In the morning I wrote out a quick note for Dave and got the latest DVDs ready and dropped them in the mail on the way to work.

It was Friday. I looked forward to Fridays with mixed emotions now. I liked two days off from work. I didn’t get much rest on my weekends though. I could usually count on Ted to think of some way to provide me with an unpleasant afternoon or evening.

On the other hand, although the things he made me do were usually more than I could stand, or almost anyway, they were also the things I had fantasies about. They were the things that I masturbated thinking about, or watching the DVDs of.

Ted checked to see how long my pubic hair was when I got to work, and I gave him his usual coffee break blowjob. Nothing was said about plans for using me this weekend though, so I just waited to see what would happen.

At closing time I told Ted goodnight and waited to see if he was going to give me any instructions. He just said he would call me if he needed me. So I went home and did a bunch of house-wifey stuff until eight when Jerry came over. He asked if I had a free evening and I said that as far as I knew I was free.

I invited him in and asked how it was going with Carol. His face lit up and he grabbed me and hugged me and told me how much he loved her. That made me very happy, but if he loved her, what the hell was he doing here?

He smiled and told me that she was on the way over and they wanted to spend the night here. Jerry doesn’t like taking her to his quarters on base and she has a real uptight roommate. I told him it sounded great to me. I hated spending nights alone. The house was so quiet and I got so lonely for Dave when there was nobody to talk to.

Carol arrived a few minutes later and we had a couple of drinks and talked for a while. I told them I had the latest DVD, the one that Carol was in, and asked if they would be interested. They both wanted to see it and I started it up, it was still in the player from last night.

We sat on the couch with Jerry between us girls and we drove him nuts as we watched. It was really hot. When we got to the part where the girls left and I was gangbanged by all those guys she kept saying “Oh my God! Damn! Oh my God!”

She said it was the hottest movie she had ever seen, right up to the scene where they all pissed on me. That’s where she lost interest.

I told her to not be so quick to judge. It was pretty exciting. I explained that I had really freaked out at first. Once I had calmed down though, it felt so hot while it was happening. It was like a long, long stream of hot cum shooting all over my body. She looked skeptical, but I suspected that once she tried it she would like it.

It was late and we went to bed and fucked like rabbits for a while, then cuddled up and went to sleep. In the morning we went in to take a quick shower before breakfast and Jerry and I had a surprise for Carol. We pulled her into the shower stall and Jerry pulled her close and hugged her tightly and I held her from behind as I reached around and caressed her breasts and kissed her neck. She was getting turned on and right then Jerry and I looked at each other and nodded and we both started peeing as we held Carol tight.

She screamed and tried to pull away at first, but then she relaxed and when we were finished she said, “You know, that was……interesting. But I still have to pee.”

Jerry slid down so that he was sitting between her legs and I continued to caress her and kiss her from behind as she peed all over Jerry. When she was done he licked her pussy clean and she came after only a few licks. I guess she didn’t hate it so much after all.

We had breakfast and they invited me to the mall with them but I needed to go grocery shopping and I needed to write a long letter to Dave so we went our separate ways.

I got home from shopping and put everything away and was getting ready to make something to eat when the doorbell rang. I answered it and it was Ted and Jeff and an older couple I had not seen before.

Nobody said anything, Ted took my arm and led me into the kitchen and undressed me in front of everyone. Jeff had the camera running as soon as I opened the door and just followed and filmed.

The couple, apparently a married couple, watched as Ted stripped me and commented politely and how lovely I was. Then Ted backed me up to the kitchen table and made me lay back on it. He took some ropes out of his pocket and tied my hands and feet to the table legs and then stood back.

Jeff was filming everything and I was laying there trying to figure out what was going on. This was really odd! I mean, this older couple seemed like a totally square mom and dad type couple. Not the kind of people that you would expect to take a woman being stripped and tied to her kitchen table by a large black man in their stride.

They didn’t seem the least put out as they watched Ted strip me and tie me up though. They just watched and smiled and when Ted had me secured the woman pulled up a chair and sat between my legs. Her husband was moving around and I saw him plug something into a socket nearby and hand it to his wife. Electrolysis!

It took hours. It didn’t take long for me to find out why I was tied down. It hurt! She and her husband took turns each hunched over my crotch attacking each individual hair until it was all gone. I noticed that when the older gentleman was working it required a lot of extra touching, but I guess he couldn’t get too carried away with his wife there. Poor old guy!

After a while I started getting numb. It was still painful, but I guess I was getting used to it. It was very boring and after the first few minutes Jeff turned the camera off and he and Ted went into the living room and watched TV.

They finally finished removing my pubic hair and the woman told Ted to keep checking that there would be some future growth but that it would be sparse and she would be happy to do some follow-up treatments. Ted gave her what looked like a large wad of money and she said, “Thank you, but what about the other?”

Ted smiled and said “Not a problem, it’s what she does best!”

The old man stood by my head and pulled out his cock and put it into my mouth. I was really shocked. I really didn’t think that they were the type!

The nice old lady came up by my head as I sucked her husband off and in the sweetest voice told me that her hubby had never had a blowjob. She could not bring herself to do that. She said that Ted had told her that I was very good at it and she thought it would be a nice thing to do for her husband. She asked sweetly if I minded if she watched.

I almost laughed out loud. I gave the old guy the blowjob of his life and after he came I turned to his wife and showed her what a nice big load of cum he had given me. I swirled it around with my tongue and moaned as if it were the nectar of the Gods and then swallowed. She looked to be about half way between shocked and amazed. But I could tell by the look on her face that if poor old hubby ever got another blowjob it wasn’t going to be from her.

They got their equipment packed up and Jeff got a good shot of my naked crotch, then the old couple left. Ted and Jeff stayed and fucked me to several good orgasms, then dressed and left. On the way out Ted told me that we had a little party to go to tomorrow.

On Sunday I slept late again and had a light breakfast. Then I read the paper and did the crossword puzzle. I decided to see what was on TV and went into the living room and sat down. I picked up the remotes and the next thing I knew I was watching the last DVD I had starred in.

I watched closely and I guess I should have been disturbed. I wasn’t though. I found that I was getting very turned on. More than that, I took the time to try to watch myself objectively and tried to see myself as others watching would see me. I was HOT! Thanks to the protein diet I had been on since Dave left I had lost ten pounds.

I had not been overweight at the time so I was really looking good. My stomach was flat and tight and my butt was damned near perfect. I still thought that my breasts were too small, but they really looked great. They were a perfect cone shape with not the slightest bit of sag. As I watched the movie my hands were busy and I was getting close to having my first orgasm. Just as I put myself over the edge the damned phone rang, really taking the edge off of a good orgasm.

My right hand was kind of messy so I grabbed the phone with my left and panted “Hello,” into the phone.

I heard laughter on the other side and I asked Ted what he wanted.

He told me he would be picking me up at six and I should be ready and naked. I said okay and went back to my movie, trying not to think about what might happen to me this evening.

I was showered and ready when Ted arrived a few minutes early. I expected him to pick out something for me to wear, or provide some degrading little costume for me. Instead he handed me my raincoat and dragged me out the door in just a raincoat and high heels.

Neither of us had yet spoken a word. As Ted drove I just looked out the window, not really paying attention until I realized we were heading out of town. Back towards that house in the country with the two big dogs!

A shiver of dread ran through my body as I turned to look at Ted. He smiled when he saw that I realized where we were going but all he said was “Take the coat off.”

I slipped my raincoat off and sat beside Ted naked as he drove. He made me slide closer so that he could rub my smooth pussy. I was grateful for the stimulation. I was not sure how to feel about what was ahead of me. I guess I was mainly afraid that it was going to be more than I could take. That fear increased as we pulled into the driveway of the isolated house in the country where I had first been introduced to sex with dogs. The first time I was here there were about twenty-five cars in the driveway when we arrived. I guess I was a popular act, because this time there appeared to be nearly twice as many cars there.

Ted parked and pulled me out and led me towards the house. I saw Jeff waiting by the door, already filming my approach. I thought back to how sexy I thought I had been in my last movie and it kind of gave me a little confidence. I won’t say I was looking forward to what was going to happen to me. More like I was looking forward to watching the DVD. I was looking forward to David’s reaction to it too. I loved pleasing him. I thought it was kind of special that I could still do it from half a world away.

Ted didn’t bother to knock. He just opened the door and pulled me in with Jeff following with the camera. We walked through the house to the backyard and I was so shocked I froze at the sliding glass doors. The back yard was packed with people!

The crowd was still mostly men. I was sure that there were at least fifty men there this time. That was a very conservative estimate. It looked like the same five young women were there serving drinks, only tonight there seemed to be three more of them. And tonight they were all topless. There were also a few women in the crowd of guests. I thought that it would have been nice if they were going to help. I wasn’t really that blonde though, I realized that the chances of that were slim and none.

Ted jerked on my arm and pulled me into the yard and it seemed like all conversation around me stopped and everyone turned to look at me. It was kind of exciting standing there naked in front of so many people dressed in normal street clothes and being the center of attention.

I saw the host and hostess approaching and they greeted Ted warmly. This time they even greeted me. Kelly, the hostess, hugged me and said she had a feeling I’d be back. I didn’t know what to say, so I just blushed and stood there. Stu, the host, also hugged me. He told me that he had really enjoyed having me here last time. I put on a great show and I had the best ass he had ever fucked. I smiled as he squeezed my ass and then Ted started pulling me slowly through the crowd, stopping from time to time to speak to groups of men and let them examine me.

Ted grabbed us both a drink from a passing tray and I gulped mine down and then gave my empty glass to Ted and gulped his down. I knew I was going to need it.

We finally reached the device I had been strapped to last time we were here and I handed Ted the second empty glass and knelt on the knee supports and got into the appropriate position. Kelly had been following us I guess and she strapped me in just like last time.

I heard the announcement being made that I was available for the use of the guests and while the men started to gather, Kelly was caressing me and getting me ready for what was about to happen. She was even nice enough to work some of the moisture from my pussy into my asshole and stretch it out a little for what was surely about to happen.

As she worked on my ass a man stepped up to my face and put his cock to my lips. I opened my mouth and he started gently sawing his cock in and out of my mouth. I appreciated the slow start, the chance to kind of get warmed up. I felt Kelly moving out of the way and immediately a nice hard cock slid forcefully into me. At the same time the man in my mouth started pushing into my throat and in moments they were both fucking me forcefully. It had begun.

I didn’t get fucked in the ass until the third man took his place behind me. I was grateful that he entered my pussy first and got his cock nice and wet before he started forcing it into my ass. I also appreciated that he seemed to have an average sized cock. They are always nicer to start out with.

I didn’t even try to keep track of how many men there were. I did notice that it seemed like hours before I tasted the first cock that had already been in my pussy. I really, really hoped that there were not going to be a lot of guys wanting seconds!

Every now and then one of the young women serving drinks would come over with a pan of warm water and some wash clothes and clean me up so I didn’t get too gross. At first it was embarrassing, but as the evening wore on it really helped, it gave me a chance to rest for a minute.

Finally I heard the host announce that the show was about to begin. I was not really looking forward to being fucked by a dog again, and even less to having one fuck my mouth. On the other hand, it was a sign that the party was winding down. Maybe only another hour or two and I could stagger out of here and go home.

The crowd of men that had pressed around me moved back and after a short pause Kelly appeared with the first dog. I saw them approaching and I saw the dog’s reaction when it saw me on the bench. He knew what I was here for. He started pulling at the leash, anxious to get to me.

Kelly dropped the leash and the dog galloped up to me and started licking me with that huge tongue. I had cum on my face and he licked it all off. The head restraint had not been adjusted for the dogs yet and my hair had not been pulled back, so I was able to keep my mouth closed this time.

After licking my face thoroughly he moved behind me. I had not been cleaned up after the last several men had used me and he went nuts licking me all around my crotch. It felt good, soothing after all I had been through. Something was different this time though. He just kept licking. He didn’t try to mount me.

Kelly adjusted my head restraint to the side and pulled my hair back with the rope again, putting me back in position to have my mouth fucked by her dog. As she was adjusting my head she spoke to me quietly. She explained that they were trying to get him to fuck a woman without the female dog scent that they had been using. She was going to try to get him started with my mouth and then have him fuck me.

She pulled the dog back around to my face. It was obvious he was anxious about something but didn’t quite know what to do. He licked my face again, this time getting his huge tongue into my mouth. Kelly moved him around so that his cock, which was already starting to come out from the sheath, was beginning to quiver around under his stomach, but was still only about as large as my index finger.

Kelly positioned him so that his little pink cock was lined up with my mouth. She moved him forward and as soon as he felt my mouth around his cock he started humping rapidly. It happened again and it was truly amazing how quickly his cock went from a little finger sized protrusion to a fat, eight inch cock! Just like the last time, as soon as it was hard the large volume of hot fluid began to shoot out of his cock and the knot started growing.

Kelly had apparently not been ready and his cock slid all the way down my already sore throat. She quickly restrained him and put her hand around the base of his cock to keep him from ripping my face off with the damned thing. Then, after a few minutes of vicious thrusting, Kelly pulled the dog off and quickly rushed him around behind me. She pulled him up over me and he immediately started thrusting blindly. Before she could guide him into me one of his violent thrusts found my asshole and I screamed my head off as he thrust his cock violently into my poor, already abused asshole.

The cum had continued to pour out of his large cock as he was being repositioned and my ass and my thighs were covered with hot dog cum.

I was screaming at Kelly to get him out. I begged her, telling her the dog was using the wrong hole. Kelly just patted me soothingly and said “Don’t worry dear, you won’t be damaged. He’s no bigger than some of the men that fucked you tonight.”

I just kept moaning “No, no, no.” Over and over as Kelly reached under me and started rubbing my clit. One of the other women came over and started caressing my breasts and staring in awe at that huge cock plowing into my poor asshole. Thankfully he didn’t lunge into me for long. He had given up trying to tie with me and he clamped down on me with his forelegs. I felt my ass filling up with his cum as he stood over me with that big cock buried in my ass and shooting a constant stream of cum into me. It was a horrible experience, but I was just grateful that he had not been able to get his knot into my ass. I am sure that would have torn something.

Kelly waited until he was finished and she pulled him off of me, but instead of leading him away she led him to my face and made me clean his cock with my mouth. I was really starting to dislike this woman!

I took a deep breath when she was finally through tormenting me and she led him away. She came back shortly with the second dog. I had to put up with the licking again and then he was turned and his cock was fed into my mouth. I automatically started licking his shaft and that was all the encouragement he needed. He started thrusting into me.

This time, however, Kelly was ready and restrained him, holding the base of his cock as it grew to full size quickly and he thrust his cock into my throat. Just like the first time though, once he had his cock buried in my throat and his know pressed up against my lips the cum poured out of him like a strong stream of urine. The amount was unbelievable! I was thankful that by the time his cum started streaming out of his cock it was buried in my throat and I hardly got any of it in my mouth.

The dog added his large load to the two dozen loads of human cum in my stomach and when he was finished he stepped away. As soon as he moved away from my face he was led away. I sighed in relief, thinking it was almost over.

Stu untied me and I thought, “Great, I wasn’t going to have to go through the same nasty finale that I had been subjected to last time.” Sometimes I can be pretty stupid.

I had been secured on my hands and knees for hours while being fucked by at least fifty men, some of them more than once. When I tried to stand my legs wouldn’t support me and I went to my knees. Stu just patted my head and said, “Stay down there cunt, it’s where you belong.”

He put a dog collar around my throat and attached a leash to it and started leading me around on my hands and knees. People were laughing and making cruel remarks as I was led around, but I just tried to ignore them. After all I had been through this didn’t seem all that important.

After threading our way through the crowd for a while I was led to an opening in the center and saw yet another dog.

I thought I was done! This was really starting to get to me. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.

Susan, the daughter of the host and hostess, was petting the dog, a large black Lab, and calming it. She made him sit and then lay down. Then she turned him on his back and Stu led me up at that point and told me to suck him off.

The dog was startled when I gently grabbed the sheath of skin over his cock and Susan had to hold him down and calm him. As I started to massage his cock out of its sheath he seemed willing to see where this was going.

I tried not to look at the faces of the people as I leaned down and started licking the Lab’s growing organ. I knew from my previous experiences with the Great Danes that a dog’s cock was not nearly as slimy as it looked and, in fact, didn’t actually have a bad taste at all. Still, it looks slimy and it is still a dog’s cock after all. So it wasn’t easy to bring myself to put it in my mouth.

I finally got up the courage and slid my lips down over the dog’s cock, much to the delight of the crowd. It was different, doing it like I would for a man. Not being tied down and face fucked. I had more control and it wasn’t slamming into my throat. It wasn’t pleasant. I didn’t want to do it. But then, isn’t that the point? Isn’t that why they get so much pleasure from making me do it? Isn’t that why I am going to cum so hard later when I am watching the next DVD and playing with my pussy?

I was anxious to get this over with so I sucked him as hard and as fast as I could. I discovered another difference in doing it this way. I kept getting huge mouthfuls of dog cum. With the Danes almost all of it had all been just shot straight down my throat. This dog’s cock was in my mouth and I kept getting large mouthfuls of the animal’s hot cum as it poured in a steady stream from his throbbing cock. It was more than a little unpleasant.

I was able to keep it down though and keep sucking until finally the dog was finished cumming. I had to swallow many times before he finished. Then it seemed like a very long time before the dog’s cock started softening in my mouth and I was pulled back. The dog was released and he stood up and licked my face for a moment, then he went off to have a cigarette I guess.

In this position, bent over and sucking him as he lay on his back, I had been able to see his knot better and considering how much larger the other dogs were I was surprised that that thing had actually been forced into my pussy the first time I was here. No wonder it hurt!

After the Lab was taken away, Stu announced that after my last visit he had had to re-sod a large potion of his back yard because of the damage from all the piss. So he had a new area prepared just for the grand finale.

I was led to a small concrete pad with a drain in the middle and an uncomfortable looking aluminum framework in the center. I was stretched over the frame on my back in the shape of an X and my arms and legs secured to the bars. My hair was secured with a rope and pulled down and tied to another bar so that my mouth was open and I couldn’t move my head. The men started gathering around me and soon I was being hosed down with piss from all sides.

Someone seemed to be pissing in my mouth at all times and because I was on my back my nose was accessible. So, in order to breath without inhaling piss I had to swallow a lot of it. It was horrible. It is bearable if you can just let it drain out of your mouth without swallowing any, but I kept gagging because of all the nasty piss I was forced to swallow because my nostrils had filled up and I couldn’t breathe.

It took a long time. There were twice as many men as last time. But finally it was over and Stu came over and hosed me off. Just like before, after I was relatively clean he pushed me over the bars I had been secured to and fucked my ass. He finally came and I sucked him clean. Ted came up and took my arm and led me towards the door. A few of the guests said good night and thanked me. I was a little surprised and didn’t know what to say. So I just smiled as much as my sore mouth muscles would allow and nodded and kept walking. I was just too tired to deal with fans.

It took a while but we made it through the crowd to the door finally. A lot of men were still getting their goodbye blowjobs from the young women who had been serving drinks and getting groped all night, including young Susan. I stumbled to the car and put on my raincoat and collapsed into the seat. I was quiet most of the way home but as we neared my house I told Ted that that had been too much.

Fifty men and three dogs were just too much. Much to my surprise he agreed. He told me that he would have a talk with Stu and Kelly if they asked for my services again. I sighed in relief and stared out the window, not really seeing anything until finally we pulled into my driveway.

I got my spare key out from under the rock again and we went inside. I had to give Ted a blowjob before he went home. He was apparently enjoying the show at the party too much to take part. I thought for a moment of poor Jeff. He must be pretty horny too. But as I would find out later when I watched the DVD of this night, Jeff had taken me twice at the party!

I glanced at the clock as I headed for the shower. I was not surprised to see that it was after two AM. I took a quick shower and fell asleep wondering why they had these damned orgies on Sunday night.

On Monday I got to work and dragged through the day looking forward to going home and going right to bed. I prayed that Ted would leave me alone today and I guess he knew I was right at the end of my rope because our only conversations were about work and coworkers. Finally the day ended and I rushed home and went right to bed. I slept like a log until time to get up the next morning.


I awoke the next day almost totally recovered from the party Sunday night. My pussy and ass were still tender and I still had some bruises on my breasts, but for the most part I was ready to serve again. I just hoped that Ted would have a little sympathy for me and let me have another day or two to recover fully.

I got to work Tuesday and with the exception of a quickie blowjob under Ted’s desk in the afternoon it was a normal day, almost like before this all started. In fact, that is how things went the rest of the week. I was starting to think Ted was getting bored with me. On Friday afternoon though, Ted told me that I shouldn’t make any plans for Saturday.

I went home, planning on a quiet evening at home. I didn’t feel like cooking so I made a sandwich and looked through the mail. I jumped when the phone rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone to call and it startled me. I was surprised when I heard Carol’s voice. She wanted to come over for a little while. We had never had the opportunity to get together, just the two of us. I was looking forward to it and I immediately invited her over. I rushed in and took a quick shower and put on my robe just as Carol arrived.

I was a little nervous. I know that must seem strange after all I had been through in the last couple of months. I had my first sexual experience with a woman a few weeks ago. Then I had a couple of experiences with a woman and a man. I had never just been alone with a woman and made love. I was excited and nervous but I knew it was going to be fantastic.

It was! Carol came in and we hugged and kissed as soon as I closed the front door. We went straight to the bedroom and undressed each other and spent the next couple of hours touching and kissing and loving each other. I didn’t want it to end. After we had worn each other out, we cuddled and talked quietly for the longest time. I was happy to hear that she was falling for Jerry as hard as he was falling for her. She finally got up and dressed and went home around midnight. I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until almost ten the next morning.

I showered and dressed and ate breakfast and read the paper and did some housework. Then I tried to concentrate on the crossword puzzle as I wondered what Ted had planned for today.

Ted showed up at one in the afternoon, with Jeff in tow. Ted handed me two copies of the latest DVD and as soon as I put them down we left. Ted was driving and I was sitting in the middle. As soon as we were on the road they each had a hand on my upper thigh. We arrived at a run down house in a run down neighborhood with four big Harleys parked out front. We got out and Ted and I headed for the front door with Jeff following, already filming from behind.

Ted knocked and a very large, very hairy biker answered the door. He looked me up and down and leered at me and stepped back. He led us through the living room which looked like it had never been cleaned. There were four more bikers in the living room and when they saw me all conversation stopped. They started making obscene remarks about my body and what they wanted to do with it. I was afraid they were going to get the chance!

We kept going through the living room and down a hallway to a back bedroom, with the four additional bikers following, Jeff, of course, bringing up the rear. The room was larger than I expected but the big surprise was the way it was furnished. There were several stainless steel cabinets and an examination table right out of a doctor’s office.

The bikers watched as Ted undressed me and ordered me up on the table. As soon as I was positioned I was strapped down. My feet strapped to the stirrups and my arms to the rails at the side. Another strap went around my waist and the only thing I could move was my head.

Jeff came closer with the camera and the biker ran his huge hands over my breasts and my pussy for a minute. He started pinching my nipples and pulling on them, getting them hard. When my nipples were standing up he spoke for the first time in a deep gravely voice. He said “Yeah, this bitch is a natural. No problem.” He left the room and I heard water running and he came back in drying his hands on a towel. I was starting to get a little concerned.

He moved to one of the cabinets and came back with a small tray which he put on a small rolling table. He pulled on some latex gloves, and then he worked on my nipples a little more, getting them nice and hard. When he was satisfied that they were fully erect, he rubbed alcohol on them. I knew what was coming now. I just didn’t know that they weren’t going to do anything to deaden the pain. And I didn’t know they were going to do it the old fashioned way.

I was suddenly distracted when one of the bikers stepped forward and moved between my legs. He didn’t even put his beer down! He reached down with one hand and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock and plunged it into my pussy while his friends cheered him on. While I was watching him and trying to get turned on and maybe start adding a little lubrication to the dry fuck I was getting, the other guy grabbed one of my nipples and stretched it out and suddenly shoved a large needle through it! I screamed like a banshee and thrust my crotch up, that being the only movement I was capable of.

The biker fucking me grinned and said, “Shit yeah, baby. Go for that cock. Work that pussy.” I ignored him. I was hyperventilating from the pain as I watched the guy working on my nipple. He put a large ring through the bleeding hole he had just made and then swabbed it with more alcohol. I got my breathing under control and looked around for Ted. He was standing in the corner smiling and rubbing his cock.

I wanted out of here. I was just about to try begging but the look on his face let me know that I would be wasting my time. I went limp on the table just as the guy fucking me came. He pulled out and, as another man took his place, the guy that had fucked me came around and shoved his greasy, smelly cock into my mouth and I sucked him clean.

The guy doing the piercing moved around to my other side and started working on my other nipple. I sobbed quietly as he pinched and pulled at it, making it stand up so he could torture and mutilate it. I tried concentrating on the pummeling my pussy was taking as I felt the alcohol being applied. I guess it helped a little because I was starting to get turned on just as I felt the large needle being forced into my taut nipple.

The pain was overwhelming and I screamed again as the needle passed through my sensitive flesh. Then I sobbed quietly as the ring was put in place and more alcohol was applied. As soon as he was finished the rest of the bikers moved into the room and started working my body over. A few of them toyed with my new nipple rings but thankfully most of them left that one part of my body alone.

Before they went much further the big guy in charge told everyone that he thought we should move to the living room and “do the bitch right.” I was released from the table and pulled to my feet and I followed everyone into the living room, gingerly rubbing my poor breasts as we walked.

As soon as we were in the living room the guys all undressed and I was put on my hands and knees. I thought, “Alright, the worst is over. I got stabbed in the tits a couple of times but now I just have to fuck half a dozen nasty bikers. Actually, they were hairy and rough, but they were all clean. I just had to fuck them and then I can get the hell out of here.

It didn’t quite go that way. All afternoon I heard more bikes coming to the house and new faces joining the party and old ones having their fill and leaving. After every two or three bikers they would pause and I would be made to scoop up the latest accumulation of cum leaking from my pussy and ass and swallow it. The guys always got a big kick out of that.

Most of the guys were pretty nice but a couple of them were scary. One of them kept slapping my ass, which isn’t that unusual, but he hit hard, real hard. He kept beating me and pulling my hair and making me cry. At one point he was fucking my ass and beating my ass and pulling my hair and his scary buddy was slapping my sore tits with a folded over studded belt. The scary part was that I came the same time he did!

When things were starting to wind down Ted came over to me and handed me a glass and said, “Here, drink this.” I looked at the glass he had put in my hand and was shocked to see it was a large water glass full of warm, slimy cum! I found out later when I watched the DVD that instead of having me a second time everyone would jack off into the glass and at the end of the afternoon I was to drink it.

I had been swallowing cum all afternoon but the concept of drinking down a large glass full all at once was a bit disconcerting. Still, it was just cum after all, and I was just a slave. I decided the best way to do this was to do it all at once, as quickly as possible. I took a deep breath and with Jeff right in front of me with the camera I gulped it all down with the men cheering me on.

I managed to chug it all down and, although I did gag a couple of times I managed to keep it down. I licked a few stray drops of cum from my lips and tilted the glass up again and got the last slimy drops from the glass and then handed it back to Ted. He smiled and told me to get dressed and we left.

I needed a drink, I needed it bad. My tits hurt and my pussy hurt and my ass hurt and I needed to get the bleachy taste of cum out of my mouth. I was wearing a tight little crop top which was pressing on my sore nipples and that didn’t help. I hoped we were going home but that isn’t where we ended up. Instead we pulled into the parking lot of a bar and I thought, “Well, at least I can get a drink.”

I thought this place was a redneck bar and wondered if Ted knew what he was doing going into a redneck bar with a white woman. Not to worry. We stepped inside and Jeff and I were the almost the only white faces in the room. There were about fifteen or twenty men in the place and a couple of not so attractive white women and two or three slutty looking black women.

We sat at the bar and had a couple of drinks and talked for a while. Ted knew some of the guys and every now and then one of them would come over and say hello and check me out. He was quick to mention my new jewelry and showed my newly decorated nipples to everyone that came over. His friends were pretty bold and most of them took the opportunity to grab my tits and play with the rings, which always made me cringe in pain.

Finally Ted paid our tab and we left. We drove to my house and went inside. Ted and Jeff, who had watched me get fucked all afternoon and were very horny, both fucked me twice before they left. Finally I was able to shower and relax. I put my robe on and made a sandwich and went into the living room to watch the newest DVD they had dropped off this morning.

I was just about to start the movie when the doorbell rang. I groaned in disappointment and went to see who it was. I opened the door and Jerry and Carol were standing there. I was always happy to see them and invited them in. I got them each a drink and we sat in the living room and talked. I told them about my day and showed them my new jewelry. Carol liked them but when I told her the procedure I went through to get them she shuddered. She could not believe they would do that to me.

On the other hand, she couldn’t take her eyes or her hands off of them. I told them about the new DVD I had been about to watch and they were anxious to see it. I tried to explain that this one was pretty rough and might gross them out but they wanted to see it so I grabbed the remote and sat down on the other side of Jerry and started the movie.

It started right out with me getting out of the car naked and being led up the sidewalk to the house in the country. We all undressed as the movie continued and Carol and I started driving Jerry nuts. At one point I was kissing Jerry passionately when I felt Carol part my legs and start to lick my pussy. I pulled away from Jerry and stopped her. I explained that I had been fucked by more than a dozen men this afternoon but she just smiled and bent back down and started licking me again.

It felt wonderful and I leaned back as Jerry bent down to kiss and lick my tits. He was very careful around my nipples and I was surprised at how good it felt despite what they had been through today. This was getting good and nobody was watching the movie any longer so I suggested that we adjourn to the bedroom. I shut the movie off and we hurried to the bedroom and I stretched out on the bed.

Carol moved between my legs again and Jerry moved back to my breasts. In no time at all I started cumming and then Carol took my place. I dined on her beautiful pussy while Jerry kissed her passionately and played with her breasts until she flooded my mouth with her fluids and enjoyed a violent orgasm. Then it was Jerry’s turn. He stretched out and Carol and I got on either side of him and devoured his cock and balls. In a very short time he came in Carol’s mouth and I told her not to swallow. We kissed, passing his large load back and forth until we had both swallowed some of it. When we kissed and licked each other’s lips clean and stretched out beside Jerry. He put his arms around us and as we snuggled up to him he sighed and said, “I don’t know how I died, but I am definitely in heaven!”

We lay like that for a while and Carol suggested we take a quick shower and watch the rest of the movie. I suspected that Carol was looking forward to two kinds of showers and it sounded like fun to me. We moved into the bathroom and I set out some clean towels and we stepped into the shower. Nobody turned the water on. We stood as we had that first time with Carol between us and Jerry and I let loose a hot stream of piss soaking her stomach and legs.

When we finished she knelt and licked and sucked us both for a moment, then I took charge. I had Jerry kneel and I joined him and we kissed as Carol stepped up and let loose her hot stream all over us. When she was finished Jerry and I both licked and kissed her pussy, then we stood up and the three of us kissed and hugged until the piss that was covering us turned cold.

Finally we showered and wrapped ourselves in towels and moved back to the living room to watch more of the movie. I didn’t remember where we left off but the first half of it was pretty much all the same. It was all me, tied to a bench with a cock in my mouth and a cock in my pussy or ass and a crowd of men lined up around me waiting and watching quietly.

Finally we got to the part with the dogs. As we watched we were groping each other and staring intently at the screen. I heard Carol. As she watched in awe she was gasping and whispering under her breath, “Oh my. Oh my God! Oh!”

After we all watched me satisfy the first Dane, Carol moved over and sat beside me and moved her fingers over and into my pussy. “What’s it like?” she asked breathlessly.

I had to think about that for a few minutes. As I formed my answer her fingers were moving gently in my pussy and Jerry was caressing my tits, carefully avoiding my new nipple rings.

“It is kind of hard to explain,” I said. “I didn’t know it was going to happen the first time and I was shocked, to put it mildly. When I first realized what they were doing I nearly freaked out. I hated the idea of it.

I have to admit though, once that huge dog was driving his large cock into me in front of all of those people it got exciting fast. I wouldn’t want to get fucked that way every time I got fucked, but every now and then, WOW! A dog’s cock doesn’t feel any different in your pussy, but that super fast pistoning is unbelievable.

The biggest difference is his cum. As soon as his cock gets inside of you it gets hard, and he starts cumming right away. He cums for as long as he stays inside of you and I guess a dog’s body temperature is a lot higher than a human’s because his cum feels really hot. You actually feel it filling you up because it is so hot. And don’t forget that a large part of the excitement for me was the idea of being used that way to humiliate me in front of a large audience.

Sucking a dog is a lot different though. His cock looks kind of ugly but it isn’t all wet and slimy like it looks. If your eyes were closed it would just be a cock in your mouth at first. But there are differences. Aside from the violent motion and a face full of hair and that huge knot at the end it starts out just like a blowjob. Keep in mind that I was tied down and unable to move anything but my tongue.

After a few minutes, though, there are some surprises. Their cocks get very big very fast. And as I said, dogs cum a lot! I didn’t know what was going to happen and it was all a big surprise to me. Most of it went right down my throat because the head of his cock was already in my throat. When I did get a taste it wasn’t that bad. Not much different than man’s cum, maybe a slightly milder taste. But the first couple of times it squirted into my mouth I thought he was peeing! There was just so much of it!

That woman, Kelly, kept me informed of what was going on. She was right beside me and she whispered in my ear what was happening. But the taste is mild. Not as bleachy as a man’s. And again, the most exciting thing for me was that I didn’t have a choice and I was being forced to do it in front of a huge crowd of horny men.”

We sat quietly and watched as I was led to the black Labrador and made to suck him off like I would a man instead of being restrained and face fucked. It was pretty humiliating, and my pussy was leaking like a sieve!

Then came the grand finale and I was led to the cement pad and fifty men lined up to piss in and on me. I was petting Carol’s pussy as we watched that part and she had a huge orgasm as the camera zoomed in on the men pissing on my mouth and pussy.

Her hand was still on my pussy too and as soon as she came in my hand I had another orgasm. Between the movie and the pleasure of giving this beautiful redhead an orgasm, and Jerry’s fascination with my nipple rings I was really turned on.

When I was able to catch my breath I reached down and scooped up some of the lube that was oozing out of Jerry’s cock and spread it over Carol’s lips. Then we kissed. It was a big wet, hot, juicy kiss. Then we took pity on Jerry and I stretched a towel across the hassock and had Carol stretch out on her back. I positioned Jerry between her thighs and as he slowly fucked his sweet redheaded girlfriend I gently caressed his balls and kissed them both. After they had both cum, I cleaned them with my tongue. I had not intended to, but once I got into it I enjoyed it. Besides, I seemed to do that for everyone now. It was no big deal.

As we lounged around, nude, catching our breath again, I thought this would be a good time to ask a question that had been on my mind since I had first met Carol and we had put on a show for Ted and his buddies. At the time I had assumed that she and her friend were prostitutes. I had since learned that she was not a prostitute. She worked on base and was a GS-11, the same grade as me. So she had a good income. I had to find out how she came to join me in that sex show we had put on.

She laughed when I asked. She leaned over and kissed me. “I wondered if you were ever going to ask me that,” she said. “One night, on my friend’s birthday, we got a little drunk and somehow talked each other into celebrating by competing in the amateur night strip contest at one of the local strip joints.

It isn’t something we had ever done before but I am a bit of an exhibitionist and I had wondered what it would be like. She, not so much, I think the thing for her was that she was getting older and needed proof she still had it.

As you know, I am bi. I think I always have been. She and I had a brief, purely physical affair and I was her first and only female sex partner. We had fun, but she is not really bisexual. It was more like she got carried away by the novelty and was a little curious.

So anyway, we were drinking and went to the club and signed up and I came in second and she came in the third. The winner was a damned ringer. Everyone knew she was a pro, but I saw her dance and damn, she was hot!

I think I came in second only because I was a redhead, and a real one at that. Anyway, after we had gotten dressed we were sitting in the audience watching the strippers and having a drink when Ted and a friend of his joined us. He can be quite charming, can’t he?

They tried to pick us up but when they saw that they weren’t getting anywhere they just relaxed and talked. After a while Ted started talking about you. He asked if we would put on a private show for some friends of his, with you as the star. I was drunk, but even if I had been sober I would have gone for it when he showed me your picture.

Tawny, my girlfriend, said no at first. But Ted started offering us money. At first a couple hundred apiece and Tawny kept saying no until he reached a thousand. Remember she was drunk. I had to get her pretty drunk again the day we did the show. It was worth it though, wasn’t it?” Then she leaned over and kissed me again.

We were all getting tired and I thought it would be nice if they spent the night alone together. I let them have my bed and I moved into the guest room. They tried to talk me into staying with them but I thought they should have some time alone. Besides, it had been a real long day and I just wanted to sleep. I put some disinfecting ointment on my nipples and crawled into the spare bed and slept through the night.

I woke up around eight the next morning to the smell of coffee. Carol had made breakfast and I sat at the table rubbing my eyes as Carol served Jerry and me in the nude. I had put my robe on before I came out but I was the only one wearing anything so I took it off and we relaxed and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. After breakfast we all took a shower and dressed and they left.

I was just about to take a nap when the phone rang. It was Ted of course. I really didn’t feel like playing today and I begged him to let me rest. He assured me that what he had planned wouldn’t take long and wouldn’t be very strenuous. He assured me that there was no pain involved.

I sighed and asked when. He said he would pick me up in half an hour and I should dress conservatively. He wanted me to look like a normal housewife. He even wanted me to wear underwear! I was a bit nervous about putting my breasts in a bra, but I said I would try and hung up.

I put on a little make up and pulled out an attractive but relatively conservative bra and panty set. I decided not to wear pantyhose. I hadn’t worn them since right after I started serving as Ted’s slave. I looked through my closet and decided on a dark, knee length skirt and a plain white blouse and a conservative pair of shoes.

Ted arrived and looked me over and apparently approved of my choice of clothing. We went to the car and he drove across town to the biggest high school in town. The school was closed of course, but there were a few cars parked near the gym. Ted ignored my questions and pulled me toward the back door of the gym. I didn’t like the looks of this and was balking at doing something in a school. He just squeezed my arm hard and gave me a steely look and said “Listen cunt. You belong to me. You do what I tell you, when I tell you, where I tell you, with whom I tell you. Do you have any questions?”

I just shook my head and looked down as he pulled me back to the coach’s office. I was nervous now. It just didn’t seem right doing something in a place like this. A school is where normal people do normal things. It just didn’t feel right. But that didn’t matter now. I was just a slave after all.

I looked up as the coach stood up and walked around his desk. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head and looked at me. Then he looked down and examined my body, leering like any other dirty old man. The coach was only about 5’10”. He was in his late forties or early fifties and had silver hair and a large paunch. “Jesus Ted,” he said. “This bitch is hot! I’d like some of this myself.”

“Okay Coach, I tell you what,” Ted responded. “Get with me later and I’ll invite you next time I put her out. But you know the rules. I tape everything she does to show her husband.”

“Yeah,” the coach replied. “I’m not comfortable with that, but for a piece of this bitch’s hot ass it will be worth it.”

I wasn’t sure if I was being insulted or complimented!

The coach ran his hands over my body. He felt the rings on my nipples and moved them around as I cringed in pain.

“Take it easy,” Ted said. “She just got those yesterday.”

The coach smirked at me and gave the rings another twist and then stepped back and said “Okay, let’s go.”

I was led into a locker room and what I saw was unbelievable. Sitting quietly on the benches were about twenty-five young boys! These were seventh and eighth graders! Middle School kids! These guys could not be serious!

I looked at Ted and the coach and the smirks on their faces told me everything I needed to know. I spotted Jeff off to the side with the camera and I could not believe they would film this. We could all go to jail over this! I tried to talk sense into them, whispering quietly but desperately to them that we couldn’t do this. I could see I was wasting my breath so I shut up and waited to be told what to do.

The coach spoke up and addressed the team. “Guys, I promised you a surprise if you won your game Friday. Here she is. This hot young housewife is here to educate and amuse you. I know some, if not most of you are still virgins. Don’t worry. I am not going to ask you to identify yourselves.” Most of the young guys blushed and chuckled at that.

“We have plenty of time. This young lady has volunteered to do anything and everything you want for as long as you’re able to do it, any questions?”

The kids all stared at me mutely, apparently not quite believing their luck. After a moment of quiet passed the coach said, “Come on guys, let’s go have some fun!”

The coach grabbed my arm and pulled me through a door into a small equipment room where some wrestling mats were already spread out on the floor. Everyone gathered around in a circle and as Jeff stood on something off to the side filming, the coach started calling on boys to come forward and take off an article of my clothing.

This was bad. Very bad, and I knew it. I was going to be having sex with children. On the other hand, the idea of taking the cherries of so many cute young boys was kind of having an effect on me, much as I hated to admit it to myself.

The first young man, well, boy, came forward and the coach invited him to remove my blouse. The kid started unbuttoning buttons but he was being careful not to touch me and he couldn’t look me in the face. It was kind of amusing. The coach stopped him and said, “Will, you know you’re going to see this broad naked, right?”

The boy nodded.

“And you’re going to fuck her and she is going to suck your cock and you are going to see her fucking and sucking all of your team mates, right?”

The boy nodded again.

“So it’s okay to touch her right? We want you to touch her. We want you guys to touch her everywhere, a lot. We want you to touch her as much as you want. Besides, it’s better for her that way. Women like being touched. It makes ’em hot. Okay?”

The boy nodded again and smiled, but he was obviously embarrassed. It was kind of touching.

I reached out and held his hands, gently guiding them to my breasts. “It’s alright,” I said, and smiled at him. “I want you to touch me. I want you and your friends to take my clothes off and I want us all to have a good time.”

I knew that if this movie ever got into the wrong hands I would be buried under the jail. There was no way I could convince anyone that I had been forced into this and was not a willing participant. Yet I couldn’t help wanting to make it a nice experience for these young boys. This was quite a responsibility, being the first sexual experience for all of these boys.

The boy smiled at me then looked down and moved his hand over my breasts, no doubt enjoying his first feel of a breast since infancy. He moved his hands under my breasts and squeezed lightly until the coach interrupted and told him to go ahead and remove my blouse.

He was a little less shy as he finished unbuttoning by blouse. When all of the buttons were unbuttoned he pulled the blouse out of my skirt and then pushed it off of my shoulders and slipped it off.

The look on his face was priceless. He glanced up at my face again and I smiled and nodded and he reached out and caressed me through my bra. This kid was melting my heart. I glanced around at the faces of the other kids and the looks of total awe were extremely compelling. My reluctance was fading fast.

Before the coach called the next boy up I reached up and put my hands on each side of this boys face and kissed him. It was just a nice kiss, no tongue or anything, but he moaned like he was about to cum so I let him go.

There was a buzz of conversation as he stepped back into the group and the coach called out another boy. This young man was a bit brasher. He had been asked to step forward and remove my skirt. He stood in front of me and smiled at me as he reached up and caressed my breasts before reaching down to search for the button and the zipper on my skirt.

I smiled back at him and brought his hand to the side opening and he looked at it and saw what was necessary and opened the button and pulled the zipper down. Then he pulled it gently down to the floor and I put my hand on his shoulder and stepped out of my skirt as he bent down and picked it up.

The kid straightened up and looked me in the eye and asked if he could have a kiss. I almost laughed out loud. I leaned in and kissed him but gasped in surprise when, in the middle of that kiss he reached over and started rubbing my panty clad pussy. This time I was the one that moaned. I didn’t want it to be. But being in this situation with these young boys was becoming extremely erotic.

I heard Ted and the coach both chuckle at what was happening and my obvious reaction. The boy stepped back into the crowd, with my skirt and I suggested to Ted that there might be repercussions if these young gentlemen were found to be in possession of an adult female’s clothing. Besides, I would need something to wear home.

Ted thought about that for a moment and obviously agreed. He made the two very disappointed young men give back their souvenirs.

Another young man was called out and given the honor of removing my bra. Almost all of my bras have the closure in front. The boy headed around behind me but I stopped him and pointed out where the fasteners were and he gleefully stepped in front of me and started wrestling with the catches. I thought I was going to have to help him but finally he figured it out and the catches released. He pulled the sides apart and I heard the gasp of excitement from the team.

“Holy shit!” the boy exclaimed, as he held my bra open and stared at my breasts. He pulled the straps from my shoulders and slid the bra off my arms and tossed it down without even looking at it. His eyes never left my breasts. He kept whispering “Holy shit!” under his breath, over and over. I was really flattered. His hands came up slowly and he was so sweet as he gently caressed my tender breasts. He touched one of the rings and moved it around, pulling on it gently.

I grabbed his hand gently and said, “Easy, I just got those yesterday. They are still a little sore.”

“Oh jeez,” he said, pulling his hands away suddenly. I smiled and brought his hands back to my breasts. “It’s alright,” I said, “Just be gentle.”

He moved his hands gently over my breasts and then with a questioning look in his eyes he slowly moved one hand down to my panties. I smiled and nodded and spread my legs open just little as his hand covered my pussy and squeezed gently.

After a moment he pulled his hand away and looked at it. “You’re wet,” he said, but it was more of a question than a statement.

“Girls get wet when they are sexually excited,” I said. “Right now I am very turned on. You have to understand though. Most girls don’t like to do things like this. They don’t like to be undressed in front of a bunch of guys. They like it to be just with the guy they like, a lot. And just in private. There are some girls that are a little bit different. Girls like me that become excited by doing things in front of people, especially people they don’t know. Don’t try this at home with your girlfriend, okay?”

He nodded and leaned in for his kiss. These guys were so sweet, I loved this!

The next young man was called out and rushed forward. It was like he didn’t know where to start. He looked me all over for a moment and then started roughly groping my breasts. I let him go but winced when he started roughly playing with my new nipple rings. I tried to slow him down and gentle him down. “Easy,” I said, as gently as I could. “They are tender and it’s better to caress them like your friends did.”

He looked me right in the face and with a surprisingly adult leer on his face said, “Fuck you bitch! I know what you are. You’re a slut. My brother told me about girls like you and I can do anything I want to you! That’s why your pussy is wet. You like this stuff.”

I didn’t know quite how to respond to the little bastard! I wanted to slap his face. I sure felt sorry for all the future females that would be dating and/or marrying this little asshole! Before I could say anything the coach told the little shit to leave my rings alone and behave himself or he could go home.

The kid reached down then and grabbed my panties and pulled them down. I stepped out of them and he stood up and looked at the crotch and said “See, soaking wet. You love this stuff.”

I responded instantly, “I did until you stepped forward, you little caveman.”

He ignored me and looked at my pussy. “See, you ain’t got any hair on your pussy. Only sluts don’t have hair on their pussies!”

“Do you know what a slut is?” I asked him.

“Sure,” he responded. “You are a slut. You come into a gym full of horny guys and let them undress you and fuck you. That makes you a slut!”

“So, a slut is a woman that likes sex?” I asked. “You don’t like women who like sex? You’re right, of course. I am a slut. If I were not a slut I wouldn’t be here. But that doesn’t mean I am a bad person. I am highly educated. I have a Masters Degree and I am a highly paid professional. I am happily married to a man who shares my love for sex, especially these little scenes like this one here. I am here living out a fantasy.”

“I suppose you are all too young to understand that, and when you get older you will probably be too uptight to understand. I shouldn’t be here with you guys. You are too young and this is illegal and we all know it. But I wasn’t asked, I was ordered. I do what I am ordered to do because that is what excites me. It’s okay if you use me and even abuse me a little. It’s okay if you don’t have any respect for me. Because I am able to do this and still respect myself. If you don’t respect me maybe you should step back and think about whether or not you want to put your cock into a piece of trash like me.”

The little prick probably didn’t understand a thing I just said but his buddies were getting impatient and started calling for him to get out of the way so the fun could start. Young Frank, I learned his name from the derisive calls for him to move aside, didn’t bother to try for a kiss. He just looked at me with a strange look and moved back into the crowd. Hmmm, maybe he was going to actually think about it!

Ted ordered me to get on my knees and the guys lined up for their first blowjobs. The guys seemed kind of embarrassed at first about being naked and having sex in front of their friends, but as soon as the action started they gathered around and watched in awe and the discomfort quickly seemed to evaporate.

I looked around at all of the sweet young cocks waiting to feel my lips wrap around them and tried not to think about how young they were. A couple of these boys were probably only twelve and the oldest probably not more than fifteen. I imagined that they would not take very long to cum the first time, but there were still a lot of them and I needed to get started.

I took the first young cock into my mouth and slowly moved my moist, tightly closed lips down to the base of his cock. As I did I moved my hand up and caressed his small hairless ball sack. I pulled back and started to slide down again and he grabbed my head emptied his load into my mouth.

He seemed embarrassed that he had cum so quickly but I smiled at him and said, “It’s always that fast the first few times. Sex is just so damned exciting.”

He grinned down at me gratefully. I think he would have kissed me if he had not just cum in my mouth. Then he was pushed out of the way and the next young man took his place. It went on for nearly an hour, but none of them lasted very long and I didn’t have to put a lot of effort into it.

The hardest part for me was that I really wanted to stand up and stretch my legs.

I was amazed at the taste of all the young sperm. I like sucking cocks and I like having cum in my mouth. Not because it tastes good, it doesn’t. I like it because it excites men so much and because it is so nasty. Most men’s ejaculate is either very bitter or very bleachy. But I savor the experience.

These boys were different. I suppose because of their youth and because they did not smoke and drink and they had a diet not typical of most adults. Their ejaculate was, well, not tasty, but mild, almost without any flavor at all.

When I reached the end of the line I was given a bottle of water and allowed to use the bathroom. I took the opportunity to relieve my bladder and rinse out my mouth and suck on a couple of breath mints. When I got back to the party they were nice enough to have a blanket spread on the floor for me and I stretched out on my back and put on a little show, caressing my breasts and gently massaging my pussy.

The boys enjoyed the show for a minute and then the first one stepped forward and got on his knees between my thighs. He was small and light and hairless and cute and I wanted to hug him to death. He obviously didn’t know what to do. I raised my arms and gently pulled him to me and lay back down. I whispered to him, telling him how exciting he was and how much fun I was having and I told him to put his arms on the floor on either side of me and support himself and I would put his big cock in my pussy.

He grinned widely and did as I asked. I reached down and lined his young cock up with my pussy which was now soaked. All of this innocence was very exciting!

He started thrusting as soon as he was lined up and, after he got a little carried away and had to be reinserted a couple of times he slowed down and did a pretty good job for a first fuck. I moaned a little for him and told him how good it felt and he came quickly. Before he got up he hugged me and thanked me. He was so sweet I almost cried. I hugged him back and told him he was great and I loved it. And I meant it.

After the third boy had cum in me I could tell from the look on his face that Ted was about to make me clean myself in the usual way. I signaled him over and whispered in his ear. I begged him not to make me do it here. I didn’t want to gross these kids out. I wanted it to be nice for them. He looked at me for a minute and looked at the kids and then walked over to a shelf and picked up a towel and threw it to me. I wiped my crotch clean and the parade started again.

It took longer this time. Not much, but a little. I actually managed to have a couple of nice orgasms. For the most part though, they were still too quick and too gentle and too small. I was tired when it was over but I wasn’t sore. It had been nice. I had enjoyed pleasing all those sweet young boys.

I noticed that Jeff was still filming as I got dressed. While I was dressing the young jerk that had removed my panties came over and said he was sorry he had called me a slut. I told him it was okay, I am a slut. But sometimes a slut isn’t such a bad thing. Some guys want their women to be sluts. My husband wouldn’t want me any other way. And I had other guy friends that genuinely loved me, because I am a slut.

I pointed out Ted and told him that I was that man’s sex slave. But we had been friends for years and he was probably my best friend too. I told him that it was okay if he didn’t really understand. Most adults didn’t understand either. I told him that maybe he could just be a little less judgmental. I assumed he was too young to understand that, but he actually seemed to get it.

Ted and Jeff took me home and came in for a little of my special form of relief. Ted just wanted a nice hot blowjob. Jeff was really horny though and he had something else in mind. After I sucked Ted off, Jeff had me undress and get on my hands and knees. He got behind me and slid into my juicy pussy and stroked in and out a few times before pulling out and fucking my ass. I was disappointed because I could have really used a good fuck right then. I was kind of horny too. I was both pleased and relieved when, after a few minutes, he reached around and started rubbing my clit and before very long we were both cumming.

I turned around after he pulled out and sucked him clean. Then he pulled his pants up and they headed for the door. I stopped Ted before he left. I was concerned about the movie they had made tonight. I wanted to know who was going to see this. Ted assured me that my movies were being distributed to a very select group of perverts, most of whom I had already fucked. Nobody he did not trust completely got a DVD, and they all had to swear that they would not spread them around.

I said, “Yeah, that’s fine for the rest of the movies, but this one could put me in jail. What if you just make one for yourself, one for Jeff, and two for me this time? And nobody else.”

Ted looked at me and said he would think about it. I found out later he gave all of the same people a copy of the DVD. Sometimes I think of those DVDs out there and worry. But so far there have been no repercussions, from that or any of the other movies I have starred in.


The next morning I took a quick shower and finished up my latest letter to Dave and got the latest DVD ready to mail. This one was the last party at the dog people’s house. Animal sex was not something Dave or I had ever discussed. We hadn’t even considered it. I hoped he wouldn’t lose respect for me for submitting to it and I asked him about it in my letter.

I went to work and had a pretty normal work day. As I have said before though, normal included time spent under Ted’s desk. In fact, the rest of the week was pretty normal. On Wednesday Carol and Jerry spent the night and we had a good time before going to bed but I let them have my bed to themselves again.

On Thursday Jeff came over and said that Ted had said he could bring over the latest movie. He came in and gave me my two copies and started undressing. I grabbed him and dragged him down the hall to the bedroom and we fucked and sucked for hours. After he fucked me and I sucked him clean he would normally dress and leave but this evening we cuddled up spoon fashion and we talked quietly for a little while. I finally learned a little about him.

He was divorced. His ex-wife was in the Army and he had come to this area when she was assigned here. But she ended up leaving him for someone she worked with. He was a pretty big guy but he had always been kind of a nerd and she was more interested in brawn than brain.

He had been pretty torn up for a while. But he loved his job and he stayed here and she left and he was happy now. He had been down on women for a while and had taken pleasure at first in filming me being used and abused by Ted and his friends and using me roughly himself. But after he got to know me he started liking me, a lot, and was kind of worried about me.

I assured him that I was doing fine. If what Ted was making me do got to be too much for me, or my husband, I could and would put a stop to it. I was glad that he was over his ex and I was glad that he liked me now, as long as he didn’t like me too much.

He started moving his hand over my tits and I felt his cock twitching back to life. He told me not to worry, he liked me just right. We chuckled and I turned over and gave him a nice blow job. I licked him all over, took his balls in my mouth and massaged them with my tongue, lifted his legs and rimmed his ass as he moaned loudly. Then I let his legs back down and sucked until he grabbed my head and came in my mouth. Then, much to my surprise, he kissed me and got up and dressed. I walked him to the door and he kissed me again and left.


The next day, Friday, Ted told me that the coach had been bugging him. He wanted to spend a little “quality time” with me. He had finally given in and told the coach he could spend a couple of hours with me tonight. It would be just the two of us. At my house!

I tried to argue with him. I didn’t want a lot of strange men coming to my house in the evening. I was uncomfortable with all the traffic I had there now! Ted ignored me for a few minutes and then said, “Shut up bitch! I am not even going to bother to tell you the rules again. Just do as you’re told. I am getting tired of you trying to tell me what you will and won’t do. I may have to come up with something unpleasant just to put you in your place. I figured that if he could think of something appropriate he would do it anyway, but I knew I wasn’t going to change his mind so I shut up and went back to work.

I got home at the usual time and was surprised to find a car in the driveway. The coach was already there waiting for me to get home. “Oh well,” I thought. “I might as well get this over with.”

We got out of our cars and I greeted him cordially. I invited him in and suggested that I could use a shower and asked him if he would like to join me. He told me that showers could wait. He had been thinking of me all day and he wanted to get started.

He watched me undress and then he grabbed me and pulled me against him and kissed me roughly. I didn’t know what to do so I started to put my arms around him and return his kiss. He grabbed a handful of my hair and told me to put my hands down. Then he licked my face. Just like one of those damned dogs! He was pulling on my hair, hurting my head. I tried to reach up and get him to relax his hold a little. He just yelled at me to put my hands down.

I was getting more than a little worried now. I dropped my arms and he went back to licking my face, then my neck and then my breasts. He started biting my breasts painfully and I started to bring my arms back up to protect myself. He turned me around suddenly and before I could react he had handcuffed my hands behind my back. Now I was scared.

He grabbed my hair again and bent me forward and started patting and squeezing my ass for just a moment and then he started spanking me. Hard! I tried to talk to him. I told him I wasn’t into this kind of stuff. I begged him to release my hands and stop hurting me. He loved every minute of it.

When my ass was red enough to suit him he turned me around and spit right in my face. He grabbed my hair and pulled and when I opened my mouth to scream he spit in my mouth. Then he started slapping me, slapping my face first. Not hard enough to bruise me, I hoped, but it really hurt. Then he started working on my tits. He was slapping my tits back and forth and up and down and I was crying hard now and begging him to stop. It was just music to his ears.

He started pinching my tits and pulling on my nipple rings which were only just beginning to heal. I thought I was going to pass out, and I guess he did too because he let up on my tits and kicked my legs apart and started slapping my pussy. I tried turning away but he held me by my hair so tightly that I was almost lifted off of the floor. I guess this was foreplay for him.

He suddenly pushed me to my knees and opened his pants and shoved his cock down my throat. His cock wasn’t that long but it was very fat and it was hard to take into my throat. That didn’t bother him though. He forced himself into me until my lips circled the base of his fat cock. Then he started fucking my mouth, slamming his fat stomach into my forehead with every stroke.

Thankfully he came quickly. He held my face against his stomach and pumped his hot load directly down my throat. He continued to hold me there until he had gotten soft. I really wished he had taken me up on the shower! He apparently had a hot sweaty day at work today.

Finally he stepped back and let me rest for a moment as he stripped out of his clothes. Then he grabbed my hair again and forced my head into his crotch and ordered me to lick his dirty balls. And they were dirty, or at least sweaty. I sucked his balls into my mouth one at a time, licking them with my tongue and then moving to the other, back and forth until he was satisfied. He pushed me down on my back. It was painful because of the handcuffs under me. He squatted over my face and made me spend a long time licking his ass and rimming him and finally tongue fucking him.

Finally he stood up and pushed me over onto my stomach with his foot. He sat on the side of the bed and made me crawl to him and lick and suck his toes. I had done this before for one of Ted’s buddies, and for Jeff, but they had been clean.

This guy’s feet were hot and sweaty and this was nasty! I was afraid of this guy though and I did my best to please him. When I had finally sucked all of his toes clean he stood up and grabbed my hair and my handcuffs and pulled me roughly to my feet.

I screamed in pain as he pulled me up and set me on my feet. He reached down and grabbed his pants from the pile of clothing on the floor and pulled a length of chain from his pocket. He grinned evilly and said, “I have been thinking of this since I saw you in the gym. This is going to look beautiful on you.”

He attached a clip on one end of the chain to the ring in my right nipple, and then he stretched it out and attached another clip to my left nipple. Another length of chain hung down from the chain between my breasts and he picked it up and led me around by my nipple rings. It was quite painful and I was sobbing and begging him to stop pulling on my nipples.

My cries were obviously music to his ears. He tugged sharply on the chain several times as he stared into my face and enjoyed my suffering. I noticed through my tears that he was getting hard again, just from hurting me.

He looped the chain around his wrist and I followed him closely as he started looking through drawers. On his third try he found the toys that Ted had bought for me at the adult book store a couple of months ago. I had stuffed them in a drawer and not touched them since that day.

The coach went through the toys he had found and pulled out several items. Then he started leading me around by my nipples again. I was afraid he was going to tear them off because of the way he kept jerking on the chain.

He led me through the house and out into the garage. He looked around quickly and found some rope and threw one end of it over the rail for the garage door. He tied the other end of the rope to my hand cuffs, raising my arms behind my back and forcing me to bend forward as he tightened the rope so that my shoulders were not dislocated.

He opened one of the packages and held the large butt plug it had contained in front of my face for a moment. Then he moved behind me and started forcing it into my pussy. I was scared and my pussy was dry and it hurt like hell. If he felt anything when I cried out it was pleasure. He didn’t care that it hurt. He just kept forcing it in and out as I cried and begged him to stop.

After he had managed to shove the thing in my pussy several times he spread my ass cheeks with one hand and began forcing it into my ass. It hurt like hell! He managed to get it all the way in and began moving it around violently. I was afraid he was going to tear something. Finally he pulled it out and grabbed my hair and pulled my head up and forced the huge thing into my mouth. He grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped it in place.

Once I was gagged to his satisfaction he untied the rope from my handcuffs. The relief was instant, but very short lived as he threaded the rope through the loop in the end of the chain on my nipples and started tightening it until I was just barely able to stand flat footed, as long as I didn’t move my feet in the slightest. My poor nipples were being pulled cruelly by the chain and pointed almost straight up at the ceiling.

The coach started moving around me, obviously enjoying my agony. He started looking around the garage again and he came back shortly over to me with a leather lace from one of my husband’s old boots. He started wrapping my breasts tightly and when he was done he tied off the lace, cutting off the blood flow to my breasts. The pain was incredible. I was relieved when they started getting numb, except that as I looked at them I could see that they were turning color. I was way past scared now. I was wondering what kind of freak this guy was and if I was going to live through the night!

I nearly passed out when he approached me with the razor knife in his hands. The relief that I felt when he used it to cut off a length of excess rope that was hanging down from the garage door rail I was secured to was indescribably. I was not relieved for long though.

He dropped the knife and moved around behind me and then I heard a swish and felt a horrible pain as he whipped my ass with the length of rope that he had cut off. I nearly tore a nipple off when I jerked in pain.

He laughed at my anguish and moved around in front of me. All I could do was blubber wordlessly as he drew his arm back and lashed the underside of my breasts with the rope. It took all of my strength to keep from jerking away from the pain and I knew it would not be much longer before I tore my nipples off.

Just as he pulled back for a second swing at my breasts the door from the garage into the house burst open and Jerry was rushing in. I have never known Jerry to be violent, but he beat that son of a bitch until he had to crawl. He was crying worse than I was and begging Jerry to stop.

Jerry paused long enough to untie me and help me to a seat and then, while I removed the butt plug from my mouth he beat on the coach some more. I finally had to stop him. I didn’t want him to go to jail for killing the bastard.

Jerry went into the bedroom and brought back the coach’s belongings and threw them at him. He gave him just enough time to put on his pants and shirt. Then he whispered something in his ear and chased him to his car. As the coach sped away, Jerry came back in and picked me up and carried me to my bed. He pulled the sheet over me and told me that Carol was on the way over and asked me if I wanted anything. I just grabbed him and hugged him and cried uncontrollably until Carol got there.

Carol checked for damage and I seemed to be alright once all of the coach’s toys were removed and all the blood flow returned to my breasts. The rope he had whipped me with had not broken the skin, but I was certainly going to be sore for a while.

Jerry came in with a tray of coffee and some Tylenol and we drank and talked for a while until I was relaxed enough to go to sleep. They went into the spare bedroom and spent the night there. By the time I got up the next morning I was sore, but pretty much back to normal, physically at least. I woke up before Jerry and Carol and made coffee and got out the makings for breakfast. They finally dragged their lazy asses out about an hour later. I tried to make breakfast but I was still kind of shaky and Carol took over. I kept hugging her and Jerry and thanking them over and over.

There wasn’t much talk during breakfast. After we ate we started discussing my future in the slave trade. I had thought about it a lot this morning before they came in for breakfast. I had pretty much decided that it was time to, if not stop, at least cut way back. I still had Jerry and Carol to play with. Jeff would need a little servicing now and then until we could find the right girl for him.

I didn’t mind giving Ted his daily blowjobs at work and I enjoyed our little trips to the pool hall. But I think that was going to have to be the extent of it, at least for now. I might get the urge to make an exception after a month or two. Or, I might wait until Dave got home from Korea. Until then, we all agreed it was time to give it a rest.

I called Ted at home and told him what happened. I told him what I had decided and how far I was willing to go for the immediate future. He was horrified when I described what the coach had done and didn’t even try to blackmail me. He knew I meant it. So I told him I would see him Monday. I told him that I still wanted my two copies of the last two DVDs that Jeff hadn’t finished yet. He laughed and said he would see me on Monday.

Carol, Jerry and I headed for the shower and an afternoon of gentle lovemaking.


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