Women with Animals

Hiking Trips


(c) 2013 by PrincessFluffy

Part One

On a warm sunny day two best friends named Tami and Greta trekked through the valley. Both girls lived out in the country and unlike most girls their age they loved to explore the valley. It was nothing but grassy fields and occasional trees for miles. At the age of 18 the two girls could be mistaken for sisters, both had heart shaped faces, were 5’8, had beautiful c-cup breasts, and perfect perky asses. What set them apart was the fact that Greta had red hair and shimmering green eyes and Tami had black hair and ocean blue eyes. It was a hot sunny day and both girls were dressed in tanks and shorts, over their shoulders were tennis bags that when not holding tennis gear held water bottles, magazines, food, bikinis, spare clothes and other things they took while exploring the valley. It was routine during the summer that the best friends would pack up some bags early in the morning and walk to the valley where they would explore, sunbathe, nap and swim until dark when they would head home.

The two stopped on top of a hill to rest for a bit. Greta pulled out a plush comforter that she’d packed with no effort and laid it on the grass. Both girls plopped down and soaked up the sun for a minute. As they pulled out some fruit to eat and a couple of water bottles Tami excitedly pointed down towards the creek that lay in the very center of the valley. A herd of wild horses were sipping at the water.

“Can’t believe people our age would rather do drugs or go cause mischief when they could be here enjoying the sun and the sight of wildlife.” Tami commented biting into a strawberry.

“I know, this is so much better.” Greta remarked, she elbowed her friend. “Hey check it out, someone is getting lucky.” She pointed down where the heard was but a little bit away was a stallion was mounting and fucking a mare.

“Wow, look at that cock.” Tami remarked. Of course at the age of 18 both girls knew about sex, they had even explored a bit with each other. On a dare Greta had purchased a dildo and vibrator from a sex shop in the big city while they were on a class trip. What the girls in their class didn’t know was that she’d kept them for her and Tami to use when they had sleepovers if they got horny.

“Yeah its huge, wouldn’t mind a cock like that in me.” Greta admitted. She felt herself getting wet for some reason. She pushed the feeling away and bit into an apple.

“I agree, find me a boy with a cock like that and I would do anything for him.” Tami commented.

They sat eating and watching the herd until they decided to tan for a bit. They stood up and stripped out of their hiking clothes and into their bikinis. Tami’s was a white one with pink swirls on the top and bottoms while Greta’s was black feather with green flames. They laid on their stomachs first so they could continue to watch the horse herd, although they couldn’t help staring at the mare being mated.

“Remember when we went to the big city?” Greta started.

“Yeah,” Tami said looking away from the mating mare at her best friend.

“I heard some girls from the local high school there talking about some weird thing about a girl they knew who fucked her dog.” Greta said.

“Ew, are you serious?” Tami said surprised.

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it and a few days ago I was at Jenna’s house to study but she didn’t answer the front door. I knew she was home so I walked in and went upstairs and when I got to her door I heard some weird noises. The door was open a crack so I peeked in.” Greta told.

“What did you see?” Tami asked curiously.

“She was giving her dog a blowjob!” Greta stated.

Tami gasped, trying to imagine the smartest, prettiest girl at school blowing her dog. The thought gave her a rather weird tingly feeling. “Wow, I can’t believe that.”

The two lay on their stomachs enjoying the warmth of the sun on their backs in silence as they continued to watch the herd. The mare down by the creek had long been finished mating but her scent obviously still lingered because most of the males were walking around with their cocks dangling out. Tami couldn’t help but stare at the large cocks; she even started to wonder what it would be like to touch them.

“Hey let’s see how close we can get to them.” Greta said with the tone of voice she always used when they went on adventures.

Tami giggled and nodded; both girls put sandals on and shoved their hiking boots and other unpacked items back in their bags. Slowly the edged down the hill, occasionally they stopped to assure that they didn’t spook the herd. Surprisingly they managed to make it to the bottom of the hill without the herd running off scared. The two slowly unpacked again and made themselves comfortable on their blanket and laid on their backs to sun their fronts and watch the herd.

“Ah, this is so the life Tami.” Greta sighed as she rubbed her belly enjoying the warmth on it.

“True that girl, other people don’t know what their missing out on.” Tami remarked.

The two opened their eyes and watched as most of the herd slowly departed from the creek but a few lingered at different areas around the creek. Tami sniffed the air confused.

“Do you smell that?” she asked sitting up.

Greta sat up and sniffed the air; a weird, heady smell was in the air. “Yeah, what is that?”

Tami looked around and spotted a mare sipping at the pool, something was dribbling from her pussy. She glanced around and saw a few smaller stallions that were only a bit taller than ponies eyeing the mare. Their cocks were hanging free. The weird tingling feeling from earlier came back. Slowly Tami stood up and made her way over to the mare, the mare lifted her head to stare at the approaching girl but made no movement to leave.

“What are you doing?” Greta asked speed walking over to her best friend.

Tami stopped beside the mare and gently stroked her rump. The mare lifted her head again but didn’t move.

“She’s so gentle,” Tami commented.

Greta reached out to stroke the mare’s side; clearly the mare didn’t mind the double human contact because she lifted her head and nuzzled at the red head’s shoulder. After a few minutes of letting the girls pet her she slowly moved to walk off, much to the disappointment of the girls.

“At least she’s friendly,” Greta said.

The dark haired girl nodded, they sat on a rock together and stared at the water. Tami nudged her friend after a few minutes and pointed at the smaller stallions that were still there.

“Their cocks are still out even though the mare in heat is gone.” She said.

Greta felt wetness between her legs again. The two watched as a white stallion with brown spots was sipping water not too far from them. “Hey dare you to go touch his cock.” Greta said smirking.

Tami was shocked by the dare, biting her lip she stared at the dangling cock. She was never one to turn down a dare from her best friend; no matter what it was. Slowly she stood and walked the few paces towards stallion. He didn’t even look up as she approached. She touched his side gently to let him know of her presence. He looked up at her cautiously at first, she murmured gently to him as she rubbed his side. Clearly he was a wild stallion but he wasn’t frightened of a person who talked to him softly. Tami noted that he was as tall as her ribs, not bad for being a stallion that wasn’t full grown yet. Slowly Tami got to her knees, glancing over at her best friend who was watching her intently; she turned back to his cock that was just dangling there. Reaching out she gently touched it, she tensed when she saw him visibly tense at the foreign touch but after waiting for a few minutes he relaxed and allowed her to fully touch it. It felt so different, Tami noted. She then pulled her hand away as Greta approached.

“How does it feel?” she asked curiously, kneeling down beside her friend.

“Almost leathery but smooth.” Tami said somewhat breathlessly. She quickly smirked at her best friend. “Dare you to run your tongue along his cock.”

Greta gasped and looked surprised yet not disgusted. Slowly she moved to sit where Tami was sitting. She gently grasped the stallion’s cock, he didn’t tense this time, Tami noticed. The red headed girl lifted the cock up and stared at it before slowly running her tongue up the shaft towards his testicles then back down towards the head and removed her mouth.

“How did it taste?” Tami asked her bikini bottoms were starting to get soaked. She couldn’t believe it; she was getting turned on watching her best friend licking a horse’s cock!

“Salty, but surprisingly not bad.” Greta remarked. “Wanna hear something weird?” Tami nodded for her to continue. “I kinda wanna suck him off.”

“You should do it!” Tami said eagerly. “I’ll do it with you if you want. I think it would be fun to try.”

Greta looked at her best friend surprised but broke out into a smile. “BFF promise?” Tami nodded. “We tell no one of this, no matter what. If we take this farther it remains a secret till death agreed?” she held up her pinky.

Tami hooked her pinky with Greta’s. “BFF promise, agreed.”

With that Tami carefully moved to the sit beside Greta, she held the cock with one of her hands and leaned forward to suck on the shaft while Greta sucked his head. The two massaged the stallion’s cock; excitedly he snorted and shifted his tail but didn’t move away. Greta moaned softly as she worked her mouth and tongue around the head of the stallion’s cock, occasionally Tami took a suck but she remained sucking and licking at his shaft. Tami lifted a hand between hearty sucks at the shaft to massaging the stallion’s balls which he seemed to like because he gave a happy neigh.

“Oh boy you taste so good,” Tami moaned as she licked up his shaft some more.
Greta removed the head from her mouth to moan as well and jerked it a few times. “So wild and salty.” She then latched her mouth around his cock again.
The two girls sucked lovingly and long on the stallion’s cock while jerking him. Greta could feel that he was probably close to cumming so she told Tami that they should massage his balls till him cummed. They scooted to a better position and as they sucked his cock good and hard one of their hands each massaged a testicle. Finally a few minutes later his cock quivered and what seemed like endless jet streams of cum came shooting out. The cum landed all over both girls’ tits, faces, and some globs landed on their bikini bottom covered pussies. The two panted softly and watched as his cock slowly retracted till it disappeared. The stallion then trotted away leaving the two cum covered girls sitting there staring at each other in awe of what they had just done.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” Tami was the first to speak.
“I know, it was so weird…but so hot at the same time!” Greta said excitedly.
Tami eagerly agreed, she wiped a bit of the cum from her tit and stared at it before sticking the cum covered finger into her mouth. Greta watched her smile at the taste before taking a taste of her own, definitely a good taste. She looked down at the cum covered her bikini bottoms over her pussy. She scooped it up, pulled down her bottoms and fingered the cum inside of her.

“Oh my god Tami it’s so warm!” she moaned, falling back onto the soft grass she continued to finger the cum deep inside of her pussy.

The dark haired girl quickly followed her best friend’s lead and scooped up the cum, pulled down her bottoms and fingered it into her cunt. “Oh god you’re right! So good! So warm!” she moaned, and lay down beside her best friend.

They continued to finger the warm horse cum into their pussies until they eventually orgasmed. They lay panting beside each other, smiled in satisfaction. They rolled over and locked together in a deep French kiss. As the two caressed at each other’s bodies they heard hoof beats. Breaking the kiss the two saw a few male stallions male pony walking past. The stallions were walking around with dangling boners and a few feet away a mare that the two guessed was in heat was standing around grazing. The two eagerly watched as one of the stallions mounted the mare and shoved his throbbing cock into her leaking, ripe cunt.

“Oh god he’s fucking her so good and hard.” Tami moaned fingering her cunt.

“She’s so lucky,” Greta panted; she fingered herself while watching the horse taking the mare.

“That pony’s got a boner too,” Tami said nodding at the male pony.

Indeed the pony was sporting a pretty hefty boner. He likely had already hit puberty but just needed to grow taller before he was an adult. Tami felt a sudden eagerness over take her.

“I wanna give him his first blow job.” Tami said standing up quickly. She stripped off her bikini top as she walked.

“Do it girl!” Greta coached. She stood up as well. She carefully walked over to her tennis bag and rifled through till she found the camera she always packed when they came to the valley. “I’ll record it.”

Tami nodded and as Greta got the camera prepped she slowly approached the pony. He looked at her almost fearfully but she held out her hand for him to sniff and gauge her being nice. After he nudged her hand she knew he approached of her. She stroked his neck loving the feel of his soft yet wild mane. The pony was black with some dark brown spots on his rump. As she made her way to his rump Greta had to camera ready to press record as soon as Tami was ready. Slowly Tami got to her knees and stroked lightly at the pony’s cock, he jerked a little but relaxed quicker than the small stallion had.

“Ready?” Greta asked.

“Hell yeah!” Tami stated, she then reached out to grasp the pony’s cock. “Oh baby you’re lucky, you’re getting your first blowjob from a hot girl.” She latched her mouth around his cock and sucked good and hard on it while jerking it occasionally. Greta made sure to get really good angles of Tami sucking off the pony. “Oh baby.” Tami moaned before moving to suck on the pony’s shaft. She moved to lay under him so that she could suck his cock and fondle his balls without having to hunch awkwardly. Greta momentarily stopped the recording and nudged Tami for attention.

Reluctantly Tami released the pony’s cock. “When he cums let him cum in your mouth first then see if he can shoot it on your tits and pussy.” Greta said. Tami nodded eagerly and went back to sucking as Greta resumed recording.

“Oh I hope you’re loving this baby, cause I know I love sucking your cock. It’s so tasty.” Tami moaned leaning up to suck his shaft by his testicles.

She could feel his cock quivering, he was about to release. Latching her mouth back on his cock she sucked the head good and hard till she felt jets of cum start to fill her mouth, removing it she watched as the cum shot over her breast and a bit landed above her pussy and slowly slithered its way over her pussy making her moan in tingling pleasure. Greta shut off the camera and knelt beside the pony that Tami still lay under; his cock had long since retracted.

Tami moved from under the pony and pulled Greta into a deep kiss to share the cum. The red head moaned softly at the taste and reached over to finger the bit of cum over Tami’s cunt deep inside of her. When they pulled away Tami allowed Greta to clean the cum off her tits.

“Your turn, I see a nice stallion over there that is a bit jealous for not getting some of that ripe mare pussy. This time I’ll record you but I’ll jerk him off till he cums all over your pussy.” Tami said breathily.

They both walked over to the brown stallion whose boner still dangled as he watched the mare getting fucked by the white stallion. Luckily he was beside a moss covered rock. As Greta approached him Tami grabbed the camera and went to Greta’s tennis bag to pull out the tripod. By the time that she went over to the stallion Greta had already calmed his wild urges enough to gently goad him to stand over the moss covered rock. She now lay on her back with her legs open, occasionally rubbing his cock. Once the camera was set up Tami hunched on the side of the stallion and she and Greta proceed to work on his cock together. Greta with her hands and Tami with her mouth and occasionally her hands.

“You wild horses are so lucky,” Greta moaned. “Got two hot girls sucking you all off. That mare gets you nice and hot and we finish the job for you.”

The two girls went to town on the stallions cock, when his cock started to quiver Greta quickly laid back and spread her legs nice and wide while Tami finished him off. With one more jerk and a hard suck on the base of his cock, he shot jets of cum all Greta’s soaking cunt. She moaned as the warm streams of cum completely covered her pussy. Once all his cum stopped following Tami released it and watched as it retracted and he moved away from the rock, clearly satisfied.

Tami shut off the camera and moved to straddle Greta and rubbed her soaking pussy against Greta’s cum covered pussy. Both moaned as they grinded against each other, massaging breasts and French kissing. When they pulled away from each other both their pussies were covered with horse cum as well as the rest of their bodies. They decided to go back to the comforter and take a nap. As they cuddled together they allowed the sounds of nature and the warm sun to lull them to sleep.

The two awoke a few hours later, the sky was orange and all the horses were gone. The cum that still covered them was now dry and caked.

“Wanna take a dip then head home?” Greta asked as she stretched her tired muscles.

“Sure sounds good, figured after all the fun we had today we should call it an early night.” Tami said standing up. She picked up her soiled and discarded bikini from the ground and dropped it beside the creek before jumping in the water.

Greta packed up the camera and tripod before following after her best friend. As they splashed around they excitedly talked about what they had done earlier that afternoon. They swam to the edge of the creek to grab their bikinis and wash them. Once they were clean the girls climbed out of the water and toweled off before going back to the comforter. Packing their stuff away they dressed into their spare clothes and hoisted their bags over their shoulders and trekked up the hill.

The two hour walk back to their homes was partially silent and partially filled with conversation about what they’d done. Tami’s house was the first stop.

“Hey same time tomorrow?” Greta asked with a grin.

“Hell yeah!” Tami said excitedly, she then turned and entered her house.

This was definitely going to be a great summer.


Part Two

For the next three weeks Greta and Tami had gone through their usual routine of going to the valley early in the morning, hiking around for an hour or so until they reached the creek where they would give blowjobs and hand-jobs to the male horses that occupied it. A couple of times there weren’t any horses there so the girls would just lie down to tan, swim, or fuck each other. But most of the time a herd would come along to drink much to the girls’ excitement. Of course the herds were all different so not all the herds would have mares in heat so to suck some cock the girls would have to coax them out on their own. The first time that they actually had to coax one out they couldn’t but help giggling at each other for how silly they looked trying. But now the two were pros at coaxing out stallion cocks. It was now halfway through the fourth week of summer and Tami came up with a great idea to camp out for a few days. Of course Greta eagerly agreed.

So as they trekked over the hill that led to the creek they two were happily greeted by the sight of a wild herd resting, grazing and drinking around the creek. Even though the two girls had only been sucking, and jerking wild horse cock for three weeks and they didn’t know how many wild herds were in the valley it seemed like the wild horses were all desensitized to them by now. Probably because they saw them enough, of course the males would occasionally flop their cocks out at the sight of the girls because they knew what they girls did to them.

As Greta and Tami jogged down the hill they happily greeted the horses who merely looked at them but returned to what they were doing, a few ponies came up to nudge at them happily. Of course after three weeks the girls had named all of the horses; it wasn’t hard seeing as all the horses that they saw had different markings and colors. They had also given names to the herds for fun. Today it appeared that the Jip herd was at the creek. The two unpacked their camping equipment and proceeded to set up their large, family sized tent that could fit 7 people inside. After it was up they set up their beds inside and changed out of their sweaty hiking clothes and into breezy skirts and tank tops. Tami giggled when she was dressed and nudged Greta.

“Looks like Oscar is curious,” she said pointing at the head of a brown pony with a white nose that had peeked inside the tent.

Greta smiled and walked to the tent flap to hug Oscar’s head. “Hey cutie, such a curious little bugger aren’t you.”

Tami exited the tent and breathed in the fresh grassy air. Over by the creek a few mares were sipping at the water, it was Belinda and Henna. She strolled over and rubbed their sides in greeting. They lifted their heads to nuzzle her shoulders before returning to their drinking. A male stallion came trotting by to nudge his nose against Belinda’s rump. Both she and Henna were in heat so quite a few of the males were courting them. The male, Jasper, nudged her one more before jumping up to mount Belinda. Tami moved to eagerly watch as jasper drove his cock into her ripe pussy, feeling adventurous she stood beside Belinda’s rump and reached over to massage Belinda’s pussy as Jasper fucked it. It was soft and warm, this was the first time she’d ever touched a mare’s pussy. Usually she and Greta would give blowjobs or hand-jobs. They never really touched mare pussy, it felt incredible. Jasper made a loud noise signaling that he was ready to shoot his load. With a few more thrust she watched as he filled Belinda with his cum. Once he dismounted he stepped back, Tami quickly stripped out of her clothes and stroked jasper’s side to calm him before gently grasping his cum covered cock and proceeded to lick it clean of his and Belinda’s mixed juices.

“Oh Jasper sweetie, you and Belinda taste great mixed together.” She moaned between licks.

As soon as all the juices were gone she proceeded to give him a damn good blowjob. She sucked roughly long as shaft as she jerked at it with one hand and used the other to massage his head. While she sucked lovingly on the head of his cock she glanced over to see Greta going to town on Oscar’s cock. Resumed her loving attentions to Jasper’s cock she reached up to massage and squeeze his balls, within moments his cock was quivering and he shot his load all over her face and tits and slowly it leaked down to her pussy. Jasper trotted away while Tami licked up his cum that covered her tits. Once her tits were clean she fingered his cum into her pussy and made her way over to Oscar and Greta, a few of the other male ponies that had hit puberty were gathered around the two with their cocks dangling out.

“Oh my god you will not believe what I just did!” Tami said kneeling beside the two, she reached out and grabbed the cock of a black pony with white spots on his legs and ears named Hector.

Greta removed her mouth from Oscar’s cock and moved to lay under him and jerked him off as she talked with Tami. “What?”

“I just touched a mare’s pussy!” Tami said sucking on Hector’s shaft.

The red head gasped excitedly as she continued to jerk Oscar’s cock. “No way? How did it feel?”

“It was warm and moist. Plus she was being fucking by Jasper at the time. Then I licked their mixed juices off his cock when he was done.” Tami said breathlessly before moving to suck roughly on Hector’s cockhead.

With a few more rough jerks and hearty sucks Oscar shot his cum all over Greta’s face, tits, and stomach. She watched as his cock slipped away and moved so he could walk off. She got behind Hector and squeezed his testicles as Tami sucked. Within moments of her squeezing Hector’s cock quivered and he shot his cum all over her chest and splashed some on her face. As the two moved to take care of the third pony standing there Greta eagerly continued to ask about mare pussy. Once the third pony, Grady, cummed they got up and Tami skipped over to Belinda with Greta close behind with the camera. Gently Tami stroked her rump and moved her tail aside to expose her ripe pussy that had some dribbling of her earlier activities coming out.

“Dare you to lick her lips.” Greta said eagerly. She pressed the record button as Tami smirked and leaned over to run her tongue over the soft engorged lips.

Belinda shuffled slightly and made a slight noise but didn’t object. Tami let herself go and continued to massage Belinda’s pussy with her tongue and lifted her hand to massage them. Then she used her fingers to open Belinda’s lips and plunged her tongue in as deep as it would go.

“How does she taste?” Greta asked feeling herself getting soaked.

Tami removed her tongue from Belinda’s pussy long enough to say. “Spicy.” Before diving back in for more. She nipped Belinda’s outer lips and sucked them as she worked her tongue and fingers into Belinda’s wanton pussy. “Oh girl, so yummy.” She moaned as she continued to suck and finger Belinda’s pussy.

Greta watched excitedly as Tami finger and lick/suck Belinda’s pussy till she cummed. Tami eagerly lapped up Belinda’s cum and when Greta shut off the camera she pulled her into a kiss and shared the sweet pussy nectar with her. The red head moaned at the taste and demanded to give it a try herself. Carefully they moved around Belinda and stand beside Henna. Moving Henna’s tail aside Greta eagerly started to suck her pussy, the taste was just heavenly! She sucked longingly on one of her lips while working her fingers deep into Henna’s folds.

“Oh Henna, you are so delicious!” she moaned lapping the inside of Henna’s pussy. “No wonder the boys are fighting for your cunt.” She sucked longingly at henna’s lips till she felt a slight quiver and guess that she was close. When Henna orgasmed Greta eagerly lapped it up till all the juices. Pulling away Greta smiled at the camera. “That tasted awesome!”

Tami shut off the camera and placed it safely away from the mares before diving into the creek. She sighed pleasantly at the feeling of the cool waters on her hot skin; it was really warm out today. Greta made her way back to the tent to rifle through her bag for some books and a few computer print-outs. Luckily she was home alone when she’d printed these out because if her parents had found them she would’ve been so busted! She grabbed a lounge chair that she’d somehow managed to fit in the massive hiking bag she’d packed and made her way out of the tent.

Setting up the chair she laid out on it and soaked up the sun to even out her tan. Her entire body already had a perfectly beautiful golden tan mainly because since Tami and her started giving blowjobs and hand-jobs to stallions they were naked most of the time so they got perfect tans when they took naps. As she read she listened to the soft sounds of hoof beats, grazing noises, splashing and other nature noises. She found herself nodding off 30 minutes later, the warmth and peace helped to lull her to sleep.

Tami, who had long ago swam back to shore and had been petting a few ponies, smiled at the sight of her best friend dozing. She then smirked, Greta was a heavy sleeper. The dark haired girl scampered off to the tent and pulled out the small dildo that she and Greta always brought and slunk over to her friend. Carefully she pulled Greta’s legs open and once they were open to her liking she slipped the dildo into her sopping pussy and began working it roughly. Greta just moaned softly in her sleep and unconsciously opened her legs more. Tami leaned down to lick sensually on Greta’s clit as she fucked her tight pussy. She twisted the dildo roughly as Greta moaned softly in her sleep some more.

“Love getting your tight cunt fucked Greta?” Tami whispered dirtily to her best friend.

She looked up when she saw an approaching stallion. It was the first one that she and Greta had sucked off 3 weeks ago, they had named him Hunter. She suddenly got a better idea. She ran back to the tent to grab the vibrating strap on that she had packed. She placed it on the edge of the lounge chair by Greta’s feet and ran to get the camera and tripod. Once the camera was set up she hit record and moved over to kneel under Hunter.

“Oh baby, this is going to be awesome.” She whispered to him before coaxing out his cock and latched her mouth on it.

Eagerly lapped at the head and moaned at the taste it left in her mouth, Hunter’s cock was magical! As she jerked and sucked the thought of her plan that she’d formed in her head turned her on immensely. She made rapid work of getting Hunter close, when his cock started to quiver just slightly she moved him to the foot of the lounge chair lounge, held his cock with one hand and massaged his balls with the other. His cock quivered harder and Tami took aim. She watched breathlessly as his shot jets of cum all over Greta’s tits and then adjusted it to aim his cum jets at Greta’s pussy. The jets completely covered Greta’s cunt much to Tami’s satisfaction, once his cum flow stopped Tami let him wander off satisfied. Then she pulled on the strap on to rest comfortably on her hips and got between Greta’s legs again.

“You are going to love this Gret.” She said smirking. She made sure to finger some of the horse cum into Greta’s pussy before lifting Greta’s legs and sinking the strap on into her pussy. Once it was fully seated she flipped the vibrate to low and proceeded to fuck the horse cum deep into her best friend’s cunt. Greta moaned in her sleep more. “I hear that you like that Greta, you love getting horse cum fucked into your pussy don’t you? Especially when you’re asleep and don’t know what’s going on.” Tami leaned down to lick the cum off the red head’s tits. She could hear Greta’s moans elevating a little louder in her sleep, she was close. Flipping the switch to medium Tami covered the strap on with the rest of the horse cum that covered Greta’s pussy and continued to fuck it into her. With a slightly louder moan Greta orgasmed before going back to deep breaths in her sleep. Tami shut off the strap on and pulled out.

She stood up and shut off the camera and walked away from her cum covered friend and made her way over to lounge in the sun. As she lay soaking up the rays Jacob, a white mini stallion with brown stripes on his neck came over and she knew what he wanted. She directed him to a flat rock covered in moss so that she could lay comfortable and suck him off. As she sucked lovingly on his cock her mind wandered, she and Greta had been sucking and jerking the male horses for 3 weeks as well as shooting their cum all over their tits and pussies but neither had dared to take it to the next level. Putting their cocks in their pussies. They had thought about it a lot and even discussed it but both were too nervous. So a few days ago she had gotten on her laptop and googled videos of girls who fucked horses. Of course she had to wait till her parents were gone lest they walk in on her. It looked really hot, she mused while she had watched the videos. She really wanted to try it! As she massaged Jacob’s balls she decided to propose the idea to Greta when she awoke. With one more hard suck on Jacob’s shaft he shot his load all over her and walked away while she fingered his cum into her pussy.

Greta woke up an hour later feel warm and oddly satisfied. Looking down she saw her tits completely covered with horse cum and her pussy was covered in horse cum and she felt something warm and squishy inside of her which of course was likely horse and her own cum mixed together. She rolled her eyes with a smile, Tami had one of the stallions cum on her and had fucked the cum into her pussy in her sleep. It wasn’t that she minded of course. She stood from the lounge chair and decided to take a dip in the creek to clean off and cool down. As she dove into the water the coolness made her warm body feel so much better. Floating lazily on the surface of the water she glanced around to find Tami. She was on the other side of the creek dressed in a jean miniskirt and a tank top sitting on Felix’s back, he was a black stallion with white spots. She was laughing excitedly as he trotted away from the creek with her clutching his mane tightly to stay on.

After swimming and floating around for a while Greta swam back to shore and dried off. As she toweled her hair Felix trotted over with Tami moaning on his back. Once he stopped Tami slid off his back trembling in pleasure, the red head could clearly see a white stain on Felix’s back.

“Oh my god,” Tami panted grabbing her best friend for support. “I just felt the best thing ever. The feeling of bristly horse hair against an excited cunt plus the constant movement is the best pleasure you could experience without touching your cunt with your hands or another sexual organ oh my god and the hills are what really got me there.”

“Good to know.” Greta giggled. “Thanks for covering me in cum and fucking it into my cunt in my sleep missy.”

Tami straightened up and laughed good-naturedly. “Knew you’d love it. Want to eat some dinner?”

Greta nodded and went to the tent to pull on some shorts and a tank top and as she tied her hiking boots Tami came in to put her own hiking boots on. The two made their way out of the tent just in time to see the Jip herd leaving the creek. The two followed the herd until they reached the some trees and began gathering some stray branches for firewood. Greta stripped some bark from the tree and threw it onto the growing pile of firewood. Tami hoisted herself up to yank off some branches from the tree. Greta could see right up her skirt at her bare pussy and felt devious. Grabbing a long stick she lifted it up and poked Tami’s pussy with it making her squeak in surprise and shoot a playful glare down at her. She yanked out a few more branches and threw them down to Greta who caught them and added them to the pile. Tami jumped from the tree and grunted when she landed on her feet on the grassy ground.

“You’re so funny Greta,” she said punching her friend’s arm as she walked past and grabbed the pile of wood.

Greta grabbed the rest and they made their way back to the creek. As Tami arranged the wood to be burned Greta was in the tent getting out pots and pans to cook their food in from the cooler they had brought. It was very well insulated so that none of the cold escaped and their food wouldn’t spoil.

“Want some hotdogs and fruit salad?” Greta called as she gathered food.

“Sure,” Tami called back as she lit the pile of wood.

The red head came out with 2 packages of hotdogs and placed them on the camping chair that Tami had set up and went over to the creek to fill a pot with water. Once it was full she placed it on a metal hold bar over the fire and sat in her chair and waited for the water to boil.

Tami came out of the tent dressed in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top and sat down in the second camping chair and set up a pot of hot water to heat up next to the pot meant for the hotdogs. Greta scooped some fruit salad into a bowl and handed it and some flatware to Tami and made herself a bowl. Once the water was boiling Greta dropped in the hotdogs into the pot and went back to eating her fruit salad.

“So I have an idea.” Tami said between bites. Greta nodded for her to continue. “What would you say if I told you that I think we should actually start fucking stallions? Like put their cocks in our pussy and fuck ourselves with them.”

Greta sat thinking it over while watching to make sure the hotdogs didn’t overcook. “I think it would be super awesome. I mean we’ve been sucking and jerking them for weeks so it’s only fair that we get some satisfaction that isn’t by our own hands or toys. Plus we wouldn’t have to finger their cum into our cunts.” Greta said with a pleased smile.

“Okay, then tomorrow we do it. I think we should start with ponies first then work up to the adults.” Tami said as Greta drained the hotdog water.

As the sun set and the moon rose the two talked excitedly about what they planned to do tomorrow and Tami showed Greta the print outs about how to take a horse cock into your pussy. They were both excited for the next day.


Part Three

Tami was the first to wake up the next day; she panted at the intense heat in the tent and rolled away from where she was cuddled against Greta. She was dressed in a tank top and panties because in the middle of the night the heat had gotten to her and she’d tied her dark hair up in a messy ponytail. Climbing off the cot she and Greta shared she made her way to the tent flap and opened it moaning softly as the cool morning breeze washed over her hot body. She stepped out of the tent and over to the burnt out fire-pit to start the fire for their breakfast. There weren’t any horses around but that was probably because it was still early. As the fire spurted to life Tami went back to the tent to get out the breakfast supplies and food. While preparing breakfast she enjoyed the peacefulness of the valley, why had she and Greta never camped here before? It was beautiful in the early morning! Once the eggs were done she put a pot of water on for coffee and went to work on preparing the baked potatoes. As she neared finishing breakfast Greta stumbled out of the tent dressed in a spaghetti strapped nightgown. Her hair was mussed from sleep.

“Morning love,” Tami greeted finishing the potatoes.

“Morning,” Greta grunted plopping down in a chair and grabbing a plate of food offered to her.

The two ate in peaceful silence, overhead some birds cawed loudly and off in the distance they could hear thudding of animal herds running about.

“You know what we should do,” Greta said after sipping her coffee.

“What?” Tami asked as she ate her eggs.

“After college, we should build a cabin out here.” Greta stated.

Tami chewed thoughtfully and thought about this. It did sound like a good idea. “Sounds awesome, it’ll cost a lot of money though and will take a while to build cause we’ll need supplies and a design.”

“Yeah but think about it, every morning waking up and making breakfast and coming out to enjoy the peacefulness of nature and our neighbors would only be our animal friends. No nosey neighbors or annoying parents bugging us.” The red head said eating her baked potatoes.

Nodding in agreement Tami finished off her breakfast. She set her dishes aside and walked towards the creek stripping as she went. She tossed aside her tank top and slipped out of her panties and dove into the creek. When she surfaced she wiped her hair out of her face and soaked her hot body in the cool water. Greta rolled her eyes at her best friend’s antics and cleaned up the breakfast dishes.

When everything was clean and stowed away Greta decided to take a dip herself. She shed her gown in the tent and made her way out to the creek. Diving into the water she splashed her best friend who giggled and splashed her back. A splash war ensued and ended with the two making out. They swam back to shore to dry off and went to the tent to dress in breezy sundresses. Tami had brought her laptop with her on the camping trip and a couple of replaceable batteries for it. She sat with Greta on a two person lounge chair and pulled up a video of two girls being fucked by horse cock. It started out with two hot girls making out on a blanket beside a pony and turned into the first girl on her hands and knees and her friend putting the pony’s hot cock in her pussy.

“Oh my god that’s hot,” Greta panted leaning closer as the camera zeroed in on the cock stuffed pussy, the girl’s friend released the pony’s cock and watched as the pony proceeded to do the fucking himself. “His cock looks so great in her cunt.”

As the two watched multiple videos of girls getting their cunts stuffed with horse cock they fingered themselves. For a good hour and a half they watched videos and read stuff that Tami had saved on her computer for how to go about getting fucked by horse cocks. They even acted out how to properly get the cocks into their pussies by taking turns with the strap on but then ended up fucking each other into the lounge chair. Stowing the laptop away they laid out by the creek to tan.

After lying there for a while they heard hoof-beats approaching. Looking up they saw the leader of the Yen herd leading the charge to the creek. He was honey brown with white spots and he was called Kane. The two were giddy with excitement and nervousness. They watched as the herd separated to graze, drink and rest. A few stallions approached them and nuzzled their shoulders in greeting. Peeking under they saw their cocks just dangling there. Trading smirks they got on their knees and took turns sucking and jerking each cock, switching every now and then till all three shot their loads and covered the girls with their cum.

The girls French kissed as they watched the three stallions leave and kept their eyes peeled for ponies. They spotted one over by a mare on the opposite end of the creek. They hopped in the water and swam to the other end of the creek. The mare was a beautiful black one with a brown nose and white spots on her rump named Missy. The pony was black like his mother, except he had brown spots on his flanks, his name was Prince. Greta rubbed his mane and kissed his soft nose in greeting.

“Hey handsome, you are a lucky boy. You get to pound some a hot girl’s cunt today. Gonna lose your virginity.” She cooed in his ear.

“So who goes first?” Tami asked stroking Prince’s mane.

“I’ll get the camera and you can go first, it was your idea.” Greta said pouting, she wanted to be first but it was only fair to let Tami go first since it was her idea.

Nodded Tami rubbed Prince’s sides and slowly moved her hand under his stomach until it touched his soft, leathery sheath. Greta was back minutes later with the camera with a nod she pressed record and Tami slowly massaged around Prince’s sheath till his cock started to peek out. Once his cock flopped fully out Tami got on her knees and latched her mouth to it. Sucking heartedly on it she made sure he was good and excited before getting on her hands and knees. Greta held the camera with one hand and used her other to gently insert Prince’s cock into Tami’s waiting cunt.

“How does it feel?” she asked breathlessly.

“Oh god so thick and warm, ooh he’s fucking me.” Tami moaned clutching the grass.

Indeed Prince was fucking Tami, he wasn’t moving very fast but just enough to give her friction and white hot pleasure. Greta panted as she watched her best friend getting fucked by the pony, moving around Prince she zoomed in on Tami’s cock filled cunt that was dripping with excitement.

“Such a lucky boy you are,” Tami moaned reached under to jerk Prince’s cock deeper into her stuffed pussy. “You’re losing your virginity to the hottie who always sucks your cock!”

The feeling of fullness and hot meaty cock inside of her sent Tami in 3 hard orgasms, every now and then she would jerk at Prince’s cock to drive him deeper and harder in her cunt. Although Prince was still a pony and his cock wasn’t very big it was still big enough to fuck her and fill her in all the right places. Tami could only imagine a mini stallion’s cock or even an adult stallion’s cock inside of her! After her fourth orgasm she felt Prince’s cock quiver inside of her, reaching back again she jerked him faster inside of her till he shot his warm, gooey horse cum inside her loving cunt! Greta caught the scene of horse cum dribbling out of Tami’s cunt perfectly on camera. She watched as the pony cum overflowed from Tami’s pussy and ran down her legs. Slowly Prince stepped back which caused his cock to slide out of Tami’s cunt and Greta watched it drip with their juices and slip back up into his sheath. Greta shut off the camera and crouched next to her best friend.

“How was it?” she asked eagerly.

“It was warm and wonderful! His cum filling me was the best part!” Tami moaned rolling onto her back and rubbing her breasts.

Greta slid her hand down and fingered her best friend’s cum filled cunt. It was so warm and squishy! Tami moaned and pinched her nipples as Greta sped up her fingers. The horse cum in Tami’s pussy made finger fucking her really slippery and made the red head’s fingers go deeper. She fingered Tami for several more minutes until the dark haired girl cummed for the 5th time in 20 minutes. Prince had long since walked off to play with a few other ponies so Greta looked around for a pony to fuck her. As she looked, Tami stood up and stroked Missy’s sides, whispering dirty things as she did.

“I just took your son’s virginity. His cock felt so good in my cunt. He filled me with his love juice.” She murmured as she moved to rub Missy’s rump.

She ran her hand over Missy’s soft, warm folds slowly. Missy made a snorting sound but didn’t move which gave Tami cause to continue her rubbing. Leaning over she licked Missy’s lips before diving inside her tasty folds. Greta turned from her search to watch Tami tongue-fucking Missy’s cunt.

“Babe, as hot as it is to see you tongue fucking a mare do you think you could hurry it up please?” Greta begged with a smile. “I want a cock stuffed in my pussy before lunch time.”

Tami pulled her face from Missy’s cunt long enough to give a hasty reply of agreement before speeding up her licking and even added some fingers for good measure. She couldn’t just leave Missy unsatisfied, it was rude. When Missy snorted loudly Tami felt her orgasm juice all over her tongue and made quick work of lapping it all up before going back to Greta. The two walked past Prince, he nudged Tami’s leg as she walked. She smiled and stroked his nose before continuing to walk with Greta. They walked to the other side of the creek where a pony with honey brown coloring and black around his hoofs stood sporting a boner. The two had sucked off Fritz before so clearly he wanted some pleasure.

“There you go, let Fritz have your cunt. It’s about time he lost his virginity.” Tami said nudging Greta. “Plus he looks ready to go so it won’t take a lot of effort to get him excited.”

Greta appraised Fritz before nodding with a wide smile. As she knelt to stroke his sides and nose Tami was getting the camera ready. They had gotten addicted to videotaping what they do with the horses; they put the videos on both their laptops and even edited them a bit so there were no long filler parts. The red head turned to nod at Tami to record before gently clutching Fritz’s cock and stroking it, she then turned and got on her hands and knees. Holding the camera evenly with one hand Tami used to other to insert Fritz’s cock in Greta’s pussy then moved back to let him do the rest.

“Oh god Tam, he feels so good!” Greta cried as Fritz’s slender yet thick cock was shoved in and out of her sopping cunt.

Carefully stepping around Fritz’s rear Tami got a Greta shot of Greta’s cock stuffed cunt. “Fuck her Fritz, fuck her good.”

The red head screamed loudly in pleasure, the thick cock filling her was just so good! He fucked her promptly as if to let to her know that her cunt was now his. Whipping her head to the side Greta moaned and forced her rear back against his cock to get rougher friction. Fritz certainly knew how to work his cock, even it was the first time he had sex he was certainly a great lover!

“Oh baby fill me with your hot cum. Sully my cunt with your hot sperm!” she moaned clutching the grass tightly. She felt his cock quiver inside of her and knew he was close. She worked her rear back against his thrusts harder until she felt his cock quiver one last time and he shot her full of his hot cum. “Oh yeah Fritz that’s what I want!”

Tami watched drooling as Fritz filled Greta with his cum. It overflowed and began to seep out of Greta’s pussy that was still stuffed with his cock. She zoomed in on the cum dripping cunt. When Fritz’s cum stopped shooting he stepped back and Tami got a great shot of his cock sliding out of Greta’s pussy and the overflowing cum came out faster. The red head fell over to pant on her side. Shutting off the camera Tami sat beside her as Greta had done with her earlier.

“Did you enjoy it?” she asked already knowing the answer.

“Hell yes I did.” Greta answered with a smile as she got her breathing under control. “We are so doing this from now on!”

This made Tami giggle and agree. She lay beside her best friend on the soft grass and basked in the lovely feeling of the warm sun on their bare bodies.

“Wanna take the rest of the ponies virginities?” Greta asked eagerly looking at her best friend.

“Hell no, once was good enough for me.” Tami said sarcastically with a smile.

Laughing Greta jumped up and they rushed to find more ponies.


Part Four

The two girls lay panting in exhaustion by the creek. For the past 2 and a half hours they had been stuffed by the cock of every male pony from the Yen herd. Their cunts were so full that it was unbelievable! They slowly stood and made their way over to the lounge chair and curled again together for a nap. They would try or adults later but right now they really needed some rest.

When they awoke 2 hours later the horses were gone much to their chagrin but they decided to take a dip in the creek to get cleaned up. Greta giggled as she dunked Tami who was washing her hair. When she resurfaced she glared playfully at Greta and splashed her before returning to rinsing her hair.

“So when do you think we should move up to adults?” Greta asked washing her scarlet locks.

“Not sure, I think we should practice more with the ponies and mini stallions. Then move up to adults.” Tami suggested as washed the rest of her body. When she moved down to her cunt she moaned softly, it was kinda sore from their afternoon fun.

“Sounds good,” Greta said dunking her hair again.

Tami swam back to shore and dried off while Greta floated on the surface enjoying the sun and cool water. As Tami dressed in a pair of hiking shorts and a short sleeve shirt her phone buzzed.

“Hello.” she answered drying her hair.

As Greta entered the tent Tami was just hanging up the phone. “What’s up?” she asked going over to her bag to get dressed.

“My mom called, she wants me home.” Tami groaned rolling her eyes. “Something about cleaning the house for a family visit.”

“Aw no fair, we’ve only been here for 2 days.” Greta whined as she pulled on a pair of Capri pants and a tank top.

“Guess we should pack up,” Tami sighed, she shoved her clothes into her camping pack.

They packed up the inside of the tent and moved to the outside to take it down still complaining about their vacation being cut short.

“It’s so not fair that your mom wants you home.” Greta growled as she tried to get disassemble the tent. “We haven’t even gotten to have sex with the adults yet.”

“I know, maybe next time.” Tami said yanking the tent down.

Once everything was packed they cast one more longing look at where their campsite before climbing the hill and heading towards home.

That night Tami laid in her bed grumbling. Her mother wanted her home because her grandparents had come to visit and would be here for the rest of the week. That meant that she had to stay home till they left. Not that she didn’t love her grandparents, but she really had wanted to be fucked by the adult horses with Greta. She had texted Greta and told her about the situation. Greta was annoyed but understood. They made a deal to meet up once Tami’s grandparents were gone.

As soon as Tami’s grandparents left Monday morning she texted Greta to meet up at their usual point and rushed upstairs to pack a tennis bag. They wouldn’t be able to camp because Tami’s parents would be suspicious as to why she was so eager to resume her camping trip. She dressed in her usual hiking clothes and shoved her usual hiking items in her bag.

“Mom, dad I’m going out hiking with Greta!” she called as she tied her hair up in a cute bun.

She rushed to the front door just barely hearing her mother call for her to be home by dinner. She jogged down the road till she reached the big rock with the sparrow painted on it. This was where she and Greta met up for hiking trips. It was their check point. As she sat on the rock day dreaming about what they would do at the creek she spotted Jenna Thomas jogging by in a cute yellow tracksuit listening to her IPod.

“Hey Jenna!” she called.

Jenna halted and smiled at her; she removed her ear-buds and waved at Tami. “Hey Tami, waiting for Greta?” she asked running a hand through her strawberry blonde hair.

“Yeah, we were camping last week but we got cut short by my grandparent visiting. So I figured we could hike out again.” Tami said sliding off the rock.

“I envy you guys; you actually have the determination to hike the valley.” Jenna said taking a swig from her water bottle. “I’ve always wanted to but I could never get up the nerve.”

Tami smiled. “It’s no big deal, you just go out and hike around. It’s really fun and you see a lot of beautiful things.” Suddenly Tami remembered Greta telling her what she’d witnessed Jenna doing almost a month ago.

“I guess I could try it sometime.” Jenna said leaning back against the rock.

“You wanna join us today?” Tami asked, she wanted to see if Jenna was seriously into what Greta had seen her doing.

“I wish I could but after my jog I’ve got to head into the city to look at universities.” Jenna said smiling sheepishly.

“You’re going to university in the city?” Tami asked interestedly.

“Yeah, I thought about out of state but I’m not sure I’m ready to get that far from home.” Jenna responded. “Where you and Greta going to college?”

“Out of state, we were lucky enough to get in at the same university.” Tami answered.

As they continued to talk Greta jogged up smiling widely, she was surprised to see Jenna but greeted her anyway.

“Sorry I’m late, as I was leaving mom needed me to wash dishes.” Greta said apologetically.

Tami brushed it off with a smile. “No problem.”

“Well I should let you girls get to your hike. Maybe I’ll go with next time.” Jenna said waving as she turned and jogged off.

“She wants to go with us? What did you tell her?” Greta asked watching Jenna jog away.

“Not the secret of course, she was saying how she always wanted to hike the valley but never got the nerve. I told her that anytime she wanted to come with she would.” Tami said as they turned and walked the way towards the valley. “Plus I kinda wanted to ask her about the whole dog situation.”

The rest of the way to the valley they talked about Jenna and what they were going to do once they reached the creek.

When they reached the peak of the hill they smiled upon seeing their creek. They slid down the hill and kicked off their hiking boots. Tami sat on the edge of the creek and dipped her sore feet in the water. Greta changed into her bikini and lay out in the sun beside where Tami was dipping her feet. Not too long after they heard hoof beats, they turned and saw the Flip herd heading their way. They giggled happily and watched the herd slowly walk by them and sip from the creek; a few laid down on the grass while others stayed standing and grazed.

“So you wanna do the ponies, and then move to the adults?” Tami asked Greta.

“Sounds like a plan,” Greta nodded.

The two hopped up and separated to greet their horse friends/lovers. They stroked noses and rumps in greeting and were give nuzzles in return. The girls truly loved the horses ever since they first laid eyes on them. Once they finished greeting each horse they met back up and stripped. Greta knelt in front of Hamlet; a honey colored horse with white spots, and stroked his stomach and side. She moved her hand to grasp his cock that was already peeking out and stroked it the rest of the way out. Crawling closer to it she grasped it firmly and wrapped her mouth around the head and sucked heartily. She loved the feeling of thick, warm horse cock in her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of it. Just the taste made her wet and dripping with pleasure. Tami was lying under a white male with a black spot on his back named Cookie propped up on her elbow sucking eagerly on his hot cock. Once both girls were assured that the cocks were properly lubricated they got on their knees and used one hand to lead their cocks into their pussies. They aided them in before letting them do the rest. Cookie rammed his cock into Tami with such force that her arms gave out and her face was pressed into the grass.

“Oh god Cookie,” she moaned. “Fuck me hard; fuck me like a naughty bitch.”

Hamlet was fucking Greta with speed rather than force like Cookie was doing to Tami but the red head didn’t mind. She loved fast fuckers, they gave her more friction and more pleasure. As Cookie pounded Tami a dark brown mini-stallion with flack around his hooves named Perry trotted over. Carefully Tami regained the use of her arms to reach over and coax out his cock. Using one arm to support her body she used the other to hold Perry’s cock and suck on it. This was truly heaven! Greta moaned loudly as she had her third orgasm, she looked to Tami and gasped when she saw her with Cookie’s cock in her pussy and Perry’s in her mouth. She was so jealous now! With one more thrust Hamlet shot her full of his thick cum and sent her into yet another orgasm. Panting she laid her face against the ground to ride out her pleasure. When hamlet was finished filling her with his cum, he stepped away making his cock slip out of her filled pussy and trotted away. She heard a loud scream and looked to Tami who was being shot full of Cookie’s cum after a particularly rough thrust and seemed to deepthroat Perry. Seeing her best friend being filled with cum at both ends was hot! Some of Perry’s cum dribbled out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath and moan. Once Cookie seemed to be satisfied with the cum he’d just deposited into Tami’s snatch he stepped away and his cock slipped out as well is some overflowing streams of cum. Tami’s arms gave out and rolled over onto her back as Perry and Cookie trotted away satisfied. Greta crawled over and laid beside her best friend basking in their afterglows.

“That was pretty hot Tami, didn’t think you would try to do something like that.” Greta complimented.

“It was worth a try,” Tami giggled. Once she could feel her body again she sat up. “Come on, we’ve still got ponies to take care of, then we can move onto adults.” She stood up with Greta eagerly following. This time they separated to cover more ground.

For the next 2 hours the girls had successfully fucked all the ponies and were lounging in the creek to rest their bodies for a bit.

“I’m so full of cum right now,” Greta commented as she floated on the surface. “I don’t think it will ever come out.”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Tami giggled as she dunked under to wet her hair; she had gotten some cum in it from some blowjobs earlier. She could really get into giving blowjobs while being fucked. The herd was still at the creek but she knew that they wouldn’t stay for long so if they wanted to get fucked by the adults they would have to be fast about it. It was already noon.

The girls spent a few more minutes in the water before they eventually climbed out of the creek to dry off. Looking around they decided to try to find the perfect adult horses to be their firsts. Tami spotted two males grazing by the creek, one was black with brown on his nose and white around his hooves and the other was brown with tan spots scattered about his rear and neck. She gestured Greta over to the males.

“They will be perfect.” Tami said, they walked over and stood in front of the two males.

“Agreed,” Greta said reaching out to stroke the brown one’s neck, he was named Dill. “Who goes first?”

“You can, I went first when we did the ponies.” Tami said kneeling down and patting the black one, named Turner’s nose as he grazed. He snorted softly making her giggle. “I’ll go get the camera.” She stood up straight and rushed off to their bags to fetch the camera.

Greta stepped around Dill and stroked his sides as he continued to graze. Peeking down she saw that his cock wasn’t out so she would have to coax it. When Tami returned she started up the camera to make sure that it had a blank tape.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Tami nodded to Greta as she fiddled with the camera.

With a nod in return Greta moved her hand to rub Dill’s belly. He made a snorting noise but didn’t move so she continued to rub. Slowly she moved her hand from his belly to his and stroked around where the sheath to coax out his cock. He then made a whinnying noise and swished his tail but slowly his cock started to flop out.

“Oh good boy Dill.” Greta said appreciatively.

She gently grasped his cock and stroked it the rest of the way out. As she rubbed his cock to hardness her pussy got wet with excitement. Her mind was reeling with what would happen soon. Latching her mouth around the head she sucked lovingly on it. She wanted to lubricate it enough even though her pussy was literally dripping with lubrication from being excited and having been fucked by Hamlet. Tami made appreciative noises softly as she watched her best friend going to town on Dill’s cock. Once Greta was sure he was good and horny as well as properly lubricated she looked around and saw a rock nearby and gently led him over to it. It was flat enough that she could lie on it comfortably or be on her knees and be high enough for his cock to be in her pussy. Deciding on laying down, she laid under his belly and reached out for his cock. She held open her pussy lips with one hand and led his cock into her pussy with the other. She moaned at the thickness, he was definitely all grown up! His cock was way bigger than all the pony cocks she’d had inside of her.

“Oh boy, you’re so big.” She moaned. “I almost can’t fit you!”

Tami moved around carefully and got a great shot of Greta forcing more of Dill’s thick, meaty cock into of her glistening pussy. The red head panted heavily as she shoved Dill’s cock in and out, he helped a little bit with shallow thrusts but she was carefully holding his cock so that he wouldn’t hurt her. He was so thick! So good! Greta’s body was on fire with pleasure. She shoved his cock deeper till she thought it wouldn’t fit anymore, the fit itself drove her into two hard orgasms. Biting her lip, she pinched her clit with one hand and roughly shoved Dill’s cock into her pussy.

“He’s so deep Tam, so thick!” Greta panted heavily.

As she thrust his cock deeper and deeper into her tight cunt Tami could see his balls twitching, he was close. She moved again and zoomed in closer on Greta’s pussy to catch the perfect shot of Dill’s cock shooting his love juice into it. Greta felt Dill’s cock twitch in her pussy so she knew he was close. Shoving him harder into her cunt she sped it up, she was so close to a 4th orgasm that she could taste it.

“He’s close.” She moaned.

With one more shove Dill flooded her honeyhole with cum. Tami got a great shot of it filling the red head’s pussy and leaking out. It dribbled out in a slow stream from Greta’s overflowing cunt. Tami was so happy to have gotten it on video.

“His cum is so hot Tam, its overflowing.” Greta was trembling from the aftermath of her orgasms and being shot with cum. “It’s still coming out too.”

Sure enough Dill’s cum was streaming from Greta’s overflowing pussy still. It was a delicious sight indeed. When the stream started to slow Greta still trembled with pleasure at the sensation, she pinched her clit to gain another orgasm from the experience. Having Dill’s cum overflowing her pussy added with the orgasm she was currently experience was a magical experience that she would never forget. When the cum flow finally stopped Dill stepped back, his cock that Greta had long since released, slipped out of her pussy. Tami then got a really great shot of Greta’s cunt lips splayed open with creamy cum really flowing out now.

“Looks delicious,” Tami said squirming. Her cunt was on fire just staring at Greta’s filled pussy.

“Feels even better,” Greta moaned, she slipped the hand pinching her cunt down to finger her filled pussy. Her body slowly moved from the rock and stepped over to hug her best friend. “Your turn.”

Eagerly Tami handed off the camera to Greta and made her way over to Turner who had moved over to where Greta had been fucked, clearly the smell of sex had gotten him excited because his cock was dangling freely. She brushed some dark hair from her face and stroked his nose.

“Now you’re next boy, show me how a real horse fucks.” She purred in his ear.

She led him over towards the rock. A puddle of Greta and Dill’s mixed cum was on the rock. She scooped it up and fingered it into her cunt to get it nice and lubed up. Once she was happy with it she grabbed his cock and sucked it firmly. His cock hardened in her mouth and she removed it. Greta got into position and gave a nod for her to start when ready. Tami laid back on the rock, she did what Greta had done earlier and held open her pussy lips with one hand and used the other to guide Turner’s cock in. she screamed in pleasure, Greta had been right, they were thick!

“Oh baby, so thick.” She moaned, she forced Turner’s cock deeper into her eager hole. “So good!” she released his cock and pinched her nipples while thrusting against it.

It was heaven being stuffed by adult horse cock! She had never been so stretched and so filled in her entire life! The rough friction between his thick cock and her pussy drove her wild. His cock was so hot that she couldn’t wait for his cum to shoot in her pussy. Reaching down with one hand she forced more and more of his cock into her till no more would go in.

“Oh Turner, more!” she cried shoving him even deeper, Greta was getting great video. Her own cunt was still dripping from her turn.

Turner made snorting noises of approval as his thick cock was shoved in and out of a tight, hot cunt. Clearly it was different than what he was used to but he seemed to like it from the noises, he even offered some thrusts of his own that shocked Tami and made her scream in pleasure. Greta momentarily shifted the camera to Turner’s balls which were starting to twitch. Back to Tami’s cunt which was almost visibly quivering with pleasure, she was riding out her 4th orgasm when she felt Turner’s cock twitch inside of her, he was close. With a couple more, rough jerks of his cock deep into her pussy he shot his load. Oh god! Tami thought. His cum was so warm just like Greta had said and it was shooting like a hose inside of her. She felt his cum filling her and even leaking out of her pussy and onto the smooth rock. Greta zoomed in on the leaking cunt, so hot! Just watching that delicious cum leaking from the overly filled pussy got her exited all over again! It seemed like forever till Turner’s cum stopped shooting inside of her, when it did he stepped back and his cock slipped out with a wet sound. The cum practically flowed out faster now. As Turner trotted away Greta zoomed in more on Tami’s leaking pussy.

“Well…” Greta said with a smirk. She turned the camera off and placed it safely on the ground beside the rock.

“That…was…unreal!” Tami said between pants, slowly she sat up and scooted over so Greta could sit beside her. She embraced her best friend.

“Well, now we’ve done it all.” Greta said hugging her back. “From here on out there is nothing we haven’t done with our horse lovers.”

“Hell yea.” Tami giggled. “Best friend promise.” She held up her pinky. “We will forever be horse lovers and no one will ever know.”

Greta smiled and hooked her pinky with Tami’s. “Best friend promise, swear.”

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