Women with Animals
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Double Trouble


(c) 2013 by Melissa

I opened my eyes and sighed. The dream was going so well: I had money, power, and most of all, a loving boyfriend. At 19 years of age without having had any sort of lover, I have come to feel a little… undesired. All of my friends have had some sort of relationship with guys. Hell, my friend Lisa always tells me about her fuck buddies from college parties.

Sorry, where are my manners? My name’s Melissa, a 19 year old girl who has become quite annoyed at her own love life. It’s not like I’m horrendously unattractive– in fact, I’d say the opposite. I’m a 5′ 6″ brunette with C cup breasts. I’ll admit, I’m not the slimmest or most fit of girls, but I’m right at the average. I have a square face, but it comes with deep dark brown eyes highlighted by light brown eyebrows, a thin nose, and nice, full lips. Seriously, there has to have been someone who found me attractive all these years!

Anyways, little had I known that after having that dream, today was my lucky day. I would finally find someone who loves me! It was a hot summer day with no one at home. Everyone was at work, so when I got out of bed, I decided to take a nice, cold shower and walk around the house with well… nothing on except my glasses (I’d be blind otherwise).

There was absolutely nothing to do at home, and none of my friends had called, so with the dream still fresh in mind, I decided to take some time to get to know myself a little better. You know, just to cheer myself up with some good ol’ self-attention. Besides, no one would get home until a couple hours from now.

I connected my computer to the TV and selected a nice video about some teen pretending it was her first time. Before I pressed play, the dog began to whine. The poor dog, he was probably fed up with being bloated all night! I went over, cooing, “Oh my God, sorry Rex. Here you go.”

Having Rex around was kind of weird, to say the least. When I had left for college, we didn’t have a dog, but then 2 months later my family calls to inform me that they had adopted a family friend’s dog. Apparently she was a breeder who is having to relocate to an apartment that doesn’t allow pets, so my family took Rex in. Anyhow, I opened the backyard door to let him do his business outside. Without further thought, I played my porn movie and sat on the couch.

As the movie progressed, I sank lower and lower into the couch until I was practically lying down, knees bent 90 degrees with my feet on the floor. The girl was enjoying a good cock sucking when I began to mess with my tits. I slowly rubbed over them with my hands, massaging, kneading them together while the girl made succulent slurping sounds. Oh, how I wished I had a cock like that to suck!

My nipples hardened enough where I began to pluck them gently. Small jolts of pleasure raced through my body as I did so, and I began to softly moan along with the video, “Ohhhh… mmmm.”

By now my cunt was soaked with my juices and begging for attention. I sighed deeply when I decided to take things further and tickle my clitoris. My left index finger slowly made circles around my clit, sometimes sliding over to send bursts of pleasure. I gave a high pitched yelp each time I slid over, “Ugghhhh!”

My right hand moved down from massaging my breast and began to slowly insert a finger into my pussy, synchronized with the video where the girl was saying, “No… Please, it hurts too much!” But the guy didn’t listen, and neither did my finger, as both of them just shoved into their respective pussies. The girl cried out, “Ow, ow, OWWWW!” Opposite to me, I cried out, “Oh, shit!”

I brought my legs up to get a better angle, inserting finger after finger. They all slid in easily, my pussy expanding to meet my demands. I squeezed my cunt muscles around my fingers while pumping them in and out, making succulent squelching noises. Each time I pleasure myself, I am thankful for my tennis racket getting rid of my hymen so that it was no longer in my way. It was painful at first, but I grew to love just about anything I could use to shove in my womanhood.

Suddenly the video froze and I perched myself up on both arms, trying to figure out why from the couch. Rex chose to enter the room at that moment, and moved over to my open legs, straight to my pussy. He began to lick me ferociously. I felt every taste bud rubbing against my clit and that sent an enormous wave of pleasure through me. I arched my back in ecstasy and shock, yelling, “Oh my God!”

I looked down in confusion as he continued his relentless assault, drinking in all of my juices. I just sat there, perched on both arms, looking at him but not daring to push him away, it was just too good! My breath came in short gasps in time with the mounting tension in my lower regions. My face began to look as if I had to sneeze. I could no longer deny the pleasure, I began to moan furiously, my voice rising higher and higher, “Ah, ah, ohhhh, ugh, ugh, ugh.” Fully giving into Rex’s love, I threw my head back and screamed without caring who would hear me, “Ohhhh, mmmm, ah, ah, R-Rex, yes, yesssss!”

Rex sent me into convulsions of pleasure, causing my back to arch, and me to gasp sharply. I held my breath with each wave of my orgasm, finally letting it all out in one breath, “UGHHHHHH.”

Rex just stood there, somehow knowing that I had reached my max. His hot breath coming in pants on my eaten-out pussy. Sweating furiously from the heat of orgasming, my mind slowly came back to reality after having been hit with the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. There I saw Rex, and the porn video still stuck. Then it hit me: I was just been eaten out by a dog. I got up and leaned over to Rex, petting his head, but he just whined at me.

Thinking it over, Rex had to be trained to recognize when I was… vulnerable. So then did that mean his previous owner, who had conveniently been a girl, train him to do more?

I had to know. I stood up and told Rex to sit. Heart racing, I threw my glasses off and got down on all fours, onto the carpeted floor, my precious womanhood facing toward Rex. His tail thumped the floor and I could tell he was excited. But nothing happened, he just sat there thumping his tail. Looking at him, I could see a small red point sticking out from between his legs, yet he just sat there complacently.

I shook my ass in front of his face, egging him to fuck me, “C’mon Rex, right here, boy, a nice hot pussy for you.” The words came out so shaky, my heart was racing at a thousand miles per hour. Imagine my nervousness! Nothing happened until I patted my ass. That did the trick! Rex recognized the sign and immediately pounced on me. His weight took me by surprise and forced me down– I grunted as I braced myself from hitting the floor with my face, “Ooof.” Now with my ass higher up in the air, Rex began to ferociously thrust at me, letting himself go to his animal instincts. For a split second it occurred to me that I was about to give a dog my virginity, but I reasoned that yes, I was desperate for any cock, even if it meant being my dog’s bitch.

I felt Rex’s cock poking at my ass a few times before it hit right at my pussy. Once Rex knew he had hit me, he shoved all the way in with his entire body, sending me crawling a bit forward. “OH, OH MY GOD” I screamed out, feeling Rex enter my pussy at full force. He certainly was thicker than my tennis racket, filling me to a nice, pleasing fullness. His rapid humping left me gasping for breath; I lowered my head and closed my eyes as I felt each thrust sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.

I was in heaven. The tension began to rise, but I hit the top so fast that I came with Rex still fucking me senseless. “Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!” I screamed out in time with each pulse of orgasm.

Rex seemed to like my pussy flexing as he gave out several barks as I came with him inside. The amount of cum he was pumping into me made the orgasm the hottest thing I ever felt.

I managed an airy chuckle when I heard him bark. “Y- Yeah… yeah? You like your new b-bitch, Rex?”

Just then, my brother came into the room. In all the fucking ecstasy, I didn’t hear the door open or anything!

“Whoa… Melissa, are you fucking Rex?” He laughed as he saw this.

“Wh-What… are… you… doing… home?” I gasped each word as Rex still fucked me.

I looked up at him, but my face soon scrunched up as I felt another orgasm rising in me. A bulbous object began to push against me, and with one mighty push, Rex shoved his knot all the way into me, opening my precious womanhood wider than ever before. My eyes opened wide and I gave a look of surprise. “Ah, wait, what?! Ow, ow, owwwww,” I sputtered.

In time, the knot grew and grew inside of me and I accommodated the size, at which point the fullness I felt from all the spunk and his knot… indescribable.

I tried to keep my next orgasm from Rex’s pulsing as quiet as possible, knowing that my brother was there, but I couldn’t help my quiet whimpering, “Mmmmf, nnnnngggg.”

Eric looked down casually at me and then removed his swim trunks, revealing an enraged 7 inch dick.

“I’m glad the coach released me early today, sis. Now, if you don’t want me telling mom and dad, you gotta do me a favor.”

“What?!” I yelled at him. “You fucking bitch, leave me alone!”

He plopped himself down in front of me, stroking his 7 inch cock right in front of my face. He patted Rex on the head who barked in return. “I don’t know, sis. It looks to me like you’re the bitch here.”

He looked back down at me and grabbed my chin, making me look at him. His smile went from ear to ear. “Well, get on with it.”

I made no move, just glared at him.

“Oh, c’mon. Here, I’ll help you out a bit.”

He scooted closer and slapped his dick against my face. I smelled chlorine while he made small humping motions, pushing his dick and ball sack harder and harder against me.

“Aw, you’ll have to do more than that, sis.”

I glared at him, then lowered my head onto the head of his dick, taking the bulbous piece of meat into my mouth. I rubbed it a few times with my lips, then began to flick my tongue over it, just as how I saw in the porn movies.

“Mmmm, good job, Mel! Give me more! Teach your lil bro how a girl should suck!”

Eric grabbed my hair and shoved my head down onto his cock, forcing himself all the way to the back of my throat. I gagged, but he didn’t care, he stayed there for a good while, grinding his shaved pelvis against my face. I felt a tug on my hair and I gladly lifted my head, gasping for breath. He used my hair as he used it to guide my head up and down his length. Rex just watched– he was satisfied, pumping his seed into me.

“Don’t forget to suck and use your tongue, Mel!” Eric called out. I did as he told, only to have him wrap both hands around my head. I couldn’t believe he was using me as his own sex toy!

“You’re not moaning! Am I not as good as the dog? It’s ok, I got you covered.” Eric began to moan as loudly as he could. “Ahhh, that’s it, sis, that’s it, suck my cock. Yeah, yeah, that’s right.”

After what seemed an eternity, Eric sighed and once again shoved my head all the way down his length, only this time his cock thumped the roof of my mouth and unleashed a globulous load in my throat. He pulled out, dumping the rest of his spunk on my face as I coughed and gagged, having been forced to swallow my brother’s cum.

Coincidentally, Rex was done too, sufficiently shrinking down to pull out of me. I felt him exit and I heard a pop as a whole flood of dog spunk spilled out of me and onto the carpet. Rex moved into a corner and began to clean himself, leaving me feeling rather empty.

When I thought it was over, Eric flipped me around so that I was lying on my back. Pinning my arms down with his hands, he got on top of me and between my legs, whispering in my ear, “You’re now our bitch. We’re gonna have a lot of fun before you leave for college again.”

I felt him shove himself into me with a meaty squelching sound. As I watched him grunting and enjoying my pussy, I consoled myself with the fact that I had found not one, but two cocks begging for my services.


A few days after Rex and Eric had given me my first doggy cock and man cock, I woke up to the phone ringing. I groggily got out of bed and answered.

“Hello?” A woman’s voice.

“Uh, yes, hello?” I replied, still disoriented.

“Melissa? Is that you? It’s Lisa! I just wanted to call and find out when it’d be a good time to come over to visit him.”

Lisa? It took me awhile to remember, but I finally realized Lisa was Rex’s first owner, the one who let us adopt him.

“Oh yeah, uh… I mean today is fine if you’re around.”

“Sure! I’ll be over in a couple of hours.”

I slowly cleaned up from what Eric left in me last night and waited for Lisa’s arrival. In the meantime, I was grateful that my brother had to go somewhere with his friend today. I swear, it’s not that I don’t want to fuck Eric, it’s just that he feels he has complete control over me because he can blackmail me.

The doorbell rang a few hours later and I answered the door. Lisa stood there, her petite frame barely taking up half the doorway. “Hello, Melissa! It’s been so long, how’s college?”

“It’s good, has its ups and downs. Come in, Rex is in the backyard right now.”

I elaborated on my college experiences which included mostly traveling around England. Lisa walked into the living room and Rex trotted in, sensing there was a visitor.

Instantly the dog leapt up to greet his former owner.

“Rex! It’s good to see you, remember me? Yeah?” Lisa cooed.

Rex dropped down and instantly buried his muzzle in Lisa’s crotch. Nervously laughing, Lisa turned to me and said, “Now, woman to woman, I must tell you why he’s not fixed… and it has nothing to do with breeding.”

I just looked at her casually and told her, “You fuck Rex, don’t you?”

Lisa reared back in shock, Rex just pawing at her feet. “H-how did you know?”

I knelt down and patted Rex’s head. “Because… I’m his bitch, too.” A huge smile spread across my face at how naughty that sounded.

The petite blonde looked at me and smiled, “Ohhh, so now you know what it’s like to truly be fucked! Have you told anyone else?”

I waved my hand, “Well… Eric did walk in on me, but no one else but a good friend knows.”

She just nodded slowly. “Well… if it’s not too much, is anyone getting home soon? I would love to play with Rex again before I leave so that I don’t go home completely disappointed.” Her innocent smile was just too much.

“No, go ahead, this is actually a good day because everyone’s busy.”

With no further invitation, Lisa began to hurriedly undress, Rex walking in excited circles knowing what’s about to happen. I casually took a seat across the couch, already feeling my panties soaking up my juices.

Lisa, now completely nude, her slim body shining in the sunlight, moved back onto the couch and lay down, knees at right angles, legs completely spread apart to reveal her shaven mound. Her small A cup breasts were firm mounds with peaks from her erect nipples.

She patted her pussy and Rex immediately walked over and began to eat her out. Lisa gave out a nice yelp, “OH HO, yesssss, thank god!”

I slowly moved my hands into my pants and began to tease my clit, listening to the slopping sounds Rex made as he gave Lisa a good licking. She kneaded her small tits, eyes closed to soak in all of the pleasure.

But before she came, she patted her thighs and said, “Fuck me, boy.” Rex immediately mounted her, paws falling to either side of her chest, and his insane humping began.

I sat up, absolutely intrigued. I had no idea you could take a dog in missionary! Lisa reached down and gave Rex a helping hand, guiding his pink prick to her hot pussy. From my viewpoint, I saw Rex hit home and immediately began to fuck Lisa senseless.

“Ohhhhhh, yes, yesssssss, it’s been so longggggggg,” Lisa cried out.

I couldn’t take it any longer, I threw off my clothes and ran to grab my tennis racket from my room. Sitting back on the couch, I spread my legs wide open and began to make sweet love to the handle, enjoying a live porn show as I went.

Lisa turned to me, hands gripping the top of the couch, “H-he’s sooooo gooooood UGHHHHH!”

I assumed she came there. Nothing to do but smile back!

Just then the front door opened and in came Eric and his friend.

“Eric, oh my God, what’re you doing back?”

“Oh, we ditched swim practice because my friend wanted to see… well, this!” He motioned to Lisa.

Eric’s friend had his mouth wide open, “Oh my God, no way.”

The petite blonde managed a weak hello amidst Rex’s furious humping.

“Oh, and by the way,” Eric said to me, “I told my friend here that he could fuck you.”

At that point, I pulled the tennis racket out and got up, sternly saying, “Excuse me? Since when could you do that?”

My brother just held up a wad of cash. “You know you gotta do it.”

In the background, Lisa howled as Rex began to knot her, “Oh, Oh, OHHHHHHH.”

The dog stopped his humping and just licked Lisa’s face. “Yes, yes, I know, mommy’s happy too!” She cooed.

I sighed, I knew what I had to do. My brother’s friend sat down next to Lisa and pulled down his pants. At least his dick was only 5 inches and it wasn’t that thick.

I went up to the guy and stroked him a little. He just smiled and combed through my hair. I scoffed and mounted him, slowly pushing down onto his dick. Not too far into my session when I heard another pair of pants drop and behind me, my brother was applying some oil from the kitchen to his dick.

“Eric, what are you doing?” I asked when I felt his friend pull me into a tight hug. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t get out of the hold.

“Don’t worry, Mel, I won’t hurt you. I just want to try something new.”

He aligned himself at the entrance of my ass.

“No, no, Eric, not here, not n—“

I couldn’t finish as I felt him push his way past my rectum and into my ass.

I scrunched up my face, feeling the inches crawl by, “HNGGGGGGGGG!”

All 7 inches of him rooted deep inside, I felt him pulsing there, opening me wider in a place I had never before imagined.

And it didn’t hurt! It was also quite erotic… there was something in me… just not where I’m used to…

The two men began to slowly fuck me in opposite directions. Being double penetrated has got to be one of the best things out there. Eric would exit my ass as his friend entered my pussy and then vice versa. I could practically feel their dicks rubbing against each other!

I was pushed completely up against my brother’s friend, my chest pushing against his as they fucked me. Lisa was watching from her position, still knotted to Rex, whimpering occasionally. I guess she was just cumming off of Rex’s pulsing knot.

The two guys began to speed up and I could no longer hold back my moans. “Mmmmm, oh god, m-more, pleaseeeee!”

They obliged and Eric even reached around to play with my clit.

“Oh fuck, Mel, your ass is practically sucking my dick!”

Soon enough, the familiar tension began to build in my lower regions and its peak approached fast!

“Ugh, yeah, yeah, almost there, k-k-keep going.”

I threw my head back, teeth clenched, and gave a high pitched whining as my orgasm hit, convulsing on both cocks still pumping in me, “EEEEEEEE! UGHHHHH!” They continued to give me one hell of a ride until my orgasm stopped and soon after that, I felt them begin to twitch.

“Wait, you’re not gonna cum in me, are you?” I looked at the guy under me.

“Uhhhh, oh fuck, too late!”

I felt him twitch in my pussy and then a hot feeling spread inside of me while he let out a sigh of relief.

Eric suddenly pulled his entire length out and came onto my back, spreading his spunk all over.

Oddly enough, I was left with a void in my ass that made me want to use the bathroom so badly, but I had already gone before Lisa got here. But on more pressing matters, I slapped the guy who let himself go inside me.

He just laughed and pushed me off, getting his clothes on. Fortunately I was already on the pill because Eric just loves to dump his seed into me. At the same time, Rex pulled out of Lisa with a pop and the customary flood of spunk flooded out of the little woman.

Lisa then turned to the two young men, “Now which of you boys wants to fuck me?”


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