Women with Animals

Mavis and Jacqui


(c) 2005 by Slutgirl

Mavis had just been handed the papers that made her a very wealthy woman. She had been married to Jack for 35 years. He had been a real bastard in that time, but she had grown up in a generation that did not leave their husbands. It had paid off. Jack had been a wise boy and saved a lot of money. He had been even wiser and invested it well.

Their only daughter was married to a nice young man who took care of her. She had said “Mum, you keep all of it, after all dad was an old bastard to you, you deserve it. Kevin and I are quite comfortable.” So, that was what Mavis did, she kept it all.

Jacqui was Mavis’s closest friend. Jacqui had been one of those bohemian types and never married. She had had way too much fun traveling all over the world, and had been involved in some pretty exotic romances. Mavis had met Jacqui by accident in a chat room about 10 years ago. It had been an adult chat room, for people with really dark desires.

Jacqui had posted about having been at a party once in Denmark, where she saw this prostitute being fucked by a dog. She said at the time it had grossed her out, but also fascinated her, and the whore had seemed pretty happy about it. Later on, when relaxed on booze and dope, Jacqui had told her boyfriend about it, he had gotten so turned on, he went out and found a stray dog. He helped her get all horny, but the dog couldn’t do it. It wasn’t a stray, it was just wandering the streets and its owner had had it fixed. Still, it had left a desire in Jacqui she couldn’t quench.

Eventually, a couple of years later Jacqui did finally get to experience doggy love. It had been awesome she said, “better than any man I ever had” she said. “Ooh, I’d give up men forever if I had a little property I could have dogs on” she said. And this had gotten Mavis thinking.

Jack had been impotent for years, he seemed to use all his jism in brain juice, cause no other kind ever came out of him. Mavis had decided to try a dog for fun. She started reading Jack about all the burglaeries in the area that were happening lately. She took to hunting out stories of break-ins and attacks on little old ladies at home alone.

Jack hemmed and humpfed to these. Then Mavis read him a story about a little old ladies dog who had bitten the intruder and kept him there till the police arrived. Jack didn’t even look up from his paper, “s’pose we can get a dog, mind you, you will have to look after it.” Mavis grinned to herself “yes, dear” she replied and cleared away the breakfast dishes.

A couple of weeks later Mavis had bought herself a nice german shepherd pup. He was a little older than usual, 5 months, but Mavis didn’t mind. She took to having him in the house with her all the time. It wasn’t long before he started to show interest in her when she got out of the shower, and Mavis began to smile a whole lot more. Everyone commented on how much more content Mavis seemed. They all said it must be feeling safer having a dog around and Mavis said “yes, that’s it, I like having a dog around” and she would smile sweetly.

Well, that had been years ago. The dog had gotten old now, but Mavis wouldn’t give him up, she had grown to lover her special lover in a way a wife does for her husband. A little of that sparkle had left Mavis now that her dog couldn’t fuck her, but he could still lick her pussy with enthusiasm and this they both enjoyed immensely. Then all of a sudden, Jack up and died. Massive heart attach they said. Mavis didn’t care, he was gone and now she could put Jacqui’s dream into action.

Mavis went over to visit Jacqui and take her for a drive. They drove for a long time and Mavis wouldn’t tell her where they were going. Finally, they got to a nice little farm on the other side of town. They got out and looked around. “Nice” said Jacqui. “Yes” said Mavis, “its mine”. “What?” Jacqui’s jaw had dropped.

“Yes, I bought it with the money Jack had left me. It was pretty cheap actually. I have enough left over for a small pension, and when I sell my current home I will have plenty.”

“What do you plan to do with it?” asked Jacqui, taking another look around.

“I’m going to turn it into doggy paradise.” Jacqui looked at her and raised her eyebrows.

“Well, you remember how we met? You said you had this dream, that you could give up men forever, if only you had a property to live on with dogs. Well, this is that property. I plan to fill the place with stray dogs that haven’t been fixed, and given them the royal treatment. Fine food, a place to play and rest, somewhere heavenly for them and when they feel like it, two women willingly waiting to service them sexually. Doggy paradise.”

“Oh my god!” said Jacqui. “When do we move in?”

“Next week” said Mavis. I have already started collecting dogs and I have to say I haven’t had this much fun in ages.

So, in two weeks time Mavis took possession of her new property and filled it with 20 dogs of all sorts of breeds and sizes and mixes. Jacqui moved in with her and helped to look after them. The dogs could roam the property at will, chasing each other or strange little native life.

They were fed twice a day with quality dried dog food and a mixture of meat, vegetables and rice that Mavis loved to cook for them. And whenever they felt like it, Mavis and Jacqui were both willing and eager to service their sexual needs. At first the dogs took time to get used to the idea of having human sex playthings, but quick enough they realised it was there whenever they wanted it and neither woman would ever turn them away.

It was beginning to get a little exhausting because a couple of the dogs wanted each woman 8 times a day. Most were content with 2 times a day for four of five days in a row, then would take a rest.

It seemed wherever you looked, you could see Jacqui or Mavis, down on all fours, arse raised higher than their heads, a dog with its tongue licking away at the clean shaven pussies, or a cock firmly jammed in, pumping away. On occasion, more than one dog would want to be serviced at once, so Mavis or Jacqui would then take the second dog’s suffering cock into their mouth and tenderly lick, suck and kiss the member until the dog was soothed once more. It was inevitable on these occasions that doggy cum would go everywhere. Not to worry, both Mavis and Jacqui had acquired the taste for doggy cum, so would swallow as much as possible, then compete with the dogs to lick the left over up off the floor.

One day, Mavis’s daughter came to visit. “Mum, you look so happy. Have you ever thought about having visitors come here for little holidays? I’m sure there would be other older women out there who would enjoy a little break.”

And that was when Mavis got her next brilliant idea. She would offer little holidays to other women, who liked dogs. They would get to have fine country hospitality, with warm, hearty food, a lovely place to stroll and the dogs to fuck. What more could someone want?

So Mavis and Jacqui set about advertising their little home stay in all the right places and soon they had a steady stream of women coming to experience what staying in the country was really all about. And the dogs had never been happier.

The end

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