Women with Animals
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Kitchen Duty


(c) 2007 by Boez_99

Amy put the keys in her door and walked into her world. Her home was her “paradise.” She was a recently divorced systems analyst, who had had enough of her husband and his missionary attitude. She was also fed up with the bar scenes and with the usual meeting crap.

Amy was by no means the typical well-built model of perfection you always read about. That is not to say that she didn’t have special attributes, she just wasn’t a super model. Yes, she had a large bust. Their weight made them sag a little and they started from under her arms. She also was about 30 pounds over weight for her 5’7″ height. She had a good sized gut on her, not fat mind you, but a beer gut was the best way to describe it. Amy loved her beer. She did have a great pair of legs and looked absolutely great in high heels. Her hair was jet black, thick, long and always looked like it had just been teased. Out of style for these times.

She wore glasses as opposed to contacts, had bright blue eyes and a very sexy overbite. Amy was not beautiful by any stretch, but the whole package was quite alluring in a tired washed out sort of way that always boiled your blood anyway.

Her home was in a semi secluded area and was hers in an even split with her husband as he got other things he wanted. Amy loved being off the beaten path as it allowed her freedom to pursue her desires which to say the least were not your everyday fantasies.

Amy walked in and put her brief case in the hallway and went quickly into the her bedroom. The house was an eight room ranch and her bedroom was opulent on the inside and rustic on the outside just like the rest of the house.

Amy removed her suit, blouse and skirt, followed by her bra and panties. Now naked she gave her body a quick all over feel that was not sexual but rather an awakening. She was always naked in her home except for one quirk. Amy always loved to keep a pair of black pumps on her feet. She loved the way it made her legs feel and that was her entire outfit when she was home.

Walking into the kitchen she opened the fridge took out a six-pack of Coors and then a bottle of Jack Daniel’s that she kept in the freezer. She downed a can in three quick gulps. Between each gulp she took a swig of JD. Now she became alive and forgot all about the day at the office.

Amy went into her studio to get set up. You see she had her own web-site on the net and had a very interesting and sometimes lucrative business. She advertised that she would fulfill any, ANY, sexual fantasy that anyone wanted to see via web/cam. You told her in her private chat room or by E-mail what you wanted, you discussed it, came to an agreement on price and gave her a credit card that she would verify at once.

The only other thing you need to know was that there were cameras in every room of the house and also outside that allowed Amy to be anywhere it was necessary. She sat down at the keyboard and opened up her system. Lightening quick and responsive it was the best money could offer as she did not like hassles when she was “working.”

She opened up her mail and saw that she had over 100 messages. Good that would keep her busy for a while as she always answered each and every one.

She put them aside into folders according to what they wanted. Masturbation shots, bust cupping shots, open leg poses, insertions, outdoor stuff, bdsm, and her favorites, animal sex and watersports.

Today everyone wanted her to make herself come. She figured she could have about 25 of them on at one time and would give them their money’s worth, but not now. She wanted something else. Unsure of exactly what she wanted, she continued to drink her boilermakers and sort out the messages when she came across one that made her shiver.

“Dear Amy,

I came across your site and just had to see if you were for real. After all anything is really a broad statement. My tastes are pretty far out and I am thinking that I will be turned down as you are turned off. Let me say that I would pay well for what I want but you will earn your money. I will tell you more if you answer me as I want to see how real you are.

Yours, Alex”

Amy read the message twice and decided to bite. After all, this message was not as revolting as some of them were. You know the ones that say “lemme see yer cunt, whore and “show me yer tits baby” She answered them with a vague response and charged them enough to make their crudeness expensive.

“Dear Alex,

I am real. You let me decide if I’m turned off or not. Bet you I won’t be. Answer me now, please, or I will put you at the bottom of the pile.


Amy opened her fourth can of beer and drank it down. She could really drink and it took a lot to get her wasted..


“Dear Amy,

Are you sure you won’t mind. My thing involves Golden and Brown. Wanna go further. Alex”

Now Amy’s interest was really peaked. This was a favorite fetish of hers but she wondered whether she should play it careful to see what transpired.

“Dear Alex,

Come on Alex, I’m not stupid you know. Piss and Shit are your things. So tell me exactly what you want and how far you want me to go and I’ll see if I can give you an honest answer.

Curiously Amy.”

“Dear Amy,

God I hope you not trying to bullshit me. I am really excited that you may consider my fantasy. Please. I don’t want to shock you or make you sick can I really tell you what I want?”

Nervously, Alex


Please get to the point, I WANT to know what you want right fucking now.” Amy”

“Dear Amy,

Hear goes then. I want to see you in your kitchen, on a chair, legs open, tits hanging, smoking a cigarette (hanging from your mouth), with your hair messy, like you just got up.

I want you to take three or four large glasses and piss in them until they are filled to the top. Then I want you to fill a clear glass bowl with a large load of shit.

Set them down before you and while alternating smoking, drink your piss and eat you shit for breakfast. Act bored like it’s a daily occurrence. While you do this make sure you fondle your breasts, finger yourself and put some of the poo and pee in your hair and on your face and body.

Make sure I can see you chew and swallow.

There Amy, I’ve said it, now I suppose you’ll delete this and that will be that.

Hopefully, Alex”

Amy almost came when she read this message. She had done this quite a few times but never on camera. The thought thrilled her into almost coming. She decided to negotiate a price before letting on that she was thrilled to do this for her customer.

“Dear Alex,

You weren’t kidding were you. If I were to agree to do this it would take me a full day to get ready. I would have to avoid my other customers and that would cost me money. Besides, how much could I charge you? I’m probably not even sure that I can do what you want.

Thinking, Amy”

“Dear Amy,

Would 500 dollars do?

Alex (fingers crossed)”

Amy could not believe the offer and decided to play fair and not play with Alex any longer

“Dear Alex,

$500 is a very generous offer. Too Generous! I’ll do it because it happens to be one of my favorite fetishes. Give me $100 dollars and we’ll make a date as I prepare. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Love, Amy

PS are you a man or a woman, not that it matters I just would like to know”

“Dear Amy,

WOW you are great. Really money is no object and I think it would be worth every dime, besides I want to pay you for missing out your other customers. When can we do it and how do I log on? here is the charge # 3487634876345 exp. date 9/10/01.

Love Alex

ans. to Ps; Guess”

“Dear Alex,

OK the charge went through for $200 that’s really all I need. How about we do this right. I’ll eat and drink tonight and not go to the bathroom until the morning when I can really have breakfast. How about 6:00 AM? You can log in to the site with this password, *&%&^%

Looking Forward to it, Amy

Have you ever been at in a cam/room before?”

Dear Amy,

Great I’ll be there with you. Will you have audio on? I would like to hear you. I have seen you many times. I chose you after seeing hundreds of others who didn’t offer what you did.

See you In the morning, Love Alex.

Amy signed off but not before doing a 25 minute masturbation sequence for about 22 subscribers that had them pounding their dorks and fingering their holes as they came together. All the while Amy was drinking and cooking herself supper off camera. She had inserted a butt plug up her ass after the show ended. Six cans of beer and the JD really made her nuts and also filled. However she went to bed holding every thing in. She also had bread and potatoes and eggs to fill herself.

When Amy awoke the next morning, she felt like she was about to burst. She concentrated for a few minutes and the urge went away, always lurking in the background. She fluffed her hair so it looked even more messy then it was and slipped on her pumps. Into the kitchen she went and produced four 12 ounce glasses and a large glass salad bowl. She adjusted the cameras so one was trained directly at the height of her ass so that her legs were fully visible from the floor up. Another was positioned over the table looking downward and a third gave an eye level view.

The lighting was no brighter than a normal kitchen in the morning except for a small spot on the table. All was in order and she turned on the computer at 5 to 6 so that everything would appear as if it were a normal day. Amy went off camera and left the sound turned on so all normal sounds could be heard. She really had no way of knowing if Alex was on or not.

At exactly 6:AM, Amy walked into the kitchen, naked. Her shoes made that distinct high heel clomp. She stretched her arms over her head and her bust swung lewdly. Without preamble, Amy sat down at the table facing sideways and lit a cigarette. She took two or three deep drags while letting it dangle from her lips. A particularly distinctive smoker’s cough followed without her removing her cigarette from her mouth..

Her legs were wide open and you could see her vagina. The close-up camera focused on it (the views could be controlled by the viewer using instructions on his or her screen). Amy reached for a glass and placed it under her cunt and immediately filled it to the brim with hot steaming urine. Glasses 2 and 3 followed immediately. Amy then clenched her pussy squelching any remaining piss. The three glasses were on the table in front of her, their golden brilliance highlighted by the spotlight.

Then she took the bowl and placed it under her ass, which she slid so only enough of it to balance her remained on the seat. Immediately an explosion of hard brown turds filled the bowl. Some of these turds were at least 10 inches’ log and soon the last turd exited with a loud fart.

Amy placed her face in the bowl inhaling the aroma. then she smiled at the camera and began her dialogue. “Alex you should smell this wonderful shit that just came from my ass. It’s really foul but has a wonderfully hard texture. I really can’t wait to eat my own shit as it makes me feel so perfect.”

She put the bowl down on the place mat and reached for a glass of urine. “Of course, she said, I must drink my own urine first. I drink two or three glasses of my piss each and every day.”

Amy took three long swigs of her hot salty urine and then filled her mouth to overflowing and held it for the camera to see. She gargled her urine and swallowed it while reaching for her cigarette. Amy then reached for another glass of her piss and splashed some on her breasts. She put the glass down for a moment and cupped her breast and rubbed her urine into them seductively.

Grabbing the glass again, she poured the rest of the contents on to her hair and head. The urine cascaded down onto her face and into her eyes. You could see that the salt stung her, and she reveled in the feeling.

Now with her hair and face soaked in urine, Amy reached into the bowl and grabbed a large 6 or 7 inch piece of her own shit and jammed it right into her mouth and began chewing and swallowing. While she was chewing the shit she reached for her cigarette and took a few hits, all the while swallowing the shit.

Amy took another handful of her warm smelly shit and rubbed it into her hair and face. Then she covered her bust and made sure to put a few handfuls of shit under her bust and let it harden there.

Another mouthful of urine from the third glass as she reached for the remaining shit in the bowl. A 6 inch turd remained and she dunked it into the urine and raised the dripping lump of shit over her head and lowered it into her wide open mouth. She fillated the turd and finally swallowed it in two bites.

Amy then pivoted in her chair and the camera at leg height caught her expelling a large multi-colored log of shit from her ass into her hand. She broke off half of it and ate it. the rest if her shit was massaged into her cunt. Amy reached for a third glass that was 3/4 full and splashed the urine directly onto her face and eyes.

Then she took the glass and placed it under her shitty vagina and filled it again to the brim.

The camera zoomed in on her face that was covered in her shit as was her hair pieces of shit were falling into her eyes. She raised the glass of her own urine and drank it down in one gulp. Amy came as the glass was put back on the table. She commented to the screen, “Alex, I hope you saw this and enjoyed it as much as I loved doing it. Write to me and tell me if you got your money’s worth.”

The camera switched off and Amy sat inserting her fist in her cunt while licking all the piss and shit residue she could find.

FLASH!!!!!!!! you have mail, appeared almost immediately. Amy was not even concerned with cleaning up as she loved to feel this filthy especially since she did not have to worry about explaining anything to anyone.

She opened up the E-mail and sure as shit it was Alex.

“Amy, that was great. It was the best thing I have ever seen. You are beautiful and I can’t thank you enough. I came at least 12 times and I’m still coming as I write this, thank you dear I hope we can do this again. Alex.”

Amy read the message twice. Something was trying to get through to her subconscious. And then just like that it registered. Came 12 times? what guy could come 12 times. She flew to the keyboard and typed;

“Dear Alex,

Hey girl, why didn’t you just tell me you were a female? Now I’m turned on too as I love women who are into the things I like. Tell me about yourself, please. Don’t make me wait.

Anxiously, Amy”

“Dear Amy,

How did you know? Never mind, I didn’t want to turn you off in anyway, in case you didn’t like women to see what you do. I love everything you did. I do it to myself every day. I love the taste of my shit and urine. I never had the courage or the means to do it like you do as I am not inclined electronically and I do not want anyone in my hometown to know about me. By the way if you don’t think it’s too personal, I live near New York City. Are you far away from me?

As for me, I am 40 years old, never married. I am very skinny being 5’7″ and only 112 pounds. My breasts are pretty big 36c bit the rest of me is all bones. I have a lot of money that was left to me when my parents died.

I love shitting and pissing and always wanted to meet a woman who liked the same things as me. I ‘m afraid of rejection so I always communicate this way. It avoids embarrassment. You’re the first woman, or person for that matter, I have ever told this to.

Since I’ve gone this far and told you so much I would like to ask you one more thing. Have you ever had sex with animals?

All my love and thanks for listening

Alexia Travers.”

Amy was masturbating furiously and answered it typing with one hand as the other stroked her shit matted cunt.

“Dear Alexia,

First of all, Alexia is a beautiful name. I cannot believe how this is turning out. I live in Jersey, only about an hour from the city. I love animal sex. I have always wanted to have oral sex with dogs and would love to try other animals. I would even like a dog to piss in my mouth. Do you like that? If I gave you my number would you call me? Look Alexia, I insist you call me right now. 555-345-9874. Amy”

Amy stared at the phone, willing it to ring. When it did it scared the shit out of her. She answered it a little apprehensively, fearing it was not Alexia, but someone else.

“Hello, Amy, this is Alexia.”

“Well hello there, I am very happy you called,” said Amy

“So am I Amy, I have to tell you that what you did on camera this morning was the sexiest thing I have ever seen,”

“Thanks dear, I really got off on it myself too…Look Alexia, I’ve just gotta ask you, I hope you don’t mind but would you like to get together and talk or would you rather just keep this as is?” Amy asked quietly.

Oh Amy, I can’t believe it, I was trying to find a way to ask you the same thing. Of course I would love to meet you, the sooner the better,” Alexia practically swooned.

Amy gave Alexia directions and they realized they were less than 30 miles apart. They hung up and Amy got giddy. Finally a friend who saw eye to eye with her in matters of sex.

Amy realized that she had no idea what Alexia looked like and a bit of consternation grasped her. ‘I hope she is just reasonably attractive,’ she thought.

She decided that she would greet her guest just the way she looked when Alexia laid eyes on her. Totally naked with all her charms completely visible to the eye.. She had already cleaned her “breakfast dishes” so she would see where they progressed from there. Amy chilled some wine and made sure the was plenty of beer and food just in case the day got interesting.

Before long the doorbell rang and Amy took a deep breath and shivered a bit in anticipation and went to the door proudly, with her ample bust swinging invitingly.

When she opened the door all she could say was “WOW.”

Alexia was a very streamlined angel with tits that had to be 15% of her body weight. She had jet black hair with flecks of gray. She was positively beautiful. Alexia had gray eyes that were hypnotic. When Amy opened the door nude Alexia immediately took off her coat while still outside to reveal that she too was naked in anticipation of this meeting.

“Let me kiss you darling, you’re beautiful,” Amy cooed. They were in each-others’ arms, feeling, touching, instantly. Alexia dropped to her knees in front of her host and said “please Amy, piss in my mouth right now, I cannot wait another minute.”

Amy held open her vagina and positioned her cunt right over Alexia’s upturned mouth. She began to urinate in short bursts at first. Alex swallowed eagerly and begged for more. “It’s delicious, she moaned, cover me honey.” Amy let go of her flow and washed her new friend’s face and hair. Alexia had four good mouthfuls of Amy’s urine in her belly and was very excited.

As Amy filled Alexia’s mouth one final time she bent down and pressed her lips to Alex’s urine filled mouth and sucked out her own piss. They pulled each other up and Alexia motioned for Amy to get under her cunt. Amy sat in the puddle of urine with her legs open and started caressing her breasts as Alexia was positioning her pussy over her mouth. Her friend let go with a torrent of hot pee right down Amy’s throat.

As Amy swallowed Alexia’s urine she reached her hand under her asshole and forced herself to expel a turd that turned out to be about 5 inches long. Amy took the turd and put it into her piss filled mouth and chewed it along with the urine making a nice gooey brown paste. Alex took a piece of the shit and popped it into her own mouth.

“Oh Amy, I’ve wanted to do this with a woman for such a long time I just about gave up,” Alexia said while swallowing the filth in her mouth.

“Me too, sweetheart, and I’m never going to let you go,” Amy stated matter-of- factly as if the issue was resolved.

The girls took a few moments to compose themselves, and drink a few beers and get to now each other even better.

“Alex, lets not hold back anything and just get to the point about everything. I love shit, stinking brown hard turds, wet messy lumps, any kind at all. I love eating my own shit,” Amy paused. “So do I Amy, I have been practicing lying upside down as I expel my shit and try to catch it in my mouth. I love shit almost more than anything,” Alex stated proudly.

“What do you like more than shit, honey,” Amy asked. “Urine, hot salty urine, morning urine so heavy with the evenings digestive wastes, the urine from drinking a lot of booze, as a matter of fact I drink at least two large glassfuls of my urine every day.” Your piss was the first piss I ever had that was not my own, except for one other time….”Alex’s voice trailed off. “What dollface, don’t hold back,” Amy pleaded

“Well, I am a little frightened in mentioning this, but I have two Dobermans, male and female, and I drink their urine and eat their shit often. I also let them fuck the shit out of me and I perform oral on both of them,” Alexia said while staring at Amy worrying about her reaction.

“God, dear, I am falling in love with you, that’s fucking great. I have always wanted a dog to come on my face and then fill my stomach with the hot gamy piss. I want the knot stuck up my ass too, so I can’t move for a while. How does dog shit taste, I can’t wait to try it,” Amy stated.

The women were fingering themselves when Alexia grabbed an empty glass and filled it with her own urine and drank it straight down, spilling nary a drop. Amy was coming as she pulled another small turd from her ass and ate it. She chewed it into her teeth and grinned at Alexia before she swallowed it.

They discussed plans for living together and decided to drive over to Alexia’s apartment and start making their plan work. Before they left Amy’s place they gave each other a small golden shower right over their heads so that their hair was soaked in urine. Alex took some shit from her ass and rubbed into her cunt. Then she put some on Amy’s pussy too. They dressed like dirty street bums and smelled horrible.

They drove for about thirty minutes when they approached the parking lot for Alexia’s building. There was a street full of passers-by and when Amy got out of the car she made sure her legs were wide open and that her vagina could be seen. Her bust was hanging obscenely in her black wool sweater that was at least two sizes too small and had only three lower buttons buttoned. Alexia’s jeans were so tight and low that her pubic area was full visible.

They sauntered into the apartment complex holding hands, smelling of piss and shit, and looking at everyone who looked at them as if to say, lick my hole, suck my ass, fuck you!! By the time they got into Alexia’s apartment they had already cum twice each.

Alex was greeted by two very large Dobermans as Amy stare transfixed. Amy offered her hand as both dogs sniffed her and Alexia kept repeating the words “Amy and Friend.” The dogs took to Amy like a long lost friend. Before things could get any more out of hand they packed up a whole bunch of personal items of Alexia’s and loaded them into the car.

When the car was finally packed with a few suitcases and boxes, the girls went back for the Dobermans. You should have seen the picture these women made walking down the street dressed as they were. Each of them with a large mean-looking dog on leash and the male dog with a massive erection unsheathed and bouncing around.

Alexia told her super she would be a way for a few weeks and that she would talk about the apartment when she got back.

Off they went back to Amy’s place. On the way they talked about Amy’s web site and Alex asked her new friend if she ever got any requests for animal sex. Amy laughed out-loud and said that she had plenty of them. She just happened to be petless. “Not anymore, baby,” Alexia laughed. They both realized that they were about to make a lot of money.

After unpacking the car, the girls got totally naked and walked outside into the open, the dogs running free to explore.

“God Amy, it feels wonderful to be outside naked, do you do this often?”

“Always honey, I never wear anything around here unless its cold,” Amy stated.

“How far can we go? How much of this is yours?” Alexia asked

“I own about 30 acres, including a small lake, the creek and the hills around us. If I make enough money I want to buy the 40 acres around me from my neighbor who wants to sell. He wants $125,000 for it, which I think is cheap, and he is going to give me first crack, if I can do it by the end of the year,” Amy explained.

“Wow that gives you a little over two months, can you do it?”

“I think so, I just getting everything in order,” Amy went on.

“Hey, I’ve got a great idea Ames.” If you would like a partner, I would love to put up the cash. Then we could have all this to ourselves for whatever we want to do, Alexia said breathlessly and not without a little trepidation that she might have gone too far.

“You’re kidding, How much fucking money do you have? and if you mean it, I think it would be the best thing that has ever happened to me,” Amy said wide eyed.

“Scads of money and that’s great, we’ll take care of it tomorrow, but now enough business. Why don’t you climb up on that little rock in that stream and let me bathe in ‘your’ stream, Alex pleaded?”

Amy sat open-legged on the top of the rock as Alexia situated herself on the ground in front of her staring up at her friend wickedly hairy vagina. Amy looked down at Alexia with love in her eyes, and proceeded to drench her partner in pungent urine that was created by booze.

“Drink my urine, Alexia, swallow every drop, you pig.” Amy was peeing like a race horse. Alexia was gulping furiously and staring up at her friend as she gulped.

“Don’t stop, glrgrgg!! pissing, Grgrg!! I love drinking urine, glggrgr! especially grgler! yours,” Alexia mouthed between swallows of Amy’s salty, hot piss.

When Amy was drained, Alexia rose up and started to lick Amy’s cunt. Into each fold her tongue went, probing, licking, cleaning and gently sucking on her clitoris. Then She bit Amy’s clit hard enough to make her shudder but not hard enough to hurt her. Amy was massaging her breasts and raising her nipples, alternately to her mouth and sucking them vigorously. Soon Amy began to throb and buck with passion as the throes of a violent orgasm ravaged her body, causing her to squeeze her thighs around Alex’s head.

“Amy, slide off the rock and let me up there”

They switched places. This time Amy festooned her mouth over Alexia’s urethra and waited for the gusher to explode in her mouth. Amy drained every drop taking enormous mouthfuls until her cheeks were swelling and swallowing in big deep gulps. The male Doberman, Butch, was sniffing around as if this was a familiar odor.

“Darling, let me introduce you to me babies properly,” Alexia said while washing her friends face with her cunt. “Lie down on the grass with your legs open.”

Amy did as she was told and Alexia brought the female, Sasha, over and positioned the bitch’s mouth over Amy’s dripping vagina. Sasha knew just what to do and began taking long powerful licks that started at the asshole and finished at top of the pubic line. Amy began to tremble as her cunt got washed.

“Now I have something for you to taste that I bet you never had before,” Alexia laughed. Butch was positioned with his hind quarters over Amy’s face. Amy, even though this was her first time, started to fondle the Doberman’s sheath. His small red pick emerged and enabled her to get a hand hold. As Amy stroked more and more, the dog’s penis began to grow to a very impressive size. It was also quite fat and her hand could just barely encircle the shaft.

Butch began to hump and moved until his cock was just a few inches from her mouth. Amy placed her mouth on the tip, swooned and allowed the dog to thrust his cock into her mouth. The smell was overpowering and Amy began to orgasm, both from the knowledge that she was finally sucking a dog’s prick and the fact that she was being eaten out by a “bitch” hound.

Amy shook as she continued to jerk off the dog with her mouth. Butch started to fuck her face furiously as he approached his come. Alexia had gotten behind Butch and was licking the dog’s asshole, thrusting her tongue right into the dogs shit chute. While Alex was licking dog ass, she started to shit onto Amy’s stomach and Sasha was licking it as it landed, alternating between Amy’s cunt and Alexia’s shit.

Butch was now growling and thrusting frantically and began to pump enormous amounts of dog semen into Amy’s mouth. Amy came again as she swirled the delicious gamy dog cum around her mouth. When Butch stepped away, Alexia pressed her lip over Amy’s mouth and they swapped the dog’s ejac.

Now both Dobermans were devouring Alexia’s shit. Alex then had Amy rise up on her elbows, as she duplicated the request. “Butch, Sasha, piss time, c’mon doggies pee-pee.” Alexia commanded softly. In a flash Sasha was hovering over Amy’s face and Butch did the same to Alexia.

Both dogs erupted with a flood of dog urine. Dogs cannot control urine flow like humans can so the flow was explosive, torrential and fast. Sasha’s dog cunt was inches over Amy’s mouth as the urine exploded in her throat causing her to choke and gasp. Amy swallowed as much as she could while coming profusely. Alexia was taking Butch’s stream of gamy dog piss directly down her throat.

Sasha was now sitting on Amy’s face as the woman buried her mouth in the dog’s vagina. Suddenly dollops of shit emerged from the bitch’s asshole all over Amy’s bust. Alexia aimed the last of Butch’s urine on the growing pile of dog waste. Sasha stepped off Amy’s face and lied down to lick her asshole clean. Butch was now done urinating and was pacing as if wondering what he could do with his still rock hard prick.

Alexia fed Amy and herself with morsels of the dog shit/urine feast. Amy chewed, swallowed and grabbed for more. Alexia was feeling the dog shit spread in her mouth, around her teeth and began to orgasm heavily.

“Ame, get on your hands and knees,” Alex directed. Amy complied and Butch, who was perfectly trained, put his front paws around Amy’s hips and rested his bulging phallus at the entrance to Amy’s now rancid shit matted cunt. Suddenly the dog inserted fully causing Amy to cry out in pleasure. “Aughh, fuck my shitty cunt, Butch, fuck mommy hard,” Amy writhed. Butch was pounding ferociously. His cocked slipped out and came to the next insertion in the wrong entrance.

Amy gasped as Butch’s throbbing rock hard penis buried itself halfway up her ass. “Ouch, fuck me, FUCK MY ASS she was coming one after the other. The Doberman was approaching his spend and drove the knot deep into Amy’s ass and that caused her to drop down to her stomach. They came together, screaming and barking. Sasha was licking Amy’s cunt by now and Alexia was urinating in Butch’s face.

Butch and Amy were locked together immovable for at least four minutes. It didn’t seem to bother either of them. When his cock finally popped out, Amy was able to roll over on her back. The Amy got up and placed her ass over Alexia’s upturned face.

First an incredible amount of dog sperm fell into Alexia’s hungrily sucking mouth, followed by turd after turd of shit. Alexia was chewing her friends shit with abandon. “God umphh, Amy your shit is delicious,” Amy cried.

Amy’s ass was now empty and cleaned by Sasha. Alexia was rubbing shit all over her face, hair and body. Butch was lying down licking the tip of his cock.

“Well honey, it looks like we are going to have a very lucrative business, aren’t we, Amy stated. “We better go find more pets for our menagerie. I know where we can get some great horse, goats and other interesting partners.” Alexia intoned

“I think we need some large human cocks too!!” Amy and Alexia laughed together as they headed into the creek to wash.


Amy and Alexia had by now gotten settled in their new relationship. The house began to morph into a combination of living quarters, farm and orgiastic retreat.

Amy could not get enough of Alexia, Butch and Shasta. The four of them covered each other in shit, piss and cum on a regular basis.

One day, they had gotten dressed because they were expecting a carpenter to come by and advise, suggest and plan a new addition that the girls wanted. He was supposed to arrive at 10AM. Both of them reluctantly refrained from any of their usual breakfast habits. Amy was still grabbing Alexia’s butt cheeks through her jeans, “Oh Amy I hope the carpenter is not here to long I’m so horny today,” exclaimed Alex in a pouting little girl voices

Before Amy could comment, they heard a van pull into the driveway and heard a door open and shut followed by footsteps and a knock on the door. A gentle knock, Alexia was nearest so she opened the door.

“Yes how may I help you?” Alex asked.

“Good Morning, my name is Andy Wilson, I’m looking for Amy Stone,” he said pleasantly.

“Good Morning to you Mr. Wilson, no, I’m Alexia Travers, this is Miss Stone,” she smiled as Amy appeared behind her.

“Call me Amy. Can we get you some coffee or tea?” Amy asked, showing him into the kitchen.

“Coffee please, black, no sugar and please call me Andy,” he said.

They all sat at the table, sipping coffee as Amy as Alexia told him what they had in mind and why they called him. While Amy did most of the talking, Alexia was eyeballing the carpenter. Middle aged, late forties, great arms that were hidden by his t-shirt, strong looking legs that were threatening to burst the seams of his jeans, a thick barreled chest and he wasn’t too bad looking either. A receding hairline but otherwise thick brown/gray hair, a moustache neatly trimmed and piercing blue eyes made up the rest of Andy’s appearance. Alex was trying to discern if there was a bulge in his jeans, and was standing behind him looking at Amy while licking her lips.

“Andy, Alexia and I have just bought another 40 acres that surround this place and we need you to come up with some ideas for a small barn, corral and fencing that we want,” Amy explained. “We don’t plan on becoming a farm or ranch or anything like that, but we would like a safe, comfortable and modern place to keep some horses, and smaller pets.”

“Can you help us?” Amy asked.

“Sure I can. You say all this land is yours,” Andy went on. “That’s good because we won’t need permits and there won’t be any congestion while I work. Suppose I draw up some plans and return tomorrow so we can see where we are? Before I leave I would like to take some measurements.”

“That would be fine Andy, and thanks for being so responsive. Alexia and I are partners and expense should not be spared, as we want only the best.”

“Before I go can I please use your ‘John,’ coffee goes right through me.”

Amy pointed out the bathroom to him and when he wasn’t looking motioned for Alexia to go into the living room. Amy had cameras everywhere, if you remember, the bathroom was no exception. Andy stepped over to the toilet and began to zip down his fly.

The women’s eyes were riveted. Andy pulled out his cock and produced a good 8-inch flaccid yet impressive member. He stroked his cock sideways and aimed it into the bowl. Amy and Alexia were transfixed as he started to urinate, First a trickle and then a strong steady stream. He pissed for a while with no sign of being done. 30 seconds went by……40……..45…….50, and still no sign of abating, 1:10 and only then did the stream begin to dissipate. Amy was drooling and jamming two fingers into her cunt. Alexia was mesmerized.

Suddenly Andy let loose with a blood curdling fart. Long and loud it even made his nose cringe . He shook his cock of the last of the piss remnants. Amy pointed at the clock and whispered that 1 minute and 30 seconds had gone by.

Andy was drying his hands after washing them and came out of the John looking relieved. Alexia and Amy saw him to the door politely and walked him to his truck.

“Andy, it was nice meeting you, we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,” Amy said and Alexia echoed.

“Same here, I’ll be here early if you don’t mind, say around 8:30am.” Andy looked carefully.

“That’s fine, we’ll be up.” Amy waved goodbye and she and Alexia walked back in the house.

The truck pulled away and the women both burst out into uncontrollable laughter.

“Did you see the size of his cock?” Amy asked.

“I sure did and I noticed that he can piss like a firehose,” Alexia intoned, “How are we going to get him to join us?”

As they thought about it, they began to take of their clothing and were soon naked in the kitchen, which was turning out to be their favorite room. Alexia sat on the counter and raised one leg so the heel of her foot was on the edge of the counter. In this position her cunt was opened lewdly. Amy was sitting on a chair in front of her when Alexia let go. Her urine splashed directly onto Amy’s large bust that she began to fondle and cup.

Amy was maneuvering her mouth into the flow and swallowed every drop of piss she could until the flow stopped suddenly.

“Hey, what happened?” Amy cried.

“Nothing honey, I just wanted to save you some to wash down a treat I have for you,” Alex said wickedly.

Alexia put her hand under her ass and concentrated in expelling one continuous 5″ bomb. It stank up the entire kitchen but to these girls it was perfume. Alexia took the shit log and held it above Amy’s face. Amy, in turn, bent her neck back and opened her mouth wide. Soon the turd was dropped into her mouth and stuffed in completely. Amy savored Alexia’s shit as she chewed and swallowed. Amy slid her chair under Alexia’s vagina as she prepared to swallow the rest of Alexia’s piss along with her shit.

Amy was in a state of bliss as she looked over to the dish drainoff and spotted a big glass bowl. Her eyes made contact with her partner and Alexia immediately jumped one step ahead.

She placed the bowl under Amy’s ass and watched as her lover shit a gigantic load into the bowl. Then Amy started to urinate, Alex grabbed a glass and watched it fill. Soon it began to overflow into the bowl of shit and she put it down and grabbed another. She had to do this one more time and was surprised that Amy could fill three large glasses.

Alexia could not contain herself and reached into the bowl and squeezed both of her hands into this hot stinking pile of fresh waste and brought her shit filled hands up to her face, inhaling the aroma. Then she put a large lump of Amy’s shit into her mouth, while rubbing the rest of the crap into her hair and all over her face.

Amy, in the meantime had drank down a glass of her own urine in one gulp. Then she went for the bowl of shit and began to cover her breasts while eating the larger turds. Alexia was an unrecognizable brown mass now. Her teeth were filthy with Amy’s shit.

“Amy, the only thing I love more than your shit is you darling,” Alexia was welling up. Amy was no less stricken and swallowed her shit while looking at her friend and said, “Alexia I love you too and I want you to be with me, forever.”

Not to get sappy but the girls then proceeded to eat every piece of shit they could find and drink every drop of urine they could piss out. Alexia suddenly gagged a bit as her stomach tried to give up the foulness that she had ingested. A gusher of vomit burst from her mouth hitting Amy directly in the face.

“Vomit in my mouth honey, I want to eat your puke while I frig myself into another cum,” Amy cried.

The sounds of Alexia moaning and wailing as she puked into her friends mouth where unholy especially since Alexia was masturbating herself vigorously as she threw up.

Amy was covered entirely with shit and vomit. Her legs were wide open as she shit some more turds out. Her breasts were hanging low and looked like eggplants about to fall from the vine. Big black sacks with nipples.

Alexia and Amy soul kissed as the vomit was being spit back into Alexia’s mouth from whence it came.

The girls went into the shower to clean up. They couldn’t imagine what Andy would have done if he had seen their act but somehow they knew they would find out.

The next morning found them asleep in each other’s arms. They were awakening at around 7 am. They immediately fondled each other’s cunts and had a quick morning cum to start their day. The dogs were aching to go out.

“Hey Amy, look at out pets, do you think we should help them out?” Alexia giggled.

“I hate to be a spoil sport, but Andy is coming soon and I’m not sure we could explain and…” Amy’s voice trailed off.

“Too bad, but we’ll have lots of time. Have you thought about how we are going to see if we can interest him?”

“Yeah I have,” said Amy. ” I noticed he tried to look down our blouses every chance he got but was careful not to get caught.”

“Yeah I noticed it too, made me tingle all over. Why don’t we wear something a little more revealing?” Alexia suggested.

“I’ve got a better idea sweetheart,” Amy opined. “Why don’t I greet him and start to look at the plans while you step out of the shower not knowing that he’s here.” Amy outlined.

“I know just what to do,” Alexia said.

Soon 8:30 rolled around and the truck drove up on time. Andy strode to the door not knowing what he was about to get into.

“Good Morning, Andy how are you today?” Amy was smiling happily. She had a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt on. Nothing else. Her hair had not been brushed yet and it was positively exhilarating. Her bust bounced around freely under her tee and Andy could not help but notice. There was just a hint of a twinkle in his eye.

“Alexia is in the shower, would you like some coffee, she asked, her own eyes somewhat glazed over.”

“Sure,” he said, wondering about the look in her eyes.

Just then Alexia burst out of the bathroom with a towel wrapping a towel around her head. She was completely naked and dripping all over the floor. She dropped a hairbrush she was carrying and squatted, fully open legged to pick it up. Andy was given a perfect shot of her wet, hairy, pin vagina. The tumescence in his pants was rigid to the point of hurting. Alex straightened up and stood causing her large breasts to bang together as she hurled the towel backwards over her head, and thus came face to face with Andy’s stunned and bemused look. Amy was biting down one her lower lips to keep from laughing.

“Oops! Excuse me Andy, I didn’t realize you were here,” she apologized. She only covered her bust with one arm, which was a rather feeble attempt.

Excuse me Miss Travers, it’s my fault, I didn’t mean to errr..a stare, it just that ….. well, its just that you are so great looking and…,” his voice trailed off.

Amy smiled warmly and said out loud to Andy, “What am I, chopped liver?” as she pulled her tee shirt over her head and placed her hands under her enormous bust and cupped them to his eyes.

Andy was too hypnotized to object. Instead he smiled and stood up.

“One good turn deserves another ladies,” he said.

He took off his work belt followed by his work shirt, revealing a broad hairy back and chest, framed by two very rugged and obviously strong arms. He had a beer gut but it just made him that much more manly. Alexia lost all pretenses and stared at him lewdly. She was now not trying to hide anything and was standing with her hands massaging he breasts and her legs apart. Amy, not to be outdone was stripping rapidly until she was totally naked and was also flaunting her body for his eyes.

Andy removed his boots and jeans followed by his underwear. His cock was extremely large and fat with a thick bulbous head. The shaft was blue veined and an angry red. His balls were like lemons and the sack did not hang down like it usually did on men his age.

Both women got on their knees in front of him and alternated kissing and licking this weapon before them.

The time for talk was not now. Lust took over. Andy put his left arm around Amy’s waist and picked her 150 pounds completely off the floor as if she weighed nothing at all. He was kissing her as he held her three feet of the ground. Alexia was deep throating his cock with fervor.

He had Amy throw her legs around his head, so that he could eat her vagina while Alexia was sucking his cock. After a few minutes he removed Amy from his face and replaced her with Alexia as Amy went down on his bargepole, sucking, licking, kneading and squeezing his massive cock.

“Hold on there doll-face I don’t want to come right away, Jesus, you gonna turn my dick inside out,” he laughed

“Let’s go outside and play in the dirt,” Amy coaxed.

On the porch Alexia, bent over the rail with her breasts hanging low. She looked over her shoulder with her eyes glazed and a hopeful expression, aimed at Andy.

Not one to disappoint, He walked behind her and placed the head of his prick in her wet crotch and inserted in one fell swoop. He started to plow into Alexia’s cooze with good sloshing sounds. While he was pile driving his cock into her, Amy was squatting down on the ground in front of the porch and petting the dogs.

Andy was staring at this large busted, naked cunt squatting in the dirt with a male and female Doberman and was quick to realize that these dogs were more than friendly to her. It was more like familiar.

He continued to thrust into Alexia and lay over her back so he could reach around and play with her breasts. He could feel his load building up to very explosive proportions.

“God, Alexia are all of your holes this exhaustive, your gonna drain me before I get time to enjoy it,” Andy complained woefully.

“That’s my plan sporto,” Alexia laughed.

“Amy, why don’t you show Andy how friendly Butch and Sasha are,” Alexia suggested.

They were wondering if Andy would be turned off, but fuck him if he was, it was their house, and their dogs and he would fit in or still be looking for work.

Amy got on all fours, and Butch immediately mounted her, his nails making red marks on her hips and sides. Amy loved this scratching. After slavering over her back Butch’s dog cock grew until it was a very impressive 8-inch animal prod that was red, wet and angry.

Butch plunged his cock expertly into Amy’s cunt and began to hump his master. Sarah squatted over Amy’s face and drowned her mistress in her animal vagina liquids.

By this point Andy was wild eyed and he picked up Alexia and carried her down the porch steps until they were right near the bestial woman. He surprised every one by taking his cock and finding Sasha’s dog cunt and reamed her until she let out a yip.

Sasha kept trying to back up to get more of Andy’s prick into her. Butch was approaching a climax and buried his knot into Amy as she screeched out in pleasure and came violently. Poor Alexia, was untended so to show how “upset” she was at being left out, she went back up on the porch and climber over the railing and spread her legs wide open. Her hot urine splashed over all beneath her. Andy took a blast right in his kisser. Then he caught a mouthful, swallowed and shot an immense load of human sperm into Sasha’s sucking cunt.

Alexia had aimed a spray right into Amy’s mouth as Butch shot his dog sperm into her cunt. The knot had grown to the size of an orange and was imbedded deeply within Amy’s stinking, dogcome filled cunt. Amy was swallowing Alexia’s piss when she lost control of her rectal functions. The pounding and coming of Butch had made her lose total control and the fact that she was “tied” to Butch didn’t help matters.

Shit exploded from Amy’s ass in three long hard turds about 6 inches long. Alexia saw this and ran down the stairs and immediately grabbed one of the turds in her hand and crammed it into her mouth.

As she was chewing she grabbed a second turd and fed her lover with her own shit. Amy sucked it in and chewed her own waste with abandon.

“Hey, I want some too, quick,” Andy had just made both women very happy as they wallowed.

The three of them were chewing shit and gulping it down. Andy pulled his still rigid cock out of the dog’s cunt and stood up. He grabbed Alexia by the hair and pressed her face into Sasha’s hot smelly hole.

“Baby, lick my spunk out of the dog’s vagina while I lick your beautiful ass clean,” Andy exclaimed.

Amy was writhing around still tied to Butch when she cried out in joy, “Oh yes Butchie, piss in mommy, urinate your gamy dog filth into my cunt until it explodes your knot out,” she wailed.

So as Alexia was licking semen out of a dog’s smelly cunt and Amy was having another dog urinate into her cunt, as Andy began to urinate directly up into the air until he was pissing in his own mouth and gulping down enormous loads of his own piss.

Just the Butch exploded out of Amy’s piss filled cunt and jumped to her feet. She grabbed Andy’s pissing prick and gave herself, two good mouthfuls. The she immediately got behind Andy and started cramming her tongue up his ass.

“Feed me you piss drinker, feed me your hot filthy shit, shit in my fucking mouth,” Amy was delirious with passion.

Andy needed no further prompting. He took one more mouthful of his own urine, stooped the flow from his still piss filled bladder and squatted over Amy’s upraised face. He had a high fiber diet and the shit that flew out of his ass was firm, plentiful and foul. Her mouth was filled to overflowing and her entire face was covered in thick shit. Her eyes were barely able to open. Her hair was matted to her forehead.

Alexia had a bemused look on her face as she watched Amy treated so wonderfully. “Hey don’t look left out, get your fucking whore mouth over here,” Andy ordered.

Alexia’s upturned mouth was soon filled with a second large dump form his bowels. Now the two women’s faces were totally shit covered as they melted into each other’s arms, tongue kissing and licking shit from each other.

Andy wormed his face into theirs and started feasting on his own shit. Then he lay down on his back and Amy knelt over his mouth and released the dog urine/dog semen mixture into his mouth and then when he glued his mouth to her ass she began to pinch a loaf right down his throat

Sasha was licking her mistress’s cunt when Alexia let go with a good long burst of urine right down the female bitch’s dog throat. Sasha swallowed thirstily. Alexia began to grab all the loose shit she could find and coated Sasha’s fur with it. The dog was now as filthy as the humans were.

After a few more insane moments the three of them sat up on their knees as Butch approached. As if he knew what to do,(he did) he raised his hind leg and let go of more dog piss right in each of their mouths. They all drank it down like it was Bollinger 55.

“That was great, Andy cried out, wait until we get to know each other better,” He laughed.

He stood up and put an arm around each woman’s waist and lifted than off the ground. They went into the kitchen, covered with shit and piss, both animal and human and sat around as if nothing had happened and they further discussed the plans for the new barn and accommodations that the girls wanted. Amy brought out a 6 pack of cold brew and three nice glasses of JD on the rocks. Amy’s face was black with crusted shit. Her hair was disgraceful. Her bust was filth as caked shit stuck to the bottoms and side of her big cans. Her cunt was filthier than a sewer trap.

Alexia’s was still sucking a turd of shit as they went over the plans. Her face was so filthy that her left eye was stuck shut and she made no attempt to unstick it.

Andy was just as filthy as the sluts he was working for were. His Hair was slicked back with a “shit piss gel type glaze. The hairy body only served as a sponge to suck up and hold a lot of shit in its mesh.

Sarah wash shit covered all over her sleek black body and was lying in the filth happily licking her own shit filled cunt. Amy noticed this and smiling happily said, “I wish I could lick shit out of my own cunt.”

“So do I Honey, So do I,” Alexia agreed.

“Hey ladies, how many horses, pigs and goats and other beasts do you plan on keeping here? Andy waited for their reply. The girls looked at him and started to….

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