Women with Animals

Double Dealing


Erica Mills looked over the public notice legal page in the newspaper. The public notice legal page and the society page were daily word for word reads for Erica. She came up with what she considered a great way to make extra income and have some fun while earning that income.

In the public notice legal page she came across a small 3 line item stating that H. William Harrison was notifying the community that he was no longer responsible or liable for any debt incurred by Kimberly T. Harrison. The next item was the clerk of court record of filing for a divorce. A court date for the preliminary hearing was noted for the filed divorce action: Harrison vs. Harrison; Kimberly T. plaintiff and H. William defendant.

In the society section Erica read the following item:

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Vance (Monica), announce the engagement and impending marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Anne (Beth) to Mr. Conrad M. Shaumont. The marriage will occur on Saturday November 16, 2013 at 7:30 PM at All Saints Episcopal Church.

The bride is a Batchelor Of Arts graduate from SMU school of journalism with a MA in journalism from Columbia University in New York, New York. The groom is a Batchelor of Science mechanical engineering graduate from Purdue university with a MBA degree from Columbia University, New York, New York.

The couple plan to honeymoon on the Shaumont family island of Isle de Mont du Mer in the Carribbean. The bride is currently a staff writer for the New York Post, and has accepted a post marriage-honeymoon position with the Dallas Morning News. The groom is executive VP of Shaumont Industries, of Dallas, Texas; Nicaragua; India; and Dubai.

Erica smiled as she read both notices for a second and third time. She then went online to learn more about both Mrs. Kim Harrison and Miss Elizabeth Vance. Making notes and writing some assumptions, Erica then contacted her detective and made an appointment for the detective to meet with her at their inconspicuous place of the month.

Erica reckoned it would be tomorrow for her to assign the tasks to the detective, and a week for the report to return and be presented, a day to read and digest the report, and a day to plan the interlude. Therefore Erica sent a fancy calligraphy engraved VIP gift card to Mrs. Harrison and a second gift card to Miss Vance. Once mailed, Erica went to her indoor kennel and spoke softly and cooingly to her dogs.

“Well boys, Mommy is arranging some new fresh pussy for you. And I want you all in top form with loads of cum and stamina!” Erica spoke to the four dogs as though they possessed cognitive reasoning and could actually comprehend her words. Each dog responded with wagging of their tail and an almost smile from their panting of breath open mouth.

Erica thought she would be hearing from both Ms. Harrison and Ms. Vance rather soon. True to her thoughts, Ms. Elizabeth Vance called first to set her “Spa Day” appointment, and the following day, Ms. Harrison called to set hers. Erica instructed her assistant Leslie to schedule both appointments for the same day at the same time 2 weeks from this day.

In the interim, Erica sat with her set of state criminal law books and carefully worded four (4) notices. Each notice alluded to some possible information, yet with no definitive promise for the information. Erica would nothing that could be construed as extortion. She stated that that could/would potentially aid and assist the addressed party in potential future civil actions by providing them with previously unknown information about their spouse or upcoming spouse.

On the notice, Erica listed a telephone number (to a throw away disposable phone) and time to call. Other than the time to call, the phone was off, thus it was non traceable and non locatable via GPS or tower. Four days after receiving the notice, Mr. Harrison called and made an appointment to discuss the matter. Two days later, Mr. Shaumont called and made an appointment.

Erica set the meetings with Mr. Harrison and Mr. Shaumont for the same day and time, 2 days hence. She specified to each that they were to sit and listen with no comment. All questions should be submitted to the email address she provided on the notice. In this way, Erica had Mr. Shaumont convinced that Mr. Harrison was a private operative and Mr. Harrison convinced Mr. Shaumont was a private operative.

One the day of the meeting, Erica arranged for Mr. Harrison to meet with her at a place about a quarter mile away from where Mr. Shaumont waited. Erica said nothing in route, yet she wanted Mr. Shaumont to think Mr. Harrison was the operative. Entering the meeting place, WErica went directly to Mr. Shaumont and greeted him effusively. This conveyed the idea that Mr. Shaumont was the operative.

After all were seated, Erica began the meeting by saying.

“It is very possible and probable the existence of a 25-30 minute video of your lady in a very compromising and erotic situation is available. I believe the information I have learned to be 80-85% accurate. The video could assist one in the enhancement of their personal and/or married sex life, it could used to provide a thrill for a partner, it could be used adversely if the party in possession so deemed. I am sure such a video has many other uses that I have not mentioned. My question to you is as follows:

“If such a video were to come into my possession, would you be interested in procuring the only tape in existence? If you are interested, respond to the email address provided. I shall answer with further instructions. A response may require as long as 2 weeks before it returns to you, however the response will either state no tape exists, or there is definitively a tape and one photo cut from the video will be shown as proof of existence.”

Erica went on to say, “think it over. Think it over carefully. Pose your questions if any and respond. Good day.”

With that, Erica clutched Mr. Shaumont by the arm and led him from the room , thereby solidifying Mr. Harrison that Mr. Shaumont was the operative and Mr. Shaumont that Mr. Harrison was.


Kim Harrison and Beth Vance were the only girls scheduled for spa treatments on this day. The ladies arrived at The Essence Spa at the same time. Each had a 10:00 AM appointment. Upon arrival, Erica guided the ladies into her consultation room. She had a program devised for each lady. As Kim was in her early 40’s, and Beth in her mid 20’s the programs were slightly different.

Kim would have the hot stone-mud body bath, the Phytomer aquatic lift facial, the steam cabinet toner, and a massage.

Beth would have the mud body bath sans stones, the Decleor facial, the steam cabinet toner, and a massage.

Leslie would attend Kim as masseuse and Erica would attend Beth as masseuse.

Leslie led Kim and Erica led Beth the change room. A locker with hangers, and shelves was assigned to each lady. Inside the locker was a clean white linen wrap. The girls were instructed to strip, hang and fold their clothes neatly, don the wrap, and return to the program room. Erica and Leslie left the changing room. Leslie went to insure the hidden camera that videoed the girls stripping was in order, and Erica to insure the 6 cameras that covered the massage rooms were working perfectly.

As Leslie prepped Kim for her hot stone and mud pack body bath, she made idle conversation. She commented on the excellent state of Kim’s physique, her hair color, her makeup, and in general how hot she was. Kim of course ate this up and beamed in satisfaction at the compliments.

After the mud bath and rinse, Leslie commenced with the steam cabinet toner. While Kim was in the cabinet, Leslie told her how much her man was going to enjoy how Kim emerged from her spa day. Kim quickly retorted that she was in the midst of rather acrimonious divorce. She said that at present there was no man in her life, but that situation would soon change as soon as her divorce was granted and she began collecting her settlement checks.

Leslie stated that the guys were really missing out on a ‘Hottie’. Kim smiled and giggled. Kim had some girl-girl experience, and she began to view Leslie with different eye. Kim was not opposed to some very discreet sex play. Her sweet pussy hadn’t had a good work out for a while. Her attorney had stressed that Kim had to have clean skirts in this divorce action. As it were at the moment, her husband was the villain in that he wanted a new young trophy wife, thus Kim was disposable, and hopefully at a discount cost because the new trophy girl has expensive tastes and wants.

After exiting the steam cab, Leslie rinsed Kim with cool almost cold water. Kim’s nipples went to instant hard and erect. Leslie gave Kim a swift smack on the butt and said, “OK girl, get your fine ass over in the chair for your facial. Kim giggled again and scampered over to the makeup table and chair.

As Leslie was doing the aqua-lift facial on Kim, she continued to talk about how HOT Kim was and how great she was going to look after this day in the spa. Kim wondered who had given her this gift certificate, and Leslie replied that the certificate could have been from a loved one, her attorney, or even from some registration form she completed. As a promotional tool, Leslie explained that the spa used various means to get their services and expertise out into the female community.

Steering the talk back to Kim being hot and sex, Leslie commented that surely Kim must have her eye on some new playmate. Kim sighed and said, “not yet. It is too risky. I want to clean my ex’s clock on the money side. I want his trophy girl to realize his bank account is now as small as his dick.”

Leslie laughed a loud and said, “Yeah, nothing worse than a big dick guy that is broke or no dick guy that is loaded! And playing with a broke big dick guy when you have a no dick loaded guy as a husband is a sure fire way to lose the ranch.”

Kim laughed and said, “Girl, you are sooo right. That is why I have a standing order for 12” and 14” long vibrators with a year supply of batteries! My pussy has to be filled.” Both women roared with laughter.

Leslie then commented, “the real problem with an on the side guy is that he can’t keep his mouth shut. And guys are not like us girls. You would talk about your on the side guy with me in here, all alone, or with your BFF alone at lunch.”

“A guy will talk about you and your pussy in the locker room filled with other guys at the gym or with his buds at a Sports bar, or at the golf course. In no time your shit is all over town, and honey, you know as well as I, that the news about good pussy travels faster than the speed of light!” Leslie stated to Kim.

Kim grunted and said, “You are so right. Heck, the first time I fucked my soon to be ex Bill, I hadn’t finished wiping cum from my pussy, and my cell phone was ringing with friends asking if it was true I had given him some pussy. He had about 12 of his buds on speed dial in a group confab.”

Still laughing Leslie said, “I know exactly what you mean. I got me a real big dick male and he can’t say a word. But his dick is the best ever, and I can’t get enough.”

Kim hooted and asked, “Are you filling to share?” Leslie said, “maybe, but I think he has a brother that also is speechless, but with just as big a dick.”

Kim replied, “Introduce me! PLEEZE introduce me,” and with Leslie nodding in affirmation, both girls laughed themselves to tears.

As their laughter and tears subsided, Leslie finished the aqua-lift facial. She performed some minor eyebrow work and then led Kim to the massage table. The massage table was much like a gynecologist’s table. Kim commented so. Leslie explained that this was true, however, like a massage table this one had the center pad hole for the face. She told Kim that the shape of this table was the special design of Erica. It allowed the masseuse to work between the legs of the patron which meant a better working of the buttock, calf and thigh muscles. Kim nodded and said that sounded like a really good idea.

Leslie assisted Kim onto the table and had her lie on her tummy. Leslie poured warm oil onto her hands and onto Kim’s back. She began to massage the muscles of Kim’s back, neck, shoulders and upper arms. It was a hard, deep massage. Leslie rolled the top towel down to do Kim’s back. She uncovered each leg in turn as she massaged those. After doing each calf muscle she worked on my upper legs sliding upwards and then sweeping downwards with more pressure as she followed the massage dictum of always working away from the heart.

Kim felt tired. Hard, deep massages do that. They are supposed to make you tired and after them you should drink lots of water and rest. The warmth of the room and the towels, the feeling of comfort from being covered from head to foot, my nakedness under the towels, the combination of aromas, the haunting classical, piano music, the tingling from the massage all combined to create an amazing atmosphere. Although feeling hugely excited, Kim also felt tired and extremely relaxed. She dozed off.

Kim was awakened by fingers on her head and scalp.

“Are you pleased so far Kim?” Leslie asked as her fingers ran across my scalp.

“Yes it’s been lovely thank you.”

“And darling it will get much, much better, I promise” Leslie whispered as her fingertips glided across Kim’s forehead along her eyebrows and stroked her eyelids. She softly, gently and so patiently massaged or caressed every part of Kim’s face. Her fingers stroked her cheeks and nose, ran round her chin, up the sides of her face and onto and then inside her ears. Every part of Kim’s head was now tingling. Kim had no idea that there were so many sexually sensitive places on a person’s head and face.

Leslie’s hands unhurriedly made their way down Kim’s face until they reached her mouth. They ran along her top lip and then her lower. Involuntarily, Kim slightly parted her lips. Leslie’s fingers ran round them inside. Leslie used both hands with the fingers on one stroking Kim’s lips and those on the other going inside to her teeth and gums.

Kim was gasping with the amazing sensations Leslie was giving her. Leslie pushed her fingers inside Kim’s mouth over her tongue.

“Suck my fingers darling” she whispered as she moved the two fingers further in and then almost out of Kim’s mouth in the sort of motions and rhythm that simulated sucking a man’s dick. Kim reached up and took hold of Leslie’s wrist.

“Yes Baby. That’s it.” Leslie cooed. “Let me fuck your mouth.”

Leslie pumped her fingers deeper in and then almost out of Kim’s mouth rubbing firmly across her lips that had closed round the invading fingers. It was an incredible feeling made even more so by Leslie lilting tone and words.

“You like to have your mouth fucked Kim?”

“Ohhh yes, I do.”

“You want more?”


You want me to fuck your hot mouth. Fuck like a big dick would fuck it? How would you like a huge red throbbing dick in your mouth that spewed and squirted little globs of pre-cum down your throat?”

“Oh God, Oh God. YES; YES; YES! I would love that.” Kim groaned now sucking quite hard on Leslie’s fingers.

“Turn over for me” Leslie said turning back to the credenza and picking up the oil.

Returning to the side of the table she said with a lilt in her voice. “I don’t think we need these towels any more do you Kim?”


“You have a beautiful figure Kim” Leslie said running the back of her fingers up Kim’s leg to the full side of her breast. Leslie’s hand closed over Kim’s breast and she squeezed slowly but firmly. Her other hand came up to the fullness of Kim’s cheek. She squeezed it gently and then tapped it sharply. “Mmmm very nice Kim. I can see you are one hot bitch.”

There was absolutely no pretence of this being a massage. It was a caress. Leslie’s touch was as light as a feather. Her fingers were silky, smooth, gentle, soft and so very, very sexy.

“Now,” Leslie whispered as she walked to the foot of the table. She grasped the stirrups and with no hesitation or notice she suddenly pulled them open making Kim gasp with surprise. Kim knew she was totally exposed. She knew that Leslie would her swollen pussy lips. Kim was slightly embarrassed that Leslie would see how wet and aroused Kim was becoming as a result of the massage. Kim then realized she wanted Leslie to look at her.

“Oh God” Kim sighed. Her body jerked when without any preamble Leslie ran her fingers through the crack between the cheeks of Kim’s ass. Leslie pressed lightly on Kim’s asshole. For a moment, Kim I thought she was going to finger-fuck her ass like she did Kim’s mouth. Leslie didn’t. Instead she slid her fingers upward out of the crack. Leslie’s finger tips parted Kim’s slit, pushing her pussy apart, opening Kim. Kim jerked again.
“You just love to have that pussy and ass fucked by a big dick, don’t you hot pussy Kim. Hey, I like that. That is what I will call you in private. Hot Pussy Kim. You aren’t all sad that the needle dick you married wants a divorce are you Hot Pussy?”
“Unh-uhh, I am not.” Kim panted. “Let this new tramp learn that big dick talk doesn’t mean big dick walk. I haven’t had a decent fuck in I don’t know how long!”

“Don’t you worry baby. Leslie is going to fix all that for you. You relax and let yourself go. Just focus on your hot pussy and the fact that you are going to be fucked like never before. Trust Leslie Hot Pussy Kim. You will be truly big dick fucked.”

“OHHH fuck yeah,” Kim groaned as Leslie ran her fingers through the slit between the lips of Kim’s pussy. Spreading Kim’s pussy, Leslie found Kim’s clit. Leslie alternated between circling the exposed pleasure num, flicking it with her forefinger, and mashing it down onto Kim’s pubic bone.

She rubbed Kim sending spasms of wonderful sensations through her. Kim knew that it wouldn’t be long before she would cum. She was feeling insatiable and all thoughts and considerations of modesty, morality and sexuality were swept from her mind. Kim recognized that she was here for one reason and one reason only. Her sexual satisfaction and that satisfaction would be from lesbian experience. That didn’t worry or concern Kim.

“Oh fuck yes” Kim groaned when Leslie slid 3 fingers into sopping pussy.

“This is nothing baby” Leslie whispered as she finger-fucked Kim. I know you want to cum, but hold it. Hold it Hot Pussy because I have a huge red throbbing cum spewing volcano of a dick for you. A dick that will shock you, but you will love. And the best thing sweet pussy Kim, is this dick can’t say a word and can’t tell a soul. Only me and you will ever know how well you are going to get fucked today.”

As Leslie spoke, Kim bucked her hips trying to drive Leslie’s finger deeper into her steaming pussy.

“You horny bitch,” Leslie said. “Your hot pussy is opening up like a treasure chest. Hell bitch, I bet I could fist fuck you easy. Drive your bitch big dick loving ass right up the wall until I let you cum. Girl, this hot pussy is SOOOOO ready for that big dick. Tell me Hot pussy Kim. Tell Leslie what your pussy needs. Tell me what that pussy wants. Come on girl. No need to be shy. It is just us here. No one is ever going to know a thing. Tell me bitch, or I will stop and you will not cum. Tell me you want the big red throbbing hot dick. Tell me you want it buried so deep I your pussy that it pierces your cervix and spurts that hot hot cum into your womb. Tell me Hot pussy. What does your pussy want. What does it have to have?”

“A big huge hot hard red cum spewing dick,” Kim wailed like girl being murdered. My pussy aches for it. My pussy wants that huge red throbbing dick. My hot pussy needs that massive red throbbing dick. I don’t care what kind of dick it is, I have to have it. I have to cum. OHHHH fuck Leslie, please help me. Please get the big dick and fuck my needy pussy. Fuck me; fuck me; fuck me till I squirt and cum al over that dick.”

Leslie grinned and looked up at the cameras whirling away. She slowed her finger fucking. Kim moaned and groaned begging her not to stop and let her cum. Even a little cum Kim pleaded. Leslie smirked, “NOT YET HOT PUSSY,” and quickly removed her fingers from Kim’s pussy before slapping it really hard. Kim squealed from the pain then pleasure of the slap.

Leslie turned and using the attached cufflets, she moved each stirrup back bending Kim’s legs upward from the knee joint. She then buckled a cuff around each of Kim’s ankles.

“We want that big dick fucker to have a lot of working room don’t we bitch.?” Kim hissed. She then went to the head of the table and pulled each of Kim’s arms over her head. She cuffed each wrist and secured the cuf chain to a hasp attached to the table frame.

Leslie got a soft velvet blind fold from the credenza and covered Kim’s eyes. “I want you to think about and feel this dick. You don’t need to see it. Let you pussy talk to your brain about the dick. Too many times a girl’s brain tries to convince her pussy that it will be a great fuck. This time, your hot pussy is going to tell your brain IT WAS A GREAT FUCK!”

Kim thrashed, twisted, moaned and screeched. She was cursing in one breath then begging for the dick in the next.

Leslie momentarily left the room. As she passed the room in which Erica and Beth were in, she lightly rapped on the door twice. Single knocks. Leslie went to the kennel at the rear of the building and attached a leash to Rufus.

“Come on big dick boy. There is a new HOT CUNT PUSSY waiting for you. And you had better pour that huge red dick to her.”

Leslie and Rufus walked into the room. The huge animal paused staring at bitch on the table. He sniffed the air and knew that the female before him was in heat.

Kim squirmed. Kim’s body was on fire. She wanted to fuck so badly that she actually ached.

Rufus padded over the table. Leslie snapped her fingers and held her hand palm down. Rufus stopped and sat on his haunches. Using a foot peddle aside the table, Leslie lowered the table height to a tad below the level of Rufus’ chin.

Leslie snapped her fingers again pointing to a spot between Kim’s spread legs. Rufus paused and sniffed the bare pussy before him. His long slightly rough tongue shot forward and licked up from Kim’s ass hole through her slit and over her clit. Another long swipe of the huge dog’s tongue dragged through Kim’s cunt and over her clit. Immediately again the animal licked over Kim’s pussy slit, running its tongue over her sensitive asshole and over her clit.

“Ughhhhh YESSSS!” Kim cried out as she felt the dogs long tongue slip inside her opened fuck hole.

“That’s it Kim, open for him, let him in.” Leslie crooned. “Let him get that pussy. You want him to have it. You want it ‘cause he has that big dick for you. You know, his dick is over 11” long from tip to beyond his knot. And Hot Cunt Kim, Mr. Rufus is going to give you every fucking inch of that big dick.

The dog’s muzzle was firm against Kim’s pussy as he licked deeply, driving his tongue over and over into her pussy tasting her juices. Kim was in heaven.

“Get the pussy Ruffie. That is your pussy big boy. The bitch wants you to take her pussy. Take it your way Rufe. Take that hot horny pussy boy. Give the squealing bitch your big red cum spurting dick. She will beg you if you want her too.”

The dog knew what to do. He hopped up, his fore paws landing on each side of Kim’s waist. He walked forward and Leslie squatted to clutch his emerging red huge dick in her hand. The big dog was starting to spurt jets of pre-cum. Kim pulled the dog forward by his dick. The big canine whimpered.

“OK Hot Cunt Kim, here cums that big red dick you have been aching for. The dick that your pussy has been praying for. The dick that is going to fill your womb with sweet cum and make you a true bitch. You are about to be fucked better than you have ever been fucked.”

“OHHH GAWD, Leslie,” Kim screeched. Give it to me. My pussy wants that dick so bad. My pussy is ready and wants that huge red dick. Let him put that dick in my hot cunt.”

Leslie looked at the cameras again and smiled. Those words could not have been scripted and pulled from Kim to make it any better.

“Gonna drain your big dick you fucker!” Kim hissed. Gonna squeeze your dick with my cunt until you whimper like a whipped pup.”

Leslie slapped Kim’s pussy lips and clit with Rufus’ huge red doggy dick. She then inserted the tip into Kim’s scalding hot fuck hole. Sensing his dick was in the pussy, Rufus lunged forward jerking his muscular powerful hips. Over half his massive dick entered Kim’s cunt, stretching it as it had never been stretched. Kim screamed at this invasion.

“Give the pussy bitch.” Leslie scolded Kim. Open it up and give your needy ready pussy or else he will take it.” Another jerk of Rufus’ hips and his appearing knot was slamming Kim’s cunt lips.

Rufus dug his clad front paws into Kim’s side gripping her in his powerful fuck lock. Kim knew she had crossed the line sexually. The dog’s dick slipped deeper into her, stretching her and she cried out, not in pain, but absolute pleasure. Rufus slammed into her like a jackhammer, his furry body moving quickly above hers. His stomach rested on hers. Kim pushed back to capture all of his big red doggy dick.

Leslie lovingly over and pulled on Kim’s clit as she fucked Rufus. This made her squirt over and over with each thrust of the animals huge spear like dick.

“Ohhhhh Leslie, I love it… Uughh!” Kim cried out as Rufus drove his dick deeper. I love this dick.”

Leslie kissed her and licked at her nipples. She went back to pulling and rubbing Kim’s swollen clit. Rufus’s head rested on Kim’s tits as he fucked her. Occasionally he licked out his tongue lashing her hard sensitive nipple. His doggy dick knot expanded and Kim moaned as her pussy stretched wider and wider.

Then she felt it. Rufus had pushed his grapefruit sized knot into her pussy. He was growing inside her. Growing in length and girth. The pointy tip of his dick pierced Kim’s cervix. She screamed again in pure animal pleasure. Rufus began spurting hot squirts of dog cum. They were splashing and coating her womb. Kim screamed again as a huge squirting orgasm ripped through her body. Bitch and dog were cumming in unison.

Rufus stayed tied and fucking Kim for another 38 minutes. Leslie removed the blindfold. Kim gasped and said, “keep slamming that dick in my pussy doggy. It is your pussy. Yours to have anytime you want it. Kim’s Hot cunt is your hot cunt big dick Rufus..

When he finally pulled out, their mingled juices flowed from Kim’s gaping pussy and ran down her leg and onto the floor. Leslie went behind her and released her wrists from the cuffs. She then released Kim’s ankles and straightened the stirrups.

Rufus walked a few paces away and Kim finally saw his huge fully erect dick. She mewed like a kitten saying to Leslie that she loved that dick. She claimed that Rufus owned her pussy. It was his pussy and she would be back a few times per week to let him take his pussy.

“And you are right Leslie,” Kim crowed. “He can’t and won’t tell a soul about the best fuck I ever had!”


In an adjoining salon room, Erica has Beth the 27 year old lovely bride to be face down on the massage table. Beth had undergone her facial, sauna, and other items. All that remained was the massage.

Beth asked if she could retain her thong. Erica replied that massage oils would penetrate the fabric and ruin the thong. It would be better if Beth used a pair of the disposable panties offered by the salon. Beth agreed and turned to remove her thong, while Erica fetched a packaged pair of disposable panties. Beth donned the disposables and lay face down on the massage table.

In her interview, Beth had demonstrated she was lovely, very intelligent and easy to talk with about all sorts of subjects. She had a great sense of humor. Now here in the massage room, Beth seemed very uptight. Erica suspected it was the situation and environment, however she did not rule out the idea that this situation was one in which submissive Beth had no control, therefore she knew she was her own worst enemy. Once ordered or subjugated, she would be putty in the hands of the dominant. The conundrum was which tact to pursue to obtain the maximum results?

Erica commenced Beth’s massage as she would do with any client. Beth was lying on her tummy with her face comfortably settled in the head hole of the table. After pushing her long hair to one side Erica applied the lavender scented oil and started to massage Beth’s back and shoulders. There was a lot of tension in her shoulders. Erica spent more time than normal on them easing out the knots and relaxing the muscles. Her hands carried out the familiar patterns up and down Beth’s spine, her sides and around the lower back, easing off as usual in the kidney area.

Beth and Erica chatted as the massage continued. Erica worked Beth’s her back, shoulders, spine, neck, and upper arms. They talked about the approaching wedding. The brides maid dresses, the floral arrangements, the reception and what to serve, the band, the standard pitter patter between 2 women on a typical totally female topic.

Because Beth seemed uptight, Erica thought this was a safe subject. Erica instructed her to take some deep breaths to help her to relax. Following a regular pattern of working the back Erica wiped e excess oil. She lowered Beth’s salon panties so that her buttocks were in view but her “pussy” was not in view. Beth responded to a very firm massage of her buttocks and as Erica drove her knuckles into Beth’s lovely buns the younger woman gave a long low moan. Erica asked her if she was ok and Beth nodded affirmatively. Erica then continued with her knuckles giving Beth’s gluteus maximus muscles a good deep tissue massage.

Once finished with her butt, Erica transferred her attention to Beth’s lovely, slim legs. Working her hands from Beth’s ankles to the top of her thighs Erica eased the tight muscles in her calves and thighs. Again Erica heard low moans as her hands came close to the ‘vee’ at the top of Beth’s legs.

It was time for Beth to turn over and Erica signaled this to her in her usual way, the way she would do with all her clients.

“Turn over Babe.” Erica said as SHE SWATTED BETH’S BUTT lightly yet firmly. Beth emitted a long low moan. To be sure, Erica smacked Beth’s fine curved ass again, and Beth moaned longer and louder. Erica had her clue, now she had to close the deal.

Erica asked Beth if she was ever a naughty girl? Beth squirmed and finally whispered that she was naughty at times. Beth raised her head with a wan smile, but with a sparkle in her eyes as she answered. Erica asked her if her Father or her soon husband to be ever spanked her. Beth admitted that both had, her Father as recently as a few days ago and her fiancée last evening. Beth told Erica she was often really in need of a good spanking.

Erica smacked Beth’s ass again twice, once on each cheek. The little hussy actually lifted her ass off the table to meet each smack. Erica smirked inwardly thinking, “this is one hot pussy submissive whore, and I am going to have some fun with her!” Beth opened her spread legs a tad wider after Erica applied the 2 smacks to her ass.

Erica rubbed Beth’s ass with my right hand and leaned to place her mouth at Beth’s ear. Erica exhaled a long slow warm breath over Beth’s ear and the bride to be squirmed again. Whispering to Beth Erica spoke what she thought and then asked her some questions.

“Tell me darling, does your sweet pussy drip and leak creamy cunt sauce when you are debased, chastised, and humiliated? I bet the nastier someone speaks to you, the hotter that pretty pussy of yours gets! I also bet that Daddy recognized you to be a hot pussy whore when you were quite young. After your Mother left, did daddy begin to spank you ‘cause you are giving that hot pussy to Mr. Shaumont?”

Beth paused and turned a red as a Washington State 56 count extra fancy delicious apple. She slowly nodded her head. Erica continued.

“And Mr. Shaumont spanked you ‘cause he learned that spanking you makes your sweet pussy juices flow as though a hose had broken inside you?” Again, Beth shivered and slowly nodded her head. Erica swatted Beth’s ass twice again on each firm cheek.

“Answer me you hot little whore! You aren’t a bobble head doll. You speak when asked a question, understand?”

Beth nodded, but quickly spoke when Erica swatted her ass again. “Yes Miss Erica. I understand.”

Again, Erica started to rub Beth’s ass. Beth squirmed and raised her torso from the massage table. Erica resumed massaging Beth’s thighs and calves, and commenced questioning Beth as she massaged her.

“Your Mom and Dad are separated aren’t they?”
“Yes, Ms. Erica. They don’t want it publicized though. Appearances, you know.”

“And since your Mom has left, you have been sucking and jacking off that Daddy dick, haven’t you?”

Beth whimpered and hesitated a long moment. “Yes. He caught me off guard and before I knew it I was sucking his dick.”

Erica laughed aloud. “How in the fuck can a hard dick be in front of your face and then in your mouth and you maintain that it all happened without you knowing it?” Erica swatted Beth’s ass cheeks about 4 times each.

“OHHH, OHHHH, I… I am not sure. I think maybe I closed my eyes and just followed his instructions. I mean, I try to be obedient.”

“Girl, who the fuck do you think you are shining on here? I am not one of those dim wit writers you work with. I can damn near tell you exactly what happened.” Erica chuckled and to emphasize her point she gave Beth’s fine ass another 2-3 smacks on each cheek.

“Check this out and when I am finished, you correct the aspects I have gotten wrong.” Erica ordered. Beth murmured that she understood and would comply.

Erica began her theory. She spoke slowly while she rubbed Beth’s legs and ass. Erica had moved between each stirrup attachments of the massage table so that she was between Beth’s legs. Erica spilled a good dollop of massage oil on the panties covering Beth’s ass. Erica inserted the four fingers of each hand into the elastic leg band of the panties. Pulling the 2 elastic legs bands into one narrow strip, Erica yanked the think strip up and into Beth’s crack and slit. The panty fabric cleaved through Beth’s crevices like a hot knife through warm butter. Beth squealed at the intrusion of the fabric into her slit.

Beth jerked and squealed long and loud as the panty wedge trapped her budding emerging clitoris between the elastic and her pubic bone. “That’s it baby. Move that fine ass for your new Mommy,” Erica cooed. While she semi-commanded Beth, Erica sawed the panty wedge up and down Beth’s ass crack and pussy slit. “Yeah, you pretty whore bitch. Move that ass and pussy. Mommy is gonna give you some good dick if you move that ass right. You want some dick bitch?”

Beth wailed as the vulgarity ebbed from Erica mouth. Each word was like a long needle piercing her cunt to the core. Stinging words that made Beth blush with embarrassment and humiliation, yet each one pushed Beth closer and closer to the edge and brink of total hedonism and becoming a pure sex freak.

“I believe after your Mom left, you and Daddy sort of went about thinking this was a fad for your Mom. You both reckoned she would be back in a week or so. When it finally dawned on both of you this was not a fad and your Mon was not going to return, you and he transitioned to a more traditional male-female relationship, but without sex. Then, one evening you came home a bit late and tipsy. You had been out with your guy and some friends and had consumed a little to much wine.”

“Upon arriving home, you weaved through the house. Daddy was seated and surely looked up as you came in. He immediately noticed your half open blouse and the twisted skirt you wore. Daddy is no dummy. He knew you were playing stink finger with your fiancée in the car. He figured you were a hot pussy whore. Daddy suspected your little pussy was soaking wet.”

“Daddy allowed you to pass without him speaking a word. He gave you a few minutes to reach your room. Once he heard the water in your bathroom lavatory running, he rose and went to your bedroom. As you came from the bathroom after brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, you were startled and embarrassed to find daddy sitting in the bedroom chair.”

“I figure you had at best, bra and panties on, or no bra, but t-shirt and panties, or maybe just panties, or at worse, you were nude. How am I doing so far, and which was it you were wearing when you found Daddy awaiting you?”

Beth shivered and squirmed, and she whispered to Erica, “you are almost spot on and I had only my panties on when I came into my room and found Daddy waiting.”

“Uhhh-huhh, I figured that to be it. When you entered, Daddy rose and caught you by the arm. You were startled. He pulled you to your dresser. On the dresser table lay your long handled oval mirror and hair brush set. He picked up both mirror and brush and pulled you back to the chair. He placed the mirror and brush on the floor by the chair and pulled you over his lap. You fucking squealed like a horny little piglet!!”

A long low wail came from Beth’s throat. “How, how… did you know? You talk like you were there watching. Have you been into my house?” Beth’s entire body, front and back was red from shame and embarrassment.

Erica laughed and said, “Bitch, all I have to do is read. The engagement announcement noted your Mother, your grandparents and your Great-Grandmother on your Mother’s side. That is old money and old society in this town. It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that an antique brush, comb, and mirror set has been handed down in your Mother’s side of the family for over a 100 years.”

Beth again whispered, “You are right Ms. Erica. I am the 5th generation to own that set.” Beth wiggled on the table as she confessed to Erica.

Erica swatted Beth’s ass cheeks about 6 times on each. “I told you bitch whore, I am your NEW MOMMY! I am not Ms. Erica, some servant or supplier to your haughty ass. I own your ass when you are here bitch, and you better pray that I cede my ownership of this fine ass when you leave here. If I don’t, then I am going to own your ass everywhere it goes. And that can be very very embarrassing for you and your new husband.”

Erica began to sob. Her chest shook as Erica’s words hammered her ears and her brain.

“Then, I suspect that once Daddy had you over his lap and knee, he picked up the mirror and brush and took a long sniff of the handles. And you were so ashamed and humiliated. You knew what aroma he would find coating those handles.”

“Daddy replaced both implements on the floor. He pushed your thong panties down your hips and thighs. He raised his hand and said something like, ‘You need to learn I am your Daddy!’ And he started spanking that fine ass of yours. The first 5 or 6 on each cheek were stinging, but then Daddy really got into the motion and his hand came down harder and more rhythmic. The smacks on your ass really hurt. You were squirming, wiggling, and crying your eyes out. And then somehow, the smacks morphed from pain to pleasure. A strong warm soon to be hot feeling grew in the pit of your stomach. That hot feeling seemed to center itself right over your clit and the top of your pussy.”

“As your daddy spanked your fine ass, like I am going to do, you were so close to cumming that you tried to bite your lip to prevent it. Your pussy was soaking wet, from the playing around you had done with your BF, and now from Daddy spanking your ass so hard. I bet that your panties were soaked with pussy juices and Daddy soon discovered this. When he did, he had a wicked idea come to mind on how he could use both the brush and the mirror.”

Beth moaned, groaned, wailed, and cried as Erica spoke. But with all the weeping and hot tears, Beth’s legs were spreading wider and wider as Erica talked, spanked, and rubber her hot hot ass. She rocked her ass in order to get more pressure on her clit. The young ingénue was as horny as buck deer in rutting season.

Erica really laid the strokes onto Beth’s ass. SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! Erica’s palmed cracked against the taut skin of Beth’s ass like a whip over the head of a tiger in cage.

Erica stopped the spanking and pulled Beth’s disposable panties down her shapely legs. Beth lifted her hip really high to ease the removal of the panties.

Erica left the panties dangling on Beth’s right foot as she placed her right hand between Beth’s legs and started to lightly stroke Beth’s pussy she leaned in and cooed in Beth’s ear.

“That’s it baby. Oh Yeah! Show Mommy your pretty pussy. Come on little whore girl, let me see what gets your fiancée hard. Show me the pussy darlin’. I bet you want a big hard dick deep in that smoldering cunt. Don’t you baby? You want Mommy to help you an make that pretty pussy cum? HMMMM, come on hot cunt whore, talk to Mommy. Tell me what you hot pussy needs Baby!”

As she spoke the last words, Erica slid 3 fingers deep into Beth’s cunt. Beth groaned and pushed her ass back onto Erica’s hand.

“My cunny needs a fucking Mommy,” Beth whispered. It needs a deep hard fucking from a really big dick. I love big dick but my husband has a Vienna sausage for a dick. He can’t even make my tight fine ass twitch with his dick, much less my soaking wet cunt. I love him and Mother is adamant I marry him, but he can’t help my horny nature. I don’t know what I am going to do.”

As she spoke, Erica had wedged a fourth finger in Beth’s pussy. Erica twisted her hand to and from turning her hand such that her palm was up and then down. This movement placed serious but very pleasurable pressure on Beth’s G spot. Beth grunted like a little piglet as Erica used four fingers and fucked her.

Erica spoke to Beth as her hand sawed in and out of Beth’s dripping pussy.

“Mommy is going to fix your pretty pussy. I am going to get that slut assistant of mine in here to work your fine titties and nipples while I work your ass and pussy. You are going to cum and squirt for Mommy little hot pussy whore.” Erica then swatted Beth’s ass 6 more times on each cheek.

Erica stepped back from the massage table. She walked to the foot of the table and pulled Beth’s legs apart. Erica cuffed each ankle to a velvet cuff hanging from the end of the table. Erica then walked to the head of the table and began to press upon a touch screen. A series of hydraulic pumps began to whir and the table began to shift and move.

A center section, directly supporting Beth’s tummy began to rise. As this section rose, a section about 16” wide which was toward Beth’s face began to recede to floor level. This created an opening into which Beth’s tits fell. The piece of table supporting Beth’s upper chest, face and head lowered and move forward causing Beth to be slightly stretched forward from her waist toward her head. Erica then cuffed Beth’s wrists using the cuffs dangling from the front of the table. Erica used a velvet strap about 3 inches wide to lash Beth’s waist to the table.

From just past Beth’s upper thighs, a portion of the table began to lower itself. This caused Beth’s knees to bend and be supported as though she we kneeling on a prie dieu. Another section just past Beth’s cuffed feet began to lower. This portion stopped when it was about 22-24 inches below Beth’s feet.

Erica went to the salon intercom and called for Leslie. When Leslie answered, Erica inquired as how things were going with Kim. Leslie giggled and said, “she booked a twice a week appointment for the next 12 weeks. She has left, but only just. I may can catch her.”

“No, no, you horny whore. Let her go. You get your fine horny ass in here. This little slut with me needs some big dick. Which of the boys did you use for Kim?”

“Rufus. And he fucked her like she has never been fucked before. When he turned on her and kept spewing cum with his knot locked in her pussy, she wailed and sobbed like a school girl. But the bitch must have had like 10-11 orgasms.”

“OK, cunt whore. Bring Buster in here. Use the short leash. And put the muzzle on him. AND LEAVE HIS DICK ALONE YOU HORNY TOAD! I want you to attach his leash to the wall rail and then come play with Miss Beth’s tits while I get her to beg for doggy dick.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Leslie replied.

Leslie and Buster’s huge 11 plus inch pussy pleaser. As her slim hand closed over the huge dog’s massive dick she whispered to him, “you gonna get some new pussy today boy. Some new pussy for Buster. But don’t your forget who has the best pussy You know Leslie’s cunt fucks this big dick better than any cunt.”

Leslie pulled and jerked Buster’s dick betting more and more to get the full hard thick length of it out until the edge of the dog dick knot began to emerge. “New pussy for Buster. You fuck her good big boy and I will give you a lovely blow job later today.”

The huge dog whimpered as though he actually comprehended what Leslie had said to him.

Leslie went to the table and joined Erica and Beth.

“Relax,” Erica said tapping on Beth’s leg as Leslie opened her butt cheeks.

It was an order. Erica let the oil drip again, this time with Beth’s cheeks held open. The balmy oil wet Beth’s exposed anus. Beth felt herself opening like a flower. It felt good as the warm oil hit her exposed anus. Her muscles relaxed as the warm oil covered her. She waited for the Erica’s touch, the excitement of how she had probed her there before ….sending shudders through her body.

“MMMMMmmmmm,” she moaned in pleasure when Erica began to knead her cheeks. The Erica made her cheeks jiggle as she pushed them together – then open again. Beth felt her crack open and close. Erica’s hand moved up the back of Beth’s legs, sliding the oil into her crack, her touch sending shivers through Beth when she touched her there. She got more oil on her hands, sliding up the girl’s inner thighs and parting her legs.

Erica’s hand slid up towards Beth’s crotch. This made Beth’s ass arch higher, offering up her pussy as well as her ass to Erica’s touch. Beth wanted that touch, but Erica would take her time.

“Keep your legs open.”

Both knees were spread wide, close to the edge of the table. Her nipples never felt so sensitive. Leslie on the other side of the table began to squeeze Beth’s full breasts. She would squeeze and and release them. Then she would pinch each nipple between her fingers and pull the nipple outward as far as she could. Blood rushed into the Beth’s nipples swelling them. Leslie squeezed Beth’s breasts and pulled her nipples until Beth was squawking like a grackle.

Beth could feel the wetness dripping down her inner thighs. She was ashamed, but excited. This me was the best ever. She tried to look back between her legs but was unable to see anything other than a dripping liquid. Beth felt as though her pussy and anus were opening and closing. Erica stood by her hip and slid her hand along her crack, from the top, over her anus and down to her pussy. Beth almost came when Erica pinched and twisted her clitoris.

Erica slapped Beth’s ass as hard as she could. “Don’t you dare cum your little bitch. I have a huge red dick for you to cum on, and you are not going to lay here and cum from some finger fucking and tittie pulling!”

“OW!” Beth squeaked.

“Hold still.” Erica commanded.

Beth waited for Erica to shove her finger inside. She held her ass up into the air like a trained dog. Erica rubbed her anus. She rimmed her small, tight hole, stimulating the nerve endings that sent shivers through Beth’s loins. Beth felt the fingertips on her anus, pressing, spreading her hole open like an elastic band. It felt so obscene to be opened like that. Beth moaned, partly in pleasure, partly in pain, and surely in humiliation and shame.


Erica kept her like that for a minute, displaying her hot hole to Leslie. Beth tried to clench her anus, but Erica held her open. Erica slid her fingers to the center and pressed on it, pressuring the hole to open and allowing 2 fingers to breach Beth’s sphincter. The slick fingers slipped in until they pressed against the inner sphincter of Beth’s rectum. Erica teased this barrier until she made Beth moan. Then pressed until the sphincter gave. The feeling of violation caused Beth to whimper and moan louder. Erica moved her fingers around, once she had them inside. To Beth, the feeling of something alive moving inside her bowels was wonderful.

She held her ass arched up as Erica fingered her hole. Then the older woman twisted and turned her oiled fingers driving them deeper inside. Beth felt Leslie reach under her chest, cradling her hanging breasts. She quickly found Beth’s nipples and began to pinch and pull them. Beth finally felt the Erica’s knuckle against her anus, her finger deep in her gut. Erica felt how hot and tight Beth was inside. Beth’s ass muscles clenched and squeezed Erica’s fingers. Beth was moaning, her ass fucking back on the fingers as Leslie stimulated her nipples at the same time.

Erica forced her fingers even deeper into Beth’s ass. Her pussy was juicing so much that Erica’s hand got wet. Beth felt wickedly dirty being masturbated like this. It was like a fantasy. Erica was attractive to her, on one level. But the situation was so hot for Beth, that she found the sheer degradation of it intoxicating. It was pure sexual release from all the demons inside her loins. She wanted Beth’s fingers in her pussy too! But Erica forced a third finger into Beth’s ass hole. Beth felt stretched. Her anus hurt as she was stretched open. ‘God that feels huge inside me’, she thought to herself.

She couldn’t do anything but take a deep breath and accommodate the three fingers inside her rectum. Erica slid her other hand to touch Beth’s clitoris, pee-hole and pussy opening. Beth moaned and groaned in pleasure, as her ass hole involuntarily tightened on the fingers as Erica teased her pussy. Erica pushed Beth’s labia aside to slide her fingers along her wet pink womanhood – up and down her slit and all around her clitoris.

Erica played with her clitoris…pushing it back and forth still covered by its hood and then mashed it against her pubic bone. Erica found a pattern that Beth responded to and kept at it. She kept 3 fingers in her ass hole and masturbated her with her other hand. She wanted Beth to be as close to the largest and longest orgasm of her life, but she had no intention of allowing the bride to be to cum. Buster’s dick would elicit that response from Beth’s pussy and psyche.

Erica motioned to Leslie to fetch Buster. Leslie gave Beth’s nipples one last hard tug and Beth squealed.

Erica slowed the pace of her finger fucking. She began to twist her fingers to maximize pressure against Beth’s G spot from within her ass and in her pussy.

“You want to cum for Mommy Baby pussy girl?” Erica asked. Beth moaned a long affirmative.

“You want some really big hot dick for that pussy to cum on little hot cunt girl?” Again, Beth moaned, groaned a long affirmative response.

“Don’t you worry honey pussy girl. Mommy has a dick that will drive you and your needy pussy insane. Erica slowly removed her fingers from Beth’s ass and pussy. She nodded to Leslie bring Buster behind Beth. Leslie led the huge dog to the table and got him to stand on the lowest section. His head was level with Beth’s pussy and ass.

Buster sniffed at Beth’s hot pussy. To Beth’s complete surprise, the dog lowered his head between her knees and sniffed her pussy. Beth was appalled and excited. What was Erica planning for the dog to do? She thought he just wanted to smell her because she was a female, but when Buster’s long semi rough tongue shot out and he started licking her pussy. Beth went wild with lust.

Buster’s active tongue really worked Beth into a ‘want to fuck frenzy’. Buster would lick her pussy more. He would drag his tongue from rock hard clit through her slit and over her hot pussy fuck hole and then slightly into her puckering ass hole. Buster lapped away furiously at Beth’s slick pussy, and Beth fucking loved it.

“More, more,” she panted, humping her pussy up at his wild tongue. She was dazed and amazed by this turn of events in her sex life. Buster’s tongue was super compared to any tongue she had ever felt before. She never dreamed being eaten out could be this good. She was going to cum on this doggy tongue harder and longer than she had ever cum before. Buster’s hind feet stomped on the table step as he got excited about Beth’s pussy. His head twisted this way and that as his long tongue lashed her pussy. Beth moaned and humped her pussy for more.

Her eyes fluttered and her tits got hard Buster licked savagely at her open, wet pussy. Panting hotly because the doggie-tongue was arousing her tremendously, Beth moaned that she wanted to fucked.

The doggie-tongue grew vicious and smashed into her pussy so hard that Beth began to cry aloud. Her blue eyes rolled in her head and she lifted her cute young ass higher. She stretched her slim thighs wide and fully exposed all of her hot crotch for the dog. Buster took advantage of this new position with her pussy elevated like that, and he licked his raspy tongue into her pussy.

“Ew! Ewwww!” Beth cried, shivering all over.

“I’m gonna cum!” she screeched. Erica reached over to pinch and twist Beth’s clit as hard as she could. The sudden pain stopped the pending massive quaking orgasm waiting to burst in Beth’s tummy.

Grunting like a little piglet, Beth fucked her wet pussy crazily against the dog’s tongue. She humped and screwed and twisted wildly, her pussy thrust up for the dog, and his tongue lashed her pussy viciously.

His thick tongue wedged between her quivering pussy lips and Buster plunged the end of it into her juicy fuck-hole giving Beth a doggy tongue fuck. A few of these drove Beth right up the wall.

Buster grunted, stomped the step, and licked his tongue faster into the girl’s squirmy, jerking pussy. Beth screeched again as a sharp rush of sexy feelings tore into her taut, heaving belly. And then her pussy flooded.

“Here, Buster! Oh, come on, boy! Jump up on Beth and fuck me! Come on, boy! You’re horny for me, aren’t you?”

Buster was indeed horny for her, but that was beside the point. When he jumped up onto her back and his front paws landed on each side of her hips, his rigid dick stabbed blindly at the air between her curvy thighs. “Ohhhh, noooo,” Beth groaned.

She was so frustrated that she almost wept. Try as she might, she could not get her hot pussy in touch with the stabbing, dripping doggie-dick. What was she to do? She tried to think clearly, but in her advanced stage of fuck-lust, that wasn’t easy to do. All she knew was that she was ready to get fucked!

“Ohhh, I wanna fuck!” she gasped hotly. “God, how I wanna fuck!”

Erica whispered into Beth’s ear, “You want that huge red doggy dick? Are you ready to give my Buster some pussy? Are you ready for the fucking of your life from the best dick you will ever have? You gonna take his knot and let Buster shoot his hot cum deep into your womb. He is gonna ruin you and your pussy for any man. You are going to be a doggy pussy bitch. And when your bitch pussy menstruates, you are gonna suck every drop of pre-cum and cum from that dick.! You know why you are going to suck it, because that dick owns your pussy. See what I meant when I said if you don’t behave I would shame you in front of your husband, and in-laws. I will place Buster at your home and you can’t resist giving him all the pussy he wants. And you won’t care who sees him fucking you!”

Up to that horny moment, Beth had been afraid to even think about a dick in her pussy. Now it was all she could think about. She was ripe for her first doggy dick. Her pussy was more than primed for her first doggy fucking. She was very horny for it. Groaning with exasperation, she screamed, “YES, YES, YES YES to all your questions. Please just let him fuck me. Please Erica, I need that dick. My pussy is dying for that doggy dick!”

“I just gotta have to get fucked! I just have to get fucked deep and hard.” Erica nodded her head and Leslie pulled Buster’s dick to the dripping opening of Beth’s cunt.

“Ohhhh, yessss!” Beth hissed hornily. “Give it to me! You can! You can! Ohhhh, Buster, good boy, come on, put it in me, fuck my pussy, get it in, push deeper, ohhhh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeee!”

Upon feeling the hot wetness of Beth’s pussy, Buster thrust of his powerful haunches and with some more guidance from Leslie’s trembling fingers, the doggie-dick found its mark. All of a sudden the thick dick speared between Beth’s wet pussy-lips and plunged headlong into her horny fuck-hole. “Oh!” Beth squealed.

“It’s in!”

The doggy dick fucked into her pussy-hole with a power that at once dazed her and delighted her. She squealed as the full length of the doggie-prick shafted into her fuck-hole. And when Buster started fucking her pussy, she went crazy.

“Oh, My Gawd!” she shrieked as he fucked her. “Oh, golly! Oh, God!” Getting fucked was far more exciting than she had ever imagined. Once the doggie-dick invaded the sheath of her tight pussy, there was no stopping the animal. His hind legs stomped the step. He drooled all over her back and shoulders. His veined huge dick fucked relentlessly into her open, wet pussy.

“Ohh, ohhhh, ohhhh, I’m getting fucked!” she cried, quivering with mounting excitement. “It’s fucking in me! Ohhh, my pussy’s so hot! Fuck me, Buster, fuck meeeee!”

Out of her mind with newfound lust and pleasure, she started fucking in return. Horny for more, she screwed her juicy pussy round and round for the fucking dog. She panted and whimpered, laughed and shed more than a few tears of extreme joy as she got doggy fucked for the first time.

Once her pussy caught the animal rhythm of the doggie-dick, she started humping for him. She giggled lewdly and screwed for him. She fucked tight young pussy on his stabbing, drilling dick with increasing pleasure and force. She soon discovered where to position her fucking pussy, how to hold the dog on her writhing body, and how to get the most out of his pumping prick. Then it was seventh heaven for her as he fucked the daylights out of her.

“Ohhhhhh, I’m gonna cummmmm!” she wailed, fucking faster on the plunging prick. “Ohhhh, mama! This is wonderful! Ewww, Buster, fuck me! Give it to me! Shoot your load in my pussy! Fuck me! Fuck meeeee!”

She was so horny that she came first, wildly, wetly, hornily. Her whole body quaked and writhed on the cushion as her pussy flooded gloriously on the fucking dick. Her senses reeled and she panted hotly as she sucked faster for her orgasm. She moaned and cried and laughed sensuously as she came.

“Ohhhh, I’m cummmiiinnngggg!” she declared, and she fucked harder for the stiff dick. Buster let out a groan that sounded like he was in pain. In a sense, he was. Beth’s tight, fucking young pussy sucked the puppy cream up out of his aching balls. He drooled wetly and panted hotly as his dick enlarged between the tight walls of her pussy. Then he shot his fiery load of puppy cream for her, and her pussy took it all.

His dick spit and gushed juicily into her twisting, humping pussy and Beth moaned with pleasure. She came all over his cum-spitting dick, and that was great! She shuddered ecstatically as her pussy creamed for him and she laughed wildly to feel herself cumming on his gushing dick. The sensation was entirely new to her — and she loved it.

She grasped her arching young tits and mauled the hell out of them as Buster finished fucking his cum into her screwing, humping pussy. She smiled and closed her eyes in rapture during her last spasms of pleasure. She hummed softly, half-dazed with fuck-joy, and churned her hot pussy on the doggie-dick.

Buster pumped all of his puppy cream into her hungry young pussy and jumped off of her writhing, naked body. He immediately tended to his spent prick and wet dick-sheath. He licked them clean, panting for breath as if he had just run a mile.

Beth squirmed erotically on the table basking in the afterglow of her first doggy fucking. It took her several minutes to come out of her sex-daze. “Ummmm,” she moaned softly, “that was goooood. No wonder girls like to fuck dogs. Ummmmm, my pussy feels so hot and used. I never dreamed a doggy dick would feel so good.”


Erica comforted Beth, bathed and pampered her until she left. She then retrieved the digital video cameras and loaded all of the recordings onto her main frame. Erica spliced all 4 recordings together and saved that one as a master. She then set about separating the 4 recordings to perform the task of cutting, dubbing, editing the scenes from all cameras to meld into one video. Once Erica was satisfied with the finished product, she saved that video as Beth-Video 1.

Erica then copied Beth video 1. She left Beth’s face to appear in the first scene in which the dog appears with the nude Beth. In all scenes after that, Erica made a white spot appear which covered Beth’s face. Erica also performed some Dolby magic to alter Beth’s voice. Erica saved the finished product as Beth Fiancé 1. Erica then loaded Beth Fiancé 1 onto a DVD disk.

Working with Leslie, Erica did the same with the video for Kim. She had a full 4 camera master. She had an edited, dubbed, and spliced master titled Kim- Video 1. She had a face obliterated, voice altered master titled Kim Husband 1. And she had a DVD with the face and voice alterations titled Kim Husband 1.

Erica then used a series of different cut-outs located in surrounding states to establish contact with Kim’s husband Bill Harrison and Beth’s fiancé Conrad Shaumont. Both gentlemen were provided with a DVD disk with the one full face view of their nude wife or fiancé. No other means of recognition was incorporated into the supplied DVD. The DVD strongly hinted at and in some cases left little doubt that both Beth and Kim were in fact giving a dog some pussy, but that could not be proven beyond all doubt. Each man was notified that a DVD proving beyond all doubt that a sexual encounter between each woman and a dog had occurred.

Each man was offered a limited time opportunity to purchase a DVD with fool proof evidence for a sum of $250,000. Community property divorce settlements and potential child support would far exceed the $250k amount for each DVD. Each man was given a telephone number to call if the man desired to execute the purchase. If the man decided that the purchase price exceeded the value of the DVD, no call was required. Simply allow the allotted time to elapse and the deal would be dead.

Not surprisingly, each man called the number and expressed a desire to buy the full DVD. Erica, again through the cut-outs, rented a furnished hotel apartment. She arranged for each man to arrive separately but within 15-20 minutes of each other. The men would be separated, and one of Erica’s hostesses would explain, enchant, and entertain each chap while the business matters unfolded. Erica had a plan for the meetings and in order to fully execute her plan, she enlisted her most trusted whores and sluts.

Both men had seen Leslie previously, therefore she could not be used as a go between and seductress. And, as Erica silently admitted within herself, Leslie often came up with excellent ideas to overcome unforeseen hurdles and obstacles. Erica thus decided on Viktoria and Brenda. Each was intelligent, a superb actress, a dick loving whore and a foul mouth slut. Vik and Bren together or individually could make a 10 day old male corpse get an erection.

Bill Harrison arrived first. Viktoria greeted him and after offering a drink, led him to one of the 2 bedrooms situated within the hotel apartment. Not long after Viktoria had Bill comfortably seated on a small love seat sofa in fron of a big screen TV, Conrad arrived at the apartment. He was greeted by Brenda, also offered a drink and led to the other bedroom. Brenda insured Coinrad was comfortably seated on a love seat sofa.

Viktoria had given Bill a gin and tonic. Viktoria had chosen her clothes very carefully. A very full short skirt with old fashioned petticoats and a color coordinated blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra under the blouse and her tits were plainly visible through the blouse material. She wore tight, molding panties that fit to her pussy. Bill would be able to see the outline of her pussy slit. She had fixed a tonic with lime for herself. She went to the DVD player and inserted a dick that had been laying on the top of the player. Viktoria returned to the sofa and sat beside Bill.

“This should prove to be interesting to you,” Viktoria commented. Bill only grunted. The DVD commenced with Kim on the massage table. Her face was clearly visible and recognizable, and it was obvious she was nude.

The room lighting was subdued. Bill took a long sip of gin and looked at the screen. Squirming on the big soft-cushioned couch, Viktoria spread her long bare legs. She was so horny, so Goddamn hot. Bill and the doggy fucking DVD, only made Viktoria more desperate for a stiff dick.

Leslie’s body was visible from the neck down on the DVD. The huge dog was seen in full color.

“Ughhhhh YESSSS!” Kim cried out as she felt the dogs long tongue slip inside her opened fuck hole.

“That’s it Kim, open for him, let him in.” Leslie crooned. “Let him get that pussy. You want him to have it. You want it ‘cause he has that big dick for you. You know, his dick is over 11” long from tip to beyond his knot. And Hot Cunt Kim, Mr. Rufus is going to give you every fucking inch of that big dick.

The dog’s muzzle was firm against Kim’s pussy as he licked deeply, driving his tongue over and over into her pussy tasting her juices. Kim was in heaven.

“Get the pussy Ruffie. That is your pussy big boy. The bitch wants you to take her pussy. Take it your way Rufe. Take that hot horny pussy boy. Give the squealing bitch your big red cum spurting dick. She will beg you if you want her too.” The sounds and words emerged from the television as the DVD.

”That fucking pussy! That whore. What the fuck is she doing? Is she going to fuck that dog? Give him some pussy? What the fuck is this?”

”Calm down and take it easy Lover Boy!” Viktoria said. “Your hot pussy wife is going to be a real bitch. And believe me, Rufus is going to give her a fuck she will never forget.” As she spoke, Viktoria reached over and began to slowly stroke Bill’s dick through his pants. “Seeing your sweet pussy wife begging foir that dog dick makes you as horny as you have ever been Bill.” Bill could only nod his head as she scene unfolding on the screen had him mesmerized.

“Kim is such a nice girl to give Rufus her pussy?” Viktoria said as she leaned over to whisper in Bill’s ear. “Seeing this makes me so fucking horny Bill. Doesn’t this make you horny also?” Viktoria started stroking Bill’s hair. “My pussy is on fire, and your dick feels as though it were made of steel,” Viktoria murmured.

“Bill, you are so fucking horny,” Viktoria repeated softly. “Why you have a big hard-on sticking out of his pants?”

Bill flushed and shot a swift glance at his swollen crotch. Viktoria coolly continued to stroke his hair, and his dick as if there was nothing unusual in pointing out the size of Bill’s dick.

“What a horny boy you are. Why, you are as horny for pussy as Rufus was! Hee, Hee, Hee!”

“Damn, Rufus’ dick must be a foot long. And look at the way Kim is staring at it and licking her lips.”

Bill blushed even deeper as he tore his gaze from the television monitor and looked at Viktoria. His dick was as hard as stone and obviously very fat and very stiff.

“Bill, we just can’t let you walk around being so frustrated. You’ll be a wreck with an enormous boner like that!”

“You’ve got a big, stiff hard-on, darling.” Viktoria made soft cooing sounds as she slid off the couch, kneeling on the floor between Bill’s legs. “You’ll get an awful case of blue balls if Viktoria doesn’t give you a little relief!”

Her slinky fingers unzipped Bill’s slacks. Bill just sat there gaping at her as she tugged his tight pants over his ass cheeks, removing them with his shorts, pulling them down to his ankles.

“Oh, Bill! You’ve got such a huge dick!”

Viktoria sat back on her ankles, ogling the length of Bill’s dick. His dick really wasn’t huge, but she wanted him to think it was. The short slim trunk of flesh stood out of his going soft abdomen like a budding limb on a sapling.

“Oh God, darling! What a whopper you have!”

Viktoria wrapped a hand around Bill’s dick, feeling the tube of flesh beat and pulse in her palm. Only 4 and tad inches of dick protruded from the grip of her fist. The knob head of his dick was even smaller than the trunk, a button crown that was now uncontrollably seeping jism onto her fingers.

“Does my Billy want a blow job as he watches his Kimmy get that big doggy dick?” Viktoria watched the milky pre-cum ooze from Bill’s his piss hole as she jacked his throbbing dick. “Does Bill want me to put his dick in my mouth and give it a good, juicy sucking? Mmmm?”

“Jesus!” Bill was so worked up he would have fucked anyone or anything. “This video and you are going to make me shoot cum every where.”

Bending forward, Viktoria pressed her lips to the tip of his dick. Her pussy pulsed violently as she inhaled the salty aroma of dick meat, as she savored the taste of Bill’s pencil dick.

“Ohhhh!” Bill’s dick throbbed much harder. He relaxed on the couch, shuddering with arousal. “Oh, Baby! That feels so good!”

Viktoria jacked of his dick slow and hard as she ran her lips and tongue up the knob and shaft, planting wet kisses on the flesh of his dick. Viktoria was dying to suck his dick. Pressing her lips on the tip of his dick, squeezing with both hands, Viktoria slowly opened her mouth. She made an obscene gurgling sound as she slowly stuffed Bill’s dick between her lips.

“Oh, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Bill’s face was a mask of pleasure as he watched the beautiful whore start sucking his dick. Viktoria’s pretty face contorted around the thin dick shaft in her mouth. “Suck it, Babe! Yes, oh Christ! Suck my dick!”

Viktoria bobbed her head up and down, lightly fucking his boner into her throat. She closed her eyes, inhaling the warming aroma of his dick and balls. She pulled one hand from his hotly beating dick shaft. Pushing her hand between his hairy thighs, she cupped the sac of his balls, rolling the cum-congested globes on her fingers.

Bill’s dick got stiffer between her lips, basking in her buttery throat. He put his hands behind her head, curling his fingers in her thick hair. Then he started to rock his ass off the couch.

“Suck it, Hot Cunt Whore! Suck it, suck…”

“I’m gonna cum!” Bill shook and bucked his ass helplessly off the couch. “Suck it, keep sucking! Gonna cum!”

Viktoria’s suddenly pulled away as she smartly anticipated the salty explosion that was imminent. Her panting breath could be heard over the panting and moaning on the television.

Bill grimaced and dropped his head on the couch. His dick was painfully sore.

“Mmmm, you still need some relief!”

Viktoria released his hard dick and sat back on her ankles. Slowly she pulled up her blouse, displaying her slim, girlishly rounded belly. Then she pulled her blouse off her shoulders and dropped it to the floor.

“Do you like my titties, darling?” Viktoria lifted one firm melon breast and salaciously tongued the dark-pink nipple.

Giggling, Viktoria sat back and unzipped her skirt. Slowly she wiggled out of it. The cheeks of her firm, rounded ass, her long, tapering legs and her swollen pussy lips were plainly in sight although she had her panties on her hips. With a shrug and a shove, the white panties slid down her legs and she was completely naked.

“Take off the rest of your clothes, darling,” she purred huskily. “It’s time to give me a good, hard fuck!”

Viktoria finger fucked her dripping pussy as she watched Bill strip. He stood up and frantically scattered his shirt, shoes and pants across the living room. Then he was as naked as she was. His peanut dick pulsed obscenely before him as he fell to his knees.

“I’m so horny, lover!” Viktoria purred. “Please don’t make me wait! Fuck me! Fuck my hot pussy!”

Slowly Bill rubbed the juicy dick crown up and down the slit of her pussy, teasing her by rubbing her swollen clit. Then he pressed his dick securely into her fuck hole. Viktoria grunted as if the shaft were humongous. Bill sighed as her pussy muscles nipped the tip of his dick.

“Get ready, Baby! Cause here it comes!”

With his dick head throbbing inside her, he leaned forward and supported his weight on his outstretched arms so he could watch Viktoria’s pretty face as he fed her his dick. Bill hunched his ass. Viktoria shuddered as she felt the measly few inches of his dick shaft fucking into her pussy tunnel.

“Unnnggghhhh!” Immediately she lifted her long legs high, wiggling her ass beneath him as she opened her pussy. “That’s right, lover! Oh shit, it’s really stabbing into me! Fuck me! Fuck my hot pussy!”

Bill worked his ass, staring down watching her tits shake and jiggle as he fed her his dick. His dick was inside her now and he felt the suctioning pressure of her pussy muscles wetly clutching his dick.

“Fuck me harder, Bill!” Viktoria tossed her legs around his back, scissoring her ankles together at his waist. Then she started humping, pumping her pussy onto the stiffness of his dick. “Fuck me, fuck me good!”

Bill let his weight fall, flattening her tits beneath his chest. He cradled his head between her neck and shoulder and spread his knees between her legs, changing the angle of his attack, so his dick could fuck more forcefully up her juicy pussy.

With a little twist of his hips, Bill fucked every inch of his boner into the enveloping warmth of Viktoria’s wet pussy. He pulled out slowly, and then fucked his dick home again. Then he started fucking her.

Hard and fast his ass moved, fucking his stone-hard dick into her velvety pussy. Viktoria feigned a gasp as she felt the rhythmic force of his fuck thrusts. Kim had really taught her hubby how to hump! It was a shame he didn’t have the size of dick needed to make the girl scream.

“That’s right, darling!” Viktoria threw her arms around his back, raking his naked flesh with her fingernails. “What a good fuck you are. Fuck me, Bill!”

His fuck strokes became more and more violent, fucking his tiny dick savagely through the gurgling sheath of her pussy tunnel. His dick was boring to her, seeming to shrink with every fuck stroke. Viktoria felt her pussy throbbing uncontrollably now, sucking at wee length of his dick meat.

“Harder, Bill! I like to get fucked hard!” She started humping again, groaning and panting as she slammed her ass off the rug, thrusting her pussy mound onto the stabbing impalement of his dick. “Unngghh! Yes, Bill! My pussy’s all hot and wet! You’re such a good fucker! Unnngghh! Make me cum, Bill. Fuck me good and make her cum just as that huge red dick dog Rufus makes your Kimmy cum”

Bill looked up quickly to see his Kim’s pussy swallowing the full length of Rufus’ doggy dick. The huge dog dick knot, as big as a grapefruit, had opened Kim’s cunt to seal it as the giant dog pumped jet spurt after jet spurt of hot puppy cum deep into her womb. Bill slid his hands down Viktoria’s slim waist, cupping the sides of her frantically pumping ass. He groaned as the slippery pussy muscles milked continually around his dick, sucking his dick dry. He could feel her pussy throbbing and pulsating and knew that he would cum hard and heavy.

Viktoria shamelessly slapped his ass, spurring him on. His furiously pounding dick was rubbing her clit, sending tingling waves of pleasure through her body. Even her asshole was throbbing with lust.

“Fuck me, fuck me faster!” She started squealing, shaking her head helplessly back and forth. “I’m cumming, Bill!” Viktoria lied. “Fuck my pussy! Unnnggghhhh! It’s cumming, cuuummmmiiiinnngggg!”

Viktoria contracted her pussy muscles around the fucking shaft of Bill’s dick. “Oh fuck, Baby! Here I cum!”

Bill collapsed on Viktoria’s belly, fucking his dick to the hilt in her throbbing pussy. As a load gushed up from his balls, Viktoria sighed with fake pleasure as she felt it squirting into her ravished pussy.

Hotly she flexed her pussy muscles, letting her pussy milk out all of his cum. A deep smile curled her lips. She knew Bill had just had the best fuck of his life.

Erica smiled to herself from the suite next door. The camera’s had been well placed into the hotel apartment before the arrival of the men. They had been checked and rechecked for quality of picture and sound. Erica’s plan was rounding into shape. She felt very good that this plan would be very very profitable.


Conrad arrived maybe 7-9 minutes after Bill. The action between Bill and Viktoria had not heated up, thus when Brenda led Conrad to the other bedroom, he presumed they were alone. Brenda asked Conrad if he would like a drink, and he replied that a glass of red wine would be nice. Brenda poured a glass of a ’98 Pinot Noir from the Columbia Valley that rated a 99 in the AMEX wine catalogue. After bringing the wine to him, she went to the DVD player, inserted the DVD and switched on the television monitor.

Bemused, Conrad watched the screen but using his peripheral vision he saw that Brenda had hiked up her skirt to site beside him on the love seat.

“This video is supposed to save me tons of money?” Conrad asked.

Brenda smiled and replied, “I don’t know about that. The person that engaged me to entertain you would be better positioned to respond to that question. All I can tell you is that what you are about to see is TOTALLY HOT!”

Conrad smirked and returned his gaze toward the television. As he did so, the face of his beautiful fiancé Beth came into view on the television screen. Words from an unseen person on the DVD filled the silence of the room.

“That’s it baby. Oh Yeah! Show your new Mommy your pretty pussy. Come on little whore girl, let me see what gets your fiancé hard. Show me the pussy darlin’. I bet you want a big hard dick deep in that smoldering cunt. Don’t you baby? You want Mommy to help you and make that pretty pussy cum? HMMMM, come on hot cunt whore, talk to Mommy. Tell me what you hot pussy needs Baby!”

As the last words were spoken, Conrad watched 3 fingers slide deep into Beth’s cunt. Beth groaned and pushed her ass back onto the invading hand.

“My cunny needs a fucking Mommy,” Beth whispered. “It needs a deep hard fucking from a really big dick. I love big dick but my Conrad has a Vienna sausage for a dick. He can’t even make my tight fine ass twitch with his dick, much less my soaking wet cunt. I love him and Mother is adamant I marry him, but he can’t help my horny nature. I don’t know what I am going to do.”

Conrad burned inward at the betrayal he felt Beth had done him.

“That bitch!” He hissed. She promised to never tell anyone.

Brenda sighed and softly said, “Wait a bit. You are going to see what a real bitch she is. This is only the beginning.” Conrad looked over at Brenda as she slowly stuck her finger under the elastic band of her pink panties. Her plump pussy lips were presenting a wonderful camel toe view to Conrad. Brenda pushed her finger through the damp forest of her blonde pussy hair towards her fully erect clit. She gasped as she felt the tiny organ spark with excitement when her fingertip bumped it.

“Ohhh!” Brenda gasped, feeling a torrent of fresh pussy juice ooze over her fingers. Rivulets of pussy juice poured through her damp, matted pussy hair and trickled down her shaking, hot thighs as Brenda moved her fingers up and rubbed them slowly across the red, sensitive head of her quivering clit.

”I sure like watching what you are doing,” Conrad said. His smile was lewd. And thinking of her friend Viktoria and what must be happening in the other had fired up her pussy to an uncontrollable level of heat. Her nipples begged for a male body to sand their sensitive, stiffened tips. Her steamy, mushy pussy ached for a big dick to make her cum. Brenda inhaled sharply and closed her eyes.

Brenda thought her heart would pound through her rib cage as she felt Conrad’s thick, hot lips clamp against hers. She opened her mouth and let his wet tongue slide in while his hands roamed freely over her grinding body. She felt every square inch of her firm body growing warmer as Conrad’s fingers probed her ass, her crotch, and her boobs.

“OHHH! FUCK! FUCK!” Brenda heard herself moan as she felt his fingers mash in her nipples. The room spun around crazily as she gripped his zipper. With one quick movement, she pulled the zipper down and slid her hand in.

Conrad groaned as Brenda wrapped her slender fingers around his stiff dick. She almost cried out loud when she felt the heat from his dick sear through her skin.

“OHHH Conrad,” Brenda cooed. “Your fiancé was wrong. You have as large a dick as I have felt on any man.” Conrad beamed and he mashed his lips harder onto Brenda’s and he pushed his pudgy fingers deeper into her tits.

Brenda wasn’t lying to Conrad. As a confirmed lesbian and dog dick lover, she had been fucked by only one human male. And that male, a relative who molested her, had a Vienna sausage dick. Thus in comparison, Conrad was equal to the one and only Brenda had ever encountered. The huge strap on dildo dicks that had fucked her didn’t count, and there was nothing to be gained in sharing that information with Conrad.

“Oh, shit!” Brenda said as Conrad started to unbutton her blouse. Before she knew it, Brenda felt her blouse slip off her shoulders and Conrad’s hand slip around behind her. He was fumbling, trying to find the snap for her bra.

“Fuck!” he cried in frustration, wrapping his fingers over the cups of her bra. With one powerful pull downward, he tore off her halter.

“OHHHH!” Brenda groaned, tilting her head back as she felt her come free from the lace restraints of her bra cups. Conrad backed away slightly and reached into his pants, pulling out his tiny little boy dick. He moved forward again and lowered his head, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue. Tenderly, he started lapping at Brenda’s jutting nipples while he unzipped her skirt. Brenda rolled her head from side to side and moaned almost as loudly as the woman on the television screen.

Conrad diverted his attention momentarily from Brenda to the television. He heard the following words being spoken:

“OK, cunt whore. Bring Buster in here. Use the short leash. And put the muzzle on him. AND LEAVE HIS DICK ALONE YOU HORNY TOAD! I want you to attach his leash to the wall rail and then come play with Miss Beth’s tits while I get her to beg for doggy dick.”

Conrad’s snapped to attention at the mention of dog dick. As he did, Brenda moaned as she felt her skirt slide down her firm thighs to the floor. She kicked the garment away and her shoes from her feet.

“Jesus, you’re wet!” Conrad exclaimed as he stared at the big dark wet spot on the crotch of her panties.

“UNNNHHH HUHHH!” Brenda groaned shoving her fingers under the tight elastic waistband of her panties. “Come on, babe. Let’s see those pussy lips of yours,” Conrad hissed as he stared at her quivering crotch.

“Ohhhh,” Brenda cried as she pulled her panties down to her knees. The cool air of the room wafted against her hot labes, making her pussy contract as Brenda stepped out of her panties and kicked them into the far corner. Brenda put her hands on her naked, creamy thighs and faced Conrad, throwing her long blonde hair back as he moved his fingers through the thick jungle of blonde hairs that covered her box.

Looking at the screen, Brenda and Conrad heard Leslie say as she jerked Buster’s huge 11 plus inch pussy pleaser. As her slim hand closed over the huge dog’s massive dick she whispered to him, “you gonna get some new pussy today boy. Some new pussy for Buster. But don’t your forget who has the best pussy! You know Leslie’s cunt fucks this big dick better than any cunt.”

Leslie pulled and jerked Buster’s dick more and more to get the full hard thick length of it out until the edge of the dog dick knot began to emerge. “New pussy for Buster. You fuck her good big boy and I will give you a lovely blow job later today.”

“AIYEEE!” Brenda shrieked as Conrad suddenly moved his hands over her pussy-lips. He worked his fingers over her fat, slippery labes. Conrad squeezed them together, rubbing the hot, slick edges together while he rubbed his thumb over her blood-engorged clit.

“Is she….? Is that bitch Beth gonna really give that dog some pussy? I will kill that whore.” Conrad was seething.

“Easy big guy”, Brenda whispered. “Don’t let this do anything to you other than make you hot hot for my sweet pussy. Watch your slut bitch Beth take that massive dog dick. Her hot horny cunt is going to milk the doggy cum from that dick like a water front whore milks a sailor of his money.”

“OK Brenda. I’m gonna watch and have some fun with you,” Conrad said, shoving his pants down to his ankles and lifting quivering dick into the air. Conrad groaned as he looked away from the television and back toward the woman. Brenda gasped when she saw his flabby, hairy chest. It wasn’t impressive, but her gasp made Conrad think it was.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhh fuckin’ Jeeesus, fuck meee!” Brenda screamed as she squirmed on the sofa. Her ass was on fire! Brenda felt her pussy drool out pussy-juice like a broken dam. Her clit throbbed like a big bass drum, beating crazily against her swollen labes as her tits ached and twitched for relief. The video and knowing that she was being filmed had her as hot as she had ever been. She was spreading her legs and hunching up her hot, steaming snatch for Conrad.

“Oh babe, I am as hot as a pancake griddle,” Conrad said, looking down at Brenda, obviously enjoying her writhing, snaking contortions.

“Jesus, you gonna talk or fuck?” Brenda moaned. She couldn’t believe that she was talking like some street walking whore. Her pussy was all that mattered now. All she could think about was Conrad Decker’s dick and her straining, aching clit. They had to fuck, put out the fire that was burning up her quivering snatch.

Conrad sank to his knees and crawled between her widely splayed legs. Conrad moved up until he was straddling Brenda, and started nuzzling her jutting tits. He licked the hot flesh of her tit, jabbing his tongue hard against the tip. Then he engulfed her hard nipple with his hot, wet mouth.

“FUCK!” Brenda groaned, hunching up her knees even harder as she felt Conrad’s teeth sink gently into her sensitive nipple-flesh. She could feel the tip of his hot dick bang against her ass-cheeks, crawling up higher and higher until it finally brushed against her swollen pussy-lips. Brenda wriggled her ass desperately, trying to lower her ass slightly so that she could suck in Conrad’s dick with her slippery pussy lips.

But Conrad obviously didn’t want to jab his dick into her pussy just yet. He backed away slightly, looking back at the TV. “NO!” Brenda cried as she felt Conrad release her tit, then trail his tongue between her boobs, digging the tip of it hard against her chest.

“Please just let him fuck me. Please, I need that dick. My pussy is dying for that doggy dick!”

“I just have to get fucked! I just have to get fucked deep and hard.” Conrad heard Beth groan and plead into the camera that was filming her.

“Oh, no, no, no! NO!” Brenda screeched, hunching up her thighs, trying to impale her juicy snatch onto Conrad’s probing tongue. His tongue was tracing tiny circles on her hot flesh, leaving a thick glistening trail on her hot skin. Brenda groaned over and over as she felt Conrad’s tongue snake through the thick, blonde bush of pussy hairs that surrounded her pussy. He was purposely avoiding her swollen labes, moving just inches away from the stretched, hot rubbery pussy membranes while he stroked the sensitive skin around her ass-hole lightly. He was teasing her, urging her on to a higher climax than she’d ever had before. Brenda wanted to pound her clenched fists hard against Conrad and demand that he satisfy her fiery pussy immediately. At the same time, she knew that if she left him alone, Conrad would send her soaring to a sexual level she’d never entered before — even with the expert tonguing, sucking and fucking of her husband.

“AHHHH!” Brenda sighed deeply as Conrad pushed his hands under and grabbed her ass while he burrowed his face into her muff. His tongue stiffened and jabbed in and out of her hot, sucking hole like a thin, sharp pointed dick. He spread her pussy-lips then pressed his mouth to the juicy hole, his tongue darting at her clit. Brenda bucked and screamed like a wounded animal when she left Conrad tickle her sparking tiny organ.

“Oh, yes! Y-Y-YESSSS!” Brenda groaned, rolling her head from side to side as strands of hair plastered themselves on her perspiring forehead. She felt herself drifting off into some other world filled with sucking sounds, and bright lights as Conrad continued to play with her clit. He sucked the mound of flesh and racking spasms tore at her body as she lurched and tossed wildly, digging her sharp fingernails into the skin of Conrad’s neck as she fought back the hard knot of orgasm that was growing quickly in her belly.

“I’m gonna come!” Brenda shrieked.

“Easy, easy,” Conrad crooned, pulling away from her oozing, dribbling pussy.

“Easy? Oh, God! I-I — oh, shit!” Brenda cried as she felt her pussy contract crazily.

“If you cum, don’t worry. I’ll make you blow and cream all over again,” Conrad panted as he went back to his lapping and sucking. Brenda thought of the woman in the video and how she thrashed on the floor as the Dane lapped hungrily at her glistening, exposed pussy.

“Ohhh! Ohhhh!” Brenda cried as she fought back the torrent of orgasmic explosions that threatened to tear through her pussy. Conrad finally lifted his head from her quivering pussy. He licked his thick, wet lips and moved in between her legs.

“Christ! When are you going to fuck me?” Brenda moaned as she looked up at Conrad’s flushed face.

“How about right now,” Conrad asked, smiling down at her as he slowly stroked his dick with his right hand. Brenda looked between her tits, at the tiny dick. Conrad slid his fingers over the head, using the oozing droplets of pre-come as a lubricant as he stroked his dick slowly back and forth. “Yes, yes, yes,” Brenda rasped.

“Ummm,” Conrad moaned, bending down and licking at her semi-parted lips as Brenda raised her legs and spread them as widely apart as she could. “I want dick!” Brenda cried crazily as she bucked, thrusting her pussy toward his shaft.

“You’ve got it!” Conrad said as he moved his pulsating dick directly over her stretched, parted pussy-lips. Slowly he hunched his thighs forward, driving the head of his slowly against her quivering pussy-lips. “IN! IN! IN!” Brenda groaned.

“Oh, yeah!” Conrad hissed as he pushed against Brenda’s tight pussy lips. Slowly, the tip of his throbbing dick sank between her sucking lips. As the head drove in, her slick labes clamped tightly around his shaft. “Oh, that feels soooo goood!” Brenda moaned as she felt the few inches of Conrad’s hot dick drive into her pussy, sinking quickly into her pussy like a red-hot knife through a tub of butter.

“Doesn’t feel too bad to me!” Conrad grunted as he made a couple of fast quick fuck-thrusts into Brenda’s grabbing pussy.

“AIYEEEE,” Brenda cried, rotating her ass-cheeks slowly, screwing her hips up as her pussy sucked in inch after inch of Conrad’s driving mass of hot dick. Conrad began to move his ass around too, reaming out her tight, juice-slicked fuck hole.

“OH, SHIIITTT!” Brenda cried. “Fuck me slow! Fuck me fast! FFFUUUCCCKK M-M-MEEE!”

“You want it any way you can get it,” Conrad said almost sneeringly as he reached up and squeezed her tits hard between his fingers.

“OOOOHHH!” Brenda screamed as Conrad began fucking her with slow, steady strokes. Brenda groaned. At the same time she wriggled her ass-cheeks and clutched Conrad’s hunching shoulders.

“GONNA COME!” Brenda groaned as her eyes were glazed with lust. Conrad slid his hands down from her swollen tits and gripped her rotating hips. Soon he shoved his hands under her bouncing ass as he quickened his fucking strokes, driving his dick into her snatch. Brenda answered him with the same furious frenzy, wrapping her legs around his back and locked her ankles tightly together. She worked on his hard dick, milking it with her slick pussy walls. Brenda prided herself on her pussy acrobatics. She had a pussy that was like an experienced set of hands. She knew just how to pull and suck at a man’s dick — when to tighten, when to slacken, and finally when to pull and tug at the pounding dick when she wanted to be filled with steaming jizz.

“NOW! NOW! NOW!” Brenda howled. “UNNGHH!” Conrad moaned. Somehow he managed to drive his dick a b it deeper into her clinging pussy. Brenda gripped his waist even more tightly with her legs. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of their crotches grinding together every time Conrad slammed his dick in. She cried out wildly as she felt herself rocketing to the crest of orgasm. Their bodies sucked and slid over each other as the room was filled with the delicious sounds of fucking.

“NOW!” Brenda screamed. She couldn’t hold back any more. She felt the knot of orgasm suddenly swell deep in her loins. First there was a small contraction, then another. Suddenly, a big spasm ripped through her pussy. It made her back stiffen up and her mouth open.

“UUUNNGH!” Brenda gasped unintelligibly as her snatch walls gripped Conrad’s expanding dick like a vice.

“NOW!” Conrad howled. Brenda felt his dick swell between her clenched pussy walls. She knew that he was about to blow his wad into her. Conrad slammed his loins down, and drove his thick tongue into her mouth as his body stiffened and quivered.

“MMMGFFFF!” Brenda screamed into Conrad’s sucking mouth as she felt her body tremble in climax.

“AHHH!” Conrad howled as he started to dump his hot jizz into her waiting pussy. He tore at her swollen tits, squeezing the spongy sensitive flesh as his thighs slammed like a battering ram against Brenda’s upturned ass. The woman howled just as loudly as Conrad, digging her fingernails into his sweating back as his balls slapped noisily against her ass.

“OHHHH!” Brenda gasped as she felt her clit beat and slam against her pussy-lips. She threw her head from side to side, whipping her long hair across the floor as she felt Conrad’s thick, hot, creamy jizz fill her pussy and spill out from between her labes. The steamy come oozed between her bristling pussy hairs and down her grinding ass-cheeks as Conrad continued to slam his dick again and again into her.

“Fuck me! AIYEEEE! Fuck me!” Brenda cried as she felt the final wad of jizz spurt into her.

“UHHH!” Conrad cried in exhaustion as he hunched up his ass-cheeks and pulled his softening dick from between Brenda’s clinging pussy-lips and flopped over on his back. The two of them lay side by side, panting hard as they tried to catch their breaths.

“Oh, my God!” Brenda finally said.


Bill Harrison and Conrad Shaumont burned up their cell phones trying to reach someone at the numbers they had been given. Of course, Erica monitored the disposable phones to determine the number of calls, but no one ever answered. A week, then 10 days and finally 2 weeks passed.

Four very fancy engraved invitations on heavy bond paper went out special delivery. One invitation went to Mr. Bill Harrison, one to Ms. Kim Harrison, one to Mr. Conrad Shaumont, and one to Ms. Elizabeth Vance. Each invite asked the recipient to come to the salon on a specific day and at a specific time. The times were staggered by about 8 minutes.

Conrad was to arrive first, followed by Kim, then Beth and finally Bill. Brenda met Conrad and led him to the main salon massage room. Leslie and Rufus met Kim and escorted her to the same room. Beth arrived, and was met by Monica and Buster. To the room they were led. Finally Bill arrived and Viktoria met him. As they walked to the salon massage room, Erica joined them.

Upon entering the massage room, Bill fumed at Kim’s presence, and the bickering between Beth and Conrad was about to spill over into a shouting and cursing match. Erica marched to the center of the room and held her hands upward motioning for silence. Slowly, the group quieted.

“No doubt you are all wondering what the hell is going on here. Let me call your attention to the 4 television monitors you see before you. As she snapped her fingers, each monitor began to replay what had transpired between men and women and women and dogs.

Conrad saw Beth and Buster. Kim saw Bill and Viktoria. Beth saw Conrad and Brenda. Bill saw Kim and Rufus. After a minute or so, each video became frozen on a scene. They shouting and outbreak of name calling, threats, etc commenced all over again.

Again Erica brought the room to silence. “Give me 5 minutes of your attention,” she commanded.

“While each of you was informed that a DVD of damning evidence was available, I regret to inform you that is not the case. I cannot and will not choose among you who is right and who is wrong. I ask each of you to examine the following facts:

Bill and Conrad, although I am certain that you both believe that your lady has great pussy, you were as excited as ever to fuck Viktoria and Brenda. There is no point in denying that, the evidence in the video is quite clear. So, admit that you loved the new pussy.”

Bill looked at Kim and Conrad looked at Beth. Slowly each man nodded and murmured, “I did like the pussy. Sorry babe.”

“NO NEED FOR SORRY!!” Erica loudly pronounced. “I say that because another truth is to be admitted and shared.”

“Kim and Beth, did you not both love being girl fucked and doggy fucked? Did you not love the size over and power of the dog fucking you? And did you not have so many cummings that you lost count? And did not you cum hardest and longest when the dog sprayed the inside of your womb with super hot puppy cum?”

Kim and Beth both bowed their heads slightly. Beth, too ashamed to look at Conrad, nodded and said that when Buster fucker her over and over, her cunt was creaming like it had never creamed. Kim, with a tad of attitude, told Bill that Rufus worked her pussy better than it had ever been worked. Clapping her hands loudly, Erica resumed as leader of the group.

“I have a proposition and a solution. Would you like to hear it?”

The four adults that had been invited all eagerly nodded their assent.

“I propose that Bill and Conrad each purchase a 10 year non-refundable membership to the salon. This membership allows each of you, Bill, Kim, Conrad, and Beth to visit the salon 6 days per week. The boys will have pussy available from the following girls: Viktoria, Brenda, Monica, Lynn, Hope, Rosie, Natalie, Susi, Gwen, and Tanya. The girls will have one of the following dogs available to them: Rufus, Buster, Hector, Oscar, Zeus, Artie, or Max.. The cost of this membership is $20,000 per month.”

Bill and Conrad stiffened at the quoted sum. Erica smiled and said, “Now boys, I have done my homework. Each of you, via trust funds, investments, salary at your given positions in your family enterprises, has an annual income in excess of 8 figures. Much of your income is tax exempt via old offshore trusts, and muni investments. Thus a quarter of a mil per year membership is jack shit. And if you are really good boys, maybe on occasion, your girls will allow you to join them and their doggy lover. The dog will pound their pussy to mush, while their mouths milk you of all the cum you can produce.”

This comment caused all four adults to laugh and nod in agreement.

Erica continued, “One of my lovely and hot pussy assistants will bring you the membership forms to be signed. There are 3 copies to be signed. One for your records, one for my records, and one to filed in the courthouse for heirs to review if required. All four of you will be required to sign all three membership forms.”

Viktoria brought the forms to Bill and Kim. Handing Bill the pen, she asked if at some time she might play with Kim and Rufus while Bill watched and maybe joined. Bill could not sign the forms fast enough. Kim giggled and signed immediately after Bill.

Brenda brought the forms to Conrad and Beth. She also asked the same question of Beth adding that she was certain Conrad would love to watch Beth have her ass and pussy spanked and she be forced to give up some pussy to one of the dogs. Like Bill, Conrad could not sign fast enough, and docilely, Beth followed.

Once all forms were signed, Erica resumed paying the DVD’s. As the guests watched, the video on each TV began to fade. After a few minutes all that was seen was a blank black TV screen. The DVD counter continued to turn, but there was nothing to view.

Erica announced that the original evidence tapes were now destroyed. There was but one copy of each tape, and if necessary, each could bring their computer expert to be certain no residual video evidence remained. The four talked among themselves for a few moments. Finally as spoke person, Bill asked if they might all remain and play with dogs and girls. No mention was made to insure all video evidence had been destroyed.

Erica laughed and stated as members the premise was now open for their use. Choose a dog and a girl. Bill and Kim chose Hector and Monica. Conrad and Beth chose, Artie and Rosie. The thing Erica heard as Conrad and Beth walked to their private salon room was Rosie telling Conrad, “I an going to whip the piss out of this whore and make her beg for doggy dick!”

Beth gasped and turned red. A drop of cunt juice oozed from between her legs. Conrad laughed and said, “Go for it darling!”

The couples, their dog and their girl playmate retired to private salon rooms.

Erica and Leslie went to the upper floor loft apartment with the membership papers in hand. Into Erica’s study they went to view the monitors that were playing the recordings of the new members fun and frolic.

Leslie frowned and said, “Mommy, I do understand why you left a half mil on the table. Those guys would have bought a membership and paid for the videos of their wives.”

Erica turned and said, “Yes they probably would have done that. However, if that were the offer, then the girls would never have signed the membership documents. The documents contain a full unconditional uncompensated release of all still photos, and/or videos of each of the four of them shot and produced here in the salon.”

“So hot pussy, no brain bitch,” we now have roughly a half a mill annual income for the next ten years just form the memberships. Once I get the first doggy video of Kim and Beth dubbed into German, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Africkans, and Spanish, those two videos will fetch $25,000 each. The video of the guys with Viktoria and Brenda watching thedoggy fuck show and fucking, again once dubbed, will fetch another $10,000 each. And we are get on average every month for the next 10 years a new video of girl/doggy sex. They will fetch $25,000 each after dubbing.”

“So my darling hot pussy Leslie, we earned for this month, $40k for 2 memberships, $50k for 4 dog/girl videos; the first one and the pone on going right now, $20k for the first guy/girl watching doggy/girl fuck video, and another $20k for the action on going now. In my Book that is $130K with a near certain guarantee of $40K, $50K, and at least $10k for the coming 10 years. That Leslie darling is far better than a paltry half mil in hand.”

“And most of all, I learned that in this case, the money was as much fun as the pleasure!”

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