Women with Animals
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Alice Has a New Dog


(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover

Alice was all alone trying her best to do her homework on the night before the mid-term tests. She was recently past her sixteenth birthday and she was one of those girls that liked to read about sex, liked to look at sexy films and thought that sex was the most fantastic thing imaginable. However, Alice was also a girl that hadn’t made that journey yet into the world of long hard dicks buried in wet, willing pussies and it looked like she was not sexy enough or pretty enough to attract an actual boy to show her what that trip would be like in a real sense.

Of course, her tits were still not quite ripe and her bottom was a little on the slender side and she could use some more fat cells to round her ass cheeks. She was proud of her growing dark bush between her legs because it meant that womanhood was just around the corner and she would soon be joining the grown-ups in opening her legs to actually “doing it” and learning all the ins and outs of what girls find out when they become women in a true sense of the word.

In the meanwhile, she would have to use her fantasies from reading and watching risqué movies about life, love and lust when the lights go down low.

Right now, she had to memorize the seven reasons why the Civil War was fought in the first place and give a little background on which ones were more important than others with the advantage of looking at the whole thing more than a century and a half later.

The television was on and it was on a sports program that featured male swim competition for the Olympics. The screen was filled with tall young men with their business stuffed inside the tiny Speedo swim suits like items on a menu at a five star restaurant. She was practically drooling just looking at those eight pairs of strong masculine legs and glorious bulges in between that promised paradise for the lucky female that managed to get inside to reap the harvest.

Her hand wandered down to her growing bush and she rubbed a little bit knowing it was not the way to really study hard for a test. Eventually, she started to get that little tingle that signaled her approaching spasms of orgasm just looking at the eight beautiful bulges on the sixty inch screen. She looked for the pause button but they were all lined up now and ready to jump and she couldn’t stop it before they went into the water.

It was so frustrating because she really wanted that nice tingle to build up and explode so she could finish her studying with some semblance of organization and expectation of a good result on the next day’s test.

Alice was stretched out full length on the comfortable white leather sofa and she pressed down on her tiny toy dog between her legs with his tail poking right into her clitoris in the way she liked best of all.

Her new dog Cracker was at the other end of the leather sofa watching her slowly hump the hidden little toy dog underneath. Her flip flops fell off onto the fluffy white carpet and she raised her feet into the air slightly pressing her groin muscle into the sofa to get the toy dog positioned just right to trigger her clitoris into the belief that some boy was humping her with frenzied passion.

Cracker was a mixed breed dog of no consequence but he had all the instincts of a fun-loving Cocker Spaniel and the amorous impulses of a pure bred Great Dane. It was the Great Dane blood in him that drove him to start licking Alice’s pretty toes with great enthusiasm and effective cleaning efforts to revitalize her youthful skin. At first, Alice was a bit annoyed at the liberty to which she had not given her specific permission.

Then, after a few minutes, she started to gasp out loud at how nice it actually felt right down in her tummy. She had never had her feet, or in that fact, any other part of her anatomy licked with serious intent in her whole life and this experience was right on the top of her list of happy moments that she would cherish for a long time.

Alice forgot all about her textbook and just continued to press down on her little toy dog that was triggering her clitoris. She thought that this licking thing was almost as good as the spankings that her daddy gave her when she was a naughty girl. They never failed to spark her tingle and wet reaction that she did her best to hide from her father so he wouldn’t think she was a bad girl.

Cracker’s long wet tongue was driving all the way up the insides of her legs in a way that promised he would soon be visiting her secret place covered by her “Hello, Kitty” panties that she always wore at night. Alice’s new dog was so excited by the feel of his tongue on her skin that when she let one of her leg’s droop down to the fluffy white carpet, he wrapped his paws around it from behind and humped it like it was a female Cocker Spaniel’s pretty hindquarters just waiting for his juices.

Alice looked down in amazement at the nicely muscled dog bringing his aroused genitals into contact with her bare leg rubbing his shaft up and down on her skin like she was a pretty little female dog with a willing backside. She knew that any normal girl would just shake the small thing off and go back to studying but she was a bit bored and the surprise of an actual hard penis on her skin was enough to encourage her to let it last a bit longer.

Cracker was humping Alice’s pretty leg nice and hard and any observer would notice that they both seemed to be quite satisfied with the interaction.

Alice decided that she would carry this to the next level and she lifted up her night dress to the tops of her “Hello Kitty” panties and presented her pretty backside to the dog’s attentions. Her legs were spread wide open and the panties were stretched tightly across her ass cheeks so tightly that her every curve was accentuated to the view.

She tried not to move because she was afraid any quick movement would upset her new dog and stop him from the wonderful progress he had already made in bringing her level of sexual excitement to the heights of fast approaching release.

The next thing she felt was Cracker’s doggy head between her legs pushing up into her “Hello Kitty” panties like some battering ram of sexual delight. She could hear him sniffing and inhaling her feminine scents and then his delightful tongue started to lick the outside of her panties but the wetness soaked right through into her fuzzy hair and her nether lips thirsty for the invading juice that caused them to open up like the buds of a rose when introduced to the morning sun. Her pussy was trembling and quivering with frantic excitement and she looked up to the television screen and saw all those boys with their business behind the thin Speedo bottoms and her pussy gushed like a flood over the top of Niagara’s cliffs with a force that made her shake like a thin willow in a storm. She tried her best to stay motionless because the dog was determined to get his tongue up inside her and she wished her panties were gone so he could get there without further delay.

The combination of his hard muscular nose, his wet invading tongue and the hot breath from his excited mouth was all she needed to reach her anticipated orgasm and she remembered her eyes were glued to the television screen and a handsome boy with a bulge between his legs that made her tummy turn to jelly.

Somehow Cracker had managed to get her panties down a bit in the back and he was determined to get his wet tongue into the crack of her ass. She pushed her ass up high to give him more leverage and he was able to get right on top of her puckered brown eye and lick her rim in little circles with his overactive tongue. She melted into a lump of humanity folded up with her ass spread wide open for his explorations. The tongue was on her back there, it was all over the rim of her tight sphincter and then it was pushing inside with the sure confidence of a dog that knew exactly what it was doing.

With Cracker’s long wet tongue inside her anus, Alice looked around the room and she went into another orgasm knowing that she had suddenly turned into the slut that she always knew was hidden deep inside her innocent persona.

She made her decision and quickly stripped off her “Hello Kitty” panties and slid down onto the fluffy white carpet completely naked from the waist down.

She heard Cracker behind her and then he had raised the front half of his body on top of her buttocks and moved forward to wrap his hindquarters around her naked hips and waiting ass crack. She could feel him fumbling around back there moving from her sphincter to her vagina and even up into her clitoris where it felt so nice. Then, he zeroed in on her vagina and she felt the tip of his doggy penis push against her opening with some determination and a lot more weight than she thought possible for a dog of his size.

His penis was pressing into her and she helped him by reaching back and spreading her ass cheeks wider to allow him to get his penis up into her vagina from the rear. It was a huge success because she was now stuffed with doggy penis and all she had to do was remain motionless on the floor with her ass up and her head down whilst the excited dog humped her enthusiastically in a way that she imagined some boy would do someday with a hard cock and a lot of lube.

Cracker shot his entire load unexpectedly and she was a bit disappointed because she was hoping for another orgasm to finish things off. Then, he pulled out and dropped back down to the floor in one quick movement. She was left feeling empty until he suddenly started licking her rear door with his doggy tongue and making her ass crack sloppy with doggy saliva. He was licking her clitoris with dreamy long licks and he licked her vagina with quick little licks that were like machine gun fire all over the recently stretched opening and then when he went up to her ass, he licked her brown eye like she only fantasized about in her mind when she was reading a naughty book.

“Oh, my God! That feels so good, Cracker. Keep licking my ass, I love it. You are a good doggy and I am going to keep you forever.”

Alice was in the throes of a multiple orgasm and she wanted the dog to stay right where he was until she rode the thing out and got back to normal once again. She was so aroused that nothing else mattered; her homework, the test, boyfriends, guys in Speedos on television and toy dogs with long tails.

Alice stretched out on the bed and put her panties back on just in case her parents came home early.

Cracker hopped up on her chest and he moved his smart little Cocker Spaniel face next to hers and kissed her with his cold nose and licked her lips to show her that he loved her taste and her scent forever and a day.

The End

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