Women with Animals
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Article for Women Who Love Dogs


(c) 2008 by Diane O’Dwyer

Males may also find this interesting it is meant first as a female explanation (perhaps excuse?) for my own canine sex experiences, but do also bear in mind that not only is this narrated in my own words but also the views of many other females I have been in touch with or noted opinions of.

Some is also freely quoted from internet articles, not really published for any gain but freely given as advice from other like minded females (like Anna.) To authors like her who I do now quote freely from, I thank and acknowledge her words and advice, to pass them freely on to others.

I have been sexually ‘into’ dogs for most of my life. I hope that my own knowledge of the subject may go some way to making some explanations for those who are horrified, those who are simply curious, or even the women would like to try it, given my warnings about a guilt complex aftermath. I especially hope that those who have and are already feeling guilt may find some reassurance that they are far, far from alone in their ‘sins’.

This is the reason I write this, I hope that by sharing my own sexual experiences with dogs and sharing the enjoyment, regrets and misgivings with other women this information it may in turn help other females. Many women have trouble living in the aftermath of their guilt over past actions, (or perhaps even just for their innocent dreams or fantasies about Dog sex, which many women have trouble living with.)

The first time I had sex with a dog was when I was younger, about 28. Despite the popular fiction about teenagers my own “research” shows that even at 28 this is young. If you exclude those females who reported that they first did it only for commercial gain then the average of all the females first sex experience with dogs were aged 30/48, usually married.

Even though I was experienced sexually at 28 I rarely experienced a real orgasm with a man. Making love with a dog changed all that for me, it was in fact a dog who gave me my first multiple orgasm and it really was a strong one. Since then I have been totally sexually excited by, or being around male dogs … Its silly but I even imagine that dogs do “know” what I have done with them in the past and sense that I do still want to mate with a dog. Over the last fifteen years I have had perhaps a dozen canine lovers. I thoroughly enjoyed my sex with all of them except one, a large Mastiff who became aggressive.(He frightened me a bit, putting me off sexually.)

A large percentage of men do get turned on by Dog’s mating with a woman, even if some men don’t admit it. Most females however do not, (or at least imagine they must at all costs pretend being totally disgusted and repulsed by it all, deep down they may well be just as aroused as men.)

Real Cases. ‘Michael’ once wrote to me and said his wife loved watching porno videos with him, she was kinky about just about everything sexy except dog sex. She talked about being tied up, a mild spanking, swapping sex partners and in the past had a threesome and mild lesbian sex etc. but said that dog sex disgusted her. She wouldn’t even sit with him to watch the porn Video’s he had borrowed because one showed a dog licking a girl’s pussy. If that one came on she would tell him to stop the tape and insist he put something else on instead. It was, “Oh God, that’s totally disgusting, I hate it Mike, do take it off.”

Then one day he noticed that all his tapes had changed places in their hideaway cupboard, the 2 dog ones were on top, not bottom of their pile! Michael took my advice to set up a “Honey Trap” for her, he did that but he was totally amazed at what actually transpired. He brought out his hidden “stash” of tapes (including the 2 dog ones) one weekend. After snuggling up and getting sexy over a bottle of wine he had her half naked watching them when he suddenly got a work related “emergency” phone call (that he had booked as an alarm earlier) and had to scoot off somewhere urgently, but said he’d only be 20 minutes or so but he would call to get them another bottle of wine on his way back … He begged her to “start without him,” it would make him feel very sexy.

Having earlier flicked their back window curtains apart barely half an inch he then parked the car 200 yards away. Walking quietly back he let himself into his locked and darkened back garden and peeping through the small chink in the curtains was now treated to the sight of his own wife breathlessly masturbating herself on the sofa while intently watching the TV screen. The threesome movie tape had now been changed. His wife was now enjoying the sight of a girl on the screen getting her rocks off thrusting herself back onto the hard cock of the Alsatian over her back. He watched her frig for a while, (with his dick in his hand) came himself when she did and then went back to his car, drove back 200 yards home and drove very noisily into their driveway, then walked in with a bottle of wine he’s bought earlier that day to find her coyly masturbating.

But. She was now “watching” a straight video, making her feel very sexy. (The dog video was now firmly back in its case. Like I said “taboo”)

She never did admit dogs turned her on, despite him having witnessed it! He set her up again several times. The dog tapes were invariably in a different position on the reel than whatever he left them in the cases. He estimated she watches them both twice a week if he has to work late but to this day swears it is disgusting and not in the least sexy. Odd?

A scientific hypnosis study once recorded that out of a sample of the 50 females who admitted having mild “incest” fantasies of their father in their early teens only 2 admitted the same fact without the hypnosis? Taboo again … Whatever “floats your boat” some stuff can’t be “admitted” You may not get the “admission” but every single female who has heard about inter species sex with dogs & horses has at least “wondered”. “Hell, I wonder what their Dick’s feel like?” And that is for SURE…

It’s in History books too! Zoophilia isn’t something newly invented, something our ‘Modern Internet depraved human brains have fallen into’, in fact it goes back thousands of years in time, believe it or not. Even before the Hellas (Greek) Empire there are legends of humans having intercourse with animals, or half animals. It’s quite interesting to read those stories, as a woman, the male is played by an animal and the female by a human woman. Often the texts are very detailed, and in most cases the women get pregnant, giving birth to Gods, half-animals or to humans with animal looks.

Inter species pregnancy is impossible in fact, but whether one should believe the basis that the stories happened or not I don’t really know. At least it shows us that in early culture, before our so called modern time there was at least the thought of animal intercourse, if not fact.

With the increasing technology mankind left the fields for the cities, and by doing this we also left the farms, which in theory has created a large gap between man and animals, so you would be forgiven for thinking that Bestiality had decreased dramatically, but in reality it’s not that simple. Cat’s & Dogs traditionally slept outside in rural areas but people moving to closely populated areas has led to people having pets kept in the home, with this fact the pet-human closeness has increased.

Many households have shown that pets, especially dogs, have now become a part of the Western way of living, the family dog becoming almost a member of the family, sleeping, eating and being a part of the daily routine in a home. With familiarity the obvious possibilities do apply?

It has obviously increased the opportunity and temptation, be it through curiosity or otherwise for women to start mild sexual experimentation (even unconsciously) with male dogs who they feel they know “loves” them I defy any female dog owner to deny she has never at some time “felt up” her dogs genitals out of curiosity while “rubbing its tummy” to see what it “felt like” or what he “would do”. Even if it didn’t excite her she will have “done” it once, perhaps even masturbating him if he responded.

“What the hell, he likes it and he’s been a good boy today.” and a quick rub. Afterwards they may be mortified but dozens of women have admitted they have “felt up” their dogs cock through curiosity. (Far, far, more than the percent of men who admit they ever touched a bitch’s genitals.)

“I read somewhere that Dog’s cock’s have a hard bone in it, I know it’s gross but I really just had to have a quick feel.” Giggle, “Actually he quite liked it, it got so hard! I felt awful teasing him like that.”

Most of dog-sexual relations in fact start equally innocently. Some of the women I have spoken to tell me that it started after looking at the dog doing his daily cleaning — Margaret said just the sight of the dog’s red penis sticking out of it’s sheath really excited her, long before she ever dare touch it she used to just sit in her arm chair and watch him licking himself “with a hard on” while she too sat playing with herself. This happened dozens of times before her going any further. From that she had eventually got up the courage to fondle his penis too.

Jenny told me she started by accident, she was on her period when her dog suddenly came sexually responsive to her and repeatedly tried to sniff and nuzzle between her legs. After it excited her she finally gave up and let him. From then on she has let dozens of dogs lick her pussy over the years, masturbating them in return (but never going further.) (Although she admits in e-mails she’s fantasized about it several times)

Rosemary said she started with the dog trying to hump her legs, as dogs can do when they seek sexual relief and then her husband getting sexy over seeing him do it. She eventually teased him over it and it ended with him really into “watching” while she played sexy games with the dog. Eventually after a few months of licking her she finally consented to let it fuck her, then other dogs too. Seven she said, over ten years.

She said it was the sheer “dirtiness” of what she was doing that turned her on and a “power” over her husband, sitting wanking and watching her. She is sixty now, divorced and lives alone (except for her Labrador dog) but says she has no man in her life but she still has regular sex? Hmmm…

It’s quite hard to give any accurate figures in sex with any animals, it’s after all taboo, even illegal but some reports like that German ‘Haffner Sex Report’, from 1992, tell us that about 14% of their farmers on a regular basis practice sex with animals. This report also tells us that another 3% of the farmers have at some point ‘fooled around’ that is, masturbated the animal, played with its genitals etc. This German report (based on several thousands of interviews) also shows about 2-3% of all women have at some point tried some kind of dog sex, (mostly genital licking by the dog.) Most of these women “culprits’ are middle aged and from heavily populated areas. About 80% of those women have continued having dog sex on a regular basis. Of those that do continue approx 40% eventually have full penetrated sex with a dog and enjoy it.

For a woman who is able to relax and enjoy the experience, sex with a mature dog, (especially one who has previously fucked human females)it really is a very stimulating experience. I should know, I’ve been mated by probably a dozen dogs, regularly from the mid eighties to 2000. If done the ‘proper’ way it’s even more exciting than a ‘normal’ human to human intercourse… (I un-reservedly prefer sex with dogs to men.)

I will admit the actual “thrusting” and huffing and puffing may be short lived in comparison but hey, I’ve sometimes been with men who thought that 3 minutes was a world record. Then they roll off and go to sleep.

Dogs don’t. They lie on your back after they climax. They still continue to swell up even more and fill you while they carry on twitching and flood you with their come. Dogs just come and come, it’s hot and thin, almost as if they were peeing in you. I just adore the feel of a dog’s hot come deep inside me … It’s so deliciously “filthy” as it’s so sexy and wet, their come just keeps on flooding your insides. I just have to come too.

Even if he collapses and lays still over your back if his cock is firmly lodged inside you then he won’t dismount. If you want you can just rock very gently back and forth slowly pushing back onto his swollen cock. You can feel it “twitching” as he keeps spurting hot up inside you, they come for ages. With a dog who is used to you and has fucked you before you can usually continue this extra “Gentle” fuck period for as long as you want to while his cock is still hard and swollen, sometimes for up to 15 minutes. Personally I normally only need to rock back slowly for a few minutes myself, then usually I’m frantically thrusting back on his swollen cock too and coming again myself. I just love fucking with dogs.

I find a dog sex, (usually any dog) to be totally satisfying, & orgasmic. I often used to “help” myself get there just like, “Stray” in the ‘World Record’ Films does, that is pretty much how I too used to mate with a dog, she is one of the few women on Dog Film’s who is not “acting” for the camera. She does like it, believe me, I know.

One of the women I have mentioned here, Rosemary was also filmed, years ago and she has a short ‘clip’ in ‘Bad girls’, here on Oddy’s site … She will be well past her “use by” date now like me but I knew her well. If anyone wants to know which of the short clips is her, then just ask me.

While actually fucking with a dog may be physically rare you may be forgiven for assuming that women thinking about animal sex might be equally so, but the vast majority of Psychological studies show not.

More than 80% of all women have at some point in their lives fantasized or dreamed about begin ‘taken’ sexually by an animal, so from there on it’s merely overcoming the guilt or moral decision of actually doing so.

I am not promoting sex with dogs in any way. The contrary, I say if you have not done it, if this thought is merely an enjoyable private fantasy then my advice is leave it there in your head, don’t open Pandora’s box. I definitely do not advocate that any woman should try sex with a dog, simply out of curiosity. In most cases the Psychological aftermath of it will in some form effect you. I myself went through a living hell for about 3 years after my divorce. I hated myself over “what I had done”.

Severe guilt feeling will occur in most females. DO BE AWARE OF THIS!

What I am saying that if you have already done it then its time to take off any sackcloth and ashes over your guilt just because you enjoyed it. Hell Girls, we all did. Wow … My toes curled up. Every time. 95% of the women I have spoken to who did it “properly” said the same thing. “Wow…”

If you are feeling bad then my own advice is read Nancy Friday’s Books, ‘My Secret Garden’ or ‘Forbidden Flowers’. (Just Google them)…

They detail in true fact many women’s fantasies and actual experiences, some of them concerning dogs … Hell. even Nancy, their famous Author admits having teenage fantasies about her “Uncle Henry’s Great Dane”. I wrote to her telling her books had helped me and surprisingly got a reply, she said dozens of women had said the same thing. Good.

As a woman called Anna wrote in her internet “guide” to canine sex…

Dog sex is something every woman can enjoy who has a dog or is close to a dog for some time. Anyone from the bored housewife to the teenage girls who are too afraid of going out with boys, risking pregnancy or venereal diseases. For these dogs are the ultimate sexual relationship, the dog won’t tell anybody, and it will enjoy it as much as you do…

See? Its not just me or you! We’re all bang at it. Here Rover, Woof, Mmm — Diane…

The End

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