Women with Animals
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The Champagne Room


Rob smoothly merged his new luxury SUV onto the interstate. They had just left their favorite restaurant after a romantic meal. He looked over at his elegantly dressed and very sexy wife sitting in the passenger seat next to him. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress that came up to her mid-thigh and showed plenty of cleavage and most of her back. Rob was dressed in a pair of dress slacks and a polo. It was Saturday evening and her birthday was the following Monday, so they were celebrating that night. She’d soon be thirty-two years old, but somehow she was more beautiful than the first time they met twelve years ago at university. He wasn’t sure if she was more beautiful to him because of the years they spent together and giving birth to their two children or despite the years and children. Regardless, he loved her more than he could say.

“Penny for your thoughts handsome,” Jessica opened with a sexy grin as she tried to pull her taciturn husband into conversation.

“Just thinking what a lucky man I am to be married to a sexy woman like you babe. Have I told you lately how much I love you?,” Rob answered and asked.

“Only every day but I never tire of hearing it. I love you too. I must have done something right in a past life to find a man like you,” Jessica responded as she reached out of touched his knee. Her touch elicited a smile from her husband. “Honey pay attention. The airport exit is coming up,” she gently chided him.

“No problem babe. I’m on it,” he assured her as he carefully merged right onto the airport exit lane after checking for traffic.

It was only minutes later when the happy couple were pulling into the parking lot of “Brandi’s Cabaret.” It was their favorite strip-club. It seemed to be the one in their area wear most of the girls who offered play-for-pay. Jessica came out as bi-sexual at university when she had a year-long relationship with a room-mate prior to meeting Rob. He did not mind sharing her with another woman especially if it was a threesome.

Rob parked the SUV; got out of the drivers side; then stepped around and helped his wife get out of vehicle. She was careful to keep her knees together and hold her dress down as she exited the SUV.

“Jess, there is a new dancer here, who is just your type. Some of the boys from the office and I came by here for a couple of beers after work one evening a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Adriana. I think you’ll like her,” Rob volunteered as Jessica took him by the arm as they walked toward the entrance.

“Really, and just what is my type?,” Jessica asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You’ll see,” Rob responded cryptically.

The couple entered the club. Rob paid the door fee, and they headed for a table by the stage nearest the stairs. Rob ordered water. Jessica ordered a red wine. The married couple watched several strippers dance through their routines on stage. A petite redhead caught Rob’s eye. He motioned her down to their table. He treated himself with a lap-dance from the redhead. About the time the redhead finished Rob’s lap-dance and walked away with a generous tip, a dirty blonde stepped onto the stage.

“That’s her just coming out on the stage now. That’s Adriana,” Rob said into the ear of his wife.

Jessica couldn’t speak however. She could only nod. Her heart was in her throat and her nipples were hardening under her thin dress. Rob was right. Adriana was definitely her type. Adriana at five foot eight was a few inches taller than she.

As Adriana began her routine and slowly removed the men’s Oxford dress shirt she wore, Jessica could see that her breasts were a bit larger than her own. The dancer’s were topped with puffy cone-shaped nipples. Both of which were pierced with horizontal barbells. Jessica scanned down the stripper’s flat stomach past a navel piercing to a red thong. She stared, captivated by thoughts of the delights underneath the skimpy red cloth. She then scanned further down in admiration of the dancer’s muscular legs and the round firm ass checks barely contained by the thong. All of which moved with such grace in perfect rhythm to the music. She longed to caress those legs and ass checks. Jessica could not help but imagine herself between those strong thighs. She looked back up in awe at the raw sensuality possessed by Adriana as the young woman moved across the floor. She then looked upon the woman’s face. There were blue eyes staring back into her own. From up on the stage those eyes stared down a cute nose that tilted up slightly at the end. The stripper’s lips were full and red. Jessica thought of how those lips would feel on her own lips, her nipples, and her sex.

Just as Adriana finished her routine Rob gave a soft whistle and waved her to their table. She nodded then picked up the top she had discarded earlier and slipped it back on without tying it. She then went about gathering the tips given by her mostly male admirers who ringed the stage. She walked off the stage and quickly walked onto the customer area. Adriana sexily walked to Rob’s and Jessica’s table maintaining eye contact with Jessica the entire way.

“You came back,” Adriana said in mock surprise. “Rob, isn’t it?” She asked.

“That’s right. Good memory. Perhaps you remember that I said I would bring my wife by one night. Here we are. Jessica, Adriana. Adriana, Jessica,” Rob responded by way of introductions.

Jessica held out her hand for a handshake, but Adriana had other ideas. She took Jessica’s hand but only to steady herself as she sat down on the other woman’s lap facing Rob to their side. Jessica, not missing a beat, wrapped her arms around the dancer’s waist and snuggled into the dancer’s dress shirt covered right boob.

“It will be Jessica’s birthday in a couple of days, and I’d like to treat her to a nice long private dance up in the Champagne Room. Happy birthday babe,” Rob said with a grin and twinkling eyes. He then serendipitously slid a couple of bills into Adriana’s hand.

“That sounds wonderful. I’d love to try to steal your wife away from you,” Adriana said with a laugh. “Jessica, you have a very trusting husband. What do you say that we go upstairs?,” the dancer asked as she stood and pulled Jessica to her feet.

“I’d love nothing more. Just show me the way,” Jessica answered. She turned towards Rob and as she started walking away mouthed “thank you.”

“Have fun babe. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure I’ll find something to distract me down here,” Rob said with a laugh as his wife followed the tall dancer up the stairs. Jessica’s eyes were level with the dancer’s ass as they ascended the stairs.

Jessica did not remember why she and Rob were at “Brandi’s Cabaret” until she and Adriana had reached the top of the stairs. She needed to find a woman for a birthday threesome and after meeting Adriana no one else would do.

Seconds later Adriana had opened the door to the Champagne Room and was leading Jessica into the small room. Once the door closed, the club noise from downstairs was all but gone. Adriana locked the door behind them. They quickly crossed the room to the couch sitting against the wall, opposite the door. Jessica sat down and looked up at the blonde dancer. Jessica was careful to keep her knees together.

Adriana stepped to the side table and turned up the volume on the speakers. Music from the main part of the club piped into the room. The blonde dancer began swaying to the music to capture the rhythm. After a few seconds, she turned away from the short dark haired pale skinned beauty on the couch. Jessica watched the swaying ass-checks and the blond hair that came halfway down the other woman’s back. The blonde dancer untied the Oxford shirt from around her midriff. Still facing away from Jessica, she pulled the shirt off her shoulders. After removing one arm and then the other, the shirt fell to the floor as Jessica watched the bare tanned back of the dancer come into view. Adriana reached up with both bands and covered her puffy erect nipples. As she continued to sway to the music the blonde turned to face the small black haired woman on the couch. Jessica looked up into the blue eyes of Adriana and unconsciously licked her lips. The dancer arched her carefully sculpted blonde eyebrows and went from covering her nipples with her hands to pinching and pulling on both. Jessica began rubbing her thighs together under her skimpy dress.

“Like what you see?,” Adriana asked.

“Yes,” Jessica croaked having been caught off-guard by the question. “Yes,” she repeated herself more firmly and clearly as she looked the dancer up and down.

“Good, I have more to show you,” Adriana replied as she hooked her thumbs into the side-bands of her red thong. Without pausing the dancer pushed the thong off her hips. The thong fell to the floor after passing the dancer’s muscular thighs. Jessica watched it fall.

Jessica’s eyes widened in surprise since total nudity wasn’t permitted in the club, but she had no complaints as Adriana stepped out of the red thong. She looked back up the dancer’s legs and saw a small triangular patch of blonde pubes on an otherwise smoothly shaven sex. Once again, she unconsciously licked her lips.

Adriana turned away as she continued to sway to the music. She bent over and after doing so reached back with both hands to pull her muscular ass-checks apart. Jessica’s mouth gaped at the full view of the smoothly shaven pussy and asshole just a couple of feet from her. Adriana flexed her Kegels causing her asshole to wink at the seated woman. The dancer took a couple steps away from the couch, and then went to her knees as she continued to sway to the music. After a few seconds swaying to the music, she went to her hands and knees and slowly crawled towards Jessica all while continuing to sway to the music and maintaining eye contact with her audience of one. Jessica sat enthralled on the couch like a small bird being enchanted by a cat.

Within seconds the nude dancer struck like lightening. Without seeing it happen, Jessica felt strong hands on her knees pulling them apart. She momentarily resisted but quickly surrendered to the dancer. Adriana looked up the other woman’s short dress and smiled sexily.

“Why Jessica, you’re not wearing any panties, and you’re very wet, tsk, tsk, tsk. Who is trying to seduce whom here?,” Adriana asked.

“Does it matter so long as one of us is successful?,” Jessica answered suddenly remembering the primary reason she and her husband came to the club.

“No, I guess not. What is it you have in mind beautiful?,” the blonde dancer answered and asked all the while continuing to sway to the music.

“Rob and I are looking to have a birthday threesome,” the married woman responded.

“Sorry baby, I don’t fuck men. But you and I can play if you want to badly enough and your husband doesn’t mind missing out,” Adriana countered and also broached the topic that she was play for pay.

Jessica was mildly disappointed that Rob would miss out and that it would be play for pay, but the later wasn’t unexpected. “No, he doesn’t mind if I and another woman play without him so long as no other men are involved. He can be rather jealous about men. Seems a shame though. My husband has a nice cock, and he knows how to use it,” Jessica countered trying to convince the dancer to go for the threesome.

“Sorry, I have good reasons for my rule about no men,” Adriana said as she crawled up the body of the other woman.

Jessica could feel the dancer’s erect pierced nipples against her own through the thin satin of her dress. She resisted the urge to wrap her legs around the other woman’s waist and to reach up to grope the breasts pressed into her own. She saw that Adriana’s nipples were pierced but not with barbells. The ends weren’t round but looked almost like hearts sitting on their sides. The nipple piercings looked like dog-bones.

“Your rule is not a problem for me but god I couldn’t live without getting some cock regularly. I would be climbing the walls,” Jessica persisted.

Adriana leaned in closer. The right crease of her full lips grazed the pale check of the other woman in a near kiss. The graze left a thin streak of lipstick. She whispered, “don’t worry about me. I get plenty of cock; just not from any man.”

Confused, Jessica whispered back, “what do you mean? I don’t understand. Plastic and silicon aren’t cock.”

Adriana raised up and looked into the other woman’s eyes. She smiled as if she had a secret. She then leaned back down onto Jessica. She pushed the jet black hair away from the other woman’s right ear. Adriana placed her lips at Jessica’s ear. She gently blew into it. Jessica shivered slightly and softly mewed. Adriana gently bit the earlobe then released it.

“It’s simple Jessica. It’s not just men that have cocks. I get all the cock I could ever want from my Rottweiler. His name is Bear,” Adriana whispered clearly into the other woman’s ear.

Jessica gasped in shock. It was the most depraved thing she had ever heard, and it was this sex goddess that had confessed it.

“I don’t believe you,” Jessica squeaked out in a barely audible whisper.

Adriana raised up and looked Jessica straight in her green eyes, “it’s true. He fucks me so hard. He knots me so good. His cock and his cum are so hot. I’m getting turned on just thinking about fucking him. And his tongue is so long and rough. He never tires of licking my pussy and asshole. He can lick me or fuck me until I’m just a twitching mindless totally satisfied bitch lying in a puddle of both our cums. He does things to my pussy no man could ever do,” she averred in a dreamy voice.

“I still don’t believe you,” Jessica reiterated with less certainty than before.

“Do you want to know another secret?,” Adriana asked rhetorically. “It gets me so wet to think about all the men who come in here and try to take me home, only to get turned down because dog-cock is the only kind I crave. I’m sure that some of his cum is in me right now,” she continued without pausing long enough for Jessica to answer.

Jessica hung on every word that Adriana told her. It was the most depraved, perverted, and erotic thing she had ever heard. She wanted to believe, but it was so extreme she couldn’t allow herself to believe it.

“If you still need proof, I offer private shows of me and Bear. I love to have a sexy MILF like you watch Bear and me fuck,” Adriana said. She reached over and turned the speaker volume down then stood up and stepped over to the Oxford shirt she had worn earlier. She bent over at the waist and picked it up which once again displayed her aroused sex. She reached into an inner pocket that had been sewn into the shirt. That is where she placed her tips and her cards. After a moment of searching, she pulled out a card that just had three items on it. It contained the name Adriana, a QR code, and in small text under the QR code the word Threema.

“Jessica, our time is just about up. Here is my card. If you want to arrange a play date between us, a private show between Bear and me, or if you want both then just send a DM over the app. During the week I’m available during the day after eleven in the mornings until about six in the evenings,” Adriana said in a sexy but matter of fact like manner.

Jessica, still somewhat in shock, could only nod; take the card; and slip it into her purse. Adriana slipped back into the Oxford shirt; tied it back around her flat midriff; and readjusted the rolled up sleeves. She then picked up the red discarded thong and put it back on. Jessica watched her return to a semi-clothed or perhaps slightly less naked state. She was thinking about what Adriana had said.

“Let me help you get up,” Adriana offered as she stuck out her hand.

Jessica took the blonde stripper’s hand and stood up. She could feel her own juices on her thighs. Adriana lightly squeezed her hand only to release it after a significant pause and glance. Jessica straightened out her dress. Just then Adriana took Jessica in her arms, bent down, and kissed the pale dark haired woman. Jessica was once again entranced by the sexy blonde dancer. After a moment, Adriana hands dropped to Jessica’s ass-cheeks. As she squeezed the shorter woman’s ass and pulled her into her, the blonde ran her tongue over the other woman’s lips causing them to part. Jessica felt herself melt. The two women passionately tongue kissed until they parted to draw a breath. Jessica was surprised when the blonde’s tongue slightly entered her throat. She wondered how the other woman’s tongue would feel deep in her pussy.

“Our times is up Jessica,” Adriana said softly and gently still slightly out of breath. “I hope to hear from you soon.” Adriana leaned back into Jessica’s ear and whispered, “think about me when you’re fucking your husband.”

“After what you’ve told me tonight I’m not going to be able to think about anything else for a long time,” Jessica responded blushingly.

Adriana then took Jessica’s hand once more and led her out of the Champagne Room back downstairs to the husband. Rob saw the slight streak of lipstick on his wife’s pale right cheek and that her lipstick was far more mussed than when she left him.

“I see you enjoyed yourself babe. Adriana, thank you for showing my wife a good time and returning her to me,” Rob said extending his hand with another bill in it which the blonde dancer deftly took with a smile.

“Anytime Rob. You’re a lucky man to have a woman like Jessica. You better watch out and don’t let someone steal her away from you,” Adriana responded with an innuendo and a wink.

Adriana took one last seductive look at Jessica, unconsciously licking her lips as she did so. She then turned and walked away to her next customer of the night. Rob and Jessica were left with the gorgeous vision of her firm ass as the sex goddess walked away.

Rob wrapped his left arm around the shoulders of his wife and pulled her into him. He took hold of her right hand with his own right hand. Rob could smell Adriana’s scent on her.

“Well Jess, what did she say?,” he asked with a knowing smirk.

“Sorry hun. She isn’t interested in men,” she responded smugly. “She did make me an interesting offer though,” Jessica elaborated accurately if somewhat vaguely.

Smiling inwardly Rob continued with feigned disappointment, “Just my luck. Still, it’s your birthday, not mine. I’ll just have to be satisfied with having sex with the sexiest and most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Rob said sincerely before pulling the back of his wife’s hand up to his lips for a kiss.

“You don’t mind if I sample her delights without you?,” Jessica asked unsure whether she should and half hoping that Rob would tell her no.

Rob looked into her eyes and kissed the back of her hand once again.

“When I have I every denied you anything that was within my ability to give?,” Rob responded with a question of his own.

“Never my love. Never,” she answered then bent down kissing his fingers which grasped her hand. “Let’s go. I need to make love to the most wonderful man in the world.”

Rob flagged the waitress’s attention. He then placed a healthy tip for the wine Jessica drank and for his water. He and his wife made their way to the door and back to their SUV. As they drove home they made small talk as Rob caressed her thigh.

They got home to an empty house. The twin girls were staying with their grandparents in the country. They made it no further than inside the front door. Rob took hold of Jessica by the waist and slowly turned her around to face him. Pulling her body into his leaned down and kissed his wife with an ardor that had only grown since their wedding night. Jessica returned his passion. Jessica clumsily places her purse onto the entrance table. Their tongues danced within their mouths. Both sets of hands fell to the buttocks of the other; where they caressed and kneaded the firm flesh.

After a long heated kiss, Jessica pulled away and backed into the living room towards the couch. She kept her green eyes on Robs blue eyes the entire trip. She stops halfway across the floor and raises her hands to the shoulder straps of her slinky dress. She slides the shoulder straps off her shoulders and after a shimmy by Jessica, the dress puddles on the floor around her high heels. She steps out of the dress. She is entirely nude except for her black high heels and a few pieces of jewellery. She makes the few additional steps towards the couch and bends down onto her knees. Rob groped for the light switch and turned on the lights as he watched her the entire time. He fought the urge to pounce and fuck her senseless. He wanted to savor the experience.

“Are you just going to stand in the entrance way all night or are you coming to come over here and play?,” Jessica asked.

Needing no further encouragement, Rob slipped off his shoes and socks. He headed to his woman. By the time he reached her, he was bare chested. Jessica still on her knees, reached up and unbuckled his belt. She unclasped his trousers, and they fell to the floor. Rob’s erect uncircumcised cock almost smacked her forehead. The sexy green-eyed woman reached for his cock and pulled the foreskin down the shaft exposing the pre-cum leaking tip. She bends down and sucks each shaved ball in turn while looking into the eyes of her man standing above her. She releases the second testicle and licks up the thick eight-inch shaft to the tip; where her tongue licks up the now copious pre-cum. She tongues Rob’s urethrae causing him to grown in pleasure and his knees to buckle slightly. She sucks in a deep breath and with a smile in her eyes encircles the head of his cock with her lips and pushes down, taking his cock into her mouth while guiding the cock head with her tongue.

“Fuck baby! You do that so well. FUCK! Just like that,” Rob says encouragingly as he places his large powerful hands on the top of her head.

Jessica relaxed her throat in preparation. Rob sensed the change and pushed forward causing the head of his cock to just enter her throat. The black haired beauty gagged reflexively, and he slightly withdrew only to push forward once more. He was able to enter her throat a bit deeper. Jessica struggled to keep her throat relaxed and repositioned herself to reduce the angle. He entered deeper still. Rob began a slow pumping motion as he gently but relentlessly began to fuck the throat of his wife. She has long since learned to breathe through her nose when being throat fucked. Rob could feel an orgasm begin to build.

“I’m going to cum soon. Do you want me to stop?,” he asked.

Jessica blinked twice while slightly moving her head side to side. She wanted to swallow his first load. What Adriana had said to her up in the Champagne Room entered her thoughts. She closed her eyes and imagined herself kneeling between the knees of the blonde dancer and worshiping the sex goddess orally. The thought of sucking the cunt of a dog-fucker thrilled her. Her clit throbbed, reminding her of her own needs. Jessica’s hands moved to her clit and labia. She stroked herself and Rob took full control and started fucking her throat more forcefully as his orgasm built towards release.

“That’s it baby! Fuck! Your throat is so tight! I’m … going…. to… cum..,” Rob said shakily as he tried to hold back his orgasm a few more seconds.

Jessica pushed forward while Rob simultaneously pulled her further down onto his cock until her nose pushed against his manscaped pubes and his smooth hairless ball-sack was on her chin.

“CUMMING! UUUGGGHHHH!,” Rob shouted out as Jessica felt is ball-sack rise, his cock swell, and then begin pulsing.

Jessica swallowed several times as best she could with her throat wrapped tightly around her husbands thick cock. It felt like she was milking his cock to Rob. His orgasm was prolonged as he shot pulse after pulse of thick white man cum into her throat and stomach. His went weak and his orgasm lessened, but Rob maintained his erection. He tenderly stroked her hair as he withdrew his cock from her throat. As his cock-head left her throat and entered her mouth, Jessica applied some suction causing her cheeks to sink in. She was rewarded with a small spurt of cum, the taste of which she savored for a moment then swallowed.

“Baby, that was so good! I love the way to suck my cock almost as much as I love you,” Rob said as Jessica gently stroked his saliva soaked prick to maintain his erection. “What can I do for you?,” Rob asked.

“Sit down on the couch. I want to ride you,” she answered.

Rob stepped out of his dress slacks that had been around his ankles the entire time. He noticed that a sizeable wet spot had gathered in the crotch. Caused by the abundant drool from throat fucking Jessica no doubt he thought to himself.

Rob sat down onto the couch and stroked himself to maintain his erection. He was always good for at least two times, but there was normally a refractory period. Thoughts of his wife with Adriana and other potentialities were driving his virility that night.

Jessica quickly joined her husband on the couch. She straddled him with her firm athletic spittle soaked breasts in his face and her hands on his shoulders. Rob took hold of her waist. She reached down with her right hand for his cock and aimed it for her entrance. Its thickness always caused her to gasp at first entry and this time was no exception. She felt herself open up as she took the first couple of inches. Her right hand returned to his shoulder and she carefully and slowly eased down his cock. She allowed its girth to open her up. When she bottomed out she leaned in and kissed her husband and slowly started her rise. She relished the friction of his cock against her cunt walls and labia. Rob felt his dick harden from the heat of his wife’s cuntal oven. Jessica pushed back down the length of Rob’s cock concentrating on the familiar stretch of her pussy walls. Upon reaching the bottom of her stroke she leaned forward and pulled her husband into her. The black haired woman gently nipped Rob’s shoulder with her teeth. She rose up again, this time feeling his coarse chest hair stimulating her nipples. They kissed as they held one another and as Jessica continued her increasingly faster rise and fall on the cock of her husband. Rob guided her upward and downward path with his hands on her hips. Up and down she pistoned.

“Baby, your cock feels so good,” Jessica mewed as she ground her clit on the pelvic bone of her husband.

Rob reached down and slowly circled his wife’s clit with his thumb tip. He concentrated on relaxing and breathing deeply to hold off his orgasm. They had been fucking for a while.

“Yes!….Yes!…Yes! So good! So good! I’m almost there,” Jessica begged.

She pushed down hard and ground her pussy around on Rob’s cock in a circular motion, and she came hard.

“FUCK! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!,” she shouted into his face with her emerald green eyes rolling back into their sockets.

Rob could feel her cunt muscles milking his cock. He fought off the urge to join her in orgasm by breathing deeply, contracting his Kegel muscles, and relaxing the rest of his body. He wanted to take his wife in his favorite position, doggy. He loved the way he could pound her and how his ball-sack smacked her clit as when he fucked her doggy.

Rob lightly clawed his woman’s back and ass with his short fingernails as she orgasmed around his cock. He could feel the creamy froth of her cunt juices flick onto his muscular abdomen while she trembled and moaned out her pleasure as she clung to him. He was thankful that he was completely sober, so he could exert more self-control and better remember this night in the days to come.

Jessica’s last tremors shook her body as her orgasm waned. She pushed back from Rob’s body and looked in the eyes. She smiled sexily and kissed him out of gratitude for the pleasure he’d given her and the love she felt for him.

“Thank you. You were wonderful. But you didn’t cum again. Does that mean what I think it means?,” she asked rhetorically since she already knew what it meant.

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure babe but do you have to ask? You know what I like,” Rob answered.

Jessica rose up onto her knees and lifted off of his still very hard and now very wet cock. As she stood then began to kneel back onto the floor, Rob stood up and moved behind her. By the time her shoulders were resting on the couch cushions, Rob had knelt behind her. He smacked her ass crack a couple of times with his cock. Jessica reach back and opened her sex up for her man as an offering.

Rob eased the head of his cock into her slit. She gasped at his girth as always. He got off on her reaction. She reached up to pull on her nipples and Rob grabbed her hips with both hands.

“You ready babe?,” he asked.

“Start slowly. Be gentle with me. Okay?,” she answered.

“Don’t worry babe. I know how you like it,” Rob said reassuringly.

Rob pushed in slowly. He felt her cunt walls stretch around his cock. He pushed in just a few inches and pulled back until just the head was in her. Although they had already fucked once just minutes ago he was always amazed at how quickly her twat returned to its normal tightness. She always denied working her Kegel muscles to maintain the tightness, but he could never make up his mind whether she was telling him the truth or not.

Rob tightened his grip on her hips and pushed forward again but deeper this time. He reveled in the sensations her tightness gave him. He began a slow but regular pumping motion.

“That’s it baby! Take my cock!,” Rob ordered his wife bent in supplication.

She mewed in response, but her mind drifted to thoughts of Adriana underneath her Rottweiler Bear. She imagined the blonde sex goddess getting fucked by the dog the way she was being fucked by her husband, down on her knees getting ploughed from behind. She imagined Adriana moaning out in pleasure out being ravished by an animal. Her awareness drifted back to the moment, and she found herself moaning. Rob sensing her early heightened arousal quickly built accelerated his pace until he was pounding his woman and the room was filled with their moans, their grunts, light queefs from her cunt, and the sounds of flesh striking flesh. Jessica’s arousal was going off the charts from thoughts of Adriana getting dog fucked and the pounding Rob was giving her. Suddenly, in her mind it wasn’t Adriana getting fucked by a dog but herself.

“That’s it! Fuck me hard! Fuck me like a dog!,” Jessica said surprising herself.

Rob smiled inwardly and increased his pace. He had never fucked her this hard before. He knew she must be incredibly aroused to have wanted it.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!…,” he grunted at the end of every down-stroke as the head of his cock struck her cervix. He knew she would be sore tomorrow.

They were both working towards huge orgasms, so great was their arousal. It would be a night both would long remember. Jessica gave one last rough tug on her right nipple, then moved that hand to her sex where she quickly strummed her clit with her fingertips.

OH FUCK! OH FUCK! I’M GOING TO CUM!,” Jessica exclaimed.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!…,” Rob continued to grunt as he pounded her while struggling to hold off his own orgasm just a little longer.

Suddenly Jessica convulsed in orgasm beneath her husband. Her cunt gripped Rob’s cock so hard that it tipped him over the edge into his own orgasm as his prostate began pumping rope after rope of his thick cum into the female under him. He pushed into her as deeply as he could while pulling her hips back into him. His orgasm was so powerful that Rob’s vision began to tunnel. He fell over onto his wife’s back on the verge of blacking out. Meanwhile, Jessica was aware of nothing other than the powerful orgasm racking her own body. She rode the orgasm through the sensual explosion. She felt each wave pound her consciousness; leaving no part of her body untouched.

For an eternal moment the male and female were joined in mutually given orgasmic bliss. The sounds of orgasm were gradually replaced with the sounds of deep breathing as both came back to awareness and their heart rates return to normal. Rob pulled his semi-flaccid cock from his wife and all but collapsed onto his back. Jessica rested for a moment on her knees with her upper body on the couch. She then rolled over and sat on the floor with her back against the couch, while her shaven red cunt leaked Rob’s cum.

“That was amazing! You’re amazing.” Jessica said still catching her breath.

“I could say the same babe. Where did that come from?,” Rob asked.

“What? Oh, that. I just wanted to put a little kink in it and I thought you’d like it,” she responded.

“Like it? I fucking loved it. I came so hard I almost blacked out. Swear to god. Babe, you never cease to surprise me. It’s one of the things I love about you,” he replied. “Jess, we really outdid ourselves that time. It might be awhile before we top that. But right now all I want is a quick shower and some sleep,” he iterated.

Jessica nodded in agreement and took off the high heels she’d worn the entire time. She stood up and took her husband’s hand. They walked upstairs showered, went to sleep, and dreamed the dreams of the contented.


By the time Jessica woke up Rob had already left for his usual eighteen holes of Sunday golf with the guys from the office. Rob enjoyed golf and the Sunday morning ritual was an important part of team building and camaraderie with his colleagues.

Jessica saw to her morning ablutions and went downstairs in a robe for a little breakfast. After eating a bit of melon and a yogurt she walked into the living room. She picked up the clothes and shoes they had abandoned on the floor last night. She then saw her purse and remembered Adriana’s card.

She had thought about Adriana this morning and how imagining the blonde dancer and herself getting dog fucked how driven her to a powerful orgasm. There was obviously something there that she needed to explore. She tossed their clothes into the hamper and went to her computer and opened a browser. She searched “dog fucking woman” and went to images. There she saw page after page of search results of images of dogs and women having all kinds of sex. She found it exciting. The thought occurred to her that if she found images erotic then how much more exciting would it be to see it in real life especially with someone as hot as Adriana.

Jessica retrieved her phone and Adriana’s card. She installed the app and entered Adriana’s alpha-numeric code as a contact. She hesitated a moment. With the knowledge that she would always regret it if she didn’t go through with it she messaged Adriana.

‘This is Jessica from last night. I’d like to see you tomorrow at 11 am.’

Jessica continued paging through the images of women having sex with dogs while waiting for a response. After about ten minutes, she heard the app notification. She looked at the message.

‘Great! Do you want a show, to play with me, or both?’

Jessica nervously bit her lip. With a tremor in her hands she nervously typed back.

‘A show. How much?’

The response came back seconds later.

‘Will you be by yourself?’

Jessica responded.


The response quickly came back.

‘$400 cash’

Jessica swallowing hard replied ‘See you at 11 am. Just send the address.’

Adriana quickly messaged back a Google map link.

Jessica finished the exchange.

‘Thanks. See you tomorrow!’

After that was arranged she looked at the images for a little longer but managed to refrain from masturbating. She knew if she touched herself that she would explode in orgasm. She stopped looking at the images and closed the browser. She went upstairs to dress in a pair of shorts and blouse. Jessica went into the kitchen to start preparing a light lunch since Rob was due home at any time.

After Rob returned home he could tell that she was behaving somewhat strangely and was rather jumpy.

“Hey babe! Did you set up something with Adriana?,” he asked.

“I will see her tomorrow morning actually. Why do you ask?,” she responded.

“You just seem to have some nervous excitement is all. It’s not a problem for me that you do. I know you have desires that I can’t satisfy. My only rule is no men. And Adriana doesn’t look anything like a man,” he replied.

They ate lunch and drove out to the country to pick up their eight-year-old twin girls and visited Rob’s parents. It was late by the time they got back home. That night Jessica had trouble getting to sleep. The nervous excitement had returned. She could not believe that she had set up a date with an escort to watch her fuck a dog. A few days ago the thought would have been impossible and yet here she was.


Her alarm went off at 6 am. Just like every morning during the school year. And just like every morning she struggled with the girls getting out of bed, their teeth brushed, dressed, lunches packed, breakfasts eaten, and the girls sent out the door to school all while both chatterboxes kept talking the entire time.

Just before Rob headed out the door with his coffee and briefcase he stopped to kiss his wife and then smiling lecherously at her said, “have fun with Adriana today babe. Happy birthday.”

“I will hun, but you better get going, or you’re going to be late for work. The girls are already sitting in your SUV,” Jessica responded giving another quick kiss before pushing him out the door.

The house was finally quiet. She leaned against the door looking at the mantle clock. It was just after 8 am and since she was going to see Adriana’s show she had to run some errands beforehand. She went upstairs and took a quick shower and washed her hair. She took the time to shave her legs and pussy. She dressed in a black thong, short denim skirt, a sexy little bra, halter top, and runners. She then dried her hair and applied some light makeup.

It was just after ten before she had gotten home from the errands and her nervous excitement returned once she had nothing to occupy her attention. She had just enough time to check her makeup, remove her bra, and put on a dab of perfume before running out the door to Adriana’s place.

The map app told her she had fifteen additional minutes, but she could stop herself from leaving early. She was too excited. She could already feel the moisture building in her thong, and it wasn’t sweat. The map took her out of the suburbs out into the country a little ways past the airport. It told her to turn down a gravel road, and she did. After half a mile from the paved road the map app said she was here, but all Jessica saw was a single-wide manufactured home and an SUV in front of it. She pulled into the drive-way and parked beside the SUV. The SUV’s rear compartment held a large dog crate. Jessica figured she must have the right place. She was fifteen minutes early, but no one came out of the single-wide. Nor was there any barking, and she saw no movement in the windows. After a few minutes of waiting, Jessica was about to get out and knock on the door when she saw a blonde woman in shorts and a sports-bra running down the long driveway with a large Rottweiler running beside her.

Jessica stepped out of her car with her purse and waved to Adriana.

“I was starting to wonder if this was the place,” Jessica shouted as Adriana and Bear approached her.

Bear ran up to her and sniffed around her legs and briefly under her skirt. Jessica correctly assumed he smelled her excitement. Jessica held out her hand for his inspection. After a good sniff Jessica slowly scratched him behind his ear until Adriana approached. Jessica looked into Bear’s penetrating dark brown eyes as Bear looked into her soul through her green eyes.

“Sorry about that. Bear and I went for our morning run, and we stopped and chatted with a neighbor for a few minutes,” Adriana said as she came up to Jessica and began some light stretching to cool down from the run. Bear ran to a five gallon bucket under a spigot and began drinking water noisily.

“You’re not late. I’m just a few minutes early. After what you told me at the Club Saturday night, I had to see it for myself. I have to know whether you were telling me the truth,” the smaller dark haired woman responded apologetically. “Feel free to call me Jess,” the black haired MILF said with a smile.

“Well, I’m glad you did. Since I’ve worked off some of Bear’s energy we should be able to give you a show to remember,” Jessica told her. “Come on inside out of this heat. I need some water and a few minutes to get ready. But first thing is for Bear and I to get a quick shower. My friends call me Ana and I want us to be friends,” Adriana turned towards Bear and whistled. She began walking towards the front door. Bear and Jessica followed her.

All three walked inside the single-wide and the cool air-conditioned room. The blonde dancer grabbed water from the fridge and brought one for Jessica. “Just sit down on the couch. It will take about ten minutes or so for us to get a quick wash and to start,” the dancer told the dark haired woman.

Adriana sat on the couch and took in her surroundings. The place looked like a furnished rental. The furniture was old. There was no television. A nice laptop sat on the dinette table in the kitchen. Jessica looked at her phone and made a pretense of scrolling through the news as if she could read and absorb any words on the screen. She set an alarm to give her time to pick up the girls from school and returned her phone to her large purse. Just about the time she started looking at the door wondering if she should leave, Adriana and Bear walked out of the bathroom.

“We’re washed. Come down the hall. My little performance room is down here,” Adriana shouted from down the hall. Jessica glimpsed a butt-plug tucked away under the dancer’s firm cheeks.

Jessica stood. Her knees were shaking. She walked down the hall where she could hear the blonde dancer making obscene baby talk to the Rottweiler. Jessica stood at the door. The room had two easy chairs, that faced each other. Both were covered in heavy blankets. The floor under both chairs was also covered with blankets. She watched Adriana opening a chest located inside a closet.

“I guess we should handle business before pleasure. Just place my fee on the table there by the door,” Adriana instructed.

Jessica looked down and to her left where there was a small bare table just as Jessica had said. She pulled out four one hundred dollar bills from her purse and placed them onto the table.

“I’m going to need to lock your pocketbook and phone in the chest. Can’t take any chances on you taking pictures,” the blonde said. She took Jessica’s bag and locked it in the chest. “There. On with the show,” Adriana said cheerfully as she pulled out four long black booties that appeared to be made of neoprene.

Bear became really excited as he realized that he was going to get some pussy.

“Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?,” Adriana asked rhetorically in a voice reserved for animals and children. Bear woofed enthusiastically. “Lay down…. Roll over,” she commanded in a voice suddenly filled with authority.

Bear did as he was commanded. Adriana knelt down beside Bear and with practiced ease quickly placed the four neoprene boots onto the Rottweiler’s legs, then fastened them down with Velcro straps above what would be considered his knees and elbows. While she leaned over the huge Rottweiler, Adriana opened her mouth. Bear quickly stuck his tongue into her mouth. The blonde cooed at the display of affection from her canine lover.

“We use these booties to prevent him from scratching me. I don’t particularly want to dance with fuck marks from a dog,” Adriana explained to Jessica’s quizzical and somewhat amused look.

“If you don’t have a preference I prefer to take my lover face to face. We’ll start with a little foreplay. Take a seat. You can stay clothed, get naked, or anything in between,” Adriana said as she pointed to the other chair. The two chairs were not directly facing each other. Jessica’s chair faced Adriana’s chair, but Adriana’s chair faced a bit to the left of Jessica’s. There was a box of tissues on a small table beside Jessica’s chair.

Jessica took a few steps and stood in front of the chair while the blonde dancer sat down nude in the other. The dark haired woman slipped her denim shirt up a smidgen and reached under her skirt and pulled her black thong down. She lifted one shoe covered foot out of the thong, leaving it around the other ankle. Jessica sat down. Her left hand fell onto a handcuff the other end of which was connected to a chain.

“Do I need to put these on?,” Jessica asked as she held it up.

“No, that’s for men to wear during my show. Women don’t have to wear it. I don’t mind if women join in or move in for a closer look,” Adriana answered while stroking Bear behind his ear.

As Jessica settled in and made herself comfortable, Adriana leaned back in the easy chair and spread her knees far apart in a spread eagle position with her knees on the padded armrests and her ass almost hanging off the edge of the blanket covered chair. She reached down and tapped her mound.

“The butt-plug? Is that for helping to take him in the ass?,” Jessica asked.

“No, no, no, no! That’s to keep him out of my ass, and I just like the way it feels when he fucks me. I put it in after my shower,” the blonde answered.

Adriana began stroking her labia and her clit. She stared into Jessica’s green eyes as she did so. Her self-induced pleasure quickly produced the desired effect on Bear. The scent of her arousal drew Bear to her and caused him to whine out in arousal. The blonde dancer knew her juices would soon delight his taste-buds.

“Come on Bear! Eat mama’s pussy!,” she said in that excited voice to feed Bear’s excitement after she drew her fingers away from her sex.

Bear licked his muzzle in anticipation as he stepped up to his lover and mistress. Without hesitation, he immediately began licking Adriana’s sex.

“That’s it baby! You know how mama likes it,” the blonde said as she placed stroked the Rottweiler between his ears while her left hand tweaked and pulled on her left pierced and puffy nipple.

Jessica watched from her chair. She could feel her own nipples become erect from arousal. She felt her own juices ooze down her nether lips. It suddenly felt too warm in the air-conditioned trailer. She pulled her jet-black hair away from her eyes. She stood up and raised her denim skirt to allow easier access for self-pleasure. She lifted her halter-top above her braless breasts. She sat back down and alternated between stroking her labia and pinching her own rock hard nipples; all as she raptly watched Bear tongue Adriana. Soon she was finger fucking herself with first one finger and then two.

Soon both women were moaning in pleasure; one self-induced and the other from a Rottweiler’s tongue.

“Good boy!….. Good boy!….. Mama loves….. her good boy!,” Adriana said haltingly as her excitement built.

Jessica continued to finger-fuck herself as she watched the most taboo and erotic sight she had ever seen. This blonde statuesque sex goddess was eagerly giving herself to a dog. The black haired MILF couldn’t deny how the sight made her feel. Her arousal was off the charts, as evidenced by the sloshing sounds from her fingers working her wet cunt.

Both women were quickly approaching orgasm. As Bear focused his attention on her dripping slit, Adriana began strumming her clit. Jessica watched the Rottweiler lick the blonde as about an inch of his cock slipped out of his sheath.

“Not yet! Not yet!,” Adriana exclaimed as she stopped stimulating her clit and covered her pussy to stop Bear’s obsessive licking. “I’m ready to fuck. Come on Bear! Jump up and fuck mama!,” the blonde said as she lightly smacked her inner thighs with both hands.

Bear crouched down slightly then jumped up. Adriana caught his covered front paws and quickly placed them around her hips. Bear pulled on her hips and walked forward with his hind-legs as the blonde pulled him forward with her heels.

Jessica slowed down the pace of her finger fucking. She wanted to cum with Adriana.

Bear began slightly thrusting in anticipation; which caused his slobber to drip between the dancer’s large firm breasts. The blonde reached between Bear’s front legs for his sheath. She wanted to seat the tip of his cock in her pussy before he became frustrated and dismounted. Bear’s thrusting and Adriana’s aim worked perfectly when the pink tapered tip of the Rottweiler’s cock entered the blonde’s welcoming slit.

Bear paused for just a moment in realization that was seated in his mate. He suddenly thrust forward several inches. Both Adriana and Jessica gasped at the same time; one in shock from being penetrated and the other from the shock of seeing a stunningly beautiful woman being penetrated by a dog’s cock.

The Rottweiler quickly started fucking his gorgeous blonde mistress. Jessica watched the muscular dog pound the other woman. His large leathery black ball-sack swung back and forth striking the dancer’s firm ass-cheeks and the exposed portion of the butt-plug. She observed Bear’s thin pink cock thrust in and out of the blonde’s sex. Each thrust went deeper and each thrust pushed his prickly black sheath further down his cock. She watched his cock swell. Her ears were filled with the Adriana’s moans and Bear’s heavy panting from the exertion. Bear’s small knot slipped out of his sheath. It quickly slipped in and out of Adriana’s sex.

“Ungh, ungh ungh!,” the blonde grunted in a staccato burst in time with Bear’s fucking. “Fuck me baby! Give me your knot! Give me your cum!,” Adriana pleaded.

Bear eagerly obeyed. There was nothing he enjoyed more than breeding his beloved mistress. He continued to fuck his woman. His swelling knot slipped in and out the aroused labia until with a final push the knot passed through the gates of bliss. A momentary grimace of pain passed over Adriana’s face when the knot entered.

“That’s it baby! You stretch my pussy so good!,” Adriana purred as Bear’s knot swelled to its full size in her sex.

Jessica watched as Bear’s rampant thrusting became barely perceptible movement. It appeared to be no more than an occasional push forward. What was barely perceptible to Jessica was earth shaking to Adriana. Those slight movements were causing Bear’s knot is slip back and forth over her g-spot.

“Oh god! Oh god! That’s the spot Bear! Good boy! Good boy! Give mama your cum!,” Adriana said lovingly to Bear as she reached up embracing the Rottweiler in her arms and wrapped her strong dancer’s legs around his back.

Jessica watched the joined lovers. She wanted to cum. She rapidly finger-fucked herself with three fingers on her right hand and vigorously rubbed her clit with the fingers on her left hand. She was almost dizzy from excitement.

Bear started cumming inside his lover. He fell further into her embrace as his chest fell onto her breasts, slightly pushing them to either side. The diamond hard pierced nipples just peaked out from underneath his black fur. Bear licked her neck. His prickly sheath rubbed her labia and clit.

Jessica watched as Bear’s stubby tail began to flex downward in sync with the flexing of his asshole and the rise and fall of his ball-sack.

“Oh my god! Is he cumming inside you?,” Jessica asked in astonishment.

“Yes, he’s cumming in me!,” Adriana hissed. “Just like that baby. Make mama cum. Work your magic,” Adriana begged on the threshold of her own orgasm.

Bear worked his magic by continuing to cum in his mistress. Each pulse of cum caused his swollen cock and knot to twitch and stimulate every surface inside Adriana’s cunt. Her cervix, the stretched walls of her pussy, her g-spot, her labia, her clit, and her nipples were all being stimulated by the rough beast dominating her at that moment.

“Oh FUCK! I’M GOING TO CUM!,” Adriana shouted.

Jessica slid a fourth finger into her juicy cunt and sped up the rubbing of her clit. She looked into Adriana’s tensed face. As she watched and finger fucked herself she saw the tension slip into ecstasy as the blonde began to orgasm from the dog fuck. Jessica imagined it was herself underneath the Rottweiler.

“I’M CUMMING!…. I’M CUMMING!,” the dancer gasped as if there could be any question. Her body began to shake from the strength of her orgasm.

The erotic vision of the gorgeous blonde tightly hugging her Rottweiler lover as her body convulsed through wave after wave of orgasm pushed Jessica into her own orgasm.

“AAANNNGGGGG!,” Jessica groaned as her own orgasm started. Her legs closed around her right hand. Her panties dangled from one ankle, unnoticed in the sensory overload of the moment. Jessica’s legs trembled as she gasped for breath from her overwhelming orgasm. It was the strongest self-induced orgasm she could remember.

Jessica came down from her orgasm. Her eyes opened as her feet touched the floor. She looked over at Adriana and Bear. They were still joined together. The blonde’s arms and legs wrapped around the Rottweiler. His cock and knot still fully embedded into his mistress. His tail still raising and falling in sync with his ball-sack rising and falling, and his asshole flexing in and out. Jessica lightly stroked her sensitive labia, avoiding her clit.

Remembering what Adriana said, Jessica stood on her still shaky legs and moved closer to the mating couple. She knelt down on the floor within arm reach of Adriana and Bear. Adriana’s eyes were closed and her full lips were parted. Jessica reached out to touch the juncture point but pulled back after thinking better of it. She did not want to pull Adriana out of the intimate moment with Bear. Jessica sat and watched as Bear continued to shoot pulse after pulse of dog-cum into the blonde.

Adriana periodically rotated her hips. She was fucking Bear which caused a light whine from her canine partner. Her fucking and the contraction of her cunt muscles milked his cock while simultaneously working her g-spot over his knot and prolonging her orgasm.

Jessica was enthralled by the vision of forbidden sexual union. She knew that its very taboo nature added greatly to the eroticism. She was suddenly startled by Adriana speaking.

“He’s almost finished cumming. His knot is shrinking,” Adriana said softly to not disturb Bear.

Jessica’s green eyes looked into Adriana’s blue eyes and asked in the same quiet tone, “His knot?”

“Yes, a male dog has a gland at the base of his cock that swells up during sex. It keeps him tied to his mate to better insure breeding,” Adriana answered. “It’s one of the reasons that I prefer a dog over a man,” she elaborated.

“Yes, I read about it,” Jessica replied softly.

Bear became agitated and began dancing on his hind-legs.

“You might want to move back a little to give Bear room to dismount. He’s ready,” Adriana suggested as she lifted covered Bear’s fore-legs from around her hips.

Jessica moved back a couple of feet further away from the couple. Kneeling on the floor, she watched as Bear’s knot and then the rest of his red cock slipped out of Adriana’s cunt. Adriana gasped slightly when the shrunken knot passed her labia. Bear’s front paws hit the floor. He stepped away and began licking his cock.

“Oh my god! It’s huge. I’ve never seen a dog’s cock fully exposed,” she said as she took in the size, shape, and color of Bear’s cock.

“It has shrunken some. It was bigger,” the dancer responded. “I need you do to something for me,” Adriana said as she spread her legs once more so that she was once again spread-eagle with her knees resting on both arm-rests.

“What?,” the brunette asked.

“Bear left me a mess. You need to clean me up. Get over here and lick out my pussy,” Adriana said in the same commanding tone she had earlier used with Bear.

Whether it was despite what she just witnessed or because of it, Jessica quickly obeyed and walked on her knees to kneel in front of the blonde sex goddess. She saw a small rivulet of Bear’s thin cum trickle from the dancer’s slit. She looked into Adriana’s eyes questioningly.

“Get to it,” Adriana commanded while raising her blonde eyebrows and lighting tapping her triangular blonde patch just above her clit.

Jessica pushed her jet-back hair behind her ears. She then grabbed the dancer’s firm thighs and leaned over. She could smell the scent of Adriana’s musk and a scent which she had never experienced before. She knew it was the smell of Bear’s cum. The brunette MILF felt a tremor run through her twat. The kneeling woman sucked and licked all the juices from the presented thighs and mons. There was the familiar taste of a woman’s juices and cum, but there was something else. It was slightly bitter and salty. It could only have been from Bear. After deciding the taste wasn’t too bad, Jessica placed her mouth over the other woman’s slit. The dancer quickly pulled the other woman’s head into her sex. Jessica ran her tongue into the offered cunt. Adriana flexed her Kegel muscles which pushed most of Bear’s cum into the other woman’s mouth. Jessica’s taste-buds were immediately awash in the taste of Bear’s cum.

“Swallow it,” Adriana commanded.

Jessica swallowed quickly several times to prevent choking. Her body shuddered in pleasure at the thought of drinking dog cum. Breaking taboos always had that effect on her. The brunette smiled and leaned forward into the pussy in front of her. Her tongue went back to work eagerly seeking more sustenance for her sexual appetite. Pussy and dog cum were on the menu.

“That’s it Jessica. Suck out Bear’s cum. Get all of it,” Adriana ordered as she pulled the other woman’s mouth tighter into her sex.

Bear watched the two women. His red cock had been licked back into his sheath. He could smell the scent of sex and arousal in the small room. Adriana noticed Bear watching them. Everything was going as she had planned. Jessica and Rob weren’t the only couple that enjoyed threesomes. Like Jessica, Adriana also enjoyed sharing a woman with her mate, especially when that woman was a doggy virgin.

Adriana stroked Jessica’s black hair and moved her hands over the other woman’s ears as if she were guiding her oral worship instead of impairing her hearing.

“Bear, lick,” Adriana whispered.

Bear stood up from his spot on the floor and approached the kneeling Jessica from behind. The muscular Rottweiler took deep breaths of brunette’s hairless sex from six inches away. He licked his jowls in anticipation.

Suddenly Jessica felt a very long, very strong, and somewhat rough tongue swipe from her clit to her asshole. She gasped loudly at the shock of a dog licking her and the thrill it gave.

“Relax. I know you were imagining Bear licking you when he licked me earlier. Just go with it,” Adriana purred.

Jessica relaxed and went back to eating Adriana’s snatch. She raised her ass higher to give Bear better access.

“That’s the spirit. Give Bear the chance to show you how good he is at licking pussy,” the blonde said encouragingly.

“Mmmmm!,” Jessica responded with her face full of pussy and her mouth full of juices.

Jessica never thought she’d ever engage in sex with an animal, much less enjoy it, but there she was. The sensations from a dog’s tongue were different than those from a man or a woman. Jessica gave one last slurp on Adriana’s pussy.

“Mmmmm! I could get use to this. His tongue is amazing,” Jessica purred.

“Do you want more?,” Adriana asked vaguely.

“Ooohh, fuck yes. Bear’s going to make me cum, if he keeps this up much longer,” the brunette answered.

Adriana reached down grabbing Jessica’s head while covering her ears once more. She pulled the MILF’s face back into her crotch. Jessica lightly kissed her thighs, labia, and mons. She then began sucking the blonde’s clit while the Rottweiler continued to lick her from clit to asshole.

“Up Bear. Mount,” Adrian ordered in a whisper unheard by Jessica.

Bear stopped licking Jessica’s sex. Adriana pulled the other woman’s face tighter into her nether lips. Bear slightly crouched and leapt onto the brunette’s back. Jessica looked up in surprise. Adriana released her grip on Jessica’s head.

“Wait! I don’t know if I can do this,” Jessica exclaimed in a near panic as Bear tightened his grip on her waist and began lightly thrusting his haunches in the air.

“Yes you can. Just relax and let it happen. Bear knows what he’s doing. You’ll love it. I promise,” Adriana responded in a calming tone.

“But my husband…,” Jessica countered attempting to deflect.

“Shush. Bear isn’t a man. It’s not cheating when you have sex with a dog. Stop trying to deflect. You know you want this,” Adriana responded. “I’ll help you,” Adrian offered as she swing a leg over Jessica’s head and stood up, stepped beside the Rottweiler mounted brunette and knelt down.

By that time Bear had pulled his next sexual conquest away from the chair in which his mistress had been sitting.

“Go down onto your elbows and curve your back down. That will angle your pussy up for Bear. I’ll make sure he doesn’t enter your ass. Just relax and breathe deeply,” Adriana ordered as she lightly stroked the other woman’s back.

“Okay,” Jessica responded nervously as she began taking deep breaths; went down to her elbows; and bowed her back downwards.

“You’re still a little low. Bring your knees closer together,” Adriana instructed.

Jessica did as she was told. It was then that she first felt Bear’s pre-cum squirt against her labia. It secretly thrilled her to know that she could sexually arouse men, women, and beasts. Bear’s hind-legs shuffled closer. Jessica could feel the inside of his thighs touch the outside of her thighs on his forward thrusts.

“His cock is out a couple of inches. It will be thin when it goes in but will quickly start to swell. His sheath will slide behind his knot once he starts fucking you deeply enough. He’s squirting plenty of pre-cum. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of lubrication. Trust me,” Adriana assured her.

“I’m ready,” Jessica said with more certainty than she felt.

Adriana took hold of Bear’s haunches with her right hand and his sheath with her left hand. She pushed her Rottweiler into the smaller black haired MILF. As she did so, she pulled his sheath back which exposed a bit more of Bear’s pink cock. Under the dancer’s guidance the tip of the dog’s cock touched Jessica’s labia. Adriana gave one more shove on Bear’s haunches and Bear’s cock entered Jessica’s opening.

Jessica gasped.

“Oh god, he’s in me!,” she exclaimed in shock.

“Brace yourself. It’s going to be intense,” Adriana warned.

Jessica no more than bit her bottom lip and looked down between her forearms when Bear with a single powerful thrust pushed his doghood all the way into her cunt. Adriana smiled broadly and watched her newly initiated sister get dog-fucked for the first time.

“Oh my god! His cock is hot,” Jessica said in surprise.

“Just you wait,” the blonde dancer replied.

Bear began fucking his new bitch. The small room was filled with the inhumanly fast rhythm of a dog fucking a receptive female. Bear’s pinkish cock darkened and swelled in length and girth.

Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!,” Jessica exclaimed at the ferocity of the dog-fucking she was receiving. The hard pounding caused her exposed tits to swing backwards forwards in time with his fucking. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She felt a protuberance at the base of his cock passing in and out of her labia.

“That bulge at the base of his cock is the knot. It needs to be completely in you before it gets much bigger,” Adriana suggested.

“Unh! Okay, FUCK!!!,” Jessica shouted helplessly. She knew she was totally at Bear’s merciless lust and instinctual need to breed.

Adriana pushed her Rottweiler’s haunches into the brunette’s ass. Bear slowed his fucking motion.

“Jess, you need to push back against him,” the blonde dancer instructed.

With Bear pushing forward and Jessica pushing backwards, Bear’s knot was quickly and firmly seated inside the MILF’s pussy. Jessica could feel Bear’s doghood spurting inside her.

“Ung! It’s so tight. FUCK! I feel him spurting in me. Is he cumming?,” Jessica asked.

“No, not yet. That is his pre-cum. Bear usually doesn’t start cumming until his knot is fully swollen,” Adriana responded.

“Yep, I can feel it swelling. Oh fuck, it’s so big,” Jessica said with a hint of discomfort in her voice.

“Relax. You’re doing great. Concentrate on how it feels inside you and how Bear feels on top of you,” the blonde said encouragingly.

As Jessica focused on the sensations from her coupling with Bear, Adriana stepped over to the trunk in the closet. She removed a strap-on dildo and some lube. She watched Bear’s mount to see that he would not slip out of his mate of the moment. The blonde checked the battery charge on the strap-on and lubed the base which she inserted into her own pussy. She then cinched the harness around her hips and lubed the thick eight-inch shaft which protruded from the leather harness. Lastly, she switched the strap-on into the on position.

“Bear has you firmly tied. He’s cumming now. You should be able to feel a spreading warmth in your pussy from his hot cum,” Adriana said. “You and Bear fucking is so beautiful. I’m going to watch and give myself a wank,” she elaborated.

Adriana returned to her chair and began stroking the shaft of her strap-on. The pressure sensors in the shaft and head caused the other end of the strap-on inside her snatch to vibrate in sync with how fast, hard, and where she stroked the attached cock.

“Tell me what you feel,” Adriana commanded.

“Oh god, Jesus, his cock and knot are stretching my pussy out……… His cock, knot, and cum are so hot……. I can feel spurts of his cum against my back-wall. He’s cumming in my pussy and womb…… His cock and knot twitch with every spurt…. Oh FUCK!…. The pointed tip of his cock is pressed against my cervix….. His knot is stretching my pussy walls out just inside my entrance……. It’s also pressing and rubbing against my g-spot. Ugh! Oh fuck!….I can feel small trickles of his cum slide down my thighs…..The hairs on his sheath are prickling my labia…..His velvety smooth belly fur feels so good on my butt…..He’s gripping me so tight around my waist……His muzzle is laying on my right should and, he’s panting in my ear…..Oh fuck! I love it. He’s definitely going to make me cum,” Jessica shared breathlessly due to being overwhelmed from the sensations she felt.

“Turn your head to one side and carefully lay your shoulders on the floor. Don’t worry about Bear. He’ll stay mounted on your back. That will free your hands to work your clit,” Adriana suggested as she felt the first hint of her own building orgasm from the vibrations controlled through her stroking. She stopped stroking and instead lightly caressed the balls of the strap-on. She was looking forward to getting Bear’s sloppy seconds and wanted to delay her orgasm.

Jessica turned her head to the left and laid her shoulders on the floor with her hands past her knees. Bear lifted his chin off her right shoulder and shuffled slightly with his hind-legs to push deeper into his bitch-of-the-moment. The dog-fucked brunette raised her right hand and began stroking her clit. Adriana tightly gripped the base of the strap-on shaft and short stroked it.

“Fuck! It turns me on so much watching Bear fuck you,” Adriana gasped as the tremors from the vibrator stimulated the pleasure nerve endings in her snatch.

“Angh, angh, angh! I’m going to fucking cum!,” Jessica whispered huskily.

“Cum on that dog-cock Jess! Milk that cock with your pussy!,” Adriana shouted as she stroked the strap-on shaft and cock-head.

Both women were quickly approaching orgasm. Jessica’s fingers flew over her dog-cum lubed clit. Adriana’s fist tightly gripped and stroked the strap-on shaft from balls to the pressure sensor dense cock head. Effectively each pressure sensor was a nerve ending giving her pleasure from the vibrations inside her cunt.

“OH FUCK! I’M GOING TO CUM!, ………CUMMING!!!!!” Adriana shouted as she continued to stroke her strap-on cock. Her pussy walls clinched down around the vibrating parts of the sex-toy inside her. Her body trembled and shook as her orgasm took control of her body.

Jessica looked up at Adriana thinking she would see the blonde dancer jilling her clit the same as she, but instead was surprised to see the statuesque blonde stroking a large strap-on that was pale in comparison to the blonde’s golden tan. The shock of the sight was enough to push Jessica into her own orgasm. She became momentarily dizzy. Her skin tingled all over from her scalp to her curling toes. Her eyes rolled back into their sockets. A rivulet of spittle slid down her chin. And her pussy rhythmically clamped down on the mounted Rottweiler’s cock and knot like a vice; causing Bear to whine loudly with each wave of her orgasm.

Adriana came out of her orgasm first. It had been years since she had last touched a man’s cock, but it continued to amaze her how life-like the strap-on cock was. The pleasure from the vibrating end corresponded completely with how she stroked the shaft and head. This time, just like every time, she thought that wearing it must be like what having a real cock must be like or something very close. There was one very important difference though. This cock never went soft, but the battery would lose its charge though. Adriana turned the strap-on off to save its charge. It would definitely be needed later. She sat in the chair tweaking her nipples. She watched the smaller dark haired pale beauty continue to orgasm around Bear’s cock and knot. The dancer hoped that Jessica would join her expanding group of doggy-girls. She’d be an excellent addition to the local chapter.

“My god, you’re so beautiful with a dog on your back. I bet no one has ever told you that before,” the dancer purred sexily as she watched.

Jessica could only shake her head no in response. She was still in the grip of her orgasm.

“Bear’s been cumming for about fifteen minutes. He probably has about another five minutes in him before his knot shrinks enough to come out of you. Let me come down there and make sure there won’t be any problems,” Adriana said as she gave her pierced nipples one last tweak.

Adriana stood and stepped beside Jessica and Bear. The strap-on cock swung side to side with her steps, which caused pleasurable sensations in her sex. She knelt down beside the joined pair and stroked bear’s back and behind his ears.

“Good boy, good boy. Mama is so proud of her Bear for showing her new friend a good time. Mama always bring her boy the prettiest girlfriends to make love to,” the dancer said in a quiet affectionate voice reserved for small children and animals.

She looked behind the pair and saw that Bear’s orgasm has greatly lessened. His spurts were weaker and were spread further apart.

“He’s almost done. You should be able to feel that his cock and knot are shrinking,” Adriana said in a low soothing voice.

“Yes, I can tell he’s getting smaller,” Jessica responded in the same tone. She intuited that Adriana did not want to excite Bear.

Bear began to fidget. Adriana held him firmly on Jessica’s back. After a few minutes Bear’s greatly diminished cock slipped out of the brunette’s shaven pussy followed by his cock seconds after that. Adriana took Bear’s front paws and lifted him off of the MILF. Jessica laid down on her side to gather herself and catch her breath while Bear licked his cock back into his sheath.

“Bear, lay down,” Adriana commanded. Bear laid down as commanded.

“Good boy,” she said scratchy his ear. “Now, roll over,” the blonde commanded. Once again Bear obeyed.

Adriana saw that about half his cock was still out of his sheath. She quickly removed the four neoprene socks and left Bear to tongue clean his cock back fully into his sheath. She then crawled to Jessica and rolled the smaller brunette woman onto her back. The dancer then parted and spread the other woman’s knees.

“Now, it’s my turn to clean you up,” Adriana said with a smile as she laid down between the other woman’s spread legs.

As Bear stood up and walked out of the room in search for his water dish and some food, Adriana slowly licked and sucked Bear’s cum from Jessica’s thighs and smoothly shaven sex. She then placed her mouth against Jessica’s slit and after a quick suck, pushed her tongue far into the freshly dog-fucked pussy.

“Mmmmm, nothing better than pussy filled with dog creme,” Adriana said after pulling her long tongue back into her mouth.

“I’ve recently acquired a taste for that delicacy myself, Jessica replied while the dancer returned to her meal.

“Oh fuck, your tongue is so deep Adriana. No man or woman has ever tongue fucked me that deep before,” Jessica purred.

“Mmmmm,” Adriana moaned in pleasure as she continued to tongue fuck and suck whatever juices she could from the other woman.

“You keep doing that, and I’m going to demand you fuck me with that thing,” Jessica purred.

Adriana gave one long wag of her tongue and then a powerful suck on the shaven pussy.

“You just try to stop me. I like nothing better than sloppy seconds from Bear,” Adriana said with a laugh. “First though, strip out of those clothes,” she ordered.

Jessica eagerly obeyed by pulling her halter over her head. She then quickly pulled off her runners. The brunette kicked the panties that had been around an ankle the entire time, site unseen behind a chair. She slipped her denim skirt that had gathered around her waist down, so it could be unzipped. She then slid it over her hips and stepped out of it once it had hit the floor. Adriana stood up and took the hand of the gorgeous black haired, greened eyed beauty with flawless milky white skin.

“Come on. I want you in my bed,” the dancer said while leading the other woman out of the room and down the hall.

“What about Bear?,” Jessica asked.

“Don’t worry about Bear. He’s probably asleep somewhere by now,” Adriana answered as she pulled Jessica into her barely furnished bedroom. It was basically a double bed with box-springs and a dresser.

“This place isn’t much. It’s a furnished rental that the club arranged, but it suits Bear and me very well,” the dancer said has she took the MILF by her hips and pushed her towards the bed after closing the bedroom door.

Jessica felt the strap-on poking her in the back and asked, “when did you put that on?”

“When Bear first knotted you. Neither of you were going anywhere, so I pulled it out of the closet and slipped it on. It’s my favorite toy,” the dancer answered.

Jessica sat down on the edge of the low bed and said, “let me get your cock all nice and slippery.”

“Yes, please suck it for me baby,” Adriana answered as she reached down on flipped the switch on the toy so the part inside her would vibrate in response to how the cock and balls were manipulated.

Jessica leaned down and licked the underside of the shaft from the balls up to the cock-head. She made sure to lightly tongue the fake cock’s urethra hole. Adriana gasped and her knees bent forward in pleasure at the strong tremor that struck the inside of her pussy and her toes curled under.

“Mmmm, strawberry flavored cock. My favorite,” Jessica said with a giggle.

Jessica then wrapped her lips around the cock head and pushed forward onto the cock, using her tongue to guide the thick cock towards her throat. She bobbed her head up and down repeatedly until the cock was generously coated in her saliva. The brunette short stroked the base with a tight grip the way her husband liked it. She noticed that there was a barely perceptible vibration to the toy.

“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!,” she gagged each time the thick cock-head entered her throat.

Adriana could barely stand upright. Her head was thrown back. Her long delicate fingers were entwined in Jessica’s black hair. Her toes were curled under. The blonde’s eyes were closed and her mouth was open in a gape of ecstasy. Jessica noticed that the vibrations of the cock were more noticeable as more of it was in her mouth and the top of her throat. Jessica pulled the cock out of her throat and mouth, but gave the cock-head and urethra one last tongue lick.

“Is this toy vibrating? It feels like it’s vibrating,” the brunette MILF asked while continuing to stroke the saliva coated cock with her fist.

The question pulled Adriana out of her fog of pleasure.

“Wha?,” the blonde mumbled.

“Is this toy vibrating? It feels like it’s vibrating,” Jessica repeated.

The dancer’s head cleared even as Jessica keep short stroking the base of the shaft. Adriana sat on the edge of the bed beside Jessica.

“Yes, the part inside me is vibrating. There are pressure sensors along the shaft and a lot of them in the cock-head. They’re arranged like the nerves are in a man’s cock. The more the sensors are activated the stronger the vibrations are in my pussy. If the vibrations are strong enough they can be felt in the cock itself,” Adriana answered.

“Oooh, that sounds like fun. I’m going to have to get me one of those,” Jessica responded.

“Come on baby give me some of that pussy. Bear had his turn, now it’s my turn. Scoot back on the bed. I need to fuck you so much,” Adriana begged.

Jessica scooted back on the bed and laid on her back. Adriana crawled over the top of the other woman and looked into her green eyes. She stroked her check and moved a stray strand of black hair from her face. The blonde then bent down and tongue fucked the other woman’s mouth which instantly heated both of them up even more. Adriana raised up from their kiss on her left arm. Then spat into her right hand and rubbed it into Jessica’s already slimy pussy. She took hold of the cock a few inches behind the shaft and rubbed it over the other woman’s labia and clit. Jessica spread her knees even further in invitation.

“You ready to get fucked by my fat cock Jess?,” Adriana asked.

“Fuck me Ana! Fuck my pussy!,” Jessica answered.

Adriana looked down and centered the cock-head at the brunette’s slit. She looked up into Jessica’s green eyes and pushed into her a few inches.

Both women gasped as the same time. Jessica gasped at the thick girth of the fake cock. Adriana gasped at the tightness of the other woman’s snatch despite getting dog-fucked just minutes before.

“Wow! That’s big,” Jessica said with a tremor in her voice.

“Jesus! How is your pussy still so tight after Bear? Do you want me to go slowly?,” the dancer asked.

“I exercise my pussy muscles. Rob thinks I have a magic pussy,” Jessica answered with a giggle. “I want you to fuck me the way you want to fuck me,” the MILF answered.

“You do have a magic pussy baby. I’ll be gentle until you loosen up,” Adriana responded.

The blonde dancer hovered over the other woman. She bent her elbows for another kiss then straightened them again. She then pushed several inches deeper into the brunette’s sex as she looked into those green eyes that were half-closed. The dancer pulled back several inches enjoying the vibrations in her own vagina caused by the tightness of her partner. Adriana kept a slow and steady pace in her fucking, going slightly deeper with each thrust until she could go no further. She could not remember the last time she had fucked a woman with such a tight pussy right after Bear had her. The vibrations in her snatch were going in a pulse which matched the pace of her fucking. The vibrations were most intense when the head of her faux cock struck Jessica’s back-wall and only lessened slightly due to the tightness when she pulled back. Adriana felt her orgasm quickly building. She hoped she came before the batteries went out.

Meanwhile, Jessica was building towards her own orgasm. She could feel it was going to be a big one. Adriana was so beautiful and erotic. Just looking at her made Jessica wet. Now she was being fucked by this sex goddess with a big cock. Jessica raised up and began sucking on the blonde’s pierced nipples.

“Jess, you’re going to make me cum soon…… Your pussy is so tight…….. It’s doing things to me you wouldn’t believe,” Adriana said breathlessly.

Jessica’s lips released one of Ana’s nipples, and she fell back onto the mattress.

“Fuck me hard Ana……. I’m almost there,” Jessica said breathlessly.

She crossed her ankles around the dancer’s back and her arms around the other woman’s shoulders, then pulled her down onto her. Jessica could feel Adriana’s pierced nipples poking into her own pert breasts. Their sweaty bodies rubbed together creating a cocktail of sexual exertion sweat. Adriana nibbled the side of her neck. Adriana relished the salty taste. Jessica would have hickies to explain tomorrow, but she didn’t care. The dancer began fucking the smaller woman hard. She put her weight into it as Jessica pulled herself into the other woman’s body. She would be sore for a couple of days, but she didn’t care.

“Oh FUCK! YES! I’M GOING TO CUM!,” shouted Jessica.

Just then Jessica began to come. She shook underneath the blonde dancer. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and fireworks were flying. Adriana thought her pussy was tight before, but the MILF’s orgasmic contractions pegged the sex toy’s vibrations in her own pussy which pushed Adriana over the edge into her own orgasm.

“CUMMING!,” Adriana managed to gasp as if there could be any doubt, as her body shook from the power of the orgasm.

The two women held onto one other. Neither the world nor the future existed during their shared orgasms. There was only the pleasure, each other, and the moment. The orgasmic contractions in Jessica’s tight pussy continued to feed Adriana’s orgasm until the batteries died in the strap-on. After Adriana’s orgasm faded she continued to hold Jessica and gently fuck her. Jessica’s body gave one last powerful tremor.

“Please, no more. I’m too sensitive,” Jessica begged.

Adriana slowly pulled the cock out of the other woman’s smoothly shaven wet sex and rolled off of her to lay on her back beside her. The dancer then turned off the already dead strap-on, unbuckled the harness and slipped it off her. It laid on the bed covers dripping Jessica’s frothy creme. The room reeked of sex. The blonde snuggled up to the brunette and lightly stroked her check and neck while lightly kissing her shoulder. The two women laid in Adriana’s bed cuddling and kissing one another; just enjoying the touch and physical presence of the other as each slowly regained her breath and heart rates returned to normal.

“That was amazing! You’re amazing! Sex with a dog is so intense. Just pure no strings attached sex,” Jessica said after catching her breath.

“What about you? The way you took Bear, and god, your pussy is so tight. You’re a sexy, beautiful, and special woman. I hope Rob knows how lucky he is,” Adriana countered.

“He does. He tells me every day. I’m a lucky woman to have him. Of course after our time together today I’d have to say I’m luckier though. I’d like to see you again,” Jessica said.

“I’d like that too, but just me or me and Bear?,” Adriana asked.

Jessica blushed and turned away slightly in embarrassment, “both you and Bear,” she whispered.

The dancer pulled Jessica’s chin towards her, “Look at me. It’s okay. There’s no need to be embarrassed. You enjoyed it and so did Bear. You did nothing wrong. It was beautiful what you and Bear shared. Orgasms don’t lie,” Adriana responded after making eye contact with the other woman.

“I guess you’re right,” Jessica replied. “It’s just that I’m not the woman I thought I was,” she explained.

“Listen Jess, you may be correct in that you didn’t know the extent of your sexual freedom and lack of inhibitions, but what happened today and your open-ness to it was always part of who you are. Sometimes personal growth isn’t so much about changing yourself, but about coming to a better understanding of who you are and accepting it,” Adriana said gently and sympathetically.

“Thank you Ana,” Jessica said sincerely. “How did you become so wise to be so young?,” she asked.

“I have a lot of personal experience with therapists and I studied psychiatry at university,” Adriana answered.

“Oh. I’m sorry,” Jessica said correctly intuiting why the beautiful woman wasn’t sexually attracted to men. A man had sexually abused her.

“It’s okay. It happened a long time ago. I’ve learned to live with what happened,” Adriana responded not wanting to give any details about her traumatic experiences.

There was a short pause in conversation while both women mulled over what they had discussed.

“So when can I see you and Bear again,” Jessica asked.

“Actually, I’m leaving tomorrow. It will be about ten months before I’m back in Raleigh,” Adriana answered to a suddenly crestfallen Jessica. “I wish I had met you and Rob a couple of months ago.

“I don’t know if I can wait ten months,” Jessica replied.

“I’m sorry, but I’m generally only dancing in a city a couple of months at a time before moving on. Arrangements for the next club are already made. I want to be able to introduce as many women to the doggy option as I can. It’s sort of a hobby of mine,” Adriana said with an infectious chuckle.

“Maybe I should take up that hobby,” Jessica answered with a chuckle of her own.

“Maybe you should,” Adriana said with a smile. “Do you want to be added to my secret Threema group. Every woman in it has sex with dogs. There are nearly a couple hundred women in it from across the country. There are close to ten women from this area in it,” the dancer offered. “As a matter of fact I may add another woman this afternoon. My neighbor’s grand-daughter, Britney, just came of age and I’ve been sweet talking her the last couple of months and she’s curious about dogs. She probably sitting on the hill watching for you to leave. She knows I’m leaving tomorrow and today is her last chance,” the dancer shared.

“Really? Good luck with Britney. I will let you know about adding me to the Threema group. I need to talk to Rob first. I don’t want to continue having sex with dogs if it will hurt my marriage,” Jessica answered.

“I understand. But I don’t think you should worry about that. More men than you would believe think it’s sexy and enjoy watching. Believe me. When I offer a man a show with Bear very few turn me down despite my fee of a thousand dollars for a show for a man,” Adriana assured her.

“I hope you’re right. I don’t want to give up dogs now that I’ve had a taste,” Jessica responded.

Adriana’s face took on a quizzical look.

“Do you hear that beeping sound?,” Adriana asked.

“Oh god! What time is it?,” Jessica blurted out.

Adriana rolled over to the edge of the bed and looked at the clock sitting on the floor.

“It’s 3:05,” the dancer answered.

“Fuck! I’m going to be late,” Jessica shouted as she jumped out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and headed towards the other room.

“Late for what?,” Adriana shouted down the hall as she climbed out of bed and headed towards her doggy-fuck room.

“I have to pick up the twins from school at 3:40,” Jessica answered as she zipped up her skirt and reached for her halter top where it laid on the floor. “Please get my purse,” the harried mother requested.

Adriana unlocked the trunk and pulled out Jessica’s purse. She held it out to Jessica as the brunette pulled her halter top down over her tits. Jessica took her purse, reached in, and turned off the phone alarm. By that time Bear had risen from his bed and stood beside his nude mistress. Both watched the frantic woman looking for her panties.

“I can’t find my panties. Consider them a souvenir Ana,” Jessica said as she started slipping on her runners having given up finding them quickly.

Before bolting for the front door Jessica stopped in front of Ana and kissed her passionately. She then bent down for a throat lick from Bear.

“Thank you! Both of you. Thank you for helping me to realize who I really am. I’ll message you tomorrow about the group,” Jessica gushed enthusiastically.

“You’re welcome Jess. Happy birthday. You’d better go. We’ll chat soon,” Adriana said with a smile.

“Thank you! Thank you! Best birthday ever! I’ll never forget it,” Jessica said as she headed for the front door. Within seconds, she was jumping into her SUV. She cranked it and hit the gas. Her tires were spinning on the gravel driveway putting a ton of dust into the air.

Adriana stood nude in her front door watching her new friend Jessica tear onto the side road and head towards the highway. She saw Britney walking down the pasture in her Daisy-Dukes and tank-top. Knowing she only had a couple of minutes before Britney reached her front door, Adriana quickly entered the Threema app and sent a quick message.

‘Jess just left. Bear and I enjoyed her. She will probably talk to you about it tonite. UR a very lucky man.’

The response came back twenty seconds later. Rob was obviously watching his phone.

‘Great! When I confirm with her, I will send the rest of your fee. Just send a BTC address.’

About the time that Britney entered her yard, Adriana sent her last reply.

‘Forget the rest of the fee. I consider myself PIF.’

She smiled at Britney, opened the door, and welcomed her inside as Britney began pulling her tank top over her head.


Luck was with Jessica. She was only late by a minute but fortunately her daughters were two minutes late. She was still early enough to see her twin girls walking out the school door. They immediately saw their mother’s SUV and walked her way. It was only then that she calmed enough to notice that she smelled like dog and sex despite somewhat wiping her face with a wet-wipe the best she could while driving. She straightened her hair with her fingers wondering if her daughters would notice anything. They did smell the funky smell but couldn’t recognize it. When they got home they noticed that there was short black and brown dog hair on Jessica’s halter top and skirt. Quick thinking Jessica told them she had visited a friend which is why she smelled like a dog and that there must have been dog hair on the furniture. It wasn’t even technically a lie. Fortunately the girls bought it and went to their bedroom to watch television after getting some snacks.

Jessica went into her bedroom to disrobe and get a quick shower. She could feel Bear’s cum dripping down her thighs and her sex and thighs were crusty with dried sex fluids from herself, Bear, and Adriana. As she washed her hair and body, she could not help but laugh at her outrageous behavior. She knew that Adriana was right. She was always the person she then found herself to be, and she felt gratitude towards Adriana and Bear for revealing her true self. Jessica felt no guilt. She was sure of Rob’s love and her love for Rob. She was certain he would accept her newly realized desires.

After showering, Jessica dressed and went down-stairs to begin preparing dinner. So it would be ready before Rob got home from the office.

Rob got home at his usual time. He checked on the girls in their bedroom and then looked for his wife. He found her in the kitchen as usual. Rob slipped up behind her and wrapped his arms around his wife. He kissed her on the neck. He gave her a little bite on the red spot where Adriana had bitten her that afternoon.

“Happy birthday my love. Did you have a good time today?,” he asked while bringing his hands to her breasts and lightly pinching each nipple.

“Mmmm, I did. I’ll tell you all about it tonight, but dinner is ready. Go get the girls,” Jessica requested as she leaned back into her man’s muscular chest.

“Your wish is my command,” Rob responded as he released his wife only to slap her ass before heading towards the girls’ bedroom.

The four of them ate the dinner prepared by Jessica. Since it was her birthday, they also enjoyed ice-cream cake which was the girls favorite, which in the way of mothers everywhere also made it Jessica’s favorite. After dinner, they played a board game and watched a little television. The girls were sent to bed at 9 pm and the happily married couple went to bed after watching the news.

Rob quickly undressed and climbed into bed nude as was his habit. He never missed his wife undressing in preparation for bed. Despite watching her undress every night he never tired of watching her.

Jessica disrobed. She enjoyed her husband’s hungry eyes devouring her. The wife and mother joined her husband and snuggled up to him in their marital bed as nude as he. They shared a kiss.

“So what happened at Adriana’s?” Rob asked in a low voice since the girls were just down the hall. “You know the rules. You have to tell me everything that happens when you and another woman play without me. Don’t be shy,” Rob said unnecessarily.

“Well, she and I had sex of course,” Jessica said coyly.

“Details please. The juicer the better,” Rob responded.

“She fucked me with a strap-on. Oh my god! She really knows how to use that thing. I want one just like it,” she elaborated slightly.

“Sure, so long as you don’t think you’re going to use it on me,” he replied. “Anything else?,” he asked.

“Well, there was the customary oral sex for both of us,” she answered.’

“Oral sex is always good. Anything else?,” Rob replied.

Jessica looked deeply into her husbands eyes. A hint of doubt touched her. She suddenly was afraid. He could tell that she had some hesitation. He pushed her a little.

“Jessica, you’re not going to tell me a man was present are you?,” he asked with feigned jealously.

“No! Absolutely not. There wasn’t a man there with Adriana and me at all. No other person was there,” Jessica answered attempting to put his apparent jealously to rest.

“Then what is it that you don’t want to tell me? Do you doubt the love that I have for you?,” Rob asked with a feigned pained expression.

Jessica’s doubts disappeared. They vanished as suddenly as they had arisen. She knew that he loved her every bit as much as she loved him and that they would be together until death parted them. She reached up and touched his check with the back of her fingers. He moved his lips to kiss those fingers.

“No, I know that you love me as much as I love you and that we’ll always be together. It’s just that I learned something about myself today that I didn’t expect. You see, I watched Ana have sex with her Rottweiler, Bear. Then I had sex with him. I enjoyed watching her with Bear and I enjoyed having sex with Bear. Like Ana told me, orgasms don’t lie. It’s something that I’d like to do again, but only if you’re okay with it,” Jessica said while looking deeply into her husband’s eyes.

Rob looked into his wife’s eyes stone-faced. He didn’t show any emotions. Jessica waited on his response with baited-breath. After what seemed like an eternity to her, she saw a spark of laughter in his eyes; then a big smile break out on his face; which was quickly followed by a quiet chuckle. She suddenly realized that he had known all along. That he had set the entire day up. She giggled with him and reached up and slapped his bare chest.

“You big jerk! You set the entire thing up!,” she said in a raised voice.

“Shush, you’ll wake the girls,” he responded while laughing in joy. “I just presented the opportunity my love. I had seen Adriana’s show about a week and a half before you did and knew you would want to see it yourself. I even dared to hope that you would enjoy Bear too. You were the one brave enough to make the leap,” he responded.

“Does that mean I can….?,” she asked.

“Of course my love. When have I ever denied you anything that was within my power to give?,” he asked.

“Never my love. Never,” she responded. “What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful man?,” she asked.

“By being an even more wonderful woman of course,” he answered.

Jessica and Rob gently made love late into the night until both were totally satiated. That night they conceived a son. The next morning Jessica sent a message to Adriana asking that she be added to the secret group. Then once the girls and Rob had left for school and work, she got on the internet and started looking for a male dog as her husband had suggested.

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One thought on “The Champagne Room

  1. Another good one! Well written, a nice juicy story. Very believable and makes me want to experience it all myself! A story that could be expanded on and you definitely should. Keep up your good work. Good luck with your future work. Respectfully, Janet

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