Women with Animals

The Unleashing Of A Dog Slut


(c) 2016 by Daddyspersonalslut

The Beginning

The moment she saw him she new her life was changed. Their eyes met and she literally stopped in her tracks. He was very tall, at least 6’2″, eyes so blue you could get lost in them, and built like a brick shithouse. Her eyes darted to his crotch, where she could see a definite buldge. She instantly felt her pussy twitch followed by the wetness. The only coherent thought she had at that moment was “DAMN”. She saw a slight sadistic smile come across his face. Oh shit, she thought to herself, I actually said that out loud. She was there to talk to him about fixing her car. He lousy ex-husband had acted a fool and broke it. She never understood why she just didn’t cut all ties with him. She didn’t love him anymore, hell, she barely liked him. And as for sex, he couldn’t keep a hard on, and wasn’t worth the effort anyway. She was better off with her trusty vibrator and her own hand. It had been over 8 months since they even attempted and so she just gave up and stuck to satisfying herself. But this man, she could tell instantly he was different. She could literally smell him, and it was intoxicating. She had never in her 46 years had such a viceral reaction to a man. He was saying something about fixing the part but she just couldn’t concentrate. All she could think about was being on her hands and knees in front of him, pounding her wet pussy from behind. ” Well, does that sound like a deal to you?” he said. “Fuck” she thought. He was waiting on her response and she didn’t even know what the question was. That sadistic smile crossed his face again, like he knew what she had been thinking. She felt the heat in her face and knew she was blushing. “Sure, that works for me. How much will you charge to fix it?” She asked. “Don’t worry about that now. Let see if I can fix it and we will work out the payment later,” he said with that smirk on his face. Oh, I know what kind of payment I would love to work out with you, she thought to herself, as her pussy gave another couple of twitches to signal its approval to that thought. She quickly scolded herself. There would be no way this fine specimen would have any interest in someone like her. She was a big woman. Granted, she carried it well being 5’6″ herself, but still big, including her ass and tits. She felt she had a pretty face and that was it. But the way he looked at her. It was like his eyes bore into her and he was seeing her naked in front of him. For a split second she thought she saw raw lust in those blue eyes. “Wishful thinking, dumbass” she thought quickly to herself. They agreed that he would attempt to fix the part and he would call her in a couple of hours when it was done.

Those few hours crept by. She found she could keep a straight thought in her head. She found herself playing out all kinds of little fuck fantasies with him as the star. “I wonder what he tastes like?” she thought at one point. That thought brought another round of pussy twitching and wetness. “I have got to stop this!” she thought. “If I don’t, I am going to cum all over myself standing right in front of him!” But she couldn’t. “Fuck it!” she thought. It had been so long since she had felt a hard cock inside her and she made up her mind she was at least going to attempt to get this man in her bed. She had never done anything like this before – deciding to fuck someone without getting to know them first – but there was a first time for everything. She instinctively knew that he was built. And she knew that he would give her pleasures she had never had before. There was something primal and raw behind those eyes and she had to find out what it was. Hell, she was craving it.

When his number flashed across her phone three agonizing hours later, she felt instant wetness spread in her crotch. “Maintain, dumbass” she thought before answering. “Hey, I think I got it fixed. Come on up and get it.”he said. ” Great! Be right there. How much do I owe you?” she said. “Let’s wait and see if this works first,” he said. Once she got to the shop to pick up the part, she once again felt raw desire seeing him face to face again. She gave her best come fuck me smile and flirted ever so slightly. She didn’t know if it was wishful thinking or not, bit she swore he flirted back. “Thanks again. Hopefully this will work if he doesn’t screw it up again,” she said, referring to lousy ex who just wouldn’t take a hint and bounce. “Well, you have my number if he can’t. Call anytime and I will help you out.” he said with that sadistic smile on his face. She thanked him again and tore herself away. As luck would have it, the ex couldn’t fix the car over the next two days. As she already knew, ex was worthless and time for him to go. She decided right then and there to take him up on his offer. He answered on the second ring. “Does that offer still stand?” she asked. “Hell yeah” he said. “Great! When can you do this?” “How about after I get off work at 10? Is that too late?” he said. “Nope, not a problem at all. It will just be me here. He is my ex and will be long gone by then.” she said. She wanted to make damn sure he knew lousy ex had no claim on her and she was wide open. “Even better,” he said with a sight laugh to his voice that sent shivers down her spine and sent her throbbing again. They hung up, and she find hersef thinking 10pm couldn’t get here fast enough.

When he showed up, she was still just as wet as the first time she seen him. The past two days he had been the star when she masturbated, and she was doing this more times a day than she ever had before. He had come by the night before to look at the car, and they ended up talking for 4 hours. He worked a little bit on the car, but still didn’t have it fixed. They went in the living room and sat down, him on the couch, her in the recliner. After a few minutes, he took off him ballcap and kneeled down on his knees beside her chair. “If you don’t mind, I am going toolest you for a few minutes” he said with that smile she had come to know well. “Yes, please” she said. He kissed her and intense desire flooded every part of her being. She knew he felt it and he responded. His had went up her shirt to find her erect nipple. As he pinched it, tugged on it, another wave of desire flooded her. She moaned when it hit. He broke away and said “You look like you could use a back rub. Why don’t you go get comfortable. Take off as much as you are comfortable with and I promise you will enjoy it.” She didn’t hesitate. Shakily she stood up to go into the bedroom. Her eyes darted quickly to his crotch and she saw his erection through his jeans. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She took off her shirt, leaving only her panties on, and laid down on her stomach. He came in the room, and she heard his sharp intake of breath. “Dammit girl” she heard him say. He sat down beside her on the bed, and began to massage her back. God, his hands felt amazing, she thought. He then began kissing her spine along with his hands. She felt the desire building in them both and moaned. As she did, she felt his hand slip inside her panties and move past her ass to find her wet pussy. “Mmmm, girl, you are so wet” he whispered in her ear, his breath, moist and hot. “I just have to have a taste of that” he said. She could not believe her luck. This was actually going to happen! He took off her panties and stripped. She got a good look at his hard cock for the first time. It was everything she expected it to be and more. “Oh my fucking god!” she thought. That is going to feel so good inside me! She went to turn over to give him free access, but he told her to stay on her stomach. He spread her legs and claimed her throbbing wet pussy with his mouth from behind. As his tongue went to work on her clit she felt the orgasm hit with force. For the first time in her life, she had an orgasm without any help from herself. “Mmmm, that’s it. Cum for me.” she heard him say. Right then another one hit. “Oh god,” she moaned. “What the fuck?!?” she thought to herself. This had never happened to her before. She had never cum for anyone just because they told her to. With force, she felt him pull her up in her hands and knees and move between her legs. “Yes, oh yes” she moaned, ready to have his rock hard cock inside her. It had been so long for her, and god she was tight. As the head of his cock entered her, she heard him moan “god you are tight”. It took a few thrusts before her pussy stretched enough to accommodate him. Finally, he was able to sink all 8 inches in her tight wet pussy. She clamped down on him as another orgasm hit her. She knew he felt it. He began to pound her pussy, slowly at first with long steady strokes, as he brought her time and time again to climax. He picked up the pace, grabbing her hips, and forcefully bring them back as he pushed his cock insdie her. She screamed his name, knowing she was going to orgasm again. At the same time she heard him say ” Oh shit” and knew he was too. She let go and the most exquisite and intense orgasm she had ever had hit with such force she thought she might pass out. They collapsed together on the bed, him still inside her, both panting. After a few minutes, he rolled to side, and presented her with a huge grin on his face. “That was fucking hot, woman!” he said. “I don’t know if you just wanted this to be a one time thing or not, but I know I sure would like to do this again!”

From that night on, they were hardly apart. Every time, it became more and more intense and satisfying for both of them. He was able to do things to her no one else ever could. At one point, they discovered her could simply stand behind her, whisper in her ear what he was going to do to her, and make her cum without even touching her. They were that connected with each other. A month after they met, he moved in. The first few days was almost round the clock fucking. Not only was the sex nothing like they had experienced before, but they had also revealed things about themselves that they had never told anyone else before. During one of their breaks, he said “I’ve got something I need to tell you. It is something I have been into for a long time. I don’t know how you are going to take it.” “Hey,” she said, “I told you I am completely in love with you and accept everything and anything about you, no matter what it is. Tell me,” she said. “Ok, here goes nothing.” he said. “Ever since I was a teenager, I have always been with women who would have sex with me and, um, dogs.” He looked up at her then, waiting for her reaction. He knew she had never been exposed to anything like this from their previous conversations. “Whoa, this is different”, she thought.” Not what I expected him to say.” She looked at him, knowing he was waiting on her response. “Ok, that is different. I have never even thought about that before. It doesn’t bother me that you are into that.” she said. “I told you I accepted you as you are. I just don’t know if that is something I can do. Will that be a deal breaker with us?” she asked. “Naw, I don’t think so.” he said. “I have videos I can watch…..for now” he said. “Oh my god,” she thought to herself. “What have I gotten myself into here?”



“I have the sexual tolerance of a dinosaur” This was one of the first statements he made to her about sex. In other words, there was nothing off limits, nothing to out there, nothing taboo. She found this intoxicating. Never before had she been allowed to let her mind and her body run free with whatever fantasy come to mind. From the beginning they told each other their fantasies both before and during sex. And, quite naturally, the fell into D/s, him the Dom and she the sub. Both had been somewhat comfortable in these roles before but not like this. He began telling her she was his; his to do with what he wished. Then he spoke the four words to her for the first time that would forever give him total control over her – Anytime, anyplace, anything, anyone. With those words she completely surrendered all control to him. For her, it was the most liberating feeling she had ever experienced. Once, while under this control, he had her completely naked in his truck. He took her clothes inside with him and made her walk to the house that way in broad daylight. She obeyed him without question. Once inside all he said was “hands and knees now”. She instantly went to floor. He came behind her, sinking his cock deep inside her very wet pussy. While under this control, she came hard and frequently. He pummeled both her ass and pussy back and forth, eliciting orgasms from her with such force she would actually squirt. He would use every toy on her they had. One of his favorite things to do was have both his cock and her favorite dildo screwing her pussy at the same time. That would make her cum instantly. He freed her to explore every aspect of her sexuality that she had been denied in the past. Her favorite new fantasy was to come home, and there were several guests present. There were chairs set around a sturdy, large coffee table. He would catch her gaze, and then give her his hooded look she knew so well. She knew what was coming. ” You are mine – Anytime, anyplace, anything, anyone. You will do as I say with question. Understood?” “Yes Sir,” she would whisper. He would take her to the coffee table. He would tell her “strip”; she instantly obeyed. She noticed that the group, about 20 in all, mostly men, were seated with notepads. some were videotaping. Once strip, he place her on her knees on the coffee table. ” Now, pay attention everyone. This is what I was telling you about earlier”. He would begin to whisper in her ear. He was going to make her cum without touching her. To have an audience watch them as he done that to her was her biggest fantasy. She wanted to show off his ability.

But this, sex with both him and dogs, she wasn’t sure she could go down that rabbit hole. When he first told her, she wasn’t sure how to react. Her first reaction was that would never happen with her. She could not ever see herself having sex with an animal. It elicited no desire in her. He told her it wasn’t a deal breaker for them. She was thankful for that. She had long ago gone over the cliff and was totally and completely addicted to this man. She didn’t want him to think that she couldn’t accept this new aspect of his sex life, so she began to ask him questions. He would tell her of past experiences, including the first time he ever saw the act. He was young, and was spying on a woman he knew. She was naked out in her back yard late at night and he wondered why. About that time a large dog come up to her. She dropped to her hands and knees. The dogshoved his snout between her legs and started to lick. “I got an instant hard on” he said. After a couple of minutes, the dog climbed on the woman and sank his cock inside the woman’s wet pussy. He was so aroused by what he was watching, he couldn’t look away. The woman started to moan as the dog pounded her harder and faster. Then he saw the knot. He watched as the dog sunk his huge knot in her dripping wet cunt. She moaned even louder as he watched her boby quiver as orgasm after orgasm hit her. From that moment on he was hooked. He thought it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. “Have you even seen video of this before” he asked her. “You mean there is video of this on the internet?” she asked, not believing anyone would put that out there. “Yup, and baby girl, there is more of this that goes on than you think”. Wow, she thought, I would never have imagined. Still, she just could not see herself doing that.

Every night, he began to tell her of either past experiences he had, or fantasies he began to have of her with a large dog. At first, she would listen, a little uncomfortable, but would let him tell it all. Sex was always more intense after that. While he was either fucking her from behind or flat on her back legs high in the air plowing her ass, he was constantly telling her how he would love to see a big lab or shepherd climb on her too while he was screwing her. At times, he could not reach full release unless he was on his knees in front of her, strocking himself while she pinched his nipples and was telling him a scenario of her with a dog that she thought up. He would then be able to have full release, pushing his cock deep inside her mouth and cumming down her throat. Knowing she wasn’t comfortable with this he would always apologize to her for having her speak those scenarios. After one such episode, they were lying side by side, his fingers toying with her nipples. “So, since you do that for me, is there anything that I haven’t done that you would like me to do?” he asked. She looked up at him and was instantly lost in his eyes. ” Yes, there is one thing. Marry me” The words were out of her mouth before she realized what she was saying. She knew she loved him. That he would be the last man she ever loved. And she knew he loved her. But she wasn’t sure he was even thinking marriage. She braced for the answer. He looked down at her with the biggest grin on his face. “Hell yeah!” he said. “You think I am gonna let my personal slut get away?”.

The nightly conversations continued and always he talked about sex with dogs. He even attempted to force the issue by bringing home a rather large black lab from his ex’s house when he went to visit his kids. But, they both knew that would never happen with this particular animal. So, they gave him to some friends. Slowly, she started asking more in depth questions. Why the knot? What does it feel like? Has every woman he did this with like it? At one point he got her to watch videos with him. At first, she was shocked by what she saw. But she couldn’t look away either. It wasn’t at all what she imagined. It was more primal. More raw. And she could clearly see he was highly aroused. After the videos, he had her on her hands and knees on the floor, sinking his rock hard cock in her tight ass in just two strokes. She moaned in oleasure pushing her hips and ass up into him. He grabbed her ass and screwed her ass as fast and hard as he could. She screamed his name and he knew she was going to cum and cum hard. He let himself go with her, releasing his load in her ass. They collapsed there on the floor, both spent and panting. After a few minutes he helped her up and they returned to the bed. “I have a question for you” she asked. “Shoot” he said. “I still don’t think I could do the dog thing. But, I know I wouldn’t have a problem if you found a woman with a dog. Would you be satisfied just watching?” A compromise of sorts?” she asked. “As long as you were in the room with us” he said. That would help to satisfy his cravings. She felt better about it. As much as he wanted this, she knew if she couldn’t give him something, he was going to go somewhere else to get it. She never blamed him for that. This had been such a large part of his life. She couldn’t expect him to just turn his back in this. They started looking for woman who would be willing to put on a show for them.

About a month before the wedding, they were full tilt in a barnyard fantasy. He had her pinned against a closet door, hands above her head, plowing her ass and telling her how he had her in a deserted barn, bent over bales of hay. He told her that the position he had her in, she was going to fuck whatever he presented to her whether she wanted to or not..But something was different. Not with him, but with her. As she listened to him describe the dog he was bringing to her, she felt her pussy start to throb more than ever, and it just wasn’t because he was screwing her ass. “Well this is new” she thought to herself moments before the intense orgasm hit as he described the dog mounting her. “Oh god, I wonder if he noticed?” she thought. It was the first time she responded that way to dog sex. She held her breath for a second and realized he didn’t. They both came shortly after that thought and made their way back to the bed for a break. They were in the middle of on of their “marathon sessions” as they called them. It was where they literally fed off each other and ended up screwing all day and night. As they were lying there talking and playing around, she needed to see if what happened before was just a fluke. She began to pinch one of his nipples. She placed her other hand on her clit and pressed it up against his leg. They both enjoyed this. She would tell him a very nasty story while getting herself off. Usually her stories were about being watched. Not this time. She started by saying they decided to go out for a midnight ride. All she had on was a T-shirt. As they were riding around on the back roads playing with each other, they came across three large dogs. She told him to stop the truck. He did, and she looked at him and said, so, you said you would do anything to see this. Is now a good time?” As she is telling him this new story she feels how wet she is getting. She rubs her clit harder, pressing into his leg. He pulls her closer, so her mouth is closer to his ear . he is striking his cock fast and hard as she tells him she gets out of the truck, taking the blanket with her. She places the blanket on the ground in front of the truck whee the headlights light every thing up. She goes to her hands and knees on the blanket and all three dogs come to her. The biggest one, a mastif, pushes his snout between her legs nd begins to loudly lick her wet pussy. The shepherd, goes to her head. He tells her look up, and when she does, the shepherd face mounts her and shoves his cock in her mouth. At the same time the mastif climbs up on her, and after 3 or 4 thrusts sinks his 11 inch cock in her pussy. He cannot believe it. She is being head and heeled at the same time. When she reached this point in the story, she came hard and fast followed immediately by him. She took all of him in her mouth as he came, feeling the juices shoot down her throat. She loved the taste of him. And it happened again. She was aroused by the fantasy.

Over the next few weeks, she increased her fantasies to include at least one or two large dogs. As they progressed and got more and more intense, he would always say “dammit girl, I would give anything for that to come true”. Their wedding was now just a week away. She had no idea what to give him for a wedding present. Slowly, a thought formed in her mind. Now, she had a solid idea for his wedding gift…


The Gift

July 21st, the night before their wedding. The past week had been hectic for them. First, the move to the new place just a couple weeks prior. Then all the arrangements for the wedding. Luckily, they were both on the same page. It would be a very small, intimate wedding. There were only 30 people invited. Only 20 had confirmed. The intentionally planned it on a day in the middle of the week. Small, intimate. Only those that they wanted to be there would. And their sex life had suffered this week. Earlier that day, he came up to her from behind, wrapped his arms around her, and whispered in her ear, “Tomorrow, you legally become mine. I can hardly wait for that. But for now, I want to spend today lost in each other and shut the world out. It feel like it has been a month to me we have been so busy. Sound good?” “Mmmmmm” she moaned as she rested her head back on his shoulder. He reached up and stroked the side of her face, something on he could do. For years, she would not let anyone get that close to her face. Too many bad memories. But he broke through all of that. Now, for her it only elicited intense pleasure and instantly made her wet. He knew this. He slipped his other hand inside of her jeans and probed just inside the lips of her pussy. “Mmmmm, my little slut is already so wet” he murmured in her ear. He walks her to the edge of the bed, bends her over, and strips her of her jeans. As the hit the floor, she hears his zipper. He doesn’t even get them all the way off before he is sinking his cock in her wet pussy. “God, you feel amazing” he tells her. All she can do is moan, it feels so good. He is pumping fast and hard, pinning her down against the bed. Her orgasm comes hard and fast and she clamps down around his cock. “Oh, no you don’t.” He tells her. ” I am going to tear up that tight little ass of yours before I come. I plan on you being a little sore when you walk down the isle tomorrow.” He pull out of her then, tells her strip and on her back on the bed. She does as she is told. She now has a perfect view of him as he finishes taking off his clothes. She loved watching him do this. “God, is he ever the finest specimen of man I have ever seen” she thinks to herself as she watches him. She literally feels her eyes darken and become hooded as desire for this man increases.

Her little half smile comes across her face, a smile he has come to know oh so well that signals his personal little slut has just arrived. He is instantly rock hard. He looks at her, desired flooding his head. “There she is, my little slut” he tells her. DAMN, he thought. She is biting her bottom lip and smiling. He knows with those two actions, whatever he can come up with, what ever scenario, be it Daddy / Daughter, Step-mom / step-son, hell, he could even go as far as mom / son and she would play along and follow him wherever he wanted to go. This was something he absolutely loved about her. The was only one thing, and one thing only, she has held out on. The one thing that he constantly thought of. The one thing that would cross his mind at least five times a day and within minutes have him getting himself off to. He wanted to see her on her hands and knees, some big mutt mounting her from behind, filling her wet pussy and knotting her as she moaned and cried “oh, god” in a way only she could. Hell, just even thinking about it for this split second had him rock hard again. He grabs her legs, pulls her down on her back. The way she looks up at him. Like he is the last man on earth and possess all the water on the planet. That just turns him on even more. He grabs her legs, pushing them apart and up where her knees are almost to her ears, exposing that tight little ass of hers. She was never more sexy to him as she was in this position. Her ass was all his – no one before him. And he loved that fact. And the bonus was she freakin loved it. As he applied the lube to her ass and him, she is already moaning in anticipation, panting, begging him please, shove his cock in her ass. “Don’t worry, my little slut” he tells her, “I plan on doing just that”. He has to fight the urge to sink his cock in one stroke. Her ass is so tight at first. She pushes her hips up to him, and he is balls deep by the third stroke. She cums instantly. God, I love watching her cum, he thinks to himself. He had never really experienced anything like this before her. Oh, he had tried the little slut before on other women. Most often than not, well, lets just say it didn’t end well. But her. She accepted it without question. Responded to it. Hell, she actually got off on it. Just like she is now – Body locked in spasm, storm in her eyes, ass clamped hard around his cock. It is all he can do not to cum right there with her. As she calms down, he begins to pound that ass as hard and deep as he can. He loved how this felt, her orgasms coming fast and hard, causing her ass to clamp and release faster and faster around his cock. Then she begins to squirt with her orgasms. Another first for both of them. He can no longer hold back. As his rises in him, he feels her next one coming. Her eyes fly open and he sees that familiar storm in her eyes that signal she is going to cum long and hard. She screams his name and he can no longer hold back. As she stiffens with her orgasm, he sinks his cock hard and deep in her ass, cuming with her. He collapses on top of her, not even taking his cock out of her. They are both spent and panting, trying to catch their breaths. Finally, he removes himself and rolls over on his back, grabs a smoke, and lights it. She moves to lay on his chest. “Man, I got damn lucky with this one,” he thinks to himself. “You ok?” he asks. “Never better,” she says with a mischievous grin on her face. “Uh-oh,” he thinks. ” I know that grin. She is up to something”. He takes a drags, slowly blows out the smoke, smiles, and says to her “What?”

He knows she is up to something. She is laying across his chest with that stupid smile on her face she gets when she is nervous. He says he always knows she is up to something when she gets this grin. She has thought long and hard over the past week about his wedding gift she is going to give him. She has made sure in her mind that not only is she comfortable doing it, hell, she want it now. The thought of some big dog mounting her actually gets her wet. “So,” she begins. “Just what exactly would you be willing to give me if I did?” she asks. For moment he gets a puzzled look on his face. Then he realizes what she is talking about. He had told her he would give her anything she wanted if she would at least try sex with a dog one time. ” Are you saying what I think you are saying” he asks. He can barely believe he heard her right. “Yes, I am” she says. ” So, what are you willing to give me?” She asked again. “Anything and Everything you want” he says quickly, almost shouting the words. Still smiling, she drops her head to his chest, kissing it where his heart is. When she looks up, he can see her eyes are moist. “I had no idea what to get you for a wedding gift,” she says. “You have already given me mine – my life back. And tomorrow, I get you. So, now I am giving you yours. This is the only thing I know that can even come close to what you have given me. I am ready now. I am willing to try it with the dog of your choice. And you don’t have to give me anything in return. This is my wedding gift to you.” One little tear escapes the corner of her eye. He knows with out a doubt these are not sad. He can see nothing but happiness in her eyes. He grabs her, pulls her to him tight. ” I can’t think of a better gift you could have given me. You have made me one happy man. And tomorrow, with this added, you will make me the happiest man in the world when you become my wife.”



“DAMMIT!” he shouts to no one in the shop. For the fifth time in less than an hour, he has misplaced his 7/16 socket trying to work on his truck. “What the hell??” he thinks to himself.”I can’t focus on a damn thing! This is driving me CRAZY!” Not to mention, it is the middle of August and hot as hell in the shop on top of his pre-occupation. It has been almost exactly one month since she gave him his gift. And DAMN, what a gift! She actually agreed without any pressure from him to let a dog take her as his bitch. Shocked the hell out of him, even though he should be used to her shocking him by now. He feels his “sadistic grin” as she calls it come across his face.

He thinks back to the first time he ever saw her. Her piece of shit ex husband broke a part on her car. A frown briefly crosses his forehead. Happens every time that worthless excuse for human crosses his mind. She came up to the shop where he worked. He liked her voice on the phone, but really didn’t think much of it. She worked in the offices of the same company he worked for. What the hell, he could be a good guy once in while and help her out. She sounded kind of desperate and pissed. When she showed up and come out in the shop, she had her head down. For some reason, he had the feeling of instant pissed when he saw that. Didn’t get that and just chalked it up to one of his random thoughts that hit sometimes. Then she looked up and saw him. When their eyes met, she stopped like someone had just shot nails in her feet and stopped her dead in her tracks. He wasn’t sure what he had just seen flash in her eyes, but then she blurted out “DAMN” and he knew. Hell, it gave him an instant hard on. That was the first time he flashed that sadistic grin at her. Then piece of shit damn near ran into her because she stopped. He mumbled something to her and damn if she didn’t drop her head. “Oh, HELL NO!” he thought to himself. Now he knew where the instant pissed came from. Well, he didn’t give a rats ass who this asshole was. At that moment, all he knew was he was going to take a shot at her. He knew he saw something in her eyes.

Now his grin spreads across his entire face. If he had only known when he first met her what that “something” was, and where he was now with her could go back and tell himself exactly what this woman would do to and for him, he would have laughed in his face. But, damn if it didn’t happen. He knew she was freak. He had a natural ability to spot that shit a mile away. But, this – hell no! By the end of the first week, he was able to make this bitch cum without even touching her, just whispering in her ear just how he planned on claiming that tight little ass of hers. She was standing in front of him in the doorway of the kitchen. As he was telling her he would sink his cock in her ass in two strokes, he ran his hands down her sides and damn if she didn’t cum right there on the spot. “Naw, she didn’t just???” He thought. “Did you just cum?” he heard himself say. “Dumbass! Now that was smooth” he thought to himself. But, to his amazement, she took a ragged breath and choked out Yes. “Nice!” he said. “I gotta see if i can do that again” he said and he started all over. He barely got to the part of slipping his cock in her ass and damn if she didn’t come again! He could not believe his luck. Next thing he knew he has his hands braced on each side of the doorway, and she is on her knees looking up at him as she is taking all of his cock in her mouth. “Damn, that was sexy as hell!” he thinks as he reaches down to re-adjust for the instant hard on he got for his little trip down memory lane. Hell, he had to stop three times that night on his 14 mile trip back to his place to take care of the hard on that just wouldn’t go away.

And he was now married to her. That fact still amazed him. They had been married a little over a month now. And she was now his personal little slut. He was still shocked that flew with her. What ever he came up with, she was always so willing. Things he would have never tried on any other woman he had been with he tried with her. And she got off on it. Every time. And he got to claim several firsts with her. First to claim that tight ass of hers. First to make her come on command. First to have her total submission to him. That last one still gives him chills. “Love That!” he though to himself. There was only one thing she said she did think she could do. Be mounted by a dog. And that one she stuck to. He knew he could go out and find any female with a dog and get what he wanted. She was even willing to sign off on it. But that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to see HER mounted. Was all he thought about, hell, even obsessed about. He thought he was gonna have to end up arranging an “accident” for it to happen, then damn if she didn’t shocked him again. The night before their wedding, she gave him his wedding gift – she was ready to try sex with a mutt. He damn near passed out when she told him. He made her repeat it to him because he was sure he didn’t hear her right. But he did.

Their wedding night flashed across his mind and he smiled again. They damn sure destroyed that motel room. Looked like Motley Crue had come through that room. “Well this isn’t getting my truck fixed” he thought. If he kept going down memory lane, he would just say “Fuck it”, go in the house, grab her, bend her over the bed and screw that tight ass of hers. But he was frustrated. Her and a mutt hadn’t happened yet. And he was getting damn impatient. He had waited a million damn years to see this and it was just his damn luck they could not find a damn dog that would cooperate. Well, it felt like a million years. She actually went and picked up a nice looking male and female pair of bull dogs. The first night she brought them home was the first time she had her pussy licked by a dog. At one point, both of those mutts were licking her out as he was rubbing her clit. She actually had an orgasm so hard she passed the fuck out. God, he loved that. But that male would not mount her for anything. He would actually growl at him if he tried to put him on her. He didn’t know what he was going to do. He had never, and he meant NEVER, seen a male dog turn down a wet pussy. But this brain damaged mutt did. Before she agreed, he saw stray mutts every damn where. Now, not one. They had even been out back road riding specifically looking for one. Didn’t see one, not one damn dog. They had tried it earlier tonight. No luck.

Now here it was 4 in the morning and he was out in the shop working on his truck when he should be balls deep in her ass. About a week ago, a stray husky came up to him in the shop. He had the doors open and he just walked right in. And where was she? Yep, damn sure not here. He should have kept that damn dog. But he didn’t. Well, if he comes around again, I will damn sure some how some way get that mutt in the garage. And we will see if she actually goes through with it. There was still some doubt in his mind, even though she was adamant she wanted this. He still had the thought that she would back out at the last minute. Pisser was, even if that mutt showed up now, she couldn’t do anything. She was hurting too bad. He knew this, even though she was trying to cover up just how much she was hurting. She had pulled a rib muscle a few days ago helping him in the shop. But she knew he wanted this. And she always gave him what he wanted, no questions asked. She would never admit to him how bad she hurt. God, as much as that fact aggravated him, he still loved the hell out of her for it.

“Well Hell, screw this” he thought. He wasn’t getting anything done out here and at least he could watch those two mutts lick her wet pussy. That would have to do for now. He turned out the lights in the shop and headed in the house. As he came through the kitchen door, he found her in his favorite long sundress, spread eagle in her chair with one the mutts snout deep in her pussy. He stopped dead in his tracks just watching this wonderful scene he walked in on. He could take his eyes off of that mutt’s snout buried in her. “That is so damn hot!” was all he could say to her as their eyes met. And he saw it. That storm that comes in her eyes as she is building to an orgasm. He walked over to his chair, never breaking eye contact. Oh that storm is building fast, he thought. He reaches over and lifted her leg higher for her to give mutt more access. And he could not help himself. He started rubbing her clit while mutt is just lapping her up. She is so wet it sounds like he is literally drinking her. She throws her head back and comes so hard she gushes all over mutt’s snout. “HOLY HELL!” he thought to himself. He damn near came right there with her then. He looked at her through hooded eyes when she finally calms down a bit and says “My turn”. And damn if she didn’t smile at him and bite that bottom lip.

“Bed, Now!” he ordered her. She obeyed immediately, stripping as she went. She went to his side of the bed and bent over, legs spread. She damn sure knew what he liked and had the ability to read his damn mind. All thoughts about how bad she might be hurting was no where to be found. He wasted no time stripping. She was so ready for him, he was balls deep in her ass in two strokes. And he knew this was going to be hard and fast. He was on sensory overload from what just happened with mutt. He grabbed her hips and just tore that tight ass up as hard and fast as he could. And she got off and kept getting off. She was begging him, harder, faster. Who was he to deny her what she wanted? Challenge accepted my little slut he thought. He felt her stiffen and that was his signal this orgasm was going to be long and hard. Well, he was going with her. He let go all control and she felt it. She started panting and screamed his name. That was it for him. They both came so hard he couldn’t move for a good two minutes. Just collapsed on her right there. She was such a damn good little slut, he thought. For the millionth time he wondered how he got so lucky. Finally, he raised up off of her and helped her up. Then he caught it. She winced. “Shit!” he thought. Round 2 definitely out of the question. But she was smiling at him. And he damn sure wasn’t gonna ruin this for her.

They ended up back in the living room about 20 minutes later, talking about anything and everything, the way it had always been for them. Then something moved in the yard and caught his eye. He looked for minute and the realized it wasn’t quite in their yard yet, but in the neighbors yard. It was that stray husky. He stared for a minute just to make sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him. She said his name as a question. He realized he wasn’t even listening to her at this point. He turned to her and said, “You ain’t gonna believe this, but that stray husky is outside. You still wanna do this? Are you even up for this?” He knew what her answer was going to be. Not the one he wanted. She was in pain. So, he braced for the disappointment once again. Then he looked up at her. She was biting that plump bottom lip of hers with that little evil grin she doesn’t know she has. He had to remind himself to breathe. She was going to say yes. She looked and him and shook her head yes the instant their eyes met. “Ok” he said. ” I will go out and try and get him in the shop. Do not let these two out whatsoever. Watch me threw the door. If you see me nod yes, grab a blanket and come out to the shop. Understand?” “Yes Sir” was her immediate response. Oh, he loved that. She went to total submission. NICE! he thought.

To his amazement, the husky come right to him. He petted him for a couple of minutes and started towards the side door of the shop. And the husky was right on his heels. “Damn if he doesn’t somehow know he is fixing to get laid,” he thought. He gave a nod of his head as he was walking back to the side of the shop. He glanced up at the front door, but didn’t see her. “Now where the hell did she go?” he questioned. Didn’t matter. He would get mutt in the shop, shut the door, then go find her. This was going to happen if he had to grab that mutt’s ass and move his cock in and out of her himself.

He no sooner closed the shop door when it opened. She was coming through the door, blanket in had. “Wow, that was fast,” he said without thinking. “As soon as I saw your nod, I immediately went to the bedroom and grabbed this blanket,” she said, still biting that bottom lip. ” Ok, so now what do i do?” she asked. He could tell she was excited, but a little nervous too. So, in his best calm voice he could muster right now he said, “spread the blanket on the floor. Then get on your hands and knees. Let him smell you. When he does, spread your legs and then lower your head and shoulders like it told you. Understand?” “Yes Sir” she said. Damn if she didn’t do it again. He watched and she spread the blanket in front of his truck. Then she went to her knees on the blanket. He saw her wince, but she was trying so hard to cover it up. If she was going to those lengths to cover it, he wasn’t going to let her know he saw it.

She raised the back of her sundress over her ass and patted it. Mutt went right to her. He sniffed at her and stuck his snout in her pussy. She instantly spread her legs out, reached down and gave her clit a couple of rubs, and lowered her shoulders and head just exactly the way he told her to. “Damn, she is going to be a natural at this,” he thought. Mutt kept sniffing and licking, but would turn sideways to her ass. He knew he needed some help getting started. He walked over to where they were on the blanket. She looked up at him and asked him “Am I doing something wrong. He isn’t trying to mount.” “No, Baby Girl, he is still kind of young. So I am going to get him started for you. I am going to lift him up and place him on your back. Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes, oh God, yes’ she breathed. He lifted the husky up and positioned him to line up with her pussy. And damn if that dog wasn’t gentle with her. Like he knew this was her first time. He paused for a couple of seconds. He was giving her time to stop this. But she didn’t. She was actually panting. He got mutt lined up on her and moved his hand up and down the dogs cock. He went right to humping just after a few strokes. At that same moment, she spread her legs a little further and mutt buried his cock in her pussy. She instantly moaned, OH MY GOD!!! He is so hot inside me! as he started to hump her. He had just stood up and moved behind her to watch when mutt mounted her. And she was moaning, saying how good his cock felt in her pussy. “OH HOLY FUCK!” was all he could say as he watched this mutt claim his sluts wet pussy. He barely got off three strokes on his rock hard cock and he was coming all over himself. This was even hotter that what he imagined. This was the sexiest thing he had ever seen at this point of his life. Yes, he had seen this with other women, and yeah, it was hot. But this woman. This was different. This was his personal, private slut. And she was enjoying this. Actually enjoying this for herself. Not just for him. Definitely the hottest, sexiest thing he had ever seen. About that time mutt jumped off and he heard the PLOP as his cock pulled out of her. She was dripping a mixture of dog cum and her juices on the blanket. And damn if she wasn’t panting away. He knelt down beside her, stroking her hair. “How was that?” he asked. Then she looked up at him. And he saw it. The storm slowly fading in her eyes. “DAMN, you got off didn’t you?” he asked in amazement. All she could do was smile at him, bite her bottom lip, and shake her head yes. “Wow” was the only think he could think to say at this point. She didn’t move off her hands and knees. His sadistic grin was on his face and he noticed that mutt was ready for her again. “So, wanna go for round two?” he asked. She just looked up at him with that evil smile, biting her bottom lip…


Happy Birthday, Baby Girl – Part One

He had no idea how long he had been standing in the doorway of their bedroom, watching her sleep. Right now, as the first light of the day started coming through the curtains, barely landing on her face, he knew two things: If their was any justice in this fucked up world, her piece of shit ex would be out in the shop in a cage where she could take her revenge daily, and today was her birthday. Last night must have been a bad one. When the dreams come, usually she just whimpers, maybe cry a little. He just pulls her to him, kisses her hair and ear, and whispers “I got cha, baby” She will snuggle in to him, sigh, and go back to sleep. He felt the flush in his face and knew his blood was starting to boil. “I should have put a damn bullet between his eyes when I had the chance,” he thinks to himself. But that would be way too damn easy. And for what he has done to her – too damn quick. But last night, she screamed. Woke him out of a dead sleep about 1:30am. He at first thought something had happened to her, or her muscles were locking up from their hard core play earlier. HOLY HELL!! Just thinking about how he and their new mutt, Zane, had passed her back and forth like a pack of Marlboros, made his cock twitch. Then she screamed again and he knew she was still asleep. Then she started talking. She had no idea she talked in her sleep. That was how he found out the worst her ex had done. How he found out she lied about the incident one week after the started dating when he came through her back door and attacked her, all because she decided to get on with her life. She repeated now the same words she said in her sleep their first night in this house. “Did you get him?” she asked. “Ssshhh, Baby Girl, it’s ok now.” he whispered to her. “He hit me. I didn’t want to tell you, but he hit me. I didn’t know what else to do. I had to stab him with the knife.” Again, he would repeat, “Hush now, Baby Girl, it’s ok now. I got cha, Baby. He can’t hurt you anymore.” She would sigh. and go back to sleep. But last night, her eyes were half open, darting wildly. “So, you got him? He can’t get to me? He can’t do that again with the baseball bat?” “Whoa, whoa, Whoa…..WHAT!?!?!?!” he thought when those words come out of her mouth. This was the first time he had heard of a baseball bat. “Baby, no, the baseball bat is gone. I got rid of it. I got cha, Baby Girl” This tiime he called her by her favorite pet name he had for her, Baby Girl. She started to calm down as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He could have sworn his heart had just broken in two. She took a couple ragged breaths, then sighed. “That’s Good. I don’t like bats. He can be so cruel with those” she said as she drifted back off to sleep. He laid there for an hour just holding her while she slept, peacefully now. But he could not for no man’s amount of money sleep. He was to god damn PISSED. He has yet to let her know what she has revealed in her sleep. No way this side of hell would he make her re-live that. The was no good reason why that sadistical bitch ex of hers was walking this planet. Oh, in the last hour, he has thought of at least 5 thousand sick, twisted, things he could do to him. But it still wouldn’t be enough.

Once he was sure she was sleeping, he slipped out of bed, went into the livingroom, opened the front door and just stared out into the dark as he lit a cigarette and took a long drag. It was taking every bit of will power he had not to get dressed, make the thirty minute drive to his house, bury his truck in his livingroom, and commence to just beating the dog shit out of him and leave him for dead. But he couldn’t do that to her. He couldn’t leave her alone. What is she woke back up and he wasn’t here? And woke up scared? He couldn’t live with that. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are” that piece of shit said to him in their one face-to-face meeting, “But she will NEVER get away from me” That was when he laid the Mossberg he had taken with him to have a little “talk” the nigh he busted in her house on the hood of the truck, unloaded it, put his hands in back pockets and smiled at him. He could tell it pissed that bitch off. “Challenge Accepted, you piece of sht” he had told him. “I’ll tell you who I am. I am the man who will make her forget you ever existed. That you ever had the privilege to even walk in her shadow. Ever got to hold her hand or kiss her. Yeah, I am that sick, twisted, asshole that, if you ever get within arms reach of her again, I will kill you and they won’t find your body. Well, not all of it .” Then he just smiled at him. “Fine,” he said, “Keep the damn whore. She is no go to me now” Oh, that comment liked to have spun him off. OH HELL NO, went through his mind as went for him, but he stopped short. She didn’t know he was here. And this bitch would make a beeline to tell her. So, he just laughed, grabbed the gun, got in his truck and left. He hadn’t bothered them since. Well, not in person anyway.

She turned over in her sleep, reaching for his side of the bed. He walked from the doorway, slipped back in bed, and pulled her close. God, he loved her. Not for just what she did for him, but the things she didn’t do. He could fuck up royal, get pissy with her over a bad day, and she never got mad at him. She would just apologize for his bad day, and try her best to make it better. She stirred, stretched and open her eyes. He was looking at her when she woke up and smiled. “Happy Birthday, Baby Girl” He kissed her deeply, trying to obliterate any left over hurt or fear that just might have been there. “Mmmmmmm” she moaned when they broke. “Now THAT is the best way to wake up on your birthday.” “Well, you better get that fine ass in gear, you got to be at the office at 8:30 for your meeting and it is almost 7.” “HOLY SHIT” she said as she jumped out of bed and ran to get in the shower. And, DAMN, is she didn’t look as good walking, well, running away as she did coming. His sadistic grin crossed his face, and with full hard-on, he decided that they should conserve water. He walked in the bathroom opened, the shower curtain, and just stuck his hard on in the shower. “Well, hello there!” She said. He just shook his head and laughed. Only she would start a conversation with a hard on. “I will tell you a secret – you are my favorite one to come visit me is the shower. But sssshhh, don’t tell him i said that.” Then she winked at his cock. He couldn’t help it – he busted out laughing. This goofy broad actually WINKED at his cock.Still laughing, he stepped in the shower with her. She was standing facing him, her head tilted all the way back, water running through her long dark hair. “WOW! That is STILL secy as hell!” he whispered to her as he come up to her and pulled her close. He could feel both nipples were erect on his chest. He gave a slight low growl in throat, and pushed her up against the bathroom wall. Leaning against her back, he spread her legs with his knee, and ran his hand between her legs and stuck two fingers inside her hot pussy. Man, was she ever wet, and not from the water. She spread her legs further, giving his hand full access to her clit, pussy and ass. Her pussy felt so good on his hand, without even thinking he shoved all four fingers inside her and started working the G-spot he found. “Fuck YES” she moaned and she placed her arms above his head. “Yes Daddy, please. please. Fuck your Baby Girl with your hand. Please make me cum” Oh he LOVED when she begged him like that. And she begged so well! Who was he to deny her? ” Yes, Baby Girl” he moaned in her ear. “you begged real well for Daddy” he whispered. Oh yes, Oh yes” she moaned. Oh, make me cum with your hand. I so want it!” Damn, right, you want it, he thought to himself. He lifted her up a bit, and lined her ass up to sit down on his cock while he was still 4 fingers deep in her dripping pussy. She was so horny and wanted him so bad, she slid that ass of her’s down on his throbbing cock in one move, adjusting to his size as she took his entire cock in her ass. As he is claiming her tight little ass, moving her to a modified position in the corner so the didn’t slip, Mutt comes in the bathroom and waltzed right in the shower with them. He spins both of them to face the edge of the tub and Mutt goes right to licking that clit of hers. “Oh My God, this feels so good!! Yes, that’s it! Take me as he is licking my clit! Make me take all of it! Treat me like the slut I am!” That did it for him. He is damn near shoving his entire hand inside her as he is just plowing her ass. “OH BABY, OH BABY, I am SO gonna cum!” The way they were up against the corner, he felt every muscle in her body convulse. Just then, she screamed his name and he came right in her ass, and her second orgasm hit. They couldn’t move for the first few minutes, just letting the water rain down on them. Finally she lifted herself off his cock, turned, faced him, and laid her head on his chest. ” So, now that i am super late,” she said, try to drip sarcasm and irritation. Then she giggled. She just couldn’t pull it off. He just smiled at her, shaking his head.

As she was getting ready to leave, he asked he “So what do you want to do for your Birthday?” ” Honey, don’t go to and big trouble. I have to work today and it will probably be 5 or 6 before I even leave and at least 7 before i get home.” ” But it is your birthday,” he said. ” We HAVE to do something special” She just smiled, kissed, him and said “It will be – I get you for my birthday.” He tried to give her his biggest frown and said, ” Now don’t go all Hallmark on me”. That was his favorite saying when she would get all touchy-feely and mushy on him. He would never let her know how good it did feel when she did. She kissed him again, said she had to go, and left for work. He sure hated the first few minutes after she left for work. The house was so quiet. Too Damn quiet. “What can I do for her Birthday,?” he asked himself. It had to be something he knew she wanted. He tried asking a couple of times, and she would always say nothing too expensive – she didn’t need anything like that. It was times like this it irritated him to no end that she would basically see herself as less than he was. Well, dammit, not today. For what she has been through in her life, she deserved the Sun, Moon, and Stars. He went to get a cup of coffee and walked back to the living-room to sit down. On his trip back he stubbed his toe one coffee table. The the thought hit him. Her fantasy of her and him in a room full of people. Well, he could’t get an entire roomful, but he could make the rest come true for her. And by God, if any of these guys were his friends, they would show up too. With a huge grin on his face and made his first call. “Hey Bud! Ya got any plans for tonight? It’s her birthday and I want to surprise her…”


Happy Birthday, Baby Girl – Part Two

He was up to something. She just knew it. She was almost late for her 8:30 meeting this morning from the shower escapades. She smiled and bit her bottom lip. “God, that was so DAMN HOT!” she thought to her self and felt a shiver run up her back. She got to the office just in time for the meeting. And it had been a busy day. It was now 4 in the afternoon and she has had 4 meetings today. Luckily, the last one cancelled. He come to her work today. He never comes to town during the day. He hates the “big city” as he calls it. But he had surprised her at lunch with cupcakes arranged in a shape of a frog, and a birthday card. She was so happy she almost cried. He hated it when she cried, didn’t matter the reason. If he saw moisture in her eyes, he would have to walk away. She has never understood why he was that way. But it was just one of his little quirks she loved about him. And did she ever love him. She still doesn’t understand what he sees in her. But she doesn’t say that out loud anymore. The last time she said that, he looked at her, and she could see the pain in his eyes as he said, “Why do you not think you are beautiful? I just wish one DAMN time you could see yourself the way I do.” That was like taking a bullet for her. It physically hurt her if she caused him any pain – she couldn’t take it. She would do everything and anything to not see that pain in his eyes again. And, she thought as she now gathered her things to head home, he has texted all day, little smiley faces and wanting to know almost to the minute what time she would be home. He never blew her phone up like that. And he had sent 12 messages that just said “I love you, Baby Girl”. Sure she would get that at least once or twice a day, but 12? He was up to something.

As she got in the car, she sent a text that she was leaving and on her way. God, she loved him and loved him beyond all reason or common sense. She knew she was his, and would always be. The thought of them not being together made her stomach do flip-flops and caused her chest to hurt. And as an added bonus to him being the best man she had ever know in her life, the sex was freaking AMAZING. It has not died one iota since they have been together. And now, with mutt involved, it had actually increased. And she loved it. She would have never pictured her life like this. To be honest, she never pictured even being alive with what she had in her past. Even if she was alive, she still would never have dreamed this. That she would actually be happy. There were times she would literally pinch herself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Or that she would have the opportunity to explore her sexual side like she has. He had made damn near every fantasy she had come true. “HOLY HELL I am getting wet just THINKING it” she thought as she felt the wetness between her legs. And did she ever feel it. He had her wear a dress to work with no panties. Just that caused her to be a little moist all day. Yes, she loved this man. She would do anything, be anything he wanted just to see that sadistic grin on his face that she loved so well.

As she got of the Interstate for home, a slight frown crossed her face remembering the look in his eyes when she first woke up. He was upset about something. He tried to hide it when he realized she was wake, but she had seen it. She racked her brain trying to recall if something had been said or he had a problem with one of his customers. But she couldn’t think of anything. “No need to worry about,” she thought. “He will tell me when he wants me to know.” She let that train of thought go as she was driving the last 3 miles to their home. If she just got to be with him the rest of the night, and of course mutt too, that would be the best birthday gift she could get. If she was lucky, he would greet her at the door with that grin, his eyes hooded and dark, and go all Dom on her. She LOVED that. He would lift her dress to feel just how wet she was. “Mmmmmm. Now THAT would be one hell of a birthday!” she thought. “Well, looks pretty quiet” she thought as she pulled in the drive. No streamers, balloons, everyone outside. She bit her bottom lip thinking that I may just be the two of them the rest of the night, and that was fine by her. She looked towards the shop, and the lights were out. That meant he was inside. “That’s strange” she thought. Rarely did he sit in the house with the door closed. “Maybe he is sitting naked in his chair, and asks me to have a seat” she thought deviously. That would be hot. She opened the door, and stepped inside. She instantly stopped. In the middle of the living room was a very large, very heavy solid coffee table. There are about 12 if she counted correctly, men and a few women seated around the table. He is standing in the doorway to their bedroom, sadistic grin in place, looking at her with a look she instantly recognized – full tilt Dom. He has her collar and leash that he has her wear in his hand, playing with it. “OH MY FREAKING GOD!! He arranged my ultimate fantasy!” she thought to herself. She is frozen in place, afraid she just might wake up from this dream.

Keeping eye contact, he slowly makes his way to her at the doorway. “Now, you and I both know we no longer need to say the words. But, for the benefit of our guests, I am going to say them out loud. You are not to react until then. Understood?” “Yes Sir” she immediately responds. “She hears murmurs for the guests, be doesn’t dare break eye contact with him. He does his little snarl that signals he is in complete Dom mood and says, “You are mine. You are mine to do with what I wish for my pleasure only. Anytime. Anyplace. Anything. Anyone.” With those words she shudders with a mini orgasm. He catches her as she falls slightly forward, know what speaking those words do to her. She is completely under his control now. He looks at her and utters one command, “Strip” She instantly begins to take of her clothes. She knows that some of the guests are good friends and some are strangers. She knows that she will see these people outside this scenario. She doesn’t give it a second thought. He has yet to allow her to break eye contact. She is completely naked in front of him in less than a minute. The group, as she now thinks of them, murmur words like “wow, did you see that?” and “had no idea he could do that”. But her full and undivided attention is on him. “Very good, Baby Girl” he says as he places the collar around her neck. She loves the feel of it when he puts it on. She knows she is safe, even as exposed as she is. HE would never allow ANYONE to abuse or damage what is his. This she knows that same way she knows she is breathing. He reaches down to her clit and says, “Spread them” she spreads her legs, allowing him complete access to her now overly-wet pussy. He slides three fingers in at once, probing the depths of her, hitting her inner G-spot that only he knows is there. She begins to pant, knowing she will come fast and hard as long as he keeps doing what he is doing. “NO, STOP” he says forcefully, “You cannot cum yet! You hold it until I say you can” She stiffens, not allowing her self to go over the cliff. He pulls out his fingers, brings them two her lips, and says ”Suck” She takes all three fingers in her mouth, sucking them, tasting herself on them. As his sexy sadistic grin comes on his face, he growls at her “NOW”. With that one word, she lets go of the orgasm she has been holding and moans his name, her whole body shuddering with the orgasm. He catches her as she falls forward, holding her until the orgasm fades. She knows the group is making comments, but he has yet to break eye contact. Other than the fact that her full attention is on him, her only other conscious thought is “This is SO MUCH hotter than I fantasized!”

He finally breaks eye contact and places the leash over his shoulder. He takes all the slack out of it, never turning to look at her. Her eyes are slightly hooded, but she knows better than to drop her head. That would bring punishment, and the last thing she wanted was to be punished because he would end the fantasy as her punishment and not let her cum for 24 hours. She definitely did NOT want that. Once the slack was out of the leash, he gives a slight tug and signals that they are now going to walk to the coffee table. He leads her to the left, the turns back right in front of the first person seated. She never takes her eyes off the back of his head. He is leading her in front of everyone to as part of the display of his control over her. And it is doing nothing but turning her on. She slightly raises her chin higher, proud of this man and his control. This is what she wanted. She wants to show off his talents with her. He leads her around the table, stands her in front of him, and lets the leash drop down in front of her, the end of it hitting just above her clit. He places his hands behind his back, and leans down to her left ear and whispers “on you knees on the table now”. The group heard nothing, but saw her instantly go to her knees on the table, legs slightly spread; her ass resting on her heels. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of him behind her fully clothed, and knowing what is coming. He kisses the top of her head, and then begins to whisper in her left ear again. “You know what is coming; you know what I am going to do to you. But you don’t know what I am going to do to you and make you to in front of this group.” She feels her body heat up, and blood rush to her head, all the while keeping her eyes closed. This was how it started every time and she could never get enough. She has loved this from that first time in the kitchen doorway. She was hooked. As he begins to tell her in great detail what each person of the group would do, where they would bury their cocks, or sit on her face to taste the women there, she could actually feel them doing to her exactly what he was describing. Her breath quickens, and her heart speeds up like it is going to burst from her chest. As he continues she is panting, trying to keep control until he releases the orgasm. He is relentless in his detail, describing how hard the twist her nipples or force their cocks down her throat. She is panting so hard it is the only sound in the room. She doesn’t have her eyes open but she can just imagine the looks on their faces. Their jaws are probably on the floor right now. But she can hold that thought. He breathes on her ear, telling her not yet, just a minute longer. She is so focused on what he is saying and the feelings his words elicit. At this point, she is simply an extension of him. She does and feels what he commands. He tells her that now it is his turn and he is going to bury his rock hard cock in her ass. She can’t help it; she gives a slight whimper from the strain of holding the orgasm. And he knows she has reached her limit. “You are such a good little slut, Baby Girl” he says slightly louder so the group can hear. He kisses her ear, and says “NOW” Her orgasm hits her so hard she screams his name and crumples backwards on him, body in full spasm. He wraps his arms around her shoulders, holding her as wave after wave hits her from the intense orgasm. Finally, she starts to calm, little beads of sweat forming on her body. He blows on them to cool her hot skin. She is totally spent and limp as a rag doll. ‘I may have carried that a little too far,” he thinks to himself. He picks her up off the table, and carries her to their bed.

He lays her down, telling her to lie there for a few minutes and rest. He looks down at her face, and sees nothing but peace there. With her eyes still closed and huge smile on her lips. He bends down and kisses her softly, and whispers to her “Happy Birthday, Baby Girl. I sure hope that was what you wanted.” Still smiling and not saying a word, she shakes her head yes. He pulls the covers over her, and she snuggles down in them like a little girl. At that moment, he didn’t think he could love her more than he did. But watching her after that just filled his heart. He knew he could never hurt her. He would rather cut off both arms that to harm one hair on her head. He softly closes the door and visits with the group. Most are just in total shock. They never would have believed it if they had not seen it with their own eyes. All were amazed that this was HER fantasy and not his. He told them that if they needed it, she would verify it when she woke. All said it wasn’t necessary. And all said that they had never witnessed anything so intimate. One by one, each excused themselves and left. It was as if the group knew they needed to be alone. He was so thankful of that. He knew at first she would think she did something wrong to make them leave. As hard as he has tried to get that “always my fault” out of her, he knew that had been ingrained in her too deep. “Well,” he thought, “if that is all she ends up with, then I am thankful for that.” He looks around the room, decides to take care of it tomorrow and heads in the bedroom. She stirs as the door opens. “Give me just a minute, Babe, and I will get up. Tell everyone I will be out shortly.” He goes to her in the bed, lies down beside her and pulls her close. She turns to him, laying her head on his chest, and places little kisses over his heart. “Ssshhh, Baby Girl, no rush. They have all left.” She looks up at him, concern in her eyes as she asks, “Did I do something wrong to make them leave?” He just smiles at her and says, “No, Baby Girl, you done perfect. Everyone was just amazed by what you done. They felt we needed some alone time, which they are 100% correct. I want nothing more than to lay her with you and celebrate the day you were born. Now that is definitely a reason to celebrate!”



His eyes are hooded as he stands in the corner of the refurbished barn watching the show his wife is performing. He can feel the excitement in the air from the audience that is in attendance tonight. She is on her hands and knees on the modified platform that he built specifically for this, as three large German Shepherds are brought in. They circle her for a few minutes, each one taking his turn sniffing and licking her pussy. The first one moves to her head, while the other two are behind her. One crawls under her, and then lies on his back as his hard cock becomes exposed. She pushes a button and the platform lowers and tilts as her pussy lines up with his cock and lowers even more. As his cock enters her, the other two mount at the same time, one in her mouth, the other in her ass. It doesn’t take long for all three to knot her. He can hear her moans as she steadily cums as all three dogs fill her up from both ends. He has to re-adjust his jeans to accommodate his instant hard on that is now pushing against his zipper. No matter how many times he watches this, it still has the same effect on him after 10 years of marriage. The first one out is the one in her mouth, who pops out as cum runs down her chin. Next, is the one from her pussy, followed by the one in her ass. Cum is running from both holes, dripping to the hay covered floor. She turns her head, looking for him in the corner. When their eyes meet, she smiles and bites her bottom lip. This is her sign to him that she got off, and is ready to end the show. He presses the remote control in his pocket, which dims the lights, plays the recording thanking the audience for coming, and that she will sign autographs in 30 minutes. He pushes off the wall and slowly walks over to her to help her up. “So, how did I do tonight,” she asks him. “Nicely done,” he replies to her as he kisses her on her forehead. “Now, go get cleaned up, your fans are waiting,” he says as he swats her on her ass as she flashes him a huge smile and walks away. Once she is out of sight, he heads to the front offices.

His sadistic smile comes across his face as he remembers when she approached him with this idea. He about spit his coffee across the room. They had been married about 4 years when she brought up this idea, once again, surprising the hell out of him. She even drew up a business plan with drawings of her ideas. He remembers the “Are you serious?” look he had to have had on his face at the time. She even had DRAWINGS. He knew she had put a lot of thought into this. And she was right. They were making money hand over fist, with the performances and DVD sales. Now, six years later, they have sales all over the world of the DVD of her little performance, and people that have come from as far away as Germany to see it live. Of course, they must first apply for a special invitation to attend. Right now, they had a waiting list of at least 75 people requesting those invitations. He shakes his head, still not believing that A – she still does this because she still enjoys it as much as him and B – they are making money doing it.

He never saw his life like this. Never thought he would ever be this happy and satisfied with his life. Oh, they had their share of problems early on. She dealing with her past with her ex, and he went as far as to walk away to go back to his. Luckily, she got past her past and he realized that he truly did love her. He was so thankful that all this happened early in their marriage. Now, they were both doing what they loved, and were still as much in love with each other as the day they married. And he still wanted her in his bed just as much, if not more, that he did when they first started. Most of all, she was still able to surprise him. He smiles as he lights a cigarette and waits for her to come and sign autographs. As he takes a long drag, he hears the water come on for the shower. His sadistic smile comes across his face. “What the hell,” he thinks as he starts down the hallway to the private rooms. “The fans can wait a little while longer.”

She steps into the warm shower, tilting her head back to let the water run through her hair. The warmth felt good. Even with all the renovations, the barn still had a draft, and she was always chilled after the performance. But she didn’t mind. They only scheduled live performances 4 times a month, sometimes less, depending on if they wanted to take off and go somewhere or not. She was anxious to see how this DVD turned out tonight. The dogs took less time to knot, but all three did about the same time. “This one should really sale once we post it,” she thought with a smile on her face. She gives a slight laugh and shakes her head. If you would have asked her 11 years ago what her life would be like now, she would have never in a gazillion years pictured this. But then again, she never would have pictured him walking into her life. That changed everything. Changed her physically, mentally, and emotionally. She never looked back. It hadn’t been easy; in fact, the first 2 years were damn hard. But they got past it. And her love for him never wavered. That was something she was damn proud of.

She smiles and unconsciously bites her bottom lip. “Woman, you know damn good and well how much trouble you get into biting that bottom lip,” she hears as she raises her head to see him standing completely naked in front of her. She never heard him come in or open the shower door. She looks at him as water runs down her face and hair and hears his sharp intake of breath. “Dammit girl”, he says, “Seeing you all wet in the shower still gets to me.” He pushes her up against the wall, raising one leg to give both his hand and his cock access to her still warm and throbbing pussy. “But what about,” she starts to say, but he interrupts, “They can wait. I want a little alone time with my Baby Girl.” That was all it took. She wanted him just as much. As he raised her up slightly, she felt his hard cock slide into her. She loved the feel of him. She could never get tired of this, him taking her anyway and anywhere he wanted, even with paying customers waiting. All that mattered was the two of them. She felt her orgasm coming fast, and she clung to his shoulders to hold on for the rush. He felt her tighten and new she was close. As she came hard, so did he, and the leaned against the shower wall, both spent by their little interlude. “Now, woman, we have people waiting on us.” He said with a smile on his face. “Let’s not keep them waiting too much longer. Get showered and dressed ASAP. And oh, by the way, I love you,” he said as he stepped out of the shower. Her reply: “I am still so in love with you.”

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