Women with Animals

Dog Sex Memoirs


(c) 2014 by silkythighs

I’m a 32 yr old divorced white woman. This is my personal recounting of my sexual relationships with several male dogs. I got married when I was just 24 yrs old. Amazingly though, I was actually a party girl in college.

I was a party girl by design. I was young and determined to enjoy my youth and beauty while I had it. That’s why my family and all of my friends, were all totally surprised by my getting married so young. All through college, I dated and even slept with a lot of guys. The girls I hung out with all drank, smoked weed and liked to party. So nobody cared and all had a great time at our university.

Even after graduating and starting my first full time job, I was determined to continue on just as I had in college. Mike, my future husband. Was my supervisor at work. He was 5 years older than me. He literally swept me off my feet. After dating for just 4 months,we got married. Obviously in hindsight this was a stupid thing for me to do.

Still I had no way of knowing just how incompatible Mike and I were. I thought Mike was a good looking, fun loving guy, who just wanted to enjoy being young just like me. However it turns out that Mike was very much the traditional family man.

He immediately wanted to settle down and have kids. While I still wanted to go clubbing and partying my friends. It may sound selfish of me, but hey I was still in my early twenties, and in my mind. Too young be a little Suzy homemaker.

Besides my all girlfriends and female coworkers were all under thirty and actively dating lots of guys and having fun. While I wasn’t looking to cheat on Mike, I did get hit on my a lot of guys. Mike knew this and didn’t like having his wife going to clubs and parties without him.

I of course encouraged him to join us, but he just wasn’t interested. It seemed I had completely misjudged his personality. Apparently he played the fun loving guy to keep me interested in him. As I said, once we got married, he seemingly turned into Mr family guy” overnight.

To save the marriage, I agreed to have a child and gave birth to a baby boy. Still after having Mike Jr, I still went out with my friends and some of my coworkers every Friday night after work.

Our biggest fight occurred when the girl who was my ride home one night, was too drunk to drive home. So the husband of one of my coworkers was kind enough to drive me home. When my hubby saw me getting out of some guy’s car, he lost it.

Accused me of having an affair and going out to meet guys and all. No matter how many times I assured him I wasn’t interested in other men. That night seemed to poison his feeling towards me.

Every phone call with no message left, it was some guy calling me. Every time I had to step out, got delayed in traffic, or stuck in line at a crowded grocery store. It was because I was meeting some guy I had met at some club, bar or party.

Yeah I could understand his point if view. Not liking his wife and the mother of his son out partying with friends every Friday night. But if he didn’t believe that I wasn’t cheating on him and I was just having fun with my friends. That was his problem, not mine.

Anyway the marriage went downhill and we eventually stopped being intimate, IE no sex. It go to the point where we were essentially living separate lives under the same roof, so we mutually decided it was time for a divorce.

The divorce settlement was very amiable, with both of us agreeing to joint custody of Mike Jr. However since Mike was a bit older and had a better paying job, we agreed that our son would live with Mike, while I took him for certain periods whenever I could.

Mike even let me take a much larger percentage of the money from the sale of our home, which really helped me establish myself. Something that I’ll be forever grateful too Mike for. Of course all this all didn’t happen over night. it took 7 years.

The divorce settlement was very amiable, with both of us agreeing to joint custody of Mike Jr. However since Mike was a bit older and with a better paying job, we agreed that our son would live with Mike, while I took him for certain periods whenever I could.

Mike even let me take a larger percentage of the money from the sale of our home, which really helped me establish myself. Something that I’ll be forever grateful too Mike for. Of course all this all didn’t happen over night. it took 7 years.

However being a free woman again presented its own problems. I was now 32 years old, still young, but I was stuck in no mans land as it were. I was now a divorced mom, not that younger party girl I once was.

When I went back to the clubs, I now felt out a place among the college age crowd. So I stopped going out like I once did. At this point, I hadn’t had sex with a man for almost 2 years. Yet during the separation phase and post divorce stress, I never really felt any ill effects from this enforced celibacy period in my life.

Still I was now free and available, so I started looking again. I liked to play tennis at my local club. That’s where I met and began a brief affair with an older 50 yr old married man. Yeah I knew he was married, even met his wife a few times.

It didn’t stop me from seeing him though as I didn’t know his wife personally. He was attractive and in great shape, so when he made it obvious he was interested in me. I wasn’t about to say no just because he was married. Still the relationship was purely physical for the both of us and nothing much else became of it. It was at this point that my life really took a turn in a completely new direction.

Rebecca, or Becca as she preferred to be called. Was a 62 year old retired teacher. She was the mother of one of the women on my tennis team. One day I just happened to see her walking down the street in town.

She was carrying some packages, so I stopped and offered her a ride back to her house. I had no way of knowing that as I drove up her long and rather secluded driveway, that my life was about to change so dramatically.

Immediately after getting out of the car to help her with the packages. I was literally frightened out of my wits by a rather large, barking, fast approaching pit bull type dog. The dog stopped just about a foot in front of me and seemed to me quite menacing.

However Becca quickly assured me that he wouldn’t do anything to me. Still she quickly took him buy his collar and he obediently let her chain him up.

Turns out Becca had an eccentric personality. She considered herself to be an artist even though I learned from her daughter that she never sold a single drawing or sculpture she made.

Her property and house was literally stocked with her drawings, paintings, sculptures and other “works of art” she made over the years. She also had lots of animals. 7 cats, and 5 dogs. One female, dog and 3 fully intact male dogs.

No, she wasn’t keeping the male dogs as sex partners, she just liked taking care of animals. Especially cats. According to her daughter, Becca really loved giving puppies to interested families and seeing the joy and excitement on their children’s faces when getting their new puppy.

I know how weird this all sounds, but there are many strange people among us. Although I certainly wouldn’t characterize her care of these animals as being the norm, far from it. All the animals as far as I could tell were all quite active and healthy.

Her house was in an older section of town so it was rather secluded. Although neighbors were on all sides, each had rather large properties with plenty of trees which completely shielded the houses from each others view.

You almost had the sense of being out in the woods rather than being in a residential neighborhood. So nobody really took notice of her odd living arrangements and behaviors. “Good fences make good neighbors” as it were. to me

I also noticed lots of flowers and various plants around the house and in the yard.
My mom also grew her own tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. So it turns out we both shared a love of gardening. So I actually started coming over on weekends after volunteering to give her a hand around the yard.

In fact she quickly put me to work helping her clear away a section of the yard that had become way overgrown from neglect. It was at this point that my sex life was about to be forever changed.

Now prior to meeting Becca, I had never thought about dogs in a sexual way. I didn’t even know it was possible for a woman to have sexual relations with a male dog. So everything that happened next was totally unexpected.

It all started when Buddy, the very same pit bull that scared me earlier. Began showing a sexual interest in me. Amazingly it was Becca who first pointed this out to me.

Becca and I were outside sitting at her 3 piece Bistro Patio Set on a coffee break from our yard work. When Buddy brazenly approached me and began nosing around my private parts. it was late spring and quite warm out now, so I was wearing just a shirt and a pair of cut off jeans.

Although he was clearly sniffing around my thighs and crotch, I knew that this is what just dogs did especially around strangers. Even Becca didn’t initially take much notice.

However Buddy was persistent, and I gradually became uncomfortable with his obvious interest in my crotch. I even felt the need to keep my legs tightly crossed and eventually was forced to physically start pushing his snout away.

Buddy clearly grew annoyed at this and actually started to more forcefully and energetically trying get to my crotch. Even grunting and growling when I kept pushing him away.

Even Becca yelled at him to stop and called her over to him. However he then changed his tact and he actually put his front paws up onto my chair. I actually put my hands on his chest and gently but firmly pushed him down.

Becca was now up and physically grabbed buddy by his collar and pulled him away. slightly. Then while still holding him back, I was amazed by what Becca then told me.

“Sorry about that, he doesn’t want to hurt you. He just wants to mate with you that’s all. That’s why when I was a young woman, I never liked owning male dogs. They get so horny sometimes, even around human females. I guess now that I’m Menopausal. They’re not so horny around me, so its easier having them around now.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing form her. Yet I quickly realized that I was actually quite intrigued by this. I thought to my self, wow, he actually wanted to mate me? Interesting, I wonder what would happen if I got him alone and let him try? I obviously didn’t tell any of that to Becca though.

However from that point on I started looking at Buddy differently. I also saw that Buddy hadn’t given up on me. He approached me several times that day while I was working and walking around. Always trying to sniff my crotch or jump up on me. Eventually Becca had enough and again chained him up. However her other two dogs, unlike Buddy. Hadn’t as yet, show any king of sexual interest in me.

I couldn’t tell you why Buddy’s seeming sexual interest, actually intrigued me. Perhaps it was because I hadn’t had sex for months after my affair with that married man ended. Still that surely wasn’t enough to even make me think of what it would be like to have sex with a dog.

What put me over the edge was something even more unexpected. The very next weekend I was again over. As I walked around the side of the house to use the garden hose, I literally stumbled upon Buddy and Molly her female dog together.

I watched in fascination as Buddy noisily sniffed and licked her clearly swollen vagina from behind. After intently licking for a few min, he actively mounted her. Buddy was now actively humping her and both were soon panting heavily with their tongues hanging out.

They ended up getting tied and stayed like that for about 15 or so min. I watched the entire thing. When Buddy finally slipped out, he sat down and immediately began licking his still erect cock. I quickly realized that watching Buddy lick and hump her like he did, I had become sexually aroused.

My clit was clearly tingling and I was wet. There’s no other way to explain it. I wanted Buddy to do that to me. I found myself having thoughts like “OK stud, let’s see if you can handle a woman. You wanted me earlier, well now your going to get your chance.” Other thoughts like. “Damn I want you to give it to me just like you did to that bitch.”

I wanted to have sex with him, really bad. So later that same day. When Becca wasn’t around, I actually walked up to him and unbuttoned my cut off jeans. I quickly slipped them off just enough to give him clear access to my crotch.

Of course I had been wet earlier from watching him fuck that bitch, and I was wet again from removing my shorts for him like that. Buddy clearly discovered my arousal and immediately began aggressively licking me.

When his tongue first hit my clit I actually felt my legs tremble. However I was scared Becca might see, so I quickly covered myself back up. I walked a few feet further into the back lawn behind a large evergreen.

Buddy followed and I again slipped off my shorts. This time I bent over slightly and stuck out my butt letting him lick me from behind. He again began aggressively licking me. I had to fight the urge to just get down on my hands and knees for him right them and there. So when Buddy actually stood up and tried to mount me. I knew for certain that he really would mate with me.

So I again buttoned up and immediately began thinking of a way to get Buddy alone without Becca being around. After thinking through a few options, I decided upon a rather dubious and nefarious plan. Becca regularly attended a senior function every Monday from 11:00 am to 1 pm.

About 15-25 senior women got together to play Bridge and/or Mahjong. Despite being in her sixties, Becca often walked and ever rode her bicycle to the meeting hall in town. I had seen Buddy in action that Sunday and made up my mind to start a sexual relationship with him. I was actually so excited about the though of actually mating with Buddy I couldn’t sleep.

However there was still a part of me that thought it was wrong to do this. So I purposely masturbated several times that night. Just to see if satisfying myself would stop those thoughts. Yeah for a short while afterwards, I’d feel like it was best if i didn’t act on this. But the fact that i had to masturbate again, proved to me that I really did want to try copulating with Buddy.

After a sleepless night, At 10:30 AM, I got into my car and drove towards Becca’s house. I parked a good distance away from her driveway and simply waited. Sure enough around 10:45 I saw car pull out of the driveway towards town.

It was only about a 10 min drive, So she was right on time. The games lasted for two hours, with 15-20 about minutes socializing afterwards. So I figured Becca would be gone for about two and a half hours.

After discreetly following her a bit to make sure. I doubled back to her house. I drove up her long driveway. All 4 dogs were chained up outside. I grew slightly alarmed when they all started barking up a storm.

Luckily I had been over enough times, that they quickly settled down once they realized it was only me. I think its obvious what I was about to do. Yes I was about to break into her house.

I had thought about just taking Buddy home, have sex and bring him back. I just felt it was too much work. No it was easier since this was Buddy’s home. Besides nobody could see anything.

As long as I was gone within two hours nobody would be the wiser. Although I wasn’t going to rob or vandalize her home or anything like that. I was on her property without her knowledge, and about to break into and enter her home.

Legally its know as breaking and entering. Yet at this point this wasn’t going to stop me. The thought of actually having sexual relations with a male dog was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Besides Becca never locked the garage door, and I knew where she kept the key to the door that led from the garage into the house. So I didn’t have to actually break my way in. Well that’s how I rationalized it anyway.

Once I got in the house, I quickly began scouting for the best place for us to do the deed. At first I thought about the front room where I could easily hear and see a car pulling up. Or maybe upstairs in a spare bedroom which also overlooked the driveway.

But in my mind, both these places were too open and exposed. Yeah I know my car was in the driveway, so it really didn’t matter. Still I somehow felt the need for more privacy. So I decided I’d bring him downstairs to a back room where the washer and dryer were located.

The room was messy and cluttered with various stuff. However there was more than enough room for us to have sex. Also the one time I was down there previously. I remembered seeing a rather old looking, clearly disused bed spread comforter folded up in othe corner.

I planned on using it for padding when I got on my hands and knees for him. I turned on the light, as there were no windows in that area. After a quick check of the erea. I went back outside to go get Buddy.

As I approached him. He quickly started walking towards me while giving off a series of short, rather aggressive sounding barks. Still by now I knew he bark was worse than his bite. So I confidently grabbed him by the collar and unchained him.

I then quickly walked back to the house with Buddy right behind me. All this had only taken like 5 min, so I still had plenty of time to pull this off before Becca returned. Once back inside. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I stood in front of the entrance leading downstairs.

I looked down at Buddy who was standing right next to me. To make it clear to him I wanted him to follow me. I slapped my bare thigh with my hand and made kissing sounds before starting down the stairs.

Buddy understood and actually walked right past me. I could actually feel my legs shaking slightly as I walked down the stairs. Buddy was just walking around smelling this and that. Seemed to me he wasn’t in that part of the house too often if ever.

I immediately got the bedspread comforter and quickly spread it out onto the floor. The moment Buddy walked onto the bedspread and walked around it sniffing at it. The realization that I was just about to initiate a sexual act with a dog. literally felt a electrical, sexual charge run right through me.

With my hands visibly shaking, I unbuttoned my cut off jeans. Buddy immediately came towards me and started sniffing my crotch as I slipped my jeans and panties down around my thighs.

I was definitely already wet with anticipation of sex, so Buddy wasted no time in actively licking my pussy lips. He licked as I slipped off my shirt and removed my bra.

Buddy then got even closer and actually turned his head sideways a bit to get even deeper into me. I was encouraged to see him licking me as intently as he had to licked the bitch in heat the day before. As this was a good sign that he intended to mate with me as well.

However he stopped licking when I slipped off my sandals. So I took this opportunity to completely slip out of my jeans and panties. So here I was now completely naked in front of him.

Buddy again came towards me and I immediately just placed my feet apart in anticipation of him wanting to get at my pussy again. Sure enough he just again turned his head slightly and began licking again.

This time I actually felt him using his teeth as well. This surprised me and I actually stepped back a bit. Clearly unconcerned, Buddy just started in again. I cautiously let him chew on my lips, but I kept my hand on his head just in case he bit or chewed too hard.

Still his licking was starting to take effect on me. Soon waves of pleasure were surging through my clit. I actually began to get a bit unsteady on my feet, so I had to sit down on the comforter. Buddy again turned his head, but was now licking down towards me.

As apposed to up at me when I was standing up. So I could clearly see glimpses his k9 teeth as he continued lick and chew my now clearly engorged pussy lips

Every time his tongue passed over my clit, I could feel myself getting closer an orgasm. Although I’m certain that I would’ve easily cum if I let Buddy continued eating me out like this.

I was very much aware of time constraints. I felt I didn’t have enough time to just let him explore my pussy with his tongue like this. Besides I could clearly see the tip of his cock protruding from its sheath. This reminded me that I was there to be fucked by him.

So despite the pleasure I was getting, I purposely ended the licking session. I got up onto my hands and knees and simply presented myself to Buddy. He clearly understood what I was offering him and he immediately moved in behind me. However instead of mounting, he once again began licking me this time from behind.

Although pleased by his obvious liking of the scent and taste of my pussy. I really did want him to hump me instead. So I began shaking my ass, but this had no effect. Only when I started walking around on all fours. Perhaps fearing I was trying to get away, he finally mounted me.

He mounted me with an assuredness that I had never before experienced. I clearly felt his strength as he firmly griped my hips and pulled me towards him. Although this was his first sexual encounter with a human female. Buddy had mated with Molly and a neighbors bitch and sired several litters.

So he was no stranger to breeding females. Clearly being a woman didn’t discourage him from wanting to breed me as well. Luckily Buddy was a large enough Pit Bull to comfortably mount me.

So after just a few short probes and realignments, he finally started the act of penetration. However I quickly realized that he was having trouble getting into me. I clearly felt the tip of his cock pressing its way into my vaginal opening but he couldn’t seem to get to far inside.

My pussy just wasn’t used to taking a cock like his. I realized it would take time for my cunt to expand and stretch enough to accept his thick cock. So despite my own sexual excitement. I consciously began relaxing my pussy, and almost immediately afterwards his cock finally easily slid right in.

Having now successfully penetrated me. I could feel his cock literally swelling up inside me. Normally when with a man, I didn’t take any notice of the actual mechanics of sex. Yet with Buddy I was acutely away of everything that was happening physically.

My pussy was now sufficiently wet and aroused, and he easily managed to slide his entire cock into me. My elastic, muscular love tube. With its soft flexible texture, provided friction and quickly triggered his thrusting.

Just like that he was now vigorously humping and thrusting his cock into me. I could hardly believe it, I was actually having sexual relations with a with a male dog!

What followed surpassed anything I had previously experienced sexually. His powerful thrusts quickly began to take effect. it only took about 10 seconds before I my pussy clenched for the first time in my life while having sex.

My pussy began uncontrollably squeezing and releasing in a rhythmic manner. I had no control over these spasms and before long, I actually felt my pussy literally clamp down around his cock.

I knew this was really happening because it actually forced him to stop humping. Luckily my pussy just as quickly released and Buddy immediately began thrusting again. I don’t know what Buddy made of this, but this wasn’t the only time he made my pussy clench like this.

In fact it happened several more times, each time briefly stopping him in his tracks. However Buddy, the Pit bull that he was, didn’t let this stop him from fucking me. Each time my pussy clenched he just waited it out and once it released again, he resumed humping.

By now he was panting loudly and I could feel his tongue hanging down behind me neck. Occasionally he’d literally lean forward trying to get even deeper into me, and I could feel him panting right into my left ear.

Most likely it was the pressure of my vaginal muscles, my soft, warm, wet walls that kept him humping. Eventually the rhythmic contractions produced from his thrusting began to take effect.

triggered my orgasm cycle to begin. Soon the sensations from these involuntary contractions were more and more extreme and soon my PC muscles were literally spasming. I was now getting long, continuous waves of contractions as well. Then suddenly it literally felt as if a warm water balloon had just burst inside of my pussy, and the warm water was rushing out inside me. I was breathless, and all warm and tingly.

Although I was now virtually spent. Buddy certainly wasn’t finished. That’s when I realized a dog doesn’t ejaculate like a man. Apparently he was releasing his sperm into me almost the entire time he was humping me. So right after he made me orgasm. My cum juices now mixed with his and I became aware of clearly audible squishing and sloshing noises as he continued humping.

I soon felt a deep heat emanating from inside my pussy. Which quickly spread over and around my lower stomach. I felt my pussy rhythmically throbbing and it wasn’t long before the sensation reached its peak. and my pussy began to spasm with yet another orgasm. Very shortly afterwards. Buddy finally stopped humping and while still gripping my hips. He rested the side of his head on my back and just stayed motionless on my back.

Judging by his loud panting, and seeming utter exhaustion. I knew that Buddy clearly enjoyed copulating with me. His knot and cock were still still fully swelled deep in my pussy. However because I was clearly spent.

My pussy finally began to release its grip on his still throbbing cock. Buddy clearly sensed this and slowly began trying to pull out. However when he was almost out. The friction caused by his pulling out apparently caused my pussy to clench and contract one last time. Literally sucking his cock right back in.

Even I let out a moan and straighten back up onto my hands and knees. For a brief second I thought Buddy was about to start humping again and start the whole thing over again. However Buddy was clearly done. It seems even Pit Bull’s have limits to endurance.

Just a few moments later, he finally pulled out. As if unplugged, the mix of our juices streamed out of me all down my thighs and onto the comforter. I watched as Buddy eagerly and methodically licked my pussy, thighs and the old comforter dry of our juices.

As Buddy was cleaning up after us. I myself was just sitting there recovering from my own sexual exhaustion. When a wave of terror rode through me. “How long did we take? Oh my God, what time is it? So I quickly got up and took my cell phone from my pants pocket.

To my relief, I we had only taken 20 min. So I had plenty of time to clean up and go before Becca got back. I quickly got dressed, folded up the comforter and took it with me to the car to be washed and returned later.

Although things went surprisingly quickly, I grew concerned when I went to go get Buddy and bring him back out. He clearly had exhausted himself and I simply couldn’t get him up. I still had time, so I didn’t panic or anything. However I did feel cautiously alarmed.

As Buddy was cleaning up after us. I myself was just sitting there recovering from my own sexual exhaustion. When a wave of terror rode through me. “How long did we take? Oh my God, what time is it? So I quickly got up and took my cell phone from my pants pocket.

To my relief, I saw we had only taken 20 min. So I had plenty of time to clean up and go before Becca got back. I quickly got dressed, folded up the comforter and took it with me to the car to be washed and returned later.

Although things went surprisingly quickly, I grew concerned when I went to go get Buddy and bring him back out. He clearly had exhausted himself and I simply couldn’t get him up. I still had time, so I didn’t panic or anything. However I did feel cautiously alarmed.

Thankfully Buddy eventually found the energy to finally answer my calls for him come back outside. I was easily able to chain him back up. I re-locked the door and put back the key. Closed the outer garage door and drove back home.

I was all sticky and his cum was still seeping out, so I showered once I got home. It was actually quite kinky and erotic about cleaning myself up afterwards like that. It actually made me relive the event. especially when I cleaned myself up before getting into the shower.

In the shower I felt the hot water stinking certain parts of my body. That’s when I realized Buddy had left a series of scratches on my sides and back. Yet I didn’t feel anything while we were having sex. Nothing serious mind you, and I actually like the scratches as it reinforced to me the nastiness as it were, of what I had done with Buddy.

I really enjoyed doing it with Buddy, and I definitely wanted to continue copulation with him. So I basically let Buddy mate me every Monday. I wish it could’ve been more often, but once a week was actually good enough. The whole surreptitious way I had to go about it, actually added to the experience.

So for I haven’t even discussed Becca’s other two male dogs. Both of whom I also copulated with. So let me begin with Hobbits, a fully intact brown Barbet. However I actually called him Clowny due to his personality.

Now of all the dogs, Hobbits or Clowny as I called him. Was the only one I considered not totally normal. Not that he was overtly mistreated by Becca, but was rather more neglected. Clowny was the furthest out in the yard, some distance from the other dogs.

He had an actual dog house, the others had their own enclosures. Clowny was kept on a leash which was much shorted than the other dogs. So he had far less freedom of movement. The other dogs also had free access to Molly whereas Clowny couldn’t come near her.

I’m not a vet or animal physiologist. But to me, Clowny definitely showed signs of some mental problems. Again nothing all that egregious, but clearly discernible. For instance he dug holes for no reason. Just kept pawing at the ground until he made quite a sizable hole.

He’d often chase his own tail, or just walk around in circles a lot. Still he was well fed and I even saw Becca take him on walks all over the town, so he wasn’t being totally neglected.

He had a wonderful personality. Always full of energy and loved to play fetch with the tennis balls I brought him whenever I was over. After having sex with Buddy, I started thinking if Clowny would mate me too if given the chance.

I decided to start exploring this possibility. So I told Becca I felt Hobbits was in need of a bath and a good grooming. Which was all true by the way. Parts of his fur where clearly overgrown and he did have that dirty dog smell.

Becca actually thanked me because it was getting harder for her to wash and groom him herself. Of course the bathing and grooming was just an ulterior motive to check him out sexually.

I took him out behind the house where the hose was. the same area place where I had first saw Buddy giving it to Molly. I actually did give him a good bath, but as I was soaping him up. I purposely focused on his sexual equipment.

I wanted to see what his cock looked like, how big and thick it was. So I purposely began cupping his balls, massaging and squeezing the base of his sheath. Before long I managed to coax the tip of his cock out. Pulling back on his sheath revealed a lovely thick red cock. Though not quite as long and thick like Buddy’s.

With my curiosity satisfied, I decided to have sex with him too if possible. So I just told Becca I wanted to take him home and finish grooming him there. Becca agreed and so I took Clowny home with me.

Once home, Clowny was clearly very excited by his new surroundings. So I waited for him to settle down before initiating anything sexual with him. Eventually I did manage to groom him enough to make him presentable to the outside world.

As I was grooming him. I realized just how much I loved how hairy he was. As I stroked his hairy coat. I thought about how good his hair would feel on my bare back and body if we had sex.

Although I wasn’t as physically excited as when I first tried it with Buddy. I was attracted enough to him physically, mainly because of all the all the hair. I was clearly exited about the prospect of coupling with him.

Wearing only my panties, t-shirt and socks. I walked him into my room. My son, Mike Jr staying with his father. So even though we were completely alone in the house. I still felt the need to close and lock the door.

To let him know I was sexually interested in him. I just rubbed my hand on my clit then let him smell my juices on my fingers. Clowny eagerly sniffed and licked my fingers. So I then sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned back onto my palms.

The fact that I was still wearing my panties didn’t discourage him. He was actually licking my pussy through my panties. Clearly smelling my arousal,even through my panties. He immediately focused right in on my clit.

His powerful tongue still got to my clit and when he briefly stopped licking. I felt, and actually saw my clit briefly snapping up and down in response from the sensations his tongue had produced. So I quickly removed my panties and let him have full access to my warm, now fully exposed pussy lips.

After a few gentle exploratory licks. He suddenly pressed in hard with his snout and literally mouthed my clit. This felt really good and I responded by spreading my legs even father apart.

He aggressively mouthed me like that a few more times. Even using his teeth on my clit a few times, just as Buddy had done. He aggressively mouthed like that a few more times. Even using his teeth like on my clit a few times just as Buddy had done. My pussy was starting to really purr, so I I scooted up onto the middle of the bed lay completely on my back.

Clowny responded by actually jumping up on the bed. Then while standing over me. lowered his head and began aggressively licking my now very wet pussy. I placed both feet flat against the bed and my knees were up. This gave position gave him good access to me.

I rested my hands on my legs and knee caps while he licked. I occasionally moved my hands down and spread my lips for him, exposing areas I wanted him to focus on. I quickly discovered that Clowny was a wonderful, natural licker.

His tongue was now flickering across my clit, circling, dipping into my warm, wet vaginal opening. Harder, faster, deeper. So I instinctively folded both my arms back and rested my head on my arms. A sure sign that a woman is in the throws of pleasure, and that i was.

I start to feel a humming sensation all over my pussy. Which quickly isolates then sharpens around on my clit. Everything feels hot. I feel my clit literally pulsating from his tongue. Then mixed in, there are 3-5 seconds of exquisite sensations as my clit rhythmically snaps with pleasure.

Then after a slight lull while his tongue lapped up my cunt juices that had dripped out all over my inner thighs and down towards my butt hole. He once again focuses back on my clit again.

The lull apparently had starved my clit of pleasure because I immediately two intense spasms. which made me audibly vocalize with pleasure. These were quickly followed by a series of smaller waves of intense pleasure.

Clearly I had already experienced several orgasmic contractions as he was going down on me. hen after a slight lull while his tongue lapped up my cunt juices that had dripped out all over my inner thighs and down towards my butt hole. He once again focuses back on my clit again.

The lull apparently had starved my clit of pleasure because I immediately two intense spasms. which made me audibly vocalize with pleasure. These were quickly followed by a series of smaller waves of intense pleasure.

Clearly I had already experienced several orgasmic contractions as he was going down on me. To me they were just as pleasurable as any true, final, full orgasm. Still he had me right on the edge. However right when I felt I was about ready to orgasm any second. He suddenly switch back to using his teeth.

He began actually nibbling on my clit. Although this actually felt good, I didn’t think I would orgasm from this. Based on all those contractions, I felt I was so close to a mind blowing orgasm. I actually felt quite bummed out.

However just as I was thinking this, something happened. I was just about to start masturbating myself to orgasm. When the soft pinches I was feeling around my pussy lips. Suddenly turned to a turning to a hard bite!

I actually writhed in pleasure as exquisite pain. sent an electric shock straight to my clit and down my legs to my toes. This clearly took Clowny by surprise and he actually jumped of the bed.

However I guess he was far too interested in my pussy. To be so easily scared away and jumped right back up onto the bed. Although the bite he gave me on my pussy lip wasn’t somethimg I’d want to repeat. I can’t deny the effect it had on me.

I was actually glad that I got to experience something like that. Luckily though Clowny now returned to using his tongue again. As a result of that bite. I was once again right on the edge.

My breathing signified that an orgasm would soon be arriving. As I usually start holding my breath a lot. He was licking my clit back and forth it wouldn’t take long before I’d reach orgasm. I loved how it felt getting it licked back and forth like that.The sensations quickly grew more intense as to start my orgasm.

I felt my breathing become erratic, and a series of uncontrollable moaning escapes from my lips. I felt myself lifting my hips, trying to press my clit up against his tongue. Suddenly I feel my stomach muscles contracting. My legs straighten, my eyes are closed tight.

As usual, I hold start holding my breath. I actually see flashes of light as my eyes are forced wide open in an uncontrollable facial spasm. Immediately followed by pleasure, pleasure, pleasure as I feel my clit quivering in orgasm. Simultaneously energizing and depleting.

I then covered my pussy with my hand and then rolled over away from him. I was clearly going to need time to recover form this. You would of thought I just gone on a five mile run. That’s how hard I was breathing from the powerful orgasm he gave me.

Even though I was now fully satiated. I was too much of a woman not to reward him for the experience he had just given me. So I tuned over and got up onto my hands and knees.

I then crawled in front of him, then turned around on the bed, presenting myself to him. Clearly the moving and shaking of the bed as I did this, triggered his instinct to mate.

Just like Buddy, Clown aggressively grasped me by my hips while slowly walking his hind legs into position. I eagerly pushed out my butt towards him. However he wasn’t as sure of himself as Buddy.

So he quickly give up when he didn’t gain entrance to me. So I then reached over and cleared away his hair to see if he was actually fully aroused or just perhaps play acting.

When I clearly saw that half his cock was out and this hair around his stomach was actually wet. I knew he was in fact aroused and ready to copulate with me. So I again presented myself to him.

This time when he again grasped my hips, I reached around and guided him in. Once Clowny felt his cock beginning to enter me. He aggressively pushed his cock
deep into me.

I actually hissed with pleasure as his cock slid fully into me. As I suspected, the feel of all his hair against my lower back, butt cheeks, and the back of my thighs was incredibly arousing to me.

I quickly realized that copulating with Clowny would clearly be different than with Buddy. Clowny’s cock wasn’t quite as large and thick as Buddy. So although Clowny actually thrusting just as hard. I didn’t feel the same pressure and tightness while he was inside me.

Still Clowny’s cock felt good, and a really liked his particular style of fucking. He wasn’t being consistent which actually added to the experience. I never knew what he would do. Sometimes he’d speed up, then slow down, only to speed up again.

However unlike with Buddy, Clowny finished before wetting me off. Suddenly he stopped humping and I could clearly feel his cock Pulsing and throbbing, emptying his cum deep inside me.

I even moaned when I realized he was actually cumming inside me. I wanted him to feel the fully enjoy the sensation of being inside my warm, wet love tube. So I reached round and held him inside me.

He remained inside me for a good five minutes before he showed signs of wanting to pull out. So I let him go and he quickly dismounted. Like Buddy, Clowny eagerly licked us clean. I then went into the bathroom to clean up afterwards.

Now even though I didn’t orgasm from our actual copulation. This was only the first time we had sex. later as I adapted to hi style of fucking, I’ve had many an orgasm with when we had sex. I’ll go more into that later. Its now time to talk about Becca’s 3rd and final intact male. Tank, a Saint Bernard.

Initially I had been rather reluctant to even attempt anything with tank. He was such an enormous dog, I doubted if I could successfully mate with him. However since I was already very active with both of the other dogs. I wanted to try it with tank too.

By now Becca didn’t question when I wanted to take any of the dogs home with me. So no more seeking around was necessary with Buddy either. When I brought tank home, I first played with his cock to get him erect.

I was stunned when I saw how enormous his cock was. Clearly longer and thicker than Buddy. Still I knew that Buddy felt better inside me than Clowny. So maybe I was really a “size queen” when it came it dogs.

Just like with Clowny, I started by letting him explore and taste my pussy with his tongue. Sure enough Tank really seemed to relish eating me out. I pretty much expected this. Why? Because several of the men I’ve been with, including my ex husband. Told me how my clit actually drips a lot when aroused.

I believe its called vaginal sweating, because it looks like the clit is actually sweating!Obviously I had always knew that I got very wet when aroused but didn’t realize it liked to drip out like that.

Obviously each dog was different, and Tank’s tongue was clearly the biggest. So getting eaten put by him was extremely rewarding. Not only that Tank liked deeper and longer than either Buddy or Clowny.

I especially loved how Tank’s large mouth and tongue completely covered both my clit and inner lips. So as he eat me out. He was actually Licking my clit and sucking on it simultaneously. it only took a few minutes of this before I couldn’t take it anymore and I’d quickly cum pretty hard.

Still just like Clowny and Buddy, Tank found it impossible to resist using his teeth when going down on me. However Tank expertly mixed the two together amazingly well.

Despite his size. Tank was very gentle whenever he used his teeth on me. I loved hearing the chewing eating noises is mouth made when he chewed on my clit. Exactly he made the sound when he ate his food. Only he was eating pussy, not dog food.

I liked it when he took my clit into his mouth and lightly chew on it. I’d always groan deep from in my throat we he did that. Sometimes he’d do nothing but chew on it and I’d quickly cum from it.

Unfortunately however, the actual mating wasn’t nearly as pleasurable. Again not that I didn’t fully enjoy it. It’s just that he barely humped when he fucked. I pretty sure it this was due to the sheer size of his cock.

The actual moment of penetration and the feeling of his cock inside me was extremely pleasurable. However I was the one who had to do all the work if I wanted to cum when mating with him.

Because his cock was so large and thick. When fully inside me, I believe the tight fit caused him to immediately begin cumming. The tight warm feeling of my vaginal walls pressing tightly, especially around the base of his cock. Simply triggered him to start cumming.

I believe the bigger the object inside the vagina the more pressure it receives when it adapts to the size of the object inside of it. So the size of his huge cock stretched my vaginal walls in both length and in width. Literally molding itself around him while it accommodated the length and with of a penis.

That’s why he didn’t hump like Buddy and Clowny. Once fully inside the warmth tight pressure from my vaginal walls simply milked his cock to orgasm. That’s probably why Clowny seemed to hump more than Buddy. Since his cock was the smaller, he actually had to hump hard and long enough to achieve the proper stimulation before cumming inside me.

Whereas a large dog like Tank didn’t have to hump to achieve proper friction because of the extreme tightness of the fit inside me. Obviously I can’t speak for all large breed dogs. Maybe other Saint Bernard’s would’ve fucked my brains out, I can’t say.

Still I liked how his enormous cock felt as it slowly slipped all the way into me. I also liked clenching down on it, adding to the pressure which always made him cum so fast once fully inside me. However he was still my last choice to be with out of the three when it came to the mating part.

So I alternated between Buddy and Clowny. Bringing one or the other home for sex. Clowny was clearly the better licker and a very energetic lover. he was always horny and would literally race into my room and jump onto my bed and wait for me.

I usually obliqued him and would quickly strip and get on the bed for him. I loved the feel of his hear against me and he no longer fumbled around while mounting me. I also learned that by purposely clenching my vagina during our sex, I could more easily reach orgasm.

Clenching my pussy around his cock made for a tighter grip during intercourse and more intense contractions during orgasm. Squeezing my love muscles increase the pleasure for him as well. Often making him cum much quicker with less humping.

So when I wanted him to get more pleasure, I squeezed more frequently. When I wanted to cum. I waited until he humped enough for me to get close, then start squeezing to obtain orgasm.

With Buddy on the other hand. I actually didn’t have to squeeze like that. His larger cock made for a tighter fit and he actually made my pussy clench up. These were completely involuntary on my part and felt stronger and deeper than when I squeeze my muscles myself. I have never been able to replicate that with Clowny.

So there was much more grunting and guttural sounds coming from Buddy and me during our copulations. Although I was definitely physically attracted to Clowny. Buddy was a whole different level.

I was completely into Buddy. The very site of him made my clit ache. That large muscular intimidating body of his always made me wet. I also loved the I’m in charge look of his face.

So I found myself choosing Buddy over Clowny for sex. However I actually liked Clowny’s personality better. I also felt sorry for Clowny due to his obvious psychological or perhaps even neurological problems. Still whenever I had the choice, I continually chose Buddy based purely on my physical and sexual attraction towards him.

Then to my utter surprise, Becca brought home two new dogs. Another older female and a younger male Dalmatian. Chester was very young, but he was fully mature. I quickly realized that I was just as physically attracted to him as I was to Buddy.

The site of his thinner, leaner, yet still muscular body made my clit hard just like Buddy’s did. A woman’s clit actually gets erect when excited just like a man’s cock. Only difference is the clit isn’t as clearly visible. Thus simply goes unnoticed by others.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off him as he ran around Becca’s yard chasing the ball I threw from him to fetch. I just kept admiring his body and clearly wanting to bring him back home with me.

However the timing just wasn’t right. Since it was my turn to have my son stay with me. I had to bide my time before doing anything with him.

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