Women with Animals

A New Species


Chapter One

They were canids, and closely related to Earth’s canines. What made the two animals different was their intelligence, and how they had progressed over the millennia. They could talk, but their cousins could not.

Earth’s canines were very diversified when it came to their physical form, but the canids were not. These looked like huge German Shepherds; half again as large as their Earthly cousins, and the only difference in them was their coloration. There were very few that were multi colored; they were usually solid black, white, brown or gray.

While canines could be taught to walk on their hind legs in a somewhat haltingly manner, the canids did it well; yet when it came to running, they did prefer to travel on all four feet. They were also much more dexterous than their cousins. They had actually managed to manufacture things that they wanted, and once they managed to make robotic machines, that would follow their blueprints and instructions, they were soon space travelers; which was how they eventually met with their Earthbound cousins.

It was Greyson that began the project that they were now in the midst of, but each and every one of them had some input into it. The essence of it was that they could engineer their offspring, and though they would not necessarily benefit in the outcome immediately, they would be the father and grandfathers of future canids that would be able to do far more than they ever could, and they were satisfied with that.

To say that what they planned was entirely ethical, would be stretching the boundaries a bit, but in essence, no one would be harmed; just not necessarily volunteer for what was to come. To accomplish their goals they needed several females, and they knew where to get them after visiting Earth and seeing how some of their cousins were enjoying their stay on that particular planet.

Greyson was gray, Tandall was brown, Winters was white, and Midnight was black. They paired up and made two complete teams. Their goal was to capture several girls that somewhat knew each other, and were just starting college. Because of what they had planned, eight young ladies disappeared without a trace shortly after the first term began, and to the canids it was a special boon because each of the females was still a virgin of sorts, which a rarity anymore.

The young ladies in question went to sleep one night in their dorms, and awoke in a totally strange bedroom; one that was well furnished, and had almost everything that they would need to live. However, what they were totally unaware of was the fact that while they slept for several months in a form of suspended animation, they were also changed.

Several things had happened to their DNA as they slept. Every anomaly that they had been born with was stripped from their system. They would no longer need glasses, and their teeth that had once had cavities were now whole; their new pearly whites would never decay. Along with it, no sickness that plagued man on Earth would ever affect them again, and their eventual descendants would take after both them and the fathers.

Another thing that they would find was that their monthly cycles were also altered. They would not have certain problems every twenty-eight days. Instead, the new rhythm would be every ninety days, and it would hit at nearly the same time for each of them.

Each of the girls had a very close friend, so they were paired in that way to make the transition easier. Anna and Cathy formed one duo; while Bethany and Diana formed another. They awoke in a strange home on the north side of the road.

For Elaine and Gloria, they would awake in the same bedroom, while Felicia and Holly shared another on the upper level of their new home. They would eventually find that their residence was on the south side of the road.

Each of the homes was a marvel of engineering, and centered within other vacant residences that numbered one hundred. Ten homes wide by ten homes deep, and though it wasn’t too picturesque in the way it was laid out, the domiciles lacked nothing.

Each home had mature trees in a yard that was a half-acre each. The yards were not fenced, but six-foot shrubbery easily formed a privacy barrier of sorts for each residence; while other flowering bushes and variegated plants grew near the home and looked as though the abode was professionally planted strictly for eye-appeal.

There was also a covered pool in the back yard; just off the covered patio. The twenty by forty inground body of water had a retractable top. When desired the covering would scroll back and allow sunlight to hit the area; allowing the bathers to tan if they so desired, or lounge in the shade if they had enough of the Sun’s rays for the day.

When Anna awoke, it was slowly, and it took a moment for her to realize that she was no longer in her dorm room; despite the fact that Cathy lay only six feet away in a similar twin bed. The wall color was an off white, and relied on the curtains and other décor to establish what would mix well with what she currently saw; yet she had to admit that it was tastefully done. “Damn, that must have been some party we went to,” she murmured to herself, and then she arose and went to where her friend still slept, while also noting the way she was attired.

Anna prodded Cathy until her friend awoke, and when her blonde companion finally arose she too noted that they were no longer in their dorm room. Where the hell are we, and why are we only wearing a night shirt that barely covers our asses.

“I was just wondering the same thing, Cathy, and until you awoke I had no one to ask, but I was also hoping that you had some kind of plausible answer.”

“I have no idea, Anna, but until we find out what is going on her, I think that we had better be very careful.”

It was then that each of the girls cautiously reached between their legs and felt their pussies carefully. “I’m not wet or sticky,” offered Anna with some form of relief in her voice.

“Neither am I,” responded Cathy; while knowing that inspecting each other for an intact hymen would not prove anything, but the cleanliness of her vaginal area assured her that they had not been messed with.

Neither girl had ever had sex with a guy, but that did not mean that their hymen still existed. They knew how to pleasure themselves with a dildo, or fingers when needed, and had even done it with each other several times. It wasn’t that they didn’t like guys either, but they were saving that kind of thing for later, when both marriage and a ring were involved.

For the rest of the girls the scenario was nearly identical. It would take the young ladies a while to leave their shared rooms and meet with their new home-mates, and eventually realize that they had known neighbors that resided just across the street from them.

The four canids watched with interest as the young ladies endeavored to find out what had happened to them, but as they expected, the mere fact that the girls knew others from their same school helped them to cope with the given situation.

After checking their vaginas for suspicious residue and finding none, some of their immediate fears ebbed away. It was then that the young ladies entered the bathroom, and noted its luxuriousness. There was a large walk in shower, and very plush towels. There was even a jacuzzi style tub that would fit two people, and several types of makeup, and feminine products that suited them. It was almost as though someone had raided their bathroom and knew exactly what they like the most; even to the point that their favorite perfume was there, and obviously new.

“This is weird,” offered Anna; moments before Cathy was about to do the same.

It was then that Cathy noticed something, and quickly walked toward the full-length mirror. It was on the wall and nearly covered by the bathroom door. She lifted the hem of her night shirt and gasped at what she saw. For years, she had disliked the boobs that she had inherited from her mother and grandmother, but what she saw at the present moment in time amazed her. She was now blessed with perky B to C cupped breasts, with small brown areola’s, and she loved them; along with the trim waist and flat belly that she had always strived for, and never seemed to be able to attain no matter how many specific exercises she did.

“Wow,” exclaimed Anna as she saw Cathy’s new form. She was soon doing the same as her friend. She lifted her extra-long T-shirt, and was amazed also. They were nearly alike as they gazed at their feminine form. The only difference was their nearly bald pussies that were trimmed by either a small strip of brunette or blonde hair.

“How in the hell did this happen,” murmured Cathy, and yet she didn’t really expect an answer from her friend. Instead she only received more puzzlement.

“Our changes don’t seem to end there, Cathy,” offered Anna. “Check out your teeth, and while you’re at it, have you realized that you are not wearing your glasses.”

“Oh, my gosh, you’re right,” Cathy confirmed.

A chill passed through both young ladies as they dropped the hems of their shirts and began looking at themselves even closer in the mirror. What few blemishes that they once had… were gone, and in all honesty, to use any of the makeup on the bathroom vanity would only have covered their natural beauty; unless it was to add a bit of eye shadow or specific coloring.

After several minutes of inspecting themselves and each other in the mirror, the girls returned to the bedroom. It was then that they found some clothes in the dresser drawers. Upon inspecting it however, they found only various colored T-shirts, and fairly short skirts that they could mix and match.

“Where are the bras and panties?” groused Cathy, and if she hadn’t mentioned the lack of undergarments, then Anna would have.

This is too weird, Cathy. We are going to have every guy we meet staring at our asses and trying to look up our skirts.”

The girls did change from their present garb into the slightly different t-shirts and a short skirt of a matching color. They knew that it was going to feel weird sitting on a chair or sofa, but they had done it before, and it sometimes excited them to feel the coarser texture of what they sat upon begin to rub against their pussy lips; it was totally different than the silky panties that they usually wore.

Anna and Cathy were the first to emerge from their bedroom, but before they could walk to the stairs that led to the lower floor of the three thousand square foot abode, one of the other doors opened and the girls gave a shriek until they saw who was now emerging from the second of four sleeping chambers.

Bethany and Diana had awoken to the same puzzling situation as Anna and Cathy had. At nearly the same pace they discovered their newly sculpted bodies and wondered at it all. They had just finished dressing in their minimum garb when they heard a noise outside their bedroom door so they hurried to find out what it was.

All four girls momentarily stared at each other, but it was Bethany that spoke first. “Where in the hell are we?”

“We don’t know either, Bethany,” Cathy responded. “I have no idea where we are, or who brought us here. All we do know is that we didn’t seem to be molested; how about you two?”

“No, neither were we, but there have definitely been other weird things done to us,” confirmed Diana.

“You mean like the smaller tits, and the flat stomachs, or the fact that you seem to have new teeth, and don’t need your glasses,” offered Anna

“Yeah, stuff like that,” agreed Diana, “but what do you mean by smaller tits. I used to be an abysmal A cup, but now I’m nearly certain that I have something between a B or C, and then to top it all off, my waist is perfect for my body size.”

“Well, I used to have big floppy bags; compliments of my family’s genes, but now I’m the proud owner of a B or C just as you are,” confessed Cathy.

“Well, it looks as though we are all in the same predicament then. Somehow, we have been changed,” opined Bethany, “and most of it seems to be for the good, but the question still remains as to why things were done to us, and who did it?”

From the upper level of the home, the four girls descended the stairs. On the way down, and afterward, they were amazed at the abode’s décor. Every room was furnished impeccably; from leather sofas, love-seats and single loungers, to finely crafted wooden tables. While on the wall were scenic paintings that looked three dimensional, and made you wish that you could visit what the painter had used as a point of reference.

When the four girls entered the kitchen and dining area they found new appliances, and when they opened the refrigerator they were also pleased to see that it was well stocked; as was the huge pantry, and the cupboards. There were all kinds of spices available to them, and dishware also. Everything that they needed to exist was here.

“Well, at least we won’t go hungry,” offered Cathy as her stomach growled. She was just about to reach for the carton of eggs when a voice from behind all of the young ladies startled them, and caused them to turn as though a single cord was attached to all of them.

“If you will each tell me what you are hungry for; I will fix it for you,” offered the very feminine voice.

What met the girls’ eyes stunned all of them, for they were certain that they were finally going to meet with one of the instigators of the strange scenario that they had recently awoken to. Instead, they found themselves looking at a robot. It had the body of a girl, and it was clothed in what they would consider to be domestic help attire. The face was not very detailed; merely holes for where the ears and mouth would be, and glassy orbs for its eyes, but the rest of the unit functioned very well. The automaton moved almost as well as they did on two legs.

“Who is doing this to us, robot, and where are we?” questioned Bethany.

“My name is, Xenia, mistress, Bethany,” returned the robot. “I am here to serve you, but as to your other questions… I have no answers. I only know you four ladies, and how to cook.”

“You know us, Xenia? How could that be, and still not know who is doing this to us,” asked Cathy. “How far are we from home?”

“Home?” returned the robot questioningly, and there was no mistaking the tone of voice. “Mistress Cathy, you are home, and if all of you tell me what you wish to eat, I will prepare it for you. My sensors indicate that all of you are very hungry.”

The four friends could not argue that particular point, and they gave the robot their desired choice of breakfast foods. Afterward they watched as the automaton began to fulfill their requests perfectly; as they sat around the kitchen table and continued to ask the robot certain questions in different ways, but they always got the same response. They were home, and their benefactors or abductors; however, you wished to look at it, were unknown.

After a very delicious breakfast the four young ladies left the table, but not until they were assured by the robot that the cleanup chore would be taken care of by her. It was then that Anna, Cathy, Bethany and Diana went exploring. The back yard was first, and they were soon admiring the large pool, and all that went with it.

Wow, I can’t wait to try this out,” offered Anna.

Bethany chortled a bit. “Good luck with that, Anna. Neither I nor Diana found any swimming suits in any of the dressers in our room.”

“Yeah,” added Diana. “You’ll have to go skinny dipping, and I’m sure that all the neighbor boys will love the show that you put on for them.”

“Well, maybe I will give them a show, and if they call the cops, we’ll be able to find out what’s really happening here.”

“Speaking of calling someone,” Cathy offered next, “I have to say that I don’t remember seeing any kind of phones here, and that includes the cell units that we used to have.”

“She’s right,” returned Diana. “I don’t remember seeing any phones either,” and it was the next thing that the four companions did. They looked for any kind of communications systems and found none; not even a television or radio.

The next disappointment came when they checked out the attached two car garage. It was empty, and didn’t even house bicycles, or anything with wheels on it; other than something that looked like a lawnmower, and even that had no handles; only a whip antenna. If they were going to go anywhere they would have to find a way to hail a cab or catch a bus; as the thought of walking too far was appalling.

“Maybe we can borrow some else’s car?” suggested Anna.

Once more Bethany chortled in response to a question by Anna. “Good luck with that! I know that I would never lend my vehicle to anyone unless I knew them very well.”

From the garage they exited the house, and didn’t lock the door; there was no key to accomplish such a task. They were just about to step off the front porch when they heard a noise on the other side of the blacktopped two-lane road. They all looked, but what they found was four girls like themselves, and they knew the quartet.

Both groups of girls quickly approached each other, and very soon Elaine, Gloria, Felicia, and Holly joined the others in the middle of the thoroughfare, but even so it wasn’t as though they were obstructing traffic. All of them were still hoping to get a few answers to their current dilemma, but they received none. No one knew what was happening to them.

“Well, it looks as though we need to canvass the immediate neighborhood, and see if we can get some answers,” opined Bethany as she looked around them, and the others did the same. “If we split into groups of two we might be able to find someone that knows at least something.”

“Do you think that it’s wise to do such a thing?” asked Felicia, a brunette that looked exactly like she did. The girl had perky B to C cupped breasts, and looked to weigh no more than a few pounds over the hundred mark.

“Maybe we should stick together,” offered Gloria, a seemingly bleached blonde; whose hair was the lightest of them all, and yet her tresses were totally natural.

All eight girls set out in a westerly direction; noted to be so, by the fact that their shadows were in front of them as they walked to the next home that was across the street from them. They arbitrarily chose the house on the north side of the road because it was possibly a few steps closer than any other at the moment.

When the girls got to the home, Bethany rang the doorbell. They knew that it was working because they could hear it, but no one responded to it. After two tries and nearly three minutes, some of the other girls began to turn away, but Cathy grabbed the doorknob and turned it. The entryway opened, but no alarms sounded.

Some of the other young ladies were not quite as adventurous, and didn’t follow Cathy’s lead until she and her original friends entered the house. She called out loudly as she did so to see if anyone was home, but she got no response.

Slowly the group got bolder, and they entered the kitchen area. They even went so far as to checking out the refrigerator. What they found was an empty unit; one that had never been used before, and still as fresh smelling as the day it had come from the manufacturer; though no one stressed at the fact that there was no the brand name on the unit; or really even cared about it just yet.

“No one lives here,” offered Anna as she spoke the obvious, but she wasn’t chided by any of them for what she said; it was merely what they were all thinking.

The girls left the first home after checking it a bit more, and then they moved on to another, but all they found was the same. Each of the domiciles was exactly like their own. There were four homes in each block, and there seemed to be twenty-five blocks. After checking eight of them, they did decide to split up into groups of two. They wanted to check every house to be sure that they were the only ones in the area.

Anna, and Cathy went one way while Bethany and Diana, Elaine and Gloria, Felicia and Holly went in other directions. It took a while, but eventually the four groups lost sight of each other, and that was when the four canids left their hidden abode and joined the four duos.

Winters chose Anna and Cathy, but there was no real concern from any of them as to who they followed. All of the young ladies were very beautiful. They had been before the changes that were made, and even more so now. He was very crafty at how he approached the girls, making sure that they were a bit separate before he presented himself; just as the others did also.

Winters found Anna checking out the upstairs area while Cathy slowly moseyed about the lower level. The only real difference was some of the paintings and furnishings, but it was enough to slow the search of the premises; especially since the findings were otherwise boring.

Winters was just inside the first bedroom door when Anna turned around and saw him. Although he was a big dog, his mannerisms put her at ease immediately. He acted completely happy to see her as he wagged his tail excitedly, and she wasn’t afraid to approach him.

“Well, I guess I finally found someone, but I doubt that I’ll get any good information from you,” she opined.

It was then that Winters played playfully, and before Anna realized it the backs of her legs were against the bed. She toppled backward, and tried to catch herself. She didn’t land hard, but her legs were spread, and her skirt had risen to a point that her pussy was very visible. She didn’t realize it at first, not until she felt a very wet and warm tongue sweep through her vaginal lips and brush against her clitoris.

Anna jumped a bit when she felt the contact with her pussy and clitoris, but it wasn’t enough to dislodge or get away from the huge white dog that was suddenly licking her. Before she realized it several more licks plowed through the sensitive area, and it felt so good that she didn’t try to get away after that.

Anna was suddenly excited, and her vagina was already responding to the tongue induced caresses that she was receiving. This sort of thing was not necessarily new to her; though she had never tried it herself. She knew another girl that had done such a thing; she had seen it personally only a few months previous. She had been very tempted to try it. After all, it wasn’t as though she could get pregnant by the dog, and the animal certainly wasn’t going to brag to anyone who mattered as to what they had shared, but she didn’t get the chance to. Shortly after the girl and the dog parted, the girl’s family returned, so that put an end to the doggie play.

Anna leaned back on one elbow and carefully scooted toward the edge of the bed. It allowed the white dog to have better access to all her feminine charms. She then reached out and caressed the animal’s head as she encouraged his actions. “That’s it, Whitey, lick me good,” she murmured as she was quickly approaching one of the best orgasms he had ever had; she could feel it building within her.

Anna consistently managed to orgasm when she used her fingers, and especially when she used a dildo that vibrated slightly, but she didn’t like the noise that was generated by the device. They were too loud unless the thing was shoved into her pussy so deeply that she almost lost contact with it. It had happened several times just before she left for college.

There were times she sought relief after seeing a rather sexy movie; where the actor or actress flashed plenty of, abs, tits or ass, and it didn’t matter whether it was male or female; it usually got her juices flowing. She would then go to her room and use her vibrator. Twice, she was nearly surprised by her mother who entered her room without asking. The only thing that saved her was the fact that she heard the old creaky stairs complain from being stepped on, and then saw a shadow form under the bedroom door.

Anna had only enough time to bury the dildo in her pussy and silence it enough to go undetected after that. The door had opened slowly, and she pretended that she was asleep. It was an agonizingly slow minute as she waited for her mother to leave and reclose the door. She was afraid she was going to lose the battle as an orgasm approached, but the door finally reclosed, and the steps creaked once more before the climax hit.

She still managed to stifle loudness of her orgasm by biting on her pillow, but it wasn’t easy, and neither was digging the torpedo shaped vibrator out of her clutching pussy as the climactic waves of pleasure continued to engulf her. She remembered all of this as her first dog induced orgasm washed over her, and this event was two to three times more intense than anything that she had ever known before.

Anna reached out and grasped Whitey’s head; pulling him even closer to her. She didn’t realize how tight she pulled the animal to her, but even so the dog took it all in stride, and actually looked at the occurrence as something positive. He had just made the girl orgasm so intensely that she nearly lost control, and that was what he wanted. He wanted her to submit to anything he desired, and their sexual unions would only increase from here.

It took nearly three minutes for Anna to finally release Whitey’s head. She lay back and relaxed, and she thought nothing more until her pussy and stomach began to tingle. It took a moment to figure out what was happening but by then it was too late to do anything about it. The hairs on the dog’s stomach tickled her and then she was suddenly looking into the animal’s eyes.

Winters didn’t give Anna too long to contemplate what he was about to do next. He stepped forward, and his hefty slab of doggie meat made contact with the girl’s pussy. He felt her warmth, and gently thrust forward. He entered her vaginal vault by at least an inch, and quickly added more.

Anna gasped as she felt something very wet and warm entering between the lips of her pussy. It was thick, and far more substantial than any dildo that she had ever used. Not only that, but this was a living thing, and it worked its way into her a little deeper with each thrust.

“Oh, my god, I’m being fucked by a dog,” she managed to murmur, and then she felt the animal’s cock bottom out within her vaginal vault. After that moment, the thrusting into her body began in earnest, and yet she was certain that it was not necessarily the fastest that Whitey could be screwing her; for which she was thankful. His cock was huge.

Winters kept an even pace, and very soon he had assisted Anna to another intense orgasm, but this one had been induced by his cock; not his tongue. It was then that he held still, and rode out the waves of ecstasy that she was feeling as she also lifted her legs and arms and pulled him even closer to her.

Once the clutching of the vaginal muscles waned a bit he began again. Winters could feel his knot growing and he increased his speed a bit. He dragged the expanding ball of flesh in and out of the girl, and she began to pant; there was very little that she could really say coherently at the moment, but her moans did become louder, and he heard Cathy approaching the bedroom.

What was happening now was exactly as Winters wanted it. He had hoped that Anna would become loud enough during her throes of passion for Cathy to hear. His knot blasted by his lover’s pussy lips repeatedly, and caught not only her clitoris but her g-spot also. He heard a gasp which came from the bedroom door just as he set his knot into the babe beneath him one last time.

Cathy’s gasp was heard by more than just the dog, and Anna shifted her gaze toward the bedroom door. She was a bit chagrinned at being caught under the animal as he fucked her, but there was nothing that she could do about it now. Her next orgasm slammed into her as the canine’s knot entered her and stayed. She tightened her grip on him once more because she didn’t want him to back away from her; yet unaware as to how well they were attached.

For the next several minutes Anna could utter nothing intelligible, but it was also very evident to Cathy that what her friend was experiencing was something grand, and well beyond anything she had ever experienced or witnessed before. It wasn’t to say that she had never heard of such wild things, but she had never seen it until the present.

After several minutes, Anna found her voice at least a little bit. When she did she cooed, and thanked Whitey for screwing her royally. It was a first. Never before had she ever had anything alive within her pussy except her own fingers, or on the rare occasion; fingers that belonged to Cathy.

“Fuck me, Whitey, pump all of your sperm into me,” she urged as she gently thrust upward. She could still feel his hot seed entering her, and she loved it. He had caused such pleasant feeling to course through her entire being. It was then that Anna saw how close Cathy had moved to where she and Whitey were tied together, as she now realized that his knot was held firmly by her still clutching pussy muscles.

“Oh, my gosh, Anna, I can see the dog’s nuts twitching, and so is your pussy. You’re cuming, and so is he,” offered Cathy as she stated the obvious.

“Oh, yeah, he has me good, but then I have him too,” Anna stated. “This is the third time that he has made me orgasm, and each time was better than the one before it.”

“You’ve cum three times?”

“Yeah,” confirmed Anna, and it was impossible to miss her ecstasy, even in her single word reply.

“How did this happen?” asked Cathy.

“Mmm… it happened almost as soon as I came up the stairs,” she began softly. “We left the front door open, and he must have seen us enter the place. He must live near her somewhere, and since we haven’t found anyone yet, he acted really happy to see me. I fell backwards onto the bed, and the rest is history. He licked me to my first orgasm, and as I was recovering he mounted me. Before I knew it, I had his big cock in me so deep that it hit the back wall of my pussy.”

“Wow, he’s in you that deep?”

Oh, yeah, and with his knot crammed into me too, it is really pushing my insides around. It’s weird,” Anna murmured, and then groaned a bit as she thrust herself onto his cock anew. “It feels so good, and yet it aches a bit also, but I can tell you one thing. If Whitey here ever wants to fuck me again I’ll get on my knees or lay on my back and let him have me.”

“It’s that good?” asked Cathy.

“Absolutely,” Anna confirmed. “I’ve never been with a guy, and I wouldn’t mind trying it now if we meet any, but I swear… I doubt that any man could make me feel as good as Whitey has.”

Cathy chuckled, and then asked a question. “How come you continue to call the dog Whitey, is he wearing a collar that I haven’t see just yet?”

“No, goofy…” she groaned anew as she continued to occasionally thrust her pussy onto Whitey’s cock and jostle her insides, “it’s because of his coloring. What else would you call a pure white dog?”

Cathy nodded in agreement; it only made sense actually, but even as she contemplated it all she wished that the animal would pull his knot out of her longtime friend; while also hoping, that the huge white beast had enough stamina to fuck her too. Anna couldn’t see where her right hand was, but she was gently stroking herself to an ever greater excitement as she contemplated being screwed royally by Whitey.


Chapter Two

It was a solid fifteen minutes of diddling her clit, and somewhat pushing her middle finger into her own vagina as deep as possible; before the young blonde finally said anything. “You know, if you would quit shoving your pussy upward onto Whitey’s cock he might shrink enough to safely pull his knot out of your hot twat,” murmured Cathy.

“Oh, is that what’s keeping his knot so big?” returned Anna euphorically.

“I’m pretty sure that it is, Anna, and I’m actually hoping that Whitey has enough stamina to fuck me too. So, if you don’t mind… cut it out,” Cathy returned with a slight chuckle.

“Sorry, Cathy, I didn’t intentionally hog the doggy, but it feels so good to jam his cock into the bottom of my vagina; while at the same time, I feel his knot rubbing against my g-spot. Its kept my orgasm humming like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Okay, I forgive you, babe, but I would like to experience it also. Ever since I found you two fucking each other, my pussy has been flowing, and some of it is running down my legs.”

Anna finally held still. Five minutes later, Whitey extracted his knot and substantial cock from the brunette lying missionary beneath him. After all, he was here to mate with the both girls, and if the blonde wanted to be willingly bred also, he had best take advantage of it. He and the other Canids had chosen these young ladies carefully. They knew that each of the young females had a little knowledge of human and animal interaction. The young ladies were also very close friends, and all of it was the key to why they were chosen.

“My god, Anna, you should see your stomach, and what Whitey just pulled out of you pussy, girl,” Cathy exclaimed in awe.

Anna managed to see her once flat tummy first, and then the cock that had been shoved into her so deeply nearly a half hour earlier. “Damn, I look pregnant,” she chuckled, “and in a way, I wouldn’t mind it if I was. Whitey’s cock has to be six and a half to seven inches long, and his knot is nearly two inches in diameter on top of it all. I can only imagine the studs that he would sire in any female bitch.”

“Yeah, speaking of his size, that would be my best guess also, Anna,” Cathy offered in admiration. “And then you have to remember that his knot is already shrinking, so it had to be a bit bigger when it was in you and forcing his sperm into your uterus. From the looks of it he must have pumped at least six or seven ounces through your cervix, because I didn’t see any of it oozing out of you, and even now there is very little seeping out of your pussy.”

“Wow, he must have injected me with one ounce of sperm for every inch of cock that he possesses,” Anna chuckled, and as she said it she tipped her pelvis upward; hugging her knees to her chest and allowing gravity to keep the animal’s seed inside her reproductive system.

“How come you’re lifting your legs, Anna,” asked Cathy, and then she yelped as she felt a hot tongue licking her between her legs. The oral digit started very close to her vagina, and did work its way downward; before she realized what Whitey was doing. He was cleaning up her juices.

Anna giggled as she saw what was happening to her friend. “I don’t think you have to worry about Whitey not being interested in you, Cathy. In fact, if you get on your hands and knees, I’m fairly certain that he’ll finish cleaning you, and then show you how good an orgasm induced by a dog can feel.”

Cathy did exactly that; she carefully knelt on the carpeted floor and presented herself to the huge white animal. The licks continued, and most of her juices were quickly cleaned up, but then the real excitement and pleasure began. Whitey’s tongue zeroed in on her pussy, and at times swept upward to catch her tight brownish sphincter.

Whitey’s tongue delved deeply at times, and despite the fact that he didn’t hit her g-spot because she was on her knees; he definitely caught her clitoris. It wasn’t long before she experienced her first doggy induced orgasm, and it was wonderful. He even allowed her to enjoy it without interruption; as though it was what she needed to really enjoy her orally induced climax the best. However, once it began to wane he was ready for other things.

Cathy moaned pleasantly, but then gasped a bit as she felt Whitey beginning to mount her. “Oh, my god, I think he’s going to fuck me now,” she murmured.

“Well, just relax and enjoy it,” suggested Anna. He’s big, but for me he was also very gentle.”

“Mmm… his fur feels good on my back and my legs,” Cathy continued to murmur as she gave a running description of what was happening. It was only a moment longer that she added more. “Oh, god, he’s in me. He only missed once,” she gasped, and he’s slowly adding more each time he thrusts forward. He’s big, his cock is the biggest thing that I have ever had in my pussy.”

Anna chuckled. “I know what you mean, sweetheart. I’ve never felt anything bigger in me either.”

Cathy began to grunt softly, but with each thrust her reaction to what was happening inside her pussy increased. Each new inch that entered her raised her loudness several octaves. “Oh, god… he just hit the bottom of my pussy, and it hurts a bit, but it also feels good…”

“I told you it would,” chuckled Anna as she watched the ecstatic expressions wash over Cathy’s continence.

Once Winters had shoved as much of his cock into his newest mate that he could; he then began thrusting in earnest. Nearly eight inches of hard veiny muscle was pulled out of Cathy, and then thrust into her again. The forward momentum didn’t stop until his shaft bottomed out within the girl each and every time Jostling her insides perfectly in the perfect blend of excitable stimulation and slight ache; that was something that left you wanting more.

Anna had been a lot quieter than Cathy was being now, but she also had to admit that she had taken Whitey in the missionary position, and possibly that was the difference. Whatever it was she was enjoying it. Seeing her friend being fucked royally, and hearing it at the same time was fantastic.

Anna had seen a few porno movies where there was no sound, or the girl just lay there, and took the thrusting cock while saying and doing nothing. She really disliked those flicks; they did nothing for her. However, when there was adequate verbalization of what was happening, the video was far hotter, and watching and listening to Cathy getting railed was very hot. It made her want to see if Whitey would fuck her again when he was done with her friend.

Once Whitey began thrusting into her with greater strokes, it was all that Cathy could do to grunt, and hang on. No intelligible words passed through her lips, but she wished that they would. She wanted so much to tell Anna how right her friend had been. This was the best experience of her life, and she doubted that any guy could ever screw her better than the huge white dog was doing to her at this very moment.

She was quickly slammed by her second orgasm, and she wanted to tell Whitey that she wanted him to stop, and let her enjoy it; when he did just that. It was almost as though he had read her mind and emotions. It was wonderful, and she could feel her pussy rippling along his hefty shaft; just as though it was begging him to unload his seed into baby chamber.

Winters could feel Cathy’s pussy trying to milk his essence from him as he currently held still and allowed her to feel her orgasm ripple through her, but he wasn’t ready just yet. He would be ready next time however, and by then his knot would be firmly set. It would also be the catalyst for the third orgasm. It would be then that he would spew his sperm into her. Her vagina would milk his shaft then, and nearly suck his essence into her so deep that it would take hours for it to really drain from her reproductive system.

Cathy’s second climatic event left her weak and she collapsed to her elbows. She remained that way until Whitey began thrusting into once more. Seven plus entered and exited her pussy and she also began to notice the presence of his knot. It was beginning to expand; she was sure of it. There was an added amount of stimulation to her clitoris and g-spot.

As Cathy’s third orgasm quickly approached she finally managed to gain a small amount of verbality. “Fuck me, Whitey, fuck me senseless,” she nearly whispered, and even though Anna did not necessarily hear her the animal on her back did, and he smiled, but his canid countenance was missed by her as she collapsed a bit further. Her cheeks now rested on the backs of her hands; which changed the entry angle of the dog’s cock into her a bit more.

“Oh, yes, fuck me even deeper, Whitey,” Cathy begged with a bit more volume, and Anna did here her then. Her friend quickly moved from the bed and knelt beside the two lovers and watched the beastly spectacle as the young blonde continued.

“You have me good, sweetheart, your cock if literally kissing my cervix with each deep thrust, and when you finally set your knot you are going to pump your sperm into so perfectly that not a single ounce of it will be wasted,” Cathy surmised by what she was feeling.

The sexual dance continued, and Cathy began encouraging Whitey even more. “Come on you, stud. Knot me and see if you can knock me up. I truly doubt that it will happen; which will be my loss, because you are really pleasuring me so well, that it is what I truly desire. Do it now sweetie, give me your sperm,” she begged as she nearly yelled loud enough to be heard outside the house.

It was then that Winters set his knot into Cathy one last time, and she shouted her approval of his action. “Oh, yes… fill me up, Whitey, fill me up…” and then her orgasm slammed her. All she had the strength to do after that was hold on and allow her pussy muscles to entrap his knot; as it also began to milk he essence from him in a nearly greedy fashion.

Once more Cathy could only grunt and groan, but it was pure pleasure that she was reacting to, and Anna witnessed it firsthand. She even managed to crawl to where she could see the juncture of where the two lovers were joined. When she did she saw Whitey’s balls as they rhythmically twitched and unloaded his sperm into her friend; while her blonde companion’s pussy rhythmically pulsed also in an evident effort to milk every ounce of fluid from him as possible.

Anna watched he hot spectacle for several seconds, and she touched her breasts as she also stroked her pussy lips; even going so far as to insert the middle finger of her right hand into her hot box as deep as possible. She then inched her way forward until she could whisper into Cathy’s ear, and be easily heard.

“You are really being fucked by Whitey, Cathy, and I’m a bit jealous. I know that he screwed me well when his cock was in me, but you sweetheart, are really getting the full treatment, and I envy you. I wish I had a video camera to show you what you look like as you are kneeling beneath this huge white dog, because it’s beautiful. I hope he manages to knock you up with his puppies, and as soon as this big boy can do it again I want him to fuck me the same way he’s fucking you.”

“You think it looks good with him mounted on my back?” Cathy managed to say in a nearly breathless manner.

“Oh, yeah, sweetheart; it looks very good,” Anna confirmed. “I wish I had my old vibrator, because if I did I’d be jamming it into right now. Instead, I’m forced to use my finger, and it’s not really enough, but it will have to do.”

“He’s so deep, Anna, and I swear it feels as though the tip of his cock is perfectly aligned with my cervix; while his knot is trapped inside me, and pressing us together. I felt his sperm gushing into me… honestly.”

“I believe you, Cathy, and I can’t wait to see it I can manage the same thing. However, I do hope that you too can mate with him in the missionary position too; it does have its merits,” Anna confided to her friend. You get to look into your lover’s eyes and watch his reaction to things as he’s fucking you. Then when you both cum, you can also wrap your legs around his back and hug him close as his fur caressed your tits.”

“That does sound good, Anna, and hopefully Whitey will fuck you silly in this position the next time; just like he did it to me,” Cathy added as she began to gently thrusting to the rear just as Anna had done earlier; in a continuing effort to encourage the dog’s knot to remain imbedded and firm within her.

It was a solid twenty-five minutes before Winter’s cock finally diminished enough for him to dislodge it from Cathy’s pussy in a fairly painless manner. She did gasp, however, as his hefty slab of muscle was withdrawn from within her.

“Oh, damn, I wish I could stuff his cock right back inside me,” Cathy murmured as she slowly arose to her hands and knees until she had enough strength to stand.

Anna chuckled, because she knew the feeling; she wanted to be fucked by Whitey again even now, and she was surreptitiously on her hands and knees just to see if she could entice him to mount her again; while pretending to merely be where she could easily talk to Cathy.

“Do you really think you could take Whitey again so soon without possibly passing out?” asked Anna.

“Probably not,” returned Cathy longingly none the less, “but it would sure be fun to try.”

“Yeah; being fucked royally into oblivion does seem possible at the moment with what I’ve already seen and experienced so far,” Anna confirmed.

“Absolutely,” Cathy agreed, and though the girls remained in the doggy position, Whitey, as they continued to call him, did not try to screw with them a second time just yet.

It was another ten minutes before the girls finally stood, and when they did they lifted their short skirts and compared their normally flat bellies. “Yep, we still look like we’re carrying several ounces of Whitey’s sperm in our uterus,” offered Anna. “Though mine is not quite as prominent as yours is.”

“Yeah, but mine was just filled, and as I said… it was nearly a direct hook up with the way Whitey’s cock was kissing the cervix entrance as I knelt beneath him.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to try it again myself,” Anna offered euphorically as she thought about it.

“I noticed,” chuckled Cathy. “I knew why you were down there with me on your knees at the end.”

“It was that obvious?” Anna asked.

“Yes, and I’m glad that Whitey didn’t do anything, or the other girls will end up finding out what happened here.”

“I really don’t care if they do; they would only be jealous,” Anna surmised.

“Yes, they would be, but at the moment I’m a bit selfish, and I rather keep Whitey to ourselves if possible,” Cathy admitted.

“Gotcha,” Anna returned as she nodded her understanding.

It was then that they turned to look for Whitey, but he was gone. They hadn’t seen him leave, and they certainly hoped that the other girls didn’t see him. They finally went to the bathroom of the vacant home and endeavored to clean up as best possible. There were no towels available to them here, but there was at least running water.

Anna and Cathy finally set out once more in their effort to check on all the other homes; while still wondering as to where Whitey had disappeared to and lived.


Chapter Three

Elsewhere within the twenty-five-block section of homes, Bethany and Diana were doing what they were supposed to do. It was getting warmer out, however, so they took their time. They did exactly what most would do upon trying to find out what was happening; they left the front door open. It would hopefully allow their friends know into which house they had entered if they ran into any problems.

The house was ten degrees cooler than what it was outside, so they took their time. After all, there were different furnishings and paintings in the abodes so they perused these carefully; just in case they wanted to swap something out a bit later.

Bethany and Diana split up after entering their third home; while being aware that they had twenty more to go. Just about everything about the two girls was the same now; except for their faces. Beth took the lower level, and actually did a fairly good job of searching for anything that was hidden. The circumstances that the eight friends were weird, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. She wanted to find out who was behind it all.

Bethany even went so far as to check out under the sink and lower cabinets, and it was then that she got a big surprise. She knew that her skirt was very short, and that there was nothing that she could do about it at the moment, but she did have future plans. She was on her hands and knees when it happened. Her pussy was licked from behind by something, and she flinched as a stout tongue dug deeply into the folds of her little clam.

Bethany jerked upward, and hit her head on the stainless-steel basin for the food prep area of the kitchen. Before she could do much more after that, what she was sure was an oral digit, caught her several more times. Her clitoris was hit repeatedly, and the stiff oral muscle swept upward to slice through her pussy lips, and also caress her tan rosebud.

Bethany had to admit that what was happening actually felt very good, but she was still concerned as to what was doing it. She managed to flop to her side and evade the pleasant tongue lashing. When she did she immediately came face to face with a huge dog. He reminded her of a German Shepherd, but he was all black, and far larger than most animals of his kind.

Bethany did gasp at seeing such a huge dog so close to her, but in the next instance the animal was acting as though he was so glad to see her that her fears melted away. None the less, she did scold him slightly, and she did it in what most would call baby talk.

“You naughty boy. Don’t you know that you are supposed to ask, before you kiss a lady,” she jested. “Especially where you kissed me; though I must say that it did feel very good,” and the pleasant memory of it still lingered within Bethany’s mind.

Bethany had known a girl in college that screwed with her dog regularly. She had even seen it once, and it had really gotten her juices flowing, just as the thought of it was doing now. She had wanted to try it herself, but never managed to accomplish it. Her acquaintance had not wanted to share Rover with her, so she would have to find her own canine if she wanted to experience what it felt like.

Bethany made her decision and quickly looked around the room; spotting a padded chair not too far away. She moved to it and then pulled her skirt up. She made kissing noises as she spread her legs, and she noted with satisfaction that the huge black dog excitedly advanced toward her once more. He was soon licking her in earnest, and she began praising him for his efforts.

“Oh, god, Blackie, that feels so good, and now you can kiss me there all you want because I’m offering it to you,” Bethany murmured as his tongue adequately bathed her pussy and clitoris over and over. She then slouched downward a bit, and it gave the animal even greater access to her lower charms; which he immediately took advantage of.

Midnight accepted the nickname Blackie; after all he was black. He began licking Bethany expertly, and within moments he had her moaning pleasantly, and continuing to encourage him to do more; openly letting him know what she liked the best.

“That’s it, Blackie, fuck me with your tongue. Your reaching deep enough to hit my g-spot, and it feel fantastic as you pierce my pussy deep and then slice through it lips; before hitting my little clitty. If you keep it up for another minute or so, I’m going to cum all over your tongue, sweetheart.”

Hearing Bethany tell him what she wanted was perfect, and he complied with her wishes. It wasn’t long after that before she did exactly what she promised, and he had to speed thing up a bit as he tried to catch what spewed out of her pussy, but then he really didn’t have too many options other than to do so. She had grabbed his head and pulled his snout into her vaginal crease so deep that he had no recourse but to lick it all up or nearly drown.

Bethany’s orgasm was intense, and she hadn’t meant to hurt Blackie, but when her climax seized her she responded automatically. As the pinnacle of the event waned she realized what she had done to the animal. She apologized to him even if he wouldn’t understand her; perhaps her tone of voice would help, while she was thankful that the dog seemed so well behaved.

Bethany had seen other dogs respond to being grabbed, and the abuser had been bitten. She then leaned forward and kissed his snout and expressed her feeling once more. “Damn, Blackie, you sure know how to pleasure a girl,” she murmured.

It was then that Blackie backed away a bit, and Bethany got a glimpse of his sheath. At least an inch of cock had emerged, and she cooed as she saw it. “Whoa, boy, are you trying to tell me something. Do you want to take our play to the next level?” she murmured as she recalled the last time she had seen a dog’s dick, and it was just before Tammy allowed Rover to mount and fuck the red headed acquaintance.

The young brunette was not going to miss another chance to experience being with a dog; especially one that was as virile looking as Blackie. This animal put all other canines to shame as far as she was concerned, and Bethany was soon sliding off of the padded chair and presenting herself to her lover. He had made her feel better than even Diana had done in the past.

Bethany knelt on the floor and made sure that her short skirt was out of the way. She noted Blackie’s excitement as she prepared herself for him, and she smiled. “Yeah, you know what I’m offering you, don’t you, boy,” she murmured as she placed her hands on the floor also, and got ready to be mounted by the huge animal.

Once Bethany was ready, Blackie didn’t need another invitation. He sidled up behind her and was soon overshadowing her smaller form. He grasped her around her flat stomach and was soon feeling the backs of her legs with the front of his. He slowly thrust forward and was rewarded with a wet and slippery warmth that could only be one thing; her vaginal opening.

Bethany was excited as Blackie covered her. She felt his fur along her back and legs as his forelegs grasped her just above her small waist. She felt his cock next, and she moaned pleasurable as he shoved at least an inch of his hot muscle into pussy. She even chuckled as she thought about it; it had been a hole in one.

Bethany gasped anew as another inch of Blackie’s cock entered her, and then it was an incremental progression as he added more; until he bottomed out within her. “Oh, yes, that’s what I need. I want to want to feel you deep within me” she murmured enough to be easily heard, and her words reached more than one set of ears.

Diana, had finally completed her search of the upper level and found nothing other than the most basic of furnishings and linens. The beds were covered, but there were no towels hanging on the various racks, or even in the closets. She noted where the paintings that had interested her were hanging, and then she returned to the lower level.

Diana said nothing, but went in search of Bethany. She thought that she heard something in the kitchen so she went there. When she arrived, she found her friend, just as her fellow college student murmured something very interesting. Her partner was on hands and knees as a huge black dog was endeavoring to fuck the girl, and evidently, he had managed to get his cock into her quite far.

Diana wasn’t too shocked by what she was witnessing. She and Bethany had very few secrets, and the fact that her friend had wanted to experience being screwed by a dog was one of them. She even remembered the time that her companion had asked her to bark a bit as they played with a somewhat lengthy dildo; that was easily an inch and a half in diameter.

Bethany had been in the same position that she was now and had requested that Diana cover her with a hairy blanket. She then asked for her friend to bark a bit as the dildo was shoved into her. Lubrication had been used, and within moments Beth was being fucked as her friend imagined a dog would do it. It wasn’t perfect, but she did orgasm twice, and on the last eruption, the lengthy imitation cock was bottomed out within her in a way that she collapsed and rolled into a fetal ball.

When Bethany collapsed, and rolled into a fetal position; Diana was afraid that she had hurt her friend, but she soon found out otherwise. “No… you did a fantastic job of fucking me, and I orgasmed the best I ever have so far. Thank you, Diana.”

Diana smiled as she remembered the incident, and quietly inched forward into the room. The big black dog noticed her almost immediately, but the animal did not stop his obviously lengthy thrusting. He ignored her presence within moments, and she continued on; until she could get down to Bethany’s level and look her friend in the eyes.

At first, Bethany’s eyes were closed as she enjoyed the feel of Blackie’s cock stroking into her deeply, and then retracting to within an inch of losing his weighty shaft. It was the only thing that worried her, but eventually she managed to get past her concern of it happening. “Fuck me, darling, I’m your willing bitch, and I hope that this is not the only time that you screw me silly,” she confessed, and then she sensed a certain nearness; something that had changed from the time she first offered herself to the dog.

Bethany’s eyes opened, and she yelped a bit, but then took what had changed in stride. “I told you I wanted a dog to fuck me, Diana. So, when Blackie showed up… I just couldn’t resist him,” she offered euphorically.

“Yeah, I can see that, so tell me; is he screwing you better than I did?” Diana asked as she felt a stirring within her own pussy; one that began to get her own juices flowing.

“Sorry, babe, but he is, and when he’s done screwing me into near oblivion, I hope that he has enough strength to fuck you too. If you want to,” murmured Bethany as Blackie’s cock continually pounded into the bottom of her vaginal tube. She was quickly approaching another orgasm, and she knew that it would be a big one.

When Bethany’s orgasm claimed her, Diana watched the event closely. Her friend was definitely enjoying what was happening to her, and she had to admit that watching her close companion being screwed by the huge black dog was a definite turn-on. She sat, and one of her hands reached up under her t-shirt to caress her breasts, while the other one pushed her short skirt aside so that she could diddle her clitoris.

Bethany was about to tell Blackie to stop fucking her, and merely leave his cock deeply embedded within her pussy, but she suddenly found that she didn’t have to. “Oh, yeah, darling, you read my mind,” she cooed, and she may have been surprised at how close she had guessed his secret. It wasn’t a matter of reading minds, but being very empathic; knowing what would make someone feel the best in any given situation. All Canids could do it.

Having his cock buried deeply within Bethany was another trick he used to give her the best experience possible. He felt her pussy’s pulses, and when they had waned, he began his efforts to satisfy her anew. If he could prove to her that he could fulfill her needs; she would willingly submit to him every he wanted her.

Blackie began thrusting into Bethany just a little faster than before, and each thud of his hefty muscle into the bottom of her vaginal chute was ecstasy and agony all rolled into one. She was more than ready for him to unload his balls into reproductive system, and she began to beg for it.

“Give me your seed, Blackie, pump it into me really deep. Put your puppy into my belly,” she murmured as she lowered her head until it touched the backs of her hands. She wasn’t sure, but she thought that if she presented herself a bit differently that his cock might just enter her better, and possibly align his dick with her uterus. It felt better, and it seemed to work, because the next thing she knew the tip of his penis was nestling against her cervix; right where she wanted it.

Within ten more strokes she gasped as his burgeoning knot was pushed through her pussy lips one last time. When it finally entered, and caught, the tip of his cock was perfectly aligned with her cervix and mashed together. Her breath was stolen from her once more as he unloaded his sperm into her. It flooded her uterus with tens of millions of sperm, and she could feel the heat of it gushing into where it could reach one of her ovum.

The thought of Blackie’s sperm even piercing one of her eggs for even a moment excited her. Her orgasm slammed her so hard that she could say nothing, and it was the only down side to what was happening to her. She wanted to tell her four-footed lover how much she wanted to be impregnated by him, because he had made her feel so good. It was as though he wasn’t just screwing her for his own pleasure, but to be sure that she was satisfied also. The thought of it all made her want to carry his progeny in her belly and show everyone what he had done to her.

Diana had moved to where she could see Bethany’s reaction to taking Blackie’s knot, and then his sperm as the huge animal emptied at least some of his semen into her friend. She watched as Beth orgasmed, and trembled as her companion was consumed by the climactic event.

“Whoa,” she murmured softly as she watched Blackie’s balls pulse, and she could imagine his essence being pumped into Bethany’s uterus. She had to admit that it was very hot, and as she stroked her breasts and fingered her pussy she orgasmed slightly herself, but it wasn’t totally satisfying; she wanted to experience what Beth was feeling.

“Damn, I need a dildo for times like these, but it would only be a precursor to the main event,” Diana murmured softly, as she envisioned herself being screwed royally by this big beast.

It was then that she managed to see Bethany’s belly. The once flat expanse was bulging slightly, and she chuckled. “Damn, how much semen is he pumping into her,” she murmured as she recalled some of her biology classes, and the fact that rarely more than a teaspoon of semen, or 3-5 cubic centimeters, is ejaculated into a woman by a man during sex. So, this had to be a lot more.

She moved closer still and reached her hand out to cup the swollen area. It was hot and she could easily imagine several ounces of sperm laden semen having been pumped into her friend’s uterus. She could almost picture all the motile seed aggressively seeking one tiny objective; an egg to fertilize.

Bethany groaned pleasantly when she felt Diana cup her belly; just outside where Blackie was crammed into her pussy so deep and satisfying. It was then that she heard her friend utter eight very soft but meaningful words. “You already look as though you’re pregnant, babe.”


Chapter Four

Diana had never seen anything like what was before her now; she had only heard of it as she and Bethany talked about anything and everything. Especially when they were horny and trying to satisfy each other. They were turned by guys that screwed anything with two legs, and then bragged openly about it, or manage to get some girl pregnant and then abandon her. They had seen too much of it, and though they did not consider them total lesbians. Though they were definitely averse to those that were. They just felt that what they shared between them was better than trying to do it by oneself.

It had been nearly fifteen minutes since the grand finally as she watched Bethany orgasm; with her friend kneeling with head down, and mounted by a huge black dog. She had managed a weak orgasm herself, but now she wanted more, and she could only hope and pray that Blackie was up to the task at hand. He certainly looked virile enough, and she boldly told the beast just that; despite the fact that he would not understand her.

“I certainly hope that you saved some of your sperm in your balls for me, Blackie,” she cooed softly as she caressed the animal’s head, neck and shoulders. “You screwed Bethany really good, or she wouldn’t want to necessarily carry your baby in her belly, and I am hoping for the same,” she admitted boldly.

Midnight was sure now that all the scouting of various colleges on Earth had been worth the effort. They had tried five places before they found these friends all in one place, and yet they had somewhat expected to something similar to this. Find one young lady interested in dogs, and hopefully you would find others like her in a friendship capacity.

Once midnight felt that it was safe to extract his deeply embedded cock from Bethany’s pussy he did so. He still heard her gasp at the withdrawal of his lengthy muscle, but it had to be done, or he wouldn’t be able to satisfy Diana, and he planned to mate with her and have her panting and ready submit to him where ever they were when they met.

Diana heard Bethany gasp as Blackie pulled his cock out of her friend, and when she saw the dog’s equipment she knew exactly why Beth reacted to the withdrawal. “Damn, honey, you should see what this boy just pulled out of you. It’s bigger that the long dildo that I screwed you with a month ago.”

“Wow, he is big,” agreed Bethany as she turned to observe Blackie’s cock. “The last time I saw it, there was only an inch of it sticking out of his sheath, and seeing it now, it’s amazing that he can even conceal anything like that inside his body anywhere.”

“Yeah, well it surprises me that you had that entire muscle inside your pussy, and that I’m even contemplating doing the same thing and have Blackie attempt to stick that thing in me,” Diana admitted.

“Oh, you have to, Diana,” cooed Bethany. “Trust me, you will not regret it. Just let him start by licking your pussy, and then tell me if he isn’t the best little kitty licker you know.”

“Little?” chuckled Diana, but even so she spread her legs where she sat on the floor, and offered herself to the hung animal. At least she’d get a fairly good orgasm that way, and all she would have to do was lay back and enjoy it; as long as Blackie was still interested in that sort of thing after fucking Bethany as he did.

Diana didn’t have to worry about Blackie’s interest in her, and that was the nice part about the Canids learning the native language of the girls that they were interested in. He knew exactly what was expected of him, and he did not keep her waiting. He carefully maneuvered to where he could gain access to her pussy slit and began.

Blackie, as the girls were calling him, began licking Diana’s tight little clam. It was almost like Bethany’s was, but the first girl had been sitting in a padded chair. Since he didn’t wish to let them know that he could talk, he backed away from the young lady and woofed softly, while also trying to point with his nose as to where he wanted her to go.

“I don’t think he’s interested in me,” Diana murmured sadly.

“No… no, it’s not that, honey,” Bethany surmised quickly. “I think he wants you to move somewhere else. Look at where you are, Diana, he can’t really get at your pussy when it is nearly trapped so close to the floor.”

“Oh, I guess I hadn’t thought of that,” Diana returned.

“Move to that chair over there. It’s where I sat, and you can really open yourself to him a lot better,” Bethany offered, as she really wanted to see this interaction happen between her friend and Blackie.

Diana arose and moved to the padded chair. The furniture did have padded arms, so she availed herself of these also. Now her tight little clam was proudly displayed, and Blackie had free access to it. He was there quickly, and his first lick caught not only the brunette’s tight rosebud, but the oral digit slipped into the semi-moist pussy and dug deep. She moaned pleasurably as his tongue hit her g-spot on the first swipe.

“Whoa, I didn’t think his tongue was long enough to hit my g-spot,” Diana confessed.

“Oh, it’s plenty long enough,” Bethany assured her, and then she merely sat back and watched as her friend experienced her first dog; just as she did nearly an hour earlier.

After the first lick, Blackie concentrated on her g-spot, and her clitoris. It wasn’t long before Diana was reacting to his oral stimulation and on the verge of cuming. She managed to reach forward a bit and caress the dog’s neck as she also let Bethany know how close she was, and it actually informed both the animal and the human as to the circumstances.

Less than a minute later she orgasmed, and it was the sweetest climactic event that she had ever experienced to date. She too grabbed Blackie; just as Bethany had done, but she didn’t stuff his snout into her pussy as hard has her friend had done so he weathered the event okay.

As soon as Diana’s orgasm waned she released Blackie’s head, but did caress him as a reward of sorts for how good he had made her feel. Bethany wasted very little time after that and instructed her friend to get on the floor and assume the doggy position.

Diana complied easily, and even barked several times as a pun of sorts, but what she really wanted was to have Blackie mount her as quickly as possible, and she said so; unaware that he once more understood all that was being uttered by the girls. He obliged the young lady, and within moments she felt his hairy chest along her back, and his legs shuffling forward to bring his cock into play and connect them together.

Just like Bethany, Blackie was able to thrust a full inch into her moist pussy the first time his cock touched her. “Oh, yes…” she gasped, and continued to do so as inch after inch worked its way into her. “He’s in me… all the way to the bottom,” she continued euphorically, and then her ecstasy really began.

Having Blackie’s hot cock in her was amazing, but when he began moving it in and out of her, and not merely adding to the penetration in only one direction, it was pure bliss. There was no comparison to anything she had ever experienced. Fingers were like a one on a scale to ten; where the higher number was the best, and a dildo only rated a four now as far as she was concerned. This, however was ten or above, and she seriously doubted that a human male could do any better.

Blackie had Diana moaning and grunting pleasurably in less than ten seconds as he repeatedly thrust and retrieved his cock along the tender channel of her pussy. She was fully stimulated by his veiny muscle as it traversed from the mouth of her vagina to its depths where it impacted her core enough to make her grunt over and over, while also trying to keep a running verbal tale of her experience.

“He’s fucking me so deep, Bethany. He’s touching me in ways that even you haven’t done before, and I doubt that I’ve managed to do to you either.”

“Oh… I know what you mean, honey. We’ve had a few good times since we got together, but nothing like this,” Bethany agreed, as she remembered the time that Diana had jammed a dildo into hard enough, as she was orgasming, to make her to collapse into a fetal ball.

“Blackie keeps ramming the bottom of my pussy, and it’s a mix of ecstasy and agony. I don’t want him to stop, but I’m about to cum all over his cock…” was the last she managed to murmur for nearly a minute, and it was then that Bethany noticed that the dog did the same for her companion that he had done for her. He stopped thrusting, with his cock fully embedded in Diana’s twat; just as though he knew what would make his current mate enjoy the orgasm to its fullest.

Blackie held still until he no longer felt Diana’s vaginal muscles trying to milk his sperm out of him. It was then that Bethany told Diana to put her face down until it touched the back of her hands; thus, putting her into the most submissive position, and she slowly lowered herself to do so.

Once the vaginal ripples had nearly subsided, Blackie began thrusting into Diana anew, and it was then that he began to allow his knot to slowly increase in size; it was something that all Canids knew how to do, though before this the technique was used on female Canids, and not on humans.

Little by little, Diana began to notice a subtle difference. Her clitoris had been stimulated before, but now that increased, and so did the fact that her g-spot was being caressed far more vigorously also. It wasn’t long before she was panting as three distinct forms of stimuli pushed her to an even greater precipice that she had ever known.

Diana’s clitoris was nearly humming with each and every thrust and retraction of the veiny cock that was in her depths. Along with it was the nearly continual caress of her g-spot that added to it all. Then the fact that a hot muscle, that was alive and attached to a living being, and not merely a normally inanimate piece of plastic, was in her and touching her depths, pushed her over the edge completely; just as Blackie’s knot entered one last time and lodged within her.

The setting of Blackie’s knot through Diana’s pussy lips was the proverbial last straw, and she thought she felt the tip of his cock nudge her cervical opening at the same time; which to her was perfect. It would allow his seed to enter the baby chamber immediately instead of trying to find its way there eventually.

Diana orgasmed so hard that she nearly passed out, and she would have been disappointed to do that, because it was then that she felt pulse after pulse of her lover’s sperm entering her reproductive system, and it was pure ecstasy. She had never taken drugs, but this had to be the ultimate high as far as she was concerned; nothing could ever feel any better, and as soon as she was able, she told Blackie how she felt; despite the fact that he wouldn’t understand her.

“Oh… Blackie, I sure hope that you knock me up, and I’m not kidding you big stud,” she proclaimed as she felt more and more of his sperm being rhythmically pumped it her uterus. “I have no idea what it would be like to be with a man, but as far as I’m concerned you fulfill all my needs, and I hope that I can do the same for you by bearing one of your puppies, lover.”

Bethany heard Diana’s confession, and fully agreed with her friend. She knew exactly how her companion felt, because she still felt the same way even now. She too hoped that there was a way to conceive in this strange place that they found themselves living in. If it were possible, she would want it to happen; though she seriously doubted at the moment that it would. However, it was a fantasy that she would cling to; while also allowing Blackie fuck her any time he desire to do so.

As Diana reveled in how she currently felt, but Bethany softly reminded her not to thrust back onto Blackie’s cock, and keep him embedded within her too long. They had already been in this particular home for well over an hour and a half. They had to move on, but they promised each other that they would definitely look for the dog as often as possible; while trying to keep it their own secret.

Blackie and Diana finally separated after twenty minutes of being knotted together. “Damn, I feel so empty,” she murmured.

“You may feel empty,” Bethany teased, “but believe me, you are loaded, babe. Take a look at your belly and you’ll see exactly what I mean.”

Diana did just that, and she smiled. “Wow, I look preggers,” she cooed, and then she looked at Blackie. “I hope that this is an omen of things to come, big boy. I would love to parade around with a puppy in my belly and have all the other girls but Bethany wondering as to where I found a guy to fuck; until months later when I delivered a baby doggie out of my pussy. That would really floor them, because besides Bethany and me… I know for a fact that they would love to get screwed just like we did.”

After a few moments more, the girls went into the bathroom and washed up a bit. They didn’t find any towels, but once they were clean they did use the edge of the bedspread to pat themselves dry. They then set out once more, and had decided to invite Blackie along, but he was nowhere to be found.

“He must have left when we went into the bathroom to clean up,” offered Bethany after they couldn’t find him.

“Well, I just hope that some of the other girls don’t find him and entice him to fuck them too,” murmured Diana.

It’s a nice thought, Diana, but I’m not sure that we can get too possessive with him,” she responded honestly. “We have no idea where he came from just yet, but what if he’s the only male there is in this wacky place.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, but… then it could almost be the other way around. What if there is only the eight of us, and hundreds of dogs?”

“Now that would be wild,” agreed Bethany. “We’d probably get doggie gang-banged at one point or another,” she opined as they left the house and went to check on another one.


Chapter Five

Elsewhere within the twenty-five-square block of homes, Elaine and Gloria were checking out their fourth home since parting with the other six girls. Greyson was the Canid that chose them to stealthily follow until the right moment in time; though he wasn’t exactly when that might be. He wanted to meet with them in a physical manner, but he didn’t want to scare them either. He did well, and they had no idea that he had been following them from the beginning.

Much like the other girls, Elaine and Gloria began leaving the door open to the home that they were in; once more allowing the others to see where they were at if anyone came looking for them. They found nothing of interest within the house, but by then they were both getting hot by the time they met in the kitchen area; despite the minimal attire that they wore.

“I’m beginning to think that all of this is a huge waste of time. There is nothing here,” groused Elaine. “Besides that, I’m hot. It has to be close to eighty-five degrees outside, and I’m sure that the humidity has to be high also.

“Yeah, but we really should at least finish the homes that we were allotted to check out,” returned. Gloria. “However, I have to go to the bathroom, so I’ll be ready to move on in a few minutes.”

When Gloria went to find the downstairs bathroom, the outside pool caught Elaine’s attention. The fair-sized body of water was covered, but she remembered that the pool at their place had a retractable sunscreen, so she opted to use it. She was sure that a quick dip in the cool water, and a bit of time to sundry would hurt no one.

Elaine found the controls for the pool’s canopy and triggered it to open. As it did, she stripped out of her t-shirt and short skirt. She had never skinny-dipped in her whole life, but at the moment, this seemed to be the perfect place to do it. There were high hedges all around, and though they would not keep anyone from coming them and into the back yard, she could not see any of the other homes at the moment, so, no one that was in one of them would see her.

Elaine was naked before the cover above was fully open. She didn’t even dip her toes into the water, but simply jumped into the deepest end of the pool. There were no markings, but she guessed from the looks of it that it had to be at least six to seven feet deep; while in actuality, it was more like eight.

When Elaine jumped in, she found that the pool was warm, or at least not cold. If she had to guess, she estimated that it had to be at least in the high eighties because it didn’t really take any getting used to; not like some places that she had been to, and it was a shock to the system for several minutes. This, on the other hand, was perfect. It was still refreshing, and would accomplish what she had wanted it to quite easily.

Elaine was swimming a few laps when Gloria arrived, and she waited until her friend stopped to chided her for being naked in the pool. “Elaine… what if there really are some people living next door?”

“I highly doubt it, Gloria; not with what we’ve seen so far,” opined Elaine. “Come on, get naked and cool off; the water is heated perfectly. We won’t stay long… just enough to wash the sweat off.”

Gloria frowned, but then had to admit that she too felt a bit sweaty. She quickly stripped out of her clothes also; throwing them on a chair that was nest to the patio furniture. She then dipped her toes into the water and found it very much to her liking. She jumped into the deep end also, and was pleased with what she found.

True to Elaine’s word, they did not swim long; not much more than fifteen or so minutes. They then used one of the lounge chairs and lay back to allow the Sun to dry them off. With the Sun above them, they both shielded their eyes, and that was when Greyson joined them. One of the girls had much lighter hair that the other and he picked her to begin with, but her small blonde thatch near her pussy lips had nothing to do with his decision.

Both girls were blonde, and trimmed the same way near their genitals; it was what the Canids had chosen when they prepared everything to begin with. This particular girl’s name was Gloria, and he opted for her at the moment because her legs were open the widest at the given moment. Both of Elaine’s legs were on the lounger, but this one had her legs spread wide, and her feet still on the pool deck; which allowed the Sun to dry her nether region the best.

Greyson moved quietly, and within moments surprised Gloria. His tongue quickly dipped into her pussy, and she shrieked, but to her benefit she did not totally freak out upon opening her eyes and finding a huge grey dog licking her honeypot.

“Where the hell did you come from, boy?” Gloria gasped, and Greyson immediately acted in a convincingly excited and friendly manner; which despite the fact that he had initially frightened her, it quelled the fear and helped her to relax at seeing his friendly manner.

“Wow, he’s one big dog. No wonder you screamed when you first saw him,” Elaine offered as she sat up and looked at the new arrival.

“It wasn’t the fact that I first saw him that made me scream,” returned Gloria, “It was what he did.”

Elaine looked puzzled. “What did he do?” she asked; after having missed the initial surprise meeting between the animal and Gloria.

Gloria chuckled. “The bad boy licked my pussy; that’s what he did. He managed to get it quite deep too, because I was still wet down there from the pool.”

Elaine chuckled then also, but added a bit more. “Well, I can’t really blame him, Gloria, you do have your legs wide open even now. He probably thought you were offering your cute little clam to him; just like your friend that owns the kennel does; every time she wants one of her dogs to lick her cute little cunny.”

Elaine looked at the gray animal in front of her and decided to do something. “Is that what you were thinking, boy. Did you see my pussy and become interested?”

Greyson wagged his tail and acted like a huge happy puppy. He began at first by inching closer to Gloria, and carefully licking her pert pink breasts. It really got things rolling, but after a minute of that stimulation, she laid back on the lounger once more; while also scooching her body a bit lower and opening her legs even further once her thighs were not restricted by the lounge chair’s arms.

“What the heck kind of dog is he anyway?” Elaine asked as the large gray animal took Gloria’s hint and returned to her pussy mound as something to lick instead to the pink nipples that had been recently pulled away from him.

“Oh…, he looks, Oh…, like a, Oh…, German, Oh… Shepherd, Oh…” Gloria managed as the dog’s tongue dug deeply into her pussy and elicited a response from her whether she wished to give one or not.

“Yeah, I guess he does look like a Shepherd, but I have never seen a gray one before, and definitely not one that large,” returned Elaine.

In the same halting speech pattern, Gloria tried to respond as the dog continued to lick her pussy and dig deep at times. Her pinkish brown rosebud received stimulation, and so did her g-spot and clitoris. She managed to say that her kennel friend had a few gray German Shepherds, but not necessarily ones that were as monotone as this one was; or as big.

The average male German Shepherd was 24-26 inches tall at the shoulders, and weighed from 77-85 pounds. This animal, however, stood close to or over 36 inches tall at the shoulders and had to weigh nearly 150 pounds; which was far more than any of the girls weighed, and though they did not know it yet, his fellow Canids were equally as big.

It wasn’t too much longer before Gloria attained her first orgasm, and she sat up immediately; hugging the huge gray Shepherd’s head to her chest in order to stop any further oral stimulation at the moment. “Damn, you’re a big gray stud, and you sure know how to lick a pussy,” she murmured nearly breathlessly.

Elaine chuckled at hearing that. “I think I want to find out how well he does also, Gloria, but maybe you should also see if Gray is good at something else first. I remember you saying that you have wanted to try getting screwed by a dog yourself only a few days ago,” she murmured softly as she caressed her outer pussy lips. She had begun doing so as she had watched the initial interaction of her friend and the huge animal; while totally unaware that slightly more than a few days had passed since they had been taken from Earth and deposited on this new planet, and they had no idea about that either.

Gloria smiled, and contemplated what Elaine had just suggested, while realizing that her friend had given the dog a name, and it actually seemed to fit the animal quite well. “How about it Gray,” she began in somewhat of a baby talk. “Do you want to see if you can fulfill one of my latest fantasies?”

Greyson did one of his excited doggie acts, and it went over very well. Probably better than if he had simply answered her and said that he would love to mate with her. Gloria arose from where she sat, looked around, and then opted to return into the house. She didn’t want to kneel on the pool deck if he did manage to screw her; it would hurt her knees, and doing it in the grass didn’t appeal to her either. She just didn’t know if they were truly alone in this weird town yet or not; Gray had to have come from somewhere.

Gloria was soon kneeling in the living room of the house that they had been checking out. The carpet was as plush and padded here as it was where they had awakened earlier that day. “Okay, Gray, let’s see if you know how to fuck a human female,” she challenged; though she herself was a novice at it and wasn’t exactly sure as to what to expect.

She had seen Pamela, her friend that owned the kennel, do it several times. She had been trying to get up the nerve to try it herself, when she suddenly found she had been abducted. Now the opportunity presented itself once more, so she was going to try it. She hadn’t been kneeling long before Gray approached her. He gave her a few quick licks to see if she was still wet, and when he found plenty of sweet moisture he began his final approach, and ready to consummate the reason that he was at the home with the girls in the first place.

Gloria was unable at the moment to see Gray’s lower anatomy, but Elaine did. “OMG,” she exclaimed at seeing just the beginning of the dog’s emerging cock. It had to be well over an inch and a half in diameter; much bigger than the dildoes that they had used on each other several times.

“What’s the matter?” asked Gloria, but before Elaine could respond she had a very good guess as to what her friend saw coming her way. She felt a warm wetness, and then Gray’s hot shaft entered her at least an inch. However, the girth of the invading member was at least half again as large as anything else she had ever had in her.

“Oh, god…” gasped Gloria, and then she continued to gasp as inch after inch of hot veiny muscle sank into her until it bottomed out within her vaginal depths; at which point she gasped even louder.

Gray held still for several moments, and Elaine offered a guess as to what had happened. “He bottomed out inside you; didn’t he?”

“Oh… he most certainly did, sweetheart,” and then she lost her ability to talk with any kind of coherency; so, she gave up, and merely took to grunting each time Gray bottomed out within her. His strokes were long, and the stimulation that she received was euphorically beautiful; while pushing her continually up a steep hill to a certain precipice.

Of all the times that she and Elaine had pleasured each other, none of them had ever been this good, but then it was like comparing apples to oranges. A dildo was cold and hard, but this was hot, and though there was a softness to it there was a rigidity to it also, and you definitely knew that you were being fucked as the solid muscle caressed the length of your pussy and then bottomed out within you.

Not only that, but the soft fur coat that her lover was wearing merely added to the stimulation; along with the hot shaft that was rammed and retracted along her pussy tube, and allowed her to feel the cock’s texture with ever stroke.

When Gloria orgasmed she hoped that Gray would stop and allow her to savor the moment. She was somewhat prepared to try and cease his thrusting by reaching back and grabbing his leg, or at least say something; when she found that she didn’t need to. She climaxed and he stopped on his own accord. He waited for her second orgasm to wane before he began again. It amazed her because when she saw Pamela getting rammed by Rex he blew through every climactic event, and it was one of the things that her friend disliked, and was trying to change when it came to animal and human interaction.

When the rhythmic ripples of Gloria’s pussy ceased, Gray was ready to begin anew. His long strokes continued, and he did endeavor to increase the pace of his thrusting. The young blonde beneath him grunted each time he bottomed out within her, and very soon she collapsed forward until her forehead rested on the backs of her hands. Giving him the best angle in which to truly breed her.

Gray knew that the moment had arrived, and he increased the blood flow to his knot. Little by little it was not merely the shaft that was caressing her vaginal tube and ramming the bottom of it, but his knot was super stimulating her clitoris and g-spot along with it all. As it did her vocal output increased in volume, but still remained semi unintelligible; just before she was slammed with her third orgasm

On the sidelines, Elaine watched as Gloria was getting royally fucked by the huge dog. “Damn, that’s hot,” she murmured as she stroked her breasts and crammed the middle finger of her right hand into her pussy as deep as she could. Her mind wandered for only a moment as she wondered what she could find in the empty house to use as a substitute for her own short digit, but she could think of nothing unless she quickly flipped one of the kitchen chairs over and used one of the slim cylindrical legs as a makeshift dildo, but then she would have to be careful and not impale herself onto it too far.

She was just about to do it when Gloria screamed a little louder than normal, and she managed to see why. She watched as Gray managed to plunge his growing knot into her friend one last time, and then the heavier thrusting ceased as they both reached the climactic peak together.

When that happened, it triggered several things, but the one that interested her most was the view from behind the mated pair. The dog’s balls began to twitch, and she knew that millions and millions of sperm were being injected into a girl that had never entertained such a substance within her before that very moment.

Elaine quickly moved to where Gloria would be able to easily hear her. “Gray is trying to make you a mommy,” she teased. “He wants you to have his babies.”

“I know,” gasped Gloria in the throes of her orgasm; as she finally managed to find a little bit of her voice. “His sperm is so hot, that it’s impossible to miss. His cock has filled me so full, and it is sealing me up in a way that his sperm will have only one place to go. It’s nestled next to the opening of my cervix. It will flood my reproductive system, and if it was possible… he would definitely be knocking me up with a puppy, and I really wouldn’t mind it if he did,” she added euphorically.

“It would be kind of kinky, wouldn’t it,” Elaine continued with the scenario. “Could you imagine if we finally run into other people what they would think if they saw your pregnant belly, and asked who the father was?”

Gloria managed a chuckle. “Yeah, and it would be very hot. I’d be contemplating the fact that my first real lover was a total stud,” She murmured softly, “and I seriously hope that you allow him to fuck you too, Elaine. And no offense, babe; we have had some hot times together, but the three orgasms he gave me were the best I’ve ever known, and I’ll be letting him fuck me any time he wants to; even if all the other girls were around and he showed that he wanted me… I’d submit to him.”

“Wow, he’s that good, huh?”

“Absolutely, and I’d even do it in front of a guy too,” confessed Gloria, and I wouldn’t want anything to do with the guy later either. He could watch. I don’t care, but he wouldn’t get any sloppy seconds.”

Elaine didn’t say anything more at the moment. All she was waiting for now was for Gray to uncouple from her friend so that he would hopefully fuck her next. She had known Gloria for a while now, and if her friend was so adamant about not wanting anything to do with guys, when they had talked about such things before, she knew that her close companion was really impressed by what had just happened reproductively.


Chapter Six

Gloria and Gray were tied for the next twenty minutes, and as her orgasm ebbed, she tried to reach back and caress her furry lover as best possible. While letting him know exactly how she felt; despite the fact that he wouldn’t understand her words; she declared it anyway.

When the pair finally parted, Gloria hugged Gray, and then crawled quickly toward one of the sofa’s where she lay on her back and put her legs on the cushion above. In essence it allowed gravity to hold the dog’s sperm within her for a longer amount of time; as she was very certain that Elaine and Gray were going to hook up next. The hard part of enjoying the sight, however, would be in seeing it upside down as she hung her head where one’s legs would normally go.

Gray did follow Gloria to where she lay with her legs up, and kissed her; before he moved to where Elaine was sitting on a chair with her legs spread wide. As he approached the second blonde, she lifted her shapely ass and made sure that it was well off the seat and readily available for him to get at easily; splaying her legs open even further.

With a bit of fanfare, Gray actually licked at Elaine’s pink nipple tipped breasts first, and then he managed a doggy style kiss for her also, licking her lips twice without her displeasure; he really didn’t taste bad as far as she was concerned, and definitely not like some dogs she had met when she was far younger and one of them playfully licked her face. He then began in earnest to please his next chosen mate.

Being involved with a dog had never crossed Elaine’s mind until she came to know Gloria about a year earlier; which was just after her eighteenth birthday, and a slightly belated party was thrown for her. She and several other friends were celebrating the event, and it was fate that brought the two together.

Gloria was visiting her cousin Teressa, and Teressa had a next-door neighbor and schoolmate at the party. During the party, Elaine found out that Gloria and her were going to be attending the same college, so they got to know each other better over the summer. By the beginning of the new school year, the two girls were very close friends. They even sharing a bit of intimacy together; especially when they found out that they were both virgins, and that they wanted to remain that way until after college at least. Neither of them wanted any entanglements with guys, and the possible pregnancy or STD’s that could be incurred. Neither of them was on the pill, and didn’t plan to be.

Thus, it was, that Elaine heard of Pamela, and some of the things that Pam did with the animals. At first, she though that her new best friend was making things up, but then Gloria showed her a short video of Pamela and Rex. The DVD was very graphic and there was no mistaking the fact that the girl was being vigorously fucked by dog. Not only did the videographer catch the initial penetration, but also the knot being set, and every word from the young lady’s mouth as she explained what she was feeling; though you had to read between the gasps and grunts to really hear it all.

Elaine had gotten very hot as she saw and heard the interaction between Pamela and Rex, and now, she was about to do the same. Gray began licking her from her tiny pink rosebud all the way to her very sensitive clit; which she herself had excited as she watched Gloria being royally screwed by the huge gray dog that had found them less than an hour earlier.

Gray’s tongue excited Elaine very well, and though she didn’t wish to hurt Gloria’s feelings she had to admit that it was better than her friend had ever done for her. Yet, in all fairness, she also had to admit that he had a much longer and broader oral digit; which allowed him to split her pussy wider open, and also catch her g-spot.

Within five minutes Elaine experienced her first orgasm that was orchestrated by a dog, and it was wonderful. After her climax had ebbed, she wanted to move on to the big event, and she knew that she was plenty wet enough from his licking and her cream, but she didn’t know about a dog’s copious amounts of precum just yet either.

As Elaine arose from the chair she had one other thought, about what was to follow so she asked Gloria; who to her, was now an expert. “Does a dog know how to fuck a girl the way a man would, or can they only do it doggy style?”

“I think they can screw a girl in the missionary position,” returned Gloria as she lay on the sofa with her legs elevated. “I’ve never seen it, but then I have only known of Pamela that was into this sort of thing, and she always did it doggy style. It would be interesting though. You could hug your lover as he screwed you, and put your legs up and around his waist.”

Mm… that is a thought,” Elaine pondered.

“Unfortunately, unless you want to go back upstairs I would suggest that you do it doggy, Elaine.”

Elaine was already moving, even before Gloria mentioned the beds upstairs. She really didn’t want to wait that long, and there was something sexy about simply getting it doggy style, it had a certain connotation about it, and she had to admit that the position said it all. She was soon on her knees and inviting Gray to mount her.

Gray didn’t waste any time, and he was soon covering Elaine’s back with his chest as he shuffled forward and managed to impale her pussy with his cock. Just as before, he took it easy on the small girl, thrusting an inch into her at a time until he had finally bottomed out within her.

“Oh, Gloria, he’s in me, and it feel so good…” Elaine cooed before grunting as Gray thudded against the bottom of her pussy. The hard muscle mashed the end of the tunnel and had nowhere else to go. The feel of it was a first for her. Even when she and Gloria played with a dildo, it had never touched her this deep, and she remembered the time her friend lost the object within her for several exciting yet worrisome seconds.

It was only a moment more before Gray began thrusting into her, and she was thankful that he was screwing her more like a man would than the dog that she had seen fucking Gloria’s friend Pamela. This animal was far larger, and she was very certain that getting rammed at locomotive speed may have been very stimulating, but with something the size of the cock that she had in her now… she wanted it just as she was getting it, or possibly even a bit softer.

Each and every thrust bottomed out within Elaine’s pussy, and she now knew why Gloria grunted when Gray seemed to have buried his cock within her friend on each forward stroke. It wasn’t because the animal had merely come against her ass, but was jostling her insides at nearly forty-five to fifty strokes a minute at least.

Elaine was soon panting, and thankful to even be able to breathe, but to talk coherently at the same time became impossible; despite the fact that she had things that she wanted to say. It wasn’t until after she reached the next pinnacle and was pushed over the top that she found her voice once more.

Just as Gray had done for Gloria, he did the same for Elaine. For some reason this girl seemed a bit shorter in her anatomical dimensions when it came to her vagina. He could feel that he was touching her far easier than the other young lady.

Gloria seemed to notice a difference in how Elaine was responding to Gray than she did. She was soon moving off the sofa and crawling to her friend’s side. As soon as it looked as though her close companion’s orgasm was waning she spoke. “How hard is the dog’s cock hitting the bottom of you pussy?”

“Very hard,” Elaine murmured softly. “If I had to explain it, I’d say that it was the difference between someone knocking loudly at the door of your house, or someone using a battering ram.”

“Wow, whatever you do then, don’t collapse forward or Gray will probably hit you even harder,” suggested Gloria, and it was then that both she and Elaine got a surprise. The dog began thrusting again, but the pace was slower, and despite the fact that she could not feel the difference herself, she noticed that the animal seemed gentler than before. It was almost as though he had understood exactly what was happening.

Elaine had been anxious at first when Gray began to fuck her once more, but then her fear subsided; while hoping that he didn’t begin thrusting quite as hard as before. In fact, if she really had to classify how he was responding to her desires at the moment, it would be in a more loving fashion, and not merely fucking for one’s own gratification.

Gloria noticed the difference too, and though she liked the way Gray had screwed her, she was pleased with what she was seeing here. “How do you feel now?” she asked Elaine.

“Much better,” returned Elaine. “The other way that Gray was thrusting into me at the beginning was exciting, but it eventually got to be too much. Right now, I still feel him touching the bottom of my honeypot, but it doesn’t hurt like it did before. What are you doing, keeping him from going too deep by holding him.”

“No…” offered Gloria, “I’m not doing anything. It’s as though he understood what we were saying,” she offered as the huge gray dog continued to thrust into Elaine at a slightly diminished pace, and somewhat less forceful.

Elaine began to oh… and ah… as Gray continued to thrust into her. She felt his thick cock as it traversed from nearly the beginning of her pussy until it bottomed out inside her, but it was pleasant now. He wasn’t merely fucking her. She was sure that there was a tenderness there, and that he cared about her. She was sure that he was getting enjoyment as he mated with her, but it became much more. He wanted to please her too as he tried to impregnate her.

The very thought of the reason for and how he was screwing her excited her, and she could feel her third orgasm quickly approaching. Even more stimulation was added as Gray’s knot began to grow. It hit her clitoris repeatedly, and caressed her g-spot. Just as she orgasmed he set his knot within her one last time, but even so, she didn’t feel too uncomfortable to have the entire dog’s cock crammed into her pussy as long as it was done slowly; allowing her body to accommodate it.

“Oh, Gray,” she managed to murmur pleasantly. “Fill my baby chamber with your sperm, darling. I want to feel full of your seed. I know what it’s like to be loved by parents and others, and I feel the same from you. Give me your baby, honey. I want it, I want to show you that I love you too,” she confessed, though within her being she hurt a bit because she knew that such a thing wasn’t possible, but hopefully, if he could sense her feeling on the matter, it would still count.

Gloria smiled as she heard Elaine proclaim the desire to get pregnant by the huge dog. She had felt the same way by the end. She had not merely been fucked by the animal; it had a different feel to it. They had been utter strangers when they first met, and he did initiate the sex that they had participated in, but it was not like she had heard from so many other girls as she grew up, and some of her peers lost their virginity to the first guy to sweet talk them into screwing around.

Not one single girl that had done such a thing really enjoyed it; it had only been the guy that had orgasmed, and it usually ended up getting some of her classmates pregnant, just before they graduated; while the only thing that kept the authorities out of it was because the students had been eighteen, but that did not keep the families from getting upset.

Gloria on the other hand, had orgasmed three times this day alone, and all of them had been orchestrated by Gray. It was as though the animal knew what he need to do in order to win her heart, as well as mate with her, and spur her desires toward being impregnated by him. She smiled, and then sighed softly. “If only we could have Gray’s babies,” she murmured softly.

“Do you really want the same thing, Gloria,” Elaine asked as she continued to orgasm and Gray was still filling her baby chamber with his seed. She was hoping that he was potent enough to cross the human and animal barrier and make it happen. After all he was big enough, and she grasped at any straw available to make it happen.

“Yeah, I want it to happen, Elaine,” whispered Gloria softly. “For some reason, I feel as though we weren’t merely fucking Gray for our own satisfaction, and he wasn’t screwing us to merely impregnate us. It may have started out that way. Just like it is with Pamela and her dogs. I never heard her beg for Rex to give her his puppies, it was only sex to her, and she did manage to orgasm as he pounded her, but it was still different. I honestly feel as though Gray cares about us.”

“So do I, and I also remember the video. I never heard Pamela say anything to Rex about wanting his babies,” murmured Elaine, “but I can tell you for a fact, that I want to have Gray’s puppy growing in my belly,” and she then gently thrust back a bit onto her lover’s deeply embedded cock in order to coax as much of his sperm out of him as possible. She felt the ache as she did it, but it was a pleasant one this time.

It was slightly over fifteen minutes before Gray gently extracted his cock from Elaine’s pussy. When he did he immediately licked her cunny gently, but didn’t dig into her honeypot and remove any of his seed that might be deeper within her. Neither girl really smelled fertile at the moment, so it would take a while for anything to really happen. In the meantime, however he wanted both young ladies to know that he cared about them, just as his fellow Canids would be doing with the other girls.

As the girls cleaned up a bit in the bathroom, Gray did leave the premises, but he wouldn’t be gone too long. He’d check in with his brothers in this quest and see how they were doing. Eventually they planned to swap between the young ladies, but that would not happen for some time just yet, and it would be the responsibility for each of them to get the girls to see that any one of them would be a good mate and accept what was planned as they began to move forward with their plan.

Once the girls were done in the bathroom they also looked for Gray, but they couldn’t find him. “I sure hope that big Gray stud doesn’t go too far from where we are,” opined Elaine.

“I doubt that he will, honey,” returned Gloria, “It’s just a feeling I have about this place. I have no idea as to where we really are, but I’m sure that we will eventually.”

“You mean that you think that we’re in another country?” Elaine inquired as she looked about her.

“No… it’s something more than that, but I can’t quite put my finger on it just yet,” returned Gloria softly as they began their house to house search to see whether they were truly alone or not, and yet the dog sort of answered some of their plight. There was at least one animal here, and plenty of birds, but the rest was still speculation.


Chapter Seven

As Gloria and Elaine had entered their fourth abode, their other housemates were doing the same only a few blocks to the west of them. The two girls separated; with Holly taking the upper level and Felicia scouting out the lower one. These two did just as the others did; leaving the front door open; which would allow their friends to easily spot the home that they were in.

Holly took the upper level, and Felicia took the lower one. The young brunette on the first floor never saw the huge tan dog enter and easily ascend the stairs in a stealthy manner. The second brunette in the upper level missed seeing the animal also, but felt his presence a moment later as she was checking every drawer in the second bedroom; which included the lowest ones; just in case something had been forgotten there.

Instead of bending over, Holly got onto her hands and knees. It was as she opened the second drawer that she felt it. It was as though someone had stuck his finger in her pussy, and managed to get several inches of into her; yet her tight little clam should have been dry at the moment, so the digit had to have been wet.

Holly shrieked, and threw herself forward onto the carpeted floor; just missing the edge of the open drawer. She quickly rolled onto her side and was ready to kick at her attacker when she realized that it wasn’t a guy, but a dog, and the huge animal was looking and acting as though he was very happy to see her. She chuckled then, and had to admit to herself that the way she had been kneeling probably looked very appealing to the mutt.

“Damn, dog, you sure did scare me,” Holly began. “I didn’t really expect to meet anyone in this house, and especially a big boy like you. Is this your house?” she asked, and then felt a bit foolish about asking such a question; the mutt couldn’t talk.

Tandy continued to wag his tale, and edged closer to Holly once more. He allowed his nose to lead the way and was soon sniffing at her lower charms anew, which brought a response from the young brunette once more as she chuckled. “You look like some kind of brown German Shepherd, but I can also see that you are a pure blood pussy hound at the same time,” and she ended up getting licked a few more times before she pushed him away and stood up.

“Well, if you are going to be that insistent, I might as well oblige you; you, silly dog, and then I’ll finally find out what human and animal interaction is all about,” murmured Holly.

This kind of thing was not necessarily new to Holly. Much like all her other friends she too knew one or two girls that were into the animal scene. She had seen Beverly, a ginger haired redhead get mounted by several different dogs, and she had gotten hot as she watched, but she had never been asked as to whether she wanted to be mounted and experience the ecstasy that she had witnessed, and she didn’t ask. It was as though Bev was content to let her find her own lovers if she was so inclined to do so.

Holly led the dog to the bed, a rather low platform, that was similar to their new residence, but a bit lower than what she was used to at college. She sat down with her butt almost hanging off the end and then allowed the brown dog free access to her lower charms. “There you go, buddy, just what you wanted, and what I’ve been interested in for several months now,” she concluded.

Tandy and the others knew exactly the kind of girls that they had abducted; it was why the eight young ladies were chosen in the first place. The four Canids were certain that when the time was right that the eight female college students would not be turned off by their advances, but be willing to find out what sex between humans and animals was really like.

Tandy moved toward the offered goodies, and began to lick Holly’s pussy once more. There was very little of the labia minora visible; only a hint of it, which was why her vagina looked like a tightly closed clam. His moist tongue, however, was soon digging deeper into her sweet folds and he got an immediate response from her.

“Oh… you coffee colored mutt, you sure know how to lick a pussy, and everything else… that’s in the area,” she stressed as he swept his oral digit across her brownish rosebud, before sinking into the folds of her honeypot and digging deep once more.

Tandy shoved his tongue into Holly quite deep; until he could feel her spongy g-spot, and she responded to that as he managed to caress the area several times before having to withdraw the oral muscle. “Oh, Coffee that feels good, you have me close to my first orgasm already, and yet I’m trying to hold it back if possible,” she cooed softly in a form of confession. Despite the fact that he would not necessarily understand her, she still hoped that the sweet tone of her voice would convey how she felt; much like anger, contentment or excitement could be sensed by the tone with which they were delivered.

It wasn’t sixty seconds more before Holly orgasmed, and she managed to sit upright and hug the animal to her; while also managing to caress him, and show him, her appreciation for his efforts toward her.

“Well, you certainly know how to lick a pussy, but do you know even more, Coffee?” cooed Holly, as she had decided to take things a bit further if the huge Shepherd like dog seemed receptive to the idea.

Holly was so engaged with the moment; that she didn’t even hear Felicia calling to her from below, but then she was in the bedroom that was the furthermost to the back of the house and around several corners. She recalled that Beverly had shown her how to fuck an animal, and then demonstrated it with several different breeds of dogs, and in two different positions, so now it was up to her to choose how she wanted to get fucked for her very first time.

Once she had turned eighteen, she had used her fingers, and eventually a small vibrator that she had gotten from a cousin. It had been a belated birthday present. Her female relative, that was six months older than she was, thought that it was time for her to broaden her sexual experiences a bit; which came about at the family reunion the past summer.

The two girls spent several days together and shared Marcy’s bedroom. It was then that Holly experienced her first orgasm that was not orchestrated by herself. It was derived solely by her cousin. Oral stimulation was a part of it, and so was the small four-inch vibrator that got shoved into her pussy so deep, that it almost got lost, but it was an experience that she remembered well; as she also returned the intimate favors and found that she like it very much.

It was also what led Holly to eventually find Felicia. They were mere roommates in a college dorm at first, but that quickly escalated to a whole lot more within a week. They became lovers and shunned the guys completely; while claiming to be lesbians, and that really keeping the boys at bay; which was what they wanted.

Eventually, it was Felicia that first mentioned about women and dogs or animals in general as a fantasy of hers; dreaming about getting raped by some stray mutt and almost getting caught as he was knotted to her, but she never took it any further than an occasional sexy daydream or roleplay with Holly.

Holly, on the other hand, heard rumors about a girl named Beverly, and went looking for her. Once she had found, and convinced the ginger-haired babe that she was serious about women and dogs, her newfound friend demonstrated the sexy deed, and she had wanted to experience it for herself ever since.

Once Holly’s first orgasm had passed sufficiently, she was primed for even more. She debated lying back and see if Coffee could fuck her in the missionary position, but then opted for the doggy style. She turned onto her stomach and then backed up until only her chest and upper arms were supported by the mattress. During that time, she didn’t really get a look at Coffee’s cock, or she probably would have gasped at seeing its size; it was far more substantial than any dog that had screwed Beverly.

Holly wasn’t in position long before Tandy began to move up over her. He was soon in contact with his desired mate; gently grasping her hips, and introduced her to at least one inch of his sizable cock. He knew that she felt it because she gasped, and continued to do so until he was completely buried within her.

Holly was somewhat expecting Coffee to fuck her like Beverly’s dogs screwed her acquaintance; at a very fast pace, but once she felt how substantial he was as he bottomed out within her she was pleased when he wasn’t nearly as energetic. She hadn’t seen his cock before he shoved it into her, but she was certain that he was definitely bigger than what had fucked Bev’s redhaired pussy.

Tandy had thrust into Holly a few inches at a time. She was tight; just as he suspected all the other girls were. The young ladies had all been inspected, and except for a minor difference in the depth of their vaginal tubes they were alike in every way when it came to their lower anatomy, and changed slightly above so that they matched as closely there also.

Tandy began moving within Holly at a slow pace at first, and eventually began to increase his tempo a bit as she grew accustomed to his girth. She was soon panting, and most of her words were oh… and ah…, but there were a few others; especially as to how she was glad that she allowed him to screw her, and pleased that it felt even better than she had ever hoped for.

“Oh… Coffee, you can fuck my pussy anytime you please, sweetheart,” Holly managed to declare as pleasure ripples continually surged through her core.

Felicia only called out to Holly twice, and then waited for an answer, but then she went to find out where her close companion was. She didn’t necessarily sneak up the steps, but her hundred five pounds on top of a well-built stairway, and well-padded steps didn’t alert anyone with normal hearing to her approach.

When she got to the top of the stairs, it was easy to see where Holly might be, as there was only one door open, and it was a bedroom; which was easily assumed by the fact that every house was laid out the same, and this was now the twelfth abode that they had been in other than their own.

It was then that she heard someone not only moaning as though they were having sex, but even the words she could clearly hear, expressed the fact that Holly was being screwed by someone called Coffee, and that the guy was doing quite well by it.

It was then that she crept closer to the door and looked in, expecting to find that there was at least one guy living in the neighborhood, and that her friend had found him. It peeved her a bit, because she was sure that Holly and her were exclusive, and wanted nothing to do with men, but when she was finally able to see what was happening her eyes grew wide. “Oh, my god!” she exclaimed loudly as she saw Holly lying partially on the bed while a huge, light brown, dog screwed her companion from behind.

Holly looked up and saw Felicia standing in the doorway. She wasn’t too surprised to see her companion, and she somewhat expected to be found as Coffee fucked her. He had licked her to her first orgasm, and that took several minutes, and now this beautiful union was well over five minutes into the process of lifting her to her next climactic event; so yes, she wasn’t surprised to be found under the huge dog as he was screwing her so sublimely.

“Look what I found, or actually, I should say… what found me,” began Holly.

“Damn, he’s big,” offered Felicia as she entered the room, and maneuvered around the united couple to get a better view of what was happening. She and Holly had talked about such a thing many times, and even did a bit of roleplay concerning her fantasy; which involved a very soft blanket, and an average dildo shoved into each other as fast as possible to simulate a dog’s energetic actions. They had even found a site on the web that allowed you to see girls being screwed by dogs and other animals, but she never really expected to see it in person.

Holly was only moments from her second orgasm when Felicia began commenting on a few more things. “Damn, girl, did you see the size of the cock that you have buried inside your pussy,” she exclaimed.

“No… but I can sure feel it, babe, and I’m hoping that you will too…” and then Holly’s second orgasm claimed her for several intense seconds that became a few minutes. Ones that she suddenly found that she was able to fully enjoy as Coffee stopped, with his cock buried to its fullest within her.

Coffee knew that the human females preferred to experience their orgasms without too much added stimulation at its peak, and until it had waned a bit. He patiently waited until he could barely feel her pussy trying to milk his essence from him, and then he began his thrusting anew.

“Oh… Coffee, you sweetheart. You are making me feel so… good,” Holly murmured. I almost wish that I had you take me in the missionary position now. I’d be hugging you, and thrusting my tits against your big chest. I’d follow it up by bringing my legs up next, and adding my own thrusts to yours. I want you so… deep in me that your sperm never comes out.”

When Felicia heard Holly’s confession she knew that her friend was getting royally fucked, and that it had to be very intense. She was almost surprised that she didn’t hear even more, when it was the next words out of her closest companion’s mouth.

“Come on, Coffee, see if you can fuck me hard enough to shoot you sperm into me so deep, that your seed is able to penetrate my egg,” holly exclaimed boldly. “In other words, sweetheart, impregnate me, babe, so that I can carry your puppy in my belly.”

“Coffee?” questioned Felicia.

“He’s a light brown dog,” Holly replied nearly breathlessly. “He doesn’t have a collar on so I gave him the name, Coffee.”

Felicia didn’t say anything more, but she did caress her breasts through her t-shirt, and accessed her own pussy by lifting her skirt enough to get it out of the way. She then slid her longest finger into her slick slit and wasn’t surprised to find out how wet she was. All she could think of at the moment was having Coffee fuck her as he was doing to Holly, and she quickly grew wetter as she thought about it.

Coffee continued to thrust into Holly at a steady pace; one that was easy to maintain, and would not hurt his mate. The way in which he was screwing her, however, was soon noticed by Felicia, and she said something.

“Coffee is sure fucking you a lot slower and far longer than all the videos that we have seen; with other girls and their dogs,” commented Felicia.

“Yeah… I’ve noticed that too…” gasped Holly as her third orgasm approached, “and it’s wonderful… The short couplings… of some… of the videos… was something… that I didn’t… care for either… I love it… like this… so much better…” she finalized as Coffee’s knot entered her one last time and stuck within her as she orgasmed, and her pussy muscles captured him.”

Coffee’s slowly expanding knot after Holly’s second orgasm finally seized within her. His cock had caressed her depths, and his knot had massaged her g-spot and clitoris as it was thrust into and pulled past them numerous times.

On the last stroke, Coffee did bottom out within Holly’s pussy, and although the tip of his shaft wasn’t aligned with her cervical opening; he’d try to do it next time. As it was she didn’t smell fertile just yet anyway, so he had time to perfect his technique. Either way, however, with as tight as she was around his sexual muscle, and the knot that was plugging her opening he didn’t expect too much of his sperm to be wasted, and it only took one to complete the impregnation.

It was nearly a minute before Holly was able to say much, but when she did, it was a descriptive mouthful. “Oh, Felicia, Coffee is so deep in my pussy that I swear that there is no room for anything else; not even his hot sperm that he’s injecting me with. I can feel it entering my uterus and seeking my egg. Damn, it’s so hot; not only in temperature, but the very thought of what his seed is trying to do also.”

“You mean like trying to get you preggers?” chuckled Felicia.

“Exactly, babe. Just think about it,” murmured Holly euphorically. “What if women could get pregnant by mating with animals. I think it would be very cool, and at the moment I would really like to have Coffee’s baby in my belly if possible.”

“Well, you have definitely fulfilled your fantasy about getting fucked by a dog, and I will try it to. That part is now or soon to be reality, so why not extend it a bit further and hope to get a puppy pumped into our bellies.”

“Yeah, that would definitely be cool, Felicia, but there is a bit more to it than that, sweetie,” continued Holly. “Wait until Coffee mates with you, and I think that you will notice it too. I don’t feel as though he’s just fucking me for his own satisfaction. There is more to it. He’s tender at the same time… I swear he is, but you’ll feel it for yourself very soon, babe.”


Chapter Eight

For the next twenty minutes Felicia and Holly talked about what was happening at the moment as the dog continued to spurt sperm into Holly. What stuck with the young brunette the most was her friend’s adamant assertion that Coffee was not merely screwing them like some animal that was only interested in spreading his seed to any bitch that would present herself to him; there were far more intense feeling there also.

When Holly and Coffee finally parted, he gave her a few quick licks below, and then waited for her to turn and face him; he was almost certain that she would. When she did, he reached in and nuzzled her neck as she embraced him also. When they parted a second time, he managed to kiss her on the lips, and she didn’t turn away from him, but would have even accepted more if he hadn’t then moved toward Felicia; yet she didn’t feel slighted by it. She wanted her close companion to experience Coffee’s uniqueness also.

Felicia soon found that she had Coffee’s attention and she quickly accommodated him by getting on the bed and spreading her legs as far as possible, but she didn’t have her legs extending to the floor, but bent and parted to her sides as she held them open with her hands.

Coffee rose up and placed his front feet on the bed also. He then began licking Felicia with gentle strokes at first, and slowly increased the pressure he exerted in appropriate places. Her tightly closed rear orifice was one of the lighter strokes, but then he applied the greater effort as he entered the threshold of her pussy; reaching the desired depth to catch the spongy feeling g-spot and stimulating that for several seconds before retreating a bit and catching her sensitive clitoris with just the right force also.

“Oh, my god,” exclaimed Felicia as Coffee excited her pussy better than anything had ever done before. “Damn, if there was a category on America’s got talent for kissing snatches, I swear that he would win the prize,” she declared.

Holly chuckled. “I know what you mean, sweetie, and it’s called cunnilingus, but I must confess that you have really opened yourself up for him to reach you perfectly. I’ll have to remember your style for the next time I get to enjoy him,” she murmured; wishing that they had more time to go another round with Coffee.

Felicia orgasmed so hard that she squirted; something that had never happened before. Coffee was surprised, but he took it all in stride. He caught most of it, but the initial spurts caused him to back away at first. He didn’t worry about it though, the automated cleaning systems for all the homes would clean up everything, and make it smelling new again at the given time period each day.

Felicia was quaking from her orgasm for several minutes, and other than a few gentle cleanup licks Coffee allowed her to enjoy her climactic event. Once more Holly noted the dog’s actions. They were more on the realm of thoughtfulness; instead an animalistic reaction as he seemed to be patiently waiting to go further with her.

Once Felicia’s intense orgasm passed, she carefully came to a sitting position and reached out to hug Coffee. “Oh, baby, you can lick my pussy anytime, and if you screw me as well as you licked me, I might be in trouble,” she murmured pleasantly. “I have never orgasmed so hard in my entire life, sweetie, so lets see what’s next.”

Coffee backed away from Felicia as soon as she released him, and returned as soon as she was on her knees; with her head and chest supported by the bed, just as Holly had been.

When Felicia was ready, she felt Coffee come up over her and hug her hips. Since they had been in the somewhat cooler house for nearly forty-five minutes now, his warmth and soft hairs felt good on her back, buttocks and backs of her upper legs. She hadn’t seen the dog mount Holly, so she somewhat assumed that she might have to help him find her pussy; just like in the videos that she had seen. She was pleasantly surprised in several ways a moment later when he needed no assistance, and his thick cock entered her in a way that she knew that he was there.

“Damn, he’s big,” Felicia exclaimed, “I saw him when he pulled out of you, Holly, but I swear he feels even bigger than he looks.”

“I agree with you one hundred percent, sweetheart, so just lay there and enjoy your ride because the best if yet to come,” Holly murmured as she caressed her breasts and gently fingered her clit; while being fairly certain that it was Coffee’s seed that was furnishing the lubrication.

Inch by inch Coffee advanced his hefty phallus into Felicia until he had hit the bottom of her vaginal tube. Oh’s… and ah’s… had followed each thrust until the last one. He knew where he was; he felt it, but she confirmed it with an audible grunt.

“He’s all the way in me, Holly; he just touched the bottom,” Felicia confirmed after her grunt, for her closest companion.

It was only a few seconds more before Coffee began to move within Felicia, and she began to pant within a few strokes; it was sheer ecstasy. Single separated words like beautiful, fantastic, and anything to describe how good she felt as he fucked her silly was all she could manage.

Never in Felicia’s short life had anything like this been inside her. Not even her finger, or Holly’s as her companion tried to excite her g-spot, or even the small vibrator or dildo crammed into her at a fast pace felt like this. This object that was caressing her internally was hot, veiny and alive. Along with how it’s nearly entire length brushed against her vaginal wall, it also seemed to pulse. She loved what she felt, and what Coffee was doing to her.

The slow insertion and withdrawal of Coffee’s cock took a while for her next orgasm to build, and she reveled in that too. She didn’t want any kind of slam, bam, thank you ma’am; even if it did lead to a climactic end. This was far more preferable now that she was experiencing it, and it was everything that Holly had said that it would be. She would have loved for it to last even longer, but nearly ten slow minutes of it building pressure within her erupted eventually.

Felicia gasped. “Oh… god…” and then began twitching in an almost uncontrollable manner. She clutched the bed linens and hung on; afraid that if she didn’t that she would cause Coffee’s cock to disengage from her depths, and that was something that she didn’t want to happen, as he endeavored to stay within her also.

Silence reigned within the bedroom for over a minute as Coffee clung to her hips, but he was sure that he would need to do more when Felicia came the next time, and he was ready for it, but he soon found that he had Holly’s assistance also. The first brunette got on the other side of the bed and reached across the covers instead of merely watching and somewhat pleasuring herself as this particular mating took place.

Holly was soon holding hands with Felicia and encouraging her friend that she was there to support what was happening. “I told you that it was something beautiful, and not simply some animal trying to breed you. There is that too, but I swear it goes deeper than that, sweetie.”

“I believe you, Holly. I can feel it too; I swear I can,” she cooed softly as the last of her second orgasm was waning. “Coffee isn’t screwing us like some dumb mutt. He knows how to please a girl, and it makes me wonder how he knows it.”

It was only a few moments more before Coffee began again. He felt Felicia’s pussy muscles cease their grasping of his own thick muscle and he knew that it was time to initiate the finally. He commenced the same thrusting as before, and slowly added the inflation of his knot into the mix. Before what his current mate had experienced was lovemaking as humans were capable of, but now he was going to add what Canids were known for also.

For nearly five minutes, most of what Coffee was doing to her as he thrust into her was nearly the same, but then she began to notice a difference, and she knew what it was; his knot was expanding, and she grasped Holly’s hands in hers a bit tighter.

Felicia began panting again, but did manage to let Holly know what was happening in a haltingly manner. “His knot’s… beginning… to expand… and it’s… really… hitting… my g-spot… and clit,” she exclaimed, and that was the last she said.

The pressure within Felicia’s system grew rapidly after that and her panting increased. It lasted for another three minutes before the dam released, and her orgasm struck her like a tsunami. She was eye to eye with Holly for a solid ten seconds; trembling as though she had a seizure, and then it ceased as she passed out. The last thoughts she had were pure ecstasy, and the impression that Coffee was truly making love to her, and wanted her to bare his puppies was sublime.

Holly noticed one thing as Felicia orgasmed the third time. Coffee seemed to press even more of his weight forward so that his mate of the moment would not be able to throw him off of her accidentally. She eventually freed her hands from her friend’s grasp and carefully felt for a pulse, and was pleased to find one, while also noting that the dog backed off on the forward press also. When he did, she saw that Felicia was breathing freely, and felt a little less concern.

It was nearly two minutes before Felicia awoke, and one of the first things out of her mouth was; “What a ride,” and then she fell quiet once more, but a bit moved also.

Holly waited until Felicia seemed a bit more coherent, and then began to question her about things. “How are you feeling, sweets?”

“Mm… it’s too hard to describe, but I’m sure that you felt the same thing about Coffee as I am now. I don’t know how long I was out of it, but thankfully, I can still feel him pulsing as he spurts his sperm into me. I’m glad that I didn’t miss too much of that.”

“You seemed to be unconscious for nearly two minutes, Felicia. Do you remember any of it?”

“No… and yet I’m not sure,” Felicia tried to explain as she managed to look at Holly eye to eye once more. “It was like intense colors swirling around, and feelings deep within coursing through me in the most pleasant way. Maybe it was Coffee’s sperm shooting into me, and me knowing that he was trying to impregnate me. I wanted it to happen so much that I think that it knocked me loopy for that amount of time. So, I’m glad he’s still pumping his essence into me,” she added as she thrust back and felt his cock cram into her even more; causing a pleasant ache, while the hot muscle continued to twitch within her and fill her uterus.

Felicia and Coffee were knotted together as he hovered over her for nearly twenty more minutes. She could not move very far, and she really didn’t want to, but Holly did. The first brunette to experience the dog’s lovemaking was soon checking out the mated pair and spoke freely about it.

“Coffee’s still knotted in you pretty good, sweets, and from what I can see the area is quite wet back here. However, I don’t think that it’s his sperm that is leaking out of you. I think it is either his precum of the fact that you squirted again,” offered Holly.

“I never knew that I could do that,” returned Felicia.

“I don’t think that many girls do until it happens,” opined Holly, “but from what I could see you were really aroused and super excited. I read that almost all women can do it, but that we tend to hold it back because we think that it is only the urge to pee, and a lot of it is caused by the g-spot.”

“Wow, live and learn,” murmured Felicia, but next time I think I might try and hold it in check also; it’s rather messy. And as long as it doesn’t inhibit my orgasm, too much I’ll go with it the next time Coffee tries to fuck me into oblivion. I want to remember vividly every ounce of his sperm that he pumps into me,” she confessed.

It was then that Holly chuckled. “Well, sweetie, you don’t have to worry about missing any of Coffee’s sperm, because from the looks of your slightly rounded belly, it is still in your uterus, and looking for one of your eggs; just as the load of sperm that’s in my little baby factory is doing. Not much of it has seeped out of me yet, so I’m fairly certain the it will be there for several more hours. We’ll probably have to wear tampons tonight unless we want to awaken tomorrow all sticky and gooey.”

It was then that Felicia managed to reach below her and feel the belly bump that Holly had mentioned was there, and she caressed it gently. She really wanted to see it, but she dreaded the moment that Coffee would extract his knot from her pussy’s depths.

As far as Felicia was concerned, the event happened all to soon as only a minute later she felt Coffee slipping out of her vaginal vault. Once he was dismounted he gave her mound a few exterior cleanup licks, and then tended to himself. The girls dressed after that, and even though they didn’t have much to wear, when the turned to look for the huge brown Shepherd; he was gone.

Both girls were bummed about the fact that Coffee was gone, but they were somewhat sure that he would be back also. They were soon leaving the fourth home, and began checking out the other ones within their chosen area.


Chapter Nine

Much like the other six young ladies Holly and Felicia did not necessarily opt to tell the other girls what had happened to them entirely. They might mention that they had found a dog, and that the animal had to live nearby, but that would be the extent of it. They wouldn’t say much more unless Coffee found them when the others were around, and he wanted them once more. Then they would pretend that they were going to begin their search anew as to where he lived; while only going far enough away to be with him once more.

It was that very evening that the eight girls got together in the northern homestead; where Anna, Cathy, Bethany and Diana lived. Elaine, Gloria, Felicia, and Holly joined the others there. Everyone had been previously asked what they wanted to eat; as they planned to discuss their first day in the strange city over the dinnertime hour, and whether anything significant had been found.

Everyone now knew that the robots that cooked for them were good at what they did, and nothing phased the automatons. When Anna told Xenia that there would be company for dinner the female robot merely asked what was desired, and then went about preparing things with no other questions asked. When all of the young ladies finally got together at six in the evening, they found the huge dining area table set, and everything almost ready for them. All they needed to do was sit down, and it would be served.

Within fifteen seconds of the girls being seated, Xenia entered the room, and an auxiliary cart with all the food on it followed closely behind her. By the end of another sixty seconds, the food had been served, as well as the drinks. It had been done with such proficiency that it left the young ladies stunned, but they didn’t begin what they wanted to talk about until the female robot excused herself, and before leaving she addressed Bethany, who had chosen the end seat closest to the kitchen. “I shall be in the kitchen cleaning up, Mistress Bethany. If you need anything just call for me, and I will get it for you.”

As soon as Xenia had entered the kitchen area, it was Gloria that spoke out first. “This whole situation is too weird. Both of our homes have robots, and ours is called Genex. They know us, but the question is why do they know us, and nothing more… like where we are.”

“That is weird enough, but a robot only knows what the programmer puts into it; it doesn’t learn on its own… at least not that I know of, but either way… both Xenia, Genex are very sophisticated automatons in order to do what they do,” opined Bethany.

“In other words, who made them, and what in the hell are we doing here?” returned Gloria. “We find ourselves in a suburb like setting with a hundred homes in it, and we are in the middle of it all. Each of the other houses are empty, but they are identical to our places except for the interior decorations; of which I wouldn’t mind swapping for a few other paintings that I saw,” and she chuckled.

All of the other girls chuckled also, because they had seen other paintings and wanted to do the same thing. “So it all boils down to where are we really, who orchestrated this whole scenario for us, and why?” Bethany asked as she got the evening’s conversation rebooted in the right direction.

“Well, our group didn’t find anything too strange,” offered Gloria. “We kind of already discussed a few things.”

“Define strange?” Bethany questioned.

Gloria looked at Elaine, and saw an almost imperceptible nod. “My partner and I did find a huge dog, and he looks like a Shepherd, but his coloring and size are way off of the norm. I have a friend called Pamela that runs a kennel, and she specializes in GSDs.”

Each of the other girls knew Gloria was referring to German Shepherd Dogs. They had all looked into the animals once that had become interested in possibly mating with a substantially sized canine, but it was Bethany that continued the discussion once more; yet also afraid of what she might hear. “So, what was the coloring that you mentioned?”

“Gloria looked at Elaine once more, but then answered the question without the nod. “He was a solid gray, and a bit on the dirty or dark side of the color.”

Six other young ladies breathed a sigh of relief, and Elaine didn’t miss that fact. She actually added things up somewhat accurately. “So, what was the color of the dog that the rest of you found wandering in our detention center without walls.”

Three other colors were mentioned, and it was then that each pair of girls separately mentioned the color of the dog that they had met, but it got even more interesting when Bethany mentioned a bit more. “Gloria, I remember talking to you a few days ago. You mentioned something to me that was of a very personal nature. However, it is something that each of us has talked about, and why we are all friends. So, what else happened when you and Elaine met up with the gray dog?”

“Probably the same thing that happened to you and Diana when you met up with the big black dog,” Gloria surmised.

“So, each of our four groups met up with a strangely colored German Shepherd, and we all allowed the animal to mate with us,” chuckled Holly.

“That’s what it would seem at the moment,” returned Bethany. “Did anyone one of us not screw one of the dogs, and basically satisfy one of our kinkier desires?”

No one denied what Bethany asked, and she had almost been certain that none of them would. After all, it was why they were all friends, they all had the same somewhat hidden desire; that was only talked about when they got together with each other.

“Somehow, I have a feeling that our hidden desire to do what we did today, has everything to do with why we are here,” offered Gloria.

“You mean that someone not only set up the fact that we are living in a totally automated home. In a setting where there are ninety-eight empty homes around us, and then they lose a couple dogs in here, just to see what we’d do?” asked Cathy.

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s better than finding out that there are eight horny guys living next door to us,” chuckled Holly.

“Who’s to say that we won’t find your scenario soon enacted,” growled Anna. “We’ve only been here twelve hours. What happens then?”

Then we band together and resist them,” returned Bethany. “There is no way that I’m going to let some guy screw me without fighting,” she added loudly and adamantly; just in case someone was watching them and listening.

Gloria smiled, and then mentioned something more. “Well, if it does come down to something like that, I have a feeling that we actually have four allies that we haven’t thought of just yet.”

“The dogs,” offered Bethany, and she was sure that Gloria was right. She, herself, was sure that the animals would be back, and the huge Shepherds would more than likely protect them. She had seen the same thing with Tammy’s dog, Rover. Her friend didn’t have to worry about some guy trying to molest her when the Shepherd was around, and she pitied any male that tried. She was absolutely positive that the animal would protect his mistress and eliminate any competition; by literally castrating any human that tried.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see how all of this pans out,” said Gloria, “and hopefully it isn’t something sinister.”

“I don’t think that it is anything sinister,” offered Holly, but it is still strange. Take a look at everything that is here. Everything it automated. We don’t even have to go to the store. I used the computer I saw in the kitchen area of our house. You can order anything you want form it; within reason.”

“Yeah, I saw it too,” added Anna. Whoever is running this place has thought of everything that we might need to live here.”

“Yeah,” agreed Diana, “we have everything but some form of transportation, no televisions, and they forgot bras and underwear,” she stated, but did manage to laugh about the last part.

“I don’t think they merely forgot the last two items that you mentioned,” Bethany added. “I’m quite certain that they were intentionally forgotten.”

“Why would anyone do that?” asked Cathy.

“So that when we met up with the dogs, that the boys wouldn’t have a hard time getting at our pussies, that’s why,” responded Bethany.

“So, someone wanted us to be screw by the dogs,” murmured Felicia.

“Yeah, they did,” Bethany agreed thoughtfully, “and I think that it’s the common denominator to our mystery.”

“But, why? Why dogs, and not guys; which I would utterly abhor and fight tooth and nail,” Felicia somewhat growled.

“I’m not sure just yet, but I have a hunch that there is more to our four-footed friends than we know just yet,” Bethany continued along the line that she was thinking. “We are currently ensconced within a small community that has a lot of empty homes, and it makes me wonder who else would live there.”

“You mean… like if we began having children,” offered Gloria as she thought back to earlier that day, and what would happen if she could get pregnant by Gray. “We were all abducted from the same college, and we all had the same fantasies of being mated by a dog. What if someone found out about our desires and genetically altered the animals so that they could impregnate us.”

“Do you really think that such a thing is possible?” asked Felicia, and there was a lilt in her voice that conveyed hope more than doubt.

“Who knows? It might be,” offered Gloria as she began hoping that such a thing could really happen, herself.

“That would be wild,” surmised Bethany. “Could you imagine getting pregnant and finding out that it’s a puppy in your womb?”

“It would be different,” agreed Anna, “but if puppies were all we birthed, then why all the homes that are like what we are currently residing in? Why not a bunch of smaller, yet fair-sized abodes to house the kiddies?”

“I have another thought,” commented Cathy, as she remembered awakening that morning and finding that she now had the breasts that she had always dreamt of, and no longer had to worry about getting older and finding that her upper endowments sagged all the way to her waistline like her grandmother’s did. “Some of us awoke this morning a lot lighter in some ways, but the key fact that I’m getting at is that I think that it was us that was changed; not the dogs.”

Silence reigned within the room for over a minute as each of the young ladies looked at their fellow abductees. Heads began to nod, and eventually Bethany spoke once more. “So, if what we are beginning to assume is true… and we can get pregnant by our earlier four-footed companions, what are our children going to really look like?”

“Probably a cross between us, and their fathers,” responded Felicia.

“That could be a bit gruesome,” offered Cathy.

“Not necessarily,” Bethany responded in a positive way. “What if our babies take after their fathers, and us too.”

“You mean that they would be something like Were-Shepherds instead of Werewolves?” asked Cathy

“Nothing vicious,” continued Bethany, but similar to us, and like their fathers also.”

“But, why would someone do something like that?” asked Cathy.

“Maybe they wanted to create a whole new species,” opined Anna.

“But who would benefit in that, and if that is the case, then why didn’t they just screw around with a bunch of DNA in a test tube?” questioned Gloria.

“Because it was probably easier to allow nature to do the mixing and get to what they wanted faster than any other way,” offered Bethany, and at the moment she had no idea how close she was to the true answer, but all of them would find out shortly.

The girls went to bed that night, and had various erotic dreams. All of them centered around one particular theme, and that was being mated to the huge dogs they had screw with the previous day, and eventually birthing puppies. When they awoke in the morning, they were very enthused as to what would transpire next. One group was still in their home on the north side of the street, and the others to the south when they realized that they had visitors.

It was a beautiful morning, and as each group finished their breakfast on their back patios, Winters and Midnight came around the huge hedges and greeted the girls of the northern homestead; while Greyson and Tandy did the same with the southern babes.

“Well, look who just dropped by for a visit,” murmured Anna; as she seemed to be the first one to see the Blackie and Whitey, but then, it was the direction that she was primarily facing.

Bethany turned to look, and smiled wryly, “I knew that they would show up again sooner or later, but honestly… I’m glad that it’s sooner.”

“Well, it looks as though someone wants us to continue mating with Whitey and Blackie, or they wouldn’t have sent the boys back to us,” offered Anna.

Bethany looked toward the black and white Shepherds, and was immediately greeted by happily excited dogs; with tails wagging, and acting like huge puppies. As they put on a small show they also wondered when the young ladies would demand answers. They were almost certain that the girls now knew for sure that they were being watched.

It was Anna that actually started it off, and there wasn’t too much to do in order to initiate it. She merely approached Whitey where he stood; which was just off the patio, and began caressing his head and neck. He took it a bit further and managed to kiss her. It was more in the form of licks that were concentrated around her mouth, but when she obliged him by opening her oral cavity, they really began exchanging spit with each other, and it became much akin to Frenching someone that you cared about.

“That seems a bit gross,” Diana offered at what she was seeing. Allowing a dog to fuck her was okay, but to kiss one was a bit different.

“Don’t knock it until you try it,” returned Anna.

I used to have a dog when I was younger, and he was always licking everything. He even tried licking my face, but I smelled his breath; yuck,” Diana stated.

“Whitey doesn’t taste bad, and I would almost hazard a guess that Blackie doesn’t either,” offered Anna as she went to where the black dog stood and managed to sniff at him also, but he did endeavor to turn away a bit and move to get closer to Bethany and Diana.

Anna didn’t chase Blackie too far; she had been on her knees in the grass; just off the patio. She moved closer to Whitey once more and continued to caress and then hug the huge animal. In the process, she got another big surprise. Instead of truly smelling like some animal that was out and about, and a stray of sorts; he smelled clean, and his thick white coat of hair was soft.

Bethany was somewhat paying attention to Blackie’s approach when Anna got her attention once more as she murmured something. It was only the briefest of moments, but it was enough. “Whitey smells really clean. Almost as though someone just bathed him and he still smells of the shampoo that was used, or they then put a mild cologne on him afterward because it’s not like any normal dog stuff that I have ever smelled before.”

It was then that Bethany managed to see some interaction between the two animals. Blackie’s head turned quickly to glance toward Whitey; almost as though it was an oops moment, and the dogs realized that they had done something wrong, by not smelling like the animals that they were representing.

Bethany was out of her seat instantly, and she managed to get a hold of Blackie. She hugged him, and he too smelled as though he had just been washed. “This one doesn’t really smell like a dog either,” she mentioned loud enough for everyone to hear.

“So… what’s going on here?” asked Cathy.

“Well, I have a feeling that these guys definitely aren’t strays,” opined Bethany.

“Maybe whoever is sending them to us, doesn’t want us to be turned off by a dirty animal,” commented Diana as she approached Blackie and sniffed at him, and agreed that the dog smelled very clean; like her hair did just after she shampooed it, and it was then that he began wagging his tail a bit and endeavoring to act like a normal dog as he received more attention.

Bethany wasn’t sure of any of the previous conclusions at the moment; she was beginning to think that it was something a bit more, but she said nothing. She decided to be a bit more observant, and also see if she could be crafty enough to catch a bit more interaction between the two animals.

It wasn’t too much longer that Anna moved into the shade; cast by the patio’s roof as the Sun was still toward the East. She lay on the fine cool grass and called Whitey over to her, and he came immediately. As he approached she spread her legs and lifted her pelvic area off the ground. She supported her position a bit with her arms. It wasn’t necessarily a pose that she wished to hold for too long, but she doubted that she would have to.

Whitey knew exactly what Anna wanted and easily obliged her. He began licking her, and his tongue bathed her offered mound all the way from her puckered brownish rosebud, through her vaginal slit; which was already slick, and up over her clitoris that was still shy, but he was sure that he’s have it excited before too long.

Anna became the center of attention as the others looked on at her open display of getting what she wanted, and she didn’t mind; she and the other girls knew each other somewhat, but were quickly making it more like a close-knit family gathering considering the circumstances.

Anna moaned pleasantly and encouraged Whitey to lick her deeper and he obliged. She was soon letting all of them know how he was hitting her g-spot and clitoris in vivid detail, which in turn actually stimulated all of them. It began with her as the main actor, and them as the audience, but it wasn’t long before the three remaining girls had at least one hand caressing an intimate part of her anatomy.

Whitey licked Anna for no more than three minutes before she orgasmed from the oral stimulation. It was a mix of excited g-spot, clitoris and thought of who was providing it all that hastened the climactic event, which set it all off.

Anna’s arms and legs gave out, and she plopped to the soft grass as she orgasmed. She tried to sit up and hug the huge white animal that had pleasured her, but it didn’t happen until the climactic even had somewhat passed. Only then was she able to move in a coordinated manner.

Barely a minute passed before Anna softly murmured to Whitey that she was ready to be fucked, and she quickly assumed the doggy position just in front of him. He gave her a few preemptory licks, and then mounted her. His huge white frame nearly engulfed her as his front legs wrapped around her body just below her breasts. His weight was considerable on her but she managed to support it, as he thrust forward and managed to connect with her.

Just as before a solid inch of his hot phallus entered Anna’s moist pussy, and she gasped pleasantly. “That’s it sweetheart, stick your cock in me and send it to the bottom of my pit,” she offered loudly for the benefit of all as they watched Whitey take her. “It’s time to see if we can truly defeat the differences between us, and see if you can impregnate me; because that is why I think we’re here,” she concluded as he thrust more and more of his thick cock into her depths.

It wasn’t long before Anna was oohing, aahing, and moaning pleasurably in a continually manner. She did manage a few linked together intelligible words to let her peers know what was happening, and they were very explicit. He’s fucking me good… really rattling my core… as he hit the bottom of my pussy. I’m close to cuming… and I’m going to… bathe his cock with juices… Ooh!”

Blackie had planned to mount either Bethany or Diana when Winter took his first young lady, but as he noted how the girls were interested in what was happening to Anna, he waited. Each moment that passed made his lovely pair even hotter to make love to him, and that was a good thing as far as he was concerned. Besides, none of them had ovulated just yet, and that would not happen for another few days. However, getting the babes to mate with them had been easier than they had expected, but then… that was a good thing.

As usual, the huge Canid ceased his thrusting as Anna orgasmed and tried to milk his sperm from him. It felt good to him, and in all fairness, if he had tried to continue thrusting as her vaginal muscles clamped down on his cock… it might have caused him to cum too soon; which was something none of them wanted. He and his brothers in this quest were determined to please these young ladies as much as possible. They had abducted them from Earth, and they took their ability to pleasure the girls, and provide for them beyond the babe’s wildest dreams a priority.

When Anna’s orgasm abated, she smiled, because she knew what was coming next. She lowered her head to her hands and hoped that Whitey would soon spray her depths with his seed. She and the other girls were fairly certain as to why they had been abducted from the college dorm now, but only time would tell for sure. She had never heard of anyone trying such a thing as combining human and animal DNA, so this was going to be very interesting.

Whitey began thrusting within her pussy once more, and she responded. “That’s it sweetheart, fuck me. Let’s see if you can really get me pregnant,” she declared before his cock’s repeated thumping against the bottom of her reproductive channel began stealing her breath away once more.

Grunted oohs and aahs were the biggest part of Anna’s audible mutterings once more, and it wouldn’t change until Whitey’s burgeoning knot ceased caressing her g-spot and clitoris as it brushed past them with every thrust and withdrawal. The exquisite ecstasy continued on for over six minutes, and then the final thrust rammed it all home.

The ecstasy finally built to the tipping point, and Anna orgasmed. The final entry of Whitey’s knot made her gasp audibly, and then her pussy clamped down on the dog’s knot in a way that would have hurt both sexually engaged partners if they had tried to part at the attachment point.

The orgasm was intense, but Anna managed to state the obvious in a euphoric manner at first. “He’s cuming in me! His sperm is so hot that I can feel it entering my uterus. He might be impregnating me… but I’m not sure that I have an egg ready for him,” she ended sadly, but even so, the climactic event was something she would always look forward to no matter what. This was only the second time she had been with Whitey, but she sensed that he would always treat them well.

Whitey heard Anna’s comment and covered her a bit closer; allowing more of him to touch the length her, and wishing that she had been totally naked, but perhaps that would come later; once they decided to establish communications between all of them. He was pleased, however, that the young ladies truly wanted to experience what was happening here.


Chapter Ten

The rest of the girls were very affected by watching Anna being screwed by Whitey, and the fact that each and every one of them had seen dogs fucking girls either in person, or by watching a video, allowed them to see once more that what was happening here was quite different than they had expected; especially after having been mated by either Whitey or Blackie the previous day. This was not merely sex for one’s own gratification.

Anna was still giving a slight oral description of what was happening to her, and how good it felt as Blackie began paying attention to Bethany and Diana. They knew what he wanted, and actually stripped out of all their clothing; as it wasn’t hard to divest themselves of a t-shirt and a short skirt.

Once the girls were naked, Blackie split his time between the two of them for a while, but eventually Bethany allowed Diana to go first; since she had been first the previous day. What interested Beth, however, was the fact that she didn’t really back away from Diana and Blackie, but the huge dog still shifted his attention to her friend anyway; somewhat confirming to her that the animal understood everything that she said.

Once Diana began to get more fully involved, Bethany did move away from them and watch the proceedings then. Di found a comfortable chair to sit in and offered herself to Blackie; while making sure that her legs were spread enough, and she was able to hug her thighs to her chest. In that position, the huge dog had complete access to her most sensitive charms.

Blackie took full advantage of Diana’s offering. His broad tongue bathed a wide swath from her tight little brownish rosebud, and through her tight little clam where it caressed her clitoris several times; eliciting a pleased reaction each time. After five wide licks, he dug a little deeper and found her g-spot. He concentrated on it, and her clit for several minutes until she achieved her first orgasm.

As Diana orgasmed, she did manage to pull Blackie closer to her and hug him. She felt her pussy rippling within from the exquisite stimulation she had received, and once it had abated, she was going to move close to where Anna was and allow her four-footed lover to fuck her silly; just as he had done the previous day.

Everything that the girls had discussed last evening and earlier this morning cycled through her thoughts. Soon she would submit herself to Blackie again, and when she did she would be desiring that he truly impregnate her, and if it didn’t happen this particular day, she would continue to mate with him until it did, and she was sure that all of the other girls felt the same way.

Once Diana’s orgasm ceased, she arose and went to where Anna was still kneeling in the shaded grassy area. Whitey was still knotted to her friend. It was evident that her fellow brunette had enjoyed getting screwed by the dog in the presence of all the other young ladies, and now she was going to do the same.

Diana had never done such a thing before this. Her only partner had been Bethany, and then Blackie the previous day. Now, however, she felt freer than ever before. It was as though there were no limits anymore, and no one would condemn any of them for how they lived their lives. Just moments earlier she had disrobed in front of other friends, allowed the huge black dog to lick her to her first orgasm of the day, and now she was going to be openly fucked by him, and hopefully impregnated if what they were thinking was truly happening here.

Diana was soon mounted by Blackie, and she immediately encouraged him to screw her silly before impregnating her in the end. The huge Canid approached her gently and was soon thrusting the first of nearly ten inches of his veiny muscle into her pussy. It would be the totality of his offering to her as seven inches from the tip, the know would eventually for; thus, allowing them to be locked together in a way that assured that his sperm was pushed deep into her womb, or possibly even injected there if he was able to get them aligned perfectly before the ultimate climax. Either way, however, his seed would stay within her for several hours; draining slowly via her interior muscles, and gravity in the end.

Diana began panting as Blackie began moving within her in earnest, and she loved it. Beyond hearing Anna urging Whitey to fill her with his sperm and impregnate her; which increased Di’s own desire; she felt the huge K9 cock inside her caressing along the entire length of her vaginal chute. It was beautiful, and she knew that it would only get better.

The thrusting that Blackie was doing into her body was fantastic, touching the bottom of her pussy just hard enough to create the perfect blend of ecstasy and ache, but not enough to do any harm to her baby-making organs. Diana was soon at the precipice, and going over the top. As she did, her four-footed lover stopped his actions, and allowed her to enjoy the ride.

Diana’s kitty grasped her lovers cock rhythmically, and endeavored to milk it of the life-giving sperm, but nothing came of it just yet, and she didn’t mind this time; because she knew that she would get what she wanted within another eight to ten minutes.

It was as Diana’s climactic event waned, that Anna and Whitey finally parted. Much to the huge white dog’s admiration, he gave the brunette a quick clean up, and then turned to Cathy. She was eagerly awaiting his attention where she sat on a lounger. She too was now completely naked, and her legs were spread as she awaited her lover’s approach. After seeing Anna being bred, and Diana too; she was ready to be taken to the moon and back by the huge canine; which was what all the girls thought that they were.

After Diana’s second orgasm had ebbed to near nothingness, Blackie began to fuck his cock into her once more. After he set his knot, he would definitely fill her with his seed. His whip-tailed spermatozoa would hopefully swim within her tubes and do its magic; seeking her egg to join with, and allowing her to eventually bare one of his puppies.

These were Diana’s thoughts, and whenever possible, she told Blackie exactly how she felt. She wanted him to have no doubts as to what she desired as they made love, and not merely fucked each other for their own gratification like some girls did on the few videos that she had seen.

Five minutes into the third round, Blackie’s knot began to grow, and the far more intense stimulation began to build the climactic wave at a speedier rate. The thick doggy muscle still caressed her, but the burgeoning mass of flesh toward the root of the cock was beginning to make itself known. Her g-spot was now being rubbed vigorously, and her clitoris was pummeled; yet it took the abuse and turned it into ecstasy; much like an accumulator does in a hydraulic circuit. I would reach its peak, and then it would be suddenly released throughout not only her pussy but all through her system; causing the mother of all orgasms.

Diana’s orgasm slammed into her in an intense manner, and yet it was the most pleasant of events. The only thing that kept her from liking it more was the fact that she lost her ability to effectively communicate what was happening to her; especially to her lover at the moment. Ninety precious seconds passed before she could do that, and then she told him how she felt.

“I feel your hot sperm being injected into me, darling, and although we are not perfect aligned I can feel it coursing through my cervical opening, “she murmured softly as she looked over her right shoulder and caught sight of Blackie hovering over her. “Your seed has nowhere to go, but into my uterus. Your cock and knot fill all the available space within my pussy, so your seed goes where it was intended… straight toward my awaiting egg. I really want your puppy growing in my belly, sweetheart,” she finalized as she managed to lift her right hand off the grass, and caress the huge animal’s neck above her.

Whitey was now so engaged with Cathy, that she was mere moments away from her first orgasm. What added to it was seeing Diana being fucked by Blackie, and it was a delicious sight and sound to behold. Everything she heard the hot brunette utter was exactly as all of them felt. During that talks the previous night, she was sure that they had hit on their purpose for being here; wherever here was? The only thing that they did not know yet, was who had orchestrated it all, and what the outcome of it all would be It was then that she climaxed, with that thought in mind.

As soon as Cathy’s orgasm abated enough to get out of the chair she went to the patch of grass that was still in the shade. She called out to Whitey as she assumed the doggy position, and let him know what was on her mind, and it had to do with him, and his ability to father a puppy in her womb; while also assuring him that none of them would ever turn down a mating session no matter what.

Whitey moved toward Cathy’s rear, but as he did he caught sight of Blackie and their eyes met for the briefest of moments. Both shook their heads almost imperceptibly, but even that was not missed by Bethany. She had taken to observing the huge dogs carefully, and she was sure that they were communication with each other about one thing or another.

Bethany’s assumption was right when it came to the animals that they knew as Whitey and Blackie. Winters and Midnight were happy with the girls had accepted them as partners to mate with, but it also frustrated them a bit about one thing. They had never expected the young ladies to add things together so quickly, and though they had not yet gotten to the proper sum; the girls were close.

What troubled the two Canids at the moment was the fact that the young ladies would not ovulate for at least a week yet, and they did not want the girls to become frustrated with the mating sessions; despite the fact that the babes did seem to enjoy the intimacy that was being shone. After all, if they were not being satisfied, they would not want to get pregnant.

The Canids had studied human beings ever since they had found that Canines, their slightly under-developed cousins lived on Earth, and that some women actually had very intimate relationships with their kin. Yet not all of them wished to get pregnant by them; it was strictly a self-gratification thing.

As it was, all of the girls had been in suspended animation for several months as they traveled from Earth to their new home. During that time, bodily changes and enhancements had been made. The young ladies would soon find out that they aged a lot slower. Barring and accidents, the females would live well past two hundred years; just as the Canids did, and would hardly show any aging until the last three years of their lives.

At the present time, all of them were on a new planet called Anarax; so named, by the Canids themselves. What was nice about it, was the fact that it was only eighty light-years from Earth. By taking only one wormhole, they were able to arrive after only four months. All of the girl’s bodily changes and healing had been completed long before that time; which left just less than three months of suspended animation.

Whitey was soon mounting Cathy, and she was as enthused about becoming pregnant as all the others were. The large white Canid was gentle as he began his normal entry as usual. He phallus was at an inch and a half in diameter at the moment, and would slowly increase to the two-inch mark. His precum was squirting from the tip of his cock in preparation of breaching the labia major and minor with the first inch, and then he made contact; which brought a reaction from his chosen mate.

“Oh… yeah. Fill me with your cock sweetheart,” cooed Cathy. “I want to please you, as you please me…” and in that short time frame, several more inches of hot muscle sank into the young woman’s pussy, as it made its way to the very bottom of her velvety feeling lined pit.

Winters knew that all of the chosen young ladies were very similar as to how tight they were, and for this he was pleased; despite the fact that it meant that he and his brothers in this quest, could not merely ram the girls like a normal dog would. They, in essence, could do the same as their distant cousins did when it came to speediness when mating, but they did not wish to harm the soon to be mothers of their progeny.

Winters began thrusting into Cathy shortly after he touched the bottom of her tight pussy. The front hairs of his legs, groin and chest touched the backs of her thighs, buttock and back. It caressed her like thousands of warm tiny fingers and heightened everything else that he was doing to her. She collapsed to her elbows, but then reached up as best possible to touch him and let him know how good it all made her feel.

“Fuck me, sweetheart, I want you in me so much,” declared Cathy. “I love what I have found in you, and I’m glad that we are here; despite not knowing where here really is. I can’t wait until you make me and the rest of us pregnant. It will be a beautiful event; even if we won’t be able to necessarily tell others what kind of baby we have in our bellies. I know that they would be jealous no matter what, and wish that it was theirs…” and then her second orgasm hit her; while realizing that even though Whitey had been thrusting into her repeatedly, that she had managed to tell him her feelings.

It was after Blackie gently uncoupled from Diana that he cleaned the both of them up a little bit, and then approached Bethany. When he got close enough he got a slight surprise. “When are the four of you boys going to come clean, and really tell us all that you know,” she murmured softly as she pulled him close to her chest; with her mouth near his ear. “We like what we have here, but we don’t want to be kept in the blind,” she finalized, and then gently released him.

Midnight backed away only a few inches, and uttered one soft word. “Soon,” and then he began licking her opened wide and offered pussy as she back sat on the lounger. She smiled, and said nothing more, but she did lift her legs and spread them even more; content in knowing that she had been right. There was more to these animals than they had first supposed, and yet it was a bit more.

Bethany had been fairly certain that the animals understood far more than other dogs, but she had expected someone else to be watching and listening to all that was going on also; not that it was Blackie and the others that now seemed to be behind this strange setup entirely.


Chapter Eleven

Cathy’s third orgasm was approaching quickly as Whitey thrust into her so deep that he bottomed out within her on every stroke. He felt thicker than when he had first begun, so his movements were slower, and yet felt better. He was deliciously pressed against her back, buttock and legs, and his knot was beginning to expand in a way that she could feel it presence internally as it massaged her g-spot, and caressed her highly excited clitoris.

Cathy loved the way that Whitey was gently screwing her at the moment; it allowed her to talk to him, and hopefully allow him to know how he was affecting her. “I love the way you are fucking me, sweetheart. It really makes me feel good, but also know that you care about me. I can only hope that you understand my tone of voice if nothing else,” she murmured, but then she did gently add a bit of counter thrusting of her own. She tried to time her actions with his; pushing back while he was the deepest; thus, adding a bit more to their union.

What Cathy was doing eventually caused her to collapse until her head touched the backs of her hands. It was then that she felt something different; like his cock tip managing to align with the entry point of her cervix. “Yes…” she hissed, and then she fell silent once more as her third orgasm claimed her completely.

Whitey felt the cervical alignment also, and within wished only one thing; that Cathy had an egg within her reproductive system ready to impregnate. Before, nearly all of his seed, ninety percent at least, would have found its way into her womb, but this made it even better, and it was somewhat due to her effort that it was accomplished. She wanted this as much as he did, and that made it all the more special.

Bethany’s first orgasm hit her the same time as Cathy’s third one hit the very hot blonde that was being exquisitely fucked by Whitey. All of the girls felt the same concerning what was happening here, and none of them were against it. They were certain now that they were here to procreate with these four dogs for reasons that were not fully known just yet, but Blackie’s one word response gave her hopes that within a few hours the eight of them would know everything.

Bethany rose up just enough to hug Blackie to herself once more. She thanked him for what he did, and then released him slightly; just enough to arise from the lounger. It was then that she went to two of the other chairs and collected their padding. She added it to the chair that she had been using, and quite suddenly she had a padded lounger that would support her at the perfect height to get screwed in the missionary position by the huge animal.

Bethany then positioned herself at the end of the lounger with her feet on the ground. Blackie nodded almost imperceptibly and moved close to her. He gave her a few quick licks, and then arose over her. His hind legs were between hers, and his loins matched her height perfectly. His front feet were perched on the lounger just under her arms, and he was able to look her in the eyes as his cock made contact with her pussy.

“Fuck me, darling, but as you do, promise me that you will clear up all that is happening here shortly afterward,” Bethany murmured softly.

Blackie lowered himself a bit more, and it was equivalent to a man lying prone on top of a woman as they made love in the missionary position. “I will,” he returned in a whisper as he thrust more and more of himself into Bethany. He soon bottomed out within her, and she grunted pleasurably. Not only was he deep within her, but the hair of his chest, and groin caressed her externally also.

Blackie began to thrust into the beautiful brunette over and over as they were eye to eye with each other. Bethany endeavored to add her efforts to their mating also. She managed to use her feet and thrust her pussy onto his muscled spike, and together she nearly caused him to climax prematurely, but her second orgasm engulfed her completely just seconds short of his.

“I want your babies, Blackie,” Bethany barely managed to murmur, and then her eye squinted shut. The euphoric climax passed through her being like a cleansing tide that washes every other thought away except how good you feel at the moment, and what caused it; which was the hot cock that was bumping the bottom of her pussy.

For Blackie, he held still, and barely managed to keep Bethany’s pussy muscles from milking his sperm from him when he wasn’t quite ready. He watched her face, and knew that she had a very satisfying orgasm, but soon he would give her exactly what she wanted. There would be an intense quaking orgasm, and then they would endeavor to get all the girls together and explain to then what was truly happening.

Once the second orgasm passed, Bethany was ready to go once more, and she didn’t really care if the thrusting didn’t last for eight to ten minutes. She knew that it would be good anyway as Blackie came in her vaginal chute; just outside her uterus. His seed would still enter through her cervical opening; it would have nowhere else to go. His thick cock had her sealed shut, and hopefully, his sperm would find any egg that was available.

When Blackie was ready to incite Bethany’s third orgasm, he started to speed up at first, but then slowed as his cock expanded to its full two inches, and the young brunette knew that she was stuffed full of her lover’s hot meat, and it wasn’t done just yet. His knot began to expand also, and all of it added to ecstasy.

While Bethany neared her third orgasm, Cathy and Whitey finally parted; pulling his waning shaft from her depths, but in all… it was a reluctant withdrawal. He did give her vaginal mound a few fresh licks, and she managed to hug him, but then the brunette that was getting fucked in the missionary position took center stage for all of the occupants of the northern homestead.

Bethany felt as though the nerve endings within her pussy had increased tenfold, and there was no mistaking the fact that her lover’s cock was nearly at its peak diameter; while his knot was also making its presence known. The fleshy bulb tantalized her g-spot like a finger that had homed in on the erogenous zone. It was stimulating it to the point of pushing it over the precipice excitement, and into the valley of ecstasy. However, the knot actually managed to do double duty; as it also rocked her clitoris when it passed through her engorged pussy lips, and it all suddenly climaxed into one huge orgasm.

Both Bethany and her lover hit the precipice at the same time. Only precise diagnostic instrumentation could have said otherwise. Her legs lifted, and they encircled his waist; pulling them even closer together if it was at all possible. “Put your sperm into me Blackie, fill me full,” she managed to murmur loud enough for her housemates and Winters to hear. “I want your seed to impregnate me, Blackie, so that I can bear one of your puppies for you.”

Almost imperceptibly, the huge black Canid whispered a few words. “My name is Midnight, Bethany, and you and the rest of the girls will know the truth very soon.”

The other young ladies did not hear the exchange, but Winters did, and he was glad that his fellow Canid was going to reveal everything to the girls. In the beginning of the process, he was sure that he was going to like mating with these babes, but it would only be to create a new species. However, he had no idea that he would feel as drawn to them as he already was. He now cared about how they felt about every thing.

“Thank you, Midnight,” Bethany murmured a bit louder, but even so none of the other girls really took note of her utterance, and as the mating session came to a close on the north side of the street, it was doing the same at the southern household also.

For the young ladies on the south side of the road, the breakfast was nearly the same. It was served on the patio, and as Winters and Midnight approached their chosen young ladies, Greyson and Tandy made an appearance also. The huge gray and the equally sized coffee colored animal were received with open arms, and quickly moistening pussies.

As before, the Canids wagged their tails, and acted excited. Once more convincing the girls that they were just big dogs that could possible get them pregnant, but that was all just speculation as far as these girls were concerned. However, it did not mean that any of the young females were against such a thing. On the contrary… they thought that it was the coolest thing that they could contemplate.

The young ladies even went so far as to sincerely hope that they would get preggers, and be able to flaunt their expanding bellies in front of guys; who they were sure, would be envious of the father, while in fact… the daddy would be a big dog, and an excellent lover; though that was as yet hard to gauge as they had only been together once the previous day.

The girls were done eating when the boys conveniently arrived, but then, the Canids had been patiently watching the morning’s breakfast on the patio since shortly after it began. They timed their entry so that it was as the young ladies were finishing their meal, and hoped for the same enthusiastic acceptance as before.

Elaine was actually the first to get up from the table and approach Gray; calling him by name as she did so, and he eagerly responded to her voice as she drew near him. He liked her, and he remembered that it was this babe that he had to be careful with because until she was fully warmed up, she was a bit shorter anatomically than the rest, so he would allow her to gauge exactly how deep she wanted him.

“Hey, big boy, are you here to make me feel as good as you did yesterday?” Elaine asked. “I sure hope so, because I plan to do the same for you, sweetie,” she finished, and then she boldly dropped her skirt and removed her t-shirt.

When Greyson saw Elaine undress, he waited until she approached him where he stood in the shaded grassy area to the west side of the patio. He kissed her after she knelt in front of him and endeavored to hug him. The action surprised her, but then she really got into it. One of the other girls murmured a “yuck,” and she didn’t know who it had been, but she responded to it. “Don’t knock it until you try it,” and then she continued.

It was then that Gloria spoke up once more. “I’m only saying that it’s a bit gross to kiss a dog,” she murmured, as she watched Elaine continue to French the huge animal.

“Why do you say that?” Elaine asked.

“Because they lick themselves,” Gloria returned.

“Yeah, and I know for a fact that you mentioned everything that Pamela did with Rex; remember. You told me that she even sucked his cock, and what about all the girls we’ve heard about that give their boyfriends’ blow jobs. What about them… so, what’s the difference, Gloria?”

Gloria thought about it for a moment, and then shrugged her shoulders. “I guess you’re right,” and then she continued to watch Elaine; while contemplating doing the same thing as her friend was doing even now.

Elaine’s show of affection to the gray dog excited all the girls present, and very soon, the blue eyed blonde adventurer was not the only one that was naked. Holly was the next young lady to boldly step forward and approach the animal they had named Coffee. She began her second session with the brown dog even as Elaine had done, and she had to admit that her chosen beau did not have the usual doggy breath that she usually equated to such animals. She had dogs try to lick her before, but this was totally different.

Elaine’s oral session didn’t last too long. Greyson soon moved on to other things. He did manage to bowl the beautiful blonde over in the grass, and she squawked at first, but not because she was hurt; merely surprised. She soon found her four-footed lover nuzzling her neck, and then her pink tipped breasts.

Greyson’s slow descent to Elaine’s pussy mound only seemed that way. It actually consumed only ninety seconds of time, but when she wanted him to get at the main prize, it seemed longer that it really was. She did, however, gasp pleasantly when he finally reached her spread legs; which she made sure were wide open for him to explore.

“Oh… Gray, that’s where I want you, big boy. I did appreciate your show of affection as you kissed me, but my pussy is what needs your attention at the moment,” she declared. “Having you again has been all that I’ve thought about since yesterday, and again last night as we talked about you boys, and hopefully what we concluded is what’s happening here, but we’re not sure just yet…” and within that amount of time she orgasmed.

Between his tongue hitting all the right buttons, and the thought of what they had discussed the previous night, Elaine was fully primed to peak quicker than normal. It only took half of the usual oral stimulation to set it all off as thoughts of them eventually getting pregnant by the dogs resurfaced easily.

Holly heard everything that Elaine had uttered, and within, she felt the same way. She too swapped tongues with Coffee, and she was surprised at what she found. It wasn’t doggy breath that greeted her, but something that was akin to kissing anyone that had a clean mouth, and then used a very good mouthwash; one that would last for several hours. It wasn’t necessarily minty, however, but herbal in nature nonetheless.

Even as Elaine now knelt on the lush green grass, and prepared to be mounted, Holly was soon experiencing Coffee’s tongue as it pierced deeply between her tightly closed pussy lips. Her protective portal gave way easily, however, as his wet oral digit speared into her deep pocket, and he was soon caressing her g-spot; which was the first of many intrusions, in different ways to excite the spongy area. She cooed pleasantly as he licked her, and was soon orgasming herself.

Holly’s orgasm hit at nearly the same time that Gray’s cock bottomed out within Elaine, and this time it was a pleasant experience from the very beginning. “That’s the way, darling, you remembered,” she murmured at the feel of his hot shaft kissing the bottom of her honeypot, and not hurting as it had previously. She wondered about it, and was determined to see if it would remain that way. If it did, it was because he had to have remembered the previous day’s mating session with her.

Greyson began to move within Elaine at a measured pace and depth, and as he heard her pleasurable response, he knew that he was doing things right for this particular babe. He wanted her to want him, and that meant not hurting her with too deep a thrust. Speed was somewhat acceptable, but not anything that would injure this specific lover. He could feel when his cock kissed the bottom of her pussy and gauged it all accordingly that way.

Once more, Elaine came far sooner than she really wanted, but it was still very pleasant. All she could think about was getting pregnant as Gray fucked her, the thought of it was overpowering. If there was anything cool about it, however, it was the fact that she was still able to talk coherently, and she offered her feeling up to her lover.

“Oh… Gray, you feel so good inside my pussy, and you are fucking me perfectly; it doesn’t hurt,” Elaine proclaimed. “Between your sweet stimulation, and the desire to become pregnant with your puppies, I was unable to hold back very long. The total ecstasy of it all pushed me to the top quicker than I expected,” she confessed.

Greyson was surprised at the fact that Elaine had orgasmed so quickly. He had only been thrusting into her for slightly over five minutes, and usually it took eight or more. It wasn’t until her heard her explanation of the event that he smiled slightly. He knew that the girls were claiming that they wanted to bear his and Tandy’s puppies, but he hadn’t realized that the desire would be so intense, that it would trigger a faster than normal climactic event.

Just off to Greyson and Elaine’s left; Holly was soon reaching her first tongue induced orgasm. She waited no more than a minute and then she too assumed a doggy style position only a few feet from where her housemate was getting fucked by Gray. She really hoped that Coffee wouldn’t keep her waiting too long, and she got her wish. Her climax was definitely waning, but it wasn’t entirely gone when her four-footed lover began gently thrusting inch after inch of his hot shaft into her.

“Thank you, Coffee, I’m glad that you realized how much I wanted you, and that you wouldn’t wait to fuck me,” Holly purred as thrust after thrust sank his hot doggy cock into her.

Tandy was amazed at what he was experiencing also, and he took the barest of moments to look to his right and found Greyson glancing at him also. Both raised their eyebrows slightly, as both girls began urging them on verbally.

As Elaine and Holly began fucking the dogs, both Gloria and Felicia undressed and moved as close to their friends as possible, and not get in the way of the hot action before them. Their roommates were being royally screwed by the huge dogs, and they could hardly wait to experience it all again also.

“Come on, Gray, it’s time to put some of your babies into my tummy. We know that we’ve been altered, it’s impossible to miss that some of us girls were changed somehow, and hopefully a part of it has to do with our reproductive system,” offered Elaine. “I want you to pump me full of your sperm, darling, and I want your seed to meld with my eggs.”

Greyson began moving within Elaine once more. He could feel that her pussy was no longer trying to milk him of his seed. He felt somewhat bad however, because he knew, just as the other Canids did, that there was no ovum available for them to impregnate just yet. He wished that there had been a way to get the young ladies reproductive systems restarted before they were removed from their suspended animation chambers, but it hadn’t been possible, so now, they had to wait a few more days, but it still moved him to hear what they all wanted.

Even as Gray was fucking Elaine once more, and her housemate was begging to be impregnated, Holly began doing the same. “Come on, Coffee, I want one of your babies too, or maybe even a half dozen of them… whatever you can give me, darling. I want to feel your sperm shooting out of you and into me,” she murmured as she thrust back at him, and he bottomed out within her. To her, and the other girls that had a bit deeper honeypot, the action felt good. In the end, however, she orgasmed without him, but even so her pussy tried to milk his seed out of him, and it was all he could do to hold back just a bit longer.

Elaine, on the other hand, finally got what she wanted. Both she and Gray orgasmed together, and she felt him flood her system with his sperm. For over seven minutes, he had been thrusting into her gently, but as his cock thickened, and his knot expanded it finally set thing off. She even jammed herself one last time onto his shaft and even though it ached somewhat, it was still exquisitely beautiful.

“That’s it, darling… impregnate me…” Elaine gasped aloud before she fell silent, and she felt the explicit delight of Gray’s seed gushing into her; while hoping that she had at least one egg available to be fertilized by her four-footed lover.

Two long minutes passed before Holly’s second orgasm passed and Coffee began moving within her once more. He stepped up his pace a bit, but was afraid to do too much as his shaft thickened, and his knot eventually began to engorge with blood. The intensity of what his cock was doing within his mate increased quickly, and he heard her pleasured oohs and aahs.

Nonetheless, it still took nearly seven minutes for the combined efforts of what Holly was feeling to finally set off the fireworks. Her pussy’s nerve endings were fully excited; as was her g-spot and clitoris. Along with her verbal utterances concerning her desire to be impregnated by Coffee as his sperm would flood her uterus and ovaries, the dam finally burst, and she orgasmed so hard that she nearly fainted as she felt her four-footed lover finally filling her with his seed.


Chapter Twelve

As Elaine and Holly knelt beneath their lovers, and reveled in what they felt within them, both Gloria and Felicia readied themselves as best possible. Each of them was naked, and caressing her own pert breasts with one hand; while stroking between her slick labia with the other. Each of them was wet and anxious to experience once more what they had engaged in the previous day. They even went so far as to thrust their middle finger within them and swipe it across their clitoris to prime themselves as much as possible, but not set off an orgasm just yet.

Ten to fifteen minutes seemed like forever to Gloria and Felicia, but eventually the mated pairs parted. It was then that the two young ladies that had not fulfilled their keen hunger for intimacy with the boys, moved into the grass and presented themselves to Gray and Coffee. Only it wasn’t a shot at their pussies as the girls lay on their backs.

Both Gloria and Felicia were now on their knees and about three feet apart as they faced each other. Each called to their chosen dog, and told them what they wanted.

“Come on, Gray,” urged Gloria, “I’m already hot, and if you want to lick me a few seconds, it will be okay, but not really needed. Want I really need is to feel your hot cock in me as soon as possible. I’m really hoping to see that your baby is growing in my belly real soon,” she murmured, and then patted her ass gently in order to get his attention in that manner also. She had seen plenty of videos of other girls doing that to entice a dog to mount them, so she figured that it might just be a universal indication to all canines as to what was expected of them.

Felicia called out to Coffee also. “Come on, sweetheart, I’m already hot too, so all I need is for you to screw me good, and give me some of your special cream. I want to take our relationship to the next level, and see if we are right, and we are now able to get pregnant.”

Each of the boys heard their respective lovers, and began moving to fulfill their wishes. However, they glanced at each other momentarily as they did; realizing that the girls had figured out a lot of things on their own, and that perhaps it was time to tell them everything.

Greyson approached Holly, and as soon as he got there he didn’t bother licking her; per her instructions. He mounted her, and found that she was very wet. His precum did help a bit, but in all honesty her own excitement would have been enough. The first inch of his cock entered her easily, and he quickly followed it with more.

“Oh… Gray, that is exactly what I want, lover. Fill me up… all the way to the bottom…” Gloria murmured pleasantly, and then she looked up slightly.

Opposite Gloria, Felicia was being mounted by Coffee, and the brown looking German Shepherd was soon thrusting his cock into her brunette housemate. “Oh, god… yes, that’s what I want, honey. I’ve wanted to feel you in me again ever since you screwed me yesterday, and especially after all of us girls talked at suppertime…” she managed to murmur as inch after inch of his hot muscle was thrust into her until it finally hit bottom.

Both girls were now watching each other, and it was impossible to tell who really started their own thrusting first, but every time their four-footed lover’s cock hit bottom, they gave it an extra push back, and their actions doubled what they felt within them.

Unlike Elaine, however, whose vaginal depth was a bit shorter, the rest of them could take a smidgen more. When they added their own thrusts, the hefty slab of muscle thudded against the end of their honeypots in a way that was ecstasy and pain, all wrapped up into one; while doing nothing that would truly hurt them physically.

The girl’s actions were tantamount to multiplying what Gray and Coffee were doing to them by a factor of 1.5, and then when added the thought that they could become pregnant by their four-footed lovers it elevated the factor to 2.0. In essence, instead of being thrust into for nearly eight minutes to achieve an orgasm, the time frame was reduced to four.

It wasn’t long before Gloria, and Felicia were slammed by their first orgasms, and the boys stopped their thrusting; thus, allowing the girls to enjoy the euphoric feeling without haven’t to think of anything else. It did, however, surprise the huge animals that their blonde and brunette companions had reached the peak of excitement so soon.

“I have never seen anything like this before,” murmured Elaine as she watched Gray and Coffee stop thrusting as their friends orgasmed. “Of all the videos I’ve seen, not a single dog cared about the girl that they were screwing. They simply plowed right on through the bitch’s climax as though it was only the canine’s ability to breed his bitch was all that mattered.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, Elaine,” offered Holly. “I thought it was just Coffee’s way of taking a break when he fucked me well enough to trigger my orgasm, but now I see that it’s more than that. These boys seem to know how to please a woman the most; riding out the climax.”

“And they also respond well to what is asked of them,” added Elaine. “Far better than any dog I’ve ever seen. Neither animal licked Gloria or Felicia after our friends mentioned how ready they were to be screwed,” and Holly didn’t add to her comment, but a definite nod followed easily.

Once the first orgasms had passed, Gray and Coffee began thrusting into Holly and Felicia once more. They themselves were pleased that they had been able to hold back when the girls hit their first orgasms, but it had been close. In the beginning of this venture they had studied the eight young ladies thoroughly, and liked what they saw when it came to a desire to be mated by canines.

Now, however, it was as though their lovers were so obsessed with getting impregnated by them, that the mindset had heightened the babe’s senses so high that it didn’t take as much to set off the internal fireworks. Thus, their thrusting changed from eight to ten minutes; all the way down two a little more than five.

Once more, Holly and Felicia urged Gray and Coffee to fuck them silly; just before releasing their hot sperm into their receptive bodies. They were so ready to become impregnated by the dogs. They were not sure that they had an egg available at the moment, but the very thought that they could bear puppies was utterly heady to the young ladies, and had an effect on how any sexual stimulation heightened their senses to the maximum.

It was just over four minutes into Gray’s thrusting, and her counter thrusts that Holly nearly passed out, and Felicia, under Coffee’s brownish body was nearly the same way. They were adamantly urging their four-footed lovers to cum in them, and fill their uterus with sperm; wanting the possibility of getting pregnant by the animals, and then they got at least part of their desire.

Both Greyson and Tandy howled as they began to spew their sperm into the receptive females. Their own climactic event was so intense that it was either that form of utterance or one that was a little more human like as their knots locked within Holly and Felicia, and their seed flowed out of the young ladies.

The Canids were as caught up within the moment as the girls were urging them on that they too experienced a greater climactic event than they had ever experienced before. It was more than a mere release of their sperm in a female, but the event was so intensely emotional that it was gut wrenching to them also, as spurt after spurt entered Holly and Felicia; who desired to carry their children with them.

For four intense minutes, both Greyson and Tandy knew that they were continually filling the girls with their seed, and it felt good. The only thing that they regretted was that the young ladies had not ovulated yet. It saddened them to know that the girls would not get their wish just yet, and they knew that they were going to have to talk to the babes sooner rather than later.

It took another ten minutes for Greyson and Tandy to dismount from Holly and Felicia, but when they did, they were hugged, and praised by all of the young ladies for their loving and caring actions; along with how great everything was that they were sharing.

It was then that the southern group noticed that the northern group was drawing closer. The girls were soon finding a place to stand under the back patio as the boys stood on all four feet closer to the pool. None of the young ladies was dressed, and no one was self-conscious of their nudity.

It was Midnight that began to speak once he was certain that he had the young ladies’ attention. To start with, he arose and stood erect before he introduced himself to the girls; which surprised all but Bethany. He spoke English well, and was soon introducing Winters, Greyson and Tandy; who also stood as he called out their names.

Midnight had no sooner introduced his fellow Canids; when a whirring sound caught everyone’s attention. Within moments, a turtle shaped unit came into view. It had a whip tailed antennae on it that stood three feet in height. The device that was easily the size of a fair-sized tortoise hugged the cement edging around the pool, and in its wake, it was possible to see that it was an automated mower.

The fully self-controlled mower was cutting about a half inch swath as it moved at a fair pace, its trail was easily visible in the lush grass, but what was not seen was any clippings. There was nothing thrown around that would need to be cleaned up later, and Midnight mentioned that aspect of it as an introduction of how things were in the small village setting that they were now living in.

“First of all, I welcome you to Anarax,” offered Midnight, “and I also ask your forgiveness in what we have done by abducting you. My fellow Canids and I have a great plan to create a new species. We are similar; as you can see, in many ways to the canines that you know of on Earth. We studied them and their interaction with some human females we became interested in certain things.”

“So, we are not on Earth anymore,” stated Bethany, somewhat interrupting midnight, but he didn’t mind. All the young ladies seemed to be taking everything that was happening here very well.

“No, you are no longer on Earth,” responded Winters, as he stepped forward a bit. “We are currently twenty light years from where this all started.”

“So… there will be no nosy neighbors that we haven’t seen yet, complaining and criticizing us, because we prefer of make love to you dogs… I mean Canids?” murmured Gloria as she entered the conversation.

“Correct,” responded Midnight, as he took over the narrative of the situation once more. “We had planned on facing you lovely young ladies with what was happening here at a later date, but we see that you are far more observant than we first imagined; which is why we decided to talk to all of you now.”

“You mentioned about creating a new species,” Cathy began as soon as Midnight hesitated for a moment. “So that means that between you and us, we can get pregnant as we supposed?”

“Yes, you can,” responded Midnight. “We studied Earth women and found that we could make it work, but it was also when we found you lovely ladies attending the same college. We managed to find out how interested you were in inter-species relationships, and how you were adamantly against being with human males. It was then that we took the liberty of bringing you here to Anarax, a whole new world that is populated with no intelligent being other than ourselves.”

“Cool,” murmured Gloria, and there were seven other voices that expressed the same sentiments; which definitely made the four Canids feel better about what they had started here.

“So, what will our children look like, Tandy,” asked Felicia of the brownish Canid that had mated with her, “and is there a possibility that any of us are pregnant just yet. We awoke yesterday in strange beds, but none of us really know if we recently ovulated.” Commented Felicia.

“Sadly, Felicia, none of you has ovulated just yet,” responded Tandy. “Due to the hyper-sleep that you were in; to both aid in your healing after the minor operations, and the lengthy trip of several months to Anarax, your cycles will not begin for another few days. However, when they do happen, you will no longer be on a twenty-eight-day cycle. Your menses will now be on a ninety-day cycle,” and it was then that he did not continue immediately; which prompted someone else to speak out.

“Well, that’s fairly good news,” offered Bethany, but is there anything more to this place that the hundred homes that we see, and what about our children? Felicia is not the only one who is curious about that.”

Midnight decided to answer this particular question instead of Tandy. To some extent, he had been the main architect of this entire venture; even the final arbiter of which girls to choose, and from the looks of it, his choices had been perfect.

“The building project is on-going,” offered Midnight. “There will eventually be a transportation system devised so that you can see other wonders of this planet. There are already automated farms all around us that will provide the sustenance that we need on a daily basis; all you have to do is order it. The same goes for anything that is not food related, but manufactured. It is all listed on your home’s computers. The household that orders the product is where the item will be sent, and usually arrive the very next day.”

“And our children?” reiterated Felicia, who was more anxious to hear about that aspect of it all, and not necessarily the creature comforts; which was exactly how the other young ladies felt.

“Sorry, I guess I should have answered that question first, Felicia,” Midnight apologized, “but it is heartening to all of us Canids that each of you seem to feel so strongly for our eventual offspring. We have seen and heard your desire since we were first together. When the young ones are born, they will look like normal puppies. However, once they reach the age of four months, they will begin to change rapidly to a more human form. Their hands and feet will become like yours are, and unfortunately… they will lose the ability to run on all fours as we do, but their dexterity will be far greater.”

“And what about the rest of their body, and their facial features?” asked Felicia.

“Their bodies will also become more human. The boys will still have a sheath as their fathers do, but the girls will not emulate us. They will be as you are. They will all be covered with hair, but the girls will only have two breasts; not eight or more. There will be very few multiple births also. This will also be a human trait. As to their faces… they will be Canid, and not grotesque as some of your monstrous cinemas depict,” finalized Midnight.

“Then they should be very handsome,” offered Bethany with a smile, and each of the other seven girls agreed with her.

“I think that you boys have done a very good job here,” offered Anna. “If there was anything that us girls could criticize… it would be that you haven’t gotten us preggers yet,” and once more each of the other young ladies agreed with the observations of one of their peers; while Midnight, Winters, Greyson and Tandy smiled, because she was right. The starting for their feminine cycle would have been better if it had happened a few hours before their mates awoke.

Since Winters had chosen to mate with Anna and Cathy first, he was the one to respond to what she said. “Our deepest apologies to all of you lovely ladies. We are honestly hoping that you will ovulate in two days, and hopefully you, yourselves will realize that it has happened. If you do not mention it to us, we will tell you, so that you can fully enjoy what will follow as we do impregnate you.”

Anna and Cathy approached Winters, and began kissing and caressing him. They led him into the grassy area that was still in the shade. They then knelt beside him; which allowed their naked breasts to rub against her furry chest, sides and back. Every way possible to excite him, and the six remaining girls did the same to their respective mates; unintentionally forming an eight-foot circle that was not noticed immediately, but it eventually would be.


Chapter Thirteen

The four Canids had not necessarily expected the girl to do as they did, but they were not going to complain about it either. As far as they were concerned… this was how the young ladies showed that all that had transpired here was totally accepted. There were no regrets from any of the eight girls that they had been abducted and brought to Anarax.

Even when it was also explained that all of the Canids would eventually mate with all of the girls, and eventually sire children from them, the young ladies were smart enough to realize that in order to keep the gene pool as large as possible, it would need to be that way.

Anna and Cathy had started the orgy of sorts, but it was a refined on; where the original two players did not swap males just yet. None of that would happen until each girl birthed their puppy, and it was several months old. Then, a new male would be chosen, but the girls, who were the closest of friends would remain together. It would be far easier to remember and track who had mated with who as time progressed, despite the fact that records would also be kept by the Canids.

Anna and Winters, Bethany and Midnight, Elaine and Greyson, Felicia and Tandy were the first to mate after the gathering at the southern homestead. They made love on the grass in front of the remaining four, and it was a sexy spectacle as the remaining young ladies caressed each other, or eventually teased their original roommates by touching their breasts or clits as the first four were being mated; whatever they desired to heighten the excitement.

It was then that all the participants noticed where the four kneeling players were at the moment. If there had been an eight-foot diameter circle painted or marked on the soft grass, the young ladies would have been on it, almost equally spaced, and facing the other three. It was perfect for all involved. They got to feel what was happening to them as they were screwed by their current lovers, but also see and hear their college mates responding to the same thing that was happening to them.

As before, there wasn’t much in the line of licking this time, all the young ladies wanted was to once again feel their lover’s cocks screwing them as deeply as possible, and the precum that the huge Canids were copiously squirting was more than enough to pave the way for a smooth entry of the boys’ cocks into the heated pussies of the excited girls. Four distinct oohs and aahs were gasped by four sweet voices as the hot entry was made, and it continued on from there in a lovely chorus of sexual pleasure.

“Oh, god… I’ll never get tired of this,” cooed Anna.

“I don’t think that any of us will,” agreed Bethany.

Dittos were echoed by Elaine and Felicia, but it was the latter that added a bit more, “and I can’t wait until we ovulate. That will be the buttercream icing on a very delicious cake.”

“Oh… yeah. It will be,” added Anna, “but you have to remember, Felicia, that if you ovulate tonight… that it could be this sweet batch of seed that we are about to get pumped into us that impregnates your egg, babe.”

“Mmm… that’s a sweet thought,” murmured Elaine, and even though Greyson’s cock was nestled against her depths; she thrust back and tried to get more of him into her. It ached a bit, but was still euphoric and she was bound and determined to take all of him as hard as he wanted to take her. Little by little she would grow accustomed to the Canids’ lengthy muscle; just like everyone else.

Even though the girls envisioned some of the videos where Earthly canines jack-hammered the bitch beneath them, and the fact that some of the couplings were often over within twenty seconds; with the knots set within the recipient’s pussy, the Canids did not do likewise. They knew what would draw out the young ladies’ pleasure the most, and that was their goal; not haste and speed that was short lived. Where only the two to three minutes of pumping before setting the knot into the vagina was all that was accomplished. The tie may have lasted for longer, but so did theirs; while they too ejaculated sperm into their mates, and there would definitely be positive results with their lovemaking.

The four Canids knew how to pleasure human females, and sometimes a quick, hot, coupling was okay, but the best were ones where the woman was brought to a slow boil; so to speak, and then allowed to experience the rapturous event; while also knowing that there was still one more mountain peak to climb, and also enjoy the scenery along the way… just before topping the precipice and feeling the exhilaration coursing through every fiber of their being. While coupled to it would also be the thought that they were creating a new life in the process.

It took nearly eight exquisite minutes for Anna, Bethany, Elaine and Felicia to be elevated to the first precipice, and the other four roommates could nearly feel it also. As they stood and watched, they were caressing their breasts with one hand, and softly stroking their clitoris with the other; keeping any finger thrusts into their wet pussies until the very last. They did not want to orgasm just yet, but when their roommates second climactic event hit, they were fairly certain that they would also, and at least get a little relief. After all, they would still have to wait for the boys’ knots to deflate a bit before it would be their turn.

Two minutes passed, and then Anna spoke out once more. “Okay, boys, it’s time to really screw us royally. You know that we are going to ovulate very soon, so you might as well keep our baby chamber and fallopian tubes full of seed,” she urged, and Winters, along with the other Canids began thrusting in earnest once more.

Greyson was just as fast as the others; thrusting at the usual pace for them, but his strokes were a bit shallower. His cock still hit the bottom of Elaine’s pussy, but it was about an inch shy of complete insertion compared to the others. Yet in the end, as he set his knot, he was sure that she would do the same as last time. Cram that last little bit of his shaft into her anyway; just not wanting it to repeatedly pummel the bottom of her tube the entire time.

Each and every young lady began urging their four-footed lovers to fuck them silly, and then fill them with sperm; while making sure that they were all as deep into their pussies as anatomically possible. The girls already knew from mating with the boys two other times, that it wasn’t only the knots that were sealing the Canids’ seed within them, it was also the thick cock that would be deep into their bodies that was doing the retaining of the precious fluids also.

Anna knew that she was close to her second orgasm, and so did the others. “Come on, Winters, I want you to make me a mommy, put your sperm in me, and let’s create a baby together. I want to feel it in my belly, and watch it grow. If there are any regrets at all, it will only be that we can’t walk around Earth and have human males see our pregnant bellies, and wish it was theirs.”

“Oh… yeah, that would have been fun,” cooed Bethany as she added a bit of reverse thrusting at the opportune moment and have Midnight thud against her pussy’s bottom. She grunted as it did, but she still added more to her comment. “It would have been so hot to have all of us parading around campus in the skimpiest of maternity outfits and have all the guys salivate over us.”

“Each one would be trying to figure out which of their fellow male students managed to knock us up,” murmured Elaine as Greyson expertly fucked her. “I’m fairly certain that almost everyone knew that we wanted nothing to do with guys, so our pregnancies would really have caused a stir.”

“Well, I know several of our instructors that would have been very jealous also,” added Felicia with a purr as Tandy’s cock continued to move within her, and bottom out perfectly with each forward thrust. “Our science and economics professors would have been only two of them. I saw Mr. Marcus and Mr. Banning purposely dropping things on the floor, and then looking up some of the girl’s short skirts; mine included when he thought he could get away with it.

“The biggest flashers had to be Lauren and Marsha,” grunted Bethany as Midnight bottomed out within her for the umpteenth time, and it felt so good when he did.

“It was, and I know for a fact that they did it. They always had their legs spread as wide as possible so that he would be tempted to do it,” Felicia confirmed.

“That’s because they are both failing in those respective classes, and they were hoping to find a way to get extra points,” Bethany informed the others, “and it wouldn’t surprise me if they each had a bit of one on one after school tutoring by their professors either.”

From that point on, the girls shifted their focus back to the task at hand. If there was a scale of one to ten before the final fireworks began, it would begin shortly because 9.75 had to have been reached by all of them.

“Okay, Winters, it’s time to feed the kitty, sweetheart,” and then Anna lowered her forehead to rest against the backs of her hands. “I’m ready to be impregnated with you puppy.”

“Oh yeah,” agreed Bethany as she too lowered herself the same way. “Fuck your puppy into me, Midnight, I want to feel your sperm shooting into me and joining the rest of your seed that is still there. I know that I haven’t lost all of it just yet, darling.”

“Come on, Tandy, it’s time to work your magic, darling,” murmured Felicia as she too dropped her forehead to her hands; giving her coffee colored lover as good a shot at her pussy as possible. “Oh…, baby, that feels so good…” she nearly cried as he pounded the bottom of her pussy so perfectly, and his knot was caressing her g-spot and clitoris with every thrust and withdrawal.

Elaine was last; to collapse into the most submissive position, and she felt an immediate change. It nearly took her breath away but she did manage to a small comment. “Oh… Greyson, it feels so good… Give it to me now…” and then she orgasmed so hard that she shook. She knew that her lover’s knot was seated within her, and it also felt as though his cock was aligned with her uterus’ opening.

Elaine knew that Greyson had his entire cock in her, and his sheath nestled against her pussy lips. It was a pleasant ache; just as it had been before. When he shot his sperm into her she felt it enter her perfectly; bypassing the outer chamber and flooding her uterus. She knew that he had already cum twice that day, so there wouldn’t be quite as much semen within his reproductive system, but anything from him to her was good, and she could feel the hot seed entering her quite easily.

Elaine was the first to orgasm, but the others were very close behind her. Anna, Bethany, and Felicia were not far behind on the orgasmic trail. It was impossible for those that were watching to claim for certain as to who climaxed next. All they knew was that they could hardly wait to be where their friends currently were; mated to one of the Canids and hopefully receiving a dose of sperm that would impregnate them.


Chapter Fourteen

Twenty minutes was an agonizingly long time to wait for the boys to get free of the others; or so it seemed to Cathy, Diana, Gloria and Holly as they waited for their four-footed lovers to finally pull out of their friend’s well fucked pussies, and yet they were not jealous. The awaiting girls knew that they would be as well-loved as their college counterparts, and that there was far more at stake here than just feeling momentary satisfied. This batch of sperm could very well be what impregnated them, and they could hardly wait to receive it.

Cathy and the others were eventually the center of attention, and it was well worth the wait. They themselves were already primed and ready after hearing and seeing all that had happened to the others firsthand. Just knowing that they were a part of something so grand as the beginning of a new species was astounding, and they could hardly wait to get to first base as they saw it; impregnation.

Cathy, Diana, Gloria and Holly were soon kneeling in the grass at almost the same place as their friends had been; yet a few inches to the left. It gave them a fresh cushion for their knees and hands. They were soon mounted, as that was what they encouraged Winters, Midnight, Greyson and Tandy to do. They felt the first probing inch enter them, and then begin to go deeper as they watched their mounted college counterparts feel the same thing.

They felt the hot shaft enter them so deliciously, and they moaned pleasurably as those around them did the same. Even the others that were standing were encouraging the boys to fuck the ones who were on the receiving end vigourously.

All too soon the first orgasms slammed the girls, and their lovers slowed for them to enjoy the moment to its fullest. It began anew as soon as each of the boys felt the last of the vaginal contractions that were trying to draw their sperm from them, but they only managed to hold the release at bay until another five minutes had passed.

It was all spurred on by all that the animals heard as not only their current lover pleaded to be impregnated, but the others joined in also. In total, it affected the Canids just as much as it would anyone else. It had been their plan to begin a new species, and even though the girls had been carefully culled from hundreds of Earthly candidates, they had not expected the lovely ladies to take to the project so readily.

It wasn’t long before each of the girls dropped her head to grassy lawn and opened themselves up to be taken completely. The boys succeeded in completing the alignment, and within moments the tip of each Canid was in line with their lover cervical opening.

“Oh, my god… yes…” was exclaimed by more than one young lady, and Cathy led the way. He’s filling me up perfectly. I can feel the heat as it is pooling in the baby chamber and then entering the fallopian tubes,” she murmured, and then her orgasm slammed her hard. She nearly fell silent, but what noises she made now were basically incoherent as she shook pleasurably.

Each of the other girls were experiencing the same thing, as the Canids unloaded another potent load of sperm into their willing mates. They too were pleased with this venture and could hardly wait until the young ladies ovulated and were pregnant for sure. It would be the absolute dawn of a new species, and they would be the progenitors of the great undertaking of it all.

Each of the young ladies reveled in what they had experienced once more, and so did the Canids. If there was any down side to any of it, it was when the boys’ knots subsided and they extricate themselves from their current mate as gently as possible. The rest of the day was a bit anticlimactic compared to how it had all begun.

That evening everyone ate together once more, but this time it was in the southern household. The girls basically wore only their t-shirts and no skirt. It was decided that the young ladies would give their male counterparts the rest of the day to recuperate, because they would begin the breeding sessions again the following morning.

The girls talked about every topic that they could think of, and one of them was the fact that they wanted bicycles so that they get their daily exercise. Walking around wasn’t too bad, but there were some very scenic areas that were not too far away, and once they were pregnant, it would be good to get their exercise riding bikes.

Before they all parted to go to their own quarters the Canids saw the advantage of the idea also, and admired that the girls were not lazy slouches, but sought ways stay physically fit. The boys promised that they would have such conveyances for the lovely young ladies as soon as possible.

Each of the young ladies bathed that evening before going to bed, and it wasn’t alone. The three upper story bedrooms were master suites and had their own bathrooms. Ana and Cathy stepped into the shower and were soon enjoying the fair-sized glass cubicle together. There were a number of controls, and they could adjust the units output from one spray head to several of them.

The water could be adjusted from a fine needle-like spray to something less intense, but they could also experience an outright deluge of water if they wanted to rinse the soap off their lithe bodies in a hurry.

This evening, however, was a slow bath, and the luffa sponges that they used on each other felt good. At the very beginning of it all they washed each other’s backs. They then came up behind their friend and slid their fronts along that same area in as much of a full body massage as possible. What was nice about it all was the fact that they never ran out of hot water despite the lengthy shower.

All of the girls slept well, and dreamt of what their future would hold, and for the most part, the young ladies were not too far off the mark as they saw in their dreams the birth of little puppies coming from their expectant forms. What made it really fantastic was that there was very little pain as their infants easily slid from their pussies, and entered their new world healthy and whole.

When the girls awoke in the morning they were all excited. They didn’t even bother to really dress, but wore only one of their colorfully long night shirts. As they gathered for breakfast they also experienced one more surprise. Almost as one they felt a twinge of momentary pain, and as they did, they knew what it was; they had ovulated.

“I thought that the boys said that we wouldn’t ovulate for a few more days yet,” opined Anna.

“Yeah, I heard Winters mention it just yesterday, but I’m very certain that it just happened,” returned Cathy.

“Well, I’m all for it, if it is what we just experienced, and I’m glad that their timing was a bit shorter than what they first predicted,” added Bethany.

“I’m very certain that it was what we just experienced,” Diana offered happily. “So, I guess the boys’ sperm from yesterday could be merging with our fresh eggs very soon, and I’m sure that Winters and Midnight will meet with us shortly after breakfast, and than add even more fresh seed to the mix,” and there was eager agreement and anticipation from the rest of the young ladies.

The scene in the northern household was exactly the same as what was happening to the southern household. Xenia and Genex prepared the girls a good breakfast of eggs, low sodium ham, and toast with a side of yogurt fresh with peaches to top it all off. When the young ladies were done eating they went out to their pool with the remains of their coffee to enjoy the even fresher air there.

“I sure hope the boys show up soon,” murmured Cathy, and the words were barely expressed when both Winters and Midnight arrived from the deepest part of their yard from the front road.

“You boys have work to do,” stated Bethany boldly as she arose from where she was seated and approached Midnight. She hugged him and told him what she and the others had felt just before breakfast.

Cathy arose also and approached Winters. She said nothing at first as to how much she wanted his attention, but she let her actions speak for her. She began by caressing her lover. She started with his ears and neck as she knelt before him. She eagerly kissed his mouth, and then gently reached for his sheath as she whispered in his ear. “We are sure that we ovulated, darling. So, it’s time to make sure that our ovum is fully inundated with your sperm.”

All the Canids had seen the girls’ reaction to their moment of ovulation, and smiled at one another. They had been off a bit on their timing of the event, but at least it was to the positive side of the equation, and not a delayed occurrence. This they could easily handle, and prepared to do so.

This time, the girls did allow their lovers to prime them with oral stimulation, but the boys did not stop with the first girl; they also included the second one, and for Winters it was Anna. However, once both females had orgasmed from the oral stimulation he found Cathy eagerly awaiting him.

“Come on, Winters, it’s time to be sure that your sperm has unimpeded access to my shed egg. I want you to be sure that my ovum has been fertilized, and that it is on its way to my uterus so that it can embed itself there and grow. In other words, it’s time to be absolutely positive that you knock me and Anna up. We want to be assured that we have one of your puppies in our belly, sweetheart.”

Winters smiled as he heard Cathy’s desire, and saw her pose on her hands and knees; giving him complete access to her. He began anew with a few more tantalizing licks and then gently mounted her. As before he found her warm wet pussy easily. His own moist muscle; spraying precum gave him even easier access to his mate of the moment, and at least two inches slid into her effortlessly; at which point he heard her moan pleasurably, and ask for more.

Cathy was as vocal as possible to those that were close to her, and yet not so loud that she disturbed anyone else. Winters was gently yet eagerly thrusting the remainder of his cock into her until he bottomed out inside of her, and she moaned appreciatively once he was fully ensconced within her vaginal vault.

“Oh, Winters, it feels so good to have your hot cock inside me,” she murmured softly as she also felt his fur pressed tight against the backs of her legs, her buttock, and all along her back. His forelegs were pulling her tightly into his groin, and it insured that his phallus would be as deep inside of her as physically possible.

He began thrusting within her clinging channel and she felt every retraction and forward movement as the tip of his cock pleasurably nudged the bottom of her honey pit over and over again. It jarred her insides pleasantly and reminded her repeatedly of how deep he was. He was a part of her, and very soon he would shoot more of his seed into her. If her ovum wasn’t already fertilized, it would be soon, and they would have created a new life-form; which was something they both wanted dearly.

Each thrust of Winters cock into Cathy pushed her excitement higher and higher until she was at the top of the precipice, and then sliding over the pleasurable brink. Her pussy muscles clenched his cock even tighter, and he stopped momentarily as he allowed her to enjoy the ride, but also allow his heated shaft a bit of respite or she would have triggered his own climactic event, and he did not wish for it to end just yet.

Merely screwing the girls and impregnating them was not the only thing that the Canids wanted. They enjoyed sex as much as any human male did; it wasn’t just about procreation. It was also about showing their mates that they cared about them, and wanted to make sure that the young ladies were content with all that the boys were trying to accomplish; which they were.

After Cathy’s exquisite orgasm subsided to about ten percent she felt her lover begin to thrust within her again, and she knew where this one would lead to. “Fuck me, Winters,” she encouraged him. “Your shaft is as big as its going to get; I swear that I can feel every vein on that sweet shaft of yours, and I can barely wait for you to align cock tip with my cervical opening and shoot your seed right into my baby chamber. I don’t want a single little swimmer to get lost on its way to my egg,” she continued, and then she lowered her head to the backs of her hands and within moments the task was completed.

Winters could feel the tip of his cock nestle against Cathy’s cervical opening, and he shortened his stroke so that he would not lose the contact that he had managed to make. His knot had already begun to inflate, and now that he was where he needed to be it all meshed perfectly.

Winters had followed his current mate’s form forward when she lowered her upper torso. He was still nestled firmly against her back with his head over hers, and his mouth close to her ear. “It is wonderful to make love to you, and not merely engage in being the forefathers of a new species,” he whispered. “This whole project means a lot to me and my brother Canids, but because of you and your Earthly sisters, it has turned into so much more, Cathy. You have honored us by desiring to carry our children.”

“Oh, Winters, it is definitely what we all want, and I can easily speak for the others concerning this, sweetheart,” murmured Cathy as she was on the verge of her third orgasm. “Pump your seed into me, and ensure that I have one of you babies in my belly. I can hardly wait to feel it move within me…” and then her third vaginal contractions began.

Cathy’s third orgasm was the strongest ever; almost milking Winter’s sperm from his hot embedded muscle within her. She nearly passed out, and she would have been frustrated if she had. At least now she could feel his climactic event as he sprayed his seed through her cervical opening and into her baby chamber.

Winters trembled as he orgasmed into Cathy’s uterus, and Anna was right there to see it happening. “Damn that looks so hot you two,” she commented softly as she knelt in the grass beside her friend and lover. She didn’t stop there, however; she looked and then reached beneath her roommate and cupped the girl’s belly. “Mmm… I know that it’s only his seed in your uterus, honey, but you look and feel a few months pregnant already, and I can’t wait to look and feel the same way.”

Cathy took a moment to respond to her friend, it wasn’t until some of the most blissful stimulation subsided she was eventually able to do so. “Don’t worry, Anna, I’m sure that Winters will be able to fill your belly with his seed too. It’s one thing I have noticed about our lovely Canid mates; they carry a lot of sperm in their balls, and seem to recuperate quickly. I just hope that once we are truly pregnant that they still feel like mating with us.”

“Oh… you needn’t worry about that, darling, we will keep all of you satisfied,” Winters assured both girls as he swung his Canid snout from the right side of Cathy’s head to the left, so that Anna could hear him better also. “The only thing that will change is that we will no longer attempt to align with your cervical opening. We don’t want anything to disturb our babies as they grow within you.”

“That makes sense,” returned Anna softly, and then her hand moved to her own flat belly at the moment; as she contemplated how close she was to fulfilling her greatest desire since learning about women and dogs. She might already have a fertilized ovum on its way to her baby chamber, but if it wasn’t, she was sure that it would be shortly. As she thought of it anew it thrilled her. She was glad she was no longer on Earth and merely hoping to have a puppy growing within her womb. Here on Anarax it was a reality.


Chapter Fifteen

While Winters was busy with Cathy and Anna, Midnight engaged his two chosen mates in exactly the same manner, but unlike how the others had handled things, with Bethany being the first to truly mate with him because she had somewhat started it all for that particular trio, it was Diana that was allowed to go first as Beth had been first so many other times.

Midnight didn’t hesitate to mount Diana once the young ladies had decided as to who would go first; each of the lovely young brunettes was endeared to him already. All of the young females would be by all of the Canids. He and his brothers had already discussed this venture thoroughly. They could hardly believe their luck at choosing this assortment of blonds and brunettes; the girls were perfect.

Midnight was soon searching for his current lovers vaginal opening, and within moments he found it. His hot shaft entered Diana a few inches, and she responded eagerly. “That’s it, sweetheart, put you cock in my pussy and shove it all the way to the bottom. I don’t want a single sperm to see the light of day until my egg is fertilized, and on its way to my baby chamber. You, me, and the rest of us are going to make puppies for sure today. In the future, it will probably be yesterday or today that officially begin the new species that you and your brothers have worked so hard to create.”

Midnight was sure that Diana was right in her assumption of things concerning the beginning date of the new species, and he reveled in the thought of it all. Each of the girls’ eggs may have been already fertilized; since their ovulation period was a few days earlier than anticipated, but even now as his hot phallus bottomed out within his lover’s pussy it still pleased him to know how much she wanted all of him.

Midnight began thrusting into Diana, and she was soon added her own effort to it. It assured that he bottomed out within her vagina in a way that definitely jostled her reproductive system and she loved it that way. It wasn’t too hard, but she could definitely feel his presence at the end of each delicious stroke.

For nearly eight dreamy minutes Diana enjoyed the deep thrusts of the Canid’s thick shaft; swearing that she could feel every vein as it massaged the heated core and entryway into her reproductive system.

Diana orgasmed as she reached her peak limits of the intense stimulation. He vaginal muscles worked to extract the lifegiving seed from her lover, and she would have succeeded within moments if he hadn’t stopped moving and concentrated on something else. He too was excited by this whole interaction, but he also wanted to extend the pleasure just a little more.

Midnight managed to hold off on his own orgasm, but it wasn’t easy. Not when Diana was urging him in several ways to fill her belly with his seed so that she could assuredly give him a baby from their current union. Her words were backed up by her actions as she continued to thrust herself back at him, and she didn’t stop until her orgasm slammed her so hard, that all she could manage was a quiver as the climactic event silenced her as well as robbed her of further coordinated motion.

It took nearly three minutes for Diana to catch her breath, but when she did, she lowered her head to grass covered ground and urged Midnight on once more. “Okay, sweetheart, it’s time to finish this blissful union. I want your seed in my belly so that I’m sure I’ll get pregnant with you puppy, but I don’t wish to be selfish either. Bethany has been patiently waiting for you too.”

“Don’t worry, Diana,” murmured Bethany as her voice sounded from very close by. I’m sure our four-footed lover knows exactly what he’s doing and will eagerly satisfy me next; just as he is satisfying you, but thank you for the thoughtfulness, honey,” and the words were not completely out of her mouth before Midnight began thrusting once more.

The thrusts were lengthy at first, but then it changed. Midnight’s cock finally found Diana’s cervical opening and the tip of his shaft aligned with it. Things changed then, and the strokes shortened while the Canid’s knot became fully engorged.

Diana may have lost some of the intense stimulation to her clitoral area, but her G-spot’s stimulus more than made up for it. Now the pressure on that particularly sensitive tissue increased and she was easily pushed over the final brink. Her third orgasm hit her like a freight train, but it was also followed by the feel of Midnight’s hot essence as it gushed into her.

Once more, Diana’s pleas to be filled with Midnight’s seed so she could carry his baby in her belly ceased. It had been hard for her to gasp her desires out to him in a coherent manner anyway, but it became impossible once the climactic event slammed her the final time, and she got what she wanted as he orgasmed also.

As both female human and male Canid trembled in unison during the procreative moment, Bethany moved even closer to them. She hugged them; reaching over Midnight’s back and under Diana’s belly. She managed to place her mouth near the joined couple’s ears and whispered a few enticing words of her own.

“You two look beautiful together, and from what I can see and feel I’d have to say that Midnight did exactly what you wanted him to, Diana. I’m not sure how much fresh sperm he is pumping into your uterus, but you already look like you’re pregnant, so congratulations on what I am sure is a very successful union.”

“Mmm… thank you, Bethany, it feels wonderful, and though I’m not looking forward to losing this hot shaft from within my own pussy, I really am looking forward to seeing you get exquisitely fucked by our lover boy here,” she murmured unselfishly.

“Thank you, sweetie, and as much as I’m looking forward to it also, please don’t rush anything. I know Midnight will take care of my needs soon enough,” Bethany assured Diana.

“I will definitely give you my undivided attention next, Bethany,” Midnight assured her.

“I know that you will, Lover, but I am hoping for something else also, but I’m not sure if it will happen, and it would not necessarily be anyone’s fault I suppose,” Bethany opined.

“And what would that be, Bethany?” Midnight inquired inquisitively; wondering what she could possibly be missing.

“I was just wondering if we will feel the fertilized egg as it embeds itself within the blood engorged uterus,” Bethany murmured softly.

“That would be delicious,” returned Diana as she thought about all that they had experienced so far.

“Yeah, it would be,” agreed Bethany. “It’s just a thought, but we did feel when ovulated, and it was just as some of the female anatomy books that I have seen described, and I’m hoping for more, but somehow doubt that it will happen.”

“Unfortunately, Bethany, I doubt it also,” agreed Midnight, “but at least all the needed components for your impregnation will be there, and then we can only hope to nature that all will be as it should be. At least until we can test to be certain that your body is giving off all the other needed signs that will follow.”

The young brunette continued to hug and caress both Midnight and Diana until the Canid’s knot was deflated enough to be safely pulled from Diana’s pussy. “Wow, I can hardly wait to get that hot muscle in my pussy,” murmured Bethany.

“Mmm… it’s hard to believe that I had all of that in my pussy,” chuckled Diana as she rolled onto her back and lifted her pelvic region. Just enough to keep the Canid’s seed within her as long as possible.

She had neither seen, nor felt, a spurt of Midnight’s essence from her body when he extricated his knot from her pussy. So, she was fairly certain that most of his seed was somewhat bottled up within her distended uterus; which she could clearly see, and marvel at. She could hardly wait until it was a baby that was causing the slight bulge.

It wasn’t long before Winters was giving Anna attention, and Midnight was approaching Bethany. Both Canids had finished mating with the first girls at about the same time, and the young ladies who were now satisfied that they were as good as knocked up began urging on the breeding of others.

“We’re fairly certain that we’re preggers now,” murmured Cathy gleefully as she gently patted her extended belly. “I know that at the moment it’s only Winter’s seed that has me blown up like I’m a few months expectant, but there is no way on Earth or Anarax that an ovum can swim through that much sperm and not meld with it.”

“That’s for certain,” agreed Diana as she too patted her usually flat belly.

For the next two girls, their mating began anew by kissing the Canids. “I want your cock in my pussy, Winters,” offered Anna, “but I want you in other ways also. It’s different here than it would be with some other human, but I still want everything you guys have to offer,” she continued as she caressed his neck and managed to swap tongues with her partner in a satisfactory way.

“Dittos,” agreed Bethany as she too hugged and kissed Midnight. She was pleasantly surprised with the results, and continued on with it for nearly a minute before they moved on to something more.

Anna knelt close to where the pair had kissed, but Bethany moved to a slightly different venue. She chose one of the padded loungers with the extra padding from several of the other loungers that sat close by. When she had it ready Midnight didn’t need to do much more than lay on top of her to be in a position where his cock was very close to her vaginal entrance, but he did stop long enough to lick her moist slit a few times; which elicited plenty of oohs and aahs.

Winters did the same for Anna; licking her vaginal crease several times and bathing the area from her excited clitoris to her pinkish-brown rosebud. He too heard contentment from his actions even though they were short in duration, because he knew what his hot brunette really wanted, and it wasn’t more tongue action.

Winters was soon mounting Anna as Midnight covered Bethany. Both Cathy and Diana watched as their housemates were finally on the receiving end of the Canid’s cocks, and it was the hottest thing to watch as the girls were finally skewered by the thickening hot muscles of the alien K9s.

It was almost like a mismatched melody of sorts as both brunettes were saying nearly the same thing, but at slightly different times. Anna was the first to claim how good it felt, and that Winters had bottomed out within her. Then, Bethany was proclaiming the same thing only moments later.

Anna was much like the other girls had been, assisting Winters in getting the maximum thrust and penetration as she rocked back onto his substantial cock as hard as feasible possible. There was no way she could have gotten a fraction of an inch more into her pussy, but she still attempted it.

Bethany was the same way, but in her position, all she had to do was lock her legs around Midnight’s back and thrust upward as he thrust into her. It wasn’t an easy feat, however, as his body was bigger than an Earthly dog, so she could not lock her legs, but was relegated to holding on as tight as possible, and making it work that way; while having no complaints about how deep and hard they were coming together when he bottomed out and jostled her insides.

Anna could feel Winters mounted to her in a way that allowed his soft fur to caress her all along her back. He also had his head down close to her face on the right side, and she told him what she wanted after a few thrusts of his hefty shaft. She began by lowering her upper torso until her forehead was resting on the backs of her hands, and then she whispered.

“I don’t need to orgasm three times, sweetheart,” murmured Anna softly as she gasped in time with their combined thrusts at one another. “Just fill by baby chamber with your seed. That is what I crave the most at the moment,” and then she felt the alignment take place. “That is where I want you…” she added dreamily.

Winters heard all that Anna proclaimed and surged forward with renewed vigor. As soon as they were aligned in a way that would waste very little of his sperm, he expanded his knot to its fullest. When he did, both he and his lover escalated to a peak that simply would not be denied by either of them.

Anna nearly passed out, and for several seconds she realized that Winters was holding her in place so that she would not topple over. Her orgasm was intense, and lengthy, but even from the beginning of it she fortunately felt her lover’s sperm as it shot into her uterus. It was hot and there was no way she could have missed it unless she had passed out completely.

“Thank you, Winters, for selecting not only me, but all of us to carry your babies,” she whispered, but he heard her.

“It is my brothers and I who are fortunate also, darling,” Winters responded. “It is easy to see that we could not have chosen you and your sisters any better.”

As Anna had urged Winters to fill her quickly, Bethany allowed Midnight to do as he wished, and reveled in it. She hit her second orgasm and they remained still until it had passed. It was then that he began anew, and together they scaled to the peak of excitement one last time.

It took them five final minutes to accomplish the blissful task and during that time they were nearly locked eye to eye with each other, but they were not silent as they did so; just not boisterous.

“Come on, Sweetie, it’s time to make sure that I have a baby in my belly too,” Bethany urged her four-footed lover as his hot shaft bottomed out within her repeatedly; jostling her insides perfectly as far as she was concerned.

“Your wish is my command, Bethany,” murmured Midnight as he uttered a phrase that he had heard somewhere on Earth as they had scouted the planet for the perfect young ladies to carry out their grand endeavor to create a new species.

It was only a bit of shuffling on his part to get them properly aligned, and then inflate his knot to lock them together. His timing was perfect, and as she orgasmed; he did also. “Oh… yes, Midnight, that’s exactly what I want. Your sperm in my baby chamber,” and her murmured tone of voice said it all as she gazed up into his eyes as they merged their DNA in a way that would guarantee the creation of new life if nothing had happened already.

“It is a shame that we cannot tell immediately, Bethany,” Midnight confided in her. “We have managed to do a lot here, but it will still take a week or more for everything to come together in a way that we can safely test.”

“That’s okay, sweetheart, just as long as we can still be together on a daily basis I’m sure we can tolerate it,” responded Bethany as she hugged the huge Canid to her, and endeavored to kiss him again. She still had his cock in her, and she wanted to make it all one big circle as their tongues meshed also.

It was a while before Midnight responded to what she said. He liked the idea that he still had his rigid shaft deep into his current mate, and that they had in all inevitably succeeded in getting Bethany pregnant. However, to add a bit of other lovemaking to it at the same time was very appealing. He wasn’t merely implanting his seed and then leaving. He was creating a bond with his children’s mother, and he would try to do so with every one of the girls.


Chapter Sixteen

On the southern side of the street, both Greyson and Tandy were there to greet Elaine, Gloria, Felicia and Holly as they finished their breakfast and were emerging onto the back patio. Various comments were uttered in the Canids’ direction, and all of them had to do with the fact that the girls were sure that they had ovulated.

“You boys are just in time,” offered Gloria. “If my sisters and I are correct in what we felt this morning, it’s time for you Canids to give us your puppies to carry in our wombs. We can’t wait to see how this turns out.”

“Absolutely, agreed Elaine, “and I need a bit of special attention if you don’t mine, Greyson. I want all of you in me, all of the time, not just at the end when we manage to cram your hot muscle into my little pussy. I’m bound and determined to make it so that I can take the full stroke, and you don’t have to hold back anything,” she stated boldly.

“We shall endeavor to do just that, darling,” Greyson said as both Canids drew closer to where the girls were standing in the shade of the back patio, and his comment made Elaine smile.

It was nearly a mirror image during the beginning of the love making. Elaine and Gloria had Greyson lick them to their first orgasm, as Felicia and Holly were on the receiving end of Tandy’s talented tongue. It didn’t take too long for four orgasms to be acquired; one by each of the young ladies.

After the oral excitement, Elain and Felicia were chosen to go first. Greyson approached his blonde companion, and Tandy moved to his lovely brunette. Both girls were soon on their hands and knees in the soft grass to the shady side of the covered back porch.

Greyson gave Elaine a few quick licks since he had just finished with Gloria. She cooed at the pleasant touch but then sighed and responded even more as he began to mount her. “Ohhh… that’s what I need, darling. I want to feel your hairs all along my backside, and your cock probing my pussy. I ovulated this morning, and some of your seed may already be greeting my new egg, but it never hurts to be certain.

“That’s what I’m here for, sweetheart,” murmured Greyson as his cock quested for her pussy and found it.

“Ohhh… yeah, stick you cock in me and push it all the way to the bottom, Greyson. I know that I’m a bit shorter than the other girls, but I want all of you in me no matter what, and hopefully right from the beginning.”

“Are you sure, Elaine,” asked Greyson softly.

“Yes… darling, I’m sure,” Elaine assured him. “I want you to stuff your beautiful piece of hot meat into me, and then inflate your knot. I’m hoping that you will let me control most of this mating session. With you filling me completely from the beginning I’m praying that my pussy will begin to stretch and learn to accommodate you better. So, the longer we are together that way the better it will be.”

We can certainly try, my dear,” Greyson assured her and then her wish was what he endeavored to fulfill. He gently thrust into her repeatedly until he was where she wanted him, and then inflated his knot.

“Mmm… that’s what I want, sweetheart,” cooed Elaine as she felt the fullness of Greyson’s cock; it stuffed her completely. It was then that she began to take control of things as she thrust herself back onto his hot shaft. She started slowly, and little by little she added more force to it.

Greyson allowed Elaine to have control as she endeavored to accommodate his entire cock from beginning to end. It was slow going at first, and even when she reached her first orgasm with him in her, he was nowhere ready to join her, but then things changed.

As Elaine and Greyson engaged in their mating stance, Felicia and Tandy began their session also. She groaned pleasurably as her coffee colored lover thrust a few inches into her, and then followed it up in short order with the rest of his hot phallus. He was soon bottomed out within the hot little brunette, and she was urging him to give it to her fully.

“You know that we’ve ovulated Tandy, so don’t spare too much of the horsepower. I do want you to save some for Holly, but I want to feel every inch of you as you breed me, darling. I may already be pregnant, but we may as well make sure by flooding my baby chamber again. Then there is no way the egg can get through without being mugged by your sweet sperm.”

“I intend to do just that sweetheart,” murmured Tandy softly as he hugged her to his chest in the doggy style pose. Almost every inch of her backside was in contact with his chest, underbelly and rear legs; while his head was tucked in a way that brought his mouth close to hers and it allowed her to easily hear him.

Tandy inflated his knot slightly as he thrust into Felicia. It was impossible for her to miss its presence as it entered her; exciting her clit and then caressing her g-spot. Both sensitive zones were perfectly massaged and pushed her to the top of the mountain quickly.

There was a lull in activity as the girls climaxed the second time, and neither Elaine nor Felicia remained too coherent for long as they quickly approached their third orgasm. The young blonde’s climactic horizon was still controlled by her, but by then she was thrusting herself onto Greyson’s hot shaft in a way that he was climbing the mountain right alongside of her, and he was letting her know that he was about to fill her uterus with enough sperm to ensure that they had a puppy in her baby chamber when it was all said and done.

As for Felicia, her third event was controlled by Tandy and he was giving it to her good; which she thoroughly enjoyed, and managed to pant out to him in a way that he understood. They too reveled in the thought that she would surely be impregnated. She craved it, and so did he. Giving her his puppy to carry in her womb would make him proud, and he told her so.

It wasn’t exactly a race and it didn’t require a photo finish to see which united team finished first, and no one really cared, but four participants finished within seconds of each other, while two others looked on and could hardly wait to be next on the receiving end of the Canids’ hefty cocks. It didn’t matter that they might already be pregnant from the previous night’s romp together, what mattered was that they too would receive a fresh batch of sperm and make it an assured event.

While the last young ladies waited for their four-footed lovers to release Elaine and Felicia, they moved closer to the mated pairs. “Oh… you all look beautiful as you are together like that,” offered Gloria, and then she gently hugged Greyson and her roommate. It was as she reached her left arm below that she felt Elaine’s stomach, and she chuckled.

Because of what Gloria felt she moved back a bit and peeked under the united couple. “Oh… Elaine, you should see your belly. It looks as though you already have a puppy in your oven, sweetheart.”

“Good, but I’ll be glad when it’s not just sperm. I want the real thing, Gloria,” cooed Elaine. “I know our gestation periods will be far shorter than if we had regular babies, but I hope it’s enough to really savor it.”

“It will be good, sweetie,” Gloria assured Elaine, and we will be able to get pregnant over and over, while not getting too tired of it. So that is something to look forward to also.”

“Yeah… I forgot about that,” Elaine murmured in agreement. “It too will be something great,” she concluded as she felt Greyson’s knot shrinking and about to release her; yet knowing that she had all of in her for the entire mating. The first segment had been gentle, but the last half she had managed almost full bore, and was fairly certain that she was beginning to accommodate her lover’s cock far better already.

Holly had drawn closer to Felicia and Tandy, and her actions were nearly the same as Gloria’s had been for the other south side of the street inhabitants. She too cooed about how the mated pair that she was concerned with and how distended Felicia’s belly was. She could hardly wait to be in the same condition, yet she didn’t try and rush anything to accomplish it.

Fifteen minutes after the last orgasms slammed Elaine and Felicia, the boys were slowly extracting their fairly engorged cocks out of their lovers, and looking with anticipation toward Gloria and Holly. This whole endeavor was a monumental undertaking that they knew would go on for years, but all of the Canids were up to the task; just as the girls seemed to be, but the boys were going to be the driving factor.

Once Greyson and Tandy were free of Elaine and Felicia, they cleaned the girls up a bit, and then turned to Gloria and Holly. They gently prepared their next lovers as they licked their pussies anew to warm them up a bit. The girls had offered the next targets as they lay of one of the loungers, and they didn’t rush the boys. Their mates were allowing the meaty shafts to wan just a bit more before trying to shove a fully erect phallus into their tight twats.

It only took four minutes of pleasurable licking for the boys to be ready to go anew, but then, it wasn’t necessarily easy to get one’s cock diminished to closer to the starting point, when you are already contemplating making love to another lovely young lady. Greyson and Tandy really cared for the girls, so it wasn’t merely sticking one’s cock into some vagina and just impregnating a specimen without feelings.

Once the boys were ready, both Gloria and Holly moved into the soft grass and assumed the doggy position. They faced each other very close to where Elaine and Felicia were still laying on the lawn with their feet up; despite the fact that very little of the Canid’s sperm would see the light of day for several hours.

Gloria murmured appreciatively as Greyson mounted her. The temperature outside was almost eighty, but appreciably cooler in the shade. It felt good to have her lover’s fur cover her backside, and then feel his hot shaft questing for her hungry pussy; while relishing the fact that it would be a very short quest, but long pleasurable ride afterward.

“Oh yeah… Greyson, thrust your cock into me and give it to me all the way to the bottom. I want to feel every minute inch of you in my pussy as you put your baby in me,” Gloria urged him.

Holly was feeling the same urges that Gloria was. It didn’t matter that last night’s love session may have already produced seed that had penetrated her shed egg earlier this morning. What mattered at the moment was that there was a fresh batch of his sperm available so that it was impossible for the ovum to reach her baby chamber without having to swim through two to three hundred million of the potent little invaders. Nothing would be left to chance; not this time, or even in the future.

Holly moaned pleasurably as she was mounted by Tandy and his hot cock entered her pussy. The first two inches pierced her easily, and was quickly followed by the rest of her lover in three more thrusts. She was already wet, but his spurting precum definitely aided in the entry of his desired shaft, reaching the bottom of her honeypot easily.

“I guess we had better make the best of this,” murmured Holly, “because once our fertilized eggs reach the oven, we won’t be able to have you boys lining up with the chamber for several more months.”

“True,” returned Tandy, but I know that we will still make sure that you lovely ladies are very we, satisfied nonetheless.”

“Oh… I’m sure we will be,” cooed Holly with an increase in volume as her lover began thrusting into her at a faster pace, and it was very welcomed, “and you can keep up what you are doing right now if you have the strength to maintain it…” she concluded before falling momentarily silent in an effort to catch her breath.

Not to be outdone, Greyson began to increase his pace also, and it wasn’t as easy as it seemed. The boys were once more to their full girth, and in effect far bigger than any toys that the girls had ever used.

“Oh, Greyson,” Gloria exclaimed, “Do it darling, fuck me furiously to my next orgasm, but…” she managed, and there was more. However, it was lost; yet the Canid was very certain as to what her desire was.

Both girls were on the receiving end of the Canids’ cocks for the next four minutes, and it was exhausting to not only the young ladies, but Greyson and Tandy also. If it hadn’t been for the copious amounts of precum and female secretions it would have been nearly impossible for the mated pairs to maintain such a rapid pace. At the moment both Gloria and Holly were being fucked like they would by an Earth type canine, with a much smaller cock.

When Gloria and Holly orgasmed, the boys stopped thrusting and held on to their lovers. Literally holding the young ladies in place so that they would not collapse to the ground; though the girls did slump forward and place their foreheads on the cool grass as they quaked. Their vaginal muscles spasmed rhythmically, and their legs shook with near exhaustion as they rode out the blissful storm that raged within them.

As it was, both Greyson and Tandy were hard pressed to keep from orgasming also. The feel of their lovers’ pussies as the muscles rippled in an effort to coax the sperm out of them was nearly too much to resist.

It took two minutes for the girls to recover from the orgasmic episode, and even Elaine and Felicia were silent in their observation of it all, but the young blonde definitely hoped that someday she would be able to be fucked by one of her lovers with such speed and determination.

“Wow…” Gloria eventually exclaimed once she was able to catch her breath. “That was one hell of a ride. I loved it, and I wouldn’t mind having you fuck me like that again, Greyson, but not for a few weeks,” and then she laughed.

“I agree, Gloria,” murmured Holly pleasurably. “You boys were wonderful, but I think I’d have to go a month before running that race again. I feel as though I was just ridden through four of Earth’s greatest horse races, and I won, but I wouldn’t wish to repeat it too soon,” she concluded with her own chuckle; while still being able to feel the thick shaft within her that had driven her through the heady race.

Once the mated pairs had a chance to catch their breaths, the Canids began again, but this time it was far more sedate, yet very desirable for the young ladies. Positioned as they were, the boys were soon aligned with their cervical opening; probably for the last time during this pending pregnancy, as the uterus would soon be sealed as the fetus’ began to grow. The baby chamber would not reopen until the puppies were born.

Once more the girls began to coax the life-giving seed from their four-footed lovers, but at a more sedate pace. That in itself, however, did not mean that all who were involved did not thoroughly enjoy what they were experiencing. The speed may not have been there, but the depth and feel of every vein of the Canids’ cocks was felt.

The deep penetrating thrusts were there, and with things perfectly aligned the girls knew that very soon they would have another batch of their lovers’ seed right where they wanted it. Everything was as it should be for the reason they were brought to Anarax. All that would soon remain was confirmation that the desired pregnancies were successful.

For six wonderful minutes, the lovers thrust at each other somewhat gentler than before, but as the climb up the hill to the blissful peak continued, the intense meshing of the male and female organs intensified also. With plenty of urgings from Gloria and Holly.

“Oh, Greyson, your cock feels so good in me, darling, and I hate to end this blissful union, but I want you to feed my pussy your sperm. It’s time to be sure that I have your baby in my belly,” she cooed.

“You will, Gloria, and don’t worry, we’ll be together plenty of times once our baby is beginning to grow in your uterus, we just won’t be too vigorous or aligned my cock with your cervical opening. However, we will definitely enjoy this same feeling of intimacy throughout it all.”

“Mm… “I’m looking forward to that, darling,” Gloria cooed as they pressed into each other, and then they both passed over the top. Her vaginal muscles gripped his cock once more and began to milk his seed from the hefty shaft; while he assisted her in attaining what they both wanted. The mutual release was as blissful as ever, and succeeded in flooding her baby chamber one more time in anticipation of her egg’s arrival.

Only four feet in front of Greyson and Gloria, Tandy and Holly were equally engaged. It had not been a race to the ultimate finish line, and it was far more sedate than the previous orgasm that the girls had experienced, but it was still the ultimate pleasure to feel your lover’s seed enter your uterus and know that you were going to have his baby.

For several lengthy minutes Gloria and Holly knelt beneath their lovers and still relished what had just transpired. They wished they could have kept the pleasant fullness that they felt with Greyson’s and Tandy’s cocks still embedded in them, but eventually they had to part, and at least they had the promise that it would all happen again.

It was a pleasantly sated group of four girls and two Canids that rested after the morning’s romp at the northern homestead, and an equal grouping at the southern one, but only Gloria and Holly knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of a fast-paced Canid. Though word of that event would eventually spread, and be tried by the others, but definitely not become a common occurrence. They all liked it slow and meaningful the most, but the occasional ravaging was exhilarating also.


Chapter Seventeen

For one full week, the young ladies were anxious about their pregnancies; despite the fact that they should not have been. During that time, they talked among their individual home groups and also combined, as they shared evening meals between the two homesteads.

During the day, they lounged around the pool, and made passionate love to their male counterparts at least once, and sometimes twice during a given twenty-four-hour period. They relished their lives thoroughly, but also began to do a bit of planning of their own

On the day that they took their pregnancy tests they all congregated at the northern homestead. It didn’t take long for the girls to avail themselves of one of the bathrooms, and then awaited the results together in the family room; while promising each other not to look at test strip until a certain time.

The four Canids were there also, and the young ladies stood close to the male that had hopefully impregnated them. When the countdown was announced; according to the last girl to saturate her test strip with urine, the young ladies held the devices out in a way that the three affected members of the experiment would be able to see it.

In effect, it was a joyous celebration for all that had been involved in the monumental endeavor, and the Canids were soon receiving hugs from both the mothers of their perspective pups. It was several minutes before the festivities changed a bit, and it was led by the fathers.

We are no longer trying to see how you are faring concerning this grand endeavor; as we have seen repeatedly how you too want the new species to come forth and thrive. However, before that we learned of you desire for some means of greater mobility. We will eventually have battery powered vehicles for you to drive, but in the meantime, we have managed to get you three wheeled bikes with numerous gears. It will make it easier for you to pedal from place to place.

“That’s perfect,” and all other girls agreed with her. They did wish to see other places, but they were still content with what they had; while now being able to exercise as their babies grew within their wombs.

Once the boys were done receiving more accolades, and the promise that the bikes would be delivered the next day, it was the girls’ time to do a bit of oration.

At this point, it was Bethany that stepped forward as they were gathered in the living room of the northern homestead, and enjoying refreshments that had been delivered by Xenia. “First, we wish to thank you boys for choosing us for this grand endeavor, and we honor and acknowledge your genius and wisdom. However, we have also been wondering as to how hard it would be to extend our joint adventure.”

“What, exactly, do you have in mind?” asked Midnight.

Bethany hesitated, and turned slightly toward Anna. It was basically her that had been talking to all the others, and getting their feedback; so, she stepped forward.

“Us girls have all discussed this, and with the help of those that are a little better at doing the math, we began to add it all up,” began Anna. “We think that you boys should find four more like-minded Canids, and enlist their aid in this grand endeavor. While also planning to harvest eight more girls that are very much like we are, and we already have the candidates in mind. If such an addition to our ranks was begun, how long do you think that it would take to accomplish?”

This was something that the Winters and the others had wondered about, but were afraid to initiate; simply because they had not necessarily added four more Canids… only eight more young ladies.

“What you are suggesting, Anna is doable, and would create a much larger genepool to draw from,” agreed Midnight.

“And you have some Canids that might be amiable to our new species endeavor?” Anna asked.

Midnight looked at his brothers in this endeavor, and saw each of them nodding before he responded. “Between the four of us, I am sure that we can recruit four other like-minded Canids. They too know how difficult it is for us to function without hands such as our children will have, and even a bit more since they will be able to morph their appendages at will to suit their needs. It will take nearly a year after their birth for it to develop, but it will eventually come.”

“Wow, that sounds fantastic,” returned Anna.

“It will be,” assured Winters, “but now, please tell us about your candidates. How sure are you that they will wish to join you in this endeavor?”

“Very sure,” returned Anna. “Each of the young ladies that we have discussed is like us in every way. None of the girls has ever slept with a normal human. It has only been experimentation with dogs or the deep yearning to do so.”

“And each of them has a deep desire to produce puppies from their lovers,” added Bethany. “While not necessarily being fixated on it to a point that they would not accept the sperm of another canine after the first pup was born if it would continue to give them their heart’s desire.”

“This sounds interesting,” commented Greyson.

“I agree,” murmured Tandy, “and we could also get the new Canids to go to Earth to collect the young ladies. That way we do not have to be gone away from here too long.”

“And if we act quickly,” added Midnight, “the other young ladies could actually be ready to mate with the new Canids by the time we are ready to begin round two.”

“That sounds very promising,” said Anna, and the planning of the additional participants then began in earnest.

It took the combined efforts of everyone. The boys would pitch their project to certain Canids that had often lamented the fact that they, as a species, had to work so hard to get things done; which was akin to a human having only a stubby index finger to use to accomplish everything that was accomplished during a normal day. Then they would show the initiates a video.

The video would be of the girls, and how they hoped that the new Canids would join in the effort to produce a new species of super Canid. One that would be able to morph their hands and feet as needed to accomplish things easier. Then the young ladies would also show how well the new initiates would be received as the girls offered short segments of Midnight, Winters, Greyson, and Tandy making love to them.

When the video was complete, it was Anna that broached the subject about the making of it. “I liked it, but I hope that the guys you want to join us don’t think that it is a bit tawdry.”

“No… I’m certain that the new Canids will get the right impression behind the video,” offered Winters. “Especially as each of you murmured how good it felt, and that you were thrilled to be a part of the new species endeavor. I’m sure that our new counterparts will be more impressed with the fact that all of this is being done willingly on your part than the fact that it is very graphic in nature.”

For the most part, the girls had fun being a part of the short video, but it was Bethany that then broached something different since they were all together again. “I was wondering,” she began. “You boys have thought this thing through very well, but I’m wondering about what would happen, if when the babies are born, that there is a greater number of males than females, or vice-versa?”

“That won’t happen,” offered Midnight, “and I guess we should have mentioned it before, but we Canids can control, with a 99% accuracy, as to whether the sperm that entered your womb was male or female. All we have to do is eat a certain supplement for a week before we make love to a female, and it will guarantee that we have the offspring that we desire; which is important since you lovely young ladies have only one egg to fertilize instead of many.”

“And we were taking the supplements for a whole month before you awoke,” added Winters.

“So, you guys know what we are going to have already,” commented Anna.

“Yes, we do,” returned Winters, and if you wish to know also, we will tell you.”

Anna quickly looked at the other girls, but they were either shrugging their shoulders in a non-committal gesture or shaking their heads. “Nah… I don’t think that we really need to know until the actual birthing.”

“I can tell you for a fact that I don’t care,” offered Diana. “The only thing that matters to me is that they are healthy puppies, and from what I understand of the process you boys used as you prepared us for this adventure, they will be just that.”

“And the fact that we will have an equal number of males and females makes it even better,” agreed Felicia.

“We will keep track of the supplement use,” assured Midnight. “If you have a male with me this time, you will then have a female the next time you are with me.”

“That is so… cool,” offered Elaine.

“It’s perfect for what we are doing here,” agreed Holly, “and I don’t think that I’d change anything to it being like it was on Earth.”

“Unless it was to have more puppies more often,” offered Anna with a slight giggle. “I wouldn’t mind being barefoot and pregnant every three months instead of every six,” and all of the girls seconded that thought.

“We admire your enthusiasm girls,” returned Midnight, “and even though the gestation periods are far shorter than human babies, and the birth of your puppies should be much easier, we did not wish to tax your systems that way. We care about you, and wish to make sure you are the healthiest possible throughout your extended reproduction cycles.”

It was then that the girls gathered around their first mates and cuddled with them; while being fully pleased that everything possible had been thought of.

It was shortly after the video, and short meeting that followed, that the boys left Anarax for a few days. The girls missed their presence in a number of way, and not all of it had to do with sex every day. There were plenty of other things that the young ladies did with their lovers, and some of them were almost like activities that would be shared on Earth with any normal canines.

Some time it even involved disks like a frisbee, or a game of hide and seek, but when the one that was hiding was found, there was always a bit more than a simple tag. The first capture was usually a quick yet satisfying lick to a very ready and willing pussy; while the next one was a full-fledged screwing without the cum, and even a bit more satisfying. The third event however, was the whole sweaty, yet satisfying works, and then a quick rinse using the patio shower; before a cooling dip in the pool.

While the Canids were gone for the few days, the girls banded together and rode their new bikes. They were a marvel of engineering, and by far the easiest things that the girls had ever peddled and rode from place to place: especially at distances of a few miles. The first event turned into a three-day trip, and there were temporary accommodations there for the girls to stay in.

It was akin to going to Niagara Falls and checking into a two-story luxury motel with all the amenities, but everything was free and overseen by robots like Xenia and Genex. The girls were also given Cameras to take pictures with, and when they wanted a group photo, there was a robotic attendant there to assist them with that also.

The girls pounced on the boys as soon as they got together again. “We sure hope that you boys will join us the next time we go to the falls that is only designated by a GPS Latitude/Longitude number on the maps at the moment,” quipped Anna.

“Yeah,” added Diana, “it would have been far more memorable if you four could have been with us. We could have better family photos, and also far more exotic memories of the place as we made love to each other.”

The Canids smiles at hearing those sentiments expressed. This was not merely about creating a new species and nothing more. This was about enjoying it fully with other fantastic memories added into the mix at every opportunity.

Anna and Cathy were soon with Winters as usual. He licked them to their first orgasm, and then Cathy offered herself to their mate; with Anna’s full approval. They were both fairly certain that Anna had gone first the last time, but even so, neither young lady was too concerned about it as the boys had more than enough stamina to fulfill both of the girls’ desires easily.

Cathy was soon kneeling in the grass and being mounted by Winters. She moaned pleasurably as he entered her for the first time since the boys returned to Anarax. “You cannot imagine how much we missed you,” she began, as he thrust deeper into her.

“On the contrary, sweetheart. Trust me when I say that we can imagine,” returned Winters quickly; yet softly so that it was no form of rebuke. “I and the other Canids feel for you and the other girls just as you do for us. It was all that we talked about when we were gone, and it was also part of what enticed the four new initiates to join us.”

“Really?” questioned Anna as she knelt close to the mated couple, and caressed Winters without hindering his efforts to please Cathy fully.

“Absolutely,” returned Winters. “When the others saw how lovingly you girls received us, they wanted it also. On our old planet, we only have one mate, and it is much like your Earth in every way with family dynamics that that are very rich in memories of not only intimate times alone, but going places and seeing things together.

“At first, we all thought that we might have to forego those sorts of things to accomplish this endeavor, but now we are finding out otherwise” Winters concluded. “You girls have made it all possible with your acceptance of us, and wanting us close in every aspect of your daily lives.”

“Oh… absolutely, sweetheart,” murmured Cathy as Winters bottomed out within her and began thrusting at a slow pace. He also nuzzled her neck and sought to kiss her, and Anna also, as they all shared in the lovemaking.

All the girls were pregnant, but that did not stop any of them from sharing their feeling about it all. It wasn’t merely about creating a new species, but the entire journey along the way.

Bethany, Diana and Midnight were experiencing the same feelings as they came together and he mounted Diana after the girls’ oral excitement. It was a close threesome; despite the fact that he did not switch partners until after he had cum in his first mate since returning to Anarax.

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