Women with Animals
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Goldlight Goes Into Show Business


Goldlight was captain Sharon McCain’s apprentice of the freedom stars. She was a spiky gold blonde girl with perky tits. She wore her heroine outfit in gold and white and a golden sun between her hard nipples that poked out visibly. She was walking through one of Delta City’s worst slum alley.

She turned a corner and stopped. A large group of big animal hybrids was centered on two women. It was Alpha Woman and her sidekick Alpha Girl.

Alpha Woman was standing and bent over bracing herself against a wall. She was standing on a soap box with her back arched, thrusting out her ass. A huge bull-man was pumping his cock in and out of her ass. The box brought her ass up to a perfect fucking height if the hulking brute bent his knees.

Alpha Girl was lying on an old discarded mattress. Her legs spread wide. A brown horse-man was fucking her missionary style.

Everything seemed to calm and organized for a gang rape. The beast-men where standing in an orderly line, calmly waiting their turn.

Then it hit her. It was Thursday. She had heard that on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Mondays, Alpha Woman and Alpha Girl gangbanged with some of the mutant street gangs in exchange for them not selling drugs.

They have a weird way of fighting crime,’ Goldlight thought.

But she figured as there was no crime she didn’t have to intervene. She walked quietly past. She suspected that if it had been a gang rape and she had to intervene. She would be lying on her back with an inhuman cock pumping her cunt too. She continued down the alley toward her goal. She arrived at the slum bar she was sent to investigate. The flickering neon sign had only two working letters. B and R.  The rest was unreadable. She went down the stairs to the door. A big fat bouncer stood leaning against the wall next to the door.

“Aren’t you too young to be here?” He asked gruffly.

“I’m looking for a job.” Goldlight said nervously.

“Oh. Ok. Go on in.” He said.

She walked through the door and entered the bar. The smell of beer and cigarettes lay thick in poorly lit room.

This wasn’t an ordinary dive bar. This bar had one of Delta City’s oldest running donkey shows. It had started long before it had been legal. When the law had been changed allowing bestiality shows they had applied for a permit and been approved.


The poster on the wall boasted six shows a day every day. There were six women on the poster and six donkeys. With the time for each show. Five of the women had been crossed out. One woman named Sheena and the six donkeys remained. The picture was of a black woman in her early twenty’s with big Afro hair and a fit, curvy body.

Goldlight looked out over the room. The tables and chairs was tightly packed. The regular customers looked like bikers with beards and tattoos. Most of the customers where tourists. They where easy to spot with there cameras and Hawaiian shirts and the way they where eagerly photographing and filming of the stage.

There was no mistaking the woman on the stage. She was at least twenty years older than she was on the poster and sixty pounds heavier. Most of the fat had landed on her ass and tits. But the rest of her body had caught their fair share.
She was completely naked except a pair of reed high heals.

The stage had a short catwalk leading to a round “island.” Where you would expect to find a stripper pole was a stack of nailed together loading pallets.

Sheena stood bent over it, resting her elbows on the pallets. A donkey stood behind her with his front legs comfortable wrapped around her broad hips. He pumped his big cock up her huge ass in steady strokes.


As Goldlight stood watching, she realized that the woman and the donkey where fucking each other more like an old couple that had settle down in a nice routine in there sex life and not a someone who where engaged in there freaky exhibitionist sex-act loaded with passion.

Sheena was humping back in the perfect rhythm that only come with years of experience. She had a dreamy far away look on her face as she lightly bit her lip in pleasure.

Suddenly the donkey groaned in a spasm in orgasm. He dismounted and then wondered back down the stage. Another donkey walked up the stage and mounted her. She patted his neck encouragingly.

This was what Goldlight had been sent to investigate. How it was possible for six donkeys to perform six times a day every day without fail.

Rumors had it that they was using some kind of drugs on them and that constituted animal abuse.


“HEY KID. What are you doing here?” A woman behind the bar asked. She was a black haired, tattooed woman who looked she could be Bonnie Rotten’s evil twin sister.

“Who? Me?” Goldlight said surprised.

“No. The other perky blonde wannabe super heroine.” She said sarcastically.

“Where?” Goldlight said as the sarcasm went flying over her head.

“Yes. You. What are you doing here. You are obviously too young to drink.” The bartender said now with a note of irritation in her voice.

“Oh. I’m looking for an internship. As a future super heroine I have to get experience in the more seedy side of society.” Goldlight said. she blushed embarrassed when she realized she missed the sarcasm.

“Well if you want seedy you came to the right place. But I have only one intern position open.” She said with a smile, pointing over Goldlight’s shoulder.

Goldlight turned looking at the stage as yet another donkey mounted Sheena.

“I can’t do that. I’m just a girl.” Goldlight exclaimed in shock.

“A super girl. I don’t expect you to do all six shows tomorrow. But Sheena will teach you.” The bartender woman said with a challenging smile.

“But… I could work as a waitress, coat check girl or bartender.” Goldlight protested.

“Nope, you on stage, donkey cock up the ass. Take it or leave it.” She said. Not giving an inch.

Goldlight hesitated, clenching her hands in frustration. Trying to find a way around it.

Then she gave in.

“Fine. I’ll do it.” She said biting back her anger, almost hopping in the spot in fury.

“HA! Be here tomorrow morning at eight.” The bartender woman said smiling in delighted surprise.

“Ok.” Goldlight replied feeling her anger drain away.

“Here, it’s on the house. Why don’t you sit down and watch the show. My name is Hellen LaVey.” She said handing her a Shirley Temple.

“Thanks, I’m Goldlight.” she answered accepting the drink.

Goldlight sat watching the show. Her head spinning, wondering how she was going to get around this. The show ended and someone started passing around a tin bucket with the word ‘tips’ drawn on it in black marker. When it had passed through the audiences Sheena picked it up and walked off stage. A few men followed her and Goldlight went after to investigate. She peered through the door crack and saw Sheena on her back lying on a mattress with her legs spread apart widely.

One of the men threw some bills and coins in the bucket. Then he unzipped his pants and got on top of her. He tried to take his time fucking her But soon he pulled out and came over her tits and face. He took out a camera and Sheena gave him a cum smeared smile as he photographed his handy work. Then another man did the same.

Some pocket change was tossed in the bucket. Then he fucked her. This was repeated until it was time for the next show. Goldlight sat watching the show again. Her head was spinning thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow.


Next morning at eight o’clock, Goldlight stood at the back door to the bar hesitating. She knocked gently, hoping that no one would open. The door opened almost immediately and she felt like her hart missed a beat.

“Goldy! Wasn’t sure you would show up. Come in.” Hellen LaVey said with a big smile.

“Um.. Hi.” Goldlight said and entered.

“Sheena is waiting for you in the back room. Here you’re going to need this.” Hellen said handing her a two gallon plastic jug.

Goldlight looked at the jug. ‘ACME Anal Sex Lube. With muscle relaxant. (Industrial Strength.).’ Her jaw drooped open.

“You’re kidding. I didn’t know sex lube came in Industrial Strength. Are you serious.” She said pleadingly.

“I buy them by the pallet. You’re going to need it, a lot.” Hellen said with a mischievous smile.


She walked in to the next room. This was obviously where they kept the donkeys. There was several stalls with food troughs for donkeys. She heard a sound of a TV from the farthest stall. She walked over to it and saw that it had been furnished with a bed, shelf and an old TV with VCR. Sheena was lying on the bed watching an old porno. A young black teen girl was getting fucked by four cowboys. It looked like it was set on a ranch in the South.

“Hi. You’re the new girl. Aren’t you?” Sheena said.

“Yes. I’m Goldlight.” she said.

“Sit down and watch. This was my first movie.” Sheena said pointing to the TV.

Goldlight sat down on the corner of the bed and watched. The girl in the movie looked like she was no older than fourteen. She was skinny and only her ass was showing signs of maturity. It wasn’t hard to see that it was Sheena in the porno. But that innocent, scared looking teen’s body was very different. Now she had big tits, long legs and a huge ass.

She also had calluses high on her hips exactly where the donkey’s gripped her to fuck her. Years and years of being fucked donkeys had put its mark on her body. She turned back to the porno. The cowboys where cumming on her face.

“Watch this. I had no idea that they was going to do this to me.” Sheena said pointing to the TV.

The men in the porno lifted teen Sheena and bent her over a hay bale. The camera was focused on her face. Then the head of a donkey appeared in view over her shoulder. The men where holding her pinned down as the donkey mounted her. Her body jerked hard and her face contorted in pain as the donkey plowed his cock up her ass.

But then after a few minutes she relaxed. She started smiling and humping back. This caused quite the stir among the men.

“And that’s when I started my porn career.” Sheena said finally.

The movie ended and Sheena got up out of the bed. Sheena picked up what looks like a tool box full of dildoes and walked over to a stack of pallets like the one on stage.

“Well. Pull down your panties and bend over.” She said, pointing to the pallets.

Goldlight obeyed reluctantly. Sheena picked up a big, red, knobby, foot long, dildo and started lubing it up. Goldlight was tensing up. She gripped the sides of the pallet hard closing her eyes. Dreading getting her ass violated by the big dildo.

“Relax. I’m not going to put something up your ass today. ” Sheena said patting her ass soothingly and Goldlight relaxed visibly.

“You’re not?……AAAAAIIIIH. ” She said ending with a scream. As Sheena rammed the big red dildo up her unsuspecting ass.


Hellen LaVey sat in her pentagram with a small cauldron in the middle. A green viscous fluid bubbled as vapors spilled over the edge. She picked up a single golden hair and dropped it in. A hair she picked from Goldlight when she wasn’t looking.

There was a bright flash and a puff of black smoke. She picked up a ladle made of bone and skimmed the clear liquid off the top. She poured the liquid in a glass and mixed it with some orange juice. She had been listening to the squealing little girl for over two hours.

She picked up the glass and walked over to the stables. She stood watching Sheena pumping a huge dildo that looked like it was molded after a horse cock, in and out of Goldlight’s ass.

“How’s she doing?” Hellen asked Sheena.

“Good. I think she will be ready soon.” Sheena said wiping the sweat from her brow.

“I don’t think I can do this. It hurts to much.” Goldlight hoarsely.

“It’s ok. Drink this. Then you can makeup your mind.” Hellen smiling soothingly.

Goldlight licked her dry lips and took the glass.

Hellen’s gaze followed the glass to Goldlight’s lips. Like a predator stalking it’s prey. Anticipating the kill. When Goldlight put down the glass Hellen’s smile shifted from soothing to something more fitting a super villain.

“Now little girl. Don’t you think you can try fucking a donkey.” Hellen asked in slow carefully pronounced words.

“Yes. I can.” Goldlight said after a short hesitation.

“In fact. I think you would love it.” Hellen continued in a suggestive tone.

Goldlight paused. Her brain searching for the inhibitions that previously held her back.

“Yes. You’re right. I don’t know why I wouldn’t.” She finally said.

“Sheena. Let’s try a donkey.” Hellen said turning to the black woman.


Later that night

Sheena was spending the night in the back room getting fucked by customers. The bar wasn’t registered and approved as a whorehouse. But they circumvented that by fucking for tips. Since there was no obligation to pay it wasn’t prostitution and there was no law ageist being a huge slut. She earned almost no money that way. Since most men fuck her without paying. It was an unusual practice. Getting approved as a whorehouse was easy. It seemed like it was arranged to encourage more sex then profit.


Goldlight’s sweaty body slammed repeatedly in to the stack of loading pallets, as Binky the donkey gladly pumped Goldlight’s petite little butt hole.

The audiences was delighted at having someone new on stage.

And the donkeys where equally glad to have her. After over fifteen years of having only one female to fuck. This was a breath of fresh air. Granted that Sheena had a sphincter as powerful as a vise. But new was always good. Binky came up her ass and left. Soon Ior was towering over her.

Goldlight arched her back encouraging penetration.

Her gaze fell on the floor of the stage and as the donkey cock plowed in to her she saw occult symbols light up around her.
The light pulsed in rhythm of the donkey’s fucking

Ten minutes later when he added load of cum to twenty-eight others up her ass. Goldlight saw the symbols flash brightly.
Goldlight looked around. Behind the bar she saw Hellen LaVey. Her tattoos pulsed with the same kind of light. Goldlight focused her mind on the lessons in magic she had revived when she had interned with Miss Darna the sorceress.

It was hard in a post orgasmic haze. But she could see Hellen’s aura swelling and grow stronger with every orgasm she had.
She could also see a flow of magic from the room where Sheena was getting fucked.


Next morning

Goldlight awoke with her face buried in something soft, warm and sticky. She managed to pull her face free making a noise like someone yanking of a bandage and saw Sheena’s huge cum smeared tits. They had fallen asleep together on Sheena’s bed last night, or more accurately this morning, since after the final show, she had joined Sheena in the back room. They had been fucking bar customers until five in the morning.

Goldlight stood up on shaky legs. She thought about last night. It was magic. Hellen LaVey used magic to give the donkeys there stamina. It was a magical ritual. That’s why the show was so repetitive, that’s why she had gone through with the show and that was legal.

The law didn’t recognize the use of magic. She smiled as she realized that she had solved the mystery. Then the smile faded away as she realized that she had no reason to stay in the show.

As soon as she reported to Sharon McCain she would be reassign. But no one would know if she stalled. She could wait and not tell. Goldlight smiled as she made the decision to stall for as long as possible.

She walked over to one of the donkey’s. She keeled but his side and watched as his cock grew hard. She started jacking and licking the cock. After a few minutes hard work the donkey came in her mouth. She swallowed her cum breakfast greedily.
She realized someone was standing behind her and turned around. Hellen LaVay was standing there leaning nonchalant against the stall doorway.

“So, how long did you say your internship was?” she asked with a knowing smile.

“Months. Maybe longer.” Goldlight said returning her smile.


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