Men with Animals
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(c) by Nathan

I’d just graduated from Herald high a little hick high school in Plymouth Indiana. I was glad to be done with all that shit now and now I could go into the world and find my destiny. The school board was even happier to getting rid of me. They told me I’d been the most disruptive student they ever had in the history of their school. What they didn’t say was the only reason they didn’t kick my ass out of school was I had pull with the principal. I was putting out to him. He liked fucking young blond boys and I was his main piece of ass all my senior year. That all started when Principal Hicks caught me in the teachers washroom sucking off my mathematics teacher one afternoon. He’d promised me to boost up my grade if I would blow him. Now that I was nineteen and had my diploma and I could get out of this friggin town. The courts put me into this foster homes fifteen years ago when I was orphaned and I had to learn real fast how to show respect to a man and service him sexually.

The only good thing about Harry was he had a big cock and he knew how to use it. It took about two week living with him that I ended up being his bitch, and by the end of the year I was his whore for him and his buddies. Now that I was of age I was free to do as I damn well pleased. I had money saved from hustling and stealing money out of old Harry’s pockets when he was drunk. The first thing I bought was an old clunker and it had been a lark driving cross country. When I reached Texas I was getting low on funds. When I passed this dumpy little motel in south Texas I decided to check in and check out the local cock. It was cheap enough and all the wetbacks seemed to be staying there. I always had a taste for Mexican. At home they all seemed to be big and uncut like a well wrapped tortilla.

It was blistering hot that summer afternoon and I was beginning to regret checking into a motel that didn’t have a swimming pool. I sure didn’t feel like sitting around in that dirty dingy room of mine so I move out onto the balcony. Sitting outside of my room in the shade of the roof I spotted this middle aged Mexican hunk lounging on the steps. Since our rooms opened on the backside of the building we were shielded from the street. That stud was just casually sitting in his undershirt with the fly to his jeans open stroking one man size cock. I wondered if that guy was a worker at the Motel or a guest. Checking out the parking lot all I saw were old running wrecks. I got to thinking this place was really the local `El Cheapo’ motel for all the Mexican day workers. That Mexican hunk was looking up in my direction and waving to me. Calling out to me he said he was going to take a swim and did I want to join him?

Leaning forward over the railing and yelling back I ask him where the pool was. Laughing he said there was a natural creek over in the woods just in back of the motel. Telling me to grab a couple of towels he would take me over there for a swim. I though `hot shit’, a dip in a real creek sounded two good to be true. On think for damn sure I was going to get more than just a swim. I was into my room in a flash grabbing a couple of towels and on my way. Looking around I didn’t see him, then I heard him calling out to me, “over here Gringo”. Looking around I finally spotted him standing over in the bushes at the edge of the lot almost hidden.

Jogging across the parking lot I slipped into the bushes and made my way along the narrow path following behind him. In just a few feet from the motel we were standing on a grassy bank of a bubbling clear spring fed little pond. It was real neat, almost the size of a swimming pool. Reaching down and dipping my hand in they water I almost shit. It was colder than a witch’s tit. All he said was, “get naked and jump in, it’ll will make a real man out of you”. I was hot, tired and dirty and I though nothing could make me feel better. Stripping and taking the plunge into the icy water it was invigorating as all hell. Coming up breaking the surface of the water I saw that the Mexican guy in the water splashing around his tattered jeans and sandals laying on the bank.

Freezing my nuts off I had to get out of the water. So shivering and pulling myself up on the grassy bank I told him I felt like I’d been reborn. Sitting there on my towel watching him crawl out of the water I was mesmerized by that hunk of meat he was sporting. I guess I was just one big cock hound. Coming over and laying down next to me I knew damn well he was cruising me. Playing his game I asked him if he was staying at the motel or if he worked there. Grinning he told me he did the cleaning at the motel. He told me his name was Chico then he began telling me about his little truck farm out in the country. Going on he told me that he grew vegetables and sold them and some chickens and eggs in the local market. Going on in his broken English he said he was working at the Motel just long enough to make a little extra money. He wanted to buy a little filly or heifer for his farm.

Getting up then as if he’d enough small talk he said was going in for that swim now. Watching those hot brown buns of his diving into the water I thought that Mexican bull had one hot looking body. I knew he was on the prowl looking for a piece of ass and I was more than willing to put out to him. Watching as he moved through the clear still water Chico I loved watching that short stocky body and of course that beautiful big cock of his bouncing around. Damn I though, he was built like an animal. Pulling himself out of the water all wet and shivering he told me the cold water usually took care of his hots but this time it just didn’t work. Setting up and looking his grinning face then looking down at his cock he was sitting there with a big grin on his face playing with his big juicy hard-on. Damn, this Mexican stud was hung like a bull and he knew damn well I was on the make for him.

He was having his fun teasing me. Reaching down and taking his cock into my hands I told him I could take care of his problem for him if he wanted me to. Looking at me just inches from his cock he asked me if he could fuck me. Boy I thought, this guy didn’t kid around. He spit it right out. Rolling over and spreading my legs in an open invitation to him wiggled my ass just a little and telling him there wasn’t anything I’d liked better than his cock up my ass. Chico sure didn’t need a second invitation. Crawling up on top of me and spreading my legs apart with his he began shoving his cock into my ass. I could tell this stud had fucked a lot of men before and he knew just what he was after. As he worked my ass he told me he really needed a good fuck. He was fast and he was hot. As he slammed into my ass it didn’t take him long to get his nuts off. I felt really cheated because no sooner had he cum than he was down washing himself off in the creek. Looking up and smiling he told me I was a damn good fuck.

As he began pulling his jeans on I ask if he wanted a blowjob before he put his treasure away. “Shit no” he said “I ain’t no fairy”. Then, as if he had second thoughts, coming over and standing there he let his jeans slide down. Taking his cock in his hands he asked, “you as good as sucking cock as you are at getting fucked boy? Well then give this a suck?” He just was too big juicy to let him get away. Taking his cock into my hands I sucked it into my mouth going down on him right down to his balls. He was a bit skittish at first but pumping that piece of meat down my throat. I could feel his body relax and begin to enjoy himself. Standing there and spreading his legs he put his hands on my head and began to push and he began ramming his whole cock down my throat. He was really getting into the fun of getting a good blowjob now and he damn sure seemed to like it.

By the time I had him primed and shooting his load he was damn near in tears. If I do say so myself I was a damn good cocksucker thanks to Harry and his buddies. After I’d gotten him off and licked him clean we dressed and walked back to the motel together. It was almost supper time and turning to leave him to go into the dinner. Grabbing my hand to keep me for a while he told me again I was a real good fuck and he wanted me again. Chuckling I told him when he was ready for another go at my ass I was in room 15. Then winking I told him to just rap on the door and I would take care of him. It was about midnight when I heard this soft knocking on the door. It was my Mexican hunk. Letting him in I was already naked so I began to peel his undershirt and jeans off of him.

Slipping down to my knees I took that beautiful hunk of meat into my mouth. At first he was still a little timid but with a little sucking and licking on his cock and balls he began sporting a real fine hard-on any animal could be proud of. I got him so worked up he almost drug me over to the bed hardly able to contain himself. He couldn’t ram that cock up my ass fast enough. As he crawled up on my body jamming that meat of his into me I told him he was one hell of a bull and I wanted to be his heifer. Giggling he was in my ass and pumping like a crazed animal saying I was the best piece of ass he’d ever had. When he got his meat off screwing me in that damn boring missionary style of fucking I managed to roll over putting my legs around his waist. Pulling him to me and lifting my legs over his shoulders I move my ass onto his cock. He got the idea real quick and jamming his cock into my ass and grinning began fucking the hell out of me.

Now laying in bed on my back I had the advantage that I could now massage his strong body and tweak those hard little nipples of his. Resisting me at first the more I worked on him the hotter he got. It wasn’t long at all before he began going with any and everything I wanted to do with him. He even knew he was out of the closet now when he bent down and began kissing me and sucking his tongue into my mouth tasting his own cum. I knew I had me a lover. I wasn’t finished with this stud yet. I damn well wanted a lot more of my stallion’s meat. When he shot his wad he let me down and lay beside me. Sliding over on him I let my body move against his in a slow easy way and I could feel him begin to respond to my body again.

Pulling up on him and straddling his body with my legs and reaching back for his cock he was hard the minute my fingers touched his shaft. Rising up on my knees slightly I moved my ass over on his cock and slowly began to descend on that hard pulsing shaft. He lay there wide eyed and excited and I knew I was taking him to places he’d never been before with a man. Beginning my ride on his meat gently and grabbing hold of his nipples I began the ride of his life. Bucking and twisting he was off in another world as his cock serviced my ass. He was all mine now and he was a bitch in heat. We fucked like animals in heat in every position again and again all night. It was dawn and we were exhausted He was laying there with his cock still imbedded in me when he reluctantly said he had to leave to feed his stock. Standing naked in the doorway I watched him leave telling him I wanted to see him again.

I slept in that day knowing I had this bull by his horn and he belonged to me now. When I did finally get up and go down to the dinner I knew I would be seeing my Mexican again soon. I decided to sit at the counter to eat where I could watch the people as they came and went. Mostly the customers were men and looked like migrant day workers. I wondered if all the Mexicans were hung like Chico my Mexican animal. Just thinking about his cock made my ass twitch. It was two late to order breakfast so I had a burger and fry’s. Leaving the dinner I stopped by the office telling them I’d decided to stay a few more days. With nothing better to do for the rest of my day I decided to take advantage of the creek. Heading over to the creek I didn’t bother with a towel this time.

Standing on the bank I stripped and made the plunge into the still waters. It seemed even colder that it had yesterday. Staying in the water for only about fifteen minutes I was frozen. I started crawling out of the water wondering if my Mexican stud would come for his afternoon delight. Laying on the bank it wasn’t long before I saw my stud coming down the path. Smiling I knew I had him hooked and he wanted me again. He was coming toward me a big smile on his face and a big bulge in his jeans. Giggling to myself I knew I owned that cock now that he was now my toy. I was going to enjoy this afternoon delight. Standing I began to strip him. No sooner had I gotten him naked and lay down he had me on my back and he was on his knees his cock hard lifting my legs. He knew the drill now and scooting forward he pulled me up and began feeding that cock of his in my ass.

I knew one thing for sure my Mexican was now out of the closet all the way with the door nailed shut. He was really going at me and I was in ecstasy. When I opened my eyes I saw three Mexican men standing around watching us. Chico was so far gone he was pumping my ass like an animal and didn’t pay any attention to anything. They loved watching a gringo getting a big Mexican cock up his ass. Then they began stripping and jumping into the water to wash saying they would be back for their turn to fuck me. Chico was finished with my ass now and wanted his blowjob. Going down on him he asked me if those three guys were going to be enough cocks for me. Giggling I told him I though it would do for a starter. Smart Ass I though, he was the one that told those guys to come here. Before I could say anything to him he was pumping his cock down my throat. Looking up at that hard beautiful body of his I just kept swallowing that big lush cock of his.

Grunting and pumping Chico was having a ball getting his nuts off. He was really primed and when I took his load the second time he was almost crying in ecstasy. Finally pulling out of me and standing aside he gave the other wetbacks that were lined up a chance for their blowjobs. I was about halfway done with them when one of the guys dogs came crashing through the bushes scaring the hell out of us. He began to jump all over us. They guys kept pushing that hound away and I finished blowing all of them. Chico spoke right up when I had finished sucking them off. He told them the Gringo likes to get fucked by big Mexican cocks. Hearing what he said I dropped down on all fours wiggling my ass and asking them if anyone wanted to fuck me now. That was when it really started getting wild. Lining up my boys began climbing on my back screwing me dog style.

Chico was the last one to get his piece and grunting in satisfaction as he slid into my well lubed ass saying he would never get enough of my ass. When he pulled out of me moving quickly around holding me down he began giving directions in Spanish the other men. They all began laughing and leading the dog over to me. They had that big dirty hound was on my back in a flash one of them guided his cock into my ass. struggling I tried to get away saying I wasn’t going to be a bitch for any animal. Giggling and laughing they held me firm as the dog worked his cock into me. Holding that big hound on my back the frenzied dog finally managed to get all of his cock up my ass. When he realized he had his cock in his bitch he began going at me like a tripphammer. In seconds I could feel his knot swelling in my ass and then we were tied. Then he really began pumping me full of his cum. Now I was hotter than hell and really into it. They were all having a great fun watching the gringo getting reamed by a big dirty mongrel dog.

When the dog finally crawled down off of me the men were laughing calling me animal boy. As they dressed and left they said they would see me again real soon. Now alone with Chico we dressed and Chico said I was just like one of those crazy animals he read about. The kind of animal that never got enough sex–a nipha or whatever they called it. Then he asked if I liked getting screwed by animals. Thinking about it I laughed saying it I should have been born an animal and live in a stall and service the rest of the livestock and grinning I said I wouldn’t be choosy I would let all the livestock fuck me. We walked back to the motel in silence. Finally breaking the silence he asked were I was going to next when I left the motel. I told him I was just scouting around. No one expected me anywhere or really gave a damn were I was. I was a free agent. I was looking for somewhere to layback for a while and just have a good time saying maybe I would stay around here until the cock ran out.

Grunting Chico told me he would send up some more boys for me tonight to make sure I stayed around awhile. Then he explained the Motel was expecting a truckload of migrants to be staying here. When the men got off duty they were usually hot and horny and would love to get a good fuck. Chico told me he would ask them if they wanted to fuck a good looking gringo boy. Giggling I said I would be happy getting a little meat tonight. Then I told him I was going to turn in early and if he was really going to send me up some men I wanted to be rested and ready for them. I though if I was going to party tonight I better take a quick shower and get some sleep.

Before my shower I turned the old air-conditioner on and down as low as it would go. I tried to sleep but the whizzing and banging of the air conditioner was driving me nuts and kept me awake. Getting it up and shutting if off I propped open the door. I managed to finally get to sleep. It was about midnight when someone was shaking me awake. Looking up in the dim light I could barely see six middle aged swarthy looking men standing there looking down at me. I thought I was being robbed by a Mexican gang for a minute. Then when one of them spoke up in his broken English he ask if I was that gringo whore Chico told him about. Looking up at all those big dirty crude men with those evil smiles on their faces I was frightened. I knew better than say anything realizing that this was no game. The word had gotten around the motel that I was a hot free fuck and I even let animals screw me.

These guys were hot horny animals and ready fuck anything they could get their cocks into and right now that was me. I knew I had two choices. I could fight them and get the hell beat out of me and then they would raped me or I could just surrender my body to them and give them what they wanted and enjoy it all. Deciding to give myself to them nodding and saying I was that gringo whore Chico told him about I rolled over on my belly spreading my legs telling them I wanted them to fuck me. They were silent for a few seconds and then they began striping and I felt that hot sweaty body of the big one that had been talking getting into the bed. Fumbling for a just a second with his cock he rammed it up my ass. He had to be as big as Chico or bigger but he felt so wonderful. He fucked me just like Chico had at first. Hot, horny and wanting just to get his balls off. After he shot his load he pulled out of me and the next one mounted my ass. This time it went real smooth thanks to all the cum the big guy had pumped into me.

I was now really slick and juicy. Thing that was two down now and for of those studs to go. This was my night. After I’d taken the four cocks I realized there were more men standing there and they weren’t the same ones that had just fucked me. Thinking what the hell, then I realized this whole motel was filled with Mexican workers and word was getting around what was going on they all wanted a piece of the action. By now I was so hot I was more than happy to supply it. Someone had brought in some booze and we all would drink a little and they would fuck a lot. Even as the sun was coming up my room was still filled with naked hot horny men. Then the guy from the pond with the dog came in. Telling them something in Spanish they all laughed and pulling me down on the floor the led the dog over to me. The dog mounted me and began doing his number. I knew the drill so when he tied to me I was really into it.

I wasn’t sure when Chico had come into the room or how long he’d been there watching the party. When the dog dismounted a big stocky dark Mexican told me he wanted to show me how to really have a good time then. Giving some instructions to some of the men in his broken English- Spanish mix of speech two of the guys grabbed my legs and rolling me over on my back. Spreading my legs opening my ass like a chicken waiting to be stuffed I watched this big Mexican rubbing something on his hand and arm. Then kneeling down between my legs he began working his fingers in my ass. Then he began working his fist into me. Chico stood watching in fascination as I lay their spread eagle with someone’s arm working its way up my ass. Getting glassy eyed I was so turned on I began begging him to fuck me with his arm.

Chico watched in fascination saying I was really more of a fuckin animal than a man. Giggling he said he knew just the place where I belonged. Then laughing he left. After the fisting the men went back to the gangbanging. It was dawn when the men finally left saying they had to go to work. Chico had come back into the room to ask how I felt now. Still groggy when I answered him saying it was wonderful he began tying my hands and feet. Then telling me he had decided to take me home with him to live. I chuckled to myself thinking I had got to this Motherfucker. Then looking at me with those black eyes he said I would be the perfect bitch for his animals. If I could take a mans arm up my ass I could dam well take a horse’s cock up my ass. I would be perfect to service all of his animals even his dogs. Closing the door he told me he would be back when he finished up his work and quit. Now that he had the bitch to service his stock he didn’t need to work anymore. He told me he said had a few things to do and then he would take me home.

Chico was gone for hours but then he was back telling me it was time for us to leave. Pulling his truck around and parking by the back stairs then taking the shackles off my ankles he led me naked down to his truck. Shoving me into the truck he dumped my luggage and clothes into the bed of the truck. Making sure we weren’t seen by anyone he pulled out of the lot. Looking for my car as we passed through the lot I asked what he’d done with it. Laughing he told me he’d sold it because I wouldn’t be needing it anymore. Driving through the alley and down some back roads he finally pulled out onto a highway. Looking over at me he told me he’d quit the motel now that he had the one piece of livestock he needed for his farm. Swearing at him I told him I wasn’t livestock I was a man.

Humming as he drove he didn’t pay any attention to me or anything I was saying. Slowing he pulled into a rough gravel road and drove for about three miles and then this pack of dogs began chasing us and barking. Driving by his neat little house he pulled in front of a big red barn telling me this was where he would keep me. Opening the truck door and pulling me out he drug me into the barn. Then pushing me into a stall he chained me up to a hook. Red faced and panting he forced me to my knees telling me it was as good a time as any to start my training. Dropping his coveralls and greasing up his cock he spread my cheeks pushing his cock up my ass. I was upset until then but as that cock slid up my ass I pushed back happy to have him in my body. Feeling my responding to his cock he then raped the hell out of me saying he would get me ready for the animals in stages.

I was hot and still wanted more screwing when he dismounted and pulled up his coveralls. Watching him he moved to the front of the stall and stood there greasing his hand and arm up. Telling me to keep my legs spread wide he was going to get me ready for his animals cocks. My heart began to pound when I realized he was going to fist me. Getting on my knees I spread my legs eager for him to start. Kneeling at my behind he began first to work his fingers into my ass and then when he got them all into me he began to make a fist. He kept telling me to hang in there and he would get me all kinds of cocks. As he worked more of his hand and arm up my ass he told me I was going to love his pones. Resting every few seconds he then began fucking me with his fist and arm and then rest again. He kept at me until I could hear my body surrender to that huge arm of his and begin stretching.

Now Chico was really working my ass I would hear the sucking noises my body made as it welcomed him as he plunged his arm in and out of me. By now I was in a delirium and begging for more. Finally after he finished with me I lay there on the floor of my stall in a warm happy stupor. It was evening when Chico came to look in on the animals and see how I was. He had even brought me a bucket of food. Dumping it into a trough I was so hungry I ate like an animal. Begging him to let me go to the bathroom he told me to shit like all the other animals did. Humiliated I squatted down and shit in the corner of my stall and covered it with some straw. Then laying down in the straw and rolling over I finally managed to go get to sleep.

When Chico came in to my stall in the morning the first thing he did was clean away the old straw from the floor and sprinkle fresh straw down. Then dropping his coveralls and greasing up his cock he began laughing when he saw I was hard and on my knees eager for him. I knew he needed my ass now as much as I wanted that cock of his. After reaming me royally he began greasing his hand and arm up. This time I knew what to expect. I was going to be fucked with his arm and first and I was now ready for him. After a week of this I was begging for him to let at least the ponies fuck me. Still saying no that it was two soon he didn’t have my body ready yet. Then he did give in saying he had a pack of hound dogs that needed a bitch if I wanted them. Begging him to let me service the dogs he led me out the yard. It felt so good to be outside. Chico whistled for his dogs then. This big shaggy half-breed mongrel came to him. Leading one of them over to me he told me to stoop a little lower for the dog. When Duke managed to mount me I was in ecstasy. It felt so good when he tied to me I wanted him to keep it up forever. Pulling out of me happily Chico let the other dogs have me.

As I was servicing his dogs I could see him taking my suitcase and clothes and throwing them on a burn pile. Then taking my wallet he kept the wallet and tossed my identification into the pile. Then dousing the stuff with gas he set it on fire. When he led me back to my stall chuckling saying now as a man I never existed. Looking down at me being fucked by his dog he told me I belonged to him now like all the rest of the animals on his farm. Looking down and smiling I rather liked being an animal. Chico kept servicing me as well as fist fucking my ass. I knew damn well his cock belonged to me now. As the weeks passed I began to love my life here and of course Chico and that wonderful cock of his. Now all I had was a slim chain attached as a token restraint to my collar. I wouldn’t dream of running away and Chico damn well knew it.

It was on a Friday that a truckload of Chico’s friends from the Motel drove over. Leading me out of the Barn and over to the truck he asked me if I remembered any of them. Nodding I said I remembered they were the first ones in my room that night that screwed me before I started servicing the whole motel. One of them, the one with his dog led him over to me saying his dog missed his bitch. That’s all it took, me in the yard on my knees with his dog screwing my ass to get all of Chico’s hounds after me. The boys had brought a keg and the party got started with me in the center of it all. Someone had built a fire and they all sat in the firelight drinking and watching me getting screwed by a pack of hound dogs. By the time I had service all of the hounds they were well on their way to being crocked. Now they were all hot and horny and I began taking them up my ass. My night had turned into a real drunken gangbang. This was even more fun than my night at the Motel.

Chico stood in the center of them all saying it was time to give them a real animal show. Standing and waving his arms for them to follow him he said it was time for all of them to see his animal boy service some real animal cock. All of hooting and hollering trouped into the barn after him and watched as he led out one of his ponies. Telling me to assume the position he led the pony over to me. Stroking the beast’s cock until it was big and hard began feeding it up my cum slick ass. They all stood there drinking their beers and watching in fascination as that huge cock began pushing its way inside me. By now the animal was really getting hot and began pumping me so hard he was pushing me across the floor on my knees. Once he got started he sure seemed to like my ass and I sure loved his cock. When the beast unloaded I felt like my insides would explode but he just kept pumping. I was going wild and I wanted to keep that giant cock in me as long as possible. Finally he was finished with me and began to withdraw.

Chico declared he had gotten himself one fine bitch for all his animals now. Then Gomez piped up does he does horse’s. Giggling Chico said let’s find out. Leading Blazer his horse out they tied him and secured his legs. Then pulling an old bench out from the wall they had me lay on it and shoved me under the horse. As they began jacking him off to get him hard they began feeding his cock up my ass. It was just like the pony but his cock was as big as a mans arm. Thank god they had the sense to stretch me before they gave me to Blazer. Shifting his weight he liked the feeling of my ass and his cock almost seems to shoot up my ass. Now hot and excited the horse reamed me so hard he shook my whole body. As he hammered my ass I fainted in the shock of that huge cock ejaculating inside of me.

It was morning when I woke. Chico was standing there watching me. “How do you feel boy?” he ask. All I could say was damn sore. Then all he said was that I did a damn good job and Blazer loves my ass. He’s needed a mare for a long time he really fucked the shit out of you last night. Now that he knows you, you can really get close to him. Pulling me up and leading me into Blazers cage he told me to suck him off. The horse seemed to know me by my smell and as I crawled under him I could see his cock beginning to swell. Opening my mouth wide I took all of it I could manage and began sucking on him. When he came it was almost like breakfast as he filled my mouth again and again and I kept swallowing his cum. Coming out of his stall and giving him a kiss I told him I loved him.

It was when I was having my breakfast in my stall that Chico asked me if I would be willing to service his friends livestock. Then looking down he said the extra money would sure help him manage better. Moving over to him and kneeling in submission I told him what he did with his livestock was really up to him. With that said it was all settled then. He would rent me out to the other farmers. That very afternoon a rider came into the yard on a very skittish horse. Tying his mount to the hitch out side the barn he asked Chico if what the boys were talking about at the bar was true. Did he have an animal boy that would be a bitch for his horse. Chico nodded and the man asked if he could get his horse serviced. After discussing the fee Chico unhitching the beast and led him into the barn calling me over. He asked me then if I was up to servicing a horse today. I was out in a flash and leading the horse into my stall. I asked Chico if he would bring my bench in for me. The first thing I had to do was get to know the animal.

Crawling under the animal stroking and petting him I began licking and sucking on his cock. He seemed to like it and accept me. It was just a few seconds later that he rewarded me with his cum. It shot out all over my face and ran down my chest as I tried to suck and lick it from his cock’s head and swallow it. The men stood and watched as I crawled up to my bench. Reaching around behind me I began feeding his cock up my ass. Rearing just a little then the horse began moving his cock into my ass. Feeling my hot body around his cock he began to get with it and suddenly he was real hot and horny and pumping my ass like I was his mare. This time I knew what to expect and rocking with him he worked his cock deep up into my ass. When he came I thought I would explode as he filled my body with his cum. Finally he withdrew contented and I slid out from under him.

Staggering out into the barn with his cum seeping out of my ass and covering my body I asked if he could bring him back again soon that he was a wonderful animal. Looking at the man now for the first time I noticed he was in uniform. Then looking at his chest I could see the star of a law enforcing agency. Smiling at Chico told him he would bring another horse over tomorrow, then pausing he asked if Chico would be willing to bring his bitch over and service all his animals at once. He had two pony’s, two hounds and his other horse. Then adding he said he would be glad to pay extra for the service. Kneeling at Chico’s feet I begged him to take me to his farm. Smiling he said he would bring me over next week and I could work with his animals all day. Then looking over at him he asked the sheriff if he wanted to get his nuts off. Giggling he said he though he would never asked him. As he dropped his jeans and slipped into my ass he asked Chico if I was for sale. Chico just shook his head saying I was his favorite animal.

I was up early when Chico came into clean my stall. He said he had a lot to do today. First on the list was to brand his new livestock. Leading me into the barns main area he had a little propane burner going with a branding iron in the fire. Taking out of the fire and holding it up for me to see he ask if I was ready to become his property. Looking at that big c with the small h thought it I asked were he was going to brand me. Patting my ass he said about there on the side of your butt. Nodding and kneeling on my hands and knees he gave me a stick to bite when he branded me. When the iron touch my butt it felt cold for a second and then I could feel the burning and then smell my flesh and then it was over.

Taking the stick from my mouth he lifted my head saying I was a good boy. Backing off he said I made one fine looking animal and lifting my head he said he had one more ting to do to me. Picking up a big strange looking needle he lifted my head telling me to close my eyes. Then he held my noes and I felt this sharp pain in my nose and he began feeding a ring through my nose. Backing off he said I made one fine looking animal. Holding up a mirror for me to see myself I saw this big golden ring through the fleshy part of my nose between the nostrils. Hooking a small clip to it he showed me how simple it would be now to lead me around after him. To show me how well it worked he led me over to the bail of hay on the other side of the barn. Then he said he was so pleased with me he was going to show me how he felt about me. Dropping his coveralls and bending me over the hay bail spreading my cheeks his wonderful cock sank into my body as his hands began playing with my nipples. As he filled my ass with his cum I forgot the pain of the branding and the piercing of my nose for my ring. I was now his full service beast. I was his animal now.

In about a week I was back to my duties of servicing the livestock. Pulling the truck around to the barn Chico came for me and leading me out with my new nose ring I proudly pranced behind him. Looking over to me he said it was time to go service the sheriffs animals. In his generosity he even let me ride in the cab with him. Smiling I asked if he was going to rent me to all the farmers around here. Chuckling he said the money was good and he knew I liked my work. When we went over to the Sheriffs farm it was a short ride between the two farms and he said I would probably be making this trip quite often. Smiling back at him I said I certainly hoped so.

Pulling onto the Sheriffs property he honked several times and slowed in front of his barn. Sheriff Wilson came out of the barn waving to us saying we were right on time. Coming around and leading me into the barn I was all excited when I saw how many animals he had. Pulling a bail of hay of the stack he said we would need to grease the skids before I could do my duty. No sooner said than done he began unsnapping his coveralls. Chico puled out some KY and handed it to him. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. As he entered me the sheriff was one of these slow starters. Slowly he pushed forward with each thrust until at long last he was deep inside me. Then and only then did he start pounding my ass fucking me like a wild animal. Panting and red faced he shot his wad.

As soon as he withdrew out of my ass Chico was working he way in me. I knew it was a matter of minutes before I would get his arm and fist up my ass to prepare me for the animals. I could feel him shooting his load into me and then withdrawing. Seconds later I could feel his fingers opening my ass up. The sheriff watched in fascination as Chico’s hand went into my ass and then his wrist and then finally he was into my body up to his elbow. Sweetly purring saying I was a good animal he began fucking me with his arm. Looking up at the Sheriff he told him it was necessary to loosen me up to keep me from hurting myself. Finally I was ready for the animals. That’s when the sheriff ask if he could fist me. Handing him the lard he greased up and then I felt him enter me and I kept begging him for more until he was in up to his elbow before he began to fuck me with his arm. Finally pulling out with that loud pop he asked Chico again if he would sell me. Chico said the answer was the same. That I was almost family.

Leading me to a table I knew the drill. Crawling onto the padded surface I slipped my feet into the stirrups so as I mounted the table my legs were splayed exposing and spreading my ass. Slowly passing me under the horse they let the animal sniff my ass and then they wheeled me under him. As my body and ass rubbed up against him I was touching that expanding cock of his. They had restrained the hoofs of the animals all that was left was feed his cock into my ass. The more of that horsecock entered my body the animal began to whinny and shift showing his approval of his new mare. Suddenly when he was almost halfway in me I could begin to feel him pushing on his own. My whole body shook and he took me as his mare. I was so excited I began shooting all over myself.

As they rolled me from horse to horse Chico told the sheriff we could come back next week and do the ponies for him. Shaking his head he asked if it was alright with me that he would just as soon get it all done today. Nodding yes to Chico he said it was lunch time anyway and they could give me a rest and run over to town for a bite to eat. Helping me down from my breeding bench they led me to a stall telling me to get some rest for before I took on the ponies. Contented and happy I though I must remember to remind them I wanted to service his dogs before I went home. With the smell of the fresh hay I was more content than I’d ever been in my life. Chico had promised to mate me with his bull next week. Then I fell into a deep restful sleep.

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