Women with Animals

King: The Beast in Me


(c) 2003 by edmondl

Chapter One

My name is Catherine and I was a flabby, overweight twenty eight year old. I have always been fat, even when I was a little kid. I always seemed to be hungry, so I ate big meals and big snacks in between meals. I loved candy and cake and any other sweet thing I could get my grubby little hands on. The kids used to make fun of me and call me names, I kept making myself promises to stop eating so much so that I would get skinny like the other girls. But the more I worried the more I ate and the fatter I got. I was very lonesome and would do anything to make the other kids like me.

As I grew older, I was attracted to the good-looking boys, personable boys my own age, but the attraction wasn’t mutual. I had to settle for what I could get. My popularity depended largely on the fact that I would have sex on the first date. As a result I was pawed, seduced and fucked by a number of boys. After one of these encounters I found myself pregnant at sixteen. I just about went out of my mind with humiliation. I’d heard of girls getting pregnant and being expelled from school. When Tommy found out he was furious. He just called me a dog that nobody wanted. So I did the only thing I could I turned and ran. I even considered suicide. But it was only a thought and I wasn’t even close to it. Fortunately fate took a hand and I had a miscarriage. I hadn’t told anyone other than the boy responsible, my parents weren’t even aware of it.

After that harrowing experience I refused to be fucked by any boy even if he insisted that there was no danger of pregnancy because he’d use contraceptives.

Tommy even came back begging to lay me and he was the last person who would ever have had the chance. When I left school I got a job in an office because I knew how to type pretty fast. I was stuck in an office and they shoved all the work they could at me. My parents were always arguing about me wanting to know why I didn’t go on a diet.

When we were out in the car, my father had a habit of pressing down hard on the accelerator whenever he was mad – and I guess it did it once too often when he and Mum were out on the highway. I was home watching television when I got a call from the hospital telling me that there’ been a terrible crash and both my parents had died. I sold our house and bought a small two bedroom town house.

But I was lonely living alone and I didn’t want a room mate, so I went to a pet shop and bought a boxer dog, I named him King. He was a loveable, affectionate puppy and just great for companionship. He grew into a loveable, affectionate dog, he was almost as tall as me when he stood on his hind legs. He liked to stand up with his paws on my chest and lick my face and I’d pet him and stroke his fur. It happened that on one of those occasions, when he did that, I was naked having just come out of the shower. King bounded into the room, stuck an inquisitive nose into my crotch and gave my slit a big lick. I swear I nearly fell over with astonishment as I shooed him away, but he just came back and jumped up and put his paws on my shoulders and started licking the drops of water from my breasts. I didn’t think anything of it at first; I just petted him as usual. But when his long tongue started on my nipples started feeling pretty damned good. Then before I realised it, he was clutching me and moving up real close and jerking his hips in and out like the dogs I’d often seen in the street when I was a kid. I felt something hard, hot and hairy poking into my leg, when I looked down I saw that it was King’s big cock sticking out twice as far, bigger and longer than usual as he was rubbing it against my leg.

King actually wanted to screw me. For a minute I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I just stood there, shocked. I thought of all the things I’d used up my slit like my finger, the candle and so forth and none of them had been as good as the real thing. I looked down at King’s excited cock and realised that this was the real thing, alright.

If I were to actually let King screw me, maybe we’d both enjoy it and I wouldn’t get pregnant. I’d heard a lot of stories of girls having sex with their pets, but I don’t think I really believed it until that moment. Because at that moment, I knew that it was going to happen and I really wanted it to happen to me. I could have a man but I didn’t want one they were all selfish creatures out for just one thing – to screw you.

I’d known ugly, selfish boys who’d taken me out to a drive-in movie so that no one would see me with them; a movie was the price they had to pay for getting screwed, even if it was with a fat, homely slob like me.

So I went over to the bed and as I stretched out on it. King leapt onto the bed, stood over of me and tried to shove his stiff cock into my slit, but he couldn’t. I was either too low or he was too high. It didn’t even occur to me, right then, to do it doggy style, with me on my hands and knees. Instead, I piled up pillows under my behind to raise my crotch off t

he bed. He finally came in between my legs, wrapped his paws around my middle trying to lift me up. I felt his cock jab against the inside of my legs until it found my wet slit. With a shove he pushed it all the way in and just in time, the poor dog was so anxious he was whimpering and spraying his juices all over me.

It was beautiful-better than my fingers, any salami or even a guy’s cock. King kept humping between my legs until he spurted all of his hot liquid deep inside me. By that time I had already come twice and I was feeling no pain. I didn’t even bother to dress for the rest of the weekend, I had no reason to go out and King could get out into the yard whenever he wanted or needed to.

All I have to do when I come home from work is to strip off and get down on all fours. King does the rest, its only a matter of moments before he mounts and fucks me. The men and boys I have known only lasted for less than five minutes, King on the other hand has lasted in most cases for at least twenty minutes and sometimes longer.


Chapter Two

The sexual activities between King and I flourished. I rarely dressed when I was staying at home or if I did dress it was only in a flimsy housecoat. Before getting undressed I put socks on King’s feet. I learned that if I put socks on King’s feet I avoided being scratched and his mountings became less painful.

The affection I had for King turned to outright love. King on the other hand was more interested in what is located between my thighs. I didn’t care for men any mone, the result being that he could do what ever he wanted to me. To go back a little way in the previous chapter. During that first weekend I didn’t give any thought to King’s comfort. I thought only of myself. Laying on my back was most natural position. King standing over me was unnatural for him. However we both satisfaction, his cock rubbing against my clitoris everytime he slid his cock in and out of my cunt bought me to orgasm after orgasm. I don’t think King’s relief was any where near as satisfying as mine.

The events that led to my getting on hands and knees for him to mount me was started more by luck than anything else. I was on my knees in my kitchen, cleaning out a kitchen cupboard. Dressed only in a flimsy house coat. At home I never wore underwear and I always slept naked.

King came up behind me and like always he started was sniffing and licking my arse and pussy. His licking always turned me on. He suddenly stopped his licking and tried mounting me while I was still on my knees. Unconsciously I leaned forward onto my hands and as I did King wrapped his forelegs tightly around my ample waist. Jerking his haunches back and forth he quickly found my pussy opening and with a shove he slid his cock all the way into me. His cock was deeper inside me than I thought possible.

He was pounding his cock in and out of my cunt like a piston No man had ever been able to thrust as fast and deep into me as King did.

I could feel his hot pre-cum seeping from his cock lubricating me as he pumped his thick cock in and out, driving cock deeper and deeper into my vagina with every savage thrust. Then I felt the knot in his cock pushing against my pussy lips on every inward stroke, growing bigger and harder with every thrust. I wanted him to drive his lengthening cock all the way into me. I groaned as he pulled back, he gripped me even tighter with his forelegs and savagely thrust his hind quarters forward and his cock upwards. His thrust was so hard that the now huge knot spread my pussy as he shoved it all the way into me. I felt my cunt lips stretching around the huge knot, as he tried desperately to tie with me. The knot in his cock had swelled to a baseball size

Pulling back he gripped me even tighter and savagely thrust his hind quarters forward and upwards again. His shove was so hard that the now huge knot spread the outer lips of my pussy and through to my tight inner lips. My pussy seemed to open up as he shoved his cock all the way into me. My cunt closed around his knot and we were tied together.

His cock flexed deep inside me as his balls erupted and his hot cum gushed into me. Spurt after spurt of hot cum went into me as my vaginal muscles spasmed around his pulsating cock. Then without warning he turned and we were knotted tightly together. Orgasm followed orgasm. After the fourth or fifth orgasm I lost count. No boy had ever been able to give me that much pleasure.

After King had finished with me he licked my arse and cunt cleaning me. He hadn’t done that to me before. I enjoyed it. I didn’t bother having a shower. I went into my small sitting room curled up in a fetal position and went to sleep with King alongside me. During that slhort but relaxing nap I had the most wonderful dream. In the dream King was a prince in dog form and I was his bitch having my womb filled with his pups. The dream ended when King started licking my cunt again.

Getting to my hands and knees I let King mount and fuck me again. This time the knot in his cock didn’t grow in size until he was all the way inside me. I am never too tired to enjoy my lover’s attention regardless of how many times he fucks me.

The End

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