Women with Animals

Cabin Fever


(c) 2015 by desaangelique

I was staying at a cabin of my Uncles this last summer while I was on summer break from my second year of college. I love the woods and living in Michigan gives me lots of chances to hike and just enjoy nature. My Uncle’s cabin is surrounded with forest and for a month I enjoyed walking the faint paths. Its not a touristy area so there aren’t a lot of well marked paths to follow.

At college I’m a fairly well known party slut. I attend a frat party almost every weekend during semesters and I always go home with my pussy, ass and belly full of warm delicious cum. I love being a cum dump and I’ve taken a dozen guys in one night. I often visit a popular porn theater near the campus and spend a few hours servicing cock at the glory-holes. I learned long before I lost my virginity that cock-sucking was my avocation. I also learned quickly to deepthroat since I’m rather petite and a 3 inch cock is knocking at the back of my throat. I have a low gag reflex, which helps.

Anyway, this isn’t about my extracurricular college activity. This summer my Uncle was leaving for a trip to Australia and was a bit desperate to find some way of taking care of his dog. He has this huge Rottweiler he calls Hercules. Just seeing Herc – as my Uncle Ray calls him – is a bit scary. The animal is huge. Standing beside me his back is level with my waist and I imagine he outweighs me by 50 pounds. Like I said, I’m on the petite side at 5 feet and barely tip the scale at around 100 pounds.

My size is partly why I’m so popular with men. All men like to feel big, especially their cocks and even the average cock looks big with me. I’m small but well formed. My breasts are only 32B’s but on my small frame they look larger and my hips are wide at 34, flaring from a 24 inch waist. I keep my hair short since i’m on the college swim team. I’m a diver and I have to say I cut a rather voluptuous figure in my tight diving suit.

So I’m dog sitting that summer and enjoying the solitude for the most part, taking long walks, exploring the woods around the cabin with Herc my constant companion. Like most people I was a bit scared of the animal at first but I soon learned he was the sweetest of dogs. No doubt he could be dangerous considering his size but he took to me almost the first time we met. My uncle had just smiled and said he had no worries now while he was away.

“Herc seems fond of you Kimmy. I’m glad I don’t have to kennel him for a month.”

Well, I was fond of Herc. I could have wished he wasn’t quite so fond of me that his tongue was always getting me wet. But he loved to walk with me on my daily hikes and we found a couple wonderful spots to picnic and we spent many hours roaming the woods together. One particular spot was like a storybook glade. The trees circled it, leaving a sunny opening that was mostly grass, almost looking tended. There was one dead log that lay there, from some tree that had fallen and it was a perfect spot to sit and enjoy the day. I often brought a lunch with me and some treats for Herc.

Herc often ran off for a bit to chase some forest animal but he always returned after a bit to jump on me with his wet tongue at my neck or face. He nearly knocked me over in his enthusiasm at times. He’d rise up and plant his forepaws on my shoulder. He was just as tall as me when he did this and his weight often staggered me if I wasn’t expecting it.

So the days passed. My only problem was getting horny. Like I said, I was very active sexually during college and living in the woods didn’t have many opportunities for sexual gratification. I masturbated a lot!

At first I felt a bit self-conscious about masturbating since Herc seemed to find my activity during this time fascinating. He’d sit by the couch or bed as I relieved some of my desires, eyes watching, tongue lolling from his mouth. After a while I got used to him watching and mostly forgot about it. I presumed his interest was because of the moans and little cries of pleasure I always produce.


The day it happened we were at our favorite picnic spot. I’d just eaten and fed Herc some treats. I had gotten in the habit of dressing light on our walks. Usually in a light tank-top and cut-offs. I seldom wear a bra in hot weather and this day I was feeling very horny. One of the reasons I liked this one spot was the almost amphitheater feel of it. Surrounded by trees I would sit on that old log and drag my shorts and panties down, laying back on the log to play with myself for close to an hour sometimes. That log was well marked with my scent as I orgasmed on it frequently.

I had just given myself two delicious orgasms and was relaxing, my tank-top pulled up to expose my firm breasts to the sun. My shorts and panties were still around my knees when Herc returned from another exploration of the surrounding forest. I was more than a little shocked when he walked up beside me and shoved his nose between my wet thighs and began to lick at my still dripping pussy.

I sat up quickly, pushing his face away and stared at him. The touch of his rough tongue across my swollen pussy lips had sent a disturbing rush of what I was scared of describing to myself. I’ve been eaten out by men who enjoy it and it’s always a treat. I enjoy it and more than once I’ve spent a night with a woman. I’m not lesbian but I’m certainly bisexual and a woman knows what I like best. Some of my best orgasms have been with a woman between my legs and I’m not so stingy as unwilling to return the favor. I’m very oral as I mentioned.

I stared at Herc for long heartbeats, slightly embarrassed. Sitting on the log, boobs exposed, my shorts and panties slipped down to my ankles as I sat up. I could feel Herc’s attention on the plump wet flesh between my legs.

I had a wild, exciting thought. I put my actions before you for the next hour or so to my state of mind. I was HORNY!

“You like my smell, Herc? Like the taste?”

Herc only whined a bit and I smiled. With my brain shouting the pervertedness of my thoughts I spread my knees and touched myself again. I swear the animal smiled at me and stepped up, returning his muzzle between my thighs and a rough wet tongue began to lick.

“Oh my god!” I gasped as incredible sensations shot through me.

I orgasmed very quickly. My mind was overwhelmed with one thought. Herc’s tongue felt so GOOD!

I reached down and worked his ears, petting him with gratefulness for the pleasure he was giving me. I exploded a second time and my pussy actually sprayed, soaking his muzzle in my juices.

Then I lost my mind for a while.

I fell to my knees and kissed his wet nose, then bent over in front of him, wagging my ass in his face.

“You deserve a reward for that, boy,” and whined like a bitch in heat.

I’ve said Herc is big. He wasn’t stupid either. He saw something instinct told him was natural and being long legged he simply walked onto me. Something hot and hard poked between my wet thighs and my body reacted. I lowered my head down to my arms, folding them beneath and Herc did the rest.

I was fortunate in that my pussy was dripping wet and very ready for cock. Herc’s big cock was fully unsheathed and ready. He found what he wanted quickly and the glade echoed with my sudden loud cry of pain -and pleasure. I’ve never been one to agree that pain has anything to do with pleasure in sex but when Herc’s big cock stretched me wide and sank deep into me I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood. There was pain but there was an indescribable pleasure too.

Herc began to hump, vigorously. He felt huge inside me. My pussy spasmed wildly around his hot cock as it rammed me in rapid thrusts. His heavy body pressed down on my ass, rocking me with his strong animal thrusts. His forelegs clutched my ribs and his head hung down. I could feel the hot pants of his pleasure on my neck as he fucked this unusual bitch.

Then my breath left me as I felt him swell inside. I had no conception of what was happening but he seemed to blow up inside like a balloon. At the same time I grew aware of a liquid heat flooding my womb. My mind was returning and I realized Herc was breeding with me. He was cuming inside me!

At the time I just savored the sensations coursing through me as an animal had sex with me. I orgasmed again but it was unlike any orgasm I’d experienced. It seemed to go on and on as Herc’s cock throbbed and spurted his hot cum into me. There was pressure unlike anything I’d experienced against my spot and each backwards tug of Herc’s cock pressed against it.

I know now, of course, it was his huge swollen knot rubbing my g-spot. Most men have no conception of the pleasure a woman can feel when that spot is found. My body was spasming and writhing beneath Herc’s furry body. I was pinned to the ground and couldn’t have pulled away from him if I’d even wanted to.

I didn’t!

As Herc’s thrusts ebbed he stood still over me. My mind was spinning, body still echoing with the most intense orgasms I’d ever experienced. I was incredibly aware of his cock inside me. I felt fuller than I’d ever felt. I’ve had a few large cocks but nothing like this.

Herc was whining now. His hips tugged at me, reawakening those orgasmic echoes each time he tried to pull away. I got a bit panicky then. He seemed stuck. His knot was still swollen and my pussy wouldn’t stretch enough for him to jerk out. Mind you, at the time I was uneducated about dog sex. I only knew he couldn’t get his cock out of me.

I’m not sure how long we held that position. My face lay on my folded arms, ass high with Herc’s cock trapped inside me. My pussy and womb felt very hot. Herc made a strange motion, twisting around so that our butts met and he was standing, facing away from me. He started to tug more and I moaned as each tug sent a wild rush of pure bliss through me. I wasn’t panicking now, I wanted him to go on tugging, that huge knot crushing against my spot.

He finally did succeed in jerking free and a final yelp of pain escaped my lips as his still slightly swollen knot stretched me hugely. The pain was delicious. At that moment I knew, yes, some pain can add to pleasure. My pussy spasmed wildly and it felt like I’d peed myself as dog cum gushed from my gaping vagina, soaking my thighs. I didn’t move for a while and Herc turned to lick me again.

I orgasmed a final time as he cleaned me.

I recovered somewhat and sat up. Herc was laying down licking himself and I giggled.

“Giving yourself a blow-job, boy?”

Curiosity got working again and I ran my fingers over my dripping swollen pussy lips. Bringing them to my lips I tasted them. I’ve tasted a few pussies of course and quite a bit of men’s cum. I once did a 69 with a woman while a man fucked her and after he came in her I cleaned her pussy for her. This taste was similar but different. Its hard to describe exactly but the flavor wasn’t familiar, a touch salty with a musky taste on my tongue.

I was having some very wicked ideas but one thing I was sure of was the desire to have more sex with Herc.


Back at the cabin later that afternoon I took a long shower. I set the shower head to pulse and played it over my pussy for minutes, washing the last of Herc’s cum from me. It also got me horny again and I enjoyed a couple nice mini-orgasms before finishing my shower.

Slipping on a bathrobe I fixed a quick dinner, fed Herc and settled back to watch a little TV. I tried to wipe the thoughts of that day in the woods from my mind for a while. Herc jumped up on the couch beside me and lay his face in my lap and I gave up trying to forget.

I sat there watching something on the TV but I’ve no idea what it was. My mind insisted on replaying the events of the day. My hand casually stroked the dog’s head, scratching behind his ears. My robe had sagged loose and one breast was exposed. Herc lifted his head and his rough tongue stroked the nipple.

“Damn, Herc. You certainly are a randy bastard.”

I giggled and pushed his head away. He whined and got up to wander over to his water dish. I noticed his cock was just peeking out of his sheath and a shiver raced through me. Was I going insane?

I stripped off my robe and lay down on the floor. Herc walked back near me and I lay there staring up at him. This was the first time I’d seen his penis up close and it fascinated me. I reached up and stroked the furry sheath. His cock responded instantly, gliding out to its full length and my eyes widened. No wonder I’d felt some pain at first. He was all of seven inches long and as my fingers wrapped around the shaft they barely met.

“Poor Herc. So horny and no bitch nearby to enjoy,” I giggled as my fingers stroked him. “Except me.”

Considering my love of oral sex my next action was inevitable, I suppose. I’d tasted him from my pussy. Why not taste him for real?

I wiggled around to place my head beneath his body and stared up at the glistening red shaft and licked my lips. Grabbing a small pillow off the couch I stuffed it under my head. It raised my face close to his cock and I turned my head. His cock brushed my lips and I licked out. It felt hot to my tongue and I moved closer to wrap my lips around the tapered tip.

Herc whined and his hips humped a bit. A few inches of his cock slipped deeper into my mouth and the flavor of him burst in my mouth. I began to suck.

Raising my hands to grasp his haunches I pulled him deeper. My mouth filled with a slippery juice, his pre-cum I presumed. The taste was no worse, or better than many men I’ve had. Herc was panting now and his haunches were beginning to buck more. I guess he liked the sensation. My mind laughed silently as I thought this had to be the first blow-job he’d ever had.

I lay there, shivering at the sensation of the dog’s cock sliding and throbbing over my lips. Each hump forced his cock deep into my mouth, bumping the back of my throat and I pulled myself closer, taking more, feeling the tip pushing passed my gullet. I couldn’t help gagging a little. I’d never tried to deepthroat such a thick cock.

Herc’s haunches began to thrust more vigorously and my throat spasmed around him as he began to really fuck my mouth. Slippery pre-cum drooled from my lips. His knot swelled now and mashed against my lips but it was obvious he couldn’t knot my mouth. It was the size of a tennis ball and I realized why he’d been unable to pull out of me that first time.

That huge knot had been inside my pussy!

Herc’s cock was pulsing wildly now and my mouth overflowed. He was ejaculating, half of it flowing down my throat as he humped deep then flooding my mouth when he pulled back. I felt dizzy with delight as he came, gulping all of his doggy seed down as fast as I could. One hand reached down between my legs and began to rub myself. My pussy was wet and swollen again as Herc used my mouth for his pleasure.

I gurgled loudly, orgasmic spasms racing through my body as I sucked at Herc’s throbbing hot cock. Loud gags filled the room as he thrust his long fat cock down my throat, over and over. Then my mouth was empty as he pulled away and lay down near me, tongue lathing his penis. I didn’t move for a while, my mind blank. I’d just sucked a dog’s cock … and enjoyed it!

I vaguely remember rising and going to bed.


That first day set the tone of my vacation at my Uncle’s cabin. Herc and I hiked the woods every day after that. We usually went back to the glade but on occasion Herc would become very horny and we would find a clear spot. Usually I took him doggy-fashion, it seemed the most sensible. Herc was big enough though that a couple times I just leaned against a tree, bending over as he jumped up to wrap his front legs around my ribs and hump me standing up.

We were at the glade the first time he missed my pussy. I’ve said that anal sex isn’t new to me but Herc’s cock is much fatter than any man I ever let screw me. I’d never orgasmed during anal sex.

We’d just had a picnic lunch and Herc was getting horny. He was jumping up on me and licking my face and neck. As I dragged my shorts and panties down I knelt on the ground. He was on me in an instant, his big cock fully unsheathed. I barely assumed the position when his furry body covering me.

I gave a very loud scream as his cock snagged my anus and stretched me wide, sinking deep into my rectum. My eyes watered and I sobbed as he began to hump vigorously. I couldn’t catch my breath to protest, as much as that would have made a difference. When I did manage to voice a protest it was an automatic denial.

“No, Herc! Not in my ass!”

Naturally he didn’t stop like a man would. His cock was firmly lodged in my spasming little asshole and as he thrust the pain ebbed some. Still, it felt like thousands of tiny needles were stabbing into my straining sphincter, all around his hot cock. Then his knot swelled and I gave a long loud gasp of disbelief. Hot cum flooded my bowels as Herc whined and humped spasmodically against my cheeks. With his knot swollen he couldn’t thrust more that a couple inches as the knot tugged against the inside of my spasming anus. It wouldn’t stretch wide enough to let him jerk it back out.

Slowly his haunches ceased their wild spasms. My bowels felt warm, as if I’d been given an enema with hot water. As usual once he’d satisfied his lust he twisted around and stood behind me. Each tug as he tried to disconnect from me pulled a small gasp from my lips. My face was soaked in tears but the pain was dull now. One final yelp of pain escaped my lips when he finally managed to jerk his knot from my abused asshole.

I lay there, shivering and trying to catch my breath. Herc’s tongue suddenly began to lick my sore anus and instant waves of relief shot through me. I didn’t orgasm but I crouched there with my ass high, savoring the rough strokes of his tongue till he stepped away and lay down to clean himself.

I sat up and pouted at him, as if it would do any good.

“You’re aim sucks today, you beast!”

I stood up, pulling my panties and shorts back up and the crotch was almost instantly soaked with his cum as my loose asshole spurted more of his cum from my flooded bowels.

That was the only time Herc enjoyed my ass. From then on I was careful to reach back and make sure he found the right hole. When we got back to the cabin that evening I carefully cleaned his cock. This inspired a fresh lust of course and once I’d satisfied myself he was clean I sucked him off. I wasn’t ready to take another chance that he might find the wrong hole again that night. I went to sleep with Herc beside me.


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