Women with Animals

Car Park Fun


(c) 2008 by Curvey_Brunette

Chapter One

I was 21 when I lost my virginity. It was to my first serious boyfriend on top of a car roof of all things. Well I wanted it to be different, I’d heard all sorts of stories from friends on how they lost their virginity and as a general rule it tended to be in their boyfriends bedroom during a heavy petting session that got out of hand.

I’d had the fumbling on back seats of cars, the local bus stop and a couple of times I was half dragged, half carried into some nearby bushes to give a quick hand job. But I’d always kept my legs firmly shut which is why I was so surprised by my behaviour one night.

I wasn’t very sexually experienced, prior to my losing my virginity I had been seeing a girl but looking back we were just kids exploring our sexuality rather than full blown lesbians. At the time, my idea of a blow job was to put the tip of a cock into my mouth, suck it slightly and move my mouth back and forth in time with my hand so I was more or less wanking the poor sod into my mouth rather than sucking them off.

And then it happened, I met my husband and I really started to know what sex was all about! With the exception of my girlfriend I’ve never been gone down on, (if you’re one of my ex’s reading this, you bastard!!!), and I’d never managed to cum from penetration. It was always via manual stimulation via sometimes their hand but usually mine.

But my husband managed to show me what I’d been missing the previous 2 years since losing my virginity. It’s not that he has a massive cock or anything, he’s bigger than the average 5″, and a lot thicker too, but he’s not huge. But the way he uses it! OH – MY – GOD!!!! I always though multiple orgasm was a fantasy!

Anyway, we met, we moved in together the same day and 3 months later we were married. The first few years we spent working on our career’s and having a good time when possible. We had a nice circle of friends and a good social life. Our sex life was one that has never stopped. Even after 16 years of marriage and 4 children, it’s been very rare I haven’t fucked him or sucked him off before going to sleep.

One night, we were laid talking after sex and he suggested that the old bedroom was getting a bit stale and maybe we should start to branch out a little, maybe go out in the car one night, look for a dark lane and have a fuck out doors?

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I didn’t do things like that. Fucking in the bed room and around the house is 1 thing, even the couple of times we used the garden I felt it was pushing it. But to drive out into the middle of nowhere and have sex outside? What was he thinking?

You see, from my point of view, the “middle of nowhere” only exists when you’re out of petrol or you’ve broken down. The quietest lanes and back waters became instant shopping center arcades with millions of people milling around the second you wanted somewhere quiet to be a little naughty.

We slept on the subject and he didn’t mention it all day. About 3 or 4 days later the subject came up again and I was still unsure. I agreed we’d go out the next night for a scout about to see if we could find somewhere I’d be happy with.

The next night we drive around for about 4 hours looking for somewhere and finally we found a really dark and quiet car park off a forest road. Rob begged me to let him have me then but I was adamant I wasn’t going to do anything I wasn’t ready to do. But I promised him now I knew where I’d psyche myself up and we’d go back in a couple of days to have sex.

The night to go out came and Rob insisted I wore a short skirt and a low top, no bra and no knickers.

We drove out to the car park and I have to admit, running around there naked and being fucked on the bonnet of the car really did it for me. I felt really free and totally liberated. I screamed my head off and listened to my voice echo around the nearby forest. We spent 3 hours there fucking and sucking each other and I loved every minute of it.

Over the next few months we went there quite a lot to fuck. We had no children at that time and we were working only 9 to 5 so we had plenty of free time on our hands. Sometimes we’d take a video camera and a 35mm film camera and we’d take some photographs. We managed to make a whole 40 minute porn movie by going there 5 nights running.

The weather started to grow warmer as spring went away and summer came. The nights got warmer and warmer so we were going to our little secret car park earlier and earlier. Sometimes we’d take a picnic or we’d have BBQ gear and food so we could eat. There was something very liberating about cooking food outside in the nude and making love whenever we felt like it.

One evening we arrived at our car park and found another couple there doing what we usually did. A blonde was standing and bending over the bonnet of the car while this guy was fucking her from behind. As soon as they spotted us, they stopped what they were doing and made a hasty retreat into their car.

The problem was, we were in the way of them getting out because the entrance/exit was about a cars width with very little room to spare. Rob just sat looking as their car started then he got out of the car and walked over to them. I hadn’t a clue what was going at this point so I decided to sit tight and see what happened. I was looking forward to a good hard fuck but this little surprise had cooled me off.

Rob came back to our car and got in. I noticed the other car had backed into where it was parked and the blonde and the guy were getting out. Rob started the car and parked along side of their car so we could see what they were doing and they could see us.

“Rob, what’s going on?” I asked looking at him

He didn’t take his eyes off the blonde who was resuming her position over the bonnet, only this time it was the wing and bonnet of our car at such an angle both Rob and I could see her boyfriends cock sliding in and out of her pussy.

“They’re going to put on a show for us, then we’re going to put on a show for them” Rob said glancing at me and smiling wryly.

“WHAT?????” I said at the top of my voice, “No fucking way!” I protested. The thought of getting caught was a real turn on for me, but actually doing something while someone else watched was something else.

“Awww go on, all they’re going to do it watch and they’re not shy” Rob chuckled

“It’s not about being shy Rob, I’m not a slut”

“I know” Rob said looking at me, “You won’t be a slut, you’ll be an exhibitionist” so there’s a difference”

“Well at least you could have asked me before agreeing” That’s what I was so pissed off about. Fucking in front of strangers was a turn on for me, to think I’m getting my hubby off and others at the same time appealed to me. I was starting to discover a side I knew nothing about before, a nasty side that wanted to show all she had to anyone who’d look.

I started to watch the other couple as they continued to fuck and the guys strokes started to get shorter and faster. Suddenly, they parted and the girl swung around, she opened her mouth and the guy oozed his cum into her waiting mouth and all over her lips and chin.

She had cum dripping off her chin, she carefully placed a finger on her chin, ran it up to her bottom lip and licked all the cum off then licked the remaining cum off his hand as well as from his cock. She smiled then winked at me. The guy smiled and looked at Rob and Rob was grinning like a cat who’d got the cream. I looked down and his cock was already out, he was slowly stroking it and pre cum was starting to pool at the tip of his cock.

I started to move towards him and suddenly felt very wet, so wet I thought I might have started my period early, but that wasn’t the case. I’d got so wet I had soaked through my denim skirt onto the car set. My inner thighs were soaking wet through, this ‘show’ must have really turned me on.

I couldn’t wait any longer, I plunged my mouth onto Rob’s cock and took it all the way to the base. I sucked it hard, swallowing so my tongue rubbed against Rob’s cock head which was almost down the back of my throat by this time.

He gasped and told me to slow down, but I was determined to have his cum in my mouth. I’d never really swallowed before, I didn’t like to. It’s not the taste I don’t like, it’s the consistency, it sort of dribbles down your throat like glutinous but runny porridge. I’ve never really changed this opinion, no matter who the guy, what the cock or whose spunk it might be, it’s all got the same consistency in my experience.

But this time I wanted to swallow, I wanted that thick hot cum down the back of my throat.


Chapter Two

Rob told me to slow down again and this time managed to extract my mouth from his cock. He said we were supposed to be putting on a show and got out of the car. He came around to my side, opened the door and lead me by the hand to the front of the car. He pushed me over the bonnet and spread my legs for me, hitching up my skirt over my arse, he fingered me. First working a single finger in and out of my cunt, then two fingers, three, four, until he was almost fisting me.

The blonde girl watched, licking her lips and reaching over to her man whose cock was already out and growing rapidly. She slowly stroked up and down his length as he stood with a smile on his face. I could see Rob’s cock was now throbbing as he worked his hand in and out of my cunt, slowly he eased his hand out and brought it over my shoulder so I could smell my own cunt on his fingers, “lick them” he ordered as he then pushed his cock inside of me with his other hand.

I remember feeling so tight that night despite Rob’s hand working my pussy, it was like being a virgin again. Although I was very very wet, Rob’s cock pushing inside of me felt massive, I could feel the walls of my pussy stretching to accommodate him. Once his length was established, he started rocking back and forth slowly, running the full length of his cock in and out of my pussy.

On the in strokes, he thrust in hard and I could feel the head of his cock touching my cervix and rubbing its way past my G-spot. I came hard, so hard my legs turned to jelly and I almost collapsed in a heap if it wasn’t for the fact Rob hadn’t yet cum himself.

The blonde was now working her own mans cock and I could just make out the pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock in the headlights of the car.

I felt Rob’s strokes start to speed up and get shorter, I knew he was near to cumming so I pushed back, managed to push him out of me, spun round dropping to my knees and finished him off with my mouth. When he came, he came with such force spunk was forced down my throat, as a natural reaction to stop me choking, I pushed my tongue to the back of my throat and forced his cum out of my mouth. It came out the sides and dripped down my face towards my chin, I took my hands and started to spread his creamy cum all over my face and his balls.

There was so much of it, his cock twitched and pumped out stream after stream of spunk emptying his balls into my waiting mouth. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought he hadn’t cum for a month. Finally his cock stopped twitching and the spunk stopped flowing.

Rob pulled his cock out of my mouth and I knelt there on my knees with spunk coming out of my mouth and dripping off my face onto my top and breasts.

The guy and the blonde stopped what they were doing and gave us a round of applause for our efforts. Then they got back in their car and drove off.

I cleaned up and cleaned Rob up too, then we drove home in silence. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I knew it turned me on. We got home and had a shower together, I asked Rob if he enjoyed himself.

“Well of course I did, I thought it was great. You were great, the other couple were great, even I was great”

“Well, you were quiet ……….. “

“Emma, I know what you’re like” He said looking into my eyes. “This is something we can enjoy together and we could push the limits, see how far we’ll go. But, it doesn’t mean we’re going to split up or anything” He said with a momentary pause, he looked into my eyes and kissed me gently on the lips “Even if you did fuck another guy” he added cautiously.

“Another guy” I asked

“I’d love to show you off”

“Show me off?”

“Well yeah, you’re a marvellous fuck, you give head beautifully and your sexual abilities are like having a Ferrari in a garage and never driving it. You know you have it, but nobody else does”

“You’re weird” I said turning him around to scrub his back, “Why would I want another man?”

“Why not? You’ll still have me and the best bit is, they get you for one night only whereas I get you for the rest of my life” He grinned.

It had been several days since I fucked and sucked my husband in a car park in front of another couple. The feelings of that night were still with me as I lay soaking in a hot soapy bath, I felt like a dirty slut and loved it. What I really wanted to see was the blonde wank her guy off and spray his cum all over my tits and face. The more I thought about it the more turned on I got and I found myself wanking to the thought of what could have happened that night.

We decided to go back to the car park a couple of weeks later on the same night. Rob suggested we never know someone might be there, perhaps the same couple?

We’d decided to go for it, I was going to push the limits and see just how far I was willing to go. I was working for a health authority at the time so I managed to ‘secure’ some condoms just in case by casually nipping into the family planning department and grabbing a couple of hands full. I got a funny look from someone and said I’d just come off the pill but we didn’t want children at that point. This ‘excuse’ seemed to be readily accepted.


Chapter Three

Next I bought myself some nice underwear, all in black, some with red trimmings and set aside a short skirt and low cut top for our evening out. I was ready to go out there and fuck anyone who came along.

During the few days run to the evening in question I was a nervous wreck, I had feelings of excitement and panic, I wasn’t at all sure what was going to happen and that uncertainty made it all the more exciting and frightening. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to go through with anything, but the thought of being used as a slut by a load of strange men certainly got me going.

The evening came and I started to get ready. I showered, then I shaved my arm pits and my pussy, I got Rob to shave my ass for me since I couldn’t see what the hell I was doing back there. He suggested waxing it all, I told him “You first” but he wasn’t having any of that and settled on using one of his brand new razors.

I went into the bedroom and dried myself. I moisturised my whole body with a body lotion, dried my hair and put on my makeup. I’d chosen this rather short and very low cut dress at the last minute instead of the top and short skirt I’d bought for this occasion. It was black with a bodice type middle, it was just short enough so when I walked it showed the bottom bits of my arse but long enough to keep me decent, so long as there wasn’t a gust of wind. The top was made up of wide lace up V cut front with a very low back and small fluffed up shoulder straps that allowed me to wear the dress either on or off the shoulder.

Both were reasonably old so it didn’t matter if they got torn or dishevelled.

Next I put on my suspender belt and my stockings, a pair of lacy black spilt crotch knickers with red trim, and a matching black peep hole bra. I put on my dress lacing my boobs into the material so they resembled barmaid’s cleavage though with a pull of the bow my tits would just fall out.

I picked out a pair of high stiletto heeled knee high boots with a 4″ heel and pulled them on. By this time my pussy was throbbing with the anticipation of what might be to come and I could feel myself getting very wet, so much so the tops of my inner thighs felt soaked through. At best I’d be having sex with that other couple, if they were there, at worst I’d be fucked senseless by Rob so I was on a winner no matter what.

I wore a long leather coat that went below my knees on the drive to the car park. My heart was pounding its way through my chest and I felt totally wired. Rob had procured something to smoke from a friend of his and handed me a ‘cigarette’ which I drew on holding each draw in my lungs for as long as possible to get the maximum effect.

Normally I wasn’t a smoker, but in this instance I made an exception because I’d done it before many years ago and so I knew it would clam me down. In the state I was in, one touch of my clit and I would have cum.

Eventually we set off and drove to our car park, my hear felt like it was going to pound its way through my chest I was that keyed up despite the smoke and several vodka and cokes I’d had before we set off out.

As we rounded the corner my heart sank, there weren’t any cars there, we would be alone. But still I had Rob to rely on and he’d brought a few of my toys with him so we could amuse ourselves. We spent the next couple of hours shooting video and taking photographs of me in different poses and using my toys.

We were about to leave when we heard the dull hum of an engine and the crunch of a cars wheels rolling across the dirt track to the car park. We watched as slowly not 1 but 2 cars came into the car park and pulled along side of our car.

Luckily since we were about to leave, most of our gear was in the boot, although I wasn’t wearing my long coat to cover myself up and it wasn’t to hand. We got back into our car and just sat for a while. The other cars started to move and rock so it was pretty obvious what the other occupants in the car were up to.

I reached over and started to get Rob’s cock out, he looked at me then smiled, “I’m not sure I can again” he said

“That doesn’t matter, I just love sucking you off anyway” I said as I plunged my mouth onto his dick and began to suck for all I was worth while my other hand found my clit and I started working away at it. I started to finger myself and could feel a mixture of my pussy juices and Rob’s cum ooze out of my cunt and I used it as a lubricant to help things along.

After a few minutes Rob tapped me on the shoulder and I looked up, the other couples from the cars had got out and surrounded our car, they were looking in and talking to each other, as well as laughing and smiling. Then I noticed something odd, there were 2 couples and another 4 males, another car had pulled into the car park and parked over the other side while I was busy with Rob.

They all seemed to be enjoying the show I was putting on so I put my head down and started deep throating Rob again. I shifted my position a little, opening my legs as best I could in the cramped front seat of the car so at the very least the people on the left side of the car could get a better view of what I was doing to myself. This audience seemed to be having an effect on him, I started to taste his pre cum as I sucked away on his cock.

Rob tapped me on the shoulder and suggested we got out so the others could get a much better view. Like a shot I was out of the car, round the other side and on my knees in front of Rob sucking his cock for all I was worth. I felt his cock start to twitch and I knew he was close to cumming, suddenly he drew back his dick pulling it out of my mouth and started to work the tip. He came for a 3rd time that night all over my face in little short streams of watery cum.

I noticed some of the others had decided to join in, there were a couple of guys with the other females and the rest were crowded around Rob and myself. Rob tucked his dick back into his jeans and looked at the other guys who all had their dicks in their hands and were slowly stroking them.

Rob looked at me and suggested I gave them a hand to finish off. I didn’t need asking twice, I went over to the first guy and looked up at him smiling. His dick wasn’t huge but it was long, and it felt strange in my mouth. Normally I could get almost all of Rob’s cock in my mouth, it wasn’t so much the length that was a problem, but more the girth. This cock was easy to cope with, even sliding it down my throat wasn’t a problem, it didn’t make me gag like Rob sometimes did.

Rob went to the boot of the car and got out some condoms and KY jelly, he came over to me and whispered in my ear “Now I’m going to film you getting fucked and covered in cum. You’re going to be a dirty little slut and you’re going to love it”

I was being given a free hand to do as I pleased with these men and more importantly these cocks. By this time the other guys had all put on condoms and looked at me and I knew what was coming. I pulled up my skirt giving those behind me a good view of my ass and opened my legs to put my dripping cunt on show.

“Right!” I said getting up off my knees and giving the cock I was sucking a quick kiss, and stood up. I looked at one guy and saw his cock was only just big enough to fill the condom, I walked over to him and whispered in his ear “Would you like to fuck my ass?” and he nodded in acceptance. I took the KY from Rob and spread his covered condom dick with it. Then I squatted, inserted the neck of the KY into my ass hole and gave the tube a good hard squeeze putting plenty in there.

I told the guy who’s cock I’d been sucking to come back to me as I leant over the cars wing and bonnet on a sort of diagonal so my head was pointing off the bonnet of the car but it was taking most of my weight. He stood in front of the car and thrust his dick in my direction. I took it in my hands and guided it into my mouth, making slurping noises as he fucked my mouth.

I felt someone at my ass hole, first of all a finger poking in and out of my ass and working the KY all around the hole, then I felt a dick being slowly guided into my ass, little by little it filled my tiny little tight ass hole. Rob and I had had anal sex in the past, and it was always a bit painful to start, until he got established then I relaxed and got into it. But this little dick slid into my ass hole like it was my pussy, I think it was a combination of the size and the amount of KY I’d used up there.

Slowly he started to pump my ass hole and I felt his fingers drop to my pussy and slide into my hole working my cum juices and what was left of Rob’s cum to it’s best advantage. I felt a finger slide in, then two, then three.

Suddenly I was aware of another hand and some more fingers trying to gain access to my dripping cunt. I was being face fucked, finger fucked and ass fucked all at the same time by three guys. After a few minutes of this fucking Rob suggested I sit on a guys dick while I was being ass fucked and face fucked so all my holes were filled with cock.

We tried on the ground but it didn’t work. Nobody could get the right amount of traction or the right angles. We tried again across the bonnet of the car, but we kept slipping off. So we walked down a path to a bird watching area with seats and managed on that.

I slowly guided the first guys dick into my pussy and started to grind into him as I got him established. Then came my little friend from behind who slid back into my ass hole while the 3rd guy came back around and started fucking my face. Rob was on the video camera all the time, he got shots of everything, my ass and pussy filled with cock, my mouth filled with cock and I ever managed to stroke another cock that came too close.

So there I was, laid on top of a stranger getting my pussy fucked with another guy fucking my ass, another fucking my face and throat and yet another cock being wanked off. I was really into this, my pussy and clit was throbbing so much I thought I’d never cum, but I did and when I did I felt the orgasm rage through my body making it shake and shudder. I had to take the cock out of my mouth and scream with pleasure as I came.

“Money shot time” Rob said as he changed the battery on the video camera.


Chapter Four

Everyone broke up and I was left sat in a heap on the bench thoroughly satisfied but horny for more. I pulled at the string holding my tits inside my top and they burst out for all to see. My nipples were hard and standing to attention.

Two of the guys dropped to their needs and plunged their mouths onto my rock hard nipples, they pulled my legs apart and both started to seek out my wet cunt, one fingering my clit while the other finer fucked me working his fingers inside of me to the knuckle. I shifted my position a little allowing him better access and he started to work three fingers into my cunt. In and out, rubbing my G-spot with the tips of his fingers making me moan.

The girls couples were now wanking off their guys with long hard strokes, they lead the men around the back of the bench and aimed their cocks at me. The guys were so turned on they were dripping pre-cum and a couple of drops hit my lips. I licked it off and tasted their pre-cum.

This sent me over the edge and I started to cum, with long loud moans my back started to arch and my body started to shudder. The fingers working my dripping wet cunt and clit started to work faster, the girls wanked their guys faster until one of them exploded over my face and into my waiting mouth. Hot streams of cum hit me again and again, cum ran down my face and into my mouth as I let out a scream and came.

The guys wanking me off and sucking on my nipples let go, I quickly turned around to face the second guy who hadn’t yet cum. I watched as his woman worked his cock faster and faster “I’m cumming” he said panting. I offered my open mouth up to his cock and waiting for another jet of spunk to fill my mouth. I was so close to his cock I managed to lick the tip and spit the cum I had in my mouth over his cock which sent him over the edge. He came with force hitting the back of my throat as I latched onto his cock with my mouth and sucked for all I was worth.

I felt his cock twitch and pulsate as he grabbed me by the hair and started to fuck my face, forcing his cock down my throat and injecting hot streams of cum into my stomach.

As I sucked the last few drops from his cock, one of the girls went around the back of me and started to finger my pussy again. Her thumb was on my well lubed ass hole and it slipped in without problem. She started to work her four fingers into my pussy while he thumb worked its magic on my ass hole.

One of the other guys came around the back and offered his cock to my mouth. I greedily took it, sucking on it while feeling his balls with one hand. It didn’t take long for him to shoot yet more hot spunk into my mouth and over my face.

I came hard again for the umpteenth time that night and fell back onto the bench feeling exhausted.

While I was resting, the two girls put on a lesbian show for the guys to get them all worked up again.

After about 30 minutes rest, I was ready to go again. Everyone gathered in a crowd around me, even the couples and the guys started to wank themselves off in my direction, except for the two guys with their wives/girlfriend/mistresses there who were wanking off their guys as well as two others in my direction.

I just sat there and waiting for what was to cum with my mouth open and my tits hanging out. By this time my top had fallen down around my middle, my knickers were around my ankles and my bra was also around my waist. I out a leg up on the bench and started to wank myself, playing with my clit and fingering my hole for everyone to see.

The first one to cum was the one I’d been sucking off, he dribbled his cum over my hair, face, into my mouth and over my tits. The next to cum was one of the guys being wanked off by one of the girls, he came hard in long streams all over me, his girlfriend sat beside me and together we licked the cum from his cock.

Next was the little dicked guy who had fucked me in the ass, he came all over my tits in hot streams splashing all over the place while one of the girls positioned herself between my legs and started to lick my pussy while the other girl helped me clean up by licking the spunk from my face and tits then kissing me.

The last two guys came together after I took both cocks in my hand and wanked them both for all they were worth. Hot sticky cum splashed over my face and tits covering me in thick creamy globs of spunk.

With everyone spent, we sat around for a little while talking about what a good time we’d all just had. I was covered in a layer of cum, it was in my hair, all over my tits and all over my clothes.

Every now and then I’d slip a hand between my legs and have just a little play, or I’d lay on my back and invite one of the girls to sit in my face for a good licking.

The guys were saying they we all just about spent, they’d cum several times that night but I was hungry for more cock and spunk. I wanted to be completely covered in the stuff. A couple of guys said they might be able to manage it again.

Another guy commented on how I was a horny little slut and asked Rob just how far I would go. Rob asked what he meant and the guy looked nervous. He then looked at the woman he was with and she nodded with a smile on her face. He got up and walked back towards the car park.

I was puzzled what was going on here, I looked at Rob who shrugged his shoulders and grunted not to ask him.

A few minutes later the guy came back with a couple of male Alsatians on a lead. The girl he was with squealed with delight as she got up and headed towards the dogs. They were clearly pleased to see her with tails wagging and straining to get to her taking the guy all his strength to hold them back.

“This is Max and this is Prince” she said as she hugged both dogs at once letting them lick her face.

I wasn’t sure why the dogs were brought from the car but I had a feeling this was going to get weird.

“Well, they call it dogging don’t they?” She said as she reached around and started to play with the dogs cocks inside their sheaths.

I looked are Rob and he was changing the battery and tape on his video camera.

The girl let the dogs off the lead and lead them over to the bench, she sat down on it and asked if anyone had ever seen anything as hot as this. She opened her legs and immediately put their noses between her legs, they started to lick her pussy as she started to moan, her head thrown back with her fingers holding open her pussy as wide as she could.

Within a few minutes she started to shake and shudder as she started to reach orgasm.

I just sat and watched, I didn’t know what to make of all of this. I was disgusted but at the same time I was intrigued by what was going on. The girl came from the relentless licking of her cunt screaming “Lick me, lick me” as she writhed around in ecstasy.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see a couple of the guys were starting to get hard again, Rob was filming what was going on and he too had a hard on.

The girl got up and asked the other girl if she’d like a turn. The second girl said she wasn’t really sure about this, but she’d give it a go.

With the first girls guidance, she lay on her back on the bench with her legs wide open. The first girl clicked her fingers and guided the dogs noses to the second girls pussy. They started to sniff her pussy then started to lick, seeking out her clit. The second girl started to go all glassy eyed then closed her eyes, she put a foot up on the back of the bench to allow the dogs better access to her while the first girl held her cunt lips open.

“My god that feels so good” the second girl said, “their tongues are going right in my hole …. Ooooooooooooo!!! Yes, lick that hole” she panted.

“Go suck her tits Emma” Rob said gesturing me to go and join in this very strange 4some.

Nervously I ventured over, it was difficult to get access to the girl on the bench and I was worried how the dogs might react but they seemed more interested in what they were doing than me.

I managed to work my head into the sea of arms, legs and fur to access a nipple and started to suck on it.

I was on all fours with my legs partly spread to lower myself down to the girls nipples. I was starting to enjoy what was going on and didn’t notice the first girl and a dog move to around the back of me.

Suddenly I felt a tongue starting to lick at my pussy, I felt it dart in and out of my cunt drawing out my juices as well as the remains of the spunk up there earlier from Rob.


Chapter Five

My god! I thought cock was good but this was even better, a soft tongue licking the inside of my pussy walls making my body ache for more.

Suddenly the tongue was removed, the first girl whispered in my ear, “Prepare to be fucked hard and fast” she hissed. She’d been working on the dogs cock and it was now hanging out of its sheath. I felt the dog lick up my ass crack then back off, suddenly I had a dog on my back and I could feel its cock stabbing and probing for my hungry wet cunt.

I felt it’s tip stab in the right place and felt a sudden thrust as the cock entered my dripping wet pussy. It seemed to go on forever, probing deep into my womb as it established itself. The dog wrapped its front paws around my waist and then started to fuck me, pounding away as it grew inside my cunt and stretching it.

In a sudden frenzy, the dog thrust forward with one huge lunge and I felt the knot enter my pussy making me gasp and moan with sheer pleasure. I could feel every inch of that cock deep in my pussy as it’s warm spunk filled me to the brim. It seemed to go on far hours, though in reality it was only a few minutes.

“Don’t panic” the first girl said, “He’s finished now but he’ll have to lose his hard on before he’ll be able to come out of you”

His knot was stuck deep inside my pussy and his cock was still twitching, I could feel little squirts of cum still being emptied into my cunt. Dog spunk was running down my thighs and some how the first girl managed to manipulate herself between my legs to lick my thighs.

This sent me over the edge again and I screamed in pleasure, my cunt gripped the dogs cock tight as I shuddered again with yet another orgasm.

The second girl was still being licked by the other dog, she held my hand and squeezed it tight, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming” she moaned as I put my mouth to hers, my tongue darting in her mouth.

After a few minutes I felt the dogs cock soften and it slipped out of my cunt with a squelch to be followed by the sound of the first girl having her own orgasm as the spunk dripped out of my cunt onto her face. I looked down and saw her legs wide open with what seemed to be her whole hand buried in her cunt.

Eventually we separated and the two girls and I collapsed onto each other.

“That was fantastic” I said as I lay there with an idiot grin on my face.

The first girl guided the second girl towards my pussy, “Now it’s time for you two to taste dog cum” she said. I begged for no more, I couldn’t take any more. I’d been getting fucked for the last 4 hours and I was exhausted. The first girl was insistent and ordered me to open my legs.

I did as I was told and the second girl put her head between my legs to commence licking. I felt her sucking on my cunt hole then she came up to my face and started to kiss me, letting the mixture of dog cum and my cunt juices run into my mouth.

I found myself being fisted by the first girl again and my aching body experienced another orgasm after only a few minutes.

Rob suggested that I was taken advantage of in this state, by now all the guys had raging hard on’s and were ready for some more. I didn’t care any more, I just let myself be used.

They took it in turns to fuck my ass, my pussy and finally my mouth to finish off showering me in their watery cum all over my face, hair and tits.

“OK, now you have to blow off Prince” the second girl said, “It’ll be fun”

I lay on my back in the dirt while she guided Prince to stand over my face. She started to work his cock and I watched as it grew.

I reached up with my mouth and tried to put the dogs cock in, but could quite reach. The first girl suggested Prince lay on his back and I give him a blow job like I would a man. I did as I was told and sucked that cock for all it was worth while Rob fucked my pussy from behind.

Within a few minutes Prince came and I almost gagged due to the hot streams of rusty, salty tasting spunk hitting the back of my throat, I just let it run out of my mouth while Prince panted away.

We all left the car park totally satisfied, I had Rob’s cum dripping out of my pussy from earlier, KY dripping out my ass and I was covered from head to foot in the stuff. It was all over. Rob insisted I didn’t get cleaned up until we got home. The drive back was nerve racking for me because if we’d have got stopped at 3 am with me covered in spunk, no doubt questions would be asked.

We made it home in one piece. Rob told me to go to the bedroom and stay there. I argued I wanted a shower and he almost snarled at me to go to the bedroom. So I did and waited for him to arrive.

A few minutes later he appeared stark naked, “Now bitch! Treat me like you treat those other cocks tonight, show me what you gave them”

Rob fucked me in every hole that night. By the time I hit the shower I was oozing cum from every orifice.

As I washed I reflected on what had happened and gave my clit a quick stroke as I thought of what I’d done that night. Then my heart skipped a beat as I remembered, Rob had taped the whole thing.

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