Women with Animals
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There’s Some Sparky In The Old Girl Yet!


(c) 2008 by newdogoldtrix

This is a story about my first sexual encounter with our dog.

First a little about myself. I am a widow of 4 yrs., 66 yrs. old, 5’2″, blonde (now white). I have 2 children, now grown and married. And I’m proud to say I’ve always been an exercise nut. I’ve stayed in excellent physical shape through the yrs. While I’m not thin, I do have a thicker muscular build with a very slight tummy. I also have long athletic legs for my height, and a nice hourglass figure for a shorter trunked woman. I also have nice firm, large breasts, with very thick sensative nipples.

My husband was my H/S sweetheart, and the only man I’ve been intimate with. We always enjoyed a varied and satisfying sexual lifestyle. We never got into swinging or threesomes, it just never came up. But if things got stale, we would try to add some spice, and freely communicated our ideas to see what would fit in. Among our favorites, were mild bondage, always oral, W/S, tried anal (we both hated it) and lots of fantasy roleplaying. Our dog never entered into the picture.

It all happened by accident. (as they all seem to. LOL)

After he died suddenly, I was awarded a huge settlement. I eventually sold my suburban house and floral shop, and moved to a modest cottage in the country with small acreage. My daughter helped me move in, and the next day after she left, is when my adventures begin.

It didn’t take long to unpack and setup, because I sold most of my household stuff in an estate sale. Only the bare essentials for the new smaller abode.
After she left, I went out to examine the property, especially the garden. Gardening is another of my passions.

Sparky, our huge chocolate lab (about 6 yrs. old), was snooping around a small pond out back, that I had seen some ducks swimming on earlier. After several hrs. of weeding, I had had enough and called it a day. I called Sparky, and saw him cavorting in the mud at the ponds edge.

This caused some dismay, because in our other home he had been a kennel dog, rarely coming indoors. This new place had no kennel so he had to live indoors, and needed a bath before I let him in.

I brought him up to the house and turned on the garden hose. His beautiful, rich brown coat was caked in drying black mud that smelled of swamp. I first washed his face, and legs, and tail. He loves water so he stood obediently. Next was his back and butt.

I was amazed at the size of his testicles. I guess I had always thought he was neutered. Being he was more of my husbands hunting companion, I had never paid much attention. I carefully cupped them and washed the caked on mud, trying not to scrape too hard. They were quite the handfull. Each the size of a large chicken egg, encased in a velvety brown sack. They overflowed both of my hands.

Next I moved to his belly where most of the mud was dripping off, and spent some time until I thought I had it all off. It must have stimulated him, because his long thin dog penis emerged from his thick sheath. This didn’t surprise me, I thought he is a simple animal that spent a lot of time in a kennel. He maybe still a virgin for all I know.

I had been an only child, and not exposed to much sexually before marriage. And while I had seen dogs breeding on several occasions, I had never been curious enough to learn more about their mechanics.

He still stunk like a wet dog with swamp oders, so I knew he needed a more thorough bath, before I let him roam the house. I brought him into the basement bathroom next to the laundry room. I removed my muddy gardening clothes and put them in the washing machine. Being there was only a shower down there, I decided the easiest way was to get wet with him.

It started inocently enough with me washing myself first, then starting to shampoo his thick brown back. I carefully washed his face to avoid soap in his eyes and nose. Then I worked down his legs. I admit that I did have fun gently soaping his big floppy nuts. Just feeling them role around in my hands was a thrill. I always paid attention to my husband’s when I went down on him. And a males anatomy was so novel to my upbringing.

I used a large amount of soap on his belly, that being the muddiest/smelliest before. Just like before, he stood stock still and seemed to enjoy all this new found attention from me. I decided his dick probly needed washing just as bad, and got a fresh handful of shampoo. I was gently but vigorously washing his sheath, with sort of a jacking motion, when his penis emerged again. I remember thinking So that’s how this works. I ran my hand down his dick, and washed it real good. I even pushed back on the sheath exposing about 8 inches of the wierdest looking penis I had ever seen.

It looked bumpy and alien to me, and I thought they must need one that long to do it doggy style. My husband’s was 7 inches, but at least twice as thick as Sparky’s was at the moment. Boy, was I about to get the shock of my life.

After rinsing off with the handheld sprayer, I stood up to turn the water off, with Sparky behind me. My legs were spread slightly to step around him, and he stuck his big wet nose right up my butt and licked my pussy!

It took me by surprise, but for some reason, I didn’t yell out or scold him, like some women write about. I guess it had gone so long without sex, that my body accepted it as a welcome intrusion. I remember thinking Wow! that was great!
Oral sex from my husband was one of the joys I missed the most. I also remember thinking I wonder if this energy can be harnessed?

I stepped out and toweled off, then used the towel to dry Sparky off, because he was shaking water all over the room. When we were dry enough, I saw a cushiony chair that the previous tenants had left behind, and sat in it with my butt skooched forward, and my legs over the arms of the chair. I called Sparky over, and he cocked his head like What? Then he went right for my pussy, and gave it a few good long, loving licks. I thought This is too much!

He would lick for a while, then stop, then with some coaxing start licking again. Then I realized he was after my juices. I wasted no time spreading my pussy hole open to help him get more. All the time I was praising him, and calling him good boy. And Momma will give you more juices if you keep licking. I had never had a small vagina opening, and he was able to stick his nose way up there with his toungue snaking very deep to get every drop.

As he slurped away, his nose was catching my pubic hairs and tugging them inside also. I had already had 3 or 4 light orgasms, so I decided to take a break and trim some of the hair away, to give him better access.

I ran upstairs to my bathroom and grabbed a small mirror and sissors. I sat on the toilet and started clipping away my blonde curls. I was startled to see how swollen and red my pussy mound was, and opened it up and the insides were deep red and bloated like a big ripe tomatoe. It was super sensative, and my big clit, while still hard, was almost buried in the big meaty pussy lips. I decided to shave her, and make it even more sensetive when I went back down there. I lathered her up and carefully shaved off every trace of hair, then baby oiled her to sooth it. I like multiple orgasms, and this should make it easier to have plenty, I hoped.

As I hurried back downstairs, I could feel my swollen genitals jiggling with every step. I almost came just from that! Sparky was laying on the towel where I’d dropped it, licking the biggest, reddest cock I had ever seen! At first I thought it was irritated from the soap. He didn’t seem to be in any pain, and his tail was wagging like crazy. He looked up at me as I stood there naked staring at him. I said “Well Sparky, do you like what you see?”

I decided I better examine it to see if the bath had done any harm. I was feeling sorry for him. I knelt next to his side and lifted his dick in my hands. It had swollen to at least 9 inches long, and at least 4 times as thick as it was earlier. It was as thick as my wrist. I also noticed a swelling at the base, just in front of the sheath, which was bunched up behind the bulb. I thought it might be an alergic reaction, so I got some aloe vera lotion from upstairs (it’s all I had). I ran back down and started spreading it up and down his dick, and all around that knot at the base. I noticed the knot getting even bigger, and almost freaked out.

Sparky seemed to love it, he laid back panting to give me full access to his penis. Actually, penis seems like too wimpy of a word for it. It was a big, hot, throbbing, fat dog COCK! Every now and then, he would reach back and lick it. I wondered if he was trying to tell me something.


I had always loved sucking my husband’s cock, and even swallowed from time to time. I also love seeing the sperm shoot out. Besides, I’d already washed it well, probly too well…

I decided I owed him as much help as I could give, so I knelt closer. I noticed he smelled 200% better after the bath. I ran my toungue down his cock. It tasted like aloe vera lotion, no surprise there. As I got bolder, I licked it more agressivly, and swirled my toungue around, and all over the bulb at the base. I even stuck it into the sheath trying to clean it even better that he could himself. It was very hot and throbbed wildly.

Suddenly my titties felt hot and wet, and I looked down just in time to see some clear fluid spurt out on my heavy hanging breasts. I don’t know if my nipples have ever been harder, sticking out like 2 rockets ready to blast off! I lifted the breast with the most fluid on it up to my face to sniff it. I thought the poor dog was losing control and may have pee’d on me by accident. But the fluid was clear, and didn’t smell like piss at all. It had a more musky smell, then I thought it might be cum. I lifted my nipple in front of my mouth and tasted it. Not bad I thought. In seconds, I had licked it off both breasts and my arms.

By now I was a sexual bundle of nerves. In just under 2 hrs. I had played with my dogs big nuts, and licked his cock and tasted his juices. Not to mention having him lick my pussy to orgasm! I got back down to his cock, and lifted it straight up in front of my face. I then realized this is something nature had never intended a horny, mature woman to handle.

I straddled his panting face, with my dripping pussy hovering just overhead, in a 69 position. I held his cock up and plunged my mouth down on it, until I hit the back of my throat. It was so thick, I couldn’t really wrap my lips tight around it, so I just slid them up and down, giving the head and shaft a nice toungue massage.
I closed my eyes and thought this is heaven. I have a dog licking my gushing hole like it was the last water on earth. And I was sucking the fattest cock I could imagine, like a starving infant presented with a milk bloated teat.

I planted my hands on the shaft and knob, and rubbed them like Alladin’s Lamp, wishing for a genie to grant me 3 wishes. I didn’t have to wait long. I gently squeezed the knot, and a hot rush of hot dog sperm flooded my mouth. It caught me by surprise and ran out my mouth, down his hard cock, to cover my hands.

The next shots I swallowed and loved the thick musky texture. It filled my belly, and I could swallow it all night. After I drank what seemed like a half pint of his jiz, the flow started slowing until it stopped. His cock started shrinking back into the sheath, and the knot was only about half the size it was before.

I was on the verge of a major orgasm, but he had stopped licking me when he came. Now he was more interested in cleaning his own cock. I cupped my pussy in my hand, and was shocked that it was so swollen. It didn’t even fit in my hand. I needed some relief, and my fingers were not going to cut it. I needed that cock pumping my bloated pussy lips soon!

But I wasn’t sure if I could handle his size. Even though my pussy is rather roomy, I still have a rather short body frame, and his size seemed truly monsterous. The knot looked inviting, but terrifying at the same time. I remember thinking, have I gone crazy? I was overcome with cock lust. If a delivery man came to the door now, I would surely rape him. But that would only be an appetizer for my cunt, because she had her heart set on that big juicy dog cock.

I went upstairs and browned him the biggest steak I had in the freezer. I wanted him to have his stamina up for round 2. When I was done, and he was eating the steak, I felt my pussy, and was shocked to find it was even more swollen. It was actually sore, and I thought, I didn’t know women could get blue balls!

I put on some cotton panties, and it looked like I was a man with a bulge. The crotch was soon soaked from the juices still pouring out. It was pulsing and throbbing non-stop. I couldn’t stand this much longer. My pussy compelled me to march down those stairs, and take care of this once and for all!

I grabbed the aloe vera lotion in case I needed it, gulped, then walked in a trance, to meet the cock I had just worshipped, and pledged my soal to earlier. I sat in the same chair I used before, like a zombie, and stared at the huge package between Sparky’s legs. He looked at me panting, as if he was laughing at me, and got up and walked between my wide spread thighs.

He smelled my soaked crotch, and started licking, and sucking my juices through the material. He was wimpering trying to get more, so I held the crotch aside to give him a treat. I then let it fall back in place. I said “If you want more of Momma’s honey, you have to rip my panties off to get it!” He didn’t understand, but when he was whining in frustration, I held the crotch of the panties out for him to grab, and said “Get it boy! There it is Sparky! Go get it!”

Lucky for me Labs are known for their soft mouths! But mouth me he did! It felt better than any hand on my puss lips. Soon he had the right idea, and was working in earnest. I was moaning and letting out soft crys, I didn’t want to scare him off. In seconds my pussy was squirting and gushing out through the legbands all over his face. Another first for me! Whew! Sparky lost it and totally shredded them and pulled them from my heaving crotch. He momentarily forgot about me, and was sniffing and licking them on the floor.

I patted my big pink pussy mound and said “Sparky, up here!” He came back up and gave her hell! I’ve never had such a thorough, vigorous oral session in my life. It brought tears to my eyes, and felt like I had gushed a gallon.

When I came down from my fifth orgasm, I commanded Sparky to lie down, which he obediantly did, with a questioning look on his face. I rolled him over and there it was! A big red and purple, angry mass of veins and throbbing dog meat.

It looked like somebody had carved a baseball bat out of meat, and look! They carved a baseball too, just below the handle of the bat! I wanted to be in control as much as I could the 1st time. So I straddled him again, only face to face.

I held his cock up with one hand, and lowered my pussy just above his cock head. I looked down between us, and saw my juices running out and dripping down the sides of his giant cock. Also just as I was watching, a blast of his pre-cum shot out and got me right on my fat throbbing clit! OMG I almost came from that! But with tears in my eyes, I held back with all my strength. I took a few deep breaths, and nestled my puffy lips down onto his fat bloated cock head. Oh! did it feel HOT! I could feel it twitching and pulsing in my hole, trying to find its way in deeper.

I literally gushed a quantity of fluid I never have in my life, and it coated his whole shaft, in slippery woman sperm. OMG it took all my strength not to slam down on it. But I wanted to savor every inch.

I still held it, sliding down an inch at a time, feeling it open me up wider and wider. My cunt was so starved, it was sucking it in deeper like a popsickle. I got about half way, and that felt good enough for me, but not my cunt! I could feel it touch something that must have been my cervix. It must have been dialated, and may explain why I had cramped earlier. With a minimum of effort, he seemed to penetrate my cervix too! Too much!!!

Sparky was humping his hips up towards mine, trying to bury his bone. I leaned down and said” Sparky, calm down and let Momma take care of you. You’ll love it I promise.” Then I kissed him on his mouth, and his big wet rubbery toungue slid in mine and explored all around, snaking toward my throat. We shared a long soal searching kiss, and I reluctantly pulled away. When I did, my big full boobs fell right in his face. He licked the sweat off of each one, and gave me an idea.

I reached back and gathered some juices from my pussy, taking time to feel how awesome it felt stretched around his massive pole. I could feel that only 3 inches seperated me from his knot. I smeared juices on each nipple and said “Go get it big boy!” He licked them like crazy, and remembering the panties, tenderly grabbed the nipple meat in his mouth, and tugged and nipped them. (maybe that’s why they call them nipples?) LOL

I was out of my mind with lust now, and with a new hot gush of my fluids pouring out, I rocked back and sank the remaining 3 inches onto his cock. Those may have been the fattest, juiciest 3 inches my poor pussy has ever tasted. I almost passed out from the pleasure! Too Fuckin Good!!!

I could feel his knot planted firmly in my fat throbbing puss lips, and they squirted out for the second time this night. They were trying to lube that knot, to make insertion easier. But there was no way! It had already inflated too far, to get in my hungry hole any further. It already felt like his boner had penetrated my diaphram, maybe next time we can try a different position, like doggy style or missionary. I’ll let him put it in earlier before it bloats up too big. OMG planning it out has me orgasming non-stop!

I’m now riding up and down his thick cock shaft. On the down strokes, I’m doing my best to get the knob in, but it won’t go. I’ve had about 16 orgasms now, not big ones, just multiples, and a big one is building up. I pulled up about 2 thirds of the length of his shaft, and pause. Then I slide slowly down to sit on his knob. My pussy is pulsating, and quivering. I’m crying like a baby, my pussy lets out a splattering pussy fart right on his knot!

I’m posessed now, and grab his knot in my hand and pull up on it trying to stuff it into my twat. It feels like trying to stuff a hard firm unripe tomatoe into a big over-ripe one. That triggered his orgasm, and I’m flooded with about a pint of scalding hot dog cum. Sparky is groaning, and I turn back to give him a long kiss. I can feel his sheath tickeling my ass cheeks. The hot sperm is washing out of my open hole. I can feel his knot shrinking, and with one last kiss I get up off him, he starts cleaning himself again.

I hold my pussy in both hands, staring at the huge cock that just left my pussy so stretched out and hot. I realise some seconds later that I have been unconciously licking the juices off my hands. A few minutes later, I snap out of it, and do I feel guilt or remorse? Hell no! I’m already making plans for round 3 when I let him bury that knot in my hole and make me his bitch!


Round three with Sparky!!!

Sorry it took so long to continue, so much has been happening lately.

With Sparky and I, I decided to take things slow. I didn’t want to wear him out or to get boring and stale. Also I have to admit that his cock is so big, that I had reservations that my 5’2″ frame could accomodate his full length. I already felt his thickness, and his knot was huge, but I thought if I got it in before it was fully inflated, I could handle it.

We mainly engaged in oral sex, variations of the 69 position, with me sitting on his cock a few times so I could control the penetration, just like the 1st time. I was becoming frustrated, because I wanted all his meat in me, and I wanted to let him mount me and make me his bitch. I detected some frustration from Sparky too, but he seemed satisfied with me sucking him dry at least once a week, and more often if possible.

We stayed fairly busy, and went for long walks to keep in shape. I also began exercising my pussy to prepare for the big event. I started inserting various objects to get my hole looser, and experimenting with different depths.

I finally reached a point where I could comfortably get 2 vibrators inside, but the longest was only 8 inches, I figured I needed to go at least 3 more inches deeper, if not more. I was having a hard time finding objects the right size to work with, when it finally dawned on me.

I was working in my garden and my cucumbers were doing real good. I picked a few of the earlier ones, and was quite impressed with their size. In a couple weeks, some truly astounding giants appeared. I actually found them erotic, and couldn’t wait to try them out, they looked like they would be perfect!

That night I washed a couple cukes, and removed the prickly little bumps. One was over a foot long, and pretty thick. The other was shorter but very fat, only it had a real pronounced curve to it, that I thought might be a problem.

I warmed them in a bowl of hot water, and brought them to my bedroom. I had been keeping Sparky out of that room during my little experiments, because I know his nose would detect my juices and try to start something I wasn’t ready to finish yet.

I laid back and applied some lube, and tried the long one first. It slid in with no problem, aided by my excited, juicy pussy. The weight of it helped it slide deep into my hole, and I felt it bottom out. I slid it in and out, faster and slower, squeezing my big tits with my free hand. Soon I was moaning, and stirring it around in my boiling cauldron. I was on the verge of cumming, and grabbed the fatter one and tried a double penetration. I couldn’t get it in, I was still too tight. I even hooked my fingers inside the lips trying to pry them open enough, but to no avail. Maybe it was humanly impossible, I don’t know.

I finally took the long one out with a sucking sound, and crammed the fat one home. OMG did that feel good! It didn’t go as deep, but was thicker than anything I’ve had in there yet! My pussy started spasming around it, and I twisted it too and fro. Then the curved end hit my G-spot, and I held it up against it while my whole body just vibrated around it. I grabbed it in both hands and started a powerful hard pumping motion, and a strong stream of pussy juice squirted out of my hole across the bed! Amazing! I came down from my orgasm, and started over again.
I envisioned it was Sparky’s hot pulsing knot pumping in my puss, and it did it again. This time I squirted past my bed, hitting the bedroom door a few feet away!

I could hear Sparky whimpering on the other side of the closed door, and I called out don’t worry baby, Momma will take care of you too.

I was shaking when I got out of bed and cautiously opened the door. Sparky stood there sniffing and gave me a look like I had betrayed him. I knelt down and gave him a big wet kiss on the mouth. His tounge entwined with mine and he moaned a little, I guess I did too. Then he broke away and began sniffing and licking where I had squirted. I was amazed at the quantity of fluid I had ejaculated! I don’t know where it all came from.

As he was doing this I sat in a chair nearby and watched. I grabbed the long cuke, and held it vertically while I sank my pussy down on it. I wanted to make sure I took the whole length. And I did! Evidently there is room for some expansion in the back. I sat on it and rocked back and forth watching Sparky’s swinging balls, and the red tip of his cock poking in and out of his sheath, while he licked my juices from the floor and doorway. He was whimpering and made his way to the bed where some more juices had spilled on the comforter.

I crawled to the floor and started fondling his heavy nuts, and stroking his sheath in a jacking motion. He knows that this means playtime, and he must have detected that I was hornier than normal, he started prancing and bouncing around. I brought out a set of boots I made for him that attach with velcro for speed. I quickly slipped them on all 4 feet, and he was distracted for a few minutes getting used to them. I climbed up on my kingsize bed and called him up.

I started pumping the cuke with loud squishing sounds, as my pussy juices were bubbling and sqirting around that cucumber. Sparky wasted no time, and went for those juices with gusto! His long tounge dove in alongside the cuke, scooping out plenty of my nectar. Sometimes it would slide up my still bald slit and hit my fat throbbing clit! His talented tounge sent my clit spinning like a wet pink marble. I had a couple smaller orgasms, then he grabbed the cuke with his mouth and twisted it and pulled. This caused a bigger orgasm to start, and he gave a yank, and pulled it completely out! This made me squirt big time! Infact I was still squirting when I rolled over on my hands and knees, and grabbed two big pillows under my tummy.

There’s a large mirror alonside my bed, and I watched in it as I squirted his face. He fought his way upstream, and licked my hole. The source of the nectar. I could see more of his cock sliding out, and knew I had to act fast before it bloated completely. Being this would be his first mount as far as I knew, I wasn’t sure if he would know what to do.

I patted my round, shaking ass cheeks and called out up Sparky up! He pawed me several times, with the soft boots I made. (thank goodness!) Then up he went and settled on my back. His strong front legs gripped me tightly in front of my wide womanly hips. I reached under us and grabbed his lengthening cock. It was squirting pre-cum, just like I was! It was only a matter of minutes, then he started a humping motion, and I rocked in rythm to his.

The tip entered, and as he slid in, I could slowly feel it thickening. I slid back as far as I could to try to capture the knob in my pussy, but he held me too tight.

I looked in the mirror and saw that it hadn’t inflated fully yet. There was still time. The loud, wet, squishy noises kept me turned on during all this concentrating. He was humping faster, and faster, and starting to move forward. I held his front legs so he couldn’t slide back again. He acted like he wanted to climb higher, then I could feel it at the edge of my pussy, sliding in and out of the entrance. Each pull seemed to make it bigger than the last. I could feel the tip of his cock hitting the back of my cunt, stretching if for deeper access. I tried to relax my cunt muscles as much as possible, to help him.

Eventually his knot seemed too big to slide in anymore, and just banged against the opening to my hole. I started to worry that maybe we couldn’t get it in, when he went still for a moment, then gave a hard push with a grunt. It popped in and I clamped my hole down on it with all my might. I heard him groan, and when I felt it rapidly swell up, I groaned also.

He humped a few more times, and I matched him hump for hump. His fat balls were smacking up against my clit boner! God it felt good! His cock was getting fatter than I’ve ever felt it before, and his knot swelled to new dimensions! He was constantly pumping me full of his hot watery pre-cum, and my pussy juices gushed out to run down my quivering thighs. Soon his knot must have been completely bloated, I was in heaven. My pussy was clamping and pulsing behind the knot, milking it for all it was worth. I was thankfully rewarded with a thorough cunt bath!

He hosed my hole with hot thick dog cum! It sprayed with such force, and I could feel every drop. My whole abdomen heated up with the quantity of hot sperm. I could even hear it sloshing around in my new stretched cunt. I came so hard, I thought my legs would blow off my torso! I think I blacked out for a second, and when I came to I was starting another mind blowing orgasm.

Who could know that this much pleasure was possible between a woman and her dog? My whole diaphram was milking that huge cock! He was a neverending hydrant of hot sperm. After about ten minutes, he tried to climb off my back, but we were still stuck together, so I held his front legs in place. As complacent as Sparky was, he was contented to lie on my back panting in my ear, while his beautiful thick cock pumped me non-stop full of more sperm. Good thing I couldn’t get pregnant anymore. I’m sure I had enough pumped into me to knock up any species. LOL

Eventually our fun had to cum to an end, when his knot deflated enough, I let him pull out, while I watched intently in the mirror. OMG did I actually have that much meat in me tonight? And it had already shrunk some. It was huge! He started licking it, and I turned so I could see my hole in the mirror. What a sight!

My hole was gaping open, with thick clumps of sperm and mixed pussy cream slowly oozing out. She really looked satisfied now. LOL I was able to slide 4 fingers inside with no problem. I probly could have taken my whole fist, something I’ll try later. I brought my cream dripping fingers to my mouth, and licked and sucked the wonderful flavors from them. Then I laid back with an exhausted smile and drifted off to sleep. I was truly his bitch now.

That was the first time we had full intercourse, to be repeated many times over the yrs. We even included a new friend that we met during our walks, but I’ll save that story for next time.


Sparky and I have had wonderful heavy duty sex for over 2 yrs. now. We are still in wonderful health, he is approx. 7 or 8 yrs. old and I am 68, although I look about 58. He has slowed somewhat in his appetite, but has made up for that in skills and technique. Unfortunately my appetite seems to have increased!!!

I’ve been debating on buying another, younger dog to eventually replace Sparky, but that day is still far off, and I’ll cross that bridge when I cum to it. LOL

In the meantime, if he isn’t up for some agressive humping, I’m more than willing to suck his fat cock until it shoots all over my face and big tits, and of course fills my mouth over and over. His big old balls still produce a seemingly endless supply of hot thick dog sperm, and huge quantities of prelube.

I just love sucking his juice from my rock hard nipples, and they seem to be getting fatter and longer in the process. Sometimes I can have a raging orgasm from that in itself. I’ve also become a pro at squirting from my pussy, and I am always surprised at the amount of fluid!! I don’t know where it all comes from, but I’ve had to cover my bed with an old thick comforter, with a beach towel on top to soak it all up! LOL

I don’t need the cucumbers anymore, but have graduated to using my own fist. The first time I was amazed when my fist just slid into my recently fucked hole all the way to my wrist!. Of course Sparky’s big knot has helped loosen me up to the point that I don’t think I’ll ever be tight again. But I can still clamp down tightly on anything and milk it till the cows cum home. LOL

I’ve learned that I’m quite flexible for my age, probly from yrs. of exercise. One of my favorite ways to masterbate, is right after Sparky dismounts, I roll on my back with pillows under my butt. Then I throw my legs over my head and hook them on the headboard. Then I use the headboard for leverage to thrust my hips towards my face. Soon my big pink pussy hole is spread out right in front of my face. If I could only reach my tounge far enough to lick my own hole or clit, I would never leave the house!!! LOL

I have to content myself with sticking all my fingers in there and sucking the mixture of mine and Sparky’s cum off of them. I use our sperm to lube my hands and alternate from one to the other burying them in my still shaved pussy. Sometimes I watch in the mirror next to my bed as my whole hand dissapears, and listen to the wet sloshing sounds I make as I cum over and over. I make a fist and rotate it against my G-spot, and squirt like a lawn sprinkler, all over my face and fat titties. My clit actually seems to be developing callouses from my vigorous thumbs rubbing it on the in strokes.

When I’m feeling real adventerous, and vigorous, I’ll stick my middle finger out of my fist and rub and penetrate my cervix. I can only achieve this on certain occasions though.

Earlier I had mentioned that we had let a friend in on our lovemaking, and I’ll tell you about her now. Yes I said her! I don’t know if I’m bi-sexual, but playing with my pussy so much has made me curious about feeling and tasting another woman’s and I just met the perfect candidate.

While on one of our walks Sparky and I noticed that a house down the road from us had finally been sold. I was curious about who owned it, and was pleased to see that they were into gardening as much as I was. Maybe even more so. I was envious of the beautiful flower beds taking up the majority of the yard, and as we rounded the corner, I saw the plump butt of the gardener herself planting some more in another flower bed. We stopped for a moment, and she noticed us and walked over. I introduced ourselves as Rose and my dog Sparky.

She said her name was Mary, and leaned over the short picket fence to pat Sparkys head. Mary was a younger woman in her early forties, with long curly dark hair just turning grey at the temples. She was taller about 5’7″, and I would guess her weight at over 200 lbs. Although she seemed firm, not flabby. She had a beautiful face, and very large pointed breasts, that didn’t need a bra.

How I determined this was when she bent over the fence, to pet Sparky her loose sundress was fairly open at the shoulders, and her bountiful boobs spilled out the top right in Sparky’s face. He politely stuck his tounge out and quickly licked each of her huge brown nipples. I couldn’t help it and giggled like a school girl. Mary calmly stood up and tucked her tits back in her dress, and said “I guess he’s not shy is he?” I changed the subject and invited her over for a welcome dinner that evening. She said “Sure, I’ll bring the wine!” We made small talk about gardening for a few minutes, then Sparky and I resumed our walk on our way home.

Once at home, I was dismayed that I hadn’t asked what to fix, for I didn’t know if she was a vegetarian or had food alergies or what. So I decided to fix 2 big salads of different types, and could quickly grill some steaks when she arrived.
Sparky and I took a quick shower, and she arrived shortly after. Apparently she had just bathed also, because her luxurious hair was still damp. I told her about my menu dilemna, and she chuckled and said “Do I look like I’m picky about food?” Either way, she had brought a large bottle of peach wine that would probably go well with the salads and steaks.

I fired up the grill and we ate on the patio and talked of gardening and drank the wine. When I put the steaks on, she layed on a chaise lounge with the bottle and fell asleep. I figured I’d let her sleep until they were cooked. Later when I looked over at her to wake her up, I was horrified to see Sparky between her legs, with his head under her loose sundress, and his tail wagging furiously!.

I walked over and in a stern whisper said “Sparky!!!” He had violated one of his rituals by starting without me stroking him first! To make it worse, his big boner was out and squirting pre-cum all over the front of the lounge and the edge of her dress! He pulled his head out and turned to look at me panting as if he was laughing at me, like, “Look what I found, another pussy to lick!”

Mary started moaning, and her head was rolling back & forth in her stupor. She started mumbling, “Rose, don’t stop licking me, I was almost ready to cum!”
Then she opened her eye’s and stared right at me, staring at her. Sparky had moved over to my side thankfully! I told her the steaks were done. She looked down at Sparky’s swinging hard on and said “I’ll say! You could pitch a tent with that one!” I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. She certainly seemed uninhibited so far, then she noticed the wetness between her legs on the chaise and her dress. She must not have known what just happened, because she exclaimed “I must have spilled some of the wine, but there’s still plenty left for later.”

We ate the steaks quietly, I also made one for Sparky. Mary was apparently in deep thought, perhaps remembering what took place earlier. After dinner we went inside. As I put things away, she wandered around looking the place over. She saw a photo of my late husband and inquired about him. I told her obout our marriage and kids, and his death. Then I inquired if she had ever married?

She got quiet for a minute, then explained that she had been heavy all of her life, and some of the boys growing up had made her uncomfortable. She had been an only child like myself, and had never learned about men, and infact was still a virign! She said she had contemplated becoming a nun, but felt she was still to sexual in nature, then thought perhaps she was a lesbian. I listened to her, but didn’t know how to respond. But I did tell her that while she may consider herself overweight, I thought she carried it well, and was indeed an attractive woman. I thought to myself that it would be a shame for all that beauty to go to waste.

She noticed my bigscreen TV, and suggested we watch some movies together. I told her I didn’t have any, and a quick scan through the cable chanels didn’t show anything either of us was interested in watching. So she suggested going home and bringing back a couple of hers to watch. I said sure, and didn’t ask what type they were. A few minutes later she returned and popped one into the DVD player.

We each had a glass of wine and settled into the film starting on the screen.

I was surprised that the first one was a lesbian porn film. I guess she was even less inhibited than I thought earlier. Mary turned to me and said “I hope you aren’t offended, like I told you, I suspect I am Lesbian, and am hoping you might be turned onto it yourself.” I already told you how I was feeling about this subject, and I felt here is my opportunity. I told her that since my husbands death, I had been giving it some thought, and wouldn’t mind giving it a try. That was all the invite she needed. She put her arm around my shoulders, and pulled me closer to her on the couch and gave me a long juicy kiss. Our tounges explored each others mouths brazenly, and entwined each other sensually.

When we parted for breath, she exclaimed, “Rose, I was hot for you the minute I met you this morning!” I told her that I would love to take her virginity from her if she will let me.

She stood up, and slowly pulled her sundress up over her wide womanly hips, revealing a thick, black, curly pelt that framed two big red meaty labia. I stared transfixed, as she pulled the dress over her head and out shook those two big pointed, brown capped breasts I’d seen earlier. They swayed back and forth tantalizingly, sticking straight out unaided.

She knelt down between my legs, and unfastened my shorts. She pulled my top over my head, then pulled my shorts off, leaving me heaving in my overstuffed bra, and moist panties. I cradled her head in my arms feeling her soft curly hair.

The moans from the porno film filled the silence as we stared into each other’s eyes.

She grabbed one of her firm tits, and started rubbing the nipple on my sensative pussy mound through my soaked panties. She did the same with her other tit, then pealed my panties down to reveal my pink, swollen pussy mound. She squealed with glee, telling me that she always wanted to see a shaved one close up in person. She said, “Rose, it’s so mature looking and smells beautiful like a fresh flower. The hole is so big, and open, and wet. And your clit looks so hard!”

Then she opened my hole up wider with the stiff end of her pointed breast. She stirred the nipple around in my clutching hole, and tried to stuff as much of her breast into my big hole as she could. She tried with the other breast as well, but they were simply too fat to fit. As hard as we tried, they just became drenched in my bountiful supply of pussy cream. When both nipples were coated in juice, she pushed here tits together, and used the nipples to slide up and down my slit, and spent time jacking off my clit with the slippery nipples.

Then she lowered her face to my waiting cunt, and tasted a mature woman’s pussy for the first time. She moaned in ecstacy, and I did too. She expertly sucked one fat puffy lip after the other, then buried her toungue as far into my hole as she could get. She then slowly slid it up to my clit, and twirled it around faster and faster. This new experience had my clit as tight as a bow string.

She wasn’t as deep as Sparky, but had the knowledge of what a woman wants to feel. She stuck a finger in my hole, then soon replaced it with 3 then four fingers.
I moaned out “Yes, put your whole hand in my hole!” And when she did, I asked her to jack my clit off with the other hand.

Watching her hand dissapear in my hole unleashed her passion, soon she was blowing on my clit, and spanking it, and tugging on it with her fingers and mouth. In seconds I blew out a geyser that would make old faithful blush! She took the full force in her face and mouth. She excitedly asked, “I’ve heard about women ejaculating, can you teach me how to do that?” I said, “I’ll try my hardest, but I learned how to do it by accident.” She asked how did it happen? And I told her I would explain it to her shortly.

Just then Sparky, who had been out in the yard, must have smelt what was going on. He began to whine and scratch at the screen door to be let in. I said I have to let him in or he might wreck the door.


Sparky, the cunt-hound that he is, made a beeline for my drenched pussy hole. He started licking greedily, much to Mary’s surprise!. She exclaimed, “Sparky!” in a somewhat scolding tone. He simple ignored her and wagged his tail, never missing a beat with his tounge. I simple refilled my wine glass, and took a sip while he licked and looked into Mary’s eyes.

I calmly stated, “Mary, I’ve lived alone for a few yrs. now, with Sparky as my only companion. I loved oral sex from my husband, and one day when Sparky accidentally licked me, all hell broke loose. Can you blame me? I can’t do it myself, and see how deep he gets it?”

She looked really close, and said, “He is really getting in there, isn’t he. But does this make it so you don’t want contact from another human?” I told her that I haven’t had any desire for another man yet, and have totally abandoned my vibrators. In fact I had thrown them away a couple yrs. ago. I also kind of lied and said “If you want to learn ejaculating you may have to try it, because Sparkys the one who taught me.”

She said “Really? what else has he taught you?” I noticed she was staring at his growing boner. I thought about it a minute, then asked, “would you be interested in watching? And then maybe give some thought about giving it a try?” She immediatly said yes, and I could tell by the way her voice quivered, it was turning her on.

I pushed Sparky away for a second, and on shaky legs stood up & unfastened my bra. When my big tits sprang free, they tumbled down almost to my waist. The fat nipples were distended from my yrs. of self sucking and Sparky’s nipping and stretching. Mary said” I’ve never seen such thick nipples and areolas! Did you breast feed your babies?” I said, “yes, but that was over 30 yrs. ago, these beauties developed from Sparky and me playing with them constantly. In fact I can cum from manipulating them alone.”

I then laid on my back on the floor, and said, “Watch closely, this is only some of the fun we have.” I pulled Sparky into a 69 position, then when he resumed his licking I went after his cock. I pushed back on his sheath, and his knob appeared. It was not fully inflated yet. I explained to her that the knob inflates to a larger size and locks the pussy onto it causing extreme pleasure. Mary laid next to me inches away staring with intense curiosity. She alternated stroking my tits and hers.

Next I held his throbbing cock above my face and it started swelling more and the first drops of pre-cum started dripping out onto my cheeks and lips. I said, “You don’t have to worry, Sparky is a very clean dog, I bathe him regularly, and there is nothing to hurt you.” I then slid my tounge down the length of his thick shaft. His knot was getting fatter by the second. Then I put my mouth over his squirting cock head, and I heard Mary groan with lust. I asked her if she wanted a taste? She looked at me with uncertainty, then leaned in and opened her mouth with closed eyes. I pointed his pointed cock at her mouth and he squirted a blast of pre-cum right inside. She licked her lips, and said, “HMMM, it doesn’t taste bad, sort of musky. Kind of how I taste, but stronger, and waterier.” When she placed her lips around the organ, I told her to be careful of her teeth because he was very sensative.

Mary had started stroking her own pussy, and I could hear how wet it had become.
I got on my hands and knees and had Sparky mount me doggy style. I asked her to gently grab his cock, and even though I didn’t need her to, I asked her to guide it into my waitng hole. (By now, after yrs. of fucking, he could even get his fully inflated knob into me.) She did as instructed, and commented on how hot and wet his cock was. When he started a vigorous hump, I asked her to sit in front of my face. When she did, I had perfect access to her juicy ripe pussy. I leaned up and sucked her pointed brown nipples, tasting my stong pussy juice dried on them. UMMM!!! Then spreading her legs wide, I licked my way down to her hungry hole.

Her pussy was wide open and pulsing with lust. Her clit was huge!!! Twice the size of my old dinosaur! LOL, and very thick and hard. I just looked at it a moment and pulled the hood back and forth across the cock-like head. She gave a soft cry of pleasure, and I used my fingers to open her pussy up for my mouth. I licked around and tasted her juices. It was very wet, and tasted different than mine. Maybe it was the taste of a virgin? I probed my tounge in further, then used my fingers to feel her hymen stretched tight across her hole. I hoped that it wouldn’t be a problem. I pushed a little harder, and felt it starting to tear slightly. She was moaning louder now, and begging me to pop her cherry. That gave me an idea.

I asked if she wanted to lose her cherry to Sparky. She thought about it a few seconds, while her hips were bucking on my sofa, and the smell of her lust was floating up to my nose. “YES!!!” she said, “I want Sparky to bury that big bone in my pussy & rip my cherry to shreds!” I decided to have even more fun with this and said, “What if he gets you pregnant? He has a lot of sperm built up in his balls!”
(At this point, he had already filled my pussy with his load, but in a short time, he would have another big one for her.)

With panting breaths, she said, “I don’t care if he knocks me up! I want to have his puppies, and all the sperm he has shot up my pussy. Please help me do it” I said “Ok, we’ll do it now, but 1st Sparky needs a little rest. Meanwhile you keep his cock hard by jacking him off and sucking him until he’s ready. Just remember to be gentle, you seem a little over-excited.”

Mary said, “I will, I can’t stop from shaking!” She then gently held his shrinking cock and gently manipulated his sheath back and forth. Slowly jacking him off. I told her to hold his balls and tell me if they feel full of sperm yet.

She sighed and said, “They feel pretty big and heavy, but I’ve never touched balls before so I don’t know.” I sipped my wine watching this erotic scene and coached her on with words of encouragement.

After a while his cock started to come out on it’s own & started thickening up. Mary asked, “Do you think he’s ready yet? I feel it getting fatter!” Her breath was coming in gasps. I told her to get on her hands & knees like I had been earlier.

Then Sparky went after her pussy licking it for all he was worth. She moaned like crazy and started bucking her hips in the throws of orgasm. I helped him mount her back, and guided his cock home on the first thrust. I could feel through his cock when he hit her hymen, then after a pause he pushed on through. Being his cock wasn’t fully fattened yet, it didn’t hurt her much. She gave a slight squeal, and I let his cock slide through my fingers the rest of the way in!!!

As I watch for his knot to inflate, I made sure it got in too. She commented on how it felt different now, & I told her it was his knot locking her onto his cock. She wimpered, and asked, “You won’t let him hurt me will you?” I told her the worst part was over, and to enjoy the ride. I saw a slight trickle of blood seep out of her stretched pussy lips, and tasted it off my fingers. Am I a vampire now? LOL

As she was totally into the motion and rythm of the fuck now, I sat on the couch in front of her face, and she feverishly started licking my pussy full of his previous load. She moaned and sucked and went for every last drop, & there was plenty!

When Sparky slowed down & I could tell he was cumming, I held his collar so he wold stay in place, and he pumped her full of seed! She moaned that he was shooting her full of sperm, and there was so much!

Her body started vibrating, just like mine had the first time he plowed me! I was getting off just watching her cum! In a few seconds we were all three cumming big time! As we calmed down, and caught our breath, I waited for his knot to subside before I let him dismount. After a soft plopping noise, I crawled under her and sucked her swollen red pussy for all the juices I could drink. She came again and squirted a huge load right down my throat. It was only a pussy spasm though, not a true ejaculation. I told her that would have to wait for our next lesson.


Sparky and I have maintained close contact with our new friend Mary, perhaps too close. Maybe I’m too gulible and kind hearted and trusting, or other people are too quick to exploit others, I don’t know. Anyway here’s how it all came about.

The rest of that summer and fall, the 3 of us hooked up as often as possible. Evidently, Mary didn’t have much of a life other than Sparky and I. And I found myself being dragged down to her level, and having the energy sucked out of our relationship as if it was swirling down the drain of a bathtub.

Mary’s job was downsized in the beginning of winter, just before the holidays. She was devastated, and had no financial plan for a back up. Eventually she lost her house she had just bought. I felt sorry for the poor thing, as she had no place to go except home to live with her parents again. Something she dreaded. Like a fool, I offered her my spare bedroom, and a place to live until her situation improved. I was soon to learn, it would never improve beyond what I had just provided her.

Of course at first it was one big pajama party, or I should say orgy. lol We had uninhibited sex whenever and wherever we wanted. All taboos were broken, as we explored all of our innermost fantasies and desires. But the fun had to cum to an end sooner or later, and that first spring together is when I noticed it going downhill.

First to my horror, Mary seemed to take over all of my gardens! I admit that she is a better gardener than I am, but our tastes are different. Whenever I tried to accomplish something in the garden, it always seemed to interfere with her plans. Finally I gave up! Before her house was sold, Mary had went back and dug up a bunch of her plants, and replanted them in my garden. Then spread her gardening to my whole yard! It was a lot to keep up, and took a lot of time. Time that was never going to be used finding another job.

I even found a couple fairly good jobs in town for her, but she stated she wasn’t interested in them. HMMM! Next I found out she was a slob! Not that I’m the neatest person in the world, but she took no responsibility for her own messes. I was spending all my free time following around after her cleaning up! It led to a couple small arguments, and she would vow to change, but never did.

But the main bad effect of her moving in, was the change in Sparky! He must have aged 5 yrs. literally overnight. He was now an old dog, but he would still try to please us. If it would have been just us two, I know it would have been less traumatic. But Mary turned into a sex addict, and milked him for every sperm cell he could produce. I gave him special food and vitamins, but it was probly too late.

He was extremely healthy, but was aging rapidly. I tried pointing it out to Mary, but she was in denial big time. When I was around, I could limit the activity, but as soon as I left them alone for any length of time, she went full tilt boogy! Then I would come home to another mess, and an exhausted dog. Then I devised a plan.

First, I went on a shopping trip, after doing some online research. From working in my own florist shop, I had learned some basic carpentry skills building displays, and had some lumber cut to specs. Then I bolted together a frame down in one end of the basement. The basement is one place Mary never went, because it was too close to the laundry, something she never found time for.

I had also purchased several dog collars of various sizes, and a supply of velcro. Boy, has velcro ever gone up in price! Out of these I made several restraints designed for wrists (velcro) and thighs/ankles (dog collars) The frame was a rack shaped like an X, with attachments for the restraints at each end of the X.

Next, it took awhile, but I found some fox/coyote matrix. From my research, I guess it is distilled from the urine of female fox and coyotes in eustrus to aid in luring in males for hunting and trapping. I wasn’t sure how it would work, it had a horrible strong odor, but supposedly only takes a drop to work. It was cheap enough to buy a bottle and give it a try.

The next purchase took longer to find, but luckily, I found a local source for Mary’s surprise birthday present. And her birthday was only a couple weeks away.

Finally the aniversay of Mary’s birth arrived, and I sent her on a grocery shopping trip to buy the necessary food for her birthday meal. I know it sounds corny, but that’s the only way I could get her out of the house to finish my plan.

When she got back, I told her I would cook the meal later, but I had a surprise for her in the garden in back. She looked around and couldn’t find anything, then I put a blindfold on her for her “surprise”. I spun her around for grins and giggles, and led her towards the walkout basement door.

When I opened the door, we were greeted by the loudest bark. She said, “That sounds too deep to be Sparky!” And she tried to take the blindfold off, but I caught her, and slid a leather hood over her face. It had nose and mouth holes, but that’s all. I led her to the rack, and stripped her naked. That seemed to calm her down somewhat, knowing she was in for a good time. Then I bound her wrists to the top of the X and her ankles to the bottom. I also fastened the collars around her thighs, just above her knees to keep her legs spread apart. The rack could be tilted about 45 degrees, and I lowered the top, so she was in a bent over position.

Then I used clothespins on the ends of a short line to clip onto her labias, and wrapped around her thighs, they helped to keep her pussy wide opened. I pulled another clip open further than it normally opens to loosen the spring, and added a drop of matrix to the clip. This one I clipped on her clit hood. I could see her clit thickening, and juices beginning to run down her thighs.

Sparky had been watching all these preparations with curiosity, then homed in on her clit, and gave it a few licks. I had to literally pull him away, and lead him outside. He sat at the door whining. Mary was whining for me to let him back, which surprised me.

She was always more into him screwing her than licking her. That was why we never got her trained to squirt. She would never relax enough to let loose. Well there was another whining noise coming from the closed bathroom down there, and as soon as I opened the door, in bounded 200 lbs. of pure puppy enthusiasm!

His name was Brute, and he was a 2 yr. old, black, half great dane and half mastiff. His name fit him well, and he zeroed in on her dripping twat, and gave her hell! I said happy birthday Mary, and she thrust her ass out as far as the restraints allowed. As Brute slobbered all over her hind quarters, I could see her big clit jutting out underneath, and his tongue was trying to lick it off! He was trying to find the source of those pheromones, and licked every inch of her big ass cheeks and dripping vagina.


I watched and sipped my drink as Mary convulsed through several huge involuntary orgasms. I chuckled under my breath as I watched the biggest cock I’ve ever seen slowly emerge from Brute’s bouncing sheath. At first it poked in and out a few times, then slowly dropped out, and started to expand.

The twitching tip was spurting precum, until a sizeable pool formed between her widespread legs. I grabbed a throw rug from the entryway, and carefully spread it underneath so I wouldn’t disturb him. Brute would need all the footing he could find on the smooth tile floor.

In a matter of minutes, he was making attempts to mount her. I noticed that they matched up perfectly height wise, so I gently guided his thrusting hips until Mary’s squeal told me he had hit home.

He buried his bone on the first thrust, and I saw his massive nuts swing forward, and smack her throbbing hard clit. As he pulled out the first few times, I saw his knot inflating rapidly. Mary was in for a surprise! The knot looked to be twice the size of Sparky’s. Brute’s cock was much thicker too, but not much longer. I think Sparky just had a huge dong in general for a lab.

Mary was panting feverishly, and grunting like a sow. lol Soon she was squealing like one also. I could see a flood of juices pouring down her legs, soaking the rug, and she was mumbling something in the leather hood. I just ignored her, and finished my drink.

I left them shortly to refill my glass, and as I looked back, I saw Brute collapsed on her back, with his tail and huge nuts pumping in unison. He was filling her like a fire hydrant. Everything happened so fast, and wild, I know this is the most brutal fuck Mary has ever endured.

I came back with my drink, and my cell phone. I took a few pictures, and set it aside for later. Brute carefully backtracked, and I helped him get down. I didn’t want him to prolapse her uterus! lol

As soon as his magnificent cock slid into view, I knelt under his belly and licked the foamy curds of sperm dripping off the massive shaft. Then I swirled my tongue around the fat wedge shaped head, and wrapped my lips around it, as it spurted a few last drops of jiz.

His knot, even though deflated somewhat, appeared to be the size of both my fists. My fists are rather small, but this planted an idea in my head for round 2. I waited for what looked like a pint of sperm and who knows what else to slide out of her gaping hole. Her clit looked like a maraschino cherry, waiting to be plopped in my drink. I gave it a gentle flick and twist, which instantly revived Mary.

Her big pussy flaps contracted into a tight cluster, trying to deny me access. A few drops of nectar squeezed out as I clenched my fist, and aimed at the vortex of her puckered birthday pussy. lol

Without any lube, (none was needed anyway) I slowly pressed my fist upwards. This was something we hadn’t tried on our own yet, so I knew it would be a new experience for Mary, even after taking Brute’s huge knot.

As my fist slid deeper, I found there was quite a bit of room inside. I was halfway to my elbow, and pulled out a little bit, and rotated my fist a few times. This produced a gush of fluids as I massaged her huge “G” spot, and several loud moans from under Mary’s hood.

On the outstroke. I placed my other hand alongside my arm, and marveled at how easily it slid into her expanded hole. I balled this into a fist also, and had fun moving them around. Sometimes together, or seperately, or sometimes I used them for leverage to spread my arms apart. My arms had slippery woman sperm running down and dripping off my elbows.

Finally her cunt spasms were getting too strong for my arms, and they felt like they might fall asleep. I had visions of us being found dead after my circulation cut off, and we were trapped in that position. lol As I eased my fists out, (one at a time, I’m not a sadist! LOL) a pure fountain of woman juice sprayed out of her hole and got me right in the face and tits.

Mary had truly squirted for the first time, and boy what a squirt. I still haven’t found out what the fluid is or what gland it cums from, but who would know that women have this resevoir stored inside their bodies? I removed my wet shirt and bra, and got another brilliant idea.

I grabbed my big floppy tits, and started rubbing my big stiff nipples around in her clutching hole. Her hole had been stretched so wide, that I could actually get them both up in there. Then I grabbed my left tit firmly, and slowly tried to insert it in her cave. It went in part way, but was too soft and fat to go in any farther. still it felt awesome to feel her inner folds squeezing my sensitive tit. I whipped her dangling clit a few times with my wet nipple and backed off for a sip of my drink.

Instead of birthday candles for her cake, I had bought a candle for her in a gift store. It was one of those big wide ones, with 4 wicks. Now I had a brain storm.

I reversed the leg bindings, so her ankles were now bound to the opposite sides. Then I loosened her wrists, one at a time, and did the same. In the process I rotated her body so she was now strapped down on her back instead of her stomache. I tilted the X back so her head was down again, but her pussy was up in the air.

Next, I plugged the big candle in her hole, before it closed any further, and lit each of the wicks. Ummm I didn’t know it was a scented candle. Smells like Patcholli! I removed the clothes pins from her clit hood and labia, also. Next I called Brute over, and happily started to storke his sheath to get his cock to come out again.

He was only too pleased to stand contendedly, while I paid attention to his fattening cock. Soon he was dripping in anticipation, as his broad cock swung just above Mary’s lips. She couldn’t see it, but she could smell and feel the fluid running into her panting mouth. She brought her head up, to start sucking noisily on his waving wand. I held my fist just behind his beautiful knob, as his cock throbbed and twitched with a mind of his own.

Soon Mary’s thick black pussy pelt, was plastered in melted wax. I was tempted to yank it off, and give her a Brazillian wax job, but didn’t. Like I said, I’m not a sadist, yet… But I did dip my finger in the wax and wrote, “Happy Birthday Mary” on her stomache, and took a couple more pictures.

I sat back and giggled, as I looked at them. My favorite was the last with her mouth stuffed full of young dog cock, and his sperm running out the sides. Just like the melting wax running down her swollen obscenely stretched pussy mound. I sent them to myself in my email that she didn’t have access to, incase she got ahold of my camera.

Well eventually all parties have to come to an end, and I had to seperate them before she drowned in Brutus’ flood of sperm. I blew out the candle, pondering my choice of words, when Mary and I have our next little heart to heart talk. I’m going to tell her that from now on, Sparky is off limits to her, no matter what he tries to pull. She has her own dog now, who hopefully will have the stamina it takes to bust her nut. If I have to, I will show her the family pictures I will share with her parents if she doesn’t back off!

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