Women with Animals
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Viviana’s First Encounter


(c) 2012 by tigereye26

There are worse things to do on my first spring vacation from college than to house sit for my parents. They decided they needed a second honeymoon to get away. What do they need to get away from? Their 3 story perfect house? Or could they just need to get away from their personal “hot springs”. A hot tub that is made to look like a natural pool, but is elevated above the lawn and the giant pool by wide rock stairs, that on one side cascades into a waterfall into the sunken pool. All this surrounded by lush tropical plants and 8′ privacy fence. The perfect getaway in my parents back yard and they have to get away from it. Right…

I drive up to my parents house, having left after last class Friday afternoon and dad is loading their bags into their car. Mom of course rushes over and gives me a big hug and kiss on the cheek and hands me a stapled stack of papers and a key ring with several keys, “Instructions for everything you’ll need while we’re gone including contact info where we are going to be staying. Now we’re running late so I can’t introduce you to Tiny and Tim.”

Dad walks up before I can ask any questions and gives me a hug, “She’s an adult now, I’m sure she can take care of the place herself and all the codes are in those papers. We ARE running late and need to go now. Love you punkin! No wild parties and no boys!” With this he bustles mom into the car and drives off leaving me standing on the front step holding the papers and keys.

“Love you too, have a great trip….” I mutter to the tail lights of my parent’s car, not having been able to say anything in the whirl wind of my parents departure. “Wonder who Tiny Antim is.” With a shrug, having mis understood my mom’s hurried speach I go and grab my duffle bag from my car, lock it and head inside. I glance at the stack of papers and decide to get settled before reading it.

I hear some barking but don’t think anything of it as it’s outside. I set the list down on the coffee table as I pass through the living room to my room to put my stuff away. Taking my time I neatly fold my clothes, including the little nighty my boyfriend gave me for Christmas. These thoughts quickly turned to the hot sex we had later while I modeled it for him. My hands unconsiously start massaging my 40DDD, nipples stiffening quickly as I remember Alex’s hands and mouth all over my body, “mmmmmmm Damn! This is going to be a long week!”

Now horny, panties dampened, nipples poking through my tshirt and having 9 whole days until I can see my boyfriend again I pout a little. I strip and examine myself in the full length mirror on the closet door. I turn this way and that, looking at all 5’6″ of me, frowning at my belly bulge and small love handles. Then I grin as I look over my shoulder at my ass, knowing just how much that curve turns on Alex. Turning, I cup my breasts and massage them more. With a naughty grin like Alex was watching I start playing with my sensitive nipples, rolling them in my fingers till they are hard erasers jutting out from my large areolas. I can’t seem to help pinching the hard buds and tug lightly, then more insistently, causing me to moan softly at first. I keep playing with my breasts, watching in the mirror, randomly tugging them till I feel like my pussy is a molten pool. My eyes widen a bit and lips twist into a very naughtily sexy grin as I realize I have the hot tub to myself and I don’t have to wear a bathing suit as no one will see me.

With a happy noise I quickly race over to the hall linen closet and grab one of the over sized plush towels and all but skip to the back door, giggling at how naughty and brazen I feel walking around my parents house naked and wet. With all thoughts of my mom’s comments forgotten, I unlock the back door and almost slam it behind me and rush along the edge of the pool towards the hot tub.

Just as I step onto the first step I startle and drop the towel at a loud bark from the bushes right behind me. I swiftly turn just as a large solid grey Great Dane steps closer out of the bushes and barks again. “Whoa! Easy boy! Where’d you come from?” Then I jump again and this time let out a startled squeek as another massive Great Dane, this one white, bounds out of the bushes from further back in the yard and barks at me several times.

“Holy crap! When did they get you?” Tries to keep an eye on them both and back up a few steps as they come closer, sniffing the air in my direction. The grey one walks up, no longer barking and shoves his snout right in my crotch, sniffing deepy, smelling the arousal from me playing with my nipples just a few minutes ago. I swat at him, “BAD dog! No!” He backs up a step, but this just gives the white dog the opportunity to step close and roughly shove his muzzle into my crotch then lick my triangle before I can push him away.

Shoving at the white dog’s head and yelling no at him I try to step back. Unfortunitally I forgot about the towel I dropped. It slipped on the stone step as my foot came down and caused me to fall backwards. My legs fly apart as my back connects with the stone steps, and my head does too. And my eyes close and I black out.

“Mmmmm God Alex don’t stop licking! You’ve never licks soooo deep!” My eyes closed I moan as a tongue laps at my pussy and then slithers partially inside. Not yet remembering what happened I keep my eyes closed “knowing” only my current boyfriend Alex ever licked me so good. I moan again, almost ready to explode, reaching down to twine my hands in Alex’s hair like he loves when licking me to orgasm I feel short fur and dog ears instead and a tongue swipe across an engorged nipple. Eyes pop open and I can’t help but let out a scream and flail, seeing the white dog with his muzzle and tongue buried in my muff and the grey dog, who’s collar boldly states Tim on it, licks my chest. Suddenly it pops randomly into my head that mom said she didn’t have time to introduce me to Tiny and Tim, not Tiny Antim.

I scramble to roll over to get away, even if it’s just up into the hot tub. As soon as my knees and hands meet the stone steps to push myself up and away from these crazy dogs, the white Great Dane leaps onto my back. My arms buckle under his sudden heavy weight, causing my breasts to mash into the slightly roughened stone (for more secure footing when wet), fortunitally my arm catches me so I don’t smack my face into the stone too. What I can only assume is Tiny, wastes no time n starts humping my bare, upturned ass.

“Bad dog! Get off me!!” I yell and vainly try to stand as I start feeling something hard jab at my cheeks. After a few humps something long and slimy runs along the crack of my ass and up to my tailbone. “OH MY GOD what are you doing!! Bad Tiny! Down Tiny! Get off me you damn dog!” Suddenly he growls and bites my hair and back of my neck, his front paws trying to get a better grip on my body as he adjusts his angle. I just start to yell at him again when he humps and I feel him jab at my engorged pussy lips.

“No! No no no no no!” I wiggle to try to get away again. This wiggling does dislodge the tip of his cock, but just enough that his next thrust slides over my aroused clit. Gasping, a tremer runs through my body at the unexpected shot of pleasure. Again, Tiny adjusts a little, growling more as I see Tim try to get in closer to me.

I hold still, not wanting this Great Dane on my back to try to bite my neck harder. Tiny thrusts again and again, failing to hit his mark. Finally he dismounts in frustration. I let out a sound of relief. A very short sound that is cut off as an eager Tim jumps on my back and humps franticly in short strokes, poking my ass cheeks and thighs. Desperately I try to stand and throw him off of me as his front paws scratch at my bare sides the adjust me for his pleasure. He growls n grabs my neck, adusts his stance on the steps and thrusts again , managing this time to lodge the tip in my pink, trimmed folds.

With my knees firmly planted on the stone step and the huge dog pinning me there, I couldn’t move forwards or backwards more than a few inches and his legs around my waist kept me from doing much more than wiggling side to side when attempting to roll from under him. This time instead of dislodging the cock trying to fuck me it pushes him a smidge deeper into my folds. And without much further warning Tim thrusts hard and deep, working his cock into my hole, wet and aroused from earlier licking and from me thinking about Alex.

“Oh GOD!” gasping as 4 inches of thick, hot cock penetrate on that first thrust. Jackhamering hips quickly work more and more into my wet depths. My pussy betrays me having not forgotten how close to orgasm I was just minutes ago and starts lubricating even more as he thrusts deeper and deeper. I bite my lip to hold back a low moan. Each thrust rocks my body under his, nipples rubbing over the roughened stone, causing even more stimulation to my aroused body during this doggie rape.

His cock is much bigger than my averagely endowed boyfriend back in college and is reaching places never before stimulated or stretched. The pleasure starts overtaking my logical brain and tilt my hips for slightly deeper entry, moaning loudly now. Soon I feel something larger banging at my labia, not knowing anything of canine mating or anatomy having never been allowed to have dogs, I thrust back against Tim as an orgasm rapidly approaches.

“Fuck! Yes doggie make me cum!” I whine and moan, moving as much as I can as he jackhammers in and out of my needy, sopping wet pussy, pushing that buldge in and out a couple times. Lost in lust I love the extra stimulation and thrust back with all my might as my moans turn into that higher pitched sound as my my pussy quakes and I cum hard on this huge dog cock.

Panting and barely coming down from that intense orgasm, I realize just how full my pussy feels and the now shallow thrusts from Tim. “What the…?!” My words are cut off as another orgasm sweeps through my body as a hot blast of dog cum hoses right against my cervix. Tim yelps a little at the intense pressure my spazming muscles squeeze his now painfully inflated cock.

My orgasm seems endless as Tim pumps what seems like gallons of cum inside me. Hips keep wiggling as I draw out my orgasm, for now forgetting I didn’t want this to happen in the first place. Finally my body sags, weak from the thorough fucking and the most intense orgasms of my life so far. The hot spurting sensation deep inside me slows to a trickle.

“House… I need to get to the house… sleep and clean up.” Blinking, and still caught in the orgasmic glow. I try to move again and moan, realizing Tim is still filling my pussy tight. “Down boy. You had your fun, get off me.” Thinking he was obeying me Tim jumped off my back and swung his hind leg over, leaving us butt to butt. The twisting cock rotates right on my gspot and causes me to moan and have another minor orgasm.

This little orgasm is cut short as I feel an incredible sharp pain like my insides were being ripped out of me and am dragged backwards down a few steps. My knees now in the grass, tits and arms still on a step. I try to stand up since the dog was no longer on my back. I squeek in pain as that ripping sensation happens again when i try to move away.

“Oh god did you cum glue?! What did you do to me you stupid dog?” I yell at Tim, pissed and humiliated that I came on a dog’s cock and now seem to be stuck. Wiggling to get away just makes me moan again as it causes my gspot to be stimulated.

“No little lady you are stuck on the dog’s knott. Male dogs lock with their horny bitches so they can’t escape while being pumped full of cum.” A deep male voice states from back towards the house.

My body jerks in surprise and head whips around towards the deep male voice. Standing near the gate in the fence is my parents’ long time neighbor Bob. Middle aged, tall, slightly balding, a bit of a belly, and watching me intently through his glasses with a very large tent in his pants. I blush hard. My body turning even redder at being caught naked on my hands and knees, breasts swinging free and stuck on a large dog cock in my parents’ back yard.

“P…Please Bob! This isn’t what it looks like. Help me! He’s stuck in me. I didn’t want this! I can explain!” I stammer just now realizing he’s holding up his cell phone and taking pictures as he walks closer.

“Oh I think your moaning and naked body cumming on his fat dog cock is all the explanation I need. I knew you were a slut in high school. I just didn’t know you were a dog’s bitch.”

Tiny barks a few times at Bob cutting him off then comes over, sniffing at my body. This causes Tim to bark and move towards Bob. “No!” I groan as I’m tugged by my pussy backwards and closer to Bob. Scrambling backwards as fast as I can is the only thing that keeps my pussy from being ripped open. Finally Tim stops dragging me as he reaches Bob.

“Good boy Tim! Bred that bitch didn’t you. Pumped her full to try to knock her up, didn’t you boy?” Bob states, petting and talking to the dog like he did everything right instead of raping me.

Suddenly I hear the sound of a zipper being undone. Looking over my shoulder I see Bob taking off his clothes. “What are you doing! He raped me! You have to get him out of me , he’s hurting me!”

“He fucked you because he must have smelled that you were just a bitch in heat. He’s going to stay locked in your wet pussy until his knott shrinks. Could be 10 minutes could be an hour,” he tells me matter factly as he takes more close up pictures. “Now my little dog slut you are going to give me the best blow job I’ve ever had or I’m sending these pictures to your parents. Show them just how well you’re taking care of Tim here.” With that said he kneels in front of me aiming a surprisingly large cock as my mouth.

“Suck it and look happy for the camera. Remember you better please me or your parents and the whole web will know what a dog slut you are. And I want you to act like this was your favorite fantasy was to suck me and do everything I want to you. Now beg like a slut to suck my cock!” As he tells me this he rubs the fat head of his cock over my closed lips and leers down at me.

“P…please let me suck your cock. I…I have dreamed about suck….sucking you for forever.” I try not to flinch as her rubs his cock along my cheek and bottom lip as I stammer trying to please him enough that he won’t send those pictures to anyone. I wince and make a soft sound of pain as Tim gets bored and tries to walk away, pulling me with him since he’s still locked tight in my pussy.

“Really?” Feints surprise and slides the hand moving his cock around on my lips into my hair, letting his cock lightly slap against my cheek. Tilting my head back as far as it will go by my hair, “Then lick and suck it sweet slut.” He snaps a few pictures of me sticking out my tongue to lick the tip of his cock. Soon his lust gets the better of him and he forces his cock into my mouth.

Whimpering as Tim again tries to move away I instinctually grab Bob’s thighs to keep from being pulled backwards. Bob takes this as a sign of me trying to please him more. With a lust filled groan he makes me deep throat his ridged member. So full, my throat literally bulges out causing me to gag. I look up at him, pleading with my eyes as I try to breathe to stop. All I see however is him taking another picture, a look of pure lust on his face.

Suddenly I try to scream, body jolting, the sound coming out just a loud moaning gurgle sound around the cock buried in my throat. Finally Tim’s enormous cock tugs free of my suctioning pussy with a vicious tug. Instantly I feel a flood of dog cum pour down my thighs and pool around my knees.

I feel his grip in my hair tighten as he begins to thrust in and out of my mouth in response. Managing to gasp bits of air as he fucks his fat cock in and out of my throat I have no time to react before I feel a tongue beginning to lick the cum on my thighs. I try to kick and flail my arms to keep the licker away from my tender abused pussy.

For my efforts I get a growl from behind me and a nip on my ankle telling me he means business. And then from above me, a lusty groan with encouragement, “That’s a good boy Tiny. Show her who the bitch is. Come on fuck her slutty hole!” With every few words he thrusts his entire cock down my throat, mashing my nose into his thankfully trimmed pubes. I try to keep my legs shut and reduce how much Tiny can get at my leaking pussy.

“Spread your knees and offer up your goodies like the bitch in heat you are. If you don’t…” He again slides deep and this time with my mouth and throat engulfing him he humps forward while pulling my head closer, bruising my lips and nose some. “I will stay in your throat till you pass out and then who knows which hole Tiny here will fuck.”

My watering eyes widen at that threat. I hadn’t even thought of the dogs fucking my ass. Reluctantly I spread my knees and arch my back, pushing my pussy out towards Tiny, offering him sloppy seconds. This apparently was fine with Tiny as he pushes his snout into my folds, and begins lapping away at my juices mixed with Tim’s cum.

“Good little bitch,” with that he pulls back so just the fat purple head is in my mouth. This allows me to gulp in much needed air and clear the stars that were starting to form in my vision. “Don’t just leave it there unattended, suck it ya little bitch, or do you love me fucking deep in your throat that much?” With alacrity I desperately suck and swirl my tongue on his sensitive tip, using all the techniques I know my boyfriend loves trying to make Bob cum faster.

For just a brief moment my mind so focuses on pleasing Bob to make him cum so he’ll hopefully leave me alone my body is allowed to react naturally to the oral I’m receiving. Not even realizing it I begin to hump back on the tongue that’s working all over my pussy and scraping over my sensitized clit. A moan escapes my throat unexpectedly as the tongue stops and Bob’s hand tightens in my hair again.

Before my mind can ask why the tongue that was winding me up towards another orgasm against my mental wishes stopped I feel Tiny’s heavy weight settle onto my back. Immediately he starts humping, seeking to bury his far from tiny cock (if he’s anything like his brother) into me. Hot dog breath blows on my neck as Tiny’s aim is too high and slides his hot member along my ass cheeks and rubs his precum along my lower back.

Again gagging on Bob’s cock as he shoves it down my throat in excitement I reach back and try to grab Tiny as he readjusts. Now afraid that he’ll miss his mark and shred my tiny virgin ass hole I manage to grasp his thrusting member, feeling how much warmer it is than the cock down my throat. Tiny pauses for a fraction of a moment as my hand closes around him. I use this moment to aim him at my already juicy, fucked hole.

“Such a good bitch helping him breed you properly, love being stuffed with dog cock don’t you?” Bob humiliates me and roughly fucks my throat as Tiny does just that. With a light hump he pushes just the tip into my molten wetness. Adjusting his grip with his front paws on my waist, he wastes no time stuffing me full of his rampant cock in a few deep thrusts. These thrusts just push me more firmly onto the cock thrusting into my throat.

All this thrusting and fucking starts overwhelming my stimulated body. Tiny quickly gets into his rhythm similar to the pace of a jackhammer as the knott starts to swell and batter against my swollen pussy lips. Since Tim already reamed and stretched my poor pussy earlier, Tiny’s fucking isn’t nearly as painful. His knott slides in much sooner and much easier.

My moans mix with Bob’s grunts, Tiny’s panting, the squishing noises of my cum filled pussy getting pounded and mixing with Tim slurping loudly cleaning our juices off himself. As Tiny locks inside me my body arches and thrusts back hard as an orgasm sweeps through my body. I suck like my life depends on it, wrapped up in pure animal lust.

“Swallow. God take it like a good bitch! Swallow every last drop my little cock sucker!” Eagerly he fucks my throat like he’s trying to keep pace with Tiny pounding. As Tiny’s thrust become shallower as I feel him seal himself deep inside me and unload his hot cum, Bob stiffens and rams down my throat. Almost violently mashing my face into his body as I feel his cock pulsate and shoot his cum straight to my stomach.

Being pushed back n forth in a ragged rhythm my pussy clamps down on Tiny as I cum harder than ever before. Seeing stars from lack of oxygen I still try to swallow and suck on him as much as I can, not spilling a drop. Back to back orgasms race through my body as I feel spurt after spurt filling me from both directions.

I start to struggle, desperate for air. Bob just grips me harder, letting Tiny’s thrusts keep me solidly on Bob’s cock. I hear Bob pant, “Good little bitch, will have to play more tomorrow.” At this point my world fades to black from too many intense orgasm and lack of oxygen.

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Views: 3552

One thought on “Viviana’s First Encounter

  1. Great story and I would love to know what happened during the rest of the week when Bob, Tiny and Tim had free access to their dog loving slut’s holes.

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