Women with Animals

Three Women and a Dog


(c) 2012 by Lisa Pavageau

Part I

Samantha, Kelly, and Tina were best friends. They attended college together and shared a modest house just off campus. Samantha was the smart one, taking pre-med and working hard at her schoolwork. She was tall and blonde and bright blue eyed, with a natural hard body and a shy introverted personality. She couldn’t quite understand why all the guys hit on her when it should have been obvious that she just wasn’t interested in that sort of thing. Samantha was still a virgin and intended to stay that way until she was properly married. Being a 21 year old virgin wasn’t easy though, and her friends certainly didn’t help.

Kelly was a slut. Everybody knew it, and even she would cheerfully admit it. “I love sex, so what?” She would giggle at Samantha’s exasperation. She was 22, and nearly as tall as Samantha at 5’7″ and her body was all curves. She was just perfectly rounded everywhere, from her gorgeous ass, to her large firm breasts. She had hips that seemed all out of proportion to her tiny waist, and everyone agreed, Kelly had been made for sex. That and swimsuit calendars, which was how she paid her share of the rent. Her raven black hair and tanned, well oiled skin had sold quite a few posters. So had the come-hither-and-fuck-me-hard look in her deep brown eyes. She wasn’t the brightest girl, but with her looks she didn’t really think she needed to be.

Tina was the most normal of the three, falling somewhere in the middle between Samantha’s aloof shyness, and Kelly’s outright nymphomania. She was also the youngest, being a freshman and just 19, but she thought she was lucky, falling in with her two new friends. She had a boyfriend back home, which was a long ways away, and she wasn’t a virgin by any means, but she really wanted to stay faithful, feeling sure that her boyfriend would be doing the same. This wasn’t always easy though, because Tina was a real beauty even though she was quite petite, barely 5’2″ tall and 90 lbs soaking wet, but that just seemed perfect to everyone who saw her. She had green eyes and chestnut hair that fell to her shoulders and that suited her heart shaped face perfectly. Her breasts weren’t overly large, but they were pert and firm, and her butt was incredible, especially in the hip hugger pants she favored.

Now you’d think three beautiful college coeds sharing a house would be pretty exciting. Well, it was, sometimes. Especially when Kelly would bring home two or three guys at once. They tended to think that Samantha and Tina would be more than happy to join them in a little orgy, but of course that only led to real problems. Luckily, Kelly was never one to hold a grudge, and Samantha was eminently practical, and Tina…She’d do anything to keep from moving into the girl’s dorm on campus. So they were quick to forgive and forget. Kelly just seemed to forget a lot quicker, and soon there’d be another incident involving some frat boys and Samantha’s virginity, or some of the football players and Tina’s fidelity. You get the picture.

Then one day, all that changed.

“What’s that?” Samantha looked up from her biology text as Tina walked into the living room, pulling a rather large dog behind her.

“That,” interrupted Kelly, walking out of the bathroom naked except for the pink towel on her head, “is a dog.”

“Can’t you put some clothes on?” Samantha sighed.

“What for?” Kelly shrugged and put her hands on her hips, smiling at Tina. “What’s it’s name?”

“Tiger. And it’s a he.” Tina smiled. “And he’s a purebred Alsatian. I got him from the pound, can you believe that? A friend of mine in ethics told me about him and…”

“Yeah…yeah…” Kelly cut her off. “What are you going to do with him?”

“I’m going to keep him. Isn’t he beautiful?” Tina rubbed dog’s head. He was blonde and brown and his coat was thick and soft.

“Are you going to breed him?” Samantha asked.

“I don’t know, maybe. He has papers, I don’t know why the owners didn’t keep him or sell him or something.” Tina shrugged.

“Maybe he’s vicious.” Kelly ventured, looking closely at the dog as if she could see something no one else could.

“Don’t be silly.” Tina bent over and the animal happily licked her face. “He’s just a big puppy.”

“Well, you have to take care of him Tina.” Samantha told her friend.

“Yeah, I know.” Tina nodded. She’d been a little worried about her roommates’ reactions and she was glad at least Samantha seemed okay with it.

“Tiger is a dumb name for a German Shepherd.” Kelly finally pronounced, then left for her room.

“He’s Alsatian!” Tina called out, but her roommate was already gone. “Don’t you listen to her, Tiger.” Tina smiled and stroked the dog, talking softly. “I love your name.”

…That night Kelly came home late, which wasn’t awfully unusual for her. She was exhausted and a mess too, also somewhat normal after one of her `dates’. She made her way to her bedroom, not bothering to clean herself up. She’d been thoroughly molested by 3 very handsome and energetic members of the wrestling team and poor Kelly just didn’t have the energy for a shower. The beautiful woman just peeled off her skirt and blouse, wondering idly what had happened to her panties, and flopped down on her bed.

Tiger had heard her of course, from his new sleeping spot in front of the refrigerator, and he wandered down the hall to investigate. He smelled something vaguely familiar, the tangy sweet pungent sexual aroma of a recently mated human female. Tiger had some experience with this, as his last owner had been a woman who enjoyed sex and had indulged every chance she got…with Tiger. Until her husband found out. He wasn’t a very understanding man, but he wasn’t cruel either. He dropped the dog off at the pound rather than shoot the animal like he’d first wanted to.

Kelly hadn’t bothered closing her door and Tiger slipped into the bedroom, sniffing and feeling his dog prick hardening in it’s furry sheath. This bitch was definitely ready for puppies! He could tell. He looked at the now sleeping girl in the moonlight and saw she was laying on her side, with her legs slightly spread and bent. Her sex was dripping with some other male’s sperm, but that didn’t matter to Tiger, he’d shared bitches with other dogs before. His previous bitch had mated with him plenty of times after her husband had finished with her.

He sniffed a little closer and then gave Kelly a tentative lick. She tasted good, just like the dog knew she would. He licked again, digging his long rough tongue between the loose folds of her cunt, lapping at the heady juices that were leaking out of her. Kelly moaned softly in her sleep and Tiger gave her a look. He knew that sound meant she was enjoying it and he jumped up on the bed, bouncing the springs a little as he tried to steady his large body. His cock had slipped entirely free of it’s sheath and now stuck out hard and long and dripping with doggy precum. It was a nice sized prick by anyone’s standards, almost 8″ long and thick in the middle, tapering at the base and pointed tip.

Tiger straddled Kelly, still sleeping soundly and started thrusting his cock in search of her hole, knowing it must be somewhere down there. It was a little awkward, the bitch was a little lower than Tiger would have liked, but this was a very small problem for a horny dog. Kelly started waking up, feeling the dog on top of her and something hard and hot and wet stabbing against her ass and thighs. She turned her head slowly, blinking at the rather unexpected sight of a dog straddling her prone form.

“What the…?” Her eyes opened wide as she tried to understand what she was seeing. She’d totally forgotten that Tina had brought the dog home earlier that day. “Heeeeelp!” She screamed and just about then Tiger’s searching penis found it’s mark and he slammed the length of his cock into her hot wet slit. He knew right away he was in and kicked his fucking into high gear, pulling almost completely out of his bitch before driving deeply back into her womb, repeating the movement a half-dozen times in just the blink of an eye.

By the time Kelly had blinked a couple times, the wonderful sensation of having Tiger’s hard cock buried in her insatiable sex had only confused the shocked girl even further. “Noooo! Oh…Noooo!” She screamed again and her limbs finally responded to the animal’s assault, flailing and kicking as Kelly tried desperately to get away.

But Tiger was a very large dog and this wasn’t the first bitch he’d mounted. As Kelly shifted, actually lifting her hips slightly, moving more or less to her hands and knees as she tried to get away, Tiger wrapped his strong front legs around Kelly’s narrow waist. The dog hugged her tightly, lowering his soft furry chest and neck to the girl’s back, his head on her shoulder so that Kelly could feel the animal’s warm breath on her cheek. The new position felt much better for Tiger and he was able to use his powerful thighs to hump his prick hard into the depths of Kelly’s cunt, making her yelp with the new and unexpected sensation. It wasn’t painful, not for a woman who’d spent the better part of the evening on her back, but it did feel…different. Maybe even better?

Kelly wondered briefly if she was dreaming and decided she wasn’t. The dog really was fucking her and that brought another scream for help. Long and loud and punctuated with a hard little “OOF!” at the end as the tip of Tiger’s cock found the bitch’s cervix, like a little kick that knocked the air from her lungs. Not an entirely unpleasant thing, by any means.

“What are you doing to my dog?” Tina yelled from the hallway. She was standing there, blinking and wiping the sleep from her eyes as she stared at the sight of Tiger fucking her roommate.

“God!” Samantha was there too, peeking over Tina’s shoulder in disbelief. “What a slut!”

“No!” Kelly stared at her two friends with wide frightened eyes. “I’m not…I didn’t…I…Ohhhh!!” She tried to explain, but suddenly her clit was on fire and her nipples itched horribly and the walls of her pussy just seemed to collapse, squeezing that glorious shaft like a fist as Kelly’s orgasm exploded. It took her completely by surprise, without any warning at all and the poor girl didn’t stand a chance.

“You should have gotten a female dog, Tina.” Samantha patted her young friend’s shoulder sympathetically and turned around to go back to her bed. She’d seen enough.

“Kelly!” Tina was still trying to deal with the image in front of her. “How…how could you?” She felt terribly betrayed. Tiger was her dog! If Kelly wanted to do…that…she could have gotten her own! She blinked back a threatening tear and stared for a long second more before turning and running to her own room, slamming the door and jumping into her bed.

“Nooo…no…” Kelly gasped through the intense fog of pleasure that had engulfed her senses. Some small part of her watched in despair as her friends deserted her. Why didn’t they help her? What were they doing? A small voice asked, but it didn’t seem to matter as another wave of physical joy washed over and through her burning body.

Kelly’s hips were moving now, seemingly of their own accord as she fucked herself back on Tiger’s big prick. She moaned and gasped, pushing against the bed with her hands in an effort to get the animal even deeper. Whatever shock Kelly had felt with the realization that it was a dog who was fucking her so good was completely lost, now that her body was responding the way nature had always intended. Her cries for help became something else entirely as she pleaded with Tiger for more.

“Ohhhh…yesss!” The beautiful young woman hissed between clenched teeth. “Good doggy…ohhh fuck me… good boy….gooood…ohhh!” Her voice quivered with excitement and echoed throughout the quiet house, penetrating the thin walls easily.

Samantha’s room was next to Kelly’s, a fact Samantha often regretted when her friend would bring a man or two home. Now, as the blonde virgin lay in her bed, listening to the sounds of Kelly’s primal ecstasy, she found herself with a new and much different feeling. Perhaps it was because Samantha knew it wasn’t some Neanderthal football player who was banging her friend, but a dog. She should have found the very idea depraved, Samantha told her herself. It should have seemed terribly wrong…but it didn’t. And that confused a girl who prided herself on her intellect, on her ability to reason and resolve difficult questions.

Almost unconsciously, Samantha found her hands moving across her lithe body as she listened to the sounds muffled only slightly by the wall. She cupped her full breasts gently, feeling her nipples hardening with an almost urgent need to be pinched. To be bitten perhaps. Samantha moaned as she thought about the animal on top of Kelly. How Tiger had looked with his paws around the girl’s hips, his back rounded as he hunched his pelvis forward frantically, pumping quickly, his tongue wet and pink, lolling out of his mouth. How would that feel? Samantha wondered. To have his warm furry body pressing down on hers, his tongue on her skin, his heavy cock slipping inside her womb.

Samantha moved her hands lower, squirming and spreading her legs as she rubbed her sex through her panties. She’d masturbated before, of course, but only rarely and without much success, if the truth be told. The woman just didn’t need sex, or so she’d always thought. But now, thinking about Kelly and Tiger, listening to them, even smelling them she imagined, Samantha wanted it. She needed release and her fingers worked gently to find it.

The headboard was banging against the wall now, adding a staccato drumbeat to the underlying symphony of moans, sighs, yelps, and growls that filled the room. Kelly struggled with sanity as she became aware of something different, something large and hard banging against her sex. Tiger was fucking her nicely, licking at Kelly’s shoulders and back at times, making low deep throated growls of pleasure, and panting hotly in her ear. He was close to locking up with his bitch. He could more sense, rather than feel, the swollen knot of muscle at the base of his cock. It was pushing insistently for entrance to Kelly’s drenched pussy and it was just a matter of time before it happened. After that, the dog knew, he could cum. He could fill his bitch full of puppy making sperm and that would feel real good.

When it did happen, when the knot found purchase and with one good hard lunge from Tiger’s powerful haunches split Kelly’s labia, the girl couldn’t help but scream. It just felt too damn good not to. She arched her back, feeling her cuntal walls being pushed and stretched in ways she’d never imagined possible, and let out a high pitched shriek of animal pleasure. Her pussy lips closed tightly behind it, trapping the softball sized mass of muscle in the perfect position to keep all of Tiger’s sperm where it belonged – inside his bitch’s womb. The dog’s strokes became shorter now, and even faster, if that were possible. He made soft whining sounds as the moment drew closer and Kelly joined him, biting her lip and rolling her hips, her orgasms coming one after another in an avalanche of pleasure.

To Tina, Kelly’s shrieks of joy were almost heart breaking. How could she be doing that with her dog? Tina knew Kelly was a nymphomaniac. Everyone knew that, but this was something else, something beyond mere sexual need. Tiger was a dog, for heaven’s sake. People weren’t supposed to do it with dogs, were they? Tina frowned, laying in her bed and she rolled over, pulling a pillow over her head in the hopes of escaping the primal sounds of Kelly’s excitement.

Tiger did have a big cock, Tina had to admit. She’d checked him out, albeit a little surreptitiously, at the pound. But it had been curiosity, she told herself, nothing more. And it was just an accident when she’d been rubbing his tummy and gone a little lower, feeling his soft warm sheath and the penis hidden within. Tina pushed her pillow between her legs, realizing that it wasn’t helping at all to hide the noise coming from Kelly’s room. The lovely girl squeezed her thighs and shifted a little, getting it worked against her sex just right.

Right now Tiger’s big hard cock was inside Kelly. Tina gave a little shudder at the thought, remembering how her friend had looked with Tiger crouched over her back. Tina flexed her thighs slightly, feeling the dampness growing. “It isn’t fair!” Tina whispered, and then blinked as she realized what she’d just said. Blood rushed to her face hotly from the embarrassment, even though she was alone. No one could have heard her just now. Not above the noise Kelly was making, Tina thought with a surprising sense of resentment.

What was she thinking? Tina knew what she was thinking, but she was afraid to admit it. Even to herself. She moved her hips a little, squeezing the pillow and feeling a nice little buzz growing in her clitoris. She hadn’t seen her boyfriend in such a long time. And Kelly fucks almost every night. It wasn’t fair! And now Kelly was fucking Tiger! Tina pushed a hand between her thighs, feeling suddenly frustrated by the pillow’s softness. She rubbed her clit hard, working her fingertips inside her panties. Tiger was her dog! She was the one he should be fucking! She spread her pussy lips, pushing a finger inside and curling it just right to tickle that secret wonderful place just behind her clit. Kelly didn’t need anymore cock, Tine thought, she had all she could handle…But me… “Ohhhh….” The gorgeous 19 year old moaned as she worked her moist sex to the point of no return. She came all over her fingers, listening to Kelly and imagining Tiger in her bed.

Kelly felt as if she were swimming in fuck juice. By the time she’d gotten home the girl’s pussy had already been quite soaked with it. Add to that Tiger’s copious precum and her own seemingly endless series of orgasms, and now what had to be a huge load of doggy sperm as Tiger’s balls emptied into his bitch, and Kelly was thoroughly soaked. The 22 year old swimsuit model collapsed, unable to sustain herself anymore beneath the onslaught of Tiger’s mating. She was done, finished completely and for perhaps the first time in her life, Kelly had been out fucked by someone else. She would have laughed at the very idea if she weren’t so completely drained, both physically and emotionally.

“Good…good doggy…mmmm…” Kelly murmured wearily, laying there, feeling the dog’s cock still inside her, locked to Tiger by his knot. Her pussy quivered around it still, small spasms seizing her flesh, but the woman was unable to respond. She could only lay there, lost in some dreamlike state of overwhelming pleasure.

After perhaps 15 minutes and several gentle attempts, Tiger was finally able to pull free of his bitch. He gave her a few tentative licks, tasting her cunt and the wetness leaking out of her. She moaned slightly, a small shiver at his attentions, but nothing more. Tiger gave the equivalent of a mental shrug. His previous bitch had urged him to clean her after their mating, and Tiger didn’t mind. But he sensed that this one needed to rest, so he left her quietly, returning to that warm spot in the kitchen and set about cleaning himself. Tiger decided he liked his new home.


Part II

“Good morning!” Kelly walked into the kitchen fresh from her shower, wearing her old bathrobe and a white towel around her head. She was moving a little gingerly, but for the most part she felt really, really good.

Samantha and Tina were sitting at the table. Samantha reading a text book, like she usually did, and eating an English muffin. Tina was just sitting quietly, looking down into her coffee and she blushed a little when she heard Kelly’s voice. Samantha and Tina hadn’t spoken a whole lot that morning, both of them seemed to be avoiding each other’s gaze, which was unusual. Tina really liked Samantha, she looked up to the beautiful blond like a big sister, and Samantha felt a little protective of her younger friend. Especially the mornings after one of Kelly’s big love-ins, as the two girls liked to call it, when she had a boyfriend over for the night. But Kelly hadn’t had a boy over, she’d had Tina’s dog, Tiger, and that made it very awkward. Especially since Samantha and Tina had their own, very personal feelings on the subject.

“Well, well…” Tina said softly, looking up at Kelly and feeling a little flush of resentment.

“What?” Kelly looked at her roommates, sensing immediately not everything was quite as it should be.

“You know what.” Tina’s voice accused and she looked back down at her coffee.

Samantha just ignored them, keeping her nose buried in her school book. She was afraid if she looked at Kelly she’d only be able to picture what the girl had looked like the night before. And if she looked at Tina, Samantha was afraid the young woman would see something akin to desire on Samantha’s face. She’d masturbated 3 times last night, thinking about Tiger, and that bothered her. But she’d masturbated again this morning, before her bath, and that bothered Samantha even more.

Kelly couldn’t believe Tina was upset. “What’s gotten into you?” Kelly shook her head and found her coffee cup, pouring it full and leaning back against the counter.

“You mean, what got into you?” The auburn haired woman’s sarcasm was inescapable.

“Huh?” Kelly frowned.

“You fucked my dog.” Tina turned and stared.

“No.” Kelly corrected her friend. “Your dog fucked me.” She chuckled. “You should chain that dog up or something. He’s a sex maniac!”

“What?” Tina choked a little. “Don’t blame Tiger! I saw you! We both did!” Tina glanced at Samantha who hid her blushing face as she remembered exactly what she’d seen and she pressed her thighs together at a little burst of heat between them.

“I was yelling for help, remember?” Kelly shook her head. “I was trying to push him off of me!”

“Oh yeah, right!” Tina laughed at the thought of Kelly pushing any guy off of her. “You were begging for it, don’t lie!”

“Not at first!” Kelly retorted, not entirely realizing what she’d just said.

“See? You admit it!” Tina grinned a little triumphantly. “Maybe at first you weren’t, but it didn’t take long, did it Kelly? You loved fucking my dog!”

“Yeah! So what? It felt great, you should try it! Maybe you’d relax a little! Get your mind off that precious boyfriend of yours for 5 minutes.”

“Leave him out of it!” Tina said, feeling more than a little guilty that she had indeed forgotten about her boyfriend and for a lot longer than anyone would suspect. “And leave my dog alone! Okay?”

“Ohhh…” Kelly grinned, sensing Tina’s sudden vulnerability. “You’re jealous aren’t you?” She teased the younger woman. “I bet you fingered yourself silly thinking about Tiger fucking me last night!”

Samantha closed her eyes, safely hidden behind her book. She had a hand down between her thighs now, just pressing inside her bathrobe to find her panty covered slit. She couldn’t believe the way Tina and Kelly were talking, every word could have been meant for her, Samantha knew. Her body flushed and she wanted to leave the room desperately, before Kelly or Tina noticed her and found some way to involve her in the strange conversation. She knew she’d never be able to hide her excitement. This strange and new desire for sex that Tiger had awakened. It had to be radiating from her in waves, Samantha thought, like the heat growing steadily between her legs.

“I…I…No!” Tina lied, looking away because it was obvious that she had.

“Oh come on, Tina! Just admit it! You want Tiger, don’t you? You want to feel his big dog cock all up inside you!” Kelly was merciless, smiling and moving closer. She put her hands on Tina’s shoulders, giving the girl a conspiratorial squeeze as she bent her lips to Tina’s ear. “It feels so good! So big and hard and hot!”

“No…I…” Tina tried to defend herself, but her breath caught in her chest. She was warm all over and she closed her eyes against the imagery forming in her mind’s eye at Kelly’s suggestion.

“Come on, Tina. You can tell me! I’m your best friend. Just admit it. Tell me how much you want that dog cock.” Kelly put her chin on Tina’s shoulder, focusing her eyes on Samantha across the table, hiding behind her book. “Tell Samantha, Tina, go on…Tell her how you’re going to fuck Tiger tonight. How you’re going to get down like a bitch for him and let him fuck you with his big hard doggy dick!”

Samantha jumped slightly at the sound of her name and her fingers, now inside her panties, froze their movements. The blonde’s face burned and she hunched even lower behind her scant protection. “It’s getting me wet just thinking about it!” She heard Kelly saying and Samantha wondered if Kelly knew what she was feeling. Was the brunette mocking her while pretending to tease Tina? Samantha resisted the urge to remove her fingers, fearing the motion would give away the fact that she’d been masturbating shamefully under the breakfast table.

Tina had her eyes closed, unable to help but imagine what Tiger would feel like inside her. She gave a soft moan in response to Kelly’s words, a tiny betrayal of her desire. Kelly moved her hands down Tina’s body, the auburn haired girl was only wearing a big t-shirt and panties and she didn’t resist as Kelly’s fingers probed down her tummy and further. Slipping under the hem to find the waistband of Tina’s underwear.

“I bet it makes you wet too, doesn’t it Tina?” Kelly licked at Tina’s ear as she whispered. “All hot and wet, thinking about Tiger’s cock fucking you. Let me see, show me Tina…”

Kelly had never touched another girl this way, she’d never wanted to, but now she couldn’t help it. Talking about Tiger, remembering what had happened and how it had felt, imagining the dog coupled with her beautiful roommate was too much. And Tina wasn’t stopping her, if anything the girl spread her legs slightly, wordlessly inviting Kelly’s advances. Tina’s breath was ragged and uneven, her ripe breasts rising and falling, her nipples protruding obviously through the thin cotton of her shirt. She wanted it, Kelly knew, Tina wanted it bad.

Kelly’s fingers slipped inside Tina’s panties and the older girl was amazed at how warm Tina’s skin felt. She was positively burning up and the moisture, the humidity of her sex rose between her spread thighs so it was almost overpowering. “Imagine that beautiful dog, Tina, pressing you down. His long thick cock in your little pussy. Moving faster and faster. Mmmm…so good, Tina…He’s going to fuck you so good…” Kelly’s hypnotic voice elicited another moan from Tina’s throat, and her fingertips moved over the swell of Tina’s pubis and lower to find the hard little button of the girl’s clit. She rubbed it gently, bringing Tina to instant life as the girl squirmed in her chair, arching her back and turning her face to find Kelly’s mouth with hers.

“Oh God!” Samantha whispered as she stared over the top of her text book. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Kelly’s hand was inside Tina’s panties, moving gently as she rubbed the younger woman’s sex. And Tina wasn’t protesting at all, she was rocking her hips against it, working her wanton sex eagerly against her friend’s fingers. Samantha’s own fingers were moving again, seeming to mimic Kelly’s, working the blonde’s clit to almost screaming attention as she stared. Tina and Kelly were kissing now, their lips parted so that Samantha could see her roommates’ tongues working against each other. It was shocking and unexpected. None of them had ever expressed any interest in each other and if she’d been asked, Samantha would have said such a thing wasn’t possible. And yet…here it was, right in front of her!

“Where’s Tiger?” Kelly breathed as her lips parted briefly with Tina’s.

“In my room.” Tina replied softly, then pressed her mouth once more to Kelly’s, kissing with abandon for a long minute.

“Let’s go to your room.” Kelly sighed, straightening back up and pulling Tina with her. The girl was flushed and breathless and Tina nodded in agreement. They had forgotten all about Samantha and paid the blonde scant attention as they left the kitchen, going to Tina’s room hand in hand.

Samantha moaned loudly, finally alone as her roommates left the kitchen. She pushed her chair back and dropped her book, bringing both hands down to her burning sex. She practically ripped her panties in her haste to get them down her smooth creamy thighs. Samantha shoved a finger inside her virgin pussy, groaning when she felt her fingernail pressing almost painfully to her hymen. She had the urge to press harder, to work two, maybe even three fingers inside her cunt and break through that little barrier of flesh. But she held off, contenting herself somehow to massaging her labia until they were thick and rubbery and greasy with her excitement. Samantha used her other hand on her clit, rubbing it with her thumb and then her fingers, pinching it slightly, massaging the sensitive little nub of flesh to life. It ached and burned and soon became so tender that she had to ignore it completely. She climaxed quickly at that point, with one leg on the table and the other spread wide beneath it. Moaning and gasping and desperate for more.

Samantha moved quietly down the hall, pausing outside Tina’s room and carefully opening the door slowly. Just a crack, just enough so she could peek inside and see what they were doing. She didn’t want to do it, to spy like that, but she couldn’t help it. She was driven by the need inside her. Oh, how Samantha wanted to join them. To walk inside and lie down with Tina and Kelly on that bed. To do the things they were doing. With each other and with Tiger. Samantha swallowed nervously. Tiger, God! She thought, Tiger and his beautiful hard cock. She wanted it so bad. There, in her virgin cunt, breaking her cherry and making the 21 year old into a real woman. A real bitch, Samantha corrected herself with a low moan. A bitch for breeding with dog cock.

“Leave your shirt on.” Kelly was telling Tina. “He scratches.” The brunette had Tina on the floor, on her knees with her arms folded on the bed. It had seemed like a good way to do it, since Tina was so small anyway. Tiger was as big as she was when compared like that.

“Is it…is it going to hurt?” Tin’s voice was soft and nervous. She wanted it, she wanted it desperately, but the moment of truth is always a frightening thing and Tiger was right there beside her, panting and looking around with a good natured smile on his handsome face.

“Oh noooo…” Kelly chuckled and she pushed Tina’s pale thighs a little wider apart, taking the opportunity to rub the girl’s slit. “You’re so wet! It’s just going to feel good, believe me!”

Kelly’s fingers glistened with Tina’s juice and she waved them under Tiger’s nose, leading his attention to Tina. “Here Tiger…here boy…” Kelly was saying and a moment later Tina gasped when she felt a long rough tongue licking across her pussy.

Ohhhh…God!” Tina sighed, as Tiger went to work on her pussy and ass. He knew what that smell was, of course, and he was more than willing to mate with this other bitch. She was ready, that was certain, and Tiger’s cock began swelling as he worked his tongue back and forth over the female’s sex. The taste of her excited him and he dug his tongue deeper, as though he might find the source of all that goodness and scoop it out of the girl. “Oh…oh….ohhhh fuck!…don’t…oh don’t let him stop!” Tina was begging as Kelly watched, only slightly jealous since she hadn’t sampled Tiger’s tongue yet.

Kelly reached underneath the dog, feeling his cock as it emerged from it’s sheath. It was hot and wet, dripping precum and she stroked it gently, coaxing it to grow even further. Kelly hadn’t really gotten a good look at it the night before, but she knew it was large, she’d felt it. Now, looking at it, she judged it was at least as big as any guy she’d gone out with and bigger than most. It was shaped a little funny, she thought, and the coloration was strange, all red and pink like that, but it looked positively yummy and there was no hesitation as she moved her head down below Tiger’s tummy to take a tentative lick.

Samantha rubbed her cunt frantically, staring at her two best friends as they performed unknowing for the shy blonde. Tina was obviously cumming as the dog ate her pussy relentlessly. She’d reached back and even grabbed her perfectly round ass cheeks, spreading them so the dog could worm his tongue across and even into the girl’s tiny anus. Samantha had never seen anything like it and she wondered how such a thing would feel. Her tummy churned with excitement as she imagined someone doing that to her.

And Kelly…Samantha couldn’t believe the brunette was actually sucking Tiger’s hard cock. It looked huge, for one thing, and Samantha wondered how Kelly was able to get so much of it in her mouth. It was wet too, that was obvious. Every time Kelly pulled her mouth back a little flood of saliva and precum would pour out around the shaft, even though it was plain that Kelly was swallowing quite a bit of it. She moved her lips back and forth, stroking that part of the shaft she couldn’t get into her warm wet mouth and Tiger barely seemed to notice. He just stood there, licking happily away at Tina’s pussy. It was bizarre to a woman who had never experienced such things in her life, not even with her own species! Samantha licked her lips, wondering what it tasted like, wishing she had the nerve to find out for herself. But she stayed where she was, spying and rubbing herself quietly.

Kelly pulled her mouth away from Tiger’s cock, smacking her lips wetly. His precum was delicious, thin and watery thought it was, there was a lot of it. And it tasted like something too, not strongly, but definitely a little musky. Not at all like a man’s. It had made her so horny doing that, sucking that beautiful dog cock that she was ready to fuck Tiger herself. But she knew Tina was every bit as ready as she was, and so Kelly had to resist the urge and instead pulled the animal by his cock gently, so that he moved closer to his intended bitch. Kelly patted Tina’s back and called Tiger to mount the girl.

“Up boy…come on…up here big boy…” She spoke to him, coaxing the dog who was familiar enough with the sounds to understand what it was Kelly was trying to say. He pushed up with his front paws so that at first he was balanced on Tina’s back, then let them slide a little over her t-shirt so he was hugging her. At the same time Tiger moved his hips, seeking her hole and in this he was greatly helped by Kelly, who held his slippery wet shaft and rubbed the tip over Tina’s more than ready slit.

“That’s it boy…good boy…there you go…” Kelly’s voice was soothing not only to Tiger, but to Tina as well, who was still on cloud nine from Tiger’s incredible tongue. Her boyfriend had gone down on her a couple times, but nothing like what she’d just been through. It was like her sex had been through the spin cycle in a heavy duty washing machine…a couple times…and she was burning all over with the experience. Tina had barely noticed when Tiger had stopped licking, but a new sensation awoke her to the fact that things were different now. Her head was clearing, her breathing coming back to some semblance of normal when she felt the dog’s heavy body on her back and the tip of his cock rubbing across her pussy. She gasped as Kelly guided it to the entrance of her womb and Tiger pushed hard with his hips, driving more than half of his thick eight inches inside her.

“Ohhhh!” Tina fairly screamed as Kelly let go and Tiger shoved the length of his penis into his bitch. She was a lot tighter than the one he’d had the night before, but she was just a dim memory. All that mattered to Tiger was the here and now, and Tina’s tight warm cunt felt wonderful wrapped around his cock. She was the perfect size too, as though Tina had been made for mating with him. Tiger braced himself, his back paws scrambling for leverage as he humped himself into Tina faster, his cock sliding in and out of the young woman rapidly. Tina’s body shuddered and her cries were soft and high-pitched, coming in time with his thrusts. She dug her fingers into the bed, pushing back and moving her ass slightly, this way and that as the joy of being well and truly fucked by a dog filled her.

Samantha was creaming too, her fingers massaging her sloppy sex in a non-stop frenzy. She stared at her best friend as the dog fucked her hard, amazed that the animal’s huge cock could fit into Tina’s small body like that. She’d expected the girl to scream in pain, but instead her young roommate was writhing in ecstasy, begging for more. Samantha’s other hand had worked inside her bathrobe, to her breasts and she moved from one to the other, pinching her nipples, pulling and twisting them in ways she’d never before imagined. Her whole body seemed to ache with a desire Samantha had never before experienced. She’d often wondered what all the fuss about when it came to sex, now for the first time in her life, the beautiful virgin had a taste of it. Watching as Kelly moved to the bed, spreading her long tanned legs for Tina’s hungry mouth, Samantha was barely able to deal with her new and conflicting emotions.

Tina’s small pussy was being pushed and pulled delightfully by Tiger’s huge prick. It was so much bigger than she remembered her boyfriend’s being, so different in the shape and how it moved inside her. She felt as though she’d never made love before, as if it were the first time she’d been penetrated by a male and it was fantastic. She squirmed anxiously beneath it, arching her back and enjoying the feeling of Tiger’s warm soft weight above her. The tip of his dog cock went a little deeper with ever third or fourth stroke it seemed, so that every now and again it would graze the pillow of Tina’s cervix, bringing her to a new plateau of pleasure. Tina had never cum while her boyfriend fucked her, but now, with Tiger, it seemed non-stop as one climax after another rolled through her body.

In the midst of it all, Tina suddenly found herself being presented with Kelly’s neatly trimmed sex. The gorgeous brunette had moved onto the bed, having long since removed her bathrobe, and spread her gorgeous legs in front of Tina’s rapturous face. Tina focused on Kelly’s sex, so similar and different from her own. She’d never had a lesbian experience in her life, but there was little doubt about what she was about to do. Kelly’s fingers were in her soft auburn hair, coaxing the 19 year old coed gently, so that Tina dropped her mouth to Kelly’s cunt, kissing and licking at it slowly at first, then wit more enthusiasm as she tasted the woman’s tangy sweet flavor for the first time. Tiny sighed with orgasmic pleasure as Tiger’s cock brought her off again, his movements pushing Tina’s pretty face hard against Kelly’s sex. She’d never dreamt of anything like this, being fucked by a dog while she ate out one of her best friends. Any other time it might have seemed a strange fantasy, a weird dream to wake up from with flushed and confused excitement. But this was no dream, Tina knew, she was really doing it and she loved it!

Kelly loved it too. She’d often wondered what sex with another woman might be like, but she’d never done anything about it. Not that she hadn’t had her chances, she had, but there was something else, something different about the idea of being with another woman. Guys were a dime a dozen, and one cock was as good as another. A woman though, it would be special, Kelly had thought. So it would have to be with someone special and the only two someone specials that she knew were Tina and Samantha. But what if they didn’t feel the same way? It was a problem that Kelly had dealt with for nearly a year and she’d tried everything to get at least one of them to show some interest, to give Kelly a sign that maybe it might be okay. But there had been nothing, nothing at all…at least not until this morning.

Kelly moaned as she dug her fingers into Tina’s hair, feeling so soft and beautiful. Just like Tina herself, her whole body shuddering under Tiger’s weight as the dog plunged his cock over and over into the small woman’s depths. And her tongue, Tina’s mouth and lips, nibbling and sucking and licking eagerly at Kelly’s glistening cunt. The brunette felt another orgasm coming, rushing through her blood and she clamped her smooth thighs to Tina’s cheeks, unable to help herself as all semblance of control was washed away with a flood of her sex juices. Kelly fell back onto the bed, grinding her pussy to Tina’s mouth, unable to believe the younger woman had never eaten pussy before. She was so good at it, a natural, and combined with the excitement of seeing Tiger fuck the girl hard, it was an incredible rush. Kelly had an idea that she and Tina would be doing a lot of this in the future and she couldn’t wait to return the favor. Tiger was Tina’s dog, after all, and it was so nice of the girl to share him.

Tina lifted her mouth, fairly dripping with Kelly’s wetness, when she felt the incredible sensation of Tiger’s knot pressing against her cunt. It was big and hard and seemed to push everywhere all at once. She didn’t really know what it was, only that it felt different, and not really in a bad way, either. Tiger ha been fucking her patiently, having found a comfortable position, but now he seemed restless and he gave little guttural sounds as he really started pushing hard. Kelly pulled Tina’s mouth back to her cunt, desperate for another orgasm under her friend’s loving tongue, when the ball of hard dog muscle just seemed to pop inside Tina’s too small cunt. She gave a sharp cry of discomfort, and an electric shiver of pain mixed with pleasure ran along her spine. A heart beat later though, the discomfort was all but forgotten as her pussy stretched to accommodate this new intrusion. It was an incredible feeling, like nothing the young woman had ever experienced before in her life. Every time she moved, and more especially every time Tiger moved, making short powerful thrusts, the knot seemed to find a new and excruciatingly delightful new part of Tina’s sex to stimulate.

Kelly knew exactly how Tina felt and the older coed moved, pulling her pussy from Tina’s gasping mouth only reluctantly. Kelly turned so she could kiss the girl, pulling Tina’s lips to hers and staring into the young woman’s half-lidded eyes. She tasted herself on Tina’s lips and then her tongue as Kelly pulled it between her lips, sucking it like a small pink cock. At the other end, Tiger voiced his orgasm with a low whine, ramming is cock as deep into his bitch as he possibly could as the first powerful jets of his dog cum exploded into Tina’s womb. The sudden burst of warmth, indistinct as a general pleasure, mixing seductively amongst everything else she’d felt, pushed Tina over the final edge and she whimpered as she came, groaning into Kelly’s hungry mouth. The auburn beauty was spent, her body exhausted by the experience and it was a mercy when Tiger slowed and finally stopped his thrusting. His balls had emptied into his bitch, impregnating her he was sure, and he turned somewhat awkwardly, moving his legs until he was butt to butt with Tina, his cock still locked in her vagina.

“Are you okay?” Kelly whispered, her cheek on the bed, facing Tina who was laying very still, her eyes closed, but smiling weakly. She stroked Tina’s hair, wet with perspiration and kissed her gently.

“Ohhh…mmmm…yesss…” Tina murmured. “I’m fine…that was sooo…good!” She gave a little giggle followed by a shiver as her pussy contracted around the knot still trapped inside her small body. “How long will he stay like that?” She wondered breathlessly.

“I don’t know.” Kelly giggled too. “I don’t remember him ever pulling out of me last night. Maybe an hour?” The brunette shrugged.

“An hour?” Tina’s eyes opened wide and she smiled. “Oh God!”

Behind the almost closed bedroom door, Samantha too was wondering why they seemed to be stuck like that. She hadn’t had a good view of Tiger’s cock and hadn’t really seen the knot before it entered Tina’s pussy. But she’d been pretty busy too. Samantha’s thighs were covered with her juices and she was shocked to see she’d made quite a wet spot on the carpet. She blushed at her behavior and had the terrible thought that she’d be caught, now that things had settled down. Samantha backed carefully away, crawling on her hands and knees to her room. Her heart was still pounding from what she’d witnessed and there was an ache inside, a want that she knew she would need to satisfy before too long. It was just too strong to ignore. Samantha slipped into her bedroom, closing the door and locking it. Her pussy still burned and her nipples felt as though they were trying to leap from her breasts. She needed to cum again and again, but part of her knew that no matter how hard she tried, Samantha’s fingers were never going to be enough. Not anymore.

Kelly had stayed with Tina, soothing and kissing her friend and lover, until the knot had finally shrunk enough that Tiger could pull out. Even stretched as Tina was, and well lubricated, it had taken almost 30 minutes. She really was very small for such a good sized dog, but it had felt so good, Tina didn’t mind the wait.

Tina made her way to the bathroom slowly, amazed at how much wetness there was inside her. Most of it, she thought, had come out with Tiger’s knot. It had certainly made a mess running down her legs and to the carpet. They’d definitely have to find a better way or the house was really going to get ripe, she’d thought aloud.

Kelly had laughed, and nodded her head at that. She was quite certain the house already reeked of sex, or at least half of it. As the brunette left Tina’s room she was surprised to find another mess, just outside her roommate’s door. At first Kelly wondered if Samantha had spilled something, she and Tina had completely forgotten about their virginal roommate. But as she ran her fingers across the stain and brought them to her fingers a little grin broke out on Kelly’s lovely face. She touched her tongue to her fingers lightly, savoring the distinct tangy flavor of an excited woman. It was unmistakable. It was also unmistakable who had made that little puddle on the floor. Kelly glanced at Samantha’s closed door and moved closer, putting her ear to it.

“Ohhh…oh…oh…oh!” The bed was creaking loudly as Samantha’s hips moved up and down in time with her rubbing fingers. She thought she was being quiet enough, but she really had no idea what she was doing anymore. All the tall blonde coed knew was that it felt so good. Rubbing her cunt and thinking about Tiger fucking Tina like he had. And now there was something else too, another little thrill to fuel her fevered imagination. Kelly and Tina together, kissing, making love together. She’d never imagined such a thing. All this time living with her two friends, sharing almost everything without inhibition or secrets. But never that, never until today. Tiger had changed everything, changed all of them in some fundamental way, but maybe most of it had changed her. Samantha bit her lip and moaned loudly as another, final orgasm stole through her blood and then she collapsed fitfully back onto her bed.

Outside her door Kelly smiled, thinking of her beautiful roommate masturbating with wild abandon. “Not quite so puritan anymore, are you Sam?” She whispered to herself with a little giggle. She would have to do something about that. If ever a person was in need of a good hard fucking it was Samantha. And Kelly knew just the dog to do it!


Part III

Samantha woke around noon, rather surprised because the gorgeous coed hadn’t realized she’d fallen asleep. All she could recall was that she’d been laying in bed…masturbating! She blinked at the realization and then discovered that one hand was still pressed between her creamy thighs. It was rather damp, almost sticky in fact with her juices and she regarded her hand suspiciously, as if it had betrayed her somehow. This might have been a little funny, if until just the evening before Samantha hadn’t been almost prudish when it came to sex. But seeing her best friends and roommates, Kelly and Tina, having sex not only with each other, but with Tina’s new dog, had somehow awoken a part of Samantha she’d never even suspected before.

The leggy blonde stretched and found her bathrobe on the floor. It smelled of her prior arousal, as Samantha was sure her entire bedroom now did. She put it on anyway, intending just to go straight to the bathroom and clean herself up. Then she could do some laundry maybe. And air out her room a little. And study, Samantha decided. She’d study and study and study and try to forget about Tina and Kelly and most especially that seemingly insatiable dog, Tiger. Samantha prided herself on her brains, not her body, and imagined herself above such things as sexual desire. Of course that might only have been a convenient excuse, because beautiful as she was, Samantha had always been shy. But she tried not to think about that too much.

After her shower, a nice long and very hot one, Samantha emerged glowing pink and healthy, wrapped in her big blue bath towel. She held her robe at an arm’s length, wondering where her roommates were. The house was very quiet, she thought, perhaps Tina and Kelly had gone out, shopping or something. Maybe to get Tiger some exercise. Some different exercise, Samantha almost giggled at herself, that dog had gotten plenty over the last 12 hours or so. The laundry room was on the other side of the kitchen, so that was the direction Samantha went, sincerely hoping she wouldn’t run into one of her two friends on the way. Especially with her bathrobe smelling the way it did. They might be sex fiends, she told herself, but not her. Of course that logic made explaining her robe a little difficult, so it was with no small amount of guilt that she walked quietly down the hall.

Unfortunately, Kelly was in the kitchen. She was only wearing a short t-shirt that barely covered the bottom third of her large firm boobs when she was standing, and covered them even less when she was bent over, like she was right then. She was looking for something in the refrigerator and Samantha almost turned around, but it was too late!

“Hey sunshine!” Kelly smiled brightly and stood up holding balancing about 5 eggs in her two hands. “I was just going to make a big omelet for lunch, want some?”

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Samantha nodded, feeling very self conscious. Kelly was standing there without any panties on, and just a tiny bit of red cotton covering her nipples. Her body was tanned all over and impossibly curved. Samantha had seen it a hundred times, but never before had she felt…what? Samantha didn’t know what she was feeling. She tried to look away and then worried that might be suspicious, so then she looked at her roommate and felt the blood rising in her cheeks.

Kelly just smiled patiently, not moving at all except to thrust her pelvis out just slightly so her tummy swelled just a touch, in a sexy sort of way. She knew the effect it had on guys when she did that, even fully clothed, and right then she had little doubt that Samantha was not immune to it either. Kelly felt her nipples hardening at the thought of the virginal, holier-than-thou Samantha being attracted to her sexually. It was something she’d thought about occasionally for the past year or so, since they’d become roommates, but had never acted upon. That was changing.

They stood like that for nearly a minute, maybe two. Samantha unable to move for fear of revealing a secret desire she would scarcely admit to herself, and Kelly unwilling to give Samantha an easy escape. The girl was close to breaking, Kelly could sense it, all she needed was a little push and all that repressed sexuality would flood out.

“Hi Samantha!” The moment was broken by Tina, coming in through the kitchen door with a very happy Alsatian dog. “I just took Tiger out for a walk.” She smiled and rubbed the dog’s head lovingly, removing the leash from the thin collar around his neck. “Hi Kelly” The auburn haired girl said softly, moving close to the tall brunette. Samantha was shocked when the girl put her hand on Kelly’s waist, standing tip-toe to share a soft, lingering kiss.

Kelly had bent over a little for Tina’s lips, and they broke their kiss with a giggle as Kelly almost dropped the eggs she was holding. “Mmm…” Kelly teased her friend, “if you break these I’m going to spank you!”

“Promises, promises…” Tina sighed and gave Kelly’s sex a little pinch. “Careful!” She sang, stepping lightly back and laughing as the taller woman gave a little yelp and kicked playfully at her friend.

I, uh…I’d better…” Samantha felt uncomfortable watching them, almost as if she were intruding on her two friends. She was blushing terribly now and clutching her robe to her breasts protectively, forgetting all about why she’d come to the kitchen in the first place.

“You’d better sit down!” Tina giggled at Samantha’s distress and hooked her thumbs in the old worn jeans she was wearing, pulling them down far enough that Samantha could see the swell of the girl’s pubis and the top of her thin pink panties. “There’s something you should know.”

“Oh, I think Samantha knows, Tina.” Kelly grinned at the blonde and moved to the counter, putting the eggs down carefully. “She knows everything, don’t you Sammy?”

“I, well…I mean…” Samantha swallowed and glanced from Kelly to Tina, and back again. “I guess you two are, um, sort of…” She couldn’t seem to find the word she was looking for, or maybe Samantha just didn’t want to say what was obvious.

“Friends?” Tina giggled, leaning against the refrigerator now. “Roommates? Lovers?”

“Or all of the above?” Kelly interjected.

“Ohhh…multiple choice! I love it!” Tina grinned and walked over to Samantha while Kelly set about making their lunch. “Come on, Sam, sit down, relax a little!”

“Tina, I don’t think…” Samantha had no real idea what she was trying to say.

The petite 19 year old put her hands on Samantha’s hips, giving the woman a little squeeze through her towel. “Don’t worry, we’re still friends.” Tina said softly, her sea green eyes staring up into Samantha’s.

“And roommates.” Kelly said without looking up, but smiling nonetheless.

“And roommates.” Tina agreed with a soft whisper. She moved her hands further around Samantha’s waist, pressing her petite body closer. “And…” She smiled suggestively. “Anything else you want to be, Samantha.”

Samantha looked down at the girl, so small and beautiful. She remembered how she’ looked bent over her bed with Tiger’s large form hunched over her, fucking the girl until she was screaming with orgasmic pleasure. And all the while she’d had her face between Kelly’s bronzed thighs, licking and sucking the woman’s cunt eagerly. It started her tummy churning, as though the devil himself were tickling her from the inside out.

“I’ve never…please…I don’t know how…” Samantha whispered, feeling her knees weakening perceptibly and Tina’s arms tightened around her waist.

“Yes you do.” Tina smiled and she used one hand to pull the robe away from Samantha’s arms, dropping it to the floor and then lifting her hand up to the back of the tall blonde’s neck, pulling her head down.

Samantha felt as if she were in a dream, everything moving slowly, and just as in a real dream, she couldn’t change what was happening. She was powerless over what the smaller woman was doing to her. Her lips found Tina’s, soft and sweet, and the girl’s tongue slipped leisurely into Samantha’s mouth, exploring daintily.

“Come on…” Tina whispered, tugging at Samantha’s hand, leading her down the hall towards her bedroom. “I’m going to make you feel good.” The petite coed was smiling and all her blonde roommate could do was nod, licking her lips and savoring the taste of her first real kiss.

Samantha found herself on Tina’s bed, the same bed where just a few hours before she’d watched Tina go down on their roommate Kelly. Now it was Samantha’s turn to discover the joy of making love with another woman. And this time Tina wouldn’t be distracted by that glorious dog cock pounding inside her, she could focus all of her energies on pleasing her best friend.

Tina undressed slowly, staring down at Samantha, still wrapped in her terrycloth towel. Samantha felt shy and nervous, slightly amazed that this was really happening and not quite able to understand how things had changed so quickly for the three friends. She shifted slightly, moving her hands lightly across the thick cotton covering her from her breasts down to the tops of her thighs. Samantha watched Tina as she peeled of her top, exposing her firm breasts, perfectly formed and portioned for her small body. Tina’s nipples were dark and hard, her nipples standing out invitingly and Samantha parted her lips slightly, as if seeing them for the first time. When Tina pulled down her jeans, and then her flimsy pink panties so that she stood there naked for her intended lover, Samantha felt a small shiver run along her spine.

It was time later that Kelly made her way quietly into Tina’s room. It had been difficult remaining in the kitchen, trying to prepare food for the three girls, while she knew exactly what Tina was doing with Samantha. But Kelly knew it was the best way to get into the Samantha’s unspoiled panties. She and Tina had planned it carefully that morning, as they lay together in a pleasant after sex glow of warmth and musky perspiration.

“Why me?” Tina had asked with a little giggle. Not that she’d been reluctant at all to seduce Samantha. It was her normal curiosity.

“Because, silly!” Kelly had kissed her lover’s pert little nose. “If I try to do it she’ll be suspicious. Samantha has spent her whole life avoiding sex and I’ve…”

“Spent your whole life looking for it?” Tina laughed at her friend.

“Yeah, exactly.” Kelly had to agree. “She trusts you and by the time I come in, she’ll have forgotten all about her virginity.”

“Until she meets Tiger!” The auburn hair girl grinned. “You don’t think he’ll…hurt her, do you?” A sudden look of concern passed over Tina’s face. I had been a little painful her first time with a man and Tiger was a dog. Tina didn’t think Tiger knew how to go slow with a girl, even if he wanted to.

“She’ll be fine.” Kelly promised. “We just need to get her ready for him, that’s all.”

Now, standing in Tina’s bedroom, Kelly was happy to see that Tina was doing everything she could to get Samantha ready for the ride of her life. They laying together, side by side in a very intimate 69 position. The room was filled with the scent of their excitement and the soft moans and little slurps, sucks, and lip smacking sounds of their kisses was like music to Kelly’s ears. Her sex was already moist and she couldn’t help but give herself a little rub as she stared at her two best friends and roommates.

Kelly took off the tiny t-shirt she wore and slipped onto the bed so that her body pressed along Tina’s back, but in opposite directions, the way Samantha’s was. Together the two young women sandwiched their petite friend between them and Kelly came face to face with Samantha between Tina’s wide spread legs. The blond was covered with Tina’s juices and her tongue was buried between the plump wet folds of the coed’s labia. Kelly moved her arm to embrace both of her friends at once, pressing her breasts to the small of Tina’s back and spreading her long tanned legs so that with just a little movement Tina’s cheek rested on Kelly’s warm thigh. Kelly gave Tina a lick, starting at the sweet crack of the girl’s perfect ass, running lightly across her anus and to the girl’s pussy where it met Samantha’s furrowed tongue. The beautiful blonde only smiled, moving slightly so that she might share a soft wet kiss with Kelly, sharing the delicious girl juice she’d gathered from Tina’s sex.

The three girls found themselves moving as want and circumstance demanded, changing positions and finding new and wonderful pleasures with first one, and then the other of their friends. All of them were hot and wet and hungry for more, seemingly insatiable in their new found appetite for lesbian sex. Kelly was delighted as she probed Samantha’s cunt for the first time with her fingers, touching the woman gently, massaging her flesh and feeling within the blonde girl’s depths an intact hymen. She really was a virgin, Kelly smiled to herself. She’d had no reason to doubt it, but as beautiful as Samantha was, and being 21, almost 22 years old to boot, it certainly made the young college girl a rarity. At least in Kelly’s social circle. She couldn’t wait to see Samantha lose her virginity, to be there when it happened and share in it. To Kelly there was something terribly exciting about that, perhaps because she’d lost her own long before after a party at which she’d had quite a lot to drink and smoke. It was a half-remembered experience at best, and Kelly rarely dwelt on it for long.

It was late afternoon when their lovemaking seemed to come to a natural pause, a languid moment when the three friends just fell back with each other, a tangle of arms and legs, smiling and flushed. They’d done almost everything they could think of over the course of many hours, Kelly especially was responsive to some deep penetrations that Samantha had been quite certain should have been painful. But the brunette assured her they were not. Tina had wonderfully small hands and you can well imagine the moans of pure bliss that Kelly radiated when her petite friend put them to good use. For her part, Tina found that she thoroughly enjoyed a good hard grind, especially with Samantha, who was not only much larger than Tina physically, but who had a cunt that was just made for grinding. It wasn’t quite as plump as Kelly’s, Tina thought, or maybe it was that Samantha’s hips were a little more narrow, or that the blonde’s body was just more athletic…whatever it was, Tina loved to scissor her legs between Samantha’s, so that she was astride the blonde with their cunts pressed together, and just grind. Slowly at first, and then faster, harder, until they were both literally screaming with their orgasms.

Samantha enjoyed it all, of course, shedding her inhibitions with every new touch and kiss until she thought she couldn’t possibly have any reservations for anything. She had spent hours eating her two friends, front and back and everywhere else for that matter. She explored their bodies and her own in ways never imagined. Samantha had cum a dozen times and in a different dozen ways, some of them with quiet whimpers of submission, and others had taken her kicking and screaming over the edge. It was unbelievable. And yet…Samantha knew her friends were holding back, at least with her. They were gentle sometimes, even when she wanted it rough, would beg them to push harder and deeper. Samantha could see the desire in their eyes, but Kelly and Tina would decline, kissing her, loving her, protecting her. They were guarding her virginity, that precious bit of flesh that had meant so much and now…now Samantha wanted to be rid of it. She wanted to give herself completely. She was almost begging for it, pleading for Kelly and Tina to take it from her. She was ready.

“Are you sure?” Kelly whispered, her eyes staring into Samantha’s as they lay closely together. Her hand moved down Samantha’s back slowly, tracing her spine to the blonde’s ass and then back up again, tickling her with her fingernails.

Samantha swallowed and nodded. “Yes. I’m sure.” She whispered back, her own arms hugging the brunette tightly so their nipples were hard and pressed to each other’s breasts. Tina had already left to find Tiger and Samantha knew it.

“There’s no going back.” Kelly warned her friend.

“I know.” Samantha smiled bravely, even though she was more than a little frightened at the idea of losing her virginity.

Samantha had been saving herself for an idea, a romantic belief that she would only give herself to the man she married. But she’d already given herself, hadn’t she? To Kelly and Tina? In every way but that one, in every important way. She’d given them her faith and love and friendship. And now her trust. She believed them when Kelly and Tina had told her how good it felt, how wonderful Tiger would make her feel. Samantha didn’t know now if she would ever love a man. She couldn’t imagine what that would be like. She never could and maybe, she wondered, that was why she’d remained a virgin. She’d never been meant to be with a man.

“Can I tell you something?” Samantha’s eyes were urgent and Kelly nodded. “I’m in love with you. With both of you.”

Kelly’s only reply was to kiss the young woman deeply, her lips and tongue and hands and legs, her entire body, all enveloped in that one effort to show Samantha that she too was in love.

“God! Somebody kiss me like that!” Tina said with no small amount of envy. She’d come into the room followed by a rather eager Alsatian named Tiger.

“Oh we will, Tina!” Kelly giggled and Samantha sighed, both of them smiling at the girl.

“Are you ready Samantha?” Tina rubbed Tiger’s fur lovingly. “I think Tiger is!” And indeed the dog’s penis had emerged from it’s sheath perhaps an inch or so, dripping already and proving his eagerness to mate with one of these strange bitches again. It was just like his last home, the animal thought, only better. Three bitches, all in heat, what dog could have imagined such a thing even existed?

“You didn’t give him some Viagra or something, did you?” Samantha looked at Kelly and rubbed her thigh against the brunette’s wet sex.

“What? Me?” Kelly looked shocked and then giggled. “Of course not!” She paused a moment. “But you know, if we keep this up…”

“No!” Tina laughed. “You’re not giving my dog drugs!” She rubbed his head. “He just needs a day off every once in awhile. Don’t you Tiger, mmm…good boy, yes you are…”

Tiger listened to the girl cooing to him and wagged his tail, wondering which of these bitches he was going to fuck. He could smell their excitement in the air, so strong it was almost blinding and his cock throbbed a little as his animal instinct began to assert itself. He turned his head and gave Tina’s exposed cunt a little lick, tasting her salty sweat and the remains of her many orgasms. She was definitely ready, Tiger decided.

The girls were all a little surprised when Tiger moved a little, from Tina’s side to just behind her. He gave a little jump up onto his back paws and wrapped his front paws around Tina’s waist awkwardly, using his weight to push her down a little while he shuffled a bit to get a better position.

“Yooowww!” Tina gave a little startled little shout of surprise as she was almost knocked of balance and she managed to get herself free of Tiger’s paws. The dog settled back down on all fours, panting with a good natured smile and looking around. “I guess you’re ready, huh?” Tina looked at her friends and grinned.

“Are you ready?” Kelly asked Samantha and the blonde nodded. “Let’s do it on the floor.” Kelly suggested. “Grab that towel so she doesn’t get scratched.” She pointed at the towel Samantha had been wearing earlier and Tina retrieved it while Samantha got down on the carpet, getting a little self-consciously on her hands and knees.

“Like this?” Samantha asked and Kelly nodded. Samantha gave her pussy a little touch, rubbing it gently. She was super wet and about as stretched as she was ever going to get without any real penetration, which is to say not very stretched at all. But that would change in a moment, she knew, already from her position on the floor she could see Tiger’s swollen cock hanging down all pink and red. It looked gigantic and it wasn’t even completely hard yet. If she hadn’t already witnessed both Kelly and Tina being fucked by the animal she could never have done what she was about to.

Tina got down on her hands and knees too, crawling behind Samantha and licking at her pussy from the rear.

“What are you doing?” Kelly laughed.

Tina looked up a minute later, grinning with her face shining wet. “I just want to make sure.” She stared at Kelly who had been giving Tiger a little preparation of his own. “What are you doing?”

Kelly gave Tiger’s now very hard and large cock one last suck, licking her lips and swallowing his precum. “Same thing.” She grinned back at Tina. “Just making sure.”

Samantha stared over her shoulder as Kelly led the big dog over to where she waited, leading him literally by his cock. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her stomach felt as if she’d gotten on a rollercoaster, doing flip-flops every few seconds until she had to close her eyes. But that only made it worse. Tina had the towel around Samantha’s hips and now she patted the girl lightly on the back, coaxing the dog to mount his newest bitch.

Tiger needed very little coaxing, he’d been ready for the last 15 minutes. Ever since he’d woken up and smelled Tina’s cunt. Now he could see one of the bitches in the perfect position, her head down submissively, ass up just right. She was flagging him, no doubt about it! And one of the other bitches had even checked to make sure she was ready for him! Tiger was in doggy heaven and he mounted Samantha easily, feeling a little funny with Kelly’s hand around his cock, but she only seemed to be helping him find the right hole, so…that was okay too.

“Here he comes Samantha!” Kelly announced triumphantly and Tina moved to kiss Samantha hard, pushing her tongue into the blonde’s mouth at the same moment Tiger’s turgid prick found purchase in Samantha’s virgin cunt.

Less than a second later Tiger pushed forward with his hips, gripping the girl tightly with his paws, hooking them just in the right spot above her hips. His cock, all eight inches of it, slammed into Samantha’s vagina. The somewhat narrow and pointed tip, so unlike a man’s and perfect for it’s purpose, met and pierced Samantha’s hymen without even slowing down. Samantha’s cunt, which she had denied numerous human suitors, yielded itself easily to Tiger’s bestial intrusion. The pain from her torn flesh was sharp and dreadful, and Samantha screamed into Tina’s mouth. Tears erupted from the girl’s eyes and her entire body spasmed with the shocking sensation. But it passed, quickly and mercifully, becoming something merely uncomfortable, like a cramp, a dull throbbing ache. Her vaginal walls stretched easily, even willingly for it’s first penis, embracing the dog as a lover should, squeezing and caressing his every motion.

Tina pulled her mouth away, letting Samantha take a much needed breath of air. She kissed at her friend’s face, licking at the tears and stroking her head with sympathy. The first time for Tina had hurt a little, well more than a little, but it had given way to pleasure soon thereafter and she hoped Samantha would have it easier than that.

Kelly had reached underneath, thinking that perhaps a little extra stimulation might help her friend get over the pain of losing her virginity. She rubbed Samantha’s clit gently, rubbing with her fingertips back and forth, feeling Tiger’s hot wet shaft sliding rapidly in and out of the girl. Every motion brought a little flood of their juices spilling over Kelly’s fingers and she eagerly rubbed it onto the sensitive bud of Samantha’s clit.

For Tiger, this was almost the tightest bitch he’d ever had! It was unbelievable! He dimly recalled a French poodle that had been especially receptive one hot August night in his youth, but that had been a much smaller bitch than this one. He worked his cock quickly, making soft guttural sounds of animal pleasure as the hot velvety wall surrounding his prick seemed to grab and pull at him, as if refusing to let him go. Already the knot of muscle at the base of his cock was growing, filling rapidly with blood and it pressed urgently against the bitch’s opening for entrance.

Samantha groaned loudly, her body shining with sweat as she quivered with the effort of receiving the huge cock inside her. The feeling was like nothing she’ ever dreamt, let alone experienced. The pain of her ruptured hymen was lost in the fury of her excitement. The discomfort was a small price to pay as her body surrendered to another orgasm, shuddering and forcing her to arch her back, to thrust her ass against the animal fucking her so good. Samantha dragged her fingers through the carpet, clawing at it in desperation. Her whole being seemed concentrated in the heat building between her thighs, the fire of her pleasure that was burning uncontrollably. When Tiger’s knot suddenly split her labia, forced painfully past her labia, she cried out, collapsing under the dog’s weight. She whimpered and sobbed and came over and over again as her friends stroked and petted and kissed her flushed skin. A moment later Tiger too vented his arousal, giving a series of short sharp barks of joy as his cock erupted deep inside Samantha’s hungry womb, filling the girl with his hot dog semen. It was a moment of intense animalistic pleasure in which all of them were able to share.



“What’s that?” The girls were sitting in the den, Samantha curled up with Tiger on the soft old sofa. Tina laying on the carpet, writing a letter by the light of the fire. And Kelly near her, sitting with her back to the bookcase, one hand rubbing Tina’s thigh slowly.

“This?” Kelly held up a small address book so Samantha could see it. “It’s my little red book. Names, phone numbers…penis measurements” She shrugged. “Three years of college.” She sighed. “Three years wasted on anonymous men.” She smiled at Samantha. “I don’t think I need it anymore.” Kelly threw it into the fireplace.

Kelly hadn’t been with a man in 6 weeks.

“And what are you writing?” Samantha looked at Tina who looked back, smiling impishly and biting her pen.

“It’s a letter.” She shrugged. “To my boyfriend. I…well, I told him I met someone.” Tina giggled. “A couple someones and maybe he should find someone else.”

“Really?” Samantha reached down and rubbed Tiger’s cock leisurely through it’s soft warm sheath.

“Yeah.” Tina nodded. “I think it’s better this way.”

Tina hadn’t even thought about her boyfriend since she’d gotten Tiger and fallen in love with Samantha and Kelly. She could barely remember his face.

“What are you doing?” Kelly looked at Samantha. The blonde was definitely playing with Tiger’s cock. “This is supposed to be his day off.”

“I know…” Samantha sighed. “But…Maybe we should have two dogs. I saw an ad for a Black Lab, a 3 year old male, well trained, friendly…excellent for breeding…” She raised her eyebrows and grinned suggestively.

“Or maybe two more dogs.” Tina nodded. “There’s a guy selling Dalmatian puppies. We could get one and raise it, you know…train it, sort of…” She smiled hopefully at her friends.

“Mmm…” Kelly laughed. “What, uh, what would guys think about a horse…?”

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