Women with Animals
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Call of the Wild


(c) 2021 by ViolinistKind8322

Part I

Elena was born a princess. She had always been raised for that, so that one day she could become queen, and freshly at 18, the time was certainly coming.

She didn’t want to be queen, however, she wanted to be a fighter. A huntress. And she was desperate to prove herself. She had been successful before, taking down an entire Orc settlement herself before. She was skilled, and enemies never saw her coming.

Armed with a bow, daggers, and a healing potion on her, she ventured into the woods. A rumor had sprouted lately, of a werewolf, that roams the land at night, taking young women as his prey. Elena decided to travel during the day for that reason, so she could find him in his man form.

The woods were the perfect place to hide. Large, thick, and seemingly endless, it would take years for one person to explore it all. There was, however, one river that went through these woods. Walking alongside it, she was sure she would find him. Surely he couldn’t be far from the water.

Elena continued walking, keeping her guard up, as she heard a sound, turning around, she saw deer running away. ”Youve just kicked up some deer, Elena, chill.” she thought to herself. Then felt herself tackled to the ground.

“What the h-“ she yelled as she rolled over, not quite succumbing to her attacker yet. She stood up quickly, taking a few steps back to see what had attacked her. This was not a man. This was not a werewolf. Standing in front of her, was a tall, muscular, wolf being, standing on two legs, almost humanoid. Perfectly daytime, where no werewolf would be in that form, and seeming far less crazed than a werewolf.

“What are you!?” She yelled, as it stood there, analyzing her. She held her bow, an arrow ready to fire. It smirked, and she stepped back, firing the shot.

It hit the wolf, and Elena watched in fear as it pulled the arrow out and tossed it to the ground. She loaded another arrow into her bow as the wolf charged her, grabbing her bow. She didn’t let go, wrestling over the bow, until it snapped in half. She jumped back as the wolf man grabbed her wrist, and she used her other hand to pull out a dagger, slicing for his chest, but he dodges just in time, flipping back before charging her again.

This time Elena tosses the dagger at the wolf, and misses as the dagger lands in the dirt. She pulls out her final two daggers, one in each hand as the wolf lunges, pushing her to the ground. She rolls as it pounces on where she was just a second ago, kicking herself back on her feet. Beginning to run away, the daggers still clutched tightly.

The wolf man chases her, on all fours, hunting her like prey, and quickly begins to catch up to Elena, as she runs up to a tree, jumping on its side and springing back at the wolf, both daggers pointed directly for it. It flinches, but still gets wounded as she attacks it, managing to cut its chest, and cut its shoulder, and she lands on the ground behind it. It turns around and grabs her arm as she tries to stab again, and bites the blade of the dagger, pulling it out, of her hand, while the wolfs other hand grabs her other wrist.

Now with one dagger, Elena begins to truly become fearful. She tries to hold on to the dagger as the wolf steps forward, pinning her against a tree. It smirks as it pulls the other dagger out, tossing it to the ground.

“Fuck you,” Elena mutters, now pinned against the tree by this beast, her eyes level with his chest. It reaches a hand towards her hip and grabs a healing potion as Elena becomes filled with dread. The wolf was now in complete control. It drank down the potion to heal its wounds, and then stared her into the eyes. “Do you speak?” She asked.

“When I feel like it.” It spoke back, in a deep, almost growl like voice. It sent shudders down Elenas spine.

“What are you going to do to me?” Elena asks fearfully.

The wolf smiles, lifting a finger to her chest, it’s claw ripping through the fabric of her outfit. “Whatever I please.”

“You don’t know who you’re fucking with!” Elena loses it, yelling, trying to get out of being pinned, but the wolf only pins her harder, the tree scratching her back. “Fuck you! You stupid bastard bitch! I’ll kill you! My dad is the fucking king!! If you don’t get your ass running now you’ll be dead by sundown!!!” She screams.

“Isn’t it odd that almost every girl I’ve taken has the king as her dad?” He snarls, “Either the kings been as busy as I have, or I’m being lied to.”

Elena didn’t think of that. Of course. Everybody’s excuse would be knowing the king, except hers was the truth. She stayed silent though, as the wolfs claw kept moving down her outfit, showing off all her cleavage.

“You shouldn’t exist.” She sputters, distracting the wolf from her breasts.

“And yet I do.” It responds, staring into her eyes again. I hate when he does that. She thinks.


The wolf ignores her and grabs her thighs and lifts her legs up, holding them to his side, Elena still pinned against the tree.”what’s your name.” She sputters, trying to buy time.

“Max.” It growls, and then it pushes its snout into her face.

“Get away from my face.” She snarls, but then Max leans in more and kisses her, his nasty tongue filling her mouth.

She gags and yells in objection, but that doesn’t stop him, as he kisses her, his hands ripping off her top, revealing her bra, which he then rips off. Elena tries to protest as Max grabs her tits, and she feels as his claws poke into her skin some as he gropes her. He pulls his tongue out of her and smiles. As she coughs out spit, gagging in repulsion.

“You’re fucking disgus-“ she says, as Max leans in, kissing her again, his hands still toying with her breasts. Before he pulls his head back.

Elena is starting to cry, and Max only becomes more aroused by that. He pushes her to the ground as she grunts, trying to crawl away for a second before she’s grabbed and pulled back. He uses her top as a makeshift rope and ties her hands behind her back as she squirms. “Fuck you!” She yells, as he positions her with her ass up, and face down. Ready for doggystyle.

“Do you know what a knot is?” Max asks, pulling down the bottom half of her outfit, and then ripping her panties right off.

“N-no?” Elena mutters, “Like a rope knot?” She pleads.

Max stuffs her panties in her mouth, “you’ll see. Keep the panties in. I’m tired of your voice.” He growls fiercely, silencing Elena.

Max pushes his snout up to Elenas pussy, finding that it’s absolutely soaking wet. She smiles as he takes a lick, Elena screaming out in a mix of rage and pleasure.

Dont let him know that feels good, Elena.” she thinks to herself, before having the revaluation: “Why not?” “Because I’m not a whore that fucks wolves!” she snaps back to herself, not giving in as the wolf licks her soaking wet cunt.

Max licks, his long canine tongue getting deep inside her pussy, before dancing back on her clit. Elena can’t help but moan with pleasure as the wolf pleases her, tasting her entrance. She’s never done anything sexual before, except touch herself, but she can’t help but love how good it feels.

Then he stops, and she feels a hand smack her ass, claws leaving a small cut. Then she feels something new, the wolfs cock, pressing right in between her pussy lips. She screams out, trying to spit the panties out as it rubs itself slowly around her cunt.

Max slowly moves in deeper, pushing his cock all the way in, but not the knot. Knot yet at least. Elena finally gets the panties out of her mouth and screams, “Get your nasty cock out of me! Please fuck no!” She screams, wanting to keep her virginity as the wolf pushes it huge, throbbing member in and out slowly.

Elena starts really trying to get out of her restraints, her hands tied together, her cunt betraying her with pleasure as she gets 12 inches length of red cock filling her.

Max speeds up his thrusts, pounding into her, as his cock expands her pussy farther than it should be stretching. Elena sobs, as Max grabs her hair, pulling it back as he roughly pounds her, as she slips her hands out of the restraint, and tries to crawl away, despite the fact she approaches orgasm.

Then, Max shoves his knot in her, letting her try and escape as she realizes she’s not going anywhere, trying to pull herself away with her hands as she starts to cum, her mind becoming mush as the pleasure becomes too great. She stops fighting and gives in, her throbbing pussy overwhelmed with pleasure.

Max pulls her hair harder again to rear her head back, as she moans loudly with pleasure, even her mind now betraying her. She finishes climaxing, the pleasure continuing as Max keeps using her body, almost ready to cum himself.

Elena has nearly passed out with pleasure as Max howls, finally cumming, unleashing loads into her pussy as he smacks her ass, groping it as he fills her with cum, as she screams “I love wolf cock!” Weakly as she’s used, half of her consciousness lost as Max pulls out, cum leaking out of her.

Max smiles, picking her up, and walking off, back to his den, holding Elena over his shoulder.


Part II

Elena opens her eyes, groaning with her sore legs as she looks around.

She’s in a bit of a cave. And surrounded by wolves.

“Hello darling.” She hears, turning to see Max, trying to not show the fear in her face.

“Hello.” She says glaringly. She considers trying to run, evaluating her surroundings.

“You won’t get far.” Max says, “these wolves know if you try and run, they have full permission to do as they please.”

“They’ll fuck me, yeah that’s already happened, by you.” Elena says, looking away from Max as he looks deep into her eyes again.

“That’s not all. You won’t leave here alive.” He threatens, Elena grimacing as she says that. “I assure you, they’re faster than you.”

“Fuck you.” Elena says.

Max grabs her hair and pull her head closer to his snout and growls, “Don’t you fucking disrespect me, especially not here in front of the pack, you stupid fucking bitch.” He slaps her and lets go of her hair as she stays silent.

Elena continues to be silent for a minute, before she breaks it. “Why do you exist?” She asks. “You shouldn’t. You’re not a werewolf, not a wolf, not a man. What are you?”

Max smirks, and lifts her chin, forcing her to look back into his eyes. “A long time ago, a group of goblins seeked revenge, for not having female goblins, having to use humans to breed.”

“They don’t seem to mind now.” Elena mutters.

“Well, they did. And they managed to trick the goddess of fertility into showing herself, and then they grabbed her, beat her senseless, and had a wolf rape her.”

“That’s fucked up.” Elena says.

“Maybe. Or maybe the goddess got what’s coming.” Max responds.

“Why? Why would she deserve that?”

“I don’t know. Why did she curse goblins? The gods can be flawed too, it seems.”

“Possibly because they’re evil?” Elena responds sarcastically, “they’re fucking terrible little beasts, they take our women and-“ Elena realizes that she’s living the same fate she’s describing.

“And that makes someone evil?” Max asks.


“But I thought the goblins were beasts. Like animals? Humans have been keeping them out forever. Same with orcs, same with all ‘monsters.’” Max says, “A dumb animal has no morality, it acts on instinct. You’re a hypocrite. Just like every human.”

“Ah you hate humans, and let me guess, you rape women as ‘revenge’?” Elena says.

“I don’t do anything as revenge. I just do as I please. Humans have kicked me out forever. So, like a wolf, I knot whatever bitch I can stick my cock into and do as I please.”

“Dirty animal.” Elena growls. and Max grabs her by the hair again.

“Don’t you fucking pretend like humans are above animals at all. Humans don’t rape each other? Humans don’t sell out each other for money? Humans are the worst creatures on this planet. You’re an animal too. Nothing, nothing at all makes you better than any one of these wolves.” Max snarls, then looks to his pack, motioning to them.

“No, don’t you fucking dare.” Elena protests, but Max slaps her.

“You confessed earlier. You love wolf cock.” Max says, letting go of Elena as she feels a wolf licking her cunt.

“Please, I don’t even remember that.” Elena begs as her pussy gets licked by one of the wolves long tongues, reaching deep into her pussy as it begins to throb.

Elena moans as another wolf begins licking her face, clearly going for the inside of her mouth. She closes it and resists, and then the wolf growls, biting her shoulder harder and harder until she squeals, decided to just let the wolf take what it wants.

The wolf kisses her, tongue deep in her mouth, reaching her throat as she whines, her pussy soaking wet already.

As the wolf makes out with Elena, she feels the wolf that was previously licking her pussy mount her, shoving its cock into her pussy as she moans out, wolf tongue still filling her mouth.

Fuck. Why am I enjoying this?” Elena asks herself internally, moaning as the wolves pleasure themselves with her. She gasps as the wolf using her cunt shoves it’s knot in, moaning as it fills her with cum.

The wolf kissing her stops and walks behind her. “You’re terrible, Max.” She starts, panting, “once I get out of he-“ then she screams, the second wolf shoving it’s cock -all the way to the knot- into her ass. “Fuck!!!” She screams, trying to crawl away, tears streaming down her face. “Please, fuck!” She sobs, realizing it’s pointless to try and escape. “Not my ass!” She sobs, but the wolf doesn’t stop, it just continues using her as it pleases.

“Bark.” Max commands. “Bark like a bitch.”

“No! Fuck you!” Elena screams, and Max grabs her hair, the wolf still ramming into her ass.

“Bark.” He growls, “or I’ll let these wolves eat you.” He smirks, rubbing his claws against her cheek.

Elena hesitantly barks.

“More. Like an animal, bitch.”

Elena gulps, tears streaming down her face, as she starts barking, the wolf howling as it cums in her ass. “Bark bark bark bark bark!” She sobs as the wolf pulls out its cock and another wolf mounts her, it’s cock filling her cunt.

“Good girl.” Max pats her on the head. “Who’s the dirty animal now?”

“Please, fuck!” She begs, nearing orgasm, as Max puts his hand under her face, forcing her to look up at him.

“You make a good toy.” He laughs, “pretty. Nice face,” the wolf still using Elenas pussy.

This is too much for me.” She thinks, her mind numbing to the pleasure, oddly flattered as Max calls her pretty. “Hes doing that thing where he looks into my eyes again. Shit.

“Don’t fall in love.” She moans sarcastically.

“I don’t feel love. Ever.” Max says.

“That soun-“ Elena can’t continue as her fingers clench, her body shakes as she begins to cum, the wolf still pounding happily at her cunt. She moans and screams as she orgasms, Max still with her head in hand. He leans in and kisses her, filling her mouth with tongue.

“Th-thank you daddy.” Elena whines, finishing her orgasm as the wolf cums, another wolf taking its place.

“Oh? We’re to this stage of it?” Max laughs.

“This stage of what?” Elena asks, moaning as the pleasure is too much to bear, breaking her mind.

“I’m your daddy?” Max asks.

“You’re my daddy, and right now, this big wolf is my daddy.” She says happily moaning.

Max smiles, being called that made him oddly happy. “Good girl.” He says, patting her head.

“Thank you,” she says and giggles, taking the wolf as it knots her, as she moans louder, starting to scream, approaching another orgasm.

“I like you like this darling. A good, obedient pet. Why do you feel the need to be so stubborn all the time.” Max ponders to her.

“I’m too arrogant, I think I have everything figured out and that I’m better than anything, but I’m just a dumb little girl for doggy knot.” She pants, her tongue out and her eyes rolling to back of her head as she cums a second time, screaming. “Fuck! Fuck me! I’m your bitch! Please just destroy my stupid pussy!” She screams, before the orgasm slows down, the wolf cumming in her as she begins to pass out.

Max gently rests her head down, raising a hand to stop anymore wolves from having a turn.

“Sorry, they don’t usually cum so fast, I know.” Max says, stroking her hair some. “I think we’ve got ourselves a longterm pet.” He smiles, the wolves panting happily, and Elena seeing knot in her dreams.


Part III

“Why won’t you say where we’re going.” Elena asks.

“You’ll see soon enough. We’re not so far now.” Max says, pulling branches out of the way.”

“Fine.” Elena mutters. She know she could attempt to run away, Max letting her walk freely behind him, but she decides it’s not worth it. “What do you plan on doing with me?” Elena asks.

Max slows down a little. “Elaborate.”

“Like I mean, am I just your slave for life now, or will you kill me? You’re not taking me to kill me now are you?” Elena continues.

“I’m not taking you to kill you.” Max answers, “if I wanted to kill you, I would have just had my wolves do it.”

“Have you done that before?” Elena gulps.

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.”

Elena shivers, and moves on. “So, you’re going to keep me around?”

Max turns around and faces her, looking deep into her eyes again. “I’ll keep you around, if you act like a good girl.”

“I’ll be a good girl.” Elena rolls her eyes. She’s somewhat started to accept being here with Max and his wolves. She found him fascinating, and the wolf cock was amazing.

“I know you will.” Max says. “You’re better than the others. I hope you stay that way.”

“You know, if it helps, I kinda have a disdain for humans too.” Elena starts.

“Oh, is that so?”

“Yeah, my dad, he’s uh,” Elena isn’t sure if Max would believe that she’s princess, but she decides to keep it secret. “He owns this business and he really wants me to take over for him. I really don’t want to. At all.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I want to be a huntress.”

Max looks back at her, letting a slight scoff. “You aren’t a great one.” He smirks.

“I did good before, you’re just,” Max looks back at Elena as she speaks, “better, than the others.”


“My original point, being, humans love ideas like fate. Like destiny. Like you live to do something.” Elena continues. “But I hate those ideas. My fate isn’t to be the successor of my dad. It’s whatever I make of it.”

“Or what I make of it.” Max says, “Don’t forget, I own you.”

“Well, besides that, I guess. Maybe I could help you? Like, not take other girls, but maybe if you have some really evil enemies-“


“Right. I was thinking more like monsters. Spare me the whole talk on how they’re not evil but humans are.”

“Am I evil?” Max ponders to her.

“I mean, technically, yes.” Elena answers nervously.

“No. I’m following instinct. I’m doing what I want with my fate. I’m not a monster. I’m a god to you humans.” Max smirks.

“I don’t think you’re a monster. I don’t think you’re a god either. I think you’re just a strong, furry man who’s had a rough life.”

“I’m a wolf. I have no man in me.”

“That’s not true. I see it in you, sometimes, that way you ponder into my eyes when you’re thinking, the fact that,” Elena decides to risk a little bit, “you seem to care about me.”

“I care about you?” Max scoffs. “You’re nothing to me, nothing but a bitch.” He growls, slapping her. “I don’t feel your emotions. I’m above that.”

Elena holds her cheek after the slap. “That’s anger you feel, you’ve just never processed it correctly.”

Max just looks at her, thinking about that, then realizing he’s staring into her eyes again, he continues walking.

“What are the human emotions.” Max asks.

“Well there’s a lot, happiness, when things are good, sad, when they’re bad, anger, when you feel kind of violent. There’s so many mixes of all of them.”

“What is to care?”

“To care is to love. If you love someone, you want to see them happy, you’re willing to sacrifice for them. Fight for them. Protect them.”

“I don’t protect. I destroy. It’s what I am born to do.”

“There it is. The human in you. Already caught up in fate.”

Max doesn’t say anything back. He just thinks. They walk in silence the rest of the way.


They arrive to a small wooden building. Stables. Elena thinks.

“You have horses?” Elena asks.

“No. They’re unicorns.” Max answers, opening the door.

“There’s no horn on its head.” Elena says, observing the unicorn, a beautiful white male breed,not seeming to care at all about its surroundings,.

“It was cheap. It has a small bone where the horn should be on its head. It’s a bad gene, but fortunately, it doesn’t pass as long as the mom doesn’t have it, making it’s cum extremely valuable.” Max hands Elena a bucket.

“Oh.” She mutters.

“You’re going to collect it for me.” Max tells her, handing her a thing of lipstick. “Use this. It won’t help with the unicorn, but damn I love seeing traces of lips on his body.”

Elena reluctantly takes the lipstick.

“Now, warm him up.” He tells Elena as she puts on the lipstick.

“How?” She asks.

“Stupid bitch. Lick his balls.” Max commands, as Elena gets down on her knees, lipstick applied, and gives the beast a kiss on its balls, red lipstick lingering on the spot of contact.

Elena could feel her pussy already getting wet, the beasts large balls looking to full and ready to explode, she could help but lean in and make out with them, her tongue dancing back and forth over them as her lips kissed them, the unicorn letting out a neigh as it’s cock grew.

Elena continues kissing the beast, licking it’s balls as her hands grabbed it’s huge, growing, throbbing cock and playing with it. Elena puts as much of the uni-stallions balls in her mouth as she can, sucking on them as drool pours down, making a mess.

She continues stroking it as the beast gets to full size, and she starts licking the base of its cock, slowly working her way down it, her body feeling like it was on fire. Elena moans as she reaches her hand down to her pussy as she begins to touch herself.

“You’re such a whore.” Max says, enjoying watching her.

Elena strokes it’s nice large cock, before getting closer, and rubbing her tits around it, her face tilted up, licking it’s heavy balls.

“I wanna serve you forever sir. This is the best.” Elena tells Max, drool dripping off the beasts balls as Elena goes back to servicing the cock. “I love making this the happiest beast ever,” she kisses it’s cock, smearing it with lipstick.

“Lick his ass.” Max demands, and Elena obeys, getting back up behind the horse, lifting it’s tail, and kissing it’s ass lights as she strokes it’s cock, watching the red shape of her lips be temporarily immortalized around the unicorns ass.

She makes out with its ass, stroking its cock as the beast neighs, letting her tongue slip into its ass, pleasing the beast and humiliating herself. She gets closer to orgasm, her lips pressing against the beasts ass and her other hand stroking it’s cock, before getting down below it, and putting its cock in her mouth. The beast neighs loudly as she brings the cock in deeper, gagging as it slides down her throat.

Max looks lustfully as Elena gets over a foot and a half in her throat before gagging it out, and stuffing the cock in her pussy, her hand around it, using it to please and be pleased.

She gasps and moans as the holds the cock in her hand, thrusting it in and out of her throbbing pussy, pushing her closer and closer to orgasm, before finally giving in.

“F-Fuck!” Elena screams as the squirts, using the huge cock to cum, “it’s so good!” She yells, making a mess in the stable.

“Make sure he gets to cum.” Max commands as she finishes squirting, before shakily getting up, stroking its cock as she licks it’s balls, bringing it near orgasm. She moans with just as she feels the beast cumming into the bucket, letting out a loud neigh sound as she makes out with its balls, giving its ass one last kiss as it orgasms too, before the beast finishes, and she sits back, tired, but happy.

“Good girl.” Max says, “You made him produce more cum than ever. More gold for me. Now let’s get you back, I’m going to share you with my Wolfpack and then we’ll find something to eat.” Max smiles, walking with Elena out of the stable.

They continue walking, as Elena starts conversing, “That was amazing, it’s cock was just, just HUGE!” She describes, before Max shushes her, putting his hand in front of her.

“I smell someone. Someone is near.” He whispers, and Elena steps behind him, covering herself. “The sun is nearly setting. Who would come at this hour?” He asks, before seeing the people arrive in the distance.

“Halt!” One of them yells, holding out a spear, bows and arrows held out.

Max stands tall, holding his ground, ready to attack at any moment. “What do you want.” He growls.

“We want Princess Elena, and by the looks of it, she’s here with you. You are under arrest f-“ The guard is cut off.

“Wait,” Elena starts, “actually, I was taken by a group of goblins. This kind werewolf saved me.” She says, looking up at Max, deep into his eyes.

Both of them almost exchange a conversation in this mutual stare, as Max realizes Elena truly is a princess, and for the first time ever, realizes that she truly cares about him. And Elena, realizes that whether she likes it or not, she loves Max.

But now, she has to go. “That’s fine. We will make sure those goblins pay.” The guard says. “Wolf, you are dismissed.”

“Goodbye Max.” Elena says, walking towards the guards, as they hand her shirts too big for her to cover herself up. “I have my fate to get back to.”

Max doesn’t respond, he doesn’t know how. He just watches them walk away.

He asks himself what emotion he feels. He cannot seem to understand it. He’s felt sadness, anger, everything in between, but never this. Not losing someone he cared about. But he wasn’t going to be able to take down all these guards, or invade a kingdom.

So Max just walks back to his cave somberly, for the first time, truly feeling defeated.

Elena was gone.

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