Women with Animals

Colleen’s Workout


(c) 2013 by bumbleknott

Chapter One

Colleen looked in the mirror admiring the body in front of her. Her long dark brunette hair, that could almost be considered black, was wild and tangled from the pillows she left less than a minute ago. It was about 5:30 am when she crawled out of bed and slowly moved over to her door sized mirror on the back of the door to her bedroom. She looked around for those ever elusive hair ties and low and behold, she couldn’t find a single one. Putting her hands on her forehead she pushed her hair back and slicked it down deciding to go without for her morning run. Once clear of her face, her hair laid on her shoulders and flowed onto her back leaving her body unimpeded. She looked down and saw her almost naked body in front of her, all that she couldnt see was the recently waxed pubic mound covered by her sleep shorts. the light fabric felt good to her but that was past now, she knew it was time to get her day going and it always started with a run around the neighborhood.

The previous night had brought a lot of precipitation with it so she knew that it would be important to wear some sort of pants for her run. She looked for some suitable pants to wear like yoga pants or sweats or something, but she couldnt find anything worth while. She settled upon a pair of black tights that were on top of the laundry. Knowing that it would be early enough that not many people would see her in them she only hesitated for a second before deciding that the tights would work. She then grabbed her sports bra and long sleeve white shirt and went back to the full length mirror to put them on. Starting with the tights, she looked at them and decided they were not light enough to require she wear underwear so she went without knowing they would get sweaty. After taking off the sleep shorts, she pulled the tights up her long legs and over the firm mounds of her tight little butt. Loving the warm Colorado summers, she knew that with the air warming up in the morning her long sleeves might be too much so after she pulled the sports bra on she tied the long sleeve shirt around her waste and waited to see how nice it was outside before puting it on. Colleen was set and headed out the door into the warm sunny morning air.

It was perfect outside for a morning run as she took in a deep breath and smelled the wet morning colorado air. The rain the previous night made everything so green and happy. The dew on the grass made the sunlight sparkle as it hit. It was now 6 am and already warm enough that she didn’t need her shirt so she started off leaving the shirt at home on the front porch. The shapely brunette started off on her run with her hair bouncing in her face. With her 32 c breasts in the sports bra she was kept relatively tight and still with each step but there was still enough jiggle to make her feel confident with her appearance to the world. The tights kept everything in check and easily accented her curves with each step. Music playing in her ear, Colleen was off and on her run around the neighborhood. It usually took an hour, so she was more than ready for a good workout.

Down to the end of the block and around the corner she noticed that there was a lot of water in the gutters. Focusing to avoid them as she crossed each street Colleen kept her eyes down being vigilant. But the downward angle of her head caused her hair to continually get in her face and eyes. Fed up with the lack of hair tie and the constant annoyance of hair in her eyes she gave up looking down at her feet and just trekked on like there was no hazard in front of her. The run was really getting heated as the temperature rose the sweat began to run down her face and body. Drips were making their way down her bra and down her legs, it was really starting to get to her so she made the decision to head into the heavy tree area near the neighborhood and run in the shade. As she made her way to the shaded area she quickly noticed the heavy mud and large amount of puddles around, but since she was already so sweaty she was not worried about getting a little dirty.

Ahead there was a large mud puddle and with no way around she decided to slow down and walk through the mud. It was at this point that she noticed she was being followed by one of the neighborhood dogs. She felt a tinge in her spine as she noticed the big mastiff was running quickly towards her while she couldnt go any faster than a walk. Each step she took sunk her foot deeper into the mud. Quickly each step became a struggle and more of a workout, but the mastiff behind her was getting closer and seemingly bigger. Colleen took a final look behind her and noticed that the Mastiff was her neighbor’s dog: Blue. Big Blue was running faster at her and a slight panic ran across Colleen’s face. The panting got louder and the footsteps got closer when finally the dog got to the mud.

Colleen got to the point where her foot wouldn’t come free from the mud and she was stuck. The big dog was running in the mud now, not struggling at all and before she knew it the excited mastiff was jumping up to see his athletic friend. Colleen was not the biggest fan of dogs but knew that they are some of the kindest creatures on earth and had no problems interacting with dogs especially her neighborhood friends. Blue was one of the friendliest even if he humped his fair share of legs at the block get togethers. But this situation here, Colleen stuck in the mud struggling to get her foot free and Big Blue running at full speed only feet from Colleen without his master, really made the 20 year old freak. Without missing a beat the dog ran up behind the trapped female and jumped landing his 2 big paws right into her back in order to greet his friend. The woman let out a squeal as she fell to the mud, catching herself with her hands and knees. The mud softened the blow but was also a double edged sword as it slowly enveloped her hands and lower legs making it impossible for her to escape.

Blue circled around his now prone friend and inquisitively sniffed and licked around Colleen’s neck and back before working his sniffer down to her tight muscular butt. The thin fabric of the tights and lack of underwear made it very easy for the dog to get a big whiff of the stuck, startled female. Colleen looked around, her hair and face had splattered with mud, she looked panicked as the big dog, easily weighing 180 lbs, sniffed at her rear end. Fearing for what could happen, Colleen looked around hastily for anyone that could help but to no avail. With her head up and flailing around she was able to get her hair behind her. Not paying attention to the big beast behind her, Blue started to square up his shoulders to the presenting female in front of him.

Colleen opened her mouth to scream for help at the same instant blue leapt onto the back of the tiny 112 lbs brunette, knocking the wind out of her. In complete surprise and shock Colleen could utter no words as she felt the huge animal begin to hump her. Without thinking of anything else she looked down and between her legs to see large amounts of fur surround one of the biggest cocks she had ever seen. Guessing it was about 9 inches long and 3.5 inches in diameter, her face turned white as she watched the large fallace continue to grow longer and longer with each thrust Blue made, poking the thin fabric of her tights. It all added up very quickly in her head, Blue was trying to mate with Colleen, and in her current immovable state there was not much she would be able to do to stop him.

She felt as the hard tip of Blue’s penis prod against her sweaty tight loins, poking all around his mark. Precum was spraying against her rear end, between her butt cheeks. Colleen was horrified and tried to scream but her mouth was quite dry from the run and with her being in the wooded area of her neighborhood it was almost impossible for anyone to hear her. She screamed and screamed, but with no luck as the dog continued his spraying of her fabric covered ass. As the heavy animal pounded away trying to mate with his woman, Colleen kept getting pushed further and deeper into the mud, she was truly stuck now as the animal could do anything he wanted with her.

Blue’s paws made it up to Colleen’s shoulders and then went over as he grasped around her collarbone tight. This new angle of control allowed him to pull on his mate tight and Colleen could feel the tip of his penis push against the entrance to her pussy. Colleen looked down again to see what was going on and to her dismay she saw the cock had not stopped growing. Now reaching what she guessed had to be 14 inches and 4 inches in diameter she couldnt even have imagined something so big. Her tears began to water in fear of what might happen as the erect prick pushed the fabric and all into her slit. The dog had still not found his rhythm and was moving all around on the scantly clad woman when suddenly she felt the dick head hit her tight back door. She screamed as the dick was pushed and pushed and pushed harder into her ass. Luckily the fabric was holding and not letting in any more than an inch or two. However there was still precum spraying everywhere and it was clearly making her ass down to her pussy soaked. Blue pushed and pushed some more feeling like he was making a little progress when Colleen heard the most dreadful sound she could imagine. The fabric of her tights was starting to rip. The dog realized he was slowly making more progress as about 3 inches of his massive tool was now inside the panicked woman.

Colleen guessed maybe 2 or 3 more thrusts and her fabric would give way soon, she looked up and groaned as the massive tool began to tear through the fabric and push deeper into her tight pucker. It felt like an eternity as inch after inch slowly made its way into the 20 year olds ass. She made guttural moans and squeals as inch 10 then 11 made its way into her. Finally she looked down and saw how much of the massive tool was left ouside. It was like a slow moving train as she watched the dogs huge balls move closer to her pusy. The hole the dog made his way into just was not wet enough to make it work for him as he began to pull out. The air was getting sucked out of Colleens lungs as the prick pulled its way out of her hole.

All 14 inches made its way out when the dog got off Colleens back and put his nose directly into the young girls cunt. Blue took a good long lick over the fabric that was left and over the exposed ass hole that he so eagerly invaded. Lick after lick made the woman go crazy. It didnt hurt so much as it started to feel good to the trapped woman. The dogs long slippery tongue made its way in her tights and licked from her pussy all the way up to her ass where it entered and played a little after it was loosened up so recently. Colleen moaned and melted as Blue’s tongue played with her for what seemed like 15 minutes before he moved back to his original position and started to prod her again.

The mastiff had new fervor as he began to hump wildly at the now aroused mate. Colleen felt the enormous prick push against her pussy and heard the ripping sounds again. Nervous, she looked back and watched as the balls swang back and forth with each thrust. Slowly each thrust pushed more into the wet slit and finally the fabric gave the rest of the way and in less than one breath 12 inches pushed deeper into the athletic babe. The air was pushed from her lungs as each inch was pressed into her. All that escaped her mouth was a primal moan as her head flew back and her eyes rolled back into her head. Blue finally felt what he was waiting for and thrust quickly into the tiny woman. Quickly the dog began to hump faster than anything the girl had thought possible. With each thrust she tried to move her head down to see what was going on but with each passing second the dogs pace increased making her struggle to maintain control of her body. After what felt like an eternity she was able to move her head down and see what was happening to her. She felt like she was so full of cock that there was no way she could be taking the whole thing inside her, and she was right but as she watched the huge brute pummel away at her insides she couldnt help but get turned on to the point that her body decided it wanted more of what Blue had to offer.

As she looked down she could swear she saw the dog push more and more inside her when suddenly she felt her insides give way and the dog had entered her womb. Pounding away faster than ever the dog held his mate tight by the shoulders locking her in place on his massive pole. Her moans were accentuated with each thrust as it pushed air through her lungs. She could feel every vein on his mammoth piece, rub against her insides making her close to climaxing. His massive tool had stretched her out wider than she ever dared before, but the pleasure was amazing. The tool now firmly fucking her womb began to throb and she thought he was about to cum inside her, but she hadnt cum yet and was begining to get worried that she wouldnt get anything out of all this ordeal. She worried about it while enjoying the most intense fuck of her life, feeling the dog swell more and more inside her womb. She worried when she felt something new press up against her entire tail end.

Colleen looked between her legs and saw the dogs grapefruit sized knot trying to push its way into the tiny woman. Panic briefly crossed her face, but didnt last long when she felt the knot rub against her now engorged clit. The pressure the knot was placing on her clit was enormous and caused her to scream in pleasure as it slowly rubbed back and forth. This rubbing pressure on her clit combined with 14 inches of meat pumping into sopping wet pussy and womb sent her over the top. Colleen became victim to the most intense orgasm of her life causing her to scream and squirt her cum all over the dogs huge organ and balls. Blue wasnt finished however, he kept pushing his knot against his mate, and as she orgasmed her body loosened up enough to allow the gigantic spherical object in. WIth a hard thrust Blue was completely inside Colleen.

The dog slowed his pace now that he had no room to move his cock inside her stuffed pussy. His thrusts were replaced with throbs as the blood ran through his member causing it to pulsate inside the writhing human female. Colleen couldnt believe the amount of girth inside her at the moment, she could feel every little movement Blue made, each thrust sent shivers through her spine and gave her goosebumps. Her legs were spread enough that it flattened her toned stomach, as she looked down she could see the outline of the monster meat inside her stomach. It throbbed and pulsated inside the poor girl, but she loved it and seeing the outline of the cock inside her made her orgasm a second time, just in time for her to feel the first rocket of cum slide up the canine cock into the waiting love canal. The seed was hotter than anything she could think of, it almost scalded her insides but at the same time the heat of the sperm drove her wild as it shot into her womb. Throb after throb unleashed more and more hot dog cum into the tiny female causing her to moan both from her orgasm and the male inside her. She tried to count how many throbs had unleashed its flood inside her, but she lost count after around 15. The cum never stopped filling her, her once flat stomach with ab outlines had now began to protrude. The outline of the cock inside her was gone and being replaced with a slowly inflating gut. Not one drop of cum was escaping the tight seal the knot had made with Colleen, and she was at the point that this couldn’t be better.

The dog spewed into the woman as her orgasm subsided, after what seemed like an eternity Colleen could seem to tell the dog had stopped cumming. But the dog wouldnt move, infact he just stayed on top of her, and her arms were starting to give. Her arms began to wobble and shake from the weight of the tired dog, with the hard erect penis still so deeply tied into her she couldnt move at all to make herself feel more comfortable and finally collapsed into the mud that had trapped her. Her face now covered in mud, her clothed breasts relaxing on the top layer of the mud and her ass still in the air tied to the one who ad just breeded her. Blue got off the girl and began to turn around making them ass to ass. As the dog moved, his cock turned inside her triggering another orgasm making her scream with pleasure into the mud. The force of the fall pushed her down hard into the mud making it harder for her to move out. now she knew she was screwed…. literally. The dog had lost his attention span and decided he would try to pull out of his mate. Blue started walking away from his play toy but still being tied he started to drag the girl with her. She screamed in pain and pleasure as the dog tried to pull out, but Colleen noticed that she was suddenly able to move a little. With each tug on the knot, Blue was slowly freeing his mate. Able to lift her head, Colleen looked to her side and saw her inflated stomach looked like it was holding 2 gallons of cum inside her. She sighed and smiled as the warm dog seed sloshed inside her as the dog tied to her slowly freed her from her prison. Finally with a loud plop the knot “untied” itself and she could feel the still erect member leave her womb and vacate her abused canal, pulling with it ungodly amounts of cum.

With an extreme breath of relief Colleen was able to stand up now. Wiping her face of all the mud she looked down to see her still swollen stomach slowly push out ounce after ounce of dog cum. Colleen back tracked to the sidewalks that weren’t covered in mud and slowly made her way home. Her legs were stuck spread wide and she could feel dog cum running down the inside of her toned dirty legs. The walk home gave her some time to think about what had just happened and she had come to the conclusion that she needed a dog of her own, but this time one that she wanted. Maybe she could entice Big Blue for round 2, but next time on her terms.


Chapter Two

Colleen walked into her house, picking up the white long sleeve shirt she left on the front porch of her place. Cum constantly running down her leg as she walked into her house and up to her room. Drop after drop hit the hardwood as she walked up the stairs and closed the door. Looking in the mirror Colleen saw what a mess she was: hardened mud covering her arms and legs and outlining her pert breasts, cum steadily trickling through the hole in her tights. “Time to throw these away” she said to herself as she took off the soaked thin material. Thoughts of what had happened to her less than half an hour ago raced through her mind as she got slowly more and more naked. Once naked, the tight bodied woman grabbed her bare breasts and squeezed them. The whole ordeal left the rest of her body wanting more than what they dog gave her.

Her body quivered as her hands slowly made their way down towards her swollen clit and gushing slit. The cum was slowing as it poured out of her. Finally she knew she would be ok, but the thought crossed her mind of more. More play, more wrestling, and more all out pleasure, but only if she could control it. The brunette walked to the bathroom and washed up slowly working over her firm body. Once out of the shower she noticed her distended belly had finally flattened and the feel of hot doggy seed sloshing inside of her was gone. Knowing she was alone she moved her hand down to her lips and felt that they were still a little wet. Maybe it was from the fun earlier or maybe it was from the fun she wanted to have now, who knows, but Colleen knew that it was time for round 2.

She struggled to figure out how she should go about getting a dog to do her again. Could she snag one of the neighbors dogs from a backyard? Would she just have to take her chances and go for a walk and hope there would be a stray or loose dog roaming around, or was it time for her to go get a dog? She couldnt afford a dog now, not on her part time bankers salary. WIth school and work taking up the 20 year olds life, she didnt have time for even taking care of a hamster let alone a dog. So it was settled, Colleen was going to sneak around to all the neighbors houses and see what the neighborhood had to offer.

Blowing off her classes for the day, Colleen looked at the clock: 10:15 am. Perfect she thought “everyone in the neighborhood will be at work, I can sneak around much easier and there is no way someone will catch me!” she exclaimed pulling up a pair of loose baby blue shorts. Grabbing a white tank top from the closet, Colleen walked to the front door and went down the stairs into the front yard wearing only the shorts, shirt and flip flops. As wet as she was, Colleen had no wish to ruin a perfectly good thong, especially if she was going to get fucked.

Walking out to the mailbox and checking for anything pertinent, she fit brunette found a rubber band which she immediately snatched up and used as a hair tie putting her hair back into a high sitting ponytail. Colleen made it to the end of the block then started her search. The perky brunette bounced in her shirt as she stepped eagerly to her next destination. She knew that her neighbors 4 blocks down had some sort of dog but had no idea if the dog would be left outside during the day. She made her way to the house and looked in the drive for a car, luckily no one was home so she walked over the lush green grass and made her way to the wooden fence keeping the back yard private and secluded from the rest of the neighborhood. She needed to find something to look over the tall fence. Being tall but not nearly tall enough to look over the fence, she grabbed the milk crate off the front step of her neighbors house and peared over the edge. Stepping up slowly and stretching her tan fit legs, the brunette arched her back and stretched some more, almost rubbing her breasts on the rough wood of the fence. She stretched her neck more, opening her mouth and eyes wide she finally was able to see over. Her beautiful eyes glistened in the sun as she took in the layout of the back yard and saw the inhabitants.

Her neighbors, the Reeds, had a wonderfully manicured backyard with an above ground hot tub and lawn chairs obvious for basking in the sun. Looking around she didnt see much of what she wanted until she heard some slight shuffling that came from the far side of the large green yard. “Perfect!” she thought as she witnessed a german shepherd walk from behind the bushes outlining the yard. He was a beautiful black and tan beast that had to have weighed a good 80 pounds if not more. All Colleen could tell from where she was, is that he was male, had a dick and looked like fun. Taking one last look around the yard before fully committing, the tight, horny girl jumped over the fence. Ponytail bobbing and breasts bouncing as she landed on the ground, she was quickly greeted by the watchdog of the house.

Easing her hand forward and keeping her head low, she showed the german shepherd that she meant no harm in her endeavors. The dog sniffed her hand for a few seconds as she looked to the ground at her feet. Admiring her pedicured toes with red nail polish on them, she smiled when she was surprised with a soft lick on her hand. The dog looked her up and down as her head rose to meet the gaze of her next lover. Their eyes made contact after what seemed like an eternity, but as slowly as it came to that moment it vanished in the blink of an eye and the dog was off to go sniff around his territory.

Colleen watched as the dog walked around sniffing his things, making sure they were still has as he claimed his domain. The horny woman watched after the dog trying to spot his member and see what she would be dealing with. The sheer thought of just having another huge member lodged in her made her continually wetter, almost to the point that Colleen felt she could smell herself. Whether she could or not didn’t mean a thing to the dog at the other side of the yard sniffing the lawn chairs, for once the scent of the horny woman hit his nostrils, he was at her feet sniffing away faster than she could snap her fingers. His nose pressed to her crotch trying to get of the smell that had captured his interest so easily, the whiskers along with the cold nose made the tight bodied lass shutter with anticipation. Colleen reached down the dogs collar and saw the name of the beast she was about to mate with: Rex. “What a great name” she said to the dog as if it could understand. Rex ignored her, whatever she said was pointless to him now, especially with this intense smell that was coming from a wet hole covered only by cheap loose fabric that barely covered anything.

Colleen’s shorts were tiny, like 1980-1990’s tiny, and loose; infact loose enough that she could play with herself if she wanted and there would be little to interfere with her. The dog loved this and was quickly able to access the wet honeypot when Colleen spread her legs a little wider. Rex dove in quickly and licked so fast it almost through the wet female to the ground. Colleen spread her legs wider, almost wider than her shoulders, and was bending her knees now to help the dog gain more access to her soaked slit. Lick after lick sent the 20 year old closer and closer to the edge of orgasm and she knew that she would be getting a good fucking soon. Her hands moved to her chest, running fingers over her nipples making the stiffen with the slight sensation through the tank top. She grabbed her breasts as the dogs tongue shot deep inside her and then ran out over her engorging clit. Gutteral moans escaped her lips as Colleen started to lose consciousness. She was in pure bliss and was lost in the moment not even thinking of what she would do next paying attention to what or who was around her.

Rex continued to eat away at the wet hole for what seemed like hours to Colleen, it couldnt have been any better. The instant Rex stopped, the horny female came back to reality only to see the large shepherd circling around her now, curious about what to do next. Colleen’s hands seemed glued to her breasts as she stood there with her legs wide and slightly bent. The dog circled some more as Colleen looked to see a glimpse of his member. She looked and looked but couldnt see anything. She finally got a glimpse of his balls and knew that he was at least not fixed.

Frustrated the woman made the decision to encourage her mate a little more with a little foreplay. Colleen moved her hands to the bottom of her shirt and lifted slowly, inch by inch the thin fabric made its way up the hard sweaty body. Up over her abs she was ever so proud of, to the base of her breasts where she paused for a moment deciding what her next step was. As she finally lifted the shirt over her breasts, the fabric caught her hard nipples and made her shiver with pleasure. The lust filled eyes stared at the beast circling her as she threw her shirt to the side. Her hands moved down to her shorts where she immediately began to remove them just as slow. She bent over slightly at the waist giving the beast a little show as she kept bending lower and lower until finally her shorts were at her feet and her breasts were hanging supported only by gravity.

Crawling onto her hands and knees the tan, smooth legs of the horny woman walked slowly around the yard, if only a few feet, to entice the dog to mount her. Rex came sniffing up behind the female and immediately stuck his nose deep into the wet woman. Sniff after sniff, lick after lick, Colleen was getting closer and closer to orgasm when suddenly he stopped. Looking around confused and disappointed, Colleen hastily looked for the reason her pleasure was interrupted. Thats when she saw it, the thing that made her regret this whole thing from the begining: there, not 5 feet away, was another person.


Chapter Three

Colleen stared at the figure in front of her. Complete shock and embarrasment took hold of her as she was too surprised to even move. She stared into the eyes of the audience she had, not wanting to make eye contact out of shame but forced to look as she could not move even a single hair on her body. Ripples of excitement turned to horror as she kneeled there on the ground, naked hoping for the dog to take her. Down on her hands and knees, Colleen stared upward as if into the sun hoping that something would strike her dead that very instant. Minutes, hours, maybe even days had passed as she stayed there on the soft green grass, clothes behind her and out of reach, before a voice had broken the silence. Whether it was hers or not she didnt know what was said and didnt care to hear it again. The only thing she could do was stare into the lime green eyes that were staring at her too. Slowly she began to focus and more than eyes were visible. Eyes had turned into a face with pouty lips and a smile with white teeth, the face had turned into a head with sandy blonde hair with a slight curl down to the shoulders. The head had a body attached to it, a young body wearing only a bathing suit. Finally the whole picture was coming to the comprimised 20 year old. Colleen was staring at a young woman, maybe 18 years old, wearing only a yellow bikini and holding a sandwhich on a plate.

Still trying to fathm what she was seeing, Colleen looked the intruder up and down as she stared back at the prone female on the ground. Who knows how long she had been down there in that position just staring at the onlooker, but Colleen finally broke the silence: “H- hell- o?” she mananed to stammer. The tight teen in front of her was quite a sight in her yellow bikini, her breasts were easily larger than Colleen’s and much more firm and perky, “probably due to age” she thought as she looked over the rest of her body. Colleen’s eyes slowly made their way from the scantily clad breasts in front of her and down to her mid section admiring the tight muscular stomach that lead to hips that could kill a man had he looked at them the right way. The teen in front of Colleen slowly moved closer, though only 5 feet away something had drawn the nubile female towards Colleen. As her eyes finally made their way from her spectators hips down to her legs and feet, Colleen’s beet red face was so flushed she got light headed. Her eyes moving slowly, Colleen finally heard another voice break the silence, “well what do we have here?” the voice exclaimed. It was the girl standing in front of her that spoke as she moved closer to the kneeling woman.

Still embarrased and trying to avoid eye contact even more now, Colleen blushed a little more, if that were even possible, and just breathed heavily as the teen circled around while holding the plate. “What do you think you are doing with my dog?” inquired the voice. Slight easiness and compassion could be heard in the voice causing Colleen to look up and the bikini clad babe. Words stuttered outof Colleen’s mouth trying to explain what had happened was an accident and that she should get going, but the standing female in front of her made it a point to keep Colleen in her place. “Where do you think you’re going miss? Rex hasnt had his fun yet, and seeing how you are so willing to help him out, why would you leave him now?” Colleen couldnt breathe, what was happening to her, she stammered out a few sounds that might have made a word had she anything to say, but nothing educated came from her lips. “My name is Erin,” said the voice “why dont you stand up for a second and we can talk about what should happen next.”

Finally able to gain control of herself, the naked woman got off her hands and knees and stood up in front of Erin. Noticing how short Erin was compared to her, Colleen was able to see right into her beautiful green eyes and got a glipse down her cleavage as well. Erin wasted no time in confronting the naked Colleen, taking her by the hand and leading her over to the 2 lounge chairs sitting in the grass. Sitting her down and looking right into her eyes, Erin spoke “were you planning on having my dog satisfy you?” Waiting for an answer that never came Erin broke the silence again exclaiming, “I dont blame you for wanting it from my dog, he is an amazing lover, I have been fucking him since I became legal last month. I needed sex and my dad is such a ball buster that no guy ever wants to come over here and play with me.” Listening to this kind of eased Colleen’s embarrasment a little, looking over at the teen next to her she concluded that Erin was someone she could trust; at least for now. Erin continued to explain “I have only fucked my dog a couple of times. When I finally do have the freedom to do the nasty with him, I usually have to do it quickly so no one will see me. And since its summer now, I can have him all day long if he wants, but obviously I must be very careful.” Hearing about another woman that has fuckeda dog made Colleen much more easy and feel lik opening up a bit.

Colleen sighed a little before finally opening her mouth; “I’m so sorry for sneaking into your backyard to do this with your dog. I had been fucked early today and I could think of nothing else but that since and needed more. Since I dont have a dog, I figured I could you know borrow one to get this out of my head.” With each breath she took and each word that escaped her mouth, Colleen could feel her bare breasts move up and down. If she was aware of this then so was the teen next to her, probably. As she explained herself, she kept admiring the fit body next to her, envying her boobs as they converced.

After a few minutes of conversation, Erin broke the conversation with: “well are you going to fuck him or not? Cuz I need some too!” Taken a little aback by this sudden interruption, Colleen choked on her words managing to get out “well… yes.” Erin smiled wide with confidence and reached with both arms behind her back grasping the strings of her bikini top and began to pull. With her arms behind her back her breasts jutted forward showing how much strain the bikini top was under when finally the knot slipped and the fabric released the mounds to the open air. With a slow bounce, Colleen watched in awe as the mammories let gravity take control and reveal their true size. Erin noticed Colleen staring at her breasts and interjected with “Pretty nice huh? All natural 34 Ds. And for a dancer like me that is pretty rare.” Standing up, Erin placed the bikini top on the ground and moved her hands to her hips and began to untie the strings witholding access to her pussy. “The high school’s dace team really kept me in shape,” said the shapely blonde. Colleen suddenly realized she forgot to breath for what seemed like the last eternity, and inhaled deeply as the blonde’s bikini bottoms hit the ground.

With little hesitation, Erin dropped to her knees in front of the confused brunette and spread her legs. Before she knew what was happening Erin was lapping away at the already sopping wet pussy that Rex had licked only minutes before. Colleen moaned with excitement as she was being eaten out by such a lovely specimen of the female form. Not having many lesbian tendencies, Colleen was shocked slightly at how her body reacted to the tongue treatment she was getting. Her moans became more frequent, calling attention to the german shepherd off somewhere in the yard. With each moan the dog came closer and soon Rex was directly behind Erin on her hands and knees eating out turned on brunette. Colleen watched slowly as Rex moved his nose down to Erin’s rump which was swinging in the air. Rex gave a little lick at the blondes bald mound and Colleen could feel the moans come from Erin as she groaned deep into Colleen’s swollen nether region. The vibrations of Erin’s voice gave even more pleasure to the brunette as Erin’s focus shifted to Colleen’s clit. The dog lapped away at Erin while she in turn lapped away at Colleen.

Looking down, Colleen saw Rex’s member begin to show itself from its sheath as he ate out his blonde master. Soon Erin couldnt handle eating out Colleen anymore and moved her mouth away and let out a loud gutteral moan that could have allerted anyone and everyone to what they were doing. Colleen looked around panicked as Erin continued to let out loud moan after loud moan. Thinking of how she could shut the blonde up so no one would become warry of what they were doing, Colleen grabbed the blondes head and firmly shoved her face back into the brunettes shaved pussy. It felt amazing to have the voice back in her pussy as she held back her moans as much as possible.

With her head back down in Colleen’s mound, Erin’s ass jutted back up into the air. This must have signalled to Rex that Erin was presenting herself to Rex and that she wanted to be mated. Rex moved away slightly as Colleen watched, searching to see more of his big red member. Rex moved closer to his prize and put his paws on Erin’s back then moving them to her sides and wrapping his paws around her waist. The dog began to thrust his hips forward trying to find his mark and with each thrust Colleen could feel the air get pushed out of Erin’s lungs. Suddenly a loud moan, almost a scream bellowed into Colleen’s pussy as she figured the dog found its mark and began to hump wildly into the 18 year old. Moan after scream after moan breathed into Colleen when she heard mumbled words escape her folds. Letting go of the blondes hair and letting her come up for air, Erin almost yelled the words that came out of her, “HE FOUND THE WRONG HOLE!” Colleen took a second to understand what Erin meant by that then realized the dog must have fucked the teens ass instead of pussy. Being slightly turned on by this Colleen wanted to let it happen no matter what the blonde said, and so she grabbed the slightly curled blonde hair and shoved it back into her pussy. The moans of Erin became muffled again as she dove deep into Colleen. She could tell Erin was getting used to the intrusion at her back door as she continued with more tongue play and less screaming into Colleen’s wet slit.

This must have contiued for over 20 minutes when suddenly things changed. Colleen suddenly moaned louder than ever before, Erin had moved her focuses to Colleen’s back door too. Erin’s tongue danced around the clean tight pucker of the one holding her head captive. Their bodies were too weak to fight against each other as orgasm after orgasm ripped through their respective loins. Erin was too weak to fight as she continually got pounded in the rear by her big dog and his big dog cock. Colleen was too weak because of the intense oral she had been receiving from both the woman between her legs but also the dog before. The three beings jsut remained in their positions, Colleen sitting on the edge of the lounge chair naked with a hot blonde slut eating away at her pussy and ass hole, and said blonde having a large dog breed with her back end. As Erin’s tongue made its way inside Colleen’s tight hole, a low bellow escaped Erin’s throat and a loud yelp escaped from Rex. Suddenly Rex’s movements became slow and shakey and Erin just left her tongue up Colleen’s ass. Colleen looked down in a groggy state and saw the two barely moving, releasing her hair Colleen looked down at Erin’s face and saw her eyes rolling back into her head. Colleen knew that Rex had tied with Erin’s ass and was cumming deep inside of her. For countless amounts of time Colleen watched as Erin’s ass got filled up more and more by the beast tied inside of her. A little tug here and there showed that the teen was going nowhere. Colleen got off the lounge and onto her hands and knees to the left side of the mated couple and watched as no cum escaped from Erin’s tight hole. As she watched Colleen played with Erin, sticking 2 fingers deep inside the sopping wet tunnel. An orgasm racked through the teens body as Colleen could feel the knot tied inside Erin’s ass through the walls in her pussy. 2 fingers turned to 3 and soon became 4 as she watched the two lovers stay locked together. Colleen felt like she could put her whole hand inside Erin’s dripping slit, and decided to do so. Colleen shoved the last digit of her left hand into the orgasm ridden woman and reached deep into Erin feeling every inch of her wet pussy being intruded by the throbbing cock in the hole next door. Colleen moved her hand around inside Erin and was kind of able to grab hold of the throbbing, cum pumping cock inside her friend. She massaged the member and worked her way down to the knot that kept them so close together. As she massaged the knot she could feel how hard the member was inside of Erin and quickly became jealous and horny needing cock inside of her.

Colleen removed her hand from the wet hole and moved back a little to get a good glimpse of the whole spectacle in front of her. As she looked Erin’s body over, Colleen noticed just how much cum was being dumped inside of the teen. Erin’s stomach had become so distended from the cum that she looked like she could be at the end of her first trimester of pregnancy. With her breasts slightly flailing with each pump of cum into her, Erin came more times than she ever thought possible, never wanting it to end. 10 minutes had passed and Colleen was getting antsy as she watched the blonde get all the fun. Tugging a little Rex could feel his member slightly release itself from his mate, and with one big pull out plopped his member along with torrents of cum, cups at a time. The sudden loss of anything inside her caused Erin to fall forward into the grass as cum gushed from her loosened hole. It was at this point that Colleen saw why Erin was in so much heaven, she saw Rex’s giant red member and gasped at the size of the thing that was so deep inside Erin’s ass. From just looking at it, Colleen had to guess it was 14 inches long and 4 inches wide, the knot looked like a grapefruit, and his balls had not shrunk at all.

As she looked at the naked blonde lay face down in the green grass, Colleen circled around her drinking in the smell and sight of the recently fucked female. She could smell the dogs cum as it continued to pour from her gaping hole. Erin laid there, breathing and relishing the feeling of being so full. Slowly rolling onto her back, Erin looked up and saw Colleen staring at her slit as it was covered her pussy and the inside of her legs.


Chapter Four

Wiping the drool from her face, Colleen came back to reality. She wanted that hard red cock inside her more than anything. Rex was scampering away into the bushes to clean himself off, but Colleen had other plans. As Erin lay in the grass, cum oozing from her fucked hole, Colleen chased after the german shepherd in hopes of cleaning his cock for him. The naked, fit, brunette gave chase to the dog, arms held high to her sides as her breasts bounced up and down with each step. Only 30 feet from the fucked silly teen on the ground, Colleen looked behind a bush to find Rex laying down, licking his still engorged member. Slowly moving close, the brunette crouched to the dog and took his member in her hands. Rex growled slightly not sure what was happening, but this did not faze the lusty woman. Slowly jerking the penis in her hand, the cum from the previous fucking gave enough lubricant that the dog quickly started to enjoy his hand job.

Colleen pumped the cock up and down in her hand, feeling with each upward movement, blood rushing to the head of the hard cock. Pump after pump led to throb after throb and this enticed the horny female even more. Experiencing only a tongue fucking earlier, Colleen was in dire need of cock and this is the cock she desired. She wasted very little time with jerking the cock as Rex began to hump her hand and more precum started to shoot out the tip. Colleen moved her face down to the end of the phallus and received squirts of cum on her lips and cheeks. Colleen licked and slurped at the cock as her lips finally made their way to the rocket in her hand. Doing her best to get as much of her lover’s cock into her mouth and down her throat, she bobbed on the member with vigor in hopes to make him cum there too.

With gasps of air, Colleen finally relenquished the cock from her hungry mouth and continued to pump her hands up and down on the dog. Rex was humping in a frenzy as the soft hand carressed his member. Now clean, the cock glistened as Colleen stared. Her gaze unfaultering, she made the plan in her head of how she would get this dog to fuck her. Setting her plan in action; she let go of the cock, making Rex instantly stand up and sniff at his new play toy. She crawled around on the ground and made it to her hands and knees, working her way down to her elbows and resting her face on the soft dirt of the garden in which Rex came to clean himself off. Her tight firm rump rest high in the air as Rex sniffed at the soaked woman that was clearly in heat. Reaching back, Colleen sent 2 fingers into her soaked slit and slowly worked them in and out as Rex sniffed and gave an occasional lick to her wet pussy. Each lick made Colleen moan in anticipation, thining ofonly her and the dog about to breed her. Occasional licking lead to constant eating out, Colleen moved her hands to the ground around her head and clenched to the dirt in hopes of finding something to hold on to from the intense pleasure she was receiving.

Orgasm after orgasm ripped through the brunette, the dogs tongue was doing its job, but still feeling hollow, Colleen wiggled her rump in hopes of enticing something more. To her luck, Rex got the message and almost instantaniously moved from licking her honey hole to mounting her. Grabbing her hips with his front paws and resting his fuzzy stomach on her back, Rex humped and humped trying to find the hole he so desired. Feeling the proding member try and find its mark as it poked her rump and thighs, Colleen looked back between her jiggling breasts and firm supple legs to see the red monster meat poking its way home. She shivered in delight as she reached back, puting a hand on her lovers member and began to guide it where it belonged. Her hands moved slow with so much anticipation of the huge cock in her grasp she didnt hear the footsteps of Erin walking up next to her. Colleen had the cock head touch the entrance of her slit as she gasped for air, it was amazing she thought to herself anxious for what was to come mere instants away. Colleen could feel the dog tighten as she knew it was ready to enter her, the backward thrust came and she braced herself, ready to receive the giant member.

Boom! The dog thrust forward sending 14 inches of hot hard throbbing red cock meat past the entrance to Colleen’s pussy and into her waiting love canal all the way into her womb. The long hard penetration sent screams from her lungs up and out of her mouth as Colleen lost all air in her body. She gasped for air like someone had sat on her chest when she least expected it. The first thrust was over sooner than she realized and was feeling another thrust begin as the dog had removed nearly all of the cock from her violated twat. Boom! thrust number 2 barreled its way into her, pushing air from her lungs again, this time in more of a moan rather than a scream. It took a matter of seconds for Rex to be pumping his long red meat into the brunette at a pace much faster than Big Blue earlier in the day. Her breasts were flailing all over the place not finding a pattern of movement at all. Her long brunette hair up in a pony tail still, bounced in every direction as her body was under complete control of the invading canine.

Thrusts turned to good ole fashioned humping as she felt the hard cock throb inside of her. Moans of pleasure escaped Colleen’s lips as her eyes rolled back into her head. Suddenly brought to her hands, her face left the dirt and was held high in the air. Struggling to comprehend what was going on, Colleen shifted her eyes around in hopes of seeing what the issue was. Looking up she saw that Erin had her ponytail in her hand and was pulling up and back on it, forcing Rex to go even deeper into his willing bitch. Colleen felt the cock push ever deeper into her as the throbs of the red cock began to increase. Enjoying the lack of control she had, Colleen smiled with her mouth open, rolling her eyes to the back of her head. Panting hard with each thrust forced into her and her head being held in place, she was truly getting what she desired: a great satisfying fuck.

The knot started to form as the dog fucked her more and more. She felt as the knot expanded, every time it entered her it got bigger and the dogs thrusts became shorter. Not only inside her pussy lips but also fucking straight into her womb the dog throbbed and pumped, faster and shorter at the same time. The cock filled her up to the point that she could swear that she could feel it in her lungs. The knot expanded more and more when it finally wouldnt come out anymore. The dog had tied himself with his willing bitch, and they were officially mated. Colleen drooled as the cock and knot filled her up to the brim then started to pour into her. Rex came hard into Colleen, her pert breasts jiggled slightly as the short labored thrusts of the dog emptied his sack into her warm accepting womb. Burst after burst of warm sticky cum unloaded into her womb. She could feel that amazing feeling as each jet of jism shot from Rex’s balls up through the shaft and out through the head of the rigid hot cock. The phallus throbbed inside Colleen and forced her to moan more and more through her continuous orgasms. Colleen’s cum mixed with Rex’s as they were truly tied together.

Rex continued to pummel Colleen’s womb with cum as he turned around making the mated couple butt to butt. Tug after tug sent shots of pleasure through the brunette. Her head was still held high by Erin’s tight grip on Colleen’s ponytail, when Colleen felt a new pleasure.

Erin had pushed a finger into Colleen’s cum covered ass hole. This sent shock and pleasure through the tight brunette, and she knew she wanted more. Moans escaped the girl, her eyes still in the back of her head and mouth wide open, Colleen could make no other noises as another finger entered her ass. Another joined the fun and another and finally the thumb was added and Erin was fisting Colleen’s tight ass. Erin could feel the knot tied to Colleen’s pussy and it made her wet. Colleen could feel could feel the fist in her ass rub up against the knot inside her. This made both girls shudder with pleasure.

Erin, remembering what Colleen had done to her earlier, made the decision to return the favor and opened her hand inside of Colleen’s tight back door. Colleen moaned her approval as her head was held high. Erin moved her open hand around inside the girls asshole searching for the large cock through the fleshy wall. Finding her prize, Erin grabbed the hard cock and massaged it through the wall between Colleen’s pussy and ass. Erin could feel the dogs cock throb in her hand and she could feel a spurt of cum shoot through the member and erupt into the brunette’s womb. The green eyes of the busty blonde glazed over at the thought of the what was happening to Colleen. Making her wet again. There is more to be had between these 2 girls thought Erin.

Colleen’s tummy was distended once more and she never wanted to feel empty again. Moans escaped her as she could feel the cock get massaged through her loosened ass. It felt amazing as the dog’s sack emptied itself inside her womb. Colleen lost track of time before she realized the cock began to shrink enough for her to slip free of the member, but Erin had other things in mind and began to rapidly jerk the cock inside Colleen. So fast and so hard, the jerking motion made the dog begin his humping motions again and soon the knot formed again inside the brunette. The blonde teen wanted to fill Colleen up to the brim til her pussy erupted with doggy seed.

Throb after throb sent jet after jet of cum into Colleen’s already filled womb. She could feel her stomach slosh around each time the dog shook his cock inside of her. Colleen’s moaning stopped as she was filled with so much cum that she lost her sense of reality and melted into the loving embrace of the cock tied inside of her. Erin let go of Colleen’s hair and immediately the brunette’s face fell to the ground, her arms unable to hold her up.

Drooling onto the ground, the athletic brunette laid there getting filled with cum for over an hour. Unable to orgasm anymore, Colleen whited out to everything happening around her, when suddenly she was abruptly woken up from her sex daze by Erin removing her hand from her ass. Air was sucked into her body, and Colleen felt life rush into her. Her stomach was swollen to massive amounts as she felt the knot begin to slip from her abused slit. WIth a loud plop the knot followed by the 14 inch shaft evacuated the bitch’s pussy. Rex walked off to the side and admired his work as he watched the naked brunette fall to the ground with what seemed like gallons of his seed escape her pussy.

Erin watched as Colleen hit the ground and admired the large shaft as it slapped between Rex’s legs. Wasting no time, Erin grabbed Colleen and flipped her over onto her back and dove between the cum drenched legs. Erin shoved her face into Colleen’s pussy and greedily ate the brunette out, sucking the cum out of the hole. With her stomach still distended, Colleen quietly moaned as she felt the blonde teen’s tongue explore her filled hole. Cum was pouring out of Colleen at ungodly amounts, Erin couldn’t eat it fast enough and the two girls bonded as the cum went from one body and into the other.

20 minutes went by as the 2 laid there in their erotic embrace. Erin had her face buried into soaking pussy with her ass in the air kneeling on her knees. Small amounts of cum escaped Erin’s loose asshole as she bent over eating out the thoroughly satisfied brunette. When she finally removed her mouth from Colleens nether lips, the two looked at each other and knew without words that much more of this would happen.


Chapter Five

The warm water ran over her naked abused body. Colleen was reliving the events of the day in her head as she showered away the filth, the intoxicating filth. Her body had never been used so much like that before. Her hands caressed her body, moving slowly over her soft up to her slightly distended stomach and up to her sore nipples upon her pert breasts. Her body had undergone and extreme change in the last few hours as her new found lust had consumed her. Her body ached for more, as the water washed away the remaining cum from her nether regions.

Erin had done a number on her as she felt her still hard nipples from the blonde’s teeth after their little escapade. Still standing at attention, Colleen’s nipples were beacons of pleasure as drop after drop of water rushed over them. Her body quivered each time her hand moved over a breast. She knew from experience that this amount of breast play would turn her on, but from the ordeal earlier, she couldn’t tell what was her own lubrication and what was the dog’s leftovers inside of her. Her hands worked their way down her body slowly caressing each curve, her skin was becoming more and more sensitive as the hot shower continued. Her hands moved from her breasts to her stomach, she could feel the outline of her abs slowly coming back as the last bits of cum finally exited her womb. Down, her fingers traced her pubic area, she needed to shave she thought as both of her hands made it to the inside of her thighs. The touch on the inside of her legs sent chills through her spine, her pussy moistened, drawing her hands closer to the center of heat. Taking her left hand away she moved it up to her mouth where she slightly bit down on her index finger as she slid her right hand up, cupping her wet vagina. Slowly inserting one finger and then another, Colleen finally became aware of how much Rex had stretched her out. Inserting another finger and then another, Colleen was just short of fisting herself when she finally felt the pleasure she was looking for. Her four fingers shot inside of her worn out twat, then quickly pulled out and dove back in as deep as she could make them go. Her hand pumped inside of her as she bit hard on her other finger in her mouth. She faced the water from the shower head and tilted her head upwards in pleasure as she fingered herself more.

Her lube was starting to drain from her pussy, her body was betraying her. She wasn’t getting the satisfaction she wanted from her fingers. They just weren’t doing the job. Plunge after plunge dried her pussy even more and soon it was uncomfortable to have 4 fingers up inside of her. She removed her hand hand disappointed, leaving one last hope. She removed her now saturated finger from her mouth and moved it to her clit, hoping to entice a reaction from her little bud.

It worked. Her clit reacted instantly to the wet slippery stimulant, her body slightly convulsed as the finger made its rounds stimulating the sensitive spot. This sensation made the brunette wild with lust. Thoughts of Rex and Blue filled her mind, she imagined both of them having their way with her. Blue would mount her first, easily sliding his erect doggy cock inside of her waiting love tunnel while she would kneel in front of him. Rex would lay down in front of Colleen and she would take his large cock in her mouth and suck on him, prepping him for his fucking too while Blue unloaded into his bitch. Colleen moaned as the shower hit her face again. Her eyes shot back into her head so fast it looked like it caused her head to shoot back too. Water rushed down the firm brunette’s body as her finger played with her clit. Colleen was stressing she needed something inside of her right then but her body wasn’t letting her. The stimulation her finger was giving her bud was helping a lot but not setting her over the edge. Her thoughts drifted off to other fantasies. She could feel Rex’s knot expanding inside of her abused twat as Blue pummelled away in her ass. The double penetration was too much for her as she was on the verge of an intense orgasm. She imagined the knots rubbing against each other inside of her, squeezing so tight against her orifices she feared she would never walk normal again.

Her hand had made it to her right tit and was squeezing hard. Her nipples felt like concrete in her palm as moans of shear pleasure escaped the lust filled brunette. The thought of cum pouring inside of her, filling her to the brim, filling her so much it came out of her mouth. Her body had been filled so much with cum that there were no organs left inside of her, just doggy spunk and skin. Moan after moan echoed through the bathroom, her body shook as she could no longer see out of her eyes due to the lack of light hitting her brain. Her mind was a lust stuck slave. She could no longer fathm reality as she felt the two dog cocks rub inside of her holes, releasing their spray, trying to impregnate her.

That’s when it happened. The thought of being impregnated by the dogs sent her over the edge. She came harder than anytime earlier that day. Her body screamed in pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her body like a static charge. Her toes tingled like her feet were asleep. Her arms were jello, one laying front of her as her finger slowly pricked away at her clit the other hanging in front of her whilst her hand latched on to her tit. For all she knew, or cared, she was paralyzed by pleasure. The thoughts of Rex’s seed taking hold of her egg and giving her puppies inside of her made her pleasure skyrocket. Her moans echoed louder than before, her legs trembled underneath her. Her body tensed and convulsed to a rhythm set by her heart and head. Aware only of the images in her head, Colleen came with such force her body became immune to the outside world.

As her head slowly cleared from the orgasmic daze, the thoughts of such bestial acts slowly dimmed in her mind. Her brain was able to comprehend her surroundings, the water brushing over her body was cool, clearly she had been in there too long and the hot water had run out. Reaching down to turn off the water, images flashed through her head of Rex mounting her. As she bent down a little to turn the water handles, her pussy opened a little accessing the cool air. Another image of Rex penetrating her from behind popped into her brain. Her mind was betraying her again, turning her on.

“This was going to be a problem,” thought the tight bodied brunette. If she couldnt control her lust, someone was bound to find out her secret fetish for doggy cock. “I could confide with Erin a little,” she said to herself.

Stepping out of the shower and grabbing the towel, not 10 seconds would go by without a new image of a canine lover doing something to her would flash through her mind causing her to pause for that instant. Trying to gain some composure, Colleen was still oblivious to her surroundings. Little did she know, but she had a surprise waiting for her, literally around the corner…


Chapter Six

Colleen managed to dry off while her mind ran crazy with lustful thoughts of blowing the next dog she saw or letting it mount her in front of the entire world, getting filled with doggy cum and her getting knocked up by her furry lover. Her mind raced from getting tied to having every orifice filled to the brim with cum.

She toweled her body to the point of pain as the towel was harshly rubbing against her soft dry skin. Her body quivered as thoughts jumped through her mind, completely out of her control. Wrapping the towel around her chest, showing just a little cleavage up top and just a little cheek down low, she walked to the bedroom door and slowly opened it. Her mouth was open as she panted heavily from the arousal she was facing. Breath after breath seemed to slow time as the door slid ever slower more open. The door knob felt impossibly cold to her hand and the heavy wood that led into her room seemed to make the 10 foot trip into her room appear as a full length epic movie. Her senses were all out of wack as the door finally opened and she walked into the room.

Her mind was clearly playing tricks on her again as she saw Erin kneeling at the side of her bed with Blue mounted on her back. Panted moans and squeals escaped the busty blondes lips the dog humped away at his mate. Thrust after thrust sent ripples through the petite blonde. Her moans echoed through the room and into the now open bathroom. Colleen stared, her mouth still agape from her earlier pleasures, Erin was kneeling on the ground her breasts rested on the bed right between Blue’s large formidable paws. Colleen was to the side of the display, she could see everything that was going on. The feelings Erin felt with each penetration, the pure look of lust and sex on Blue’s face, the ripple after ripple starting from Erin’s waist as it shot up to her shoulders, and she could also see the large cock slip in and out of the tiny blonde’s backside.

Shaking her head, Colleen knew this was another fantasy her brain was placing in front of her. She walked around the room in hopes of her brain changing the scene, but it stayed the same. Colleen walked behind the couple fucking at the foot of her bed and bent down a little to see the hard cock in action. The knot was starting to form and was spreading Erin’s twat wider with each thrust. The moans got louder as the knot got bigger and soon the knot was so big it looked like a cantaloupe was being forced inside the tiny blonde’s hole. With almost a perfect sounding POP noise, the mammoth organ forced its way inside Erin, allowing only a small gasp of air to escape her lips. Colleen bent down a little more to see how much the knot was making the blonde swell. It looked like someone inflated a balloon inside the teen. Throb after throb sent spurt after spurt of spunk inside the teen as she moaned of pure ecstasy.

Now on her hands and knees, Colleen suddenly became aware that not only was this not a fantasy being played in her head, but also her hand was between her legs diving deeply into her wet slit. Wearing only a towel and being supported by only one hand and her knees, the brunette played away with herself, enjoying the show of Blue emptying his sack into Erin’s young hole. She couldnt help but notice how much bigger the knot was now, as it laid tied inside the young girl. Her hand played hard with not only her slit but also teased her very erect clit. She watched amazed as the girl was filled on her bed, she had seen this not hours ago but was still so turned on by the act she was watching. Biting her lip, Colleen plunged deeper, her hands and knees shook as she fucked herself silly. Switching between 3 and 4 fingers then brunette was in heaven as the smell of cum filled her nose.

An amazing wet sensation shot through her pussy and sent shivers down her spine, her body twitched and twerked as the wet sensation continued. Suddenly the wet sensation penetrated her ass hole and caused her to jump a little at the intrusion. Coming to reality a little bit she looked back and saw Rex standing behind her, licking her from clit to ass, occasionally venturing inside as well. Startled and surprised the brunette just stayed there on all fours looking back as the dog licked at her wet holes. Lick after lick from clit to anus, she relaxed more and more, the feeling was melting her insides. She turned her head back to the action in front of her and watched as Blue continued to cum inside Erin.

Colleen erupted in pleasure as Rex caused her to orgasm from just his tongue. She squirmed and moaned so loud the neighbors were sure to hear. Lick after lick, moan after moan, the endless cycle of orgasms tore through the brunette babe like wildfire. Her body shook violently when she felt the dogs cock penetrate her soaked pussy. Air was forced from her lungs as Rex forced his member deep inside of Colleen’s twat. Her body screamed for more as Rex slowly pulled completely out of his bitch, then plunged forward deeper than before. Colleen was getting exactly what she wanted and her body knew it. Her mind made time go slower as she felt each individual ridge of the dogs rock solid member slide into her. The ripples of her vagina caressing the member caused an instant orgasm as the dog slid his cock deeper and deeper. Soon Rex was hitting the spot he hit before, and was pushing his way into Colleen’s womb. The instant he penetrated her cervix time sped back up and Rex was off humping faster and harder than ever before. His cock pushed deeper inside of the tight bodied brunette. So much deeper infact that as Colleen looked down to watch as the cock slammed into her she could see the head of the meat inside her push out her stomach with each inward thrust.

Rex hammered away at Colleen’s pussy, pushing deeper and harder than she had ever felt before. Her body was numb to the world, her pussy ached for more, her mind reacted to nothing but the sensation of the cock meat entering her soaked crack. Looking up again she saw small drips of cum leak from Erin’s pussy and thought that there must be gallons inside of her if it is still getting past the seal of Blue’s big knot. “So much cum…..uh…..uh…..” said the brunette as her eyes rolled back into her head. The amount of cum must have filled her up completely she thought, maybe she could get knocked up? Her loins exploded around Rex’s thrusting cock. The thought of Erin getting knocked up sent her so far over the edge, that all Colleen could do was hold on for dear life as she squirted her cum all over the floor and animal behind her. Her body shuttered as if she was having a seizure, cum roiled through her body and exploded out of her with each throb her body could muster. Her legs collapsed underneath her along with her arms. She lay there with Rex trying to keep his fuck toy mounted on his stick. She was sliding down, a limp pile of tight toned woman. Rex moved his front paws to her waste to keep her high enough so that he could keep fucking her.

Colleen was in a daze her body was limp and her brain was completely shut off, in this vegetative state Rex could do anything he wanted with her. Too bad he was just a dog, no imagination. He continued to use his fuck toy as he felt her become more slippery and easier to enter. Picking up his pace Rex smashed his cock so far into the woman he thought he might pop out the other side. Suddenly the woman yelped. Colleen screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain as she felt the knot start to enter her worn out vag. Bringing her back to some sense of reality, Colleen’s head shot up from the ground and back forcing her mouth wide open pointed straight up in the air. Her screams and moans of ecstasy shot through the room as Rex’s knot pushed in and out of the tight body. He was easily fucking her womb by this point; the knot seemed to be filling her entire vagina outside of the womb. His knot would enter her and then leave her feeling empty and lonely, only to be filled beyond capacity.

Struggling to her arms and knees again as she came down off of her latest orgasm, she managed to look down between her flailing breasts and between her shaking legs to see the knot pushing its way inside of her. As the small amounts of precum leaked from her pussy and onto the towel that was now on the ground, she screamed as the final push thrusted the giant knot inside of the woman’s loosened hole. Rex’s knot too was the size of a cantaloupe now, trying to remember earlier in the day when Rex had tied with her, Colleen was sure his knot was not that big, but who knows what was really happening, her mind was playing tricks on her all afternoon.

Rex wasted no time in pumping his seed into his bitch, gush after gush flooded into Colleen’s waiting womb. Her eyes fixed on her stomach as it slowly expanded more and more with each throb of the dog cock inside of her. Her now naked body was being swollen with spunk from the beautiful animal that mounted her. Colleen could feel the meat inside of her throb then shoot the cum from the base of the erect member through the shaft, through the hole of her cervix and explode into the womb. It was quickly overflowing as the cum could not escape the tight seal Rex’s knot had made.

Rex’s movements had slowed quite a bit, causing the brunette to grind a little to encourage another orgasm. To her success, the gyrating movements allowed her to cum yet again, making her breasts shake back and forth as the dog sprayed inside of her. Colleen’s breathing was heavy and she struggled to remain conscious from the constant orgasms. She lifted her head looking up, remembering about Erin and the dog fucking her. Her eyes moved slowly from her tits and to the carpet where she saw a large puddle of cum sitting there, her mind wasn’t working quick enough to fathom where it was from. As her eyes moved up the side of the bed and to the top she saw Blue laying on his side with Erin sucking his cock.

Erin saw Colleen look up at her, looking down she smiled and took the cock out of her mouth to break the “silence.”

*pant* *pant* “Hi stranger,” she said. “Like the surprise?”

Colleen could barely mutter a groan as her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

“See these?” Erin held up a baggy of blue pills. “These are my daddy’s boner meds, I each of these guys 2 pills each, and we have plenty more where that came from,” she said smiling from ear to ear.

Colleen’s body shuttered and her breath shivered from her as she listened to the words of the busty blonde.

“Looks like it made their knots a little bigger too, hope you dont mind.”

Moans escaped Colleen’s lips, all she could hear was Erin’s voice muttering something about boners and knots, that and the sloshing of the cum inside of her stomach expanding her from the inside.

Erin had moved her head back down to Blue’s still rock hard cock, the knot had gone down quite a bit so it was obvious that the pill was working on the prick but on the knot itself. As she bobbed her head up and down on the hard shaft, letting the head poke the back of her throat, she used her free hand to grab another blue pill out of the bag and move her hand down to the side of the bed. Colleen watched the blonde do all of this while still sucking Blue’s cock. Colleen moved her eyes slowly down the side of her arm, admiring her skin, looking all the way down til she finally saw the blue pill in her fingers.

Before she could put the pieces together Rex was trying to turn around and make the mated couple butt to butt. This agitation caused the stuck brunette some discomfort and made her vision blur until the ordeal was over and the large dog faced the opposite direction. After her lover was finally through with his shifting, Colleen was able to look back at the girl’s hand, but the blue pill was gone. Looking around, she couldnt figure out where it went until she looked back up on top of the bed and saw a different, smaller dog, laying on its side where Blue was not moments ago.

Erin was sucking a different dog’s cock this time, a smaller dog, a much smaller dog in fact. Looking up at Erin, Colleen had a puzzled look on her face. Looking down at the compromised brunette, Erin smiled, slipping the cock from her lips and said:

“Meet Bunny, he is my mom’s Italian greyhound. I didnt think it would be fair to leave him out of our fun.”

Colleen jolted as electricity shot through her body when Rex tried to pull the obscenely large knot from her pussy. It wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and the both of them knew it.

Looking back up she saw the blonde’s tits bounce as she bobbed on the dogs hardening cock. The dog was a sleek gray miniature greyhound, probably weighing no more than 22 pounds, he looked more like an alien than anything else with his thin head and long skinny legs. Colleen observed the dog a little more when she finally saw the part she desired most, the cock. Erin’s head was bouncing up and down on the erect red member that was about 7 to 8 inches long and a couple inches thick. It was the size of a normal dick for Colleen, well a normal dick before today. Erin was doing her best to get the cock to slide down her throat as far as it could go. Almost making it down to the base of his penis where the knot was, Erin was fixated on getting the whole thing to slide into her pretty mouth.

The cock inside Colleen throbbed a little, showing that there was still a little more cum being pumped into her as she watch her friend deep throat another doggy cock. Erin’s boobs bounced up and down with her motions as she gave the dog one aggressive blowjob. Occasionally coming up for air, Erin was obviously trying to breathe while the cock was in her mouth and was having only a little luck at it. Colleen watched the blonde bob on the member occasionally making eye contact with the brunette and staring at her with her big beautiful blue eyes. Keeping the cock buried deep in her throat for a time, practicing breathing, Erin’s eyes almost bugged out of her head when she felt the knot start to form in her mouth. Pulling the cock free from her lips, she looked at the phallus as it started to grow in her hand. Colleen saw the member grow in her hand more and more.

“Let him …. knot your mouth…. Erin,” stammered the brunette.

And without hesitation, Erin slid her lips back over the slippery red meat to the base and tongued the dogs cock and knot til it could no longer escape her mouth. The knot had made it past the girls teeth and had lodged her jaw wide open. Colleen could see the cock throb in the tiny blondes throat as it shot load after load into her belly. Erin had to straighten her neck and head out some because of how hard the cock had became it poked the back of her throat. Gush after gush pushed its way down to Erin’s stomach. Her bodied trembled and her eyes rolled around in her head as the hard phallus flooded the blonde.

Slowly becoming aware of her surroundings still, she remembered Blue was somewhere nearby but couldnt figure out where he was. As if on cue, Colleen’s upper body hit the ground hard when Blue jumped on her back. With her ass still stuck up in the air and her pussy tied to Rex, Blue could easily take advantage of the girl, willing or not. But of course Colleen was willing, and even more willing when she felt the slippery hard tip force its way into her tiny back door. Though it had been used earlier in the day, a lot, the knot in her pussy was forcing the rest of her to be held tightly shut. Blue shoved a little harder when he felt his tip find its mark, inch by inch Colleen could feel the rigid tool force its way into her tight anus. Inch after inch she could feel ridge after ridge explore her back door and throb in time with the phallus in her engorged twat.

Her fantasy was coming true as she felt Blue push further and further into Colleen’s tight butt hole. Both dogs howled as the pressure on both animals’ packages increased. Another jet of cum spurted from Rex as he felt the other phallus rub up against his. Finally finding his way home, all the way home, Blue started picking up the pace of his humping and began to deeply penetrate the willing woman. Her breasts flopped around in every direction, her stomach sloshed full of cum, her ass hole screamed in pleasure. Her teeth and fingers both dug into the carpet as the dog increased his speed, her screams turned into moans as she felt the precum leak into her back door. Blue wasted no time when his knot started to form he pushed it in and out multiple times as it slowly got bigger and bigger. Colleen screamed as she felt it enter and leave, the sensation had a similar effect on Rex when he felt the hard pressure on his cock grow more and more. Soon the knot became too big to enter Colleen, try as hard as he could, Blue could not force it in before he started to cum. The throbbing of his member made both Colleen and Rex howl. Gush after gush flooded into Colleen’s backdoor, causing her to scream as the next orgasm ripped through her body, lasting for almost 5 minutes her body slowly came back from its euphoric state when suddenly Rex started to cum again. Feeling the cum leak from her tight ass and over Rex’s cock buried deep inside her, she knew the sensations sent Rex over the edge again.

Colleen moaned in agonizing pleasure as she was filled up in both holes at the same time. Her stomach pushed out even more as the dogs unloaded inside her. Afraid she was going to explode she tried to get up on her elbows underneath the dogs weight and give some relief to her stomach. As she moved Blue decided it was time to go butt to butt and turned around, only to slip free of the girls loosened hole. Cum poured out of her ass faster than a yard hose, it covered her legs as it drenched the towel below her. Another orgasm wrecked her body, causing her body to shake and leak cum everywhere.

Looking up to the bed she saw Bunny still on his side tied to Erin’s face, her eyes were rolled back in her head. She had moved to her hands and knees, arching her back and sticking her butt up in the air, Erin looked the sight. Her tits hung straight down, she rested on her elbows using one hand to stroke Bunny’s cock. Behind her Blue moved in and started to lick her rear end again, making the blonde spread her legs a little to give more access. It took about 5 licks before Blue was up on Erin’s back mounting her again with his still rigid hard cock. It took one try for Blue to find his mark and shoved his cock deep on the first thrust. A muffled moan came from Erin’s throat as more cum forced its way into her stomach. Clearly Bunny had a lot of built of spunk if was cumming longer than Blue and Rex.

Blue humped away at the busty blonde holding her by her shoulders just like he had done to Colleen when she had fallen in the mud earlier that day. Erin’s breasts bounced everywhere as he humped her as fast as he could. Maybe 3 minutes went by before Erin’s legs were shaking and the knot was forcing its way into her yet again. The entire time Colleen watched the 3 fornicate in front of her, Rex was starting to slip out. The instant Blue tied with Erin to the point of no escape, Rex plopped free of Colleen and a tsunami of cum came behind it. He was in Colleen so long that her cervix was stuck open and all of the cum inside her abused hole rushed free.

Her stomach began to regain its shape, though her holes gaped with cum pouring freely from hit. Rex walked off to the side where he began to lick his still rigid cock clean, clearly enjoying the feeling. Colleen manage to sit down and face the 3 that were still mated together and watched from the side as Erin’s stomach began to grow more and more with each throbbing cummy mess that was unloaded into her. 10 minutes passed before the knot was finally released from her mouth and Erin was able to breath normally. Bunny walked off to the side of the bed and licked himself, still hard too.

Finally able to breath and still tied to Blue, Erin looked at Colleen and opened her mouth: “These pills are supposed … uhg… to last like 3 to four hours… uhg… each and each dog had 2…. uhg…… do you think we can last another 5 hours…. uhg … hun?” winking at the brunette on the ground sitting in a pile of dog cum.

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