Women with Animals

Adam And Kerry


(c) 2014 by azman69

Chapter One

Adam awoke from his sleep hearing his wife moaning and saying his name, as she gasped. Adam looked over to her in the darkness of their room, Kerry was close to an orgasm, as her body undulated and her breathing became more heavy. Finally he heard he cum hard, her body tensing, then small spasms, as his eyes continued to adjust. He rolled over and held her, kissing her, as she finished her orgasm. She looked at him with sly sexy eyes, as he kissed her. Then she sat up abruptly, and to Adam’s dismay, he watch her shove the dog out of bed.

Adam was a bit puzzled. “Honey, that must have been some dream.” Adam not understanding her kicking the dog out of the bed yet, but figure he must have been laying on her leg or foot and put it to sleep again. Kerry looked at Adam, “Yeah, quite a dream, give me a second.” She got up and went to the bathroom. Adam was horny now after watching his love cum so hard in front of him. Adam got up and ushered the dog out of the bedroom, so that they could have some alone time.

A few minutes passed, and Kerry came out and washed her face in the sink, then wet a wash cloth and disappeared into the privacy of the bathroom again. Adam chuckled, “Honey, if you came that hard, I can help clean you up!” Adam laid back in bed and waited. Kerry came out again and rinsed off the wash cloth, then hung up. The light in the bedroom was on now, and Adam could see a confused look on her face. “What’s wrong Baby?

She looked at him, then away as she got into bed.

“Was it another one of your dreams, where you get taken by a guy with a really big cock?” Adam questioned her, curious as hell as to the look on her face.

She got into the bed and pulled the covers up. “Yeah, but this……. Umm this was not……”

Adam lost his urges, and was concerned with her lack of response. “Baby, I know that you want to have a guy that is really well endowed, and I wish I could make myself better for you in that department, but it is okay, and I am fine to let you try that once. I love you, and that will never change.”

“Thanks, I know, and I love you, and your willingness to let me try that once, but what happened tonight was a dream with reality happening at the same time.”

“I don’t understand Baby.” Adam sat up.

She looked down, and bit her lip for a minute. “Well it started off like the other dreams, but this one was different. At first it was like all the others, then suddenly I felt you eating me out like never before. I was in heaven. I came so hard from it. But then you kissed me and I realized I was still being licked.” She looked down again.

“WOW! You had trouble coming out of your dream?”

“No,” she sighed. “No, I realized I was being licked for real, and it was not you.”

Adam felt stupid. “I don’t understand. I was not licking you, but you seemed to be fully in the enthralled in your dream, and you were coming so hard, I was jealous of wishing I could do that for you.”

“Stud, I kicked the dog off me for a reason!”

“Yeah, guess he was laying on your leg again, and had it dead asleep again.”
Her eyes closed for a moment, then looked at Adam and said in a low voice, “Rex was eating me out.” She looked down again.

Adam was silent for a moment, looked at her and lifted her chin, “Rex was licking your pussy that good?’
“What?!, Our dog was busy between my legs, that is what took me so long in the bathroom. His saliva was all over and in me.” She was a bit upset.

“Baby, I am sorry, but he made you cum that hard?”

She looked at him, “HUH? I did not know it was him till I woke up!”

“Wait, wait,” Adams erection was growing again. “I know you did not know it was him till you woke up, but it was that good?”

“Good, it is gross!” She stopped when she saw the bulge build in his underwear. “Baby, it does not seem right, yes I did cum really hard, but I thought it was you.” She took a breath, then looked at him to see his expression, “Why, does that excite you?”

“I don’t know Baby. Part of me says it is a lot safer than the stuff we have been trying, as to finding a guy that is well endowed to have you. All the issues, changing phone numbers constantly till we got the prepaid phone, and some the emails we have gotten, and the meetings which they basically wanted to take you to the bathroom and do it right there. Yes it seems wrong, but if he can make you cum that hard from licking you, do you need a guy to take you like you have fantasized. “

Kerry was silent. She thought about what he said, and there had been several times in her quests to have a big cock buried in her that she was scared for her life. “Baby, let me think about this, lets get some sleep please.” They kissed, and Adam hugged and kissed her, “Good night Honey.” He knew she was concerned about that stuff. Maybe he went over the line with his thought, but he needed to find a safe way to live out her fantasies, and seeing her cum so hard from the licking, he thought that might satisfy her needs.

The next morning they awoke and had a normal morning, and both went off to work. Nothing was said about the previous night. Near quitting time, Kerry got a text from Adam, “I need you BADDDD Baby!” She grinned, she remembered him having been hard, and nothing happening last night. She responded, “You will have to wait till I get there stud, no starting with out me!” Adam grinned as he walked into the house. He went into the bottom drawer of the dresser, pulled out the handcuffs and took a picture of them, then sent it to his wife.

Her phone went off again, looking at the message, she saw the handcuffs, as a wicked grin enveloped her face. “Officer, have I been bad?” Her phone went off a moment later. “Yes Ma’am, and we need to address your “punishment’”. She just responded with “Wink”.

Adam made sure the place was clean, and waited for Kerry to get home. About a half hour later he heard her car door close, and he stood at the door. She came in, and he hugged and kissed her, as he lowered her purse to the floor as she kicked the door closed. He locked it, then took her hands behind her back as they kissed. She felt the handcuffs lock on to one wrist, then the other. He broke the kiss, “Ma’am, I think I need to address the offenses that you have been found guilty of.”

“Yes Officer Hardwick!” She enjoyed their play names when they role played.

His hands found the button and zipper to her skirt, then she felt it fall down her legs. His needs were urgent, and next she felt him slip her panties down. She stepped out of her clothes, as he lead her to the dinning room. She felt so alive, exposed, and so hot now, her breathing was quickening. Her hardening nipples pressed and rubbed against her bra, until he leaned her over the table, as the cool wood made her nipples harder. She heard his zipper, then she felt his tip press against her entrance. She pushed back, and was rewarded with his cock sinking deep in her. A gasp escaped her mouth, as his hands went to her hips. Neither of them was going to last long, as he started to take her faster and faster. She pushed back at each thrust, their timing right on, as they both started to gasp for breath, her tingling starting to warn her of the impending orgasm, and he felt his balls tighten as he got ready to cum. A few more thrusts and she groaned out loud. Then she felt his cum shoot deep with in her. They both came together, as he leaned over her and caressed her, and kissed her neck.

They caught their breath, and he slipped out of her, as he helped her stand up and removed the cuffs. They hugged and kissed some more. She felt his cum start to leak from her, and broke their kissing, then stopped in her tracks. There in from of the both of them was Rex. He had apparently been watching them. Laying on his side, he was sporting one massive cock. Kerry gasped a bit seeing it, and noting how different it looked. She left to the bathroom to clean up with out saying a word.

Adam told Rex to go outside. Rex got up and went out to the back yard. Adam thought to himself, Kerry has wanted to get a big cock shoved in her, well she has one here.

Kerry was cleaning herself, but was having trouble not thinking of the size of Rex’s cock. She never had seen it before, her mind started to really think about and encourage her to try it. Kerry pushed all that out of her head. Closed her eyes and took a breath, then put on some other clothes on to wear.

When Kerry came into the kitchen, Adam made small talk, and was nervous about broaching the subject of Rex again. Kerry knew that Adam would not talk about Rex, he may be a manager where he worked, but he always allowed her equal or greater say, and her comment last night, she knew he would be very reserved about it. They made a small dinner, and Adam kissed and caressed her as they got it ready. They sat down and ate together, talking about the day. Dinner was good, and Adam went about setting up his clothes for the morning. Kerry walked around and saw Rex in the yard, as he whimpered, she realized he needed to be given him more food and water. She took the water out of the fridge, and grabbed a scoop of food, then went outside.

Rex ran around her, excited he had food coming to him. She squatted down and filled his bowl with water, then put his food in his other bowl. He came up and licked her face, catching her a bit off guard. She got up and told him to eat, then said to him, “you sure like using that tongue on me don’t you boy.” then chuckled a bit, not realizing Adam had come up behind her. She turned towards the house and froze seeing him there with a questioning look on his face. Her face blushed, “It was just a joke!” and she went off to the house and went to take a shower.

Adam sat down and started to watch the television, but was more thinking of how to handle things. What was her true thoughts he wondered. All the while she was washing her self, and her mind kept going back to last night, and then seeing the size of his penis today. Her fingers crept into her pussy. Her mind focusing on dirty thoughts of his licking her, and then the size of his cock penetrating her. She felt her knees weaken as she came in the shower. She cleaned up again, and then put on her robe and went into the living room.

Adam noticed that her shower had taken much longer this time. “Are you okay Baby?”

She blushed, “What were you watching me?

Adam was shocked. “What, what are you talking about?”

“Were you watching me in the shower?”

“No. I have been here. Just noticed you took a lot longer than normal shower, and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Fuck, she almost blurted it out. “Sorry, I guess I am a little tired.”

“That is fine, last night was short, and we had a little needed exercise today.” he said with a grin.

She smiled. “I am going to lay down, if you want to join me you can.”

TV popped off and he was up in a bit. They both went into the bedroom, and as he undressed she slipped off her robe and got under the covers. He looked back before removing his undies, but left them on, unsure of what she may be wearing. He slid in the bed. She had made up her mind, and was trying to figure out a way to say it to him. She laid on her side looking at him. He looked at her and turned on his side too.

She took a breath, “So say I was to let Rex lick me again, what would you think of me?”

Adam was a bit taken by this. “Well ummm, I guess it is up to you. I would not think of less of you if that is what you are wondering?”

“What you said last night has been really making me think. I know our secrets are ours, and if something did happen with Rex,” she paused, “if something happened I know you would be quiet about it. I know I can trust you.”

His cock began to grow as she talked to him. “Honey, I know it is your decision to make, and I will support you in what ever you want.”

She sighed for a second, “ I think I want to try letting him lick me again, but……” she paused a moment. “I want you to be in control of it.”

“How is that to work?” Adam was not expecting that at all.

She blushed a bit, “Well I tell you how I hope it happens, and you try to make it happen, and then I can reward you for a job well done……..” she said in a very sly and erotic way.

Adam always loved her bashful ways that she would ask for him to make her happy. “So, then how do you wish for it to happen?”

Biting her lip a bit, “Well, since I know that I was rather uncomfortable when I realized with what he was doing, and I reacted rather strongly,” a pause emerged, “ well ummm, what if you were to tie me down?”

Adam took a breath, “Okay Baby, and how should I tie you down?” He was sure that she could sense the nervousness that he had. But lower on his body, he was as hard as he had ever been.

Kerry realized she still had her power over him, and teasing him a bit could be fun. “So I guess there is on my back, or front? Which do you think you would prefer?”

He was sure that he blushed, “Umm, yeah, or let your legs hang over the bed when face down so he had easier access, aaaahh, if that is what your looking for?” He started to wonder how far she really was wanting to go. Was the site today of Rex’s erection, making her want him to go all the way. Or was she just messing with Adam to get him as hot and bothered as she could?

“Oh, that is rather interesting sounding. Is there any other ways that you think may work well?”

His nerves were getting the best of him. Then it hit him, “Remember when I had the toys in you, and you were bent over the wagon for gardening, and had your hands and legs attached to the that? So then it maybe easier for him to lick you?”

She really did not picture what he was saying, just having more fun with keeping him off guard and nervous. “Hhhhmmm, that sounds interesting, but when you did that, you also decided to take me after I came the third time, is that your plans?” The grin emerging slightly at the corners of her mouth.

“I guess that is a possibility, but if I remember correctly you were sucking on me for part of it too, and I think I may need to ensure that things happen properly for you. Is there anything else you may wish?” His libido was helping him overcome her toying with him.

“I am not sure,” she sensed that he was overcoming her teases, “Is there anything you think you need to ask me, of anything that I may have missed?”

He took a silent breath, “Well, so what if you like the licking, and well he, ummm, well,” the nervousness was back, “you know, if he wants more?”

Inside her smile grew huge, he was still putty in her hands. She decided to play it innocently. “Well I guess if he likes licking me, I guess you can let him stop when he is done.”

His mind went nuts, thinking, no, not what I meant, and then how to ask her. “Ummm, no, ummm, what I meant, what if he wants more, you know, MORE….”

She looked at him dead serious, her mind almost dying laughing, cause she knew what he was asking, “No, I am not sure what you mean, please ask what your wanting to ask me, I don’t know what you are trying to say.”

He could have shattered a diamond with how hard he shut his eye lids. Inside him, trying to be the nice guy, and not wanting to sound like a pervert, and suggesting that she do the dog since she has only talked about licking so far. “Well Honey, he is still a he. And well,” took a breath, “he will probably want to do more than lick you, if you understand me?’ Her insides were almost bursting, she almost felt bad teasing him more. She nodded her head no.
He did not say it, but his lips gave the response of fuck! “So like when he licks you, and you hopefully have a really good time with that, and then if he decides,” it hit him then, a word that seemed to lessen the sound of something too perverse, but would hopefully be clear to her what he was saying with out being so blatant, “well if he decide he want to mount you.” He was sure sweat was forming on his forehead.

She was surprised he was able to say that, she had been almost sure that he would just push it aside in frustration.

“Oh, you mean if he tried to make me his? That is not possible, is it?” She was not sure if he remembered some the stories that they had found on the internet, and they had read about such things.

Adam was again floundering a bit, but finds some more nerve again. “Well yeah, cause I know that I have heard of it happening, and I have seen a few pictures of it a long time ago, so I do believe it is possible. So, then what should I do, pull him away and then I have some fun?”

“Well Honey, I will let you decide that. So any other questions?”

“So then when would like to do this, next weekend, or when is it best for you?”

“Baby, it is Friday, and well, I think sooner than later is best, so now?” She bit her lip a bit, her nerves where starting to get the best of her.

“Really, I will go get the wagon ready, and were should we do this?” His breathing easily doubled.

His response for some reason made her relax a bit. “Same place that we played on the wagon last time sounds good, especially if there is a mess.”

“Right, in the garage, I will get it ready.” He rolled out of bed and left the bedroom to set things up. He walked out past the living room with Rex laying in the corner. “Hey Buddy, you might get to have some fun tonight.” Adam said to Rex on his way to the garage.

Kerry laid in the bed a moment longer, then got up and went to use the bathroom. Upon exiting, she stopped in front of the mirror, and looked at herself. She thought to herself, this is safer than meeting all those crazy men, and well, this is probably more acceptable to Adam. She looked at her nude body, rubbed her self, her skin almost sensitized to the impending event she was about to do. She grabbed her robe and put it on slowly, adjusting it, and then tying it securely around her. She sat on the edge of the bed and concentrate on her breathing to help calm her nerves.

Adam had the sides of the wagon removed and put straps on the tires so they could not spin. Next he put a nice outdoors cushion on the wagon so that her skin was not directly against the wood. He went back inside and returned to the bedroom. He saw her sitting there. He knew she was nervous. He went into the closet, and pulled out their toy bag. He came back over to her and extended his hand to her. “Are you ready Sweety?”

She nodded yes. She stood up and took his hand. He lead her to the garage, and closed the door behind her. He set the bag next to the wagon, and opened it up. Off to one side he pulled out the Velcro straps that she always enjoyed. He moved the bag to the side and looked at his beautiful wife. “Whenever you are ready Baby.”

She smiled and looked at him as she undid the sash to her robe. She then lowered it from her body, completely exposing herself. She watched his eyes look over her, his eyes showing the desire he had for her. She laid the robe on to the bag and went over to the wagon. She knelt at the back of the little hand drawn wagon, and laid herself along the length of it.

Adam moved beside her and gently started to attach her wrists to the handle of the wagon. After she said she was comfortable, he took the long straps and tied one to the bench along the side of the wall, and spread her legs open. Next he took the other strap and spread her more, tying it to the old car to the other side of her.

He walked up next her, soaking in her beauty as she lay there, fidgeting with the bonds that held her. “Are you okay Honey?” She looked up at him and said yes. “Is there anything else you need?”

“No, I think we have covered everything.” She was more serious now, apprehension was soaking throughout her body, but she fought it from taking over her.

He knelt next to her, and put his hand on her back, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

There was a slight pause, “Yes, yes, I’m sure.”

“Do you want me to get him now?” He wanted her to have some control still.

She took a deep breath, “Yes, and let things happen, and then you get me Stud?”

Kerry could almost feel the wetness from her pussy dripping in anticipation of Rex’s licking again. Her breathing increased as she watched Adam stand and walk out of the garage into the house.

Rex was still laying there, but when he saw Adam come back in he stood up, curious as to what was all going on. Adam patted his leg. Rex came up to him and could smell Kerry on him. His tail started to wag, remembering what had happened the other day.

Adam lead Rex into the garage, and there he got a huge smell of Kerry’s wetness. His tail started to really get moving now. Rex went right between her legs. He was sniffing all around her pussy, and she could feel each sniff he took. If she had not been tied down when his nose bumped her, she would have hit the ceiling. Then she felt a tentative lick. She gasped a bit. He started to lick more when he was not stopped. Her moans got loud fast as his long tongue went from her clit to over her asshole. Adam knelt beside her, “Baby, please, keep it down a bit, or the neighbors might hear you.”

She was breathing heavy, another long deep moan came from her. “Babe, just gag me, I know I won’t be able to stop it!’ She gasped again. He searched his bag and pulled out a simple ball gag for her. He put it in front of her, and she opened her mouth as she moaned from the licking that Rex was giving her. He secured it quickly. He then saw Kerry tense up, and her bodies muscles flexed, then spasm as she started to cum. Rex suddenly slid his tongue in her. If it had not been for the gag, she would have groaned at the top of her lungs.

Adam watched her, and then glanced back at Rex. He stopped there, looking under Rex he saw that he was erect again. He was almost jealous of the size of him. He knew he was over ten inches in length. But Rex was licking Kerry to no end. Her body writhed as she went from orgasm to orgasm. His big rough tongue taking her time after time. She laid there feeling the orgasms wash over her. She was amazed at how great it felt. She was held there, but she loved how deep his tongue was in there, and how tight it felt in her.

Adam watched Rex lick, and lick, and lick. Then it changed, Rex seemed to change, he lick all around her pussy, but his hips started a humping motion. He saw him focus for a second on her butt hole. His head focusing the lick directly at her tight little ass. She squirmed against the restraints. His tongue pushed hard to try and lick deeply there. Rex suddenly went back to focus his tongue in her pussy again. Kerry was in heaven, even when he licked her ass, she was amazed how good it felt.

Rex stopped, then licked her legs, and butt, then her pussy, then suddenly lifted up and tried to mount her. She was nervous and scared, but Adam just watched as Rex began to thrust his hips. Kerry felt something wet rub against the inside of her leg, then hit the other leg. Rex got down again, and walked around a bit. He then returned to licking her wet throbbing pussy. Kerry realized she had been holding her breath, she took in a deep breath, almost gasping. She felt the wonderful tonguing again.

Adam watched Rex as he licked and his hips thrust. Again he got on Kerry’s back. Adam moved next to Kerry and saw how Rex was just missing her. Kerry was holding her breath again, she was so nervous, and if there was no gag or she was not tied down, she would have stopped it. She felt Adam’s arm brush her butt, and then felt a hot wet thing press between the lips of her pussy. Suddenly she felt Rex’s cock take her deeply. She gasped at the size of him. She knew a good four inches invaded her, as she felt him shift, then she felt him hit her uterus. Adam watched as Rex began to take Kerry.

Kerry felt so full. The heat of him deep in her, and she felt how much he was stretching her. She could not believe he was in her, taking her. He began to pound her faster and faster, as she felt the entrance to her uterus begin to open to cock hitting it. It hurt, but felt so good. He took her fast and quick. Just as inner constraint to him released, he sunk deep in, and she felt hot squirts begin to shoot deep in her. The heat of it, the strange way it felt, and the situation pushed her hard over the edge and started to cum hard also. Rex quickly came in her, holding her as he tried to fill her with his seed, and impregnate her. Adam just watched, as Rex finished filling her, and slid off her back. He took Rex into the house, leaving Kerry there.

A few minutes later, she heard Adam come back into the garage. She was trying to get her breath back as she was absorbing what had just happened to her. She suddenly felt his finger work lube into her ass. Adam worked his finger in and out of her asshole. “Baby, your pussy looks almost pure red from what just happened to it. So I am going to take your ass.” He positioned himself, pushing slowly into her with his cock. Slowly he worked it in her as she gasped on the gag as she felt him fill her ass. He took her quick, and he could feel the mess between her legs as he took her. She quickly started to cum again. Adam could not last long either, and quickly filled her ass with his cum.
Slowly he pulled out of her, seeing a line of cum running down the inside of both of her legs. He gently untied her legs, then moved around and undid the gag from her mouth. He decided that maybe he should make her nervous. “Baby, I am thinking of letting you stretch your legs here a bit. Then I will bring Rex back, and let you two have a good night while I go to bed.” He said it so calm, so simple, she was in total belief of what he said.
“No, NO, I need the rest Baby! PLEASE!”

He chuckled a bit. “Your right, not tonight Honey.” When she responded he almost came in his pants.
“Yes, another time Honey.”

He refocused and released her hands, then helped her to her feet. He grabbed her robe and wrapped it around her and helped her to their bathroom, where he drew her a nice warm bath, and pampered her until they went to sleep.


Chapter Two

Adam slowly began to wake, his eyes starting to register the light cascading into the bedroom. He stirred a bit and then stopped, looking over at Kerry. She lay there silent except for a slightest sound of her breathing. He looked at her face, as his eyes fully adjusted from his sleep. There was an unmistakable grin on her face. Adam figured she must be reliving last night in her sleep. Gently he slid from the bed, trying to ensure that neither the bed nor the sheets moved upon his exit. Quickly, but silently, he left the bedroom and closed the door behind him, heading to the other bathroom.

After completing his business, he walked to the kitchen to get some apple juice. He poured himself a glass and opened the freezer to find the microwave waffles. He place a few in the microwave, and hit the start button. Then he heard the telltale signs of Rex, as the dog came through his doggie door.

Rex came over to Adam, quickly rubbing up against him, his tail wagging. Adam petted his back and head, then speaking to him quietly, but still with the higher pitch sound as to encourage him. “You have fun last night?” Rex was already happy with the attention he was getting, so his tail started to swing like mad now. “Oh, you liked it too? Bet you hope she wants more today, don’t you?” Rex was loving the attention, and was trying to lick Adam’s face now. “Oh yeah, you had fun! Bet you feel like a stud now?” Adam laughed quietly.

The microwave tinged, and Adam left Rex and retrieved his food. Sitting at the table, he poured syrup on his waffles and started to eat. Rex was well trained, and knew that when Adam or Kerry sat down to eat, they were to be left alone. Rex went over to the sliding glass door where the sun was beaming into the house and laid down. He closed his eyes feeling the warm heat of the sun engulf his body. His ears would move, and pick up the noises of the birds chirping outside, otherwise her started to relax, enjoying the feeling of the sun.

Adam slowly savored the waffles, and then cleaned up after himself, keeping all noises to a minimum. He crept back to the bedroom, and gently opened the door a bit, peeking in to see if Kerry was still asleep. He looked twice, almost slammed the door open the second time, as she was in the exact spot as when he left. He studied her closely, and he finally saw the faint signs of her breathing. He felt better now, but what was he thinking. He slid the door closed again and walked in to the living room, thinking how silly he was. Thinking to himself that she was more than likely exhausted from everything that had happened last night.

Adam busied himself with a magazine, waiting to see when Kerry would get up. He wanted to let her sleep as much as she could, just in case, he wished in fact, that she would want to try Rex again today. He put the magazine down. He hated to wait. Getting up, he started to do the weekend cleaning ritual that they always did. He got out the cleaning supplies, and cleaned the sliding glass door of all the dog nose smudges on it, and the finger prints around the handle. Rex just laid there, as Adam cleaned the door, stepping around Rex. Next he wiped the dust off of all the furniture and straightened all the pictures and nick-knacks that they had after wiping them down.

Next he cleaned his prized television that he had saved so long to get, but found he used so little. Backing up, he looked over the living room, and was satisfied with what he had done. He turned to the kitchen and looked at it. Thinking to himself, how in the world did it get so dirty from two people in the house. He proceeded to clean the kitchen, putting his mind on the task, sort of loosing track of time. Soon he found himself in the office, picking up a bunch of papers that had undoubtedly been knocked to the ground by the dog. He noticed that change, whenever Rex did something good, he thought of him as Rex, but whenever he made a mess, he was referred to as the dog. His mind jumped for a moment, thinking that Kerry probably referred to him as Mr. Rex after last night. He chuckled at his thoughts.

He backed away from the office, looking at it, making sure it was in order again, but still laughing a bit, when suddenly two arms came around him and gave him a hug. Adam froze for a split second, then held her hands as he felt her press against his back. He spoke first, “Morning Baby, how did you sleep?”

“Okay, and how about you, and why are you cleaning this place without me?”

“I slept well,” there was a pause, “I figured I would get the place tidied up so in case you wish to do stuff today, when you got up, you would have more time,” and awkward pause after his mind was trying to piece together some form of a response, “Umm, you know if you wanted to do something you could.”

“Wow, I didn’t even have to ask you any fun questions to get you mind all out whack. So what pray tell would I be wanting to do today Mister?” She held him tighter, as her hands moved lower.

“Well, ummm, I guess anything you may want.” Adam felt like someone had turned the heat on.

“Well right now I just want some breakfast,” she stopped, after looking at the clock, “Whoa, I guess it would more appropriate to call it lunch. Why did you let me sleep so long?”

He turned and held her, kissing her, admiring her beauty, “I figured you were tired after everything that had happened last night, and thought I would let you rest.”

“But you are doing all of OUR chores Baby!”

“Sorry, you know how I get bored easily, so I decided to get the place cleaned up.”

She ran her hand through his hair. She kissed him, giving him a little tongue action.

Adam smiled at her, “How about I make you some lunch Honey?”

“Hell no! You did all this cleaning, I will make YOU lunch.”

He kissed her once more and held her tight, finally releasing her. She left for the kitchen as he double checked the office. He ventured into the bedroom and made the bed, and picked up a few articles of clothing left over from last night. Then he asked how long it would take for her to make lunch, and decided that was enough time to vacuum.

They sat down to eat a nice light lunch together, mostly only having small talk at first. Kerry finally broaching the subject of last night first. “So what I did last night, did it make you upset, or have second thoughts of it?”

He thought for a moment, “No, it was actually very erotic to simply put it, and it still seems like it was a lot safer than some of the other stuff we did.”

He saw the look on her face become a little more sullen, “Do you think of me less now after I did that?”

“Oh Baby, no way. If I was in your shoes, I don’t think I could have gone through with it, I admire you for you guts in doing it. I actually think that you mean more to me, knowing that I was apart of what happened.” He got up and hugged her. She felt much better.

She thought for a moment, “So if I wanted to try it again, you would be all for it?”

“Of course Baby! It was so wild, what you did, and seeing you cum so much. That was probably the only part that may have made me the least bit jealous.”

“Why would you be jealous, you always please me?”

He took a breath, “Well, to make you cum so hard, and so many times. If only I could somehow do that for you.”

“But Baby, you did. You helped make this happen, you helped me do it, and see me through it. You Baby, you did it. And all those times that you have done things to me, God, your imagination is incredible, you are still the ONLY person to ever make me squirt.”

“Thanks, but that wasn’t me that was able to lick you like that, and I felt how hot his cock was, I am sure that had to feel so different.”

“Honey, without you, none of that would have happened. I love you Baby.”

They hugged again and cleaned up the mess from lunch. They walked back into the bedroom and decided to take a shower together. Gently they soaped up each other, caressing each others body, then slowly working the soap off the others body. She faced the wall of the shower as he rinsed her back off, his hands slowly touching her skin, traveling down to her waist. She felt him kiss her shoulder so softly, and caring. She purred at his touch. He hands moving to her rear, working any soap residue off of her.

She glanced back at him, “You want to make another deposit like you did last night?” Her mischievous smiled came to life again.

Adam was taken back a bit. Anal sex was not a typical thing, and it happened usually on special occasions only. “You are serious, you want me in your rear again Baby?”

She nodded, and pushed her butt against him, gyrating against his hardness. He held her tightly as he hugged her, kissing he neck now, as his hand found the lubricant for just in case they had some fun in the shower. He rubbed some lubed up and down the crevice of her butt, slowly starting to work his finger into her bottom. She pushed back against his finger, almost as though she was trying to use his finger as his cock. She moaned as his finger began to open her up more, and his kisses along her neck focused more around her ears. He was fingering her ass slowly, several minutes having gone by, as he worked a second finger in gently. Her breathing was becoming more ragged.

Kerry looked back at Adam, “Baby, lube your cock, and just take me PLEASE!”

Adam’s jaw almost hit the floor. His hand grabbed some more lube, and then slicked up his manhood. He pressed it against her, pushing slowly as to not hurt her, until she slammed back against him, taking all of him in her at once. He was at a loss as to what to do for a moment. She started to fuck his cock, pushing back against him, then pulling back. Adam regained his composure, and took over. He started to take her hard and urgent. She gasped, then let out a low groan, followed by a very throaty, “YESSSS!”

It was like a booster shot for Adam. He took her harder than ever before. Their bodies slapped as he took her tight little ass. She was moaning hard. Every thrust into her, was met with a deep groan. He felt her ass start to spasm, and her moans getting louder. Her hands spread out on the wall of the shower. He could not take it anymore, the spasms of her contract bottom, her noise, and her lusty actions sent him overboard. He slammed hard and deep into her, as the first shot of cum entered. Another thrust, and another shot went deep in her. Then his orgasm took over, as he felt the remaining load of cum shoot in.

Kerry came hard on him. She was in the middle of her orgasm when she felt him slam hard in, and the feeling of his cum go deeper. This caused her orgasm to grow bigger. His cum entering her, the fiery manner of their fucking, and the fact he was deep in her ass, made her squirt. Her deep moans transformed into a loud guttural sound, from deep down in her stomach, but with so much force and volume. Adams instinctive hugging and holding of her as his orgasm waned, help hold up Kerry. Her legs had turned into jelly, as spasms shook other various parts of her body.

Slowly she regained herself, and he turned her to him. Kissing each other slowly and passionately. Without a word needed, they realized that their needs sexually had grown substantially. Slowly they retreated from the shower, drying off each other. She put a robe on again, and he put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

“So just wearing a robe again?’

“Well, I guess it depends on what happens next.”

“Is there something your needing Baby?” Adam grinned at her.

“Well, remember last night, when you said you were going to leave me in the garage with Rex, and go to bed?”

“Yeah, are you wanting to do that?”

Her face this time blushed a little. “Well, not exactly. You know how I have always wanted to have one of those encounters where I am taken, and I can’t resist, and I can’t see who it is?”

“I know you have had that wish for some time, but I never figured out how to do that, and not cross the line of you being more or less raped.”

She looked at him as she sat on the bed, “Yeah, I know that is tricky. But I had a dream last night, where you took me to a spot, with a blind fold on, a gag in my mouth and I was handcuffed. I knew we where at home, but you took me all over the place. I got lost as to where we ended up. You secured me naked like last night, then you kissed my cheek, and told me that you would see me in about an hour.”

She took a breath. She thought for a bit as Adam watched her, realizing she had more to say. “I truly think you had me on the back porch, but I am not sure that matters.” She swallowed and took another breath. “But you left me alone, or at least in the dream it seemed like I was alone, except that Rex was there.”

He looked at her thinking of what she said. “So you want me to gag you, blindfold you, and handcuff you. And then take you around our place to get you confused, and leave you there for Rex to do as he wants?”

She looked down. “Well. yeah, it does not seem as hot as it did in the dream though. I did have others if you wish to hear of them?”

“Sure, but tell me which one got you really wet or woke you cause it was so hot Baby”

Again she averted her eyes. “Promise not to laugh?”

“I can’t promise, but I will do my best Honey. I hope you understand.”

“K, well, there is one other that ended up waking me up.”

“Go ahead, tell me.”

She shifted a bit. “So we get in your truck with Rex, and you take us up to the woods, out behind where the old abandoned airport is.”

“Oh, that place we first went camping together.”

“Yes, there. So there we get out of the truck, you handcuff me and we walk deep into the woods. You take us to the spot were you tried to teach me to fish.”

“Okay, yeah. You are really getting into being handcuffed, aren’t you?

“Yeah, I guess so.” She smiled a bit, “I think it makes me feel like I would not normally do it, but I am being forced to do it that way.”

“That makes sense.”

“So we end up at the pond, and you remove all of my clothing. Then you proceed to tie me to that log that we sat on when we were fishing.”

“Wow Baby. Is this something that you really would want to do?

Her mouth had become amazingly dry, “Yes.” Her response was very quiet, but he could tell that it excited her. “So then you have me there, and you let Rex have his way as you fish.”

Adam was rather surprised with that . “So, you are tied to the log, I get that, but like last night, are you wishing to be gagged, and were you wishing to try and be blindfolded too?”

“Well,” her voice lowered, “yes,” voice picking up a bit of volume, “but you just fish. I remember that in the dream. Rex doing as he wished, and hearing you reel in your lure, then casting it out again like nothing was happening.”

“So this is just a thing for you and him then?”

“Well that part yes Baby, sorry. But then I was hoping that you might wish to have fun with me after that.” Her smile was strained. She realized that may have come out wrong. “Yeah, he does a he wishes, and you just let it happen. And after that, I am yours. Okay?”

“I understand that, but which of the two dreams would you rather live out, do first?”

There was silence. She thought for a bit. Then a faint response came from her, “the woods.” She knew he would do as she wished, she just hoped that he did not take it wrong. Unknown to her, was Adam thinking how hot it would be to watch her getting fucked hard out in the woods by Rex.

Adam responded, “So is this something we plan to do, or would you rather try to do it today?”

Kerry found herself trying to find words, her dry mouth not helping her, “Baby, I am not sure if I would do it, if I pushed it off for some other time.”

Adam sensed that this may be something that had come to replace her previous fantasy. The quiet responses, and the way she started to pause to help retain her composure. He was sure this was something she was needing bad, she just had trouble saying it. “Well I recommend you wear something other than that robe, so we can leave shortly. I will pack the truck, and make sure we have all of the ESSENTIALS. You put on something that will be easy for me to remove from you, when you are still handcuffed.” He hugged her and then kissed her. A faint thank you came from her.


Chapter Three

Adam walked out to the garage, and started to gather things. He freed the wagon, knowing it could be very useful on the walk to the pond. He repacked their toy bag, and put it in the wagon. He went back into the house and found a heavy blanket, and put it on the wagon too. He got his tent and other items for camping he might need, since it was well after noon now. He figured that they would end up spending the night out there. So he grabbed his backpack and loaded it with all essentials. He opened the garage and started to load the truck. He got it organized so that it would be easy to get heading out on the trail once they got out to the old airport.

Kerry looked at herself in the mirror. She asked herself what was she doing. She did not really know, but something inside her was driving her down this road. She kept thinking of the way it felt, and how basic, uncaring, just primal sex she had with Rex, and then when Adam took her after. She went into the dresser, her mind still working on the why she was needing to do this. She looked through most of her clothes trying to find what Adam had asked for. She placed the clothes on her bed and slipped off her robe. She had decided the less she wore the better, and the part that gave her the biggest problem, was the top being easy to remove with her hands cuffed. Slowly she dressed, noting the way it could be removed from her, ensuring it was easy for Adam. She adjusted her clothes a bit, and then put on some tennis shoes. She put away the robe and pondered what she was doing. Her mind was awash from calling herself crazy, to a horny bitch, and anything else that came to mind until something switched. Then her mind went back to Rex as she began to day dream, and how it all happened and the way it felt.

Adam grabbed some extra water and food for tonight and in the morning. He double checked everything again to ensure he had packed all he had thought of. He was set and went inside and got Rex and brought him out to the truck. Then Adam took a breath and went to get Kerry. He opened the bedroom door and there she was. He stopped for a moment. Her bright pink shoes on, with a matching pink mini skirt, and of course a pink tube top. She looked so hot in his eyes. Her cheeks had some pink in them from what she had been dreaming about. She stood up as he walked over to her. He hugged her gently, feeling that her breasts were not held by a bra. She sighed a bit, then kissed him, slowly parting her lips from him, “Baby, lets go before I change my mind.”

He walked her to the truck after locking up the house. He helped her in and closed her door. Getting in and sitting down next to her, he looked at her legs, so toned, so smooth, and his eyes froze. Her skirt had rode up a bit, and as she turned to put on the seat belt, he saw the bare skin between her legs. “Baby, no panties?” His mouth seemed rather dry, as he looked down again, seeing the gently folds of skin that she kept bare.

“Yes Honey, figured it would make it easier for you.”

He licked his lips, “Can think of a few things it would make easier.” they both laughed. He started the truck and headed out on their excursion. They chatted as they went, but stayed away from the subject as to what they were about to do. Rex stayed content in the back of the cab, watching everything go by as he listened to Adam and Kerry.

He finally turned on to the road that went behind the old airport. They were only about five miles away from the trail head and Kerry was getting a bit nervous. He turned up the gravel road the entered the woods and drove up to a secluded parking space. He parked the truck so that he could unload, and reload it again straight from the trail. He asked her to wait and he got out. He unloaded the wagon and loaded it with all the stuff for their fun. He made sure all was secure, and then he made sure his back pack was ready. He placed it on the ground and went up and opened the door for Rex to exit. He hopped out and sniffed around and then relieved himself. Adam opened the door for Kerry, and helped her out. He shut the door and set the alarm on the truck. He took her hand and walked to the back of the truck.

Rex was busy investigating the woods, not noticing anything else that was going on. Adam told Kerry to put her hands behind her back. She complied and he gently cuffed her hands. He slapped her butt, and then put on his backpack. He leaned down and grasped the handle to the wagon. He whistled for Rex to join them, and they started their walk up the trail. Rex quickly could smell Kerry’s wetness, as they proceed up the trail.

Rex could smell her more and more blatantly, and he was starting to show signs of the excitement it was causing in him. They walked for about three hours, stopping once to rest a bit. He took the cuffs off Kerry while they rested, allowing her to massage her wrists as they found a place to sit. Rex was eager to lick Kerry, but she kept him back, telling him not yet. She had noticed the state of his semi erect cock hanging down, but averted her eyes, knowing where that would be soon. They got going again after Adam cuffed Kerry. They made the last bit of the walk rather quickly.

He told her to sit on the log as he got camp ready. He knew the anticipation would drive her nuts as he set up the tent and their sleeping bags. After all was setup he brought over some water and gave her a drink. She smiled and thanked him. He went back to the tent and brought his fishing rod and their toy bag back to Kerry, and sat it next to her. Adam did not say a thing. He opened the bag and pulled out a blindfold. He went behind her, and secured it. Her breathing quickened from this. She heard him back in the bag again.

A kiss landed on her lips, then disappeared. “Open your mouth Honey.” She did as she was asked. He slipped the gag in her mouth and locked it in place. She heard him doing something, but was not sure what was going on. “Please stand up.” Then she felt him lower he tube top, sliding down past her hips, bringing her skirt down with it. He helped her step out of her clothes, then she felt him untie each of her shoes and removed them too. Next he helped her lean on to the log, which he had covered with a blanket to keep her from getting splinters. She took several breaths, as this made it harder to fill her lungs with her hands still behind her back. She felt him spread her legs and attach the straps to her ankles. He had really spread her open. It almost hurt her, then her hands were released from the cuffs, and he next put the straps on her wrists and tied her arms down.

She felt so vulnerable, spread so wide on the fallen tree, and not a stitch of clothing on what so ever. Her skin was alive with the feeling of the lite breeze dancing across her skin, and the breeze touching her pussy, sending chills through her body. She took in several breaths to recapture some of the lost air. He leaned down next to her, and kissed shoulder. “Baby, have a good time.” A kiss again to her shoulder.

She heard him walk a bit, then a pause. She heard him cast his reel, and the plop into the water. Everything seemed to slow down. Her ears picked up everything. She had trouble recognizing different sounds that normally would be no problem. She was on edge. Time slowly moved. Her ears strained to decipher the noise that were Adam or Rex. But nature seemed so noisy, the birds, and trees bending in the breeze. A crack here or there. She could feel how wet she was. Her mind started to mess with her.

Suddenly, something touched her. Ears straining, then a click. She tried to focus. A noise she was unsure of, then a plop in the water, and the click of Adams fishing rod as he drew in some slack on the line. She would have screamed, as next she felt what had to be Rex lick her, but the gag held fast. Gasping for air she felt him continue. She came very fast, and Rex was rewarded with a tasty treat from her. He licked faster, delving for her lovely taste. He cleaned her up quickly, and his tongue searched out the source, and following it with his tongue. She was moving from orgasm to orgasm, and her body heaved trying to take in enough air. Adam watch her, somewhat jealous that a lady could cum so much, and a guy seemed to have to wait a bit in between each orgasm.

Her groans grew deeper as the long tongue snaked deep in her pussy. She fought her bonds, but nothing gave, and this only added to her excitement. Rex found he had cleaned her well, and searched for more tasty juices, as he licked her legs and then moving up to her butt. He tasted something that was unfamiliar, but he liked it. He licked harder, his tongue trying to force its way to this new tasty area. Kerry was trying to feel all that was happening, but now he was trying to shove his tongue in her ass again, and this made her body tingle. She was solidly lost as to it feeling like anything she had before felt. His tongue slowly entered her. She remember that Adam had came deep in her ass earlier, and she knew he must be going after it.

Rex licked hard, working his tongue in deeper and deeper. He was needing something else now though. He licked her butt a few times more, then he mounted her. She tried to gasp, but nothing happened. He was on her, and she waited for her reward. Adam watched closely, wondering if he would need to assist again. Rex shoved and thrust back and forth. He could feel her skin, as his cock rubbed along the insides of her legs, he moved up more, and his cock thrust forward, hitting her hard, then sliding up between her cheeks. Kerry started to freak, scared he was going to take her ass.

Adam slid over and gently guided Rex to the correct spot. Kerry’s eyes flew open behind the blind fold, as she felt his cock enter her about two inches. Another shove and her muscles would have gasped if they could have, feeling him slide so deep in one quick motion. Rex started to thrust hard, taking her with ravaging speed. Her body screamed from the fuck she was receiving, but it was quickly replaced by a fire that spread throughout. She melted into the feeling of him taking her again. She at first did not notice the bump that was increasing in size. Then as it grew tighter she was being taken over by the strange feeling, and how it began to press harder, and then to a point where pain began to rear its head.

Rex stopped suddenly, and Kerry realized that the tight thing was so solidly in her, it was not going in and out anymore. The fire from the heat of his cock was adding to the fire in her, then he started to cum, and his seed feed her flames, taking her to an orgasm she never imagined. Lights flashed in front of her eyes, and her body sang out with hot tingling feelings across her body. Rex was shifting as he pumped her full of his seed, and the knot was pressing hard on her g-spot. Had he not been so tight inside her, she knew that she would have squirted a mess. Even with the blindfold on, the stars that had exploded in her constrained vision began to dim, and then the sounds seemed to pull away, as she began to pass out from what she had just been through.


Chapter Four

Her arms moved slowly, one moving along her body, the other reaching up by her head. The feeling of the satin sheets against her skin felt good. She opened her eyes, it was dark out, but she could see a campfire burning through the screen on the tent. She realized that she was no longer on the log, and she moved her limbs, stretching them. She turned on her side, and felt how damp her pussy was. A dull pain emanated from there. She got up slowly and opened the tents screen. Exiting, she saw Adam cooking something on the fire.

The smell of the steaks finally hit her, her tummy up till then had been quiet, but the smell start her stomach to exclaim that it needed some sustenance. She looked around a bit, and saw the last traces of the sun setting over the mountain. She walked over to Adam. “MMMMM, those smell good.”

“Glad to see your awake Baby.” He turned to look at her. “Have to say I like this choice of an outfit best on you.”

She looked down, not having realized till then that Adam had released her from the log, and put her in bed, but he did not put any clothes back on her. “Outfit?” she chuckled.

“Yes, your birthday suit.” He laughed lightly.

“I bet you like it.” She walked towards him, but realized that she felt all kinds of dried cum and her juices welled up on her legs. “Ummm, did you bring something so I could get cleaned up?” She pointed to the mess between her legs, with her nose turned up a bit.

He leaned over and handed her a pan with some toiletries in it and a wash cloth. “Hope this will do for you, there is plenty of fresh water at the pond. If you want, I can get that for you?” He smiled at her.

“No, you finish cooking those steaks, I am famished, and I will probably be needing a few pan fulls of clean water.”

She went down to the waters edge and started to clean herself. The cool night air made her nipples very hard, and they ached some. Her head was a bit foggy, and there was a slight headache threatening more to come. She cleaned up quickly, but the first cool water she placed against her skin sent goose bumps all over her, and the headache reminded her it was there. Adam kept on cooking the food, as he watched her take care of herself. He focused on what he was doing, but the vision of her, and what he had watched early left him needing some relief. Rex had been laying on the log watching. He was a bit tired, but was ready if the lady needed his assistance again.

She finally felt like she got her self all clean, both inside and out. She came back over to Adam and asked if he had the little shovel for going to the bathroom. He told her it was next to the tent flap. She journeyed off into the woods a bit, keeping the campfire in site. Adam pulled the steaks off the grill and put them on their plates, and set down a bowl of beans for each of them. He walked it over to the table he set up and poured them water. He waited for Kerry to return, and helped her sit at the table.

She looked at him, “Did you bring any aspirin?”

“One sec!” He went in the tent, and brought out a little sack and removed a bottle of aspirin from it, and handed it to her.

“Thanks”, she put two in her mouth, and drank some water to chase them down.

He sat down, and she commented on the smell of the food he had made. They chatted a bit, but she told him to keep the talk of the fun they have been having away till after dinner if he could. He agreed, even though his manliness was pushing at the fabric of his trousers, as he watched her breasts move as she ate. They entertained each other with small talk, and dinner went by quickly.

After they ate Kerry took the dishes down to the pond and cleaned them, as Adam cleaned up around the tent and broke down the table. She came back and set the dishes on the log to finish drying in the night air. They sat in the chairs and looked at the stars for a bit, admiring the location they were in. Adam spoke first, “So I guess I just need to make sure that you are okay?”

“Yeah, I am fine, a bit sore from whatever seemed to fill me so tight, but yeah, I believe I am fine.”

“And the need for the Aspirin?”

“A bit of a headache, don’t want it to get out of control. That’s why I am on my third glass of water already, rather low on that after everything today.” She saw his erection poking at his pants. “Guess you are in need of some fun tonight, since I think I left you kind of alone there for a while.”

He chuckled, “Yeah, that would be nice, but if you are up to it. I have to ask you though, did it go the way you wanted it today, out here in the woods?”

She thought for a moment. He studied her, and his eyes again fell to her beautiful body as it glowed in the light of the fire. “Well, not exactly, but I would say that it was actually better than my dream.”

Adam was a bit set back, “How is that?”

She realized she was still nude, after seeing where Adam was looking. “The walk really built up the whole experience, and it seemed that I got more excited with each step.”

She parted her legs some to keep his attention. “That is good…..” small pause as he absorbed her movement, as her kitty came into view. “I, ah, I can see how that could cause that.” His mind was mush again, and with how horny he was already, well, he was putty in her hands.

She bit her lip, then opened her legs a bit more. “Sorry if I am distracting you, but she is a little sore, and I am hoping the breeze will make her feel better.”

“Uh, no, that is fine.” He could see a little glint of light reflecting off of what had to be a damp spot at the entrance to her pussy. “Sorry it is sore, I did not bring anything that would make it feel better.” His erection started to diminish, as he felt that his fun for tonight was about to be canceled.

She noticed that his erection was deflating, and she knew her toying with him was working. “So is there anything that may help me take my mind off of it, that you can think of?” Her voice changed and became more silky as she asked him.

“Well, I umm, understand that you have done a lot of stuff in the past two days, so I really am more all ears for your ideas. Sorry, I am not sure how to help you.” His cock continued to shrink away as he responded.

Kerry was shocked that he did not recommend anal. “You know, I saw the lube in the bag of toys, and they way Rex is sitting on the log with his cock hanging out again, maybe you should be the one to relieve his needs.” She bit her tongue this time, her laughter was pushing hard at breaking through.

“I……relieve Rex?”

Holding herself together, to keep from laughing she gently responded, “Well yeah, I know you like it when I play with your ass when I suck on you, so figured if you enjoyed that, well,” Adam’s eyes were as big as saucers, “you could just let him relieve himself in your ass.” She almost drew blood this time when she bit down.

“Your serious?” He looked at her like she just told him everything was a lie.

“Well, you said watching him play with me was awesome, and well that would take my mind off things,” she said matter of factually, but inside she was doubling over laughing, “and he definitely looks like he needs some relief right now, and you did say whatever I wanted.” Her voice trailed there, but she was not sure how she did it, but she kept the laughing pinned down, and remained calm and cool, with a relaxed facade.

Adam looked like he just found out his life had been a lie. His mouth was dry, and he was wondering what had just happened. “Honey, I have always been there for making your fantasies happen,” his voice quivered as he spoke, “but I am not sure how this is a fantasy for you, and a little finger play verse a huge cock being slammed deep in is a lot different.” His voice raised an octave at the end, as he felt a layer of sweat start to form on his forehead.

“Baby, I never let anyone have my ass, but you wanted to, so I let you. And all I was hoping to make happen tonight was take my mind off how sore I am, and keep our puppy happy.” Her voice almost began to plead with him. Of course tears started to come to the surface cause this time she did bite down to hard, as she tasted the blood in her mouth.

If there is one thing that Adam could never handle with Kerry, it was seeing her cry, and he noticed her eyes well up. He felt as though someone just slammed a hard punch right into his gut. “Kerry, I am sorry, okay,” his mind flew the surrender flag, and he lost all hope of ever winning this discussion, “Baby, please just somehow stretch me like I did you, that way he does not rip me apart.” His voice died along with his morale. If his dick could have gone up inside of him right now it would have.

“Really,” her voice raised, “I will get you ready for him Baby, and one last thing.” She said the very end rather sheepishly.

He was a now a toy that she commanded as far as he was concerned. “Yes Honey.” His voice was low, and lacked any real feelings in it.

“You like it when I fuck with you?!” She died laughing, almost coming out of her chair. She laughed so hard at first, that Rex actually got up on his feet as though something was wrong.

A low groan came from Adam, as he realized she had just toyed with him so bad. His mind started to laugh, and then he started to also. It started out as a nervous laugh, but grew into a good belly rocker.

They both laughed for a good bit, and Rex laid down on the log again. Kerry came over and hugged Adam. They held each other for a bit, saying how much they loved each other, and kissing. She moved back from him and looked at him slyly, “Drop your pants Mister!” His eyes grew again, and he wasted no time in slipping down his pants along with his undies. He sat on the edge of the chair as she knelt in front of him.

She took a hold of his cock, looking at it, stroking it lightly. “So you would have really let Rex have you?” She licked him, then sucked him deep in her mouth as her eyes remained fixed on his face.

“Baby,” he gasped, “your pleas, I saw the tears in your eyes,” he gasped again as she took him fully in her mouth, “I love you, and would do anything for you.”

She released his cock from her mouth, and she looked up at him fully. “God Baby, I love you too, and you just proved how far you would go for me.” She took him back in her mouth, and start to suck on him hard and fast. A hand cupped and massaged his balls, as her head bobbed up and down on his cock , almost like that of a sewing machine going to town. Adam knew he was not going to last long, as he felt things start to happen.

Kerry got ready, hearing his moans increase, and the way his balls shifted. She felt a twitch, and slammed hard down on his cock, as she felt his cum splash against the back of her throat. Sucking hard, she kept on swallowing what he was giving her, till he had the oversensitive response to her tongue around the head of his cock. She pulled off of him, licking her lips as she looked dead into his eyes, as her devilish grin emerged again.

“God Honey, your incredible! Thank you so much, I love you Kerry.” He said her name, and this meant a lot to her. No nick name, her name, and his devotion of love to her. Her eyes teared up again. She lifted and hugged him. This was a long hug, and no kissing, it was just a hug of security and love. He kissed her after their embrace lessened, and he saw her tears, and wiped them away. “What is wrong?” He became worried.

“Nothing, nothing at all. Any doubts that I have ever had, any, are gone as you fully and truly love me.” She took a deep breath, “I don’t know what else to say but that I love you that much too.” She hugged him again, but harder this time. Rex watched them for a bit, then decided he needed to go mark his territory, rather than watch this.

Kerry took Adam’s hand, “Come on Baby, lets get some rest, and celebrate our love in the morning.” they went into the tent and laid down together, kissing and hugging. They laid there with small talk about their love for each other for quite sometime. Rex came over to the tent finally, and wanted to be let in. Once inside he curled up by their feet and they all went to sleep.


Chapter Five

Adam awoke with Kerry on his chest. He watched her sleep in such a tranquil state. The delicate breathes that she took, the peaceful look on her face. He moved her hair aside so that he could fully see her face. The sun had risen, and as he looked at her, he began to have a rise also. He could smell the faint hint of her perfume that he loved so. He laid there, staring at her as she slept on his chest. Time went by, but he stayed there.

Slowly her finger felt the hairy chest, as her eyes opened and saw Adam’s smile. Her hands slid through his chest hair, as a low “Morning” came from her.

“Morning my love. Hope you slept well.

“Mmmm, yes I did, so comfortable and peaceful in your arms.”

“Glad you did.” His hands gently brought her up his chest, and he kissed her on the lips.

She kissed him back, lifting a little bit. “Mmmm, did you sleep well Honey?”

“Yes, maybe too well.” He reached up and kissed her again.

After the kiss, “Maybe too well?” she was unsure what he exactly meant.

“Well I had some good dreams last night.” He grinned a bit.

Her hand slid down, and she found that his excitement level had filled him completely. “Must have been some lovely dreams. Was I in any of them?”

“You were in all of them. Why else would I be in the condition I am now?”

She blushed, as her hand grabbed his hard member. “Hmmmm, maybe I can help you with that.” She lowered her head down and kissed him deeply.

He kissed her back, their tongues playing with each other as he felt her grasp him, then massage him a bit, and then her hand slid up and down on him. She moved fully over him, as she kissed him more, needing him more, as to be apart of him again. Their kisses consumed them as their passion grew. She wanted and needed him bad. Her hand slid down, allowing her to free his member from his constraints. She held him again, and rolled her hips to take him in. Slowly she lowered herself on him, as she began to feel the pressure of him at her entrance, and then taking him fully in. Her hips rocking as they moaned.

She pulled her head away, sitting up on him, using her legs to keep the rhythm going. The sheets slid down her back, exposing her to him. He slid his hands up her belly, taking her breasts in his hands, and rolling her nipples in between his fingers. She gasped and started to gyrate more on him. She leaned down on him again, and kissed him. She working him faster, sliding him in and out. Their breathing quickening, when Kerry suddenly screamed at the same time as Adam. It felt a very good and familiar to Kerry, but Adam felt something rough drag across his balls, and then the bottom part of his cock.

“What the fuck was that?” Adam looked, trying to see around Kerry.

She started to laugh, as she leaned back and pushed Rex away. “Think we got him excited?”

She sat fully down on him, as she tried to open the tent to let Rex out.

“Baby, that feels good to you? It felt so damn rough.”

She turned back to Adam, “I know, feels good to me.” He noticed a glint of light come from her eye.

He looked at her with a little smirk on his face. “What is that you are thinking?” She was curious as to where his mind was going.

“Sorry, just my messed up mind going places probably best left alone.” He nervously grinned as his hands went back to her breasts.

She lowered herself down to him again, as her finger traced his faced, and she slowed gyrated on him again. “Left alone, would you like me to leave you alone?”

“No.” His voice went meager.

“Then share big boy!” Her voice coated in a silky sexy tone, and she felt his response, as his cocked twitched deep with in her.

He wanted to kick himself for saying anything. “Well it just sort of hit me, you know how things even at the wrong time just pop into your head, ” a little forced laughed, “Umm, remember you wanted to find a guy for a three some with?”

She looked at him a moment, then she grinned. “Oh, I see.” Her eyebrows raised with her voice.

He looked at her, but his look was not that of happiness, and she felt him start to shrink in her. “You sure?”

“Yes,” she turned and let Rex out, closing the tent again, she looked down at him, “That will have to wait for some other time.” She was rewarded by him growing again. A smile came across her face, and she started to rock again on him. Their moans intermingling as they celebrated their love. “She held him tight, as she started to feel her orgasm begin. His hips slammed up into her, taking her breath away. He kept fucking her, as she moaned and tried to meet his thrusts. Then he tensed, and he slammed hard up in to her, as he started to cum. They held each other tight, as they came together. Slowly they relaxed and began kissing and hugging as they recovered.

After a bit Kerry slid off Adam and laid on her side looking at him. “So I bet we need to leave soon?” Her face lost a lot of its splendor.

“Yeah, back to work again tomorrow. We can probably stay here till about two, but then we must be back on the trail to the truck.”

“We both have sometime we can take off.”

“That would be nice, but I did not bring enough supplies to keep us out here another night, sorry.” He grimaced a bit at the last part.

“Honey, that is fine, doesn’t mean that we have to spend the extra day out here.” Her smile brought back a better mood to him.

“I guess your right.”

“So, you say we have until two?”

He smiled, “Yes.”

“Well, a lot can happen in four hours.” A wicked little grin returned to her face. “Mmmmm, you have some ideas?”

His looked at her a bit lost, “Honey it is only about eight or so, and ideas?”

“Mmmmm, six hours then, even better. Yes, do you have any ideas or wishes that you may ask of me?” Her voice had returned to that silky and sultry flow again, as she looked at him with a wickedly naughty grin.

“What sort of ideas are you looking for?”

“Well anything you want to see me do?” A slight pause, “You know with the toys, or you, or maybe something else that you can come up with. Let you choose, all you, you gave me some amazing fantasies, how about I give you at least one.”

“Baby, what is it you want, please tell me, I love doing that for you.”

She shook her head no, “Nope, your turn! What is it that you want to see me do, or maybe you would rather have things done to you?” Her voice was excited to do as he bid.

“Baby, I just don’t know, you being happy and fulfilling your wishes or dreams are what I love.” His voice was strained almost.

“Nope! Your choice!”

He shook his head, as a small smile appeared, until he realized it showed, “I guess this will be a long six hours of waiting around.”

“Bullllllsshiiittttt!” She purred, I saw that, fess up Mister. There is something in that ‘MESSED UP MIND’ of yours.” She laughed. Looking at him, “I saw that look on your face for a split second, tell me what it was.” She poured an extra amount of silky tone into her voice.


Chapter Six

Adam cringed internally for a moment. He wished he knew how she could make no facial expressions at times to give away what she was really thinking. “Well Baby, I figured that you made me very happy so far, why should I be the only one.”

“So what exactly are saying Honey?” The slight grin came from her, believing she knew what he wanted.

“Well, there is another male here and he is probably horny also, seeing how sexy your are, and being out in this wonderful clean country air.”

“Okay, so what were you wishing would happen?”

He thought for a moment. “So remember how this started when we go up here?”

She giggled, “How can I forget? You made me very happy and well, I got, well, a full load in me.”

He looked down after seeing the look in her face, of how she had thoroughly enjoyed her experience. “So I was thinking that I tie you down again, but this time, we give your loving kitty a rest.” His eyes came up to meet hers at the end.

She paused for a moment, thinking she knew what he was asking her to do. “So you want me to take him where only you have been before, in my…” another pause happened, “in my….. rear?”

“Sorry.” He looked down and away, “I know, I was stupid for thinking that, I am so”

She interrupted him, “Nothing to be sorry about Honey.” She looked at him gently. “If you want me to do that, then I will.”

He looked at her, he was not happy now. “No, don’t worry, I can really see where it maybe rather dangerous for you. Sorry, I should have stayed clear of that.”

Her eyes scrunched a bit towards him, “No Baby, it is not that, I always thought of that as your special place, no one else was allowed there but you.” She held his hand. “Baby, I will do it for you, if you do one little favor for me.”

He looked at her, “Honey, you don’t need to, trust me, I can let him have your lovely kitty again.”

“No. He gets my ass, but I want you to set me up for him, and then you take my ass first, and let him have my ass after.” He eyes smiled. Deep inside she hoped that would stretch her enough for Rex.

His eyes lit up. “Really?”

She took his hand, “Yes, really. Now lets do this before there is not enough time for either of you.” Her nipples had grown hard again. He mind whirled, thinking of Adam taking her ass, bent over the tree, then her new lover. She felt herself getting wet.

He took her outside, and led her to the log, grabbing the toy bag on the way. He had her sit on the log for a moment. He paused, “Do you need to go to the bathroom first?”

She looked at him wondering why she did not think of that. “Yes, thanks.”

He got things ready, leaning over the log, and prepping the straps to hold her. She walked back, and ran her hand over his back as he was leaning over the log, adjusting a strap. “Okay Baby, I am ready.”

He stood up and took her hand, hugging her, then kissing her deeply. He helped her lean over the log. She got comfortable on the blanket. He made sure that the blanket had not gotten bunched up under her. He gently put the straps on her wrists and made sure they were secure and held her tight. Next he attached one to her left knee, and one to her left ankle. She did the same to her right leg, exposing her a lot more this time. His hand rubbed her body. “God, you are beautiful Kerry.”

She caught her breath, his tying her down and then touching, really increased her breathing fast. “Thank you my Love.”

He moved around and kissed her lips again. “Open your sexy little mouth Baby.” She opened her mouth, waiting for him to insert the gag. He placed it in her mouth, then took great care to ensure it was placed right, and her hair did not get untangled in the clasp.

He chuckled a bit, “Baby, you know me and Rex could go home, and let nature, mmmm, run its course out here.” She looked up at him, she knew he was kidding, but the thought of it left her more excited.

He moved behind her, rubbing her skin, seeing the marks on her sides left by Rex. He loved touching her body, it was so soft, felt so good. The sun rising higher in the sky made her skin glow more. He grabbed the lube and he placed a good amount on her asshole, making it squeeze tighter, then relaxing some. He grabbed a toy from the bag, and he could see how wet her pussy had become. He spread her the lips of her love, and inserted a toy into her. A gasp was quickly followed by a moan. He slid it fully into her, then he started to inflate in her. More moans came from her, as he filled it up, making sure that it would not fall out.

“Baby, just making sure he can’t take the wrong spot.” His hand rubbed her ass, then focused on her tight little hole. Rubbing lube around, and starting to give her ass pressure, lightly pushing in. Her breathing was definitely increasing from his touches.

Rex was watching intently, licking his chops, and hoping that he was called to take care of his bitch. He moved a bit closer, and looked on as Adam continued to stand between her legs.

Adam looked over, seeing Rex getting stimulated, “Are you horny again Buddy?” Rex looked at him for a moment, his tail stopping, then back at his bitch, his tail swinging again.

Kerry was pushing her hips against him as best she could. “Oh Baby, you are horny. You want me to skip the stretching this time?” She thought for a bit. Her needs were growing by leaps and bounds. Her breathing was becoming more labored, as she finally nodded her head yes.

He was amazed at her response, his finger pulling away from her asshole. He grabbed more lube and placed it on his cock, stroking it some. He got centered between her legs, as he placed the tip of his manhood against her anus. He gently pushed. She felt him at her back door, and relaxed. Breathing carefully, and focusing on letting her body open up to him. He kept up the steady pressure as he watched the tip slowly start to enter her. She was breathing carefully, and her mind stayed focused on letting him in, although her mind was trying its best to get her focused on what was going to happen. His pressure was good, as she felt the head of his cock slip in, and he stayed there, letting her adjust. She controlled her breathing a bit more, and she nodded her head again. He gently pushed again, his cock slipping deeper into her. She loved the feeling, but had to keep herself on the task, but loving the results.

His hands moved to her waist, just about her hips. He watched as his cock slowly disappeared into her ass. After a few minutes his hips were against her butt. “Are you okay?”

She nodded her head yes, “Baby, are you ready for me to start?” She took a breath, then nodded her head. He pulled out an inch or so, then slid fully in again. A moan came from her, as he slowly started to fuck her ass, using strokes that allowed him to slide in and out more. He was thrusting fully after a minute, stopping just at the head of his cock, before slipping deep into her again. Her breathing was quickly becoming ragged. His hands gripping her tight, as the whole of what was happening, really got him hard.

Rex watched, his eyes locked on what was happening, his cock emerging from his sheath.

Adam let himself go, and he started to fuck her hard, his cock slamming deep into her. Kerry was gasping through the gag, trying to get air as her orgasm started to take her. Adam heard her almost straining to breath, and he popped the release on her gag. A huge gasp of air filled her lungs, followed by several more. He just kept up taking her, as he felt his cum getting ready to fill her. Her moans became much louder, and she pulled hard at her restraints her orgasm beginning to rip through her.

Adam’s hands held her tight. Her muscles twitching and grabbing his cock sent him over the edge. He slammed in deep, as she felt his cum fill her. Her eyes slammed shut as her own orgasm exploded. She babbled a bit as the pressure in her pussy, and his cock deep in her ass made her see stars for a bit. Adam finally laid on to her back, kissing her as she rode out her orgasm.

She finally settled down, and she muttered, “Oh God Baby, that was amazing, thank you!”

He hugged her, “Thank you my Love.” kissing her neck, then nuzzling around her ear.

Rex was really ready to go. He smelled how wet she was, he licked the air, tasting the odor that she was giving off. His tail was swinging hard, as he began to pace around.

“Looks like your next date is ready for you.” He giggled a bit. She looked as best she could over towards Rex, but was only able to see his head as he walked back and forth. “Now you be quiet, or I will put the gag on you again, but I think you came harder with it off.”

She nodded her head yes, as her mind started to think again about Rex taking her asshole. She hoped that he would not rip her open back there. She suddenly felt Adam slip out of her. Goosebumps went across her skin. Next she gasped as Rex licked her pussy quickly. He was trying to figure out what was in his way, but kept up licking the juices that had escaped her.

Adam stayed close, knowing his help would be needed. Rex licked up all he could as he began to lick up to her asshole. Something smelled different to him, and he began to lick at her there now. He began to thrust his tongue deep in her ass, licking out this different taste.

Kerry fought her bounds, as her breathing took off again, and her deep moans ravaged her body again. She was not believing how good his tongue felt in her butt. Rex continue the assault in her hole, trying to get every bit of that stuff out of her. He pulled back and he got on her back. Adam moved in quickly and guided Rex to the correct spot.

Kerry was looking back at Rex on her back, as he looked past her, focused more on trying to get in her. Adam guided him in, as Rex shifted a bit. Kerry gasped felling him enter her ass, then grab her further up her back, and shove his cock deep in her rectum. He was fully in her, and she was hurting a bit, but the pressure in her was making her g-spot sing. Moans were building up quickly as Rex made her his.

She felt him start to fuck her hard and fast, her eyes closing as he took her savagely again. Her head hung down as he continued to take his bitch. He was pounding her harder and faster, but his knot would not push in. Her muscles were not able to take that yet. He tried as best as he could till he held her tight, and he body stopped, only giving her small thrusts as his cum began to fill her.

Her eyes opened for a moment as she felt his cum start to squirt into her. She laid there cuming herself again, her body sedated by what was happening to her. Her breathing was able to keep up with things, and she came long and hard this time, instead of passing out.

Rex came rather quickly, and he pulled back, his massive cock slipping out of her. She felt him slip out, as massive amounts of cum ran down the inside of her thighs. She felt Adam begin to release her from the straps. Slowly he helped her up, as she hugged him, and thanked him. She went and got the toiletries and headed to the pond to clean up. Adam cleaned up the mess as he looked over at Rex that was doing his own cleaning.

Adam sat down in his chair, and watched her clean up by the ponds edge. He looked at her beauty. She came back over and asked if there was any clothes she could wear. He told her were there were some. She went in the tent and opened the small bag next to the sleeping bags. She giggled a bit. She pulled out a bikini top, and some very small shorts. No underwear at all. She put on the little items and joined Adam at the chairs.

She sat back in their chairs, looking out at the pond. Kerry soon took a nap. Adam enjoyed the peace and quiet of the place. He watched her rest at times, as admired her looks more. The morning past quickly, Adam begrudgingly cleaning up the camp site, and loading the wagon, and his backpack. He did it very carefully and quietly, not wanting to wake up Kerry. Then wagon and backpack were loaded up except for the chairs finally as he sat back down next to her.

He watched her as she started to make some noises, that slowly evolved into moans. Her hand moved between her legs, as her nipples pressed against the bikini top. Her eyes jerked open suddenly. She looked around. A bead of perspiration moved down her forehead. Her eyes came back to Adam, as a meager smile came to her face.

“You okay Baby?”

Yeah, sorry, a bit of a dream there.”

He was curious, it seemed to get her excited. “What was it about?”

She looked at him. “Ahh, well it was sort of a recap of what has happened this weekend.”

Her face did not sell her explanation to him. His eyes squinted a bit, “Baby, what was it about?”

She looked at him, then stopped what she was about to say. “Let’s start back towards the truck, and I will tell you along the way.”

He gathered the chairs and put them on the wagon. He put on the backpack, and she took up pulling the wagon back to the truck. They set out walking along, moving quicker since they were going downhill. He looked at her again. “So what was the dream about?”

Her faced went bright red. “Well, it was just a dream of me playing around some more.”

“Okay, can you be more vague? Come on Honey, when I have I ever made fun of your dreams?”

She knew he had never made fun of her dreams, and evened encouraged her to act on some of them. She was not sure how this dream had come about though, and it was nagging in the back of her mind. Kerry looked at Adam, “I guess Rex has started some new dreams in me.” She sighed. Another long pause happened.

“Okay, I understand that. So what are you wish for you two next?”

The trailed narrowed as she followed him now. “So I was not saying him, as in Rex.”

“Okay,” he looked back at her. “then what are you saying?”

She gritted her teeth a bit. How in the world was her mind going down such more and more perverse roads, she thought to herself. “Well I had two major dreams. One was while we slept in the tent, and the other was there in the chair.”

“Mmmmm, one active imagination still.” He grinned back at her.

“Well,” she stammered a bit. “So, dammit, can we talk about this when we get home, sorry, but I think I need time to think on them, so I can then talk to you about them.”

He could sense the dreams had agitated her more than normal, and felt it was best to give her some room. “Okay Honey, anytime you wish to talk about it, I am here for you.” There was a small pause, and then he talked to her about the weather, and wondering why they had not been back since the first time. They talked more freely as they went back to the truck.

After a few hours, they arrived at the truck, and Kerry helped Adam load the truck. Rex got in, and they took off to home. Once there, they both emptied the truck and went to take showers separately. Kerry had a lot of time to think in there, and she was trying to understand her dreams. After Adam took his shower, they both went to bed. Kerry looked over at him, and paused for a second, then she opened up some. “So the first dream, I guess I can understand that one.”

“That is good.” He looked at her, listening to her voice carefully.

“So I had this dream, the one in the tent, well it was with Rex again, but more.”
“Okaaaay,” slowly her responded, but with of confusion hitting him. “You were with Rex, but there was more? I don’t understand that Honey.”

She took a few deep breaths. “Okay, okay, sorry. The dream makes me feel like a slut, and I don’t want you to think of me that way.”

“Oh Baby, I would never think of you that way. I know you have some very erotic dreams, and I truly enjoy listening to them. Really I do.”

She felt better, “Thanks,” she paused a moment, “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I want to be made one night to be Rex’s bitch, and several other dogs also. I am lead from cage to cage to relieve them.” she looked away from him.

“Oh, I see,” his voice was not sounding offended at all. “So more or less you are in a kennel, and you are given to each of the male dogs to play with them, correct?”

A slight chuckle came from her, “I guess that would be the polite way of saying it.”

“Okay, I have some ideas, but need to see what I could do for you. So what is the other dream about, the one you had when snoozing in the chair?”

Her breath caught in her throat, “Well that was much different.”

“How so?”

He saw the look on her face of a bit of distress, as she gathered her words. “Ah, so I did not have vision in the dream, so it is very limited to me.”

“Oh, like the dreams about the guy taking you with the big cock?”

“Ahhh, yeah.”

“So those dreams are back?”

“No, not exactly.”

Adam looked at her, “Please Baby, it will help you and me, then hopefully we can understand it, and see how we can help you live it out.”

Her face still showed him she was nervous. “Well like the guy with a big cock, but it was not a guy.”

“Okay, so basically it was Rex, only larger?”

“Uh, well not Rex, but larger yes.”

He chuckled a bit, “What, one of those donkey shows in Tijuana?” He was amused, and figured his exaggeration may make her open up more.

“Well you are closer.”

Adam’s laugh died. His mouth became dry. “Bigger than a donkey?”

She rubbed her face a bit, “Yeah, bigger than one of those.”

He stopped for a moment, “You talking a horse?” He wanted to say something, but he knew she was fragile at the moment.

She looked at the mattress. She nodded affirmative, and she waited for him to tell her to leave.

There was a good pause as he tried to think of how a person would even do that. “Okay, not sure how that is even possible, but that does fit with your wants of a bigger cock to take you, and I would imagine that would be a bigger cock for sure.”

She still could not look at him, “Yeah, sorry.”

“HUH?! Sorry for what?”

“Guess I am really not too sexy with all these dumb dreams I have.”

“Oh Baby,” he reached out and gave her a big hug, holding her a long time as he spoke to her. “Baby, it gives me great pleasure in trying to find these ways to please you. They are not dumb, it is desires that you have deep with in you, and I truly do enjoy trying to help you live them out. The kennel thing I understand, and have an idea of how to make it happen, but as for the horse, please give me time to figure out if it is even possible, okay Honey.” He held her to him, as she relaxed in his arms.

They talked for a while,and then went off to sleep, deciding that tomorrow would be a day to stay home.


Chapter Seven

Kerry awoke early, slipping from her bed. She went to the kitchen and called work to let them know she was taking the day off. She got the coffee started and microwaved up some breakfast sandwiches. She pulled out a tray and set two plates on it. She gathered up some napkins and hot sauce for Adam’s sandwiches. The microwave signaled it was ready and she grabbed the food. She placed them on the plates and grabbed the coffee. She walked to the bedroom and knocked on the door gently.

“Hello?” a groggy voice came from the bedroom, “Oh Shit!”

She entered the bedroom, “I hope that was not for me?”

“No, not at all.” He fumbled around and grabbed his phone. “I need to tell them I am going to be late!”

“What! I thought we where taking the day off?” Her eyes were getting mad.

“Shit! Your right, sorry. Let me call in real quick.”

She placed their breakfast on the bed and got in next to him. He completed his call and she looked at him. “Good morning sunshine!”

Adam chuckled, “Baby, you’re my sunshine.” He leaned over and kissed her. They had breakfast and made small talk. Adam got up once their breakfast was done and cleaned things up. He came back to the bedroom and found Kerry slipping her robe on over her nude body.

“Oh yes Honey, so beautiful again this morning.” He came up behind her and hugged her, then kissing her neck. “So what plans do you have for us to day?”

“Well, can’t say I have plans, more like wishes and hopes of satisfying you.” She looked back at him with a devilish grin.

“Mmmm, satisfying me?” He held her tight, as he kissed under her ear, then nibbled at her lobe.

A giggle escaped her, “Hmmm, I guess you may want me to more than satisfy you?”

He stopped, “You always do honey.” He looked at her, a bit of confusion was in his look.

“Silly,” she grinned, “you know, in case you wish me to satisfy the other male in the house.”

He laughed a bit, “Sorry, missed that, just a bit tired.”

“Really, then what is that thing pressed against my butt?”

He kissed her neck again. “Something that wants to get all warm inside you Baby.”

“Mmmm, and where would he like to do that?” She grinned at him, as his hands release the sash of her robe.

“He has liking today for that special area that had been only reserved for him before.” His hands slowly pulled her robe off her shoulders, then sliding it from between them, and placing it on the bathroom counter.

“One second Honey.” She opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out some lube. She turned a bit and handed it to him. “Make sure you use this though, and mmmmm, can I have one request also?”

“Yes Baby, what is it?” His briefs dropped to the floor as he started to lube himself up.

She bit her lip as she leaned over the counter. “Do you think we could try the dp thing today?”

Adam was slow to register what she said, “Uhhh, yeah, but that girlfriend of yours would probably be best to try that with, since we have been striking out with guys.” One hand stroked himself some as the other slipped some lube across her asshole.

She looked back at him, and pushed up a bit. “Adam, you and Rex!”

“Oh yeah, duuuhh, sorry. Slow to wake up today.” He held her eyes, “But you getting your girlfriend over here to play with us maybe fun also.” His finger slipped into her ass easier this time, as she took a breath. His finger pushed slowly in as she pushed back with her ass.

“Hmmm, you have made a lot of my wants happen, guess it is time for me to make some happen for you.” A grin from hell enveloped her face, as Adam felt his cock twitch in his hand. A smile came to him. “Baby, stick it in my ass and ride me!” Her voice was husky as she leaned on to the counter.

“Yes Ma’am!” he placed his cock against her rear, and began to push. To his surprise she shoved back harder as the head of his cock slipped in her. She grunted a bit, then he pushed in more as she leaned forward then pushed against him again, forcing him deeper into her. Her hands grabbed the counter tight, as he slid all the way in, his hips against her butt cheeks. He leaned on her, adjusting his position a bit, as his hands pressed down on her lower back. “Baby, when you get dp’d later, where you want Rex?” He distinctly felt her ass tighten and relax a bit at his question.

She was moaning as she felt his manhood filling her. She fought the urge to start to fuck his cock, as she turned her head, “Baby, which ever spot you wish.” Her voice was almost gasping as her need grew in her voice. She felt him start to take her fast. He slammed all the way into her, with each stroke. She started to meet his thrusts, as their moans merged.

He held her tight, taking her hard, knowing she was on fire. Their bodies slapped with each stroke, their breathing quickly grew. Her moans grew louder, as his grew deeper. She felt his balls stop slapping her kitty, driving her so hard. Her eyes were drawn tight shut, her lips opening, she started to cum. Her moans turned to screams as she pounded back at him. He felt a sudden splash of hot liquid shoot between his legs, catching him by surprise, and triggering him to fill her with his hot cum. He slammed deep in her, holding tight, as she felt his cock shoot its first shot deep in her.

“Stay deep in my ass!” She gasped as more cum filled her ass. His member pulsing with each shot. He lowered on to her back, holding her, feeling his own cock being gripped and release by her butt as her orgasm ravaged her body.

He held her there, his breathing coming back to normal, she was still breathing hard. Her moans continued as she worked her hips, making him move around inside her. Her head tilted back nearing the final part of her orgasm. She put her head down and rested it on her arms. They stayed there for several minutes, joined together as one, he held and kissed her back and neck.

After several minutes, her breathing was near normal again. Adam held her still, “Baby, thank you. That was so amazing.”

Her voice was still thick with her state of arousal and recovering her breath, “No, thank you, I never squirted like that before, that was insane.”

“How horny are you today?” He kissed her again, feeling his manhood shrinking while it was still impaling her.

She lifted her head and looked back at him, sensing this was a dangerous question. “Ummm, very, but why?” Her eyes looked at him with uncertainty.

His grin was one she had seen before. His mind had obviously been working again. “Well, maybe I can make two of your fantasies happen right now.”

She was all ears, but she was cautious, “Oh, which two is that?”

His grin almost made it difficult for him to speak. She felt his cock growing inside her, causing her to roll her hips some. “Well, you know how you want to try talking to a person on the phone while you are getting fucked. But you want to be taken whenever, without permission given?”

She looked at him, her brow furrowed a bit at what he said. “Yeah, why? What do you have in mind?”

“Well, this just an idea Honey.” his voice a bit defensive as he tried to put into words his thoughts. “What if you called someone that you know would be there to talk to for a while…Umm… and I had you secured so you can’t move… Ahhh… so that when Rex wanted to… he could just take you.” His face had a questioning look. He was wondering if his thinking was getting out of control now.

“Wow Baby, you really like this stuff don’t you?”

He was a bit nervous by her question, although he had almost expected her to berate him at the suggestion. “It’s all very exciting to me. I don’t know why.”

She decided to toy with him. “And then who am I to call while this is happening?” Her voice began to sound like she was interrogating him.

“Ummm, I don’t know which of your friends you could call.” He was panicking a bit. Her tone had changed and he began wondering if she was messing with him again.

“I bet you want me to call my girlfriend that you want to join us in bed.” Her power was growing, but her pleasure was waning as his cock began to shrink. “Or maybe you want me to call my mother?”

His mind fired suddenly on all cylinders with the best response possible. “Which ever one will make you hotter.”

She was stumped for a moment, as she felt him start to grow again. “Yes, but which wish do you desire?” She tried to bait him again.

He was calm cause he realized she had the power, and his answer needed to keep her in power. “Well, I guess truthfully, then one that will help you cum like you just did.”

Damn she thought. He got me there. “So when do you wish to do it?” her voice trying to mess with him, but she knew he won this one.

“How about as soon as soon as we get done cleaning up ourselves?”

“Okay, that sounds good, but how will I stay on the phone?”

“I got that figured out already.”

“Go ahead Baby, pull out.” She found herself getting hot again.

He gently pulled free from her, turned her, and hugged her tightly. “You know, if all goes well on the phone, maybe we will have a visitor in our bed tonight.” She grinned then kissed him. They both cleaned up the mess on the floor, then proceed to take a shower, where he explained things to her.

Upon getting dried off, Kerry slipped her robe on again, but Adam, gently slid it from her shoulders again, laying it on to the bed, “No, don’t hide your full beauty Honey.” She blushed as he took her hand and led her to the living room.

He had her wait on the sofa as he grabbed the stuff he would need for this. She was getting nervous, and wet at the same time. Rex came in and licked her face a bit when she leaned over to pet him. He smelled her, but she did not let him between her legs. Instead she told him to go lay down. He moved slowly away, almost a pouting walk and look to his face. He laid down in the corner of the room and looked at her. She saw his cock sticking out from his sheath. Her breathing quickened.

Adam came back a few minutes later. She was nervous, and she was really unsure she could do this without someone knowing what was going on. He laid a towel over their coffee table. “Okay Babe, lay on the towel with your legs off the end of the table.”

“Honey, I don’t think I can do this without someone knowing what is happening. And what if I have one of those hard orgasms?” He took her hand, and lead her to the table.

“Baby, that is part of the excitement.” He took her hands and attached the strap to them both. “See, you may not be able to stifle all your noise, or the ones he makes, but you need to make excuses for them.” He drew he arms forward and secured them to the table.

A quiet response, “Okay.” was all she responded to him with as her mind delved into what she was really getting herself into. He knew she would have a serious orgasm if she went through with it, and she knew it also. He moved behind her and spread her legs, strapping them to the side of the table legs.

“God you are beautiful Kerry.” He smacked her tush, causing her to jump a bit. He moved back by her head and put a telephone headset with a boom mic on her. He then placed a knit cap over that to help hold it in place. He grabbed a bit of tape, and secured the mic to the side of her face. She understood what he was doing. He got up and moved behind her. “This is just in case he slips in your rear.” She felt him push some lube up her rear.

“Wait, where are you going to be?” she was getting more nervous now.

“I will be doing something in the garage. That way you will feel really at his mercy.” His voice was up beat as he responded.

Her eyes were bigger now, seeing that she was about to get taken by Rex, and she was not going to be able to stop it. “Baby, this is making me nervous. Really nervous!” Her voice was almost pleading a bit now.

“Kerry, you can tell me to stop this, and I will. But I truly think you want this deep down in you. If you stop, then you will be upset at yourself.” His words were kind, and his care for her was evident.

She knew he was right. “Yes, I know. God, I am so damn nervous about this.”

“You will do fine Honey. Do you want a blindfold, or let it happen this way?”

She thought for a moment, “Blindfold me please.” Her voice was quiet. Her mind was racing.

“Baby, you agree, that once I hit dial and the person you want to talk to answers, there is no stopping what is about to happen. Right?” Adam’s cock was aching now from being so hard.

“Yes Adam, that sounds good. It seems to fit more with my dream.” Her breathing was hard. He placed the blindfold on her, then lowered the knit cap more to help keep them in place.

She heard a click in the headset. “Who am I dialing dear?”

She paused, taking a breath, collecting herself. “Lynn.” His heart jumped. The hot girlfriend, granted Kerry was better looking, but Lynn was one of the hottest redheads he had ever seen. He thought how see was a few years younger than Kerry, and had a nice tight firm body to match. His cock needed some relief, and soon.

Another click in the phone, then she heard the dial tone followed immediately by the sound of the phone dialing her number. She swallowed, hearing the phone ring on the other end. It rang so slow to her mind, then a second one. “Shit!” What the hell was she thinking? If there was one person she could not lie to, it was Lynn. A third ring had started, but was interrupted. “ Hey Kerry, what’s going on?”

She paused a moment, “Lynn! How’s it going?” Kerry could hear Adam walk away, and the garage door open and then shut. She was alone with Rex, and she was not going to be able to stop him.

“I am doing great. You kind of caught me in some fun time.” Her voice went to a bit of a sultry tone. She and Kerry had a fling a while before she met Adam, but they would mess around from time to time still.

“Oh, fun time?” her voice questioning her.

She coyly giggled. “Yeah, was thinking of our last time together, and was needing some relief.”

“Oh! Wow, great timing!”

“So what are you doing, is your boy toy there with you?” Lynn tried to get a feel of what was up.

“No, I am alone.”

“Ummm, our luck.” Her grin came through in her words. “So want to play a little on the phone?”

“That sounds good, but can I ask you something first?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well I am not sure how to ask this, but….” she pause a second, her mind wondered how to bring into the conversation with Lynn the three-some. “I will just say it, and I want your honest response please.”

“Sure, you know me.” Lynn wondered what was on her mind.

“So me and Adam have been talking and wanting to do some experimenting.” She paused again, her mouth drying up some.

“Okay.” her voice was steady, but had curiosity in it.

“I am not sure how to say this. Sorry, I thought I knew how to ask you this question, but the words are escaping me now.” Kerry was frustrated with herself.

“Baby, you trying to ask me to join you two in bed sometime?” Her voice had a tone Kerry could not grasp.

“Well, ummm, yeah.” Her voice trailed off, nervous as hell about her response, and hoping she did not get upset or worse.

There was a bit of a pause, “Baby, I would love to, but lets relieve some tension now, okay.”

A tear almost came to Kerry, “Yes, lets!”

Lynn’s voice become very hot, “Tell me what your wearing Kerry.”

The heat from her voice fueled Kerry, “Nothing, nothing at all.” Her voice became wet.

“Mmmmm, nice Baby. Whatcha ya doing?” There was a definite pause, she knew that she would never get away with lying to Lynn. “Baby, tell me what your doing.”

Her voice was nervous. “Adam has me tied to a table, blindfolded.”

“Wow, that is hot, I thought you said he was not there.”

“He tied me down and dialed the phone for me, then left when you answered.” She was apprehensive. She awoke to the room around her. She heard Rex moving around.

“Oh Baby, wish I could come over there and take advantage of you right now.”

A laughed came out, “Well, me answering the door could be a problem.”

“You are serious? You ARE tied down nude, and alone?” Innately she knew she was telling the truth as usual.

“Yes. Can feel how wet I am now. I almost ache from my predicament.” Her voice was getting desperate for relief.

“Mmmm, my hands slide along your smooth back, touching you. Your soft skin caressing my hands as they gently touch you.”

A bark scared Kerry for a moment. Rex was on alert about something, then she heard him go out his door. Refocusing, she moaned into the phone, “That sounds so good.”

“Kerry,” her voice was suddenly different, “is Rex there with you?”

She knew she would have turned white if Lynn could have seen her. “Ahhh, I think he just went outside.”

“Wait, was he in the same room as you?”

Her voice grew lower. “Yeah. If someone tried to come in, he could protect me.”

“Oh Baby, he is probably more interested in something other than protecting you.” Her voice sort of toyed with Kerry, not wanting to say what she was worried about.

“What do you mean?” She knew what she meant, but she tried to play it off.

“Umm Baby, your dog is a stud.”

“Well yeah, he has had a few female dogs in his time. Helps pay for things, and such. So what?” She tried to play it off.

“Tell me you at least have panties on.”

“No, a blindfold and the headset, like I said.”

Lynn laughed. “So when is Adam going to return?”

“I don’t know. He left me here to talk, or more with you.” Her voice pushed back towards the erotic part of the conversation.

“Baby, you said you are horny and wet?”

“Yes, that is why I wanted to talk to you.” Lynn pushed back, but Kerry continued to try and show her innocence.

Lynn paused for a moment. “So you are naked, tied to a table, at least tell me your legs are tied together, not spread apart.”

A long pause followed, as Kerry’s mouth went dry. Then she got real nervous when she heard Adam’s truck start, and then pull out of the driveway. “Well Adam is going to have me when he returns, so yes my legs are spread.” Her response was a little curt, as she tried to deal with the change of Adam’s plans.

“He may have to wait his turn.” Lynn snickered.

Kerry tried to go with the innocent take still, afraid of what Lynn would say. “What the hell are you saying? I wanted to talk to you, and have some fun.”

“Honey, I want to play with you also. Just wondering if we will get interrupted.”

“Lynn, me and you Baby, lets have some fun.”

“We can start, but Rex may wish to butt in.”

“What are you saying Lynn?” Her voice was gaining in octaves.

“Kerry, Rex may decide to take you as his bitch. If he wishes.”

Kerry laughed that off, “Yeah whatever. Dog’s don’t do that.”

“Baby, I saw one take an old girlfriend once. It was insane. So trust me, it can happen.”

“How can I stop him if he tries something?” she let her voice have panic in it now.

“Kerry, your dog is not that well trained. He is a male you know. If he gets horny from the smell you are giving off. Get ready for a fucking from hell.” Her voice almost rang out.

“Rex would not do that. He is kind, and….. and has never tried anything like that before.”

“Have you ever been tied down, nude, and no one else around to stop him before? And now you’re all smelling so hot and bothered.”


“Well… if you are wrong, my old girlfriend says it was wild, and she came a lot.”

Kerry was quiet. She was unsure how to respond. Finally a feeble “Oh.” came from her.

“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed if anything happens. But I would not mind hearing it happen, especially with someone as hot as you.”

The doggy door swung back and forth as Rex came back inside. She heard him go to his water dish in the kitchen and take a drink.

“What was that?”

Her response was dry, as Lynn’s responses soaked in. “I think he came in and went to his water bowl in the kitchen.”

“Did he look like he smelled something in the air?”

“Lynn, I have a blindfold on. How could I tell?”

“Sorry, I forgot. So, when are you wishing for me to come over for the three-some with Adam?”

The sudden change in topics threw her for a moment. “Ahhh, he would probably would want it sooner than later.”

“Most guys do. Any special requests or things that are off limits?”

“Well, we want to do a thing where you have the strap on, and you and him take me at the same time.” Her voice gained some excitement as the conversation changed.

“Nice! Will you return the favor for me then?”

“You mean me with the strap on, then Adam and me do you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Lynn, I would love too. Is there anything else?”

“Not sure, rather do other stuff as it comes about. If that’s okay?”

“Of courSE!” Kerry’s voice went high, and she took a gasp of air.

“What’s wrong Honey?”


Chapter Eight

“Nothing,” she gasped again. Rex’s wet nose and mouth started to smell and lick her.

A laugh came over the phone from Lynn. “Nothing my ass!”

“Stop, no, its not what you think!” She was trying to control her responses to Rex, but her body refused.

“Oh really, then enlighten me darling!”

“Shit, he is licking my kitty.”

“Mmmmm, feel good Baby?”

“This should not be happening.” Kerry was more referring to that of her friend hearing what was happening.

Lynn smiled, trying to imagine what was happening, “Baby, let it happen. You are along for the ride, just enjoy it.”

A deep moan came from Kerry, as Rex slipped his tongue deep in her. “Oh God.”

The voyeuristic part of Lynn can out, “Tell me what he is doing.”

“I”, she gasped again as his nose pressed hard against her, as his tongue drove in deep. “Oh no, he is licking me inside out!” Her voice trailed off as she moaned out loud, and Lynn heard he start to cum.

“That’s it Baby, let it happen!” Lynn was getting hot listening to her, and started to use her toy on herself. “Yes, tell me all the details!”

“He,” gasping to breath, Kerry tried her best to speak, “he….Oh God, he is lickin me so deep!” A rough hard breath came from her, as Rex’s tongue worked deeply in her pussy.

“Mmmm, bet that feels marvelous!” Lynn’s voice had become so sultry and sexually heated, as her toy worked her clit.

“Oh God, he stopped.”

Lynn paused a moment, listening intently, “What’s he doing?”

Her breathing dropping as the licking had stopped. “Is that it, a licking from hell?”

“Not if you’re lucky.”

“No, he can’t do that, it would be very wrong.”

“Baby, it is all over your voice, you want his big fat cock buried in you.” Lynn laughed, and moaned as her toy sedated her for a bit while the action slowed.

Kerry was unsure what to say, then she felt him sniffing her again. “He is sniffing me again, oh shit, licking too!”

“Oh that’s it, your about to be his bitch!” A shiver went through Lynn, she held to toy fast to her clit, circling and using more pressure.

Kerry felt his licking stop again, then the thing she hoped would not happen while on the phone. His weight fell on her back as his forelegs slipped to hers sides. “He jumped on my back.” The difference in her voice this time was that she sounded like she wanted it.

“That’s it girl, yeah! You get ready for the ride of a lifetime!” She hollered on the phone, as her orgasm started to ring her body. Moans came next, as she gasped.

This time with no assist, Rex was trying to hit the mark on his own. He kept trying to find the spot, humping at her, smacking her legs, on time deflecting off her clit. He got back down, and licked her again. “Lynn, I feel him trying to get himself in me, but he got off me and is licking around my pussy again.”

Lynn could hear her, and her moans and the spasms now rocking her, reducing her responses to moans. Her mind had taken the thought of Kerry on the table, to one of her there, ready to be taken. Her body tensed as the orgasm crashed to a close, and her breathing slowly calmed down.

“Lynn, it is okay. He’s licking the inside of my thighs now, it is so ticklish.” Biting her lip to control the tickling.

“Don’t worry, he will try again.” She was coming off her orgasm well now. “He will do his best to impregnate his bitch.” She laughed.

“What! NO, HE CAN”T!” Kerry never thought about that.

“Silly! Your a fucking nurse, you know that he can’t get you pregnant.” She laughed hard.

“He is on my back again!” She felt him trying to hump her again, this time his cock was hitting her harder. Moans and grunts kept coming from her.

“What is doing? IS HE FUCKING YOU!” Lynn could hardly contain herself.

“He…. hitting me…… missing……. hurts……” a moan finally permeated what she had been saying, as he hit the mark. Kerry felt a good three inches ram in her.

“OOOHHHHH” Lynn knew what that moan meant, no words were needed.

“Oh GOD!” Kerry yelled as Rex took her fully on his next thrust.

“What, what is HAPPENING!”

Kerry pulled against her straps, as Rex started to hammer her. His cock growing in her, as he took his bitch, his thrusts quickening. “He is….” gasp, “fucking meeee…………”

Lynn felt herself get wet quick, and her toy went to work again as she slipped in her this time, thrusting it in and out with Kerry’s grunts at each thrust.

Moans and the grunts came through the phone to Lynn, as Rex’s cock was hitting her cervix this time. The toy she was using was on high as she pounded herself with it.

“Oh…… yes…..” Kerry was taken by how good it felt this way. His cock taking her hard as she felt the knot start to grow in her, starting to slip in and out.

“You be his bitch love, then you can be mine tonight!” A loud guttural noise came from her, as her legs slammed tightly together, a much stronger orgasm subduing her this time. Moans came fast, which where low-pitched screams that came from deep with in.

Kerry held on, as her orgasm hit her harder when Rex knotted her. She exploded in her mind, a huge spasm caused her to jerk under him, as her moans were subdued only by her jaw being clenched tight. The straps strained to hold her, making the table creak. Rex held on, filling her with his cum, his legs around her and the table. Lynn heard the muffled moans from Kerry, and the way her voice quivered from the spasms, helping to extend her own orgasm, remembering some of the orgasms they had shared before.

No words came across the phone for several minutes, just moans, grunts and gasps of air. Lynn was the first one to speak. She could still hear Kerry being taken, and her extraordinary orgasm still taking her. She wiped the perspiration off of her forehead, then said in a low but naught voice, “Yes Baby, just take his fucking!” She took a few more breaths, “Maybe I can watch him take you tonight again and surprise your Adam!” Her laugh started, since she knew Kerry had lied about her doggy virginity earlier. She had only played along with her.

“Oh….. it is so amazing…….”Kerry was slow to answer as her orgasm started to ebb, drawing in breaths to catch up on her needs. Her throat felt raw from all of her noise that she had been making.

“Yes Baby, just keep riding it, and tell me when he slips from your tasty pussy!” Her hand had crept back between her legs, and was rubbing herself. Thinking to herself, remembering the taste, and smell of Kerry in her mind, and how she use to eat her out for what seemed like hours. She had missed that, and was needing it again.

Gasps came louder to the phone, “yeeessssss…..” as her lungs expelled a mass of air, needing more to keep up with the necessity her body was using.

Thinking back, a grin came across Lynn’s face, having seen her do that before, as Kerry was tied to a bed, and she was sucking hard on that lovely little clit of hers. At the same time using a rough vibrating toy which was deeply thrusting in her. “Mmmmmm, you be a good bitch to him, and see what we can do later Honey!” Her mind was a whirl of what she may make her do, she new she was an adventurous soul, and it seemed time to find out how far she would go.

Moans still came from Kerry, but she was more able to talk now coming down from the explosive orgasm. “Oh God Lynn, it was so amazing!” Her voice having a bit of strain to it still.

Lynn responded with a dry and even voice, “So how long has Rex been fucking you?”

Even though Kerry was still catching her breath, silence fell. The only noise Lynn could here was the noise of the dog panting in the background. She thought quick, but nothing came to her, “What?” was all she could say.

“I know you Honey, so tell me, how many times has Rex had you?”

Again there was silence, and tears began to well up in Kerry’s eyes. The lie was caught. “Ummm, a couple of times.” Her voice was very sullen.

“So I am guessing that you like it then?”

Again it hurt to hear the questions. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“What do you mean you guess so? I sounded like you had a lot of fun. Hell, I would love to watch that happen to you.” Her voice was rising, know that Kerry was embarrassed. “Might get me so I excited that I need to through you on the bed for myself after that!” She chuckled.

Her voice was still low as she responded, “I don’t disgust you?”

A laugh erupted from Lynn again, “Fuck no! That was hot!”

Kerry would still be in a state of euphoria if not for the questions. Rex stayed on her, he would have turned over, but he was a bit stuck on her back. “You are serious?”

“Baby, I wish that I could have been there with you two to see Rex fuck the living shit out of you. Oh, does he take your pussy only, cause I remember that had been on hold for Adam only?” She chuckled a bit.

She relaxed more, “Well Rex has taken my ass twice.”

“Baby, if Rex can have your ass, I want it too!” There was passion in her voice when she said that.

Kerry had always resisted her wanting to fuck her ass with a toy, and now to say no, well she knew that would not happen. “I guess yeah, you would need to ask Adam though, he had a say in Rex doing it.” She thought of that at the last second.

“He better say yes!” Her voice was almost demanding it to her.

“Guess if you are coming over tonight, you can ask him then.”

“That is a outstanding idea. Adam, been a long time, can I fuck Kerry’s ass?” She busted up laughing. Kerry followed along.

Working through the laughter, “Maybe making a deal might be better.”

“Me make a deal?”

“Well, yes. Ask him if you can have my rear, he can have yours. How is that?”

“Baby, my ass has been bored for quit sometime, so it may not take him to easily.”

“Oh give me a break! I fisted your ass once. Your going to try to get me to believe your ass turned into a virgin again?” She laughed at her.

“Guess your right about that.” She chuckled a bit. “You know as big as those dogs are suppose to be, bet I fist you right after he gets done nailing you!”

“Lynn, that may be a bit harsh, I have been a bit tender after he has taken me.”

“God Baby, loosen up some. Who do you think you are talking to here? Say those nasty words, that I love to hear you utter, instead of that, ‘taken me’. Sound like a catholic school girl.” Her utterance was followed my a gruff giggle.

Kerry was always self conscious of herself say things like that, but she took a breath and went for broke, knowing that Lynn would not stop till she made it sound dirty enough. “Like, I love it when Rex licks my pussy inside and out, then jams his massive cock deep in my soaked pussy, thrusting and hammering away, finally getting off my ass, leaving me with a sore, gaping, abused cunt!” She did not like that last word, but she figured that would satisfy Lynn’s request.

Lynn died laughing for a minute, not believing that Kerry still had it in her. “Why you little undercover slut, you still have away with words.” This time they both were laughing.

Rex was still in her, and her body was beginning to respond, but he soon slipped out and was able to get off of her back in a clumsily, almost falling into the couch. The two of them talked a while longer, as Lynn said she would stay on the line till Adam showed back up. They discussed plans about the coming night, and talked about times they had before.

Kerry heard something that confused her. She distinctly heard her car park in the driveway. The squeak of the brakes made her certain of it. She let Lynn know that Adam was there, or at least she thought he was outside. A minute later she heard his truck pull in. She was really confused now.

Moments later the door from the garage opened and shut. The blindfold was lifted off, and she saw Adam in front of her.

Lynn and Kerry finished up their talk and set a time of seven when Lynn should be there.

“How was it Baby?” Adam rubbed her cheek, and then started to remove the headset and cap.

“I am good, but stupid.”

“Why so Baby?” his voice was concerned.

“If there is one person that can see through any lie, it is Lynn. So who do I say to call, her.” Her voice came off as upset to him.

“Oh no, things went bad then?” his voice was sullen as his concern started to manifest itself.

“No, but she knows everything now about Rex and what I have been doing with him.” Her face was red, “I was so stupid to have called her!”

“So she is pissed at you, or won’t talk to you now?” Adam was a bit confused, knowing she hung up with her when he came into the room.

“Can you please untie me so I can go to the bathroom and clean up?”

“Yes.” Adam proceed to untie her and she needed a little help standing, but went to the bathroom on her own. Adam cleaned up the mess in the living and put away all the straps. Soon as he was done, he proceeded to the bedroom and wait for Kerry to finish up in the bathroom. A few minutes after he sat down, he heard the shower start.

He knew this was messing with her. He was concerned that maybe this time, his wants had interfered too far, and may have caused damage to their relationship, or with Lynn. Adam was mad at himself, and he stewed thinking of how pushy he had been. He would die for her if she needed it, and yet he felt he had hurt the only woman that he loved. Not sure what to do, he stayed there, sitting on the bed, thinking, waiting for Kerry to emerge from the bathroom.

She dried her hair with the towel after the shower, still thinking of what was in store for her. This had been a wild thing between Adam and her, and now Lynn knew. She could mess up anything, pushing the boundaries to extents that would get them in trouble. That was the reason that Kerry had a record. Lynn had encouraged her to drink before going out to a party, and they got pulled over on the way. She was underage at the time, and Lynn was smarting off to the officers. So the next thing Kerry knew, was the officers through her in jail also.

Kerry stepped out of the shower, and looked into the mirror. Her eyes focused on her face, no make up, but all the stuff they had been doing was showing around her eyes. There was puffiness around the lower parts of her eyes, and her face was a bit pail.

He took several breaths, then approached her, “Kerry, I am so sorry, I should have never asked you to follow through on that. I feel so horrible for the way it turned out. It is my fault for things turning out the way they did, cause I pushed my wants before your safety. I am truly so sorry Baby. You need to just blame me for all the damage I have caused you today, and I hope some day that you give me the chance to make things up to you.” There was no asking for forgiveness, he just hope she understood that he was stupid, and would accept his apology.

She stopped and looked at him like she was lost. “Your sorry? That was so wild and imaginative, you made things happen that even my dreams have yet to put together. No, I made the mistake, and should have never said to call Lynn. That was me, all mine, and without you there to help me…..” there was a pause, “Without everything that YOU have done, accomplished, and been doing throughout our whole relationship……. we, WE would never be where we are, and I love you for that. We are a team, an inseparable couple that has become one. Best of friends Adam. No words can describe the times that we enjoy with each other, loving, caring and especially holding each other.” A tear came to her eyes, her voice was so soft, but heartfelt, allowing Adam to be held still and calmed by her words, “Without you, and me being together, I don’t think I would be as successful as I have been in both my personal life, and in business.” She walked to him and held him tight. Her arms extended to him, “I love you, and we will fix the mistake that happened today, somehow.” She held Adam, “Never forget that I love you, and no one can make me stop loving you.”

“I love you Kerry, with all of my heart.” He held her so secure, but not hurting her even slightly. Their eyes were closed as the souls from each other joined in the hug.

They held each other for a good ten minutes. The tears flowed on both sides, but they were a couple now, and no one could separate them. She sat down and explained to Adam what she was concerned about with Lynn. And even though he explicitly wanted to cancel all plans with Lynn, he knew that could create more issues. Adam would have to play things by ear with Kerry, to determine what was to happen, and so ensuring that things would not go to far for all of their safety.


Chapter Nine

Kerry walked back into the bathroom to finish with drying herself off. “Adam, I know this whole DP thing, which we have been talking about with you, Rex and me, had you really worked up. But is it possible to delay it a bit?”

“Why so Honey?” Adam was cleaning up the bedroom to get ready for company.

“Well, it is already around 3:30, and I trying to figure out how to do it, and then doing it, and then clean up, and I am sure we will be famished by the end. And knowing Lynn, she will be early. So there seems to be little time for us to even clean up after that.” She sounded disappointed about what she had said, but she knew that was necessary.

“I guess, I was really wondering how that was going to turn out. Heck, we can do it this next weekend, if that is okay with you. It’ll give us more time to figure it out then.” He was disappointed, but facts were facts as far as he is concerned. “So, how should I be apart of tonight?”

“That is a great question. You have only met here a few times, and those were in public places.” She thought for a bit. “Watch out, if she wants something, she will play either of us to get what she wants, and can see her playing one of us against the other.”

“That does not sound good.”

“Just remember that, and I know if she dangles the correct things in front of you, it may be difficult for you to resist.”

“Glad to see you know me well.” His chuckle was a bit hollow, “So what is going to far, and what is okay then?” He finished straightening the bed. “That way I know what is okay, and what to stay clear from, it will be easy for me.”

“That makes sense. So then you can agree or disagree with these, so we both know what is acceptable. Okay?”

“Yeah, that sounds fair.”

Kerry started to get dressed, “So then she had made the comment of us in bed together, which I believe you are totally okay with?”

“I would have to say I agree with that, certainly!”

She laughed a bit. “But she wants to make things a bit different, I know she wants to use her strap on.”

He looked at her a bit confused. “I thought that was the plan?”

“It is, it is just that she wants to use it on my ass.”

“Oh, I kind of figured that was my area.” his voice trailed off a bit with that.

“Well I told her that she may have to make a deal with you because of that.” Her voice was more supportive to his response.

“A deal?” he was puzzled, “I am not sure what you mean by that? Like I get you there for a bit, and then she?”

“No, like if she gets my tushy,” she wiggled her waist as she raised her micro thong up to her hips. “Then you get her’s?”

“Oh.” there was a pause, as he thought of that. “Wow! I only have ever done yours. And I love yours, me doing another girls, I guess I could try……” He was thinking about it.

“Baby, just let her do it once, and then you can do her’s!” Kerry realized how much that he was wanting her, and the whole three way for him had changed away from Adam’s wish, to just a typical man’s wish. She now knew it was to make her happy. She thought to herself, I there is one thing for Adam to learn from Lynn, it is for him to learn how to really eat her out.

“No, that is fine. Sorry, I had just had a different vision of it.”

“I know, with me on top of you, while your cock is deep in my ass, your hands across my chest, playing with my breasts, and Lynn between my legs, filling me with the toy.”

“Yeah, more like that, but where did that language come from?”

“Sorry, I get a little trashy verbally around Lynn.” She checked her under garments in the mirror, making sure they were setting right on her. “Why, you like that?”

“Yes and no. It can be so fun seeing the stuff you do, or want to do, and then you trying to describe it in your virgin like words. But throw in a little naughty talk, and WOW!” He looked at her. Her faced had a blush from his comment. He looked from her face in the mirror, down to her lovely taunt rear. Now that was something he could watch for hours, in fact he had on several occasions.

She glanced back at him. “Thanks, so I act like a virgin?”

“Only in words Baby, and I am thankful for that!” He laughed.

She joined in as she started to put on her blouse. “Okay, okay. Let’s get back on track.”

“Sorry, so the whole three some thing, think I got that.”

“Good. On the phone she did day that she wanted to watch Rex and me, and I am not too sure about that.”

“I can understand that. How can I steer her away from that?”

She frowned a bit. “I am not sure that is possible. She seemed pretty adamant about that.”

“So that is something you want to do in front of her?”

“Part of me says yes, but another part screams no.” She stopped buttoning her top as she turned to look to at Adam, “Maybe if I say yes, but she has to play with you while I do my thing with Rex?”

“What?!” He was not ready for that.

“Yeah, you watching Rex have me, and Lynn bent over doggy style for you, as you jam you cock into her pussy?…or ass?” She knew this was not his thing, but she also knew he loved to watch her get fucked.

“Wait, so while Rex is doing his thing with you,”……. he thought for a moment, “there is no way, me and her doing it while you and Rex are doing it. What is she going to do, listen?”

“No, no. See if she gets on her hands and knees, and you get behind her, then the two of you can watch as me and Rex play.” He thought for a second, then he noticed the moist spot on her thong.

“So you are telling me you don’t really want to do this, but if she allows me to take her at the same time, that is cool?” He was going to catch her now.

“That way at least you are taken care of, and I am not the only one having fun.”

“Well I think a better guess, is that you really want to put on a show, and want me to have fun while you do it.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Honey, your panties have a big wet spot that is growing since you started to talk about this.!” He almost laughed. “Thank you for the thought, but I don’t see that happening.”

She looked down, and her face went red with embarrassment. She slipped them off, and looked at Adam, “So what do I wear now?”

He grinned, “Go COMMANDO!”

She laughed. “Well, yeah, I can do that.”

“Wait, wait, didn’t you say that she likes to make deals, cause if she is into bargaining, she will try to make a deal to keep from doing that stuff.” His mind was really thinking now, “and as for the other deal you want to present her, whats to say she will go for that, and not change it up? Especially since she can tell when your lying, she will probably be able to see the reason for your deals.”

Kerry scratched her head, “Good point, but I know she will go for her taking my tush and you doing her’s.” She thought for a moment. “I guess the only thing I can hope to do is try to stand my ground with her on watching me with Rex.” She was worried that maybe Lynn already knew her wants, and she would just play into her plans, anyway that Lynn wanted.

“How do you know that?”

“Let’s just put it up to woman’s intuition.”

He looked at her, and he wondered what was really up with that. “So then, back to basics, what then are we to do if she wants to watch you and Rex?”

She giggled a bit, “Could always tell her, if she wants to watch me get taken by Rex, we get to watch him take her.” she laughed a bit more.

“Yeah, whatever, so then what am I to do?”

“Watch?” she laughed a bit more, “No, that might work!” she thought about it.

“What might work?”

She was silent for a moment, “Well if I tell her I will do Rex, if she does him after, maybe she will look for another idea, and then I can counter it with you doing her as Rex takes me.”

He looked at her, thinking it through. “You realize this is getting complicated real quick.”

“Yeah, but I want you to have fun too.”

“Baby, if you have a wonderful time, then it will be great, no perfect for me.”

She looked at him again with a sullen face, “Yes, and I truly do appreciate that, but you need to do more than watch Honey.”

“But I am happy with that, and I know you two have a history, so maybe you two will need sometime to yourselves.”

“Fuck NO!” She was not mad, just the suggestion was dangerous in her mind. “No, then things will get out of control. I know her.” She adjusted her blouse again as she got ready to put on her skirt. “You being there, will help keep me grounded so that I won’t do stupid shit!”

“Okay, okay, I just thought maybe you two might wish to have a little fun by yourselves.”

“I do appreciate your thoughts Adam, but I do not wish to be alone with her tonight. It is us, allowing her to join us, not me and her, allowing you to be with us for a part of the night. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, I can see your point. So maybe we should switch to what are we doing when she arrives, drinks, appetizers?”

“Why do you ask me all the hard questions,” she smiled back at him as she made sure the blouse was tucked under her skirt properly, and it looked nice. “I would second the drinks, and not sure what else. But seriously, I do want you there the whole time, and an ‘active participant’ also.” Her fingers doing the quotes to him, emphasizing Adam’s role.”

“You realize, Rex as apart of the three way is sounding a lot more appealing now.” He laughed.

She decided she looked good enough in the mirror, and turned to him, “Yeah, but I don’t think Rex would allow you to be with him as Lynn hopefully will.”

“Yeah, can say I would rather be with Lynn, much more than with Rex.” He chuckled a little, but it ended fast when he remembered his agreeing to be Rex’s bitch when she asked him. He hoped that would never come up again.

She took his hand and they went to the kitchen to make a nice lite dinner for themselves. As they sat at the table eating, Kerry narrowed her eyes at Adam, thinking about his remarks on her wanting to be taken by several dogs in a row. “Have you had any good thoughts or ideas on my, umm, the wish to be taken by several dogs?”

“Not a lot of time to think about that, but I figured that trying to find several dogs to do that, may be a bit impossible. So somehow, and this is what I keep thinking of, is that somehow I get you to a kennel, and well, you would be taken care of there.”

“That seems to be a good idea, but then again, everything hinges on finding a kennel. And I can’t see you going up to the people at one, and then asking them for me to come in so that I can get taken by all the stud males either. Can’t see that going over too well, or maybe stepping on someone else territory.” She laughed at that.

“Like I said, it is a thought, not a well thought out one, and most definitely not a plan yet.”

“So that is in the works, and probably be difficult to make happen then?”

“Not sure, I need sometime to think about it, and see what develops. Just like your other wishes. I will try my hardest so that you can live out your fantasies.”

“Thank you Baby, I love you so.”

“Love you too Dear.”

They finished up their meal and cleaned up the kitchen, then rechecked the house. Adam looked to Kerry, “So, IF,” he emphasized it, “if you do have Rex take you tonight, how do you wish to do it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, tied to the table again, gagged, how?”

“Oh, I guess just free, that way I can do it for once without any support or restrictions. Then I can help guide him in, instead of him missing for a while.”

“Oh yeah, hope that was not too bad, since I forgot about that this last time.”

“It was fine, it is still us learning how to do it correctly.” They heard a car pull up to their place. In unison they both looked at the clock, and saw it was just after 6:30.

“Damn, wish she would be on time, or late once.: Kerry looked around. “You get some drinks, I will answer the door, okay?”


Lynn kept thinking of spending time with Kerry again. She really enjoyed her. Kerry made her feel sexy, and full of energy when they were together. She looked down and saw she had hard nipples. It was if they knew what was to happen soon. She got out of her car and walked to the front door. She knew that she was at the right house, cause she recognized Kerry’s car. As she walked up to the front door to ring the bell, she adjusted her clothes, and saw the nipples were going to be staying awake for now. She reached up and rang the door bell.

A moment passed as the front door opened. Kerry greeted Lynn, and ushered her inside. “So, was the place easy to find.”

“No problem, I Google’d your place. So you like livin’ out here?”

“Yes, it is a lot quieter, and not much traffic on the road.” They entered the kitchen, “Adam, you remember Lynn?”

He handed her a drink. “Nice to see you again. Here’s a drink, should help warm you up.”

“Thanks, yeah, could be a bit of a storm tonight.” There was a bit of a pause, “So why don’t you two show me your place?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. Come this way.” Kerry blushed a bit. They went and showed her the home office, guest room, and went through the living room to the master bedroom.

“So this is the master bedroom. I love it, two, TWO big walk in closets!” Kerry showed Lynn them both.

“Women and their closets.” He laughed.

“Yes, we hang up our stuff, or put them away. As apposed to guys, on the floor seems to be their storage.” They all laughed at that.

Lynn looked at the bathroom, “Ohh…….. double sinks, and separate space for the shower and the toilet!” She looked back at them. “Did a lady design this place?”

Adam and Kerry looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. “Haven’t a clue.” Kerry’s voice had a sound of her never having thought of that.

Lynn walked out of the bathroom and up to Kerry, “So been nervous about tonight?”

Kerry’s mouth went dry. “A little, and you?”

Lynn knew that rattled her a bit. “No, just been counting the seconds till I got here.” She kissed Kerry on the lips, and held held her head. Their tongues came together, touching, then tasting each other.

Kerry knew that she was soaking wet. The anticipation had been hard to mask, and now things had started. Their kiss broke for a second. “Mmmmm, guess that is away to start things.” She kissed her back, arms holding Lynn to her.

Adam watched them, their breathing was escalating along with his. His mouth grew dry, as his nerves started to take hold of him. He watched Lynn’s fingers move from Kerry’s head to her blouse, and began to unbutton it. Kerry just held her loosely, as their lips stayed together. He watched Lynn move her blouse off of Kerry’s shoulders, lowering her arms to allow it to fall free.

Lynn was in need of Kerry, and she quickly released her bra. She bent down a bit, kissing her neck, then down to her chest, and then took a nipple into her mouth. Kerry’s head leaned back as a wave of ecstasy washed across her. Lynn sucked on her nipples, tugging at them with her teeth, then licking them as she sucked hard.

“Think your over dressed Lynn…..” Kerry started to move in closure, her arms finding the zipper on the back of her dress, and slipping it down. Lynn shrugged a bit, causing the dress to slip from her, and deop to the floor.

Adam loved the view, Kerry was topless, and suddenly, Lynn was nude. “Mmmmm, you all look delicious!”

Lynn released the catch on Kerry’s skirt, and lowered the small zipper. The skirt dropped away smoothly. “Bad girl, no panties!” she giggled and kissed her more.

Adam was as hard as he had ever been. Seeing his beautiful girl making out with another pretty lady, had him rock hard. He watched them slowly move to the bed, as their hands traveled over each others bodies.

On the bed, they moved around a bit, as Kerry sucked on Lynn’s hard nipples now. Slowly and delicately, she toyed with them. Her tongue grazing them, then harder licks, followed by her lips. She started to make love to them. Lynn was squirming under her. Kerry paused, looking at Adam, then gestured for him to join them. She began focusing on one nipple, as Adam got on to the bed, and Lynn brought his head down to her vacant breast.

He began to suck on her hard nipple, the different taste, and they way it felt in his mouth was different, and yet exciting. A moan escaped his mouth as his hands touched her silky skin.

Lynn was breathing harder, as he sucked and licked at her breast. She tapped Kerry, which caused her to look at her. She pointed out that Adam was still dressed. A devilish grin came to both of their faces. They both pushed Adam back to his surprise, and started to remove his clothes. Kerry was busy removing his shirt as she kissed his lips. Lynn reached for his belt, releasing it, then opening his pants. She tugged them off of him, as he shifted around to assist her. He had missed the part where she also hooked his briefs as she took off his pants. Kerry was kissing him hotly, as she worked his shirt off. Their kiss broke momentarily as his shirt came off.

Lynn lean back up and her hands traced up his legs. Then she lowered her mouth on to his cock, sucking him deep in. His eyes opened wide, as he kissed Kerry. She looked back at Lynn, then back to Adam, “Feel good…….” Her voice was soaked in sex now. She was boiling over inside. Adam nodded at her, as she kissed him more, giving him tongue action. Lynn took his balls in her fingers, as she continued to suck him deep in her mouth.

Kerry broke their kiss, moving down to join her. She licked his leg, moving up close to Lynn. She released his cock from her mouth, and started to lick it. Kerry joined her, licking the other side. Adam was about to blow his load. Kerry stroked him some, seeing he about to cum. She looked at Lynn, “You want his first load of cum?”

Lynn stopped licking, and took him in mouth again. Deeper into her mouth this time, going part way into her throat. She really started to suck hard, as her tongue licked around him, and she bobbed on his cock, as Kerry sucked at his balls. He grunted as his body tensed, then she felt his cum splash into the back of her throat.

He could not believe he came that fast, and it hurt some cumming that hard. His groans kept coming as she sucked him to get every last drop from with in him. She finally released him, and then began to kiss Kerry, sharing some of his load. They kissed long, as they started to hug again. Adam came back to life, “Mmmmm, thank you so much, oh my God you two are amazing.”

Lynn broke their kiss, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”


Chapter Ten

Lynn pushed Kerry on to her back, kissing her all the way down. Their kiss broke as Lynn moved down her body to the wetness she had missed for so long. She smelled how wet she was as her hands caressed the abdomen and on to her legs. She kissed her clit as her hands drew near Kerry’s heat. Kerry looked down, seeing her start to kiss and lick her delicate clit, her eyes softly closed as the her satiny touches, and light licks helped her relax before her body began to respond.

Lynn spread Kerry’s lips apart, licking her deeper, drawing up to her clit, then focusing on that. Sucking on it, teasing it with her teeth, then licking across it. She kept it up, as Kerry began to gyrate under her, and her breath started to increase. Lynn probed her a bit with a finger, playing around at the entrance, then finally slipping it in.

“Oh God Lynn, I forgot how good you make me feel!” Kerry spurt out as her body began to really respond to Lynn’s touch again.

Lynn grinned inside, and continued to make love to Kerry’s clit with her mouth, as she slipped a second finger into what was becoming a very wet pussy. She thrust her fingers faster as she felt her begin to stiffen. The clit was so hard, and Lynn nibbled and licked more and more, her tongue raking against it.

Adam watched intently, his cock getting quickly hard again. He moved to a better view as he saw the way Lynn ate out his love. He watched her respond to what Lynn was doing to her, and seeing her rock hard nipples swaying atop of their breasts. Her eyes were shut as her mouth was agape, sucking in air, and expelling it quickly.

Lynn suddenly sank her tongue deep into Kerry, as she sucked at her, and licking up the inside of the walls of her pussy. Kerry arched her back, as a deep moan poured from her. Lynn slammed her mouth against her pussy, taking her tongue deep as the fingers thrust harder and faster. Her tongue slithered around and along her innermost walls.

“Oh GOD!” Kerry gasped hard, “OH YES!” Her eyes squeezed tightly, as her body began to spasm from her oncoming orgasm. Lynn held on, tonguing her as deep as she could, her fingers driving in and out of her kitty. Kerry’s eyes flashed open, and a low moan transformed into a scream when Lynn slipped a finger into her ass.

Adam watched, his cock throbbing as she came hard in front of him. Lynn helping her ride the orgasm longer, still licking deep within her. Her hand slapping against her as her two fingers were taking her pussy, and another was wiggling deep in her rectum.

Kerry was gasping hard in between her moans and her attempt to stifle her screams. Her hands pushed away Lynn, as she wanted to save some energy for later. Lynn reluctantly pulled away, sliding up her body, and kissing her mouth again, feeling their bodies against each other.

Adam sat back and watched. He had seen numerous videos about this, but never seen it done by real people, and he loved it. He looked at the two in front of him, caressing each other, and kissing. He could not believe how hard he was, as his cock ached and precum flowed from the head.

Kerry rolled Lynn on to her back as they kissed. A grin came across her face, as she pulled away. “I believe it is my turn.”

“Not so fast,” Lynn pulled her down, “I am not through with you yet, I was just getting you warmed up.” Her grin grew, only it had more of an devilish look to it.

“But I want to make you cum now.”

“Nope, I am the guest, and I believe I remember something about a DP?” Adam’s ears perked up. Lynn looked to him, “So, how were you wishing to do this?”

Adam’s mouth went dry. “Ugh, well, ugh.”

Lynn took advantage of his stammer, “How about you take her ass, and I take her nice kitty,” Her face changed a bit as she looked at him, “And then we switch?”

Adam’s mind was trying to catch up. He was silent for a moment allowing Kerry a chance to try to take control. “How about you take my kitty honey, and let Lynn have my ass, then maybe she will let you have her ass later?” Kerry finished looking at Lynn, a slight smile that she was unable to hide. She lowered her voice to Lynn as a timid look emerged across her face. “You know, I’ve always wanted to see you take a real cock up your ass.”

Lynn was expecting to walk away without having to let Adam fuck her, but now Kerry nixed that. “Yeah, if that is what you really want Kerry?”

“Yes, and I think Adam is a little tongue tied at the moment. But I am sure he would love to take your nice tight ass.” Her smile grew. Her heart jumped, realizing she may have trumped Lynn, and successfully steered her they way her and Adam wanted.

“Anything for you Baby!” She slipped off the bed and grabbed her bag. She pulled out a strap on and started to put it on. Both Adam and Kerry seemed transfixed on her as she got it all set. Kerry remembered this toy. It had been used on her a lot, but it was by no means small. Lynn looked to them, “So, how are we doing this?”

“Well I guess, Adam on his back, I straddle him and you come up behind me.” Kerry looked at both of them.

Adam nodded his approval, as they both looked at Lynn, but her eyes were cool, and Kerry new she was up to something. “That sounds good, but how far were you looking for this whole DP thing to go?”

Kerry was cautious. “Well I would like to have a good orgasm if possible…..”

“No, I will do my best for that, but when then does Adam do his thing with me? Do you sit back and watch or were you wishing to use the toy on me as he invades my rear?”

Kerry saw where it was going. “Well, Adam knows how to at least invade my rear, and make me cum very hard, “she used Lynn’s words carefully back at her, “And if that is something you would like, I know I would be happy to help.”

“Same here.” Adam was finding his voice again.

Lynn was not use to Kerry’s ability to work around her words. She decided she needed to try to play it cool. “Whatever you too wish, but I still want to see you with Rex tonight.”

Kerry almost turned white. She had forgot about that, and her mind quickly recovered, “Well, maybe you would rather be with Rex after we take a break from here.”

“No Baby, you and him. I don’t think I am ready to be his bitch.” Her words were crass, as she tried to distance herself from that. She secretly did wish to try it once, but she wanted it when no one else was around.

Kerry was on game, she looked at Lynn, a little more timid this time before she spoke. “Well, what if Rex needs another lover to satisfy his needs?” She looked at her more softly, “You know I have never done it in front of anyone besides Adam, and letting you watch me with him, well it really makes me nervous.” She pushed it more as she got her eyes to swell with tears a bit.

Lynn saw her eyes fill with tears, and if there was one way to make her submissive to Kerry, it was to show her some emotions like that. “So then what do you want from me.”

Kerry took her hand, and guided her to the bed. She looked down for a minute, then back up at her. “If I do that for you, I want you to share the experience. I want you to know what it feels like. I know you are interested in it, and on the phone you really got into it.”

She looked at Adam then back at Kerry, “I don’t know, watching you and him do it, I don’t know if I could do it myself.”

“Lynn, you watching me do that puts me in a bad situation. I don’t know Rex’s reaction to you being there, and I know this is not exactly the most legal thing to do here. Kind of leaves me feeling really vulnerable.” Her eyes looked at her, almost pleading with her.

Lynn sighed, she was stuck. Kerry had her, and she knew it, and she knew better than to say that she would never tell anyone about it. “Okay, I will do it, but I don’t know if there will be time for Adam to take a ride on my ass then.” She thought of that at the last second. She hoped that it might do some good.

“So how about this, we do this little DP thing, and then you choose how Rex takes me, but Adam gets you while you watch me and Rex?”

Lynn was silent for a moment. “So then how do I do it with Rex?”

“However you wish.”

Lynn was a bit frustrated, and decided to move along and hoped she could change things after their fun. “Let’s talk about it after we both take you Kerry, so get up on his cock so I can take your ass!”

Adam laid down, as Kerry moved over him. Slowly she guided him into her wet kitty. She slid down on him fully, then moved up and down on him a bit to make sure that she was in the right spot. She kissed him, and then looked back at Lynn. “Please make sure you go slow, and lots of lube.”

Lynn moved up behind her, “Of course, lot’s of lube, and I will at least start out slow.” A devilish grin emanated from her face.

Adam felt her pussy clinch him for a minute as he held still until Lynn was ready. Kerry looked at the toy again, and looked at Lynn. She then turned back to Adam, kissing him, trying to take her mind off the size of the toy that was about to enter her.

Lynn leaned forward and grabbed the tube of lube from the headboard. She put some right on Kerry’s asshole. Slowly she used a finger to rub it around. Working slowly to ensure she would be able to have a lot of fun in really taking her ass hard. She wanted that ass for so long, and now she was taking her reward.

She gently worked her finger around, and as she started to open she gently slid a finger into her a bit. She added more lube, and kept working on her. Looking just below, she saw the union of Adam and Kerry, and her juices leaking down on him. Kerry was responding already to her finger that was going deeper in her rear.

Kerry kissed Adam more, as their tongues played, then gasped a moment as Lynn pushed a second finger deep in her ass. She turned back to her, “Please, go slowly. That hurt a bit.”

“Sorry, was really getting turned on, an eager.”

Kerry felt the two fingers that were in her start to gently fuck her ass. She felt more lube be added to her as the two fingers slid in and out easier now. Lynn bit her lip a bit. She fought the urge to just push the toy into her, she wanted to be allowed to do it again. She cleared her mind and focused on getting her ready.

Lynn worked the fingers around as she worked them in and out. Kerry started to push back against the thrusts of her fingers, giving her a smile. The smooth cheeks of Kerry’s ass there in front of her. She had let her fist her ass, maybe she would try going that far if it seemed right with Kerry. She thought of Her with Rex, and her mind thought of it being her choice of how she would do it. Gently she pushed a third finger in. This opened her up a little more, as she moved the toy closer to see how big she needed to go. How would she want to see him take her. Would she be devious about it, and saw outside, but then she recalled Adam would be doing her also. She wanted this special, and make Kerry remember it completely.

Kerry started to moan a bit. It was way more pleasurable than she had expected. She bit her lip a bit, trying to control how fast she came.

Adam looked at her, “What is wrong Honey?”

She swallowed and took in some more air, “Nothinnnnggggg…” Her eyes closed, “This is so much more intense than I imagined.” There was a smile transforming the look on her face as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. A smile flashed on to his face as he watched her, and saw how erect her nipples were again.

Lynn started to slip her fingers fully out, then drive them completely in again. She was about ready to insert the large treat she brought for her. She could hardly contain herself. She always loved to ram her with it so much, and watching her writhe under the hard long intense sessions late at night. She remembered making her pass out before by tying her down and having a marathon session on a Friday night. Kerry was sore for almost a week after that, but Lynn had enjoyed making her cum so much.

She timed her fingers slipping in and out, and started to thrust her hips in time. She moved closer. Kerry smiled down at Adam, as they kissed again. Fingers of Lynn slipped out, and were suddenly replaced by the toy. She pushed it in about two inches before Kerry tensing up stopping her.

Kerry’s expression was first of shock, then pleasure. Lynn slowly moved it around. Adam was surprised that he felt an increase in pressure around his cock. Kerry started to breath heavy, and she knew she was going to cum very fast.

Lynn worked the toy slowly in and out, small amounts as Kerry was able to take more and more. Lynn steadily took her, keeping it slow to ensure that she could really do what she wanted. Slowly the toy was in her deeper and deeper. She controlled herself, and made sure that Kerry was not getting hurt.

Adam watched Kerry slowly relax, and could feel Lynn move the toy moving around on his member. He found it so amazing. He really felt so hard inside her.

Kerry’s eyes flashed fully open as she felt Lynn’s hips press against her butt. Lynn held her there, letting her relax more. She leaned forward, pressing her breasts on to her back, and spoke quietly. “When you are ready for me to start fucking your awesome ass, nod or let me know.” Lynn’s hands now caressed her skin. Kerry nodded slowly. Lynn enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin, her hands touching her, reaching around and starting to play with her nipples. Kerry moaned out. Adam was enjoying the sight before him.

Kerry slowly opened her eyes, and moved back and forth a bit. Lynn moved off of her back and held her hips gently as Kerry worked back and forth on the toy and Adam’s cock. She slowly stopped, breathing becoming more ragged. She looked back at Lynn, “Okay, but slow at first.” Her voice was dripping with lust as she spoke.

Lynn held her hips tighter and slowly started to work the toy in and out, leaving at least an inch in her when she pushed reversed and pushed back in. Kerry was moaning now with each stroke. She was in heaven, as the feelings inside her were erupting an orgasm that she knew was massive. Her skin suddenly had goose bumps all over it as Lynn slowly sped up and a small sound of a slap from her hitting against Kerry’s butt.

Adam held on as his cock was sliding with in Kerry now and the feeling of the toy going in and out were so strange, but completely caught him off guard with how good they felt. Seeing his love above, panting and moaning as her breasts swung above him just added all that much more to his own impending orgasm. He fought it back as he wanted it to last much longer.

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