Women with Animals
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My New Husband Is A Dog


(c) 2012 by intempo111

Part One

This story was told to me by a lady I was interviewing about a completely different matter. I think she just wanted to get it off her chest, she was around eighty years old at the time. This is her story…

It all started when I had my eighteenth birthday, Mom had died three years earlier so it was just me and my Dad. We had a few drinks and he began tickling me. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex. I thought it would only be once but Dad wanted it all the time.

This went on for a year or so till Dad introduced me to the son of a well known family. At nineteen I was considered beautiful with a good body, firm thirty four in tits, taut ass and good legs.

Dad had fucked me almost every night but when I met Henry all that stopped. Dad took me to meet his mother who insisted there would be no sex for me from now on, if I was going to marry her son that was the rule. I don’t know how she found out Dad was fucking me but from then on there was no sex.

Dad was now spending a lot of time at Henry’s house, I was told to stay at home or go out with Henry. I noticed Dad had changed, he seemed to be in awe of Mrs Fotheringill, Henry’s mother.

Henry’s Dad never spoke much as did Henry but his three sisters did a lot of talking. He had a younger brother David who didn’t seem to be around much, on the odd occasion I saw him he looked shyly away.

Six months later we were married, we had the reception in the very large house Henry’s family owned. I was looking forward to some sex with my husband on the night but after everyone had gone except the immediate family, Uncles, Aunts and so on, all the men went upstairs followed by a few women.

Henry’s mother took me aside, “here’s where your education begins dear, in a few moments your new life will begin, you will forget your old life and embrace your new one”.

I couldn’t understand what she meant, seeing the puzzled look in my eyes she simply said, “get ready for your new life”.

All the men walked back into the room, all were naked including my Dad. Cock stools were locked around each cock as they knelt on the floor with heads down. One of my sister in laws went over to one man, not sure who it was and kicked him in the balls that were dangling down.

“Go on dear, have a kick, it will make you feel better, kick your husband, it will be the first of many”.

Not wanting to look out of place with all these strong women I kicked my husband hard on his balls. He never made a sound as another sister in law kicked my Dad on his.

“The men in our family are subjugated my dear, they are trained from birth, in the case of your Dad we had to work extra hard, you may treat your husband how you wish, he will be a total cuckold, now I want you meet your new husband”.

My mind was in a whirl, I had just got married and already I was to have a new husband. One of the women walked in with a magnificent great Dane on a lead. “This dog has been fully trained to do everything a useless husband can do my dear, from now on he will be your new husband”.

I stood there dumbfounded, these people wanted me to take a dog for my husband, they were quite mad I thought.

“Watch my dear”, said mother in law. One of her daughters opened her legs wide, she wore no underwear, and sat on a chair pulling her pussy lips apart. Right away the dog pushed his snout into her cunt and began licking, Rosetta, the daughter moaned loudly as the dog licked her more and more.

“Get on your knees dear, said her mother, “let him lick your ass as well”. I watched in amazement as the dog licked all around her cunt and ass with his long tongue.

“That will do Rosetta, he will want to mount you and we can’t have that, he’s Mary’s husband, she must fuck him first, after all this is her wedding night”.

Quite right mother, it wouldn’t be right for her husband to commit adultery on his wedding night”, said Rosetta getting up.

I was being undressed by hands now, I was in total shock as I stood there naked. “Why don’t you suck his cock first Mary, he likes that, would you like me to show you how to do it”, said Martha, another daughter.

I nodded meekly not really knowing what I was saying, I was pushed to my knees alongside Martha who was playing with the dogs cock getting it out of his sheath.

I had never even seen a dog cock before, I was amazed, a large purple cock was sticking out as Martha wrapped her lips around it.

Taking her mouth away for a minute she explained that her husband was a German shepherd, then she said, “you will feel him cum on your tongue, it’s only pre-cum, just swallow it, it won’t hurt you in any way.

The dog was laying on his back with a purple cock about nine inches long straight up in the air. My head was pushed down till the dog cock was inches away from my mouth. I tried not to open but my mother in law was insisted that I suck my new husbands cock.

Slowly I opened my mouth and lowered it over his cock, pre-cum was spurting from Martha sucking him as it landed on my tongue.

I was so confused I just swallowed it without thinking anything. I had only sucked my Dad’s cock, in fact I ha d only done everything with my Dad, he introduced me to anal sex and sucking , and swallowing.

Once the initial shock went I started to suck it a little harder, it was different but not unpleasant as I sucked and swallowed his cum.

Rosetta had dragged her Dad literally and he was licking her pussy and as hole as she held her legs in the air. A few of the other females had a male person between their legs licking and sucking. I glanced over and saw one of them was my Dad, the woman was pulling his hair as she came all over his face and mouth.

“Time for you first fuck with your new husband my dear”, said mother in law, “get on your knees, when he knots you put your head on the floor and your ass high up as you can, gives him better access to your hole”.

I hadn’t got a clue what she was talking about, knots, what was a knot, I was about to find out very soon.

I got on my hands and knees and the first lick of his tongue on my pussy sent an electric shock through me. My Dad had licked my cunt many times, never like this, the long tongue went almost inside me and licked. I had an orgasm almost immediately, this was something I had never experienced in my short life. His tongue was relentless, it was inside my pussy driving me crazy. I kept cumming and cumming as Henry, my great Dane husband was called. Strange thing that, I found out that all the dog husbands were named after the human husbands.

Anyway, back to the story, I had never cum so much in my life, Dad had made me cum a few times, but nothing as intense as this.

“It’s time for your husband to fuck you on your wedding night Mary, remember what I told you, when he wants to knot you put your head on the floor, you must give your husband all the access he needs to fuck you”.

I felt the power of his front legs as he wrapped them around my waist, Rosetta had got hold of his cock and was guiding it towards my wet pussy. She grabbed my hand as she remembered with a faraway look in her eyes. When that dogs cock entered me I have never known such pleasure, my pussy was filled with his cock as he pummelled me hard.

I was shouting and screaming as Henry fucked me hard for ages. Then he slowed down, this must have been what mother in law had been talking about. I folded my arms and laid my head on them as Henry forced his beautiful knot inside my cunt, She emphasised the word ‘cunt’ as she said it, remembering the thrill it gave her.

He pushed it in all the way, my pussy was stretched to capacity, it was the most wonderful feeling I ever had in my life.

Henry was filling me with his warm cum, I could feel every spurt as it his the sides of my belly, I felt so contented, I was being well fucked by my husband on my wedding night, what more could any bride want.

Henry my human husband had been turned around to watch me, mother in law decreed that every time I fucked my dog husband or anyone else, Henry must be present, and if my Dad was there, he must also be present. I was so engrossed by my dog husbands knot in me I barely heard her, I was cumming again, I was sure I would faint I ha d los t so much fluid from my body. Henry was still pumping his warm cum into me, I felt so full in my stomach, I was so happy to keep my husband s cum in my belly while he fucked me.

Henry was slowing down now, his spurts were getting less and less, I tried to push back against his cock to make him cum some more but he pulled out as cum ran from my pussy.

Henry, my dog husband tried to lick the cum from my pussy but was pulled away. “That’s your other ‘cuck’ husbands job from now on, when you have been fucked make him clean the cum from your pussy, that’s hid sole objective from now on”.

I was till on a high from the wonderful fucking my dog husband just gave me I called out weakly, ‘cuck’, clean my cunt of my husband’s cum”. He crawled over to me and lapped at my cunt licking me clean as I was told to tell him to swallow it. Henry human gulped as he swallowed the dog cum from my pussy.

What happened next turned me on again, Henry had to clean my dog husbands cock as well, I watched as he sucked my dog husbands dripping cock clean, then kneeling back in his position of submissiveness. I was out of breath, Rosetta and Martha were congratulating me on my wedding fuck with my new husband Henry.

All the women crowded around as drinks were served by the cuck men. “Well done darling, that was wonderful, did you enjoy your first fuck with your husband”. I was still feeling woozy from cumming so much but I managed to say it was the best fuck I ever had in my life.

“Of course yo can fuck anyone you want to, now you’re married, it wouldn’t have been right before you were married, you wouldn’t have had a cuck, in this family we all have cucks.

She went on to explain that she and he r two daughters tied a piece of string to her cuck’s balls, when they wanted anything they just pulled on the string and he came running, otherwise we would pull harder, she laughed as she told me.

Later as I got dressed Henry was by my side, it was quite dark now and I told Dad and Henry they may as well stay naked for the trip home. Dad drove us home as I sat on the back seat with my new husband stroking his sheath. H e rewarded me by showing me his beautiful red cock. I gave it a quick suck telling him he ha d to wait till we got home, I couldn’t wait to taste that lovely cum of his again, I wasn’t so sure about my two cuck’s, still they would have to getr used to the taste of my new husbands cum, ther e was going to be a lot cumming from my pussy to clean up as I stroked Henry’s cock.

Life was going to be good from now on.


Part Two

I was still in my wedding dress when we arrived back home and the telephone rang. It was my mother in law checking I had got home safely with my new husband.

“Now remember dear, cuck’s don’t sleep in your bed, make them sleep on the floor in your bedroom in case you need them for anything during the night, your husband might want sex and you’ll want someone to clean you up”.

I told her I would do that and couldn’t wait to go to bed with my new husband, it would be his bed from now on.

My cuck’s helped me to get my wedding dress of and then folded it away. Giving them their instructions to get a sleeping bag as from now on the marital bed was mine and Henry’s.

I led Henry upstairs to the bedroom telling him this was his bed now and I was his willing wife. The cucks came in and laid their beds down on each side of the bed as I cuddled Henry kissing him as he put his long tongue deep into my mouth. As if by telepathy he lay on his back with his magnificent purple cock sticking up.

I licked all along his shaft and then slurped my wet tongue around his huge knot. I wanted his cock to swell as much as possible before he plunged it deep into my waiting pussy hole.

I massaged his balls as he spurted his cum into my mouth which I swallowed greedily. My two cucks were watching with their arms on each side of the bed as I sucked deep on my husband’s cock.

“Come on Henry, time to christen the marital bed now”, I said as I got on my hands and knees with my ass hole high in the air. Henry licked my ass for me sending me into fits of rapture, no human husband could ever be this good as he made me cum in torrents.

Two strong legs circled my waist as Henry tried to find my hole on his own, it took a few jabs and then he was in. I was ecstatic, his beautiful long thick cock was deep in my insides as he fucked me like a piston engine. I couldn’t stop cumming as he pounded me time and time again making me scream with pleasure. I felt him slow down and knew that he was going to push his knot into me, I tried to relax my pussy muscles to let him in easier and soon my cunt was full of my husband’s wonderful knot.

We were cumming together, Henry was spurting his cum into my belly as I coated his cock with mine. I lay with my arms folded in total happiness as Henry filled me with cum, if this was going to be my life from now on I couldn’t wait. Two cuck’s to do my bidding, a wonderful husband who could fuck me like no other and fuck me any time I wanted him to, I was a very lucky wife indeed.

Henry was slowing down now, it had been fully twenty minutes since he entered my pussy, twenty minutes of pure bliss. He pulled out of me with a plop as I ordered my cuck’s to clean my pussy..

“Leave my husband, I want to clean his cock, I think it’s a wife’s job to clean he r husbands cock when he fucks her” I said taking Henry’s still dripping cock and sticking it deep in my mouth. He was still spurting drops as I tasted both my own cum and my husband’s on his cock.

I licked his cock till all traces of cum had gone as Dad and cuck two licked all around my pussy. “Lick my ass too, there may be some cum on there”, I shouted as a tongue licked up and down my ass crack.

Mother in law ran the show, she was the absolute boss. Once a month we would all meet at her place to swap husbands, I must admit the first time I saw my husband fuck my sister in law I felt jealous, that cock was mine, it shouldn’t be in anyone else’s pussy.

It got easier as time went on, I would fuck all sorts of their husbands, my favourite besides Henry was Gill, a huge mastiff, he always came to me when I visited, I think I became his favourite as well.

He had a cock as big as my husband and every time he fucked me I would cum in buckets. I often wished I could have had two husbands at that time but I think Henry might have been jealous.

Mother in law called me into her private rooms one day, I thought I had done something wrong, it was like going to see your principal at school. I entered and was told to sit down.

She told me she was very happy with having me in the family, I was treating my cucks as they should be treated but now I should think about having children. “We can’t let our lifestyle be eroded by lack of children” she said, “we have to carry it on”.

“But my husband can’t give me children, what do you suggest”, I asked.

“ Well you still have your human husband, you could let him try and get you pregnant, I don’t think it would be a good idea to let your Dad make you pregnant”, she said.

The idea of cuck spoiling my pussy with his cum and then my Henry fucking me after disgusted me, all this time my pussy belonged to Henry to do with as he pleased and it made me happy, the thought of cuck cumming in there wasn’t what I wanted.

However I could see the logic of her argument so I agreed. When my cycle was ready I made cuck fuck me telling him to leave his cum inside me. “It’s been a year and still not pregnant”, I don’t think cuck’s got it in him”, I said to mother in law.

“I think you’re right, we’ll have to try something else, Rosetta’s cuck has made her pregnant three times, we’ll use him, just make sure it’s not for his pleasure, it’s simply to make you pregnant”.

I cuddled Henry that night and told him how sorry I was to fuck someone else, I explained it was only to make me pregnant, the look on his face as I told him to stay downstairs stays with me today.

Anyway, I did get pregnant and mother in law was happy. Unfortunately she said Henry couldn’t fuck me after three months as It might damage the baby. I was devastated, my lovely Henry’s cock was there and I couldn’t let him fuck me.
Three months went by and mother in law informed me that sex with my husband had to cease now. That night I tried to explain to Henry that he couldn’t fuck me for a while. He seemed to understand as I kissed him and then turned him on his back, at least I could suck him off. I nuzzled my nose and face around his furry balls licking him all over making his cock appear. I took it my mouth sucking deeply loving the wonderful taste of his cum as it landed on my tongue.

He lay with eyes closed as my tongue ran up and down his shaft sucking on the little tip at the end. My two cucks were watching on their knees beside me as I sucked on my husband’s lovely purple cock.

Henry gave a little jerk and cum flowed into my mouth, I swallowed his hot liquid down my throat in huge gulps not wanting to waste a single drop. I kept licking his cock long after he stopped cumming and laid my head on him hugging him tightly.

I must have dozed off because when I woke up Henry was gone. Suddenly it came to me, of course, why didn’t I think of it before, Henry could fuck my ass hole. My Dad had fucked me there before and although Henry’s cock was much bigger I would do it.

I wanted to be a good wife to Henry and couldn’t let him go without sex for four months, I could have lent him to one of my sister in laws but I was still jealous of him, his cock was mine and mine alone.

I decided to get a plug for my pussy so he wouldn’t fuck me in there by mistake, that way he could find my ass hole and fuck that, I needed to prove to myself that I loved him.

I went shopping that hour for a plug for my pussy and returned home to let Henry have his daily sex.

When cuck Dad had fucked my ass he used to lubricate me with some sort of cream first. I tugged on the long string I kept attached to his balls and tugged hard. He came running into the room holding the string in case I tugged again. Standing him in front of me I told him to put his arms behind his back, grabbing his balls I squeezed hard bringing tears to his eyes.

“Never ever hold that string in your hand again, if I want to tug your balls I will tug your balls, understand cuck”, giving his balls another hard squeeze. He nodded and looked at the floor as I carried on, now when you used to fuck my ass hole with that pathetic cock of yours you used to put some on my ass first, I want you to get it, if Henry can’t fuck my pussy then he has to fuck my ass, I have to be a good wife, now go and get it”.

He returned quickly as I was till tugging on his string, how dare he do that to me, his balls were mine to do with as I pleased, if I wanted to tug them or squeeze them, then I could.

He was running quickly trying to ease the pain in his balls from my tugging, he handed me the cream glad he was back.
I felt in a bad mood because I couldn’t fuck my beloved Henry in my pussy so I kept the string tight around his balls making it very uncomfortable. I tugged the other string hard and my other cuck came running, “fetch my husband cuck, my real husband, not a pathetic little cocked cunt like you”, as he ran off to get Henry.

I got on my knees and ordered cuck Dad to lubricate my ass hole. “Make sure it’s well lubricated cuck, this time a real cock is going in there, not your pathetic excuse for a cock”.

I felt the cold cream go into my ass as his fingers pushed it in all the way, I ha d never had anything so big as my husband’s cock in there so it had to be well lubed.

Cuck came in with Henry as I kissed him and told him he could fuck my ass anytime he wanted to. I made him lay down and sucked his cock to make him hard for my ass.

“Don’t let him lick me cucks, he’ll lick all the cream of my ass, just lift him up and put his cock in my ass hole till he gets used to it”.

Both cucks lifted Henry up on my back and aimed his now swollen cock straight for my ass hole. “Push it gently at first till he gets it inside me, then leave him to it”, I said.

I felt my sphincter open as Henry’s cock went in, it felt like a massive cucumber going in there but I had to take it, he was my husband and had every right to fuck my ass if he wished.

Henry didn’t have the grace of a lover, he pushed hs huge cock deep into my ass as I gritted my teeth. Once the initilal shock wore of it became bearable, the lube was working and his cock was sliding in and out of my ass quite easily now. I was calling his name telling him to fuck his wife’s ass hole as he pounded me mercilessly.

He slowed down and I knew he was trying to knot me, I wasn’t sure if my ass hole could take his knot but I decided to let him try. He was forcing hard into my ass trying to open it wide. I relaxed my ass muscles as much as I could to make it easier for him.

I asked the cucks if the could slip some more cream on his knor as he was trying. They put their hands in and managed to smear some cream on his knot as he gave one last push. I felt my as hole open as though it had been split in two, although it hurt a little I was exhilarated, I had managed to let my husband knot me in my ass hole. It would get easier from now on and my beloved Henry would be able to fill my ass with his cum.

How the two cucks were feeling I wasn’t sure, they were going to lick the cum from my ass when Henry had finished cumming.

He was shooting spurt after spurt into my ass as I lay there satisfied fully with his knot in my ass.

It took about fifteen minutes for Henry to finish filling me by which time I ha d cum two or three times. This time I decided it would be a good idea to let my cucks clean Henry’s cock, much as I loved Henry I didn’t fancy sucking his cock out of my ass hole.

Cuck Dad was ordered to clean the cum from my ass hole and the other cuck Henry’s cock.

I hugged Henry asking him if he enjoyed fucking my tight ass, I think the look on his face said he did.

The months went by and Henry fucked my ass when he wanted to and eventually I had a boy. As usual mother in law took charge of everything, I didn’t mind, I knew nothing about babies. Mother in law organised a nanny and everything else, education would even be taken care of, they had private tutors they would use, usually women who taught the boys their place in this family’s society.

“My daughter Gloria was born about eighteen months after my son was born, mother in law decided that I should try for another girl, if it was a boy I could stop anyway . It was a girl, we called her Martha after her Aunt and mother in law said that was enough. It was fine with me because I didn’t want anymore and my beloved Henry couldn’t fuck my pussy while I was pregnant.

My son Henry junior was about five when tragedy struck that made me very unhappy for a while but as usual mother in law sorted everything out.

“That’s enough for today, I’m tired now, come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you some more, I want to sleep now”, she said as I left the room.

Part Three

My husband Henry hadn’t been too well these last few days, his sparkle had gone along with his desire to fuck me. I sat up with him at night nursing him and hugging him giving him medicine that I got from the vet. It didn’t seem to make any difference so I again took him to the vet, he said he would do an x ray and let me know.

An hour later he came back looking very grave, “I’m sorry, it’s cancer, there’s no hope, he’ll only suffer more and more, we can’t let him suffer any more”.

I burst into tears screaming no, no no, it can’t be, but I knew in my heart it was, my lovely husband Henry would soon be gone.

We buried him in mother in laws garden complete with headstone, I cried for days on end for my Henry. Mother in law phoned and asked me to come over to the house. Getting my two cucks we set off with me wondering what was happening now.

Mother in law was very sincere, she knew what it was like to lose a husband, she had lost quite a few over the years.

“I think it’s time you had a new husband my dear, you can’t go on grieving forever, I’ve found you a new husband”.

“I don’t want a new husband, I only ever wanted Henry”, I cried.

“Now now my dear, I know you loved Henry, but you must carry on, we’ve called him George, your cuck’s second name”, she said.

My sister in law came in with a beautiful mastiff, “meet Gills grandson”, she said. George was gorgeous, he was muscular and stood proud, the sort of husband any wife would be proud of.

I knelt down and opened my mouth, immediately his tongue went inside my mouth as I kissed him. I was anxious to see if he measured up to Henry in cock size, I rubbed his sheath and a red tip appeared, rubbing some more I saw a red cock this time, it wasn’t purple like Henry’s but beautiful all the same.

I put my head under him and tasted the sweet taste of dog cum again, it had been three weeks since I had tasted any. I sucked deeper and harder and his cock grew quite quickly. It wasn’t like Henry’s, his was purple, George’s was bright red with thick veins running through it. I sucked on the little tip and he rewarded me with a good spurt of cum.

“I want to try him now Rosetta, suck his cock till I get undressed”.

“My pleasure”, she said wrapping her lips around my new husbands cock and sucking.

I took over from her as I sucked and swallowed, his cum tasted every bit as good as Henry’s although I felt a bit guilty thinking it.

“Has he fucked anyone yet?”, I asked. Rosetta said I was the first and she may have to help him. I got on my hands and knees and waited for George to mount me. Instead he started to lick my ass hole, his tongue was every bit as long as Henry’s and was soon making me cum.

Rosetta lifted him up on my back as his claws scratched my sides, Rosetta fed his cock into my pussy as George pushed. Either my cunt had shrunk or George had grown, but the cock that went in made me scream out loud. It felt like my pussy was on fire, George was pounding me, if this was his first fuck he was going to make the most of it. I had trouble keeping my balance such was the force of his thrusts. His huge cock was in all the way right up to his knot.

It must come naturally to knot a female because he was knotting me, my cunt stretched as I laid my head on the floor. George was not going to be denied, my pussy may have been tight as I had no sex for three weeks but he persevered and his knot disappeared into my wet cunt.

If this was his first cum as well he had plenty, all I could feel was shot after shot going into my belly. I think it must have been some sort of record, thirty five minutes he pumped cum into me before he pulled his knot out. I could feel the swish of his cum in my belly when I moved, I must have had a gallon in there.

Dad cuck and cuck moved in behind me to suck any cum from my cunt, believe me they swallowed more dog cum that night than they ever did, I was full of it and it kept cumming from my pussy as they licked and swallowed. I cleaned George’s cock myself, if I was going to be his wife I should start as I mean to go on, I decided there and then, George would be my second husband.

I finally stopped leaking cum from my cunt, cucks licked up the remaining drops and we got ready for home.

I took George upstairs to our bedroom, “this is your bedroom as well now George, I’ll be a good wife, I will never refuse you my pussy, it belongs to you now”, I said hugging him and kissing him.

I wish I had never said those words, George was a young dog, he was insatiable, that first night he woke me up five times to fuck me, even the cucks were getting fed up, they had to wake up and clean me each time.

I managed to sneak out of bed and shower and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I was filling the kettle when a pair of legs wrapped around me humping me. I lifted my dress up and knelt on all fours, George knew what to do now, in no time at all he had his huge cock all the way inside me. My knees were hurting slightly on the hard tiles as George pounded me, surely he couldn’t keep this up every day, maybe it ‘s because it’s his first time, novelty and all that.

My cucks were still upstairs changing the sheets on our bed, between us we had soaked the sheets with cum. I heard a noise and looked around, at first I couldn’t see anyone but then Marylou stood there with her mouth open. She was my friend from school, she was in the neighbourhood and decided to look me up, cucks had forgotten to lock the door, that would mean punishment later.

George had already knotted me so I couldn’t move, feeling rather silly I said “hello, I’ll be with you in a moment”.

Marylou said nothing but just stood there with her mouth wide open. She was dressed in a pair of tight trousers and as I glanced up I could see the tell tale wet patch forming on her crotch.

That relaxed me a little, she was enjoying watching me get fucked by a huge mastiff, that was good. George would take this particular time to show off how much he could come in me. It took about twenty minutes before he shrank enough to pull out of my cunt.

By this time the patch on Marylou’s crotch had got bigger, she was really turned on, it looked as though she had cum without touching herself.

I thought what the hell, she’s just seen my husband fuck me on my knees, I tugged both strings that were fastened to my Dad cuck and husband cuck. Both came running and knew what to do, both started licking my cunt cleaning the cum from it. I had Georges cock in my mouth cleaning his, I thought it right that a wife should clean her husbands cock after sex.

“You can close your mouth now Marylou”, I said pulling my dress down, “come in to the lounge”.

We sat down and I said she might as well take those wet panties off.

She looked down and went bright red, “oh my god, I’m so sorry”, she said.

“You must have enjoyed that show Marylou, did you cum without touching yourself”. She just nodded.

She explained she had jus t come through a rough divorce and needed a place to stay for a while. “Who were those two men who licked you clean, and why, I wish my husband had been like that”.

“Those are my cucks”, I said.

“Your what!”, what is or are cucks”.

I gave her the strings and told her to tug them hard, the cucks came running into the room with hands behind their backs. After my cuck Dad had held the string so I couldn’t tug his balls I made them put their hands behind their back.
“This is cuck Dad and this is cuck husband”, I said proudly as Marylou stared at the ring fastened to each pair of balls with a string attached.

“The string is long enough to let them go anywhere in the house, when I want them to come to me I tug the string”.
George had come around now, he could smell Marylou’s cum on her. His snout was stuck in her crotch as Marylou tried to push him off

“Don’t push him away Marylou, take those clothes off and he’ll lick you clean”, I told her.

“No, what about your Dad, and your husband”.

“Oh he’s a husband in name only, George here is my real husband, he’s the one who shares my bed, these two are just here to serve me, take them off”.

Marylou shrugged and stripped off, “open your legs wide”, I said as I guided George into her soaking wet cunt.

George’s tongue went inside her, she screamed out loud and pushed he r cunt right into the dogs snout. “Oh my god, that is so good, oh my god, oh my god”, she kept shouting as cum flowed from her cunt.

I don’t know how long it had been since she had sex but she sure could cum. “That was the most intense cum I have ever had in my life”, she said.

I had decided to share George with her, I realised I ha d kept Henry from having sex with other women, except for the family, besides I wasn’t sure I could handle all the sex this young dog wanted.

“Why don’t you suck his cock, when that hot cum goes on your tongue it’s wonderful, try it”.

She looked aghast, “ suck a dogs cock, I couldn’t, I just couldn’t”.

“That’s what I thought, as soon as I tasted my Henry’s cock and cum I was hooked.

“Henry, who’s Henry”, she asked.

“Oh, Henry was my first husband, unfortunately he was sick and died”.

“Let me show you how to suck his cock”. I got under George stroking his sheath and pulling it back gently. Marylou was watching as his tip appeared bit by bit and I put my lips around it. I pulled the sheath all the way back, “isn’t it beautiful”, I said holding the bright red cock in my hand.

“Come on Marylou, get your lips around this lovely cock”. She was still hesitant so I pushed her head down towards the cock. She opened her mouth and tasted it first as I slowly pushed her head down farther on to it. As the first spurts hit her tongue she tried to pull back but I kept her head on the cock.

“When I did this first I was told to just swallow it, I did and ever since I swallow whatever I can”.

Marylou had no choice, her head was being held on the cock as spurts went down her throat. She was surprised at how hot it was as she swallowed. The taste wasn’t what she expected, it was tangy and bitter but nothing like human sperm that her husband forced her to swallow. Now she was being forced to swallow dog cum in a way but she didn’t mind.

“His cock will grow in your mouth Marylou, you will feel it getting bigger and bigger, it only grows when it’s in a mouth or cunt”.

George was cumming more and more as Marylou swallowed, I had taken my hand away and now she was sucking on her own.

I rubbed her pussy, I had never touched a woman’s pussy before, I was surprised at how silky it felt, she was soaking wet as I pushed my finger into her hole making her jump slightly.

“Would you like him to fuck you in your cunt Marylou”, I whispered.

“Yes please”, she whispered backm slightly out of breath.

“Stay there on your hands and knees with your ass high in the air, when he knots you put your head as low as possible”.
I had to explain what a knot was and how he would force it into her and it may hurt for a minute but then it would be heaven.

She agreed to carry on and let him fuck her, I lifted his legs up on her back and guided his cock into her pussy.

“Brace yourself Marylou, he’ll go in all the way in one go”.

He did as Marylou shouted out, George had penetrated her all the way. I held her head as George pummelled her cunt like never before.

I had to hold her to keep her from falling over with each thrust as George fucked her hard. Marylou was screaming she was cumming and for George to fuck her harder.

“What’s that”, she screamed as George pushed his knot in. I expected her to scream blue murder but instead she told me how fantastic it felt.

“Oh god, I can feel his cum going into me, it’s so hot, his cum is so hot, god I love it, I love it”, she was screaming.

“You could be here for about twenty minutes Marylou, sometimes that how long it takes”, I told her.

“That’s good”, she sighed with a faraway look in her eyes.

I sat on the couch squeezing both of my cucks balls just to pass the time. I told cuck Henry to get on his knees as I unfastened cuck Dad’s cock ring. “Suck it cuck, put his cock in your mouth and suck or I’ll pull your balls right off”.

Her husband henry opened his mouth and took my Dad’s cock in his mouth sucking it. The way he sucked it made me think he had sucked a cock before, of course, my husband Henry was gay, mother in law knew that, that was why she had banned sex with him, he wouldn’t have been able to.

That changed everything, he would have to have something up that ass hole for my amusement later.

Marylou was still on hands ands knees with that silly grin on her face, she was enjoying every second fucking my second husband.

At last George slowed down and waited for his knot to shrink and plopped out of her cunt. Cuck was still sucking my cuck Dad as I pulled his cock out of his mouth and ordered them to clean Marylou’s pussy.

George was laying in front of her licking his cock, “clean his cock Marlou, I always clean it after we’ve fucked”.

Marylou needed no second bidding, pushing George’s head away she sucked on his cock popping her lips as she finished. Cucks had finished cleaning her as I told her to come and sit down.

“How was that for your first fuck with my husband George”, I said.

“I could do with a husband like that, fucks you and doesn’t stray, and two cucks to do your bidding”.

Cuck Dad brought us drinks and stood beside us, “would you like to squeeze his ball for fun”, I asked.

“Can I, I’d love to, you wouldn’t mind”, she said eagerly.

“Be my guest, why don’t we both squeeze a pair, we have to have some fun”, I laughed. I pulled cuck Henry’s string hard and he stood beside us.

“Hands behind your back, we want to squeeze your balls, we don’t want those hands in the way”, I said grabbing his balls and squeezing.

“This is fun, I wish it was my ex husband standing here, I’d make him scream”, said Marylou tightening her grip on Dad cucks balls.

I pulled cuck down to his knees and told him to suck Dad’s cock, he went a little too eagerly for it taking the whole lot in his mouth.

Marylou and I sat back enjoying a drink watching a man get his cock sucked by another man. “I want you to show us his cum on your tingue and then swallow it cuck”, I said.

“You know how you said you wished you had a husband like that and then wished it was your ex husband, I might be able to fix that, you could have a dog husband to fuck you and a cuck to serve you”.

“I would certainly think about it, I would love to have that bastard stand in front of me letting me squeeze his balls”.

I was thinking of David, my young brother in law, he was coming up to eighteen and his initation was coming up. Mother in law said she hadn’t found anyone for him. Marylou was only twenty seven and looked fantastic, I would sound mother in law out about it.

Cuck Henry was still sucking, Dad cuck’s cock was very hard now as Henry slurped on it. A small sound and we knew he was cumming, “open your mouth cuck, we want to see that cum go in”. The cock was held close to his mouth as cum spurted in, he turned around and opened his mouth wide to show us a mouthful of creamy white cum.

“Gargle and then swallow it cuck”, I said.

Gurgling noises came from his throat as he gargled and then swallowed.

“Tomorrow cuck you are going to swallow his cum”, I said to my cuck Dad, serve you right for forcing your cock into my ass all those times”.

“Can I squeeze his balls again, I love squeezing them”, giggled Marylou.

“Squeeze both of them”, I said as Marylou grabbed both sets of balls and squeezed hard.

“If you’re serious we’ll go and see mother in law tomorrow, you won’t see David, he’s in training, I have seen him, he’s very presentable trust me”.

Marylou thought for a second, what about my ex, can he be trained, I so want to have him as a cuck”.

“They trained my Dad in less than six months, I’m sure they can train him”, I replied.

“Then let’s go for it, leave the training of your ex to mother in law, she organises everything”.

We slept together that night with George, he had the time of his life being fucked and sucked by two females, the bed was soaked in the morning.


Part Four

“You’re sure you want to go through with this, you haven’t even met my son, he’s still in training, it would take a load of my mind knowing you know what you’re getting into”.

“I’m sure, I want what she’s got”, said Marylou pointing to me.

“Very well”, said mother in law, “just give me your ex husbands address, leave the rest to me”, now let’s have a drink”

“I’m going to spend the day with my children”, I said, “I’ll see you later”, and took my leave.

Marylou stayed with me enjoying George but also some of my sister in laws husbands. The swapping sessions still went on and Marlou was invited. She took to it like a duck to water, mother in law would look on proudly as she fucked and sucked many dogs. In between she was instructing Marylou how to treat her cucks even though one was her son.

“By the way your ex is coming along fine, a couple of months and he should be ready for you, I don’t envy him, I know you are going to make his life a misery”, said mother in law.

“Oh you have no idea”, smirked Marylou.

All that happened twelve months ago. George hadn’t slowed down any, he was fucking me anywhere and everywhere. Right at this moment he had his cock all the way up my ass hole as the phone rang. As I was on my knees in the lounge I tugged the string. Cuck fetched the phone and I answered, It was Marylou.

“How are you, we haven’t seen each other for ages, why don’t you came and visit tomorrow”, she said excitedly.

“Can you ring me back Marylou, George has his cock stuck up my ass at the moment, I’m on my knees on the lounge floor”.

I heard her laugh on the other end, “you’re insatiable you are”.

“It’s not me who’s insatiable, It’s my fucking husband George, I‘ve never known anything like it, he fucks me at least seven times every day”.

“Aww, poor you”, she laughed, “i’ll see you tomorrow”, and put the phone down. Cuck took the phone away and I concentrated on George fucking my ass hole. He could knot my ass easily now he had been in there so many times, I could feel his hot cum going up my ass as I lay stil waiting for him to fill me.

Twenty minutes later, my knees were sore as he kept cumin g in me, I can’t say I was disappointed when he finally shrank and pulled out.

When he fucked my ass hole I made one of the cucks clean his cock while the other cleaned me as I watched cuck Dad suck George’s cock clean from cum.

I rang the door bell and a naked man answered, “follow me”, he said walking into the house. I assumed this was Marylou’s ex husband as he ha d a string attached to a ring on his cock.

Marylou got up and hugged me as we held each other. “Lovely to see you again”, as cuck David, her husband brought us drinks.

George lay in the corner as we sat down, she was telling me how wonderful her life was, mother in law was managing everything and she had two cucks to serve her every whim.

“Let me introduce you to my husband David”, she said all coy, “he’s absolutely gorgeous”, she said going into the kitchen.

“This is David, isn’t he beautiful”, she said as she showed me a handsome Irish setter.

“He’s absolutely gorgeous, you lucky girl”, I said bending down and opening my mouth to kiss him. He mus t have kissed Marylou a lot because his tongue went straight into my mouth. I sucked on his tongue stroking him all the while wanting to feel his cock but this was her husband. You wouldn’t do that with a human husband, so I wasn’t going to do it with her dog husband.

We sat down as Marylou tugged hard on the string in her hand and the man who opened the door came running.

Grabbing him by his balls and squeezing she told him to bring some drinks and quickly.

“What’s his name, is he your ex husband”, I enquired.

“I haven’t called him by his name since I’ve had him, I just call him cuck two, he hasn’t been out of the house since we moved in, and he hasn’t worn clothes.

“What’s that in his ass hole”, I asked noticing something sticking out.

“I make him wear that. It’s very uncomfortable, I make him wear it so cuck David can fuck him when I get bored and vice versa, he has one in as well”, she said.

“You were saying George is still randy as hell, fucking you at every turn, I thought he might grow out of it by now”, said Marylou.

“No chance, he just sticks it anywhere he wants, sometimes my ass hole, sometimes my cunt, I need a rest for a while Marylou but I want to be a good wife to him as well, I don’t like refusing him”.

She was stroking her Irish setter David as she spoke, “you’re not that bad are you darling”, she said kissing him with her tongue.

She looked at me quizzically, “why don’t you train him to fuck your cucks, that way you wouldn’t be refusing him, and you’d get a rest”.

I looked at her, “I never thought of that, it could work, George wouldn’t mind what hole he put it, he would just fuck it, it might work”, I said.

“Make sure your cucks clean his cock properly afterwards, make them werar ass plugs for a few days, make them big, that way George won’t hurt himself when he fucks them”.

“Alright David, in a minute”, she said to her husband David.

“Would you mind, I don’t like refusing him either”, said Marylou.

“Not at all, you carry on, be a good wife to him, if he wants to fuck, let him fuck”, I replied.

Marylou pulled off her dress, she wore nothing underneath, totally naked as she bent down to get his sheath back. His cock appeared as she pulled it back and began to suck it.

“Would you like to taste him, after all you let me share yours”.

“Could I, I’d like that”, I said getting on my knees. Marylou held his cock behind his knot as I opened my mouth to taste her husband’s cock.

Cum was already spurting as I wrapped my lips around it, it wasn’t as big as George’s but just as tasty. All the time he was growing in my mouth as I sucked and swallowed his cum.

When he was full size I got up, “I think he’s ready for some pussy now Marylou”, as she got on her hands and knees sticking her ass in the air.

David licked her cunt for a while before mounting her, a few probes and he found her hole fucking her at speed. Marylou was moaning loudly as he fucked her.

George must have smelt the sex from Marylou’s oussy because he suddenly came awake and walked over to me. H e was trying to get his snout up my dress so I just lifted it above my waist and removed my panties. I opened my legs wide as my husband George licked my pussy making me cum almost immediately.

I knelt beside Marylou as George mounted me, now we were two school friends side by side being fucked by husband dogs, what a wonderful feeling. Our heads were side by side as we smiled at each other totally happy, “what a wonderful life we have” said Marylou.

I agreed as both dogs fucked us hard pushing their knots inside us. We were both cumming hard as we held hands with cum being pumped into us. The cucks were standing by to clean us when our husbands had fucked us. We kept cumming as George and David filled us with their cum till at last David slowed down followed by George.

After the knots had shrunk enough they pulled out, “why don’t I clean David’s cock and you clean George’s, I want to taste your cum as well as Davids”, I suggested. Marylou didn’t answer, she already ha d George’s dripping cock in her mouth sucking deeply before licking the shaft all the way up and down and licking her lips.

“You have very tasty cum my dear”, she laughed. “And yours is very tasty too”, I said licking my lips.

The cucks got to work, cum was cleaned up and licked till there was no trace of any. We spent the rest of the day playing with the cucks, making them go in the kitchen and then tugging their strings making them run back in and then squeezing their balls. They licked our feet as we drank and sucked our toes.

I was feeling quite tipsy as I got ready to go home so cuck Dad was ordered to drive. All the way home I was thinking about Marylou’s suggestion, it would be fun to watch George fuck my Dad and Henry in the ass hole. Tomorrow I would get some big plugs and make them wear them for a week.

I thought I had better put the idea to mother in law when I phoned her.

“Excellent idea, give your pussy a rest now and then, let George fuck your cucks as much as he wants to, just make sure they clean his cock properly after”.

“That’s what Marylou said, I saw her today”, I said.

“Oh, how is she doing with her cucks, I hope she’s treating them right if you know what I mean”.

“Oh she’s fine, she treats her ex husband worse than David, she really gives it to him”.

The way she was talking you wouldn’t think we were talking about her two sons, it was as though they were meant to be abused by their wives, which I suppose they were.

My phone call was interrupted by my husband George, he wanted some pussy again, mine. “Got to go, George wants to fuck me, he knows I can’t refuse him, I have to be a good wife to him, it’s my duty”.

“Of course you can’t refuse him, but I would put your plan into action soon, have fun with George, bye”.

I pulled off my dress and knelt down to rub his sheath, the red tip appeared quickly and I took it in my mouth. George started to grow as I sucked him swallowing his cum. I tugged the strings to keep my cucks near to clean me after, they came running in and knelt beside me ready to do their duty.

George was nearly fully erect now, his magnificent red cock was all of tem inches from knot to tip. I tried to deep throat him but he was too big, it only caused me to gag. George had enough sucking, he walked behind me licking me all over sending shivers through me. His strong legs held me tight as he probed for my hole and found it. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, his tongue was hanging down so I sucked on it as he fucked me. I don’t know where George got his stamina from, he was wearing me out as he pummelled my cunt with a frenzy.

At last he slowed down as I was cumming, I always tried to cum when he knotted me, made my cunt more easy to enter. The first shots of hot cum went inside me as I laid my head down to wait. It gave me a feeling of contentment to know I was helpless and my husband was holding me so I couldn’t get away.

Spurt after spurt of hot cum was still being pumped into me, George was a cum machine, Henry used to take fifteen to twenty minutes, George sometimes took thirty five minutes, my knees were always sore when he fucked me on a floor by the time he had finished. He was dead weight on my back now as he slowed down and tried to take his knot out, he wasn’t successful so I had to wait till he could.

When he did pull out his cock was dripping with his cum and mine, I always liked to suck it early, taste both sets of cum as I licked his shaft all the way up to his shrinking knot.

The cucks were licking cum from me, I forced more out just when they thought they had finished. “I hope you’re swallowing cucks, I don’t want to see a mess on the floor”.

The phone rang again, it was mother in law, “I forgot to mention, go to this shop, the family own it, they will have what you want for your cucks, here’s the address, I’ll phone them in the morning and let them know you’re coming, bye”.

That was a relief, I was actually wondering where I could buy such things, as usual mother in law sorted everything out.

Next day I allowed my cucks to put pants and a shirt on, no underwear. I was going to buy them myself and hope they fitted, but now mother in law was sorting it out I would take them with me and get them fitted.

I had an appointment at the shop mother in law said when she phoned. As usual George wanted to fuck me before I left. I didn’t have time, by the time he would have knotted me and finished cumming it would have been too late. I felt bad having to refuse him so I got him on his back. This time I kept sucking him till I felt him shudder and then filled my mouth with his cum. I swallowed it quickly, it was quite hot in my mouth and then it was gone down my throat.

“Sorry George, you can have my pussy later, but we have to go now”, I said kissing him.

We reached the address mother in law had given me, a woman around thirty was serving behind the counter. There were two or three people in the shop and I waited till they were served.

“Hi”, I said, “Mrs Fotheringill sent me, I need some plugs”.

“Yes of course, she rang me this morning, please wait while I lock the shop up”, she put a closed sign on the door and said “follow me”.

We went into a back room and she told me to sit down totally ignoring my cucks. “Is this your husband then”, she said stroking George.

“Yes he’s my husband, randy as fuck, always wanting to mount me, I had to suck him off before I came out here, he wanted to mount me again, I suppose I’ll have to make it up to him later”, I replied.

“He’s gorgeous, are these your cucks”.

“Yes, actually that one is my Dad, this one is my cuck husband”.

She clapped her hands in delight, “oh how sweet, a Daddy for a cuck, I wish I had thought of that, do you let him fuck you”.

“Oh no, he used to before he became my cuck, not anymore, only my husband fucks me now, don’t you George”, I said stroking him.

“Would you like to meet mine”, she said.

I was surprised, if she was part of the family I had never seen her before. “Are you part of the family then?”, I asked.

“No, I have run this shop for ten years, Mrs Fotheringill would let slip certain things, my husband was being a right ass hole at the time, she trained him and I took a husband”.

She went into another room and came back with a beautiful boxer, “this is Harry, my husband”, she said proudly.

“He’s beautiful, he’s absolutely beautiful”, I said stroking him.

We looked at each other and the same thoughts were going through our minds. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking”, she said.

“I think so”, I smiled reaching under Harry to stroke his sheath.

She gave a little laugh and bent down beside George stroking his sheath as well. We were both rubbing their sheaths as their cocks appeared.

Almost together two pairs of lips clamped around two cocks. Harry’s cock was a bit like Henry’s, purplish with a lot of veins but his cum was much more salty. He kept growing as I sucked occasionally sucking his tip to make him cum more. He seemed to like that, his tail, what there was of it, twitched when I sucked on his tip.

Janey, the woman in the shop had George’s cock halfway down her throat, howm she could deep throat him I’ll never know, I couldn’t do it. I stood up and removed my dress, I didn’t want it all crumpled so I gave it to cuck to fold.

I removed the rest of my clothes and knelt on the floor as Harry licked at my cunt. Janey was undressing as well, for a thirty year old she had a terrific body, her pussy was well shaven and she looked so damn sexy.

Harry was making me cum, his constant licking was driving me crazy as his long tongue went inside my cunt. George was licking Janey, she was a screamer, “lick my cunt, lick my cunt George”, she was shouting getting out of breath.
Harry mounted me probing not used to where this new hole was. At last he found it and was pounding my cunt in no time at all.

Janey was still cumming according to her shouts, the more she came the more George licked her.

George had enough licking now, he walked behind her and with strong legs around her waist entered her pussy. She really was a screamer, as soon as George entered her she was off, I’ll bet poor George wondered what the fucking hell was going on, how come I didn’t make all this noise.

Harry was knotting me, I made myself cum as he did, I wasn’t sure what size knot he had, I wanted to be able to take it all. I don’t think it was as big as Henry’s or Georges, I took it quite easily in my pussy as the first spurts of hot semen went in me.

Janey was still screaming, god this woman loved her sex, maybe she would be better off with George, he seemed to want to fuck all day every day.

Harry was slowing down, a sure sign his knot was shrinking, it still took about ten minutes for him to plop out. I had taken a liking to Harry, I loved George but he was always wanting to fuck me, I needed some time to myself.

George was still cumming in Janey, I knew what she was experiencing, George’s cock would be throbbing inside her as he pumped his cum.

It was a feeling I knew well, however Harrys more gentle approach appealed to me. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking such things about her husband but I couldn’t help it.

Daddy cuck was already cleaning the cum from me as I cleaned Harry’s cock. He was still ejaculating as I sucked the tip of his cock sending more cum into my mouth.

Janey was out of breath, she had cum so much and screamed so much she couldn’t breathe properly. George had finally finished pumping cum into her and was having his cock sucked clean by Janey.

“Where’s your cuck Janey”, I asked as no one was sucking the cum from her pussy.

“He’s at home doing the housework, I like to keep the house clean”, she said.

As she was beside me I backed up till I was level with her cunt as cum dribbled from it. I leaned forward and licked he r pussy tasting George my husband’s cum mixed with Janeys. She stayed still letting me suck all of the cum from her pussy and moaned gently.

“All gone”, I said licking my lips, “that was quite nice, a good mixture, maybe we should bottle it for a drink”, I laughed.

“God your husband is such a good fuck, you’re a lucky girl”, said Janey.

“You wouldn’t think that if he wanted to fuck you every chance he got, even at lunchtime when you’re eating”, I said.

“Oh I don’t know, might be fun”, she said.

I saw my opening, “well, why don’t you keep him for a week, you’ll soon change your mind, and I’ll keep Harry for a week”.

“Are you serious, that we swap husbands for a while, mmmm, sounds kinky, okay, let’s do it, let’s say for a month”.

“Fine by me, you keep George for a month, you can’t bring him back after a week when he’s fucked the ass of you and you have a sore pussy”, I said.

“Not a chance, he can fuck me as many times as he likes, can’t you George”, she said rubbing his head.

“Now what about these plugs you want for your cucks, bend them over the table and drop their trousers, we’ll see what size they are”, said Janey getting all business like again.

“I don’t think I’m going to need them now, at least not for a month anyway now you have George”, I said.

“Take them anyway, you can always get them to fuck each other for your pleasure”, she said pulling on a pair of rubber gloves.

Getting some cream from a jar she jabbed a finger up daddy cucks ass hole making him jump. She smeared the cream all over his ass making sure a lot went inside. Next it was husband cuck, he didn’t move as she stuck her finger in his ass hole.

‘Probably enjoying it the bastard’, I thought as I watched the smirk on his face. Janey fetched a box full of plugs and began to stick some of them up their asses. Daddy cuck was obviously a little wary, he had never ha d anything up his ass, this was all new to him.

Well I say anything, he used to make me stick one finger up his ass when I sucked him off.

“There, that should do the trick”, said Janey standing back to admire her handiwork. Two black plugs were sticking out of each as hole as Janey handed them a pair of rubber pants each.

“Wear these for a few days, they’ll keep the plugs in, you may sweat a bit, but what the hell, into each life a little rain must fall, now pull these on”.

“Make sure they wear them all the time, keeps the plugs in their asses, when you take them out they should gape in a few days, best time to make them fuck each other”.

She said mother in law had sorted payment as I got Harrry’s lead and said goodbye. “See you in a month then”, I said pulling my lips away from hers as I walked off.

We both started laughing as we watched the cucks walk, the plug in their asses made it difficult to walk, they were like crabs”.

Back home I phoned mother in law to tell her how I got on and swapping George for Harry for a month, I thought it best before she found out for herself. Rather than be angry which I supposed she might be it was the opposite.

She said I should experiment, as long as the wife didn’t mind it was okay. Harry was much more docile than George and I must say I missed him trying to put his nose up my dress to lick my pussy, or hump my leg telling me he wanted to fuck.

However Harry did give me some time to myself, he would fuck me when I wanted and fuck me well, he just wasn’t George.

I enjoyed playing with my cucks, it had been three days now since I plugged them and since my human husband was gay I would make Dad cuck fuck him first.

I told him to pull the plug from his ass and get on his hands and knees as Dad cuck knelt before him to let him suck his cock.

Henry was enjoying this too much, this is not what a cuck is for, he should get no pleasure, I should get all the pleasure.
The doorbell rang much to my annoyance, it was Marylou with cuck David and husband David. I didn’t mind seeing Marylou, we have always been friends so I invited her in to see the first fuck between my cucks.

We sat down and watched with our drinks as Dad cuck slowly entered my human husbands ass hole. He had obviously never done this before, he didn’t know whether to push hard or not.

Marylou walked behind him and smacked his ass hard as Dad cuck shot forward and buried his cock in Henry’s ass hole.
Henry almost toppled over as he took the cock in his ass, far from being annoyed he had a smirk on his face as he was being fucked.

Marylou was being wicked, “make him suck it straight from his ass and then swallow, I love to see that cum in his mouth before he swallows”.

Dad cuck was fucking him hard now, the initial shock of fucking another man’s ass hole had worn off and he was ramming him hard.

“When you’re ready to cum cuck stick it in his mouth, we want to see him swallow your cum”, I said just in time as he pulled out and cuck turned around to receive it in his mouth.

He sucked and licked the cock straight from his ass and then showed us the cum before swallowing.

“Ooooh, I love to watch that”, said Marylou squeezing my pussy without knowing she was doing it.

The night went much the same, cuck husband fucked cuck Dad, Marylou and I licked and fingered each other before we swapped partners again and again in bed.

The next day was to bring bad news but we knew nothing about that as we were fucked side by side by our husbands big red cocks.


Part Five

I woke next morning to the sound of the telephone ringing. Dad cuck brought the phone as Marylou awoke, it was Rosetta my sister in law.

Mother in law and Rosetta’s younger sister had been killed in a road accident, both had died instantly. She went on to explain that as she was head of the family I had to be trained to train the men in the family, including my own son.

I was in tears, I had become very fond of mother in law, she looked after my every need, I would miss her.

We put the house up for rent and my two cucks and I moved in with Rosettta and her cuck. I was trained to subjugate men the way mother in law had trained them and told to only divulge the secret to my daughter when she became eighteen.

It worked well for a year or so but I yearned for my house and my privacy again so I moved back with Rosetta’s blessing.
My son Henry had turned eighteen and I thought it best that Rosetta trained him when the time came. He already had a girlfriend, a beautiful black haired girl who made my pussy wet every time I saw her, I wanted to open those long legs and lick her probably hairy but beautiful pussy.

Gloria my daughter became eighteen. She had been living with relatives all this time and knew nothing of my lifestyle, I only saw her twice a week, but now she had to live with me.

Gloria had been a bit of a tomboy at college and took to her training like duck to water, she was warned only to use it on her husband or other members of our family.

She came to accept my dog husband and everything that went with it.

Henry and Sienna were getting very close and spending more and more time together. I hoped they were having sex, the last thing we wanted on her wedding night was a virgin, it would mean lots of more training before she could take her new husbands cock.

Gloria would take great delight in squeezing Henry’s balls and tugging on the string. The poor cuck never got a moments peace, he was running around all day keeping us amused and happy.

My new husband was a huge great Dane called Marvin, he was beautiful and had one of the biggest dog cocks you ever saw. I was getting older now and although I would never refuse him sex I was getting very tired doing it.

“Gloria, you know I’m getting a little older now, Marvin is still as frisky as the day he came here, would you mind sharing my husband with me”.

“Are you sure Mom, I wouldn’t want you to do this and then be upset about it”.

“No I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks now and yesterday Marvin was having sex with me on the kitchen floor and I thought it’s time to share”.

“To be quite honest Mom I used to watch Marvin fuck you, I was so jealous, and wet, I’d love to share him but only if you’re sure”.

“I’m sure, as a matter of fact I think Marvin’s ready now”, I said as Marvin was trying to push his head between my legs.

I pushed him over to Gloria as she lifted her dress up to her waist and removed her knickers Marvin could smell her cunt, she must have been getting wet talking about sharing as Marvin’s long tongue shot out and went inside her pussy.
Gloria squealed with delight as Marvin licked her pussy like never before, she was already cummimg as her mother pulled off her blouse and played with her nipples.

Gloria’s eyes were shut tight as Marvin licked and she kept cumming, if this was having a dog for a husband bring it on, no man could ever lick her pussy like this.

“Take your skirt off and get on your hands and knees, he likes to lick ass as well Gloria, oh by the way have you ever had it in your ass hole, sometimes Marvin misses and it goes straight up your ass hole, it can be quite a shock”, I said.

Gloria answered she only had a couple of times in her ass and then he wasn’t very good.

“Well we’ll have to stretch it Gloria, we don’t want Marvin sticking that huge cock up there if you’re not ready”.

Gloria managed to nod her head in agreement, she was almost out of breath, Marvin had his long tongue in her ass, she had never felt anything like this before.

“Marvin likes his cock sucked before he fucks, are you up for sucking his cock Gloria”.

“Fuck yes”, she said trying to grab his cock.

I made Marvin lay down, he lifted his legs in the air, he knew what was coming when I laid him like that.

I shoed Gloria how to hold his cock behind his knot with her fingers, Gloria did it and opened her mouth, warm lips wrapped around Marvin’s cock as he spurted cum into Gloria’s mouth.

Her eyes widened slightly but she carried on sucking as more spurts landed on her tongue. It was warm compared to a man’s sperm she thought as she sucked ever deeper on Marvin’s big red cock.

The doorbell rang and I rose to answer it, Rosetta stood there with her husband Amazon. He was well named, a huge mastiff, god knows how she bore his weight when he fucked her.

“Hi Rosetta, come in, we’re in the living room”.

Rosetta followed to see my daughter with my husband’s cock in her mouth.

Looking up she paused sucking for a second., “Hi Aunt Rosetta, you don’t mind if I carry on do you”, said Gloria resuming her sucking on Marvin’s cock.

“What’s this”, asked Rosetta, “he getting too much for you, I know the feeling, I’ve got a couple of friends who I share Amazon with, he’s insatiable”.

“Henry wants to get married to Sienna, he told me this morning as he finished cleaning my pussy after Amazon fucked me, he’s getting very good at that by the way, maybe you should have him for a couple of weeks before he gets married, it would be a turn on having your son clean your cunt for you”, said Rosetta shuddering as she remembered.

“Why not, he can serve me and Gloria for a while, good practice for him when he’s married, send him over”.

“Are you ready to take Marvin’s cock now Gloria”, I said as I rose and patted Gloria’s ass. Marvin ha d only ever fucked me so he wasn’t sure.

I lifted his front legs and placed them around my daughter’s waist as Marvin probed for a hole. Lucky for Gloria he found her pussy, Marvin had no foreplay skills, she screamed as his massive cock went right up her all the way.

I held her head and comforted her, “it will be better, you have to brace your self for that, I should have told you, sorry”.
The initial shoch had gone and now Gloria was settling down as Marvin pumped her like a steam engine.

Now she was enjoying it, Marvin was fucking her at a furious pace, eh was pounding her cunt as Gloria began to cum again.

I pushed her head to the floor to give Marvin more access to her cunt as he continued to pummel her cunt.

Gloria was shouting out all sorts of obscenities abut hard cocks and do cocks fucking her. Marvin slowed down as he pushed his knot inside her, Gloria knew what it was, she had seen her mother take it often enough in her pussy, she had heard her gasp in ecstasy as she did.

Marvin was inside her fully now, his legs gripped he r more tightly as she felt the first shots of cum hit her insides.

Marvin’s huge cock was throbbing inside her, this was the best feeling she ever had in her cunt, cum was flowing from her again as both of them carried on cumming.

Rosetta had her dress up to her waist and fingers in her wet pussy.

I knelt between her legs and stuck my tongue in, her cunt was absolutely sodden, she was already in the throes of cumming as she gushed cum all over my face and hair.

“Very nice, do you realise this is the first time I’ve ever licked your pussy or tasted your cum, as sister in laws we should have done it more often”, I said kissing her letting her taste her own cum.

Gloria was still on the floor as Marvin filled her belly, he showed no signs of pulling out as Rosetta let herself out.

“Do you want to arrange the wedding or shall I”, she said as she left.

“You’re much better than these things than me”, I said, “you do it, and send my cuck son over, I want some fun with him before she takes him”.

Marvin was pulling out from Gloria as I came back into the room, cum ran from her cunt as I told her Marvin always expected to have his cock cleaned after fucking.

She didn’t say a word but slid underneath and took his dripping cock into her mouth sucking it clean.

“That okay Mom, we wouldn’t want to upset Marvin now would we”, she laughed as I hugged her.

Next day Rosetta came with Henry Jnr, he was naked with a cock cage on and his dog collar.

“I’m in a rush, the wedding and all that, I’ll ring you later, okay”, she said dashing off.

“Can I have this cuck Mom”, said Gloria grabbing her brothers balls and leading him into the living room. Getting the string she tied the end to his balls and told him to walk into every room as she held the string.

“When you’re in the last room tug the string, I’ll know that’s enough”, said Gloria.

Henry did as he was told and when the string was tugged Gloria tugged it back hard and kept tugging. Henry came back very quickly holding the string.

I had taught Gloria well, calling her brother over to him she tied his hands behind his back.

“I will give you this warning before I punish you cuck, from now on your balls belong to any female who wants to squeeze or kick them, but first of all they belong to Mom and me, don’t ever hold that string again when I tug it”, she said squeezing his balls very hard.

“Now get on your knees, Mom get on the sofa on your knees” as she followed suit.

“Now lick our asses till we tell you to stop, I want that useless tongue of your put to some use”.

Henry leaned forward, his hands had been untied now, as he first spread his sisters ass hole and pushed his tongue in as far as it would go. Gloria sighed as he did, he wasn’t as good as Marvin, but he would do.

She let him lick her for about ten minutes then she turned around and slapped him. “What’s wrong with your Mom’s ass hole, don’t you want to lick that as well”, she said slapping his face.

“Sorry”, mumbled Henry and moved over to his Mom’s ass hole.

Rosetta must have taught him how, he spread my cheeks as his tongue went inside making me squirm with pleasure.

“Deeper cuck, deeper”, I shouted as my son tried to get his tongue deeper into my ass hole.

I did the same, I let him lick my ass for a while and then slapped him, “what’s wrong with your sister’s ass hole, don’t you like licking and tonguing her ass”, I said slapping him again.

Gloria laughed as he said sorry again and buried his tongue into his sisters ass hole. We enjoyed an hour or so of ass licking in every position, we almost smothered him sitting on his face till we tired of it and sent him off to make supper.
For the next two weeks he was allowed to see Sienna for only short times, we didn’t want him fucking her any more. Rosetta’s was an extremely wealthy family so we knew the only reason Sienna was marrying him was for money, what the hell did we care, Henr’y wasn’t going to get any.

The wedding went well and when all the guests had gone Henry was taken away upstairs while we explained to Sienna about her new life.

“Let’s start with my son, from now on he’s your cuck”, I said.

I remember the look on her face, I had exactly the same look on my face all those years ago.

We explained that men had no place in this family, only to produce more children, a dog was to be her new husband. She was told she would be part of the family of women and when her time came she would be taught the secrets of training cucks.

Henry was brought downstairs in his dog collar and hands behind his back. I kicked him in the balls as he just stood there, “your turn Sienna, kick his balls, go on, from now on you can do anything you want with him”.

Sienna loked at us all and then swung her leg kicking her new cuck right on his balls. She giggled and went to kick him again, “be careful you don’t damage him, you may want him to give you children in the future”, I said.

“Just one more please, I promise I’ll be careful”, she pleaded.

“Okay, one more”, I said. Sienna clapped her hands after she kicked him, “I am so going to enjoy this marriage”, she said still clapping her hands.

“Now Sienna, it’s time for you to marry your real husband, meet Henry the third”.

Rosetta came in with a beautiful Dalmatian, “we thought we’d better start with something you can handle Sienna, meet your new husband”.

Sienna bent down and hugged her husband as he licked her face.

“Open your mouth, let him kiss you”, I said as she opened her mouth and Henry stuck his long tongue down her throat.
Sienna sucked on his tongue feeling a strange sensation in her pussy, she was getting wet kissing a dog, maybe she was meant to be a dog slut after all. She sucked harder on his tongue all the time getting hornier and hornier.

“I think you should strip now and let your husband see you naked, this is your wedding night Sienna”, said Rosetta.

Sienna was helped out of her wedding dress till she stood naked in front of us. “Show your husband how obedient you’re going to be, suck his cock for him and then let him fuck you, he will shoot drops of cum in your mouth, just swallow them, he is your husband”.

Sienna knelt down and prepared herself for her new life, she could never have imagined this when she met Henry, it had been her parents who had pushed her towards Henry, they were poor and knew how wealthy his family were, personally she couldn’t stand him, but the money was a lure she couldn’t resist.

I showed her how to hold his cock just like I did with Gloria and then for the first time like Gloria she sucked a dog cock.

I had always wanted to lick her pussy, as her mother in law I could now ask her and she agreed. I slid under her and looked up at that lovely pussy, it was just as I had imagined many times, hairy but beautiful. I parted her lips and a sea of deep pink stared back at me.

I pushed my tongue as deep as I possibly could and tasted her, to my surprise she was very wet, she was either turned on by the dog or kicking my son’s balls, I wasn’t sure which.

Sienna was beginning to enjoy the taste of the dog cummimg in her mouth, she thought it was quite tasty and not at all what she expected.

Her mother in laws tongue was driving her crazy, she was biting her clit and licking her cunt as deep as she could, she would have to cum soon.

I was loving licking my new daughter in laws pussy, I called Gloria over and she began to lick her ass as well. That sent Sienna over the edge, she pressed down hard on my face and gushed cum all over me.

“It’s time for your new husband to fuck you Sienna, get on your hands and knees for him and keep your head on the floor, that way he has more access to your pussy”.

I explained what would happen when her husband knotted with her, it would be a little painful at first but then the sheer joy of having his wonderful cock and knot inside you will take over.

“Whatever yuo do don’t try to pull away when you are tied, it will hurt both you and your husband, just keep still until he fills you with his cum, you’re his bitch now, that’s what bitches are for”, I explained.

Rosetta tried to hold Henry back in case he damaged her cunt by going straight in, she needn’t have worried, Henry three was inexperienced, it took quite a few jabs before he found her hole and even then he was in and out a few times. At last he got a rhythm and began to fuck his ‘bitch wife’ properly. Sienna had never been fucked so good, cuck Henry was useless, she endured it because of the money, this was different, this was how a woman should be fucked.

Henry three was going like a stem train in and out of her pussy, she was screaming at the top of her voice to fuck her harder. Rosetta, Gloria and I looked at each other, we had a new convert, Sienna would fit in well in our family, she obviously loved to fuck her new husband, and she knew how to treat her cuck. I was pleased as well, I would be able to lick her pussy when I wanted to, after she had shaved off that mass of hair of course.

Henry three was tying with her, Sienna was trying to be brave as his knot was pushed in. As soon as she felt his cum go in her she calmed down, this was her position in life from now on, to allow her new husband to fuck her when he wished, her mother in law had told her never to refuse him sex at any time.

Henry’s cock was pumping cum and sort of vibrating inside her at the same time, she was cumming again, she was cumming along with her husband, that’s how it should be. Henry three had finished pumping his cum into her, he pulled out as cum ran from her cunt, “come here cuck, clean my pussy up, clean my husband’s cum from my cunt, NOW”.

Henry Jnr knelt behind her and licked the cum coming out of her pussy as Sienna cleaned her husband’s cock as instructed.

Later we headed for home, Sienna had her cuck on a lead completely naked.

“I think I’m going to enjoy my new life mother in law” she said hugging me, “oh and you can lick my pussy any time you want, just say the word”.

Arriving back home Sienna called Henry to her and held his balls in her hand, “from now on this is my husband”, she said stroking the Dalmatian, “his needs come before yours, he will share my bed every night and if he wants to fuck me in the middle of the night which is his right, you will clean my cunt each time, understand”, she said giving his balls a squeeze to emphasise the point.

Henry nodded unable to speak because of the pain in his balls, “good, now fetch the string and tie it to your balls, tight mind you, or I will”.

Henry tied the string to his balls and waited, Sienna tested it and then told him to fuck off till she tugged it again.

“What’s his name”, said Sienna cuddling the dog.

“Anything you want, we left that for you to decide”, I said.

“I shall call him Jose after my father she said cuddling him again and stroking his sheath, “now it’s time for bed I think, come on Jose, it’s our wedding night”, she said tugging the string as Henry came running.


Part Six

Sienna came down next morning as Gloria and I were having a coffee.

“How was your wedding night, did Jose satisfy you okay”, I asked.

“He was wonderful, a really good lover and so considerate, I’m afraid I’ve left the bed soaking wet, the clothes will have to be changed”, said Sienna.

“Your cuck will see to all that for you”, I answered.

Lifting her short nightie up I told her she had to get rid of that hair, neither Jose or I will like it, also, have you had anal sex yet, you do know that when ‘it’s your time of the month’, Jose will still want sex, unless you suck him off all the time what are you going to do”.

“I never thought of that , I can’t refuse him sex can I, what can we do about it”, she asked.

“Well I have to stretch Gloria’s ass, I could do yours at the same time if you wish, we’ll put plugs in when you’ve had a shower and shaved all that horrible hair off”.

“Come on, you’re my sister in law now, I’ll help you shave your pussy while Mom makes breakfast”, said Gloria.

“Better”, said Sienna showing me her freshly shaved pussy.

“Much better”, I said stroking her clit”.

“Now let’s have some breakfast and then see about those asses of yours”.

“Okay, who’s first”, I said waving a small dildo.

“Guests first”, said Gloria pushing Sienna forward.

“You coward, come on I can do both of you at the same time, bend over the table”.

Both pulled up the shortie nighties they were wearing and bent over the table with asses showing.

I applied lubricant and decided to take Sienna first. I was about to push the dildo up her ass hole when Jose decided to join in. He must have been able to smell Sienna’s pussy because he pushed his snout into her pussy. Sienna jumped as the cold nose went into her but settled down when she realised who it was.

“Looks like your ass will have to wait, I think your husband wants to fuck you first, I think he’s jealous of me”, I laughed.

Sienna stroked his head and got on her hands and knees as Jose licked her.

“It looks like you’re first after all Gloria, spread that ass for me”, as she bent over the table. I applied lubricant to my daughters ass and pushed the dildo in.

“God your ass is tight, you’d never have taken Marvin’s cock up there as you are”, I said working the dildo gently up her ass hole.

Gloria was moaning softly, I wasn’t sure whether it was pain or pleasure, she didn’t make any attempt to stop me so I assumed it was pleasure. Jose was still licking around Sienna’s ass and pussy holes sending her into fits of ecstasy. She assumed the position of her head on the floor as Jose mounted her probing with his cock.

“He must like that hole of yours Sienna, you haven’t even had to suck him hard”, said Gloria as Jose entered her. As I said before dogs don’t have much time for foreplay, his cock went straight up Sienna’s pussy making her shout out.

Jose was still a beginner, he was really still only a pup but had the sexual instincts of a fully grown dog. As he had only fucked Sienna he probably assumed that was what all dogs do, fuck pussies like this. Sienna laid her head on her arms totally satisfied, she was beginning to cum, any minute now her new husband would tie with her and give her his cum in her belly.

Jose was panting hard, his speed slowed down as his knot was forced inside Sienna’s cunt and he began to cum. Sienna felt the first drops hit her as she settled down to wait for her husband to finish filling her. I ha d got the dildo farther up Gloria’s ass hole, she was breathing heavily as Bit by bit more and more of the dildo disappeared inside her ass.

Marvin came into the kitchen, whether he smelt Sienna’s pussy juice or just by accident I don’t know. As Gloria was bent over the table with legs spread he couldn’t resist a lick of her pussy with his long tongue.

“Is that Marvin”, she asked, “well it’s not me”, I replied laughing.

I carried on pushing the dildo up her ass as Marvin licked her cunt, all of a sudden he jumped up and mounted her from behind. I tried to pull the dildo from her ass but Marvin was too quick. In a flash he found Gloria’s hole and was fucking her at speed.

Now she was being fucked with a dildo up her ass hole and my husband’s cock in her cunt.

“Are you okay”, I asked her, “never better mother, never better”, she replied out of breath.

Gloria lowered her ass to let him tie with her, she knew sex would not be complete for Marvin if he didn’t get his knot in and she wasn’t going to refuse him.

Jose was still cumming inside Sienna as she lay still waiting for her husband to finish. Watching both of them made me very horny as I tugged on the string to make my cuck appear. I had an urge to let my son lick my pussy instead, I asked Sienna if it was okay for my cuck to clean her cunt after, she said she didn’t mind who cleaned it for her.

I pulled my son over to the chair and sat down pulling his head into my wet cunt. His tongue shot out automatically into my pussy as I pulled his hair and closed my legs around him.

I was cumming already, all the action from my daughter and daughter in law had made ever so horny.

“Lick it up cuck, swallow my cum you piece of shit, that’s all you’re good for, swallow it”, I was shouting almost choking him with my legs closed around his head.

Henry was trying to swallow, his mother was cumming so much it was almos t impossible as cum gushed from her cunt.
Jose had finished cumming and plopped out of her as cuck began to lick her cunt clean from dog cum.

Sienna had Jose’s cock in her mouth sucking any remaining cum from it licking her lips. She stood up and pulled cuck under her as more cum ran from her swollen cunt lips, he opened his mouth to catch whatever there was dripping from it.
Marvin was cumming into Gloria, her head was on the table with a silly grin on her face as she felt the throbbing cock pump cum into her belly.

My son was licking me clean as I released him from my grip, I opened my legs wider to give him more access to my ass and pussy. Some cum had run down into my ass crack as he licked it up from there. Marvin was trying to pull out but not quite ready, my son ha d finished cleaning me so I ordered him to wait by his sister to clean her cunt when my husband had finished fucking her.

At last Marvin pulled out as cum ran down Gloria’s legs, “you stay where you are, I’ll clean Marvin’s cock, your brother will clean your cunt for you”, as he began to lick up her legs cleaning the cum as he did.

I looked over at Gloria, the dildo was only just sticking out of her ass hole. “Do you realise the dildo is all the way up your ass hole Gloria, with Marvin fucking you it went all the way up”.

“I had forgotten all about that”, said Gloria feeling the dildo in her ass, “well that’s my first lesson over”, she said pulling it out.

“I’ll just wash this and then it’s your turn sister in law, come on, spread those ass cheeks, here it comes”.

I wanted to see her pussy first, for some reason I had a fixation about her pussy. I had never bothered too much about a woman before, sure I have licked, sucked, and swallowed a woman’s cum before, but this pussy of Sienna’s fascinated me.

I knelt behind her and asked if I could lick her cunt. “I told you after the wedding mother in law, my pussy is yours and Jose’s now, you may both use it whenever you wish”.

I spread those luscious pussy lips, they were still moist from her husband’s fucking. I spread them as far as I could mesmerised by the deep pink inside. Slowly as if to savor every precious lick I ran my tongue up and down all the way to her little ass hole and back.

She was moaning softly as her pussy got wetter with each long lick. My nose was in her ass hole as I tried to get my tongue as deep inside that lovely crevice as possible. My daughter wasted no time either, she was on the table with legs spread wide as Sienna licked her cunt. I could hardly breathe as I kept my nose in her ass licking and sucking on her pussy. I came up for breath as she reached around and pulled me back into her.

She rewarded me with a mouthful of her sweet cum, I swallowed greedily not wanting to waste even a drop of this nectar from this hole. I licked her clean making sure I got every drop and then put my tongue in her ass hole.

“I’ll just make it wet for you Sienna, make it easier to take the dildo in your ass”, as I spit on her ass and licked it before pushing my finger in and then licked it.

“Okay Mom, my turn”, said Gloria licking the dildo before opening Sienna’s ass and pushing it in slowly.

I sat and watched from my chair, a beautiful young woman bent over a table and my daughter stretching her ass hole. I was getting horny again just watching, what was it about Sienna’s pussy that had me so in love with it. I rubbed my pussy and lay down by Marvin, his cock was already half out as I opened my mouth and began to suck it. Marvin came to life right away, I was glad my husband was a dog, a human one would have complained he wasn’t ready yet, Marvin had no such hang ups, his cock was already growing as I sucked tasting his cum as well now.

I was so glad I had met my human husband all those years ago, I would never had so many wonderful husbands and so much sex as I got on my hands and knees waiting for Marvin to fuck me again.


Part Seven

I had taken to Sienna my daughter in law, she was allowing me free access to her beautiful pussy. Her cuck, my son, was no longer allowed to clean he r pussy after sex with Jose her dog husband.

Sienna allowed me to do it as I lapped up Jose’s cum from her dripping cunt. She would make an effort to make sure Jose was close to me when he wanted to fuck her, she would make him follow her to where I was before letting him mount her.

Gloria had found a young man, I think the word today they use is ‘geek’ or ‘nerd’. That’s exactly what I thought of him when I first saw him. Gloria didn’t care, she teased him but wouldn’t let him have sex until they were married, some chance, she would jack him off and leave it like that.

Gloria came in laughing one day, said ‘horny boy’, that was he nickname for him as he was always trying to feel her tits or pussy, she never let him of course, he was a proper cuck.

“Are you going to marry him then”, asked Sienna.

“Of course, he’s perfect, a total jerk”, she laughed, “besides, I only want him to clean my pussy and serve me, he’s never going to fuck me”.

So another wedding came around, like the others, Wilson, was introduced to her proper husband, Wilson a red setter. Wilson the man didn’t need much training, he was pretty much trained by Gloria and just accepted he would play second fiddle to a dog.

When everyone had gone the ritual began, Gloria stripped off and gave Wilson his first suck. He ha d never fucked anything before much less a human. We had to hold him while Gloria got his dick hard with her mouth, he spurted cum in copious amounts into her mouth being a young dog. He was trying to lick his own cock as Gloria sucked it as their two tongues met in a French kiss around his cock.

Gloria got on her hands and knees as Wilson sniffed her cunt and then ran away only to come back again and sniff some more.

His dick was going soft again so Sienna volunteered to suck it before we lifted him onto Gloria’s back. Sienna had trouble keeping it in her mouth, Wilson knew what was expected of him, he just didn’t know how. At last we got his cock inside Gloria and he began to fuck her at last. Wilson, I’ll call him ‘horny boy’ to save confusion, sat and watched forlornly as Wilson fucked what he thought he was going to fuck tonight. He ran his fingers inside the dog collar he had to wear, it was attached to a lead in Gloria’s hand, he had his instructions, he didn’t want to, but Gloria had told him he would be punished in front of everyone if he failed to carry out her wishes.

Wilson was fucking her well, Gloria was very pleased with his performance so far, ‘he will make a good husband’ she thought as she began to cum with a ferocity she never had before.

It’s amazing how animals know what to do although they have never done it before, Wilson was knotting her, she laid her head on the floor as her husband tied with her for the first time. She felt so elated she began to cum again just as Wilson got his knot completely inside her cunt and began to cum in her belly.

The assembled crowd cheered as his knot went in, now she had truly consummated her marriage to Wilson and horny boy was out in the cold so to speak.

Gloria couldn’t stop cumming, her hand was rubbing her clit continuously as her husband filled her, she was looking forward to many more fucks from her handsome fella.

Being young Wilson didn’t take too long to finish, he would stay inside her longer as he got more experience and pulled out as cum ran from Gloria’s cunt. She pulled the lead and horny boy went around to her rear and began to lick the cum from her. He thought he was going to be sick as Gloria ordered him to swallow and not to spit it out.

“Clean it properly cuck, why do you think I married you, it certainly wasn’t to fuck me, my husband will see to that now, he comes before you now, clean his cum up”.

Horny boy licked the cum from her cunt before gazing at it longingly, he had so wanted to fuck it on his wedding night, instead he was cleaning dog cum from it, life was so unfair. Gloria ha d finally managed to get Wilsons cock in her mouth, he was moving about so much Sienna had to hold him while she cleaned his cock by sucking it, a chore she fully enjoyed.

Later they all headed back home to my house where horny boy was tethered to a string by his balls like the other cucks.

“Right cuck, you are now my property, I can do with you as I please, your only ambition in life now is to please me, displease me and you will be punished, understand”, said Gloria.

Horny boy didn’t answer right away, Gloria squeezed his balls hard making him shout out loud. Still gripping his balls tight Gloria told him the next time he shouted out when she punished him she would do it again and again till he got the message.

“When I speak to you answer me right away, and just for being stupid you can call us all mistress, now ask your mistresses if they would like to squeeze your balls”.

“Would you like to squeeze my balls mistress”, he said as he stood in front of me. I did, I squeezed them hard as he tried hard not to scream.

“Would you like to squeeze my balls mistress”, as he stood in front of Sienna.

Sienna gave a wry smile and grabbed his balls, “yes I would”, she said twisting them and squeezing. Tears were coming to cuck’s eyes but he knew he couldn’t scream as we all laughed.

“Now you can fuck off cuck, I’ll tug your balls when I want you”, laughed Gloria.

Watching you fuck Wilson made me horny Gloria, where’s Jose gone”, said Sienna calling him.

“Me too”, I said calling Marvin.

Jose came running to Sienna, jumping up to her he began to lick her face. Sienna put her tongue out as Jose licked it and Sienna tried to suck on it. Pushing him down she opened her legs Jose knew what to do, licking his wifes pussy he was sending her into raptures as his long tongue lapped at her ever wetter cunt. Marcus had come to me and was licking my tongue as he panted and fucked my leg, I pushed him away and let him lick my pussy holding his head.

Sienna and I were both in the throes of cumming when the doorbell rang. Gloria answered it to find my other daughter standing there. Martha was crying as Gloria held her tight, Martha knew nothing of our lifestyle yet, I had decided to let her make her own mind up, if she found a nice young man to settle down with I would let her.

I heard her voice and told Sienna to take the dogs away much to both our disappointment. Gloria called out as if to warn us and brought Martha in. I gasped as I saw her, she had a bruise on her face and she had been crying. It seemed she had a boyfriend called Manuel, he had a short temper and thought she had been looking at another man so he walloped her leaving a bruise on her face.

Right there and then Gloria, Sienna and I decided that this man would pay for that for the rest of his life. We took Martha aside and explained our lifestyle, we introduced her to our husbands and our cucks. We explained that if she got Manuel back here she could control him for the rest of his life.

She had been having sex with him so we thought it might be a good idea to introduce her to dog sex, no hang ups, no jealousy, no need for phone calls, just a dog who loved you unconditionally and gave you sex when either you or he wanted.

Martha decided to sleep on it, by now I was as horny as hell, Martha had interrupted both mine and Sienna’s orgasm so we called our husbands back.

We lay both naked on the couch as our pussies were licked by the long tongues of our husbands, Gloria had gone to her Aunt Rosetta’s to tell her about Manuel and Martha. We were so engrossed in our pussy licking that we didn’t notice Martha standing behind the door out of sight rubbing her pussy .

I had enough, I had to have Marvins cock inside me as I got on the floor on all fours. Marvin went behind me licking my pussy some more before mounting me. Sienna too was on her knees as Jose prepared to mount her.

I felt the wonderful feeling of Marvin’s dog cock go into my pussy, I would never tire of that feeling, a dog cock in your pussy, can’t even compare to a human cock. Jose ha d mounted Sienna as well as we both crouched on all fours side by side with a dog cock in each pussy.

After a few minutes fucking both dogs knotted us as we sighed with pleasure at the cum being deposited in both our bellies. A cry from the doorway made us look round, we couldn’t move as we were tied to our husbands, to try and get away would have been painful for both of us.

I turned my head and saw Martha wide eyed with her hand on her pussy rubbing hard.

“Oh my god Martha, you were supposed to be in bed, I’m sorry you had to see this”.

“It’s okay Mom, I was just going to tell you that I might try your lifestyle, watching how much you and Sienna are enjoying it, it can’t be that bad”.

Jose and Marvin hadn’t finished cumming as we had to wait as they pumped their cum into us. From my position on the floor I managed to say did she really mean it, if she did I could phone Gloria and ask her if she could borrow her husband for the night.

Marvin and Jose had finished cumming in Sienna and I and we cleaned their cocks and turned to Martha, “do you want me to phone Gloria, if you don’t just say so, no one is forcing you darling, if Gloria says yes you can fuck Wilson, her husband, but, you have to get back with Manuel and ring him here, he has to pay for what he did to you”.

Martha agreed and I phoned Gloria. “She says by all means borrow Wilson, she says he’s only young so he might not fuck you as well as more mature dogs yet, but he’s still good”.

Wilson was brought into the room as Martha prepared to suck a dog cock for the first time. Both Sienna and I explained what was going to happen, we explained about the cum going into her mouth, about the cock getting bigger as she sucked and most importantly, the knotting and filling her with cum.

I again gave her the option to walk away but she had made her mind up so Wilson was laid on the floor held by Sienna and I as we instructed Martha how to get his cock out.

She wasn’t sure what to do when his cock was fully out. “Did Manuel ever make you suck his cock”, I asked.

“Yes, he forced me to suck him, he also made me suck his friend one night, it was horrible”.

“Well just suck Wilson’s cock the same, only he won’t abuse you”, I said making mental noted to make this guy pay even more.

Slowly Martha lowered her head and took Wilson’s cock into her mouth pulling out almost immediately. “Ooooh, what’s that”, she said spitting.

“I told you darling, it’s only Wilson’s cum, don’t worry, it won’t hurt you, just swallow it, we all do and nothing has happened to us”.

“Okay Mom, if you say so”, and carried on sucking.

Marvin took a fancy to the young pussy in front of him and pushed his snout into it. Martha almost beat the world record for a high jump from a kneeling position. When Sienna and I had stopped laughing with tears in our eyes we told her not to worry, it was only my husband Marvin.

She went back to sucking Wilson’s cock and this time when Marvin licked her cunt she stayed still. I had my hand between my daughter in laws legs as she opened them wide for me. I got on my knees and lifted her legs up to expose the pussy I adored.

My tongue was inside he r pussy as far as I could possibly get it, I wanted to wrap it up and take it with me, I would probably have kept it in my mouth all day. Sienna started to cum as she held my head tight making me swallow her cum, I didn’t need much persuading, I would drink it out of a bottle if I could.

I licked her pussy completely clean and then we turned our attention to Martha my youngest daughter. Cum was dribbling down her chin, she wasn’t too sure about swallowing dog cum yet so I just let her get on with it for now.

Marvin was fully erect now, his red cock stood up straight spurting cum continuously, he was ready for a fuck now, and my daughter would be his bitch tonight.

Unfortunately he wouldn’t, Marvin decide he liked this young pussy and mounted her. He wasn’t quite hard yet but we didn’t want to pull him off, dogs don’t like you trying to take them of their bitch, they may bite. While Sienna soothed him I reached under him and stroked his cock hoping it would harden soon. He was fucking Martha but without penetration and my stroking made him cum so he climbed down off her and slunk off.

There were some scratches on Martha where Marvin had roughly jumped on her as Wilson rose to take his bitch.

He went behind to taste her, liked what he tasted and began to lick at her cunt. This was driving Martha mad, a man’s  ongue has no comparison with a dogs, it goes almost inside your pussy. She was moaning now as she began to cum, she couldn’t help herself as Wilson lapped it up.

Wilson had enough licking, Martha felt his legs wrap around her waist as he probed for her opening. Martha let out a scream as he found it, the young dog wanted to fuck and there was no time for nicety’s.

After the initial shock of his cock going straight in her she began to settle down. A cock had never fucked her so fast, she couldn’t believe how good it was as she began to cum again. Manuel rarely made her cum, he just wanted to satisfy himself, she could see now what an ass hole he really was.

Wilson slowed down and Sienna and I knelt beside Martha. “Put your head on the floor darling, he’s going to knot with you now, it’s easier if you give him better access to your pussy”.

Wilson was pushing his knot into her as she squeezed both Sienna and my hand tightly.

“Once it’s in darling it’s wonderful, you’ll love it when he starts to cum inside you, his cock will pump and throb, I guarantee you’ll cum again”.

Wilson got it in and began to pump, Martha felt her first shots of dog cum in her belly. Her Mom was right, the pumping and throbbing made her cum again as both cums mixed inside her.

“It might take twenty minutes before he pulls out of you darling, just stay still and when he’s filled you he’ll pull out”
Martha lay still as Wilson spurted more and more of his young dog cum into his new bitch. Martha felt his hot breath as he panted above he r head still cumming.

At last he slowed down and his knot began to shrink.

“When he’s ready he’ll pull out darling, normally we clean the dogs cock when he fucks us, but as this is your first time if you don’t want to one of us will”.

“No, if I’m going to join this family I’ll do it”, she said.

Martha had cum dripping from her pussy as Sienna cleaned her lapping at the dog cum as it came out.

Martha wa s true to her word, she sucked Wilson clean and sat on the couch.

“Welcome to the family”, said Sienna hugging her, until you get your own husband, you can share Jose anytime you like”.

“And Marvin, and I’m sure your sister wouldn’t mind sharing Wilson”, I said.

“Can you really punish Manuel Mom, I’d like to see him suffer”.

“Oh you will darling, you will”.

The cucks had been kept out of the way, it might have been too much to see her brother naked with a string attached to his balls.

“Promise you won’t be upset if we show you something”, as Martha said no she wouldn’t.

I tugged the string and my male husband came running with his hands behind his back.

“This is what Manuel will become, a cuck, grab his balls Martha”.

She looked at me as though I had gone mad, “are you sure”, she said.

“Let me show you Martha”, said Sienna. Grabbing his balls she squeezed as Henry just stood there grimacing.

Sienna pulled her string and her brother came running as Martha burst into fits of laughter.

“These I’ll squeeze, he used to squeeze my tits and my ass when we were younger”, she said grabbing he r brother’s balls and laughing as she squeezed.

“Say thank you to your sister for squeezing your balls cuck”, said Sienna enjoying the spectacle.

“Thank you for squeezing my balls sister”, sid cuck as Martha held on to them twisting them around.

“Can you really make Manuel like this where I can squeeze his balls”, she said still holding her brothers.

“You can do anything you want to him, make him lick your husband’s cum from your pussy when he fucks you, anything you like”.

“Let’s do it”, said Martha giving her brothers balls one last hard squeeze.

“Bring him around to Rosetta’s place, he’ll think he’s hit the jackpot when he sees their house, then leave it to Rosetta”.

Gloria walked in as they were talking, “did my husband satisfy you sis”.

“Definitely, and he won’t ask me to suck off his friend, on second thoughts I might want to though”, she laughed as Gloria hugged her.

Martha’s mind raced, she couldn’t wait to get Manuel in her power, he would pay dearly for mistreating her, she swore on that.


Part Eight

“Fucking hell Mom, why didn’t you tell about your husband before I met that bastard Manuel, to think I had to suck him and his friends cocks when I could have been sucking this one”, she said as she sucked on my husband Marvin’s cock.

“Don’t you worry about Manuel darling, he’ll soon be yours to do with as you wish”.

Martha was my youngest daughter, she was sucking my husband Marvin’s cock, Marvin is a dog, in our family all our husbands are dogs, the male husbands are turned into ‘cucks’ to with as we please. Martha wasn’t married yet so she couldn’t have a ‘husband’ of her own. My other daughter Gloria and my new daughter in law had agreed to share our husbands with her until she could marry Manuel and have her own.

Of course Manuel would have no chance of fucking her, that would be left to her dog husband whoever that might be. The head of the family who was now Rosetta would choose her husband for her, she would just accept him and that would be that. Sienna and I sat watching my daughter suck Marvin’s cock, her face was glistening from his cum, she liked to rub his spurting cock around her face as he did.

I was getting turned on, my daughter in law allowed me to lick her pussy when I wanted, now I wanted. I got on my knees in front of her as she opened her legs wide, she knew exactly what I wanted. My tongue licked gently around he r lips before taking her clit into my mouth and sucking hard.

I knew from experience that Sienna liked that, I had done it to her many times and she rewarded me with her sweet cum.

Martha was nearly done sucking Marvin, one last long suck and she was on her hands and knees offering her pussy to him. Marvin accepted gratefully, he was licking Martha with his long tongue almost inside her cunt. Manuel could never give me this pleasure she thought as Marvin licked and licked.

Her Mom didn’t see her cumming, she was too busy trying to make her daughter in law cum. As I said before there was something about Sienna and her cunt that drove me crazy, I lusted after her cum, I would have bottled it and drank it for a breakfast drink if I could have. Martha was getting ready to be mounted, Marvin had made her cum and now her cunt was wet ready for his big red cock.

She didn’t have long to wait, Marvin scratched her slightly as he mounted her, she made a mental note to fit he r husband with small socks before he fucked her, as Marvin probed for her opening. She wiggled about till he found it and wham bam thank you m’am it was in her pussy up to the hilt.

Martha enjoyed the fast fucking the dog gave her, no human could ever fuck her like that and then knot her, already she was dreaming of her new husband and fucking him whenever he wanted to.

I was bringing Sienna to a whacking great cum, she had my head trapped between her legs shouting all sorts, mainly to get my fucking tongue deep in her cunt.

Unless I had put my head inside I couldn’t get my tongue in any farther into her cunt, my chin was resting on her ass crack as I sucked on her clit pulling it away from her body. With a loud roar, that’s the only thing I can compare it to, she flooded me with her cum.

I wanted her to, her cum was like a drug to me, Im fastened my mouth over her cunt as not to let any escape. She was literally drowning me in cum as I swallowed fast and furious, in foresight I should have got a glass and caught it, I could then have drunk it at my leisure, definitely next time. I licked her clean and we turned around to watch my daughter fuck my husband.

Marvin was about to knot her when my other daughter came home, Gloria had been to se Rosetta about Manuel, how was his training coming along.

She sat down beside us, “I see little sis is taking to this like a duck to water, good news is Manuel will be ready in about a month, then she can have her own cuck and husband, talking of cucks”, she pulled the string attached to her male husbands balls.
He came running into the room where Gloria slapped his ass and told him to fetch some drinks.

Martha laid her head on the floor as Marvin forced his knot into her, the first time he had knotted her she thought she was going to be split in two, now there was no problem. Marvin’s knot slipped in and cum began to fill her belly as she crossed her arms and sighed with satisfaction, ‘fuck you Manuel, you can clean the cum from my pussy when I get you back’, she hated him for what he made her do.

Me, Gloria and Sienna sat and watched as Marvin filled her with his cum, it was a nice sight, my daughter joining us in taking a dog for a husband.

Marvin was slowing down, his spurts were getting less and soon plopped out of he r cunt leaving a trail of cum. Martha grabbed him and slid under him taking his still spurting cock into her mouth and cleaning it.

Six weeks later Martha stood in white as Manuel stood by her naked and collared. Martha had his lead in her hand as she led him to a corner of the house.

They had just got married but the real ceremony was just about to begin. There was only a handful of family left, not everyone in their circle knew about the other lifestyle. I was helping Martha to undress, pulling he r wedding dress off she looked radiant in stockings and suspenders as she pulled off her panties and bra.

“Your husband is going to love you”, I said proudly, tweaking her nipples.

“Thank you Mom, do you know who he is, have you seen him”.

“Patience darling, Rosetta will bring your new husband to you in a moment”
Martha was kneeling now awaiting the presence of her new husband when Rosetta came back into the room.
Martha’s eyes opened wide as Rosetta approached her, this is Manuel, your real husband”.

Martha was looking at a beautiful red setter, he bounded forward to greet her licking her face all over. Martha put her tongue out and wa s rewarded with a big sloppy suck and kiss from her husband. She grabbed his neck and hugged him tight, “you and I are going to be so happy, you will be my master from now on, all my holes will belong to you from this moment on, I promise”.

“Come on Martha, you have to fuck him now, that’s the custom, we have to see you give him his first fuck with you” I told her.

Martha tugged the lead in her hand to drag Manuel over to her, “kneel here slut, you’re going to see me get a real fuck, not the pathetic fuck you give, from now on call me mistress, when my husband is finished fucking me, clean my cunt slut, clean it well or I’ll rip your balls off”.

At that moment I felt sorry for Manuel but it soon passed, he had abused my daughter and now he would pay for a long time.

“Yes mistress”, he replied meekly.

Dog Manuel was already licking Marta’s cunt led there by the juice leaking from her orifice. I led him to Martha who slid under him stroking his sheath, in a short time his tip appeared as Martha greedily took it into her mouth . She was pleased to have he r own cock and her own husband instead of borrowing others.

She wanted to see how big Manuel’s cock was going to be, she pulled the sheath back as far as she could and sucked taking it out and licking the shaft occasionally.

“It’s lovely Mom, can you see it, purple and full of veins, I’m going to enjoy this cock Mom”, she said sucking it down her throat again. He was a young dog and cum was spurting from him in quick succession as she tasted him for the first time. She was quite pleased with the taste, warm but not bitter, she would have no trouble swallowing this.

His cock was now about ten inches long from tip to knot, she couldn’t resist licking his knot, after all it was hers as well now as she ran he r tongue over the lump.

Manuel was getting restless now, he could smell Martha’s cunt as it leaked more juice and pulling away he gave her pussy a few licks before mounting his new bride. Martha was playing with her clit waiting for her husband to consummate their marriage. She didn’t have long to wait, a long hard thick cock was shoved up her cunt unceremoniously almost knocking her off balance.

“Good boy Manuel, fuck your slave, make me your slave Manuel, fuck me, fuck me”. As I watched it took me back many years to my beloved Henry, that’s exactly how I felt, I wanted to be owned by him, I wanted to serve him in any way I could by letting him have access to all my holes”.

Like mother like daughter, they say, Martha was professing her undying subservience to her husband as he pounded her. The young dog had never knotted anything in his life, but somehow he knew what to do. He was forcing his knot into Martha as she raised her ass higher to allow him to.

He was in and cum was spurting into her, contentment spread over he r as she realised her own husband was filling her and not someone else’s. She was looking forward to her new life, serving her husbands every need no matter what time of day and a cuck of her own to abuse, and boy was she going to abuse him.

She was thinking of so much going on she realised she was ready to cum, pushing back against her husband she let flow mixing her cum with his. The cock was throbbing inside her, no sooner had she finished than she began to cum again, the throbbing was relentless as she had orgasms time after time.

Manuel pulled out with a plopping noise as cum ran from her cunt. Pulling cuck’s lead she told him to clean her up as she grabbed her husband and cleaned his cock for the first time on their wedding night. We headed back for home with Manuel about to lead his new life too, Martha led him along like a dog literally. He was made to crouch on all fours and trot along beside her with Manuel her dog husband.

All went well for a year, Manuel was abused and mistreated by everyone, Martha never forgot the treatment he dealt to her and was repaying him a thousand fold.

One day when I was home alone something happened that changed all our lives, though not in a bad way, in fact, a very good way.

“I’m tired now, come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about it”, she said closing her eyes.


Part Nine

Next day I went back to see the lady, I couldn’t wait to find out what changed her life so much. She was sitting up in bed with her granddaughter by her side drinking coffee.

She told her granddaughter to leave the room as I got my recorder out.

“It all happened one day I was on my own”, she began, my car wouldn’t start so I phoned one of those mobile mechanics, you know the sort, they’ll come to your house rather than you have to take it to a garage”.

“Hi, my name is Alex, you phoned for a mechanic I believe”, said the young black man who held out his hand.

“Thank you for coming so quickly, my car is over here”.

The young man opened the hood and began tinkering with something or other under there. After a while he held something up to me and told me that was the problem, he might as well have been talking double Dutch for all I understood.

He explained that he would phone the garage and they would send one of them out to him. H e seemed to be a pleasant young man so I invited him in to wait and have a coffee.

He had an immediate infinity with the dogs, for some reason they knew he was an animal lover and were making a fuss of him.

As I was fetching the pot of coffee Jose suddenly jumped on me sending the contents of the scalding coffee over the young black man.

“Quick” I shouted, “into the shower and take off those clothes and run the cold shower. He was gone in an instant running for the shower after me as I showed him where it was.

About ten minutes later I remembered I had asked the cucks to take the wet towels from the bathroom, I wondered if they had put any back. I got some towels from the cupboard and went to the shower. The door was still slightly ajar as in his rush he didn’t close it fully.

My hand went to my mouth to stop me crying out, the young black man was jacking off, that didn’t shock me in the least, it was his dick. I have never seen a bigger dick on a human ever. It was about fourteen inches long and as thick as my wrist. My pussy got wet immediately, I had to have that cock inside me and now.

I closed the bathroom door gently and approached him silently. I reached out and touched his arm, he must have jumped about a foot in the air as I did.

Covering his huge cock he was saying “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t help it I’ll go”.

“It’s alright, I don’t mind honest, can I suck on it please”.

His face took on a new look, “you really don’t mind, you want to suck my cock”.

I didn’t answer, I was already on my knees, I had both hands around his shaft and there was still plenty left for me to suck . I licked his shiny shaft up and down fondling his balls at the same time, the head was enormous, I had seen pictures of horse cocks, this one wouldn’t have been out of place on a horse.

It was all I could do to fit the head in my mouth as I stroked his shaft to keep it hard. My pussy was soaking wet, I could feel the juices dripping from it, I had to have this cock inside me and right now.

Making sure the dogs weren’t around and tried to lick my pussy with all the juicy aroma from it I dragged him quickly to my bedroom. I was like a wanton slut, I got on my knees on the bed and begged him to please fuck me with that lovely cock.

Alex got behind me on the bed and rubbed his cock up and down my slit a few times before pushing it into me. The most wonderful sensation came over me, my cunt was filled to excess, the sides of my pussy were rubbing against his cock giving me orgasm after orgasm as he fucked me hard.

His huge cock was making me cum again and again, I began to feel dizzy from all the cumming as he pounded my cunt. He gripped my ass cheeks tightly as I heard him moan and felt his cum shoot into my cunt. H e pulled out of me and offered me his cock to clean, I could never have got that in my mouth so I licked his shaft till it was spotless.

We sat and had a coffee later as he told me about his problem. From an early age he had always been horny, his mother had been horrified when she caught him jacking off, he would have girl friends but they ran a mile when they saw his huge cock. He finally found someone and eventually married, but she couldn’t keep up with his sexual demands, and left him when she found out he had fucked other women to satisfy his lust.

“I can’t help it, it’s not that I wanted to fuck other women, I just had to get rid of my hard cock”.

I felt sorry for him, I began to stroke his cock to make him cum again, at least he could go away from here with a limp dick. I pulled his cock from his pants and dropped to my knees in front of him stroking and licking his cock. He sat back on the chair as I licked his shiny black shaft from top to bottom going down farther to suck on his balls as well. I gave it one last suck and stroke and then spread myself across the table presenting my ass and pussy to him.

Alex bent down and began to lick my pussy and ass and seemed to be paying extra special attention to my ass hole. I just thought he like licking ass so though no more about it as he brought me to another orgasm. I felt two fingers go into my ass as he licked my pussy before he stuck his huge cock in me. I was in heaven, this long thick black cock was bringing me to orgasm all the time he fucked me with his fingers still in my ass.

His next words made me think, “girls won’t let me fuck them in the ass, they say my cock is too big, would you let me fuck your ass please”.

Now feeling sorry for him was one thing, but letting him stick that pole up my ass was another.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I’ll understand”, he said fucking my pussy harder.

I felt sorry for him again, he had never fucked an ass hole, that couldn’t be right, he was a nice young man, he deserved to fuck an ass hole.

“Okay Alex, you can fuck my ass hole”, I said regretting it as soon as I said it.

“Really, you’ll let me fuck your ass hole, that’s great, I’ve always wondered what it was like”.

“You’ll have to lubricate my ass Alex, otherwise I’ll never take it”.

I told him where to find some gel and he made sure it went inside my ass with his fingers. I gripped the sides of the table as I felt his cock rub and down my crack.

“Okay Ma’m, I’ll take it easy to start”, pushing gently into my ass.

I could feel it stretching as he pushed a little harder, I will say this for him, he was a very gentle lover, kept asking me if I was okay. I told him I was fine, a white lie of course, my ass felt like it was being pulled in two halves. H e pushed a little at a time until he told me it was all the way in. It was surprising how much my ass must have opened up and yet it wasn’t too painful at all.

“It’s okay Alex, you can fuck me now”, I said as he began to pound my ass.

I was actually beginning to enjoy it as the young black man shoved his cock in and out. My ass was so tight for him he began to cum very quickly, shooting his sperm deep inside my ass hole as I lay spread-eagled across the kitchen table.

He pulled out as the door bell rang, quickly pulling on his trousers he answered to find the garage had sent the part for my car. I was glad he didn’t invite him in, I was still laying across the table with cum running from my ass unable to get up yet.

“Are you okay” he asked with concern in his voice, I liked this young man.

“I’m fine Alex, that cock of yours would make anyone lay down for a while, but thank you for asking”.

“I’d better fix your car, this one’s on me, just pay the garage for the spare part”, he said and walked off.

Alex intrigued me, here was a young man with what was really a problem and he couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I made myself another coffee and sat down when suddenly it hit me, maybe I could mend the problem.

I went out to where he was fixing the car, “give me your phone number Alex, I’m not promising but I may have a solution to your problem, like I said, no promises”. Alex gave me his number and I waited for the girls to come home later.

“Don’t exaggerate mother, it was never that big”, laughed Gloria as I spread my hands.

“Oh yes it was and what’s more I took it in my ass”, I said getting a bit annoyed.

“Anyway Mother what’s his problem”, asked Martha.

I explained how he needed sex four or five times a day, his wife had left him and girls left him when they saw his cock.

“So how can we help him then”, asked Sienna.

“Well”, and I paused for a minute, “I thought we could each take turns fucking him, it wouldn’t be a problem, I’m sure Jose or Marvin or the other two would mind too much as long as we didn’t neglect them”.

I watched their faces as Gloria spoke, “we would have to clear this with Rosetta, she’s the head of the family now”, said Gloria.

Half an hour later Rosetta was sitting in our lounge as we told her of our plan.

“Is it really that big”, she said spreading her hands.

I didn’t answer, I got Alex’ phone number and rang him, he said he would be with me in half an hour, probably thought I wanted fucking again.

“Girls, this is Alex, the young man I told you about”.

Alex looked like he wanted to run, “we may have a solution Alex, but first they don’t believe me about the size of your cock, show them”.

H e looked a little sheepish but thinking he might get a fuck from one of these women whipped out his cock.

Gasps came from the other four as hands reached out to stroke it.

“You really took this in your ass Mother, I’m proud of you”, said Martha hugging me.

Rosetta had his cock in her mouth, well what she could get in as the others stroked it lovingly. Rosetta took her mouth away to be replaced by Gloria’s as she turned to me.

“So you will allow Alex to fuck one of you every morning before work, another one at lunch time and whenever in the afternoon, just one problem with that”, said Rosetta.

“Oh!, and what’s that”, I asked.

“What about my turn, when does he fuck me”.

Arrangements were made to fuck Rosetta as well as all the girls were kneeling in front of Alex playing with his cock. There was a debate about who should fuck him but Rosetta won that one being the boss of the family.

Alex became a part of us, he accepted that we were married to a dog, it didn’t bother him, just as long as he could fuck us when he wanted he didn’t mind.

Her granddaughter walked back in, she was about forty and dark skinned, “Daddy wants to see you now Grandma, will you see him”.

“Of course, send him darling, where are your brothers and sisters Gracie, are they all here”.

Alex, Henry and Jose are cleaning the yard, their wives are watching them, make sure they do it right whipping them if they don’t, Sienna, Gloria and Martha have gone to the shops”, she answered.

“Oh hi Daddy”, she said to the black man who had just come into the room, “hi darling”, “hello Alex”, said the lady on the bed, “how are you”.

“I’m fine honey, how are you”, said Alex hugging her as I walked out of the room turning my recorder off.

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