Women with Animals

Watching Nurse Sophie


(c) 2017 by Nem Enforcer

It had been yet another hard, stressful shift for Sophie at the hospital. As was seemingly normal now they were understaffed and thus she and the other nurses had to fill gaps everywhere, running from ward to ward and patient to patient, and she was only half way through! She was frustrated, and not just with the NHS system. She was also feeling very sexually frustrated recently. Between hospital shifts and how tired out she was by them and a lack of privacy due to her housemate, she hadn’t been able to indulge herself and have an orgasm in a while. Now she felt the itch growing as she ran around from bed to bed. It was intolerable and she was going to have to do something about it soon.

There was only one thing for it, her break was coming up and she made the decision to do something she had only done a few times in the past, she was going to go home during her break and take care of her little frustrations. Her heart beat faster as she thought about it, it was naughty but that just added to the excitment and made her pussy get that bit more moist which made her mind up fully.

The next half hour until her break was like Sophie was in a time hole, every second seemed to drag for hours, but finally the clock showed 1PM and she could head off to take care of something she had been putting off for too long. She quickly as possible got to her car and drove the fifteen minutes back to the house she shared, knowing her frustration was coming to an end she smiled all the way home, her mind filled with thoughts of what was to come and the crotch of her knickers gettibg damper.

She had to park around the corner, some idiot had blocked the driveway but that didn’t matter right now, all she had in her mind was thoughts of pleasure, she’d get mad at the car owner later. She knew she would have the house to herself, her housemate would still be at work, and she still had just less then forty-five minutes of her break to go, minus another fifteen minutes to drive back and that meant a solid half hour to release some of the sexual tension she was feeling.

As was normal when she opened the door, Bandit (so named because he had a black marking on his face that looked like a highwayman’s mask), the English Pointer that she and her housemate owned, greeted her. His lobg thin tail was wagging wildly, his whole back end swinging side to side in his excitment to have one of his owners return. Sophie smiled and fussed him quickly, kneeling down so he could lick her face and she could hug him, but she didn’t have time to be too affectionate here in the doorway, not if she wanted to get done what she had come home from work to do.

“Hey you, how are you?” Sophie asked as he licked her cheeks with his long wet tongue “Are you up for a little fun?” she asked him which made Bandit prick his floppy ears up and look at her keenly. He knew what those words meant.

Sophie stood and stepped inside before closing and locking the door behind her, she felt her pussy get wetter and her face flushed as she thought about what she was doing, it was standard practise to take your break at the hospital, staying in the staff room or canteen so you could get back to work quickly, but here she was at home and planning on doing more then just having a sit down and cup of tea.

“Come on, I don’t have long” Sophie said and went upstairs without looking to see if Bandit was following her. She knew he would be and sure enough when she went into her bedroom and turned around to check finally, there was Bandit trotting along behind her. She let him get into her bedroom before she pushed the door closed.

Bandit was used to being in this bedroom, it was his favourite place in the house, when he was alone he would often sleep on Sophie’s bed. Now he was more excited then normal to be in here, when Sophie asked if he was up for a little fun, it meant one thing, and that was something he was very happy to be involved in.

“I only have time for a quickie” Sophie said as she looked at Bandit with lustful eyes. He was long and lean, his slim body sleek and his very short smoith white hair showed off his body perfectly and just looking at it made Sophie shudder right now. “Got to get back to the hospital for the rest of my shift soon and before I go I’ll have to get cleaned up” she continued as she slipped off her shoes and reached up under the skirt of her blue nurse uniform, hiking it up a little as she pulled down her damp knickers and stepped out of them.

Bandit watched as the white knickers dropped down Sophie’s long legs and his nose filled with the wonderful scent of an aroused female. He quickly went over to explore and Sophie spread her thighs as she stood and let him sniff her pussy, gasping as she felt his tongue explire her obce his nose had been pressed up against her clit and lips, the roughness of it as it ran up her pussy lips making her shudder with pleasure.

“Oh baby, you don’t know how good that feels!” Sophie said huskily as she felt Bandits tongue work its magic, lappingat and parting her labia until she could feel the rough wetness on the entrance to her pussy, he was by far the best at oral she had ever had, his flexible tongue able to get there a man’s could not.

She could have just stood there and let him bring her to orgasm with his tongue happily, she could already feel the beginning of an orgasm as he licked her, but Sophie knew her time was limited and with a great effort she pushed his head away, there was something else she wanted more then his tongue!

“Okay, this has to be quick” she said as she went over to the bed and sat on the edge, she spread her thighs again and Bandit resumed his licking of her crotch, she let him orally pleasure her as she spoke “Sorry you won’t get to tie me this time baby” she said while strokung his head, small feelings of guilt made their way into her mind as she said those words “but I promise to make it up to you”

Bandit looked up from her crotch then and cocked his head to the side. Sophie smiled at him and then lay back until she was propped up on her elbows and patted her stomach, a sign Bandit had learned well.

“Come on then baby” she encouraged not that it was needed. Sophie had two different positions with Bandit and it all depended on how long she felt she had to be intimate with him, if she had lots of time she went on all fours, allowing him to fuck her in his more familiar doggy fashion and in this position he could push his big knot into her pussy, tying the two lovers together as he squirted his cum into her. If she lacked time and couldn’t risk allowing him to tie with her, like now, she did it missionary with him which allowed her to keep his knot out of her pussy and allow her more control of the situation.

Bandit quickly jumped up on his back legs and placed his front paws on either side of Sophie, she spread her legs wider and looked down to see his red cock protruding from his sheath, she felt her pussy get very wet and ache to feel it filling her, her head swirling with thoughts of the pleasure that red cock brought her and she smiled as she saw Bandit trying to hump the air between them.

“Come here baby let me help you” Sophie said as she reached down and guided Bandit forwards, his cock growing a little under her touch and his hips still thrust as the tip was brought closer to its target.

Finally with the tip of Bandit’s cock just close enough to her pussy that one good forwards thrust and it would touch, she let go of him and used her fingers to spread her lips apart, allowing the dog free access to her. Bandit did indeed thrust his hips and Sophie gasped as she felt the hard tip of his cock enter her wet pussy for the first time in too long. As soon as it went into the warm embrace, Bandit moved a step forwards until more of his red cock entered her and he began to quickly expand and lengthen, his cock coming out of its sheath quickly as he began to hump Sophie with all the speed and strength of the animal he was.

“Oh fuck!” Sophie cried out as she felt his hard cock grow inside her, his hips pounding quickly, driving the full length inside her pussy which stretched to accomodate the new invader, the walls moving apart around the dog cock that brought her so much pleasure and the lips clinging to the red shaft of the dog cock as it hammered back and forth within her.

It had indeed been too long since Sophie had been with Bandit, not having his cock inside her for a couple of weeks had been like torture but now the absence had been worth it, feeling him humping her, his big cock thrusting deep as it grew and filled her more deeply. Everything drove her towards a big orgasm that she had needed for ages.

Sophie brought her legs up and rested her inner thighs against Bandit’s smooth haired sides, she loved feeling his fur on her skin as he fucked her, it added new feelings she couldn’t get with a man, not that she had given up on them, but feeling the tickle of the short fur as the dog humped her hard and fast made her know this was no man inside her which made it all the more exciting still.

Bandit began to pant as he thrust his hard red doggy cock into Sophie’s pussy a little faster. He had always been a strong humper but after a few weeks without any action he was really going for it now. He thrust hard, his cock sliding easily within the tight confines of the female human who gave him so much love.

“Oh yes, oh God!” Sophie groaned as she felt the orgasm building quickly, having a big dog cock in her pussy again was like heaven, she had been horny for a while and finally getting some release brought it on quicker then it normally would come, even with Bandit, who always made her orgasm fast when he fucked her.

The bed springs squeaked as Sophie bounced her ass a little on it, making small thrusts of her hips along with Bandit to get him fully inside her as she felt the orgasm explode. Her whole body tensed abd she gasped loudly as she came hard, the orgasm she’d been denied for so long washing over her like a wave of pleasure that radiated from her crotch and rushed through her stomach.

“Oh God, oh fuck! Good boy!” she called out as she felt the orgasm subside a little but another was quickly growing to replace it. Bandit humped on, his cock thrusting into the warm, wet tightness of her pussy as Sophie squeezed her eyes shut while another orgasm hit her, and she grasped the bed sheets with her hands and groaned through the second orgasm as the dog that had brought them on continued to hump, his cock slipping back and forth quickly and easily.

Bandit was now fully erect and his knot was beginning to swell a little, he had humped Sophie to two orgasms in the minute or so he had been inside her and now he was getting ready for his own orgasm, the long period of squirting his cum into his bitch that was the whole purpose of his time with her.

Sophie, her head spinning from the intensity of orgasm, felt his thrusts slowing and the beginning of his knot hit her pussy lips. As much as she wanted to have him tie with her, feel that big ball of flesh secured inside her while he pumped her full of his cum, she knew sge didn’t have the time. She’d not even removed her nurse uniform while he humped her to save time; the lower half was simply bunched up around her waist leaving her pussy naked and easily accessible for his cock which he had done such a good job of fucking her with.

“Sorry baby” Sophie said and reached down to hold his cock, “we can’t tie right now” she added regretfully and held his knot outside her pussy as he tried to thrust it into her. She held him there until he settled down and she felt the first signs that he was going to start pumping his cum into her.

Sophie quickly pulled him free from her drenched pussy, his shaft was glistening with her juices, and she slid herself down onto the floor beneath him. She sat on her ass, the carpet rubbing her naked cheeks as Bandit stood over her, his front paws still on the bed. Quickly she opened her mouth and brought the big red odd shaped tip of Bandit’s doggy cock to her lips, taking it between them just in time as he squirted the first watery offerings which she swallowed happily.

As she gently sucked his hard red cock, Sophie looked at her watch, time was moving quickly as it always seemed to do when having fun and she knew from experience that Bandit would be cummung for around the next ten minutes or so, she had time though, she could finish him off with her mouth, swallowing his cum, and still have time to wipe herself clean and brush her teeth then drive back and finish her shift at the hospital.

Bandit stood still like a good boy as he squirted his cum into Sophie’s mouth, her lips formed a nice seal around his shaft as she massaged him with her hand and occasionally used her tongue to lick the red odd shaped tip a little after each squirt of doggy cum she recieved.

Sophie got some very naughty ideas in her mind as she sucked Bandit’s doggy cock, she thought about taking him from out of her mouth and letting him squirt on her face, covering her cheeks and nose and eyes and mouth with watery dog seed so it dripped down off her pale skin and onto the uniform she would have to carry on wearing at the hospital, letting all the doctors and other nurses see the stains on her and guess at just what she had done to earn them.

Following that thought came a naughty one about not brushing her teeth after Bandit had finished givibg her his offered cum and finally letting that nice young nurse Tess have the kiss she had so craved since she had cime to work on Sophi’s ward. Everyone knew that Tess was a lesbian and had a crush on Sophie, she’d even tried to flirt with the older woman once but Sophie just didn’t think of women in that way and had no interest in exploring, still the idea of kissing young Tess while she still had the taste of Bandit’s cock and cum on her breath made her pussy ache.

Sophie swallowed another squirt of Bandit’s cum, she’d become good at timing out his squirts and was always ready for the next and thus she was able to avoid gagging as he unloaded into her mouth. She reached down and began to rub her clit as she sucked him and awaited the next blast of cum that would follow the rest down her throat, she got some of the taste but not all since she didn’t really let it rest on her tongue, it was more the feel and knowlage she was blowing a dog then the taste she liked anyway. As she rubbed she felt the tingle of pleasure begin again as she pressed on the small nub of flesh that brought so much pleasure to women when it was touched or licked, her thoughts of all the naughty things she could do making her even more aroused then she already was after two orgasms from Bandit’s cock.

‘I wonder what Andy would think if he saw me now?’ she thought, thinking of her housemate and best friend of almost twenty years. Thinking of that made her pussy tingle harder and she rubbed her clit more quickly as it did, the next orgasm building as she touched herself and sucked the big red dog cock as it squirted again.

She sucked harder as she grew closer to orgasm, her lips tightly around the hard shaft of Bandit’s cock, her fingers rubbing her clit and occasionally dipping into her pussy to get a little natural lubrication on them which she put to good use on the hard nub, in her mind she still thought about Andy watching her as she sucked or fucked Bandit, it had been a fantasy that had crept into her head several times when she had been with Bandit and it always brought her to orgasm, now was no different.

Bandit shot another squirt of doggy cum into Sophie’s mouth and she groaned as sge accepted it and came herself, her fingers rubbing herself all the way through and her back arching in pleasure pushing her breasts out, but her mind was filled with images of her housemate srood watching her, it was her own naughty little way of getting off and she knew Bandit was finishing up so she had to get one last orgasm in before he was done.

What she didn’t know was that while she was imagining me watching her sucking the dog, I was actually stood right there with my eyes fixed on the scene and had been for the last few minutes…


I had come home early from work, planning to feed Bandit and take him for a walk before I headed back. When I got in I had heard noices from upstairs and gone to investigate. I had assumed it was just Badndit running around and if Sophie had locked her door I would never have seen her, but in her haste she had closed but not locked the door and she’d once again forgotten that if you didn’t lock that particular door it had a habit of not latching properly and falling open again (it was that habit which had led me to see Sophie naked a few times in the past)

When I got to the top of the srairs I had been presented with the image of Sophie, my best friend of twenty years (or near as damn it), on the floor sucking our dogs cock. I can’t even begin to describe how it felt; I was shocked and excited in equal measure. My mind raced with thoughts about what I should do, walk away? Alert her to my presence? Keep quiet and watch? In the end my body seemed to make the choice for me and I just slowly moved closer until I was just outside her door and watched.

Seeing her lips wrapped around that big red dog cock was unreal, I could tell you the effect it had on me but I think that would be obvious, besides I am sure you are not reading this to hear about me! Sophie was ao into what she was doing, I could see the pleasure on her face as she sucked Bandit’s cock. Her eyes fluttered occasionally and I could hear just the slightest of moans coming from her throat as she swallowed.

I watched as Sophie moved her head back and forth a little, taking first an inch of big fat red shaft into her mouth and then releasing it again as she moved her head backwards, watching her cheeks hollow a little and knowing she was giving him a long slow blowjob as he stoid over her was amazing. I thought about his cum squirting into her mouth and down her throat, which made what I was watching all the more exciting.

She looked at her watch and I realised she was checking how long she had before she’d have to go back to work, up until then I had not thought about her shift at the hospital not being over for hours. I wondered if she’d stop sucking Bandit but her actions told me she wasn’t worried about being late getting back.

I watched as Sophie reached down and put her free hand between her spread thighs. I wish I could say I could see between her legs but she was side on to me and her thigh was obscuring my view but it was obvious what she was doing and it was easy for me to be sure she was rubbing herself, just the way her arm moved up and down slightly but quickly and the sounds she made as she sucked Bandit was enough to give certainty to her actions.

I watched as my housemate sucked our dog and fingered herself, still clad in her nurses uniform it was a sight I couldn’t get enough of. I am not sure if I would have prefered her naked, in honesty I don’t think I would have, seeing her clothed while sucking that big dog cock just added something special to it.

Sophie shuddered after a short time, my eyes never left her, taking in the image that I may never get to see again and putting it firmly in ny mind for later viewings. I knew she must have brought herself to an orgasm with her fingers and I wondered just what was going through her mind as she did. Was she thinking about Bandit fucking her? How good it felt to be sucking his squirting cock and drinking his doggy cum? Something else altogether? Whatever it was it made her orgasm and seeing her shake a little as she continued to suck the dog cock blew my mind.

I knew I should leave, my mind told me to go, but my body wanted to stay just a little longet and in the end body won over brain. I watched as Bandit began to get a little restless, so far he had stayed nice and still as Sophie sucked his cock but that time was now over. Then was the time to make my exit, but I just had to see if there was one last piece to the show.

Sophie let Bandit’s cock slip from her mouth and he quickly walked away. If she had just looked at her watch again or taken a second to brush down her uniform I would have been gone and life would have been so different but she didn’t, she looked over towards me and after a second’s confusion, horror dawned on her.

I wish I could say it was like in a movie where we locked eyes and everything was fine, but it wasn’t. She was mortified that I had seen her and embarrassed and upset. I couldn’t blame her really, and in an ideal eorld we would have talked it out then, but the real world is not ideal and she had to get back to the hospital to finish her shift. Quickly and without saying a word she gathered her knickers and slipped them on then ran out with me trying to talk to her as she went.

Over the next couple of hours I texted her a few times, trying to reassure her that everything was alright. I didn’t get any reply at first but I persisted and eventually I got a reply saying we’d talk when she got home. I took that as a good sign and set about trying to figure out the best way to talk to her, to make her see I was fine with what she had done. I came up with the perfect way…

She came home a few hours later. She didn’t look me in the eye when I greeted her and her body language was timid. I felt one if us had to break the ice and it didn’t seem that Sophie was going to do it so I suggested we should sit down, I needed to apologise to her I said and then we could talk properly.

I said sorry for watching her, I thought it would make things easier if I took some blame too, after all I could have walked away but hadn’t, I had stayed and watched her actions without her knowing. After I apologised we slowly opened up about what had happened. The talk was long and boring and I won’t bother to repeat it all here, but eventually she told me about how she had started with Bandit and how embarrassed she felt that I had caught her that way and how she worried what I would think if I knew. That was when I told her the truth.

“I have something to show you” I said getting my mobile out and opening my internet browsing history, I then handed it over to Sophie who looked at me all confused before she started looking at my browsing history.

“Oh my God!” she said as she scrolled down, her eyes were wide open and her mouth was the same, ahe was so shocked it was almost comical to see her face as she saw all the various websites I had most visited, all oc them concerned with women having sex with dogs.

“You see why I am not flipping out?” I asked with a smile, I will admit I felt a little nervous to show her this despite what I had seen her doing.

“You mean,” she looked up at me then back to the screen “you mean you are into this?”

“Big time” I assured her “I have been looking at picrures and videos of women doing stuff with dogs for years”

Sophie looked at me in a whole new light then; I could see tge shock in her face but also the relief there too. I wasn’t about to scream the place down, call her a filthy slut and report her to the police after all and I think that was when her mind was made up, because what she said next took me by complete surprise.

“How much did you see this afternoon?” she inquired, looking again at my browsing history

“Just you sucking Bandit” I answered, at this point I was more then a little confused

“How would you like to watch me go all the way with him?” she looked up at me and smiled, the same smile I had seen a hundred times before, but now somehow different.

I didn’t know what to say, my dream had always been to see a woman have sex with a dog for real, not just on a screen, and now I was being offered the chance to do it I froze up. My mind screamed for my mouth to say yes, scream it from the mountains, but my throat was locked, my heart beat went into overdrive and I felt my head start to spin a little as Sophie just looked at me with that smile.

“Come on” she said and got up before she took me by the hand and led me upstairs, gently pulling me along without saying another word.

She took me into her bedroom and sat me down on the bed. Right then I was pretty damn nervous, but I was slowly regaining my composure and by the time Sophie had come back with Bandit (she’d left to fetch him from downstairs) I was thinking clear again.

“You just sit there and watch” she said to me and began to unbutton the top of her blue uniform. It hugged her figure nicely, showing off her curves well, the swell of her breasts abd wideness of her hips; I had always loved seeing her in it which is why I said what I did

“Can you leave the uniform on like earlier?” I asked. Sophie had alreasy undone several buttons and her breasts were spilling free from the opening, she was weaeing a white bra but there was plenty of cleavage showing. She looked at me quizzically as I asked that.

“You do realise when he is finished and pulls out the mess is going to go everywhere righr?” she said nodding towards Bandit as she spoke, he was eagerly watching her, obviously he knew what being taken to her bedroom meant for him.

“I know but you just look so sexy in your nurses’ outfit” I said with a grin to which she rolled her eyes but smiled

“Fine” she said in mock exasperation but she didn’t attempt to re-button her top, she simply hiked her skirt up a little and pulled her knickers, which I noticed were also white cotton, down her legs before she stepped out of them.

Again I won’t bother telling you of my body’s reaction, it’s not why you are reading this, but I will say I had seen Sophie naked several times in the past and yet she had never looked sexier then right then in her blue nurse uniform but without her knickers on.

She looked at me and winked before she reached out and took my hand in her oen before she spoke to me again. She told me to enjoy this because I may never get to see it again, but I got the feeling she was just saying that, the look in her eyes suggested this was something she had thought about before.

With that she dropped my hand and turned away from me. Sliwly I watched as she sank to her knees and spread her legs a little. Her skirt stretched across her round ass cheeks and started to ride up as she put her hands down and got herself comfy on the carpet, lowering her upper body a little and, happy with her position, reaching back and pulling the hem of the blue skirt up exposing her naked ass cheeks and exposed pussy right at me.

I got a few seconds to take in the sight of my housemate showing me her pussy in this overtly sexual manner for the first time before my view was obscured. I will never forget how it looked however, her pussy lips were slightly spread and I could see the pinkness within, her ass was round and full, curved nicely and just looking so good I had a sudden urge to squeeze it. But before I could even move, not that I would have, Bandit arrived between me and Sophie. I watched as his snout was quickly pushed into her exposed crotch.

“Oh!” Sophie exclaimed as Bandit began to lap at her pussy with his long tongue. I watched as he slid it up until it reached her asshole which he gave a small lick to then back down to the main show.

Sophie groaned again as Bandit performed with his amazing oral skills and my eyes were transfixed as I watched. The contrast between his very pale pink tongue and her pale white skin was amazing, the way he slipped his tongue between her labia to get at the more tasty area within made for compelling viewing and listening to Sophie gasp and moan as he did it almost made me cream my pants.

“I love him licking me” Sophie said in a hushed voice as she took pleasure from Bandit’s tongue on her pussy. “But the really good part will come in a second” she said to me and I could sense her grinning as she said it.

She wasn’t wrong and I watched Bandit, our lovable dog, lick Sophie for another few seconds before he attempted to mount her for the first time. I had watched video upon video of this but nothing compares to seeing the real thing with your own eyes right there in front of you, it just doesn’t.

Sophie gasped as she felt Bandit’s weight land on her hips and his front paws went around her, holding her in a hug as his hips began to thrust, his cock, now exposed from his sheath, trying to find that warm embrace that was her pussy that it had been in so many times before. I watched in awe as Bandit humped, his grip on Sophie was strong but obviously he hadn’t found his mark yet, as if I needed to be told Sophie informed me that Bandit was close but not quite there yet.

“Little left” she said moving her hips slightly, “little more and… Oh God”

I knew as soon as she said that, that Bandit had found what he wanted. Sophie lowered her head to the floor until her forehead rested on the carpet and she hissed in pleasure as Babdit entered her, his cock thrust in hard and deep before he began to hump her.

Being so close and seeing Bandit hump made me more aware of why women did this with dogs. The speed he was hammering his cock in and out of Sophie was crazy, she groaned and gasped with every one and kept calling out how good it felt, how much he was stretching her pussy with his big cock and how hot it was to have him inside her again.

I watched, leaning forwards to see better without even reaslising I was doing it, and I saw Sophie shudder a little as Bandit’s big red cock went into her and expanded. I had read enough stories by women who had done this to know what was happening, his cock was getting bigger now it was inside Sophie’s pussy and with every second he humped her she was getting closer to an orgasm.

“Oh fuck!” she exclaimed “Andy he’s so big… I’m gonna come!” she said in a rush and cried out as she did just that

I saw her body tense, her breasts, still confined by her bra and nurse uniform, bounced despite their confinement as the pleasure exploded within her and all the time Bandit humped her hard and fast, his cock sinking into her like a big red sausage from what glimpses I could get of it when he pulled it back.

“Oh fuck!” she shouted and I wondered if she was always this loud or if it was more for my benefit, I know for a fact she wasn’t that loud with men, because I had been down the hall in my own bed when she had been with guys before.

I watched as a sheen of sweat formed on her face and arms and legs, her skin began to glisten as her body recovered from the orgasm she had just had while Bandit fucked her.

I was going to speak but thought better of it, I was here to watch nit to get involved and so I shut my mouth and just looked on as Bandit continued his humping, his tongue was hanging out as he panted over Sophie’s shoulder, some of his drool landing on her blue uniform making deeper blue marks which drew the eye, not for long though, I always went back to looking at where the two lovers, one human the other animal, joined.

Sophie was taking deep, long breaths now as Bandit began to slow his rhythm now, his hips pounding less quickly but yet with more force and I knew before Sophie told me that he was trying to get his ever swelling know into her pussy.

“Oh Andy, he’s going to be shooting lovely dog cum in my soaking, stretched pussy and second” she cooed to me as she slowly pushed back against Bandit as he came forwards, the two in perfect time with each other but goinng in opposite directions. “You have no idea what it’s like to have a big dog filling you with his cum, it’s just so good” she said and again pressed back to force his knot past her pussy lips and inside herself.

I watched as Bandit gave a hard thrust, his hips flexing with effort abd as he did Sophie groaned out loudly and again lowered her head to the carpet, once he was in, knot and all, Babdit stopped his humping and just held onto his human lover. I was totally enthralled by the sight of it, dog and woman locked together as he began to shoit his cum into her, it was better then my wildest fanrasy could ever have been.

“His knot is so big Andy” Sophie said as she looked up and over her shoulder at me a little. “He’s stretching me so well and it’s right on my G-spot! I always come so much while he ties me and… Oh yes! He’s started filling me with his seed!”

I could imagine Bandit shooting his first squirt into Sophie, and I watched as she reached down and rubbed her clit while he did it, the sounds of their union was driving me wild but not as much as the sight of it, her blue nurse uniform contrasting with her pale skin and Bandit’s white smooth fur as he filled her wirh his canine seed.

“Oh God yes!” Sophie cried out as she rubbed herself to orgasm while Bandit’s cock shot hot dog cum deep into her pussy. I watched and almost forgot to breath I was so into what I was seeing. Sophie gasped and shuddered over and over as she brought herself to orgasm after orgasm, telling me how good it felt and announcing each one before it happened. If I said I’d unzipped my pants you can guess what I was doing and I will say no more!

After a few minutes of being tied by Bandit I think Sophie forgot all about me and just got lost in the pleasure of being filled with dog cum. She stopped talking to me and just focused on bringing herself to more orgasms. I counted at least half a dozen and there was probably more. I saw some of the watery dog cum leak out of her pussy and down her crotch, it was awesome to see, so clear now I was seeing it in person and not via someone else’s camera.

Seemingly remembering me again, Sophie announced that Bandit was soon going to dismount her; I didn’t see aby signs he was near done but I had to bow to her superior knowlage on the subject, and if I wanted to see the result I should be ready to get down for a better look.

I did want to get a better look. I’d seen Bandit’s cock go in and I wanted to see it come out and what it had left in my friend. I got on the floor with Sophie and watched as Bandit did indeed start to pull out, I could see the wetness glisten on his red cock as it emerged from her pussy abd I have to say it was suvh an erotic sight I will have it in my mind forever. The scent of their mating filled my nostrils.

Sophie moaned as the knot and then full length of Bandit’s cock slipped out of her with an audible plop I had read so many women write about and thats when I got a view of the mess that he had made inside her. Sophie’s pussy was wide open and I could see all the cum that he had pumped into her begin to dribble out in a fast torrent. As I looked I saw one of Sophie’s hands come up between her legs and slide into her well used hole, rubbing the lips and then sliding easily inside, coming back out coated in dog cum and her own juices, then it disappeared back towards her face.

“I love tasting our combined juices” she said and I looked over to see her suck her fingers clean of the mix that was still spilling out of her, some of it was hitting the floor, some dribbled onto her blue uniform skirt.

I felt so many things right then, but mostly I felt closer to Sophie then I ever had before, the fact she had shared this with me deepened our bond, we both felt it, and I just knew it may be the first time that I had seen a woman being mated by a dog with my own two eyes, but it sure wouldn’t be the last time.

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